ANNUAL SPORTS NIGHT Candidate S Petitions Certified at Comm

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ANNUAL SPORTS NIGHT Candidate S Petitions Certified at Comm THE WATERVLIET RECORD VOLUME 75 WATERVLIET, MICHIGAN,. THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 1958 5 cents a copy NUMBER 19 Exceeds Quota Masonic Lodge To MSU Begins Nine Eighth ANNUAL Courses At Area Candidate s Petitions In March 0( Honor Fifty Year Cities In April Fire Area teachers, businessmen, SPORTS housewives and other interested Certified At Comm. Dimes Drive residents are invited to take ad- At Erie Members vantage of nine courses offered this term in three southwestern The final report from Hod A $100,000.00 fire swept CroSs Headquarters on the re- Michigan communities by Michi- gan State University. through a remote materials buil- sults of the recent Red Cros:; ding of the Hammermill Paper NIGHT Drive have been tabulated. The Courses in education, business, Meeting Company at Erie, Pennsylvania, , Berrien County March of Dimes speech, sociology and mathema- during the early morning hours Tuesday evening, March 25th, Drive collected $45,585.16. Wa- tics are among the credit offer- A special meeting of the City tho Senior Class of Watervliet Wednesday. Damage to the buil- tervliet's quota of $1,000, was ings at Benton Harbor, Niles and ding was estimated at $45,000.00 Commission was held Wednes- High School will present their "Safety Good Turn" day evening, March 19, to certi- ; over the top. when tho final tal- Three Oaks. to $50,000.00. the remainder to Annual Sport Night. The event ' ly revealed that the people «.f More than 200.000 Boy Scouts fy the nominating petitions. will begin at 7 o'clock. Headquarters for M i c h i g an the materials which it housed. l this area had oversubscribed by State off-campus services in sou- There were no injuries. and their adult leaders will con- Petitions for the office of City The game of the evening will $747.06, under the capable lead thwestern Michigan is the M. S. duct the nation's largest mass Commissioner are as follows: be a contest engaging the Angel- • ership of the chairman. Bill Gnf- The fire at the Hammermill U. Continuing Education Region- Paper Company, of which the "Safety Good Turn" In Michigan William H. Parrett, William Phil- o's of the Benton Harbor area and . fin and his committee. al Center. 224 Pipestone, Benton during the Easter season. lips. Wilbur Leverton and Arthur the Blue and Gold Dairy Bar.a | Watervliet Paper Co., is a who- Harbor. Information about the lly owned subsidiary, is the 8th In all 18 Scout Councils In Ml- | Johnson. All appeared In order team which finished second in courses can be obtained from Dr. chlgan. pairs of Boy Scouts will j and were accepted. the Industrial League in Kalama- major fire in Erie thus far this Harold E. Gray, regional director. year. In the news releases from pass out 4 million safety imprin- The petition of Roberty Flah- zoo. ted paper windshield towels at First of the courses will begin Erie arson is hinted but Mr. F. erty for City Treasurer was also The first game of the evening Annual Meeting urban stations under a program I the week of March 24, with en- E. Bahrenburg, executive vice 1 accepted. set up for the Scouts by the Ml- will be a cage game between rollments accepted at both the president and general manager Petitions for Board of Review: chlgan Petroleum Industries Watervliet and Coloma alumni. of the Watervliet Paper Company Barney Dwlgglns and Robert first and second course sessions. Committee of Lansing. In most Between halves of the two Of Fruit Exchange Clases will meet one night a and also Plant Manager of the Muth; and Chris Krieger to suc- games, students of Sonie Roi|ers communities, the program will ceed himself as constable. All week during the spring term. Erie Mill states that in his phone be conducted during the Easter Sloan and Jill Johnson will give conversations with Erie, nothing were accepted. a twirling exhibition. Southwestern Michigan courses vacation week, but In a few areas ^ Stockholders and their locations include: Ben- was mentioned of possible foul the project will fall on subse- G. J. McCarthy, Project En- See ad on pa'ie 6. of thii Issue ton Harbor — Principles of Man- j play. gineer for the State Highway De- The Annual Meeting of the quent weekends. Easter vacation ' for further information on this agement 1, Business Law, Meth- i Mr. Bahrenburg did state how- varies from city to city. partment. presented plans for the Senior Class event. Stockholders of the Watervliet ods of Teaching Reading in the I ever, that there was nothing a- re-surfacing of Main Street. Mr. Fruit Exchange, Inc., will beheld Under the program, two Scouts Elementary School. Mater ials bout the fire to in anyway inter- will be assigned to each partici- McCarthy stated that the High- at the Congregational Churcn in and Methods of Audio-Visual In- fere with production at the Erie way Department hoped to let the Watervliet. on Thursday. Marcn pating service station from 4 to struction. Play Direction and Dif- mill. job in May, and that the work, 27th. at 1:30 o.m. JOHN M. KLIPP 6 p.m. every weekday and all CHAN W. PRICE ferential Equations; Niles — Gui- day Saturday to call motorist's If started In June, should be com- Date Set For This meeting is for the pur- dance Practices in the Schools attention to the fact that the late pleted this summer. pose of electing officers for the The date of Wednesday evening, | honor a 6:30 dinner will be served and Special Methods and Mater- winter period of dirty and wet Under existing laws, anything ensuing year and to transact such March 26, has by Worshipful Mas- I in the dining room of the Temple, ials of Teaching Elementary Sci- roads Is a high hazard time. The over 46 feet In width, must be Dedication Of other business as may properly ter been set aside for a Special after which the Entered Appren- ence; Three Oaks — Teaching of motorist Is asked to keep his paid for 100 per cent, by the city. come before the meeting. Communication of the Lodge for tice Degree will be conferred by Language Arts in Elementary Cub Sc*ut windshield and car lights clean The City Clerk was authorized the purpose of confering of two the local lodge members, and fol- Grades. until he returns to a service sta- to sign the consent and approval Entered Apprentice Degrees, as lowing the degree work Fifty tion. form and plans as submitted. Coloma's P.O. well as to honor two Brother Year Pins will be presented to The Boy Scouts have accepted Glen Dockter has again been The Postmaster and Staff of Members of the Lodge who have our honored Brothers. President Elsenhower's invitation engaged to spray the cities' trees contributed Fifty Years of con- Variety for the Dutch Elm desease. the Coloma Post Office expends So Brothers don't forget the to make safety their nation-wide Need Of Class Mayor's Exchange with Fife a cordial invitation to all to at- Movie 'Alice In tinued service to Masonry. date Wednesday evening, March 'Good Turn' for 1958. The Spring tend the formal dedication of the The Brothers being Chan W. 26th at 6:30. Let's have a nice at- traffic safety phase will be fol- Lake has been cancelled and new Post Office in that city, Price and John M. Klipp in whose tendance for this gala occasion. lowed In the summer and fall by steps are being taken to exchange with a Mayor within a radius of Saturday, March 22. at 2:00 p.m. Rooms outdoor and home safety projects. Sh«w one hundred miles. in front of the new building. The North School PTA will Wonderland' Cub Scout Pack 62 will pre- Paul Jones. City Assessor, re- In the event of inclement wea- meet Tuesday, March 25th, at 8:00 sent a Variety Show of local ta- RETURNS FROM VACATION ported that the assessment roll ther, the ceremonies will be held p.m. at the school gymnasium. Fashion Snow lent at the Watervliet High Tom Budd returned on Sun- Is $3,243,400.00. a net gain in in the Auditorium of the Coloma Superintendent Elery Donald- School. The Kermit Washburn day night from a month's vaca-, Real Estate of 52.400.00 and a net High School. SENIOR BAND The Spring & Funtime Revue, i son will present plans for the gain in personal of $200.00 ma- Dancers from Paw Paw will be tlon from his duties in the local presented by the North School elementary school additions. Mr. There will be Band music and At So. School featured. Postofflce. king a combined net gain of $52, PTA last Wednesday evening, distinguished speakers. Arthur Bates, architect of Kala- He attended the Mardi Gras at 600 over last year. The last in a series of movies gave an early outlook at the com- mazoo. will also be here to dis- For time and date, see ad on ing spring and summer fashions. page 6. New Orleans, then visited his sponsored by the South and cuss the plans. daughter. Mrs. Eileen Swartz and High School will be "Alice in TO PRESENT Fifty models displayed spring An election of officers will be family, at Fort Worth. Texas. he also visited his sister, Mrs. Wonderland" in color. Thursday. fashions, casual and sports wear, held. Nursery care provided and Before returning to Watervliet, Margaret Terrlll, In Houston. Church League March 27. at 7:30 p.m.
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