Office Department of Arts and Humanities Western New England University 1215 Wilbraham Road Springfield, MA 01119 [email protected]


University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, PA M.F.A: Master of Fine Arts: 1996

Major field: Performance Masters’ Thesis: Caryl Churchill’s Top Girls: An Actor’s Stanislavskian Approach to a Brechtian Text Dr. Stephen Coleman, Thesis Advisor

Northwestern University Evanston, IL B.S. in Speech 1989 Major: Theatre

Additional Training:

Theatrical Intimacy: July 8, 2020: Laura Rikard and Chelsea Pace, Theatrical Intimacy Education Best Practices Workshop, presented by Laura Rikard and Chelsea Pace of Theatrical Intimacy Education. Six hour Zoom Workshop February 14, 2020, Laura Rikard, Theatrical Intimacy Education – two- hour workshop August, 2019, Intimacy Directors International, Intimacy for the Stage for Directors, 3 hours workshop at ATHE

Black Acting Methods: June 19, 2020: Forum on Diversifying Approaches to Acting, Black Acting Methods Studio, June 19, 2020. Zoom Workshop.

Improvisation: July 5, 2020: Craig Ulhir, iO .Long Form Structure, La Ronde. Zoom workshop March 20, 2020: Elana Fishbein of Magnet Theatre, Teaching Short Form on Zoom. March 29, 2020: Elana Fishbeing of Magnet Theatre, Teaching Long Form on Zoom. Feb. 3, 2020: Overcoming The Crash: Advanced Musical Improv Workshop, Happier Valley , Hadley February, 2020, ImprovBoston’s College Comedy Festival workshops

1 July, 2019 – January, 2020, Musical Improv 102, Jeff Kimball, ImprovBoston/Happier Valley Comedy (monthly 3-hour workshop) April – May, 2019, Zen of Improv Level 4, Pam Victor, Happier Valley Comedy, Hadley, MA (weekly 2-hour class) February, 2019, ImprovBoston’s College Comedy Festival workshops February – April 2018, Musical Improv 101, Jeff Kimball, ImprovBoston/Happier Valley Comedy (monthly 3-hour workshop) September – October, 2018, Zen of Improv Level 3, Pam Victor, Happier Valley Comedy, Hadley, MA Summer, 2017 – Get your Reps with Happier Valley Comedy April – May, 2016 – Advanced Long Form (Form Your Form), Scott Braidman, Happier Valley Comedy April, 2016 - Positivity in Improvisation, guest master teachers - Lisa Rowlands and Ted Desmaisons, Happier Valley Comedy

November, 2015 – Zen of Improv Level 1 Six Hour intensive, Pam Victor, Happier Valley Comedy 2014, Mosie McNally, Happier Valley Comedy (weekend workshop) 2014, Will Luera, ImprovBoston (weekend workshop) 2014, Paul Dome, ImprovBoston (College Comedy Festival) 2012, Will Luera, ImprovBoston (weekend workshop) 2008, Will Luera, ImprovBoston (weekend workshop) 2005, Keith Johnstone, Dramaworks, Northampton, MA 2003, Keith Johnstone, Smith College (3 day workshop) 1991-92, Chicago City Limits, NY 1989-91, Second City Training Center, Chicago, IL - Graduate 1990-91, and Charna Halpern, I.O, Chicago 1990-91, , Annoyance Theatre, Chicago 1989-90, Michael Gellman, Theatre Works, Chicago 1988-89, Players Workshop, Chicago:

Acting: August, 2017, Pre-conference workshop: Best Practices” In Applying Acting Pedagogy for the Non-Actor in the Classroom. ATHE conference, Las Vegas. August, 2016, Weekend Pre-Conference training with Jane Drake Brody and Stephanie Daventry French: Exploding the Myths: Science, SuperScenes and Stanislavsky, Acting Studio, Chicago, Il. August, 2012, Michael Royd of Sojourn Theatre, Devising workshop at ATHE conference, D.C. 2012, Kimberly Dark, workshop at ATHE conference, D.C. 2000, Shakespeare and Company Weekend Intensive, Los Angeles 1993, Robert Mooney, Riverside Shakespeare Academy, NY 1992, Gene Feist, Roundabout Theatre, NY, NY 1992, HB Studios, NY, NY

Interactive Theatre 2012, Interactive Theatre Pre-Conference, D.C. sponsored by

2 Interactive Theatre SubCommittee of ATHE Directing: 1997, Dr. W. Stephen Coleman, University of Pittsburgh

Voice For the Stage: 2007, Richard Armstrong, Roy Hart Theatre, ATHE conference, New Orleans 1993, Nancy Mayans, Riverside Shakespeare Academy (Linklater Technique)


Teaching Acting in the Face of Covid-19:Designing Instruction for Variable Acting Studios. Hillary Haft Bucs, James Elliot, David Kaye, Matthew Mastromatteo, Tom Pacio, Valerie Clayman Pye, Kim Shively, and Gerritt Vandermeer. Theatre Topics. Volume 30, November 3, 2020. https://www.jhuptheatre.org/theatre-topics

Objectives, Obstacles, and Tactics in Transition: Perspectives on Activating the Actor. Valerie Clayman Pye and Hillary Haft Bucs, editors. New York: Routledge, 2019.

Bucs, Hillary. 2015. Review of Rehearsing in the Zone: A Practical Guide to Rehearsing without a Director. Maria Cominis Glaudini. Methods: A Journal of Acting Pedagogy. Volume 1:129 – 132.

Bucs, Hillary. 2013. Review of Ensemble Theatre Making: A Practical Guide. Rose Burnett Bonczek and David Storck. New England Theatre Journal, Volume 24: 128.

Bucs, Hillary. 2008. Review of An Actor Rehearses:What To Do When and Why. By David Hlavsa. Theatre Topics, Volume 18 Number 2: 247-248.

Bucs, Hillary. 2003. About the Play: Dramaturgical Notes on The Tale of the Allergist’s Wife. By Charles Busch. New Century Theatre Playbill.


Western New England University Springfield, MA Department of Arts & Humanities Associate Professor (tenure awarded Dec. 2012) 2013 - Present Assistant Professor 2007 – 2013 Senior Lecturer 2003 - 2007

Courses taught: Acting I Acting II Playwriting as a Writing Intensive Credit Improvisational Comedy I Improvisational Comedy II Improvisational Comedy III Theatre Appreciation Playwriting for Social Change The Plays and Films of Woody Allen

3 Stageless Players for 1 credit Independent Studies in Directing, Playwriting, Auditioning, Professional Development in Theatre, Marketing Yourself as an Actor, and Film Production

Smith College Northampton, MA Department of Theatre 2002 - 2003 Adjunct Lecturer 2005 – 2006 Courses Taught: Acting I Special Studies in Improvisation Comedy Interterm Improvisational Comedy Workshop Substitute Instructor for Improvisation for the Theatre: Taught the four final classes of Dr. John Hellweg while he was on medical leave

Eastern Connecticut State University Willamantic, CT Adjunct Lecturer 2002-2003 Courses Taught: Introduction to Acting

University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, PA Adjunct Faculty 1997-1998 Courses Taught: Introduction to Performance Acting One Acting Two

University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, PA Instructor 1993-1996 Courses Taught: Introduction to Performance Acting I Teaching Assistant Introduction to Theatre Arts


Association for Theatre in Higher Education (ATHE)

Professional Service: Association for Theatre in Higher Education (ATHE)

August, 2020 Co-Chair, ATHE Covid-19 Recommendation Task Force –Report published, August 4, 2020 https://www.athe.org/news/520133/ATHE-Urges-FacultyStaffStudent-Choice-for- TeachingLearning-Options-During-Pandemic.htm

June 26, 2020 ATHE Acting Program Midsummer Covid Response Forum • YouTube presentation on Working with Livestream Theatre for Acting II Spring 2020, Western New England University https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=040ClnncgYM&t=3s

4 • Moderated discussion of one of the break-out rooms

August 2019 – Present Acting Program Focus Group Secretary

August 2017 – 18 Acting Program Focus Group Social Chair

August 2014 - 2016 Acting Program Focus Group Co-Conference Planner for Chicago 2016

August 2014 - 2015 Acting Program Focus Group Co-Conference Planner for Chicago 2016 and Las Vegas 2017

August 2012 - 2014 Member, Membership and Marketing Committee by the Governing Council

August 2012 – 2014 Member Services Coordinator and Executive Board Member, Theatre as a Liberal Art Focus Group for a two-year term

August 2010 – 2012 Executive Board Member and Pre-Conference Coordinator, Theatre as a Liberal Art Focus Group Association for Theatre in Higher Education

August 2014 Respondent, The Adjudicated Panel for Debut and Adapted Acting Exercises

March 2012 Co-Adjudicator, The Adjudicated Panel for Debut and Adapted Acting Exercises

External Reviewer Fall, 2017 – External Reviewer for the Tenure application for Dr. Matt Fotis, at Albright College. I was chosen for my expertise in Improvisational Comedy

Western New England Community Theatre Festival August, 2003 Adjudicator and Respondent


August, 2016 – 2018, Editorial Board of The Players Journal, an on-line peer-reviewed journal on Acting Pedagogy. January 2015 – April 2015 Technical editor, The Comedy Improv Handbook by Matt Fotis and Siobhan O’Hara

August 2010 – 2013

5 Associate Editor, the Players Journal, an online, peer reviewed journal on the pedagogy of Acting


2020, Virtual Conference on Zoom

Session Coordinator, Moderator, and Presenter: Sustaining and Stretching Stanislavski : Variations on Teaching Objectives, Obstacles, and Tactics. July 24, 2020. Panelist for the Roundtable, In the Drivers Seat: Directing in a Small Theatre Program. July 25, 2020.


Chair, Session Coordinator and Presenter, Best Practices for Advising the Student-lead Production Company or Drama Club. Presentation title: The Role of the Student Producing Club in a Minor Only Program. Panelist, Roundtable: Making the Invisible Work of Improvisation Visible: Advising, Refining and Defending the Value of Improvisational Performance with Campus Improvisation Groups to Foster Positive Change.


Chair, Session Coordinator and Presenter, Interactive Pedagogy: Using Acting and Improvisation Techniques in the Playwriting Course. My presentation was titled: Using Johnstone’s Storytelling Improvs to Practice Structure for the Playwriting Course Presenter, Revolutionizing Rubrics: Evaluation in the Acting Studio. My presentation was titled: Evaluating the Improvisational Comedy Student. Presenter, Revolutionaries. My presentation and exercise was entitled: Do Something: Mick Napier’s Subversive Take on the Rules of Improv.

2017, Las Vegas, Nevada Presenter, Spectacular Seasons On Reduced Resources. My presentation was titled: An Interdisciplinary Approach to mounting the spring musical through the University Drama Club. I presented on mounting Beauty and the Beast. Presenter and Co-Coordinator, Keith Johnstone in the Classroom. My presentation and exercise was titled: Staying in the Circle. Presenter, Objectives in Action: Activating Analysis in The Acting Studio. My presentation and exercise was titled: Physicalizing Tactics Through Play. This panel became the basis of my book with Valerie Clayman Pye.

2016, Palmer House, Chicago, Il – Co-Conference Planner for the Acting Program Focus Group – ATHE’s 30th Anniversary Conference In addition to Co-Conference Planner, I also moderated and presented:

6 Coordinator, Moderator, Best Practices for Teaching Improvisational Comedy as a College Course or a Course Tool Presenter, Working Harder or Working Smarter. My presentation was entitled: Using the Musical to Force Growth of a Minor-Only Theatre Program

2015, Montreal, Canada Co-Chair and Presenter with Maria Cominis Glaudani. How to Stay Visible in a Youth Centric Arena. Presenter. Total Recall: Improvisation Techniques and the Callback Workshop. Presented in a workshop session with Dr. Jeanne Leep, Dr. Matt Fotis, Amy Seham, and Wil Kilroy. Presenter. Building Creative Confidence Within Liberal Arts Settings.

Chair and Session Coordinator. How to Direct When You are Not a Director. Presented at the 2014 annual conference for the Association for Theatre in Higher Education (ATHE) in Scottsdale, Arizona.

Session Co-Coordinator. Playing with Improvisation: Teaching Innovative Approaches to the Art of Improvisational Performance. At the 2013 annual conference for the Association for Theatre in Higher Education (ATHE) in Orlando, Florida. Session co-coordinator with Dr. Jeanne Leepe of Edgewater College.

Presenter and Executive Board Member. “Theatre as a Liberal Art (TLA) Business Meeting.” Presented Pre-Conference Report at the 2012 annual conference of the Association for Theatre in Higher Education (ATHE), Washington, D.C.

Facilitator. “Theatre as a Liberal Art (TLA) Membership Meeting.” At the 2012 annual conference for the Association for Theatre in Higher Education (ATHE) in Washington ,D.C, I facilitated discussion on possibilities for the Pre-Conference in Orlando 2013.

Presenter, Chair, and Coordinator. “Attracting the Pre-Pharmacy, Pre-Law and Business Student to Acting and Improvisation Classes.” Presented at the 2011 annual conference of the Association for Theatre in Higher Education (ATHE), Chicago, IL. Coordinated and chaired the overall session entitled, “Hitting the Recruitment Jackpot: Strategies for Attracting Theatre Students To Our Classes,” with participants PeggyRae Johnson, Dr. Anne Berkeley, and Antoinette Doherty.

Presenter, and Coordinator. “La Ronde Revisited and Reworked as an Evolving Long Form Structure.” Presented at the 2011 annual conference of the Association for Theatre in Higher Education (ATHE), Chicago, IL. Coordinated and chaired the overall session entitled, “Reimagining Improvisation in the Classroom, Performance, and Co-curricular troupe,” with participant David Charles.

Presenter. “Adjudicated Debut and Adapted Acting Exercises.” Presented at the 2011 annual conference for the Association for Theatre in Higher Education, Chicago, IL. Each participant presented a 15 minute acting exercise as part of the session, “Reimagining The First Day of Acting Class.”

Facilitator. “Theatre as a Liberal Art (TLA) Membership Meeting.” Presented at the 2011 annual conference for the Association for Theatre in Higher Education, Chicago, IL.


Session coordinator and moderator. “Surviving and Thriving in a One and Two Person Theatre Program: Strategies and Stories from the Trenches.” Presented at the 2010 annual conference for the Association for Theatre in Higher Education, Los Angeles, CA. Participants included Monica Fay Anderson, Kurt E. Blaugher, Kathleen Sills, and Ed Simone.

Presenter. “Acting Action Verbs.” Part of the “Adjudicated Debut and Adapted Acting Exercises” session. Presented at the 2009 annual conference for the Association for Theatre in Higher Education, New York City, NY.

Co-Presenter. “Telling Stories.” Co-presented two hands-on sessions on Museum Theatre At the 2002 Association of Children’s Museum’s Interactivity, Ottawa. Presentation was co-sponsored by the International Museum Theatre Alliance.

UNIVERSITY SERVICE – Western New England University

June 18, 2020 – Recorded Arts Presentation for SOAR June 22, 2020 - Presenter, Center for Teaching and Learning Roundtable on Instructor Presence. I demonstrated an ice breaking exercise with the group called Two Truths and a Lie. May 1, 2020 – Presented the Co-Curricular Fine Arts Awards to Aubrey Vargas and Nick Dana. May - August, 2020 - Helped with planning of Theatre Camp for August, 2020, oversaw Theatre Camp the week of August 21 – 26, and directed 3 Ten-Minutes plays for the Camp. Feb. 21 – 23, 2020 - Chaperoned Improv on the Rocks during their weekend, annual regional competition and conference at ImprovBoston in Boston, I uploaded an Arts presentation for SOAR on June 18, 2020 2017 – Present, Aesthetics Committee Member April, 2019 – Presented the Co-Curricular Fine Arts Award to Bridget Cassidy December – August, 2019 – Theatre Camp for incoming freshmen and returning students: planning, chaperoning, teaching, and advising. I also help plan, chaperone and teach Theatre Camp the summers of 2017 and 18 for a stipend. 2019 was on a volunteer basis only.

February, 2019 – Chaperoned Improv on the Rocks during their annual regional competition and conference at ImprovBoston in Boston, Feb. 22 – 24, 2019 April, 2018 – Presented the Co-Curricular Fine Arts Award to Jesse Walters May – December, 2017 - Theatre Proposal Design Project (Refurbishing of Rivers Arena) with Kuhn Riddle Architects: Worked all semester on the theatre design and renovation of Rivers Arena– met with Architect since the summer and every few weeks until Dec. 12 and 19, 2018. The team include Maureen Keizer, Bill Kelleher, and Jeanne Steffes. I represented Arts and Sciences.

8 October, 2017 - I taught a Faculty Workshop for the Center for Teaching Excellence. The workshop was on the benefits of using Acting Warm-ups to help prepare Faculty for successful teaching and lectures. April, 2017 – Presented the Co-Curricular Fine Arts Award to Jeffrey Massicott April, 2016 and 2017 – Organized an Arts Presentation and presented at the Accepted Students Day Open House April, 2016 – Presented the Co-Curricular Fine Arts Award to Alexandra Escribano Curriculum Committee Member, Western New England University, 2009 - 2014

2010 – 2012 - Faculty Senator, Western New England University, Chaired Committees Chaired the Student Affairs Committee and Co-Chaired the All – Disciplinary Board with Dr. Denine Northrup, 2011 – 12

Chaired the Lecture Day Committee to bring in Anne Kornblut, Deputy National Political Editor of The Washington Post, 2011- 12

Chaired the Student Affairs Committee and the All-College Disciplinary Board, 2010 - 11

2011 – 12 - Center for the Arts Feasibility Study, Western New England University Committee Member,


Faculty Development Grant, Western New England University, 2016 and 2012

Strategic Initiatives Funding Grant, to undertake a Center for the Arts Feasibility Study. Committee members along with Hillary Bucs are Jeanie Forray (Chair of the Committee), Emmett Barcalow, Ellen Voth, Richard Mindek, Bart Lipkins, and Maureen Keizer, 2011 –12


Western New England University Finalist, Teaching Excellence Award 2015, 2016, 2020 Winner, Arts and Sciences Service Award, 2017 Certificate of Recognition from the graduating class of 2017 Finalist, Arts and Sciences Service Award 2015, 2016


It’s Good To Be An Ant 2015 Gretna Theatre, Mt. Gretna, PA Adapted the 2011 play into a musical with composers Roy Mueller and Jeffrey Bucs. The show was directed by their Associate Artistic Director, Renee Kritzen. Six performances in August, 2015.

It’s Good To Be An Ant, 2011 Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art, Amherst, MA Reworked original play I had written for the John Anson Ford Amphitheatre and 2000-2003 Los Angeles tour. New play included extensive stage directions and revised dialogue based On working with a new cast for the performance at the Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book

9 Art in Amherst.

It’s Good To Be An Ant, John Anson Ford Amphitheatre, Hollywood, 2000 Commedia Dell’arte/ Participation Theatre play originally written through a grant given by the Ford Theatre Foundation for their Big/World/Fun Summer Family Series. The play teaches children about the various roles in an ant colony as the Wood Louse schemes to sneak into the colony to eat the Queen’s eggs. The Wood Louse has coaxed the Soldier, Builder, and Scout to take a day off by playing off their insecurities. Children from the audience help warn the ants that the colony is in trouble. The worker ants, with ants chosen from the audience, work together to rid the colony of the evil, pesky Wood Louse. The Play toured Los Angeles County 2000 – 2003

Rainforests! Carnegie Museum of Natural History, 1998 – 99 “Edutainment” style play with one character, an entomologist, who invites the audience to learn about the rainforest through video, participation, demonstrations, and monologues. The play was based on research and content written by members of the Carnegie Education Department.


New Century Theatre, Northampton 2015

Championship Match by Paul Anthony Ita. Part of New Century Theatre’s annual radio play event, Life in the 413. Rebroadcast on WHMP.

Western New England University

Mamma, Mia! Co- directed with Katelyn LaValley 2019 (production ended two weeks before opening night due to Covid19) Hello, Dolly spring musical 2018 Footloose spring musical 2017 Legally Blonde spring musical 2016 Curtains Peer reviewed by Dr. Harley Erdman, Umass 2015

Urinetown: The Musical Peer reviewed by Dr. Kiki Gounaridou, 2014 Smith College

25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee First musical directed at WNE 2012 It’s Good To Be An Ant by Hillary Haft Bucs 2011 Peer reviewed by Dr. Kathleen Sills, Merrimack College

Sandbag, Stage Left by Jack Neary 2010 Cinderella Waltz by Don Nigro 2008 Prelude to a Kiss by Craig Lucas 2007 While the Lights Were Out by Jack Sharkey 2006 Psycho Beach Party by Charles Busch 2005 A Light in the Dark by Ezra Lebank 2005 (Staged Reading) Words Born Out of Darkness 2004

10 (Adapted and directed Staged Reading of Poems of the Holocaust, and a dramatic reading of Tony Kushner’s Brundibar, as part of the College of Greater Springfield’s Lecture Series on the Holocaust. Cast was made up of 40 faculty, staff, and student readers.) A Season of Tonys 2003 (Selected scenes from Proof by David Auburn and Topdog/Underdog by Suzan-Lori Parks)

Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art, Amherst It’s Good To Be An Ant by Hillary Haft Bucs 2011

Hilltown Cooperative Public Charter School, Haydenville It’s Good To Be an Ant by Hillary Haft Bucs 2011

Smith College, Northampton Detour by Roger Gordon 2010

Smith College: Invited Staged Readings Soul of the City by Ellen Kaplan 2007 (Invited Staged Reading using professional actors for Smith family weekend) Barechested by Lynn Brandon 2007 (by Lynn Brandon) (Invited to direct Staged Reading) Free Enterprise by Eric Sanders 2007 (Benefit for New Century Theatre) Ice Cream; The Loved One Doris Johnston Five college Award winners 2006 A Light in the Dark by Ezra Lebank 2005 Scenes From Landsend by Jennifer Krasinski 2003 Habitat by Judith Thompson 2002

Kidspace Children’s Museum, Pasadena, CA It’s Good To Be An Ant by Hillary Haft Bucs 2000- 2002 Selected Touring Venues: John Anson Ford Amphitheatre, Hollywood Los Angeles Public Library Monrovia Public Library Burbank Public Library Los Angeles County Aboretum

Jewish Community Center TYA Series, Pittsburgh, PA Treasure Island Participation Theatre 1998

Letters To An Alien by Robert Caisley 1998 (Play about the Holocaust for youth and families, which toured local community centers.)

Little Shop of Horrors Adaptation for actors ages 9 – 12 1997

Show Role Theatre and Date

11 Happier Family Comedy Show Troupe member Eastworks, July, 2016 – June 2017 Scripted/Unscripted Guest Artist Arts Block, Greenfield October, 2015 and 2016 Ha’ Ha’s Improv Troupe Guest Artist Arts Block, Greenfield Fall, 2015 Sunday Improv Fun Time Troupe Member Arts Block, Greenfield Fall, 2015 North Star, Hadley, MA Monthly, Spring – Summer, 2015 The Majesters Majestic Theatre, West Springfield, Summer 2014 The Skinner Servents’ Tour Nellie Enchanted Circle Theatre at Wisteriahurst Museum, Holyoke Tentative for May 2012 2011 2009 2007 2005

Pioneer Valley Improvisational Theatre Northampton Center for The Arts, 2007 Pioneer Arts Center of Easthampton, 2007

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Paint Box Theatre, 2005 New Century Theatre Berkshire Museum, Pittsfield Northampton First Night at Smith College

It’s Good To Be An Ant Nurse Ant John Anson Ford Hollywood, 2000 Directed by San Fransisco Mime Troupe

Two Clever by Half Mashenka Pittsburgh Irish and Classical Theatre, Dan Kamin – director

Dinosaurs! Carnegie Museum, Pittsburgh Professor Jitterman Touring Company, 1998

Yearbook Generations Together Touring Company, 1998 University of Pittsburgh

12 Twelfth Night Maria Shakespeare-in-the-Schools Touring Program, University of Pittsburgh, 1996

Doctor Faustus Ensemble Unseam’d Shakespeare Co.,1996 Cardenio Ensemble Unseam’d Shakespeare Co, 1995 All’s Well That Ends Well Helena Unseam’d Shakespeare Co, 1994 Improvisational Theatre Companies Annoyance Theatre, Chicago, IL I.O, Chicago, IL Theatre Works, Chicago, IL Hat Company, Pgh, PA Mystery’s Most Wanted Murder Mystery Theatre, Pgh, PA Theatre Sports, Pgh, PA None of the Above, NY, NY Thanks for Coming, Chicago, IL


Guest Host on Comedy Central’s Short Attention Span Theatre, July, 1991 Co-hosted with Jon Stuart.

Co-host of Schmoozing, 1991-92 Hosted a weekly, tongue and cheek cable talk show about dating in New York City. Program was viewed in Manhattan, Bronx, Queens, Long Island, and Chicago on the Shalom America Television Network, NY, NY

SAG Commercial for P.A.C.E, Chicago Public Transit System, 1989


Western New England University

Months on End Directed by Marc Mitchell ’20 2019 Murdered to Death Directors Sarah Waterhouse and Ava Rule 2018 Laughing Stock Directors Michael Devito and Alexis McCrae 2017 Servant of Two Masters Directors Jesse Walters and Adam Deshefy Wizard of Oz Directors Alexandria Escribano ’16 2016 And Jared Duval ‘16 Memory, Monologue, Rant Director Gennah Borg’ 16 2015 And a Prayer

Brothers Grimm Spectaculathon Directors Chris Quigley ’15 and 2014 Nate Szymanski ‘15

13 Fall One Act Festival Directors Danna Mazzola and 2011 Spencer Kelly Clue assisted Heather Coulter ‘10 with staging of original 2010 adaptation The Laramie Project Staged Reading directed by Meghan Nario 2010

Twelfth Night Directors Heather Coulter ’10 and 2009 Steve Hohl Fall One Act Festival Original student plays directors Vira Efraim 2007 and Kyle Coston Treatment and Western New England 2006 The Other Side (Original Student Plays written by Scott Lashmitt) The Vagina Monologues Directed by Danielle Riendeau 2006 The Great Pandemonium Directed by alum Catherine Klier 2005 Rumors Directed by Adam Ransom 2004


Improv on the Rocks Western New England 2005 - Present Improv on the Rocks Northampton Center for the Arts 2008 (College Comedy Festival)

Teridactl Skwad Pioneer Arts Center of Easthampton 2007 (Western New England Alums LongForm Improvisation troupe)

Improv on the Rocks New Century Theatre Benefit 2006 (Northampton High School)


Smith College How to Get into Graduate School for Theatre 2007 Auditioning for Graduate School 2007 Coached the Student Improv Troupe, The Sikos 2005 Guest Lecturer 2003 Taught “The Harold,” Long Form Improvisation, to the students of Dr. John Hellweg’s Improvisation Class

Martha’s Vineyard 2003 Taught “The Harold” to the Vineyards only Improv Troupe, “WIMP”

PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS Association For Theatre in Higher Education (ATHE), 2007 - Present Dramatists Guild, 2011 - 2015


Flight Smith College 2003 (Directed show when Ellen Kaplan, director, Was on medical leave. I took on the role of Assistant Director when she returned.)


Laughing Wild Pioneer Valley Performing Arts 2004 Charter School, Hadley, MA

The Belle of Amherst Pioneer Valley Performing Arts 2003 Charter School, Hadley, MA


Kidspace Children’s Museum Pasadena, CA Public Programs Coordinator 1999 - 2001

As the Public Programs Coordinator I was responsible for creating and implementing all the educational programs for our public hours’ visitors, which included connecting programs to our present exhibits, hiring artists, and teaching weekday hands-on activities. In addition, I created a theatre outreach program around the first version of my interactive children’s play, It’s Good To Be an Ant, which was influenced by one of the installations at the museum. I also directed the touring production of the play, acted in it, and managed the tour. My job responsibilities also included writing and editing the Kidspace Children’s Museum’s quarterly newsletter and calendar. In preparation for the move to a new and larger location next to the famous Rose Bowl, I helped to create and decide upon the new exhibits.


The Drama Studio Springfield, MA Instructor 2005, 2006 Advanced Improvisation

Academy Kids North Hollywood, CA Instructor 1999 Advanced Auditioning for the Camera (ages 10 -16) Auditioning for the Camera (ages 7 – 10) Auditioning for the Camera (ages 3 – 6)

Point Park College Summer Theatre Conservatory Pittsburgh, PA Instructor: 1998 Beginning Acting (ages 16 – 18) 1996 Beginning Acting (ages 9 – 13) Creative Drama (ages 8 – 10) Acting (ages 6 – 12)


Jewish Community Center Pittsburgh, PA Instructor: 1997 Beginning Acting (ages 12 – 16)

Civic Light Opera Academy Pittsburgh, PA Substitute Teacher: 1997 Acting

Carnegie Mellon University Center for Early Education Pittsburgh, PA Theatre Specialist 1997 Creative Drama and early childhood teacher

Pittsburgh Center for the Arts Pittsburgh, PA Adult Education Instructor 1996 Improvisation and

Pittsburgh Center for the Arts, Children’s Art Camps Pittsburgh,PA Camps Created and Instructed 1995,1996 The Magic of Theatre Art Tells a Story Commedia D’ell Arte Theatre Games and Improvisation


New Century Theatre, Northampton, Summer 2004 Publicity Coordinator for Equity Summer Theatre, and organized Talkback for Coppenhagen

It’s Good To Be An Ant, Kidspace Children’s Museum, 2000-2002 Managed and publicized Los Angeles County tour of my children’s play which is funded by the Los Angeles Arts Commission and the Entertainment Industry Foundation.

It’s Good To Be An Ant, John Anson Ford Theatre, 2000 Produced Equity production of play for the John Anson Ford Theatre. Hired members of the San Francisco Mime Troupe and Pasadena Shakespeare Company to act in the production, and worked with Actors Equity to secure their and my contracts. Designed set in collaboration with Dan Chumley of the San Francisco Mime Troupe. Aided in the design of costumes.

Carnegie Museum of Natural History, 1998 Produced video of the rainforest to accompany play, Rainforests!

The Unseam’d Shakespeare Company, Pgh, PA, 1993 – 96 Founding Member and Director of Publicity Helped organize seasons, wrote press releases, organized mailings; contacted critics, magazines, newspaper, and radio stations to pitch stories

Three Rivers Shakespeare Festival, 1994 Assistant Public Relations Director Assisted in the writing of press releases, helped organize speakers for TalkBacks, worked on publicity angles.

16 Shalom America Television Network, NY, NY, 1991-92 Segment Producer for Schmoozing Co-hosted and produced segment which aired twice a week on Manhattan, Queens, and Long Island Cable Stations. Interviewed actor/playwright Charles Busch. Produced another eleven segments per week for three-hour daily talk show. Duties included researching topics and guests, interviewing guests, writing questions for hosts. Produced the following segments: Theatre, book reviews, and featured guests. Theatre Works, Chicago, IL, 1990 Development Associate Researched and organized grant opportunities for Michael J. Gellman’s Longform Improvisational Theatre company; produced and organized a fund raising theatrical event at Chicago’s City Hall entitled Aldermania .


Performance: Top Girls – Lady Nijo, Kit, and Mrs. Kidd, University of Pittsburgh Chemin de Fer – Sophie, University of Pittsburgh The Three Cuckolds – Franchescina, University of Pittsburgh Corneille’s Illusion (adaptation) – various roles, University of Pittsburgh Six Characters in Search of an Author – the mother, Northwestern We Won’t Pay, We Won’t Pay – Marguerita, Northwestern Day at the Office (touring children’s theatre) – lead role, Northwestern The War Within (German Expressionism) – ensemble, Northwestern

Directing/vocal coach: Mud, Northwestern University, 1989 Assistant director and vocal coach for black box production

The Man Who Came to Dinner, 1989 Assistant director and vocal coach for Main Stage production