Here Comes The Boom

by Allan Loeb &

Revisions by

Kevin James, Rock Reuben & Nick Bakay

CONFIDENTIAL READER/SENDER NAME: Andrew Dodge \ Shari LaFranchi Blakney

White Draft February 25th, 2011 FADE IN:

1 INT. SCOTT’S BACHELOR APARTMENT - MORNING 1 PAN across the messy bedroom: - A collection of WRESTLING TROPHIES and a Division 1 Championship MEDAL. - A framed, black and white PHOTO of a muscular YOUNG MAN posing in a PENN STATE WRESTLING SINGLET. - A FRAMED CERTIFICATE reading: “Teacher of the Year 2004.” WE LAND on a LUMP in bed... this is SCOTT VOSS, 40, our hero. TIGHT ON Scott’s face... sleeping peacefully. He opens an EYE and glances at his ALARM CLOCK on the night stand. It reads: 7:42 am. Scott processes this, then his eyes SNAP OPEN. SCOTT AHHHHHHHHH! No. No. Scott bounds out of bed...

2 EXT. BOSTON STREETS - MORNING 2 In , we HEAR the sound of a screaming engine - - growing LOUDER. An old school TRIUMPH MOTORCYCLE RIPS over a the top of a HILL -- GETTING AIR. Scott’s in the saddle. SCOTT CONFIDENTIALNo. No. No. The motorcycle WEAVES through TRAFFIC. READER/SENDER NAME: Andrew Dodge \ Shari LaFranchi Blakney A DELIVERY TRUCK cut’s Scott off, he skids between cars to avoid it. He accelerates back up to speed.

3 EXT. WILKINSON HIGH SCHOOL -- MORNING 3 Scott approaches a building, but he’s too late -- the GATES to the parking lot are closed. He stops, contemplating his next move. He revs his engine and peels out.

4 EXT. WILKINSON HIGH SCHOOL - NEW FOOTBALL FIELD 4 Scott comes ripping across the Football FIELD dodging the SPRINKLERS as they ON. Scott exits through the GATES into the school. White Production Draft 2/25/11 2.

5 EXT. WILKINSON HIGH SCHOOL - PARKING LOT 5 Scott stops, takes off his helmet and sees... BRUCE BETCHER -- the School Principal, 50s, closing the front doors with his ASST. PRINCIPAL ELKINS 60’s. Principal Betcher hasn’t noticed Scott. He looks at his watch. PRINCIPAL BETCHER Alright lock ‘em up. The doors are closed and locked. Scott breaks into a sprint around the building.

6 EXT. SCHOOL - MOMENTS LATER 6 Scott now runs parallel to the fence that surrounds the school until he finds a HOLE which he rips back. He slides through, passing TWO DELINQUENTS who are behind the school. DELINQUENT Hey Mr. Voss. Scott doesn’t break stride, running towards a DUMPSTER in the distance.

7 INT. BIOLOGY LAB - MOMENTS LATER 7 HANDS pressed on glass, shimmy open a window. Scott’s BACKPACK flies in. Hands grasp the radiator. Scott pulls himself into the BIOLOGY LAB, filled with waiting STUDENTS. He stands up, not realizing that Principal Betcher is sitting, arms folded, at Scott’s desk. SCOTT (to the class) It’s okay, the baby bird’s going CONFIDENTIALto make it, kids. (ultra cheery) READER/SENDERHey, NAME: Mr. Andrew Elkins. Dodge \ ShariWhat LaFranchi brings Blakney you by these parts? As Betcher steps to Scott, and leans in... PRINCIPAL BETCHER I warned you if you were late one more time, I’d dock you a vacation day. SCOTT You were serious about that? PRINCIPAL BETCHER Dead serious. SCOTT Come on, I was teacher of the year. White Production Draft 2/25/11 3.

PRINCIPAL BETCHER Ten years ago... SCOTT Closer to eight, but... Principal Betcher picks up a REFLECTIVE VEST off the desk and hands it to Scott... PRINCIPAL BETCHER I’m also giving you bus duty today. Scott deflates. Principal Betcher exits. SCOTT (then, to class) Okay, open your books to whatever we were doing yesterday. A TOUGH KID, named DERRICK chimes in. DERRICK Yesterday was Sunday. SCOTT Whatever. Scott sits at his desk, throws on his SUNGLASSES, reclines and puts his feet up on his desk. SCOTT (CONT’D) Apparently this is now a vacation day, so I’m gonna shut ‘er down. TITLE CARD: “HERE COMES THE BOOM”

8 INT. BIOLOGY LAB - A BIT LATER 8 The class is half working on an assignment, half fooling CONFIDENTIALaround. Scott peruses the SPORTS SECTION. READER/SENDER NAME: Andrew Dodge \ Shari LaFranchi Blakney A student, MALIA, 17, a Filipino girl with cool specs and a pair of HEADPHONES always around her neck, RAISES her hand. MALIA Mr. Voss? Scott HOLDS UP THE PAPER to tune her out. After a beat, she POPS UP over the paper, having approached his desk. MALIA (CONT’D) Mr. Voss? SCOTT (barely audible) Yah? White Production Draft 2/25/11 4.

MALIA Our text book says the discovery of Penicillin was the most important biological discovery of the twenty century. SCOTT Okay... MALIA But I read online that the use of anti-bacterial agents actually encourages more potent strains of infections. SCOTT That’s some very advanced college- y stuff. You need to focus on what we’re working on. The magical journey from tadpole to frog. MALIA I finished the worksheet already. Scott PUTS DOWN the newspaper. SCOTT Malia, truth is you’ll probably never use anything you learn in this class anyway. So, if you’re finished, just do me a favor and draw on your desk like Martinez. Malia SIGHS in frustration and heads back to her seat. And Scott sets to return to his paper when he notices something out the window that gets his attention. A tiny LITTLE GUY, probably weighs 90 pounds soaking wet, lugging a huge STAND UP BASS CASE across the field. CONFIDENTIALScott just SHAKES HIS HEAD and returns to his paper. READER/SENDER NAME: Andrew Dodge \ Shari LaFranchi Blakney 9 INT. HALLWAY - LATER 9 Scott, the Reflective Vest in his back pocket, stands at a VENDING MACHINE, puts in some money and makes a selection. The SKEWER that holds the DORITOS, TURNS moving the bag forward, but they DON’T DROP. Scott reacts. SCOTT No, no, no. Not today Scott waits until the coast is clear, then SMACKS the side of the vending machine. Nothing. SCOTT (CONT’D) Come on. Then, Scott steps back and DRIVES HIS SHOULDER into the machine, lifting it off it’s legs. Two bags of Doritos and a sleeve of OREOS DROP. White Production Draft 2/25/11 5.

Scott opens the hopper and removes the snacks. He smiles pleased with his score, then notices... A weird looking KID staring at him from a door well. Scott, considers a beat, then THROWS the Kid the Oreos... SCOTT (CONT’D) This never happened. We clear? The Kid nods in agreement, and moves off. Scott hears MUSIC from a nearby room. Wheels turning, Scott crosses into...

10 INT. MUSIC HALL - CONTINUOUS ACTION 10 To find... MARTY STREB, early 60’s, currently conducting the school ORCHESTRA. It’s far from perfect. He’s shouting as he conducts, completely wired... loving every second of it. MARTY Cellos, come in a beat earlier! Flutes, declare yourself -- Mozart wrote his first symphony for his father when he was eight! You guys are twice that age, you should be ashamed of yourselves. Scott sees that little FRESHMAN in the back... the one lugging his stand up bass outside. The Kid has his eyes closed with a smile... lost in his own world, playing away. MARTY (CONT’D) Wait a minute! What’s that I hear? Yes -- the beautiful sound CONFIDENTIALof improvement... play it louder! Playing the PIANO in the front, Malia looks over to Scott READER/SENDERand SMILES. NAME: Andrew Dodge \ Shari LaFranchi Blakney Scott shakes his head at Marty's unbridled enthusiasm. MARTY (CONT’D) You’re ingenious! You’re spectacular! Crescendooooo...! (checking his watch) And you’re done. Music stops on a dime, Marty catches his breath. THE BELL RINGS But the students don’t pack their instruments just yet... no they all look to Marty. MARTY (CONT’D) Right, I almost forgot... the quote of the day. (beat) (MORE) White Production Draft 2/25/11 6. MARTY (CONT’D) I’ll go with Friedrich Nietzsche, rock star philosopher, who said... wait for it... drum roll please... And literally from the back... a drum rolls. The students all LAUGH. MARTY (CONT’D) “Without music... life would be a mistake.” That hangs a beat. Then the Students gather their things and start to leave. MARTY (CONT’D) Practice people. Practice! Marty notices Scott. MARTY (CONT’D) Mr. Voss, what brings you by? SCOTT Heard the music. Sounds great. Listen, is there any chance you could do me a huge-- Marty's cellphone PLAYS A CLASSICAL TUNE. MARTY Sorry -- I’ve been waiting for this. He takes his phone out and reacts to a text. A beat then; SCOTT So... I got bus duty today, but... Marty falls into his chair -- exasperated. CONFIDENTIALSCOTT (CONT’D) I’ve got a little family emergency READER/SENDER-- NAME: and Andrew was kinda Dodge \ wondering...Shari LaFranchi Blakney could you cover for me? I wouldn’t just ask anybody, but I’ve seen the way you handle the whole bus/safety situation. You have a gift. (noticing Marty's state) You alright? MARTY You teach biology -- what are the chances a forty-five year old woman can get pregnant? SCOTT That depends on what she looks like. Scott CHUCKLES, nothing from Marty who’s clearly troubled. White Production Draft 2/25/11 7.

SCOTT (CONT’D) Kidding. That’s really more of a fertility question. MARTY I would have guessed... slim. A beat, Scott waits impatiently. MARTY (CONT’D) My wife’s pregnant. You’re the first to know. It’s still early, so please, don’t say anything. SCOTT Oh... of course not. It’s in the vault. Scott regards him... SCOTT (CONT’D) How old are you? MARTY (defeated) Old. Scott’s not sure how to react. SCOTT Well, congrats... right? MARTY (capitulating) Yes... yes. It’s a beautiful thing. It’s... wow. My son just graduated from college. I thought I was done writing checks. (changes mood) You know what -- I’m having a CONFIDENTIALbaby! I’m having a baby. Scott holds up the vest. READER/SENDER NAME: Andrew Dodge \ Shari LaFranchi Blakney SCOTT So... should I leave this on your desk, or..?

11 INT. SCHOOL HALLWAY - AFTERNOON 11 * Scott is heading towards the FRONT DOORS when he is stopped by Assistant Principal Elkins. ELKINS Hey Scott, did you forget about the meeting today? SCOTT What meeting? White Production Draft 2/25/11 8.

ELKINS Betcher wants us all in the auditorium in an hour... budget stuff. SCOTT Ahh. C’mon... are you kidding me? ELKINS It’s mandatory. SCOTT Man, I wish you were still principal. ELKINS Me too.

12 INT. SMALL AUDITORIUM - AFTERNOON 12 About 70 TEACHERS mill about. Some are seated, waiting for the meeting to start. There’s a tense energy. Principal Betcher sits at a table reviewing some notes. Scott sits with his feet up talking to his friend and fellow teacher, DUFFY, 40’s. DUFFY I can’t believe we’re stuck here this late. SCOTT (frustrated) I wanna choke Betcher with his own tie. DUFFY If it gets me to Harrington’s before happy hour ends -- go for CONFIDENTIALit. (and then) READER/SENDERYou NAME: ever Andrew been Dodge there? \ Shari LaFranchiThey got Blakney hotdogs for a quarter. SCOTT Not on Tuesday’s. BELLA FLORES, late 30’s. School nurse, enters the room. * SCOTT (CONT’D) Hey Bella -- You know I was waiting for you for like three hours. BELLA You waited... where? SCOTT The bowling alley. We had a date. White Production Draft 2/25/11 9.

BELLA We did not. You asked me and I said, “no.” SCOTT But I said “if you want to go bowling with me, say “no” and we’ll both know it’s code for “yes.” She regards him... there’s no chink in his armor. BELLA You didn’t really go. SCOTT I did. I waited for two hours. BELLA You said three. SCOTT (caught) Well, I waited for two. Then met another dude who was also stood up by an incredible woman. So, we both had a good cry and ended up bowling together. She bites back a smile... SCOTT (CONT’D) I’m in a league now. Playing along... BELLA Oh, are you really? SCOTT Know what -- givin’ you one last CONFIDENTIALchance. READER/SENDER NAME: Andrew DodgeBELLA \ Shari LaFranchi Blakney You’ve already given me fifteen last chances, Scott. Duffy just shakes his head. SCOTT How ‘bout this? I cook you a nice dinner, my house. Bella walks away smiling. BELLA No. SCOTT (to himself) Okay... O for 16. DUFFY You’re making real progress. White Production Draft 2/25/11 10.

SCOTT Oh yeah, she’s falling... I’m like quicksand. The more you fight it... the more you fall. And there’s no tree branch to save her. Pretty soon, it’ll just be a hat floating on top. Betcher enters and takes the mic. PRINCIPAL BETCHER (tapping mic) Hello. Hello. Marty, opens the door and tip toes in wearing the REFLECTIVE VEST from bus duty. PRINCIPAL BETCHER (CONT’D) Thank you everyone. As many of you know Wilkinson High has been operating at a budget deficit for the last several years. Now, we’ve already conferred with your union to do our best to minimize the impact on the class rooms... but I’m going to have to make serious cuts. Scott leans over to Duffy. SCOTT How many times did this guy take a pounding at the play ground? DUFFY The over-under is thirty seven. PRINCIPAL BETCHER As of now we are freezing supplies and unfortunately we’re going to have to roll back to last year’s CONFIDENTIALpay scales. READER/SENDERThe Teachers NAME: grumble. Andrew Dodge \ Shari LaFranchi Blakney SCOTT (to Duffy) The jokes on him, he didn’t give me a raise last year anyway. DUFFY Me neither. They BUMP FISTS. PRINCIPAL BETCHER Lastly, despite best efforts... we’re cutting all extra-curricular activity... which includes the music program. Marty reacts: Gut punched. White Production Draft 2/25/11 11.

MARTY Whoa... what? The music program? Uh... excuse me, we can’t cut music. PRINCIPAL BETCHER I’m sorry, we simply don’t have the funding. MARTY But what about the car wash and the auction? ELKINS Marty, after expenses we only netted seven hundred and fifty dollars. It’s a drop in the bucket. And suddenly Marty desperately blurts out... MARTY Verbis defectis musica incipit! Now everybody’s looking at him... MARTY (CONT’D) It’s Latin for “Music takes us where word cannot.” PRINCIPAL BETCHER And that reminds me... we’re also cutting Latin. MARTY Well, why can’t you borrow the money from the football program?! They get new equipment every year-- PRINCIPAL BETCHER Wait... are you trying to equate your music program with our CONFIDENTIALfootball team? You realize the READER/SENDERbooster NAME: Andrew club Dodge alone \ Shari makes LaFranchi up one-Blakney third of our charitable donations! Scott sits up, getting agitated. MARTY (caving) Well... PRINCIPAL BETCHER (hammering) Answer me. You made a statement, explain yourself. Scott’s had enough... SCOTT (muttering) Alright, why don’t you just take it easy on the guy? White Production Draft 2/25/11 12.

PRINCIPAL BETCHER Excuse me? Duffy shakes his head. DUFFY No, no Scott. Don’t... Scott plows ahead. SCOTT Just back off and let’s move on already. PRINCIPAL BETCHER Why don’t you not tell me how to do my job. SCOTT Then, why don’t you just tell him the truth. DUFFY (to himself) This is how we got thrown out of softball... PRINCIPAL BETCHER What’re you talking about? SCOTT You’re cutting the music program so he loses tenure. PRINCIPAL BETCHER That’s ridiculous. You’re wasting everyone’s time here. SCOTT No, you’re wasting my time! CONFIDENTIALPRINCIPAL BETCHER Well, you’re free to go Scott. READER/SENDER NAME: Andrew Dodge \ Shari LaFranchi Blakney SCOTT (incredulous) I’m free to go? You know what, you’re free to go! PRINCIPAL BETCHER Okay, how does a day without pay sound? Duffy SCOOTS HIS CHAIR AWAY from Scott. SCOTT That how you show your power? You already took a vacation day from me today. PRINCIPAL BETCHER So, that’s what this is about? Look, we need to move on. The decision’s been made. White Production Draft 2/25/11 13.

SCOTT Oh really? How come every time you make a decision, you ruin someone’s life? PRINCIPAL BETCHER Scott, now you have stepped over the line. SCOTT You know what I think’s over the line? (indicating Marty) Firing a man who’s having a baby!! Marty reacts: Now everyone knows. SCOTT (CONT’D) (realizing) I could’ve been talking about anyone. SEVERAL TEACHERS give Marty a pat of congratulations. ELKINS Scott you’re talking about a lot of money. Money this school just doesn’t have. SCOTT A lot of money? Really? How much could it possibly cost? ELKINS Forty eight thousand dollars. SCOTT (a bit taken back) No. No. No. Just the music program. Not the other stuff. PRINCIPAL BETCHER CONFIDENTIALForty. Eight. Thousand. READER/SENDER NAME: Andrew Dodge \ Shari LaFranchi Blakney SCOTT (wind out of his sails) Wow. PRINCIPAL BETCHER Yeah. Marty hangs his head in defeat. This is not lost on Scott. PRINCIPAL BETCHER (CONT’D) (plowing ahead) So, as I was saying... we have no choice, but to make these cuts. SCOTT Or raise the money. Bella perks up. White Production Draft 2/25/11 14.

PRINCIPAL BETCHER And, who’s gonna do that? EVERYONE looks to Scott - he’s backed himself into a corner. SCOTT We will. And Scott just stands there... not sure of what he just said, until... Marty turns to him and mouths... MARTY Thank you.

13 EXT. SCHOOL TEACHERS’ PARKING LOT - MORNING 13 Scott, still not fully awake, gets off his motorcycle. He notices Marty waiting for him near the front doors. * Marty smiles and excitedly waving a cup of coffee he’s gotten for him. Scott lets out a quiet GROAN.

14 OMIT 14

15 INT. HIGH SCHOOL LOBBY - MOMENTS LATER 15 As Scott and an overly-excited Marty walk... MARTY I could hardly sleep last night! My mind was racing. You know? By the way, I spoke with Elkins and we have to get the money by the end of the school year. (handing Scott a piece of paper) CONFIDENTIALSo, I made fliers and passed them out to all the teachers. I READER/SENDERfigured NAME: Andrew we can Dodge all \ Shari get LaFranchi together Blakney tonight, and you can give us the game plan. SCOTT Tonight? You know... I’m still... sorting through everything. MARTY That’s great!! Marty takes Scott by the shoulders and looks him in the eye. MARTY (CONT'D) I wanna thank you again. Driving in this morning, I heard “I Won’t Back Down,” by Tom Petty and I knew it was a sign. White Production Draft 2/25/11 15.

SCOTT I heard the “The End” by the Doors... maybe that’s a sign too. MARTY Ha ha... (off Scott’s shoulders) My goodness you’re solid.

16 INT. HALLWAY NEAR GYM - LATE AFTERNOON 16 * Marty is holding a grocery bag full of snacks in the FOYER. MARTY I was thinking I’d say a few words about the importance of music... maybe talk about Mahler’s fight against the Austrian Parliament or tell that classic story about Franz Schubert and his sister-in- law... might be a little too racy... what do you think? SCOTT Why don’t we just wing it? MARTY Sounds good... I brought snacks. They head into...

17 INT. GYM - LATE AFTERNOON 17 * ... which is completely empty. SCOTT CONFIDENTIALWhere is everybody? MARTY READER/SENDERMy NAME: fliers Andrew said Dodge six. \ Shari IsLaFranchi it six? Blakney Scott glances at his WATCH. SCOTT Oh-five. They just stand there in silence... BELLA (O.S.) Am I early? Scott just shakes his head “no.” BELLA (CONT’D) (realizing) Oh... And the look holds. White Production Draft 2/25/11 16.

MARTY I’m going to see if I can find any other teachers to join us. BELLA (hopeful) Yeah... maybe they thought it was in the cafeteria. I think I saw some people. Marty goes. Bella turns to Scott. BELLA (CONT’D) I guess it was unrealistic to think anyone was going to show when everybody’s got their own problems. SCOTT You showed. BELLA Well, I guess I’m unrealistic. Scott steps over to a rack full of BASKETBALLS. He picks one up. SCOTT I’ll bet you a million dollars I hit this. Bella considers the shot. BELLA Two million. SCOTT You don’t scare me. (and then) You want me to bank it? Or would CONFIDENTIALyou prefer it all-net? BELLA READER/SENDERSurprise NAME: Andrew me. Dodge \ Shari LaFranchi Blakney Scott sets himself, then let’s his shot fly... SCOTT Butter... DOINK. Bella laughs. BELLA Make the check to Bella Flores. * SCOTT Alright, alright. Double or nothing. Scott takes another shot... AIRBALL. White Production Draft 2/25/11 17.

BELLA Four million. SCOTT I can add. Let’s go double again. BELLA No thanks. Pay up. SCOTT You can’t deny a guy a chance to go double or nothing. It’s bad sportsmanship. Bella rolls her eyes. Scott shoots... the BALL GETS WEDGED between the rim and the backboard. It hangs a beat, then DROPS ANEMICALLY to the ground. BELLA You’re awful. SCOTT Don’t get so happy with yourself. I’m wearing a dress shirt, okay. Michael Jordan couldn’t hit that dressed like this. BELLA Wow, you stink at basketball, but I gotta say its really nice what you’re doing with Marty. SCOTT Yeah, we tried... Scott plops down on stack of MATS. BELLA Whoa. You can’t give up now. CONFIDENTIALMarty’s so passionate about what he does. The school needs more READER/SENDERpeople NAME: Andrew like Dodgehim --\ Shari not LaFranchi less. Blakney SCOTT Yeah, no. I agree. I’m not giving up. Bella takes Scott in for a beat, impressed. BELLA So what exactly is the plan? SCOTT I don’t know. I guess raise forty eight thousand dollars... save Marty's job. Scott, gets an idea, springs to his feet and grabs another ball... White Production Draft 2/25/11 18.

SCOTT (CONT’D) Okay. Tell you what, forget the four mill... (re: basketball) I dunk this and you have dinner with me at my house. Bella looks at the 10 foot rim. Then to Scott. Then back to the rim. BELLA Deal. Scott stands up and slides a GYMNASTICS MINI-TRAMPOLINE that is off to the side, under the back board. BELLA (CONT’D) That’s cheating!! SCOTT No it’s not. Your dream is about to come true. Scott dribbles the ball towards the basket and bounces off the trampoline. He JAMS the ball into the bottom of the RIM, falling backwards out of FRAME, landing with a THUD. SCOTT (CONT’D) (wind knocked out of him) 0 for 17.

18 EXT. ERIC VOSS’S HOUSE - DUSK 18 * Scott rides his motorcycle up the drive of this small Cape Cod style home. He parks next to an old UTILITY VAN with signage that reads: “VOSS PAINTING AND HOME REMODELING.” From inside we HEAR pandemonium: KIDS CONFIDENTIALscreaming, etc. 19 READER/SENDERINT. ERIC NAME:VOSS’S Andrew HOUSE/ Dodge BASEMENT \ Shari LaFranchi - NIGHT Blakney 19 Five CHILDREN, ages 3 to 11, run from room to room. Scott sits next to his brother ERIC VOSS, mid 40s, still wearing his work coveralls -- covered in paint. They both have BEERS and eat CHILI. SCOTT (re: the chili) This is amazing. It’s gotta kick to it. ERIC Eight alarms guy... Eight. Wait until you see what kinda dreams you have tonight. PETER, Eric’s five year old son, climbs all over him. White Production Draft 2/25/11 19.

Eric talks with Scott while keeping one eye on a COOKING SHOW on TV. SCOTT Painting? Power washing? Nothing? ERIC Sorry bro, no one’s hiring. I had to lay off two guys myself. Bobby Denisi just lost his house. We hear ERIC’S WIFE shout from another room. ERIC’S WIFE (O.C.) Eric tell Mary Shannon to get off the damn phone! ERIC Mary Shannon get off the damn phone!! ERIC’S WIFE (O.C.) I could’ve done that!! ERIC Then why didn’t ya?! (then to Scott) She’s so lazy. Sorry, I wish I could help you out... Eric looks up at his son... ERIC (CONT’D) What exactly are you trying to accomplish here? ERIC’S WIFE (O.S.) Where the heck’s Peter?!! He was supposed to be in the tub ten minutes ago!! CONFIDENTIALPeter brings his finger slowly to his lips: “Shhhh, I’m not here.” READER/SENDER NAME: Andrew Dodge \ Shari LaFranchi Blakney ERIC He’s not here!! Peter fist-bumps his father, then picks up the remote and flips through channels. PETE Dad your show’s over. Can I watch World’s Deadliest Car Chases? ERIC Oh, I don’t know. How old are you? PETE Five. ERIC (considers) Five? (MORE) White Production Draft 2/25/11 20. ERIC (CONT'D) (looks to Scott) ...can he? SCOTT No. ERIC Sorry, dude. (yells to his wife) Found him!! Found Peter!! (back to Peter) Get upstairs and take a bath. Peter begrudgingly exits. ERIC (CONT’D) (to Scott) You need me to front you a coupla hunnies? I got some money in a drawer that she don’t know about. SCOTT Thanks, but I need a lot more than that. ERIC (interest piqued) We could bet a five game parlay. It’s a stone-cold lock. Two more CHILDREN run through the room. KID Mom -- Dad’s betting again!! The CHILDREN out. ERIC (yelling after) Okay. Guess who’s not getting a hamster?!! (back to Scott) CONFIDENTIALWhat about that Citizenship class READER/SENDERyou NAME: used Andrew to Dodgeteach \ Shariat night?LaFranchi Blakney SCOTT (remembering) Oh, that was brutal. (considering) I guess I could. Suddenly, the two Kids run back in, followed by Eric’s wife, LAUREN. She picks up clothes wherever she walks. LAUREN (to kids) You two upstairs, now! (to Eric) What are you doing? You’re sitting there and you didn’t shower? Uch -- you disgust me. ERIC Good. Mission accomplished. White Production Draft 2/25/11 21.

The Kids run off and she follows them out. LAUREN (O.S) Pig! ERIC There was a time when she completed me. A HORRIFIC CAR CRASH is heard on the TV.

20 INT. CURTIS HALL COMMUNITY CENTER - NIGHT 20 A small classroom. On the chalk board: “CITIZENSHIP TEST PREP CLASS” Most of the students are ADULTS and are diverse in both age and ethnicity. Scott reads from a booklet. SCOTT Okay, question 3. “Women, such as Susan B. Anthony, fought for suffrage and were finally successful in 1920.” What does suffr-- Scott stops when he hears a loud chant coming through the wall... SCOTT (CONT’D) What’s that? As Scott realizes... SCOTT (CONT’D) Oh, okay, that’s the AA meeting next door. Let’s let ‘em finish CONFIDENTIALthe Serenity prayer... Scott bows his head in respect. The CLASS looks around READER/SENDERconfused -- NAME: SEVERAL Andrew bow Dodge their \ Shari heads LaFranchi for Blakney no apparent reason. SCOTT (CONT’D) Right. Good for them. Okay, so suffrage... what’s it mean? An older Mexican Man, MIGUEL raises his hand... MIGUEL To be in pain? SCOTT No. That’s suffering. An ETHIOPIAN WOMAN, MUBA dressed in a CELTICS JERSEY, chimes in... MUBA (a la Scott) No. That’s suffering. White Production Draft 2/25/11 22.

SCOTT No, no. We’re not repeating, Muba. MUBA Sorry. SCOTT It’s fine. (plowing ahead) Suffrage is the right to do something. A FRENCH MAN offers... FRENCH MAN The right to not be in pain. SCOTT (a bit frustrated) Okay, we talked about this on Monday people, remember? Suffrage has nothing to do with pain. No pain. MIGUEL No pain, no gain? SCOTT No, Miguel -- okay, you know what everybody ... we’re getting off track here. A tough-looking DUTCH MAN with a shaved head, utters something under his breath. NOTE: Niko always wears Crocs, in a variety of colors. SCOTT (CONT’D) Uh... big scary guy -- you got CONFIDENTIALsomething? NIKO READER/SENDERNiko. NAME: Andrew But forget Dodge \ Shariit, LaFranchiI’m sure Blakney its wrong. SCOTT Hey, there are no wrong answers... actually there are, but give it a shot. NIKO The right to vote? SCOTT Alright, scary and correct! Suffrage is the right to elect leaders... although sometimes we and miss big time. But you guys will figure that out, once you’re official. You with me, Muba? A beat. White Production Draft 2/25/11 23.

MUBA No. I’m Muba. SCOTT And you’re doing a great job. Point is -- Niko’s right. And the SMILE on Niko’s face now lights up the room.

21 EXT. CURTIS HALL COMMUNITY CENTER HALLWAY - NIGHT 21 * As Scott makes his way towards the exit, he takes an ENVELOPE out of his pocket and opens it. It’s his PAYCHECK, it reads: $132.00 Scott reacts to his check: this ain’t gonna get it done. Just then Niko runs up. NIKO Mr. Voss, can I talk to you? I was a good student but when it comes to taking tests, I just get all clenched in the tight spot. SCOTT Mmhmm. Mmhmm. NIKO If I fail this test, they’ll send me back to Holland. And things here are just starting to twist. SCOTT In a good way? NIKO Yes, twisting good. So, is there any way you could give me a little extra help? CONFIDENTIALSCOTT Extra help? READER/SENDER NAME:(considering) Andrew Dodge \ Shari LaFranchi Blakney Well, I kinda got a full plate. Things are, uh “twisty” for me too. I just don’t have the time. I’m sorry. NIKO (sadly) No, no. I understand. Niko starts to walk off. Scott watches him go for a beat, then... calls after him. SCOTT Niko... Niko stops and turns. SCOTT (CONT’D) I’ll help you. White Production Draft 2/25/11 24.

NIKO Ho-ho! You’re unbelievable, man! Thank you! Thank you! I can‘t tell you what this means! Niko does a crazy Dutch JIG. Scott smiles in spite of himself.

22 INT. NIKO’S APARTMENT - NIGHT 22 Scott walks into the apartment where he sees two other DUTCH GUYS. NIKO Scott, meet Koen and Nard. If you ever need a tombstone... these are the guys. SCOTT Wow. Not at the moment, still felling pretty good... but I got a Great Aunt who’s on the bubble. Scott notices several TROPHIES, PICTURES of Niko in the ring celebrating a win with his SIGNATURE LEAP, etc. SCOTT (CONT’D) Hey, you used to fight? NIKO A long time ago. Now I just teach MMA at my gym. NARD He was unbelievable man! You should’ve seen it! Bang, didda, bang, bang, bang! Niko joins in -- Bong! Bong! CONFIDENTIALSCOTT Okay... we studying Niko? READER/SENDER NAME: Andrew Dodge \ Shari LaFranchi Blakney NIKO After we watch the UFC! 23 LATER: Scott is crowded between Koen and Nard on a small 23 couch, watching the UFC fight on television. We see the show open, highlights, all the pageantry, the scale, the energy of the UFC. Throughout the scene we see Clips of fights, Dana White -- UFC’s outspoken president, and Mike Goldberg the UFC play-by- play team. Niko enters with a platter of food. WHOLE SALTED HERRINGS with ONION SAUCE, CHEESE CUBES with DUTCH FLAG TOOTHPICKS in them, COCKTAIL ONIONS also with FLAG TOOTHPICKS and HARD BOILED EGGS. NIKO (CONT’D) Dig in! White Production Draft 2/25/11 25.

Scott regards the platter -- yeesh. Koen and Nard take a whole HERRING and down it. Niko grabs an egg, and gestures to Scott to get in on the action. Scott politely grabs a PIECE OF CHEESE. As the fight starts, Koen and Nard animatedly argue their bets IN DUTCH. Scott nervously looks back and forth at them like he’s watching a tennis match. They both hold up TWENTY DOLLAR BILLS. KOEN (to Scott) You hold money for bets. Scott sheepishly holds their money. Later, the group is watching a fight in progress. SCOTT (re: the fight) He’s gotta change levels, double- leg him! Take him down! NIKO You ever fight? SCOTT Well, I wrestled in college. NIKO (re: tv) He’s a wrestler, this guy. Wrestlers make great fighters. Just then the FIGHTER takes down his OPPONENT with a double leg take down and submits him. NIKO (CONT’D) CONFIDENTIALHo! You called it! Twisty! Scott smiles. We HEAR from the tv... READER/SENDER NAME: Andrew Dodge \ Shari LaFranchi Blakney MIKE GOLDBERG AND IT IS ALL OVER!! Nard snatches both twenties from Scott’s hands. NIKO Sorry Koen. KOEN Ech. He took his ten grand and ran like a Shetland Pony. This shocks Scott. Koen and Nard go back to arguing their bets for the next fight. SCOTT Ten grand? He made ten thousand dollars? White Production Draft 2/25/11 26.

NIKO Yup. SCOTT But he lost. NIKO If he won, it woulda been fifty with bonuses. SCOTT’S FACE -- wheels turning. Suddenly, Koen and Nard hand Scott their WATCHES. KOEN You hold. Scott reacts.

24 INT. WILKINSON HIGH SCHOOL/ MUSIC ROOM - DAY 24 Marty looks stunned. MARTY Mixed Martial arts? Do you even know how to do that? SCOTT No. I do not. MARTY This is crazy. SCOTT Look, I watched a UFC event last night and this guy got paid ten grand to fight... and he lost. I’m telling you, I was a really good wrestler in college... I think I can do it. CONFIDENTIALMARTY Do what? READER/SENDER NAME: Andrew Dodge \ Shari LaFranchi Blakney SCOTT Lose. MARTY But don’t you need to win in order to lose? SCOTT Okay, that doesn’t make sense. MARTY None of this does. SCOTT Marty, we only have to the end of the school year. This is the best chance we have. Alright? MARTY What about night school? White Production Draft 2/25/11 27.

SCOTT Between what I’m making there and your private lessons, we’ll save the music program in eighteen years. You gotta trust me on this. Marty just regards him... MARTY Alright, if you’re gonna lose, then... I’m gonna help you lose.

25 INT. CURTIS HALL COMMUNITY CENTER - NIGHT 25 Scott is teaching his Citizenship class. SCOTT Okay, so let’s review what we learned today... No one is gonna bring any unrefridgerated food to class... especially cheeses. Scott shoots a look at Muba, who NODS, a bit EMBARRASSED. SCOTT (CONT’D) And we all agree, after a vigorous debate -- that Imelda should buy the bus pass. Miguel raises his hand, annoyed. SCOTT (CONT’D) We know you disagree Miguel. (beat) Okay, shifting gears-- unfortunately, today is going to be my last day. But, next week you’re going to be in great hands CONFIDENTIALwith a new teacher, and -- FRENCH MAN READER/SENDERBut NAME: you Andrew are Dodgenew. \ Shari LaFranchi Blakney SCOTT Well, yes. But this guy will be new-er. Understand? MUBA So you are not new? SCOTT No, I am new. See-- we’re going off the rails again. Next week. I’m not gonna be here. So, with that, I wish you all the best of luck... and, you know what? Welcome to America in advance... that’s how confident I am. I’m saying it. The Class is not quite sure what’s going on. They await further instruction. White Production Draft 2/25/11 28.

SCOTT (CONT’D) So, thank you... and goodnight. Scott gathers his belongings, Niko approaches. NIKO I can’t believe you would quit like this! You know how important this is. SCOTT Niko Relax! The new teacher’s gonna be great. But I need to talk to you about something.

25A INT. HALLWAY - NIGHT 25A * Scott leads Niko out into the HALLWAY... SCOTT Okay, here’s the thing. I need money to save my friend’s job. A lot of money. (steels himself) So, as crazy as this sounds... I wanna fight. But I need your help -- I want you to train me. NIKO You’re kidding? SCOTT No. I can do this. NIKO How old are you, 50? SCOTT No. CONFIDENTIALNIKO 40? READER/SENDER NAME: Andrew Dodge \ Shari LaFranchi Blakney SCOTT ...ish. (sincere) I need you to help me. Look, there are guys who run marathons in their 80’s. NIKO Not when they’re being punched in the face. You’re too old and have no experience. SCOTT You said wrestlers make great fighters. And I took jiu-jitsu -- I quit after six months -- but I’m in a different head space now. White Production Draft 2/25/11 29.

NIKO There’s no way you can fight and that’s the end of it. Niko starts to walk away. SCOTT Wait, Niko! NIKO I don’t want to talk about it. SCOTT Alright, but we’re still studying later right? Niko turns back. NIKO You just quit. SCOTT Look, you don’t wanna train me -- that’s fine. But we started this and we’re not stopping until you’re a citizen. Niko just stands there... taking that in. Long beat. NIKO Fighting is not easy. SCOTT I never said it was. But I’m out of options here. I’m a quick learner, and I know if I got the chance -- I could do this. Niko regards him for a beat. NIKO CONFIDENTIALOkay. You want the chance... there’s a small time show this READER/SENDERweekend. NAME: Andrew I’ll Dodge get \ Shari you LaFranchi in. Blakney Scott’s suddenly taken off guard... SCOTT Wait. Fight right away? Niko walks away. SCOTT (CONT’D) Shouldn’t I train with you a little first? Calling back over his shoulder. NIKO Nope. Trial by fire, baby! SCOTT Is there a pamphlet at least? White Production Draft 2/25/11 30.

26 INT. SCOTT’S BASEMENT - DAY 26 A FOOT slams into a mattress, thunderous and loud. MUFFLED VOICE (O.S.) Ow! Scott has a TV in the corner with an MMA TRAINING DVD playing. He follows along with the DVD, KICKING the mattress repeatedly. MUFFLED VOICE (O.S.) (CONT’D) (between ) Ow! Ow! SCOTT C’mon, I gotta do this. Behind the mattress... MARTY This mattress is horrible. I’m feeling everything! Don’t you have anything with a foam core? Scott stops kicking, a bit winded. SCOTT This is ridiculous. I’m never learning this stuff. I’m just gonna stick with my wrestling. Keep the fight on the ground. That’s my world. MARTY Yeah, your world from 1987. As Marty gestures to the DVD playing... to the HIGH LEVEL FIGHTERS training... MARTY (CONT’D) CONFIDENTIALLook at these guys, they know multiple disciplines. You’ve READER/SENDERgotta NAME: Andrewtrain... Dodge run... \ Shari LaFranchigo to Blakney Brazil... something. SCOTT Fight’s in two days. What am I gonna learn? It is what it is. They sit in silence, contemplating their next move. MARTY (sudden thought) I got it! I know what you have to do! Beat this guy before the match even begins... with the ancient art of intimidation! SCOTT Alright, get back behind the mattress. White Production Draft 2/25/11 31.

MARTY I’m serious. SCOTT Can I ask you a question? You ever been in a fight? MARTY No. Well, none with a boy anyway. But this will work! Trust me. SCOTT Okay, so based on your limited experience fighting girls, how? MARTY Music. You need music to inspire you. That’s why all the great Gladiators entered the Coliseum to thundering music. SCOTT Actually... they do that in the UFC. MARTY Exactly! Following in the footsteps of the great warriors: Gallus, Samnites. They all had their own distinct musical themes to deliver them into battle. This brought fear into the hearts of their opponents, rendering them defeated before the match even began! (noticing something) I am RIDDLED with goose bumps! (thinking aloud) You could go with Wagner or Bach... (changing his mind) CONFIDENTIALAh, doesn’t feel right. SCOTT READER/SENDERMarty-- NAME: Andrew Dodge \ Shari LaFranchi Blakney MARTY Mozart’s 35th in D major could be interesting-- SCOTT Hey! Marty stop talking and looks over to Scott. SCOTT (CONT’D) I’m pickin’ the song.

27 EXT. ABANDONED FACTORY - NIGHT 27 Scott and Marty pull up in Marty’s GREEN 2004 FORD FIESTA. White Production Draft 2/25/11 32.

SCOTT Is this a factory? MARTY I think I bought sausages here once.

28 INT. ABANDONED FACTORY - NIGHT 28 A crappy CAGE sits in the middle of the floor. The place is PACKED. In the cage a FIGHTER gets SLAMMED with a right cross. A KICK to the ribs and a LEFT to the head, dropping the fighter. KNOCK-OUT. Scott and Marty find a tattooed MAN wearing a headset -- seems like he works there. MARTY Excuse me. This is Scott Voss -- he’s fighting tonight. TATTOOD MAN Change behind the curtain. MARTY Is there a private space where he can get dressed with a modicum of dignity? The Tattooed Man glares at him. SCOTT (quickly) We’ll find it. They walk off. MARTY CONFIDENTIALThis place is certainly... unique. READER/SENDERSomething scurries NAME: Andrew by, Dodge catching \ Shari LaFranchiScott’s Blakney eye... SCOTT Was that a chicken?

29 INT. DRESSING AREA - NIGHT 29 Behind the curtain, FIGHTERS get ready and nurse their wounds. Marty is in fear. MARTY This looks like a civil war hospital. Scott is STRETCHING next to some big INDUSTRIAL MACHINE, doing his part to stay confident and look intimidating. Niko approaches. White Production Draft 2/25/11 33.

NIKO You showed up. You’re not as smart as I thought you were. SCOTT I knew this wasn’t gonna be the UFC, but I’m eighty percent sure I saw a chicken. Scott is startled by something. SCOTT (CONT’D) Okay, I’m a hundred percent. That’s a chicken. NIKO You wanted to fight. This is bottom level MMA. This is where you start. (and then) You’re next. Get out there. Niko exits. Scott grabs a DUFFEL BAG.

30 INT. MAKE SHIFT TUNNEL - NIGHT 30 Scott takes off his SHIRT and he wears his wrestling SINGLET. He joins Marty and Niko. MARTY You ready to do this? SCOTT (deep breath) Yeah. Scott pulls spiked SHOULDER PADS and a GLADIATOR HELMET out of his duffel and puts them on. NIKO CONFIDENTIAL(horrified) What’re you doing? READER/SENDER NAME: Andrew Dodge \ Shari LaFranchi Blakney We hear the ANNOUNCER over the PA system... ANNOUNCER ... making his MMA debut tonight, from Hyde Park... SCOTT (to Niko) Don’t you worry about it. ANNOUNCER Scott Voss! MARTY (to Niko, confident) Watch this. (screams to Niko) INTIMIDATION!!! Suddenly “BOOM” BY P.O.D., blasts throughout the factory. White Production Draft 2/25/11 34.

Scott and Marty begin to do a CRAZY DANCE to get themselves psyched up. Niko shakes his head.

31 INT. FACTORY - MOMENTS LATER 31 Scott and Marty exit the tunnel, through the screaming CROWD, jumping up and down trying to get the people involved. Scott enters the cage. Marty goes to remove Scott’s shoulder pads, but he has trouble. The Ref approaches. REF C’mon guys, you ready? Scott HOLDS UP a finger, motioning for the Ref to hang on a sec. Scott’s OPPONENT, a six foot tall, African-American with a stocky build, is already in the cage. He impatiently GNAWS on his mouthpiece, waiting for Scott to finish. Marty finally gets the strap off and exits. The music stops. Scott drops down into a WRESTLER’S STANCE. FIRE in his eyes. REF (CONT’D) Let’s do this! Scott RUSHES across the CAGE, going in for a double leg take down and is KNEED IN THE FACE and immediately KNOCKED OUT!

32 INT. CAGE - MOMENTS LATER 32 Scott is on a STRETCHER, his gladiator helmet and CONFIDENTIALshoulder pads lay on his chest. READER/SENDER NAME: Andrew Dodge \ Shari LaFranchi Blakney As the stretcher is wheeled out, “Boom” PLAYS again. Scott gives the crowd a THUMBS UP. The crowd couldn’t care less.

33 INT. HOSPITAL/EMERGENCY ROOM - LATER THAT NIGHT 33 Scott sits on an EXAMINATION TABLE. He’s in a gown, with an IV DRIP in his arm and an ICE PACK on his face. Niko and Marty, who is a bit traumatized, stand at his side. SCOTT You know what Marty? I don’t think he was intimidated. MARTY Yeah, I picked up on that too. White Production Draft 2/25/11 35.

NIKO (gently) He knew you were a wrestler. It was obvious. He had that locked and loaded. He hands Scott a wad of CASH. NIKO (CONT’D) Oh, here’s your seven fifty. Scott looks down at the money, defeated. NIKO (CONT’D) So, we done with this?

34 INT. BIOLOGY LAB - DAY 34 Scott enters, wearing SUNGLASSES, sipping a COFFEE, trying to clear the cobwebs. All the STUDENTS sit around, texting, doodling, etc. Malia, headphones on, ROCKING OUT while she STUDIES her text book. SCOTT Okay, a little late here, so... I want everybody looking at the single cell organisms. Slides are on the shelf. Break ‘em you buy ‘em. SEVERAL STUDENTS react to him. Malia TAKES OFF her headphones. Derrick leans over to another Student. DERRICK Is he hung-over? The Student shrugs. The STUDENTS mill about grabbing supplies, talk, NOISILY CONFIDENTIALSLIDING CHAIRS... SCOTT READER/SENDERQuietly NAME: Andrew. Dodge \ Shari LaFranchi Blakney DERRICK (to Student) He’s hung over. Scott plops in his chair. Malia approaches him and puts her WORK SHEET in front of him. MALIA Mr. Voss -- you made a mistake on this. Archaea were originally described in extreme environments, such as-- Scott leans over Malia’s lab report and a drop of BLOOD drips onto the paper. Scott notices it and quickly WRITES... SCOTT Great work Malia. You get an A+. White Production Draft 2/25/11 36.

MALIA (confused) But I wasn’t finished-- Scott holds a finger up to his eye. SCOTT There’s no grade higher than an A+, let’s not get greedy. Scott announces to the class... SCOTT (CONT’D) Be back in a minute. Scott gets up and EXITS.

35 INT. NURSE’S OFFICE - MOMENTS LATER 35 As Bella WASHES out the small cut with a towel. BELLA This is the best plan you could come up with, fighting in a cage? SCOTT You smell great. Shaking her head. BELLA Aye! What kind of example are you setting? SCOTT Hey, as much as I enjoyed teaching future Americans for eight bucks an hour -- it wasn’t getting the job done. CONFIDENTIALBella takes a swab of RUBBING ALCOHOL and dabs his wound. READER/SENDER NAME: Andrew Dodge \ Shari LaFranchi Blakney SCOTT (CONT’D) Ow!! BELLA Scott, It’s great what you’re doing here, but look at you. SCOTT I’m fine... Scott, stands up stiffly. SCOTT (CONT’D) (in pain) Ah, that hurts. BELLA You’ve gotta be realistic. Scott sighs as reality sets in. White Production Draft 2/25/11 37.

SCOTT What am I gonna tell Marty? BELLA He watched you get knocked out cold, Scott. SCOTT I wouldn’t say “cold.” I was more half in, half out. BELLA I think he’ll understand. SCOTT (reluctant) Maybe, you’re right... I’ll talk to him.

36 EXT. MARTY'S HOUSE - LATER THAT NIGHT 36 Scott rings the doorbell. MOLLIE, Marty's wife, opens the door. MOLLIE Can I help you? SCOTT Hi, you must be Mollie, I’m Scott Voss, I work with Marty. I didn’t see him after school -- is he around? MOLLIE He had a private lesson, but he should be home any minute. Please... come in. 37 CONFIDENTIALINT. MARTY'S HOUSE - NIGHT 37 As Mollie walks Scott through the house, he notices READER/SENDERpictures on NAME: the wall...Andrew Dodge Mollie \ Shari and LaFranchi Marty’s Blakney wedding... their son when he was young... MOLLIE I’m sorry, Marty's instruments are everywhere... oh, yeah... we’re turning his music room into a nursery. I’m expecting. No one knows yet, it’s still early and we’d rather people not know yet... SCOTT (feigning surprise) Oh! Of course, goes right in the vault. MOLLIE Thanks. White Production Draft 2/25/11 38.

SCOTT (re: instruments) Does Marty play all of these? Scott BREAKS one of the instruments and tries to put it down before Mollie sees. MOLLIE Oh no. He buys them off the internet and at garage sales, then fixes them up for students that can’t afford them. He doesn’t want any of them to get left behind. SCOTT Wow. (beat) It’s just crazy, isn’t it? MOLLIE Well, he just loves those kids. SCOTT No, I mean what’s going on at school. MOLLIE What’s going on at school? And Scott realizes... Marty hasn’t told her. SCOTT Nothing. No. They installed a metal detector in the teacher’s lounge... one teacher flashes a piece and we all pay for it. MOLLIE Well, is there a message I can give him for you? CONFIDENTIALScott considers. READER/SENDER NAME: Andrew Dodge \ Shari LaFranchi Blakney SCOTT No... it’s not important.

38 INT. NIKO’S APARTMENT - NIGHT 38 * There’s POUNDING on the door. Niko opens it. He has an O2 TRAINER in his mouth. SCOTT Hey... this a bad time? Niko takes out the O2 Trainer. NIKO No. I just finished endurance training. For the lungs. (takes a quick deep breath) What’s up? White Production Draft 2/25/11 39.

SCOTT I need another fight. Niko laughs. NIKO What? You’re crazy, man. SCOTT Look, I screwed up and got caught. My game plan sucked. But I made $750. In one fight. We need to make $48,000 by the end of the school year. NIKO No, we’re done. SCOTT Listen Niko, during my senior year * of college, I kinda lost my way... * and dropped out. That was a mistake. Marty’s a guy that wouldn’t let that happen... and they’re trying to get rid of him. I need to help him. Niko just shakes his head: This guy’s got heart. NIKO I’ll see what I can do. (and then) Be at my gym tomorrow at four. I can’t have my fighter getting knocked out in five seconds. It reflects badly on me. A SMILE creeps across Scott’s face. CONFIDENTIAL39 OMIT 39 40 OMIT 40 READER/SENDER NAME: Andrew Dodge \ Shari LaFranchi Blakney 41 INT. ASST. PRINCIPAL ELKIN’S OFFICE - MOMENTS LATER 41 Elkins is at his desk doing some paperwork. Scott walks in. ELKINS Scott? SCOTT Just so you know -- we’re saving Marty's job. ELKINS What? How? White Production Draft 2/25/11 40.

SCOTT Doesn’t matter. All you need to know is we’ve already doubled the fund. Just make sure Principal Betcher doesn’t cut anything. ELKINS Okay, but he’s not exactly thrilled with you. He’s not going to stop anything, unless we show him a plan... something. SCOTT Here’s my plan... Scott takes out the $750 and drops it on his desk. SCOTT (CONT’D) Hang onto this and make sure you keep Betcher off our back. Elkin’s regards the money. ELKINS You know I’m on your side on this, Scott. I played French Horn in high school. I loved wearing my big hat... (beat) Those were some good memories... SCOTT ...okay.

42 INT. EQUINOX HEALTH CLUB - AFTERNOON 42 Scott enters an upscale fitness center. Confused, he DOUBLE-CHECKS the address, then approaches the RECEPTIONIST. CONFIDENTIALSCOTT Hey, um, is there a Niko here? READER/SENDER NAME: Andrew Dodge \ Shari LaFranchi Blakney The Receptionist GESTURES to a large AEROBICS ROOM. Inside we see Niko, wearing a headset, leading a KAROBIC’S class (half , half Aerobics) to a group of mostly MIDDLE-AGED WOMEN. He’s wearing a biking outfit, with color coordinated Crocs. Scott approaches the window outside the class and watches as Niko and the Class kick, , and dance to some LOUD POP MUSIC. Miguel from Citizenship Class clocks this, then notices Scott. MIGUEL Hey, no pain no gain! White Production Draft 2/25/11 41.

43 INT. EQUINOX HEALTH CLUB - MINUTES LATER 43 The Aerobics room is now empty. Scott is with Niko who wipes his brow with a TOWEL. SCOTT I thought you said you owned an MMA gym? NIKO No, no. I said I taught MMA at a gym. SCOTT That wasn’t MMA. NIKO No, that was level two Karobics. With you, I work the real stuff. Let’s go. I have spin class in an hour.

44 A SERIES OF QUICK SHOTS. 44 NIKO We need to keep you out of dangerous situations... Niko moves behind Scott and puts his arm around his neck, choking him slightly. He demonstrates throughout. NIKO (CONT’D) To escape the rear-naked choke you want to push back with your head and upper-body as I lift my elbow. Escape! Scott tries desperately to get out of the hold, but can’t. He starts FLAILING WILDLY. CONFIDENTIALNIKO (CONT’D) You don’t want to do that -- that READER/SENDERjust NAME: helps Andrew me Dodge sink \ Shari it LaFranchitighter. Blakney Scott’s face starts turning purple -- he’s forced to TAP. 45 LATER 45 They’re on the mat. Niko, now has him in an arm bar. NIKO (CONT’D) Escape! Scott again tries to escape -- to no avail. He taps out. 46 LATER 46 Niko has a hold of Scott’s foot. NIKO (CONT’D) Ankle lock. Very painful. Escape! White Production Draft 2/25/11 42.

Scott tries to SQUIRM out but can’t. NIKO (CONT’D) Remember -- alligator! Roll, man. Roll. Scott rolls. NIKO (CONT’D) Wrong way... Now this. Niko applies more pressure. Scott taps. 47 LATER 47 Scott is sweating, rubbing his elbow -- miserable. NIKO (CONT’D) Okay, you’re vulnerable like a puppy. SCOTT Yeah, well, I let you get in position. It’s easy. I could do the same thing if I had you in a hold. Niko just looks at him for a beat. 48 LATER 48 Scott has Niko in a STANDING REAR-NAKED. In an instant Niko escapes. NIKO I’m out. 49 LATER 49 Niko escapes an ARM BAR... CONFIDENTIALNIKO (CONT’D) READER/SENDERI’m NAME: free. Andrew Dodge \ Shari LaFranchi Blakney 50 OMIT 50 51 LATER 51 Niko escapes an ANKLE LOCK, spins and deftly grabs hold of Scott’s ankle -- who TAPS immediately. NIKO (CONT’D) Okay, I’m bored. Let’s work on take down defense. Scott catches his breath... frustrated. SCOTT I wrestled. I know how to stop a shot. With that, Niko charges Scott... and SLAMS him to the ground with ease. Then throws a series of STRIKES... White Production Draft 2/25/11 43.

NIKO Elbow. Bong. shot. Badda bing. Knock out punch... but you’re still awake to feel the liver. Niko gets up. NIKO (CONT’D) You get the point. I’ve gotta run. Niko walks away. SCOTT No cool down, huh? We TRACK Niko as he walks into the NEXT ROOM, where a CLASS is waiting for him. He puts on his HEAD SET, kicks off his Crocs and hits the music: HARD CORE TECHNO. He jumps on a spin BIKE, and begins to pedal furiously. NIKO Alright ladies, let’s get those legs warmed up!

52 EXT. BOSTON DOCKS - NIGHT 52 A FIGHT CAGE is set up in the middle of the asphalt. LOCALS cheer. Scott, Niko and Marty stand backstage, waiting to enter. Niko looks to Scott, who now wears MMA SHORTS and no SHIRT. NIKO No helmet? CONFIDENTIALScott forces a smile. Niko clocks his fear. READER/SENDER NAME: Andrew DodgeNIKO \ Shari (CONT’D) LaFranchi Blakney It’s okay to be afraid. Use it. That last -- never happened. SCOTT Three migraines a week say you’re wrong. ANNOUNCER Our first fighter is from Boston. He’s 0-1. A wrestler... Marty's RUBBING Scott’s shoulders... albeit delicately. Scott GLANCES back staring at Marty's hands, clearly not appreciating his efforts. White Production Draft 2/25/11 44.

SCOTT (to Marty) You gotta stop that. Either dig in, or call it a day. MARTY What? I’m trying to loosen you up. SCOTT No, no you’re not. You’re rubbing me like you’re putting on sunscreen. Marty looks to Niko for backup... NIKO It is weird. Marty lifts his hands off: Message received. ANNOUNCER Scott Voss. Voss! “Boom” PLAYS. Scott makes his way through the crowd to the CAGE, flanked by Niko and Marty. 53 LATER 53 Scott is in a clinch against the CAGE, blocking some sloppy KNEES from his OPPONENT, a tall, lanky fighter just barely in his twenties. NIKO Block the knees. Pull him in close so he can’t strike! The Lanky Fighter drills Scott with a KNEE. Marty winces... SCOTT CONFIDENTIALAAHH!! Time out. Time out. READER/SENDERThe Lanky Fighter NAME: Andrew stops Dodge for \ Sharia second, LaFranchi looks Blakney to the REF. The Ref jumps in. REF There’s no time outs, guy. The Lanky Fighter pushes Scott into the fence. NIKO Defense! The Lanky Fighter lands a flurry of LOOPING PUNCHES. The action continues all over the cage. The Lanky Fighter tries to take Scott to the ground but Scott SPRAWLS -- negating the move. NIKO (CONT’D) That’s it! Very nice! White Production Draft 2/25/11 45.

The Lanky Fighter, a bit frustrated, steps back and KICKS Scott flush in the NUTS -- doubling him over. NIKO (CONT’D) (to Ref) HEY, HEY! Take a point! 54 DING. Round’s over. 54 Completely spent, Scott lumbers back to his corner and SPITS out his mouthpiece. NIKO (CONT’D) You okay? SCOTT He kicked my left nut into my throat... No, I’m not okay. Scott looks around... SCOTT (CONT’D) (to Marty) Where’s my stool? MARTY What stool? NIKO (to Marty) You’re in charge of the stool! MARTY We didn’t have one last fight. SCOTT I didn’t make it through the first round, last fight! MARTY Okay, you know what? I’m not clear CONFIDENTIALon my job description! I’m a music teacher! I don’t know the READER/SENDERrules! NAME: Andrew Dodge \ Shari LaFranchi Blakney SCOTT (spent) I can’t do this... So Scott LAYS DOWN flat on his BACK and puts an ice pack on his GROIN. NIKO What are you doing? You can’t lay down! Get up. SCOTT I’m exhausted. I’m done. NIKO That’s exactly the message you’re sending him! He knows he’s got you beat! White Production Draft 2/25/11 46.

SCOTT I think that’s been established! The REF comes over to Scott. REF You can’t lay down, man. Can you continue? NIKO (to the Ref) He’s fine. (back to Scott) Get up Scott. SCOTT It’s so soft down here. The BELL rings. Scott gets up... He’s dizzy. SCOTT (CONT’D) Ooh... got up too fast. NIKO Remember defense. SCOTT Alright! I heard you! (to Marty, snapping) Next time bring the stool! MARTY (stung) Okay. Scott starts for the middle of the cage, then doubles back and puts his FIST up over the top... SCOTT Hey, we’re a team. CONFIDENTIALScott tries to FIST BUMP Marty and Niko. He can’t reach, so he gestures: All’s forgiven. READER/SENDER NAME: Andrew Dodge \ Shari LaFranchi Blakney The fight continues, the LOOK on Marty and Niko’s FACES let us know it’s not going great. NIKO Tie him up! DING. The round ends, the fighters make their way back to their corners. Scott is even more tired than before. 55 TIGHT ON: Scott receiving instructions from Niko, who is 55 applying the ice pack. NIKO (CONT’D) Listen to me, you’re giving him too much space. Take away the power! Close the distance, keep it in the clinch so he can’t strike. Understand? WIDEN to REVEAL... White Production Draft 2/25/11 47.

Scott is SITTING on Marty, who is on his hands and knees. SCOTT I’m trying. MARTY Only one more round. Stay strong. There’s a THUNDERCLAP in the sky and it begins to rain. SCOTT Okay, it’s raining. It’s over. NIKO No it’s not. This isn’t baseball. You fight! Niko pulls his HOODIE over his head. Scott notices the fans now open UMBRELLAS and bring up their HOODIES... none of them are going anywhere. SCOTT This is stupid. The REF yells to the Lanky Fighter. REF Fighter are you ready? The Lanky Fighter nods. The Ref turns to Scott. REF (CONT’D) Are you ready? SCOTT Not really... I gotta be honest. REF Huh? CONFIDENTIALNiko yells from the corner. READER/SENDER NAME: Andrew Dodge \ Shari LaFranchi Blakney NIKO He’s ready!! Scott nods. He’s ready. Another thunderclap followed by LIGHTENING. SCOTT Perfect. 56 QUICK CUTS. 56 - The sloppiest, wettest, ugliest MMA bout ever. - Getting poured on, Scott and the Lanky Fighter circle each other. Scott sees Niko shouting instructions from his corner but can’t hear a word he’s saying. - Scott tries to take the Lanky Fighter to the ground... but he slips. The Lanky Fighter tries to take advantage of that with a kick to the head... but he slips. White Production Draft 2/25/11 48.

- The Ref moves in, but he slips. - Both fighters are on the ground... but they’re not even close to each other. So Scott crawls over toward the Lanky Fighter and they grapple on the wet canvas, until the BELL RINGS and the REF slides in and pulls them apart -- the fight is over.

57 INT. DINER - NIGHT 57 As Scott, Niko and Marty are working HOT CHOCOLATES and GRILLED CHEESE sandwiches... NIKO Ho ho! We got it to a decision this time. MARTY And another fifteen hundred dollars! At this rate, we’ll get there after... thirty two more fights. Marty and Niko regard Scott who’s not enjoying his moral victory. MARTY (CONT’D) What’s the matter, Scott? You did good! As he... SIGHS SCOTT I think I coulda beat that guy.

58 INT. BIOLOGY LAB - MORNING 58 The Class is taking a test. Scott is at his desk reading the paper. He inventories the BRUISES on his arms then CONFIDENTIALlooks out the window to see... that little freshman, happily lugging that huge stand up bass case across the READER/SENDERlawn. NAME: Andrew Dodge \ Shari LaFranchi Blakney Scott smiles, then glances at his watch. SCOTT Pencils down, people. Scott notices Malia staring off into space -- she’s a million miles away. SCOTT (CONT’D) Malia? You done? Malia shakes her head -- she’s not. She tries to focus on her exam but can’t. Scott CLOCKS this. He watches her a beat then... THE BELL RINGS SCOTT (CONT’D) Pencils down. White Production Draft 2/25/11 49.

The Students stop working, HAND IN their papers and file out the door. Malia, sighs, hands in her EXAM and starts to leave. Scott looks down at her paper -- half the questions are left BLANK. SCOTT (CONT’D) Malia. Malia stops in her tracks and reluctantly turns to Scott. MALIA Yeah. SCOTT Come on, you’re smarter than me. What’s going on? Malia BURSTS into TEARS. Scott gets up and awkwardly tries to comfort her. SCOTT (CONT’D) Okay. Alright. What’s wrong? MALIA My father’s making me quit music. SCOTT What? Why? MALIA He says I have to work in his restaurant. SCOTT Look, Malia I’m sure your father has his reasons. MALIA He doesn’t understand. When I’m CONFIDENTIALplaying music... it’s like nothing else matters. READER/SENDER NAME:(beat) Andrew Dodge \ Shari LaFranchi Blakney When I moved here, I didn’t know English, I didn’t know anything. I had to learn everything all over again, you know? Scott nods. MALIA (CONT’D) So I used songs and stuff to learn. SCOTT (confused) Songs? MALIA Yeah, old Filipino folk songs and Backstreet Boys. Scott smiles. White Production Draft 2/25/11 50.

MALIA (CONT’D) Besides Filipino, the only language that I knew... was music. It helps me remember, if that makes sense. SCOTT It makes perfect sense, Malia. Growing emotional again... MALIA I don’t want to quit it! SCOTT Then you gotta tell him that. (reaching) You know what, tell him your teacher won’t let you quit... MALIA He thinks school is a waste of time. SCOTT It’s not a waste of time. MALIA Come on, Mr. Voss. You said it yourself -- learning this stuff doesn’t matter. I gotta go. Malia exits. Scott reacts: that hurt more than getting punched in the face.

59 INT. FORD FIESTA - DAY 59 Marty is behind the wheel, with Scott riding shotgun and Niko in the back. Scott is reading from a BOOK. CONFIDENTIALSCOTT (off book, to Niko) READER/SENDERWhat NAME: are Andrew the Dodge three \ Shari branches LaFranchi ofBlakney government? NIKO Three branches? Three branches. Don’t tell me. (off his watch) Oh, you gotta eat now. You got an hour before the fight. As Niko goes back to racking his brain, Scott turns to Marty... SCOTT You got my oatmeal? Marty turns white as a sheet. MARTY Shoot! It’s in my classroom... next to my brief case. White Production Draft 2/25/11 51.

NIKO Three branches... The legal? No, don’t count that. SCOTT (re: the oatmeal) You forgot it?! MARTY I brought a stool. SCOTT I gotta eat, man. NIKO You said “branches” right? SCOTT (to Niko) Yes. What are the three branches of government? MARTY Oh, you know what? I made apple sauce, it’s in the back. Niko can you grab it? Niko grabs a TUPPERWARE bowl off the REAR DASH and passes it to Scott, who starts eating. SCOTT Is there cinnamon in this? MARTY Nope. NIKO Got it! Democrat... Republican and I forget the last one. SCOTT CONFIDENTIALNot even close. READER/SENDER NAME: Andrew DodgeNIKO \ Shari LaFranchi Blakney (frustrated) Ah!

60 INT. COMMUNITY COLLEGE GYMNASIUM - NIGHT 60 Behind the bleachers. We can HEAR THE CROWD ROAR. Scott, Marty and Niko get ready. NIKO Okay, we’re up next. Remember... defense. Close the gap. And if he shoots -- hips down. SCOTT Okay. Niko puts in Scott’s MOUTHPIECE. White Production Draft 2/25/11 52.

And from the arena, we hear “Boom,” so Scott gets psyched up and starts his march for the cage. But Niko peeks out into the arena and notices something... NIKO No. This isn’t you. Scott pulls out his mouthpiece, concerned. SCOTT What do you mean this isn’t me? This is my song! As Niko opens the curtain to reveal Scott’s OPPONENT, a pale guy with a Green Mohawk, marching towards the cage doing a CRAZY DANCE to get himself psyched up. NIKO This is him. It’s his song. MARTY (realizing) This is his song too? SCOTT He stole my song. I bring the boom! NIKO Well, he’s bringing the boom tonight. SCOTT We can’t both have the same song. NIKO We gotta go. And Scott turns to Marty, panicked... SCOTT CONFIDENTIALGet me another song! READER/SENDER NAME: Andrew DodgeMARTY \ Shari LaFranchi Blakney Huh? SCOTT Go out there and tell them to play another song!!! Marty exits quickly. SCOTT (CONT’D) (to Niko) I need a song. Suddenly... NIKO I got it! Congress, Senate... and State. White Production Draft 2/25/11 53.

SCOTT Again, not close. Can we stick a pin in this, please? Niko reacts: Disappointed. Marty rushes back and gives Scott the thumbs up. Suddenly, we hear: Neil Diamond’s “HOLLY HOLY” blaring through the place. SCOTT (CONT’D) What the heck is this? MARTY Neil Diamond. Holly Holy. Went platinum in November of ‘69. NIKO Who cares! MARTY I do! It got me through a very difficult time. SCOTT It sounds like a revival. MARTY Blue-eyed gospel -- extremely difficult genre. It picks up. And it does... as Neil Diamond declares “Sing!” NIKO We go now! SCOTT (reluctantly) Let’s go. CONFIDENTIALAnd they do. Scott, Marty, and Niko enter the gym. Most of the FANS are confused. READER/SENDER NAME: Andrew Dodge \ Shari LaFranchi Blakney Marty is trying to make the best of it and begins to hop around, waving his arms to get the crowd into it. Scott reluctantly joins in and finishes the march filled with a growing confidence. Even Niko gets into it. As they arrive at the cage, the three of them are going wild. Green Mohawk is waiting for him. 61 LATER 61 BAM!! Scott is kicked to the side of his head. He recovers and rushes Green Mohawk, trying to take him to the ground... but this kid’s too fast and moves out of the way. Scott, OFF BALANCE, awkwardly runs into the side of the cage. He WINCES and ROLLS OUT HIS SHOULDER, which got injured in the collision. White Production Draft 2/25/11 54.

NIKO No! Defense! Green Mohawk assaults Scott with a series of PUNCHES, many landing. Scott’s getting his ass kicked... but not going down. Marty can’t watch. Niko looks on concerned. 62 DING. 62 Scott, winded and battered, heads back to his corner and sits down. NIKO (CONT’D) What are you doing, man! Stick to the plan! SCOTT I’m tired of the plan! I’m tired of defense! NIKO Listen to me, if you get caught, you’re done. We have a lot more fights. 63 DING. 63 Niko puts Scott’s mouth piece back in. NIKO (CONT’D) Tie this guy up. Protect yourself. Scott walks to the center of the cage and the fight CONTINUES. Scott gets shoved back against the cage. He tries to clinch but this guy’s strong, he lands some BODY SHOTS. CONFIDENTIALGreen Mohawk makes some room and lands a VICIOUS FLURRY. Scott looks like he might be about to drop... READER/SENDER NAME: Andrew Dodge \ Shari LaFranchi Blakney Green Mohawk throws a nasty RIGHT . Scott ducks the blow, then... SLO-MOTION: Scott throws a huge HAYMAKER out of nowhere and nails his opponent with a direct shot to head. Green Mohawk GOES DOWN. Hard. He ain’t getting up. The REF pulls Scott away -- the fight’s over. 64 SCOTT’S POV: Green Mohawk struggles to get to his hands 64 and knees. Marty goes crazy and hugs a stunned Niko. An exhausted Scott walks over to check on Green Mohawk, who is now surrounded by his CORNER MEN and the Doctor. White Production Draft 2/25/11 55.

SCOTT Hey, are you--? BLAAAAH! Scott violently THROWS UP on Mohawk’s BACK.

65 INT. FORD FIESTA - NIGHT - LATER 65 Marty, Scott and Niko ride in awkward silence. Scott looks to Marty, who won’t make eye contact with him. SCOTT Who leaves applesauce on the rear dash in the hot sun? Better question: Who amongst us, that are not Amish, makes their own applesauce?! Marty turns to Scott. Tense. MARTY Yes. Yes. I understand mistakes were made... but we won. NIKO We did it! SCOTT Wow. We did. NIKO Ho ho! It’s unbelievable! They celebrate. Marty turns up the MUSIC on the radio. Scott raises his arms, he WINCES, and grabs his SHOULDER.

66 EXT. FORD FIESTA - NIGHT - CONTINUOUS ACTION 66 As the celebration continues, they ride off into the CONFIDENTIALnight. READER/SENDER NAME: Andrew Dodge \ Shari LaFranchi Blakney 67 INT. BELLA’S APARTMENT - LATER THAT NIGHT 67 The phone RINGS. Bella, wearing sweatpants and a T- shirt, answers. BELLA Hello? SCOTT (O.S.) Bella. Hey, its Scott. BELLA What’s going on? It’s late. SCOTT (O.S.) Listen, you gotta second, I really need to talk you? White Production Draft 2/25/11 56.

BELLA Now? Okay, I guess so... what’s up? Just then the doorbell RINGS. BELLA (CONT’D) Hang on a second... She heads over and looks through the PEEP HOLE. She opens the door to reveal... Scott in obvious pain. SCOTT (re: phone) I wanted to call before I came over. I’m a gentleman... you should know that. She laughs, opening the door wider. Scott enters. SCOTT (CONT’D) I’ve got a situation. 68 LATER 68 Bella stands in front of Scott... moving his arm around. BELLA You separated your shoulder. You should go to the hospital. SCOTT Yeah, here’s the thing. Last time I went to the hospital, it cost more than I made in the fight. Bella continues to examine Scott. BELLA I’m going to have to reset it. CONFIDENTIALSit. She picks up TOWEL... regards him. READER/SENDER NAME: Andrew Dodge \ Shari LaFranchi Blakney BELLA (CONT’D) You know, you’re too old to be doing this Scott. SCOTT Alright... just fix my shoulder. She takes a strong hold of his shoulder and WRAPS the towel under his arm. BELLA On three, okay? He nods... and she does it right then... SNAPPING his shoulder back in place. He recoils in pain. SCOTT Ahhhh!! You never said one! White Production Draft 2/25/11 57.

BELLA Trust me, it would’ve been more painful if you knew when it was coming. SCOTT (in pain) Still! Scott sighs. SCOTT (CONT’D) Ugh... I am old.

69 INT. WILKINSON HIGH SCHOOL - MORNING 69 Scott walks through the hall, he notices students looking at him... some of them LAUGH, some of them SMILE or give a THUMBS-UP, and some of them sheepishly look away. Something’s up.

70 INT. BIOLOGY LAB - CONTINUOUS ACTION 70 Walking in, he passes SEVERAL STUDENTS that start LAUGHING. DERRICK Hey Mr. Voss, keep up the good fight! Scott’s not sure what’s going on. SCOTT Okay, today we’re going to learn about gene mutation. Scott pushes a DVD into a machine that sits on a CART. CONFIDENTIALON TV: The movie “SPIDERMAN” begins to play. READER/SENDERScott plops NAME: in his Andrew chair. Dodge \ Shari LaFranchi Blakney SCOTT (CONT’D) Guys can you keep it down? A student, BRIAN, chimes in... BRIAN Can you keep it down? A few Students LAUGH. Scott calls Malia over. SCOTT What’s going on? MALIA You’re famous. Scott’s confused. Malia can’t help but laugh. White Production Draft 2/25/11 58.

Malia pulls up YouTube on Scott’s computer. Scott watches a video with the caption... “MMA Fighter Throws Up”... the footage of Scott vomiting on his opponent’s back. MALIA (CONT’D) Everybody in the music department is talking about it. (beat) Mr. Streb told us you’re doing this for us and I gotta say, you’re our hero. SCOTT Hero? Malia goes back to her desk. Scott leans back in his chair. He looks over to see a GIRL SMILING at him. A CLARINET sits by her desk.

71 INT. EQUINOX HEALTH CLUB - NIGHT 71 Niko and Scott are ROLLING on the mat, working on submission defense. Scott is improving. NIKO Good. Ankle lock. Niko grabs hold of Scott’s ankle... and applies pressure. Scott ALLIGATOR ROLLS out of it, getting to his feet. SCOTT Twisty? NIKO Yes! Very twisty! Niko starts to shoot in, Scott stops him. SCOTT CONFIDENTIALHold on, hold on. This is still defense -- I wanna start working READER/SENDERon NAME: offense. Andrew Dodge \ Shari LaFranchi Blakney NIKO No. SCOTT Come on, Niko! I won. NIKO You landed a lucky shot. SCOTT Look, I know you don’t want me gettin’ hurt. I get that. But I made twice as much money last fight. And, I don’t think my body can take 30 more fights. So, if I can actually win a few more -- I can fight less. Niko can’t argue -- he has a point. White Production Draft 2/25/11 59.

NIKO Okay. If you’re serious, you’ll need to get good at striking... quickly. (he thinks) I know the best guy... but he probably won’t take you. SCOTT Why? How much is he? NIKO It’s not about the money with him.

72 INT. SITYODTONG USA GYM - DAY 72 A small, dirty, packed gym. Niko leads Scott through the space. MARK DELLAGROTTE, 30s, currently wrapping a FIGHTER’S hands. He stops, shakes Scott’s hand and then goes back to wrapping. DELLAGROTTE How you feelin’? SCOTT Good. DELLAGROTTE Let’s see how you are in an hour... 73 MOMENTS LATER 73 Ready to fight, Scott waits in the RING. DellaGrotte is now finishing wrapping ANOTHER FIGHTER’S hands outside of it. DELLAGROTTE (CONT’D) This isn’t you learning CONFIDENTIALanything... this isn’t me teaching you anything... this is me seeing READER/SENDERif NAME: you’re Andrew worth Dodge my\ Shari time. LaFranchi Blakney Scott finds himself SWEATING already. SCOTT Is it hot in here? DELLAGROTTE I cranked the heat to ninety. This way you can get a nice sweat goin’. You good with that? SCOTT Yeah, brings out the smell of the place. DellaGrotte finished wrapping the second Fighter’s hands and the two FIGHTERS enter the ring -- one in each CORNER. White Production Draft 2/25/11 60.

SCOTT (CONT’D) Wait, which one am I fighting? DELLAGROTTE Both. SCOTT I can’t fight two guys. DELLAGROTTE That’s perfect -- I can’t train a forty-two year old biology teacher. 74 AND BAM 74 A fist SLAMS into Scott’s face. One of the FIGHTERS pounces on Scott, but he’s keeping up, fighting tough, sweating... Suddenly, the guy he’s fighting is tagged out by the new FIGHTER... And we do a series of quick cuts of the fighters having at Scott at will. They actually look like they’re having fun. 75 Scott now getting kicked in the side from the other 75 FIGHTER. Wincing. Now Scott’s battling two Fighters at the same time! DellaGrotte finishes wrapping a THIRD FIGHTER’S hands. Suddenly, the third FIGHTER joins the fray. The PUMMELING continues. DellaGrotte motions for a FOURTH FIGHTER to come over and grabs another roll of TAPE. 76 AND FINALLY... 76 CONFIDENTIALScott is charged by the Fourth Fighter. All four are having at Scott. He goes down. READER/SENDER NAME: Andrew Dodge \ Shari LaFranchi Blakney And lays on the canvas... sucking air... DELLAGROTTE (CONT’D) Alright boys... that’s good Scott lays there... eyes closed. Then, he slowly works his way to his feet. He’s wobbly. SCOTT I’m good. Let’s go. DellaGrotte shares a smile with Niko.

77 INT. SITYODTONG USA GYM - A BIT LATER 77 Scott limps in. He’s showered, but still looks like hell. DellaGrotte is working with another FIGHTER. White Production Draft 2/25/11 61.

SCOTT I know I didn’t beat any of those guys, but-- DELLAGROTTE Scott-- SCOTT Let me try again-- DELLAGROTTE Stop talking. You weren’t supposed to beat any of ‘em. (beat) You were supposed to do exactly what you’re doing -- ask for more. Scott attempts a smile... DELLAGROTTE (CONT’D) So, I’m going to take you on... but there’s just one more thing ya gotta do. Scott, now nervous, is led by DellaGrotte through a doorway into...

78 INT. SITYODTONG USA GYM BACK ROOM - CONTINUOUS ACTION 78 Scott and DellaGrotte join all the fighters who are seated at a table. Niko, and a few more FIGHTERS fill the table, DellaGrotte takes the head. CAPPIELLO’S WIFE lays down a huge platter of PASTA, which she places next to her homemade MEATBALL, SAUSAGE, etc. The guys go to town. DELLAGROTTE (announcing to the table) CONFIDENTIALGenesis 32:24. READER/SENDERThey all look NAME: at Andrewhim and Dodge immediately \ Shari LaFranchi stop Blakney serving themselves. DELLAGROTTE (CONT’D) “And when he saw he prevailed, not against him. He touched the hollow of his thigh; and the hollow of Jacob’s thigh was out of joint, as he wrestled with him.” (a beat) Jacob was tough, man. He wrestled all night with God at Peniel CONNECTING EYES with each one of his guys at the table... DELLAGROTTE (CONT’D) He was tired, he was beaten, and had a dislocated hip... but he refused to submit. By sunrise... he won the Lord’s respect. (to Scott) (MORE) White Production Draft 2/25/11 62. DELLAGROTTE (CONT’D) Well tonight you earned our respect. And I want you to know, I got your back. Scott nods. They fighters CHEER and resume their feeding frenzy. DellaGrotte looks at Scott, who isn’t eating. DELLAGROTTE (CONT’D) What’s the matter? You don’t like my wife’s cooking? SCOTT Can’t lift the arms. DellaGrotte takes that in with a slight smile... DELLAGROTTE Good job boys.

79 INT. NURSE’S OFFICE - MORNING 79 Bella is ICING DOWN Scott’s KNEE, which is a bit SWOLLEN AND DISCOLORED. BELLA It’s not broken. Just a sprain. SCOTT Good -- I gotta fight tomorrow. BELLA I’m gonna start charging you. (then) So how much have you made so far? SCOTT Seven thousand. CONFIDENTIALBELLA Well, then I’m definitely gonna READER/SENDERstart NAME: Andrewcharging Dodge you. \ Shari LaFranchi Blakney A pack of STUDENTS walk past the office, LAUGHING. Bella smiles, then regards Scott. BELLA (CONT’D) You’re doing a good thing, Scott. It’s been a long time since I’ve felt any energy at this school. SCOTT Yeah? BELLA I’m not sure how we got so far off track. SCOTT We? It’s not our fault... it’s the system. White Production Draft 2/25/11 63.

BELLA So, it’s the system that’s creating teachers who are too beaten-down and tired to care? SCOTT You know how it is. We can’t speed up to help the gifted kids. We can’t slow down for the slower ones. They just want us to get as much cattle through the system as we can. It’s about numbers, moving the herd. BELLA At some point, we do better... don’t you think? This hits Scott. SCOTT There was a time, when I couldn’t wait for the school year to start. I was like a freshman decorating his dorm room. I hung up posters and little plastic models. As Bella wraps an ACE BANDAGE around his knee, Scott reminisces with a smile. SCOTT (CONT’D) I used to jump on my desk to get the kids motivated. She smiles. Scott shakes his head. SCOTT (CONT’D) It was so stupid. BELLA I don’t think so. CONFIDENTIALBella finishes wrapping Scott’s knee. READER/SENDER NAME: Andrew Dodge \ Shari LaFranchi Blakney SCOTT You know what? I need to repay you. Dinner, my place, Friday? BELLA I don’t think so. SCOTT Why do you keep saying no? I’m adorable. Bella regards Scott... BELLA Do you realize that every time you’ve ask me out... it’s been from a seated position? You don’t even bother to stand up. White Production Draft 2/25/11 64.

SCOTT Well... that’s because I’m so comfortable around you. When it’s easy... it’s right. BELLA Goodbye, Scott. Scott gets up and hobbles to the door. SCOTT (to himself) 0 for 18.

80 INT. PRINCIPAL BETCHER’S OFFICE - MOMENTS LATER 80 * Scott enters. SCOTT You wanted to see me? Scott heads in to find Betcher sitting behind his desk. MR. DE LA CRUZ (Malia’s father) and Mr. Elkins sit across from him. BETCHER Come in. Scott slowly enters. SCOTT What’s going on? BETCHER Scott, this is Malia’s father, Mr. De La Cruz. Scott nods at them. SCOTT CONFIDENTIALYeah. Is there a problem? READER/SENDER NAME: Andrew Dodge \ Shari LaFranchi Blakney MR. DE LA CRUZ There’s a huge problem, Mr. Voss. Who the hell do you think you are, telling my daughter to disobey me? SCOTT I didn’t say that. I said-- BETCHER And is it true you’ve been getting paid to fight? SCOTT It’s Mixed Martial Arts... and yes. What are you saying? BETCHER We’re saying our teachers should not be promoting dangerous situations, such as grown men fighting in a cage. White Production Draft 2/25/11 65.

SCOTT It’s a sport... that’s no more dangerous than boxing or... auto racing. And, I wouldn’t be doing it at all -- if you’d been doing your job! BETCHER Oh, I do my job Scott. And, guess what? My job is to demand you stop right away. (then) Did you really think you’d save the music program doing this? ELKINS Actually... he’s made over ten thousand dollars. Principal Betcher is a bit surprised by this. And Scott turns to Mr. De La Cruz... SCOTT Do you know why I started this in the first place? Because a wise man once said “Without music... life would be a mistake.” And you know who that wise man was? Marty Streb. The guy you’re trying to can. ELKINS Scott-- Opening his arms... motioning to the school around him. SCOTT There’s nothing here anymore. We’re failing your daughter! And I’m just trying to stop the bleeding. I’m not even that good a CONFIDENTIALfighter. I’m out there getting my ass kicked. Let me assure you, READER/SENDERthis NAME: wasn’t Andrew Dodgeplan \ A.Shari LaFranchi Blakney (beat) But I don’t know what else to do. He looks at Mr. De La Cruz... SCOTT (CONT’D) You’re having a tough time with your business, I get that. But don’t take it out on Malia. ELKINS We’re all having a tough time in this economy, Scott. I’m swimming in debt. What does that have to do with anything? (then) Mr. De La Cruz, I’m sorry you have to listen to this. White Production Draft 2/25/11 66.

MR. DE LA CRUZ (to Scott) What do you suggest I do? My Chef left. That means I’m in the back, cooking. So, I need my daughter up front. SCOTT That sucks, nobody’s saying it doesn’t... but that’s not your daughter’s problem. (beat) It’s yours. BETCHER No, Scott, it’s your problem. SCOTT Really? Okay. Well, then maybe you should fire me... oops, you can’t. Because I have tenure and teach a class that’s not “extra- curricular.” And that’s the problem. Taking one final look at Mr. De La Cruz... SCOTT (CONT’D) We should be working as hard in here as you do out there. (beat) And I’m sorry... but, we’re not. And the room... completely silent. SCOTT (CONT’D) Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a class to teach and then I gotta roll around with a sweaty guy from Holland. CONFIDENTIALScott nods politely, then goes. READER/SENDER NAME: Andrew Dodge \ Shari LaFranchi Blakney 81 INT. BIOLOGY LAB - NEXT MORNING 81 Scott’s in class early for the first time in a long time. The Students begins to file in. Malia sits, taking off her headphones. Derrick enters, surprised to see him. DERRICK Whoa! What’s goin’ on Mr. Voss? SCOTT Biology, Derrick. Scott finishes writing on the CHALK BOARD: It reads... Cells and their Environment. The last of the Students take their seats. SCOTT (CONT’D) Can somebody tell me what happens when a cell stagnates? White Production Draft 2/25/11 67.

The STUDENTS wonder what’s happening for a beat, then go back to their normal routine; talking, texting, doodling, etc. SCOTT (CONT’D) Okay... Manuel’s hitting on Rachel, and Rachel’s not loving it. Jacob’s still texting. That’s alright, I don’t blame you guys. I’ll try again. Suddenly, Scott JUMPS UP on the table and points to the board. SCOTT (CONT'D) Anyone know what happens to a stagnate cell? Malia decides to bail him out and raises her hand. SCOTT (CONT’D) Malia? MALIA It’s not good. Scott claps his hands loudly. SCOTT That’s right! It ain’t good. He has their full attention now. SCOTT (CONT’D) People... a cell that isn’t in motion stops producing on its own. It ends up assuming the other cells are going to pick up the slack somewhere... but they don’t. (beat) In fact, the other cells are very impressionable... they’ll start CONFIDENTIALimitating the stray and basically READER/SENDERthe NAME: whole Andrew organism Dodge \ Shari will LaFranchi begin Blakney to die. He looks over the class... SCOTT (CONT’D) I know. It’s tragic. (beat) But the good news is this. Biology is an amazing thing. Because -- if the cells are given the right chance -- all that decays can be restored. Another Student chimes in. BRIAN Like how a cut heals? SCOTT Exactly! (beat) (MORE) White Production Draft 2/25/11 68. SCOTT (CONT'D) Because once the cell is back on the right track, it will create energy amongst all the other cells. And -- that energy will, in turn, find its way back to the original cell. Scott looks at Malia and smiles. SCOTT (CONT’D) So, as the restorative cycle continues -- even if the entire system was close to dead -- then what happens? Martinez? Martinez doesn’t answer. Scott begins to walk across the STUDENT’S DESKS to get to Martinez. The class cracks up. SCOTT (CONT’D) Dave, don’t be looking up my pants. You’re better than that. The class laughs. Scott finally gets to Martinez. He stands on his desk, looking down on him. SCOTT (CONT’D) C’mon man. Whaty’a say? If all the cells work together -- what’ll happen? Martinez takes a long beat. MARTINEZ The entire system gets restored. SCOTT Exactly. (re: Martinez’s desk) CONFIDENTIALThat is a sick dragon. 82 READER/SENDEREXT. SOUTH NAME:BOSTON Andrew HIGH Dodge SCHOOL \ Shari HALLWAY LaFranchi - Blakney SAME TIME 82 * We see Bella and a few other FACULTY members including Duffy, walking down the hall. Duffy is talking to Bella, but she’s not listening -- she’s watching Scott through the window, as he continues his lecture from on top of the desk.

83 EXT. BOSTON ROAD - DAWN 83 The sun’s just coming up. Scott runs along the river... flanked by Niko, DellaGrotte and the rest of his FIGHT TEAM. Marty rides in a GOLF CART that holds PADS, bottles of WATER and a radio that’s blaring CLASSICAL MUSIC. DellaGrotte SHOUTS out some instructions and everyone immediately drops to the ground for PUSH-UPS. White Production Draft 2/25/11 69.

They spring to their feet and continue running. Niko runs alongside Scott. NIKO Hey, think I’m heading back to Holland. SCOTT What? NIKO The test is too hard. And you’re busy with this whole thing. SCOTT No Niko. Don’t give up, we’ll work something out. Marty accidently BUMPS Scott’s heel with the golf cart. SCOTT (CONT’D) Ah! Marty!. MARTY Sorry, I was texting. 84 OMIT 84 *

85 INT. SITYODTONG GYM - DAY 85 * Scott is training, doing “FIREMAN” carries with Marty over his shoulder. Marty looks down. MARTY Wow. You look as good going as you do coming. SCOTT And you my friend sat in gum... CONFIDENTIALplease be gum. We pan over to reveal... MALIA AND NIKO. She’s now READER/SENDERtutoring Niko. NAME: Andrew Dodge \ Shari LaFranchi Blakney NIKO The President, Vice President and... I forget. I have trouble remembering all this stuff. Malia nods, thinks for a second, then... MALIA What’s your favorite song? NIKO My favorite song? MALIA Yes, this’ll help. It’s something I do. Tell me your favorite song. NIKO I like “You Give Love a Bad Name.” White Production Draft 2/25/11 70.

MALIA The Bon Jovi song? She looks at him, weird choice. NIKO It’s a long story. MALIA Right. We’ll close your eyes and sing with me... Niko closes his eyes... Malia starts to sing... MALIA (CONT’D) (to the chorus of “Shot Through The Heart”) “The Executive Branch of the government...” NIKO (singing way off-key) “The Executive Branch of the government... “ MALIA “Consists of The President, Vice President and cabinet.” Opening his eyes... NIKO Hey it goes with the lyrics... MALIA Yeah, that’s how music works. Sing it. As Niko closes his eyes and belts it out... CONFIDENTIALNIKO “Consists of The President, Vice READER/SENDERPresident NAME: Andrew and Dodge Cabinet.” \ Shari LaFranchi Blakney It may sound awful... but it’s working. “YOU GIVE LOVE A BAD NAME” cranks up, taking us into: FIGHT MONTAGE 86 HIGH SCHOOL GYM 86 A fight is in progress. Scott is gassed, but working hard. He submits the OTHER FIGHTER, who TAPS OUT. Niko and Marty hug. 87 OMIT 87 88 PRINCIPAL ELKIN’S OFFICE - DAY 88 White Production Draft 2/25/11 71.

Scott enters Principal Elkin’s office and plunks down a check for TWO-THOUSAND dollars. 89 OUTDOOR FAIRGROUND - DAY 89 A CAGE is set up in the middle of a STATE FAIR. As Scott and his OPPONENT, a large Japanese man in his twenties, get instructions from the REF... REF Alright, let’s have a clean fight, obey my commands and that corner of the cage is broken, so I would avoid it. SCOTT’S POV: The cage is severely PITCHED down in the broken corner. Scott and the Japanese Man BUMP KNUCKLES and nod to one another, agreeing not to fight in that area.

90 INT. SITYODTONG USA GYM 90 Scott is hitting FOCUS MITTS. DellaGrotte stops and INSTRUCTS HIM on proper striking technique. 91 FAIRGROUND 91 We rejoin the fight with the Japanese Man. The Japanese Man picks Scott up and SLAMS him to the canvas -- THE ENTIRE CORNER OF THE CAGE COLLAPSES -- AND SCOTT DISAPPEARS. 92 INT. HIGH SCHOOL GYM 92 CENTER CAGE. Scott lumbers back to his corner... he’s obviously getting dominated by a much larger, AFRICAN- AMERICAN FIGHTER. Between rounds. Marty's on his game: he quickly sets the CONFIDENTIALstool, hands Niko an ice pack, etc. READER/SENDER NAME: Andrew DodgeMARTY \ Shari LaFranchi Blakney (trying to stay positive) I think you’re starting to wear him down. And Scott... completely exhausted and beaten... 93 LATER 93 NIKO No. No. Get out! The African-American Fighter has Scott in an ARM BAR. Scott is in pain and taps. The African-American Fighter STANDS UP and the Ref raises his hand in victory. Scott and he HUG. AFRICAN AMERICAN FIGHTER Good fight, man. White Production Draft 2/25/11 72.

SCOTT You too. Hey, did you see anything I could’ve done better? Be brutal. The Fighter is taken aback. 94 LATER 94 Marty FANS out a WAD of cash and places it on Elkin’s desk. Marty crosses out. Elkins picks up the cash and looks at it. 95 WILKINSON HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL FIELD 95 Scott is training with Several FOOTBALL PLAYERS HOLDING BLOCKING PADS. Several STUDENTS have gathered to watch him train. The Football Players run at him. Scott THROWS the players off him, KICKS blocking pads, etc. The Players HIGH-FIVE Scott. They circle and do the team PSYCH-UP CLAP DANCE. Meanwhile, in the BLEACHERS, Malia and Niko STUDY. They both wear HEADPHONES and bop their heads up and down to the music. Niko gets several questions right! He and Malia celebrate.

96 SITYODTONG USA GYM 96 Scott is hitting the Focus Mitts with DellaGrotte, his combinations are crisp and fast... 97 LOMBARDOS CATERING HALL 97 * Scott grapples with a MEXICAN MAN. Scott’s definitely hanging in there. NIKO CONFIDENTIALDon’t let him lock his arm in place. Wrist control! READER/SENDER NAME: Andrew Dodge \ Shari LaFranchi Blakney MARTY Hit him! Pound him! NIKO Scott, you need to-- MARTY Use your elbow!! Niko turns to Marty... NIKO Hey, I give the instructions! MARTY What? He should use his elbow! I see an opening. I’m just trying to help out here. White Production Draft 2/25/11 73.

NIKO Leave that to me. You’re here to carry stuff! MARTY That was unnecessary. Struggling to get out of a lock, Scott hears them fighting... NIKO One voice. Shh! MARTY You shush! I’m just saying, he has very sharp elbows. And Scott... wedged up against the fence, getting HAMMER FISTED... SCOTT Can we please have this argument in the car ride home? Scott takes two more SHOTS to the ear. SCOTT (CONT’D) Time and a place guys. Time and a place. Scott wiggles free and starts to make his move, reversing and tossing a FLURRY OF ELBOWS, rocking his opponent. The CROWD erupts, Marty turns to Niko, smug: MARTY Is there something you want to say to me? 98 LATER 98 CONFIDENTIALScott’s arm is hoisted in victory by the REF. Scott turns and runs to his corner and JUMPS into Marty’s open READER/SENDERarms. Marty NAME: holds Andrew him Dodge up for \ Shari a LaFranchisecond, Blakney then his legs give out and they drop in a HEAP. Joe Rogan is in the stands, sitting next to a UFC FIGHTER. JOE ROGAN I think he just killed his corner man. END MONTAGE

99 INT. BIOLOGY LAB - MORNING 99 Scott’s classroom has been made over. There are DISPLAYS on the shelves. POSTERS AND PLASTIC MODELS have been hung around the room. Scott, energized, is teaching the class. Derrick, paying attention for the first time, raises his hand. White Production Draft 2/25/11 74.

DERRICK I’m confused. Can carbon dioxide molecules grow bigger or are they always the same size? Scott thinks quickly and heads for the door. SCOTT Let’s find out! The Students aren’t sure what do to until... SCOTT (CONT’D) Come on!

100 EXT. PARKING LOT - MORNING 100 Scott has the class in a semi-circle standing over a plastic liter SODA BOTTLE with a PVC pipe sticking out. SCOTT The carbon dioxide molecules in this bottle -- street name “fizz”... can only grow larger, if they have something to react to. In this case it’s Mentos -- street name “the fresh maker.” Observe. Scott nods for Derrick to drop the pack of MENTOS into the soda bottle. SCOTT (CONT’D) Now we should run. Everyone SCATTERS and the bottle SHOOTS into the sky, losing control mid-air and flying into a neighboring classroom WINDOW, shattering it. An elderly TEACHER sticks her head out of the broken CONFIDENTIALwindow. SCOTT (CONT’D) READER/SENDERSorry NAME: AndrewMrs. Klein! Dodge \ Shari LaFranchi Blakney (then) Alright everyone let’s get our stories straight... Derrick did it. Scott takes off running. The Students quickly disperse. Scott notices Bella and walks over to her. BELLA (kidding him) Inspiring your students I see? SCOTT With a touch of vandalism. Bella smiles. SCOTT (CONT’D) So... in case you hadn’t noticed... (MORE) White Production Draft 2/25/11 75. SCOTT (CONT’D) I’m standing and the offer for dinner is still out there. BELLA (considering) If I was to let you cook for me-- and I’m not saying I am -- what would you cook? SCOTT Name it.

101 INT. SCOTT’S KITCHEN - NIGHT 101 TIGHT ON HANDS expertly chopping, dicing, etc. REVEAL: ERIC is cooking. He’s got FOUR POTS going at once. He’s still dressed in his PAINTING COVERALLS and is covered in paint. Scott enters dressed for his date. He holds two BOTTLES of cologne. SCOTT Which one do you like better? Scott SPRAYS from each bottle. SCOTT (CONT’D) Enigma... or Volcano? Eric begins waving his arms. ERIC What’re you doing?! This is Coq Au Vin -- the sauce is extremely delicate. Scott SPRAYS them both on. CONFIDENTIALSCOTT You know what? I’m going both. READER/SENDEREnigma NAME: Andrew up top... Dodge \ andShari VolcanoLaFranchi Blakney downtown. ERIC Man, I haven’t seen you like this in years. SCOTT What? ERIC I’m jealous. You smell good. You’re passionate about something... someone. SCOTT What’re you talking about? You got the kids. Lauren. You got your business. White Production Draft 2/25/11 76.

ERIC Yeah, of course... but I don’t know, every night I come home, at least one my kids is locked in a cabinet, last night Lauren said good night by throwing a yogurt at me... and my “business?” It’s a 15 hour a day grind. (changing gears) Can you hand me the pepper? Scott does. Eric puts the PEPPER in between his hands then DUSTS THE DISH with a FLOURISH. SCOTT I thought you loved painting? ERIC Nah. When Dad died I just kept going with the business but it wasn’t my dream. SCOTT So why’d you do it? ERIC I don’t know, we all knew you were the one going to college... even though it took you seven years to finish. SCOTT Hey, those two years I managed the go-cart track taught me a lot of life lessons. The TIMER goes off. ERIC (re: the food) We’re done. CONFIDENTIALEric makes one last detailed adjustment to the dish. READER/SENDER NAME: Andrew Dodge \ Shari LaFranchi Blakney ERIC (CONT’D) This is perfect. SCOTT You can’t let you’re dreams die, Eric. If you don’t make the effort, nothing’s ever gonna change. ERIC You think? SCOTT Absolutely. You need to find your passion, let it guide you, then-- The DOORBELL rings -- SCOTT (CONT’D) She’s here. You gotta get out. White Production Draft 2/25/11 77.

Scott ushers Eric out the back door.

102 INT. SCOTT’S DINING ROOM - A BIT LATER 102 Scott and Bella are sitting at the table. Bella is really enjoying her Coq Au Vin. SCOTT You know you picked a very delicate dish. The sauce is extremely... delicate -- hope you like it. She does. She takes another bite. BELLA (suspicious) This is incredible! You made this? He smiles at her. SCOTT Yeah. Yes I did. I said I’d make it. I made it. Next question. BELLA Uh-huh. Well, whatever restaurant you ordered it from, its amazing. SCOTT I’ll be sure to thank the chef. 103 LATER 103 Scott and Bella are now both working on setting up an EXPERIMENT for Scott’s class. There are two BEERS on the counter. SCOTT (CONT’D) CONFIDENTIALSo, what got you into nursing? READER/SENDER NAME: Andrew DodgeBELLA \ Shari LaFranchi Blakney I went to school in a poor neighborhood back in my country SCOTT Scotland? She laughs. BELLA Yeah, just outside. And I was lucky to have a teacher named Mrs. Cano. She would make us each go to the blackboard and write out our dreams. She told us if we underlined them, they would come true... no matter what. SCOTT What did you write on the board. White Production Draft 2/25/11 78.

BELLA Have Scott Voss pretend to cook dinner for me. Scott smiles. BELLA (CONT’D) To be a doctor. (beat) And I became a nurse. And you know what, that’s further than I ever would have gotten without her in my life. SCOTT It’s not too late. Look at me, I’m an over-the-hill MMA fighter and “YouTube sensation.” And they sit there... looking at each other... not saying anything... until... BELLA Well, it’s late, I should get going. Thank you for dinner. They get up and walk to the door. SCOTT I know you want me to kiss you right now... I think we have something special here, and I don’t wanna rush the magic. Bella smiles. BELLA Goodbye Scott... By the way, a little cologne goes a long way. SCOTT Yeah, you’re right. My eyes are CONFIDENTIALburning... and I don’t even wanna READER/SENDERtalk NAME: about Andrew what’s Dodge \ Sharigoing LaFranchi on Blakney downtown. Bella leaves.

104 INT. ERIC’S HOUSE - DAY 104 Scott is at the front door. There’s the usual CHAOS in the house. Eric opens the door with his THREE-YEAR OLD under one arm. ERIC Hey. SCOTT Hey, can you get out for an hour? ERIC Not a good time. (re: kid) (MORE) White Production Draft 2/25/11 79. ERIC (CONT'D) This one thought the Ex-lax was chocolate... I’m up to my eyes in it. Lauren says it’s my fault. LAUREN (O.S.) It is!!! ERIC (calling out) Whatever!! (back to Scott) Alright, where we going? Eric puts the Kid down. SCOTT Time to shake things up around here. Eric starts to walk out. SCOTT (CONT’D) You gotta wash your face first.

105 EXT. WILKINSON HIGH SCHOOL/ ESTABLISHING - NEXT DAY 105 A beautiful spring day in South Boston...

106 INT. WILKINSON HIGH SCHOOL - HALLWAY - AFTERNOON 106 End of the day, Scott walks down the hallway, STUDENTS of all kinds congratulate him -- not just the music kids. Scott smiles and heads out the front doors.

107 EXT. WILKINSON HIGH SCHOOL - CONTINUOUS ACTION 107 CONFIDENTIALScott exits the building to find DellaGrotte waiting for him. READER/SENDER NAME: Andrew Dodge \ Shari LaFranchi Blakney SCOTT What’s up? (a bit confused) Were we supposed to train today? DELLAGROTTE Look, I told you when you joined my team that I had your back. Right? SCOTT Yeah...? DELLAGROTTE I just thought you should know Dana White called Niko -- he wants you to fight in the UFC... it’s ten grand. As it washes over Scott... White Production Draft 2/25/11 80.

SCOTT To lose? DellaGrotte nods. SCOTT (CONT’D) Yeah!!! Scott throws his hands in the air. DELLAGROTTE Niko turned it down. Scott deflates, dropping his hands. SCOTT What?

108 INT. EQUINOX HEALTH CLUB - DAY 108 Niko is teaching a YOGA class. At the moment, the CLASS is in the “Sleeping Child” position. NEW AGE music plays. Scott comes in with a head of steam. Niko sees Scott. NIKO Ho ho!! Several members of the Class JUMP, startled. Niko goes to Scott. NIKO (CONT’D) (to Class) Relax! Relax! (now soothing) You’re back in the peaceful meadow. Niko makes his best BIRD SOUNDS. He walks by FRANK CONFIDENTIALCORACI’S CAMEO, who is in the Sleeping Child with his plumber’s crack EXPOSED. Niko points the ass crack out READER/SENDERto Scott and NAME: GIGGLES. Andrew Dodge \ Shari LaFranchi Blakney 109 INT. EQUINOX HEALTH CLUB - LATER 109 Scott’s in Niko’s face. SCOTT Why would you do that?! NIKO You’re not ready for a fight like this! SCOTT I haven’t been ready for any of ‘em. (beat) We’re six grand away and the semester’s almost over. Uttering under his breath... White Production Draft 2/25/11 81.

NIKO It’s too dangerous. SCOTT Obviously, Dana White doesn’t think so. NIKO Because you’re on YouTube! It’s about the story -- nothing more! SCOTT What difference does it make? I lose this fight, we’ll have enough money! That’s why we’ve been doing all this. NIKO There are other fights you can take to get the money. SCOTT But this could be one and done! NIKO The UFC is the real deal. It’s big time. There are no broken cages or chickens running around. Scott shakes his head in frustration... SCOTT I’m really not getting what the problem is here! Niko musters the courage to tell Scott... NIKO The problem is we’re the same age. SCOTT CONFIDENTIALSo? READER/SENDER NAME: Andrew DodgeNIKO \ Shari LaFranchi Blakney And I could kick your ass! SCOTT Okay?! What’re you saying? NIKO (exploding) You’re a teacher!! Niko breaks a piece of EXERCISE EQUIPMENT. Scott is taken back by this. SCOTT (re: equipment) Do we need to tell somebody about that? NIKO I devoted my whole life to fighting -- White Production Draft 2/25/11 82.

Niko sits on an EXERCISE BALL, drops his head. Scott realizes... SCOTT And you should’ve been given this shot... NIKO When I fought I was beating everybody. I was unstoppable. And then, I finally got my big break to fight in the UFC. (beat) But I destroyed my back when I was training... and it was over. Scott looks at him, not sure what to say. A beat. SCOTT I’m sorry. I didn’t know. (beat) Look, if you don’t think I deserve this fight... I won’t take it. Niko considers for a long beat. NIKO No, no. I’ll set up a meeting with Dana. They hug. NIKO (CONT’D) Sorry. It’s just... yoga makes me emotional.

110 INT. MALIA’S FATHER’S RESTAURANT - NIGHT 110 Mr. De La Cruz, dressed in a suit, walks Scott through the CROWDED restaurant. There’s an energy to the place. CONFIDENTIALFar from the struggling business he described. READER/SENDER NAME: Andrew DodgeDE \ LAShari CRUZ LaFranchi Blakney Business has never been better. I want to thank you for your help... Mr. De La Cruz stops at a table, shakes Scott’s hand and moves off. Scott approaches Dana White who sits at the table. NIKO Dana, this is my friend, Scott. DANA WHITE Scott, good to meet you. Scott shakes Dana’s hand and he sits. SCOTT I just wanna say, I’m a big fan. White Production Draft 2/25/11 83.

DANA WHITE Thanks, man. SCOTT (star-struck) Dana White. Wow, what a month I’m having. First I met the guy from that show... Oh. Dammit... come on -- he was a robot... well, he had robot parts... you know him! Niko winces. SCOTT (CONT’D) Ahh... I can see his initials-- DANA WHITE Okay, I gotta flight in like 20 minutes. Rogan showed me some of your fights. Especially the last one against Romero. He was a UFC guy we sent down to do some more work and you dropped him. Nice job. SCOTT Thanks. Eric sets down a plate of food -- Scott got him a job as the Chef at this restaurant. ERIC Lettuce wraps. I did it with very little oil and a hint of curry. Eric lingers a bit -- looking for feedback that never comes. Scott gestures to Eric: Scram. ERIC (CONT’D) Enjoy. CONFIDENTIALEric moves off. READER/SENDER NAME: Andrew DodgeDANA \ Shari WHITE LaFranchi Blakney Here’s the deal. We had a fighter fall out in an under card against Ken Dietrich next week in Vegas. Dietrich’s a beast. He’s nervous you might puke on him. SCOTT That was a one time deal... bad applesauce... it won’t happen again. DANA WHITE Well, Rogan thinks you’ll do great and I agree with him. I’m gonna give you a shot. (to Niko) Now, I know you had some concerns Niko... Niko regards Scott. White Production Draft 2/25/11 84.

NIKO He’s ready. Scott and Niko exchange a smile. Dana gets up... DANA WHITE Great! I gotta run. I’m taking a lettuce wrap. And I’ll see you boys in Vegas. Dana exits. And Niko turns to Scott with... NIKO You just got your fight. Scott is lost in thought. Then... SCOTT Lee Majors!! That’s who I met. I gotta tell him it was Lee Majors. Niko stops Scott. NIKO I think you might have to let this one go.

111 INT. BIOLOGY LAB - MORNING 111 Scott enters. Turns on the lights and SEES a handmade BANNER saying: “WITHOUT MUSIC, LIFE WOULD BE A MISTAKE.” It’s drawn Graffiti style ala the work Martinez was doing on his desk. All the Students in the school have SIGNED it with messages, etc. Scott smiles as he reads it.

112 INT. ELKIN’S OFFICE - A FEW MOMENTS LATER 112 CONFIDENTIALAsst. Principal Elkins is at his desk when Scott enters. READER/SENDER NAME: Andrew Dodge \ Shari LaFranchi Blakney SCOTT I’m heading to the airport. Next time I see you, we’ll be in the clear. ELKINS I just want to say that what you’re doing is admirable, Scott and I’m sorry you had to go through all this. I wish I could’ve stopped it before it got so out of hand. SCOTT It’s not your fault Betcher came in. You’ve suffered as much as anybody. Elkins nods. White Production Draft 2/25/11 85.

SCOTT (CONT’D) I’ll see you when I get back. He exits. After a moment, Asst. Principal Elkins looks at a form on his desk... it’s a foreclosure notice.

113 INT. LOGAN AIRPORT - DAY 113 Scott, Niko, Marty and DellaGrotte check their BAGS at the counter. SCOTT We’re doing it boys. NIKO Bing ding ding! MARTY I can’t believe it. I LOVE YOU GUYS! Scott, finished checking in, turns to Bella who’s standing with a very pregnant Mollie, who approaches. MOLLIE Scott, I want to thank you for doing this for my family. Mollie takes out a Saint Christopher MEDAL and hands it to him. MOLLIE (CONT’D) To keep you safe. Mollie gives Scott a kiss on the cheek. SCOTT CONFIDENTIALThank you. It’s been an honor. READER/SENDERScott notices NAME: Marty Andrew with Dodge a \MAN Shari playing LaFranchi Blakneya GUITAR. They’re talking about music. Marty TOSSES A COUPLE OF DOLLARS in the guy’s TIP CUP. SCOTT (CONT’D) He’s my hero. MOLLIE Mine too. Just then Marty takes the guitar and begins to play and sing “Boom.” MARTY (sweetly) “Boom Here comes the Boom, ready or not.” Scott turns to Bella... White Production Draft 2/25/11 86.

SCOTT Alright. I gotta get going, wish me luck. Scott LEANS IN... BELLA (she whispers) I know you want me to kiss you right now... I think we have something special here, and I don’t wanna rush the magic. Scott smiles. SCOTT You know what? A lot has happened since I said that... BELLA (sincere) Be careful. Niko says this guy you’re fighting is very dangerous. SCOTT Don’t worry. I’ve been working on protecting myself. (beat) We’ll get our ten grand and get outta there. BACK TO MARTY: Eyes closed, as he finishes the song. 114 LATER 114 Walking through the terminal, in SLO-MOTION... Our RAG TAG DREAM TEAM makes their way to the gate.

115 EXT. LAS VEGAS/ESTABLISHING - MAGIC HOUR 115 CONFIDENTIALAs the strip patiently waits to truly shine. READER/SENDER NAME: Andrew Dodge \ Shari LaFranchi Blakney 116 INT. LAS VEGAS HOTEL SUITE - NIGHT 116 As the sun SETS into the desert floor. Marty, Niko and DellaGrotte are eating everything out of the mini-bar. They’re all in a jovial mood. Scott is playing along, until something catches his eye. On the JUMBOTRON MARQUEE: the greatest KNOCK OUTS of the UFC are playing. On the screen comes KENNY DIETRICH, a BEAST of a fighter. We see Dietrich just DESTROYING opponents right and left. Fear washes over Scott as the reality of what he’s about to do sets in. Scott’s cell phone RINGS. INTERCUT: White Production Draft 2/25/11 87.

SCOTT Hello? BELLA (O.S.) Scott, its Bella.

117 INT. SCHOOL HALLWAY - NIGHT 117 Bella calls from her CELL PHONE. In the back ground there is POLICE ACTIVITY. An OFFICER interviews Principal Betcher. SCOTT Hey. Glad you called. BELLA Have you heard the news? Elkins was arrested today. SCOTT What? BELLA It’s horrible. Apparently he’s been embezzling from the school for years. Scott reacts... SCOTT Wow. BELLA He took it Scott... SCOTT What? BELLA All of it. All the money you CONFIDENTIALraised for the music program... it’s gone. READER/SENDER NAME: Andrew Dodge \ Shari LaFranchi Blakney SCOTT That’s impossible. BELLA I wish it was. (beat) I’m sorry. Scott is thunderstruck. He sits there for a long beat, not knowing what to say. BELLA (CONT’D) It’s over... come home. Scott looks at Marty, laughing with Niko and DellaGrotte. They’re throwing GRAPES at each other. Scott thinks. White Production Draft 2/25/11 88.

SCOTT I can’t. I gotta do this. BELLA Scott, the money’s gone. There’s nothing to fight for anymore. SCOTT Nothing to fight for? Everyone’s quit on these kids. Elkins, the system, the school... even me. I can’t do it again. BELLA You could get really hurt... or worse. There’s no reason left to fight. You’re a teacher. What are you teaching these kids if you go through with this? He shakes his head... holding strong in his conviction... SCOTT What am I teaching them if I don’t? And as that question hangs...

118 EXT. LAS VEGAS NEVADA - NEXT DAY - AFTERNOON 118 WE HEAR: JOE ROGAN AND MIKE GOLDBERG THROUGH THE FOLLOWING. MIKE GOLDBERG (V.O.) Welcome to UFC 128 at the beautiful MGM Grand Casino. My partner, as always, Joe Rogan. Scott walks around the VEGAS STRIP, taking it all in. CONFIDENTIALJOE ROGAN (V.O.) Thanks, Ken. What a great night READER/SENDERof NAME: fights Andrew we Dodge have! \ Shari I LaFranchihaven’t Blakney been this excited in a long time. There are some unbelievable match- ups on tonight’s card. Scott pulls the SAINT CHRISTOPHER MEDAL from his pocket, it comforts him a bit.

119 EXT. MGM GRAND ARENA - LATER THAT NIGHT 119 * As the crowd begins to file in... JOE ROGAN (V.O.) Of course in the main event, we have Junior dos Santos versus Shane Carwin. It should be a good one as both these guys are at the top of their game. White Production Draft 2/25/11 89.

119A INT. MGM GRAND ARENA BACKSTAGE - NIGHT 119A * Scott and Marty walk into the BACKSTAGE AREA and see... TWO AMBULANCES that are kept right outside the arena... at the ready... Scott grows concerned, bad thoughts racing through his head. Niko clocks this. JOE ROGAN (V.O.) There are some interesting fights on the under card as well. MIKE GOLDBERG (V.O.) Absolutely Joe. JOE ROGAN (V.O.) Light heavyweights Stephan Bonnar and Brian Stann squaring off in what could get them “fight of the night.”

120 INT. MGM LOCKER ROOM - NIGHT 120 We pan past VARIOUS FIGHTERS preparing for their bouts. Backstage: Scott, Marty, Niko and DellaGrotte hold hands and BOW THEIR HEADS IN PRAYER. JOE ROGAN (V.O.) We also have an interesting UFC debut tonight. Scott Voss, a biology teacher from Boston. Now this is gonna help him -- he was a D-1 college wrestler out of Penn State. But this is not gonna help him -- that was twenty years ago and he’s fighting Ken Dietrich. CONFIDENTIALKen Dietrich SHADOW BOXES, death stare in his eyes... READER/SENDER NAME: Andrew DodgeMIKE \ Shari GOLDBERG LaFranchi (V.O.) Blakney One of the up and coming stars in the UFC and he is vicious. JOE ROGAN (V.O.) Yeah, not the guy you want to be looking at across the Octagon in your first UFC fight.

121 EXT. LAS VEGAS MGM GRAND - NIGHT 121 MUSIC: The haunting “OPTIMUS BELLUM DOMITOR” theme music of the UFC PLAYS. As we get a shot of the whole venue... the large neon billboard advertising the UFC. Vegas in the back ground. MIKE GOLDBERG (V.O.) ARE YOU READY FOR UFC 128?!! White Production Draft 2/25/11 90.

122 INT. LOCKER ROOM - NIGHT 122 Scott’s hitting the FOCUS MITTS with DellaGrotte -- faster and better than ever. Niko heads over. NIKO Remember, don’t do anything stupid. This guy’s on a different level. Protect yourself. DELLAGROTTE Keep your hands up and, circle away from his power. Scott, racked with fear, manages a NOD. NIKO Alright we should start heading out. Scott crosses to Marty who is sitting on a STOOL, still ROCKED by the Elkin’s scandal. SCOTT I need you tonight. Forget about Elkins. No matter what happens... we’re gonna figure this thing out. Marty forces a smile and joins the guys, as they exit the dressing room. We STAY in the empty room... A beat, then Marty re-enters, GRABS the stool and hustles out.

123 INT. MGM GRAND ARENA - MINUTES LATER 123 In the TUNNEL. DellaGrotte gives Scott’s gloves one last CONFIDENTIALcheck. Scott hears the crowd, takes a deep breath: this is READER/SENDERhappening. NAME: Andrew Dodge \ Shari LaFranchi Blakney From the arena... we now hear “Holly Holy” blare out and... NIKO Okay, let’s go! With that, Scott begins his entrance... “Holly Holy” playing. And as they reach the mouth of the arena... Scott notices... SCOTT It sounds different... Marching out into the lights... Marty realizes... White Production Draft 2/25/11 91.

MARTY That’s because it is. And Scott sees.... THE WILKINSON HIGH SCHOOL ORCHESTRA In all its glory... playing “Holly Holy” from the seats that line both sides of the tunnel. Scott’s stunned... SCOTT How did they... ? And he sees Malia on a MICROPHONE, SINGING HER HEART OUT... her father sitting next to her. SCOTT (CONT’D) You put all this together? MARTY Wasn’t me. ... and in the front row of the section... Bella standing on her feet, CHEERING. She gives Scott a big smile as he passes. SCOTT How did you do this? BELLA I called him... Bella points to Dana White, who’s standing nearby talking to THE TAP OUT GUYS. Scott looks to Dana, who throws him a modest SHRUG. The arena is just filling up, but most of the people there are CHEERING for Scott.

124 CONFIDENTIALINT. ERIC’S DINING ROOM - SAME TIME 124 READER/SENDER NAME: Andrew Dodge \ Shari LaFranchi Blakney Eric, clean shaven and nicely dressed, serves Lauren a nice candle lit DINNER. There is ZEN MUSIC playing and it is clear that he is all about her right now. She takes a bite of the food and smiles at him. LAUREN This in incredible honey. (she motions to something) Turn it up. We reveal the UFC is on a SMALL TELEVISION, sitting on the edge of the dining room TABLE. Eric SMILES, grabs the REMOTE and turns it up. They eat and watch. White Production Draft 2/25/11 92.

125 INT. MGM GRAND ARENA - SAME TIME 125 A HARD ROCK SONG TBD blares out... Ken Dietrich enters the cage, and jogs around it -- NEVER TAKING HIS EYES OFF Scott. JOE ROGAN Wow. This dude’s the real deal. Scott looks at Marty, Niko and DellaGrotte throwing him encouragement from the side. 126 KEN DIETRICH’S CORNER 126 Dietrich’s CORNER MEN unfurl a banner. It lists his sponsors: TAPOUT, XYIENCE ENERGY DRINK, etc. 127 SCOTT’S CORNER 127 Niko and Marty unfurl SCOTT’S BANNER... IT’S THE BANNER FROM SCOTT’S CLASSROOM that reads: “Without Music, Life Would Be A Mistake” with all the Kid’s signatures.

128 INT. WILKINSON HIGH SCHOOL/GYM - SAME TIME 128 Duffy sits in the gym, which is packed with STUDENTS and FACULTY -- GOING CRAZY!


129 INT. MGM GRAND ARENA - CONTINUOUS ACTION 129 CONFIDENTIALKen Dietrich and Scott move to the center of the cage and receive the REF’S instructions but... READER/SENDER NAME: Andrew Dodge \ Shari LaFranchi Blakney Scott hears none of it. He’s lost in his thoughts. He SEES: the music students; their parents; Malia; her father; Marty, and finally Bella. A SERENITY washes over him. REF ... so let’s touch gloves and fight. Scott and Ken Dietrich touch gloves and go back to their corners. NIKO Remember. Take him to the ground as fast as possible. Use your power. Scott turns towards the center of the Octagon, stares at Dietrich for a beat and then turns back and takes his mouthpiece out. White Production Draft 2/25/11 93.

SCOTT Let me ask you something. (beat) How much do I get if I win? Niko is confused. DellaGrotte, confused for a second, then realizes where Scott’s heading with this... DELLAGROTTE (smiling) Fifty grand!! NIKO What are you saying? SCOTT Let’s win this thing! Scott puts his mouthpiece back in, fire in his eyes. 130 DING 130 Start of Round 1 Marty CHEERS as Scott rushes into the center of the Octagon. It’s immediate... no dancing around... no feeling each other out... Ken Dietrich attacks. Using his superior reach and strength, Dietrich BATTERS Scott, mixing it up with shots to the face and body. Scott’s OVERWHELMED. 131 AS BELLA 131 Looks away... 132 AS NIKO 132 Shouts... NIKO CONFIDENTIALProtect, Scott! Protect! READER/SENDER NAME: Andrew Dodge \ Shari LaFranchi Blakney Scott backpedals, but Dietrich chases him down, picks him up and DRIVES him into the mat. JOE ROGAN Vicious slam! And I gotta tell you, Dietrich is at home down there... he’s lethal on the ground. Dietrich easily TURNS Scott onto his back and begins to GROUND AND POUND him. Scott PULLS GUARD. Dietrich drops some elbows on him. NIKO Don’t let him pass! DELLAGROTTE Cover up!

White Production Draft 2/25/11 94.

AS SCOTT takes the beating. A CUT now opened over his forehead. And Ken Dietrich lands another BOMB to Scott’s head. The REF moves in for a closer look, considering stopping it. JOE ROGAN (ANNOUNCING) Voss has to hang on! There’s only a few seconds left! Scott’s desperately trying to defend against the FLURRY OF BLOWS that Ken Dietrich is raining down on him. DING End of Round 1 133 SCOTT’S CORNER 133 Scott’s exhausted, Scott sits. SCOTT (to Niko) You were right. This guy is on a different level. He is really, really good. He’s so good. He’s so good. DellaGrotte waves over STITCH, UFC’s premiere cut man, who comes to Scott and GOES TO WORK on his wound. SCOTT (CONT’D) Stitch. I can’t believe you’re working on me. I’m a big fan. What a month! Stitch just smiles. DELLAGROTTE CONFIDENTIALThe ground ain’t working. READER/SENDER NAME: Andrew DodgeSCOTT \ Shari LaFranchi Blakney Yeah. It’s really not. DELLAGROTTE Okay, then try to keep it standing! JOE ROGAN (O.S.) Man, that was a beat down! Voss took a surprising number of hard shots. DING. MIKE GOLDBERG (O.S.) Absolutely, with no answer, Joe. Here we go! 134 START OF ROUND 2 (the Stadium should be a lot fuller) 134 White Production Draft 2/25/11 95.

Scott fakes a take down, then throws a WILD PUNCH. He circles around Dietrich. JOE ROGAN Wow. Voss seems to want to keep it on it’s feet. Scott’s getting pummeled. His shots MISS. Dietrich’s are all on target. Scott, barely able to stand, get’s THROWN INTO THE FENCE and POUNDED some more. His legs are wobbly, but he doesn’t go down. 135 AS BELLA winces and buries her face in her hands. 135 136 Scott defends and ATTEMPTS to strike. BOOM! Dietrich 136 lands a SHOT sending Scott’s MOUTHPIECE FLYING. DING. End of Round 2 Wobbly, Scott tries to PICK UP his mouthpiece, but has trouble on the first two attempts. Finally, he gets it and puts it in. Scott, foggy, HEADS TO THE WRONG CORNER. DIETRICH’S CORNER MAN Wrong corner, man. SCOTT I know, just wanted to say you guys are doing a great job. Scott doesn’t know where to go. He looks to another corner. NIKO CONFIDENTIALNope! Next one! One over! READER/SENDERScott LOOKS NAME: AROUND, Andrew confused. Dodge \ Shari LaFranchi Blakney NIKO (CONT’D) Just follow my voice!! Scott finally makes his way to his corner and SITS on his stool, sucking WIND big time. DELLAGROTTE You gotta stay away from him! SCOTT (gasping for breath) I’m. Trying. NIKO (to DellaGrotte) He’s gotta go back to the ground. Marty has had enough. White Production Draft 2/25/11 96.

MARTY Can I say something? DELLAGROTTE (to Niko) The ground was just as bad! MARTY I need to say something. NIKO (to DellaGrotte) Lesser of two evils! MARTY Will you guys LISTEN TO ME!! Niko and DellaGrotte both look at Marty, taken aback by his assertiveness. NIKO Okay, jeez... go ahead. Marty moves into Scott. SCOTT Sorry buddy, I don’t think I’m gonna be able to do this. MARTY Scott, you already have. The hell with my job. Marty looks up to the STUDENTS in the stands, then... over to Scott. MARTY (CONT’D) Look at those kids up there... Scott looks in the direction, but... CONFIDENTIALSCOTT It’s a little blurry. READER/SENDER NAME: Andrew Dodge \ Shari LaFranchi Blakney MARTY Okay, then let me tell you what you would see. You’d see a group of our students witnessing complete resolve in the face of an unbearable obstacle. (beat) And they’re invested, Scott... they’re inspired. Scott looks towards the kids again. MARTY (CONT’D) That’s all we’re supposed to do as teachers... inspire them. You can quit right now and everything we worked for will be accomplished. Mollie told me you said I was you’re hero. (MORE) White Production Draft 2/25/11 97. MARTY (CONT’D) (beat) Well, you’re mine. Marty's words just hang there. Then... SCOTT Marty... Scott gestures for Marty to move in closer... SCOTT (CONT’D) I ain’t quitting. Scott, smiles and gets to his feet -- energized. SCOTT (CONT’D) Besides, I’m feeling twisty.

137 DING. 137 START OF ROUND 3 (even more people in the Stadium) Scott comes out and faces Ken Dietrich... who immediately CHARGES for a take-down which Scott defends. JOE ROGAN (V.O.) Wow. Voss stuffs the take-down nicely. And then it happens... Scott goes on the OFFENSIVE... NAILING Dietrich with a COMBINATION that STAGGERS him. JOE ROGAN Oh! I don’t believe what I’m seeing! Dietrich comes back, returning a VICIOUS ATTACK. Back and forth, both fighters are UNRELENTING and leaving it all in the octagon... CONFIDENTIALThe CROWD ROARS!! SIGNALING to PEOPLE from all over the READER/SENDERarena, who NAME:START AndrewFILING Dodge IN \to Shari watch LaFranchi the Blakney fight. 138 AT THE CONCESSION STANDS 138 PEOPLE in line forget their orders and RUN INSIDE. 139 INT. OCTAGON (the Stadium should be pretty much full now) 139 Scott throws a leg kick that BUCKLES Dietrich's knee. As Scott circles him, Dietrich shakes out his arms... JOE ROGAN (CONT’D) Dietrich’s starting to gas! He may have punched himself out in the first two rounds. Scott lands a FLURRY OF BLOWS, sending Dietrich into the fence. White Production Draft 2/25/11 98.

Scott charges Dietrich and lands a FLYING KNEE. Followed by a nasty RIGHT ELBOW. 140 BELLA jumps to her feet... 140 141 DUFFY AND THE STUDENTS IN THE GYM GO INSANE. Duffy 141 springs to his feet and starts throwing AIR PUNCHES and KICKS, losing his balance. 142 THE ENTIRE AUDIENCE now cheers for the underdog... 142 143 ERIC, LAUREN AND ALL THEIR KIDS now watching the fight 143 together, all CHEERING. Eric looks at Pete. ERIC Should he be watching this? LAUREN (totally into it) He’s five, he’s fine! 144 AND SCOTT hits Ken Dietrich with FLYING KNEE, sending him 144 back into the CAGE, then unleashes a volley of BODY SHOTS, making room to nail him with a HEAD KICK, which buckles him and finally... takes him down. JOE ROGAN (V.O.) Look at that! The fight finds the mat with Voss in control! Scott is PULLING Dietrich into the center of the Octagon. He MOUNTS him, dropping BOMBS on Dietrich’s head. The Ref moves in to see if Dietrich can continue. When suddenly Dietrich rockets an UP KICK, drilling Scott in SLO-MOTION. As Scott falls, Dietrich transitions to an ARM BAR. JOE ROGAN (O.S.) Oh man! What an up kick! Voss is in trouble now!! That arm bar is CONFIDENTIALdeep!! READER/SENDERScott, in incredible NAME: Andrew pain, Dodge \looks Shari LaFranchi like he’s Blakney about to tap. Scott grits his teeth and insanely... PICKS DIETRICH UP, from the arm bar hold and... SLAMS DIETRICH TO THE GROUND!! Dietrich is OUT AND THE REF STOPS THE FIGHT! JOE ROGAN (O.S.) (CONT’D) Scott Voss, the teacher from Boston... wins his first UFC bout!!! THAT MAN IS MY HERO!!! MARTY AND NIKO run into the cage and hug him. 145 BELLA rushes through the arena... 145 146 THE MUSIC STUDENTS celebrate by JUMPING UP AND DOWN LIKE 146 MANIACS... White Production Draft 2/25/11 99.

147 DellaGrotte calmly stands, connects a look with Dana 147 White, then... slowly nods... “we may have one here.” 148 ERIC jumps up and down with Lauren -- they kiss for the 148 first time in a long time... 149 THE CITIZENSHIP STUDENTS still sit there STONE FACED, 149 except for... MIGUEL No pain, no gain!!! 150 SCOTT makes his way to Ken Dietrich... 150 KENNY DIETRICH Good job, man. They HUG and we’re now... CAGESIDE Scott sees Bella running for him and smiles... She can’t make it into the cage, so Scott works his way through the crowd of CORNER MEN, etc., meeting her on his side of the cage. SCOTT Are you ready to kiss me? Cuz I’m ready... BELLA I am! They KISS through the chain links of the cage wall.

151 INT. LOCKER ROOM - LATER 151 Scott finishes gathering his things, Marty at his side. Bella and Niko wait across the locker room. CONFIDENTIALSCOTT READER/SENDERWe NAME: did Andrew it Marty. Dodge \ Shari LaFranchi Blakney MARTY Yes. We. Did. Scott and Marty hug again. DANA WHITE (O.S.) Scott. You got a minute? Scott nods, walks over and EXITS with Dana. We stay on Bella... looking on intensely... getting worried. And after a few moments, Scott comes back in. BELLA What was that about? SCOTT I won “fight of the night.” White Production Draft 2/25/11 100.

BELLA What does that mean? SCOTT Another eighty grand. He holds up a check. Bella can’t believe it. SCOTT (CONT’D) And... (tentative) He also offered me another fight. BELLA (concerned) What did you say? SCOTT What do ya think I said? I told him... I’m a teacher. Bella exhales, relieved. She kisses him again.

152 EXT. WILKINSON HIGH SCHOOL- DAY 152 School’s in session. The place is REFURBISHED, case in point, A PAINTER is putting the finishing touches on a wall. We see several STUDENTS with brand new musical INSTRUMENTS as they practice in the quad. Marty and Scott smile. Principal Betcher approaches. PRINCIPAL BETCHER Thank you Scott. The donation you made, was more than generous. This should keep us in the black for quite awhile. CONFIDENTIALMarty takes his new BABY BOY from Mollie with a kiss. READER/SENDER NAME: Andrew Dodge \ Shari LaFranchi Blakney 153 INT. BIOLOGY CLASS - DAY 153 * Scott takes Bella’s hand and leads her to his classroom. On his blackboard is written: DR. BELLA FLORES. * SCOTT You gotta underline it, so it comes true. Bella goes to the blackboard and UNDERLINES the words. BELLA No matter what.

154 EXT. FEDERAL BUILDING - DAY 154 An AMERICAN FLAG flaps in the breeze. White Production Draft 2/25/11 101.

GROUP (V.O.) "... I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America... We REVEAL Niko, dressed in a suit, proudly SINGING the Naturalization Oath of Allegiance with his FELLOW CLASSMATES. Scott, Bella and Marty look on like proud parents. Niko connects eyes with Malia, who smiles. GROUP ... and I take this obligation freely without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; so help me God." OFFICIAL Congratulations, you are now citizens of the United States. Niko looks to Scott and Marty, raising his hands in triumph... NIKO Ho ho!! SCOTT & MARTY Ho ho!! FADE OUT:

CONFIDENTIAL READER/SENDER NAME: Andrew Dodge \ Shari LaFranchi Blakney