Local Increased transparency on availability and security, land use and eco- literacy accelerate mass consumption of locally grown and processed foods.

After nearly a century of interest in global foods Alongside better management of supply chains and sourced from different countries, some developed- more intelligent transportation of excess foods world nations have seen a steadily growing middle- MR WSQI QEVOIXW XS EVIEW SJ RIIH TISTPI TSMRX class focus on returning to locally produced foods: to major technological advances being made by the organic movement, seasonal produce and WSQI SJ XLI [SVPH´W EKVMFYWMRIWWIW *SV I\EQTPI ³PSGEZSVIW´EVIEPPRS[SRXLIJSSHMRHYWXV]VEHEV 1SRWERXSERH&%7*LEZIFIIR[SVOMRKSRHVSYKLX %GVSWW XLI KPSFI MR XLI ZEVMSYW [SVOWLSTW ERH XSPIVERX GSVR [MXL QSHM½IH KIRIW 8LIWI ERH HMWGYWWMSRWYRHIVXEOIREWTEVXSJXLI*YXYVI%KIRHE similar developments by other companies use new programme, we can see an alignment of multiple technologies to ‘deliver yield improvements under HVMZIVW SJ GLERKI EVSYRH JSSH JVSQ +1 GVSTW [EXIVWXVIWWIH GSRHMXMSRW´ 3ZIV XLI RI\X HIGEHI and improved irrigation through to concerns about they are destined to play an important role in the national and an increase in urban JSSH WYTTPMIW SJ%JVMGE -RHME ERH TEVXW SJ%WME EW farming. Together these are leading many towards [IPPEWTEVXWSJXLI97ERH)YVSTIEW[EXIVWXVIWW a global solution to food supply that is increasingly increases. These crops can be grown locally, close to focused on the local. Although the approaches differ the population and so reduce dependency on long- from region to region and state to state, it appears HMWXERGIEMHERHXVEHI%W.MQ/MVO[SSHLMKLPMKLXIH XLEXXLI[SVPHSJ[MPPFISRIMR[LMGLQSVI in the initial perspective on the future of food, people are better fed through more intelligent use ³[I RIIH XS WMKRM½GERXP] MRGVIEWI KPSFEP VIWIEVGL of resources. investment in biotechnology, genetics, food science ERHRYXVMXMSRXSVIEGLXLIXIGLRMGEPFVIEOXLVSYKLW 7XEVXMRK[MXLXLIEVIEW[LIVIXLIVIMWRSXIRSYKL required for a second agricultural food to feed the local population, we can see that in XLEX[MPPIREFPIYWXSJIIHXLI[SVPH´ VIGIRX]IEVWWIZIVEPJEGXSVWLEZIGSQFMRIHXSQEOI things worse – from imbalanced population growth For countries with enough food today, a rising to poor water management and the impact of global future concern is that of food security and being trading on the price of commodities. However, as able to guarantee adequate supply to feed growing SRI [SVOWLST TEVXMGMTERX LMKLPMKLXIH³XLIVI MW RS TSTYPEXMSRWMRVIWSYVGIGSRWXVEMRIHXMQIW)WTIGMEPP] such thing as a world food shortage; it is a supply as diets change and increasing numbers of us and distribution problem and we therefore need to GSRWYQIQSVIQIEXXLIORSGOSRIJJIGXWSRSXLIV FIFIXXIVEXQEREKMRKXLMW´ foods as well as on water and farming mean that MRQER]TEVXWSJXLI[SVPHXLIVI[MPPFIGSR¾MGXMRK `8LIJYXYVISJPSGEPMX]

Several workshop participants saw that, We also have the opportunity to develop more IJ½GMIRXJEVQMRKQIXLSHW;LMPISVKERMGJSSHERH by 2020, GM crops will be accepted XLIPMOIMWEWYMXEFPIMHIEPJSVSYVKEVHIRWERHXLI globally and that regulatory bodies outlets serving wealthy consumers, some people assert that it cannot be a role model for feeding WYGLEWXLI)9[MPPLEZIWMKRM½GERXP] the mass population. Large-scale farming to feed the loosened restrictions on them. [SVPH´WQMPPMSRWVIUYMVIWQSVIVI½RIHGVSTWERHXLMW MQTPMGMXP]QIERW[MHIVEGGITXERGISJ+137IZIVEP [SVOWLSTTEVXMGMTERXWWE[XLEXF]+1GVSTW will be accepted globally and that regulatory bodies pressures around land use. Add in the possibility of WYGL EW XLI )9 [MPP LEZI WMKRM½GERXP] PSSWIRIH ³TIEO ½WL´ ERH³TIEO KVEMR´ XS KS EPSRK [MXL³TIEO restrictions on them. SMP´ERHXLIGSRXMRYIHMQTEGXSJXLIKVS[XLMRFMS fuels over the next few years, and even countries Another commonly agreed view is that we will see that are currently over-supplied with food will have EVMWIMRXLIRYQFIVERHWM^ISJYVFERJEVQW&SXL to plan more carefully in the future. Whether it is JVSQEHIWMVIXSOIITWSQIJSSHTVSHYGXMSRERH food vs. fuel competition for land or simply more TVSGIWWMRKEWGPSWIXSXLIQEVOIXEWTSWWMFPIERH people consuming more, constraints on food supply JVSQ XLI STTSVXYRMX] XS QEOI FIXXIV YWI SJ SYV EVIMQQMRIRX8LI;SVPH7YQQMXSR*SSH7IGYVMX] urban green spaces and roofs, many see urban faming organised by the Food and Organisation XEOMRKSJJ%XSRIPIZIPXLMW[MPPFIIRGSYVEKIHF] SJ XLI 9RMXIH 2EXMSRW *%3  MR 6SQI MR  GMX]TPERRIVWERHQE]SVWOIIRXSIRWYVIPSGEPJSSH highlighted that ‘the global food security situation WIGYVMX]%GGSVHMRKXS%VYT´W*SVIWMKLXXIEQ³LEPJSJ has worsened and continues to represent a serious 7LERKLEM´W TSVO ERH TSYPXV]  SJ MXW ZIKIXEFPIW XLVIEX´ %X E REXMSREP PIZIP MR -RHME MR  XLI ERH SJMXWQMPOERHIKKWGSQIJVSQXLIGMX]ERH Ministry of Agriculture published a National Food MXWSYXWOMVXW´)PWI[LIVIMR%WME SJ,ERSM´WJVIWL 7IGYVMX]1MWWMSR[LMGLMRGPYHIHETPERXS³MRGVIEWI come from within and around the XLITVSHYGXMSRSJVMGIF]QMPPMSRXSRRIW[LIEX GMX]-RXLIHIZIPSTMRK[SVPHPSGEPJSSHWYTTP]LEW F]QMPPMSRXSRRIWERHTYPWIWF]QMPPMSRXSRRIW FIIREOI]GSRGIVRJSV]IEVWERH[MPPGSRXMRYIXS F]XLIIRHSJXLI)PIZIRXL4PERMR´-R FIETVMSVMX]MRXLIGSQMRKHIGEHI-R)YVSTIERH XLI9/ERRSYRGIHEREXMSREPJSSHWXVEXIK]GEPPMRK XLI97LS[IZIVXLIVILEWFIIREWLMJXXSMQTSVXMRK JSV E &VMXMWL JEVQMRK³VIZSPYXMSR´ [MXL ,MPEV] &IRR foods from half way around the world – lamb from XLI XLIR )RZMVSRQIRX 7IGVIXEV] WE]MRK XLEX ³;I 2I[>IEPERHEWTEVEKYWJVSQ/IR]EOM[MJVYMXWJVSQ need to produce more food. We need to do it Chile and so on. WYWXEMREFP]%RH [I RIIH XS QEOI WYVI XLEX [LEX [I IEX WEJIKYEVHW SYV LIEPXL´ %GVSWW XLI [SVPH &YX[MXLJSSHWIGYVMX]FIGSQMRKEFMKKIVMWWYI[I GSYRXVMIW EVI XEOMRK XLI JSSH WIGYVMX] MWWYI ZIV] can expect to see more urban farming occurring in seriously and the goal of increasing the amount of XLI;IWX-RGMXMIW[LIVIXLIVIEVIFVS[R½IPHWMXIW PSGEPP]TVSHYGIHJSSHMWEOI]GSQTSRIRX people are already starting to use land for farming 0SGEPJSSHW`

We will see a rise in the number and 0EWXP][IEPWSLEZIXLIMRGVIEWMRKMR¾YIRGISJXLI environmental and sustainable viewpoints. While size of urban farms. [SVOWLST TEVXMGMTERXW JIPX XLEX  MW XSS WSSR for such developments as personal eco-footprints XSXEOILSPHERHHVMZIGSRWYQIVGLSMGIWIZIVEPHMH VEXLIVXLERLSYWMRK(IXVSMXMWXLITVMQII\EQTPI feel that wider eco-literacy over the next decade here: ‘The amount of vacant and abandoned land in will help people to explore alternative food options (IXVSMX[SYPHVSYKLP]EHHYTXSXLIWM^ISJXLIGMX] more intelligently. This will not just be simply about SJ 7ER *VERGMWGS´ERH WS[MXL YVFER PERH GLIETIV choosing not to eat products from certain locations XLEREVEFPIPERH.SLR,ERX^ERHLMWGSPPIEKYIWEVI EW E GSRWIUYIRGI SJ ³JSSHQMPIW´ FIGEYWI XLI leading programmes to grow fruits and vegetables CO savings of growing produce in greenhouses JSV PSGEP GSRWYQTXMSR )PWI[LIVI [LIVI PERH MW as opposed to air freighting them are sometimes QSVIZEPYEFPIXLIVIEVITPERWXSQEOIQSVIYWI QEVKMREP 6EXLIV MX [MPP FI GSRWYQIVW GLSSWMRK XS SJ ¾EX VSSJW JSV EKVMGYPXYVI ERH MRXVSHYGI ZIVXMGEP consume more local, seasonal food; retailers choosing YVFER JEVQW *VSQ 2I[ =SVO ERH 0SRHSR XS to steer choice by labelling and product selection, so 1I\MGS 'MX] LMKLP] IJ½GMIRX QYPXMWXSVI] ZIVXMGEP ³RYHKMRK´ XLIMV GYWXSQIVW XS[EVHW PSGEPP] WYTTPMIH farms incorporating and aeroponics and processed products; and more of us generally are destined to become a common feature. One becoming aware of the overall environmental 6IPEXIH XIEQMRXLI6S]EP'SPPIKISJ%VXTVSNIGXGSRHYGXIH footprints of certain foods – in terms of water, waste insights as part of the Future Agenda programme focused and energy. its attention on how innovative, sustainable building systems in unplanned ghettos of fast-growing cities &]MXWIPJXLIIGSJVMIRHP]ZMI[[MPPXEOIEPSRKXMQI could be used to provide vertical walls for growing XS WMKRM½GERXP] WLMJX XLI QEMRWXVIEQ FYX XEOIR MR 4EKI crops for both home consumption and sale. Around conjunction with the other developments in food the world, people and governments are starting to security, national food strategies, technology and shift urban farming up the list of priorities to a point commercial choices for food manufacturers and [LIVIMX[MPPLEZIEWMKRM½GERXMQTEGXSRTEVXWSJXLI VIXEMPIVW QER] WII E [SVPH MR  [LIVI PSGEP 4EKI food system. foods will again become the global norm.