VOLUME 75 WATERVLIET, MICHIGAN,. THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 1958 5 cents a copy NUMBER 19 Exceeds Quota Masonic Lodge To MSU Begins Nine Eighth ANNUAL Courses At Area Candidate s Petitions In March 0( Honor Fifty Year Cities In April Fire Area teachers, businessmen, SPORTS housewives and other interested Certified At Comm. Dimes Drive residents are invited to take ad- At Erie Members vantage of nine courses offered this term in three southwestern The final report from Hod A $100,000.00 fire swept CroSs Headquarters on the re- Michigan communities by Michi- gan State University. through a remote materials buil- sults of the recent Red Cros:; ding of the Hammermill Paper NIGHT Drive have been tabulated. The Courses in education, business, Meeting Company at Erie, Pennsylvania, , Berrien County March of Dimes speech, sociology and mathema- during the early morning hours Tuesday evening, March 25th, Drive collected $45,585.16. Wa- tics are among the credit offer- A special meeting of the City tho Senior Class of Watervliet Wednesday. Damage to the buil- tervliet's quota of $1,000, was ings at Benton Harbor, Niles and ding was estimated at $45,000.00 Commission was held Wednes- High School will present their "Safety Good Turn" day evening, March 19, to certi- ; over the top. when tho final tal- Three Oaks. to $50,000.00. the remainder to Annual Sport Night. The event ' ly revealed that the people «.f More than 200.000 Boy Scouts fy the nominating petitions. will begin at 7 o'clock. Headquarters for M i c h i g an the materials which it housed. l this area had oversubscribed by State off-campus services in sou- There were no injuries. and their adult leaders will con- Petitions for the office of City The game of the evening will $747.06, under the capable lead thwestern Michigan is the M. S. duct the nation's largest mass Commissioner are as follows: be a contest engaging the Angel- • ership of the chairman. Bill Gnf- The fire at the Hammermill U. Continuing Education Region- Paper Company, of which the "Safety Good Turn" In Michigan William H. Parrett, William Phil- o's of the Benton Harbor area and . fin and his committee. al Center. 224 Pipestone, Benton during the Easter season. lips. Wilbur Leverton and Arthur the Blue and Gold Dairy Bar.a | Watervliet Paper Co., is a who- Harbor. Information about the lly owned subsidiary, is the 8th In all 18 Scout Councils In Ml- | Johnson. All appeared In order team which finished second in courses can be obtained from Dr. chlgan. pairs of Boy Scouts will j and were accepted. the Industrial League in Kalama- major fire in Erie thus far this Harold E. Gray, regional director. year. In the news releases from pass out 4 million safety imprin- The petition of Roberty Flah- zoo. ted paper windshield towels at First of the courses will begin Erie arson is hinted but Mr. F. erty for City Treasurer was also The first game of the evening Annual Meeting urban stations under a program I the week of March 24, with en- E. Bahrenburg, executive vice 1 accepted. set up for the Scouts by the Ml- will be a cage game between rollments accepted at both the president and general manager Petitions for Board of Review: chlgan Petroleum Industries Watervliet and Coloma alumni. of the Watervliet Paper Company Barney Dwlgglns and Robert first and second course sessions. Committee of Lansing. In most Between halves of the two Of Fruit Exchange Clases will meet one night a and also Plant Manager of the Muth; and Chris Krieger to suc- games, students of Sonie Roi|ers communities, the program will ceed himself as constable. All week during the spring term. Erie Mill states that in his phone be conducted during the Easter Sloan and Jill Johnson will give conversations with Erie, nothing were accepted. a twirling exhibition. Southwestern Michigan courses vacation week, but In a few areas ^ Stockholders and their locations include: Ben- was mentioned of possible foul the project will fall on subse- G. J. McCarthy, Project En- See ad on pa'ie 6. of thii Issue ton Harbor — Principles of Man- j play. gineer for the State Highway De- The Annual Meeting of the quent weekends. Easter vacation ' for further information on this agement 1, Business Law, Meth- i Mr. Bahrenburg did state how- varies from city to city. partment. presented plans for the Senior Class event. Stockholders of the Watervliet ods of Teaching Reading in the I ever, that there was nothing a- re-surfacing of Main Street. Mr. Fruit Exchange, Inc., will beheld Under the program, two Scouts Elementary School. Mater ials bout the fire to in anyway inter- will be assigned to each partici- McCarthy stated that the High- at the Congregational Churcn in and Methods of Audio-Visual In- fere with production at the Erie way Department hoped to let the Watervliet. on Thursday. Marcn pating service station from 4 to struction. Play Direction and Dif- mill. job in May, and that the work, 27th. at 1:30 o.m. JOHN M. KLIPP 6 p.m. every weekday and all CHAN W. PRICE ferential Equations; Niles — Gui- day Saturday to call motorist's If started In June, should be com- Date Set For This meeting is for the pur- dance Practices in the Schools attention to the fact that the late pleted this summer. pose of electing officers for the The date of Wednesday evening, | honor a 6:30 dinner will be served and Special Methods and Mater- winter period of dirty and wet Under existing laws, anything ensuing year and to transact such March 26, has by Worshipful Mas- I in the dining room of the Temple, ials of Teaching Elementary Sci- roads Is a high hazard time. The over 46 feet In width, must be Dedication Of other business as may properly ter been set aside for a Special after which the Entered Appren- ence; Three Oaks — Teaching of motorist Is asked to keep his paid for 100 per cent, by the city. come before the meeting. Communication of the Lodge for tice Degree will be conferred by Language Arts in Elementary Cub Sc*ut windshield and car lights clean The City Clerk was authorized the purpose of confering of two the local lodge members, and fol- Grades. until he returns to a service sta- to sign the consent and approval Entered Apprentice Degrees, as lowing the degree work Fifty tion. form and plans as submitted. Coloma's P.O. well as to honor two Brother Year Pins will be presented to The Boy Scouts have accepted Glen Dockter has again been The Postmaster and Staff of Members of the Lodge who have our honored Brothers. President Elsenhower's invitation engaged to spray the cities' trees contributed Fifty Years of con- Variety for the Dutch Elm desease. the Coloma Post Office expends So Brothers don't forget the to make safety their nation-wide Need Of Class Mayor's Exchange with Fife a cordial invitation to all to at- Movie 'Alice In tinued service to Masonry. date Wednesday evening, March 'Good Turn' for 1958. The Spring tend the formal dedication of the The Brothers being Chan W. 26th at 6:30. Let's have a nice at- traffic safety phase will be fol- Lake has been cancelled and new Post Office in that city, Price and John M. Klipp in whose tendance for this gala occasion. lowed In the summer and fall by steps are being taken to exchange with a Mayor within a radius of Saturday, March 22. at 2:00 p.m. Rooms outdoor and home safety projects. Sh«w one hundred miles. in front of the new building. The North School PTA will Wonderland' Cub Scout Pack 62 will pre- Paul Jones. City Assessor, re- In the event of inclement wea- meet Tuesday, March 25th, at 8:00 sent a Variety Show of local ta- RETURNS FROM VACATION ported that the assessment roll ther, the ceremonies will be held p.m. at the school gymnasium. Fashion Snow lent at the Watervliet High Tom Budd returned on Sun- Is $3,243,400.00. a net gain in in the Auditorium of the Coloma Superintendent Elery Donald- School. The Kermit Washburn day night from a month's vaca-, Real Estate of 52.400.00 and a net High School. SENIOR BAND The Spring & Funtime Revue, i son will present plans for the gain in personal of $200.00 ma- Dancers from Paw Paw will be tlon from his duties in the local presented by the North School elementary school additions. Mr. There will be Band music and At So. School featured. Postofflce. king a combined net gain of $52, PTA last Wednesday evening, distinguished speakers. Arthur Bates, architect of Kala- He attended the Mardi Gras at 600 over last year. The last in a series of movies gave an early outlook at the com- mazoo. will also be here to dis- For time and date, see ad on ing spring and summer fashions. page 6. New Orleans, then visited his sponsored by the South and cuss the plans. daughter. Mrs. Eileen Swartz and High School will be "Alice in TO PRESENT Fifty models displayed spring An election of officers will be family, at Fort Worth. Texas. he also visited his sister, Mrs. Wonderland" in color. Thursday. fashions, casual and sports wear, held. Nursery care provided and Before returning to Watervliet, Margaret Terrlll, In Houston. Church League March 27. at 7:30 p.m. in the prom and "after 5" dress, from refreshments will be served. South Elementary School. the Boston Store and Town & Date Set For Annual Country Shop in Watervliet and a This picture is to aid in the CONCERT Benton Harbor department store. WRITES OF HAPPENINGS IN SWEDEN completion of the project to level Congregational Cage Season Ends Sports styles included sailor cos- ANNOUNCEDAUGHTER'S the surface of the grounds at the Sunday. March 23rd. the Senior The following is a letter to Mr actually produces more compe- Three teams in the Watco tumes, Jamaicas, capri pants, ped- South School which is to be the Band will present a concert at al pushers, skirts, and blouses and Father & Son Banquet and Mr= Uyleau Shimer, from tant workers than it can utilize. church league came to the end of practice field for the High school 3:00 p.m. in the High School gym. f n r son-in-law Maynard Dewey, The overflow must move on to their rope last Saturday when the popular car coats. Styles ENGAGEMENT h ci football and baseball teams as Members of the organization ranged from the box suit, the new The Father and Son Banquet who Is studying in Stockholm. America or some other country. they were eliminated in tourna- well as playgrounds for the grade Mr. and Mrs. Donald Vander- will be held at Plymouth Congre- This Is sad. ment play at the Coloma gym- have worked especially hard to chemise dress, to the latest fash- boegh announce the engagement Dear Mom and Dad. school children. ions for the younger set. gational Church, Friday. April In fact, there are rules such nasium. make this concert an interesting of their daughter, Miss Marg&ret 8th. Speaker for the event has that anyone holding a dancent and entertaining experience and Dance selections were present- Klancir, to Mr. Donald Roy Hel- TlmrcerSnly does hurry along The Catholics rolled over the not as yet been announced. ship (equivalent to our instructor Watervliet Free Methodists 26 to it is hoped that there will be a ed at the intermission by students Selling Liquor To Minor large attendance, at the concert. of Joan Ferguson Boyer. promises ^ ^ TtaM or assistant professor) does so 15; the Coloma Methodists defeat- for a three year period This ed the Watervliet Methodists 26 At a recent hearing on charg -s The band is under the direction In charge of the style show that I am making some considi r- may be renewed once making a to 21 and the Watervliet Congos of Mr. E. Bagatini. were Mrs. Clayton C. Larson and able progress with my work. I against Steve and Julia Dudash LENTEN SERVICE total of six years. After this, if stopped Coloma's Congos 33 to 28. of Dudash Grocery, Benton Har- There will be no admission her committees. Proceeds from am allowed to help care for one 1 this event will be used to aid in there is no promotion available The tourney ends Saturday bor, for selling liquor to a mino *, charge. The last In a series of Mid- of the Electrlon Microscopes and the purchase of bicycle racks in and there usually is not, the per- when the Coloma Methodists play a fine of $150. and seven days week Lenten Services will be and that Is exactly the training the school yard. son must leave and make ms the Watervliet Congos in the suspension was handed down by held at the First Methodist I need. I am supervised by a fel- Mrs. Orville Warsko was nar- place available for a new iran morning at the Coloma gymnas- 1 the Court. Benjamin Kaytych The Annual Spring Concert Church this Tuesday. These ser- low named Marcel, who has the ium. The winner battles the Cath- will be held May 1, The organi- rator for the show and hair styling vices are held in the Blackman responsibility of keeping the Consequently, nearly all take I of the "M-140 Bar" Route 2, Wa- and make up was by Mrs. Nina medical licenses so that they can olics for the championship in the ! tervliet. also recpived the same zations participating will be the Chapel at 7:30 p.m. scope in good shape. He is Gates and Mrs. Walker Griffis. fall back on a practice *or work^ afternoon. | verdict, effective March 31. Junior, Cadet and Senior Bands. Guest preacher for the evening open personality with consider- Other Watervliet merchants will be the Reverend Douglas able know how at his finger tip.. In most cases, they must give up who took part in making this a Smith, Pastor of the Methodist This knowledge he gives freely their research. Such is ^e^ase successful event were: Nilson and what he doesn't know, we with Ebba Cedergren. After she Jewelry, Hutchins Drug Store, Church of Paw Paw. learn togther, by trial and error has done all this work and fine Midway Florists. Watervliet Fur- The public is cordially invited work too, she has nothing, wo to these evangelistic meetings. which Is actually fine experience niture, Duffer's Gulf Station, From the effort so far expen- jobs will be available. Catholics Gambles, Watervliet True Value ded. some really fine Pictures Anatomiska I n s 111 ution, i n Hardware, Leverton's Grocery, THE MICHIGAN MIRROR have come out. These Dr. S]as- which I work is the Grass Ana- Wilson's Bakery and Lewis Rex- all Store. trand. who is my boss will pub- tomy section of the school. It is If Ion* ranje employment prob- THIS COULD RESULT lish. The paper will have Sjas- houied in a lovely Ihree-story i There is a total of 55,000 teach- trand. Cedergren and Dewey as brick building, very modern and lems are to be solved with least 'ers working in grade and second- Take WatCo hardship, it will take some real authors. This Is a really fine op- ary schools of the state, so next IN YOUR portunity. I really didnt hoPR statesmanship on the part of in- year there should be 57,000. for such luck. Actually, it should dustry and labor, said Sen. Rob- Starting salary for a teacher Final Rites For be a good paper and thus mean ert E. Faulkner (R-Berrien). with a four year college degree rtra «""-.PPa- considerable in the future. He was referring to problems and no experience is in the nei- Tourney MISS MARGARET KLANCIR DEATH caused by increased automation. ghborhood of $4,100 for a 10 mo This work has been on hea.t Ruth Heffner Your chances of being killed or muscles. Sjastrand and Ceder- Stf « £ The senator remarked that it was year. The teacher who has spe- The Watervliet Catholics won mer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy a close 26-25 verdict over the Co- injured by a driver who shouldn't gren are leaders in the field of all right to point to the great num- cial training in music, art, etc., Funeral services were conduc- Helmer, of Harllord, Michigan. loma Methodist team Saturday even be permitted on the roads both skeletad and cardiac muscle. ber of jobs caused by mechani- can command a beginning rale be- ted Friday afternoon from the Miss Klancir Is a senior at Wa- will be greatly increased if a bill afternoon to take the WatCo lea- Now. I am beginning to work bodles^are l^ltute zation in the industrial revolution. tween $200 and $400 higher. Hutchins Funeral Home for Mrs. tervliet High School. Her fiance passed by the Michigan Senate Is 'This is true," he stated. "But, After 15 years, during which gue tournament c h a m pionship. Is employed at the Hartford on the problem which I had ori- RuthHeffner, 75. after a also passed by the House and ginally planned. I am excited a- there is at least one important time the teacher is expected to The game was played at Coloma. long period of 111 health. Mem- Plant of Auto Specialties Manu- derfvc an op^unl.y to d,, signed by the Governor. bout getting on with it People sect the human body difference between the economy have a Master's degree, he might Earlier in the day, the Metho- bers of the Ladies Aid and the facturing Company. then and at present." earn about $8,000 per year. dists had topped the Watervliet A summer wedding Is planned About two years ago, when are publishing so fast these days Friday Club attended in a body. people were shocked into action lt done Sizable price reductions result- A high percentage of teachers Congos 37-29, to qualify for the The Rev. H. Raymond Voss, that if I don't get 1 by the high number of traffic some one will steal my thunder ed for the purchaser when the leave the field after only a few finals. The win by the Catholics pastor cf the Benton Harbor Con- deaths, much study was given to You have asked for a typical d first machines boosted production, years with a school system. Bart- gave them both league trophies gregational Church officiated. Insurance Representative ways to reduce accidents. It was day in our lives. The request is £«rucr orfffi he pointed. When the consumer lett referred to a survey by the for the year as they previously Interment was in Watervliet and a lack of well QrKanized in Lawrence Dunbar, who lives at decided that the best way to get a difficult one! Actually. onc receives part of the value of auto- National Education Association had won the season's title. cemetery. sUucLn ^orce. ^ quick improvement was to get life is Tiot much different in or mation, it's good for the economy, which shows that one half of the Casket bearers were: Douglas 234 Parsons, will attend the Pru- acquire his KnowicuB v«r.nk«? accident prone, consistent vio- altered by a foreign land . Ai he continued, because he then has teachers who started last year will Warman, Edson Stickney, Leon dential Insurance Co.'s 1958 Bus- own and mostly from booKs. lators off the roads. As soon as first, everything Is exciting, now. more to spend for other things. have left teaching by 1962. Seron, Ronald Beemer, Frank iness Conference for Leaders This Is Inferior to our system. Some of these are girls who March 19-22 at the Roosevelt Ho- this and other steps were taken, and exotic but soon, with dail> Recent automation. Sen. Faulk- Member Of Diocesan Seron and Morey Beemer. the number of traffic deaths did With respcct to thc phyijcal ner reminded, had resulted in no marry; others leave lor better Coffee was served by the La- tel in New Orleans. acquaintance, things assume the start downward. correct perspective and life xe- such benefit to the consumer. In paying work. dies Aid Society in the parlors Dunbar, an agent in the com- fact, prices have increased. iA logical place for an ambitious Council To Attend of Plymouth Congregational pany's Muskegon agency, earned The Secretary of State was au- sumes a certain pattern. The Karollnska Institute Itself The problem today, the senator teacher to move is into school ad- church following the services, to his attendance at the business thorized to set up a board of ex- mSturers ^ represen- ministration. Consequently, there 0 indicated, is to pass some of the mourners and friends of the de- conference on the basis of his aminers to interview drivers is the Medical High is a steady flow of good teachers Conference Stockholm. The expression High saving resulting from automation ceased. outstanding sales accomplish- whose records of arrests and ac- KJermarO on to the consumer. If labor or into the ranks of principal and More than 500 members of the ments during 1957. He is one of cidents indicated they were a School' Is here used as our col industry, or both together, try to superintendent offices. Lansing Diocesan Council of a group of more than 750 lead- threat. lege It is made up of several ^nradv«.—ent- keep all the benefit for them- Bartlett favors the idea that Catholic Women will attend their ing Prudential representativer About 28,000 such hearings institutes, actually. The var ous selves, the result can only mean school administrators have teach- ixth annual conference April BREAKS LOSE who have qualified to attend the were held last year. In some in- basic medical sciences are rep ing experience, but he is unhappy resented such as Anatomy, Phy fewer jobs and higher prices. 0-10 at Michigan State Universi- In attempting to move the Joe meetings. stances driver licenses were re- that a good teacher must leave slology. bio-chemistry, etc .as While the senator was not op- ty. Frietas house from its oresent lo- voked; in other cases suspended. teaching for administration if he well as some of the natural s.i- timistic that labor and industry ' Radiate God" has been desig- cation to another area on the Sometimes the driver was war- is to receive higher salaries within ences. i.e. Physical and organic will act now with the long range nated as the theme, according to farm, blocks under the rear sec- ATTENDED DISTRICT ned. All decisions were subject ed by the companies^ Thb is a the framework of the educational chemistry. In addition to these gain as an aim, he feels sure that Rev. Fr. George Zabelka, of tion gave way, letting that sect- to review by the Courts. way for them to have their pro system. REBEKAH MEETING institutes which service medical there is no other sound and per- Flint* spiritual moderator. ion break lose from the main part Now comes a senator to argue ducts tested bv expert hands To the young person considering dental, nursing, physical therapv manent solution. In addition to several major of the building. Mr. and Mrs. The Rebekah District No. 28. that the Circuit Court should Jobs for 2,000 more qualified teaching as a profession there are Dr. Sjastrand's lab is an - addresses, the conference will Frietas moved into town this meeting was held in South Haven conduct these hearings and de- and advanced students. Ujere are people will open up in September two things to think about. Teach- some purely research orle"'^d cenler hi-jh-light six workshops. Dio- winter, after the State Highway Tuesday afternoon and evening. cide what should be done with national / f "^et" people and 11,000 more positions now ing is gradually gaining headway institutes. These usually cen- tcsan chairman will conduct D e p a rtment purchased several Miss Kay Smith appeared on the drivers. occupied should be filled with economically. So far few teachers ter around one man. in fact they these sessions, as follows —Spiri- acres of the farmland for a turn- the program In the evening, sing- This is a job so big that cir- better trained personnel. have been replaced by machines. arc often created especially for Switzerland. Finiana. • tual Development, Mrs. N. A. out on the new U. S. 12 by-pass. ing two numbers. She also dan- cuit judges are appalled at the These job openings are for Michigan week preparations are ihe particular man when h s roaring along as innumerable peo- Dedewa, Lansing. cooperating ced in a tap duo with Miss Dar- thought. They cannot handle I school teachers. properly. Jammed circuit poc- work reaches the calibre of No- Michigan's growinf birthrate, ple on state and local committees with Catholic Charities; Mrs. llne Pullano of Benton Harbor. Margaret Hayes, Coldwater: Li- Both girls were students of the kets are already a source of hag- bel material. . though it has many economic and all over the state devise plans to There is little question but that y" can tmag^uni-U^ promote advantages of this state braries and Literature; Mrs. A. D. late Violette Bryant Schadler. gling. Cases are months behind. ha social advantages, causes a relent- the entire Institute Is the ''^.^ec- can be a Problenv ' «nlence Peredja, Kalamazoo; Family and Trooper Explains Attending from Watervliet for If fhese 72 courts are given the less problem for educators. between May 4 and 10. A double tual center of medical and biolo- Parent Education. Mrs. John the meeting were Mrs. Sheldon huge task of holding 28,000 or The enrollment in elementary barrel theme has been adopted aical research in Europe. 1 kno^ schools has been growing at the this year: Education and Water King, Jackson; Committee for Bridges. Mrs. Jacob Muth and Mr more hearings per year. It is Resources. Spanish Speaking. Mrs. I. Pala- plain that most hearings will not of no other place where so many rate of 70,000 students each year. Danger To and Mrs. Earle Smith. really brilliant workers are col- The celebration comes earlier cios. Flint; and Public Relations. be held. It hearings are not held. This requires at least 2,000 more lected under one roof. I do leei this year in order to fit better into Mrs. Ann M. Cross. Jackson. drivers who should be off the classrooms each year plus the however, that much is to be de- space and facilities to service the school schedules. But moving ui Reservation cards for housing Students roads will be driving More peo- the period to avoid examinatioi and the April 10 luncheon will Worship Services ple will be killed, more property sired so far cooperation and mu- increase. tual exchange of ideas between week also moves it into a time be mailed soon in the 15-county Trooper Charles Spawr of the damaged. Because, of a shortage of com- Mr. Robert Straus of St. Jo- the various research groups. peopfe'tre; can undmland pletely qualified teachers, about when weather is more likely to be area. Mrs. Carl Rann, of Perry, : Paw Paw State Police Post gave seph will be the lay-speaker at Contact your representative : This is certainly more true 11,000 "partially" qualified people cold enough to prevent outdoor conference chairman, urges that a talk on bombs in all three scho- and tell him you favor the exist- an d r r y Plymouth Congregational Church here than at Michigan, rhis is i Sfk perhap. o ur greatot have temporary teaching certifi- programs which had been held in reservation cards be returned i ols in Watervliet on Monday af- ing plan which has resulted in on March 23 and 30. perhaps true because of tne lacx souree o( entertainment during cates. Accoding to Supeintendent other years. promptly to the Lansing Dioce- 1 ternoon. Easter Sunday, the Rev. Floyd thousands of lives being saved. work is language. It is real fun of Public Instruction Lynn M. i The best time for Michigan ran Council of Catholic Women He stressed the importance of Bryan, of East Congregational Tell htm that you want a practi- of positions available. cal plan which will protect you There is immense competition to see how expressions and old Bartlett, these teachers should be Week wil be decided after this Conference, continuing Education children not touching strange Church. Grand Rapids, will fill saws vary from language to lan- upgraded in training so they can year's celebration when the early Service, Kellog Center, Michigan looking objects lying on the the pulpit at both morning ser- most when you are on the high- between the various workers. y i Sweden is a small country and (Continued on page 6.) be issued regular credentials. period has had an actual trial. State University, East Lansing. grounds. vices. wa j ay11 ji

The Watervliet Record, Watervliet Mich., Thurs., Mar. 20, 1958 Page 2 The Watervliet Record, Watervliet Mich., Thurs., Mar. 20, 1958 Page 3 homa". A group of boys of nine and Mrs. Shirley Tacy, Water- per Queens, 46U,. High team ser. members who sang "Nothin' Like vliet. ies: Club Rocadero, 2211; Long'j and is therefore a mortal phe- a Dame" and "Dry Bones". These The club accepted the project Appliances, 2197. nomenon, a human concept, numbers brought much applause Announces sometimos beautiful, always er- Where In The World Will We Go? . Social Activities /. of a Cancer window to be made High individual series: Shirlet V roneous.' and many laughs. The program of in the near future. The next Stewart, 495; Brookie Bethe, 490 these students was proof of the committee for baked goods was Selections from the Bible will Joan Butjer. 472; Shirley Trux include the following (Isaiah fine work Mr. Bamberger is do- announced as Mrs. Floyd Crock- Candidacy For 46&: Helen Willmeng, 466; Mar? Esther Circle . Legion Auxiliary ing in his field. er. Mrs. Louis Brule, Mrs. Andy 40;8i: "The grass withcrcth. thf Holland, 458. flower fadeth; but the word of The recular March meeting of I Twenty-two Auxiliary mem Miss Sharon Hardy gave sever- Hutchins and Mrs. Wm. Beverly, H.C 12.5 High indiviual games: Shirle" Jr. Sheriff God hall stand fonver." thn Fcther Circle of the First bers of unit 338 met at the Legion al solos. Stewart. 210; Shirley Trux. 202 , Christian Science Services arc Mothndis, Sunday School, met Hall on Thursday. March 13th. Mrs. Paul Emerson introduced The theme of the program was | Gale Hartline announces his I Monday 9:00 To Market, To Market'. Mrs. hei i at 11 o'clock every Sunday 'nv evening with Mrs. Rilla •' Mrs. Forest Boyer reported on Mr. Bamberger, after President candidacy for sheriff on the Re- I Dwan Home Canners lead ii . r.orning at the Church on Paw Mrs. Irvin Shultz opened the Wilbur Leverton gavp an interes- publican ticket. the close race for first place witl west St. Joseph Street, i the fourth district meeting she ting paper on Modern Merchan- Paw Street, Coloma. -Sunday •lass president. Mrs. Wil- 1 attended at Bangor recently, meeting. At the close of the mu- 1 As a campaign pledge he prom- 52 wins, followed by Hubbards School convenes at the same sical, the group adjourned to the dising and discussed various S.W. 9.| i ises a closer cooperation with 49i.J, and Van Buren State Bank ;iour. A c rdial invitation is ex- bu Smith, presided over the! Mrs. Allan Woodruff reported home of Mrs. Robert Reinking for features in super stores. FREE METHODIST CHURCH PLYMOUTH' meeting which was opened with | that she will purchase and send 47':.. High team series: Long':, tended to attend. a social hour. Delicious refresh- Mrs. Leonard Krall discussed S.C. k.U TV. 2085; Spe-D-Gas, 2054. CONGREGATIONAL devotions led by Miss Lillie Bre- , handkerchiefs and cards with new products on the marKOt and Wayne H. Thoiapion, Minister ments were served by hostesses High individual series: Annj CHURCH STAT I TROOPfR. JIM SAyS: STOP NEEDLESS NlCHTTI/ME HlCHWAY vard and singing of choruses. I stamps to a veterans hospital for Miss Verna Matrau and Mrs. those being investibated for the Mrs. Robert Hardy, Supt. Mae Scalletta, 476; Marge Whit 9:45 a.m. Church school. ACCIDENTS. ALWAYS CARRY A FtARE IN YOUR (TAB JUSTIN CASE It was voted to make a contri- Mother's Day. Harold Pierce. future. Among the new ones V'- @) j ney, 462; Em Long. 454; Jam SUNDAY SERVICES bution to the Red Cross and ill Mrs. B. D. Dwiggins reported were the cordless electric clocks, Classes for all age groups. Special guests of the club were I Curtis. 452; Velda Allerton, 451 Sunday Schocl 10;00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. Worship Service. members and shut-ins were to on progress made by the decora- Mrs. William N. Beverly, Sr., sulverized wood, flexible light • Kay Wilier. 450. High individual! (Classes for all ages.) be remembered with cards. ting committee. Burmeister. of bulbs, no iron shirts and tobacco- More than 60 percent of Michi- Morning Worship Hour, 11 a.m. Why Cook Mrs. William N. Beverly, Mrs. counselors showed this percen- ! ;game: Em Long. 190. For entertainment, a clever Community Laundriette, donated Keith Elliott and Mrs. Richard less cigarettes. gan residents who travel out ot tage breakdown for travel by , (Worship where you are always a cleaning job on the Auxiliary Refreshments were served buf- state stay east of the Mississippi : "Iv'e Got a Secret" panel show Rogers. Michigan vacationers with smal- welcomed.) PENTACOSTAL CHURCH room drapes. Necessary additi- fet tyle from a prettily appointed River' AAA of Michigan reports. ler numbers going to Canada, A- Free Methodist Youth, 6:45 p.m. was conducted by Mrs. Clark It was reported that the follow- OF GOD Shimer. ! onal expenses were voted to the ing members attended the Annual table centered with an arrange- Survey by the Club travel laska and Mexico. Try A Record Classified (Variety with action) decorating committee to complete ment of pink snapdragons, hea- Your Food To Mrs. John Thar and Mrs. Smith Federation of Women's Clubs Pre-Service Prayer, 7:00 p.m. Minister. Rev. Earl Bailey the re-decoratjng of the meeting ther. blue iris and pussy willows 'For Adults) assisted the Hostess in serving meeting at Kellog Center 'in South Pleasant Street room. East Lansing Tuesday the 11th at the close of the evening. Family Gosoel Hour. 7.30 p.m. assorted cookies and crackers, Blocks South of West U.S - 12 Mrs. James Lull, president, an- President Mrs. Irvin Shultz, Mrs. The next meeting will be Se- (Planned with the family in » f IAJI AllOWS Wt«S TO SH VCu IN TIME MAKE 'LAMS fUM EMPTY MlllMMl l/Z OAt candie and nuts, with tea and you HAVE Liixr TO Sf£ By. TOO nounced the appointment of Mar- Arthur McNabb and Mrs. John cret Pal night at the homo of mind) CARTONS FUllY OPEN A CAATOM THIN STU« Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Death AND ITS SO EASy TO BE SAFE WITH CRUSHED CARTONS LIKI THIS coffee. gret Zielke as delegate to Girls' Mrs. Christy Blough, Jr., with Seeks Re-Election —Honor Roll— WEDNESDAY Mrs. Mae Knapp will be host- S.-Giese. Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. State and Carol McNees as alter- The Friday Club was one of Mrs. Vaughn Butzbach, Mrs. Ar- Mid-week prayer and Bible study Evangelistic Service 7:30 p.m. ess to the next meeting on April nold Baiers, and Mrs. Gordon Salad Buffet 7:30 p.m. Is there not some simple rule The seven boys pouring over a map and searching the face of the globe are like a group nate. four clubs in Michigan to have High School Midweek Service, Wed. 7:30 p 21st, at her home on Elm Street. Willmeng as co-hostesses. For Register 1st Friday of each month, by which we can live? Why be af American boys with the exception that they are refugees — without a home and country. She appointed the following their presidents honored by virtue m. They are waiting in a refugee camp in Austria. With the assistance of the Catholit committees for the Electric Com- of the clubs' having been affiliat- Seventh Grade 'Light and Life' Men's Fellowship Everyone Welcome. confused with a long list of vita- Meeting. 8:00 p.m. Bishops' Relief Fund they receive food, clothing, medical aid and are also being taught to Pink and Blue Shower pany school to be held on April ed with the Federation for fifty Hlsrh Honors B's or above) mins? 9. Tickets. Mrs. Dave Steele, Jr., years. Cribbs Farm Bureau Of Deeds 2nd Friday of each month. speak and write English. Their eventual resettlement is also of vital concern. Your contri- Shirley Bowen, Richard Camp. Women's Missionary Society pro- CHURCH OF CHRIST Eat the foods nature provides bution to the Bishops' Relief Fund will help answer where, in the world, they will go. Giv® Mrs. Emerson Minor was the and Mrs. Milton Lamplot; publi- The next meeting will be held Miss Catherine Weber, Berrien Norma Clapp, Sharon Fox, Bar- city. Mrs. John Crumb. The Cribbs Community Farm gram 8:00 o.m Bible Study - 10 a.m. for us and in their natural 1 CARTOM flAMS W. S. C. S. were hostesses and main dish. Members are remind- mination in the primary election of the foods that are just natur- OOORUSS AND WATitfROO*- COSTS HOT HUM TO MAXt. Mrs. Henry Bujack, song lead- Dale Hawks rural community police depart- 9:45 Sunday School. Otto Hel- is made of. IN YOCIR CAA AM •( SAff seventy guests were in attend- ed to bring own table service and Literary Guild ments. SALEM EVANGELICAL LUTH- ally good to eat. in theii natural If we want to raise both our er led the community singing. weg, Supt. form. Why cook them to death, ance. a dish to pass. Mrs. Donald Ly- Herold Benedix, chairman, led Eighth Grade At present he is Commander ERAN CHURCH living, those fresh fruits and vege- ons will be in charge of enter- Mrs. Barton Raiff entertained of the local Air Force Association 10:45 Organ Interlude. mill them to death or put them standard of health and standard ot AS TIME GOES B(U)Y1 A social afternoon was enjoyed the members of Literary Guild tho group in the pledge of Allegi- High Honors B's or above) 11:00 Worship Service. You In New Building thru some process that destroys and included readings by Mr? tainment. ance to the flag. and Vice Commander of the State Coloma. Michigan tables that can be eaten in their on Tuesday evening when twenty Sue Allwardt, Dana Arnold, of Michigan. will enjoy our friendly fellow- their natural live vitamins? natural form must not go to Dale Meahl from Eleanor Gould- Mrs. Sheldon Bridges enter- members and one guest. Mrs. Twelve dollars was collected Kay Bullard, Delores Fillmore, ship. R. E. Schaller. Pastor When we go to our local food Easter Flowers Adorn Hospitalized Child ing Smith's book. 'The Complete tained the group with interesting waste. James Colman, responded to roll towards the Farm Bureau float Prudence Forsythe, Frances Ish- Sunday School at 9:30 a.m. markets we find there an almost Think, reason, observe, then Bible Land of Jordan Study Is Reported Book of an Absolutely Perfect slides. call. Mrs. Robert Curtis assisted for the Blossom Parade. mael, Shirley Krugman, Cindy endless variety of fresh fruits and Baby." ST. JOSEPH CATHOLIC Church Service at 10:30 a.m make up the principal part of our Refreshments were furnished as co-hostes. Benjamin €cherer, discussion Lewis, Roxy Ross, Joyce Wood- Exiamination' of Children's vegetables piled high. The beau- daily diet of the fruits and vege- One of the world's wildflower CHICAGO — The personal han- Dainty refreshments o( lemon by Mrs. Gilford Weber and Mrs. leader, led the topic, 'Michigan ard CHURCH tiful colors, no artist can dupli- paradises is the Bible Land of dling of a hospitalized child by doc- bisque, wafers, coffee, tea and An important buiness meeting "BOWLING- Confirmation Class in Service. tables that are just naturally good Arthur Sprague. was held, during which Mrs. Needs Agricultural Research.' Honors (B average) Fr. R. G. Thelen Mon. 7:30 p.m. Adult Member- cate. A sight to behold. to eat in their natural form. Jordan where, at Eastertime the tors and nurses Is just as impor- punch were served buffet style The beautiful colors to attract The next meeting will be April Floyd Crocker read the consti- Harvey Belton, Farm Bureau Lorna Friedl WIL-O-PAW LANES Sunday Masses: 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 ship Class. By J. H. Brackin, Watervliet Mount of Olives, the Judaean tant to his parents as his medical from a table centered with an .ar- 10th. Service District Manager of Plant our sense of sight, a pleasing hills, the fields of Samaria, and rangement of pink snapdragons tution with suggested amend- Weekday Mass: 800 Tues. 4 p.m. Children s Con- care and treatment, according to ments by the committee. Dis- Food Division, talked on fertili- Ninth Grade Friday 9:00 Thurs. 7:30 p.m. Novena Devo- firmation Class. aroma for ot^r sense of smell. A even the barren plains of Jericho and white carnations, flanked by delightful taste to tempt our sense researchers. cussion followed and the new zer benefits of being distributers (Highest Honors (All A's) The race for first place tighten- tions and Benediction 7:30 p.m. Choir Rehearsal and the rocky mountains of blue candles and a stork. Mrs. Friday Club constitution will be voted upon at for other company's products A Confession:" Thurs. after No- Wed. 8 p.m. Men's Club. Sho- of taste. We cannot hear them but In a report on the reactions of John Crumb presided at •he tc.i Carol Clapp ed as Meehl's Tavern won two they do speak. When we go shop- Moab abound in a variety of 100 parents whose children were the next meeting. Mrs. Vaughn question and answer period fol- games from Watervliet Beauty vena. Sat. 4 to 5: 7:30 to 9. wing of special films. many colored wildflowers, some service. Mrs. Charles Prang at Thirty friends and members of lowed. High Honors B's or above) Cottage Cheese ping, take a look in our bascart Outsida Employment hospitalized, San Francisco re- Butzbach and Mrs. Henry Lever- Diana Besemer, Victoria Grif- Salon. Watervliet Beauty Salon Thurs. 7:45 p.m. Sixth Lenten and then think, reason and ob- of which have not even been the coffee service and Mrs. Har- the Watervliet Friday Club met on'were the other members r.n Refreshments were served by leads with 58 wins, followed by l Service. Theme: "The Perfect searchers said that hospitalization old Pillinger at the punch bowl. in the Music Room of the local the committee: Mesdames Adolph fis, Elaine Hawks, Karen Matrau, and cling peaches MIDWAY BAPTIST CHURCH serve. classified More than 400 flowers 4he constitutfdn committee. Linda Pratt, Donna Schroeder, Meehl's Tavern, 57%, and Tacy Offering — Jesus' Blood." What have I here that has not which do not grow elsewhere is as hard on the parents as on the A shower of lovely gifts was high school on Friday, March 14, Donations to the Loan Closet J a nnert, Herman Butzbach, Barbers, 54%. High team series:' ON U. S. - 12 Sat, 10 a.m. Children's Confir- Has Effect On child and that modifications In Wanda Woodworth been tampered with? What have I WORKING are to bo found in Jordanian presented to the honored guest. 1958, to be entertained by a Pro- were received with thanks from Chester Weber, Virgil Matrau Watervliet Beauty Salon, 2309, A very special treat mation Class. hospital routine and adequate ex- gram of Contemporary Music. and Isabelle Shembarger. Honors (B average) Rev. Peter F. Kobe, Pastor here that I can eat in its natural MINUTES plains and in the nearby Syrian Supt. William Alwood of Coloma which included tNaigh single game form? How many items do I have REQUIRED TO BRfAC planations by the physician can do Directed by William E. Bam- Gene Bisbee, Tom Minor, Judy of 864; Meehl's Tavern, 2279. during Lent. 10 a. m. Sunday School. Graded Student's Grades desert in springtime, it is said. Royal Neighbors berger were these groups: Pe- Olmsted, Judy Osg6od here that contain natural live vit- EARN ONE 1LB much to ease the parent's anxiety High individual series: Ann classes are provided for all ages. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCH LOAF OF BREAD Some Jordanian wildflowers tite Chorale, a group of high Order ffom your Produc- Mr. Fred Allwardt, Supt. amins? How can I be sure I've CHICAGO—Outside employ men I and their children's. The Royal Neighbors will meet Past President Club Tenth Grade Smith, 526; Lois Quigley, 506; Coloma, Michigan picked the right vitamins, picked have unfamiliar names such as school young men and women Mary Ann Cordaro, 503; Eleanor 11 a.m. Worship Service. has a definite efTect on a collet "sword-lilies," loosestrife, squills, Of the 100 parents interviewed at the home of Mrs. Leo Davis whose outstanding numbers were (Highest Honors (All A's) er's route man or call the right items with the right vit- How to Travel to Mrs. Duane Parmeter was hos- Albrecht, 503; Verio Williams, The Senior Choir will sing How perpetual perception of student's grades. Ivan Skavinsky Skavar. the A grouping of 11 foreign couiv pink flax, meadow saffron. Some on the child's admission, all ex- on Wednesday. March 26th. Ballad of America" and "Okla- Jean Bandurske, BiU Beverly, 1 God's power brings freedom from amins? Confusing? God wrapped average Russian industrial work- tess at a one o'clock dessert lun- MISS CATHERINE WEBER 499; Marge Whitney, 489. High WA 6-6153 J. Rowe's "I Choose Jesus. * The up in any of the fruits and vege- Students working more than 1!' tries, according to the work tim« flowers that are cultivated in pressed anxiety regarding sep- i" Old JeniBdlem, Jordan cheon, at her home on Monday Louis Mestre, Marlene Moody, individual games: Ann Smith, 212; pastor's sermon title is 'The Hi- bondage to materialism will be a er, labors five times as long to required to buy food, indicate! scheduled to be held August tables all the vitamins, all the ele- hours a week have somewhat low- the United States grow wild in aration from their child. In 57 afternoon, March 17, when the John Rogers Mary Ann Cordaro, 209; Marge ghway of Holiness." topic dealt with at Christian Sci- er grades than those working fe"; fill his family's market basket as that the American worker spent their anxiety was "overwhelming" By plane from 5th. Since early childhood Miss ence services Sunday. ments necessary to keep our bod- does Joe Smith, the typical Amer- less than one-fifth ai much time Jordan, such as iris, crocus, American Legion Auxiliary Past Hteh Honors B's or above) Whitney, 209. PRODUCERS 11 a.m. unildren's Service ies healthy and strong. If we er hours or not at all. it was re- and the parents "had such diffi- via Beirat Presidents met for their March Weber has been affiliated with 6:30 p.m. Youth Meetings Keynoting the Lesson-Sermon ican laborer. to pay for a given quantity ol anemones, tulips, and jasmine. Sharon Danneffel, Douglas Ep- would only make the most of our vealed in a survey conducted at In a talk before the National culty coping with their own fears meeting. the Bainbridge Evangelical Unit- ple, Marilyn Scheid Monday 7:00 7:15 p. m. Pre-Serrice Prayer on "Matter" is the Golden Text food as the Soviet worker. He Gathering wildflowers is one of Cairo ed Brethren Church, where she is CREAMERY e itu ,n ...a. .. . . diet of those things that are just Illinois Institute of Technolopy. Food Conference, held recently in (the American) spent from 20 to and anxieties that they were un- Nine members were present at Honors (B average) Club Rocadero holds the lead Meetings. from 1 John (2:16): "All that is naturally good to eat in their nal. the springtime pastimes of the Damascus now organist and also teaches a 7:30 p.m. Evening Service. in the wor'd, the lust of the flesh, j . More than one hundred students Washington, D. C., Vice Presi- 36 per cent as much as the Ital- able to give support to their child," KARSH BAKERY the business meeting which fol- Shirley Benjamin, Sandra Ben- with 55 y, wins, followed by An- ural form We can be as choicey dent Nixon pointed out that Joe women and children of Jordan, Time: About 25 hours Sunday School class. drews, 48%, and Watervliet Pa- Special music has been prepar- and the lust of the eyes, and the ; —there is an almost reprnsentiii^ a cross-section of tK ian, Austrian, or French workers; the authors said. HARTFORD- MICHIGAN lowed, at which time a donation jamin, Pete Kobe, Ursula Pikos- as we Smith can buy a pound loaf of en- from 39 to 48 per cent as much who wander through the fields was voted to the American Red ed. "How the Power of God Be- pride of life, is not of tho Father. endless variety, they are all made student body, reported their work riched bread with six minutes of picking huge bunches of multi- However, 44 of 68 parents in- ke comes Active in Maji" is the sub- but is of the world." activity for a typical one-week pe- time as the Dutch, West Ger- By ship from New York City Cross. up of better than 90% water and labor, according to figurei com- mans. Irish or Swiss; and from colored wildflowers to adorn terviewed on their children's dis- The April meeting will be held ject of the pastor's sermon. From 'Science and Health with riod in the school year, accordin charge felt better about tho hos- Bakery Open Friday, March 7th via Beirut and overland Eleventh Grade the purest of water, no one can piled by the United States Bureau 62 to 71 per cent as much time ai their homes, or to press and at the home of Mrs. Allen Wojd- Insecurity Is Often High Honors B's or above) 7:30 p.m. Wed. Midweek pray- Key to the Scriptures" by Mary overeat of any of them "just on to William D. Diemer. mechanics of Labor Statistics. Ivan works 14 the Danish, British, or Norwe- mount on souvenir cards which pitalization because of the "friend- COMPLETE LINE OF - Time: About 22 days ruff, Monday afternoon, April Robert Borford, Dale Emerson, er Service. Baker Eddy will be read the fol- ; that account. instructor who made the survey. minutes for the same amount of gian workers. are highly prized by visitors to ly personal handling" of their 20th. Cause of Insomnia John Fox, Kay Hupp, Kay Smith Nursery facilities are available lowing (277:29): 'Nothing we can On the packaged items we find "Half of tho employed ?,udcr.f bread which does not equal the Joe Smith works 4 minutes for Bible Lands. child by the hospital staff. for tiry tots at all services. Qua- say or believe regarding matter is the vitamin content on the pack- surveyed worked more than ]?. U. S. loaf nutritionally. a pound of flour. Irishmen and Fresh Rye, Pumpernickel, Butter Crust and By Train from London CHICAGO — Physical contact-^ Honors (B average) lified attendants are in charge. , immortal, for matter is temporal age, that is, the ones that have Pre - PHILC0 Day hours a week." Diemor pointe-? Ivan works 132 minutes for a Norwegians are runners-up. They via Istanbul even if it's only your own hand James Ishmael, Herbert Pikos- _ been tampered with. The natural pound of beef. Joe Smith buys it work six minutes for their pound Vienna Breads. Aleppo touching your leg—helps overcome ke tood items which we have chosen out, "and one-fourth of them p- with 31 minutes of labor. Joe of flour. Again, tops in the flour Read The RECORD want Try A Record Classified 1 in more than 20 hours a we k 1 works 25 minutes to add a pound Damascus HOSPITAL NOTES sleeplessness by providing a feel- Twelfth Grade need not have the vitamins listed field is Russia, where 27 minute# Fresh Rolls and Donuts Daily ing of security, according to at on the package for if we are to outside employment." of sliced bacon to the family of work are necessary. Time: About 7-8 days Medical Indiana sleep researcher. (Highest Honors (All A's) • beiieve that God made us we cer- Thirty-five per cent of these larder; Ivan has to stay on the French bread is in demand In Bonny Geisler tainly can believe He made the job 331 minutes to buy the same many countries, but not-so-lucky. Donald A. Laird, Ph. D., Leban- dents were employed from four t ADMITTANCES High Honors B's or above) SALE fod and prepared it to be eaten in 40 hours a week, or an average < amount from a Moscow State Pierre works 20 minutes for a WATERVLIET on, Ind., an industrial psycholo* j Joe Barnak, Patricia Keller, its natural form, all other animals store. pound of it. gist, said sleeplessness is frequent- 15 hours, he said. The proportin: Baby Anthony Morlock, Agnes Barbara Kietzer, Janet Krick- do and they know nothing about of working students among senior LIVE BETTER MORE ECONOMICALLY WITH GAS ly caused by some type of anxiety vitamins. The hospital dietition Marlene Rissase, Sharon Kay hahn, Peggy Radcliff, Glynda was 50 per cent, slightly higher that keeps the person so "vigilant" Torpedoman' , probably needs to know a lot Sadler, Barbara Griffin j Sanders, Pete Scheid Here Are A Few Of The than the 30 per cent figure for that he can't go to sleep. Honors (B average) ' about vitamins but if the average COLOMA: person knew nothing about them employed underclassmen. Handy Flame says: Mrs. Lucille Crawford, Mrs. C. i Juanita Anthony and ate according to the dictates "Presumably, the student who is Acc'c'e't Rife Up K. Davis, Mrs. James Yore, SPECIALS of his appetite for natural foods, working a greater number of Economy Outposses HARTFORD: he wouldn't have been in the hos- hours each week does not carry Milton Gelock, Joan Schlitter, ¥ pital. He would save the ward for as heavy an academic program," Asncnq Neon's Personal Savings Donna Lee Yirchott the fellow who got banged up in commented Diemer. "Altho'igh Easter Worship in Old Jerusalem an automobile accident and I dare NEW YORK—The American peo- Surgery say a lot of them would not be the data shows that this is true, ple have rung up a series of out- HI-FI Was Now the difference is slight." Pre-Schoo! Goup WATERVLIET: there if they had of ate more of standing economic records year the natural foods. According to the survey, stu- Mrs. Gordon Owens NEW YORK—In tho past two after year in the prolonged period Why clog up our digestive or- dents working more than 2(1 hours of prosperity since the end ot COLOMA: 1801F $279.95 $229.95 gans with devitalized, concentrat- each week had significantly high r decadcs the mortality from ac- GAS Mrs. Earl Satterwhite, Randy cidents among pre-school children World War II with one very im- ed, cooked to death, milled to scores on college entrance exami- % Potts, Charles Miller death, adulterated purified, de- in the United States has decreased portant and vital exception. That nations than those who worked is in the matter of personal sav- FOR THE HARTFORD: 1900M $263.00 hydrated, fortified, devitimized less or not at all. However, stu- | only half as rapidly fts tho mor- Mrs. Maurice Talbott food? | tality from disease. While the ings. Ask any groceryman and he dents working fewer than 20 hours i Figures compiled by the U.S. ACCIDENT per week have slightly lowei in- ! death rate from diseases at ages will tell us there is enough fresh | 1-4 years was reduced by four Department of Commerce show BIG telligence scores than non-work- HARTFORD a fruits and vegetables goes to waste that, while the economy as a whole in his store in one' month to feed Ing students. fifths— from 417 3 to 82.4 per 100,- Mrs. Mackey Squires 1 000—between 1931 ;ir) and 1954-55, has expanded by about 20 per cent an average family for a year. in the period from 1953 to date, Refrigerators Now That is. the little store just around I the corresponding decrease for the coiner. Look at a healthy boy fatal accidents was about two personal savings have little more Success in life depends upon I than held their own in dollar persistent effort, upon the im- TOKKPOiS AMP WTH CHARGES or girl and they will reach for an FOR SALE — Scratch Pads at fifths—from 56.5 to 33.1 per 100.- amounts for the period as a whole provement of moments more than $278. AU INTRICATE MACHINES Of NAVAL apple rather than a lucosed, com- The RECORD Office. 5c Each. 000. Consequently, accidents as a 11' Single Door posted ice cream cone. and have actually fallen in relation upon any other one thing. WARFARE. THEIR EHECTIVENESS proportion to the total mortality —Mary Baker Eddy The scientists are doing a good at tho pre-scho,l ages increased to the growth in income. The period Want Plenty Of $338. DEFENDS UPON THE SKILL WITH job trying to find out what this , since 1953 is taken as less subject 11' Single Door WHICH THE TORFEDOMAN'S MATE thing called life is all about and from about 12 per cent to nearly 30 per cent. to abnormal conditions and influ- LOADS, MAINTAINS, TESTS, REPAIRS, they would have us believe it to ences than the preceding war and $388. AND OVERHAULS THE TORPEDO ENGINES, be a very complicated affair. It Currently, aer "IT.IS take about post-war years. ANGUISHED 12' Two Door will be as long as we depend on 4.800 lives a • • r in our country HOT WATER? TURBINES, VALVES, PROPELLING AND the dynamite pills to blast those Mm, * EXPLODER MECHANISMS. THE (TM) among child: en M years of age; devitalized, devitaminized foods this is more than twice the $488. OPERATES TORPEDO TIRE CONTROL 14' Two Door from our digestive systems. death toll from i-Mf-imonia and in- Watch the date on your MPCI PRAYER AT THE STONE OF UNCTION: Lighted candles in EQUIPMENT AND SUPERVISES STOWAGE It is preposterous to imagine the Install A New Penfield hand, Franciscan monks kneel at the Stone of Unction in the CRESIWOOD HOOK fluenza, which ranks second among it gives the iay. month and yem Of THESE UNDERWATER WEAPONS. American people lowering their Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Old Jerusalem, Jordan, during 9' Single Door $238. standard of health while trying to BY BRUCI the causes of death among pre- it expires. Holy Week services. The Stone of Unction marks the traditional raise their stai^.ard of what they school children. Many more young Automatic GAS place where Joseph of Arimathea anointed the body of Jesus. call living by everything artific- boys than girls are fatally injured, ially doctored up until it is im- with average annual accident death rates of 37.3 and 28.7 per 100,000, respectively, in 1954-55. ]Sce\ you T V With Trade Motor vehicle accidents in re- WATER HEATER Now, more than evor, it pays to first save-then spend cent years have accounted for about one-third of all accidental urn When YOUR Doorbell Rings 4310L now $198. deaths among both boys and HM CMI girls. NOW 4626L now $238. Refinance that old fashioned land contract with one of our open-end, variable interest rate Get extra copies of The Record at the Nu-Way. Pay Later With Your Gas BiU 4618M now $224. monthly repayment mortgage loans.

the one stocking color t h o t blends li'i PRinmiHiD Oafc Panel truck by day... HEATS WATER with every r e d - s h o e red in vogue Station Wagon by night I The anguished face and rag- Range With Trade lust nail h dewn ged raiment of this Chilean Now you can have beautiful new i h ever neof seamless sheers t boy are mute evidence of the oak floon in leu than • $1.65 hunger and destitution that SS-3073 now $169. day. Bruce Crestwood Flooring exist in many parts of the Nil 2 Studrtatar Scott mm! ii a special size (2* wide by (OR ONE OF 21 OTHER PRIZES) world. He is also testimony to SS-3087 now j;250. only thick) designed to be the great need which con- laid over your old wood floor or P.D.A.A. 3 Enter the Scotsman Mlle-A-Thon Contest I fronts Catholic Relief Serv- STORE HOURS 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. ices-National Catholic Welfare • Fleet of Scotsman vehicles, . Eich Grind Prize Winner re- •ubfloor. It is completely sanded^ plus 21 additional prizes, ceives not just one, but two can Also Freezer Washer-Dryers on Sale finished, waxed and polished at Conference in its world-wide -one for yourself, one for your TIMES FASTER efforts to provide assistance awarded in big Scotsman Mile* the factory by modern methods. A-Thon Contest! favorite charity or orfinization I F.O.B. South Bend. Ind. — clothes, medicines, U. S. All you need is a hammer! Siudebaker • Lowest-priced, full- FRIDAY NIGHT TILL 9:00 P.M. • Nothing to buy - Just • Offidal entry blank, and com- Government surplus foods and plete set of rules, vours for the sized Station Wagon I other relief supplies—to these thrteslmpleintwm NEW STORE HOURS: 9 to 6 Everyday, (Costs Less Too) may bring you homt • asking at your Studebaker* • Price includes heater/ and other people. Funds raised winner in this Melting, Packard dealer*!, or availabte PAEL WAGON defroster, directionals. each year through the Cath- nationwide contestl by mail. Except Wednesday and Friday 9 to 9 • Twin Traction available. olic Bishops' Relief Fund Ap- Ste your Studebaher-Padurd dealer fer complete Information, today' • Guest-test it today 1 peal provide the basis for the IN S-S481 world's largest voluntary over- Studebaker -Packard Studebaker-Packaxd The Mieliimn Gas Utilities Co. The Boston Store seas relief program. You can LONG'S TV & Appliance Peoples Savings Associaiion Current WATERVLIET. MICH. help by contributing to the 171 Wall St 204 State St. 3% Rat* OTHER YARDS AT nearest Catholic Church or West US-12 Phone IN-34131 Watervlift Branch, Main St. and US-12 Buiin B M. JOMph Phone IN 3-5111 Watervliet, Mich NELSON BROS. Main St., Watervliet, Mich. Benton Harbor Bishops' Relief Fund, Empire WA 6-8271 MlUburg — Rlvenidt PH. YU 3-3881 State Building, N. Y. C. NELSON BROS. Main St. Watervliet, Mich. Page 4 The Watervliet Record. Watervliet Mich., Thurs., Mar. 20, 1958 The Watervliet Record, Watervliet Mich.f Thurs., Mar. 20, 1958 Pago 5 consecutively previous to said ' A sunny disposition is the very basket ball squad, of which Dick Mr. and Mrs. Owen Mishler, of Paw Paw Lake, announce the ! day of hearing, in the Watervliet soul of success. 1 BOAT SALE — Used Johnson WATERVLIET Curtis is captain, at a four-course LEGAL NOTICES- j Record and that the petitioner chicken dinner Wednesday. Prin marriage of their son, Cpl. Carl D. Caught With Her Mouth Full! —Charles Macthews DIRECTORY motors, General Elcctric & May- Mishler to Miss Lucille Wilkins, j caire a copy of this notice to be tag Appliances. Open 9 to 9 — r cipal Smith and Supt. Shelters served upon each known p-rty in RECORD were also guests. of Poplar Bluff. Mo., which oc- ORDER FOR PUBLICATION Sunday 1 to 9 Berrien Boat Ap- curred on March 6th. Cpl. Mish- Notice of Hearing—Probate of interest at his last known addrew pliance & Furniture Co. Berrien by registered or certified mail Arthur A. McNabb, M. D. WATERVLIET RESOLUTION ler is stationed at Fort Leonard Will—Determination of Heirs. ! Springs. Phone Greenleaf 3- E. F. CASE & SON. Pubs. I return receipt demanded, at least PHYSICIAN aad SURGEOW BEAUTY SALON Wood. Mo. State of Michigan- SURPRISING 4271 2-27 If. MARCH 18. 1958 25 Years Ago An announcement of the mar- File No. 1938(5 fourteen (14) days prior to such Office Hours 1-4 P.M. 824 Pe a oh Tree i'Kicc I hearing, or by per,onal servic: $2.50 a year in Advance riage of Miss Phyllis O'Riley of File No. ifl386 That Special Somebody ? 5yes Examined - Glasses Filled Featuring Hair Stylins I Whereas, it has pleased Almighty March 17, 1933 at least fouteen (14) days prior Dial Office IN 3-3861 I God in his infinite wisdom to re- this city and Pfc. Roy Pruitt, took The Probate Court for the ORDER FLOWERS TODAY and FOR RENT Dial IN-8-9M1 Mr. and Mrs. James Herron, i to such hearing. PERMANENT WAVING move from our midst our hon- place in California on March 8th. County of Berrien (SEAL) JULIAN E. HUGHES who reside on Paw Paw Avenue, In the Matter of the Estate of Evenings By Appointment [ ored fellow member and officer, Watervliet, Mlchlfaa The bride is a daiuihtor of Mrs. SHANE FLORISTS FOR RENT — Mod. unfur. Apt.. have been residents in that nei- Ruth Heffner Deceased. Judge of Probate JOSEPH CONWAY. M.D. Phone INgersoll 3-5421 ' Robert G. Wendzel and. Matilda O'Riley of this city. CERTIFIED TO BY: Phone IN 3-3622 private entrance, gas heat, hot & ghborhood longer than any other Wm. Brooks has^old his farm At a session of said Court, held PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Nina Gates, Owner and Operator living person, says Mrs. Herron, j LILLIAN HENNES We Teleeraph Flowers Hours: 1 - 4 Jerrie Griffis, Operalur cold water fur. Adults. Phone Whereas, the pleasant and inti- MATIONAl jDITOII^Al of 43 acres in north Watervliet on March 17th A. D. 1950 Deputy Register of Probate. I in commenting on an article pub- Present, Honorable Julian E fivenings. Mon. & frl. 7:30-9:00 Air Conditioning: and Air Con- IN 3-3253. 3-27P mate relations which for a num- to Julius Radtke of Toquin. !3-20. -4-3. 1958) ber of years he has held with 1 lished in this newspaper publish- Watervliet's Loan Closet which Hughes, Judge of Probate. Phones ditioned Driers I ed two weeks ago. regarding the Notice is Hereby Given. That, Office IN 3-5711 Res. IN 3-3180 2-18-57 this Board as a fellow Director , ( O I w • ( s has long been . a dream of Lost And Found j 100th anniversary of Watervliet. the petition of Uyleau Shimer 12 -31 56 and Officer make it eminently the Junior Literary Guild, is now fitting that we should place on 1 Mrs. Herron says that James coming into actual existence. Wa- praying that the instrument filed Redding, who operated the old in said Court be admitted to pro- Curlec's Beauty Shop LOST — Flat link bracelet, black record our feeling of appreciation Entered at the Post OUice at Wa- tervliet people will be able to a- of his services and regret for his saw mill, located on the present vail themselves of the articles in bate as the Last Will and Testa- illness Has No "Days Off* Formerly Cecilia's & silver. Reward, Call Mrs. Wm. tervliet. Michigan, as second class loss. site of the Watervliet Paper com- the Loan Closet. ment of said deceased, that ad- Nor nights, cither PERMANENT WAVES Rogers IN 3-5435 after 6:00 p. a m. 3-20. matter. pany, and later in 1847 opened a ministration of said estate be For Prescription Service: HAIR STYLING Therefor be it resolved: store here, was her uncle and granted to Uyleau Shimer or Days: Phone IN-3-4031 Mrs. Henry Norman That this Board of Directors will that the 'Shingle Diggins" was lo- some other suitable person, and ONLY Phone IN 3-4940 Thursday, March 20, 1958 Nights: Call IN 3-3510 WANTED ever hold in remembrance the cated on the Paw Paw River just that the heirs of said deceased be advice and counsel given this Gas Clouds Occupy determined, will be heard at the LEWIS REXALL DRUGS back of where tho 'Green Lan- HARRY L. THOMPSON Board by him, together with the tern Inn' now stands between Interstellar Space Probate Court on April 21st A. 2 weeks 'til Established 1910 WANTED — TO give away part integrity and sterling business j Watervliet and Coloma. D. 1958. at 11:00 A. M. G. H. LEWIS- R. PH. fox terrier pup. Sec at 933 For- qualities which he possessed. OLD HIE NEWS It is Ordered. That notice 6-4-57 Plumbing & Heating William Edmond is the name WASHINGTON - The vast dis- est Park Ave., Watervliet. Chas. thereof be given by pMblication LICENSED - BONDED - INSURED Resolved: That the sudden remo- | of a son born to Mr. and Mrs. tances between the stars — li^ht 'Tor Your Protection" R. Andrews. 3-20P i Lawrence Fay, Saturday. March from the star closest to the sun of a copy hereof for three weeks val by death of our esteemed fel- NOTES consecutively previous to said A. J. D/n.GLElSH, M. D. Phone IN-3-5550 low member creates a great loss 11. at the Kolter sanitarium in takes more than four years to : WANTED — Factory work, wai- day of hearing, in the Watervliet EASTER PHYSICIAN and SURGEON 2-ll-.- 57 tress. or gen. housework. Write to this community and a vacancy Coloma. reach the earth—are not empty. Hours 2-6 pjn. by appointment, Carol Irene is the name of a Record, and that the petitioner Mrs. Nicholaus Colemann. Rte. 1. not easily filled on this Board, In interstellar space there are m G3 cause a copy of this notice to be except Wed. and Sat. Other hours 39 Yean Ago little daughter, who arrived at MIDWAY FLORIST Box 270 A. Watervliet. 3-27.P. Resolved: That we hereby extend the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry enormous invisible clouds com- The photographer may have caught this child in a served upon each known party in by appointment. our deepest sympathy to the fam- Office Phone IN 3-3531 March 21, 1919 Barney, of Fowlerville, March 8. posed of gases and "grains." European refugee camp with her mouth full but she sure interest at his last known ad- Complete, Modern ily of the deceased. Residence WA 5-6827 Mr. and Mrs. David Steele are whose nature is completely un- isn't saying a word — not while she can enjoy the food in dress by registered mail, return Easter Apparel Problems Solved By BUSINESS SERVICE REDSTONE—Soldiers at a firing panel wait In a foxhole at The entertainment given by receipt demanded, at least four- (60 N. Main SL. Watervliet, Mich. Floral Service JUPITER-C—Capped by ine Army's Explorer, America's first Resolved: That a copy of these grandparents of the little girl. known. out of which eventually the "Feed-A-Family" package distributed by the Catholic Redstone Arsenal, Ala., to monitor a test-firing of the Army's home talent last Friday evening teen (14) days prior to such Dial IN 3-5701, Watervliet earth satellite, the mighty Jupiter-C In its removable gantry resolutions be sent to the widow new stars are born. Locating and Bishops' Relief Fund. Wholesome food supplements the in- newest operational artillery missile, the G9-foot Redstone. The for the benefit of the newly or- hearing, or by personal service DR. JOE F. REED 5-5-56. crane at Cape Canaveral awaits the command to hurl Its pas- of our deceased fellow member ganized brass band was a decided defining these clouds and deter- adequate diets of the camps. The "Feed-A-Family" program Dry Cleaning Hours at Dunham's Fine Foods. and officer, and that these resolu- at least fourteen (14) days prior weapon can carry either an atomic or conventional vwhead. senger into space. Initial impetus for the historic launching success. The numbers given by 15 Years Ago mining what they are made of re- is conducted in cooperation with the National Council of OSTEOPATHIC 7-12 M., reg. meals serv. 11-2, 5-8 tions be published in the next is- to such hearing. PHYSICIAN and SUHOEON Sun: 11-11, good food, fast serv. At right Is Its mobile field power plant van. came from a modified Redstone missile power plant. the "Lafalot Club" were especial- main some of the most pressing Catholic Women and five dollars provides a food package. (SEAL) JULIAN E. HUGHES Yes, our dry cleaning is like sue of the Watervliet Record, ly pleasing and entertaining. March 19, 1943 problems of modern astronomy. Support the Bishops' Relief Fund by contributing to the North Main Street -Dial IN 3-3451 12-5tf. and a copy entered in the min- Judge of Probate WATERVLIET. MICHIGAN nearest Catholic Church or Bishops' Relief Fund, Empire CERTIFIED TO BY: CLASSIFIED SECTION utes of the meeting. Cadet Robert Sprage, son ofi magic the way it make^ clothes 1-1-58 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sprague, is. State'Bull ding, New York 1, N. Y. LILLIAN HENNES INCOME TAX AND Uyleau Shimer, president a member of a class of student | Deputy Register of Probate • HI •HH--I -KM 1 H * i I i ***** BOOKKEEPING SERVICE Training a baby by the book is R. E. Reinking, Cashier 30 Years Ago Katherlne Kiln? officers and aviation cadets to be, Read The RECORD Classified! look like new again. a good idea, only you need a dif- CITY ELECTION Phone WA 6-29G9 March 23, 1928 FOR SALE Missile Head ferent book for each baby. graduated soon from the Air Hours — 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Largest Guided Missile Training Force Advanced Flying School at To the Qualified Electors: Dr. John 1!. McDonald —Dan Bennett The Douglas C. McMurtrie man- Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Gunn enter- Notice is hereby given, that a Monday through Saturday Stockton Field. Calif. uscript collection, a group of more tained Coach Harold Crocker's Saw Has Been City Election will be held in the Chiropractic Physician FOR SALE — SM. mod. house, 1351 So. Pipestone Street Warns Zealots Center Due to Double Enrollment than 100.000 pieces relating lar- City of Watervliet, County of Lashley gleaners 20x24, bedrm. liv.rm. bath kit- Benton Harbor ley to printing and its history, Good Friday in Old Jerusalem^ Berrien, State of Michigan on Ap- 225 Pipestone Street chen, new furnace, water heater. (1-2-4-10.) PORT BUSS, Tex. — This Mingling with the thousands has been acquired by the Michi- ril 7, 1958 at the place or places Del. complete to your lot. R. ,T. BENTON HARBOR, MICHIGAN To Act Safely largest guided missile training of American soldiers are about gan State University Library. idrertUmrnl Man's Tool Since of holding the election in said city Dial 1N-3-5241 Waterrliet, Mich. Bensen, 1018 Oak. Kalamazoo. PERMANENTS S5.00 & UP-Hair center in the United States Is Easter Seals On Sale as indicated below, viz: Walnut 6-6729 shaping a specialty. Open eve- 300 studenU from 22 allied na- , HUNTSVILLE, Ala.— Word! going to grow bigger —much To steam iron velvet, hold the Watervliet City Hall, FOR SALE — Stove or fireplace nings by appointment Martha's tions, come to this area some- of safety wisdom addressed tc bigger. ' steam iron about one-half inch From where I sit... Jy Joe Marsh Earliest Times City Election for the purpose of 7-20-57 wood del. or you haul. Phone Beauty Salon 113 Beechwood times referred to as the "cra- Buy Now And Help j above the pile side of the fabric. electing the following officers, HO 8-5942. 3-20-4-10 P: Circle, Paw Paw Lake. Phone amateur rocketeers come from That's the word at the Army 1 WASHINGTON — Cave man. no dle" of guided missiles and Lei the steam penetrate, brush viz: 3 Commissioners, 1 Treasur- IN 3-3862. 12-5 tf Major General H. N. Toftoy, Air Defense School here where j pile lightly and let dress dry be- less than the do-it-yourself enthu- FOR SALE — FHA 3-bcdrm. atomic energy. Crippled Children er, 1 Member Board of Review, 1 Lashley Cleaners commander of the Army's Red- the enrollment figure is due to fore wearing or storing it. siast of today, could hardly get Constable, 6 City Charter Amend- house opp. Golf Course on Paw BE SHARP — Have your shears The first atomic device was FOR QUICK PICK. UP And Paw Ave. Phone Home Supply. stone Arsenal here. double to 10.000 by mld-1960. along without a saw. ments. DELIVERY SERVICE and scissors sharpened to perfec- detonated at nearby Alama- Notice relative to opening and WA 5-9071. Key next door.12-19 tion at Tacy Barbers, Main St. "Don't experiment with liq- These thousands of soldiers "Sound ldea"-But— The first saws were serrated CaH tf. gordo, N.M. Adjacent to Bliss, closing of the poles, election law, Watervliet's Own Cleaners ll-12tf uid fuels like liquid oxygen, are training to serve with the at White Sands Proving flints. Then man learned how to Act 116, P. A. 1954. mount flakes of stone in a grooved And Dyers—Lashley Cleaners nitric acid, and gasoline at all." missile system guarding the Ground, N.M., missiles are test- Section 720. On the day of any Can You Identify Your SEPTIC TANKS Cleaned. Dial piece of wood or bone. However And Dyers, IN 3-5241 At the Arsenal development nation's air defense—the Nike ed for all services and It was Hap Wilson is a young fellow can't sit on the machine's lap!" election the polls shall be opened Also 1-day service IN 3-5483. Hentschel Sanitation crude, this composite tool with at 7 o'clock in the forenoon, and work Is carried out behind con- family of AJax and the bigger on our paper-and crazy about Satisfaction Guaranteed Service. there that Dr. Wemher von What's a Vigintillionth? From where I sit, Hap had teeth was the forerunner of the shall be continuously open until 8 1 crete and steel barricades, with and improved Hercules. that little daughter of his. Rut 8-19-56 Braun first worked for the good intentions, but he has to powered chain saw that has been o'clock in the afternoon and no Home or Buildings? plenty of distance between The school schedules no slack TRYING TO PICTURE a vigintillionth of anything is beyond like all of us he's learned that longer. Every qualified elector CONCRETE HOMES & LAKE COTTAGES — Army after World War n. understand his daughter's point such a boon to the lumber indus- JAMES L. COLMAN Wide choice of lots in city and men and experimental mate- time. Classes are conducted I the comprehension of most of us. kids can present problems. of view, too. Many of us often try. present and in line at the polls at Almost as inconceivable for many is what life in America the hour prescribed for the closing WE WILL PAY THE OWNER OF THE HOME suburb. Phyllis Kienzle, Realtor rials, and propellants are til 'dnlght.' make the same mistake. For in- The saw of tomorrow, forest re- Attorney Mixed Right "Every night I have to read thereof shall be allowed to vote. Office Plaza Motel. Phone IN- mixed by remote control In would be like without the motor truck. stance, you may like tea, I pre- searchers say, will be a ray that 459 North Main St. 3-4475. Mass production and sub-assembly operations — the very her the same story," he com- The polls of said election will be proper containers. can cut a log swiftly and cleanly OR BUILDINGS PICTURED BELOW Hours 9:00 - 12:00 and 1:00 - 5:00 heart of our technological economy — would be utterly im- plained. "The most sugary one fer a glass of temperate beer. open at 7 o'clock a. m. and will Monday — Sat. without leaving sawdust. Tho The mixing process per- possible without the 'round-the-clock delivery of materials in the book-about Billy Bumble- The important thing is that we remain open until 8 o'clock p. m. Also by appointment On-Time Delivery ray's intense heat will plane of said day of election. formed by a would-be scientist and parts trucks now provide. bee l" So I finally recorded the both understand each other's Ph. IN 3-4710 and IN 3-6022 VI \ DOLOROSA PROCESSION: Each Good Friday, men and boards during the cutting process. Lenore Clark, Deputy City Clerk S5.00- can be dangerous. And certainly there would be a tremendous "change" in story on a tape recorder. Showed point of view.There are two sides 1-22-57 — FOR - boys ol various Christian sects in Jerusalem, Jordan, carry heavy The origin of the saw can only to Easter Services our eating habits if trucks were removed from the picture her how to play it whenever she to every "story"! wooden crosscs along the Via Dolorosa, the pathway followed by ORDER . FOR PUBLICATION Please clip the picture and bring same to bank, "A couple of harmless drug! be conjectured. One legend says FRANK E. STEWART because EVERYTHING that comes from the farm — includ- Christ on his way to Calvary. Stops are made at the Stations —Notice ' of Hearing—Appoint- to receive your money. For Every Faith store items like sugar and salt- PROMPT SERVICE wants. the inventor got the idea from tho p ing meat on the hoof and dairy products — depends on truck of the Cross lor prayer and meditation. The pilgrimage ends at ment of Administrator and De- Real Estate & Insurance "Know what she says? That spined snout o> a sawfish: anoth- Your Job Site In Old Jerusalem • peter becomes a deadly weapon, transport for distribution to retailer and consumer. ^oe OtUj£ the Church of the Holy Sepulchre which stands on the site of termination of Heirs. Offers Office Service CALL er holds that the saw was in- State of Michigan when combined," Toftoy warns. Roads, buildings, public services, national defense — all it sounds fine but that she Calvary. Throngs of worshippers from many parts of the world 9:00 a. m. to 5:00 p. m. More than seventy-five spe- spired by a wasp's toothed sting. File No. 19368 Dependable, that's us! We "Usually the simplest things these as we now know and rely on them — reflect the inde- follow this solemn procession on Good Friday, a traditional Holy Office IN 3-5182 - Res. IN 3-3541 cial services, ceremonies, and More likely man devised the The Probate Court for the Our Beet Reference Is have the man-power, experi- processionals are held during make the worst propellants andj Watervliet Plumbing & Heating spenslbility of the motor truck, and we could go on and on. Copyight, 1958, United States Brewers Foundation Week Ceremony in Old Jerusalem.^ ...... ! saw out of sheer need. Flint saws County of Berrien Satisfied Castomers Easter Week in Old Jerusa- common black powder is the So. next time you see a truck on the street or highway re- have been found in Stone Age In the matter of the Estate 3-27-58. ence, equipment to supply lem, Jordan, by Catholic, worst of all." Phone IN 3-5171 member —it's there because it has a job to do for you and Caroline P. Brenner Deceased. j caves. With them, paleolithic hunt- Protestant, and Eastern rite 165 million other Americans! At a Session of said Court, held BENJAMIN F. ROGERS ready-mix concrete when Sclcnce teachers whose stu i ers gained mastery over bone, on the 5th day of March A. D. churches. n I ELECTRIC SEWER SERVICE you want it. dents are undertaking a rock-) 1.000.000,000,,000.000, 000,000.000, 000,000.000, - antler, and ivory, developing a 1958 Real Estate - Insurance Easter visitors to Old Jeru- et-bullding program are en-i LOU OBERLE Phone Res. wn-7-101i * 000, kit of tools. Present, Honorable JULIAN E. BONDS AND salem can worship, according In civilized societies the saw HUGHES, JUDGE of Probate. NOTARY PUBLIC READY-MIX to their faiths and inclina- couraged to write: Safety Offl-! was even more important. Most Notice is hereby Given, That Dial IN 3-3253 tions, at quiet sunrise services :er. Army Ballistic Missile wheels made before 2000 B.C. the petition of E. C. Baiers pray- WATERVLIET. MICHIGAN at Bethany, during devotional Agency and Redstone Arsenal,j Michigan Trncking Association ing that the administration of walks along the Via Dolorosa, were tripartite wooden disks. It CONCRETE Himtsville, Ala. Fort Shelby Hotel • Detroit is not easy to imagine how boards said estate be granted to E. C. MONROE INSURANCE in the Garden of Gethsemane, Try A Record Clattified Ad for a Quick Sale Baiers or to some other suitable or at Pontifical High Mass in Meanwhile a booklet stress- could have been cut into segments AGENCY 1 person; and that the heirs of said Free Estimates front of the Tomb at the ing the safety aspects of rocket of a circle without a saw of some Successor To deceased be determined, will be Church of the Holy Sep- construction and firing Is being; kind. Metal saws have been un- heard at the Probate Court on C. L Monroe Insurance Agency ulchre. prepared for distribution to arthed from graves at Kish, one April 14th A. D. 1958. at 9:15 A. FIRE - WINDSTORM - AUTO the more important ancient M; BONDS • RUDELL BROS. rocket hobbyists requesting It.j s of Sumer. It is Ordered, That notice Contact us at any time about thereof be given by publication 415 W. Main of a copy hereof for three weeks Insurance Froolems The measure of a man's real 486 Main St.. Watesvliet Hartford Ph 5171 charcter is what he would do if Their toil is joy to them that Phone IN 3-4210 he knew he would never be have won success. 2-20-57 found out. —Aeschylus THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK —Thomas Babington Macaulav ARTHUR L. MILLER WATERVLIET, MICHIGAN "ARTHUR L. MILLER FOR SALE — Scratch Pads >it REAL ESTATE - INSURANCE 1 Homes - Farms - Lake Property The RECORD Offlce. 5c Each. We Pay 2 /2% Interest on Time Certificates REALTOR PHONE WATERVLIET IN-S-5101 /1 Have Promised of Deposit Real Eitate, all klnda. In- L To Obey Al Traffic tin. ••••••••••••••••••••••••* B. D. DWIGGINS dudinf % wide choice •# We Pay 2% Interest On Savings Book Accounts INSURANCE TMAmtUk 2. To lo Cturteoiii To Other : Metal Furniture homedtes. AUTOMOBILE - FIRE Ortrirs And MntrisK. 'The Bank of The People" CASUALTY REAL ESTATE FOR General Insurance Member F.D.l.C. Louis A. Holland Dial IN S-5481 Claiming the $5. bill last week: Lee Curtis Phone IN-S-5101 Watervliet, Miehlxan iwsty? 1 mile north of WateirUei I. C. Pickering, farmer, Rochester, Michigan NIEL SILHANEK Fire And Automobile Insurance Make Your Here's what J. C. Pickering says about Ford Dealer Used Cars.. •'.'W*'-"- Dial HO S-3177 Coloma, Michigan Own Weather! (4-1-58.) "I HAVE FOUND THAT FORD DEALERS NO RAIN INSIDE THOUGH IT POURI ORLO CONKLIN •OUTDOORS • Charter a South Shore Bus.. Frig Ida Ire Sales ic Service Dial IN-3-4241 HONESTLY REPRESENT THE tn / VERY LOW WATERVLIET, MICHIGAN 8-8-56.

CONDITION OF USED CARS WHEN WELL DRILLING THEY SELL THEM" BEEF And SHALLOW RUST-OLEUM WELL FUMFS i: . « WWt* ' J 9, But Mr. Pickering isn't the only one who has found that it pays SOVJTU - SHORF, i.ixt E. L. RICHCREEK

to buy Ford Dealer •£*£> Used Cars... modern WITH CaMFORTABLE fr » BUSES for Alden ^Chum' White Aood Windows Brush Rust-Oleum 769 • Conventions Sand And Gravel The tightest closing windows ever made! Patented, automatic Damp-Proof Red Primer • Tours right over the rust-after wire- Bulldozer, Truck and AUTO-LOK mechanism plus floating brushing away rust scale and • Sporting Events seal weatherstripping makes a 'J?** loose rust. Then - follow-up • Theatre Parties Tractor Service weatherproof closure every time with your desired Rust-Oleum A special event nearby—a convention in a distant finish color. Easy as that to • School Outings Telephone IN S-S833 Ideal for heating the entire home or !..never sticks or rattles. state? Chaiier a South Shore Motor Coach. Travel in WATERVLIET. MICHIGAN OPLM.NC Of 111L <00 LOCKS HERALDS SPRLNCT1ME Full Color Reproduction suitable for framing sent upon request Stop Rust and beautify as you • Church or Club Functions Seoh itself like yowr Rtfrigtfotor protect. Come in and sec the comfort — new luxurious parlor coaches. Enjoy the additions to existing homes. many attractive Rust-Oleum • Special Events company of your own private group. Have FUN enroute! Beautiful AOTO-LM Windows colors, today! art economicaL.eaty to install BEVERLY LUMBER # CLEAN « ROOM-BY-ROOM CONTROL • •• "Go any direction — any distance — anywhere* Rates ...screens and storm lash inter- Long Trips or Short Trips COMPANY \ Joseph Veteo, mine;, says, "The money I've saved on Maurice K. Brown, fore- "I buy used cars from my axe surprisingly low. Check them, yid, seel fhaogeable at ih« flip of s clip! "I buy my used cars from Ford Dealer Used Cars has man, has bought several Ford Dealer because he Guaranteed Roof * MODERN * SPACE-SAVING Discover the natural bear.'7 of Micliiiran... J my Ford Dealer because helped me buy many things used cars from his local has always stood behind FOR INFORMATION CALL YOUR his prices are always right a man needs to raise a Ford Dealer because "I'm Protection every used car he sells me," LOCAL AGENT OR WRITE TO... ENGINEERED INSULATION and I can always rely on family," says Robtrt L firmly convinced that the says Charln Slmmont, enjoy the natural goodness of ]!: higan hrewed beer what he tells me." Hill, chemical company Phone IN 1-1481 G. A. WADE, Superintendent ASBESTOS AND INSULATED very best buy is an A-l truck driver. MDING APPLIED /f/r ...e/jecttcci employee Used Car." WATERVLI1T, MICHIGAN 114-116 E. 11th St., Michigan City, Indiana FREE ESTLMATES Convenient Terms WATERVLIET. MICH. Other YARDS • Telephone Triangle 4-4228 - Eiillii Dial IN 3-3481 - IN 3-5721, Wvlt. Michigan Brewers* Association Riverside * aay pUo* ta V. S. A. oc Cuada Other Yards Other Tarda Coloma, Michigan Benton Harbor MUlburg Benton Harbor, MlUburg Indiana ^Michigan Benton Harbor 350 Madison Avenue • Detroit 26, Michigan SOPER FORD SALES Riverside ELECTRIC COMPANY Millburg - Riverside Cm9»g Brewing Co. • Cocbel Brewing Co. • National Brewing Co. of Michigan • P/eiJfcr Brewing Co. • Schcwainj Brewing Co. • The Stroh Brewery Co. '*'!! Jfl*14 ami BSKSJI?

Page 6 The Watervliet Record, Watervliet Mich., Thurs., Mar. 20, 1958

Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Monroe laboratory a month and talking real fear talk freely. They were meant the open fire. That was Mrs. Effie Carpenter writes . visited Jim Harper at Berrien with them was a fine experience. constantly on the defensive and an interesting evening, imagine, "We have had a lovely winter, : Springs Hospital last Sunday. We can only be eternally thank- rarely smiled or laughed until two Russians, two Swiss and two but a terribly hard rainstorm t; Biblical Places ful for the freedom of opportuni- near the end of their visit. In x\mericans. Like a real inter- make up for it. The water waj Of Easter Week Mrs. Lorraine Ostrander is a ty, expression, and thought spite of these difficulties we national conference with neutrals up to our front porch and you surgical patient at Mercy Hospi- which is ours. It is difficult to enjoyed knowing them. We had et. al. Distance frdm Damascus such a fine time the evening they One thing is evident to me, could row a boat on the streets. tal. understand the restrictions and Some closed and put up sand Gate, Old Jerusalem, Jordan ignorance which were obviously spent with us. as we sat around however. If exchanges of ideas bags, while others just stayed Mrs. Anton Hellebrandt is re- Imposed on these two scientists. our fire place, with a nice fire and friendships such as we had Bethany Smiles ceiving medical attention at Mer- burning, eating strawberry short- and watched the water. It didn't They were not free — even here are allowed to more and more last long after it stopped raining, i cy Hospital. in Sweden. The Embassy check- cake, one of the Russians said, Russians, this can only serve to Bethphage .... 1^miles "We were so disappointed that i Mount of Olives I mile viiun Donald, son of Mr. and Mrs. ed everything they did. They "people do need, and should have reduce the tensions of the cold such fine things." with this, he war. For example, the most Robert Muths' didn't call on us. 1 idulW/util Donald Phillips, is a patient m could not for some vague yet when they were out here." i Gethsemane ... IGmin.walk Mercy Hospital. touching thing of the whole eve- Emmaus 12 miles ning was when I put Tschaikov- Love as always, Ronald Hurley was homo from Emzley Baldwin is a patient at Margaret Lyle Hospital, Benton Lavern Rice of Hartford retur- sky's Piano Concerto No. 1 on the Effie Great Lakes. Illinois, to spend ned home today, from a business phonograph, they were so pleased the -.veck-end with his parents, Heights. trip to Phoenix. Arizona. that we would play and enjoy Mr id Mrs. Samuel Hurley, j Sack Look Goes To The Head * their music. PeoDle are people Lnwn'lale. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hoadley For the benefit of friends of have moved into an apartment and they all have hearts." Robert Sprague, we are publish- Love, Buzz and Mrs. Gordon Willmeny in the Robert Hardy residence on ing his complete address which is of Watervliet, and Mr. and Mrs.; Pleasant Street. Maj. Robert L. Sprague U§MTM Howard Chipper of Dowagia?, I (Training Gp.) APO 616, New spent last week-end in Green, Mr. and Mrs. Marion Hoyt and York, N. Y. Bay and Milwaukee, Wisconsin. family of Napanee, Indiana, were CARDS OF THANKS Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Aspen- Robert Curtis and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Leider, who gren who have been spending CARD OF THANKS the winter at Tavares, Florida, have been spending the winter at With profoundest thanks and B raw ley. California, will arrive Mr. and Mrs. Jack Long and are enroute lo their home in daughter, Gail, were week-end Hartford. appreciation to my friends who in Watervliet about April first. so kindly remembered me. They plan to visit relatives in guests of her parents, Mr. and Cheboygan. Wisconsin, before Mrs. Fred Schaeflein, Chicago. Robert and Gerry Weiser have Helen Prince Vogt. with the announced the closing of their coming home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rogel re- Grocery and Market on Tuesday CARD OF THANKS new fashionable Mr. and Mrs. Henry Leverton turned home last Friday from a of next week for the purpose of We wish to thank our neigh- left on Thursday of last week lor month's vacation in St. Peters-, remodeling. C burg, Florida. ' bors and relatives for the many Texas, where they will vi4'4"l"H 4"H 'l 'l l"H'4'4 l 'l"H"H"i'4 4"l'4"i'4"H"H'4'4 4"1 14 «» Two Russians worked in our J^SOO CVWOWC PARISHES OFISE 42,000 JUFU6EE* WBKC PZCS/IVBV U.i CoNraiBanoNs aw/aw Be wrrH HOMES ANO MADE TO BKHOP* REUEP Rmo "Finest Foods Anywhere '

Iob^INTHB U.SM HPQTFS" EMPIRE STATE BUILOIN* CANADA, AutfTRAUA, NEW Y0fcKl|N.Y« I. H. LEVERTON & SONS WATERVLIET, MICH. AND OTHER BECMTVE A. G. Super Market COUNTRIES SHORT RIBS END CUTS BOB and JERRY W1ESER F Phone IN 3*5411 Main St. Watervliet PORK CHOPS FRESH DRESSED BEEF 2lib 45,5 FD V17 D Q COMPLETELY O Q c HOME MADE SU-ZQ r K I HKo CLEANED lb. WHOLE KERNEL iimiiiiimiiimimmimmiiiiimiiimmmiiiiiiiiiiimmiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimit PORK SAUSAGE FRESH COUNTRY FRESH GROUND c 2 cans gc SAUSAGE 3199c BEEF 31^I29 3 for 89 is family time ISU-Z-Q SYNDER'S ... and a wonderful ''time for pictures S UGAR CURED SLICED Mol

MICHIGAN Plain or Sugared HAXSON CREAMERY GIANT 20 lb. BAG c FRISKIES DONUTS 35L BUTTER 65 b FAB DOG MEAL BIRDSEYE BOOTH 11 $ SEA 0 pkgs $ 1 FISH Q Pkgs $ 1 es " 1.89 PERCH J for A STICKS 0 for 1 KODAK PovUf W. CAMERA FRANCO AMERICAN HUNTS HILL'S BROS. Easy, low-cost way to start enjoying color slides SPAGHETTI 7 for $1 CATSUP *;for$l New model of Kodak's world-famous Pony Camera for color slides. Has f/3.5 lens, 1 /250 flash shutter, simple rone focus- 303 tins • 1 14 oz. bottles ^ A ing . .. plus the convenience of exposure-value lens settings. COFFE E 79f This surprisingly low-cost Pony Camera makes miniatur#. b camera precision and versatility easier-than-ever to enjof., This Store Will Be Closed Tuesday For Re-Modeling In cooperatioii with several other stores - SEE YOU AGAIN WEDNESDAY. CAMERA $39.95 FLASHOLDER $7,50 in Watervliet, our store will be open LEWIS Rexali DRUG STORE 4 MAKE THIS Store Your Shopping CENTER! Friday evenings til 9:00 p.m. Waterrliet, Michigan
