Baby Memoriai Hospitai Ltd

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Baby Memoriai Hospitai Ltd Baby Memoriai Hospitai Ltd. EKERALASENEST(& NABI Acerodited. MULTE D CILNARY o001 2015 &ISO SUPER14001.2015 SEECIA Certifred HOSRITA aspitah BMmore than Care INUOSIIO Kt 2009 PO 37460 GSIN No 32AADCE7302J271 Ref: BMH/FMD/E/002/21 Date: 22/01/2021 To The Member Secretary Kerala State Pollution Control Board Plamood, Pattam Thiruvananthapuram- 695 004 Sir Sub Baby Memorial Hospital, Calicut:Annual Report-2020 With reference to the above consent, we are enclosing erewith the Annual Report pertaining to Baby Memorial Hospital Ltd., Calicut in cluding the following forms for the year 2020 for your record. (1) Form | (Annual report-rule 10) (2) Form 06 -(E-Waste Manifest) (3) Form 13 (Annual report-rule 20 (5)- waste oil/non ferrous) (4) Form IV (Annual report-rule 13-Biomedical Waste Management) (5) Form 10 -(Manifest for Hazardous and other waste) Thanking you, Yours truly. Vijayakrishnan P. Asst. General Manager, Facilities & Bio Medical Engineering Copy to: Th CIafFhvironanepd Ehginee NAR Regd. Office: 5/3429, Indira Gandi Road, Kozhikode 673004, erala, India. Phone: +91 495 2777777. 2723272, Fax: +91 495 2723484, E-mail: info@babymhose www babymhospital org FORM- [See rule 10] ANNUAL REPORT 31 (Submitted to the prescribed authority by January every year) 1 Particulars of the applicant Dr. K.G. Ale ander, MD Name of tihe authorized person (i) Chairman & Managing Director (OcCupier/operator) Memorial Hospital Ltd. (i) Name of the Institution Baby Gandhi Calicut-673 004 Address Indira Road, Tel No :04952723272 Fax No 0495 2723484 waste and 2 Categories of generated quantity on a monthly average basis List attached at Annexure 1 3 Brief details of the treatment facility ETP available 4 Category wise quantity of waste treated Details attached at Annexure 2 Details attac ed at Annexure 2 5 Mode of Treatment with details 6 Any other information Disposal of e waste-Form 06 Attached. Certified that the above report is for the period from 01.01.2020 to 31.12.2020 ospiaLd. Vijayakrishnan P. Date 21/01/2021 Asst. eneral Manager Place: Kozhikode Facilities & Bio Medical Engineering FORM 13 [See rule 20 (5)] Form for Filling Returns ef Auction/Sale of Non-Ferrous Metal Wastes/Used Oil/Waste Oil (To be submited by waste ger rators/auctioneers to the concerned State Polution Control Board/ Committee by 31st January of very year) Name and address of the waste generator/auctioneer Baby Memorial Hospital Indira Gandhi Road Kozhikode-673 004 Non-ferrous Metal wastes [indi cates type 2 Total quantity of wastes and quantity 6 in metric tons along with auctioned/sold during the period the names(s) address(s) of registered recycler (s)] -NA- Used oil/waste oil indicated type and quantity in metric tons along with the names(s) address(s) of registered recycler(s)re-refiner(s)] Used oil 50 Ltrs, M/s. APJ REFINERIES PVT LTD. Pudussery Central Village, New Industrial Development Area, (NIDA) Kanjikode, Palakkad 678 621. delete whichever is not applicable ,orial. Aospital Vijayakrishnan P. Place: Kozhikode Asst. General Manager Date 21/01/2021 Facilities& Bio Medical Engineering Form IV (See rule 13) ANNUAL REPORT S Particulars 1(1) Particulars of the occupier () Name of the authorized person Dr. K.G. Alexander (occupier or operator of facility) Ci) Name of HCF or CBMWTF Mis Baby Memorial Hospital Ltd Ci) Address for Correspondence IGRoad, Arayadathupalam Kozhikode-673 004 (iv) Address of Facility Mis Baby Memorial Hospital Ltd. G Road, Arayad athupalam,Kozhikode-673 004 (v)Tel.No. 0495 2777777 Fax.No 0495 2723484 (vi) E-mail ID info@babymho [email protected] (vil) URL of Website (vii) GPS coordinates of HCF or CBMWTF (ix) Ownership of HCF or CBMWTF Limited Company (x) Status of Authorization under the Bio-Medical Waste (Manage Authorization No: PCB/HOIIKKD/ICO-R03/2019 ment and Handling) Rules Valid up to 3006/2023 (xi) Status of Consents under Water Act and Air Act 2 Type of Health Care Facility (0) Bedded Hospital No. of Beds 600 (ii) Non-bedded hospital (Clinic or Blood Bank or Clinical NA Laboratory or Research institute or Veterinary Hospital or any other) (ii) License number and its date of :1lL/05/950/2020-2021- Valid up to 31-03-2021 expiry. 3 Details of CBMWTF IMAGE-Palakkad (1) Number healthcare facilities 14881 covered by CBMWTF (i) No.of beds covered by CBMWTF 103644 (ii) Installed treatme it and disposal 42,000kg/day capacity of CBM TF (iv) Quantity of bic medical waste 32,000 kglday treated or disposed by CBMWTF 4Quantity of waste generated or disposed in Kg per annum (on Yellow category 44620 kg (per year) monthly average basi:) Red category 7753 kg_(per year) White category 1091 kg (per year) Blue category 7323 ka (per year) General Solid waste 80000 kq (per yean 5Details of the storage, treatment, transportation, processing and Disposal Facility ) Details of the or-site storage Size 200 Sqft. facility Capacity: 2,500 kg (i) Details of the treatment or Disposal facilities IMAGE Type of Treatment No.of units Capacity Quantity treated or equipment Kg/Day disposed on kg per annum Incinerators Plasma Pyrolysis Autoclave Microwave Hydro clave Shredder Needle tip cutter or 92 nos destroyer Sharpers encapsulation or concrete pit Deep burial pits Chemical disinfection Any other treatment equipment Red Category (like plastic, glass etc.,) (i)Quantity of recyclable wastes to authorized recyclers after sold 8,000 tons treatment in kg per annum 53 Vehicles (v) No of vehicles used for collection and transportation of bio-medical waste. Ash nil. (v) Details of incineration ash and ETP sludge generated and disposed diring the treatment of ETP Sludge- $7,000 kg wastes in Kg per annum Where disposed Incineration Quantity generated Ash ETP Sludge 67,000 kg Lardfill. M/s IMAGE, BMW vi) Name of the common Bio- Medical Waste Treatment Facility Operator through which wastes are disposed of (vi) List of member HCF not handed Over bio-medical waste. Do you have bio-medical waste Yes management committee? If yes, attach minutes of the meetings held Copy attached. during the reporting period. Details trainings conducted on BMW :Weekly, Monthly, O entation on during induction (0) Number of training conducted on 52 nos BMW Management (i) Number of personnel trained 816 nos (ii) Number pf personnel trained at 1050 nos the time of induction (iv) Number of personnel not under Nil. gone any training so far. (v) Whether standard manual for Yes. training is available? (vi) Any other information) Conducting written exam.(Qtriy) Details of the accident occurred during the year. () No. of accidents occurred Ci) Number of the persons affected Cii) Remedial action taken (please attach details if any) (iv) Any Fatality occu. red, details 9Are you meeting the standards of air Pollution from the in cinerator ? How many times in las' year could not met the standards? Details of continuous online emission monitoring systerns installed 10 Liquid waste generated and . Nil treatment methods in place. How many times you have not met the standards in a year? 1 Is the disinfection method or sterilization meeting the long 4 standards? How many times you have not met the standards in a year? 12 Any other relevant iniormation Nil (Air Pollution Conirol Devices attached with the Incinerator) Certified that the above report is for the period from 01-01-2020 to 31-12-2020 Signature Vijayakrishnan P Asst. General Manager Facilities & Bio Medical Engineering Date: 21-01-2021 byhemo Place: Kozhikode ospilal 4 ooXIYz Form 10 (See rule 19 (1) VASTE HAZARDOUS AND OTHER MANIFEST FOR Hospital Ltd. : Ms Memorial address Baby 004 Sender's name and mailing IG Road, Kozhikode -673 and e-mail) (including Phone No. 91495 2777777, 2723272 [email protected] PCB/HO/KKD/ICO /03/2019 2 Sender's authorization No. No009 3 Manifest Document No. Sense Recycle Pvt.Ltd address: Earth 4Transporters name and Post XIV650, K.Puthur, Kanijikode Phone no.and e-mail) (including Palakkad 678 621, Kerala. Phone:0491 2566116 (Truck TankerSpecial Vehicle) 5 Type of vehicle 6Transporter's registration no. 7 Vehicle registration No KL 10 T8327. address 8Receiver's mailing name and Pvt.Ltd Earth Sense Recycle (including phone no and email) PCB/HOIPLKDICICO/R3/840/2019 9 Receiver's authorization No Recyclable E-waste 1706 Kg. 10 Waste description CFL& Disposal iter s 50 Kg. Used engine oil 50 Ltrs 11 Total quantity No.of containers 12 Physical form instructions and 13 Special handling additional information contents :hereby declare that the of the 14 Sender's certificate described consignment are fully and accurately and are above by proper shipping name and labeled, and categonized, packed, marked, conditions for are in all respes in proper to applicable transport by road according national government regulations. Name and stamp: Signature: Month Day Yoar 09 17 2020 15 Transporter acknowledgment of receipt of Wasters Yeat Name and stamp: Signature Month Day 09 17 2020 hazardous and other waste Receivers certification for receipt of Year G Name and stamp: Signature Month Day Kozh 09 17 2020 , Ko Form-6 Sex nule 1 009 E-WASTE MANIFEST HEITAL BAEY MEM WIL Address mIs LTO Sender's Name and mailing Including Phone No): KozHIKOOE. Authorisation No. if applicable Sender's O09 Manifest Document Ne. iro 3 EARTH Sewt RECYCLE PUT Name (Including 4 Transporter's and Acdress Phone No.) or Special Vehicle) (Truck or Tanker STypeof Vehicle Vo.: 6Transporters Registration KL-10-T- 332 Veticle Registration No. Private Limited EarthSense Recycde Post, XIII/650, K.Puthur, Kanjikode Receiver's Name & Address Kerala, Phone 0491 25661 i6 Palakkad- 678 621, PCB PLkOlIC lto/R3134o/2019 o., applicable: Receiver's Authorisation if RECYCABLEE- WASTE I706 Kh Weight/ Numbers) 10 Description of B-wasre (Item, CFL ADISPoSALT1EMS I50 Ka| Centre or Bulk Consumer or Collection * or Producer or Name and stamp ofsend- (Maniufaçturer Month Day Year Refurbisher or Dismantler) D- ERZo 20 Signature receipt of E-Wastes Transporter acknowBedgment of Month Day Year Name and Stamp: ol- -2le lol Signature Certification of or Dismantler or Recyclers ofreceipt Receiver (Collection entre or Refurbisher E-Wastes 13.
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