arXiv:1001.0409v6 [math.HO] 15 Mar 2011 rod o l te aua o natural the other whether all to For according -1 odd. or 1 or is primes distinct of elkonadwsdsoee yGus[,p 0-2]i the in 602-629] p. [2, Gauss by discovered was and well-known sgvnb as’ formula Gauss’s by given is nweg ffiiefilsadtewl-nw inclusion-excl well-known usi the instantly t answer and the of fields see finite field can of one the how knowledge over show will 30 we degree note this of monic irreducible tms ekont oespecialists. appr in some available our to not find known is may be argument must fields simple it finite our that of surprising users i is and It this students p offer that classical not The hope does we prec formula formula. M¨obius’ inversion a above the gives the uses proof in which our summand because each formula to this meaning into app insight Our new principle. a inclusion-exclusion the and fields finite h ubro oi reuil oyoil fdegree of polynomials irreducible monic of number the steMoisfnto.(ealthat (Recall M¨obius function. the is prime. where ONIGIRDCBEPLNMASOE FINITE OVER POLYNOMIALS IRREDUCIBLE COUNTING ILSUIGTEICUINECUINPRINCIPLE INCLUSION-EXCLUSION THE USING FIELDS osttesae let stage, the set To ewl rsn ro fti oml htue nyelement only uses that formula this of proof a present will We Date h hr r exactly are there Why d ac 7 2011. 17, March : o n a e h hp fti oml n t ro loti almost proof its and formula this of shape the inclusion-exclusion see the can field. and one finite how fields a finite over of degree knowledge given basic a of polynomials irreducible Abstract. usoe h e falpstv iiosof divisors positive all of set the over runs .F as icvrdabatflfruafrtenme of number the for formula beautiful a discovered Gauss F. C. 30 1 (2 UI .CEOUADJ AND CHEBOLU K. SUNIL 30 F q − eoetefiiefil of field finite the denote 2 15 − n 1 2 X d 10 | n − µ µ 1 and 1 = (1) ( 2 n/d 6 µ 2 + ( r ) . hsbatflfruais formula beautiful This 0.) = ) q 5 d , 2 + NMIN AN ´ n 3 q µ 2 + nldn and 1 including lmns hni general, in Then elements. ( r vlae taproduct a at evaluated ) A ´ n 2 C ˇ − oml,w show we formula, oc ffr h reader the offers roach vrtefiiefield finite the over sn utvery just Using so principle. usion 2) etok,although textbooks, nstantly. sgt Therefore nsight. gjs eybasic very just ng s edtheoretic field ise oeeet?In elements? wo aewhen case atr seven is factors f r at about facts ary of[,p 84] p. [3, roof ahhelpful. oach n and , q µ sa is ( F r q ) 2 SUNILK.CHEBOLUANDJAN´ MINA´ Cˇ

Proof of Gauss’s formula Before we present our proof we collect some basic facts about finite fields that we will need. These facts and their proofs can be found in almost any standard textbook that covers finite fields. See for example [1, Chapter 14.3], [3, Chapter 7.1, 7.2], or [4, Chapter 20.1]. (1) A finite field of order q exists if and only if q is a prime power. Moreover, such a field is unique up to isomorphism, and is denoted by Fq. (2) Fqn is the splitting field of any irreducible p(x) of degree n over Fq. (This means p(x) factors into linear factors over Fqn but not over any smaller subfield of Fqn .) (3) The roots of an over Fq are always distinct. (4) No two distinct irreducible polynomials over Fq can have a common root. F a F (5) q ⊆ qb if and only a divides b. With these basic facts under our belt we proceed to show that the total number of irreducible monic polynomials of degree n over Fq is equal to 1 µ(n/d)qd. n X d|n The case n = 1 is easy because every degree one monic polynomial is irreducible. In fact, the total number of degree one monic polynomials over Fq is equal to q, and this is exactly what we get from the above formula when we plug in n = 1. Therefore for the rest of the proof we will assume that n > 1. Let Pn denote the collection of all irreducible monic polynomials of degree n over Fq and let Rn be the union of all the roots of all the polynomials in Pn. Note that fact (2) ensures that the roots thus obtained are contained in Fqn . Moreover, using facts (3) and (4) we conclude that Rn is the disjoint union of n-element sets, one for each polynomial in Pn. Thus,

|Rn| = n|Pn|.

Therefore, it is enough to compute |Rn|. To this end, observe that

Rn = {α in Fqn | [Fq(α): Fq]= n},

= {α in Fqn | α is not contained in any proper subfield of Fqn },

= {α in Fqn | α is not contained in any maximal proper subfield of Fqn } Let n = uavbwc · · · be the prime factorization of n with r distinct prime factors (recall that n> 1). Then the maximal subfields of Fqn by fact (4) are of the form F n F n F n Fu = q u , Fv = q v , Fw = q w , · · · . Then by the third interpretation of Rn given above, we have c |Rn| = |(Fu ∪ Fv ∪ Fw · · · ) | COUNTING IRREDUCIBLE POLYNOMIALS OVER FINITE FIELDS 3 where the complement is taken in the field Fqn . Fact (4) implies that the lattice of subfields of Fqn that contain Fq is isomorphic to the lattice of divisors of n. F n F n Thus, we have Fu ∩ Fv = q uv and Fu ∩ Fv ∩ Fw = q uvw , etc. The cardinality of Rn can now be computed using the inclusion-exclusion principle as follows. n |Rn| = q n n n − q u − q v − q w −··· n n n + q uv + q uw + q vw + · · · · · · n + (−1)rq uvw··· .

Finally, the formula for |Pn| takes the desired form when we divide |Rn| by n and use the M¨obius function. We end by pointing out that if one is interested in counting the cardinality of all irreducible polynomials of degree n (not necessarily monic) over Fq then we simply multiply |Pn| by q − 1. This is because every such polynomial p(x) can be uniquely written as αr(x) where α is a non-zero element of Fq and r(x) is an irreducible monic polynomial of the same degree.

Acknowledgements. We would like to thank our students at Illinois State University and University of Western Ontario for their inspiration and insistence on penetrating mysteries of finite fields. We also would like to thank Fusun Akman, Micheal Dewar, and Alan Koch for helping us improve the exposition through their interesting and very encouraging comments on this paper. Finally, we would like to thank the anonymous referee for their suggestions to improve the exposition.


[1] D.S. Dummit and R. M. Foote, Abstract algebra, third edition. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, NJ, 2004. [2] C. F. Gauss, Untersuchungen Uber¨ H¨ohere Arithmetik, second edition, reprinted, Chelsea publishing company, New York 1981. [3] K. Ireland and M. Rosen, A classical introduction to modern number theory, second edition, Springer-Verlag, GTM Vol 84 (second edition) 1990. [4] T. W. Judson, Abstract Algebra: Theory and Applications, PWS-Kent, Boston, 1994.

Department of Mathematics, Illinois State University, Normal, IL 61790, USA E-mail address: [email protected]

Department of Mathematics, University of Western Ontario, London, ON N6A 5B7, Canada E-mail address: [email protected]