E1382 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks October 31, 2019 HONORING SERGEANT DAVID the Yucaipa-Calimesa School District and on In addition to its role as a leading health CHAMBERS AS SOLDIER OF THE the Nominating Committee for the care provider, AltaMed leads advocacy efforts YEAR School Boards Education Association. to protect critical safety net programs and ex- Jane’s devotion to her students and edu- pand access to services in order to grow HON. ROGER WILLIAMS cation was unshakable. On behalf of Califor- healthier communities. This is made possible nia’s 36th Congressional District, we join to- OF TEXAS through strong partnerships with elected offi- gether with her loved ones to grieve her loss. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES cials and community organizations. AltaMed’s Jane’s valuable contributions will be felt for advocacy includes championing California’s Thursday, October 31, 2019 generations to come, and her memory will live historic Health for All Kids Act (SB 4) which Mr. WILLIAMS. Madam Speaker, I would on in the hearts of the countless lives she granted an estimated 170,000 undocumented like to take this time to congratulate Sergeant touched. children access to health care coverage under David Chambers from Troop C, 1st Squadron, f Medi-Cal. AltaMed has also advocated to pro- 3rd Calvary Regiment on being named 2019 CELEBRATING THE 50TH ANNIVER- tect vital federal funding for community health Soldier of the Year in the Army’s Best Warrior SARY OF ALTAMED HEALTH centers. Competition. SERVICES CORPORATION With a commitment to social justice and the The annual competition tests soldiers phys- understanding that health centers play a sig- ically and mentally, as they compete in urban nificant role in helping to achieve health eq- warfare simulations, fitness challenges, warrior HON. LUCILLE ROYBAL-ALLARD uity, AltaMed launched the AltaMed Institute OF CALIFORNIA tasks, written exams and formal board inter- for Health Equity in 2017. Through innovation, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES views. education, research, and community engage- Sergeant Chambers represented the Brave Thursday, October 31, 2019 ment, the institute works to inform and support Rifles, Fort Hood, III Corps and United States Ms. ROYBAL-ALLARD. Madam Speaker, I the elimination of health disparities that dis- Army Forces Command with the highest honor rise today to congratulate AltaMed Health proportionately affect racial and ethnic minori- and integrity. Services Corporation on its 50th anniversary. ties. He also represents the very best of Amer- Over the past half-century, AltaMed has be- In 2018, AltaMed launched a first-of-its-kind ica, and we should all look to his example of come a leader in delivering quality health care effort to mobilize low-propensity voters to patriotism, selflessness and dedication. and empowering communities, and stands make their voices heard at the ballot box in Fort Hood, or ‘The Great Place,’ is one of today as one of America’s largest independent the brand-new ‘‘My Vote, My Health’’ cam- the largest military installations in the world, federally qualified health centers. paign. Drawing on best practices from Get Out where soldiers like Sergeant Chambers rep- When AltaMed was founded in 1969 as the The Vote research, and leveraging organiza- resent the gold standard for the United States East LA Barrio Free Clinic, it relied entirely on tion and community assets, AltaMed worked to Army. grants and donations. The clinic provided criti- inform, motivate, and mobilize patients and The men and women who are stationed cally needed care to predominantly Latino and employees to protect access to their there truly remind us of what it means to be underserved individuals and families who had healthcare services through the power of their an American. little to no access to medical services. vote. AltaMed’s effort resulted in increases in Madam Speaker, on behalf of the 25th Dis- Today, AltaMed is California’s premier com- voter participation of as much as 432 percent trict of Texas, I want to thank Sergeant Cham- munity health network, encompassing more in some of the hardest-to-reach voter pre- bers for his service, and congratulate him on than 50 service delivery sites throughout Los cincts. receiving this prestigious award. Angeles and Orange Counties, and staffed by On November 8, 2019, AltaMed will com- May God bless the United States of Amer- a culturally and linguistically competent work- memorate its 50th anniversary. Madam ica, and those who fight for our freedom. force of more than 3,000 employees. It pro- Speaker, I ask my colleagues to please join f vides care to more than 300,000 individuals me in congratulating AltaMed on achieving this and families in one million annual patient en- historic milestone as an exceptional health HONORING THE LIFE OF JANE counters. In addition, AltaMed has expanded care leader, advancing quality care for Latino, DUNDAS SMITH beyond primary care to deliver a full con- multi-ethnic, and underserved communities in tinuum of care that includes pediatrics, dental Los Angeles and Orange Counties. HON. RAUL RUIZ care, women’s health, senior services, youth f OF CALIFORNIA services, and HIV/ AIDS services. To this day, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES AltaMed is committed to providing quality care PERSONAL EXPLANATION without exception and working to address Thursday, October 31, 2019 health disparities in our communities. HON. ANNA G. ESHOO Mr. RUIZ. Madam Speaker, I rise to recog- In 1982, AltaMed began offering senior OF CALIFORNIA nize the life and legacy of my constituent, services by opening its first Adult Day Health IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Jane Dundas Smith—a dedicated educator Care Center in East Los Angeles, providing who uplifted and inspired her students. Jane medical and rehabilitative care to older adults. Thursday, October 31, 2019 was an extraordinary leader both inside and In 1996, AltaMed made the transition to PACE Ms. ESHOO. Madam Speaker, I was unable outside the classroom who sought to better (Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly), to be present during roll call vote number 596 the lives of students in our communities and a world-class managed-care program that due to a meeting with constituents. I would across the country. uses a unique team-based approach to pro- like the record to reflect how I would have After graduating from the University of Cali- vide frail older adults with medical, social, nu- voted: on roll call vote number 596, I would fornia Davis, Jane began her career as a tritional, and rehabilitation services. This pro- have voted NO. ninth-grade English teacher at Vallejo Unified gram makes it possible for those who meet f School District. From there, she launched a nursing home eligibility requirements to remain more than 30-year career in education—even- at home, enjoying the comfort and reassur- CONGRATULATING HENRY tually supporting educational programs for the ance of familiar surroundings while receiving DESROSIERS ON HIS RETIREMENT largest county in the nation in the San the care they need. AltaMed currently serves Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools nearly 2,700 older adults at eight PACE loca- HON. DANIEL MEUSER office. tions in Los Angeles County. OF PENNSYLVANIA Jane’s passion for improving the lives of With the passing of the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES others through education extended beyond the in 2010, more than 20 million uninsured Amer- classroom. As a consultant and education icans gained access to comprehensive health Thursday, October 31, 2019 specialist, she worked with school districts coverage. AltaMed led widespread efforts Mr. MEUSER. Madam Speaker, it is with across the country, designing programs to through its service delivery sites to enroll and great respect and honor that I rise today to support underserved schools and commu- provide resources to newly eligible individuals, recognize the retirement of Henry Desrosiers nities. becoming Covered California’s top certified after many years of service to our nation and Even after her retirement, Jane continued to enrollment entity for several years in a row, community. shape the lives of students in our commu- and earning a grant through the state’s Navi- Mr. Desrosiers has been a leader in the Jim nities, serving on the Board of Education in gator Program. Thorpe community and has a long history of

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