Minutes of a Meeting of the Council held on Wednesday 24th Jun 2020 (Please note due to current Covid 19 restrictions, meeting held via Zoom)

Present: Councillors Wright (Chair), Cllrs Le-Fevre, Bray, McIlroy, Armitage, S Rose - Clerk, District Cllr Watson.

20/21/029 TO APPROVE APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Cllr Hargrave. Apology was approved.

20/21/030 TO RECEIVE DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Cllr McIlroy declared an interest regarding item 20/21/045b.

20/21/031 TO APPROVE MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE COUNCIL Resolved: That the Minutes of the Meeting of the Council, held on 27th May 2020 be approved as a correct record.

20/21/032 MATTERS OF INFORMATION ARISING FROM THE ABOVE MINUTES The matter regarding the incessant barking of dogs at all hours has been reported to the authorities. No action seems to have resulted from this report, however, the Council felt that the matter remains outside their jurisdiction and no further action would be required.

20/21/033 CRIME STATISTICS & POLICING / SAFER NEIGHBOURHOODS There was no police presence but PCSO Airey kindly submitted a report for Jun after the meeting:-

REPORTED CRIMES OF INTEREST FOR THE BASSETLAW EAST EVERTON/ BECKINGHAM BEAT AREA – MAY 2020. The crimes of interest – incidents of burglary, criminal damage and thefts – reported for the beat area between 01/06/2020 and 30/06/2020 were – Burglary Dwelling – 3 – Gringley on the Hill/ Misson x2. Burglary Other – 1 – Gringley on the Hill. Theft from Motor Vehicle – 5 – Misson x5. Theft Other – 1 – Beckingham. Criminal Damage Other – 2 – Harwell/ Gringley on the Hill.

This month there have been twelve reported crimes of interest across the whole beat area. This compares with five crimes reported throughout May 2020 and seventeen crimes in the same month last year. From 01/04/2020, there have been twenty crimes of interest reported across the beat area. This compares with thirty six reported in the same period last year. As such, at the conclusion of the third month of this tracking year, these figures equate to a decrease in reported crimes of interest of sixteen crimes. Please continue to report crime - and incidents - through to our control room on 101, or 999 as appropriate. Even in these most difficult of times, where possible, reported crimes will be dealt with in the same way as they have always been recorded, and dealt with. Please remain aware of any suspicious persons, vehicles and activity in the area and continue to report such instances through to our control room, as normal. Police have recently started using a new system for recording incidents. As from February 2020, the Police report will include anti-social behaviour

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C:\Gringley Parish Council\Minutes\2020-2021\2020 06 24th Jun.doc incidents only, negating other incident types from this category, such as hoax calls to the emergency services, found/ abandoned vehicles and wildlife/ animal issues. Again, these figures should, therefore, start to decrease but will be more accurate in relation to actual anti-social behaviour incidents on the area. However, as has been confirmed by the Force, there has been an increase in this type of incident being reported to the control room over recent months. This month there have been four (to 30/06) reported incidents of anti-social behaviour across the whole beat area. This compares with fifteen reported incidents for May 2020 and ten reported for the same month in 2019.

Aviation Activity Cllr McIlroy commented on the increased light plane and helicopter activity within the vicinity of the village. This was causing undue distress to horses and livestock. The Civil Aviation Authority has been contacted but no resolution was forthcoming. Cllr Watson agreed to raise this matter on his next meeting.

20/21/034 PUBLIC DISCUSSION PERIOD The Clerk advised that notification of the meeting had been placed on the notice Board and Gringley FB page asking for any public comments to be forwarded to the Clerk’s email. At the time of the meeting no comments received.

20/21/035 PLAYING FIELDS (To hear update on play equipment steering group progress for new play equipment) Cllr Le-Fevre stated that no further progress had been made but that the group was due to meet in the next two weeks. He agreed to update the Council at the next meeting.

20/21/036 TO RECEIVE MATTERS OF INTEREST FROM COUNTY AND DISTRICT COUNCILLORS District Cllr Watson updated the Council on the following matters:

Normal council activities are being resumed, mainly using teleconferencing at present. Food hygiene report A total of 877 premises serving food were inspected in the last year. 99% were broadly compliant with the requirements, and 822 received a 5* rating, making BDC the 2nd highest performing district in the country. Green Agenda An audit has been carried out by the Carbon Trust. This resulted in the baseline CO2 output from BDC activities being identified has 2,382 tonnes in the last year. In excess of 50% of this output was found to be produced from leisure centres and vehicles. In order to address this problem the plan is for Solar photovoltaic panels to be placed on leisure centre roofs, and any other buildings where this will be financially viable. In addition, the possible use of ground source heat pumps is being explored for the leisure centres. Council will also seek to replace older vehicles with alternative electric vehicles where possible. Tree planting schemes will be supported. The Council is also exploring the possibility of kerbside glass recycling being introduced with a probable cost of £250k per year. Covid-19 A Community Support Hub was established along with BCVS to support 2,211 vulnerable individuals, with deliveries of food and pharmacy items. BDC Customer Services has been manned 24 hours per day including weekends and bank holidays during the emergency period.

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C:\Gringley Parish Council\Minutes\2020-2021\2020 06 24th Jun.doc 20/21/037 ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT Resolved. That the following accounts, details of which had been previously circulated, be approved for payment including VAT where applicable:


717 S Davies Net Salary 251.68 718 S Rose Net Salary & Expenses 416.10 719 HMRC Tax & NICs – Jun 20 82.20 720 Gringley Community Centre Hire – Mar 20 60.00

20/21/038 BANK RECONCILIATION Members received and approved the bank statements to 29 May 2020.

20/21/039 ANNUAL ACCOUNTS The Annual Accounts are required to be internally and externally audited. The Clerk has contacted the External Auditor who have forwarded the requisite forms for action. The Internal Auditor who would normally review the accounts has retired therefore the Clerk will be contacting other Parishes to seek assistance in order to identify an alternative. The Clerk will prepare the accounts as required.

20/21/040 BANK ACCOUNT a. New Bank Mandate. The last Bank Mandate was updated in 2018. Since this date a number of Council members have changed and the Mandate should be amended to reflect these changes. The form is now available on-line and is being updated accordingly. b. Internet Banking. In order to make operation of the bank account easier the move to Internet Banking is deemed to be a priority. The form has been completed and will be handed in to HSBC for action. c. Change of Address for Bank Statements. A letter to action the change of address has been prepared by the Clerk. It will be signed by the Council Chair and given to the bank with the other items at the earliest opportunity.

20/21/041 REVIEW OF PARISH COUNCIL POLICIES The Council Policies all need to be updated. This is to include the Health and Safety Policy. The Clerk is to complete this review.

20/21/042 PARISH COUNCIL FACEBOOK PAGE The Council Facebook Page has not been reviewed recently and some discussion took place which questioned whether the page was still relevant. Cllr Le-Favre agreed to undertake a review and make recommendations to the Council at the next meeting.

20/21/043 WEBSITE MANAGEMENT The information on the Website is currently out of date and needs to be updated. This should include uploading the latest approved copy of the Council Minutes. The Clerk is requested to complete this task.

20/21/044 MONTHLY RISK ASSESSMENT The Chair requested if there were any new reports that the Council would need to be made aware. Nothing of significance was recorded.

20/21/045 CEMETERY a. The Clerk advised that there had been one request for burial of a non-resident of the village.

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C:\Gringley Parish Council\Minutes\2020-2021\2020 06 24th Jun.doc b. A discussion took place regarding the purchase of additional land to enlarge the land available for future use. A local land agent, has recommended that the Council should consider the purchase of additional land after earlier discussions on the matter were suspended. He also kindly agreed to liaise with the seller on behalf of the Council. The Council agreed that this course of action was approved and that the land agent was authorised to negotiate the possible purchase of land “Without Prejudice and Subject to Contract”. This was approved.

20/21/046 HIGHWAYS A discussion took place regarding highways issues concerning Gringley on the Hill. A road flood opposite the Clayworth Junction was raised as a problem and Cllrs were encouraged to make use of the MyNotts App to notify NCC of the issue. All present approved this course of action.


20/21/048 TO RECEIVE PLANNING DETERMINATIONS UPDATE - Of the 5 applications all have reached a determination for application: Non Material Amendment on P.A 19/00845/FUL Amendments to Windows and Doors to Dwelling 1 Rear/Side Elevation Including Dormer Formation to Bedroom 3 on the Rear Elevation Colley Hill Cottage High Street Gringley On The Hill Doncaster South Yorkshire DN10 4RG Ref. No: 20/00575/NMA | Received: Wed 20 May 2020 | Validated: Tue 26 May 2020 | Status: Determined

Demolition of Existing Single Flat Roof Concrete Garage and Erection of Pitch Roof Wooden Summer House Whiteleas Pitt Lane Gringley On The Hill Doncaster South Yorkshire DN10 4SG Ref. No: 20/00523/HSE | Received: Wed 06 May 2020 | Validated: Mon 11 May 2020 | Status: Grant Remove Black Walnut Tree Beech House 1 Beech Close Gringley On The Hill Doncaster South Yorkshire DN10 4SP Ref. No: 20/00538/CAT | Received: Tue 05 May 2020 | Validated: Tue 05 May 2020 Status: Not to make a Tree Preservation Order

Cut Back 30% of Cherry Tree (Existing Height Approx 40ft and Width 25ft) Tygwyn Finkell Street Gringley On The Hill Doncaster South Yorkshire DN10 4SF Ref. No: 20/00506/CAT | Received: Thu 30 Apr 2020 | Validated: Wed 06 May 2020 | Status: Not to make a Tree Preservation Order

Works to Trees in a Conservation Area Fell Leylandii (Total of 11), Prune Apple Tree (Total 1), Fell Conifer (Total 1), Prune Lilac Bushes (Total 2), Fell Sloe Tree (Total 1) Topsy Turvey Little Lane Gringley On The Hill Doncaster South Yorkshire DN10 4RY Ref. No: 20/00490/CAT | Received: Fri 24 Apr 2020 | Validated: Wed 10 Jun 2020 | Status: Not to make a Tree Preservation Order

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C:\Gringley Parish Council\Minutes\2020-2021\2020 06 24th Jun.doc 20/21/049 PLANNING APPLICATIONS RECEIVED AFTER THE AGENDA WAS PRINTED None

20/21/050 TRAINING REVIEW Nothing to Report

20/21/051 PARISH PUBLIC FOOTPATHS Nothing to Report

20/21/052 CORRESPONDENCE FOR INFORMATION No Correspondence received.

20/21/053 CORRESPONDENCE ARRIVING AFTER THE AGENDA PRINTED An E-Mail was received from a resident of the village who requested that consideration be given to his appointment to the Council. He has lived in the village since Oct 19. A person must be resident in the village for 12 months before being eligible for nomination as a councillor.


Playing Fields Re-Opening the Playground Cemetery, Garden of Rest Maintenance Annual Account: Update

The meeting closed at 9:15pm


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