ODY EEBR2,20 wwjunlfomrecm O.9 O 0 $8plusGST VOL.97NO.101 www.journalofcommerce.com MONDAY, DECEMBER22,2008 abroad. 80 offices and inCanada at more staff than port technologists and sup- professionals, technicians, than 3,500managers, employeesof ,with more number nies interms of compa- neering services ’s largest engi- ational sectors. commercial and recre- municipal, institutional, the healthcare, education, pleted many projects in sioning. from concept to commis- tural engineering services comprehensive struc- employees and provides panies. has25 Thefirm tural engineering com- struc- gest established and BC’s isone of lon- in Vancouver in1965 ing Ltd. Engineers Pomeroybased Consult- it acquired Vancouver- Fund announced that 1-877-875-WEST www.WesternOne.ca IN BRIEF Engineering Engineering Acquisition GENIVAR isone of Pomeroy hascom- Pomeroy wasfounded GENIVAR Income Formerly: Production Equipment Rentals Equipment Production Formerly:

Canada Post Publication Mail Sales Agreement 40063367 for trades, technology and for trades, and technology ada’s facility high-tech newest U.S. fugitive’s arrest highlights problems withjob screening K STAFF PATRICIA WILLIAMS .EW+WANTLENCAMPUSEARNS,%%$'OLD highlighted issueswith employmenthighlighted T STAFF RICHARD GILBERT Toll Free 1.866.923.6629

WRITER WRITER gary constructiongary jobsite has U.S. fugitive working on aCal- a of deportation and arrest he dale campus, Can- University’s Clover- wantlen Polytechnic

3AFEs&ASTs%Fl 3!,"%24! BUILDING REPORTS: VANCOUVER 13 pus includes 21shops and 27 the 185,139square-foot cam- Bunting Coady Architects, tion. certifica- LEEDGold achieved programs, has training applied s.!,"%24!.74 Designed by by Vancouver’s Designed the country rather than facecharges of marshals inTexas on Dec.16. Hayes fled Andrew Hayes U.S. of to thecustody (CBSA) officials handed over Steven screening intheprovince. Canada Border Services Agency Border Services Canada PILING PARTNER. CANADIAN YOUR WESTERN CIENT Human Resources WWWDOKACOM 780-960-7171 NACG.CA 16 Trades Training 4 school inNorthschool America. the largest trade LEEDGold be to campus believed is tech cor, the$42.3million high- students. by Constructed Led- modate up to 900full-time classrooms can accom- which s6!.#/56%2)3,!.$ s")$$%232%')34%2 the concourseofKwantlenPolytechnicUniversity’s Cloverdale campus. microclimate andoptimizedbuildingorientation.Dramaticwood“trees” (left)line The passivedesignoftheCloverdale facilityensures useofthecampus effective

World ofConcrete of labourers.of about for theneed tougher screening said thearrest Labour concerns raises the The head of Federation Alberta of breaching rules. offender sex registry aggravated assault sexual achild and of See you atthe booth C6144 Concrete World of 17 said Karen Hearn, theuniver- impact on theenvironment,” minimizing building’s the place to learn and work while excellent job at creating agreat an did project this on together 7 “The team that worked worked that team “The s2%')/.!,"#95+/. s-!2+%40,!#% Federation president. Labour of ing illegally,” said Gil McGowan, Alberta many people are inthecountry work- issue isantidotal, we don’t so know how “Everything we know about this 19 See CRITIC SURMISES,See Pg.2 s than an industrial facility. moreto look like auniversity was intentionally designed cially in opened April 2007, sity’s facilities. director of EVENTS The building, which offi- which building, The 12 See CAMPUS,See Pg.2 BUNTING COADY ARCHITECTS

20 Page 2 Journal of Commerce Monday, December 22, 2008 Campus believed to be North America’s Your Opinion Counts This week’s question: largest LEED Gold trades training facility Are you spending less on Christmas this Continued from Pg. 1 year? The large number of windows pro- vide views to the outdoors, Bunting Respond online at Coady said. An indoor covered street provides www.journalofcommerce.com visual and physical access to every floor and ensures optimum natural light Worth Repeating and ventilation. Roofs have skylights, allowing natural daylight to illuminate “It will be difficult for the Canadian economy to the space. weather the current global economic climate if Multi-coloured glazing and consumers restrain spending in the face of both Y-shaped interior glulam beams in the real and imagined economic problems,” atrium also add to the vibrancy of the Richard Jenkins, VP of TNS Canadian Facts design. Dramatic wood “trees” that line the concourse were sourced within a 500-mile radius of the campus. Journal of Commerce Bunting Coady said the key focus of the project team was creation of a SERVING WESTERN CANADA’S CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY SINCE 1911 “passive” design to ensure effective use 101-4299 Canada Way, Burnaby, BC V5G 1H3 of the campus microclimate and opti- 0HONE  s&AX   mize building orientation. 4/,,&2%%    The north and south building [email protected] façades are substantially larger than www.journalofcommerce.com Mark Casaletto, V.P. and General Manager the east and west faces, thereby maxi- BUNTING COADY ARCHITECTS mizing control of sunlight glare and Multi-coloured glazing and Y-shaped interior glulam beams in the atrium add to 2EED#ONSTRUCTION$ATA heat gain/loss.    EXT the vibrant design of Kwantlen Polytechnic University’s Cloverdale campus. [email protected] Initiatives such as this reduce the need for mechanical systems within able energy. Architects Inc. EDITORIAL the facility and significantly reduce t*OOPWBUJWFVTFPGDPMPVSFEDPODSFUF From the outset, the design team %DITORIALINQUIRIESEDITOR JOURNALOFCOMMERCECOM energy consumption. in the tilt-ups makes the building incorporated sustainable design prin- 0ATRICK-C#ONNELL .ATIONAL%DITOR Green power purchases for the pro- envelope virtually maintenance free. ciples and identified the potential [email protected] ject supply enough renewable energy The colour of the pigmented walls of LEED Gold certification without    EXT "RADLEY&EHR %DITOR to replace 100 per cent of the facil- deepens when wet and changes with incurring additional costs. [email protected] ity’s regulated base building electrical the light. Bunting Coady was the LEED con- 604 412-2260 usage, contributing to a reduction in tЅFXFMEJOHBSFBFYIBVTUTZTUFN sultant. 2ICHARD'ILBERT 3TAFF7RITER greenhouse gas emissions. is adjusted automatically based on the The design team utilized an inte- [email protected] Additional features that contribut- number of booths in use. grated design process to incorporate CONSTRUCTION REPORTS ed to Kwantlen’s LEED Gold certifica- Individual lighting controls in each the mechanical, electrical, civil and BIDDERS’ REGISTER INQUIRIES tion in the new construction category of the 42 welding booths are linked to architectural requirements for the pro- 4OLLFREE   s&AX    from the U.S. Green Building Council a centralized control system, adjusting ject. [email protected] include: the variable speed drive fan, which This process also enabled the team t"OFSPTJPOBOETFEJNFOUBUJPODPOUSPM then controls the rate of exhaust. to overlap the programming phase ADVERTISING SALES plan, implemented prior to the start of The facility also benefits from the of the project with the conceptual/ *OHN2ICHARDSON $IRECTOROF3ALES 7ESTERN#ANADA [email protected] construction. More than 87 per cent of use of locally produced materials and schematic design phase, saving valu- 604-412-2206 construction waste was diverted from from non- or low-VOC (volatile organ- able time and money during a period Banes Lal, Display landfill. ic compound) emitting products. of escalating costs. [email protected] t " XBUFS VTF SFEVDUJPO PG  QFS The site is served by three public Bunting Coady CEO Teresa Coady, 604-412-2249 cent over “baseline” conditions. Water transit links and is well equipped for principal in charge of design, said Janice Cain, Display conservation strategies include low- wheelchair access. she believes that the building exceeds [email protected] flow toilets, waterless urinals and The project team included: struc- everyone’s expectations. 604-412-2218 sensor-controlled faucets. In addition, tural engineers Bush Bohlman & Part- “The Kwantlen Polytechnic Univer- Michelle Busch, Career, Classifieds low-flow drains are installed on the ners; building envelope consultants sity Cloverdale Campus is probably jocclassifi[email protected]    roof and the landscaping requires no Trow Associates Inc.; civil/mechan- the most beautiful facility of its kind in 3ARA-ARTENS 4ENDER!DVERTISING ongoing irrigation. ical/electrical engineering consultants North America,” she said. [email protected] t " MBSHF TPVUIGBDJOH QIPUPWPMUBJD Earth Tech Canada Inc.; and landscape “Its LEED Gold certification is a tri- 604-412-2215 array generates 5 kilowatts of renew- architects PWL Partnership Landscape umph for the entire design team.” PRODUCTION Lori Brooks, Manager, Production and Digital Media [email protected] Critic surmises that illegal employment is    EXT SUBSCRIPTIONS rampant during construction booms &ORNEWORDERS RENEWALS DELIVERYPROBLEMS BILLINGINQUIRIESORCHANGEOFADDRESS Continued from Pg. 1 the Immigration and Refu- Canada,” said McGowan. want to make sure illegal *OURNALOF#OMMERCE3UBSCRIPTIONS “However, I suspect it’s a gee Board ruled that Hayes “The most wanted status workers don’t get used as a 0/"OX 4ORONTO /NTARIO-0! significant number, especial- is inadmissible to Canada of this individual is not the tool to depress wages artifi- 0HONE   s&AX    www.journalofcommerce.com ly in the construction indus- due to his criminality and issue, even though these cially.” try. I don’t know if there are ordered him deported.” crimes are horrible and Hayes was working as GENERAL INQUIRIES hundreds or thousands of It also ordered that he be deserve to be punished. a casual labourer under an     illegal workers in the coun- detained until his removal The issue is the problem of alias with a fake social insur- )NTERNATIONAL3TANDARD3ERIAL.UMBER)33.  try, but the problem becomes from the country because he people working in the coun- ance number. Subcontract- 0UBLICATIONS-AIL!GREEMENT 2ETURN5NDELIVERABLE#ANADIAN!DDRESSESTO more pronounced during a is considered a flight risk. try illegally.” ors are responsible to screen Circulation Department boom.” The demand for labour McGowan isn’t advocat- potential employees. 101-4299 Canada Way, Burnaby, BC V5G 1H3 Hayes, 49, was profiled in Calgary and other con- ing a crackdown on illegal Hayes was sentenced *OURNALOF#OMMERCEISPUBLISHEDEVERY-ONDAYAND7EDNESDAY on America’s Most Wanted struction hot spots has been BY2EED#ONSTRUCTION$ATA )NC workers, but rather he wants to probation in 1989 for [email protected] and had been on the run so high in the last few years people to know that the indecent liberties with a !LLRIGHTSRESERVED since 2005. After a tip from that background checks have problem exists. 14-year-old girl and in 1997, The contents of this publication may not be reproduced either in part or in U.S. marshals, Calgary police not been a priority for most “Too many employers are Hayes was sentenced to five FULLWITHOUTTHEWRITTENCONSENTOF2EED#ONSTRUCTION$ATA#ANADA arrested Hayes on the work- companies. turning a blind eye or know- years imprisonment for sod- Journal of Commerce is not responsible for loss or damage to unsolicited manuscripts, photographs or drawings. site on Dec. 9. “We don’t advocate ingly making matters worse,” omy against an eight-year- Member, Canadian Business Press “We worked with the employers invading the pri- he explained. “The labour old male relative. )NDEXEDIN#ANADIAN"USINESS0ERIODICALS)NDEX Calgary police to find Mr. vacy of workers, but at the movement wants to make According to White, the '342EG24 Hayes and arrest him,” said same time we should do more sure that Canadians get first CBSA removes about 12,000 Lisa White, spokesperson to ensure the people they are crack at jobs on Canadian people from the country for the CBSA. “In this case, hiring are eligible to work in construction sites. We also every year. Journal of Commerce Monday, December 22, 2008 Page 3 Oilsands Development Upgrader put on hold Axis of Construction RICHARD GILBERT In May, StatoilHydro from the project will be mar- STAFF WRITER decided to postpone the keted as unprocessed bitu- Norwegian oil and planned upgrader by two men. gas group has with- years to 2016. Flint Energy Services Ltd. A drawn its regulatory The company is evaluat- announced last month that it application for the construc- ing various alternatives and has been awarded a $50 mil- tion of a bitumen upgrader will continue to monitor the lion construction contract by in Alberta. cost and price environment. StatoilHydro Canada Lim- StatoilHydro announced The upgrader was planned ited. earlier this month that the last year after StatoilHydro The contract was for work main reasons behind the bought 257,000 acres of Oil- on the Leismer Oilsands decision are prohibitive con- sands leases for $2 billion Demonstration project. struction costs, the state of from North American Oil The contract includes the the global economy, uncer- Sands Corp. site construction of the cen- tain oil price outlook and a The acquisition was part tral plant’s mechanical com- lack of legislative clarity. of a business strategy to ponents for the new SAGD “This decision does not diversify away from aging facilities, which is designed impact the progress of Sta- North Sea oilfields. to extract bitumen from oil- toilHydro’s upstream Oil- StatoilHydro planned sands. sands activities,” said Sta- to spend $4 billion on the The contract awarded to toilHydro Canada president, upgrader, which would pro- Flint is part of the first phase Geir Jøssang. cess 80,000 barrels of bitu- in a multi-year development “StatoilHydro’s long-term men a day. plan, which will see bitumen BRADLEY FEHR view of the Canadian oil- Capacity could have been production increase from Axis, a highrise condominium, is being built on Kingsway in Burnaby B.C. by construc- sands development remains increased to 243,000 barrels 20,000 barrels per day in tion manager Metro-Can Construction. The developer is Rykon Group of Companies unchanged. The construc- a day in subsequent phases at 2012 to more than 200,000 and the architect is Robert Ciccozzi Architecture. The tower includes 15 storeys tion of our Leismer SAGD a total cost of $16 billion. barrels per day by 2020. above grade and two below in about 110,000 square feet of space. There will be 102 condo units and commercial space on the ground floor. A number of consult- (Steam Assisted Gravity The upstream part of the The project is located near ing engineers are working on the project including Read Jones Christoffersen Ltd. Drainage) project is pro- StatoilHydro oilsands invest- Conklin, Alberta, which is (structural), Nemetz (S/A) & Associates Ltd. (electrical), GeoPacific Consultants Ltd. gressing according to plan ment will not be impacted by about 160 kilometres south (geotechnical) and Stantec Consulting Ltd. (mechanical). Additional consultants on with startup late 2010.” this decision and production of Fort McMurray. the project include JRS Engineering Ltd. and Brown Strachan Associates.

Canadian Institute’s Construction Superconference Knowing what a policy covers is imperative: insurer DAN O’REILLY able and inexcusable delays and damage to Smith was one of the speakers at the Can- leased or licensed and should be provided by CORRESPONDENT contractors’ equipment, especially for not- adian Institute’s Construction Superconfer- all parties to the construction project.” hile insurance is indispensable for easily replaced machinery. ence held recently in Toronto. Touching on the diverse nature of build- construction projects, just having “Some equipment can be very expensive. He also advised people to obtain transit ing construction, Smith advised the audience Wcoverage isn’t enough, says a lead- If a large piece of equipment is damaged and insurance when materials and/or equipment to thoroughly understand the different insur- ing provider of insurance services. the contractor can’t purchase another one, can’t be stored at the building site. ance requirements for new construction ver- With the numerous risks that are inherent what will happen to the project?” he asked A thorough review of both car and sus renovations work. in construction, it is imperative owners, con- Transit and marine cargo insurance is truck insurance, especially how it pertains In renovation projects, contractors are tractors, designers and other industry pro- also important when the project requires the to vehicles on and off site, is always a good usually responsible for damage to the struc- fessionals be thoroughly familiar with what long-distance transport of expensive equip- idea. “There are a lot of heavy trucks driving ture. They may be covered under builders’ their insurance covers, said Barry Smith, sen- ment from the manufacturer to the job site. around.” risk policies. But insurance often becomes ior vice-president, Marsh Canada Limited. An example might be the three-month Automobile insurance covers physical expensive if the building’s value is more than The first step in that process is identifying ship transport of a chiller. damage to vehicles, as well as third-party that of the renovation, said Smith. those risks such as potential damage to adja- “What happens if the ship sinks or is bodily injury and property damage, said Contractors “need to deal with a broker cent property, losses caused by both excus- attacked by pirates?” he posed Smith. “It should cover all vehicles, owned, that specializes in construction insurance.” Association News OSWCA pulls out of Council of Ontario Construction Associations PATRICIA WILLIAMS director Frank Zechner. helm of COCA in late August, said allocate your resources to every- view the withdrawal as a setback. STAFF WRITER However, he refused to elaborate OSWCA did not elaborate on the body and everybody’s issues. That is “This is certainly not what you ntario’s sewer and water- on the move. rationale for the move other than to a challenge that faces any federation would wish for, but it may be an main contractors have COCA president Ian Cunning- say they thought it was in their bet- or association of associations.” opportunity to COCA to think Opulled the plug on their ham said the withdrawal will not ter interests. He understands the challenges. about how it can do things differ- support for COCA, the Queen’s impact plans for 2009. “I understand these kinds of deci- “Member associations will always ently and better serve its members,” Park lobby group representing 34 “Organizations that are well sions,” said Cunningham, who held be questioning the value that they he said. “We also need to do a better construction associations across the managed and well governed under- senior management positions at the are getting and wondering if maybe job of touting our successes.” province. stand that these kinds of things can Ontario Chamber of Commerce for they can do government relations Included in COCA membership The decision, delivered at a recent happen and (we) make provisions a number of years prior to joining work on their own and do it more are local mixed associations, prime COCA board meeting, was made for these kinds of circumstances,” he COCA. “These types of association effectively and address their own contractor and builder associations, after careful and deliberate con- said. structures are always challenging to issues exclusively,” he said. and trade associations from across sideration, said OSWCA executive Cunningham, who took over the hold together. It is difficult to equally Cunningham doesn’t necessarily Ontario. WILSON M. BECK INSURANCE s#ONTRACT"ONDS SERVICES INC. s#ONSTRUCTION)NSURANCE s#OMMERCIAL)NSURANCE #ALL "URNABY +ELOWNA SINCE 1981 4EL   4EL   &AX   &AX   WWWWMBECKCOM Page 4 Journal of Commerce Monday, December 22, 2008

OWNER/GEN CONT: Westmana Development Corp, Vancouver Rene David/Rene David, Ste 313, 1 Alexander St, How to use the Building Reports Vancouver BC V6A 1B2 604-687-7066 Fax 604- 687-7036 PREBID The Building Reports section of Journal of Commerce includes Pre-Bid, Out for Tender, Bid Results LAND DEVELOPERS: Mamquam Ocean Channel Devs, and Start reports. Projects located throughout Western Canada are reported. New information is Ste 313, 1 Alexander St, Vancouver BC V6A 1B2 highlighted at the end of the report when significant changes occur. New projects are identified Buildings with italic type. 604-687-7066 Fax 604-687-7036 ARCH: Stantec Architecture Ltd, Don Nicholson, 111 GOVERNMENT OFFICE BUILDING ALTS Pre-Bid Starts Dunsmuir St Ste 1100, Vancouver BC V6B 6A3 604- 696-8000 Fax 604-696-8100 The Journal of Commerce Pre-Bid section includes The Journal of Commerce Starts section includes reports ID: 9092743 LANDS ARCH: DMG Landscape Arch & Park Plnr, Ste ABBOTSFORD, RD, BC reports on projects planned for future construction – from from building permits. Look for jobs you have been the “Contemplated” stage (prior to architect selection) following or new jobs in your area of interest. C100, 4185 Still Creek Dr, Burnaby BC V5C 6G9 bounded by MacLure Rd, Clearbrook Rd, V2T through architect selection, preliminary plans, working 604-437-3942 Fax 604-437-8723 Regions include: CONTEMPLATED drawings and the completion of plans, updated as CONS ENG STRUCT: Weiler Smith Bowers, Ste 118, OWNER: Accommodation & Real Est Servs, Linda Low, significant changes occur. Select jobs to follow, contact 3855 Henning Dr, Burnaby BC V5C 6N3 604-294- 3350 Douglas St, 2nd Floor, Real Estate Services, the owner or architect. Includes Vancouver and Lower Mainland, Vancouver 3753 Fax 604-294-3754 Victoria BC V8Z 3L1 250-952-8500 Fax 250-952- Out for Tender Island, and the Regional B.C. & Yukon Territory. CONS ENG MECH/CONS ENG ELEC: SRC Engineering 8288 Alberta Ltd, Ste 100, 4240 Manor St, Burnaby BC V5G 1B2 PROJECT: proposed alterations to an existing office The Journal of Commerce Out for Tender section includes reports on projects currently being tendered, a list of GC 604-268-9091 Fax 604-268-9092 bldg for government office space for the Ministry of Includes Southern Alberta (including Red Deer), and bidders, bid date changes and addenda. Pick jobs in your Northern Alberta & Northwest Territories. GEOTECHNICAL CONS: Golder Associates Ltd, Ste 500, Housing and Social Development. area of interest. 4260 Still Creek Dr, Burnaby BC V5C 6C6 604-296- First report Dec 01, 2008. 4200 Fax 604-298-5253 Bid Results NEW INFORMATION Manitoba, NW Ontario and Saskatchewan PROJECT: 4 storeys above grade, 1 below; 58,000 sq STATUS: Request For Proposals for the rentable office The Journal of Commerce Bid Results section includes Building Reports can be found on ft; new marina-side condo bldg with 57 units and reports on projects announcing results after the receipt space project closed December 12 2008 at the www.journalofcommerce.com small marina (dock). of tenders. Reports include the names and bid prices of Owner. Submissions are under review with an Need online help? Contact 1-866-828-9884. Construction start Jun 2009; completion by 2010. award anticipated early 2009. Further update at low bidders, and the name of the successful contractor. STATUS: In working drawings and site has been pre- that time. loaded. Construction is anticipated by June/July The building reports on the following pages are compiled by This report Dec 22, 2008. Reed Construction Data’s team of researchers. Project Inquiry Line: 1-800-387-0213. 2009. This is an Owner/Bldr project. Further update in June 2009. See the related parent report under #9079776. NOTE: Budget is unreleased. Website: www.mireauliv- PASSENGER FERRY TERMINAL ALTS & GEOTECHNICAL CONS: Golder Associates Ltd, Ste 500, ing.com. RELATED ID: 9054714 4260 Still Creek Dr, Burnaby BC V5C 6C6 604-296- CONDOMINIUM APARTMENT, TOWNHOUSES This report Dec 22, 2008. 4200 Fax 604-298-5253 GREATER VANCOUVER RD, BC ID: 9083830 STATUS: In preliminary design. Phase One will commence North Vancouver SeaBus Terminal/Lonsdale Quay SQUAMISH, Squamish-Lillooet RD, BC Bus Exchange,Vancouver waterfront & North construction by Summer 2009 (see related Mireau Summits View at Eaglewind - Phase 4,Lot 5, off project under #9093603). Working drawings and CONDOMINIUM APARTMENT, COMMERCIAL & Vancouver Lonsdale Quay Eaglewind Blvd, V0N 3G0 PREPARING PLANS construction schedules for other phases are undeter- HOTEL ALTS ID: 9073402 NEGOTIATED/PLANS COMPLETE mined at this time. Further update in Fall 2009. OWNER: TransLink (GVTA), Kim Thompson, Ste 1600, OWNER/GEN CONT: Solterra Development Corp, Craig VANCOUVER, Greater Vancouver RD, BC NOTE: Budget is undefined. Website: www.westmana. 4720 Kingsway, Burnaby BC V5H 4N2 604-453- Marcyniuk/Craig Marcyniuk, 460 Fraser View Place, Yale Hotel Revitalization & Mixed Use com. Delta BC V3M 6H4 604-528-6010 Fax 604-522- Development,1300 Granville St, V6Z 1M7 4500 Fax 604-453-4630 This report Dec 22, 2008. COORD: South Coast BC Transport Auth, Marcey 1604 PREPARING PLANS Coomer, Ste 1600, 4720 Kingsway, Purchasing ARCH: Gomberoff Bell Lyon Archs Grp, Ste 140, 2034 W OWNER: Rize Alliance Properties Ltd, Mark Shieh, Ste Dept, Burnaby BC V5H 4N2 604-453-4529 Fax 11 Ave, Vancouver BC V6J 2C9 604-736-1156 Fax 320, 1085 Homer St, Vancouver BC V6B 2X5 604- 604-453-4630 604-731-5279 CONDOMINIUM APARTMENT & COMMERCIAL 681-6723 Fax 604-681-7505 PROJECT: 2 structures; The upgrades/renovations are LANDS ARCH: Durante Kreuk Ltd, Ste 100, 1152 Main- ID: 9093607 TENANT: Yale Hotel/The, Anita Foksowicz, 1300 Gran- land St, Vancouver BC V6B 4X2 604-684-4611 Fax SQUAMISH, Squamish-Lillooet RD, BC ville St, Vancouver BC V6Z 1M7 604-681-9253 Fax to improve access quality & connections between 604-684-0577 the bus exchange & the SeaBus Terminal; improve The Sustainability Block - Blocks 44 & 45,off 604-681-9353 CONS ENG STRUCT: Bevan-Pritchard Man Assocs Ltd, LANDS ARCH: Eckford & Associates Inc, 1690 W 2nd passenger & pedestrian connections to surrounding Unit 210, 195 W 2 Ave, Vancouver BC V5Y 1B8 604- Cleveland Ave, V0N uses & destinations; improve the overall quality of PREPARING PLANS Ave, Vancouver BC V6J 1H3 604-683-1456 Fax 688-3244 Fax 604-684-9964 604-683-1459 the passenger experience; improve integration with OWNER: Westmana Development Corp, Rene David, Ste CONS ENG MECH/CONS ENG ELEC: SRC Engineering Ltd, CONSULTANT: Robert Lemon Architect Inc, 1684 W local community & through design improvements Ste 100, 4240 Manor St, Burnaby BC V5G 1B2 604- 313, 1 Alexander St, Vancouver BC V6A 1B2 604-687- 2nd Ave, Vancouver BC V6J 1H4 604-224-2414 Fax create a positive atmosphere & sense of arrival at 268-9091 Fax 604-268-9092 7066 Fax 604-687-7036 604-736-2433 the SeaBus Gateway/Lonsdale Quay bus loop. PROJECT: 2 structures; 6 storeys above grade, 1 below; ARCH: Stantec Architecture Ltd, Don Nicholson, 111 Dun- PROJECT: 23 storeys above grade, 3 below; 150,000 Construction start 2009. 120 unit condo bldg of concrete & steel; a stacked smuir St Ste 1100, Vancouver BC V6B 6A3 604-696- 8000 Fax 604-696-8100 sq ft approx; new condo tower with a two-sty com- First report Dec 04, 2006. Last report May 19, 2008. townhouse bldg with 14 units (approx 18,500 sq ft). PROJECT: multi-family &/or commercial development mercial podium; heritage revitalization of the exist- NOTE: Budget is unreleased. Website: www.translink. First report Jun 16, 2008. with elements related to the proposed downtown ing Yale Hotel (mid 1880’s was a CPR bunkhouse); bc.ca. NEW INFORMATION PROJECT: 20,179 m2; Transportation Hub project. three levels u/g prkg. This will be a LEED Gold proj- NEW INFORMATION Construction start 2009. Construction start 2010. ect. ARCH: Via Architecture, JP Thornton, 1050 Homer St, STATUS: The project is on hold; pending market condi- STATUS: In schematic design. Working drawings and First report Nov 14, 2007. Last report Jul 23, 2008. suite 301, Vancouver BC V6B 2W9 604-683-1024 tions. There is no construction schedule determined construction schedules are undefined. Further update NEW INFORMATION Fax 604-683-0774 bu the Owner/Bldr will be using Invited Sub Trades in Summer 2009. See the related Block 41 project CONSULTANT: Busby Perkins + Will Archs Ltd, Martin STATUS: A Functional/Preliminary Design for the from previous phases. Further update in Spring 2009. under #9093605. Nielsen, 1220 Homer St, Vancouver BC V6B 2Y5 required improvements of the passenger exchange NOTE: Budget is unreleased. Website: www.eaglewind- This report Dec 22, 2008. 604-684-5446 Fax 604-684-5447 area, is presently underway. Detailed design, work- squamish.com DESIGNER’S REP: Rize Alliance Properties Ltd, Mark ing drawings and construction schedules are unde- This report Dec 22, 2008. Shieh, Ste 320, 1085 Homer St, Vancouver BC V6B fined. Further update in Feb/Mar 2009. CONDOMINIUM APARTMENT & COMMERCIAL 2X5 604-681-6723 Fax 604-681-7505 This report Dec 22, 2008. Construction start 2010. CONDOMINIUM APARTMENTS, TOWNHOUSES & ID: 9093605 SQUAMISH, Squamish-Lillooet RD, BC STATUS: The rezoning has been approved and to com- COMMERCIAL ID: 9079776 The Sustainability Block - Block 41,off Cleveland mence the development permit process early in the CONDOMINIUM APARTMENT ID: 9058716 SQUAMISH, Squamish-Lillooet RD, BC New Year. This project may be put on hold. Further Ocean’s Gateway; Phase 2+,Squamish waterfront, S Ave, V0N SQUAMISH, Squamish-Lillooet RD, BC PREPARING PLANS update in May/June 2009. The ParkHouse,5018 Bailey St, V8B of Westminster St, V0B This report Dec 22, 2008. PREPARING PLANS OWNER: Westmana Development Corp, Rene David, Ste DEFERRED 313, 1 Alexander St, Vancouver BC V6A 1B2 604-687- OWNER: Westmana Development Corp, Rene David, OWNER: Westmana Development Corp, Rene David, Ste 313, 1 Alexander St, Vancouver BC V6A 1B2 604-687- 7066 Fax 604-687-7036 Ste 313, 1 Alexander St, Vancouver BC V6A 1B2 7066 Fax 604-687-7036 ARCH: CEI Architecture Plng Ints, John Nielsen, Ste 500, GOVERNMENT OFFICE BUILDING ALTS 604-687-7066 Fax 604-687-7036 ARCH: Stantec Architecture Ltd, Don Nicholson, 111 Dun- 1500 W Georgia St, Vancouver BC V6G 2Z6 604-687- ID: 9093421 ARCH: Studio One Architects, Jim Wong, Ste 240, 388 smuir St Ste 1100, Vancouver BC V6B 6A3 604-696- 1898 Fax 604-682-5398 VANCOUVER, Greater Vancouver RD, BC West 8 Ave, Vancouver BC V5Y 3X2 604-731-3966 8000 Fax 604-696-8100 PROJECT: multi-family &/or commercial development site to be determined, V5Z Fax 604-734-1121 CONSULTANT: Alan James Architect, Ste 221, 1628 W 1 with elements related to the proposed downtown CONTEMPLATED OWNER’S REP: Cascadia Consulting, Peter Gordon, Ave, Vancouver BC V6J 1G1 604-506-6704 Fax 604- Transportation Hub project. OWNER: Accommodation & Real Est Servs, Edward 37710 2 Ave, PO Box 1572, Squamish BC V0N 3G0 736-2102 Construction start 2010. Krasnogolov, 3350 Douglas St, 2nd Floor, Real 604-892-9740 PROJECT: comprehensive multi-family development with STATUS: In schematic design. Working drawings and Estate Services, Victoria BC V8Z 3L1 250-952-8500 construction schedules are undetermined. Further PROJECT: 4 storeys above grade, 1 below; 55,000 sq related commercial. Details preliminary. Fax 250-952-8288 update in Summer 2009. See related Blocks 44 & 45 ft approx; vinyl windows; proposed 65 unit condo- Construction start 2009. PROJECT: proposed alterations to an existing bldg for under project #9093607. minium; one level u/g prkg. First report Apr 16, 2008. government office space for the Vancouver Crown NEW INFORMATION This report Dec 22, 2008. First report Mar 12, 2007. Last report Apr 16, 2008. Council. NEW INFORMATION LAND DEVELOPERS: Mamquam Ocean Channel Devs, Ste 313, 1 Alexander St, Vancouver BC V6A 1B2 604- First report Dec 17, 2008. Construction start 2010. 687-7066 Fax 604-687-7036 NEW INFORMATION STATUS: This project is on hold. No movement antici- LANDS ARCH: DMG Landscape Arch & Park Plnr, Ste CONDOMINIUM APARTMENT & MARINA STATUS: Request for Proposals for the rentable pated on this until 2010. Further update in late C100, 4185 Still Creek Dr, Burnaby BC V5C 6G9 604- ID: 9093603 office space project closed December 16 2008 at 2009. 437-3942 Fax 604-437-8723 SQUAMISH, Squamish-Lillooet RD, BC the Owner. Submissons are under review with an NOTE: Budget is unreleased. Website: www.west- CONSULTANT: D’Ambrosio Archtctr & Urbanism, Franc Mireau - Ocean’s Gateway Phase 1,38116 Loggers award anticipated January 2009. Further update at mana.com. D’Ambrosio, 2960 Jutland Rd, Victoria BC V8T 2K2 Land, Squamish Waterfront, V0B that time. This report Dec 22, 2008. 250-384-2400 Fax 250-384-7893 NEGOTIATED/WORKING DRAWINGS This report Dec 22, 2008. Journal of Commerce Monday, December 22, 2008 Page 5

OWNER: Public Works & Gov’t Svcs Cda, 12 Floor, 800 DAYCARE ID: 9093198 Burrard St, Vancouver BC V6Z 2V8 604-775-9382 ROADWORK ID: 9093426 OUT FOR TENDER GREATER VANCOUVER RD, BC Fax 604-775-6633 DELTA, Greater Vancouver RD, BC PROJECT: Work under this Contract includes the follow- Learning Tree Daycare,4103 Brant St, V5N 5B5 Gateway Program - South Fraser Perimeter ing major tasks, located within CBSA (Canada Border Buildings INVITED TENDERS DUE 14:00 Dec 23, 2008; 07208 Rd,Hwy 99 to 80th St Services Agency). Temporarily relocate the exterior adda extn TENDERS DUE 14:00 Jan 22, 2009; 04830-0102 bid- fuel tank. Remove and dispose of existing concrete FIRE HALL ALTS ID: 9035574 ARCH/OWNER’S REP: Graham Hoffart Mathiasen Archs, ders Mark Mathiasen, Ste 203, 10190 152A St, Surrey BC apron; Construct a new concrete apron and place OWNER: BC Min of Trans & Hwys, 7818 6 St, Burnaby ABBOTSFORD, Fraser Valley RD, BC V3R 1K7 604-581-8128 Fax 604-581-8148 the pre purchased new emergency generator on the BC V3N 4N8 604-660-8200 Fax 604-660-8034 Abbotsford Fire Hall #2 (Sumas Prairie),35995 North LANDS ARCH: Paul Dirks landscape Design, Paul Dirks, apron; install new electrical and mechanical compo- PROJECT: Site Preparation and staged installation of Parallel Road, V3G 2E3 3651 Borgen Dr, Richmond BC V6X 2R7 604-726- nents for the new generator. Re-install the existing preload fill, including relocation of utilities and con- TENDERS DUE 15:00 Jan 21, 2009; 1220-20/1127 2263 Fax 604-270-9658 fuel tank for the new emergency generator; demolish struction of temporary drainage facilities. OWNER: City of Abbotsford, Keith Fletcher, 32315 S Fraser CONS ENG STRUCT: Canstruct Engineering Group, Mar- the existing emergency generator, abandoned elec- Construction start Feb 2009. Way, Abbotsford BC V2T 1W7 604-853-2281 Fax 604- tin Waibel, Unit 201, 14439 - 104 Avenue, Vancouver trical and mechanical elements and exterior concrete TENDERS will be received by Owner. 853-1934 BC V5K 1A1 604-588-3665 apron; Connect new generator to the existing power Documents may be obtained from www.publications. PROJECT: The project consists of a Seismic Upgrade to CONS ENG MECH: Stantec Consulting Ltd, Richard grids and field test the new generator. gov.bc.ca. PLAN DEPOSIT: Book $113.12, Full-size the existing structure and a re-organization of the exist- Corra, Ste 102, 2313 West Railway St, Abbotsford BC Construction start Feb 2009. drawing $41.44, (Tax included) plus shipping costs. ing plan to better accommodate the career staff at the V2S 2E3 604-855-7890 Fax 604-855-7891 TENDERS will be received by Owner. For further information contact Matthew Hunter Firehall. CONS ENG ELEC: Cobalt Engineering, Stan Denman, Ste Documents are available by calling 800-964-6379. Metrotower 1, Suite 2400 - 4710 Kingsway Burna- First report Mar 20, 2006. Last report Dec 19, 2007. 303, 4180 Lougheed Hwy, Burnaby BC V5C 6A7 604- SIET VISIT: December 23 2008 at 10:00. Interested by, BC V5H4M2 Email: Matthew.Hunter@Gateway- NEW INFORMATION 451-2400 Fax 604-451-2404 bidders are to meet at the Commercial Lobby of the Program.bc.ca. ARCH: Craven Huston Powers Archs, 9355 Young Rd, Chilli- PROJECT: 1 storey; 2,316 sq ft; This project will provide CBSA. To assist with bonding and insurance require- First report Dec 17, 2008. wack BC V2P 4S3 604-793-9445 Fax 604-793-9446 a replacement daycare facility on existing property ments, this project is estimated to cost between NEW INFORMATION TENDERS will be received by Owner; contact Purchasing at 4103 Brant St. The building will consist of wood $150,000 - $250,000. All inquiries should be direct- BIDDERS: Armtec, 2001 Industrial Way, Prince George & Risk Mgmt Dept. frame modular units installed on a concrete founda- ed to Donna Fung at 604-666-9835. BC V2N 5S6 250-561-0017 Fax 250-561-1240 Documents may be obtained from Arch. tion, with a site-constructed wood truss roof system, This report Dec 22, 2008. Atlantic Industries, 4155 Crozier Rd, RR 3, Armstrong PLAN DEPOSIT: $100. TENDER DEPOSIT: 10% of the Bid finished with asphalt shingle roofing and fiber-rein- BC V0E 1B6 250-546-9479 Fax 250-546-9411 price. SITE VISIT: January 14th 2009 at 13:30. forced cementations cladding, The project includes Cambie St Constructors Inc, 8807 Laurel St, Vancou- This report Dec 22, 2008. site preparation and development including retention ver BC V6P 3V9 604-323-0205 of existing trees, and provision of a covered play area OUT FOR TENDER Canada Culvert, 5741 Production Way, Langley BC V3A and open play areas including play structures and 4N5 604-530-1151 604-530-6463 LABORATORY ALTS ID: 9093200 other site amenities, One of two existing daycare Engineering Delta Aggregates Ltd, 7469 Hume Ave, Delta BC V4G BURNABY, Greater Vancouver RD, BC buildings on the site is to be demolished, The work 1C3 604-940-1300 Fax 604-940-1338 Canadian Food Inspection Agency,3155 Willingdon will be carried out to allow the Owner full use of the Emil Anderson Constr Co Ltd, 1148 6 Ave, Hope BC remaining existing facilities while the new facility Is ROADWORK ID: 9093428 V0X 1L4 604-869-5614 Fax 604-869-5760 Green, V5G 4P2 being constructed. DELTA, Greater Vancouver RD, BC Fraser River Pile & Dredge Ltd, 1830 River Dr, New TENDERS DUE 14:00 Jan 12, 2009; E0276-084183/A Construction start Jan 2009. Gateway Program - South Fraser Perimeter Westminster BC V3M 2A8 604-522-7971 Fax 604- adda extn First report Dec 10, 2008. Last report Dec 17, 2008. Rd,80th St to Hwy 91 521-7530 OWNER: Public Works & Gov’t Svcs Cda, Donna (PWY) NEW INFORMATION TENDERS DUE 14:00 Jan 29, 2009; 04830-0103 bid- Inprotect Systems Inc, Unit 319, 20465 Douglas Cres, Fung, 12th floor, 800 Burrard St, Vancouver BC V6Z 2V8 INVITED TENDERS will be received by Owner’s rep. ders Langley BC V3A 4B6 604-530-9908 Fax 604-530- 604-666-3995 Fax 604-775-6633 Documents are available from vrca. TENDER DEPOSIT: OWNER: BC Min of Trans & Hwys, 7818 6 St, Burnaby 9179 ARCH: Toby Russell Buckwell & Prtns, #410 1444 Alberni 10% Bid Bond and Consent of Security, and 50% of BC V3N 4N8 604-660-8200 Fax 604-660-8034 Jacob Bros Const Ltd, 101 19162 22 Ave, Surrey BC Street, Vancouver BC V6G 2Z4 604-682-6881 Fax 604- Performance Bond and Labour and Material Payment PROJECT: Site preparation and staged installation of V3S 3S6 250-391-8422 Fax 250-391-0022 682-3081 Bond, each. SITE VISIT: December 8, 2008 at 15:00. preload fill, including construction of temporary JJM Construction Ltd, 8218 River Way, Delta BC V4G CONS ENG STRUCT: CWMM Consulting Engineers Ltd, 2nd All inquiries should be directed to Mark Mathiasen at drainage facilities. 1C4 604-946-0978 Fax 604-946-9327 flr, 1412 W 7 Ave, Vancouver BC V6H 1C1 604-731- 604-581-8128. Construction start Mar 2009. Ledcor Construction Ltd, Ste 1200, 1067 W Cordova 6584 Fax 604-738-5110 Addendum(a) no 4 issued. TENDERS will be received by Owner. St, Vancouver BC V6C 1C7 604-681-7500 Fax 604- CONS ENG MECH: J M Bean & Co Ltd, Ste 201, 1661 W 2 INVITED TENDERS due date has been extended from Documents may be obtained from www.publications. 681-4385 Ave, Vancouver BC V6J 1H3 604-736-6724 Fax 604- Dec 16, 2008 to 14:00 Dec 23, 2008. gov.bc.ca. PLAN DEPOSIT: Book $113.12, Full-size Mainland Civil Works Inc, 262 8128 128 St, Surrey BC 736-6726 3 bidders previously reported; drawing $29.12, (Tax included) plus shipping costs. V3W 1R1 604-591-5599 Fax 604-591-5506 CONS ENG ELEC: GENIVAR Consultants LP, #200 1985 This report Dec 22, 2008. For further information contact Darcy Penner Metro- Pacific Coast Traffic Pln Ltd, 505 8840 210 St, Box Broadway W, Vancouver BC V6J 4Y3 604-736-5421 tower 1, Suite 2400 - 4710 Kingsway Burnaby, BC 196, Langley BC V1M 2Y2 604-308-9838 Fax 604- Fax 604-736-1519 V5H 4M2 [email protected]. 514-3657 PROJECT: The labs presently housed at the Boundary Road UNIVERSITY ALTS ID: 9092956 First report Dec 17, 2008. Pedre Contractors Ltd, #104, 10180 199B St, Langley facility are to be moved to and integrated with the Will- GREATER VANCOUVER RD, BC NEW INFORMATION BC V1M 3X8 604-881-2411 Fax 604-881-2412 ingdon Green facility. Portions of the Willingdon Green Sparker Construction, 185, 911 Yates St, Victoria BC facility will remain occupied and operational during UBC - MacMillan Building,2357 Main Mall - Point BIDDERS: Armtec, 2001 Industrial Way, Prince George BC V2N 5S6 250-561-0017 Fax 250-561-1240 V8V 4Y9 250-380-3086 Fax 250-370-2064 renovation work. The proposed work tasks shall include: Grey campus, V6T 1Z4 Springline Const Services Ltd, 532 E 8 St, North Van- Atlantic Industries, 4155 Crozier Rd, RR 3, Armstrong GROUND FLOOR - construct chemistry sample prepa- TENDERS DUE 14:00 Jan 09, 2009; 2008010278 adda couver BC V7L 1Z6 604-984-6711 Fax 604-985- BC V0E 1B6 250-546-9479 Fax 250-546-9411 ration labs; construct microbiology working station; extn 6597 construct new server rooms and high density file stor- OWNER: University of British Columbia, 2075 Westbrook B & B Contracting Ltd, #100 19429 54 Ave, Surrey BC Targa Contracting Ltd, 9314-182 St, Surrey BC V4N age system; construct new microbiology labs; refinish Mall, Supply Management, Vancouver BC V6T 1Z1 V3S 7X2 604-539-7200 Fax 604-539-7230 3V9 604-881-7157 Fax 604-881-7187 604-822-2686 Fax 604-822-3261 circulation corridor; move existing labs from 2nd floor Blue Pine Ent Ltd, 19070 51B Ave, Surrey BC V3S 0L5 Westpro Constructors Group Ltd, 8241 129 St, Surrey PROJ MGR: UBC Project Services - UBC, Carlo Finamore, to ground floor; move Boundary Road microbiology labs 604-574-3036 Fax 604-576-0498 BC V3W 0A6 604-592-9767 Fax 604-592-9766 2329 West Mall, Vancouver BC V6T 1Z4 604-822- to the newly completed Willingdon Green labs. SECOND Cambie St Constructors Inc, 8807 Laurel St, Vancouver Winvan Paving Ltd, 220 Edworthy Way, New West- 0175 FLOOR - renovate chemistry labs; move Boundary Road BC V6P 3V9 604-323-0205 minster BC V3L 5G5 604-522-3921 Fax 604-522- ARCH: Maples Argo Architects Inc, Brent Argo, Ste 101, Canada Culvert, 5741 Production Way, Langley BC V3A 4524 chemistry labs to newly completed Willingdon Green 814 W 15th St, North Vancouver BC V7P 1M6 604- labs. 4N5 604-530-1151 604-530-6463 B & B Contracting Ltd, #100 19429 54 Ave, Surrey BC 986-4240 Fax 604-986-4201 Clearwater Contracting Inc, 6714 Corbould Rd, Delta BC V3S 7X2 604-539-7200 Fax 604-539-7230 First report Dec 10, 2008. PROJECT: The Work of this Project consists of architec- NEW INFORMATION V4L 1A1 604-943-5845 Fax 604-943-5844 Gemco Construction Ltd, Ste 101, 26620 56 Ave, tural, structural, plumbing, mechanical and electri- Fraser River Pile & Dredge Ltd, 1830 River Dr, New Langley BC V4W 3X5 604-857-4953 Fax 604-857- TENDERS will be received by Owner. cal work to renovate the MacMillan Building and the Documents may be obtained by calling 1-800-964-6379. Westminster BC V3M 2A8 604-522-7971 Fax 604- 4963 Work comprises in general: Demolition, removal, dis- 521-7530 Jack Cewe Ltd, 1850 Hillside Ave, Coquitlam BC V3J Addendum(a) no 2 issued. posal and/ or salvage of existing facilities, equipment TENDERS due date has been extended from Dec 29, 2008 Jacob Bros Const Ltd, 101 19162 22 Ave, Surrey BC 6Z7 604-526-0751 Fax 604-526-4296 and finishes as indicated on drawings to fully prepare V3S 3S6 250-391-8422 Fax 250-391-0022 This report Dec 22, 2008. to 14:00 Jan 12, 2009. for renovations; Renovations to construct new parti- This report Dec 22, 2008. JJM Construction Ltd, 45-1400 Cowichan Bay Rd, RR tions, closures, finishes and installation of equipment 2, Cobbie Hill BC V0R 1L0 250-743-0988 Fax 250- to provide new classroom and study spaces in the 743-0981 existing building. BRIDGE ALTS ID: 9092911 Ledcor Construction Ltd, Ste 1200, 1067 W Cordova GREATER VANCOUVER RD, BC LIQUOR STORE ALTS ID: 9093589 Construction start Jan 2009; completion by Mar 31, St, Vancouver BC V6C 1C7 604-681-7500 Fax 604- 2009. Ironworker’s Memorial Second Narrows GREATER VANCOUVER RD, BC 681-4385 Bridge,Hwy 1 between Vancouver and North First report Dec 03, 2008. Last report Dec 10, 2008. Mainland Civil Works Inc, 262 8128 128 St, Surrey BC Liquor Store #233 Robson,1716 Robson St, V6G 1E2 Vancouver TENDERS DUE 14:00 Jan 13, 2009; T2009.01.13 NEW INFORMATION V3W 1R1 604-591-5599 Fax 604-591-5506 TENDERS will be received by Owner. TENDERS DUE 14:30 Jan 07, 2009; 11875-0004 adda OWNER: BC Liquor Distribution Branch, 2625 Rupert St, Pacific Coast Traffic Pln Ltd, 505 8840 210 St, Box 196, extn Vancouver BC V5M 3T5 604-252-3000 Fax 604-252- Documents are available from BC Bid. TENDER DEPOS- Langley BC V1M 2Y2 604-308-9838 Fax 604-514- IT: 10% Bid Bond. MANDATORY SITE MEETING: OWNER: BC Min of Trans & Hwys, 7818 6 St, Burnaby 3044 3657 December 4, 2008 at 10:00 commencing from the BC V3N 4N8 604-660-8200 Fax 604-660-8034 ARCH: Mallen Architecture Inc, Ste 170, 601 W Cordova St, South Cariboo Sand & Gravel, C26 Corner Site, Lone 3rd Floor, Room 360. For more information contact PROJECT: Remove and replace joint sealment on 7 Vancouver BC V6B 1G1 604-484-8285 604-484-6070 Butte BC V0K 1X0 250-593-0253 Fax 250-593- Warren Simons at 604-822-2470 Email: warren. roadway deck joints and 63 construction joints. PROJECT: Tenant improvements. 0273 [email protected]. Sandblasting & priming of joint steel armour will be Construction start Feb 2009. Addendum(a) no 2 issued. Sparker Construction, 185, 911 Yates St, Victoria BC V8V required on the roadway deck joints and prep and TENDERS will be received by Owner. TENDERS due date has been extended from Dec 18, 4Y9 250-380-3086 Fax 250-370-2064 primer on the construction joints. Repairs to any Tender documents will be available at the site inspection. 2008 to 14:00 Jan 09, 2009. Westpro Constructors Group Ltd, 8241 129 St, Surrey damaged nosing areas at the construction joints PLAN DEPOSIT: $150 per set. TENDER DEPOSIT: 10% 19 bidders previously reported; BC V3W 0A6 604-592-9767 Fax 604-592-9766 will be required as well as sealing all cracks within Bid Bond and Consent of Security, and 50% of Perfor- This report Dec 22, 2008. Double M Excavating Ltd, 13505 Park Lane, Maple Ridge the concrete deck overlay adjoining the construc- mance Bond and Labour and Material Payment Bond, BC V4R 2T1 604-467-4792 Fax 604-467-4214 tion joints. each. MANDATORY SITE INSPECTION: December 17, Gemco Construction Ltd, Ste 101, 26620 56 Ave, Lang- Construction start Jan 2009. 2008 at 14:00. Any queries regarding this Tender Docu- ley BC V4W 3X5 604-857-4953 Fax 604-857-4963 First report Dec 03, 2008. Last report Dec 15, 2008. ment are to be directed only to Steven Bartok at 604- GOVERNMENT BUILDING ALTS ID: 9093533 Jack Cewe Ltd, 1850 Hillside Ave, Coquitlam BC V3J NEW INFORMATION 484-8285, email: [email protected] or Alan Quon, SURREY, Greater Vancouver RD, BC 6Z7 604-526-0751 Fax 604-526-4296 TENDERS will be received by Owner. Project Manager at 604-252-2926 email: alan. CBSA - Pacific Hwy Border Crossing Facility,28 - Delta Aggregates Ltd, 7469 Hume Ave, Delta BC V4G [email protected]. 176th St, V3S 9S4 1C3 604-940-1300 Fax 604-940-1338 Continues on This report Dec 22, 2008. TENDERS DUE 14:00 Jan 06, 2009; E0276-084195/A This report Dec 22, 2008. next page Page 6 Journal of Commerce Monday, December 22, 2008

Continues from PROJECT: Utility relocation, BC Hydro duct work, clear- last page ing & grubbing, drainage improvements, curbing FILTRATION PLANT ALTS ID: 9093391 improvements, electrical installations, grading and BID RESULTS NORTH VANCOUVER, DIST MUN, Greater Vancou- Documents may be obtained from www.publications. paving. gov.bc.ca. PLAN DEPOSIT: Book $36.96 (Tax includ- Construction start Jan 2009. ver RD, BC Buildings ed) plus shipping costs. For further information First report Dec 10, 2008. Seymour-Capilano Filtration Plant Pilot Plant,4400 contact Matt Choquette at 604-660-0328. NEW INFORMATION Lillooet Rd, V7J 2H9 Addendum(a) no 2 issued. TENDERS will be received by Owner. TENDERS DUE 14:00 Jan 13, 2009; 08-090/C800 HOSPITAL; $424,000 ID: 9092685 TENDERS due date has been extended from Dec 18, Documents may be obtained from www.publications. adda BOSTON BAR 1A, Fraser Valley RD, BC 2008 to 14:30 Jan 07, 2009. gov.bc.ca. PLAN DEPOSIT: Book $80.64, Full-size OWNER: Greater Vancouver RD, 4330 Kingsway Ave, Boston Bar Health Centre,Boston Bar First Nation, This report Dec 22, 2008. drawing $29.12, (Tax included) plus shipping costs. Burnaby BC V5H 4G8 604-432-6200 Fax 604-432- V0K 1C0 For further information contact John McKenzie at 6399 LOW BID John.G.McKenzie@ gov.bc.ca. PROJECT: Supply and installation of process equip- OWNER: Boston Bar First Nation, 45971 Hicks Rd, ment for the Seymour Capilano Filtration Plant BRIDGE AND ROAD UPGRADE ID: 9093065 Addendum(a) no 1 issued. Boston Bar BC V0K 1C0 604-867-8844 Fax 604- This report Dec 22, 2008. at an existing building. The pilot plant process 867-9317 HARRISON HOT SPRINGS, Fraser Valley RD, BC equipment will consist of four (4) pumps, three COORD/CONS ENG CIVIL/CONS ENG STRUCT: David Hwy 9,Miami River (3) fabricated flocculation tanks, nine (9) PVC filter Nairne + Assoc Ltd, Frazer Dow/Nezam Mazloomi/ TENDERS DUE 14:00 Dec 23, 2008; 11878-0001 WATER TREATMENT PLANT UPGRADE columns, nine (9) mixers, a chemical feed system, Paul Miskimmin, Ste 250, 171 W Esplanade Ave, adda ID: 9092669 one (1) air receiver with compressed air accesso- North Vancouver BC V7M 3J9 604-984-3503 Fax OWNER: BC Min of Trans & Hwys, 7818 6 St, Burnaby ries, and all related valves, piping, accessories, and 604-984-0627 BC V3N 4N8 604-660-8200 Fax 604-660-8034 LANGLEY, DIST MUN, Greater Vancouver RD, BC Aldergrove WTP & 84th Ave Sanitary Lift instrumentation. The Work also includes the sup- PROJECT: 1 storey; 156 m2; The scope of work PROJECT: Partial removal of existing culvert. Replace ply and installation of one stand-alone fabricated includes construction of a new 156 m2 Health Cen- Station,27540 28th Ave & 8400 216th St aging bridge structure across Miami River. Road tre and associated site work. The one level wood TENDERS DUE 14:00 Dec 23, 2008; FT 08-224 adda control panel with Corporation supplied PLC, fab- works to include widening, clearing and grubbing, framed building on concrete slab on grade includes extn ricated electrical panels, and associated cabling roadway drainage, and asphalt paving. Adjust exist- a community health room, offices, examination OWNER: The Twp of Langley(Purchasing), 4700 224 and accessories. Some equipment is Corporation ing signage. Detour route established for road clo- treatment room and support spaces. St, Langley BC V2Z 1N4 604-532-7330 Fax 604- supplied for installation. The building, lighting, and sure during bridge construction. Construction start Jan 2009. 532-7333 HVAC are by others. Construction start Jan 2009. First report Nov 26, 2008. Last report Dec 03, 2008. PROJECT: Installation of two diesel standby emergency Construction start Feb 2009. NEW INFORMATION First report Dec 08, 2008. Last report Dec 15, 2008. power generation units. The Work at the Aldergrove First report Dec 17, 2008. LOW BID: Bervin Construction Ltd, 1889 Panorama Dr, NEW INFORMATION Water Treatment Plant shall consist of supply and NEW INFORMATION Abbotsford BC V2S 7S3 604-855-1756 Fax 604- TENDERS will be received by Owner. installation of an enclosed standby power genera- TENDERS will be received by Owner. 855-3457 $424,000 Documents may be obtained from www.publications. tor, with sub-base fuel tank, a generator concrete Documents may be obtained from Owner. OTHER BIDS: Gerry Enns Contracting Ltd, gov.bc.ca. PLAN DEPOSIT: Book $61.60, Full-size pad and a fuel interceptor chamber, supply and PLAN DEPOSIT: $50 per set (GST Included) NON- BC $427,427 drawing $29.12 (Tax included) plus shipping costs. installation of an automatic transfer switch, modi- refundable. TENDER DEPOSIT: 10% Bid Bond and Grand Construction Ltd, Langley BC $482,000 For further information contact Brian Lee Email: fication of existing motor control centre buswork Consent of Security. SITE VISIT: December 11, TENDERS closed Dec 09, 2008. [email protected]. in order to integrate the automatic transfer switch 2008, at 14:00. All interested parties may contact This report Dec 22, 2008. Addendum(a) no 2 issued. installation, supply and installation of power and Sandra Foubert at 604-982-3184 in advance to This report Dec 22, 2008. control cabling between the existing MCC room and confirm attendance. For further information please the generator. The work at the 84th Ave. Sanitary contact Tom Nelson at 604-432-6326 or tom.nel- Lift Station shall consist of supply and installation [email protected]. UNIVERSITY ALTS ID: 9092663 of a custom enclosed standby power generator, Addendum(a) no 2 issued. GREATER VANCOUVER RD, BC BRIDGE ALTS ID: 9093530 together with a fuel tank, construction of concrete This report Dec 22, 2008. UBC - NCE Building Room 339 - Clean Room,2125 HOPE, Fraser Valley RD, BC pad for the generator, removal of barriers and gates, East Mall - Point Grey campus, V6T 1Z4 Hwy 5,Coquihalla Hwy Nicolum Creek Bridge to construction of new fence and gates, reinstation of TENDERS CLOSED ; 2008010362 Jessica Bridge the asphalt pavement in the station, and electrical SANITARY SEWER UPGRADE ID: 9092949 OWNER: University of British Columbia, 2075 West- TENDERS DUE 14:00 Jan 05, 2009; 12108-2009 work that would include supply and installation of SURREY, Greater Vancouver RD, BC brook Mall, Supply Management, Vancouver BC V6T OWNER: BC Min of Trans & Hwys, 7818 6 St, Burnaby 1Z1 604-822-2686 Fax 604-822-3261 new automatic transfer switch (ATS), removal of Surrey Construction Package S03/08,Campbell BC V3N 4N8 604-660-8200 Fax 604-660-8034 existing manual transfer switch and modification of ARCH: B Gordon Hlynsky Architect, Douglas Davis, Heights Sanitary Sewer, Phase 1 & 2 PROJECT: Cold Milling and Resurfacing North and the existing electrical distribution section in order 2439 Bellevue Ave, West Vancouver BC V7V 1E1 TENDERS DUE 11:00 Dec 23, 2008; M.S.4708-003-11 South Bound Slow Lanes (31.5 Lane Kms). to integrate the ATS installation, supply and instal- 604-925-3631 Fax 604-925-3671 adda extn Construction start Feb 2009. lation of a new power and control cabling and con- PROJECT: 650 sq ft; The Work consists of architectural, OWNER: City of Surrey, 14245 56 Ave, Surrey BC V3X TENDERS will be received by Owner. duits between the existing electrical kiosk and the plumbing, mechanical and electrical work to reno- 3A2 604-591-4011 Fax 604-591-8731 Documents may be obtained from www.publications. new standby generator. vate approx 650 sq.ft. of abandoned lab space to CONS ENG CIVIL: R F Binnie & Associates Ltd, Ste 101, gov.bc.ca. PLAN DEPOSIT: Book $61.60 (Tax includ- Construction start Jan 2008. create a vestibule, lab prep space, a class 100,000, 19232 Enterprise Way, Surrey BC V3S 6J9 604- ed) plus shipping costs. For further information First report Nov 26, 2008. Last report Dec 10, 2008. soft wall, clean lab and a class 10,000, hard wall, 574-3336 Fax 604-574-7355 contact John McKenzie at 604-660-0328 Email: NEW INFORMATION clean lab and comprises in general: No known TENDERS will be received by Owner. PROJECT: The contract involves the installation of asbestos; General demolition of existing door and [email protected]. approx 3,800 m of a twin 450mm and 550mm This report Dec 22, 2008. Documents are available from BCBid and A Sets of frame, and redundant lab furnishings and services; Drawings are available at Owner’s. PLAN DEPOS- HDPE pressure sewer and related facilities and Salvage door hardware, fire extinguishers and other IT: $30 (GST Included) NON-refundable. TENDER approx 2,580 m of 600mm - 750mm gravity sewer items; Construction of new lab and clean lab areas: DEPOSIT: 10% Bid Bond and Consent of Security, and related appurtenances. It also involves approx including but not limited to new flooring, new walls UTILITY RELOCATION ID: 9093118 and 50% of Performance Bond and Labour and 50,000m3 of excavation and onsite relocation of and clean wall systems, rated and unrated doors, KENT, Fraser Valley RD, BC Material Payment Bond, each. All inquiries shall native granular materials. extend mechanical, rebalance room air, rooftop AC Hwy 7 & Hwy 9 intersection,Approx 1 km west of be directed to Elizabeth Lehigh at 604-532-7379 Construction start Jan 2009. heat exchanger, mounting of User supplied equip- Agassiz Email: [email protected]. First report Dec 03, 2008. Last report Dec 10, 2008. ment and piping of compressed air and lab gases, TENDERS DUE 14:00 Dec 23, 2008; 11948-0001 Addendum(a) no 2 issued. NEW INFORMATION power, IT/Data, lighting, and coordination with UBC adda TENDERS due date has been extended from Dec 17, TENDERS will be received by Owner. IT and AV departments for cabling. OWNER: BC Min of Trans & Hwys, 7818 6 St, Burnaby 2008 to 14:00 Dec 23, 2008. Documents may be obtained from Cons eng civil. Construction start Jan 01, 2009; completion by Mar BC V3N 4N8 604-660-8200 Fax 604-660-8034 This report Dec 22, 2008. PLAN DEPOSIT: $50 (GST Included) NON-refundable. 01, 2009. All Tender inquiries shall be directed to Ron Wiebe First report Nov 26, 2008. Last report Dec 15, 2008. at 604-574-3336 email: [email protected]. Non- NEW INFORMATION Tender related public inquiries should be directed TENDERS closed Dec 16, 2008. WWW.SOILFINDERS.COM to Doug Mossey at 604-591-4787. Contract Docu- This report Dec 22, 2008. ments may also be viewed at the Owner’s Eng department Front Counter at Surrey City Hall. PH: 604.528.3999 Addendum(a) no 1 issued. UNIVERSITY BUILDING ALTS ID: 9092069 TENDERS due date has been extended from Dec 18, GREATER VANCOUVER RD, BC 2008 to 11:00 Dec 23, 2008. UBC - Server Room for CHiBi, LPC Room 33,2206 Plans and specs on display at: Vancouver Reg Const East Mall - Point Grey campus, V6T 1Z3 425#+).'s%15)0-%.4 Assn (Vancouver). Vancouver Reg Const Assn (Lan- TENDERS CLOSED ; 2008010409 gley). OWNER: University of British Columbia, 2075 West- $5-03)4%3s30%#'2!6%,s3/),!6!),!",% 26 bidders previously reported; brook Mall, Supply Management, Vancouver BC V6T This report Dec 22, 2008. 1Z1 604-822-2686 Fax 604-822-3261

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ARCH: Bernard Perreten Architect Inc, 431 Helmcken PROJECT: Building envelope rehabilitation. The general OWNER: City of Surrey, 14245 56 Ave, Surrey BC V3X NEW INFORMATION St, Vancouver BC V6B 2E6 604-687-1303 Fax 604- components of the work include but are not neces- 3A2 604-591-4011 Fax 604-591-8731 GEN CONT: Norson Construction Ltd, Ste 105, 267 W 687-4280 sarily limited to: selective demolition and construc- CONS ENG CIVIL: Paragon Engineering Ltd, 104, 1515 Esplanade, North Vancouver BC V7M 1A5 604-986- PROJECT: Work of this Contract consists of architec- tion; - exterior walls; - landscaping; - windows and Broadway St, Port Coquitlam BC V3C 6M2 604- 5681 Fax 604-986-1514 tural, structural, mechanical and electrical work to doors; - electrical; - mechanical; and - roofing. 944-0820 Fax 604-944-0815 CONSULTANT: MQN Architects, Ste 101, 1220 W 6 Ave, convert the Storage Room #033 in the basement First report Nov 10, 2008. Last report Nov 26, 2008. PROJECT: Watermain installation involving: Watermain Vancouver BC V6H 1A5 604-732-1194 Fax 604- of Library Processing Centre building into a Server NEW INFORMATION installation and related works on 190 St Approx 720 732-1172 Room, and comprises in general, but not limited to: TENDERS closed Nov 27, 2008. m of 100 mm dia (IPS size) DR9 HDPE Watermain). Construction start Nov 2008; completion by Feb 2009. Make good all surfaces and restore/extend finishes NOTE: Owner is reviewing submission further update Construction start Jan 2009; completion by Mar STATUS: Construction is underway. The Contractor is affected by renovations and ensure smooth tran- upon award. 2009. using Invited Sub Trades. sition between new and existing typical; Cut and This report Dec 22, 2008. TENDERS closed Dec 10, 2008. This report Dec 22, 2008. remove materials to accommodate new installa- First report Dec 01, 2008. Last report Dec 10, 2008. tions as indicated, and in-fill existing openings to NEW INFORMATION match adjacent surfaces where items are to be GEN CONT: Verhiel Contractors, 20418 Douglas Cres, GROCERY RETAIL ALTS; $7,500,000 removed. Fire stops all penetrations. Paint finish BID RESULTS Langley BC V3A 4B4 604-534-6184 OTHER BIDS: PW Trenchless Construction, Surrey BC ID: 9093574 walls & columns in Server Room #033 and clean/ VANCOUVER, Greater Vancouver RD, BC seal the concrete floor slab. Creation of a continu- $151,681 Engineering Mainland Civil Works Inc, Surrey BC $157,489 Whole Foods Market,507 W Broadway & Cambie ous, 2-hour rated service shaft from the room #033 NOTE: Award subject to final approval. St, V5T 1X4 in the basement through the 4-storeys above to the This report Dec 22, 2008. NEGOTIATED/START building roof. X-ray existing suspended concrete ROADWORKS ID: 9092368 GIBSONS, Sunshine Coast RD, BC TENANT/INT DESIGNER: Whole Foods Market, 3241 N floor & roof slabs prior to cutting/coring openings Lincoln Ave, Chicago IL 60657-1110 773-755-1500 (five locations total), and install pipes and con- Sunnycrest Rd Intersection Improvements TENDERS CLOSED ; PW2008-08 LANDSCAPING ID: 9092231 Fax 773-755-2452 duit complete with attachment racks for new and GEN CONT: Ledcor Construction Ltd, Ste 1200, 1067 W future mechanical & electrical services. Provide OWNER: Town of Gibsons, Dave Newman, 474 South SURREY, Greater Vancouver RD, BC Fletcher Rd, PO Box 340, Gibsons BC V0N 1V0 604- Cordova St, Vancouver BC V6C 1C7 604-681-7500 a continuous enclosure from slab - to - slab with Holland Park Spirit Square,Old Yale Road & King Fax 604-681-4385 a 2-hour rated shaft wall system, and provide a 886-2274 Fax 604-885-8412 George Hwy PROJECT: The work consists of the following: Reha- ARCH/OWNER’S REP: Busby Perkins + Will Archs Ltd, weather-tight service enclosure at the roof (refer to TENDERS CLOSED ; 1220-40-78-08 Jeff Doble/Jeff Doble, 1220 Homer St, Vancouver BC bilitation of approx 1000 m2 of roadway, including: mechanical; enclosure shall be similar to existing OWNER: City of Surrey, 14245 56 Ave, Surrey BC V3X V6B 2Y5 604-684-5446 Fax 604-684-5447 Reclamation of existing asphalt; Over-excavation at the other equipment installation on the roof as 3A2 604-591-4011 Fax 604-591-8731 CONS ENG STRUCT: Glotman Simpson Consulting Eng, and replacement of unsuitable sub base material; shown in photos included in this section). Restore PROJECT: Supply and installation of all components 1661 W 5th Ave, Vancouver BC V6J 1N5 604-734- Placement of supplementary base material; 75mm all finishes disrupted by the work to match adjacent necessary to construct Holland Park; Spirit Square 8822 Fax 604-734-8842 asphalt paving; Construction of approx 220 m of typical (all locations). including earthworks, grading, electrical, drain- CONS ENG MECH: Perez Engineering, 101-1075 W 1st concrete curb and gutter; Construction of approx age, concrete seatwalls, concrete slab, asphalt Construction start Jan 2009; completion by Apr 2009. St, North Vancouver BC V7P 2T4 604-904-3450 604- 85 m of median curb; Construction of approx 320 pathways, overhead trellis/pergola, entry features, First report Nov 12, 2008. Last report Dec 17, 2008. 904-3460 m2 of concrete sidewalk; Installation of five catch related rough grading for landscape works. NOTE: This is a re-tender. CONS ENG ELEC: Nemetz (S/A) & Associates Ltd, 2009 basins and associated piping. Construction start Dec 2008; completion by May 15, NEW INFORMATION W 4th Ave, Vancouver BC V6J 1N3 604-736-6562 Construction start Dec 2008. 2009. Fax 604-736-9805 TENDERS closed Dec 18, 2008. TENDERS closed Nov 25, 2008. First report Nov 17, 2008. Last report Dec 01, 2008. This report Dec 22, 2008. PROJECT: 2 storeys; major interior/exterior tenant First report Nov 19, 2008. NEW INFORMATION improvement for a new grocery store in an exist- NEW INFORMATION TENDERS closed Dec 04, 2008. ing mixed-use bldg; includes new louvres & some NOTE: Owner is reviewing submission further update NOTE: Owner is reviewing submission further update windows. CORRECTIONAL CENTRE ALTS; $350,000 est upon award. upon award. Construction start Oct 2008; completion by 2009. ID: 9092483 This report Dec 22, 2008. This report Dec 22, 2008. STATUS: Construction is well underway. All Sub Trades KENT, Fraser Valley RD, BC are let. Mountain Institution,4732 Cemetery Rd, Agassiz, This report Dec 22, 2008. V0M 1A0 SPILLWAY UPGRADE ID: 9092479 CIVIL WORK ID: 9092923 TENDERS CLOSED ; E0276-084186/A GREATER VANCOUVER RD, BC SURREY, Greater Vancouver RD, BC OWNER: Public Works & Gov’t Svcs Cda, 12 Floor, 800 Lake Buntzen #1 G.S Surrey Games Preparation Centre Burrard St, Vancouver BC V6Z 2V8 604-775-9382 TENDERS CLOSED ; Q8-3506 TENDERS CLOSED ; 1220-40-91-08 Fax 604-775-6633 OWNER: BC Hydro & Power Authority, 19th fl, 401 West OWNER: City of Surrey (Purchasing), 6645 148 St, Sur- PROJECT: Work to be performed under this Con- Georgia St, Vancouver BC V6B 5A1 604-694-8522 rey BC V3S 3C7 604-590-7274 Fax 604-599-0956 PREBID tract includes fastening security grilles to window Fax 604-623-4556 PROJ MGR: Septra Projects Ltd, Len Palik, Ste 230, openings including drilling into masonry walls and PROJECT: To supply and install reinforcing steel for the 2000 Spall Rd, Kelowna BC V1Y 9P6 250-712-1122 through hallow metal doors. new Lake Buntzen #1 G.S. Spillway Debris Barrier. Fax 250-712-1124 Buildings Construction start Dec 2008. Construction start Dec 2008. ARCH: CEI Architecture Plng Ints, Ste 500, 1500 W First report Nov 24, 2008. Last report Dec 15, 2008. First report Nov 24, 2008. Last report Dec 03, 2008. Georgia St, Vancouver BC V6G 2Z6 604-687-1898 TRANSITIONAL APARTMENT BUILDING ADDN NEW INFORMATION NEW INFORMATION Fax 604-682-5398 TENDERS closed Dec 16, 2008. TENDERS closed Dec 19, 2008. CONS ENG CIVIL: Coastland Eng & Surveying Ltd, Ste ID: 9091233 This report Dec 22, 2008. This report Dec 22, 2008. 101, 19292 60 Ave, Surrey BC V3S 3M2 604-532- CAMPBELL RIVER, Comox-Strathcona RD, BC 9700 Fax 604-532-9701 1070 Dogwood St, 1065 Fir St, V9S CONS ENG STRUCT: Bogdonov Pao Associates Ltd, WORKING DRAWINGS 1656 W 8 Ave, Vancouver BC V6J 1V4 604-876- OWNER: BC Housing Mgmt Commission, Sam Rainboth, HOSPITAL ALTS Mech cont; $568,418 BRIDGE ALTS ID: 9092828 4555 Kingsway Ste 1701, Burnaby BC V5H 4V8 604- GREATER VANCOUVER RD, BC 4377 Fax 604-876-4373 ID: 9092322 CONS ENG MECH: Quadra Pacific Consultants Inc, Ste 433-1711 Fax 604-439-4722 Grandville Bridge,Beach Ave and Grandville St & PORT MOODY, Greater Vancouver RD, BC 200, 1650 Alberni St, Vancouver BC V6G 1A6 604- OWNER: City of Campbell River, Paul Stanton, 301 St Eagle Ridge Hospital,475 Guildford Way, V3H 3W9 Lamey’s Mill Rd & Anderson St 688-8671 Fax 604-688-9760 Ann’s Rd, Campbell River BC V9W 4C7 250-286- AWARD ; ERH-09-200 TENDERS CLOSED ; PS08116 CONS ENG ELEC: Acumen Consulting Engineers, #650, 5700 Fax 250-286-5760 OWNER: Fraser Health-Facils Planning, Ste 300, OWNER: City of Vancouver Purch Servs, Ste 320, 555 2700 Production Way, Burnaby BC V5A 4X1 604- ARCH: Robert Boyle Architecture Inc, Robert Boyle, 360 10233 153 St, Surrey BC V3R 0Z7 604-587-4775 W 12 Ave, Vancouver BC V5Z 3X7 604-873-7263 525-4601 Fax 604-525-6349 Wesley St, Nanaimo BC V9R 2T6 250-753-3495 Fax Fax 604-587-4666 Fax 604-873-7057 GEOTECHNICAL CONS: GeoPacific Consultants Ltd, Ste 250-753-1150 CONS ENG MECH: Douglas Spratt & Assoc Ltd, Doug- PROJECT: Shear capacity upgrades of the concrete 410, 1200 73 Ave W, Vancouver BC V6P 6G5 604- PROJECT: 4 storeys; 32,000 sq ft approx; proposed las Spratt, Ste 100, 321 W 24 St, North Vancouver girders of the Grandville Bridge. 439-0922 Fax 604-439-9189 addition to a transitional/supportive apartment bldg BC V7M 2C7 604-990-0083 Fax 604-990-4051 Construction start Jan 2009. PROJECT: To install water, sanitary, storm, electrical, containing 30 units for women and their children CONS ENG ELEC: GENIVAR Consultants LP, Jurek Dab- First report Dec 03, 2008. Last report Dec 15, 2008. telephone, cable services, footing drains for both who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. The rowski, #200 1985 Broadway W, Vancouver BC V6J NEW INFORMATION Phase 1 & 2, preparation and installation of con- project will be an environmentally friendly bldg 4Y3 604-736-5421 Fax 604-736-1519 TENDERS closed Dec 18, 2008. crete curbs, sidewalks and paving. meeting LEED Gold Certification. PROJECT: The work consists of removing a 550 ton This report Dec 22, 2008. TENDERS closed Dec 01, 2008. First report Oct 22, 2008. centrifugal chiller (R-11) and installing a modular NOTE: Owner is reviewing submission further update NEW INFORMATION 480 on magnetic bearing chiller unit. upon award. CONSULTANT: Robert Boyle Architecture Inc, 360 Wes- Construction start Dec 2008; completion by Mar PUMP STATION ID: 9092235 This report Dec 22, 2008. ley St, Nanaimo BC V9R 2T6 250-753-3495 Fax 250- 753-1150 2009. KENT, Fraser Valley RD, BC Construction start Apr 2009; completion by Apr 2010. TENDERS closed Dec 03, 2008. Duncan Bateson Pump Station STATUS: The development permit is approved and First report Nov 19, 2008. Last report Dec 01, 2008. TENDERS CLOSED ; 2008-10/370.9.2 STARTS working drawings are in progress. Tender for the NEW INFORMATION OWNER: District of Kent, 7170 Cheam Ave, PO Box 70, General Contractor has yet to be finalized. Construc- MECH CONT: PML Professional Mech Ltd, 2572 Davies Agassiz BC V0M 1A0 604-796-2235 Fax 604-796- tion start is scheduled for early Spring 2009. Further Ave, Coquitlam BC V3C 2J9 604-468-9999 Fax 9854 Buildings update early 2009. 604-468-9929 PROJECT: Construction of the Duncan Bateson Pump This report Dec 22, 2008. This report Dec 22, 2008. Station. GROCERY RETAIL ALTS; $1,052,000 Construction start Jan 2009. First report Nov 17, 2008. Last report Dec 17, 2008. ID: 9073699 NEW INFORMATION NORTH VANCOUVER, Greater Vancouver RD, BC CONDOMINIUM APARTMENT BUILDING RECREATION CENTRE ALTS ID: 9091967 Safeway Food Store,2601 Westview Dr, V7N 3X3 ID: 9087600 SURREY, Greater Vancouver RD, BC TENDERS closed Dec 18, 2008. This report Dec 22, 2008. NEGOTIATED/START CAMPBELL RIVER, Comox-Strathcona RD, BC Cloverdale Recreation Centre,6220 184th St, V3S ARCH/OWNER’S REP: MQN Architects, Mark Hamilton/ 371,391 Island Hwy, V9W 2B5 8E6 Mark Hamilton, Ste 101, 1220 W 6 Ave, Vancouver PREPARING PLANS TENDERS CLOSED ; 1220-40-81-08 BC V6H 1A5 604-732-1194 Fax 604-732-1172 ARCH/OWNER’S REP: Robert Boyle Architecture Inc, OWNER: City of Surrey (Purchasing), Violet McGregor, WATERMAIN UPGRADE; $141,750 PROJECT: 2 storeys; 22,677 sq ft; int/ext renovation to Ruben Galdames/Ruben Galdames, 360 Wesley St, 6645 148 St, Surrey BC V3S 3C7 604-590-7274 ID: 9092781 an existing grocery retail food store; scope of the Nanaimo BC V9R 2T6 250-753-3495 Fax 250-753- Fax 604-599-0956 SURREY, Greater Vancouver RD, BC work includes enclosing the existing open areas at 1150 ARCH: PBK Architects Inc, 1985 West Broadway Ste 2008 Water Works Package W53/08,190th St from each end of the storefront and the addition of a mez- 200, Vancouver BC V6J 4Y3 604-736-5329 Fax 44 Ave to 48 Ave zanine at the back of the store. Continues on 604-736-1519 AWARD ; M.S.1208-901-11 First report Nov 26, 2007. Last report Feb 27, 2008. next page Page 8 Journal of Commerce Monday, December 22, 2008

Continues from OTHER CONS ENG SERV: Spratt Emanuel Engineering PROJECT: proposed seismic upgrade to False Bay Ltd, 2348 Yukon St, Vancouver BC V5Y 3T6 604- last page Elementary School. CONDOMINIUMS, RETAIL ID: 9077853 872-1211 Fax 604-872-1274 First report Jun 23, 2008. PROJECT: 8 storeys; 35,000 sq ft approx; proposed OTHER CONS ENG SERV: Murray Johnson Engineering, NEW INFORMATION SIDNEY, Capital RD, BC condominium apartment bldg containing 40 units. 212 5 Ave, New Westminster BC V3L 1R4 604-526- STATUS: This project is on hold while waiting for a 2200 Harbour Rd, V8L First report Aug 13, 2008. 3335 provincial funding decision. Design and construc- WORKING DRAWINGS NEW INFORMATION STATUS: Currently in design and going through the tion schedules will be determined when funding is ARCH/OWNER’S REP: Robert Boyle Architecture Inc, STATUS: The Rezoning has been approved. Design development permit process. Working drawings in place. Further update Spring 2009. Ruben Galdames/Ruben Galdames, 360 Wesley St, development is progressing. Working drawings and and construction schedules are undefined. Further This report Dec 22, 2008. Nanaimo BC V9R 2T6 250-753-3495 Fax 250-753- construction schedules have yet to be finalized. update in Spring 2009. 1150 Further update early Spring 2009. This report Dec 22, 2008. PROJECT: 3 storeys; 12,000 sq ft approx; proposed This report Dec 22, 2008. RETAIL ID: 9056006 mixed use bldg containing nine condominium units SAANICH, Capital RD, BC with retail space at grade. AIRPORT PASSENGER TERMINAL ADDN; First report Mar 12, 2008. Last report Jun 30, 2008. APARTMENT, TOWNHOUSE COMPLEX Wal-Mart - Uptown Shopping Centre,3555 & 3613 $4,000,000 est ID: 9073579 NEW INFORMATION ID: 9073561 Douglas St, & 3940 Saanich Rd, V8Z 3L6 NANAIMO, Nanaimo RD, BC CONTEMPLATED CONS ENG STRUCT: London Mah & Associates Ltd, COMOX, Comox-Strathcona RD, BC Nanaimo Airport Terminal Expansion,3350 Spitfire OWNER: Wal-Mart Canada Inc, Kevin Groh, 1940 Ste 103, 1847 W Broadway, Vancouver BC V6J 1Y6 Saratoga Beach Resort - Phase 2,8958 Clarkson Rd, V0R 1H0 Argentia Rd, Mississauga ON L5N 1P9 905-821- 604-739-8544 Fax 604-739-1468 Dr, V9M CONTEMPLATED 2111 Fax 905-821-6350 CONS ENG MECH: Rocky Point Engineering Ltd, 40 NEGOTIATED/PLANNING OWNER: Nanaimo Airport Commission, Michael Hoop- LAND DEVELOPERS: Morguard Investments Ltd, Geoff Stewart Ave, Nanaimo BC V9S 4B8 250-740-0501 GEN CONT: Maple Reinders Inc, Jason Molton, 225 er, 3350 Spitfire Rd, PO Box 149, Cassidy BC V0R Lougheed Rd, Kelowna BC V1V 2M1 250-765-8892 Nagle, 3613 Douglas St, Victoria BC V8Z 3L6 250- Fax 250-716-3527 1H0 250-245-2157 250-245-0547 383-8093 Fax 250-383-5097 Fax 250-765-8832 PROJECT: proposed addn to the Nanaimo Airport Ter- CONS ENG ELEC: Applied Eng Solutions Ltd, 3rd Flr, PROJECT: 2 storeys; 200,000 sq ft; proposed con- ARCH/OWNER’S REP: Robert Boyle Architecture Inc, minal. 1815 Blanshard St, Victoria BC V8T 5A4 250-381- struction of a new modern/prototype big-box retail Ruben Galdames/Rubin Galdames, 360 Wesley St, First report Nov 21, 2007. Last report May 05, 2008. 6121 Fax 250-381-6811 Nanaimo BC V9R 2T6 250-753-3495 Fax 250-753- NEW INFORMATION store with a 2nd sty; will include some environmen- Construction start Apr 2009; completion by Apr 2010. 1150 STATUS: This project is temporarily on hold while the tally friendly & LEED standard elements to the bldg STATUS: Working drawings are nearing completion. design; this free-standing store will replace the PROJECT: 50 structures; 3 storeys; 50,000 sq ft Owner pursues other phases of the project. Design A building permit will be applied for in early 2009. existing Wal-Mart on site. approx; proposed residential complex containing and construction schedules have yet to be finalized. Construction start is scheduled for early Spring First report Jan 15, 2007. 60 units of apartments and townhouses. See the other related projects under report num- 2009. How the General Contractor will be selected First report Nov 21, 2007. Last report Aug 27, 2008. NEW INFORMATION bers: 9073581 and 9014048. Further update Fall has yet to be finalized. Further update early 2009. NEW INFORMATION DESIGNER’S REP: Wal-Mart Canada Inc, Kevin Groh, 2009. This report Dec 22, 2008. STATUS: Design devlopment is complete but the proj- This report Dec 22, 2008. 1940 Argentia Rd, Mississauga ON L5N 1P9 905- ect is on hold pending the Owner’s decision to pro- 821-2111 Fax 905-821-6350 ceed. Working drawings and construction sched- STATUS: In design and working drawings and con- ules are undetermined at this time. See the related SECONDARY SCHOOL ALTS ID: 9084406 struction schedules are undefined. Further update CONDOMINIUM APARTMENT BUILDING, Phase Two project under report #9073560. Further PARKSVILLE, Nanaimo RD, BC in early Spring 2009. See some related phases to RETAIL ID: 9093601 update Spring 2009. the Uptown Shopping Centre: 7247486, 9056004 This report Dec 22, 2008. Ballenas Secondary School - Seismic VICTORIA, Capital RD, BC Upgrade,135 Norht Pym Rd, V9P 1E7 & 9056005. This report Dec 22, 2008. 613 Herald St, V8W 1S8 CONTEMPLATED PREPARING PLANS OWNER: School Dist 69 (Qualicum), Earl Billingsley, ARCH/OWNER’S REP: D’Ambrosio Archtctr & Urbanism, HOTEL, APARTMENTS, TOWNHOUSES 100 E Jensen Ave, PO Box 430, Parksville BC V9P Julie Brown/Julie Brown, 2960 Jutland Rd, Victoria ID: 9073560 2G5 250-248-4241 Fax 250-248-5767 MULTI-FAMILY DEVELOPMENT ID: 9056005 COMOX, Comox-Strathcona RD, BC PROJECT: proposed seismic upgrade to Ballenas Sec- SAANICH, Capital RD, BC BC V8T 2K2 250-384-2400 Fax 250-384-7893 Saratoga Beach Resort - Phase 1,8958 Clarkson ondary School. Uptown Shopping Centre Site; Phase 2,3555 & PROJECT: 4 storeys; 24,000 sq ft approx; proposed Dr, V9M First report Jun 23, 2008. 3613 Douglas St, & 3940 Saanich Rd, V8Z 3L6 mixed-use building containing retail space at grade NEGOTIATED/PLANNING NEW INFORMATION NEGOTIATED/PLANNING with 28 condominium units on floors two through GEN CONT: Maple Reinders Inc, Jason Molton, 225 STATUS: This project is on hold while waiting for a ARCH/OWNER’S REP: Chandler Assc Architecture Inc, four. Lougheed Rd, Kelowna BC V1V 2M1 250-765-8892 provincial funding decision. Design and construc- Wally Ewert/Wally Ewert, Ste 270, 601 W Cordova STATUS: Currently in a design stage while going Fax 250-765-8832 tion schedules will be determined when funding is St, Vancouver BC V6B 1G1 604-687-3390 Fax 604- through a development permit approval process. ARCH/OWNER’S REP: Robert Boyle Architecture Inc, in place. Further update Spring 2009. 687-3325 Working drawings and construction schedules Ruben Galdames/Ruben Galdames, 360 Wesley St, This report Dec 22, 2008. LANDS ARCH: Durante Kreuk Ltd, Ste 100, 1152 Main- have yet to be finalized. Further update early Spring Nanaimo BC V9R 2T6 250-753-3495 Fax 250-753- land St, Vancouver BC V6B 4X2 604-684-4611 Fax 2009. 1150 604-684-0577 PROJECT: 4 structures; 5 storeys; 65,000 sq ft approx; This report Dec 22, 2008. ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ALTS ID: 9082280 PROJECT: 200,000 sq ft approx; proposed construc- proposed hotel/spa with apartments and town- POWELL RIVER, Powell River RD, BC houses. Scope of the work includes a 20 room tion of a mix of townhouses, condominiums & Texada Elementary School - Seismic Upgrade,P.O. boutique hotel with indoor and outdoor swimming apartments; ttl of 427 units approx. HOSPITAL ALTS; $1,000,000 ID: 9064925 Box 40, Vanada, V0N 3K0 First report Jan 15, 2007. pools, a restaurant and spa facilities. The residen- VICTORIA, Capital RD, BC CONTEMPLATED NEW INFORMATION tial component includes 24 apartment units and Victoria General Hospital,1 Hospital Way, V8Z 6R5 four townhouse units. OWNER: School Dist 47 (Powell River), Steve Hopkins, GEN CONT: PCL Constructors Westcoast Inc, Ralph 4351 Ontario Ave, Powell River BC V8A 1V3 604- Herten, #301, 13911 Wireless Way, Richmond BC CONTEMPLATED First report Nov 21, 2007. Last report Aug 27, 2008. OWNER: Vancouver Island Health Auth, Julie Mossie, NEW INFORMATION 485-6271 Fax 604-485-6435 V6V 3B9 604-241-5200 Fax 604-241-5301 Rm 134, Homer 1952 Bay St, South Island STATUS: Design devlopment is complete but the proj- PROJECT: proposed seismic upgrade to Texada Ele- LAND DEVELOPERS: Morguard Investments Ltd, 3613 ect is on hold pending the Owner’s decision to pro- mentary School. Douglas St, Victoria BC V8Z 3L6 250-383-8093 Fax Region, Victoria BC V8R 1J8 250-370-8699 Fax ceed. Working drawings and construction sched- First report May 26, 2008. 250-383-5097 250-370-8750 ules are undetermined at this time. See the related NEW INFORMATION Construction start 2010. PROJECT: proposed alterations to Victoria General Phase Two project under report #9073561. Further STATUS: This project is on hold while waiting for a STATUS: Overall design has been revised. Working Hospital. Scope of the work includes neuroscience update Spring 2009. Provincial funding decision. Design and construc- drawings and construction schedules are unde- area renovations. This report Dec 22, 2008. tion schedules will be determined when funding is fined. Further update in early Spring 2009. See the First report Jun 11, 2007. Last report Jul 14, 2008. in place. Further update Spring 2009 other related phases under: 7247486, 9056004 & NEW INFORMATION This report Dec 22, 2008. 9056006. STATUS: This project is on hold pending the Owner’s RESORT CONDOMINIUM APARTMENT This report Dec 22, 2008. decision to proceed. Design and construction ID: 9087121 MIDDLE SCHOOL ALTS ID: 9082281 schedules are undetermined at this time. Further NANAIMO, Nanaimo RD, BC update Spring 2009. POWELL RIVER, Powell River RD, BC CONDOMINIUM APARTMENT BUILDING, The Marinaside Resort,1250 Stewart Ave, V9S 4C9 Oceanview Middle School - Seismic Upgrade,7105 This report Dec 22, 2008. NEGOTIATED/PLANNING Nootka St, V8A 5E3 RETAIL ID: 9077032 ARCH/OWNER’S REP: Wilson Chang Architect Inc, Wil- CONTEMPLATED SAANICH, Capital RD, BC son Chang/ Wilson Chang, 288 W 88 Ave, Vancouver OWNER: School Dist 47 (Powell River), Steve Hopkins, 4525 West Saanich Rd, V8Z 3G3 HOSPITAL ALTS; $450,000 ID: 9064924 BC V5Y 1N5 604-630-9488 Fax 604-630-9487 4351 Ontario Ave, Powell River BC V8A 1V3 604- NEGOTIATED/PLANNING LANDS ARCH: Harrison Basciano Ltd, 434 Milton St, VICTORIA, Capital RD, BC 485-6271 Fax 604-485-6435 OWNER/GEN CONT: Mike Geric Construction Ltd, Mike Nanaimo BC V9R 2L1 250-754-5857 Fax 250-754- Victoria General Hospital,1 Hospital Way, V8Z 6R5 PROJECT: proposed seismic upgrade to Oceanview Geric/Mike Geric, 1087 Totemwood Lane, Victoria CONTEMPLATED 5857 BC V8X 5E3 250-658-1341 Fax 604-479-1686 Middle School. OWNER: Vancouver Island Health Auth, Julie Mossie, PROJECT: 4 storeys above grade, 1 below; 2,575 m2; ARCH: Warner James Architects Inc, Tony James, 519 site 1,564 m2; parking for 30 cars; proposed 24 First report May 26, 2008. Pandora Ave, Victoria BC V8W 1N5 250-388-4261 Rm 134, Homer Wing 1952 Bay St, South Island unit resort condo bldg with an adjacent marina; one NEW INFORMATION STATUS: This project is on hold while waiting for a Fax 250-388-9771 Region, Victoria BC V8R 1J8 250-370-8699 Fax level u/g prkg. 250-370-8750 Construction start 2009; completion by 2010. Provincial funding decision. Design and construc- LANDS ARCH: Keith Grant Landscape Arch Ltd, 2274 tion schedules will be determined when funding is Cranmore Rd, Victoria BC V8R 1Z3 250-598-7872 PROJECT: proposed alterations to Victoria General First report Aug 04, 2008. Last report Dec 10, 2008. Hospital. Scope of the work includes exterior altera- NEW INFORMATION in place. Further update Spring 2009 Fax 250-598-7875 tions. GEN CONT: RW Wall Contracting Ltd, Bob Wall, 6040 This report Dec 22, 2008. PROJECT: 4 storeys; 35,000 sq ft approx; proposed Hammond Bay Rd, Nanaimo BC V9T 5M4 250-756- mixed-use bldg containing 50 condominium units First report Jun 11, 2007. Last report Jul 14, 2008. 2707 Fax 250-756-2785 with retail space at grade. NEW INFORMATION LAND SURVEYOR: Milan Leigh A Land Surveyors, Ste ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ALTS ID: 9084407 First report Feb 25, 2008. Last report Oct 15, 2008. STATUS: This project is on hold pending the Owner’s 102, 170 Wallace St, Nanaimo BC V9R 5B1 250- QUALICUM, Nanaimo RD, BC NEW INFORMATION decision to proceed. Design and construction 753-9181 Fax 250-753-4955 False Bay Elementary School - Seismic STATUS: Design development is complete but the proj- schedules are undetermined at this time. Further CONS ENG CIVIL: Ron Doskotch Engineering, 5936 Upgrade,Weldon Bay Rd, Lasqueti Island, V0R 2J0 ect is temporarily on hold for the duration of 2008. update Spring 2009. Butcher Rd, Nanaimo BC V9T 5M7 250-758-5693 CONTEMPLATED Construction may start in Summer 2009, pending This report Dec 22, 2008. CONS ENG STRUCT: Opus Engineering Ltd, Unit 2, OWNER: School Dist 69 (Qualicum), Earl Billingsley, improved market conditions. Further update Spring 1850 Northfield Rd, Nanaimo BC V9S 3B3 250- 100 E Jensen Ave, PO Box 430, Parksville BC V9P 2009. Continues on 758-1893 2G5 250-248-4241 Fax 250-248-5767 This report Dec 22, 2008. page 10 Journal of Commerce Monday, December 22, 2008 Page 9

CanaData Annual Construction Forecast 2009-2011 Edition

® Forecasting ANNUAL CONSTRUCTION Made Easy! FORECAST The Essential Resource for Canadian Construction Industry Forecasts Gain access to key economic and

Engineering Construction industry indicators with analysis Economic Overview The Canadian Economy Construction Costing Information

Table 21 - BASIC UNION WAGE RATES, INCLUDING SUPPLEMENTS Table 3 - HISTORY OF CANADIAN GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT (GDP) Constant Canadian $ Billions (DOLLARS PER HOUR – JUNE 2005) Current Canadian $ Billions City (1997=100) St. John’s, Nfld. 29.51 27.84 29.51 29.12Bricklayer 31.48 21.73 Carpenter Finisher OperatorCement Electrician Crane Labourer % Change % Change 583.089 Halifax written by Reed Economists. 1982 Saint John, N.B. 29.71 27. 34.68 31.43 20.12 30.89 36.45 Construction 598.941 2.7% 379.859 Montréal (all Québec) Construction Costing Information 1982 17 29.71 31.64 38.88 633.756 5.8% Ottawa 38.13 38.41 37.51 37.34 39.90 30.65 26.57 21.73 411.386 8.3% 1983 1983 Toronto 41.11 41.27 37. 39.38 38.10 33.47 38.85 44.72 31.24 22.76 449.582 9.3% 1984 664.059 4.8% Winnipeg 28.17 29.39 22.76 1984 Cement Crane Calgary and Edmonton 34.29 33 40.66 45.90 30.65 485.714 8.0% 1985 680.144 2.4% (DOLLARS PER HOUR – JUNE 2005) Vancouver 33.30 33.43 33.98 37.02 36.54 24.38 31.54 32.94 1985 39.41 38.68 40.74 41.68 33.50 35.90 Table 21 - BASIC UNION WAGE RATES, INCLUDING SUPPLEMENTS 709.058 4.3% 12 30.89 36.45 26.57 512.541 5.5% 1986 22.46 84 29.51 29.12 31.48 1986 22.46 558.949 9.1% 1987 744.333 5.0% 1987 St. John’s, Nfld. 24.82 29. Painter Plasterer Plumber Roofer Steel Erector Steel Erector 31.96 17 29.71 31.64 38.88 763.837 2.6% 31.96 613.094 9.7% 1988 1989 Halifax Reinforcing Structural y Bricklayer Carpenter Finisher Operator Electrician Labourer 2008–20101988 EDITION 51 32.97 19.35 28.74 33 40.66 45.90 35.90 Saint John, N.B. 27.06 29. 28.45 17.30 38.33 25.26 29.47 John’s, Nfld. 29.51 27. 657.728 7.3% 38.13 38.41 37.51 37.34 39.90 24.38 31.54 32.94 1989 Montréal (all Québec) 30.41 alifax 34.68 31.43 20. 39.38 38.10 33.47 38.85 44.72 31.24 765.311 0.2% 71 41.06 23.10 23.58 Reinforcing Structural Ottawa 36.55 37.34 39.05 39.10 39.65 aint John, N.B. 29.71 27. 30.41 33.90 32.93 35.16 40.99 32.43 37.30 749.294 -2.1% Toronto 32.07 Montréal (all Québec) 28.17 29.39 679.921 3.4% 1990 1990 Winnipeg 36.66 34.69 43. 39.70 Ottawa 39.70 685.367 0.8% 1991 755.848 0.9% Calgary and Edmonton 36.43 18.64 25.37 49 37.70 38.21 40.36 Toronto 41.11 41.27 37. 33.30 33.43 33.98 37.02 36.54 1991 40.36 Vancouver 33.91 33.57 35.16 32.25 35.36 34.65 25.66 29.07 Winnipeg 773.528 2.3% 38.68 43.16 32.81 32.42 41.06 40.36 33 25.26 29.47 33.90 700.480 2.2% 1992 Calgary and Edmonton 34.29 39.41 38.68 40.7451 41.68 32.97 33.50 19.35 28.74 1992 34.08 810.695 4.8% Vancouver Painter Plasterer Plumber Roofer Steel Erector Steel Erector 727.184 3.8% 1993 Due to space limitations, some key trades were left out of the charts above; e.g., sheet metal workers, heavy 1993 24.82 29. 71 41.06 23.10 23.58 32.07 41.06 equipment operators and truck drivers. Also, please note that some contracts have not been renegotiated 35.36 35.36 770.873 6.0% 1994 833.456 2.8% 1994 1995 recently, due to the prevalence of non-union work in certain regions. 49 37.70 38.21 40.36 810.426 5.1% 846.952 1.6% St. John’s, Nfld. 36.55 37.34 39.05 39.10 39.65 1995 Data source: Statistics Canada (Capital Expenditure Price Statistics, Halifax 28.45 17.30 38. 32.93 35.16 40.99 32.43 37.30 836.864 3.3% 1996 882.733 4.2% Saint John, N.B. 27.06 29. 1996 918.910 4.1% Montréal (all Québec) 18.64 25.37 34.65 25.66 29.07 34.08 ). 882.733 5.5% 1997 Table: Reed ConstructionCatalogue Data no. –62-007-XPB CanaData. 1997 ). Ottawa 914.973 3.7% 1998 969.750 5.5% Graph 148 - PERCENT CHANGE IN ICI* CONSTRUCTION PRICE INDEX Toronto 36.66 34.69 43. 33.91 33.57 35.16 32.25 35.36 1998 Catalogue no. 62-007-XPB Winnipeg 982.441 7.4% 1999 (SECOND QUARTER 2005 vs SECOND QUARTER 2004) Calgary and Edmonton 36.43 38.68 43.16 32.81 32.42 1999 1,020.488 5.2% 9% Vancouver Table: Reed Construction Data – CanaData. 2000 8% 1,038.702 1.8% 7.7% 1,076.577 9.6% 2001 7% 7.1% 2000 5.9% 6% 7.1% Due to space limitations, some key trades were left out of the charts above; e.g., sheet metal workers, heavy 1,108.048 2.9% 1,070.789 3.1% equipment operators and truck drivers. Also, please note that some contracts have not been renegotiated 2001 2002 5% Data source: Statistics Canada (Capital Expenditure Price Statistics, 1,092.388 2.0% 4% 5.5% recently, due to the prevalence of non-union work in certain regions. 1,154.204 4.2% 2003 5.4% 2002 3% Percent Change 1,124.428 2.9% 4.4% 1,216.191 5.4% 2004 2% 2003 3.8% 3.8% 1% 4.4% 5.4% 1,290.185 6.1% 0% (SECOND QUARTER 2005 vs SECOND QUARTER 2004) 2004 Graph 148 - PERCENT CHANGE IN ICI*7.1% CONSTRUCTION5.5% PRICE INDEX 7-City Composite Vancouver Edmonton Calgary 7.1% 2005 estimate 1,365.016 5.8% 2005 estimate 1,158.161 3.0% 7.7% Montréal Toronto Ottawa Halifax Canada’s current dollar GDP crossed the $1 trillion threshold (in Canadian dollars) in the year 2000. Cities 9% Halifax *ICI is non-residential building construction. This category comprises commercial, industrial and 8% Ottawa Data source: Statistics Canada. 5.9% institutional construction. 7% Toronto d t ble: Reed Construction Data – CanaData. 6% Data source: Statistics Canada (Capital Expenditure Price Statistics, 5% ) 4% Calgary Montréal . Cities Catalogue no 62 007 X 3% 98 Chart R d

ecn Change Percent 2% 1% Catalogue no. 62-007-XPB 0% 7-City Composite Vancouver Edmonton Chart: Reed Construction Data – CanaData.

*ICI is non-residentialData source: building Statistics construction. Canada This(Capital categoryCanaData Expenditure comprises Annual Price commercial, Construction Statistics, industrial Forecast and— 2006–2008 Edition institutional construction. Includes over Available December 2008 charts, graphs Call 1-800-465-6475 and tables of statistics and to order your copy today! forecasts. C283-08 Prinited in Canada C283-08 Prinited Page 10 Journal of Commerce Monday, December 22, 2008

Continues from COORD: Victoria Construction Assoc, 1075 Alston St, Ledcor Construction Ltd, 2nd Floor, 1114 Langley St, Victo- page 8 Victoria BC V9A 3S6 250-388-6471 Fax 250-388- GOVERNMENT OFFICE BUILDINGS ADDN, ALTS ria BC V8W 1W1 250-477-1831 Fax 250-477-1846 5183 Saywell Contracting, 2595 B Mccullough Rd, Nanaimo BC PROJECT: The work includes, but is not necessarily lim- ID: 9090532 V9S 4M9 250-729-0197 Fax 250-729-0173 ited to, the supply of labour, material, and equipment NANAIMO, Nanaimo RD, BC This report Dec 22, 2008. PREBID necessary to remove of existing high-bay luminaries Nanaimo Regional District And Transit Office and wiring and replacement with new high-bay. Buildings,6300 Hammond Bay Rd, V9T 6N2 TENDERS DUE 14:00 Jan 14, 2009 bidders adda Engineering Construction start Feb 2009. RETAIL ALTS ID: 9093500 TENDERS will be received by Coord. OWNER: Regional District of Nanaimo, Nancy Avery, 6300 Hammond Bay Rd, Nanaimo BC V9T 6N2 250-390- VICTORIA, Capital RD, BC Documents are available by calling 1-800-964-6379. The Bay Center,1150 Douglas St, V8W 3M9 WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT; For more information contact Mark Booth at 613- 4111 Fax 250-390-4163 ARCH: Neale Staniszkis Doll Adams, Molly Chan, Ste 201, INVITED TENDERS DUE 11:00 Jan 13, 2009 add bidders $3,000,000 est ID: 9073581 991-9356 Email: [email protected]. 134 Abbott St, Vancouver BC V6B 2K4 604-669-1926 adda extn Addendum(a) no 1 issued. NANAIMO, Nanaimo RD, BC Fax 604-683-2241 OWNER: Cadillac Fairview Corp Ltd, Duane Mundy, #2 Nanaimo Airport Wastewater Treatment Plant,site Plans and specs on display at: Victoria Const Assn. CONS ENG STRUCT: Herold Engineering Ltd, 3701 Shenton 1150 Douglas St, Victoria BC V8W 3M9 250-952-5685 to be determined, V0R This report Dec 22, 2008. Rd, Nanaimo BC V9T 2H1 250-751-8558 Fax 250-751- Fax 250-381-4814 CONTEMPLATED 8559 ARCH: Abbarch Architecture Inc, 505 Burrard St, Suite OWNER: Nanaimo Airport Commission, Michael Hoop- CONS ENG MECH: Quadra Pacific Consultants Inc, Ste 200, 1830, Vancouver BC V7X 1M6 604-669-4041 Fax 604- er, 3350 Spitfire Rd, PO Box 149, Cassidy BC V0R HOSPITAL ALTS ID: 9093593 1650 Alberni St, Vancouver BC V6G 1A6 604-688-8671 683-5338 CONS ENG MECH: Cobalt Engineering, Ste 305, 625 Howe 1H0 250-245-2157 250-245-0547 NANAIMO, Nanaimo RD, BC Fax 604-688-9760 St, Vancouver BC V6C 2T6 604-687-1800 Fax 604- PROJECT: proposed wastewater treatment plant to Nanaimo Health Unit - Commercial Interior,1665 CONS ENG ELEC: RB Engineering, 4, 4488 Wellington Rd, serve the Nanaimo Airport. 687-1802 Grant Ave, V9S 5K7 Nanaimo BC V9T 2H3 250-756-4444 Fax 250-756- First report Nov 21, 2007. Last report May 05, 2008. CONS ENG ELEC: Falcon Engineering Ltd, Ste 338, 6450 TENDERS DUE 14:00 Jan 09, 2009; BCTS134221 4228 NEW INFORMATION Roberts St, Burnaby BC V5G 4E1 604-294-8414 Fax OWNER: Vancouver Island Health Auth, 1200 Dufferin PROJECT: 2 structures; 2 storeys; 15,000 sq ft approx; STATUS: This project is temporarily on hold while the General contractor to coordinate the construction of 604-294-6405 Cres, Nanaimo BC V9S 2B7 250-754-2141 Fax 250- Owner pursues other phases of the project. Design renovations and additions to the Regional District of PROJECT: 4th Floor base building upgrade. 390-7421 Nanaimo Administration Building and the adjacent First report Dec 17, 2008. and construction schedules have yet to be finalized. PROJ MGR: Workplace Solutions Inc, #1 2480 Kenworth Transit Building, together with ancillary areas and site NOTE: Completed bidders’ list is not available at this time. See the other related projects under report num- Rd, Nanaimo BC V9T 3Y3 250-760-2734 Fax 250- bers: 9073579 and 9014048. Further update Fall improvements. NEW INFORMATION 760-2737 Construction start Feb 2009. INVITED TENDERS will be received by Owner. 2009. PROJECT: Tenant Improvements - Commercial Interior This report Dec 22, 2008. First report Oct 08, 2008. Last report Dec 08, 2008. Addendum(a) no 1 issued. Renovation. The scope of the project includes, but is NEW INFORMATION INVITED TENDERS due date has been extended from Dec not limited to: Demolition, alteration and construction TENDERS will be received by Owner. 19, 2008 to 11:00 Jan 13, 2009. of existing interior; mechanical and work; flooring Documents may be obtained from Arch. ADD BIDDERS: Ledcor Special Projects, 2nd Flr, 1114 Lan- OUT FOR TENDER and finishes; commissioning; warranty. The renova- PLAN DEPOSIT: $ 200. TENDER DEPOSIT: Performance gley St, Victoria BC V8W 1W1 250-477-1831 Fax 250- tions will take place in occupied spaces; necessary Bond $2,500,000. Trade Contractor bids shall be depos- 477-1846 provisions are to be taken by the contractor. ited at the following Bid Depository locations January Westwater Maintenance, 185-911 Yates St, Box 570, Vic- Buildings Construction start Feb 2009. 8th, 2008 at 15:00: Vancouver & Lower Mainland Bid tiria BC V8V 4Y9 250-744-8498 TENDERS will be received by Proj mgr; contact Bernard Depository c/o VRCA; Nanaimo Bid Depository c/o Mid Century Group Inc, 5134 Cordova Bay Rd, PO Box 41040, Zirkl. DEFENCE BUILDING ALTS Elec cont; $445,000 Island Construction Association; Victoria Bid Deposi- Victoria BC V8Y 3C8 250-727-6560 Fax 250-727- Tender Documents are available at the site meeting. tory c/o Construction Association of Victoria. For further 6865 est ID: 9093529 TENDER DEPOSIT: 10% Bid Bond and Consent of information about this tender process, contact Nancy Dawn Installations Ltd, Unit 1, 19510- 55 Ave, Surrey BC , Capital RD, BC Security, and 50% of Performance Bond and Labour Avery at 250-390-4111. V3S 8P7 604-530-3431 Fax 604-530-0233 DY250 & 252 Lighting Upgrade,CFB Esquimalt, V9A and Material Payment Bond, each. MANDATORY Addendum(a) no 1 issued. Knappett Projects Inc, 501 Kelvin Rd, Victoria BC V8Z 1C4 7N2 SITE MEETING: December 18, 2008 at 10:30. Bid- Plans and specs on display at: Vancouver Reg Const Assn 250-475-6333 Fax 250-475-6444 TENDERS DUE 14:00 Jan 08, 2009; ES103116 adda ders shall meet inside the main entrance. For more (Vancouver). N Vancouver Island Const Assn. Stuart Olson Constructors Inc, 3800 Finirty, Victoria BC V8P OWNER: Defence Construction Canada, 350 Albert St information contact Bernard Zirkl at 250-792-3882 BIDDERS: Island West Coast Developments, #5, 1850 5C2 250-360-1356 Fax 250-360-0154 19th Flr, Ottawa ON K1A 0K3 613-998-9548 613- email: [email protected]. Northfield Rd, Nanaimo BC V9F 3B3 250-756-9665 Fax 1 bidder previously reported; 998-9547 This report Dec 22, 2008. 250-756-9615 This report Dec 22, 2008. Seasons 77 7 Greetings Ä Journal of Commerce wishes you and your family 7a joyous holiday season Ä and a very happy New Year. 7 7 7 C293-08 Journal of Commerce Monday, December 22, 2008 Page 11

ARCH: Mallen Architecture Inc, Ed Berzins, Ste 170, OUT FOR TENDER 601 W Cordova St, Vancouver BC V6B 1G1 604- COMMUNITY CENTRE ADDN, ELEMENTARY GOVERNMENT OFFICE ALTS ID: 9093110 484-8285 604-484-6070 SCHOOL ALTS; $1,245,000 est ID: 9076616 VICTORIA, Capital RD, BC CONS ENG STRUCT: London Mah & Associates Ltd, SAANICH, Capital RD, BC Ministry of Forests & Range,1019 Wharf St, V8W Engineering Jim Mah, Ste 103, 1847 W Broadway, Vancouver Cordova Bay Elementary School - Community 2Y9 BC V6J 1Y6 604-739-8544 Fax 604-739-1468 Centre,5238 Cordova Bay, V8Y 2L2 TENDERS CLOSED ; BCTS132320 CONS ENG MECH/CONS ENG ELEC: MCW Consultants TENDERS CLOSED ; T 41/08 OWNER: Ministry of Forests & Range, 2nd Flr, 1675 WHARF; $133,720 est ID: 9093552 Ltd, John Mercier/Gregory Lord, Ste 1400, 1185 W OWNER: District of Saanich, Ken Kreigger, 770 Vernon Douglas St, PO Box 9510 Stn Prov Govt, Victoria BC COMOX-STRATHCONA RD, BC Georgia St, Vancouver BC V6E 4E6 604-687-1821 Ave, Victoria BC V8X 2W7 250-475-1775 Fax 250- V8W 9C2 250-387-8876 Fax 250-387-6445 POL Jettty Comox Harbour Wharf,19 Wing Comox Fax 604-683-5681 475-5460 PROJ MGR: BLJC Workplace Solutions Inc, 21 3318 TENDERS DUE 14:00 Jan 06, 2009; CX080110 ENVIRONMENTAL CONS ENG: PHH Arch Environmen- ARCH/CONSULTANT: Chang Holovsky Architects, Oak St, Victoria BC V8X 1R1 250-952-3865 Fax OWNER: Defence Construction Canada, Bldg 31 19 tal, Kathy Muirhead, Unit B 4250 Commerce Circle, Michael Van Bakel, 203, 1931 Mt Newton Cross 250-952-3868 Wing Comox, PO Box 280, Lazo BC V0R 2K0 250- Victoria BC V8Z 4M2 250-592-9203 Fax 250-592- Road, Saanichton BC V8M 2A9 250-544-1113 Fax PROJECT: Tenant Improvements. 339-2721 Fax 250-339-7391 250-544-1118 Construction start Jan 2009. COORD: Nanaimo Plan Room, Ste 3, 1850 Northfield 9239 PROJECT: Base buildings works, renovation. CONS ENG STRUCT: Stantec Consulting Ltd, Tony First report Dec 10, 2008. Rd, Nanaimo, BC V9S 3V3 250-758-1841 Fax 250- Fathers, 400-655 Tyee Rd, Victoria BC V9A 6X5 NEW INFORMATION 758-1286 Construction start Dec 19, 2008. First report Jun 21, 2006. Last report Dec 15, 2008. 250-388-9161 Fax 250-382-0514 TENDERS closed Dec 17, 2008. PROJECT: The work includes, but is not necessarily CONS ENG MECH: J M Bean & Co Ltd, Mladen Mark- NOTE: This is a re-tender. This report Dec 22, 2008. limited to the supply of labour, material, supervision ovic, Ste 201, 1661 W 2 Ave, Vancouver BC V6J 1H3 and equipment necessary for the renovation of the NEW INFORMATION 604-736-6724 Fax 604-736-6726 existing fire standpipe system. The work is gener- TENDERS closed Dec 16, 2008. CONS ENG ELEC: Triumph Engineering Ltd, Ralph APARTMENT BLDG ALTS ID: 9091583 ally described as removal of existing water supply This report Dec 22, 2008. Slade, 626A Fisgard St, Victoria BC V8W 1R6 250- VICTORIA, Capital RD, BC piping, provision of new valve station, new piping 385-3713 Fax 250-386-7166 and connection to existing underground service c/w PROJECT: 2 storeys; 327 m2; The work includes an Sitkum Lodge,411 Sitkum Rd, V9A 7G5 commissioning of the new system. HOSPITAL ADDN AND ALTS Const mgr; addition to Cordova Bay School for a Seniors Com- INVITED TENDERS CLOSED Construction start Feb 2009. CONSULTANT/OWNER’S REP: Levelton Engineering $680,000 est ID: 9092683 munity Centre, including two multipurpose rooms, a TENDERS will be received by Coord. servery, storage, washrooms and a janitor station. Ltd, Martin Gevers, 760 Enterprise Cres, Victoria BC PORT ALBERNI, Alberni-Clayoquot RD, BC Documents are available by calling 800-964-6379. An existing multi purpose room and a washroom, V8Z 6R4 250-475-1000 Fax 250-475-2211 For more information contact Grant Sayers at 250- West Coast General Hospital,3949 Port Alberni created in phase 1, are to be partially renovated. PROJECT: To apply water repellent sealer and perform 339-7391 Email: [email protected]. Hwy, V9Y 4S1 Construction start Dec 2008; completion by Aug 31, renewals work at various roof deck levels. This report Dec 22, 2008. AWARD 2009. INVITED TENDERS closed Nov 07, 2008. OWNER: Vancouver Island Health Auth, Jim Morris, First report Feb 18, 2008. Last report Dec 17, 2008. First report Oct 29, 2008. 1200 Dufferin Cres, Nanaimo BC V9S 2B7 250- NEW INFORMATION NEW INFORMATION JETTY UPGRADE; $133,000 est ID: 9093613 740-6906 Fax 250-755-7957 TENDERS closed Dec 17, 2008. NOTE: Owner is reviewing submission further update upon award. ESQUIMALT, Capital RD, BC ARCH/CONSULTANT: InsideOut Plan & Arch Inc, Ray This report Dec 22, 2008. This report Dec 22, 2008. CFB Esquimalt Hunt, 2355 James White Blvd, Sidney BC V8L 0A1 TENDERS DUE 14:00 Dec 30, 2008; ES104895 250-656-6640 Fax 250-656-9332 OWNER: Defence Construction Canada, Jordan Seme- CONS ENG MECH: Hirschfield Williams Timmins, Ste GROCERY STORE ALTS ID: 9093481 schuk, Rm 228, Bldg 575 CFB Esquimalt, PO Box 302, 4400 Chatterton Way, Victoria BC V8X 5J2 VICTORIA, Capital RD, BC BID RESULTS 17000, Stn Forces, Victoria BC V9A 7N2 250-363- 250-995-3111 Fax 250-995-3133 Thrifty Foods - Colwood Store,1860 Island Hwy, 2348 Fax 250-363-5867 CONS ENG ELEC: Applied Eng Solutions Ltd, 3rd Flr, V9B 1J2 Engineering COORD: Victoria Construction Assoc, 1075 Alston St, 1815 Blanshard St, Victoria BC V8T 5A4 250-381- INVITED TENDERS CLOSED Victoria BC V9A 3S6 250-388-6471 Fax 250-388- 6121 Fax 250-381-6811 ARCH/OWNER’S REP: CEI Neilson Architecture, Ste 5183 PROJECT: 1 storey; 80 m2; The work involves con- 202 - 655 Tyee Rd, Victoria BC V9A 6X5 250-388- FLOAT REPAIR; $233,970 ID: 9092656 PROJECT: the removal of existing steel bollards, fab- struction of an 80 sq m addition to accommodate 5588 Fax 250-361-9418 ESQUIMALT, Capital RD, BC rication and installation of new steel bollards and CONS ENG STRUCT: Read Jones Christoffersen Ltd, ML Finger #2 Floats and Submarine Float,CFB related work for ‘A’ Jetty. installation of new CT Scan equipment, and a 42 sq Ste 220, 645 Tyee Rd, Victoria BC V9A 6X5 250- Esquimalt TENDERS will be received by Coord. m renovation within the Medical Imaging Depart- 386-7794 Fax 250-381-7900 AWARD ; ES90847 Documents may be obtained by calling 1-800-964- ment to provide procedure room support. The addi- CONS ENG MECH: Hirschfield Williams Timmins, Ste OWNER: Defence Construction Canada, 350 Albert St 6379. tion will be a one story steel structure with a slab 302, 4400 Chatterton Way, Victoria BC V8X 5J2 19th Flr, Ottawa ON K1A 0K3 613-998-9548 613- This report Dec 22, 2008. on grade floor/foundation. Interior accommodation 250-995-3111 Fax 250-995-3133 998-9547 includes the CT procedure room, control centre, CONS ENG ELEC: Triumph Engineering Ltd, 626A Fis- COORD: Victoria Construction Assoc, 1075 Alston St, patient waiting, and washroom. Stand-alone roof gard St, Victoria BC V8W 1R6 250-385-3713 Fax top mechanical equipment will service the new 250-386-7166 Victoria BC V9A 3S6 250-388-6471 Fax 250-388- MARINE FACILITIES; $14,000,000 est 5183 addition. Preventative Measures Level III Standard PROJECT: This project is an interior renovation to the ID: 9093606 PROJECT: The work includes, but is not necessarily for Infection Control and Dust Containment will existing retail grocery store with minor changes the VICTORIA, Capital RD, BC limited to, the supply of labour, material, and equip- apply. The construction will be built to the most storefront doors at the floral department entrance Victoria Shipyards Co Ltd,Esquimalt Graving ment necessary for foam filling and miscellaneous recent building codes and standards. Working side of the building. The separate exterior por- Dock, 825 Admirals Road, V9A 2P1 tion of the project is the removal of existing metal repairs to the Floats. TENDERS DUE 12:00 Jan 15, 2009 closely with the Design Team, Owner Representa- Construction start Jan 2009; completion by Mar tive and the Equipment Supplier, the successful cladding, refurbishing of the existing building, and OWNER: Victoria Shipyards Co Ltd, Iris Dandoo, 825 the construction of a front entry canopy and trellis 2009. Construction Manager will be responsible for man- Admirals Rd, 2nd Floor, Bldg N-11, Victoria BC V9A along the face of the building. TENDERS closed Dec 11, 2008. 2P1 250-380-1602 Fax 250-995-6599 aging the tender and construction process. Construction start Jan 02, 2009; completion by Mar First report Nov 26, 2008. Last report Dec 03, 2008. PROJECT: Submarine Repair (VISSC Extended Dock- Construction start Jan 2009; completion by Jul 2009. 15, 2009. NEW INFORMATION ing) Facilities at Esquimalt Graving Dock, including TENDERS closed Dec 02, 2008. First report Dec 17, 2008. GEN CONT: Pacific Industrial & Marine, 5105 Tzou- underground services, excavation, piles, and two First report Nov 26, 2008. NEW INFORMATION halem Rd, Duncan BC V9L 6Y1 250-746-7272 Fax new buildings: - A submarine hangar (approx 21 NEW INFORMATION INVITED TENDERS closed Dec 19, 2008. 250-746-7271 m by 84 m, 25 m high); - A 3-storey shop/offices CONST MGR: Kinetic Construction, 401 South McPhe- This report Dec 22, 2008. OTHER BIDS: Garry Oak Const Ltd, Victoria BC building (approx 12 m by 74 m, 13 m high). dran Rd, Campbell River BC V9W 6X4 250-286- $247,997 TENDERS will be received by Owner. 0410 250-286-0418 Ruskin Construction Ltd, Victoria BC $262,488 Documents may be obtained from Owner. NOTE: Award amount was not released for publica- CONDOMINIUM BUILDINGS ALTS ID: 9093123 NOTE: Award subject to final approval. Tender Documents package may be obtained on tion. VICTORIA, Capital RD, BC This report Dec 22, 2008. December 18th, 2008 between 9:00 and 14:00 at This report Dec 22, 2008. either of the two locations below: Victoria Shipyards 1807 Oak Bay Ave, V8R 1C1 Co Ltd Facilities Department, 2nd Floor, Building TENDERS CLOSED OWNER: Strata Plan VIS 1700, 1807 Oak Bay Ave, Vic- WATERMAIN & SEWER UPGRADE; $2,234,708 N-11, 825 Admirals Road, Victoria, BC or Wash- ID: 9092552 ington Marine Group Supply Chain Management, GOVERNMENT OFFICE ALTS; $281,425 tiria BC V8R 1C1 604-438-6207 OTHER CONS ENG SERV: RDH Building Engineering, NANAIMO, Nanaimo RD, BC 10 Pemberton Ave, North Vancouver, BC. After that ID: 9092432 date, please contact Iris Dandoo to make arrange- Ste 7 - 7851 East Saanich Rd, Saanichton BC V8M Maffeo Sutton Park - Spirit Square,Sutton Park POWELL RIVER RD, BC 2B4 250-544-0773 Fax 250-544-0709 LOW BID ; C-08-08 ments: Email: [email protected], Tel: 604- Ministry of Housing and Social Development,6944 990-8453, Cell: 604-785-4119. PLAN DEPOSIT: PROJECT: Rehabilitation of the exterior walls, patios OWNER: City of Nanaimo (Public Works), 2020 Labieux Alberni St, V8A 2C1 $100 NON-refundable, cheques shall be made pay- and balconies of the condominium building. Rd, Nanaimo BC V9T 6J9 250-758-5222 Fax 250- able to the Owner. MANDATORY BIDDERS BRIEFING AWARD ; BCTS132885 Construction start Jan 2009. 756-5336 & SITE INSPECTION: January 5, 2009 at 13:00 at OWNER’S REP: Workplace Solutions Inc, #1 2480 Ken- First report Dec 10, 2008. Last report Dec 15, 2008. COORD: Port of Nanaimo Advisory Comm, 455 Wallace Victoria Shipyards Co Ltd, 825 Admirals Road, Vic- worth Rd, Nanaimo BC V9T 3Y3 250-760-2734 Fax NEW INFORMATION St, Nanaimo BC V9R 5J6 250-755-4410 toria, BC. 250-760-2737 TENDERS closed Dec 18, 2008. PROJECT: The work consists of the installation of This report Dec 22, 2008. PROJECT: The Tenant improvements scope of the This report Dec 22, 2008. approx 160m of 300mm dia. water main, 185m of project includes, but is not limited to: Demolition, 200mm/300mm dia. storm sewer mains, 130m of alteration and construction of existing interior; 200mm dia. sewer main, curbs, sidewalks, con- mechanical and electrical work; flooring and fin- POLICE STATION ALTS ID: 9092635 crete pavers, stone pavers, landscaping, electrical BID RESULTS ishes; commissioning; warranty. The renovations VICTORIA, Capital RD, BC works including third party works, structural items will take place in occupied spaces; necessary pro- 850 Burdett Ave, V8W 1B4 and all other works. Buildings visions are to be taken by the contractor. TENDERS CLOSED ; BCTS123486 Construction start Jan 2009. OWNER: BLJC Workplace Solutions Inc, Donna Ellis, 21 TENDERS closed Dec 09, 2008. Construction start Dec 2008; completion by Feb 3318 Oak St, Victoria BC V8X 1R1 250-952-3865 First report Nov 26, 2008. Last report Dec 17, 2008. RETAIL BLDG ALTS; $400,000 est ID: 9046450 2008. Fax 250-952-3868 NEW INFORMATION NANAIMO, Nanaimo RD, BC First report Nov 24, 2008. Last report Dec 03, 2008. PROJECT: Victoria Sheriff services expansion and LOW BID: Windley Contracting Ltd, 3711 Shenton Rd, Urban Planet,4750 Rutherford Rd, V9T 4K6 NEW INFORMATION upgrade. Nanaimo BC V9T 2H1 250-758-3411 Fax 250-758- TENDERS CLOSED GEN CONT: Cranberry Construction, 4520B Franklin First report Nov 26, 2008. Last report Dec 10, 2008. 0917 $2,234,708 OWNER: Shape Properties Corp, Alex Bacot, 505 Bur- Ave, Powell River BC V8A 3E3 604-485-9342 NEW INFORMATION rard St,2020 1 Bentall, PO Box 206, Vancouver BC TENDERS closed Dec 09, 2008. TENDERS closed Dec 18, 2008. Continues on V7X 1M6 604-681-2358 Fax 604-681-2378 This report Dec 22, 2008. This report Dec 22, 2008. next page Page 12 Journal of Commerce Monday, December 22, 2008

Continues from NEW INFORMATION BEELINE Web Office Building,9611 Highway 97 last page OWNER: Min of Environment-Van Isl Reg, 2080A North, V0H 2C0 LANDSCAPING ID: 9093384 Labieux Rd, Nanaimo BC V9T 6J9 250-751-3100 PREPARING PLANS KELOWNA, Central Okanagan RD, BC OTHER BIDS: Knappett Industries 2006 Ltd, Nanaimo Fax 250-751-3103 ARCH/OWNER’S REP: Meiklejohn Architects Inc, Jim Park Frontage Improvements,3280 Watt Rd and BC $2,330,250 NOTE: Owner is reviewing submission further update Meiklejohn/Jim Meiklejohn, 233 Bernard Ave, Kelow- Hazelwood Const Services Inc, Nanaimo BC upon award. 1977 Ethel St na BC V1Y 6N2 250-762-3004 Fax 250-762-8707 TENDERS DUE 15:00 Jan 13, 2009; T-08-089 adda $2,450,474 This report Dec 22, 2008. PROJECT: 2 storeys; 7,290 sq ft; proposed new office OWNER: City of Kelowna (Purchasing), 1435 Water CORRECTIONS: The Low Bidder for this project is building containing a single storey plus mezzanine of Street, Kelowna BC V1Y 1J4 250-469-8530 Fax Windley Contracting. office space. This will be an environmentally friendly 250-862-3392 This report Dec 22, 2008. bldg meeting LEED certification. PROJECT: Supply and installation of steel fencing, CIP Regional BC & Construction start May 2009. concrete pathway and curbing, and irrigation at two Yukon STATUS: Currently in a design stage. Working drawings park properties, 3280 Watt Road and 1977 Ethel St, AIRFIELD RUNWAY EXTENSION; $9,000,000 will commence early 2009 with construction start Kelowna. Supply and installation of unit pavers and est ID: 9014048 scheduled for Spring 2009. Further update March pathway lighting at 1977 Ethel St., Kelowna. NANAIMO, Nanaimo RD, BC PREBID 2009. First report Dec 15, 2008. Nanaimo Airport - YCD Improvement Phase This report Dec 22, 2008. NEW INFORMATION 1,3350 Spitfire Rd Cassidy Buildings TENDERS will be received by Owner. Documents may be obtained from Owner. INVITED TENDERS CLOSED Tender documents may be obtained from www.kelow- OWNER: Nanaimo Airport Commission, Lynn Behnke, TOWNHOUSES ID: 9082659 PREBID na.ca. SITE MEETING: December 17, 2008 at 10:00 3350 Spitfire Rd, PO Box 149, Cassidy BC V0R 1H0 KAMLOOPS, Thompson-Nicola RD, BC at 3280 Watt Road, Kelowna, BC. 250-245-2157 250-245-0547 The Views at Sedona,1593 Springhill Dr, V2E 1A6 Engineering Addendum(a) no 1 issued. CONS ENG CIVIL: McElhanney Consulting Services, NEGOTIATED/PLANS COMPLETE This report Dec 22, 2008. Jeff Pringle, 324 Terminal Ave, Nanaimo BC V9R OWNER/GEN CONT: Acres Enterprises Ltd, Guy Mercier/ 5C8 250-716-3336 Fax 250-716-3339 Guy Mercier, 971 Camosun Cres, Kamloops BC V2C RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION ID: 9093623 PROJECT: The work generally consists of earthworks, 6G1 250-372-7456 Fax 250-372-7300 NORTH OKANAGAN RD, BC drainage, grading, paving, airfield lighting & instru- DYKE UPGRADES ID: 9093594 ARCH/CONSULTANT: Ken Tebbutt Architect, Ken Tebbutt, Westerra,Falkland mentation associated with constructing a runway PRINCETON, Okanagan-Similkameen RD, BC 7960 Douglas Lake Rd, Westwold V0E 3B0 250-572- CONTEMPLATED extension approx 500m long, 45m wide and taxi- 7483 Fax 250-375-2536 Tulameen River 2008/09 OWNER: Westmana Development Corp, Rene David, Ste way approx 1240m long, 18m wide. LANDS ARCH: LA West Associates (Kamloops), 104-147 TENDERS DUE 11:00 Jan 09, 2009; 2451.004 313, 1 Alexander St, Vancouver BC V6A 1B2 604- First report Aug 22, 2005. Last report Jun 09, 2008. Victoria Street, Kamloops BC V2C 1Z7 250-374-9831 OWNER: Town of Princeton, 169 Bridge St, PO Box 687-7066 Fax 604-687-7036 NEW INFORMATION Fax 250-374-1294 670, Princeton BC V0X 1W0 250-295-3135 Fax PROJECT: site 30 acres; site servicing for approx 50+/- Construction start Jan 2009. CONS ENG STRUCT: M Milligan & Assoc Ltd, Ste 203, 250-295-3477 single family residential lots. CONS ENG CIVIL: Kerr Wood Leidal Assocs Ltd, Ste INVITED TENDERS closed Dec 18, 2008. 655 Victoria St, Kamloops BC V2C 2B3 250-374- Construction start 2009. 200, 4185A Still Creek Dr, Burnaby BC V5C 6G9 This report Dec 22, 2008. 5433 Fax 250-374-7022 PROJECT: 2 structures; 3 storeys; 16,800 sq ft approx; STATUS: The Owner is seeking various municipal 604-294-2088 Fax 604-294-2090 proposed townhouse complex containing 12 units. approvals. PROJECT: The scope of work generally comprises Construction start May 2008; completion by Mar 2009. This report Dec 22, 2008. widening and surfacing an existing dyke to meet WHARF ID: 9091526 First report Jun 02, 2008. Last report Oct 13, 2008. provincial standards. The work includes improve- NANAIMO RD, BC NOTE: A mechanical and electrical engineer is not ments in three areas with two sections: 140 m and Assembly Wharf 100T Travelift Facility,11 Port required for this project. one section 70 m long. A small lock block wall is Way NEW INFORMATION OUT FOR TENDER required to 60 m to contain the dyke. TENDERS CLOSED ; CL 2008-21 STATUS: This project is on hold pending improved mar- Construction start Jan 15, 2009; completion by Feb OWNER: Nanaimo Port Authority, Ian Marr, 104 Front ket conditions. The construction schedule is undeter- Buildings 15, 2009. St, PO Box 131, Nanaimo BC V9R 5K4 250-753- mined at this time. Further update Spring 2009. TENDERS will be received by Owner. 4146 Fax 250-753-4899 This report Dec 22, 2008. Documents may be obtained from Owner. CONS ENG CIVIL: Herold Engineering Ltd, 3701 Shen- HOTEL; $6,700,000 ID: 9093561 SITE MEETING: January 5, 2009 at 10:30 at Owners ton Rd, Nanaimo BC V9T 2H1 250-751-8558 Fax KAMLOOPS, Thompson-Nicola RD, BC Office. Technical inquiries can be directed to Jason Miller, at 604-250-7643. General inquiries can be 250-751-8559 SENIORS CONDOMINIUM APARTMENT 660 Columbia St, V2C 2V3 directed to Patrick Robins, at 250-295-3135. PROJECT: The work generally consists of the follow- ID: 9079169 NEGOTIATED/START trade prices requested This report Dec 22, 2008. ing: 1- Fabricate and install new Marine Travelift KELOWNA, Central Okanagan RD, BC GEN CONT/OWNER’S REP: Key Construction, Frans Van piers; 2- Construct fenced boat maintenance and Northwood,1295 Gordon Dr, 1290 Pheasant St, V1Y der woning/Frans Van der woning, Box 96, 519 Lake storage facilities, including, but not limited to: a. 3E6 Shore Drive, Chase BC V2C 4V4 250-434-1151 Fax Asphalt cutting, removal and installation b. Reloca- PLANS COMPLETED 250-434-1152 ROADWORK ID: 9093545 tion of existing 24m light standard c. Relocation of OWNER: Canadian Adult Communities, Ed Hall, 102 ARCH/CONSULTANT: William H F Christie Architect, Wil- PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA, BC yard office building d. Construction of dual-use oil 1482 Springfield Rd, Kelowna BC V1Y 5V3 250-762- liam Christie, 835 Huber Dr, Port Coquitlam BC V3B Hwy 16,Boulder Creek W to Carnaby Rd, Tower St collection and electrical building e. Relocation of 7344 2T1 604-942-0259 to Wakefie Rd 52.7Km existing 2.44m chain link fence and additional fenc- ARCH: Water Street Architects, Doug Lane, #2, 1562 PROJECT: 4 storeys; 44,000 sq ft approx; proposed TENDERS DUE 14:00 Jan 13, 2009; 36578-0000 ing f. Supply and installation of 6m and 14m chain Water St, Kelowna BC V1Y 1J6 250-762-2235 Fax new hotel containing 81 rooms. Scope of the work OWNER: BC Min of Trans & Hwys, 7818 6 St, Burnaby link fence gates g. Installation of water service and 250-762-4584 includes an indoor swimming pool. BC V3N 4N8 604-660-8200 Fax 604-660-8034 storm sewer pipes h. Miscellaneous removals and PROJECT: 4 storeys; 161,000 sq ft approx; parking for Construction start Dec 2008; completion by Aug 2009. PROJECT: Hot In Place Recycling and Admix for 35 km improvements; 3- Construct concrete boat wash 75 cars; proposed seniors apartment building con- STATUS: Construction is underway. The General Con- from Boulder Creek West to Carnaby Rd and 17.5 down pad, complete with pressure washer, drain- taining 161 units. tractor is accepting Sub trade pricing from mechani- km from Tower St to Wakefield Rd. age equipment, water reclaim system and associ- First report Apr 07, 2008. cal and electrical Sub trades. There is no closing date Construction start Feb 2009. TENDERS will be received by Owner. ated works; 4- Install electrical to electrical building, NEW INFORMATION or time. Direct enquiries to Frans Van der woning at CONSULTANT: Water Street Architects, #2, 1562 Water 250-434-1151. Documents may be obtained from www.publications. maintenance yard 60 Amp and 15 Amp receptacles, gov.bc.ca. PLAN DEPOSIT: Book $36.96 (Tax includ- and boat wash down building. St, Kelowna BC V1Y 1J6 250-762-2235 Fax 250- This report Dec 22, 2008. 762-4584 ed) plus shipping costs. For further information con- Construction start Dec 2008. tact Stephanie Rothman 4825 Keith Ave Terrace, BC TENDERS closed Dec 03, 2008. Construction start Apr 2009; completion by Apr 2010. STATUS: Working drawings are complete and an appli- V8G 1P1 Email: [email protected]. First report Oct 29, 2008. Last report Nov 17, 2008. cation for a building permit has been submitted to OUT FOR TENDER This report Dec 22, 2008. NEW INFORMATION municipal authorities. Construction start is scheduled NOTE: No information will be released prior to award. for early spring 2009. How the General Contrac- This report Dec 22, 2008. tor will be selected has yet to be finalized. Further Engineering ROAD & BRIDGE UPGRADE ID: 9090714 update early 2009. VERNON, North Okanagan RD, BC This report Dec 22, 2008. SPORTS FIELD ID: 9093290 Columbia West Forest Service Rd & WATER TREATMENT SYSTEM ID: 9092554 KELOWNA, Central Okanagan RD, BC Crossings,West side of the Kinbasket Reservoir NANAIMO RD, BC City Park (South) Redevelopment,1600 Abbott St, TENDERS DUE 14:00 Feb 25, 2009; EN09TKR052 Goldstream Park Water Treatment System & STORAGE BUILDING/COMMERCIAL V1Y 1A9 REVISED extn Sewage Lift Station,Goldstream Provincial Park ID: 9021452 TENDERS DUE 15:00 Jan 13, 2009; T08-066 adda extn OWNER: BC Timber Sales (Vernon FD), Pierre Rossouw, TENDERS CLOSED ; CNAEN09106 KELOWNA, Central Okanagan RD, BC OWNER: City of Kelowna, 1435 Water St, Kelowna BC 2501 14 Ave, Vernon BC V1T 8Z1 250-558-1700 PROJECT: The major work items include: a) Replac- 437 Bay Ave, V8T 1P5 V1Y 1J4 250-763-6011 Fax 250-862-3399 Fax 250-549-5485 ing the well pump and upgrading the wellhead with PREPARING PLANS PROJECT: The redevelopment of a pedestrian prom- PROJECT: Scope of works involves: During the freshet suitable surface seal and well head protection; b) ARCH/OWNER’S REP: Water Street Architects, Doug enade and sand-based sport field and for the con- of 2007, several debris flows, debris slides, snow Installing a new treatment system in the Goldstream Lane/Doug Lane, #2, 1562 Water St, Kelowna BC V1Y struction of a parking lot, plaza space, basketball avalanches, and culvert washouts occurred along and adjacent to the West Columbia FSR between Day Use Area washroom; c) Decommissioning the 1J6 250-762-2235 Fax 250-762-4584 court, volleyball courts, landscaping, irrigation and 8.3km and 66.9km. The purpose of this contract is existing sewage lift station serving the Day Use PROJECT: 6 storeys; 20,000 sq ft approx; new self- park lighting. to construct replacement crossings and re-construct Area and installing a new lift station on the west storage facility; CRU space at grade; one caretaker/ Construction start Jan 2009. side of the parking lot near the existing tile field; manager’s suite. sections of the road as required. The scope of this First report Dec 15, 2008. contract is itemized below with a brief description and, d) Decommissioning the existing well serv- First report Oct 26, 2005. Last report Aug 29, 2007. NEW INFORMATION NEW INFORMATION of the requirement at each location. 8.3 Large fill ing the Visitor Centre and demolishing the Visitor TENDERS will be received by Owner. and culvert washout - Install new culvert (1800mm) Centre pump house; connecting the Day Use Area STATUS: Design development is complete and an appli- Documents may be obtained from Owner. cation for a development permit has been submitted re-align road; 14.6 Large fill and culvert washout water system to the Visitor Centre water system; Tender documents may also be obtained from www. - Install new 27.432m Bridge; 27.6 Large fill and and, removing the decommissioned brick fountain to municipal authorities. Working drawings and con- kelowna.ca. PLAN DEPOSIT: $50 (GST Included) struction schedules have yet to be finalized. Further culvert washout - Install new culvert (2200mm) re- on the eastern side of the sheltered picnic area and NON-refundable. SITE MEETING: December 10, 2008 align road; 30.5 Debris Flow and culvert washout restoring the concrete surface below the fountain to update early 2009. at 10:00. For more information contact Richard Ait- This report Dec 22, 2008. - Install new culvert (2000mm); 30.8 Large debris match the existing concrete pad. kenhead at 250-469-8530. slump at road - Clean ditchline for 200m and grade Construction start Dec 2008; completion by Mar 15, Addendum(a) no 1 issued. install culvert(600mm); 32.1 Fill slope slide - Shift 2009. TENDERS due date has been extended from Dec 23, rd 2 to 3m into cut slope (35m) and repair fill slope TENDERS closed Dec 08, 2008. OFFICE BUILDING ID: 9093554 2008 to 15:00 Jan 13, 2009. failure (20 m) and replace culvert (600mm); 32.5 First report Nov 26, 2008. LAKE COUNTRY, Central Okanagan RD, BC This report Dec 22, 2008. Culverts washout at avalanche site - Repair and Journal of Commerce Monday, December 22, 2008 Page 13

replace culvert (1200mm); 33.3 Plugged ditchline CONS ENG STRUCT: Pomeroy Consulting Engs Ltd, Ste PROJECT: 1 storey; 1,400 m2; the heating system will OWNER: BC Min of Trans & Hwys, 7818 6 St, Burnaby at avalanche site - Clean out ditchline for 40 m to 308, 4211 Kingsway, Burnaby BC V5H 1Z6 604- be determined later; Construction of the superstruc- BC V3N 4N8 604-660-8200 Fax 604-660-8034 existing culvert; 33.5 Rockfall - Remove rock and 294-5800 Fax 604-294-0400 ture of the new Women’s Unit. It’s an 1-storey build- PROJECT: Supply and construction of a 42 m long, four grade road - use at 32.1km; 43 Culvert washouts CONS ENG MECH: Stantec Consulting Ltd, Ste 102, ing with mechanical penthouse. lane bridge with approx 0.7 km of roadworks includ- - Replace culvert (1800mm) and repair road; 43.3 2313 West Railway St, Abbotsford BC V2S 2E3 604- Construction start Jan 2009. ing improvements to Highway 97 intersections with Debris slump above road location - Install cul- 855-7890 Fax 604-855-7891 First report Dec 01, 2008. Last report Dec 15, 2008. Swanson Rd and Yard/Douglas Rd. vert (500mm); 49.5 Culvert washout - Repair and CONS ENG ELEC: RADA-RA Duff & Associates Inc, Ste NEW INFORMATION Construction start Jan 2009. replace culvert (2200mm); 50.5 Culvert washout 215, 3993 Henning Dr, Burnaby BC V5C 6N5 604- TENDERS closed Dec 19, 2008. First report Nov 26, 2008. Last report Dec 10, 2008. - Repair and replace culvert (2000mm); 54.4 Fill 263-7232 Fax 604-263-9141 This report Dec 22, 2008. NEW INFORMATION slope slides - Repair with rockfill km for 30m; 56.9 PROJECT: 1 storey; 498 m2; Construction of modular LOW BID: Copcan Contracting Ltd, 1920 Balsam Rd, Flattened culvert - Replace 600mm; 57.2 Fill slope units and basements. The work is to include but Nanaimo BC V9X 1T5 250-754-7260 Fax 250-754- slump - Fill pullback, culvert installation (500mm), is not necessarily limited to the following: 1- Site RETAIL STORE ADDN ID: 9093214 7262 $6,271,100 slump removal; 57.3 Bridge Maintenance - Replace Excavation, backfilling and grading. 2- Removal VERNON, North Okanagan RD, BC OTHER BIDS: Ruskin Construction Ltd, Vancouver BC ties, deck, curbs, double wide, 14.6m span - Smith of existing trees to accommodate construction. Wal-Mart Store # 3169,2200 58th Ave, V1T 9T2 $6,904,550 Cr; 64 Undersized culverts, no grade dip - Install 3- Continuous clean up and removal from the site INVITED TENDERS CLOSED Emil Anderson Construction Inc, Hope BC $6,916,799 grade dip with rock rip rap and or new culvert; 64.2 of all construction related debris. 4- Demolition of OWNER: Wal-Mart Canada Inc, Pat Lalonde, 1940 Argen- TENDERS closed Dec 12, 2008. Bridge Maintenance - Replace deck, ties, curbs, all redundant existing construction, mechanical tia Rd, Mississauga ON L5N 1P9 905-821-2111 Fax This report Dec 22, 2008. fill at approaches 12m span - Swan Cr 64.5 Fill or electrical systems. 5- Construction of retain- 905-821-6350 slope slump - Fill pull back; 66.9 Bridge washed ing wall, concrete walkways, stairs and railings. ARCH: The Abbarch Partnership Arch, 317 Adelaide W, out - Install new 17m bridge and rock protection 6- Construction of structural foundations, footings, Suite 700, Toronto ON M5V 1P9 416-340-8441 Fax WATER TREATMENT PLANT; $16,000,000 est at Double Eddy. and wood framing. 7- Construction of building 416-340-1717 ID: 7229132 Construction start Jun 05, 2009; completion by Oct envelope including roof system complete. 8- Supply LANDS ARCH: DMG Landscape Arch & Park Plnr, Ste 15, 2009. and installation of civil services complete. 9- Coor- C100, 4185 Still Creek Dr, Burnaby BC V5C 6G9 604- VERNON, North Okanagan RD, BC First report Oct 13, 2008. dination and the placement of modular units on 437-3942 Fax 604-437-8723 Duteau Creek Water Treatment Plant - Stage NEW INFORMATION Structural foundation. 10- Supply and installation CONS ENG CIVIL: Counterpoint Engineering Inc, 8395 1,Duteau Creek area, V1T TENDERS will be received by Owner. of thermal and acoustic insulation. 11- Supply and Jane St, Suite 100, Vaughan ON L4K 5Y2 905-326- TENDERS CLOSED ; 2008-870-01 Documents are available from BC Bid. MANDATORY installation of interior finishes. 12- Supply, instal- 1404 Fax 905-326-1405 OWNER: RD North Okanagan, Brian Reardon, 9848 SITE VIEWING: 10:00 October 16, 2008. Meet on lation, removal and disposal of all barricades and CONS ENG STRUCT: GENIVAR Consulting Group Inc, 15 Aberdeen Rd, Coldstream BC V1B 2K9 250-545- the Columbia W FSR at the first clearing on the hoarding. 13- Supply and install of doors, frames Fitsgerald Rd, Nepean ON K2H 9G1 613-829-2800 5368 Fax 250-545-1445 left - 20m from the turnoff from Hwy 1. Preregister and hardware complete. 14- Supply and installa- Fax 613-829-8299 OWNER: Greater Vernon Water Utility, Bill Dipasquale, before October 14, 2008 with Pierre Rossouw. All tion of glazing systems complete. 15- Supply and CONS ENG MECH: Cobalt Engineering Ltd, 111 Peter 3rd Flr, 3105 33 St, Vernon BC V1T 9P7 250-550- construction related inquiries should be made to installation of approved firestopping assemblies Street Ste 408, Toronto ON M5V 2H1 416-488-4425 3678 Fax 250-550-3703 Pierre Rossouw, Contract Officer phone: 250-558- complete. 16- Painting and finishes as specified. Fax 866-365-5539 PROJ MGR: Sandwell Engineering Inc, Gordon 1715 or email: [email protected]. 17- Supply and installation of mechanical systems CONS ENG ELEC: Falcon Engineering Ltd, Ste 338, 6450 McCorquodale, Ste 600, 885 Dunsmuir St, Vancouver TENDERS due date has been extended from Jan 06, complete. 18- Supply and installation of electrical Roberts St, Burnaby BC V5G 4E1 604-294-8414 Fax BC V6C 1N5 604-684-9311 Fax 604-688-5913 2009 to 14:00 Feb 25, 2009. system complete. 19- Coordination of Owner sup- 604-294-6405 PLANS BY/CONS ENG STRUCT: Earth Tech (Canada) Inc, This report Dec 22, 2008. plied equipment and sub-trades. 20- Testing and PROJECT: 1 storey; 3,468 m2 addition; Store expan- Brian Beach/Brian Beach, Ste 201, 3275 Lakeshore approvals of all affected systems and equipment. sion. Rd, Kelowna BC V1W 3S9 250-762-3727 Fax 250- 21- Record drawings and maintenance manuals. Construction start Jan 2009. 762-7789 22- Items noted on drawings. First report Dec 10, 2008. CONS ENG CIVIL/CONSULTANT: Earth Tech (Canada) Inc, BID RESULTS Construction start Jan 2009. NEW INFORMATION 6th Flr, 1901 Rosser Ave, Burnaby BC V5C 6S3 604- First report Dec 17, 2008. INVITED TENDERS closed Dec 16, 2008. 298-6181 Fax 604-294-8597 Buildings NEW INFORMATION This report Dec 22, 2008. PROJECT: The Water Treatment Plant construction proj- INVITED TENDERS closed Dec 17, 2008. ect will clarify upwards of 180 ML/d of raw water This report Dec 22, 2008. diverted from Harvey Lake. Specifically, the Work HOSPITAL ALTS ID: 9093448 DEFENCE BLDG ALTS; $300,000 est required as part of this project on the plant site CRANBROOK, East Kootenay RD, BC ID: 9093074 encompasses the following: Connections to the existing 1200 mm low pressure concrete raw water East Kootenay Regional Hospital,13 24th Ave N, MUNICIPAL OFFICE ADDN AND ALTS VERNON, North Okanagan RD, BC V1C 3H9 main, to draw raw water from the existing Duteau ID: 9093406 Vernon Army Cadets Summer Training Centre- Bldg INVITED TENDERS CLOSED B35 and C40,15th Ave, E of Hwy 97, V1T Creek transmission main into the new treatment OWNER: Interior Health-Facilities Mgt, Rob Anfrews, KELOWNA, Central Okanagan RD, BC plant and to returned the treated water to the same Mount Boucherie Westside Municipal TENDERS CLOSED ; CK08012 1860 Dayton St, Kelowna BC V1Y 7W6 250-870- OWNER: Defence Construction Canada, 5535 Korea main; Conventional dissolved air flotation clarifica- 4765 Fax 250-763-8312 Offices,2760 Cameron Rd, Westbank, V4T 2T6 Road, Chilliwack BC V2R 5P2 604-858-1073 Fax tion building which includes the following items: ARCH: Renaissance Architecture Plng, Alexander Kris- TENDERS CLOSED 604-858-1074 Coagulation using a jet flash mixer; Flocculation tiansen, 303 Queensway Ave, Kelowna BC V1Y 8E6 OWNER: Westside District Municipality, Dave Slobo- COORD: Southern Interior Const Assoc, Ste 104, 151 using pre-purchased mechanical mixers within cast- 250-762-2503 Fax 250-861-5047 dan, (Financial Dept), 4 - 2466 Main St, Westbank Commercial Dr, Kelowna BC V1X 7W2 250-491- in-place concrete basins; Installation of the pre- CONS ENG MECH: Stantec Consulting Ltd, Ste 102, BC V4T 1Z1 250-469-6153 Fax 250-469-6195 7330 Fax 250-491-3929 purchased conventional dissolved air flotation (DAF) 2313 West Railway St, Abbotsford BC V2S 2E3 604- ARCH: Renaissance Architecture Plng, Alexander Kris- PROJECT: The work includes, but is not necessarily equipment for clarification within new cast-in-place 855-7890 Fax 604-855-7891 tiansen, 303 Queensway Ave, Kelowna BC V1Y 8E6 limited to the supply of labour, material, supervision concrete basins; Residual management consisting CONS ENG ELEC: RADA-RA Duff & Associates Inc, Ste 250-762-2503 Fax 250-861-5047 and equipment necessary for interior/exterior reno- of sludge storage, centrate clarification, Centrifugal 215, 3993 Henning Dr, Burnaby BC V5C 6N5 604- CONS ENG STRUCT: CWMM Consulting Eng Ltd, 200, vations to building B35, as well as the installation of de-watering, and a wetland. The centrifuges and 263-7232 Fax 604-263-9141 1854 Kirschner Road, Kelowna BC V1Y 4N6 250- new resilient sheet flooring for Building C40. sludge conveyors have been pre-purchased by the PROJECT: Doctors Lounge renovation. The work 868-2308 Fax 250-868-2374 Construction start Jan 2009. Utility; All associated electrical, instrumentation, includes but not limited to the following: 1- Contin- CONS ENG MECH: Stantec Consulting Ltd, Ste 102, TENDERS closed Dec 17, 2008. controls and integration. The majority of the equip- uous clean up and removal from the site of all con- 2313 West Railway St, Abbotsford BC V2S 2E3 604- First report Dec 08, 2008. Last report Dec 17, 2008. ment has been pre-purchased and the contract will struction related debris. 2- Demolition of all redun- 855-7890 Fax 604-855-7891 This report Dec 22, 2008. be Novated to the successful General Contractor; dant existing construction, mechanical or electrical CONS ENG ELEC: Falcon Engineering Ltd, Ste 210, Chemical feed facilities for poly-aluminum Stage systems. 3- Demolition of existing construction 1715 Dickson Ave, Kelowna BC V1Y 9G6 250-762- 1nium chloride, caustic soda (sodium hydroxide), required to accommodate new construction. 4- 9993 Fax 250-861-3290 and polymers for flocculation and sludge treatment Patch, repair and make good of existing finishes to PROJECT: 1 storey; 650 sq ft addition; The work con- BID RESULTS process; An administration area to house the facility remain. 5- Supply and installation of acoustic insu- sists of demolition of portions of existing building staff and laboratory; Heating and ventilation equip- lation. 6- Supply and installation of interior finishes. and an addition and renovation to the existing Engineering ment for all the new facilities; The site piping, asphalt 7- Supply, installation, removal and disposal of all municipal offices located at the Mount Boucherie paving, exterior lighting and all other associated site barricades and hoarding. 8- Supply and install of Complex. The project is comprised of a 650 sq ft work. Noted that the site is currently being rough doors, frames and hardware complete. 9- Supply addition and a 10,000 sq ft renovation. Construc- ROADWORK; $504,990 ID: 9092651 graded under a separate contract; Chlorine disinfec- and installation of glazing systems complete. 10- tion includes structural, mechanical and electrical CHETWYND, Peace River RD, BC tion using a 340 kg/day on-site hypochlorite genera- Supply and installation of approved firestopping system complete, concrete block walls, modified Hwy 97, 29, & 49,Various locations tion facility; A new 10,000 m3 cast-in-place treated assemblies complete. 11- Painting and finishes as bituminous roofing system on metal deck, insula- LOW BID ; 36590-0000 water reservoir. specified. 12- Supply and installation of mechanical tion system, exterior cladding, millwork, windows, OWNER: BC Min of Trans & Hwys, 7818 6 St, Burnaby Construction start Dec 2008; completion by May 2010. systems complete. 13- Supply and installation of doors, frames, flooring, interior partitions, and fin- BC V3N 4N8 604-660-8200 Fax 604-660-8034 First report Jun 02, 2004. Last report Dec 08, 2008. electrical system complete. 14- Supply and instal- ishes. PROJECT: Chetwynd Area Crack Sealing. Hwy 97 - Mt NEW INFORMATION Construction start Jan 2009. lation new and salvaged casework. 15- Supply and Lemoray to Commotion Creek, Hwy 29 - Bullmoose TENDERS closed Dec 18, 2008. TENDERS closed Dec 17, 2008. installation of washroom accessories. 16- Coordina- Mine Rd to Tumbler Ridge, Hwy 49 - Briar Ridge Rd This report Dec 22, 2008. tion of Owner supplied equipment and sub-trades. This report Dec 22, 2008. to Alberta Border and Hwy 29 - Chetwynd to Hudson 17- Testing and approvals of all affected systems Hope. and equipment. 18- Record drawings and mainte- Construction start Jan 2009. nance manuals. 19- Items noted on drawings. CORRECTIONAL CENTRE ID: 9092835 TENDERS closed Dec 12, 2008. Southern Alberta INVITED TENDERS closed Dec 16, 2008. PRINCE GEORGE, Fraser-Fort George RD, BC First report Nov 26, 2008. Last report Dec 03, 2008. This report Dec 22, 2008. Prince George Regional Correctional Centre New NEW INFORMATION Women’s Unit,795 Hwy 16 E, V2L 5J9 LOW BID: Sealtec Industries Ltd, 9423 192nd St, Surrey PREBID TENDERS CLOSED ; 1094838-03 BC V4N 3R7 604-881-4409 $504,990 OFFICE BLDG ID: 9093455 OWNER: Accommodation & Real Est Servs, 3350 OTHER BIDS: R & D Cracksealing Services, Langley BC Buildings CRANBROOK, East Kootenay RD, BC Douglas St, 2nd Floor, Real Estate Services, Victoria $540,650 This report Dec 22, 2008. East Kootenay Regional Hospital,13 24th Ave N, BC V8Z 3L1 250-952-8500 Fax 250-952-8288 V1C 3H9 PROJ MGR: MHPM Project Managers Inc, Michael Nor- CONDOMINIUM APARTMENT BLDG INVITED TENDERS CLOSED dquist, Ste 310, 2609 Granville St, Vancouver BC ID: 9072701 OWNER: Interior Health-Facilities Mgt, Rob Andrews, V6H 3H3 604-714-0988 Fax 604-714-0989 BRIDGE AND ROADWORK; $6,271,100 CALGARY, Division No 6, AB 1860 Dayton St, Kelowna BC V1Y 7W6 250-870- ARCH/CONS ENG STRUCT/CONS ENG MECH/CONS ID: 9092653 Vida,327 17 Ave NW, T2M 0M9 4765 Fax 250-763-8312 ENG ELEC: Omicron Arch Eng & Constr Ltd, 5th PRINCE GEORGE, Fraser-Fort George RD, BC NEGOTIATED/PLANS COMPLETE ARCH: Renaissance Architecture Plng, Alexander Kris- Floor, 595 Burrard St, 3 Bentall Centre, PO Box Hwy 97,Hixon Creek Approx 60 km S of Prince tiansen, 303 Queensway Ave, Kelowna BC V1Y 8E6 49369, Vancouver BC V7X 1L4 604-632-3350 Fax George Continues on 250-762-2503 Fax 250-861-5047 604-632-3351 LOW BID ; 22045-0000 next page Page 14 Journal of Commerce Monday, December 22, 2008

Continues from STATUS: REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATION (RFQ-CHR- OWNER: Defence Const Canada, Andy Ruta, 350 Albert STATUS: Tender for a General Contractor is expected to last page CRE-009) for Prime Counsutant Services for the St Ste 1900, Ottawa ON K1A 0K3 613-998-9526 be issued in early 2009. Further update late Janu- tenant improvements on most CRE projects clos- Fax 613-998-9547 ary 2009. OWNER/GEN CONT: Luxe Developments, Ashley Wil- ing December 19, 2008 at 14:00 at Corporate Real ARCH/CONSULTANT: AMEC Americas Inc, Kevin Ginn, This report Dec 22, 2008. liams/Ashley Williams, 204, 1109 17 Ave SW, Estate, Calgary Health Region, 1010 Southport 133 Crosbie Rd, PO Box 9600, St Johns NF A1A 3C1 Calgary AB T2T 5R9 403-802-5822 Fax 403-802- Road SW, Calgary Alberta, Attention: Leslie Herchak, 709-724-1900 Fax 705-739-5458 5824 Senior Manager of Community Projects & Corporate PROJECT: 1 storey; 150,000 sq ft approx; HELIPAD ID: 9030056 ARCH: Richard Davignon Arch Inc, Richard Davignon, Region. The purpose of this request for qualification First report Feb 01, 2006. Last report Aug 27, 2008. WAINWRIGHT, Division No 7, AB 230, B1, 2451 Dieppe Ave SW, Calgary AB T3E 7K1 is to pre-qualify Prime Consultants to provide these NEW INFORMATION POL Cabinet and Helicopter Refueling Area,CFB/ 403-282-6082 Fax 403-282-7941 services for future projects. ALL INQUIRIES IN WRIT- PROJECT: addition to the existing Kitting Facility Build- ASU Wainwright, T0B 1B0 CONS ENG STRUCT: TRL & Associates Engineers Ltd, ING: Don Dennis, P Eng c/o FmT Consultants Ltd ing, renovations, modifications and two new park- WORKING DRAWINGS ing compounds. Ste 100, 1615 10 Ave SW, Calgary AB T3C 0J7 403- (403)281-6961 Fax (403)281-4816, Email: dlden- OWNER: Defence Const Canada, Maria Drake, 350 Construction start Aug 2009. 244-4944 Fax 403-229-2110 [email protected]. ADDENDUM #1 has been issued. Albert St Ste 1900, Ottawa ON K1A 0K3 613-998- This report Dec 22, 2008. STATUS: Plans are complete. Project is waiting for 9526 Fax 613-998-9547 CONS ENG MECH/CONS ENG ELEC: Hemisphere Engi- final approval to proceed. Tender and construction COORD: Defence Construction Canada, Peter Burgess, neering Inc, Ste 202, 838 11 Ave SW, Calgary AB schedules have yet to be finalized. Further update Bldg 188, WATC Wainright, Denwood AB T0B 1B0 T2R 0E5 403-245-6446 Fax 403-244-0191 RESORT REDEVELOPMENT ID: 7185922 early Summer 2009. 780-842-1363 Fax 780-842-1880 PROJECT: 4 storeys; 35,000 sq ft approx; IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO 5, Division No 15, AB This report Dec 22, 2008. CONS ENG CIVIL: Hatch Mott MacDonald, 815 8 Ave- Construction start Jul 2009; completion by Jul 2010. nue SW, Ste 601, Calgary AB T2P 3P2 403-234- Rafter Six Ranch Resort,Seebe, Kananaskis First report Oct 29, 2007. Last report Sep 22, 2008. 7978 403-261-0009 Country, T0L 2H0 NEW INFORMATION DEFENCE MAINTENANCE BLDG ID: 9030058 First report Feb 01, 2006. Last report Aug 27, 2008. PREPARING PLANS NEW INFORMATION PROJECT: proposed condominium apartment bldg ARCH/OWNER’S REP: Stavro Melathopoulos Arch Ltd, WAINWRIGHT, Division No 7, AB containing 45 units. Maintenance Facility,CFB/ASU Wainwright, T0B PROJECT: helicopter landing pad expansion and Stavro Melathopoulos/Stavro Melathopoulos, Ste upgrade/replacement of the existing refueling sta- STATUS: Plans are complete. Project has been put on 1B0 205, 5720 Macleod Tr SW, Calgary AB T2H 0J6 403- tion. hold and construction start is dependent on sales 255-1119 Fax 403-255-1154 PLANS COMPLETED Construction start Dec 2009. and marketing. Sub trades pricings are not being First report Jan 14, 2002. Last report Jun 30, 2008. OWNER: Defence Construction Canada, Peter Burgess, STATUS: Project has been put on hold. No timeline has sought at this time. Further update late Spring NEW INFORMATION Bldg 188, WATC Wainright, Denwood AB T0B 1B0 been given as to when the project is expected to 2009. PROJECT: proposed redevelopment of the historic 780-842-1363 Fax 780-842-1880 proceed. Completion of detailed design, tender and This report Dec 22, 2008. ranch resort; 100-room lodge/hotel with spa and ARCH/CONSULTANT: AMEC, James Marriott, V225- construction schedules have yet to be determined. banquet facilities. 7071 Bayers Rd, Halifax NS B3L 2C2 902-420- Further update late Summer 2009. STATUS: Project is on hold. No timeline has been given 8900 Fax 902-420-8949 This report Dec 22, 2008. PROJECT: 1 storey; 200,000 sq ft approx; OFFICE BUILDING ID: 9054703 as to when the project will proceed. Working draw- ings and construction schedules have yet to be First report Feb 01, 2006. Last report Aug 27, 2008. CALGARY, Division No 6, AB determined. Further update late Spring 2009. NEW INFORMATION Interplex III,2652 2 Ave SE, Interplex Business This report Dec 22, 2008. PROJECT: construction of a new maintenance facility OUT FOR TENDER Park, T2E for the base. NEGOTIATED/PLANNING Construction start Aug 2009. Buildings STATUS: Plans are complete. Project is waiting for OWNER/CONST MGR/PLANS BY: Opus Building Canada CANCER CENTRE RADIATION THERAPY ADDN, Inc, Willard Olauson/Bruce Myland/Bruce Myland, final approval to proceed. Tender and construction ALTS; $29,000,000 est ID: 9092514 schedules have yet to be finalized. Further update RECREATION BLDG ALTS ID: 9093380 1702 4 St SW, Calgary AB T2S 3A8 403-283-0000 RED DEER, Division No 8, AB early Summer 2009. RED DEER, Division No 8, AB Fax 403-244-8943 Central Alberta Cancer Centre Radiation This report Dec 22, 2008. Collicut Centre Field House,3031 30 Ave, T4R 2Z7 OWNER: Artis REIT, 300 360 Main St, Winnipeg MB Therapy,Red Deer Regional Hospital Centre, 3942 TENDERS DUE 12:00 Jan 09, 2009; 1090-RPC-08- R3C 3Z3 204-947-1250 Fax 204-947-0453 50A Avenue, T4N 4E7 325 extn PROJECT: 9 storeys; 211,042 sq ft; parking for 356 CONTEMPLATED DEFENCE COMMUNITY CENTRE; $5,100,000 OWNER: City of Red Deer, Nancy MacAdam, 4914 48 Ave, PO Box 5008, Red Deer AB T4N 3T4 403-342- cars; OWNER: David Thompson Health Region, Janet Hunter, est ID: 9030063 First report Nov 29, 2006. Last report Jun 25, 2008. 43 Michener Bend, Red Deer AB T4P 0H6 403-341- 8111 Fax 403-341-6960 WAINWRIGHT, Division No 7, AB PROJECT: Supply, installation and construction of an NEW INFORMATION 8622 Fax 403-341-8632 Wainwright Community Centre,CFB/ASU PROJECT: proposed construction of an addition and indoor Bouldering Wall. PROJECT: construction of an office building with 114 Wainwright, T0B 1B0 renovations to the existing facility. First report Dec 15, 2008. underground parking stalls, 97 lower level parking WORKING DRAWINGS First report Nov 24, 2008. Last report Dec 08, 2008. NEW INFORMATION and 145 surface parking stalls. OWNER: Defence Const Canada, Scott Carruthers, 350 NEW INFORMATION TENDERS will be received by Owner. STATUS: Project has been put on hold. Construction Albert St Ste 1900, Ottawa ON K1A 0K3 613-998- Documents may be obtained from Owner. schedule has yet to be determined. Please see STATUS: Request for Proposal (0809-220) for Prime 9526 Fax 613-998-9547 Consultants to lead the design team, and to provide Plans must be ordered by calling 1-800-964-6379. the report for Interplex II under Project Number COORD: Defence Construction Canada, Peter Burgess, Nancy MacAdam Phone: 403-342-8731. basic prime consulting services for the expansion 9054701. Further update late Spring 2009. Bldg 188, WATC Wainright, Denwood AB T0B 1B0 TENDERS due time and date has been extended from and renovation to the Central Alberta Cancer Centre This report Dec 22, 2008. 780-842-1363 Fax 780-842-1880 12:00 Dec 15, 2008 to 12:00 Jan 09, 2009. facility has closed. Design, tender and construc- ARCH: AMEC, V225-7071 Bayers Rd, Halifax NS B3L This report Dec 22, 2008. tion schedules have yet to be determined. Further 2C2 902-420-8900 Fax 902-420-8949 update upon request for proposal award. PROJECT: 40,000 sq ft approx; CONDOMINIUM APARTMENT BUILDING This report Dec 22, 2008. Construction start Dec 2009. ID: 9049369 First report Feb 01, 2006. Last report Aug 27, 2008. OUT FOR TENDER CALGARY, Division No 6, AB NEW INFORMATION 1720 68 St SE, Applewood Park, T2C DEFENCE BUILDING ADDN, ALTS; $3,600,000 CONSULTANT: AMEC, V225-7071 Bayers Rd, Halifax Engineering NEGOTIATED/PLANS COMPLETE est ID: 9030059 NS B3L 2C2 902-420-8900 Fax 902-420-8949 WAINWRIGHT, Division No 7, AB PROJECT: construction of a new Community Centre. OWNER/GEN CONT: Luxe Developments, Ashley Wil- WATER TREATMENT PLANT ID: 9092481 OPFOR Facility,CFB/ASU Wainwright, T0B 1B0 STATUS: Working drawings are at 95% completion. liams/Ashley Williams, 204, 1109 17 Ave SW, BROOKS, Division No 2, AB PLANS COMPLETED Project is waiting for final approval to proceed. Calgary AB T2T 5R9 403-802-5822 Fax 403-802- City of Brooks/Newell Reg Svc Corp-Reg Water OWNER: Defence Const Canada, Maria Drake, 350 Construction and tender schedules have yet to be 5824 Treatment Plant,330 Canal St Albert St Ste 1900, Ottawa ON K1A 0K3 613-998- determined. Further update early Summer 2009. ARCH/CONSULTANT: Poon McKenzie Architects Inc, TENDERS DUE 14:00 Jan 14, 2009 add bidders extn 9526 Fax 613-998-9547 This report Dec 22, 2008. Ron Poon, Suite 100, 221 10 Ave SE, Calgary AB OWNER: City of Brooks, Ralph Havinga, 201 1 Ave W, COORD: Defence Construction Canada, Peter Burgess, T2G 0V9 403-264-4000 Fax 403-269-7215 PO Bag 880, Brooks AB T1R 0Z6 403-362-3333 Fax Bldg 188, WATC Wainright, Denwood AB T0B 1B0 PROJECT: 12 storeys above grade, 2 below; 27,916 403-362-4787 780-842-1363 Fax 780-842-1880 CONS ENG CIVIL: MPE Engineering Ltd, Ste 300, 714 m2 approx; ARCH/CONSULTANT: AMEC, James Marriott, V225- PREBID First report Aug 14, 2006. Last report Sep 22, 2008. 5 Ave S, Lethbridge AB T1J 0V1 403-329-3442 Fax 7071 Bayers Rd, Halifax NS B3L 2C2 902-420- 403-329-9354 NEW INFORMATION 8900 Fax 902-420-8949 Engineering PROJECT: Upgrades to Raw Water Pump Station: PROJECT: construction of a condominium apartment PROJECT: 1 storey; 50,000 sq ft approx; Building Modifications; Pumps and Compressor; development consisting of 386 units. First report Feb 01, 2006. Last report Aug 27, 2008. WATER TREATMENT PLANT UPGRADES; Installation of Generator; Mechanical, Electrical and Construction start Jul 2009; completion by Dec 2010. NEW INFORMATION $3,000,000 est ID: 7238674 Instrumentation; Underground Piping; Site work. STATUS: Plans are complete. Project has been put on PROJECT: construction of major renovations and addi- WAINWRIGHT, Division No 7, AB Water Treatment Plant: Existing Building Modifica- hold and construction start is dependent on sales tion to the Opposing Force Headquarters Facilities tions, Building Addition; Demolition and Removal of Land Forces Western Area Training Centre and marketing. Sub trades pricings are not being buildings. Equipment in Existing Building; Cast-in-Place Con- Construction start Aug 2009. WTP,CFB/ASU Wainwright, T0B 1B0 crete; Installation of Membrane Filtration System; sought at this time. Further update late Spring PLANS COMPLETED 2009. STATUS: Project is waiting for final funding approval. Pumps, Mixers, and Compressors; Chemical Feed OWNER: Defence Const Canada, 350 Albert St Ste Systems; Mechanical, Electrical and Instrumenta- This report Dec 22, 2008. Tender and construction schedules have yet to be determined. Further update Summer 2009. 1900, Ottawa ON K1A 0K3 613-998-9526 Fax 613- tion; Underground Piping; Site work. This report Dec 22, 2008. 998-9547 Construction start Jan 2009. CONS ENG CIVIL: MMM Group Limited, John Barry, First report Nov 24, 2008. Last report Dec 10, 2008. HEALTH FACILITIES ALTS ID: 9092465 5151 3 St SE, Calgary AB T2H 2X6 403-269-7440 NEW INFORMATION Fax 403-269-7442 CALGARY, Division No 6, AB DEFENCE VEHICLE FACILITY; $18,500,000 est TENDERS will be received by Cons eng civil. various locations OWNER’S REP: Defence Construction Canada, Steve Documents may be obtained from Cons eng civil. ID: 9030060 Pelkey, Bldg 188, WATC Wainright, Denwood AB CONTEMPLATED TENDER DEPOSIT: 10% Bid Bond, or Certified Cheque WAINWRIGHT, Division No 7, AB T0B 1B0 780-842-1363 Fax 780-842-1880 First report Nov 24, 2008. payable to the Owner. 50% Consent of Surety Kitting Facility, Canadian Manoeuvre Training Construction start May 2009; completion by May Form. PRE-BID SITE MEETING: December 2, 2008 NEW INFORMATION Centre (CMTC),CFB/ASU Wainwright, T0B 1B0 2010. at 10:00. OWNER: Calgary Health Reg-Head Office, Leslie Her- PLANS COMPLETED First report Oct 25, 2004. Last report Aug 27, 2008. TENDERS due time and date has been extended from chak, 10101 Southport Rd SW, Calgary AB T2W 3N2 OWNER: Defence Construction Canada, Peter Burgess, NEW INFORMATION 14:00 Dec 16, 2008 to 14:00 Jan 14, 2009. 403-943-1111 Fax 403-943-1107 Bldg 188, WATC Wainright, Denwood AB T0B 1B0 PROJECT: construction of membrane upgrades to the Plans and specs on display at: Medicine Hat Const PROJECT: proposed tenant improvements. 780-842-1363 Fax 780-842-1880 Water Treatment Plant. Assn. Lethbridge Const Assn. Calgary Const Assn. Journal of Commerce Monday, December 22, 2008 Page 15

ADD BIDDERS: Dowland Contracting Ltd, 9820-44 CONS ENG CIVIL: UMA Engineering Ltd, Steven Hol- NEW INFORMATION OTHER BIDS: Lowland Construction Ltd, Brooks AB Ave, Edmonton AB T6E 5E5 780-487-7655 Fax gate, 514 Stafford Dr N, Lethbridge AB T1H 2B2 GEN CONT: Integrated Commercial Interior, #4 6120 $90,570 780-487-7660 403-329-4822 Fax 403-329-1678 11 St SE, Calgary AB T2H 2L7 403-695-1260 Fax Burton Custom Applicators Ltd, Tilley AB $92,004 Mid-West Design & Const Ltd, 1065 30 St SW, Medi- PROJECT: The work involves the provision of a travel- 403-695-1261 TENDERS closed Dec 12, 2008. cine Hat AB T1B 3N3 403-526-0925 Fax 403-529- ling water screen and trash conveyor, related struc- OTHER BIDS: Mid-West Design & Const Ltd, Medicine NOTE: Award is subject to final approval. 6990 tural concrete extension of the existing forebay, a Hat AB $5,028,260 This report Dec 22, 2008. NAC Constructors Ltd, 21 Queen St, Morriston ON N0B trash rack, and related works. All materials are to Wahl Construction Ltd, Medicine Hat AB $5,216,800 2C0 519-821-8000 Fax 519-821-1111 be supply by the Contractor. This report Dec 22, 2008. Construction start Feb 2009. 19 bidders previously reported; ROADWORK ID: 9092853 This report Dec 22, 2008. TENDERS will be received by Owner. Documents may be obtained from Owner. PROVINCE OF ALBERTA, AB TENDER DEPOSIT: 10% Bid Bond, or Certified Cheque, BID RESULTS Certificate of Recognition. PRE-BID SITE MEETING: TENDERS CLOSED ; 7783/08 ROADWORK ID: 9093616 January 12, 2009 at 1:00. Bob Pooley Phone: 780- OWNER: Alberta Infrastructure, Scott Fraser, 4999 PROVINCE OF ALBERTA, AB 422-7448 Email: [email protected]. Steven Engineering 98th Ave, Edmonton AB T6B 2X3 780-415-1068 21:22 N of jct Hwy 53 (W) to N of jct Hwy 611 Holgate Phone: 403-329-7140. Plans also avail- Fax 780-644-5219 TENDERS DUE 14:01 Jan 21, 2009; 7651/08 able for pick up at the Calgary District Office Phone: TENNIS COURT ID: 9091620 CONS ENG CIVIL: UMA Engineering Ltd, Lei Ma, 2540 OWNER: Alberta Infrastructure, Scott Fraser, 4999 403-297-6311; Lethbridge Regional Office Phone: Kensington Rd NW, Calgary AB T2N 3S3 403-270- AIRDRIE, Division No 6, AB 98th Ave, Edmonton AB T6B 2X3 780-415-1068 403-381-5426; Red Deer Regional Office Phone: 9200 Fax 403-270-0399 Fax 780-644-5219 403-340-5166; and the Peace River Regional Office N side of East Lake Park behind 724 East Lake PROJECT: Project consists of grade widening, bridge CONS ENG CIVIL: Focus Corporation Ltd, Randy Block, Phone; 780-624-6280. Hill Rd NE culvert installation, granular base course, asphalt 9925 109 St, Ste 300, Edmonton AB T5K 2J8 780- This report Dec 22, 2008. AWARD ; RC131/2008MC concrete pavement, street lighting and other work 466-6555 Fax 780-466-8200 CONS ENG CIVIL: LA West (Calgary) Inc, Scott Wright, (9:02 N of jct Hwy 566 to S of jct Hwy 72; 9:02 PROJECT: Crack repair, asphalt concrete pavement 101 5621 11 St NE, Calgary AB T2E 6Z7 403-233- km 21.800 to km 36.224; 9:02 km 37.940 to km and other work. Generally comprises of: 106,450 t BID RESULTS 0921 Fax 403-233-0927 38.660; 9:02 km 39.040 to km 43.904). Asphalt supply of aggregate (Dept Source Option); 3,900 t PROJECT: Demolition, rough grading and sub-base concrete pavement and other work (9:02 N of granular base course; 7,500 m crack repair (Spray prep, tennis court construction (4) courts, topsoil jct Hwy 566 to S of Beiseker; 9:02 km 36.244 to Patch); 1,780 m crack repair (Mill and Fill); 102,400 Buildings placement and preperation, sodding, plant material, km 37.940). Generally comprises of: 957,000 m3 t asphalt concrete pavement. All materials are to be bark mulch, asphalt pathway, site furniture, irriga- excavation; 333,600 t supply of aggregate (No Dept supply by the contractor. tion system, rehab work and site maintenance. Source Option); 221,000 t granular base course; Construction start Feb 2009. SCHOOL ID: 9093460 Construction start Dec 2008; completion by Feb 107,600 t asphalt concrete pavement. All materials TENDERS will be received by Owner. CALGARY, Division No 6, AB 2009. are to be supply by the Contractor. Documents may be obtained from Owner. Martindale Starter School,199 Martindale Blvd PROPOSALS closed Nov 19, 2008. Construction start Jan 2009. TENDER DEPOSIT: 10% Bid Bond, or Certified Cheque, NE, T3J First report Nov 03, 2008. Last report Dec 01, 2008. TENDERS CLOSED TENDERS closed Dec 17, 2008. Certificate of Recognition. PRE-BID SITE MEETING: NEW INFORMATION ARCH/OWNER’S REP: Quinn Young Architects Ltd, First report Dec 03, 2008. Last report Dec 17, 2008. will be held during the fourth week of the tender- GEN CONT: Wilco Landscape Contractor Ltd, 200, 3024 ing period. Bidders wishing to attend may obtain Craig Cross, Ste 170, 6223 2 St SE, Calgary AB T2H This report Dec 22, 2008. 49 Ave SE, Calgary AB T2B 2X4 403-225-2930 Fax the place and time of the meeting by calling Randy 1J5 403-212-0960 Fax 403-212-0263 403-225-2931 Block at 780-401-1365. Scott Fraser Phone: 780- CONS ENG STRUCT: BEI Engineering Inc, 4031711 4 415-1077 Email: [email protected]. Plans St, Calgary AB T2S 1V8 403-229-4237 Fax 403- NOTE: Award amount was not released for publica- WASTEWATER SYSTEM ID: 9092938 also available for pick up at the Calgary District 240-4902 tion. PROVINCE OF ALBERTA, AB This report Dec 22, 2008. Office Phone: 403-297-6311; Lethbridge Regional CONS ENG MECH: Hemisphere Engineering Inc, Ste Elbow Ranger Station-Wastewater System Office Phone: 403-381-5426; Red Deer Regional 202, 838 11 Ave SW, Calgary AB T2R 0E5 403-245- Upgrade Phase 3 Office Phone: 403-340-5166; and the Peace River 6446 Fax 403-244-0191 TENDERS CLOSED ; 09-KC/OS092 CONS ENG ELEC: Stebnicki & Partners, Ste 403, 1240 Regional Office Phone; 780-624-6280. BRIDGE WORK; $279,500 ID: 9092896 OWNER: Alberta Community Development, AJ Even- Kensington Rd NW, Calgary AB T2N 3P7 403-270- This report Dec 22, 2008. PROVINCE OF ALBERTA, AB son, Ste 2420, 801 6 Ave SW, Calgary AB T2P 3W2 8833 Fax 403-270-9358 64:02 BF 76212,carrying Hwy 64 over Clear River PROJECT: 1 storey; 914 m2; Construction of a new 403-297-3362 Fax 403-297-2372 School. 14 km West of Cleardale PROJECT: Elbow Ranger Station (approx 13 km West BRIDGE WORK ID: 9093124 Construction start Jan 2009. AWARD ; 7813/08 of Calgary, on Hwy 1, 30 km South towards Bragg PROVINCE OF ALBERTA, AB TENDERS closed Dec 18, 2008. OWNER: Alberta Infrastructure, Jaichand Oad, 4999 Creek, on Hwy 22 and 10 km West on Hwy 66) Sup- 672:02 BF 08442,carrying Hwy 672 over Valhalla First report Dec 17, 2008. 98th Ave, Edmonton AB T6B 2X3 780-415-1068 ply and installation of package M BR Wastewater Creek, 1.5 km S of Hythe This report Dec 22, 2008. Fax 780-644-5219 Treatment Plant (1 ls); Supply and installation of TENDERS DUE 14:01 Jan 13, 2009; 7409/08 add bid- CONS ENG CIVIL: EXH Engineering Services Ltd, Gor- dose tank c/w dose pumps, controls, mechanical ders extn don Boenig, 7710 Edgar Industrial Court, Red Deer and electrical (1ls); Supply and installation of lift OWNER: Alberta Infrastructure, Jaichand Oad, 4999 MUSEUM ALTS; $322,123 ID: 9092382 AB T4P 4E2 403-342-7650 Fax 403-342-7691 stations c/w controls, pumps, enclosures, mechani- 98th Ave, Edmonton AB T6B 2X3 780-415-1068 PROJECT: Project consists of bank protection, heavy cal and electrical and connection to existing tanks Fax 780-644-5219 CARDSTON, Division No 3, AB Remington Carriage Museum,623 Main St, T0K rock riprap and other work. Generally comprises of: (2 ea); Supply and installation of zone valves (2 ea); CONS ENG CIVIL: MPA Engineering Ltd, Kris Bosters, 950 m3 heavy rock riprap (Class 2); 50 m erosion Supply and installation of soil based disposal sys- 2833 Broadmoor Blvd, Ste 252, Sherwood Park AB 0K0 AWARD ; 7536 control barrier (Silt Fence); 1 removal of drift and tem c/w all piping, excavation, chambers etc (1840 T8H 2H3 780-416-3030 Fax 780-416-3037 concrete slope protection; 1 construct guidebank m); Supply and installation of equalization pumps in PROJECT: Demolition, construct SPCSP culvert and OWNER: Alberta Infrastr(Tender Admin), Judy Smith, 6950 113 St, Main Floor, Edmonton AB T6H 5V7 and spur. All materials are to be supply by the Con- existing tankage c/w control panel and ultrasonic other work. Generally comprises of: 200 m Erosion tractor. level control (1 ls); Installation of pumps and con- Control Barrier (Silt Fence); 175 m3 Heavy Rock 780-427-3962 Fax 780-422-9686 Construction start Jan 2009; completion by Mar trols at Easter Seals Camp Horizon (1 ls); Miscel- Riprap (Class 1); 36 m SPCSP Culvert (Supply and PROJECT: Paint booth upgrade/Barrier free. 2009. laneous electrical work (100 hr); Miscellaneous Assembly); 1 removal of bridge structure. All mate- Construction start Dec 2008; completion by Apr 2008. TENDERS closed Dec 03, 2008. mechanical work (100 hr). rials are to be supply by the Contractor. TENDERS closed Dec 12, 2008. First report Nov 19, 2008. Last report Dec 10, 2008. Construction start Jan 2009. Construction start Jan 2009. First report Dec 03, 2008. Last report Dec 08, 2008. NEW INFORMATION TENDERS closed Dec 18, 2008. First report Dec 08, 2008. Last report Dec 15, 2008. NEW INFORMATION GEN CONT: Keller Construction Ltd, Unit 7, 5918 5 First report Dec 03, 2008. Last report Dec 10, 2008. NEW INFORMATION GEN CONT: Formula Contractors Ltd, 4 Boulder Blvd, Street SE, Calgary AB T2H 1L4 403-253-7288 Fax TENDERS will be received by Owner. PO Box 2148, Stony Plain AB T7Z 1X6 780-968- This report Dec 22, 2008. 403-253-2133 1102 Fax 780-968-1105 Documents may be obtained from Owner. OTHER BIDS: Integrated Commercial Interior, Calgary TENDER DEPOSIT: 10% Bid Bond, or Certified Cheque, OTHER BIDS: Enterprise Energy Services, Peace River AB $364,000 AB $291,350 ROADWORK ID: 9093329 Certificate of Recognition. Jaichand Oad Phone: Reed Atwood Builders Inc, Calgary AB $402,451 Amarillo Construction, Fairview AB $292,500 STARLAND NO 47, Division No 5, AB 780-415-1142 Email: [email protected]. This report Dec 22, 2008. Plans also available for pick up at the Calgary NOTE: Award is subject to final approval. Gartley Road,Twp Rd 30-2 from W Michichi Creek District Office Phone: 403-297-6311; Lethbridge This report Dec 22, 2008. to jct Hwy 849 Regional Office Phone: 403-381-5426; Red Deer COLLEGE ADDN, ALTS; $4,977,000 TENDERS CLOSED Regional Office Phone: 403-340-5166; and the OWNER: Starland County, Ross Rawlusyk, 103 Main Peace River Regional Office Phone; 780-624-6280. ID: 9090515 CANAL; $80,212 ID: 9093337 St, PO Box 249, Morrin AB T0J 2B0 403-772-3793 TENDERS due time and date has been extended from MEDICINE HAT, Division No 1, AB Fax 403-772-3807 PROVINCE OF ALBERTA, AB 14:01 Dec 17, 2008 to 14:01 Jan 13, 2009. Medicine Hat College - T Wing Expansion,299 CONS ENG CIVIL: AMEC Earth & Environmental, Perry Bow Island Provincial Grazing Reserve,SE 08-12- ADD BIDDERS: Carmacks Enterprises Ltd, 701 25th College Dr SE, T1A 3Y6 Berlando, 140 Quarry Park Blvd SE, Calgary AB T2C Ave, Nisku AB T9E 0C1 780-955-5545 Fax 780- AWARD ; 2008-07 10-W4 3G3 403-387-1844 OWNER: Medicine Hat College, Tom Teare, 299 College 955-1768 AWARD ; SE-AB-2008-05-8856 PROJECT: Construction of cement stabilized subgrade, Dr SE, Medicine Hat AB T1A 3Y6 403-529-3811 Fax In-Line Contracting, 22663 110 Ave, Edmonton AB OWNER: Alberta Tourism Park Rec Cult, Andre Breault, double seal coat and other work. Generally com- 403-529-3926 T5S 1Y2 780-447-1210 Fax 780-453-2510 346 3 St SE Rm 106, Medicine Hat AB T1A 0G7 prises of: Subgrade Excavation (300 m3); Granular Northsite Contractors Ltd, PO Box 712, Grimshaw AB ARCH/CONS ENG STRUCT/CONS ENG MECH/CONS 403-528-5228 Fax 403-529-3700 ENG ELEC: The Cohos Evamy Partners, Carmel Gatt, Fill (660 t); Supply of Cementitious Blend Material T0H 1W0 780-332-4592 Fax 780-332-4015 GEN CONT: Davis Excavating & Contracting, 6 Stone (2,400 t); Cement Stabilized Subgrade - In Place Rulam Contracting Ltd, 11826 160 St, Edmonton AB Ste 300, 134 11 Ave SE, Calgary AB T2G 0X5 403- Cres SE, Medicine Hat AB T1B 3K9 403-928-0909 (117,100 m2); Application of Seal Coal Des 3 Class T5V 1C9 780-482-4593 Fax 780-482-4965 245-5501 Fax 403-229-0504 Fax 403-526-9302 12.5C (230,150 m3); Remove, Salvage and Rein- 4 bidders previously reported; PROJECT: 3 structures; 1 storey; 1,220 m2; The work PROJECT: Excavation and earthwork to remove old includes the addition of three (3) single storey stall Existing Guardrail (32 m); Roadway Lines - This report Dec 22, 2008. berm/ditch canal and haul of appox 18,000 m3 of structures with mezzanines, to house a new Heavy Supply Paint and Painting (Directional Dividing and Equipment Tech Lab at 715 sm, a new Welding fill and use in construct land bridges to facilitate 2 Edge Lines, Double Application) (20.2 km). Preparation Area of 180 sm, a new addition to the pivot irrigation system. Generally comprises of: Construction start Jan 2009; completion by Sep 15, PUMPHOUSE ID: 9093621 Carpentry Shop of 325 sm, and the renovation of backfill of 7500 m3 dugout; move two texas gates; 2009. PROVINCE OF ALBERTA, AB 330 sm of existing space to house a new Steam supply and install culvert in land bridge structures; TENDERS closed Dec 18, 2008. Buffalo Lake Pumphouse,Red Deer River near Alix Fitters/Pipe Fitters Lab. backslope and fill of large ditch canal; fill and First report Dec 15, 2008. TENDERS DUE 14:01 Jan 20, 2009; 7634/08 Construction start Dec 2008; completion by Oct reclaim of smaller in field canals; Recontour of field This report Dec 22, 2008. OWNER: Alberta Infrastructure, Bob Pooley, 4999 98th 2009. to facilitate cultivation and harvest equipment. Ave, Edmonton AB T6B 2X3 780-415-1068 Fax TENDERS closed Oct 28, 2008. Construction start Jan 2009; completion by Feb Continues on 780-644-5219 First report Oct 08, 2008. Last report Nov 05, 2008. 2009. next page Page 16 Journal of Commerce Monday, December 22, 2008

Continues from OWNER: Alberta Infrastr(Tender Admin), Judy Smith, last page 6950 113 St, Main Floor, Edmonton AB T6H 5V7 OUT FOR TENDER BID RESULTS 780-427-3962 Fax 780-422-9686 PROJECT: Facility upgrade and interior renovations. Buildings Buildings TENDERS closed Dec 18, 2008. Northern Alberta First report Nov 14, 2007. Last report Dec 08, 2008. This report Dec 22, 2008. & NWT FIRE STATION REPLACEMENT; $4,000,000 est UNIVERSITY BUILDING; $27,035,400 ID: 7240068 ID: 9069995 PREBID EDMONTON, Division No 11, AB ATHABASCA, Division No 13, AB Athabasca University - Academic Research GOVERNMENT BLDG ADDN ID: 9092358 Fire Station # 5,9020 111 Ave, T5B 0C3 EDMONTON, Division No 11, AB INVITED TENDERS DUE 14:00 Jan 14, 2009; 907642A Centre,1 University Ave, T9S 3A3 Century Place,9803 102A Ave, T5J 3A3 Buildings bidders AWARD ; 20-7200 TENDERS CLOSED ; 912895 OWNER: City of Edmonton (Mats Mgmt), June Elgert, 3 OWNER: University of Athabasca, Bob Hollmann, 4001 OWNER: City of Edmonton (Mats Mgmt), June Elgert, 3 INFRASTRUCTURE, FACILITIES ID: 9093365 Winston Churchill Sq, #800, Edmonton AB T5J 2C3 Hwy 2 S, Athabasca AB T9S 1A4 780-675-6443 Fax Winston Churchill Sq, #800, Edmonton AB T5J 2C3 DIVISION NO 17, AB 780-496-8899 Fax 780-496-5015 780-675-6384 ARCH: Manasc Isaac Architects Ltd, Alejandro Perez, 780-496-8899 Fax 780-496-5015 Regional Infrastructure Needs and Benefit ARCH: Rockliff Pierzchajlo Archs, Troy Holloway, Ste 10225 100 Ave, Edmonton AB T5J 0A1 780-429- ARCH: Burgess Bredo Architect Ltd, Ste 21, 10509 Study,High Level, Rainbow Lake, Paddle Prairie 400, 10722 103 Ave, Edmonton AB T5J 5G6 780- 426-7412 Fax 780-425-6831 3977 Fax 780-426-3970 81 Ave, Edmonton AB T6E 1X7 780-431-1484 Fax Metis Settlement CONS ENG STRUCT: Fast + Epp Structural Engineer, CONS ENG STRUCT: Walters Chambers & Assoc Ltd, 780-431-1260 CONTEMPLATED Ste 201, 1672 W 1st Ave, Vancouver BC V6J 1G1 CONS ENG STRUCT: Read Jones Christoffersen Ltd, OWNER: Reg Econ Dev Initiative-NW AB, Crystal Drap- 501 10709 Jasper Avenue NW, Edmonton AB T5J 604-731-7412 Fax 604-731-7620 Ste 100, 14904 123 Ave, Edmonton AB T5V 1B4 er, 9810 99 St, Box 210, High Level AB T0H 1Z0 3N3 780-428-1740 Fax 780-423-3735 CONS ENG MECH: FSC Consulting, 200 10835 124 St, 780-452-2325 Fax 780-455-7516 780-926-7314 Fax 780-926-2162 CONS ENG MECH/CONS ENG ELEC: Hemisphere Engi- Edmonton AB T5M 0H4 780-439-0090 Fax 780- CONS ENG MECH: Suncord Engineering Ltd, 200 PROJECT: examine and assess regional infrastructure neering Ltd, 10950 119 St, Edmonton AB T5H 3P5 439-1158 17303 102 Ave, Edmonton AB T5S 1J8 780-438- elements critical to the region’s economic develop- 780-452-1800 Fax 780-453-5205 CONS ENG ELEC: Stantec Consulting Ltd, 10160 112 ment. Examples include: transportation corridors PROJECT: 1 storey; 1,100 m2; St, Edmonton AB T5K 2L6 780-917-7000 Fax 780- 2311 Fax 780-484-3883 (rail and highway), recreation facilities, air service, Construction start Feb 2009; completion by Feb 2010. 917-7330 CONS ENG ELEC: Beaubien Glover Maskell Eng, Ste telecommunications, energy, water (potable and for First report Nov 17, 2004. Last report Nov 12, 2008. PROJECT: 3 storeys; 5,000 m2; Construction of an 100, 9808 42 Ave, Edmonton AB T6E 5V5 780-426- processing), sewage treatment capacity, availability NEW INFORMATION Environmentally Friendly Building. The new Atha- 2266 Fax 780-426-4466 of accommodations, and available land zoned for PROJECT: Fire Station Number 5 Replacement will be basca University Academic and Research Centre PROJECT: 1 storey; 30 m2 Approx; Expand existing commercial, residential and industrial use. a new facility located on 9020-111 Ave which will will accommodate University faculty in a healthy Generator Room to accommodate new genera- First report Dec 15, 2008. replace the existing Fire Station Number 5 located and sustainable workplace. Building designed to tor. Replace existing generator with a new 1000 NEW INFORMATION at 11169 101 Street Edmonton. The new Fire Sta- achieve LEED Silver certification. kw generator. Rewire the emergency and standby STATUS: Request for Proposal (12-05-2008) for tion will include a back up two (2) bay apparatus Construction start Dec 2008; completion by Jul 2010. power for the Computer Room as shown in the Ten- Regional Infrastructure Needs and Benefits Study room, dorm rooms, kitchen, exercise room, offices TENDERS closed Oct 28, 2008. der Documents. has closed. Further update upon request for pro- and washrooms. The work includes all architec- First report Aug 29, 2007. Last report Nov 19, 2008. Construction start Jan 2009; completion by Sep 30, posal award. tural, structural, mechanical and electrical work for NEW INFORMATION 2009. NOTE: Contact: Crystal Draper, Fax (780)926-2162, the construction of the facility as well as all civil GEN CONT: Chandos Construction Ltd, 6720 104 St, TENDERS closed Dec 18, 2008. Edmonton AB T6H 2L4 780-436-8617 Fax 780- Email: [email protected]. work including site work, utility connections, land- First report Nov 19, 2008. Last report Dec 10, 2008. 436-1797 This report Dec 22, 2008. scape and fencing. This report Dec 22, 2008. INVITED TENDERS will be received by Owner. This report Dec 22, 2008. Documents may be obtained from Owner. PLAN DEPOSIT: $100.00 Refundable. TENDER DEPOS- HOSPITAL REDEVELOPMENT ID: 9076509 IT: 10% Bid Bond, or Certified Cheque. 50% Per- GOVERNMENT BLDG ADDN; $909,600 BID RESULTS EDMONTON, Division No 11, AB formance Bond required from successful bidder. ID: 9092862 Royal Alexandra Hospital Redevelopment - Phase Valid Certificate of Recognition issued by ACSA is ATHABASCA COUNTY NO 12, Division No 13, AB Engineering 2, Stage 1,10240 Kingsway Avenue, T5H 3V9 needed. June Elgert Phone: 780-496-2776 Email: County of Athabasca,3602 48 Ave, T9S 1M8 CONTEMPLATED [email protected]. LOW BID OWNER: Capital Health-Corporate Contr, Richard Roth- Plans and specs on display at: Edmonton Const Assn. OWNER: County of Athabasca No 12, Jim Woodward, SANITARY SEWER; $4,945,260 ID: 9090669 ery, 400, East Tower, 14310 111 Ave, Edmonton AB BIDDERS: Dominion Const Company Inc, 2nd Flr, 3602 48 Ave, Athabasca AB T9S 1M8 780-675- STONY PLAIN, Division No 11, AB T5M 3Z7 780-735-0007 Fax 780-342-0114 12604 126 St, Edmonton AB T5L 0X6 780-454- 2273 Fax 780-675-5512 West Trunk Sanitary Sewer PROJECT: proposed addition of a new North East (NE) 8444 Fax 780-455-0864 ARCH: Workun Garrick Partnership, Rob Robinavitch, TENDERS CANCELLED tower to the Active Treatment Centre (ATC), minor Krawford Construction Inc, 4438 97 St, Edmonton AB Ste 1200, 10117 Jasper Ave NW, Edmonton AB T5J OWNER: Town of Stony Plain, Ross Sharp, 4905 51 upgrades to the ATC, redevelopment of the Wom- T6E 5R9 780-436-4381 Fax 780-437-2766 1W8 780-428-1575 Fax 780-428-0326 Ave, Stony Plain AB T7Z 1Y1 780-963-2151 Fax en’s Centre (WC) and expansion of the Intensive Brenex Building Corp Ltd, 74 Liberty Rd, Sherwood CONS ENG STRUCT: Read Jones Christoffersen Ltd, 780-963-6548 Care Unit (ICU) in the Diagnostic Treatment Centre Park AB T8H 2J6 780-467-8784 Fax 780-467- Ste 100, 14904 123 Ave, Edmonton AB T5V 1B4 CONS ENG CIVIL: Associated Eng Alberta Ltd, Patrick (DTC) as well as a Psychiatric Emergency HUB. 780-452-2325 Fax 780-455-7516 2789 Mastromatteo, 1000, 10909 Jasper Ave, Edmonton First report Feb 13, 2008. Last report Mar 05, 2008. CONS ENG MECH/CONS ENG ELEC: Hemisphere Engi- Chandos Construction Ltd, 6720 104 St, Edmonton AB AB T5J 5B9 780-451-7666 Fax 780-454-7698 NOTE: Construction budget unreleased. neering Ltd, 10950 119 St, Edmonton AB T5H 3P5 T6H 2L4 780-436-8617 Fax 780-436-1797 PROJECT: The work involves trenching, excavation and NEW INFORMATION Reed Atwood Builders Inc, 1 6908 82 Ave, Edmonton 780-452-1800 Fax 780-453-5205 STATUS: REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (SER2008-12- PROJECT: 1 storey; 251 m2; Administration building backfill approx 4 km of 900 mm, 600 mm, 525 mm AB T6B 0E7 780-465-7333 Fax 780-465-7338 and 450 mm diameter PVC SDR 35 sanitary sewer 5550) for Cost Consultant Services for RAH Rede- Lorac Construction Ltd, 7211 77 Ave NW, Edmonton expansion. Construction start Jan 2009. complete with manhole installation and tie-ins to velopment Phase 2 Stage 1 closing, January 13, AB T6B 0B5 780-465-2121 Fax 780-465-7844 TENDERS closed Dec 11, 2008. existing sanitary sewer; Augered crossings approx 2009 at 14:00 at the Owner. INQUIRIES: Richard Jen-Col Construction Ltd, 8 Boulder Blvd, Stony Plain First report Dec 03, 2008. Last report Dec 08, 2008. 135 m of steel casing containing 900 mm PVC pipe, Rothery, Email: [email protected]. AB T7Z 1V7 780-963-6523 Fax 780-963-0264 NEW INFORMATION and approx 62 m of steel casing containing 750 This report Dec 22, 2008. Kor Alta Construction Ltd, 2461 76 Ave NW, Edmonton LOW BID: Binder Construction Limited, 2nd Floor mm PVC pipe; Surface restoration, including gravel AB T6P 1P6 780-440-6661 Fax 780-490-1961 11635 160 St, Edmonton AB T5M 3Z3 780-452- road base, clearing, grubbing, stripping and replac- K-Rite Construction Ltd, 12849 148 St, Edmonton AB 2740 Fax 780-451-1355 $909,600 ing of topsoil and general site restoration. JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL ID: 9049764 T5L 2H9 780-452-6291 Fax 780-452-6297 OTHER BIDS: Brenex Building Corp Ltd, Sherwood WOOD BUFFALO, Division No 16, AB This report Dec 22, 2008. Construction start Nov 2008. Park AB $957,649 First report Oct 08, 2008. Last report Nov 05, 2008. Ecole McTavish Junior High School,Fort Integrated Commercial Ints Inc, Calgary AB NEW INFORMATION McMurray, T9H $1,049,000 TENDERS closed Oct 24, 2008. TENDERS cancelled. PLANS COMPLETED This report Dec 22, 2008. OWNER: Fort McMurray Pub Sc Dist 2833, Allan Kal- OUT FOR TENDER NOTE: Tender has been cancelled. Re-tender is lal, 231 Hardin St, Fort McMurray AB T9H 2G2 780- expected in 2 to 3 years. This report Dec 22, 2008. 799-7900 Fax 780-743-2655 Engineering POLICE TRAINING FACILITY ALTS ID: 9093267 ARCH: Stephens Kozak Carr & Brown, Eric Lumley, Ste EDMONTON, Division No 11, AB 200, 16814 114 Ave, Edmonton AB T5M 3S2 780- Griesbach Police Training Facility,14310 109 St, DEMOLITION Demo cont; $150,000 est 486-1688 Fax 780-483-4663 T5E 6N3 STARTS CONS ENG STRUCT: Protostatix Engineering Ltd, 10117 ID: 9093622 TENDERS CLOSED ; 913619 Jasper Ave, Ste 1100, Edmonton AB T5J 1W8 780- COLD LAKE, Division No 12, AB OWNER: City of Edmonton (Mats Mgmt), June Elgert, 3 423-5855 Fax 780-425-7227 Bldg B148,4 Wing Cold Lake, T9M 2C4 Winston Churchill Sq, #800, Edmonton AB T5J 2C3 Buildings CONS ENG MECH: Hukalo Oberg Engineering Ltd, Ste TENDERS DUE 14:00 Jan 06, 2009; CL49841 780-496-8899 Fax 780-496-5015 206, 10664 156 St, Edmonton AB T5P 2R9 780- OWNER: Defence Construction Canada, Clint Horyn, 4 PROJECT: Abatement of Hazardous Materials; Demoli- 483-0164 Fax 780-486-2246 Wing CFB Cold Lake, Bldg B7, PO Box 5800, Stn tion of existing kitchen; Construction of new offices, OFFICE BLDG ALTS; $406,700 est ID: 9093510 CONS ENG ELEC: JO Engineering Inc, 18162 102 Ave, Forces, Cold Lake AB T9M 2C4 780-594-3395 Fax conference room and addition of shower in staff EDMONTON, Division No 11, AB Edmonton AB T5S 1S7 780-486-4478 Fax 780- 780-594-6161 washroom. City of Edmonton,10250 101 St NW, T5J 3P4 483-0197 COORD: Public Works & Gov’t Svcs Cda, 10025 Jasper Completion by Feb 15, 2009. START PROJECT: 1 storey; 8,800 m2 approx; Ave, 5th Flr, Edmonton AB T5J 1S6 780-497-3500 TENDERS closed Dec 18, 2008. GEN CONT/OWNER’S REP: Alps Construction Ltd, First report Aug 21, 2006. Last report Aug 25, 2008. Fax 780-497-3510 First report Dec 10, 2008. Last report Dec 17, 2008. 12804 141 St, Edmonton AB T5L 4N8 780-451- NEW INFORMATION PROJECT: To demolish Bldg B148 (Old Refuelling Ten- This report Dec 22, 2008. 4746 Fax 780-454-5832 PROJECT: construction of a 800-student capacity der Garage). INT DESIGNER: C Wendy Hugh Int Design Ltd, Tamra Junior High School. TENDERS will be received by Coord. Mudryk, Ste 120, 10309 107 St, Edmonton AB T5J Construction start Mar 2009; completion by Dec Documents may be obtained from Owner. GOVERNMENT BUILDING ALTS; $7,350,000 1E8 780-451-4863 Fax 780-451-2656 2010. Plans must be ordered by calling 1-800-964-6379. est ID: 9073336 PROJECT: Interior alterations to office building. STATUS: Tender for a General contractor is expected to Clint Horyn Phone: 780-594-3395 x 26 Email: cc- EDMONTON, Division No 11, AB Construction start Dec 2008; completion by Mar be issued shortly. [email protected]. Access Building,3720 76 Ave, T6B 2N9 2009. This report Dec 22, 2008. This report Dec 22, 2008. TENDERS CLOSED ; 7540 This report Dec 22, 2008. Journal of Commerce Monday, December 22, 2008 Page 17

V3K 6X3 604-520-5909 fax: 604- Windley Contracting Ltd, 3711 520-5957 The Bidders’ Register is a daily list of jobs out for tender, Shenton Rd, Nanaimo BC V9T 2H1 Dec 23 Span Valley Constr Ltd, 44125 Yale including lists of firms that have taken out plans, and 250-758-3411 fax: 250-758-0917 Jan 09 Rd W, Chilliwack BC V2R 3Z9 604- addenda when issued by design authorities. We do our Raylec Power Ltd, PO Box 33, 792-2317 fax: 604-792-7052 SANITARY SEWER UPGRADE utmost to ensure accuracy and completeness of these lists, Union Bay BC V0R 3B0 250-338- UNIVERSITY ALTS M.S.4708-003-11 Ipex Inc, 20460 Duncan Way, Lan- but the official lists are the property and responsibility of 6323 fax: 250-338-7974 2008010278 the authority issuing plans and specifications. SURREY, Greater Vancouver gley BC V3A 7A3 604-534-8631 H Leighton Contr Ltd, 1830 Lake fax: 604-534-7616 GREATER VANCOUVER RD, RD, BC Get It Faster! Trail Rd, Courtenay BC V9N 9C2 BC Surrey Construction Package TENDERS due date has been 250-338-6460 fax: 250-338-1663 UBC - MacMillan Building, S03/08, Campbell Heights extended from Dec 18, 2008 to Your Journal of Commerce subscription also gives you 11:00 Dec 23, 2008. D Robinson Contracting Ltd, 4341 2357 Main Mall - Point Sanitary Sewer, Phase 1 access to our Building Reports online. Your subscriber number (found on your JOC mailing label) is your password Boban Dr, Nanaimo BC V9T 5V9 Grey campus, V6T 1Z4 & 2 250-758-1151 fax: 250-758-5044 14:00 Jan 09, 2009 DAYCARE to Western Canada’s comprehensive registry of open bids 11:00 Dec 23, 2008 University of British 07208 – updated every day! Building Reports Tender Alert pages Maple Reinders Inc, 225 Lougheed City of Surrey Columbia GREATER VANCOUVER RD, contain all projects out for tender, including those where a Rd, Kelowna BC V1V 2M1 250- Mainland Civil Works Inc, 262 8128 765-8892 fax: 250-765-8832 BC list of plan holders is available. C3M Construction, 9533 Oban 128 St, Surrey BC V3W 1R1 604- Place, Surrey BC V3V 6Z2 778- 591-5599 fax: 604-591-5506 Learning Tree Daycare, 4103 Try it today at www.journalofcommerce.com/bin/bro! Kinetic Construction, 401 South McPhedran Rd, Campbell River BC 395-1700 fax: 778-395-1701 Triahn Enterprises Ltd, 4355 Estate Brant St, V5N 5B5 14:00 Dec 23, 2008 V9W 6X4 250-286-0410 250-286- Avion-Multiplex Constr Inc, Ste Dr, Chilliwack BC V2R 3B4 604- 0418 240, 13500 Maycrest Way, Rich- 858-7266 fax: 604-824-8454 Graham Hoffart Mathiasen mond BC V6V 2N8 604-207-9967 Alan Fletcher Const, 111 - 2459 J Cote & Son Excavating Ltd, 5488 Archs HOLIDAY NOTICE fax: 604-207-9973 Britco Structures Ltd, 21690 Smith Cousins Ave, Courtenay BC V9N 192 St, Surrey BC V3S 8E5 604- LEGAL ADVERTISING DEADLINES Dayton Mills Constr Ltd, Unit 110, Cres, Langley BC V2Y 2R1 604- 3N6 250-897-1789 fax: 250-897- 576-0500 fax: 604-576-5734 7201-72 St, Delta BC V4G 1M5 888-2000 fax: 604-888-2086 Due to the 2008 Christmas Holidays, the following 1786 JJM Construction Ltd, 8218 River 604-940-8824 fax: 604-940-8825 KTW Construction Inc, #2, 19122 schedules will apply: Island West Coast Developments, Way, Delta BC V4G 1C4 604-946- Edifice Construction Ltd, Unit 107, 27 Ave, Surrey BC V3S 5T1 604- th #5, 1850 Northfield Rd, Nanaimo 0978 fax: 604-946-9327 The Wednesday, December 24 issue will be printed on 16 Fawcett Rd, Coquitlam BC V3K 535-1133 fax: 604-535-1703 nd BC V9F 3B3 250-756-9665 fax: Ponte Bros Cont Ltd, 6770 Cariboo Monday, December 22 with an 11:00am deadline for 6X9 604-395-8210 fax: 604-395- 250-756-9615 Rd, Burnaby BC V3N 4A4 604-420- Shelter Industries Inc, 3294 262 copy. 8214 St, PO Box 1318, Aldergrove BC 3307 fax: 604-420-1045 The Monday, December 29th issue will be combined with Tritech Group Ltd, Unit 20, 19299 EllisDon Corporation, Ste 120, V4W 2V1 604-856-1311 fax: 604- the Wednesday, December 31st issue and will be printed 94 Ave, Surrey BC V4N 4E6 604- Targa Contracting Ltd, 9314-182 856-5200 13775 Commerce Prkwy, Rich- St, Surrey BC V4N 3V9 604-881- on Monday, December 29th, with an 11:00 a.m. deadline 882-1031 fax: 604-888-1070 mond BC V6V 2V4 604-247-1072 7157 fax: 604-881-7187 INVITED TENDERS due date has for copy. Hazelwood Const Services Inc, fax: 604-247-1073 been extended from Dec 16, 2008 th Delta Aggregates Ltd, 7469 Hume to 14:00 Dec 23, 2008. The Monday, January 5 , 2009 issue will be COMBINED 1940 Bollinger Rd, Nanaimo BC Graham Const & Eng Inc, 7216 Ave, Delta BC V4G 1C3 604-940- with the Wednesday, January 7th, 2009 issue and will be V9S 5W9 250-716-1940 fax: 250- Brown St, Delta BC V4G 1G8 604- 1300 fax: 604-940-1338 printed on Monday, January 5th, 2009 with an 11:00 a.m. 716-1941 940-4500 fax: 604-940-4502 deadline for copy. Chet Construction, 33605 MacLure Jan 07 Tri-City Contracting Ltd, Ste 105, Halse-Martin Constr Co Ltd, 1636 Rd, Abbotsford BC 604-859-1430 Our offices will be closed on Wednesday, December 1383 McGill Rd, Kamloops BC V2C McGuire Ave, North Vancouver BC fax: 604-859-1441 24th, Thursday, December 25th and Friday, December 6K7 250-372-3183 fax: 250-372- V7P 3B1 604-980-4811 fax: 604- th Matcon Civil Constructors Inc, VISITOR CENTRE ALTS 26 . Our offices will also be closed on Thursday, 3337 980-4871 January 1st and Friday, January 2nd. 4481-232 St, Langley BC V2Z 2S2 7556 Muchalat Construction Ltd, 3326 Holaco Construction, 4467 Juneau 604-530-1402 fax: 604-534-1900 CANMORE, Division No 15, Dove Creek Rd, Courtenay, BC V9J St, Unit A, Burnaby BC V5C 4C4 Southwest Contracting Ltd, 9426 AB 1P3 250-338-0995 fax: 250-338- 604-254-6699 fax: 604-254-6545 Delnor Construction Ltd, 3609 74 Oakmont Construction Ltd, 111 55 192 St, Surrey BC V4N 3R9 604- Visitor Information Centre - 0193 J W McArthur & Sons Ltd, 1460 Ave, Edmonton AB T6B 2T7 780- 65 St, Edmonton AB T5W 4K2 780- 888-5221 fax: 604-888-2897 Economic Development, Rupert St, North Vancouver BC V7J 469-1304 fax: 780-466-0798 886-6264 fax: 780-757-9201 Precision Service & Pumps Inc, 1E9 604-985-0243 fax: 604-985- Gemco Construction Ltd, Ste 101, 1803 Mountain Ave, T1W 1334 Riverside Road, Abbotsford Eton-West Construction Inc, Ste Shunda Cons & Constr Mgmt Ltd, 2889 26620 56 Ave, Langley BC V4W 3M3 BC V2S 8J2 604-850-7010 fax: 3X5 604-857-4953 fax: 604-857- 14:01 Jan 07, 2009 222, 10230 142 St, Edmonton AB 6204 46 Ave, Red Deer AB T4N Ledcor Special Projects, Ste 103, 7A2 403-347-6931 fax: 403-343- 604-850-9666 4963 Alberta Infrastr(Tender T5N 3Y6 780-452-4231 fax: 780- 8525 Baxter Place, Burnaby BC 451-3050 1248 TAG Construction Ltd, 6375, 202 Admin) V5A 4V7 604-678-6655 fax: 604- GOV’T OFFICE ALTS 678-6644 St, #101, Langley BC V2Y 1N1 Integrated Commercial Ints Inc, Interworks Contr Ltd, 16016 121A Beta Home Design Ltd, 5712 181 604-534-2685 fax: 604-534-8998 #4, 6120 11 St SE, Calgary AB T2H Ave, Edmonton AB T5V 1B2 780- St, Edmonton AB T6M 1V4 780- 7551 Makam Construction Ltd, Ste 112, 406-2255 fax: 780-406-2256 938-6041 B & B Contracting Ltd, #100 19429 2L7 403-695-1260 fax: 403-695- COLD LAKE, Division No 12, 3855 Henning Dr, Burnaby BC V5C 54 Ave, Surrey BC V3S 7X2 604- 1261 PCL Construction Mgmt Inc, 5400 Craftmaster Construction, 34 AB 6N3 604-299-6995 fax: 604-299- 539-7200 fax: 604-539-7230 SKMG Construction Ltd, 2220 39 99 St NW, Edmonton AB T6E 3P4 Edwards Cres, Red Deer AB T4R Cold Lake Seniors & 8334 2N1 403-358-7729 fax: 403-309- Progressive Machine Industries, Ave NE, Calgary AB T2E 6P7 403- 780-733-6000 fax: 780-733-6001 Community Supports, Parkwood Construction Ltd, 4006 4125 8717 132nd St, Surrey BC V3W 291-5488 fax: 403-291-5054 Reed Atwood Builders Inc, 1 6908 5013 51 St, T9M Graveley St, Burnaby BC V5C 3T6 604-294-9388 fax: 604-294-0488 4P1 604-599-9598 fax: 604-599- UFA Construction, 28042 Hwy 11, 82 Ave, Edmonton AB T6B 0E7 Griffin Construction Ltd, Ste 5, 14:01 Jan 08, 2009 9509 4705 60 St, Red Deer AB T4N 2N8 Red Deer AB T4S 2L4 403-356- 780-465-7333 fax: 780-465-7338 Alberta Infrastr(Tender PCL Constructors Westcoast Inc, 3600 fax: 403-556-2024 403-346-5865 fax: 403-342-4238 #301, 13911 Wireless Way, Rich- Double M Excavating Ltd, 13505 Synergy Projects Ltd, 10158 97 Admin) Park Lane, Maple Ridge BC V4R Ave, Edmonton AB T5K 2T5 780- Lin Constr Ltd, 17404 85 Ave, mond BC V6V 3B9 604-241-5200 Flint Field Services Ltd, PO Box 2T1 604-467-4792 fax: 604-467- 423-1683 fax: 780-423-1684 Edmonton AB T5T 2B7 780-702- fax: 604-241-5301 8029, Bonnyville AB T9N 2J3 780- 4214 Jan 08 2733 fax: 780-702-2733 Reotech Construction Ltd, 108 Tipp-Off Inc, 8 Greenoch Cres, 826-5523 fax: 780-826-6189 Directional Mining & Drilling, Edmonton AB T6L 1B4 780-707- 1500 Hartley Ave, Coquitlam BC V3K 7A1 604-540-2313 fax: 604- 106C-19770 94A Avenue, Langley 3292 fax: 780-758-0056 WATER TREATMENT FACILITY Integrated Commercial Interior, #4 BC V1M 3B7 604-513-9820 fax: GOV’T OFFICE ALTS 6120 11 St SE, Calgary AB T2H 540-2314 7550 Tri-Tec Project Mgmt Inc, Suite COURTENAY, Comox- 604-513-9821 2L7 403-695-1260 fax: 403-695- Scott Interiors & Renovations, 100 VEGREVILLE, Division No 10, 614, 10025 102A Ave, Edmonton Strathcona RD, BC Sandpiper Contracting Ltd, 9342- 1261 1818 Cornwall Ave, Vancouver BC AB AB T5J 2Z2 780-421-0333 fax: Oyster River Well 194 St, Surrey BC V4N 4E9 604- Intervine Development Corp, 4272 V6J 1C7 604-874-0273 fax: 604- 780-421-0360 Improvements and Water 888-8484 fax: 604-888-1101 Alberta Research Council, 93 St, Edmonton AB T6E 5P5 780- 629-1303 Hwy 16A & 75 St, T9C 1T4 Willow Spring Const (AB) Ltd, Ste Process Bldg, 4840 Regent Marv’s Excavating Ltd, PO Box 991-5393 fax: 780-437-6066 Turn-Key Construction Inc, 12240 14:01 Jan 08, 2009 201, 4525 101 St, Edmonton AB Rd 460, Abbotsford BC V2T 6Z7 604- Provincial Granicrete Supply, Horseshoe Way, #1, Richmond BC Alberta Infrastr(Tender T6E 5C6 780-438-1990 fax: 780- 14:00 Jan 08, 2009 V7A 4X9 604-276-2766 fax: 604- 855-4214 fax: 604-855-1677 2301B 7 Ave, Regina SK S4R 1C6 Admin) 437-0387 276-9234 Westpro Constructors Group Ltd, Comox Valley Regional 306-522-7625 fax: 306-522-7627 8241 129 St, Surrey BC V3W 0A6 Binder Construction Limited, 2nd District Vanbots Construction Corp, Ste Castle Rock Contracting Ltd, 604-592-9767 fax: 604-592-9766 Floor 11635 160 St, Edmonton AB GOVERNMENT BLDG ALTS Ketza Pacific Constr Ltd, 2990 210, 4320 Viking Way, Richmond T5M 3Z3 780-452-2740 fax: 780- 16325 130 Ave NW, Edmonton AB BC V6V 2L4 604-273-3301 fax: Timbro Contracting Ltd, 7070 Pio- 7554 Island Hwy, Campbell River BC 451-1355 V9W 2H5 250-850-2002 fax: 250- T5V 1K5 780-436-3837 fax: 780- 604-273-3399 neer Ave, PO Box 95, Agassiz BC RED DEER, Division No 8, AB 434-1146 V0M 1A0 604-796-3851 fax: 604- Integrated Commercial Interior, #4 Michener Centre, 23 850-2003 Bengal Construction Co Ltd, Ste 6120 11 St SE, Calgary AB T2H 796-0554 Michener Bend, T4N 5Y5 IDL Projects Inc, 11080 Chemainus Flint Field Services Ltd, PO Box 201, 6996 Merritt Ave, Burnaby BC 2L7 403-695-1260 fax: 403-695- 8029, Bonnyville AB T9N 2J3 780- V5J 4R6 604-433-6394 fax: 604- 2285 Holdings Ltd, 2212 E 35 Ave, 14:01 Jan 08, 2009 Rd, Ladysmith BC V9G 1Z1 250- 1261 826-5523 fax: 780-826-6189 438-4326 Vancouver BC V5P 1C2 604-230- 246-9840 fax: 250-246-9842 Thierman Constr Ltd, 10353-71 Alberta Infrastr(Tender 1057 fax: 604-327-6441 Admin) Rocky Point Metal Craft Ltd, 824 Interworks Contr Ltd, 16016 121A VPAC Construction Group, 1440 - Ave, Edmonton AB T6E 0W9 780- 1188 West Georgia, Vancouver V6E Tyam Construction Ltd, 19165 94 Kangaroo Rd, Victoria BC V9C 4E2 Ave, Edmonton AB T5V 1B2 780- 438-5938 fax: 780-437-7096 973527 AB Ltd/Pro-Finishing, 76 4A2 604-689-7549 fax: 604-689- Ave, Vancouver BC V4N 3S4 604- 250-478-5035 fax: 250-478-0623 406-2255 fax: 780-406-2256 Intervine Development Corp, 4272 Summerwood Dr, Sherwood Park 7900 533-8088 fax: 604-533-8010 AB T8H 0B4 780-777-8772 fax: Wacor Holdings Ltd, 1394 Spruce Prologic Construction Ltd, 17316 93 St, Edmonton AB T6E 5P5 780- TENDERS due date has been Verhiel Contractors, 20418 Doug- 991-5393 fax: 780-437-6066 780-466-8925 St, Campbell River BC V9W 3L7 106A Ave, Edmonton AB T5S 1E6 las Cres, Langley BC V3A 4B4 604- 250-287-9644 fax: 250-287-9634 780-406-3445 fax: 780-406-2258 extended from Dec 18, 2008 to Castle Rock Contracting Ltd, Integrated Commercial Ints Inc, 14:00 Jan 09, 2009. 534-6184 16325 130 Ave NW, Edmonton AB #4, 6120 11 St SE, Calgary AB T2H Knappett Projects Inc, 501 Kelvin Value Master Builders, 5121 50 Matcon Excavation & Shoring, T5V 1K5 780-436-3837 fax: 780- 2L7 403-695-1260 fax: 403-695- Rd, Victoria BC V8Z 1C4 250-475- Ave, Cold Lake AB T9M 1P4 780- Continues on 2208 Hartley Ave, Coqutliam BC 434-1146 1261 6333 fax: 250-475-6444 594-4605 fax: 780-594-3113 next page Page 18 Journal of Commerce Monday, December 22, 2008

Continues from Emcee Construction & Mgmt Ltd, Glen Armstrong Const Ltd, 8122 Alpha Construction, 12531 60 St, K-Rite Construction Ltd, 12849 last page 100 18142 105 Ave, Edmonton AB 102 Ave, Peace River AB T8S 1M6 RETAIL ALTS Edmonton AB T5W 5J5 780-476- 148 St, Edmonton AB T5L 2H9 T5S 2T4 780-497-2222 fax: 780- 780-624-2101 fax: 780-624-2103 VICTORIA, Capital RD, BC 3098 fax: 780-475-1345 780-452-6291 fax: 780-452-6297 487-2063 AFW Construction Ltd, Box 790, The Bay Center, 1150 SKMG Construction Ltd, 2220 39 Tri-Tec Project Mgmt Inc, Suite Alberta Beach AB T0E 0A0 780- Douglas St, V8W 3M9 Ave NE, Calgary AB T2E 6P7 403- WATER TREATMENT PLANT Jan 12 291-5488 fax: 403-291-5054 614, 10025 102A Ave, Edmonton 975-3393 fax: 780-924-4809 11:00 Jan 13, 2009 BROOKS, Division No 2, AB AB T5J 2Z2 780-421-0333 fax: Carmacks Enterprises Ltd, 701 Cadillac Fairview Corp Ltd Maple Reinders Inc, 5414 11 St City of Brooks/Newell Reg 780-421-0360 NE, Ste 200, Calgary AB T2E 7E9 SUBSTATION UPGRADE 25th Ave, Nisku AB T9E 0C1 780- Pacific RIM Services Ltd, Unit 1, Svc Corp-Reg Water Integrated Comm Interiors Inc, 403-216-1455 fax: 403-216-1459 300401 955-5545 fax: 780-955-1768 30435 Progressive Way, Abbots- 16925 111 Ave, Edmonton AB T5M Treatment Plant, 330 In-Line Contracting, 22663 110 ford BC V2T 6Z1 604-504-0988 Nason Contracting Group Ltd, 25 COLUMBIA-SHUSWAP RD, BC 2S4 780-641-0874 fax: 780-481- Canal St Ashton Creek Substation, at Ave, Edmonton AB T5S 1Y2 780- fax: 604-852-2571 Corriveau Ave, St Albert AB T8N 2804 5A3 780-460-7142 fax: 780-459- 14:00 Jan 14, 2009 Ashton Creek Substation, 447-1210 fax: 780-453-2510 Willow Spring Const (AB) Ltd, Ste Ledcor Special Projects, 2nd Flr, 1208 City of Brooks in Columbia River system Northsite Contractors Ltd, PO Box 1114 Langley St, Victoria BC V8W 201, 4525 101 St, Edmonton AB BD WaterTech, 100 Palis Way SW, Blackstone Corporation, Box #855, 11:00 Jan 12, 2009 T6E 5C6 780-438-1990 fax: 780- 712, Grimshaw AB T0H 1W0 780- 1W1 250-477-1831 fax: 250-477- Turner Valley, AB T0L 2A0 403- 332-4592 fax: 780-332-4015 1846 Calgary AB T2V 3V4 403-252- BC Transmission Corporation 437-0387 9065 fax: 403-252-2538 933-3627 fax: 403-933-3388 Rulam Contracting Ltd, 11826 160 Westwater Maintenance, 185-911 F & M Installations, 2076 Balsam Reed Atwood Builders Inc, 1 6908 Armatures Bois-Francs, 249 boul Maple Reinders Inc, 5414 11 St Rd, Nanaimo BC V9X 1T5 250- 82 Ave, Edmonton AB T6B 0E7 St, Edmonton AB T5V 1C9 780- Yates St, Box 570, Victiria BC V8V NE, Ste 200, Calgary AB T2E 7E9 482-4593 fax: 780-482-4965 4Y9 250-744-8498 de la Bonaventure, Victoriaville QC 753-1214 fax: 250-753-1210 780-465-7333 fax: 780-465-7338 G6T 1V5 819-758-7501 fax: 819- 403-216-1455 fax: 403-216-1459 IDL Projects Inc/Integ Contr, #210, PCL Construction Mgmt Inc, 5400 TENDERS due date and time has Century Group Inc, 5134 Cordova 758-2544 Tritech Group Ltd, 5 2080 39 Ave 1990 Ogilvie St, Prince George BC 99 St NW, Edmonton AB T6E 3P4 been extended from Dec 17, 2008 Bay Rd, PO Box 41040, Victoria BC NE, Calgary AB T2E 6P7 403-203- V2N 1X1 250-649-0561 fax: 250- 780-733-6000 fax: 780-733-6001 14:01 to 14:01 Jan 13, 2009. V8Y 3C8 250-727-6560 fax: 250- 4684 fax: 403-203-4689 649-0581 727-6865 Richking Interiors Inc, 15334 116 Jan 14 MJB Enterprises Ltd, 601 17 St D R Garrett Construction Ltd, Ave, Edmonton AB T5M 3Z6 780- POWER HOUSE Dawn Installations Ltd, Unit 1, SW, Medicine Hat AB T1A 4X6 403- 21349 Landstrom Rd, Hope BC 455-9966 fax: 780-455-9963 PCCG0002 (0744/0745) 19510- 55 Ave, Surrey BC V3S 8P7 527-3600 fax: 403-529-9480 FIRE STATION REPLACEMENT V0X 1L3 604-869-5826 fax: 604- VICTORIA, Capital RD, BC 604-530-3431 fax: 604-530-0233 Pemco Construction Ltd, 200 907642A Alpha Construction, #6 4393 14 St 869-2206 10813 182 St NW, Edmonton AB Royal Jubilee Hospital - Knappett Projects Inc, 501 Kelvin EDMONTON, Division No 11, NE, Calgary AB T2E 7A8 403-769- Mutual Construction (2000) Ltd, T5S 1J5 780-414-5410 fax: 780- Power House, 1952 Bay St, Rd, Victoria BC V8Z 1C4 250-475- 1280 fax: 403-668-4560 3985 Graveley St, Burnaby BC V5C 414-5418 6333 fax: 250-475-6444 AB V8R 1J8 Tanex Inc, 363 Coulee Creek Crt, 3T4 604-294-5991 fax: 604-294- Fire Station # 5, 9020 111 Interworks Contr Ltd, 16016 121A 14:00 Jan 13, 2009 Stuart Olson Constructors Inc, Lethbridge AB T1K 8C2 403-634- 8552 Ave, T5B 0C3 Ave, Edmonton AB T5V 1B2 780- Vancouver Island Health 3800 Finirty, Victoria BC V8P 5C2 2552 fax: 403-394-9911 406-2255 fax: 780-406-2256 250-360-1356 fax: 250-360-0154 14:00 Jan 14, 2009 Western Industrial Contractors, Auth Inline Construction, 11420-142 St, 4912 Hart Highway, Prince George City of Edmonton (Mats Castle Rock Contracting Ltd, Pye Construction Ltd, 1647 Little INVITED TENDERS due date has Edmonton AB T5M 1V1 780-447- BC V2K 3A1 250-962-6011 fax: Mgmt) 16325 130 Ave NW, Edmonton AB Road, Victoria BC V9E 2E3 250- been extended from Dec 19, 2008 1210 fax: 780-453-2510 250-962-5353 T5V 1K5 780-436-3837 fax: 780- to 11:00 Jan 13, 2009. Dominion Const Company Inc, 2nd 384-2662 fax: 250-384-2282 Amron Construction, 9 Industrial Kingston Constr Ltd, 9349 194 St, 434-1146 Flr, 12604 126 St, Edmonton AB Knappett Projects Inc, 501 Kelvin Drive, Redcliff AB T0J 2P0 403- Surrey BC V4N 4G1 604-882-7488 T5L 0X6 780-454-8444 fax: 780- TENDERS due date and time has Rd, Victoria BC V8Z 1C4 250-475- WASTEWATER TREATMENT 455-0864 548-3137 fax: 403-548-7200 fax: 604-882-7418 been extended from Dec 19, 2008 6333 fax: 250-475-6444 PLANT SKMG Construction Ltd, 2220 39 Western Pacific Entprs Ltd, 1321 14:00 to 14:00 Jan 12, 2009. Krawford Construction Inc, 4438 Kinetic Construction Ltd, Ste 201, DRUMHELLER, Division No 97 St, Edmonton AB T6E 5R9 780- Ave NE, Calgary AB T2E 6P7 403- Ketch Court, Coquitlam BC V3K 862 Cloverdale Ave, Victoria BC 5, AB 436-4381 fax: 780-437-2766 291-5488 fax: 403-291-5054 6X7 604-540-1321 fax: 604-540- V8X 2S8 250-381-6331 fax: 250- Drumheller Wastewater 1390 Jan 13 Brenex Building Corp Ltd, 74 Liber- Cerpro Energy Services, 101 26 386-2286 Treatment Plant Upgrades ty Rd, Sherwood Park AB T8H 2J6 South West Dr SW, Medicine Hat TENDERS due date has been Campbell Construction Ltd, 580 14:00 Jan 13, 2009 780-467-8784 fax: 780-467-2789 AB T1A 8V9 403-580-7473 fax: extended from Dec 16, 2008 to Ardersier Rd, Victoria BC V8Z 1C7 403-580-2987 11:00 Jan 12, 2009. BRIDGE WORK Town of Drumheller Chandos Construction Ltd, 6720 7409/08 250-475-1300 fax: 250-475-0303 Balzer’s Canada Inc, 4806 32 St 104 St, Edmonton AB T6H 2L4 Nason Contracting Group Ltd, 25 PROVINCE OF ALBERTA, AB W R Knight Contracting Ltd, 37 SE, Calgary AB T2B 2S6 403-243- 780-436-8617 fax: 780-436-1797 Corriveau Ave, St Albert AB T8N GOV’T OFFICE ALTS 672:02 BF 08442, carrying Cadillac Ave, Victoria BC V8Z 1T3 4481 fax: 403-243-8842 Reed Atwood Builders Inc, 1 6908 5A3 780-460-7142 fax: 780-459- 913610 Hwy 672 over Valhalla 250-475-2595 fax: 250-475-2556 Sure-Form Construction Ltd, 2903 82 Ave, Edmonton AB T6B 0E7 1208 EDMONTON, Division No 11, Creek, 1.5 km S of Hythe Scansa Construction Ltd, 3594 121 Ave NE, Edmonton AB T6S 1E6 780-465-7333 fax: 780-465-7338 Gabriel Constr Alberta, 4469 TWP AB 14:01 Jan 13, 2009 Kellydawn Pl, Victoria BC V9C 4J1 780-475-2121 fax: 780-475-5152 Lorac Construction Ltd, 7211 77 Rd 310, PO Box 450, Cremona AB Beaufort Building, 10835 120 Alberta Infrastructure 250-883-0165 fax: 250-478-2203 Graham Const & Eng Inc, 8404 Ave NW, Edmonton AB T6B 0B5 T0M 0R0 403-335-8398 fax: 403- 335-8293 St, T5H 3P9 Enterprise Energy Services, 10702 Farmer Construction Ltd, 2925 McIntyre Road, Edmonton AB T6E 780-465-2121 fax: 780-465-7844 14:00 Jan 12, 2009 92 St, Peace River AB T8S 1R1 Douglas St, PO Box 760, Victoria 6V3 780-430-9600 fax: 780-430- Jen-Col Construction Ltd, 8 Boul- Balzer’s Canada Inc, 4806 32 St City of Edmonton (Mats 780-805-1568 fax: 780-418-1941 BC V8W 2R5 250-388-5121 fax: 9700 der Blvd, Stony Plain AB T7Z 1V7 SE, Calgary AB T2B 2S6 403-243- 4481 fax: 403-243-8842 Mgmt) Formula Contractors Ltd, 4 Boulder 250-388-9324 Gabriel Constr Alberta, 4469 TWP 780-963-6523 fax: 780-963-0264 K-Rite Construction Ltd, 12849 Blvd, PO Box 2148, Stony Plain AB TENDERS due date has been Rd 310, PO Box 450, Cremona AB Kor Alta Construction Ltd, 2461 76 FWS Construction Ltd, Bay 6, 3419 148 St, Edmonton AB T5L 2H9 T7Z 1X6 780-968-1102 fax: 780- extended from Jan 08, 2009 to T0M 0R0 403-335-8398 fax: 403- Ave NW, Edmonton AB T6P 1P6 12 St NE, Calgary AB T2E 6S6 403- 780-452-6291 fax: 780-452-6297 968-1105 14:00 Jan 13, 2009. 335-8293 780-440-6661 fax: 780-490-1961 717-0422 fax: 403-717-0442

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Wednesday, October 3, 2007 www.bob catcou ntry.com 1.800.563.7313 IN BRIEF www.journalofcommerce.com Tra in The Alberta igovernng ment is providing $6.1 - Health author million to Keyano Col lege in Fort McMur Healthcare ray, largely for trades - BRIAN MA VOL. 96 NO. 79 $8 plus GST - CO R upgrades and expansions RRESPONDENTTIN to meet apprenticeship he 2010 Olympics may be it training demands. The The Vancouver Coastali esHealt good at grabbing headlines. Authority is in the middle of a $1 bil number of apprentice TWhen it comes to capital in bu ship technical training works, however, the health system lion building program. It has been - has them licked. going on for nearly a decade and is h regional director of facilitiesild planning seats at Keyano College - i expected to continue fo and construction. On September 2 ng boom has increased from 526 in 2002 to 872 in 2007. three to five years. he met with members of the Vanco With this funding, the Brent Alley is the autr another ver Regional Construction Associa more than 500 locations. The region tion to bring them up to date. 6 it covers is vast stretching from Bella college will convert Br u- existing shop into a idg hority’s The authority is currently deal Coola and Bella Bella in the no an ing the P - steamfitter-pipefitter ing with 476 different buildings at the Sunshine Coast, Squami facility, and also purchase itt R Northshore Vancouver and Rich iver - rth to new and modern equip mond in the south. sh, the ment as well as portable classrooms to increase - See HEALTHCARE, Pg. 2- capacity. Skilled Labour Fund Temp worker p Bridge construcing tion, maintenance and- program to inspection programs ilot across Manitoba will be increased with an addi construct include tional $125 million over the next four years to - ion ensure safe and efficient pilot project has been launched to help meet the The Journal of Commerce is Western Canada’s leading source of project data and structures, Infrastruc- demand for temporary foreign workers in British ture and Transportation A Columbia and Alberta. VANCOUVER Minister Ron Lemieux The project will allow eligible employers needi announced today. ers in 12 specific occupations to receive their Labour Market Opinions much faster than in the past. A Labour Market Opinion assesses the potential impact of hiring a foreign worker will have on Canada’s labour ngmarket. work - The 12 occupations in the pilot project have been identified as being in high demand and include the construction, tour- construction news. ism and hospitality sectors. See MOU, Pg. 3 E Green transportatnvironment honours go to B ion Page 4 KING LEE CORRESPONDENT .C. ictoria and Vancouver finished one-two in a 27-city Construct Canadian survey of green transportation. ion crews work fervently to erect the ‘F-shaped V Journal of Commerce Delivering to a qualifi ed audience of General Contractors, Architects, Engineers and s But before the two B.C. cities can gloat, the Tor ide of the P to-based Appleton Charitable Foundation which conducted gers itt R the study points out that no city ranked above a “B” and six Wednesday, October 17, 2007 ’, prov iver. L concrete andide steel the substructureplatformike the for letter thethat heavy w‘F equ received failing-grade “F’s.” the new P ’ the two sect with the exitt Ri Ell ’ p “There is no ‘straight A’ student in this survey,” the reporton- ver br isDon ionsCorporat of theier p on the Port CoquIAN COCKBURN stated. “No single city received top marks for every variable. more naturalist andiOctng brpr idge 18. Once the pro ipment and crewsion, Steneeded 300, to erect the idge, w ill eventually7330 Fi sherprov St SE, Calgaryier, AB referred T2H to as ‘fin Given the scale of the climate challenge, every city shows slated to open ill be d itlam ist ject i2H8 403-259-6627i fax in 2009 ine state isassembleds completedand removed,de the one returntwo :half 403-253-fingered of the supportp The forBidders’ Registerroom for is improvement.” a daily list of jobs out for tender, Canada Post Publication Mail Sales Agreement 40063367 OVERPASS . 4191 - . Currently ahead of schedule, the P including lists ofIn firmsall, 17 that factors have were taken examined, out plans, including and public-transit PORT COQUITLAM, Greater RBG Construct addenda whenridership, issued theby designnumber authorities. of vehicles We per do capita, o the numberROADWORK of W ion Ltd, 2924 i7 Ave ier, along illow Spring Const (AB) Ltd, Ste Vancouver RD, BC N, Lethbr ng the r utmost to ensurehybrid accuracy or alternative-fuel and completeness vehicles of inthese public lists, transit and muni 201, 4525 101 St, Edmonton AB idge AB T1H 5C6i 403- iver to a 7384/07 BUILDINGCoast Mer REPORTS tt River br but the officialcipal lists fleets, are thenew-housing property and density, responsibility greenhouse ofur gas emissions, T6E 5C6 780-438-1990 fax Construction Professionals, the JOURNAL OF COMMERCE is your choice for increasing idian Overpass, over 327-0004 fax idge PROVINCE OF ALBERTA, AB    the CPR Yard and Lougheed : 403-327-0642 the authorityis employer-sponsored issuing plans and specifications. eco-transit pass programs and the num 437-0387 : 780- Wesbr 524:04 & 06 Jct Hwy 875 S Hwy 14 : VANCOUVERidge Construct ber of hybrid taxis. 0    31 St N, Lethbr ion Ltd, 1510 Get It Faster! to Jct Hwy 879 14:00 Oct 18, 2007 6idge0 AB T1H 5J8 14 403-328-8022 fax    Your Journal of Commerce subscription also gives you :01 Oct -18, 2007 City of Port Coqu 16: 403-327-1107 Alberta Infrastructure Oct 19 itlam Nyhoff Constr, A Jo 0  access to our Building Reports online. Your subscriber Peter Kiewit & Sons (PKS), Ste 1410, int Venture, 206 10 See ALTERNATIVE,Carmacks Pg. 2 -Enterpr 1111 W Georg 31 St N, Lethbr 40 number (found 0on    your JOC mailing label) is your password ises Ltd, 701 ia St, Vancouver BC idge AB T1H 3Z3 to Western Canada’s comprehensive registry of open bids 25 th Ave, Nisku AB T9E 0C1 780- CORRECTIONAL BLDG ALTS V6E 4M3 604-629-5419 fax 403-327-4876 fax 955-5545 fax : 403-320-7075 – updated every day! Building Reports Tender Alert pages : 780-955-1768 E0276-072075/A 629-0310 : 604- 4 0 contain all projects out for tender,M including   those where12 a Border Paving Ltd, 6711 Golden MISSION, Fraser Valley RD, SNC-Lavalin Inc, Ste 1200, 1075 West GOVERNMENT BLDG ALTS list of plan holders is available. West Ave, Red Deer AB T4P 1A7 BC Georgia St, Vancouver BC V6E 3C9 20 403-343-1177 fax your TENDER traffi c. 604-662-3555 fax 7084 : 403-346-9690 Mission Inst Try it today at itution, 3751 : 604-683-1672 www.journalofcommerce.com/bin/bro Central City Asphalt Ltd, 9, 7887 50 Stave Lake St, V2V 4L8 BA Blacktop Ltd, 175 Harbour Ave, WOOD BUFFALO, D Ave, Red Deer AB T4P 1M8 403- ivision No ! 14:00 Oct 19, 2007 North Vancouver BC V7J 2E7 604- 16, AB 346-5050 fax : 403-346-4177 Public Works & Gov 985-0611 fax Fort McMurray Prov : 604-985-0485 In-Line Contract Cda ’t Svcs incial WASTEWATER TREATMENT Western Tech Installat Ave, Edmonton ABing, T5S 22663 1Y2 780-110 Building, 9915 Frankl ions Ltd, Bervin Construct ARENA EXPANSION, ALTS in 1718 Kidson Rd, Nana 447-1210 fax ion Ltd, 1889 Pan- Ave, T9H 2K4 PLANT IMPROVEMENTS imo BC V9S : 780-453-2510 orama Dr, Abbotsford BC V2S 7S3 S-07-84 3H2 250-751-0362 fax TBL Construct 604-855-5091 fax 14:01 Oct 18, 2007 07-102 : 250-751- ion, Bay 7, 7870 48 : 604-855-3457 LETHBRIDGE, D 0862 Ave, Red Deer AB T4P 2B2 403- James Johnson Enterpr ivision No 2, AB Alberta Infrastructure RICHMOND, Greater 309-1942 fax Enmax Centre, 2510 Scen TENDERS due date has been : 403-309-1944 Box 101, Harr ises, PO Alps Construct ison Mi S, T1K 1N2 ic Dr ion Ltd, 12804 141 Vancouver RD, BC Horizon Construct 1L0 604-796-2199 faxlls BC V0M St, Edmonton AB T5L 4N8 780- extended from Oct 11, 2007 to ion Serv : 604-796- 16: Iona Island Wastewater 20415 111 Ave, Edmonton ABi ces,T5S 9379 30 Oct 18, 2007 451-4746 fax 14:00 Oct 18, 2007 : 780-454-5832 . 1X9 780-453-6097 fax Spandrel Construct City of Lethbr Treatment Plant, 1000 : 780-453- idge (Purch) Robco Enterpr 6954 Barrymore Dr, Vancouverion Corp, BC 7405 V6A Ward Bros Construct ises Ltd, 46 Dart- ion Ltd, 1705 36 mouth Cres, St-Albert AB T8N 6V8 Ferguson Rd Pidherney 4B4 604-501-2567 fax St N, Lethbri MISC ENG ’s Trucking Ltd, Hwy 11 dge AB T1H 6L1 403- 14:00 Oct 18, 2007 & Range Rd 70, Rocky Mtn House 2523 : 604-501- 328-6698 fax: 403-328-6652 780-718-5630 7503/07 AB T4T 1A2 403-845-3072 fax TKL Construct Graham Const & Eng Inc, 10909 27 Val Con Part Greater Vancouver RD (Eng) ion, 4348 Graveley itions Ltd, Ste 200, PROVINCE OF ALBERTA, AB 403-845-5370 : St, Burnaby BC V5C 3T8 604-294- St SE, Calgary AB T2Z 3V9 403-253- 15330 123 Ave, Edmonton AB T5V Bay H ill Contracting Ltd, 20363 43:18 &: 9535 fax: 604-294-9584 1314 fax: 403-258-2807 1K8 780-451-0420 fax 20 SE 9-56-5-5 and 62 Ave, Langley BC V3A 5E6 604- NW 32-55-4-5 OFFICES ALTS Turn-Key Construct Sebr 9883 : 780-455- i ing Construction Ltd, 200, 1112 533-3306 fax 7024 Horseshoe Way, #1, onR Inc, 12240 40 Ave NE, Calgary AB T2E 5T8 403- : 604-533-0962 14:01 Oct 18, 2007 i GWG 10736 NF Inc, Bay 3 210 EDMONTON, D V7A 4X9 604-276-2766chmond fax BC 735-1008 fax Mutual Construct Alberta Infrastructure ivisi 276-9234 : 604- : 403-735-1010 MacAlp ion (2000) Ltd, AB on No 11, Stuart Olson Constructors Inc, 400, ine Crescent, Fort McMur- 3985 Graveley St, Burnaby BC V5C ray AB T9H 4A6 780-790-6611 Brinkman & Assoc Reforestat Baker Centre, 10025 106 St, TENDERS due date has been 4954 Richard Rd SW, Calgary AB 3T4 604-294-5991 fax 520 Sharpe St, New Westm ion, extended from Oct 05, 2007 to 6L1 403-520-6565 fax T3E TENDERS due date and t : 604-294- T5J 1G4 8552 BC V3M 4R2 604-521-7771inster fax 14:00 Oct 19, 2007 5323 : 403-230- been extended from Oct 11,ime 2007 has 14:00 Oct 18, 2007 . 604-520-1968 : 14 Ross Morr Alberta Infrastr(Tender :01 to 14:01 Oct 18, 2007 ison Electrical Ltd, 3950 . E 1st Ave, Burnaby BC V5C 3W2 Heritage Nurser Admin) Oct 23 ies Ltd, RR2, St Robco Enterpr 604-299-0281 fax Albert AB T8N 1M9 780-459-4463 ises Ltd, 46 Dart- : 604-294-5756 mouth Cres, St-Albert AB T8N 6V8 fax: 780-459-4495 INCREASING YOUR TENDER TRAFFIC: 780-718-5630 WATER AND SANITARY Interworks Contr Ltd, 16016 121A CROSSING Ave, Edmonton AB T5V 1B2 780- WS07-01 406-2255 fax MEDICINE HAT, D : 780-406-2256 ivi Circle Square Constr Ltd, 15215 44 1, AB sion No St NW, Edmonton AB T5Y 3C4 780- Water and San itary R 406-3332 fax Cross iver : 780-478-3317 ing Project UBC Okanagan – Medical Program Building Reed Atwood Bu 14:00 Oct 23, 2007 Architectural Services Expression of Interest 6805-82 Ave, Edmontonilders Inc,AB T6B#1, C ity of Medicine Hat (Purch) 0E9 780-465-7333 fax MJB Enterpr UBC Properties Trust on behalf of the University of British 2985 : 877-220- ises Ltd, 601 17 St SW, Medicine Hat AB T1A 4X6 403- Columbia is requesting Expressions of Interest for the provision Tri-Tec Pro 527-3600 fax of Architectural Services for a new ject Mgmt Inc, Su : 403-529-9480 614, 10025 102A Ave, Edmontonite BYZ Construct at the UBC Okanagan Campus Medical Program Building ion Inc, 2196 Br AB T5J 2Z2 780-421-0333 fax Park Pl NW, Med ier . 780-421-0360 icine Hat AB T1C The proposed : 1S6 403-529-9182 fax 4,473 gsm : accommodate the growing health building care needs is being of interior, developed northern 5388 403-527- and island British Columbia. Preliminary programming has been to completed and is available upon request. BOARD OF EDUCATION OF SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 36 The construction budget for this facility is estimated to (SURREY) “THE BOARD” $18.3M. be PUBLIC OFFERING Submissions sh ould include: LAND FOR SALE 2 Project experience an PRICE - $55,000.00 2 Methodology and designd re philosophylevant work The Board invites offers 2 Available personnel and responsibilities 5404 – 125A Street (+/- 308 fmor the purchase of a portion of 2 Key pe rsonnel with UB C experience 2). Following receipt of Expressions of Interest Offers will be accepted up to short-list a maximum of t November 23, 2007 THOUSANDS OF CONSTRUCTION PROFESSIONALS , a committee will at the address belo3:00:00 p.m., Friday, the r proposals. hree firms to ight to accept or reject any offer to purchase.w. The BoardTh res submit more detailed any offer will not ne erves cessarily be accepted. e highest or Interested architectural ACCESS of Intere firms are invited to su Copies of Public Offering forms for School st for this pro send eigh ject by bmit their Expression be obtained from the School District Business Managem t hard 3:00pm October 2 District copies to: 6, 2007 Services of property may . Please fice at Unit 119 – 7565 132 Crystal Roche October 21, 2007 between the hour ent Monday th nd Street after Special Projec rough F s of 8:3 ts Manager for riday. There is a $2 0 am and 4:00 UBC Propert each Pub 5.00 n pm ies Trust lic Offering Pa on refundable 101-555 Great Northern Way required to obtain a copy of ckagthe Publice. Prospective Offering Packagpurchase fee submitting an offer. rs are Vancouver, BC V5T 1E2 e before Ph: 604-731-3 For further information please contact: 103 OR Garry Pickerell, Property an electronic submission can be sent croche@ub The Bo Acquisition Agent cproperties ard of Ed .com Unit 119 ucation of Schoo to: – 7565 nd l District No. 36 (Surrey) Surrey, BC 132 V3 INCREASE YOUR EXPOSURE Telephone: (604)W 592-4286 7J1 REACH THE RIGHT READERS AT THE RIGHT TIME To fi nd out more on increasing your tender traffi c contact Sara Martens 604.412.2215 [email protected] Journal of Commerce Monday, December 22, 2008 Page 19



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Graham Const & Eng Inc, 10909 AMEC Earth & Environmental Ltd, Imperial Paving Limited, 4781 Fraser River Pile & Dredge Ltd, Atlantic Industries, 4155 Crozier 27 St SE, Calgary AB T2Z 3V9 403- Ste 400, 111 Dunsmuir St, Van- Byrne Rd, Burnaby BC V5J 3H6 BRIDGE, ROADWORK 1830 River Dr, New Westminster BC Rd, RR 3, Armstrong BC V0E 1B6 253-1314 fax: 403-258-2807 couver BC V6B 5W3 604-664- 604-431-5161 fax: 604-432-9854 913139 V3M 2A8 604-522-7971 fax: 604- 250-546-9479 fax: 250-546-9411 4315 fax: 604-664-3057 521-7530 Oland Constr 2000 Ltd, 1275 30 Inprotect Systems Inc, Unit 319, EDMONTON, Division No 11, B & B Contracting Ltd, #100 19429 St SW, Medicine Hat AB T1B 3N4 Westwood Engineering, 887 Fair- 20465 Douglas Cres, Langley BC AB Inprotect Systems Inc, Unit 319, 54 Ave, Surrey BC V3S 7X2 604- 403-527-3055 fax: 403-527-4275 weather Place, Vernon BC V8T 8T8 V3A 4B6 604-530-9908 fax: 604- 20465 Douglas Cres, Langley BC 539-7200 fax: 604-539-7230 250-542-5481 530-9179 Quesnell Bridge/ V3A 4B6 604-530-9908 fax: 604- Sure-Form Construction Ltd, 2903 Whitemud Dr Widening & 530-9179 Blue Pine Ent Ltd, 19070 51B Ave, 121 Ave NE, Edmonton AB T6S 1E6 ABB Inc, 3731 North Fraser Way, Jakes Construction Ltd, #375, Rehabilitation, Whitemud Surrey BC V3S 0L5 604-574-3036 780-475-2121 fax: 780-475-5152 Burnaby, BC V5J 5J2 604-434- 8-6014 Vedder Rd, Chilliwack BC Jacob Bros Const Ltd, 101 19162 2454 fax: 604-433-1564 Drive 22 Ave, Surrey BC V3S 3S6 250- fax: 604-576-0498 Brooks Asphalt & Aggregate Ltd, V2R 5P5 604-702-5699 fax: 604- 14:00 Jan 15, 2009 391-8422 fax: 250-391-0022 Cambie St Constructors Inc, 8807 PO Box 1360, Brooks AB T1R 1C3 702-5609 Laurel St, Vancouver BC V6P 3V9 403-362-5597 fax: 403-362-3671 ROADWORK JJM Construction Ltd, 45-1400 City of Edmonton (Mats JJM Construction Ltd, 8218 River 604-323-0205 04830-0101 Cowichan Bay Rd, RR 2, Cobbie Mgmt) Way, Delta BC V4G 1C4 604-946- Armatures Bois-Francs, 249 boul 0978 fax: 604-946-9327 de la Bonaventure, Victoriaville QC FRASER VALLEY RD, BC Hill BC V0R 1L0 250-743-0988 Aecon Construction, 6827 104 St, Canada Culvert, 5741 Production G6T 1V5 819-758-7501 fax: 819- Gateway Program - South fax: 250-743-0981 Edmonton AB T6H 2L5 780-430- Ledcor Construction Ltd, Ste 1200, Way, Langley BC V3A 4N5 604- 758-2544 Fraser Perimeter Rd, Hwy 4070 fax: 780-430-4775 1067 W Cordova St, Vancouver BC 530-1151 604-530-6463 Mainland Civil Works Inc, 262 8128 V6C 1C7 604-681-7500 fax: 604- Dowland Contracting Ltd, 9820-44 17 to Hwy 99 128 St, Surrey BC V3W 1R1 604- Concreate USL Ltd, 605A McCool 681-4385 Clearwater Contracting Inc, 6714 Ave, Edmonton AB T6E 5E5 780- 14:00 Jan 15, 2009 591-5599 fax: 604-591-5506 St, PO Box 488, Crossfield AB T0M Corbould Rd, Delta BC V4L 1A1 Mainland Civil Works Inc, 262 8128 0S0 403-946-4600 fax: 403-946- 604-943-5845 fax: 604-943-5844 487-7655 fax: 780-487-7660 BC Min of Trans & Hwys Matcon Excavation & Shoring, 128 St, Surrey BC V3W 1R1 604- 4826 Mid-West Design & Const Ltd, Aecon Construction, 6827 104 St, 2208 Hartley Ave, Coqutliam BC 591-5599 fax: 604-591-5506 Fraser River Pile & Dredge Ltd, 1065 30 St SW, Medicine Hat AB Edmonton AB T6H 2L5 780-430- V3K 6X3 604-520-5909 fax: 604- Dufferin Construction Co, 690 Dor- 1830 River Dr, New Westminster 4070 fax: 780-430-4775 520-5957 Pacific Coast Traffic Pln Ltd, 505 T1B 3N3 403-526-0925 fax: 403- val Drive, Suite 200, Oakville ON 8840 210 St, Box 196, Langley BC BC V3M 2A8 604-522-7971 fax: 529-6990 Armtec Ltd, 245, 10451 Shellbridge Pacific Coast Traffic Pln Ltd, 505 L6K 3W7 905-842-2741 fax: 905- V1M 2Y2 604-308-9838 fax: 604- 604-521-7530 Way, Richmond BC V6X 2W8 604- 8840 210 St, Box 196, Langley BC 842-9278 NAC Constructors Ltd, 21 Queen 514-3657 Jacob Bros Const Ltd, 101 19162 278-3881 fax: 604-278-8530 V1M 2Y2 604-308-9838 fax: 604- St, Morriston ON N0B 2C0 519- Graham Const & Eng Inc, 8404 Pedre Contractors Ltd, #104, 10180 22 Ave, Surrey BC V3S 3S6 250- 514-3657 821-8000 fax: 519-821-1111 Armtec, 2001 Industrial Way, McIntyre Road, Edmonton AB T6E 199B St, Langley BC V1M 3X8 604- 391-8422 fax: 250-391-0022 TENDERS due date and time has Prince George BC V2N 5S6 250- Pedre Contractors Ltd, #104, 6V3 780-430-9600 fax: 780-430- 881-2411 fax: 604-881-2412 561-0017 fax: 250-561-1240 JJM Construction Ltd, 45-1400 been extended from Dec 16, 2008 10180 199B St, Langley BC V1M 9700 Sparker Construction, 185, 911 3X8 604-881-2411 fax: 604-881- Cowichan Bay Rd, RR 2, Cobbie 14:00 to 14:00 Jan 14, 2009. Atlantic Industries, 4155 Crozier Kiewit Management Ltd, 11211 Yates St, Victoria BC V8V 4Y9 250- 2412 Hill BC V0R 1L0 250-743-0988 Rd, RR 3, Armstrong BC V0E 1B6 215 St, Edmonton AB T5S 2B2 380-3086 fax: 250-370-2064 250-546-9479 fax: 250-546-9411 fax: 250-743-0981 GOVERNMENT OFFICE Pennecon Heavy Civil Ltd, 110 780-447-3509 fax: 780-447-3202 Springline Const Services Ltd, 532 Blue Pine Ent Ltd, 19070 51B Ave, 2433 Dollarton Hwy, North Van- Ledcor Construction Ltd, Ste 1200, BUILDINGS ADDN, ALTS PCL Construction Mgmt Inc, 5400 E 8 St, North Vancouver BC V7L 1Z6 Surrey BC V3S 0L5 604-574-3036 couver BC V7H 0A2 604-987-9588 1067 W Cordova St, Vancouver BC 99 St NW, Edmonton AB T6E 3P4 604-984-6711 fax: 604-985-6597 NANAIMO, Nanaimo RD, BC fax: 604-576-0498 fax: 604-987-9589 V6C 1C7 604-681-7500 fax: 604- Nanaimo Regional District 780-733-6000 fax: 780-733-6001 Targa Contracting Ltd, 9314-182 St, 681-4385 Springline Const Services Ltd, 532 And Transit Office Cambie St Constructors Inc, 8807 Surrey BC V4N 3V9 604-881-7157 Laurel St, Vancouver BC V6P 3V9 E 8 St, North Vancouver BC V7L fax: 604-881-7187 Mainland Civil Works Inc, 262 8128 Buildings, 6300 Hammond 604-323-0205 1Z6 604-984-6711 fax: 604-985- 128 St, Surrey BC V3W 1R1 604- Bay Rd, V9T 6N2 Jan 22 Westpro Constructors Group Ltd, Capilano Hwy Services, 118 Bridge 6597 8241 129 St, Surrey BC V3W 0A6 591-5599 fax: 604-591-5506 14:00 Jan 14, 2009 Rd, West Vancouver BC V7P 3R2 Superspan Construction, 3721 604-592-9767 fax: 604-592-9766 Pacific Coast Traffic Pln Ltd, 505 Regional District of Nanaimo 604-983-2411 fax: 604-983-2433 Drinkwater Road, Duncan BC V9L ROADWORK Winvan Paving Ltd, 220 Edworthy 8840 210 St, Box 196, Langley BC Island West Coast Developments, Dawson Construction Ltd, 1212 6P2 250-748-8087 04830-0102 Way, New Westminster BC V3L 5G5 V1M 2Y2 604-308-9838 fax: 604- #5, 1850 Northfield Rd, Nanaimo McGill Rd, Kamloops BC V2C 6N6 Westpro Constructors Group Ltd, 604-522-3921 fax: 604-522-4524 514-3657 BC V9F 3B3 250-756-9665 fax: DELTA, Greater Vancouver 250-374-3657 fax: 250-374-4114 8241 129 St, Surrey BC V3W 0A6 250-756-9615 RD, BC B & B Contracting Ltd, #100 19429 South Cariboo Sand & Gravel, C26 Delta Aggregates Ltd, 7469 Hume 604-592-9767 fax: 604-592-9766 54 Ave, Surrey BC V3S 7X2 604- Corner Site, Lone Butte BC V0K Ledcor Construction Ltd, 2nd Floor, Gateway Program - South Ave, Delta BC V4G 1C3 604-940- B & B Contracting Ltd, #100 19429 539-7200 fax: 604-539-7230 1X0 250-593-0253 fax: 250-593- 1114 Langley St, Victoria BC V8W Fraser Perimeter Rd, Hwy 1300 fax: 604-940-1338 54 Ave, Surrey BC V3S 7X2 604- 1W1 250-477-1831 fax: 250-477- 99 to 80th St Gemco Construction Ltd, Ste 101, 0273 Emil Anderson Construction, 907 539-7200 fax: 604-539-7230 1846 14:00 Jan 22, 2009 26620 56 Ave, Langley BC V4W 3X5 Sparker Construction, 185, 911 Ethel Street, Kelowna BC V1Y 2W1 Double M Excavating Ltd, 13505 604-857-4953 fax: 604-857-4963 Saywell Contracting, 2595 B 250-762-9999 250-762-6171 BC Min of Trans & Hwys Yates St, Victoria BC V8V 4Y9 250- Mccullough Rd, Nanaimo BC V9S Park Lane, Maple Ridge BC V4R Jack Cewe Ltd, 1850 Hillside Ave, 380-3086 fax: 250-370-2064 Flatiron Constructors Inc, Ste 400, Armtec, 2001 Industrial Way, Coquitlam BC V3J 6Z7 604-526- 4M9 250-729-0197 fax: 250-729- 2T1 604-467-4792 fax: 604-467- 13955 Bridgeport Rd, Richmond Prince George BC V2N 5S6 250- 0751 fax: 604-526-4296 Westpro Constructors Group Ltd, 0173 4214 BC V6V 1J6 604-244-7343 fax: 561-0017 fax: 250-561-1240 8241 129 St, Surrey BC V3W 0A6 Gemco Construction Ltd, Ste 101, 604-244-7340 604-592-9767 fax: 604-592-9766 26620 56 Ave, Langley BC V4W Atlantic Industries, 4155 Crozier Jan 15 Fraser City Installations, 34118 3X5 604-857-4953 fax: 604-857- Rd, RR 3, Armstrong BC V0E 1B6 Jan 29 Double M Excavating Ltd, 13505 Maclure Rd, Abbotsford BC V2S 4963 250-546-9479 fax: 250-546-9411 Park Lane, Maple Ridge BC V4R 7W3 604-859-8520 fax: 604-859- 2T1 604-467-4792 fax: 604-467- Jack Cewe Ltd, 1850 Hillside Ave, Cambie St Constructors Inc, 8807 ROADWORK GENERATING STATION 9259 Laurel St, Vancouver BC V6P 3V9 4214 Coquitlam BC V3J 6Z7 604-526- 04830-0103 UPGRADES Fraser River Pile & Dredge Ltd, 604-323-0205 0751 fax: 604-526-4296 DELTA, Greater Vancouver Gemco Construction Ltd, Ste 101, 1830 River Dr, New Westminster 26620 56 Ave, Langley BC V4W NTV 8-8050 Matcon Civil Constructors Inc, Canada Culvert, 5741 Production RD, BC BC V3M 2A8 604-522-7971 fax: 3X5 604-857-4953 fax: 604-857- REVELSTOKE, Columbia- 604-521-7530 4481-232 St, Langley BC V2Z 2S2 Way, Langley BC V3A 4N5 604- Gateway Program - South Shuswap RD, BC 604-530-1402 fax: 604-534-1900 530-1151 604-530-6463 4963 GCL Contracting & Eng Inc, Ste Fraser Perimeter Rd, 80th Mica Generating Station 302, 20560 Langley Bypass, Lang- Rush Contracting Ltd, 270, 8208 Delta Aggregates Ltd, 7469 Hume St to Hwy 91 Jack Cewe Ltd, 1850 Hillside Ave, Units 5 & 6, Columbia ley BC V3A 6K8 604-534-9959 fax: Swenson Way, Delta BC V4G 1J6 Ave, Delta BC V4G 1C3 604-940- 14:00 Jan 29, 2009 Coquitlam BC V3J 6Z7 604-526- River, near the city of 604-534-9970 604-930-5733 fax: 604-930-5734 1300 fax: 604-940-1338 BC Min of Trans & Hwys 0751 fax: 604-526-4296 Revelstoke Hilti Canada, 5757 Lougheed Hwy, TAG Construction Ltd, 6375, 202 Emil Anderson Constr Co Ltd, 1148 Armtec, 2001 Industrial Way, Delta Aggregates Ltd, 7469 Hume 11:00 Jan 15, 2009 Burnaby BC V5B 4N8 800-363- St, #101, Langley BC V2Y 1N1 6 Ave, Hope BC V0X 1L4 604-869- Prince George BC V2N 5S6 250- Ave, Delta BC V4G 1C3 604-940- BC Hydro & Power Authority 4458 604-534-2685 fax: 604-534-8998 5614 fax: 604-869-5760 561-0017 fax: 250-561-1240 1300 fax: 604-940-1338 Page 20 Journal of Commerce Monday, December 22, 2008

February 26 — COCA Annual March 9-14 — CCA Annual Submit your event FEBRUARY Meeting organized by Council Conference organized MAY information for FREE. of Ontario Construction by Canadian Construction February 3-4 — Southern May 3-9 North American Simply visit us online at: Associations at the Hilton Association at the Hyatt — Alberta Landscaping Occupational Safety and www.journalofcommerce.com Toronto Airport, Mississauga, Regency Resort & Spa Gainey & Contractors Expo Health Week (NAOSH) or fax to 604-433-9549. ON T:416-968-7200 or www. Ranch, Scottsdale, AZ T:613- organized by Big Feats organized by Canadian Centre You can also send your event coca.on.ca 236-9455 or www.cca-acc. Event Management at the for Occupational Health information to: com Roundup Centre, Calgary, AB February 26-27 — ACA & Safety and the Labour Anne Crittenden T:1-888-570-0499 or www. Law & the Construction March 17-18 — Construct Program of Human Resources Journal of Commerce landscapingexpo.net Industry Course (Gold Edmonton organized by and Social Development #101, 4299 Canada Way Seal Accredited) organized Canada and American Society February 11-12 — BC MediaEdge Communications Burnaby BC V5G 1H3 by Alberta Construction of Safety Engineers at the Phone: 604-412-2200 Construction Show / at the Shaw Conference Association at the Banff Park Various locations, Various Fax: 604-433-9549 Homebuilder & Renovator Centre, Edmonton, AB T:604- Lodge, Banff, AB Email: info@ locations, Various locations Expo organized by MediaEdge 739-2112 Ext. 228/231 or abconst.org or www.abconst. T:see website or www.naosh. Communications & York org www.constructedmonton.com Communications Inc. at the ca JANUARY March 29-April 3 — No-Dig Vancouver Convention & May 7-8 12th Canadian Trenchless Technology Show — Exhibition Centre, Vancouver, MARCH Building Science and January 15-17 — AED 90th BC T:1-877-739-2112 Ext. 231 organized by North American Technology Conference Annual Meeting & CONDEX or www.bcconstruct.com Society for Trenchless organized by Associated March 1-4 — Ontario Onsite organized by Quebec Building Wastewater Association Technology at the Sheraton Equipment Distributors at the February 12-15 — Glass Envelope Council Montreal, 10th Anniversary Conference Centre, Toronto, ON T:218- San Diego Convention Center, Week organized by Glass PQ T:403-520-3571 and Exhibition organized by 687-8617 or www.nastt.org San Diego, CA T:1-800-388- Association of North America Ontario Onsite Wastewater May 26 — Indoor Air 0650 or www.aednet.org (GANA) at the Palms, Las March 31-April 1 — Vegas, NV T:785-271-0208 or Association at the Sheraton Quality In Buildings One Conference Centre, Richmond RoofTech 2009 organized by January 18-21 — NAPA’s www.glasswebsite.org Day Course organized by Hill, ON T:905-372-2722 Email: RoofTech at the Metro Toronto 54th Annual Meeting Pinchin Environmental Ltd. [email protected] or www. Convention Centre, Toronto, organized by National Asphalt February 15-18 — PACE at the Pinchin Environmental oowa.org ON T:416-512-1215 or www. Head Office, Mississauga, Pavement Association at the 2009 EXPO organized rooftech.ca ON T:905-363-1335 Email: Marriott Hotel & Marina, San by Painting & Decorating Contractors of America New March 2-5 — The Rental [email protected] or Diego, CA T:1-888-HOT-MIXX Orleans, LA T:1-800-332-7322 Show organized by American www.pinchin.com or www.hotmix.org APRIL or www.PACE2009.com Rental Association at the Georgia World Congress January 20-21 — BC February 17-18 — Center, Atlanta, GA T:519-235- April 3 — Asbestos Training JUNE Landscaping & Contractors Saskatchewan Equipment 2400 or www.therentalshow. for Ontario Maintenance Expo organized by Big Feats Expo organized by Big Feats com Workers One Day Course June 4-7 — AWMAC National Event Management at the BC Event Management at the organized by Pinchin Convention organized by Place Stadium, Vancouver, BC March 3-4 — 7th Annual Prairieland Park, Saksatoon, Environmental Ltd. at the Architectural Woodwork T:1-888-570-0499 or www. SK T:1-888-570-0499 or www. Urban Transportation Pinchin Environmental Head Summit organized by Strategy Manufacturers Association landscapingexpo.net landscapingexpo.net Office, Mississauga, ON Institute at the Four Points of Canada (AWMAC) at the T:905-363-0678 or www. by Sheraton Toronto Airport, Fort Garry Hotel, Winnipeg, January 20-23 — 2009 February 19 — OCA Annual pinchin.com International Builders’ General Meeting organized Toronto, ON T:416-944-8833 MB Email: [email protected], [email protected] or www. Show® at the Wynn Las by Ottawa Construction or www.strategyinstitute.com April 20-21 — CANECT awmac.com Vegas Resort, Las Vegas, NV Association at the Hampton 2009 - Annual Canadian Inn Conference Center, March 4-6 — Utility T:1-800-368-5242 Ext. 8111 or Environmental Conference June 9-10 — 2009 RFID Ottawa, ON T:613-236-0488 or Construction Expo ‘09 - www.buildershow.com & Tradeshow organized by Forum organized by rfid. www.oca.ca The BIG Show organized by Environmental Science & wowgao at the Metro Toronto January 23 — Meet National Utility Contractors Engineering Magazine at the Convention Centre, North a Variety of Experts February 24 — Indoor Air Association at the Phoenix Convention Center, Phoenix, Metro Toronto Convention Building, Toronto, ON T:1- Presenting the Latest Quality In Buildings One AZ T:1-800-662-6822 or www. Centre, South Building, 416-292-0038 Ext. 812 or Green Energy Solutions for Day Course organized by Pinchin Environmental Ltd. nuca.com Toronto, ON T:905-727-4666 www.wowgao.com Cities, Business & Higher at the Pinchin Environmental or www.canect.net Ed organized by Green Head Office, Mississauga, March 4-7 — China Energy Economy Center ON T:905-363-1335 Email: International Building April 21-23 — Asbestos AUGUST at the Live Online at www. [email protected] or Decorations and Building Control In Buildings & GreenEnergyEconomyCtr. www.pinchin.com Materials Exposition Industry Three Day Course August 16-19 — AMO Annual com, Boulder, CO T:303- organized by China B & D organized by Pinchin Conference organized by 281-9111 Email: SierraDall@ February 24-25 — Asset Exhibition Co., Ltd at the Environmental Ltd. at the Association of Municipalities of GreenEnergyEconomyCtr. Management for Energy China International Exhibition Pinchin Environmental Head Ontario at the Westin Ottawa com or www. and Utilities Conference Center, Beijing, China Office, Mississauga, ON T:905- Hotel & The Fairmont Chateau GreenEnergyEconomyCtr.com organized by Strategy Institute T:(86)-(10)-84600926 Email: 363-1335 Email: lhernandez@ Laurier, Ottawa, ON T:416- Toronto, ON T:416-944-8833 [email protected] or pinchin.com or www.pinchin. 971-9856 or www.amo.on.ca January 27-28 — Northern Email: info@strategyinstitute. www.build-decor.com com Alberta Landscaping com or www.strategyinstitute. & Contractors Expo com March 5-6 — National Heavy April 21-23 — Asbestos SEPTEMBER organized by Big Feats Event Equipment Show organized Control In Building & by Master Promotions Ltd. Management at the Northlands February 25 — Jazbrick Industry Three Day Course September 26-29 — Forum 2009 organized by at the International Centre, Agricom, Edmonton, AB organized by Pinchin Mechanical Contractors Jazbrick Direct at the Liberty Toronto, ON T:1-888-454-7469 T:1-888-570-0499 or www. Environmental Ltd. Winnipeg, Association International Grand Complex, Toronto, ON Email: [email protected] or landscapingexpo.net Conference organized by T:416-741-4498 Email: info@ www.masterpromotions.ca/ MB T:905-363-1335 Email: Mechanical Contractors jazbrick.com or www.jazbrick. national-heavy-equipment- [email protected] or January 28-30 — HRPAO Association of Canada at the com show.asp www.pinchin.com 2009 Annual Conference Marriott San Francisco, San & Trade Show organized February 25-28 — Pumper & March 9 — BC Wood Design April 27-28 — 2009 Francisco, CA T:613-232-0492 by Human Resources Cleaner Environmental Expo Awards Gala organized by Government Technologies or www.mcac.ca Professionals Association of organized by Cole Inc. at the Canadian Wood Council at Conference & Expo organized Ontario at the Metro Toronto Kentucky Exposition Center, the Fairmont Waterfront Hotel by Wowgao at the The Design Convention Centre, South Louisville, KY T:1-800-257- Ballroom, Vancouver, BC T:1- Exchange, Toronto, ON T:1- For more events visit us @ Building, Toronto, ON T:416- 7222 or www.pumpershow. 877-929-9663 Ext. 4 or www. 416-292-0038 Ext. 812 or www.journalofcommerce.com 923-2324 or www.hrpao.org com wood-works.org www.wowgao.com