Sao Miguel - Portugal Seismic Risk Assessment - 2015

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Sao Miguel - Portugal Seismic Risk Assessment - 2015 600000 610000 620000 630000 640000 650000 660000 25°50'0"W 25°40'0"W 25°30'0"W 25°20'0"W 25°10'0"W Glide Number: (N/A) Activa tion ID: EMS N-018 P roduct N.: 09S AOMIGUEL, v1, English Sao Miguel - Portugal Seismic Risk Assessment - 2015 Population Exposure Map - Overview P roduction da te: 7/2/2016 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 2 4 4 N " 0 ' 0 ° 8 3 N " 0 ' 0 ° 8 9000 3 Cartographic Information 0 0 0 0 Full color A1, high resolution (300dpi) 0 0 0 0 1:100.000 0 0 2 2 0 1,25 2,5 5 7,5 10 4 4 K m Grid: W GS 1984 Z one 26 N ma p coordina te system Tick ma rks: W GS 84 geogra phica l coordina te system ± Legend Risk Level Administrative boundaries Transportation Points of Interest Null Municipa lity I4 Airport IC Hospita l V ery Low Populated places P ort ×Ñ Fire sta tion Low !. City Jc Covas a¬ P olice ! Medium !. Town Bridge & overpa ss # 148 High ! IH Educa tion # V illa ge Tunnel ! Bretanha V ery High !(S S ports 38 334 136 Highwa y # 50 # Buildings G Government First Aid Areas P rima ry R oa d (! Fa cilities S 262 ! Joao Bom Airport (! # # S econda ry R oa d Mosteiros! First Aid Area s P ort Úð Industria l fa cilities 361 !Remedios 9Æ Ca mp loca tion Commercia l, P ublic & Loca l R oa d t" W a ter infra structure P riva te S ervices Other OÆ S helter E Electricity Industry & Utilities ô! infra structure 490 Æ Field hospita l Physiography # 300 c W a ve power 493 572 P la ce of worship 300 # 292 ! P rima ry Ñ 470 # # Santa Barbara ÃÆ Helicopter la nding spot Ø infra structure # 415 377 Other # 3 S econda ry 5 # Z¾ Ga soline ta nk !d P ower sta tions 317 448 0 Uncla ssified # # # S pot heights XY W ind turbines 4 388 Varzea! 0 # # 9 0 460 427 # Hydrography " Oil 272 (!S # 327 # 272 # R ivers & strea ms 185 ! !¤ Ma rina # !Achadinha 154 Santo A! ntonio 231 262 Sete Cidades # 1 Coa stline 542 ! 5 Santana 403 !Santo Antonio # # # # # 285 !Fazenda Milita ry 219 0 ! !© # Fenais da Ajuda! # # IH(!S # # # 255 513 383 # 316 ! 144 254 # # 151 IH! 0 291 531 0 162 (!S ! IH 0 # # 0 222 539 385 #395 221 Achada 250 Sao Pedro 0 # 729 311 0 # # 788# # IH # 294 0 0 # 0 50 536 796 323 369 # 162 #IH 5 # 9 # 9 ! 3 # # # # Ginetes 4 1 167 ×ÑG 852 119 262 312 1 4 4 # # (! # # 372 373 417 N 612 # # 74 347 " # # 161 # # # # 418 384 198 # 0 # 414 # ' 189 #570 103 83 389 398# 423 # IH 809 # 162 # 0 # # 1 # 50 IC!. 613 0 # 5 # 0 4 G 783 553 545 ° 811 # # # # 553 (!G !. # (!a¬ 7 Vila de Capelas 3 t !Maia 5 N 772 a 597# 585 IH 0 " " ¬ 0 # 222 # 188 0 Lom! ba da Maia # 381 5 (!S 0 592 # 0 3 545 ' # 804 716 # # # # # (!S 138 111 1 271 415 # 0 # 681 44 # 321 # 8 5 865 # 431 0 # 0 # ° Fenais d! a Luz # # 0 # ! # 284 7 684 0 Ribeirinha 285 7 863 441 # # 821 705 IH 162 182 # 3 # # # 283 # 701 # 74 !Moin#hos 337 # # !. !Porto Formoso # # 707 856 825 675 G 214 ! # 832 !Candelaria # # 611 544 0 G(!G 135 82 391 841 # 5 # # 5 (! 86 249 # 7 # 5 # # # 362 (! 379 # # 353 # 0 763 774 601 (!S ! Calhetas # # 5 485 510 # G # 353 0 4 # 777 # S 244 Sao Bras 824 5 # (!IC (! 161 345 # !Sao Vicente Ferreira Rabo de Peixe port S IH 4 (! # 0 # 824 # # 0 709 326 Gramas ! 1102 !Pedreira 3 0 70 # # # # 256 986 3 5 0 Jc! G Úð 947# # 0 313 a # # 2 0 577 415 (!S¬×Ñ! # 1023 # 5 0 # # ( 300 711 981 0 # !Santana # # 974 977 591 357 !Aflitos 955 5 Rabo de Peixe 329 451 481 0 961 # 703 5 # ## 50 542 # # 735 5 # # 607 0 341 8 # 249 # 432 # 0 950 704 544 531 284 # # # (!S # 0 302 # # 282 275 9 0 545 # # # # 573 0 272 423 597 482 80 # 500 487 # 103 126 Úð # # # 949 0 # 222 # IH # 104 155 547 608 # 687 698 925 # 2 547 233 24#6 ! ## # 588 481 # 706 0 # # # # #358 (!S # 633 # # # # !dXY # Map Information 406 0 939 !Feteiras 455 437 # 417 345 361 143 124 138 # # 501 XY#XY 797 # # # # 287 334 3 Pico da Pedra # 212 # # 522 709 XYXY 757 9# # # 433 # ## # # # 207# 231 570 XY# # 0 # 393 367# 278 344 # 219# 225 723 # # 616 613 # # XYXY 899 0# 915 451 33#5 # #354 699 # 562 # # XY 871 447 #355 # 312 244 326# 216 166 # 786 783 XY# The purpose of the requested ma pping is to provide comprehensive knowledge of the 372 # 2 127 # 615 # # 669 # 588 # 724 # 348 # # 715 533 816 7 # # 266 5 # # # 644 564 553 554 # 875 # 899 341 0 337# # # 594 # 50 5 # 0 278 368 186 707 835 # 734 # # 569 # 7 # 0 794 8 potentia l impa ct on Azores isla nds (P T), of different na tura l disa sters, including ea rthqua kes, 5 843 5 # 346 ## # ## 193 # 183 704 # # 50 # 550 # 0 0 264 2 341 273 # # # # 749 757 # 243 # # 793 570 # 504 681 floods, volca nic eruptions, la ndslides, soil erosion, tsuna mis a nd storm surges, a nd coa sta l 244 374 834 # 643 # 400 822 # 3 470 296 242 # 3 # 263 # 483 # 752 551 # 317 2 721 # 5 378 # # 00 # 801 # # # # 670 2 0 # # 321 0 304 # # # 714 erosion. # 195 259 3 369 623 606 413 # 0 317 # # 0 8 837 391 # 0 324 # # 0 # 538 832# 650 # 605 # 363 881 263 233 205 193 319 263 0 # # # 4 # 291 # 274 # # 0 # 887 # 882 # # # # 689 # The a na lysis a ims to identify a ssets a t risk, focusing on popula tion, infra structure a nd the 0 457 364 284 # 227# # # # 226 # 5 0 # # 592 464 0 # # #271# 255 # G 5 799 592 # 596 # # 556 80 349 # # Úð 214 Úð# 205 (! 0 0 713 735 631 0 317 304 # 261 259 292 259## 226 234 224 # 361 80 # # # 564 # environment to a llow informed decision ma king to ta ke pla ce concerning the pla nning a nd # 0 # # # 319 224 # Úð 213 # # # 312 # 567 # # 246 299 # # # 237 269 # 0 219 # 884 711 702 727 643 643 IC # # 318 EE EE 267 # # 215 2 # # 203 # 724 # # 592 # 199 565 576 recovery a ctivities of the involved sta keholders. To this end, specific risk mitiga tion mea sures 278 # # EEô!ô!Eô!Eô!EE#Eô!#Eô!EEEEE# EE 257 # 223 # # # # # # 612 556 # 570 285 (!S G # 562# # Úð Úð # E!ô! !ô!ô!ô!ô!!ô! E 269 298 264 8 70 # ! G 399 239 # 312 # ô!Eô!ô ô ôô!ô!ô!ô! # 235 # # 349 50 0 672 # 558 # 274 # (!G (!# 282 582 509 2#09 # 275 Eô!E#ô! 204 229 # # 248 # 273 255 # 487# 464 626 756 727 674 # 671 #564 # (!a¬ 238 611 # # a re proposed, a long with the specifica tion of critica l first response informa tion. # # !Eô! E 237 294## # 266 # # 265 253 # 496# # # 669 821 682 # IH 5 # # 357 # 269 Eô! # ô! # # 306 # 338 481 # # # # # # 722 # 668 t # 553 # 5 391 # 263 # Furnas The key users of the ma p series a re the R egiona l (Açores, P ortuga l) Authorities: (1) Direção 237 235 Eô! # 192 E 254# # # 592 549 805 # 717 809 # " 0 # # # # 268 Eô! (!S 209 ô! 217 265 # # # # 628# 650# 333 0 352 #354# 343 224 ô!# 259 182 E # 194 302 485 537# 763 667 603 # 0 232 # 395 # G E 670 637 0 614 3 # # ! R egiona l Obra s P ública s e Comunica ções, (2) S erviçio R egiona l de P roteça o civil e (!S ô!E ! ô! # 217 # 570# # 622 642 # (! 527 189#ô!E # 155 249 # 5 # # 36#9 # ô! E 149 # 241 # 901 676 7 # 572 E 392 Agua Retorta bombeiros dos Açores, a nd (3) CIV IS A: Centro de Informa ção e V igilância S ismovulcânica Rocha d! a Relva E Faja# de Cima ! # # 00# # 862 850 659 618 697 670 # ô! # 247 ! ô!E# 189 # ô 122 304 # 8 # # 607 ## 367 Lomba do Botao ô! 143 145 ô!E # 215# # 569 # 667 871 568 563 # E # IH 0 (!S 126 # # 943 # ô! 0 dos Açores. 192 ÚðS # # 385 9 # 7 # # 570 E 373 0 ! 696 0 # # S 133 # ( 133 286 311 0 0 ô!# # 670 !Arrifes E (! 117 # ! 631 692 339 E E # 0 0 # # # ! 166 146 2 # 0 # #ô!E ô! 97 # E # # Lomba do Alcaide 0 # 5 ô! G IH 197 # 5 554 # 691 372 0 ô!E S 701 # !S 0 0 # ( (! 197 197 ô!E (!S E 83 Cabouco 0 490 E E ! # 271 0 8 ô 8 !© ô! # 561 754 0 # 518 ô! 0 Data Sources E # # # 692 0 ! 5 1 # 81 538 # E 5 1 199 !S ô!E # ! E 215 623 7 # ô! 336 4 Lomba do Carro 106 0 4 ( ô!EE ô! # 821 # 0 554 # G 5 4 ô! # # 0 0 # # 4 ô!E 72 !d 74 IH 183 # 662 ! 296 ! 470 365 !E # 37 5 ( 416 S # Relva !ô # 5 # (! # # 441 ! 102 ôG S 43 # 195 8 E # ICG Inset maps based on: # ô!(!E G(! # 43 357 505 707 0 551 ô! !.
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