Withington Parish Magazine July - August 2016



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Page 3,4,5,6, 7 St. Peter’s Church News 8 Withington Village Hall 9 Withington Gardening Club 9 Elizabeth Byworth Charity 10,11 Withington Primary School 12,13 Withington Group Parish Council 13 Westhide 14 Preston Wynne 15 Local History 16 Contact Names & Telephone Numbers 17-24 Adverts


St. Peter’s Church News

Fundraising Programme for Charities and Church 2016

We welcome everybody to join these events. They are good social gatherings as well as fund raisers!

We aim to raise money for various Charities as well as for St Peter’s Church, which needs money for both routine maintenance and to update its facilities. Venues vary, and include the Village Hall, the church and individuals’ homes. There are more events in the pipeline.

Garden Party Lunch & Mini Auction...... Sun 24 July Ride & Stride (sponsored cycling or walking)...... Sat 10 September Macmillan Coffee Morning...... Fri 23 September Harvest Service followed by refreshments...... 23 October Quiz Night...... TBA November

Pop Up Café @ St Peter’s…………………………….. starts Thurs 7 July (weekly 9 – 12) NEW… Come and try this weekly social


St. Peter’s Church News

Special Services

Our fifth Sunday gathered service on 31st July will be at Weston Beggard and will celebrate Lammas. Weather permitting, we will meet in an orchard near the church which will be clearly signposted as you approach the church. More information about the new informal evening service Refresh at St Peter’s Withington can be found below.

For details of other services in the Bartestree Cross Group please visit our website: http://www.bartestreecross.org/regular-worship/

Dear Friends

Long range weather forecasting is always tricky, but hopefully as you read this, summer will be upon us. Throughout the year, there are vestiges of the old agricultural calendar, and summer is no different. The long school summer holidays were instituted so school pupils could help gathering in the harvest. Today the summer seems to present opportunities for holiday providers to cash in on higher demand from school-age families, whereas in the past whole families would have come to this area to pick hops as part of a working holiday.

This year in the Bartestree Cross group of churches we shall be keeping the ancient harvest festival of Lammas. As well as celebrating the harvest being “safely gathered in” at the end of the season, we will celebrate and offer to God the first fruits of the harvest. Again long-range weather forecasting is an inexact science, but we hope the weather will be fine enough on 31st July for us to gather in an orchard in Weston Beggard and share a loaf of bread symbolically from the first corn of the new season.

Offering the first and best of all that we have to God has ancient roots in the Bible; so too does another feature of this holiday season – rest and refreshment. We cannot hope to continue giving of our best without taking a break from time to time. It is notable that Jesus frequently withdrew from the crowds and even his disciples to be on his own, to rest, pray and seek refreshment before taking up his ministry again.

Refreshment is a theme we will be exploring in a series of new services called Refresh. These will be held at St Peter’s Withington, at 4pm on the first Sunday of each month. These services will run from July to October (inclusive) and will begin with physical refreshment of tea and cake from 3.30pm before turning to spiritual refreshment. The service will feature a mix of traditional and contemporary music and an exploration of a different theme each month, with opportunities for prayer and discussion. The service on the 4th July will focus on Celtic Spirituality. We welcome anyone who would like to try out this new service. The themes for each forthcoming service will be advertised on the church notice board.

On the refreshment theme we are also offering a Pop-up­ Café at St Peter’s Church on Thursday mornings between 9 till 12 to coincide with the long-awaited refurbishment works on the organ. It would be great to see you over a cup of tea and a piece of cake and check out the progress on the restoration project.

So having covered the summer “three Rs” – rest, refreshment and restoration – I shall wish you all three and every blessing for this summertime.



St. Peter’s Church News

Coffee Morning with Toys and Children’s Clothes Sale THANKS This event, held in the Village Hall on Sat 21st May, was to raise funds for Messy Church. We had a superb response to our request for donations of second hand clothing, toys, books and equipment. Thank you so much, donors. Many bargains were to be had, and we raised £107 for Messy Church, at the same time enjoying a coffee, cake and a chat. Many children attend our Messy sessions, (often up to 30) and we offer all sorts of activities, including crafts, games, singing and more, with a Christian theme. We end sessions with a shared meal. There is no fee asked for attendance………just a donations plate. We have help from the Byworth Trust, who pay the Village Hall fees, and have given a grant for special workshop events, but otherwise we have funded our materials through the kindness of individuals and our church. This was the reason for our coffee morning and sale, as well as its social benefits. More helpers always welcome! And thank you everybody who helped in any way!


St. Peter’s Church News

Withington Church Organ Restoration The ‘Sponsor an Organ Pipe’ appeal has now reached almost £5000 which is great news and as we have been successful in our bid to the Lottery Heritage Fund for £4000 we have the money we need to restore the Organ, barring unforeseen problems of course. Withington Church PCC is very grateful to everyone who has sponsored an Organ Pipe allowing us to raise such a splendid total. David Gallichan, organ build and restorer will start work on the organ on Monday July 4th, the restoration will take approximately 2 months. An Inaugural Organ Recital will take place on September 24th, to which all sponsors will receive a complimentary invitation. As we would like everyone, young and old, to feel involved in the progress of the restoration we plan to set up a * Pop up Cafe * in the church every Thursday morning from 9am to 12 noon during the restoration, starting July 7th. We hope you will be able to pop in during the morning for drinks and cakes as well as to take the opportunity to see what is happening to the organ and ask David any questions you might have. If you would like to be involved in the Cafe by occasionally helping to serve or making a cake, or if you know of anyone who might like to come along but will have difficulty getting to the church, please get in touch with Marcia 850933 [email protected] or Lindsey Caine 851857 or Rosie Roberts 850484 *Date to put in your Diary Saturday October 29 a concert in the church by the local musicians “The Moonfleet Ensemble” with a special solo viola performance by Clare Gardiner. Clare who used to live locally was able to purchase her valuable Viola with help from The Byworth Trust and this concert is by way of a thank you to the trust.


St. Peter’s Church News

Next Messy Church …………...Thursday 7th July

In the Village Hall 3.30 – 5.15pm

Lots of activities, games and crafts as usual. New friends welcome! Children up to top juniors with their adults. We had a great time making a huge sound last session, with a drumming workshop run by BIM, from Ludlow. He brought a van full of plastic barrels of various sizes, a variety of beaters and shakers, and had us banging away full pelt! The children had a whale of a time trying out their own rhythms, and BIM taught us to use words of different lengths to create regular rhythms as we repeated the words.

Five Villages Treasure Hunt 3rd April

Withington, Westhide, Weston Beggard, and Lugwardine with Bartestree were the villages involved in this fun event centring around our village churches.

Around 20 teams of intrepid treasure hunters braved the course, and all seemed to have a good time! There were clues to answer and treasure to find, and we managed to keep away the rain until late in the day. Teams varied from 3 generation families, to couples, and one man and a bike – or dog, with some imaginative team names. The pre-event publicity generated teams from Bognor Regis and Bristol, both holidaying in the area, and doing remarkably well, though they were more successful in the raffle. The winners were The Taylors from Shucknall (who won Morrisons Vouchers) with the Stroud Crew from Hereford a close second (Courtyard Family Cinema Tickets), then the Lakesiders from Withington (Wye Valley Brewery gift set). I would like to thank all those who set the questions for each parish, provided prizes for the raffle, put up signs everywhere, and manned the churches on the day. Also to our sponsors – Morrisons, The Courtyard and Wye Valley Brewery for the Treasure Hunt Prizes, and Tescos for raffle prizes – including snow shovels, which caused some amusement. And, of course, everyone who joined in the fun. A special mention to the Withington team who organised the hall and refreshments for the evening. We raised £211 which will be divided between the churches, plus the proceeds of their own stalls. We would love to do it again, and hopefully more people will be able to join in next time. If anyone would like to know the answers, please drop me an email ([email protected]) and I will send you a copy, along with a question sheet so you can see how you did.


Withington Village Hall

Chairman: Kevin Hewison Tel: 850074 Booking Secretary: Kathy Fields Tel: 851001 Treasurer: Paula Highley Tel: 851570

200 Club I am very pleased to report that all the 200 club tickets have been sold. Thank you to all who have bought tickets to help support the Village Hall – more about this below. Also a very big thank you to those who have been going around selling the tickets. Your time and effort is very much appreciated. The April draw was too late for the last magazine, whereas the June draw is just in time for this magazine. Here are the lucky winners: - April May £20.00 No 69 Mike & Sharon Shaw £20.00 No 35 Debbie Gibbs £10.00 No 206 Catherine Chima £10.00 No 95 Sharron & Rob McGregor £10.00 No 68 Mike & Sharon Shaw £10.00 No 52 Nick Fish £10.00 No 193 Jan Sayce £10.00 No 44 Tristan Soutar

June £20.00 No 75 H Forty £10.00 No 143 Terry Kirk £10.00 No 159 Kelly Barber £10.00 No 138 Marcia Hopkins

Maintaining the Village Hall The hall is a ‘not for profit’ organization in that all the monies from hiring charges pay for the cleaning, repairs and improvements to the Hall. We have to be very careful what to repair and when. For example, each set of aluminium doors on the main hall cost £3,500 – we were only able to replace one a year, so a 3-year project was completed in 2015. We are also fortunate in that Joe the cleaner spots and reports issues as they arise so we can keep on top of problems. Thanks Joe.

Our latest improvement is to change the serving hatch between the hall and the kitchen. This is now over 15 years old, the Formica is lifting, the flap needs constant repairs etc. So this work will be done in early July at an approximate cost of £1000. Without the support of the 200 club monies we would not be able to keep the hall in such good condition.


Withington Gardening Club

Withington Gardening Club News Fun Show Report 1st Kathy Fields (28 points) 2nd Nicole Warner (25 Points) 3rd Paula Highley (22 points)

Best in Show – Beautifully knitted Mouse egg cosy – Margaret Nicholls

A very enjoyable evening – weather was kind to us – after the downpour most of the day. Thank you to all who entered - judges and our Master chefs of the barbecue the two R’s (Ron and Ray- mond)

Up and coming events from now until October 2016

June 15th – Sadly due to lack of numbers we have had to cancel our evening trip to Ralph Court Gar- dens . but July 20th Garden Visit to Hereford Cathedral Gardens – we will have a tour of these historic gardens - meet at Village Hall Car park 6.15pm - car Sharing (please support us if you are able)

August 17th Garden Visit – The Brooks – Pontrilas HR2 0BL 7pm – 2.5 acres garden - meet at Withington Village Hall 6pm

September 21st Demonstration Willow Work by Elaine Shears – 7.30pm

October 19th Paul Green from Green Leaves – will talk about – ‘Choice Plants of the Season’ – 7.30pm

Any new members please contact Diane 01432 850371 Look forward to seeing you all and good gardening.

Elizabeth Byworth Charity

The next meeting to consider applications is at the beginning of September.

If you are under 25 and live in Withington, Westhide or Eau Withington and would like some assistance with purchasing books, equipment etc. to help you with your studies please contact me at the address below. Funding is also available to help with the costs for Educational visits, uniforms and protective clothing. APPLICATIONS should be made in writing stating age and approximate cost of items required and sent to the Clerk to the Trustees, Margaret Soutar, 3 Duke Street, Withington. HR1 3QD.


Withington Primary School



It is with mixed emotions we write this newsletter, it is both a happy and sad time of year. We are so proud of all our achieve- ments this year, the children, staff and parents have worked hard to make Withington Primary an amazing school to be part of.

Sadly at this time of year there are goodbyes to be said. We wish our Year 6 pupils GOOD LUCK. We know that they will continue to do amazing things at their chosen secondary school, we are very lucky to have had the privilege of teaching them.

This year has seen our pupils and parents raise money for a range of charities. We wore spots for Pudsey, dressed as animals for WWF, skipped and skipped some more for the British Heart foundation & ran the race for life in aid of Cancer research. We are very proud of all our pupils and the support they have given these fantastic charities this year.

LEGOLAND ADVENTURE At the end of the term we are taking the whole school to visit LEGOLAND, we are going to let the parents come along and join in the fun as well! This is one of the many trips we have taken our children on this year, we have visited Warwick castle, Birmingham Rep, TESCO, Gloucester climbing center and many more.

FILLING UP FAST! We only have a few spaces left in our nursery for 2016 /2017! Our Foundation class takes children once they turn 3. If you are interested in your child joining our Foun- dation Class, please pop into school or give us a ring on 01432 853089 and ask to speak to Sarah Houchen or Linda Goodson.

It has been an amazing year at Withington Primary and we look forward to 2016/2017. Have an amazing summer, keep safe and let’s hope the sun shines. See you in September


Withington Primary School

We can’t quite believe the year is nearly over; it has been an amazing time here at Withington Primary. The children have all been on some fantastic adventures, worked really hard to reach their individual goals and we survived OFSTED with brilliant results.

Family Fun Day Bring your friends and family along to this fun filled event on Saturday 28th June Bouncy castle, bungee run, face painting etc. £10 for a family ticket £3 per person

Sponsored walk in the Élan Valley This term a coach load of children, parents and staff headed to the Elan Valley for our annual sponsored walk. Children from Year 1 – 6, had great fun along the 6 mile walk, even though we did get a little wet! Withington Primary would like to say a


and its customers, who dug deep and helped us raise a lot of money for our school.

80’s Night Withington PTA are holding an 80’s night at the Village Hall on Saturday 12th July. Tickets cost £2.50 each and are available from the school office. Dig out your 80’s gear and head down to this event. There will be a licensed bar and hot food for sale.


Withington Group Parish Council

Withington Group Parish Council update

Your Withington Councillors for 2016 -2017 are: Cllr Paul Bainbridge, Chairman, Stone Cottage, Duke St, Withington Tel: 01432 850655 Cllr Alison Bainbridge As above. Cllr Bob Wood, 32, Vine Tree Close, Withington Tel: 01432 851488 Cllr Kevin Hewison, The Lakes, Whitestone Tel: 01432 850074 Cllr Rachael Leake, Stonehouse Farm, Lock Road, Withington Tel: 01432 85032 Cllr Tom Nellist, Builth Farm, Eau Withington Tel: 01432 850941 Cllr Jackie Whibley, Yew Tree Cottage, Withington Marsh, Cross Keys Tel: 01432 820340 Cllr Jonathan Beech, Whitestone House, Whitestone Tel: 01432 850269 Cllr Martin Kirk, Minton House, Withington Tel: 01432 850420

Your Westhide Councillors are: Cllr Ralph Barber – Vice Chairman, Brick House, Westhide Tel: 01432 853086 Cllr Steve Scotcher, Upper House, Westhide Tel: 01432 893095 Cllr James Callow The Old Post Office, Westhide Tel: 01432 850258

Your Preston Wynne Councillors are: Cllr Simon Dent, The White House, Preston Wynne Tel: 01432 820615 Cllr Sue Rudd, Old Vicarage, Preston Wynne Tel: 01432 820166 Cllr Ed Simcock, Marsh Farm, Preston Wynne Tel 01432 820640 For general questions for the Parish Council, please contact the Clerk first, she is :- Mrs Sophie Glover, WGPC Clerk, The Orchard, Ridgehill, Hereford, HR2 8AG 01432 270499 or [email protected] Footpaths Officers: Each parish has someone who members of the public can contact if they find a problem with a foot- path in the parish, such as a broken stile, or a missing footpath sign. In Withington it is Cllr Martin Kirk : Tel: 01432 850420 In Westhide it is Cllr James Callow: Tel: 01432 850258 In Preston Wynne it is Mrs Roz Simcock: Tel: 01432 820640 Withington Group Parish Council also have a Tree Warden to cover the parishes. Her role is to keep an eye on the trees on our public open space (Withington Field), but also trees overhanging footpaths or roads – looking for diseases or dead trees that might cause a problem to our Parishoners. If you have concerns about a tree that might cause a problem to the public, please contact Cathy Gumbleton on 01432 851534.


Withington Group Parish Council

Notes from the Parish Council Meeting held on 12th May 2016. Neighbourhood Plan; After doing a significant amount of work in 2014-15, the Neighbourhood Planning steering group were stopped in their tracks when the Core Strategy from Council changed in November 2015 to say that all of the Parishes in the group would have to factor in a % of growth, based on the total population of the parishes. This increased the requirement from 65 dwellings to 126. The Group is currently waiting for clarification as to whether or not the prospective new building that is scheduled to start in Withington (220 dwellings) will be able to cover for the re- quirement for both Preston Wynne and Westhide, as previously confirmed by the County Council Lengthsman; The Parish Council have a grant from Balfour Beatty to employ someone to undertake work around the group of parishes, cutting back grass and hedges, clearing ditches and drains, and generally helping with the up keep of the Parish. Again if you think that you find a job that needs the lengthsmans attention, please can you let the Clerk know. This is the last year that there will be full funding for the lengthsman role, if we want to continue offering the services to the Parish that he supplies, then we will have to pay for it from the Parish precept from next year. Dates for future meetings; any member of the public can come to a Parish Council meeting, and there is a space early on every agenda for members of the public to ask a question or to raise a matter for the Council’s consideration. If you have something to say, then do come to a meeting, they are in Withington Village Hall, starting at 7.30pm. The next meeting is on 14th July. Mrs Sophie Glover, WGPC Clerk.

Westhide At last, the summer is here! The cuckoo has been in residence for many a week and a full programme of events are awaiting us this season. The Westhide Garden Party is on Sunday 31th July at Upper House, by kind permission of Steve and Clare Scotcher. Come along in the afternoon for a full programme of tradi- tional events and activities. Saturday 13th August sees Ellen Walker getting married to Francis. I’m sure everyone joins me in offering them our very best wishes. On a practical note, if anyone is available to help clean and tidy the Church on Friday 12th August, please let me know. In September we have a packed programme of activities: H.Art is from the 10th to the 18th September. There will be several exhibitors in the Church, alongside Robin. Silent Auction. This continues to be a well-supported and successful fund raising event and will run throughout the H.Art week. Please let me know of any pledges you can offer – last year, pheasant casserole was much sought after and led to something of a bidding war. Come along to the Church during H.Art to see what’s available and (hopefully) make a bid. Concert in the Church, Saturday 17th September and featuring the Pax Singers. A varied programme of musical entertainment is proposed – do come along and enjoy the music and attendant refreshments. The Great Ride and Stride on Saturday 10th September 10am to 6 pm. Of course this is open to all, and sponsorship funds raised do help the Church as well as the Herefordshire Historic Churches Trust. The more the merrier – on foot, cycle or horseback! Wishing you all a warm and pleasant summer. Judy, School House


Preston Wynne


Hello everyone Unfortunately Hilary's computer has crashed so this report has been put together by me at short notice. I have just returned from a holiday on a Camping and Caravan Club Site at Seend, near Devizes. This camp site is situated alongside the Kennet and Avon Canal and is a superb site with good amenities and very amiable staff. You can walk along the canal side to Devizes, about four miles, past Caen Hill where the locks there are amazing. We were told by one bargee that it takes four hours to get through the 27 locks which span a distance of about two miles. There is a bus stop just half a mile from the site which will take you into Devizes one way and Melksham and Bath the other way. The weather was sunny but quite cold at times and we had one day's rain so all in all we had a successful stay. We had a hugely successful Fashion Show put together by Colours of Manchester. We had approximately one hundred people attend and with good refreshments, Pimms and a raffle, we raised much needed funds for the hall and the church. We would like to thank everyone who attended and thank those who provided the food etc. The WI held a very successful Chocolate Evening in May which was attended by forty-five ladies from various WI's throughout the County. There was a chocolate demonstration making confectionery, a chocolate cake competition of which no two cakes were the same followed by a Ploughman's supper. Again our thanks to all those who attended and thanks to our WI members who provided the food. Church News Services on Sunday 10 July 2016 at 8 a.m. Holy Communion Sunday 24 July 2016 at 9.30 a.m. Family Service Sunday 14 August 2016 No service Sunday 28 August 2016 at 9.30 a.m. Family Service.

That's all for now. Best wishes,



Local History

MAGNA CARTA (The Great Charter)

The magna Carta, one of the most famous documents in the world was issued by King John of as a practical solution to a political crisis. King John (1199-1216) was a notorious tyrant who administered justice in an arbitrary fashion. He lost the duchy of Normandy in 1204 and spent the rest of his reign trying to recapture it and defending his other French territories. His campaigns were funded by excessive taxation in England and those who failed to pay were subject to harsh punishments. By 1215 many barons were in open rebellion and King John had no option but to enter into negotiations with them as the country was in threat of a French invasion. The Magna Carta was essentially a peace treaty; it regulated the administration of justice, it required the consent of the realm for certain taxation and it established the principle of due legal process. The terms of Magna Carta, signed at Runnymede in 1215 applied primarily to ‘free men’ who were a minority of the population of medieval England. ‘No free man shall be arrested, imprisoned, dispossessed, outlawed, exiled or in any way victimised, or attacked except by the lawful judgement of his peers or by the law of the land’ King John died at Newark Castle in October 1216 and was buried at Worcester Cathedral. A revised version of the Charter was issued in 1216 and amended further in 1217; it was printed for the first time in1508. The Magna Carta emerged as a symbol of rights and freedom and in the 17th century it was exported to North America where it was embedded in the laws of several American colonies. The document influenced the writing of the American Declaration of Independence in 1776 and the United States Bill of Rights in1791. Today only a handful of clauses remain valid in English law (the right of justice and the protection of the law for ‘free men’). Many clauses have been repealed over the years but the Charter continues to be used to challenge censorship of the press and imprisonment without trial. The most significant revision of Magna Carta was issued by Henry III in 1217. Hereford Cathedral is fortunate to possess one of these 1217 charters, only four of which survive.

More details at www.herefordcathedral.org


Contact Names and Telephone Numbers

Byworth Trust Clerk Margaret Soutar 850448 Cross Keys Chris Corbin 820616 Gateway Bridge Club Adrian Lunt 359463 Music Tots Gemma Griffiths 07890 1780 99

Police Community Support Dean Wall/Elena Ekanite 101

St. Peters Church Rector Jane Davies 850244 Church Warden Kevin Hewison 850074

PCC Secretary Marcia Hopkins 850933 Bell Ringing Kevin Hewison 850074

Village Hall Chairman Kevin Hewison 850074 Booking Secretary Kathy Fields 851001

WG Parish Council Clerk Sophie Glover 270499 (Office Hours) Chairman Paul Bainbridge 850655 Vice-Chairman Ralph Barber 853068

Whitestone Chapel Ian Porter 01981 540388

Withington Football Club Chairman Steve Caine 851857 Secretary Ray Rice 850669

Withington Post Office 850356

Withington Primary School 850289

Withington Parish Magazine Margaret Thompson 850182

Withington Village Store 851777






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