February 27, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE 2137 rights movement, who inspired ordi- cases against discrimination, would be the holiday recess, December 22 to De- nary African Americans to demand pleased to see my colleague from Illi- cember 31, 2005. The trip included stops equal rights as American citizens. nois—the son of a Kenyan father and in Brussels, Belgium; Tallinn, Estonia; Their recent deaths remind us, during Kansan mother—serving in the U.S. Amman, Jordan; Baghdad, Iraq; Tel this month in particular, to take the Senate. I think he would have smiled Aviv, Israel and Frankfurt, Germany. time to reflect on the vital heritage in sad approval as he saw Rosa Parks This trip enabled me to learn about and important contributions of African lay in honor in the rotunda of the U.S. the important transformations coun- Americans. Capitol—one of the highest honors we tries in Eastern and Western Europe This year also marks what would can accord a person and one she so are making as we enter the 20th cen- have been Dr. Martin Luther King, rightly deserved. I think Mr. Houston tury and away from the Cold War era. Jr.’s 77th birthday, and it is important would be pleased that at least one of Additionally, my travels through the that we continue to honor the values of the murderers of James Chaney, Mi- Mideast provided me tremendous in- faith, compassion, courage, truth, and chael Schwerner, and Andrew Goodman sight into the evolving political struc- justice that guided his dream for Amer- has finally been convicted of that hor- ture of the region as well as the United ica.
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