
Objects Used During

The white that servers wear at Mass.

The table on which the sacrifice of Altar bread and wine takes place.

The podium from which the Word Ambo of God is proclaimed.

A device used to sprinkle holy water. This is always used at .

The container that holds before it is burned. The is Boat and Spoon used to transfer the incense into the .

The vessel used at Mass to contain the wine, which becomes the at the ( Cup) , and from which the assembly receives during the Communion .

The vessel used at Mass to contain the wine, which becomes Chalice () the Blood of Christ at the consecration.

This tray holds the individual Chalice Tray for the Communion Rite.

The cord that tightens that alb around the waist.

A square piece of cloth upon which is placed the and chalice during Mass.

The metal vessel that holds the Covered hosts. With the lid on, these can be stacked on top of each other.

The table on which the objects for Mass are placed.

The small glass jugs that hold the water (and sometimes wine) used at Mass.

The container in which the offering Flagon of wine is brought to the altar.

Lavabo is the ritual washing of the ​ priest’s hands. The bowl catches Bowl and Towel the water and the towel dries his hands.

A square piece of carboard and Pall linen used to cover the chalice.

A small saucer shaped plate that Paten holds the large host.

The binder that holds the weekly Presider Book prayers and announcements.

A small linen cloth used during Purificator Mass to wipe the chalice.

This book contains all the prayers for Mass.

These are rung at the Bells and the consecration during the Eucharistic Prayer.

The locked metal box in which the Tabernacle Blessed is reserved between Masses.

The key that locks and unlocks the Tabernacle Key tabernacle.

A metal vessel with a perforated Thurible cover and suspended by a chain, in which is burned incense.