European Journal of Operational 135 .2001) 1±16

Invited Review Adaptive programming: A uni®ed view of metaheuristics

Eric D. Taillard a,*, Luca M. Gambardella b, Michel Gendreau c,d, Jean-Yves Potvin c,d a EIVD, University of Applied of Western Switzerland, Route de Cheseaux 1, CH-1400 Yverdon-Les-Bains, Switzerland b IDSIA, SUPSI, Lugano, Switzerland c Centre de recherche sur les transports, Universite de Montreal, MontreÂal, Canada d Departement d'informatique et de recherche operationnelle, Universite de Montreal, MontreÂal, Canada Received 1 July 1999; accepted 12 September 2000


The paper analyses recent developments of a number of memory-based metaheuristics such as taboo search .TS), scatter search .SS), genetic algorithms .GA) and ant colonies. It shows that the implementations of these general solving methods are increasingly similar. So, a uni®ed presentation is proposed under the name of adaptive memory pro- gramming .AMP). A number of methods recently developed for the quadratic assignment, vehicle routing and graph colouring problems are reviewed and presented under the AMP point of view. AMP presents a number of interesting aspects such as a high parallelization potential and the ability of dealing with real and dynamic applications. Ó 2001 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Metaheuristics; Evolutionary computations; Genetic algorithms; Multi-agent systems; Taboo search; Quadratic assignment; Vehicle routing

1. Introduction techniques, we can quote genetic algorithms .GA), simulated annealing .SA), taboo search .TS), Generic heuristic methods, also called meta- scatter search .SS) and ant systems .AS). The heuristics or general local search methods are success of these methods depends on many factors, growing at a very fast, exploding rate: the most like their ease of implementation, their ability to important conferences in operational research consider speci®c constraints that arise in practical have one or many sessions entirely devoted to applications and the high quality of the solutions metaheuristics and there are also journals entirely they produce. devoted to them. Among the most successful From a theoretical point of view, however, the use of these methods has not yet been justi®ed. For example, a few convergence theorems for SA or TS 268-X* Corresponding author. Tel.: +41-24-423-2111; fax: +41-24- exist .Aarts and Van Laarhoven, 1985; Hajek, 425-0050. 1988; Faigle and Kern, 1992) but they are useless E-mail address: [email protected] .EÂ .D. Taillard). in practice. These theorems simply state that the

0377-2217/01/$ - see front matter Ó 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII: S 0 3 7 7 - 2 2 1 7 . 0 0 ) 0 0 2 E.D. Taillard et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 135 :2001) 1±16 search has a very high probability of ending with The aim of this paper is thus to propose the an optimal solution if a disproportionate com- name AMP which is more general and seems to puting time is allowed .larger, in fact, than the better re¯ect the current reality. To justify the use time needed for a complete enumeration of the of this term, we ®rst review in Section 2 various solution space .Aarts and Van Laarhoven, 1985)). metaheuristics that can be viewed as AMP meth- But these metaheuristics are really competitive in ods, at least for their most recent and ecient practice. In this race for competitiveness, the most implementations. Section 3 then presents our views ecient methods hybridize two or more meta- on AMP and shows that many applications for heuristics. The result is that similar problem-solv- di€erent combinatorial optimization problems ing methods are known under very di€erent names perfectly ®t in this framework. like genetic hybrids, probabilistic TS, adaptive multi-start or MAX±MIN ant system. All these methods have three features in common: ®rst, they 2. Metaheuristics with memory memorize solutions or characteristics of solutions generated during the search process; second, they The term memory was used explicitly for TS include a procedure that creates an initial solution only, but a number of other metaheuristics use with the information stored in memory; third, they mechanisms that can be considered as . apply a local search method, like a local search For GA and SS, the memory is constituted by a improvement method, an elementary TS or SA to population of solutions; for AS, the pheromone improve the initial solution. trail is also a form of memory. So, let us ®rst Observing the similarities between these meth- review a number of memory-based metaheuris- ods, a uni®ed presentation is useful and necessary, tics. as well as a more synthetic and general name. The proposed terminology for grouping these meta- heuristics under the same roof is adaptive memory 2.1. Genetic algorithms programming .AMP). This term was already proposed by Glover in connection with taboo Basically, GA simulate the evolutionary pro- search .Glover, 1997; Glover and Laguna, 1997). cess of species that sexually reproduce. This evo- It is true that TS has always been presented as an lutionary process can be described as follows. open technique that can include components from During sexual , a new individual, various ®elds, in particular arti®cial intelligence. di€erent from its two parents, is created through The inclusion of a memory and a process the action of two fundamental mechanisms. The within the TS framework was thus proposed very ®rst one is cross-over which combines half of early: even the name of the method comes from its the genetic patrimony of each parent to produce short term memory component! However, the the genetic patrimony of the new individual. The of a particular TS implementation can second one is mutation by which a spontaneous very well produce a method without any taboo list modi®cation of the genetic patrimony occurs. The .for example, if parameter tuning indicates that a new individual so created .child or o€spring) will taboo list size of 0 is best). So, the name of the therefore be di€erent from its parents, but will method becomes hard to justify, but for historical also share a number of their characteristics. If the reasons. child inherits good characteristics from its par- The same phenomenon is observed with other ents, its survival probability will be higher, as metaheuristics. For example, most ecient imple- compared to individuals that inherit bad charac- mentations of GA do not encode solutions of the teristics. It will thus have a higher probability to problem as binary vectors. Furthermore, the cross- reproduce and disseminate good characteristics to over and mutation operators have often little or its o€spring. nothing to do with the standard operators for The analogy between this evolutionary process which some theoretical results have been obtained. and the GA metaheuristic initiated by Holland E.D. Taillard et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 135 :2001) 1±16 3

.1975) .who was not so much interested in opti- 2.2. Scatter search mization) can be established in the following way. An individual is associated with a feasible solution SS has been proposed by Glover .1977) to solve of the problem at hand. The solution is encoded as integer programming problems. The method is a binary vector. The cross-over operator then ex- rather similar to GA, at least if one considers the changes sub-strings taken from both parents to most recent ways of implementing the genetic produce an o€spring. Mutation is a secondary metaphor. The SS method is based on a popula- operator that ¯ips bit values on the o€spring vec- tion of solutions .integer vectors) that evolves tor, with a small probability at each position. The through selection, linear combination, integer quality of the newly created vector is ®nally eval- vector transformation and culling to produce a uated according to the objective value of the so- new population of solutions. With respect to a lution it encodes. standard genetic algorithm, SS has the following A simple genetic algorithm can be sketched as particularities: follows: · binary vectors are replaced by integer vectors; 1. Generate a population of vectors .individuals). · more than two parents can be matched to pro- 2. While a stopping criterion is not met do: duce a new vector; 2.1. select, with replacement, a pool of parent · cross-over is replaced by a convex or non-con- vectors from the population; vex linear combination of two or more vectors; 2.2. randomly match the parent vectors and · mutation is replaced by a procedure that repairs apply cross-over to produce o€spring vec- or projects the newly created vector in the space tors; of feasible solutions. 2.3. apply mutation to each o€spring; These particularities can also be seen as gener- 2.4. evaluate o€spring; alizations of the basic GA procedure. In fact, such 2.5. insert o€spring in the population; generalizations have later been proposed and ex- 2.6. eventually, remove individuals from the ploited by various authors .see for example, Potvin population with a culling operator. and Bengio, 1996; Muhlenbein et al., 1988). Let us Typically, this procedure stops after a ®xed quote: number of iterations .generations) or when the · departure from the binary vector scheme; population does not improve any more. It is worth · use of a variable number of parents to produce noting that the selection of parents is probabilis- an o€spring; tically biased towards the best individuals. Hence, · development of specialized cross-over operators; the latter are more likely to disseminate their good · use of local search methods to improve solutions characteristics to o€spring .like the corresponding obtained through cross-over; natural evolution process). Recent implementa- · use of repair operators; tions of GA do not always use a binary vector for · the solutions that are kept in the population coding a solution but they use a representation from one iteration to the next are chosen with that is better adapted to the application domain. the help of an elaborated clustering method For example, permutation of integer values are rather than a simple culling operator. widely used for the travelling salesman problem .TSP) or the quadratic assignment problem .QAP). This in¯uences directly the cross-over and 2.3. Taboo search mutation operators. While the coding scheme was the key point of earlier genetic implementations, Among the metaheuristics with memory pre- the most important elements of recent implemen- sented in this section, TS is the only one that has tations are the de®nition of cross-over and muta- been explicitly developed with a memory, or more tion operators that are able to extract relevant exactly, with a set of memories. The term TS has .and a priori unknown) information on the struc- been proposed for the ®rst time by Glover .1986). ture of good solutions. The basic idea of this method is to locally and 4 E.D. Taillard et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 135 :2001) 1±16 repeatedly modify a solution while memorizing Typically, the stopping criterion corresponds to these modi®cations to avoid visiting the same so- a ®xed number of iterations or a number of con- lutions twice or in a cyclic manner. To this end, secutive iterations without improving the best modi®cations or characteristics of modi®cations known solution sÃ. Each step of the above algo- are stored in lists that forbid their use for a certain rithm can be very simple or very complicated. For number of iterations, thus leading to the names of example, the choice of sk 1 in step 2.1 may imply ‡ taboo list and TS. that all neighbours of sk are examined and the best In a sense, this method imitates a human being non-taboo solution is chosen; it may also imply the looking for a good solution of a combinatorial construction, in a complex way, of a solution that optimization problem. First, an initial solution is is not so close of sk, through another embedded looked for, even a bad one. Then, this solution is metaheuristic, as in Rochat and Taillard .1995). iteratively improved through local modi®cations. However, TS is composed of various other The latter modi®cations do not necessarily improve principles. Among the most important ones, let us the solution at each iteration but the aim is to direct quote strategic oscillations, based on alternating the search toward a good subset of solutions. intensi®cation and diversi®cation phases. These Later, Glover .1989, 1990) proposed a number phases are often implemented by repeatedly of strategies to guide the search and make it more building new solutions before running a basic TS ecient; at the same time, he emphasized that TS for a given number of iterations. The new solu- was open to any strategy well adapted to the tions built can be similar to the best solutions problem on which it is applied. In this sense, the found by the search so far .intensi®cation) or metaheuristics with memory presented in this sec- di€erent from the solutions visited .diversi®ca- tion are implicitly contained in TS. We think, tion). however, that the term TS does not appropriately characterize their most recent implementations. The most important idea of the ®rst publication 2.4. Ant systems on taboo search .Glover, 1986) is the use of a short term memory, known as the taboo list. Numerous The idea of imitating the behaviour of ants to applications, even recent ones, still only exploits ®nd solutions to combinatorial optimization this mechanism. The use of long term memories problems was initiated by Colorni et al. .1992a,b). spreads well after the ``complete'' description of The metaphor comes from the way ants search for TS by Glover .1989, 1990). These are found under food and ®nd their way back to the nest. Initially, di€erent forms, from statistics on modi®cations ants explore the area surrounding their nest in a made to the current solution .Taillard, 1991, 1993, random manner. As soon as an ant ®nds a source 1994; Soriano and Gendreau, 1996) to complete of food, it evaluates the interest of the source solutions of high quality visited during the search. .quantity and quality) and carries some of the food Their exploitation for guiding the search can also to the nest. During the return trip, the ant leaves vary from a perturbation of the objective function on the ground a chemical pheromone trail whose value to the construction of a brand new starting quantity depends on the quality of the source. The solution. role^ of this pheromone trail is to guide other ants A basic TS can be sketched as follows: toward the source. After a while, the path to a 1. Generate an initial solution s0; initialize the good source of food will be indicated by a large memories; k 0; sà s . pheromone trail, as the trail grows with the num- 0 2. While a stopping criterion is not met do: ber of ants that reach the source. Since sources 2.1. choose sk 1, a neighbour solution of sk, us- that are close to the nest are visited more fre- ‡ ing data stored in the memories; quently than those that are far away, pheromone 2.2. if sk 1 is better than sà then sà sk 1; trails leading to the nearest sources grow faster. ‡ ‡ 2.3. k k 1; The ®nal result of this process is that ants are able ‡ 2.4. update the memories. to optimize their work. E.D. Taillard et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 135 :2001) 1±16 5

The transposition of this food searching beha- All the mentioned AS have been applied to dif- viour into an algorithmic framework for solving ferent combinatorial optimization problems like combinatorial optimization problems is obtained symmetric and asymmetric TSPs .Colorni et al., through an analogy between: 1992a; Gambardella and Dorigo, 1996; Dorigo · the search area of the real ants and the set of et al., 1996) and quadratic assignment problems feasible solutions to the combinatorial problem; .Dorigo et al., 1996) with comparable or even · the amount of food associated with a source and better performances than other natural inspired the objective function; systems. More recently it has been shown that AS · the pheromone trail and an adaptive memory. based algorithms are very powerful in combina- A detailed description of how such analogies tion with local search procedures. In these situa- can be applied in the case of the TSP may be found tions pheromone information is used to produce in Dorigo et al. .1996). A standard ant system is solutions .diversi®cation phase) that are optimized schematically described as follows: by a local search .intensi®cation phase). Optimized 1. Initialize the pheromone trail. solutions are then used to update pheromone in- 2. While a stopping criterion is not met do: formation and new solutions are successively 2.1. for each ant, construct a new solution us- generated by the ants. In particular let us mention ing the current pheromone trail and an successful hybrid ant system implementations evaluation of the partial solution being applied to symmetric and asymmetric TSPs constructed; .Gambardella and Dorigo, 1996; Dorigo and 2.2. update the pheromone trail. Gambardella, 1997; Stutzle and Hoos, 1999), The most important component of an ant quadratic assignment problems .Taillard, 1998; system is the management of pheromone trails. In Gambardella et al., 1999; Stutzle and Hoos, 1999) a standard ant system, pheromone trails are used and vehicle routing problems .Bullnheimer et al., in conjunction with the objective function to 1999; Gambardella and Dorigo). guide the construction of new solutions. Once a solution has been produced, a standard ant sys- tem updates the pheromone trails as follows: ®rst 3. Adaptive memory programming all trails are weakened to simulate the evapora- tion of pheromone; then, pheromone trails that Although the methods presented in the previ- correspond to components that were used to ous section may look very di€erent at ®rst glance, construct the resulting solution are reinforced, an analysis of a number of implementations, and taking into consideration the quality of this so- especially the most ecient and recent ones, shows lution. that they are sometimes extremely close in their Based on the previous general scheme di€erent working principles. In other terms, one observes a AS implementations have been proposed where uni®cation of di€erent metaheuristics in such a pheromone updating is performed in di€erent way that it now becomes dicult to make clear ways: in Colorni et al. .1992a) the pheromone is distinctions. Indeed, the population of a genetic updated by all ants involved in the optimization algorithm or SS, or the pheromone trail of an ant process while in Gambardella and Dorigo .1996) system, can be considered as a special kind of only the best ant is allowed to update pheromone memory, like the memories found in TS. Con- information. MAX±MIN ant system .Stutzle and versely, a TS that periodically restarts from new Hoos, 1999) introduces an updating phase con- solutions constructed from a memory .a popula- strained between threshold values. Di€erent ways tion of solutions and/or a frequency-based mem- of modifying pheromone values generate di€erent ory) can be assimilated to a genetic algorithm or types of search mechanism: for example, in Gam- an ant system. Hence, a large number of ecient bardella and Dorigo .1996) the result of the up- methods for solving combinatorial optimization dating phase is to drive the search around the problems now share common characteristics. neighbourhood of the best solutions found so far. More precisely: 6 E.D. Taillard et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 135 :2001) 1±16

1. a set of solutions or a special data structure that characteristics of AMP have been used, namely: aggregates the particularities of the solutions the memory, the construction of a provisional so- produced by the search is memorized; lution, the improvement procedure and the mem- 2. a provisional solution is constructed using the ory update procedure. data in memory; 3. the provisional solution is improved using a lo- cal search algorithm or a more sophisticated 3.1. Quadratic assignment problem metaheuristic; 4. the new solution is included in the memory or is In the QAP, a number of units must be as- used to update the data structure that memo- signed to the same number of locations. Given rizes the search history. the distance between each pair of locations and a These recent methods are thus characterized by ¯ow between each pair of units, an assignment the exploitation of a memory to construct a new of units to locations .i.e., a permutation) is solution, an improvement procedure to ®nd an searched for that minimizes the sum of the even better solution and, ®nally, a memory update distance flow products over the assigned unit± procedure based on pieces of knowledge brought location pairs. Therefore, a QAP solution can be by the improved solution. It thus looks appropri- viewed as a permutation. Many di€erent AMP ate and natural to speak of AMP for this type of methods have been designed for the QAP. They metaheuristics. From an algorithmic point of view, are among the most ecient ones, in particular an AMP may be sketched as follows: for real applications, where the ¯ow and distance 1. Initialize the memory. coecients exhibit a very high variance. These 2. While a stopping criterion is not met do: methods are: 2.1. Generate a new provisional solution s us- · hybrid TS-genetic algorithm of Fleurent and ing data stored in the memory. Ferland .1996); 2.2. Improve s by a local search; let s0 be the · SS of Cung et al. .1997); improved solution. · hybrid ant system of Gambardella et al. .1999); 2.3. Update the memory using the pieces of · fast ant system of Taillard .1998). knowledge brought by s0. They are reviewed in the following. There are other metaheuristics that share a number of characteristics with this AMP scheme. 3.1.1. Genetic hybrid of Fleurent and Ferland Let us mention the memetic algorithms of Mos- cato .1999), the greedy randomized adaptive Memory. The memory is a population search .GRASP) of Feo and Resende .1995), the made of a number of best solutions found by the adaptive multi start .AMS) of Boese et al. .1994) search. and the memory adaptive reasoning of Patterson et al. .1999). There are also metaheuristics that Provisional solution. The provisional solu- cannot enter the AMP scheme, such as the well tion is built using a cross-over operator designed known SA and threshold accepting. Indeed, the by Tate and Smith .1995). First, two solutions basic versions of these metaheuristics work .permutations) are selected from the population. without memory. However, they may be in- The elements of the provisional permutation are cluded in the improvement procedure of an then chosen in three phases: AMP. 1. elements common to both solutions are copied In this section, we review a number of recent in the new permutation at the same position; and highly ecient applications, that can be nat- 2. if possible, the other elements are randomly urally presented as AMP methods, for the qua- chosen from the selected solutions and copied dratic assignment .QAP), vehicle routing .VRP) in the new permutation at the same position; and graph colouring problems. We brie¯y sketch 3. the un®lled positions are randomly chosen to all these methods, emphasizing how the four main complete the permutation. E.D. Taillard et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 135 :2001) 1±16 7 Improvement procedure. The provisional 3.1.3. Fast ant system of Taillard solution is improved by means of a short TS due to Taillard .1991). Memory. The memory is a square matrix that records frequency statistics on the position of Memory update. The new solution is in- each element in the permutations .solutions) pro- serted in the memory and the worst solution is duced by the system. removed from it. This application illustrates a typical evolution Provisional solution. A new permutation is of GA: the binary coding scheme is replaced by a sequentially constructed in a probabilistic way. natural representation of the solutions, the cross- The probability of inserting a given element at a over operator is replaced by a relatively elaborated given position is proportional to its frequency procedure and the mutation operator is replaced value stored in memory. by an elaborated local search. In Taillard .1998), it is shown that the use of a simpler and faster local Improvement procedure. The solution is search for improving the provisional solutions improved by means of a very fast local search that may be more ecient than the use of TS .see also does not necessarily reach a local optimum. Table 2). Memory update. The frequencies are re- computed at each iteration, considering both the 3.1.2. Scatter search of Cung et al. :1997) solution just produced and the best solution ever produced by the search. The memory is cancelled Memory. The memory stores a number of and re-initialized each time the best solution best solutions. known is improved in order to intensify the search. A diversi®cation mechanism is also implemented Provisional solution. A number of solutions in case the provisional solution generated is the are selected in a probabilistic way from the mem- same as the best solution produced so far. ory. The choice of the solutions to be combined is The MAX±MIN ant system of Stutzle and done according to a policy that ensures a certain Hoos .1999) is similar to this method but uses level of diversity in the memory. The selected so- slightly di€erent statistics as memory. The im- lutions are manipulated as vectors of integers and provement procedure performs a complete local a linear combination of these vectors is computed: search reaching the ®rst local optimum and the the provisional solution is then the permutation diversi®cation/intensi®cation mechanism is di€er- which is closest from the previously computed ent: the values contained in the statistics-matrix vector. Cung et al. .1997) have shown that this are lower and upper bounded by two parameters, closest permutation can be found by solving a hence the name of the method. linear assignment problem. Instead of solving this assignment problem exactly, Cung et al. .1997) use 3.1.4. Hybrid ant system of Gambardella et al. a faster heuristic method. :1999) Memory. The memory is divided in two Improvement procedure. The provisional parts: the ®rst part contains a matrix that records solution is improved by means of a basic TS. The frequency statistics on solutions produced so far number of iterations performed by this taboo is by the search; the second part contains a small modulated from one call to the other. population of solutions. Memory update. The new solution is in- Provisional solution. As opposed to basic serted in the memory and the worst solution is AS where a new solution is constructed from removed from it. scratch, this method modi®es the solutions found 8 E.D. Taillard et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 135 :2001) 1±16 in the population in the spirit of a local search, but for the same computational time, corresponding to using the frequency matrix to choose the modi®- 20 FANT iterations, 26n TS iterations, 20 VNS cations to perform. iterations, 10n2 RVNS iterations and 40n2 SA it- erations .where n is the size of the problem). We Improvement procedure. Each solution in have considered a selection of instances from the the population is improved by means of a fast local QAPLIB. These instances originate from real life search that does not necessarily reach a local op- or have been randomly generated according to timum. distribution laws that are similar to those observed in real problems. The ¯ow dominance of these Memory update. The memories are up- instances is high but for the instances nug.. and dated as follows. First, each solution in the current sko.. The quality of the methods is measured in population is replaced by the solution obtained percentage above the best solution known, aver- after the improvement procedure, unless the latter aged over 10 runs of each algorithm. In this table, is worser than the original solution. Second, the we see that FANT is generally competitive for the frequency matrix is updated: it records a moving instances with high ¯ow dominance. It is less average of the frequency .weighted by solution competitive than TS and SA for the relatively quality) at which a given unit is found at a given uniform instances nug.. and sko.. In this table, we position in the best solution of the current popu- have not considered other AMPs, since they re- lation. quire a larger computational e€ort .initialization A number of these AMPs are compared in of the memory). Taillard .1995), Stutzle and Hoos .1999), Gam- The eciency .or ineciency) of AMP can be bardella et al. .1999), Taillard .1998) and the main tentatively explained as follows: If the problem has conclusions are the following. All AMPs are per- a strong structure .like els19 or tai..b instances), forming well for instances that exhibit a high the memory is able to eciently direct the search variance in the entries of the data matrices. Such toward solutions with good general properties. instances are typically arising in real applications Then, the improvement procedure directs the and often present a large ``¯ow dominance'' cri- search toward very good solutions. For such in- terion .Vollmann and Bu€a, 1966) or a large stances, methods like basic taboo searches can be ``ruggedness'' value .Angel and Zissimopoulos, trapped in very bad local optima. Conversely, if 1998). To obtain the best solutions in the shortest the problem has no structure, the memory is not time, the fast ant system of Taillard .1998) is one able to perform a self-organization and the AMP of the best methods. If solutions of higher quality fails to ®nd good solutions. are desired, it seems that keeping a number of Table 2 compares the performances of various solutions in memory can be recommended. Im- AMPs for longer runs. The methods compared are plementations of simulated annealing, GA or fast ant system .FANT, Taillard, 1998), genetic- variable neighbourhood search .VNS) that do not descent hybrid .GDH, a modi®ed version of the exploit either memories or local search are less method of Fleurent and Ferland .1996) in which ecient than AMPs .Taillard, 1998). the TS has been replaced by the same fast im- Table 1 compares the performances of various provement procedure as used in FANT, see Tail- methods running for a short time .equivalent to 20 lard, 1998), hybrid ant system .HAS±QAP, calls to the improvement procedure embedded in Gambardella et al., 1999) and TS-genetic hybrid the fast ant system). The methods compared are: .TSGH, Fleurent and Ferland, 1996). The com- fast ant system .FANT, Taillard, 1998), a basic TS putational time is equivalent to 1000 calls to the .Taillard, 1991) .without intensi®cation or diver- improvement procedure embedded in FANT, si®cation), VNS, reduced variable neighbourhood HAS±QAP or GDH and 130 calls to the TS em- search .RVNS) and SA .Connolly, 1990). We have bedded in TSGH. We can see in this table that the .re-)implemented all these methods and run them AMPs are generally ®nding very good solutions on the same computer. All the methods were run but for problems with low ¯ow dominance. FANT E.D. Taillard et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 135 :2001) 1±16 9

Table 1 Comparison of various methods for short runs, quadratic assignment instances Problem Quality .% above best solution known) Time .s) Name, size Dominance FANT TS VNS RVNS SA Sun Sparc 5 bur26a 275 0.11 0.21 0.21 0.29 0.21 0.92 bur26b 275 0.16 0.30 0.24 0.44 0.34 0.94 bur26c 228 0.09 0.22 0.22 0.46 0.14 0.93 bur26d 228 0.01 0.26 0.27 0.19 0.47 0.91 bur26e 254 0.01 0.21 0.16 0.27 0.20 0.91 bur26f 254 0.01 0.35 0.19 0.27 0.36 0.91 bur26g 280 0.02 0.28 0.16 0.54 0.18 0.92 bur26h 280 0.01 0.41 0.19 0.35 0.49 0.90 els19 531 3.08 22.27 14.77 13.90 24.36 0.32 kra30a 150 3.26 3.94 5.34 7.03 3.83 1.39 kra30b 150 2.99 1.74 4.52 4.76 1.73 1.37 nug20 104 1.27 0.96 3.52 3.93 0.82 0.37 nug30 113 1.64 0.61 2.67 3.67 0.86 1.43 sko42 109 1.66 1.04 2.28 3.32 1.20 4.55 sko49 109 1.66 0.80 1.93 2.97 0.90 7.61 sko56 111 1.65 0.89 1.98 2.80 0.91 11.88 sko64 108 1.59 0.82 2.24 2.48 0.68 18.11 sko72 107 1.53 1.04 1.97 2.27 0.71 26.59 sko81 107 1.49 0.71 1.33 1.94 0.72 38.33 sko90 108 1.45 0.72 1.52 2.15 0.86 54.20 tai20b 333 0.81 17.09 9.49 6.30 13.38 0.41 tai25b 310 1.19 14.13 6.25 10.59 18.74 0.81 tai30b 324 1.74 14.09 7.56 12.92 13.85 1.55 tai35b 310 0.87 10.61 4.62 5.29 10.81 2.56 tai40b 317 2.66 9.22 4.86 9.69 7.18 4.06 tai50b 314 1.49 7.90 4.52 5.11 4.61 8.47 tai60b 318 1.12 10.21 2.72 5.91 8.58 15.47 tai80b 323 2.54 5.03 3.19 4.98 5.68 38.33

Average 1.29 4.50 3.18 4.10 4.39 is slightly worse than HAS±QAP and GDH, in- number of vehicles .when this number is not dicating that the use of a richer memory that ®xed). contains a number of solutions seems recom- Many di€erent VRPs have been successfully mended for long runs. TSGH is worse than GDH addressed in the past with either TS or GA. For due to the use of a slower improvement procedure. example, TS has been applied to the capacitated VRP .CVRP), where a single type of constraint states that the total load on a tour cannot exceed 3.2. Vehicle routing problem vehicle capacity .Osman, 1993; Taillard, 1993; Gendreau et al., 1994; Xu and Kelly, 1996), the The aim of the vehicle routing problem .VRP) VRP with time windows .VRPTW), where cus- is to determine optimal collection or delivery tomers must be serviced within speci®ed time in- tours for transportation vehicles through a set of tervals .in addition to the capacity constraint) customer locations, subject to various constraints. .Potvin et al., 1996; Chiang and Russell, 1997), Typically, ``optimal'' refers to a solution of min- and the VRP with back hauls and time windows imum length or a solution that uses the minimum .VRPBTW) where customers can be either pick-up 10 E.D. Taillard et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 135 :2001) 1±16

Table 2 Comparison of various AMPs for long runs, quadratic assignment instances Problem Quality .% above best solution known) Time .s) Name FANT HAS±QAP GDH TSGH Sparc 5 bur26a 0.03 0 0.03 0.02 46 bur26b 0.02 0 0.04 0.03 45 bur26c 0 0 0 0 46 bur26d 0 0 0 0 45 bur26e 0 0 0 0 46 bur26f 0 0 0 0 45 bur26g 0 0 0 0 46 bur26h 0 0 0 0 45 els19 0 0 1.44 0 31 kra30a 1.03 0.63 1.08 0.36 74 kra30b 0.09 0.07 0.17 0.06 83 nug20 0.14 0 0.02 0 22 nug30 0.25 0.10 0.16 0.04 78 sko42 0.24 0.08 0.09 0.19 237 sko49 0.24 0.14 0.19 0.20 400 sko56 0.32 0.10 0.15 0.30 619 sko64 0.19 0.13 0.14 0.38 951 sko72 0.35 0.28 0.20 0.39 1382 sko81 0.26 0.14 0.17 0.43 2018 sko90 0.40 0.23 0.19 0.43 2809 tai20b 0.09 0.09 0.09 0 24 tai25b 0 0 0.01 0.06 48 tai30b 0 0 0.03 0.14 85 tai35b 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.26 143 tai40b 0.20 0 0.20 0.74 228 tai50b 0.21 0.19 0.01 0.64 466 tai60b 0.25 0.05 0.01 0.83 830 tai80b 0.82 0.67 0.22 1.74 2041

Average 0.18 0.10 0.17 0.26 or delivery points .Duhamel et al., 1997). Appli- good results were published in Rochat and Tail- cations of GA for variants of the VRPTW may lard .1995). Later, Taillard et al. .1997) designed also be found in Blanton and Wainwright .1993), another AMP method for a variant of the Potvin and Bengio .1996), Thangiah et al. .1991, VRPTW, known as the VRP with soft time win- 1993), Thangiah .1995). These implementations, dows .VRPSTW), where customer locations can mostly realized before 1995, can hardly be quali- be visited outside of their associated time window ®ed as AMP methods, with the exception of Potvin .at the expense of a penalty in the objective value). and Bengio .1996) where a genetic algorithm is A parallel version of the latter algorithm was im- hybridized with a local search heuristic, in the plemented on a network of workstations .Badeau same spirit as the genetic hybrid of Fleurent and et al., 1997) and adapted for a real-time version of Ferland .1996) for the QAP. In 1994, however, the problem, where customer requests occur in an Taillard .1994) developed a true AMP method, on-going fashion .Gendreau et al., 1996, 1999). where a TS heuristic is used to improve provisional These articles report numerical results obtained solutions constructed from an adaptive memory. with various methods: Two AMPs that use either a The method was then tested on the VRPTW and simple descent method or a TS as improvement E.D. Taillard et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 135 :2001) 1±16 11 procedure, and four di€erent implementations of the end is necessarily made of mutually exclusive insertion and rebuild methods that are using no tours. However, it is possible that a number of adaptive memory. It is shown that memory-based customers remains not serviced. These customers heuristics are clearly superior to the other meth- are typically introduced in the provisional solution ods. through some least-cost insertion method to pro- of the original AMP method of duce a complete solution. The insertion may also Taillard have also been applied to other variants be performed by means of the improvement pro- of the VRP, namely: the VRP with multiple uses of cedure if the latter is able to make partial solutions vehicles .VRPM), where each vehicle is allowed to complete. perform many tours during a work day .Taillard et al., 1996); the min±max CVRP and min±max 3.2.3. Improvement procedure multiple TSP .MTSP) where the goal is to mini- The provisional solution s is improved using mize the length of the longest tour .Golden et al., TS. 1997); the VRP with heterogeneous, or non-iden- tical, vehicles .VRPHE) .Taillard, 1999); and two 3.2.4. Memory update special cases of the latter problem, the vehicle ¯eet The tours of the improved solution are inserted mix .VFM) and vehicle ¯eet mix with variable in the memory T and the tours of the worst solu- routing cost .VFMVRC) problems, where a ®xed tion are removed from T. cost is incurred for using a given vehicle type, as For a few variants of the VRP, the AMP solves well as a di€erent cost by unit of length travelled simpler auxiliary problems. A solution of the by each vehicle type. original problem is then found by .implicitly) For all these variants, ecient methods were enumerating all solutions that can be constructed designed using the AMP framework. The basic with tours contained in the memory, so that all scheme is the following: constraints of the original problem are satis®ed. The AMPs described above are able to produce 3.2.1. Memory solution of very good quality, especially for irreg- The memory contains a set T of tours belonging ular problems .i.e., problems for which the cus- to solutions produced by the search. tomers are not uniformly spread on the plane and/ or the quantities ordered by the customers exhibit 3.2.2. Provisional solution a very high variance). So, the conclusions derived A partial solution s is constructed by selecting a for the performance of AMP applied to the qua- number of tours contained in the memory, in a dratic assignment problem seem also valid for probabilistic manner .i.e., tours associated with VRPs. The reader is referred to the articles men- better solutions have a higher probability of being tioned above for detail numerical results. selected). More precisely, the provisional solution is built as follows: 1. Make a copy T 0 of T: T 0 T . 3.3. Graph colouring 2. Set s . ˆ; 3. While T 0 repeat: Graph colouring is aimed at partitioning a set 6ˆ ; 3.1. Randomly choose a tour t T 0. of vertices into a given number of subsets .colours) 3.2. Set s s t . 2 such that the number of edges that connect two [fg 3.3. t0 T 0 such that t0 t , set vertices belonging to the same subset is minimized. 8 2 \ 6ˆ ; T 0 T 0 t0 . In Zu€erey .1998), the idea is to use a memory and In this procedure, nf Stepg 3.3 looks for tours that a procedure for producing provisional solutions share one or more customers with the current se- similar to that presented just above for the VRP. lected tour t. These tours are removed and are not Indeed, instead of storing tours in T, i.e., subsets considered in the remainder of the selection pro- of customers, it is possible to store subsets of cess. Hence, the provisional solution obtained at vertices having received the same colour in a 12 E.D. Taillard et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 135 :2001) 1±16 solution. Then, the procedure presented above for In fact, there is almost an in®nite number of ways the VRP can be applied to build a partial colour- of implementing a simple local search, a TS, a ing that is improved by means of a TS .Hertz and genetic algorithm, etc. de Werra, 1987). So, the method goes along the While promoters of di€erent metaheuristics lines of the AMP of Rochat and Taillard .1995). with memory developed increasingly sophisticated Costa et al. .1995) and Fleurent and Ferland mechanisms to maintain the competitiveness of .1996) have proposed particularly e€ective AMP their approach, their e€orts have often converged methods for graph colouring that are designed in to the same general principles: use of a memory the spirit of a genetic algorithm in which a local and procedures for constructing a new solution search is embedded. They both use the same and for improving it. A notable exception is sim- memory and memory update mechanisms, but ulated annealing, as it does not use any memory. di€er in the way they construct and improve the The framework of this technique being more rigid, provisional solution. We now brie¯y sketch these as compared to other metaheuristics, it may ex- two methods. plain why it did not evolve in the same way. Why did metaheuristics with memory converge 3.3.1. Memory to the same basic approach? One answer could be The memory stores a number of solutions. that the a natural way of alleviating the weak- nesses of a given technique is to borrow compo- 3.3.2. Provisional solution nents from another technique .which does not Two solutions are selected from the memory exhibit the same weaknesses). Shortly, this evolu- and combined to obtain the provisional solution. tion could be described as follows for the di€erent Then, the colour of each vertex of the provisional approaches. solution is copied from the selected solutions. This copy is performed according to a policy that 3.4.1. Genetic algorithms slightly di€ers in both methods. Coding a solution with a binary vector is not natural and can signi®cantly impact the perfor- 3.3.3. Improvement procedure mance. Hence, binary coding was replaced by a Costa et al. .1995) use a simple local search for more natural representation of solutions. improving the provisional solution while Fleurent The classical cross-over operators do not cor- and Ferland use a relatively elaborated TS .Hertz respond to logical operations on solutions. Fur- and de Werra, 1987). thermore, the use of other representations than binary vectors naturally led to the design of spe- 3.3.4. Memory update cialized operators, well adapted to the solution Both methods insert the new solution in the representation and capable of generating new memory and remove the worst one from it. feasible solutions. GA can easily identify di€erent solution sub- spaces with good characteristics, but they lack the 3.4. Synthesis ``killer instinct'' that would allow them to intensify the search in these areas. To alleviate this weak- Even if the list of successful applications of ness, the mutation operator was replaced by repair AMP methods to solve combinatorial optimiza- procedures and local search. tion problems, as found in Sections 3.1±3.3, is far from exhaustive, it should clearly demonstrate that all these methods use the same working principles. 3.4.2. Scatter search We must however, emphasize that they di€er a lot This technique initially contained all the ingre- in their implementation details; these details dients of an AMP. This technique was not ex- should not be overlooked, as they are responsible ploited for a long time but has recently emerged for the success or failure of a given AMP method. when its similarity with other modern techniques E.D. Taillard et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 135 :2001) 1±16 13 was noticed. Modern forms of SS incorporate the contained in memory are mostly representative of learning capabilities provided by TS. one or a few good regions of the solution space. The result is that the search gradually shifts from 3.4.3. Ant system diversi®cation to intensi®cation .Rochat and Like GA, early implementations of ant system Taillard, 1995). converged too slowly toward high quality solu- tions. Therefore, intensi®cation mechanisms were gradually introduced. For example, only the best 4. Conclusion and perspective ant is allowed to update pheromone information in Gambardella and Dorigo .1996). The most re- Our goal was to demonstrate that metaheuristics cent implementations incorporate local search with memory have evolved toward a uni®ed prob- mechanisms to improve the solutions produced by lem-solving approach that encompasses each one the ants. of them. Our point of view is that the name AMP is more general and better characterizes this uni®ed 3.4.4. Taboo search approach than the name of any particular meta- TS also contained all elements of the AMP heuristic. The simplicity of the general AMP framework, at least in its complete version in scheme could lead to think that one has reached the Glover .1989, 1990). However, a number of im- ultimate goal of metaheuristics: A unique technique plementations, even recent ones, use only the basic that groups the essence of the good ideas contained ingredients found in Glover .1986). The main ad- in every metaheuristic. On the contrary, we think vantage of the basic version is its aggressiveness: on the one hand that the re¯ections brought by this the search converges toward a local optimum and article should stimulate the creation of new meta- examines the neighbourhood of this local optimum heuristics based on completely di€erent principles. very quickly. However, it can easily get trapped in On the other hand, designing an adaptive memory a sub-space containing only solutions of poor programme requires an intelligence that cannot be quality. To diversify the search and force it to visit embedded in a metaheuristic. solutions with di€erent characteristics, one basic This intelligence should be brought by the de- idea was to increase the number of forbidden signer that has the knowledge of the problem to components when performing local modi®cations solve. First, we can think to the design of the to a solution. So, the discussion quickly turned procedure that constructs a provisional solution around the optimum taboo list size, since a short from solutions generated in the past. Undoubt- list allows a thorough examination of the neigh- edly, this construction requires knowledge about bourhood of a good solution while a long list fa- the problem. However, the design of the improving cilitates the escape from a local optimum to procedure could also bene®t from future im- explore new regions of the search space. In fact, provements. For example, it is reported in Taillard the reactive TS proposed by Battiti and Tecchiolli .1996) that a simple local search procedure, using .1994) was designed to automatically adapt the an adequate neighbourhood of reasonable size, taboo list size and avoid the fastidious task of could produce solutions that were often of higher explicitly managing the taboo list. quality than previously designed taboo searches, The main diculty with TS is thus to eciently GA or variable neighbourhood searches .Hansen incorporate diversi®cation and intensi®cation and Mladenovic, 1999) for a class of clustering mechanisms. The use of a memory that stores problems. good solutions visited during the search and the Finally, let us point out a few advantages of design of a procedure to create provisional solu- AMP. 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