Coke from Illinois Coals (;LJ,BEJZ'l? 'I'lilessjsn ASYOCIA'i'e CIIEM IS'i' in Clla RGES of IWEL CHEM IS'i'ky

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Coke from Illinois Coals (;LJ,BEJZ'l? 'I'lilessjsn ASYOCIA'i'e CIIEM IS'i' in Clla RGES of IWEL CHEM IS'i'ky STATE OF ILLINOIS HENRY HORNER, Governor 1)EPARTMISNT OF REGISTRATION ANT) EDUCATIOX JOHN J. HALLIHAN, Director DIVISION OF THE STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY M. M. LEIGHTON, Chir/' URBANA BULLlTI'PN No, 64 Coke From Illinois Coals (;LJ,BEJZ'L? 'I'LILESSJSN ASYOCIA'I'E CIIEM IS'I' IN CllA RGES OF IWEL CHEM IS'I'KY W 1'1'11 'I'llE C:OL I,A UOH A'I'ION OF WiL'TER H. VOSKCJIL, M INEIfA I, EXONOMIS'I', AND PAUL E. GRQ'J'TS, ASSIS'I'A NT IN GEOCI-II.;MISr~RY CONTRIBU'r'IO121 OF THE SEC'I'ION OF GEOCHEMISTRY FRANK H. RISEIJ, C'i~irJ Clterr~ist PRINTED BY AUTHORlTY 96' THE STATE OF TL1,INOlS URBANA, ILLINOIS, 1937 STATE OF ILLINOIS HON.HENRY HORNER, Gouernot- HOARD OF hrL4TLTRAI,KFSOUKCES AND CONSF,;,KVATION HON.JOHN J. HALLIHAN,Chnirmun EDSONS. BASTIN,Ph.D., Geology HENRYC. COWLES,J?h.l_)., I).Sc., WILLIAMA. NOYES,Ph.D., LL.D., Forestry Chem.D., DSc., Chemistry JOHNW. ALVORD,C.E., Engineering ARTHURCuws WI I.I.AKD,I_).Engt.., LLD.; President of the r/'niverszty oj WILLJAM?'RELEASE, DSC., LL.D., Illinois Biology S'SA'SE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY D lVIS [OW Ghana M. M. LEIGHTON,Ph.D., Chief ENIDTOWNLEY, MS., Assistant to the Chief (;E:OLOGlCAL, RESOURCES GEOCH l+:M I STRI* Coal G. H. CADY,Ph.D., Senior Geolo~isl FRANKH. REED,Ph.D., Chiej Chemist I,. C. MCCABE,Ph.D. W. F. BRADLEY,Ph.D. JAMESM. SCHOPF,Ph.1). G. C. FINGER,M.S. EARLEF. TAYLOK,M.S. MARYC. NEILL,M.S. CHARLESC. BOLEY,B.S. t;u els iVon-Fuels J. E. LAMAK,B.S. G. R. YOHE,Ph.D. H. B. WILLMAN,Ph.D. P. E. GROTTS, B.S. Oil and Gas iVon-Fuels .4. H. BELL,Ph.D. G. V. COHEE,Ph.D. J. S. MACHIN,Ph.1). FREDERICKSQUIRES. B.S. F. V. TOOLEY,M.S. JAMESL. CAR~TOX, B.S. Analytical Areal and Engineering Geology GEORGEE. EKRLAW,Ph.D. 0. PI'. REES,Ph.D. VICTORN. FISCHER,MS. KOKMANH. NACHTRIEB,B.S. Subsurfme Geology GEORGEm7. LAND,B. Ed. I>. E. V'ORKMAN,M.S. P. \;IT.HENLINE, B.S. J. NOK~IANPAYXE, M.A. E. ,A. ATHERTOX,Ph.D. hlTNERAL ECONOMTCS DOXALDG. SUTTOX,MS. \Y. H. VOSKUIL,Ph. D. il/linernl E:conomis/ Stmtipphjj and Paleontology GRACEN. OLIVER,A.B. J. MARVINWELLER, Ph.D. W. A. NEWTOX,M.S. EDUCATIONAL EXTENS ION P~trogmphy DONL. CARROLL,B.S. RALPHE. GRIM,Ph.D. RICHARDSA. ROWLAXD,Geol. F:. PUBLICATIONS AND RECOKT)S Phy sics GEORGEE. EKBLAW,Ph.D. R. J. PIERSOL,Ph.D. DOROTHYROSE, B.S. M. C. WATSON,Ph.D. ALMAR. SWEEKT,A.B. I~ONALD0. HOLLAND, h1.s. MEREDITHM. CALKINS Consultants: Cemmics, CULLENWARNER PARMELEE, M.S., D.Sc., University of Illinois; Pleistocene Invertebrate Paleorltology, FRANKCOLLINS BAKER, B.S., University of Illinois. Topographic Mapping in cooperation with the United States Geological Survey. Contents PAKT I-INTRODUCTlON CHAPTER1 PACE Purposes of the report ........................................................... 1.3 Scope of the report ............................................................. 15 Acknowledgments .............................................................. 16 PART 11-THE COKE MARKET AND COMPETITIVE FUELS IN THE ILLINOIS COAL MARKET AREA CHAP~EK11-The economic basis of a coking industry in Illinois ....................... 17 Geographic limits of the Illinois coal market area .................................. 17 Nature of the fuel market ...................................................... 18 Immediate outlook for a coke industry based upon lllinois coal ...................... 18 The metallurgical market ...................................................... 18 The domestic market .......................................................... 18 Fuel oil ..................................................................... 19 Natural gas .................................................................. 20 Briquets ..................................................................... 20 Factors favorable to the use of Illinois coal for making coke .......................... 22 Disposal of by-products ......................................................... 22 Development of new markets for coke and its by-products ........................... 22 CHAPTER111-The production, disposal, and uses of coke .............................. 23 Production and distribution by uses of coke in the United States ..................... 23 I-'roduction of coke in the Illinois coal market area .................................. 23 CHAPTERIV-The use of coke as :I domestic fuel ..................................... 37 Management of a coke fire ....................................................... 39 PAKT 111-TECHNOLOGY OF COKE hlANUFACTUKE CHAPTERV-Reasons for the manufacture of coke .................................... 41 CHAPTERVI-Methods of producing coke ........................................... 43 High- versus low-temperature carbonization ........................................ 46 CHAPTERVI1-Historical survey of the production of coke from Illinois coals ............ 49 Introduction ................................................................... 49 Use of beehive type ovens for coking Illinois coals .................................. 49 Use of by-product ovens for coking Illinois coals .................................... 52 Application of low- and medium-temperature carbonization processes to Illinois coals . 54 Parrprocess ................................................................. 54 Green-Laucks process ......................................................... 55 Other processes ............................................................... 55 Small scale carbonization tests on Illinois coals ................................... 55 Conclusions from the historical review of the art of producing coke from Illinois coals . 57 CHAPTERVTTT-The requirements for coking coals ................................... 59 Criteria for coking coals ...................................................: ..... 59 Standard specifications for gas and coking coals .................................... 60 PAGE Sampling and analysis ..................................................... 60 Chemical and physical properties .......................................... 60 A . Special requirements for gas coals ........................................ 61 B . Special requirements for coking coals ....................................... 61 Classification of Illinois coals with reference to coke-making properties on the basis of their proximate and ultimate analyses ......................................... 73 Rank of coal ................................................................. 73 Ultimate items .............................................................. 77 Specific volatile index ......................................................... 82 Conclusions from the application of various criteria for coking coals to Illinois coals .... 83 PART IV-EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATIONS OF THE PRODUC'J'IOK OF COKE FROM ILLINOIS COALS CHAPTERIX-Introduction to the experimental work ................................ 8.5 CHAPTERX-Methods used in the experimental work .............................. 87 Selection of methods .......................................................... 87 Chemicalanalyses ..............................................................87 Tests indicating the behavior of coal under the influence of heat .................... 88 Gas, coke, and by-product yields ........................................ 89 Softening and swelling characteristics ..................................... 90 Agglutinating or caking power ..................................................92 Coke quality tests: retort for carbonizing two- to three-kilogram charges of coal .... 92 . Cokeshattertests ............................................................ 93 'CHAIVEKXI-Samples used in the investigation ...................................... 95 ~HAIJTERXII-Coke, gas, and by-product yields ................................. 99 Variation in yields with geographic location ........................................ 99 Comparison of results of tests by several laboratories on No. 6 coal from or nexr Oricnt . Mine ........................................................................101 . Comparison of results on coals from other states ....................................103 'CHA~TERXIII-Behavior of Illinois coals under heat as shown by the results of experi- . mentalwork .................................................................109 . Softening temperatures and temperature range of plasticity .......................... 109 Significance of the plastic range temperature .......................................111 Softening temperature and plastic temperature intervals obtained from Illinois coals .... I11 Agglutinating or caking strength values found for Illinois coals ....................... 111 Characteristics of the coal which affect its agglutinating value ...................... 1.13 Mineral impurities ......................................................; : 1 13 . J;reshness .....................................................................1 I3 1 Fusaincontent ........................................ ..................133 : Conclusions ..................................................................114 'CHAPTERXIV-Effect of the banded components and impurities of coals on coke structure . 115 : Bandedcomponents 115 Carbonizing properties ........................................................116 Composition of Illinois coals in terms of banded components ....................... 116 Impurities ..................................................................... 117 Moisture 117 Ash or mineral matter ........................................................... 118 Sulfur .........................................................................122
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