Extraordinary Planning Committee Monday 13 August 2012 at 7 pm

Council Chamber, Swanspool House, Doddington Road, , NN8 1BP

1. Apologies for absence. Ι 2. Declarations of Interest. Ι 3. Application for planning permission – land west of 123 High Street and off Alfred Street, .

Ι Enclosed

Site Viewing Group for Monday 13th August 2012 at 10.00 am will be Councillors Ward, Griffiths, Waters, Scarborough and Morrall

John T Campbell Chief Executive

Date issued: 3 August 2012.

For further information contact Fiona Marshall on 01933 231519 or Carol Mundy on 01933 231512 ; [email protected], [email protected]; fax 01933 231543;

If you wish to address the Committee on an agenda item you can register by: • going on-line to ‘on-line forms’ then ‘addressing Council meetings’; or • completing the appropriate form which is available at reception desks; or • contacting Fiona Marshall

Membership: Councillor Ward (Chairman), Councillor Griffiths (Vice Chairman), Councillors Beirne, Bell, Dholakia, Maguire, Morrall, B Patel, Scarborough, Timms and Waters.

Swanspool House, Doddington Road, Wellingborough, Northamptonshire NN8 1BP Tel: 01933 229777 Fax: 01933 231684 www.wellingborough.gov.uk - 1 -


SITE VIEWING (Date of visit Monday 13th August 2012 at 10.00 a.m.)

Planning Committee 13/08/2012

Report of the Head of Planning and Local Development


PROPOSAL: Outline Application including access for the erection of up to 124 dwellings (including affordable homes) and new medical centre, together with use of additional land for sport and recreation. Land west of High Street and Land Adjoining Irchester Sports Association.

LOCATION: Land west of 123 High Street and off Alfred Street, Irchester, Wellingborough.

APPLICANT: Barwood Strategic Land LLP, Miss J P Redden & Mr R Redden.

Major development. Site visit requested by Councillor Carr.

THE PROPOSAL: This is an outline application seeking consent for the erection of up to 124 dwellings (including affordable homes) and new medical centre on land to the west of High Street, Irchester. In addition, associated with the housing development, consent is also sought for the use of additional land to the north of the existing Irchester Sports Association facility for sport and recreation. Only the access arrangement is to be considered at this stage.

The site area for the residential development totals 5.32 hectares whilst the sports pitch expansion area amounts to 2.83 hectares. Within the residential site 0.35 ha is set aside for the medical centre with a further 0.35 ha to be occupied by the Sustainable Urban Drainage Scheme (SUDS) balancing pond and associated open space and pumping station.

In the case of the sports pitch proposal, this application simply seeks consent for a change of use from its present agricultural use and no specific pitch design or any other infrastructure changes are proposed at this time. Such details will be set out at later planning stages by Irchester Sports Association and the Parish Council. As part of the proposals, the developers are also offering: a public open space, a pond and a Local Equipped Area for Play (LEAP) proposed in the area adjoining the entrance to the village on High Street; and up to 30% provision of affordable housing is also proposed as part of the residential masterplan amongst others. WP/2012/0165/OM


Planning & Local WP/2012/0165/OM - Land West of 123 High Street & Off Alfred Street, Irchester Development © Crown Copyright and database right 2012. Description Scale: Ordnance Survey 100018694. This map is accurate Applicants Property 1:6,500 Cities Revealed to the scale specified Aerial Photography copyright: when reproduced at A4 Application Site ± GetMapping PLC 1999 - 2 -

Although submitted in outline, the application is accompanied by an indicative layout to demonstrate how the development could come forward on this site. It is not intended to be the final design for the site but simply to suggest one way in which the development may be delivered in line with various design parameters. The net density of the development amounts to 29.5 dwellings per hectare. Taking precedents from the scale of the existing housing stock, the residential development is expected to comprise two storey and two and a half storey dwellings, although single storey bungalows may be included. The medical facility is also expected to conform to the 2 – 2½ storey parameter.

RELEVANT PLANNING HISTORY: Both sites (residential and sport pitch extension) are open land with no relevant planning entries.

NATIONAL AND LOCAL PLANNING POLICY: National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) The presumption in favour of sustainable development: Enshrined within the NPPF (at paragraph 14) is a “presumption in favour of sustainable development, which should be seen as a golden thread running through both plan-making and decision-taking.”

Achieving sustainable development: Paragraph 7 of the NPPF sets out three dimensions to sustainable development as follows: “an economic role – contributing to building a strong, responsive and competitive economy, by ensuring that sufficient land of the right type is available in the right places and at the right time to support growth and innovation; and by identifying and coordinating development requirements, including the provision of infrastructure;

a social role – supporting strong, vibrant and healthy communities, by providing the supply of housing required to meet the needs of present and future generations; and by creating a high quality built environment, with accessible local services that reflect the community’s needs and support its health, social and cultural well-being; and

an environmental role – contributing to protecting and enhancing our natural, built and historic environment; and, as part of this, helping to improve biodiversity, use natural resources prudently, minimise waste and pollution, and mitigate and adapt to climate change including moving to a low carbon economy.”

Paragraph 8 of the NPPF states: “These roles should not be undertaken in isolation, because they are mutually dependent. Economic growth can secure higher social and environmental standards, and well-designed buildings and places can improve the lives of people and communities. Therefore, to achieve sustainable development, economic, social and environmental gains should be sought jointly and simultaneously through the planning system. The planning system should play an active role in guiding development to sustainable solutions.”

Paragraph 9 adds: “Pursuing sustainable development involves seeking positive improvements in the quality of the built, natural and historic environment, as well as in people’s quality of life, including (but not limited to): making it easier for jobs to be - 3 -

created in cities, towns and villages; moving from a net loss of bio-diversity to achieving net gains for nature; replacing poor design with better design; improving the conditions in which people live, work, travel and take leisure; and widening the choice of high quality homes.”

Core planning principles: At paragraph 17 the NPPF describes 12 core land-use planning principles which should underpin decision-taking. In the context of the application proposals, these can be summarised briefly by stating that planning should: be led by up-to-date local plans; enhance and improve the places in which people live; proactively drive and support sustainable economic development to deliver the homes....that the country needs; secure high quality design; promote thriving rural communities; support the transition to a low carbon future; conserve and enhance the natural environment and reduce pollution; encourage the effective use of land; encourage multiple benefits from the use of land....recognising that some open land can perform many functions....such as for recreation; conserve heritage assets; make full use of public transport, walking and cycling and focus development in sustainable locations; and improve health, social and cultural wellbeing for all.

East Midlands Regional Plan (RSS) The Regional Plan for the East Midlands (RSS8) was published in March 2009. The core regional objectives as set out under Policy 1 include the need to ensure that the existing housing stock and new affordable and market housing address need and extend choice in all communities in the region. Other objectives include the need to protect and enhance the environmental quality of urban and rural settlements, to improve accessibility to jobs, homes and services (including encouraging patterns of new development that reduce the need to travel), to improve economic prosperity and reduce the causes and impacts of climate change.

Policy 2 of the RSS concerns “Promoting Better Design” and sets out measures to improve the layout, design, construction and sustainability of new development. These include design led approaches which take account of the local natural and historic character; making the most efficient use of land; locating and designing access from new development to local facilities on foot, by cycle or by public transport; highway and parking design that improves the quality and safety of public space; design which helps to reduce crime and fear of crime and which takes account of the need to develop carbon sinks and “green infrastructure” networks that provide access to open space and enhance biodiversity and lifestyle quality.

Policy 3 of the RSS addresses the distribution of new development and economic activity. For rural areas development will be expected to contribute to: “maintaining the distinctive character and vitality of rural communities; shortening journeys and facilitating access to jobs and services (our emphasis) strengthening rural enterprise and linkages between settlements and their hinterlands; and respecting the quality of tranquillity, where that is recognised in planning documents”.

Policy 35 of the RSS addresses the regional approach to the management of flood risk and requires local policies which would prevent inappropriate development that would have adverse impacts, the delivery of a programme of flood management schemes that maximise biodiversity and sustainable drainage in new development wherever practicable. Policy 39 goes on to say that local authorities should develop policies and - 4 -

proposals to secure a reduction in the need for energy through the location of development, site layout and building design.

Regional transport objectives are set out within Policy 43 and these include the need to reduce traffic growth across the Region and to improve air quality and reduce carbon emissions from transport by reducing the need to travel and promoting modal shift. Policy 48 states that local planning authorities should apply the maximum standards of vehicles parking for new development as set out within PPG13 and that parking facilities in excess of the maximum standards should only be provided in exceptional circumstances.

North Northamptonshire Core Spatial Strategy (CSS) The policies of the adopted North Northamptonshire Joint Core Strategy 2008 provide a more up-to-date local policy framework. The following policies are considered of relevance to this application:

Policy 1 Strengthening the of Settlements seeks to direct growth towards the urban core which is focused on 3 growth towns. Development adjoining village boundaries will only be justified where it involves the re-use of buildings or, in exceptional circumstances, if it can be clearly demonstrated that it is required in order to meet local needs for employment, housing or services.

Policy 5 Green Infrastructure promotes the creation of new areas of green space for recreational purposes. Priorities for investment include rural service centre areas where improvements can be made to remedy local deficiencies in open space provision and quality.

Policy 6 Infrastructure Delivery and Developer Contributions highlights the role of the developer to either make direct provision or contribute towards the provision of local and strategic infrastructure required by the development.

Policy 7 Delivering Housing states that housing is monitored and appropriate action will be taken to ensure a deliverable five- year supply of sites is maintained.

Policy 9 deals with the distribution and location of development with the intention of strengthening the network of settlements as set out under Policy 1 and restricts new development in the open countryside outside Sustainable Urban Extensions. Priority is given to the reuse of previously developed land in urban areas and new housing will be focused at the three growth towns of Corby, and Wellingborough with modest growth at the smaller towns and rural service centres, limited development in the villages and restricted development in the open countryside (Policy 10).

As mentioned above, Policy 10 Distribution of Housing promotes only limited development in the villages and restricted development in the open countryside. It sets out a requirement for 12,800 dwellings within Wellingborough District for the plan period 2001 – 2021. Furthermore, this indicates that there is a total requirement for 1210 additional net dwellings in the ‘Rural Areas’ of Wellingborough.

Policy 13 General Sustainable Development requires that development should meet the needs of residents and businesses without compromising the ability of future - 5 -

generations to enjoy the same quality of life that the present generation aspires to. Development should, amongst other things, seek to take account of the needs of all users, seek to design out anti-social behaviour, provide satisfactory access and parking, take account of the transport hierarchy, and enhance the character and sense of place.

Policy 14 Energy Efficiency & Sustainable Construction expects development to achieve the highest viable standards of resource and energy efficiency and reduction in carbon emissions. Residential units are expected to achieve a set minimum in terms of Code for Sustainable Homes (CSH) standards.

Policy 15 Sustainable Housing Provision states that new housing development will hope to create sustainable residential communities through the delivery of a balanced mix of housing types and tenure. To meet local need in the borough of Wellingborough, affordable housing provision will be sought at 30% of total new development.

Wellingborough Local Plan (LP) Both sites are located on the edge but outside the settlement boundaries. The saved policies of most relevance to this appeal relate to rural restraint (Policies G4 and G6) and rural exception (Policies H4 and H9). Policy G4 (Villages) allows appropriate development in rural areas, if they are within the Village Policy Lines; will not either individually or cumulatively with other proposals have an adverse effect on the size, form, character and setting of villages and their surroundings. Policy G6 (The Open Countryside) echoes the sentiments of the CSS and states that development in the open countryside will not be permitted unless, amongst other things, it cannot be accommodated elsewhere other than the open countryside.

Policy H4 (Restraint Villages and The Open Countryside) states that permission for residential development in the open countryside will not be granted. Policy H9 (Affordable Housing) allows residential development within or on the edge of villages on sites where permission would not normally be granted subject to the development meeting set criteria including: The proposal’s intention to solely meet an identified need for affordable housing which cannot be met in any other way; The development is of a small scale which can be accommodated without causing undue harm to the form, character and setting of the village.

MATERIAL PLANNING CONSIDERATIONS Section 38(6) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 requires that planning applications should be determined in accordance with the development plan, unless material considerations indicate otherwise. Set out below are material considerations which are considered relevant to the determination of this application. Although they do not carry the same weight as development plan policies, they are nevertheless relevant to the assessment and consideration of this application.

The North Northamptonshire Annual Monitoring Report (December 2011) (AMR) indicates that the Council is unable to identify a five-year supply of deliverable land for housing. Measured against RSS figures the Borough of Wellingborough has only sufficient land supply in the area for 2.14 years, reflecting an overall shortfall across the next 5 year period of over 3,100 houses.

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The Borough Council’s Site Specific Development Plan Document (SSDPD) (Preferred Options) 2010 confirmed its support for development in Irchester, identifying it as a Limited Service Role Village in Preferred Option 1, and the most sustainable village for the majority of additional rural development in the Borough (Paragraph Furthermore, Preferred Option 30 Rural Housing Options identifies the application site ‘Land off High Street, Irchester’ as Option A - one of three sites to provide the remainder of the rural housing requirement. Option A is described as having a range of potential benefits to the community contributing:

(Paragraph ‘not only to housing needs but also, subject to appropriate vehicular access, the provision of additional sports facilities in the village. This option may also provide an opportunity to secure a site for a new doctors’ surgery if this proves necessary and desirable’.

North Northamptonshire Joint Planning Unit Sustainable Design Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) 2009. In the determination of planning applications material weight will be given to the degree to which the proposal complies with the guidance in the Sustainable Design SPD. This requires that an application is submitted with a checklist to demonstrate the degree of sustainability proposed. This checklist is included within the accompanying Design and Access Statement, as well as within a more comprehensive Sustainable Design and Energy Statement.

Northamptonshire County Council Planning Obligations Framework 2011 and Wellingborough Borough Council SPD Planning Obligations 2009. These documents are relevant taking into account the requirements for planning obligations to mitigate the impact of the development on the available infrastructure and to secure community benefits.

SUMMARY OF REPLIES TO CONSULTATIONS/REPRESENTATIONS RECEIVED: The responses of the County Council Highways and Borough Council Planning Policy Team are reproduced below. Full representations from the Highways Agency, County Council Highways and a summary of the other responses are appended to the report.

NCC Highways –

“We have now reviewed the latest information supplied by Peter Brett Associates in Technical Note TN 7 dated July 2012, plus the traffic data associated with the site approaches and the methodology for assessing existing health centre traffic, and can confirm that we are now satisfied in traffic impact terms that the issues in my formal response to you have been satisfactorily addressed. Our view is assisted by the validation traffic count completed to compare the original data and the junction capacity assessment for the new medical centre.

I can also confirm that the we are content that the applicant has agreed to provide improved pedestrian facilities and a widened footway as per paragraphs 2A and 2B in Paul James’ email dated 25 June 2012.

The applicant’s agreement as to the requirement for a public transport contribution within the Section 106 Heads of Terms is also noted and agreed.

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On the basis that the Local Highway Authority is now satisfied that issues raised have been answered and where there are outstanding items these are to be part of the S106 discussions. I can confirm that the LHA’s view is that the impacts of the development have been assessed and that any mitigation works have been agreed.

Therefore, subject to the completion of an agreed Section 106 Agreement, the LHA does not object to the proposed development.”

Compliance with Development Plan The application is in outline form with all matters except access reserved. The observations below therefore relate to the principle of development. The main issue is whether the proposed development is acceptable in the open countryside in the light of development plan policies and the provisions in the national guidance.

A key strategy of the RSS is to direct significant level of development to the growth towns of Corby, Kettering and Wellingborough while providing for the development needs of the rural areas (Policy 3). Policy 1 of the CSS provides the spatial vision of the plan and focuses growth towards the urban core, restricting development in the open countryside to that which involves re-use of buildings or, in exceptional circumstances, where it can be clearly demonstrated that it is required in order to meet local needs for employment, housing or services. Policy 9 of the CSS reiterates the spatial vision and states that new buildings in the Open Countryside outside the Sustainable Urban Extensions will be strictly controlled. It promotes developments on brown field land and in locations that are accessible by a choice of travel. In respect of the rural service centres, it stipulates that opportunities for small scale sustainable urban extensions may be identified. Policy 10 of the CSS provides the distribution hierarchy of developments: new housing in the three growth towns, modest growth at the smaller towns and rural service centres, limited development in the villages and restricted development in the open countryside. Table 5 of Policy 10 shows the indicative provision for, and distribution of, housing for Wellingborough in the plan period 2001-2021. From a total of 12,800 dwelling houses, 11,590 will be provided in the town and 1,210 in the rural areas.

In the rural areas, appropriate development will be acceptable provided it is located within the village policy lines and will not, either individually or cumulatively with other proposals, have an adverse effect on the size, form, character and setting of villages and their surroundings (LP G4). Development in the open countryside will not be permitted unless, amongst other things, it cannot be accommodated elsewhere (LP G6). In respect of housing in rural areas, Policy H4 states that permission will not be granted in the open countryside except in exceptional circumstances which include the provision of essential agriculture related accommodation, replacement dwellings or affordable housing. Exceptional development within or on the edge of villages on sites where permission would not normally be granted will be acceptable subject to the development meeting set criteria including meeting an identified need for affordable housing which cannot be met in any other way and it is small scale in nature and can be accommodated without causing undue harm to the form, character and setting of the village (LP H9).

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The application site is greenfield in nature and lies outside the village policy line of Irchester. It is deemed to be in the open countryside where development will not normally be permitted (CSS 1 and 9 and LP G4, 6 and H4). The proposed housing development is not small scale in nature and is not solely to meet affordable housing need in the areas, contrary to LP H9. The proposal is therefore contrary to policies in the Development Plan.

Other Material Considerations The foregoing should be balanced against other material considerations which are considered below.

National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) The NPPF is a material consideration in the determination of planning applications. It retains the primacy of the development plan and carries a presumption in favour of sustainable development. Policy 14 states that proposals that accord with the development plan should be approved without delay and, where local plan is absent, silent or relevant policies are out of dates, permission should be granted unless the resultant harm would significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits when assessed against the policies in the Framework as a whole or there are specific policies in the Framework which proscribe development.

In respect of housing, the Framework states that applications should be considered in the context of the presumption in favour of development and, for purposes of decision making, relevant policies for the supply of housing should not be considered up-to-date if the local planning authority cannot demonstrate a 5 year supply of deliverable housing. For 12 months after publication of the NPPF, decision makers may continue to give full weight to relevant policies adopted since 2004 even if there is a limited degree of conflict with the NPPF. In other cases and after this 12 month period, due weight should be given according to their degree of consistency with the framework (the closer the policy to the Framework, the greater the weight that may be given). In this context, the Core Strategy for North Northamptonshire (adopted in June 2008) and the Wellingborough Town Centre Area Action Plan (adopted in July 2009), will continue to be relied upon for the purposes of development control but where there is divergence, the NPPF will take precedence over the saved policies in the Local Plan which was adopted prior to 2004.

In terms of sustainable development in the rural areas, the NPPF provides that housing should be located where it will enhance or maintain the vitality of rural communities and that local planning authorities should avoid new isolated homes in the countryside unless there are special circumstances (par 55). Large scale rural developments at the edge of villages can be provided through the plan making process (par 52). Given the presumption in favour of sustainable development contained in the NPPF, balance has to be struck with the spatial vision articulated in the CSS policies to which full weight must be attached.

Annual Monitoring Report (AMR) – December 2011 Wellingborough has 2.14 years housing supply when measured against the housing targets in the adopted CSS. The emerging SSPDP seeks to identify sites to satisfy the 5 year supply in accordance with the spatial vision set in policy 10 of the CSS. Out of a target of 1210 dwelling houses to be built in the rural areas between 2011 and 2021, - 9 -

866 dwellings had been built and a further 147 had planning permission as at 2011, representing 83% of rural total within the first 10 years of the plan period. As such, the 5 year supply issue relates more to urban than rural areas. The Irchester site, if approved, would exhaust the rural target for the plan period. The above notwithstanding, the AMR reports on a district wide housing supply and does not distinguish between rural and urban. Following this approach, and the fact the housing related policies, LP H4 and CSS 10 in particular, are considered out of date, there would generally be a presumption in favour of proposals on sustainable sites like the Irchester one unless material harm can be significantly and demonstrably proven.

Emerging Policies - Site Specific Development Plan (Preferred Options) Document 2010 (SSPDP) The background report to the SSPDP, the “Rural Settlement Hierarchy” is material evidence base which should be considered in the determination of the application. It identifies Irchester together with , and Wollaston as villages most likely to perform a limited service role and the most sustainable for the bulk of additional development in the rural area. The SSPDP background paper “Wellingborough Rural Housing Allocation Methodology and Site Selection” 2010 identifies and assesses sites in terms of their suitability to accommodate rural housing supply requirement of CSS 10. In spite of its countryside credentials, the site is one of the four identified as most sustainable on the basis that it provides a range of local benefits, including a doctor’s surgery, sports field and affordable housing. Accordingly, it was consulted on in the SSPDP which is temporarily in abeyance. To the extent this site is being carried through the plan making process as provided for in the NPPF, has been judged sustainable against a set of criteria, is available and deliverable, there would be an argument in favour of the proposal than would be the case with a site thus far excluded from the plan making process.

Conclusion The Proposal is contrary to Policies 1, 9 and 10 of the Core Spatial Strategy, G4, G6 and H4 of the Local Plan. To the extent Wellingborough’s 5 year supply stands at 2.14, the provisions of the NPPF would take precedence over the housing related policies in the CSS (Policy 10) and Local Plan (H4). The site would contribute but not overshoot the rural housing target, the only issue being that the supply of the entire rural housing supply would have been brought forward in the first half of the plan period. The proposal site has been considered sustainable, and apart from the foregoing, there is no perceived significant and demonstrable harm. A balance would be required between the primacy of the development plan, particularly as it relates to the spatial vision with an urban oriented focus and the presumption in favour of sustainable development where there is significant under-delivery of housing. The weight to be attached to the foregoing and any other material considerations that may be available to the decision maker is a matter of judgment.

ASSESSMENT: Principle - The prevailing development plan strategy is one of urban-oriented growth with limited residential growth in rural settlements like Irchester, within existing village boundaries as defined by the Local Plan. Having regard to Section 38(6) of the 2004 Act, there can be no doubt that the proposed development on land west of the High Street is in conflict with the prevailing development plan strategy. This notwithstanding, attention should be paid to the provisions in the NPPF, particularly Annex 1 which sets - 10 -

out the implementation arrangements, making clear that plan policies should not be considered out of date simply because they predate the Framework. For 12 months from the day of publication, decision-takers may continue to give full weight to relevant policies in development plan documents adopted in accordance with the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 since 2004, even if there is a limited degree of conflict with the Framework. This relates specifically to the CSS policies. But implicit in this provision is that the LP, by virtue of its adoption prior to 2004, its policies should be accorded limited weight.

Notwithstanding the provisions in the prevailing development plan, it is important to consider the provisions in the emerging development plan documents, specifically in relation to The Borough Council’s Site Specific Development Plan Document (SSDPD) (Preferred Options) – published in 2010. The provisions therein support the proposed development in Irchester Village whilst recognising that the Village provides a Limited Service Role under Preferred Option 1, and the most sustainable village for the majority of additional rural development in the Borough (Paragraph Furthermore, Preferred Option 30 Rural Housing Options identifies the application site ‘Land off High Street, Irchester’ as Option A - one of three sites to provide the remainder of the rural housing requirement. Option A is described as having a range of potential benefits to the community contributing:

(Paragraph ‘not only to housing needs but also, subject to appropriate vehicular access, the provision of additional sports facilities in the village. This option may also provide an opportunity to secure a site for a new doctors’ surgery if this proves necessary and desirable’.

Although it does not carry the same weight as an adopted development plan, it is considered that this document should be accorded some weight in the light of the current situation concerning the housing supply – which is a key issue in the new NPPF and one that is given further consideration and amplified below. This constitutes a sufficient material consideration that justifies a departure from the development plan strategy.

5-year housing supply - Paragraph 49 of the NPPF states that housing applications should be considered in the context of the presumption in favour of development. Relevant policies for the supply of housing should not be considered up-to-date if the Local Planning Authority cannot demonstrate a five-year supply of deliverable housing sites.

Figures produced by the NNJPU and the Borough Council and published in the North Northamptonshire Annual Monitoring Report December 2011 show that, at 1st April 2012, the Borough has a deliverable housing land supply of just 2.14 years, equating to a shortfall of over 3,100 dwellings over the 5 year period to 2016. In total 5,447 additional dwellings will be required over the next 5 year period, equating to approximately 1,089 dwellings per annum. Completion rates for 2010/2011 stood at only 110 dwellings per annum and it is expected that this completion rate would remain low over the current year due to national economic and housing market conditions. There will therefore be considerable difficulties in meeting the shortfall that has already been identified. In the circumstances, there is a pressing need for additional housing - 11 -

land within the Borough to help reduce the identified shortfall and meet the housing needs of the community.

The application site is readily deliverable and is capable of meeting short term housing needs. The site is not subject to any technical, physical or other constraints that would delay its development or prohibit its viability in difficult market conditions. The infrastructure requirements for the scheme could also be easily met and any impact mitigated. Unlike the larger urban extension schemes proposed within the Borough, the delivery of the site is not in question. The site is therefore well placed to meet the immediate housing needs of Wellingborough and is considered highly attractive to house-builders and the housing market as a whole.

In terms of affordable housing, it is intended that up to 30% of the proposed dwellings (37 units in total) will be provided as affordable housing with the mix of units reflecting local housing needs and the private provision within the scheme. This would make a substantial contribution towards the Borough’s requirement for affordable housing. Such provision will be particularly valuable in current economic conditions and considering the likely shortfall in affordable housing which we would expect to reflect the recognised shortfall in market housing within the Borough.

The precise proportion of affordable housing to be provided will be subject to viability assessment at detailed stage but the principle of such will be secured via a Section 106 Agreement, as set out in the attached Planning Obligations Statement.

Sustainable Growth and Community Benefits - At the heart of the new national framework is the presumption in favour of sustainable development which should be seen as the golden thread running through both plan-making and decision-making (Paragraph 14). Irchester is a large village with a population of almost 5,000 people and a wide range of key services and facilities including:

• Local employment provision • Primary school, library and doctors surgery • Many shops, pubs and hot food outlets • Frequent and direct bus services to Wellingborough, and beyond • The active and successful Irchester Sports Association which runs several youth and adult football and cricket teams.

Irchester therefore already has excellent sustainability credentials and is identified as one of the most sustainable rural settlements within the Borough. It scores highly in the sustainability matrix in the SSDPD. The proposed development will provide a range of high quality and sustainable new homes within easy walking and cycling distance of all the above services and facilities. Furthermore, the development will also secure the following significant community benefits:

• 30% provision of affordable housing; • 7 acres of land adjoining the existing Irchester Sports Association (ISA), to be gifted to the Parish Council who in turn would lease the land to the ISA to provide additional facilities to significantly increase the opportunities for sport and recreation in the village. The ISA is a thriving, successful local association which offers membership to the whole community and this additional land would allow it - 12 -

to expand further and also avoid the need in future for some teams to have to play home games in Wollaston; • Provision of a site within the residential development for a new doctors surgery to replace the existing village surgery which is cramped and no longer ‘fit for purpose’; and • Incorporation of substantial open space, including a Local Equipped Area for Play (LEAP), within the proposed residential development.

All the above will enhance sustainability by reducing the need to travel by car, therefore supporting the objectives of the RSS, the Core Strategy and the NPPF.

The role that new development would play in supporting existing services within the village is also of key importance to the whole community. Any loss of services within Irchester would undermine the sustainability of the settlement, its ability to provide for the basic needs of its residents and the vitality of the local community. The proposed development would help to arrest and reverse any such decline in services. The terms of the Legal Agreement would also include appropriate financial contributions to provision of education and other services for the village. The proposed residential development has also been designed with sustainability considerations in mind, as described fully in the submitted Design and Access Statement and the Sustainability Statement.

Access, Transport and Traffic Impact - The application is accompanied by a Transport Assessment and Travel Plan. The Transport Assessment confirms that the proposed residential site is well located in terms of existing local facilities, being within a reasonable walking and cycling distance to the local public house, supermarket, post office, primary school and church, whilst a new medical centre will also be provided within the residential development. The indicative masterplan shows that these connections will be further enhanced by the proposed footway links within the residential development, and the provision of a new footway along the south-west edge of High Street linking into the site access.

The surrounding highway network is suitable for safe cycle journeys, providing sustainable access to Irchester, Wollaston, Rushden, Wellingborough and beyond. Accessibility to existing public transport facilities is sufficient for the proposed residential development, with bus stops located on Station Road within a 9 minute walk of the residential site, providing regular and frequent links to , Wellingborough and Rushden, providing good ‘non-car’ access to a wide range of facilities.

The Transport Assessment also demonstrates that the proposed residential development traffic flows would have no material impact in the weekday morning and evening peak periods at the five junctions assessed on the local highway network, whilst it has also been agreed with the Highways Agency that there would be no material impact and no mitigation works required at the Strategic Road Network (SRN) junction of Chester Road and the A45 junction. The Transport Assessment has also considered the traffic generation associated with the proposed extension to Irchester Sports Association compared to its existing use, identifying that there would be no increase in traffic flows and therefore no impact on the local highway network. No off site highway junction improvements are therefore proposed.

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A detailed Residential Travel Plan has also been developed to support the application, and includes a range of measures to encourage sustainable travel behaviours that would further mitigate any traffic impacts from the site.

The Joint Planning Unit Design Advisor has expressed some concerns about the proposed access arrangements. The applicants have responded as follows: We proposed two accesses so that the surgery element could be developed separately in the future if need be and because two points of access for the residential development is not a technical requirement and the highway authority has not asked for such. Nevertheless, we note your comments and accept that at reserved matters stage the (presently indicative) internal circulation and layout could be adjusted so the southern of the two access points could be used jointly for residential and surgery uses. Alternatively, a link (using de-mountable bollards) for emergency vehicles could easily be provided by slightly extending the driveway presently serving plots 115 and 116 on the indicative layout.

Landscape and Visual Impact – The applicants have undertaken a Landscape and Visual Impact Appraisal (LVIA) of the proposals. The appraisal considers the landscape character and features within the site and the role the site plays in contributing to the character of the wider landscape. The LVIA also identifies the places in the surrounding context from where the site can be seen and represents views towards the site by selecting a range of ‘photoviewpoints’. Both sites lie within the undulating, agricultural landscape on the valley sides of the and its tributaries. The landscape character appraisal found that the sites have a good relationship with the existing settlement and a good sense of visual containment created by adjacent development, the woodland at Irchester Country Park and the local ridge of land to the north of Irchester.

The overall conclusion is that the proposals relate satisfactorily with the settlement of Irchester in relation to the pattern of land uses, the morphology of the existing settlement and the character of views both within and towards the settlement. Historic mapping indicates that the land surrounding the sites has undergone change over the last century, and has been used for settlement-edge activities, such as allotments in the recent past. The proposals have been located and designed to minimise effects on the character and setting of the village and are not considered to conflict with CSS policies 5 and 13 and LP policies 4 and 6.

Ecology and Trees - Ecological sensitivities and opportunities within and around both land parcels were investigated by the applicants through an ecological desk study, involving the collation of information on designated sites and protected species in the vicinity, together with an extended Phase 1 survey and detailed surveys for great crested newts and foraging bats. In terms of designated sites, the baseline studies confirmed the presence of Upper Nene Valley Gravel Pits SSSI, SPA and RAMSAR site within 1km of the site, and Irchester Country Park Local Wildlife Site in close proximity to the western land parcel. However, the scale, nature and context of the proposals have led to the conclusion that no significant adverse impacts on designated sites would arise.

Habitats within the two land parcels are of negligible ecological interest comprising mainly arable land, and the proposals are likely to result in an increase in ecological - 14 - valuable habitats and result in enhanced site biodiversity. With respect to protected species, a significant population of great crested newts was identified within the network of ponds situated at least 200m from the western land parcel within Irchester Country Park. However, the presence of a near vertical cliff face on the inside edge of the Country Park is considered likely to prevent newts from accessing the development site during their terrestrial phase – a view supported by Natural England during pre- application discussions. Low levels of bat foraging within the site were recorded during detailed transect surveys, and the site offers some limited bird nesting habitat in the form of scattered scrub and hedgerows, however both species groups are likely to benefit from an increase in suitable habitat through proposed new hedgerow and tree planting.

The applicants have also carried out a BS5837 compliant tree survey and arboricultural implications assessment of all trees within and adjacent to the site that may be affected by the proposals. The findings of which are set out in the ‘Findings of the Arboricultural Assessment’, which accompanies this application.

The survey process recorded a total of 17 individual trees and 5 groups of trees of varying quality around both sites but limited to their peripheries. In terms of species diversity, a total of 7 species are represented with a total of 11 Cherry (40.7%) and 6 Ash (22.2%) predominating across the sites. The age distribution of the tree stock is biased towards the ‘young’ and ‘middle-aged’ categories with 9 (40.9%) young trees and 11 (50.0%) middle aged; whilst only 2 (9.1.%) of the population were classified as mature and no over-mature or veteran items were recorded.

Whilst age distribution and species diversity are important, the overriding factors in the assessment of the tree population are tree health and condition. Trees in poor health and condition have a limited lifespan and contribute little to landscape character, sustainability and continuity of the tree population. A BS5837 survey identifies Category A and B trees as those of higher quality and development proposals should be designed to retain such trees wherever possible. Across the site there are no A grade items of high quality and value, 6 (27.3%) B grade items of moderate quality and value and 12 (54.5%) C grade items of low quality and value. In addition, there are a further 4 (18.2%) R grade items that should be removed for reasons of sound arboricultural management, regardless of any design proposals.

Implementation of the illustrative masterplan would result in the direct loss of one C Grade Cherry tree and requires the adoption of no dig construction methodologies in the vicinity of one C grade Ash tree to facilitate construction of vehicular access. This loss is mitigated by a significant volume of new tree planting across the residential development site which offers significant longer-term enhancement to the visual amenity and succession of the tree population.

Flooding and Drainage - The application for planning permission is supported by a Flood Risk Assessment in accordance with the requirements of the defunct PPS25. Detailed Flood Mapping information supplied by the Environment Agency indicates that both sites lie outside of the 1 in 1000 year floodplain and within a zone of low flood probability. The topography of the Land west of High Street site falls from the northwest to the south east corner of the site, towards the High Street. Surface water run-off arising from the development will be routed, through a gravity surface water drainage - 15 - network, towards the proposed Sustainable Drainage System (SUDS). Due to the absence of any existing drainage ditches, watercourses, or surface water sewers within the immediate vicinity of the site, the proposed Sustainable Drainage System will have a pumped surface water outfall to the existing Anglian Water surface water sewer located within the High Street, to the south of the site.

The storage volume provided within the SUDS will allow water to be pumped from this site, to the existing surface water sewer, at a rate agreed with Anglian Water; this rate is less than that arising from the pre-developed site, and in accordance with current legislation and guidelines. In addition, and given the pumped outfall, the storage volume provided has also been considered within the scenario of the potential temporary failure of the surface water pumping station, as detailed within the Flood Risk Assessment.

The surface water pumping station will require a footprint of approximately 8 metres by 10 metres with vehicular access for maintenance and inspection. In additional, a minimum stand-off of 15m from the pumping station boundary will be provided to the nearest residential dwelling. At this stage, a proposal for natural turf pitches at the site adjoining Irchester Sports Association would not lead to an increase in impermeable area, and therefore the run-off regime would remain as per the existing agricultural situation and no new drainage features are considered necessary.

Planning Obligations - Transport Improvements and measures aimed at improving sustainable travel patterns: - Sports Pitches: To make available and offer to transfer at nil value 7 acres of sports pitches at the development site to the Parish Council upon the commencement of development; - Education Contribution: To make payment of contributions for the provision of primary school places to meet the deficit of primary school places to serve the primary school age pupils expected to be generated by the development; - Libraries, Fire and Rescue: Financial contributions towards provisions. - Affordable Housing: To provide 30% of the dwellings at the development as affordable housing subject to viability; - On-Site Public Open Space: To provide incidental open space and a LEAP Play Area on site and the final dwelling shall not be occupied until such areas have been laid out and offered for transfer at nil value to the Parish Council subject to payment of a commuted sum for 20 year maintenance; - Libraries, Fire and Rescue Contribution: To make payment for contributions towards libraries, fire and rescue provisions; and - Environmental Improvements and Community Centres: To make payment for contributions towards environmental improvements and community centres.

Conclusion – As mentioned above, the presumption in favour of sustainable development is the golden thread running through both plan making and decision taking in the new NPPF. It is considered that the proposed development is consistent with this provision. In the light of the absence of a five-year housing land supply, paragraph 14 of the NPPF requires residential proposals to be approved unless there are significant and demonstrable adverse impacts that outweigh the benefits. It is considered that the benefits arising from the proposed development significantly and demonstrably outweigh the prevailing development plan policies advocating the protection of the - 16 -

countryside. Other than the countryside issue, it is considered that no substantive adverse impact exists for this proposal. There are no objections from the statutory highway authorities and the package of Section 106 measures and the proposed surgery offer significant community benefits

As mentioned above, this is one of the preferred option sites for rural expansion. Although the Site Specific Development Plan Document does not have the status of the development plan, it should nonetheless be accorded some weight and should be considered as the framework for the spatial vision of the area.

RECOMMENDATION: Grant Outline Planning Permission subject to the completion of a suitable Section 106 Agreement or Unilateral Undertaking and the following conditions:

1. Application for approval of reserved matters must be made not later than the expiration of three years beginning with the date of this permission and the development must be begun not later than whichever is the later of the following dates: (a) the expiration of three years from the date of this permission; or (b) the expiration of two years from the final approval of the reserved matters or, in the case of approval on different dates, the final approval of the last such matter to be approved. 2. Details of the appearance, landscaping (including ecological/biodiversity and Green Infrastructure provisions and enhancement), layout and scale, (hereinafter called "the reserved matters") shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority before any development begins and the development shall be carried out as approved. 3. Prior to the commencement of the development an Environmental Risk Assessment to identify any contamination of the site shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. If the Environmental Risk Assessment identifies any contamination, it shall contain measures for its remediation and the site shall be remediated in accordance with the agreed scheme prior to first occupation. 4. A Landscape Management Plan including long term design objectives, management responsibilities and maintenance schedules of all landscaped areas, other than small, privately owned domestic gardens, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority prior to the occupation of the development. The Management Plan shall be carried out in accordance with the approved scheme unless otherwise agreed in writing by the local planning authority. 5. No development shall take place until a surface water drainage scheme for the site, based on sustainable drainage principles and an assessment of the hydrological and hydro geological context of the development, has been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The drainage strategy should demonstrate the surface water run-off generated up to and including the 1% critical storm will not exceed the run-off from the undeveloped site following the corresponding rainfall event. Any attenuation required should include an allowable for climate change. The scheme shall - 17 -

subsequently be implemented in accordance with the approved details before the development is completed. The scheme shall also include: Infiltration testing in accordance with BRE Digest 365 or CIRIA 156. Demonstrate that the hierarchy of drainage has been followed. Detailed surface water design drawings and supporting calculations. Consideration of overland flood flows. Overland floodwater should be routed away from vulnerable areas. For acceptable depths and rates of flow, please refer to Environment Agency and Defra document FD2320/TR2 “Flood Risk Assessment Guidance for New Development Phase 2”. Informative for condition 5 Section 4.3.2. of the Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) Manual (CIRIA C697) refers to Development Runoff. Within this Section, it is acknowledged that additional datasets have been added to Flood Estimation Handbook (FEH) and rainfall depths obtained using FEH show significant differences from those obtained from Flood Studies Report (FSR) in some parts of the country. For the Northamptonshire area, rainfall depths are often greater using more up to date FEH datasets than those using FSR therefore for various storm events, greater run-off is produced and additional attenuation is likely to be required. FEH rainfall data is more up to date than FSR (England and Wales) therefore calculations should use this FEH data to determine the volume of surface water attenuation required on site. We recognise there are uncertainties associated with the use of any datasets. In particular, FSR rainfall data should be used where the critical storm is less than 60 minutes as FEH data is less robust for short duration storms. FEH rainfall data can be used to determine the volume of storage required if the critical storm is greater than 30 minutes. If FEH rainfall data is not used as described above, then sensitivity testing to assess the implications of FEH rainfall must be provided. This should demonstrate that the development proposals remain safe and do not increase flood risk to third parties. 6. Development shall not begin until a detailed scheme for the ownership and maintenance of the surface water drainage assets for the lifetime of the development has been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved scheme unless otherwise agreed in writing by the local planning authority. Informative for condition 6 Please note that the worst case scenario surface water scheme set out within the FRA, which assumes no infiltration in the absence of percolation tests, uses a surface water pumping station. As such, it is imperative that the overall ownership and maintenance is addressed for the lifetime of development. 7. No development shall commence until details of a scheme, including phasing, for the provision of mains foul water drainage on and off site has been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. No dwellings shall be occupied until the works have been carried out in accordance with the approved scheme. Informative for condition 7 In order to satisfy this condition an adequate scheme would need to be submitted which demonstrates that there is (or will be prior to occupation) sufficient infrastructure capacity for the connection, conveyance, treatment and disposal of quantity and quality of water within the proposed phasing of development. A review may be required depicting how the infrastructure - 18 -

operates within environmental limits and in light of forecast demand for these facilities.

Reasons: 1. Required to be imposed pursuant to Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, as amended by section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004. 2. To secure satisfactorily planned development 3. To avoid any detrimental effects from contamination in the interest of the health and safety of future occupiers. 4. In order to maintain and enhance the landscape quality and visual amenity of the area. 5. To prevent the increased risk of flooding, both on and off site in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework and Policy 13 (q) of the Core Strategy for North Northamptonshire. 6. To manage the risk of flooding, pollution and detriment to public amenity through provision of suitable water infrastructure in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework and Policy 13 (q) of the Core Strategy for North Northamptonshire. 7. To prevent flooding, pollution and detriment to public amenity through provision of suitable water infrastructure.

INFORMATIVE/S: 1. Pursuant to Section 38(6) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004, the proposed development contravenes some policies in the development plan, but there are mitigating circumstances and material considerations, which in this instance are given greater weight than the development plan policies and as such, the proposed development, is on balance, considered acceptable and approved. The policies that have been considered in determining this application specifically include: The East Midlands Regional Plan Policy 1 - Regional Core Objectives Policy 3 - Distribution of New Development North Northamptonshire Core Spatial Strategy Policy 1 - Strengthening the Network of Settlements Policy 5 - Green Infrastructure Policy 6 - Infrastructure Delivery and Developer Contributions Policy 7 - Delivering Housing Policy 9 - Distribution and Location of Development Policy 10 - Distribution of Housing Policy 13 - General Sustainable Development Principles Policy 14 - Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Construction Policy 15 - Sustainable Housing Provisions 'Saved Policies' of Wellingborough Local Plan (LP) G4 - Villages G6 - The Open Countryside H4 - Restraint Villages and the Open Countryside H9 - Affordable Housing - 19 -

2. The applicant is advised that this decision relates to the following indicative drawings received on the date shown. These drawings are for indicative purposes only. Drawing numbers: EDP/1270/55A, 65A, 56 and 57A Received 28 March 2012; and the following documents: Design and Access Statement; Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment; Transport Assessment and Travel Plan (Received 29 May 2012); Flood Risk Assessment; Ecological Assessment; Archaeological Assessment; Arboricultural Assessment; Sustainability Statement; Phase 1 Geotechnical Desk Study; Utilities and Foul Water Drainage Report; and Noise Report

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Date Object or Consultee received Support Comments Tony Skipper & Maureen 28/03/2012 neither Footpath cycle way provision for school children Skipper Country View 93 30/3/12 & Impact on highway / traffic Woodlands Road Irchester 13/04/2012 CO2 emissions -sustainability Restrict development for use by Wellingborough village residents -Affordable Homes and I would like to ask for Northamptonshire NN29 7BU the comments of Alex Stevenson Wellingborough Council conservation officer to this outline planning application. The Transport document states that the High Street Irchester would be the main link to transport infrastructure within the Village and surrounding travel. The area is the High Street an old village road unsuitable for todays volume of traffic and its current condition highlights this. This is an area of a number of listed buildings protected by law from man made erosion at a cost to the owner. If outline planning permission was given there would be a clear need to make sure the propertys are not at risk from increased traffic from the Development and a study and a listed building damage prevention plan be submitted by the developer to cover risk of traffic erosion and this should be a condition. The list is as follows 30/03/2012 Daniel Rigby object Overdevelopment & 1A New Street Irchester 13/04/2012 Lack of infrastructure -highways, schools Northants NN29 7AQ

Cheryl Caddock 30-Mar-12 object Loss privacy Anti social behaviour Loss countryside Loss of view 87 Bradshaw Way Irchester Amenity disturbance Overdevelopment Traffic Highway safety Northants NN29 7DW

Loveridge Stephen 30-Mar-12 object Highway safety & traffic Noise amenity Lack of Health resources 75 Bakers Crescent Irchester Loss of countryside Wellingborough Northants NN29 7BA

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Date Object or Consultee received Support Comments Iain and Ewa Welters 31-Mar-12 object No need -many empty homes on BCW empty properties register 52 Gipsy lane Irchester Security compromise Light and traffic pollution Increased traffic NN29 7DL and road safety problems Lack of supporting Infrastructure Detrimental effect on existing Services Changing the whole feel and degeneration of “the village” and the negative impact on family values and life here Structural and environmental damage to quarry cliff edge Social and economic decline Privacy Schools oversubscribed Additional car Parking problems

Iain and Ewa Welters 31-Mar-12 object Social and environmental harm Lack of local amenities Traffic & 52 Gipsy lane Irchester highways Geotechnical & structural surveys in the application NN29 7DL are WRONG Quarry edge at risk

Paul Johnson 31-Mar-12 object Location Highway safety & traffic New Health centre required 87 Bradshaw Way Irchester Amenity noise from road, sports pitch Harm to ecology -birds Northants NN29 7DW etc…Country park

Michael Bond 31-Mar-12 object Sports pitch access -traffic and amenity harm Highway safety 8 Alfred Street Irchester Wellingborough Northamptonshire NN29 7DR

Sean and Luane Auvache 01-Apr-12 object Flood risk SUD -Health & Safety issue Highway & Traffic Impact 126 High street Irchester New Health Centre required Bus provision Loss of green field NN29 7AB

Linda Hanscombe 02-Apr-12 object Greenfield Loss agricultural land Highway Impact No housing 77 Bradshaw Way Irchester need Contrary to NPPF Overdevelopment of village Northants NN29 7DW

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Date Object or Consultee received Support Comments Mr and Mrs M Heathorn 02-Apr-12 object Loss of view Loss of privacy Noise Light pollution 109 Bradshaw Way Irchester Wellingborough Northants NN29 7DW

Richard Webb 03-Apr-12 object Overdevelopment If approved the Council will approve more land 84 High Street Irchester for housing Lack of infrastructure -highways, sewers, health Wellingborough Northants centre Loss of archaeology Loss of ecology NN29 7AB

Diane Prigmore 10-Apr-12 object As a resident of this VILLAGE since 1977 we find this to be a 113 Bradshaw Way Irchester totally excessive development in view of the limited infrastructure Wellingborough Northants facilities and major difficulties with utilities. With roads that are NN29 7DW already dangerous and over crowded. We accept that new housing is necessary, but the scale suggested and the manner of the development is wholly unacceptable and simply not sustainable. Need can not dictate unacceptable development of such a despirate nature which will only result in an unaccesspable environment for existing and future residents. The location of the "so called sports pitches" are ridiculous the suggested access road is also ridiculous Mr and Mrs A Moore 09-Apr-12 object 1. The pond being proposed as drainage for the new housing 132 High Street, Irchester, estate. 1.1 Who is to take responsibility for the upkeep of this Wellingborough, Northants, pond? is it to be maintained or will it just become another litter NN29 7AB filled and unsightly mess. 1.2 Should there be any increase in rainfall or failure of the pumping station causing the pond to overflow, this is likely to flood the road and cause flooding to nearby properties on the other side of the road. Who will take responsibility for this? 1.3 What effect would excavation of such a large amount of soil have on nearby properties, might it cause subsidence? 1.4 We question the decision by Barwood Strategic Land LLP to dig up a considerable length of the High Street, in order to connect the outlet of the pumping station to the Anglian Water surface water sewer outside the entrance to The Cottage Nursing Home, opposite the church. When Anglian Water themselves consider this not to be the best option in the long term. 1.5 From the plans we understand that the foul sewage from the estate is to be connected into the mains sewer outside 134 High Street. We are concerned that the existing sewer will not cope

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Date Object or Consultee received Support Comments Tony Lovell 07-Apr-12 object Irchester, as a VILLAGE could not sensibly cope with the 166 Wollaston Road, Irchester proposals to be increased by 124 properties. -as such, this is not NN29 7DH needed-nor required by the residents. An increase in that number of properties (and also the included "sweetener") for the increase of the sports centre facilities would cause overall problems for the general infrastructure of the village, which would at the least include, sewage, parking and the use of road areas not capable of extra traffic. The proposed amount of extra properties would generate an increase in the population of children and as a result local schools would be oversubscribed. The VILLAGE culture,-that as residents we all value so much- ,would be lost, even by these proposed increases, let alone by any future extension application possibilities. In the last few years, the VILLAGE has increased by manageable amounts, by the use of "Brown field" and "Infill" sites -which in general have been reasonable and acceptable. It must be agreed that some facility improvements need to be made to our VILLAGE, for

Keith & Marion Elford, 05-Apr-12 object 2A Alfred Street, Irchester, Wellingborough, Northants, NN29 7DR Mary Wright & Peter Smith 11-Apr-12 object Firstly, we understand that our Government created a policy that 97 Bradshaw Way Irchester there should not be any construction of 100+ dwellings on fields Northants surrounding villages. We choose to live in a village in a rural area NN29 7DW and this statement from David Cameron supports our choice. We feel that developments of this size should be confined to areas on the outskirts of towns, where residents are not closely connected with the rural countryside. These fields are farmed for cereal crops and provide the food of the future. Whilst not a Site of Special Scientific Interest or home to protected species this area is also an important wildlife habitat. Irchester has seen a vast amount of development since the mid 1960's. The basic infrastructure was not changed with any of these developments. Within the village the main roads, main sewers, gas and electricity supplies reflect this. Further developments will only add to the problems. We understand that Irchester Community Primary School has the capacity to extend. This will be at the expense of losing playing fields and can any funding for expansion be guaranteed to cover the increasing numbers of pupils. These pupils will then need to move on to secondary schools w

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Date Object or Consultee received Support Comments Anon 11-Apr-12 object Whilst we would prefer it if there was no further development outside the Parish boundary, as has been said before, if development has to happen this location is the preferred site. That said we have a number of issues with the current application as it stands. 1. Despite what Anglian Water report there are already problems with the drainage in this area and this will need resolving. However until Anglian Water acknowledge there is an issue the developer cannot address the problem. 2. The junction to the A45 is already inadequate and will need improving to cope with the additional traffic, otherwise it will be forced through the village. 3. The location of the medical centre is not as accessible for the elderly or disabled. A resolution to this would be to include for the provision of an additional or amended bus route in the travel plan. 4. Locating the play area next to the pond does not seem to be the safest idea. 5. A guarantee that there will be no further development on this site. If a buffer strip was Claire Wright 11-Apr-12 object I am strongly opposed to the outlined development for a number 16 Ash Close Irchester of reasons. Firstly I do not agree that the village could cope with Northants NN29 7BP the proposed number of dwellings. The school is at full capacity and although there is the potential to extend the school, I feel this will be detrimental as it will be at the expense of a playing field. My other concern is that the additional land will eventually be built upon and subsequently this could end with a large development of up to possibly 700 houses. Irchester roads are often busy and I do not think capable of taking on any more traffic. The village already has issues with drainage and a new development will only cause further problems. I do not agree that the development should be built upon the suggested location. It is home to important wildlife. Geoffrey Howes 12-Apr-12 object This plan is far too big for the village of Irchester and would 57 School Road Irchester change the lives of those living there at present. The Northants NN29 7AW infrastructure could not possibly cope. The sewers, roads, schools and other services are already at breaking point. The siting of a medical centre this far out of the village is ridiculous and many would not be able to get to it. The development is not on a bus route . Access to the A45 is very dangerous and in the village centre the traffic flow is very high causing hazard to both the young and old. There are other options for smaller developments on the outskirts of the village which would not cause the level of disruption. The proposed development appears to be a pre cursor to further expansion in the future on adjoining land and i wish to strongly object to the proposed development for the reasons outlined above

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Date Object or Consultee received Support Comments Tom Lloyd 12-Apr-12 object It would violate planning guide-lines favouring brownfield sites 123 High Street Irchester and sustainable developments, and by substantially extending Wellingborough Northants Irchester’s borders, it would set a precedent that could well lead NN29 7AA ultimately to the disappearance of Irchester as a separate settlement. The reported assurances of road authorities and utilities that there are no infrastructure implications to the proposed development would be laughable, if the inferences planning authorities might draw from them were not so serious. Local residents know only too well that Irchester High Street is too narrow, is frequently congested already because of all the village amenities it incorporates (2 pubs, church, retirement home, chemist, library, shops, etc.), has very little off-road parking, and because of the generally dilapidated state of local services (drains, water, phone lines), is rarely without restrictions for repairs. The road invariably floods when there’s heavy rain and raw sewage is often seen seeping out of manhole covers near the railway line.

Jane Webb 12-Apr-12 object I would like to submit my objection to the planning application No WP/2012/0165 for the proposal to build one hundred and twenty four homes on the proposed site in the VILLAGE of Irchester.

I feel the whole infrastructure of the VILLAGE would not be able to cope with one hundred and twenty four homes and a possible five hundred and fifty extra people. The village sewage system in the High Street has always been a problem with blockages and raw sewage running into a stream at the bottom end of the High Street which when walking through the GREEN FIELDS you can see as well as smell!! Water is also a problem flooding every time it rains at the A45 junction just as well we have not had too much recently but then at the beginning of the week rain yes you guessed it flooding right across the main junction out onto the A45.

The extra traffic in a narrow High Street would cause noise – pollution – and with another possible three to four hundred vehicles on this site alone the junctions in the VILLAGE at

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Date Object or Consultee received Support Comments Mrs C Eastcott 12-Apr-12 object My first concern is the increase of traffic generated by this 54 Gipsy Lane, Irchester proposal, Irchester is a small village with a narrow High Street NN29 7DL which is often congested with traffic and parked cars. To add to it with vehicles from this new housing will make matters unacceptable. Gipsy Lane, where I live, is a busy through route to Wellingborough and the A509 and when there is a venue on at Santa Pod it is more like a noisy race track. The proposed new medical centre is badly located for use by the village and only convenient for the proposed development. ADDITIONAL SPORTS FIELDS The planning obligation transfers seven acres of sports pitches to the Parish Council on commencement of the development. On previous drawings parking spaces are shown. Who will be responsible for these? I think a more forward planning approach should be taken into account when considering any improvements to the sports facilities and Social Club. Thinking to the future, the whole sports area and club should be repositioned with easy access/parking for the village and not just adding Simon Davies 12-Apr-12 object 1) This is a disproportionately large development on Greenfield 8 Barringers Gardens Irchester agricultural land, which is located outside the existing village Wellingborough Northants boundary. Historically, the prevention of development beyond a NN29 7AL village envelope has ensured that the essential character and nature of a village is not destroyed. This scale of development should be attached to a town and not to a small village. 2) The approach to Irchester from the A45, past the proposed site, is an attractive and valuable asset to the village. The existing property development is linear, along the roadside and is entirely in keeping with the otherwise unspoilt agricultural vistas. The large new development will destroy the approach visually and dramatically change the nature of the village. 3) Existing Brownfield sites within the village should be given priority for development. 4) The roads are unsuitable. Access to the A45 is only possible in a westerly direction. All traffic heading east will therefore be forced through the village centre, which was not designed to handle even the current volume of traffic. The existing slip road onto the A45 is just plain dangerous Mrs C Thompson 14-Apr-12 object 79 Bradshaw Way, Irchester. NN29 7DW

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Date Object or Consultee received Support Comments Mr Roger & Mrs Susan Taplin 12-Apr-12 object I am strongly opposed the development because I do not agree 125 Wollaston Road Irchester that the village could cope with the proposed number of Wellingborough dwellings There are also the problems of drainage, traffic, NN29 7DD speeding and parked cars making the roads very dangerous. My other concern is that the additional land will eventually be built upon and subsequently this could end with a large development of up to possibly 700 houses. I live in Wollaston Road and at certain times of the day it is almost impossible to get my car on to the road because of nonstop continuous traffic. I have waited as long as 11minutes to get out of my drive and if this development takes place things can only get worse. I have been living here for 8 years and in that time there have been two accidents outside my house and on both occasions the vehicles have crashed into a tree outside our house, if the tree had not been there the vehicles in the front of the house. Finally we need less traffic not more on our already congested roads in the village. This plan is far too big for the village of Irchester and would change the lives of those living here at present. Simon Hopkins 12-Apr-12 object I object MOST STRONGLY to this proposal. The village 7 Barringers Gardens Irchester population is very much against an this development and radical Northants NN29 7AL increase in size in this portion of the village. On the grounds firstly that the connecting road to the A45 (Chester Road, leading to into the little High Street) is far too inadequate to support a massive rise in use this housing would bring. The slip road is too short to join the A45 and the queuing there would become horrendous and dangerous. Also water and sewage would be a problem issue due to the local drainage not being able to cope . The wildlife environment will also suffer. If in 2010, over 2000 Irchester residents signed a petition to keep the village within its current envelope, I am quite shocked that we are in the situation of having to raise objections to the Council. I would hope that you have the decent sense to serve this community with the desires that the Irchester people so obviously demand. PLEASE DO NOT SUPPORT THIS HOUSING PROPOSAL IN THIS AREA -IT IS A BAD CHOICE. Thank you. Mrs J Fleming 13-Apr-12 object 119 Bradshaw Way Irchester Wellingborough Northamptonshire NN29 7DW

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Date Object or Consultee received Support Comments Mr T Dicks, Mrs N Dicks, 13-Apr-12 object We object due to the lack of thought that has gone into the Mst J Dicks following subjects: Infrastructure -Schools. Already we have 175 Wollaston Road Irchester families in the village who cannot get their children into Irchester Northants NN29 7DD Schools, we do not have enough capacity for the current population. Where will my child go to school ? This will only get worse -With the total proposed site taking all of the available land behind the schools -there will be no room (even if there was money) to extend. Infrastructure -Medical. The Doctors surgery appears to be under capacity at present population levels, as it is very, very difficult to get in to see a doctor. this will only get worse. As children growing up in the village, we had 4 doctors, now we have 2 for an increased population. Infrastructure - Roads. Currently we as a Village are used as a through route for Rushden traffic. At peak times traffic is dense & fast through Wollaston road. This will only increase as the A45 junction is not suitable at present, so all traffic will come through Wollaston Road/Station road. Norma & Colin Percival 13-Apr-12 object 1 Arkwright road Irchester Northants NN29 7HD


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Date Object or Consultee received Support Comments Geoff Cotter 13-Apr-12 Neither Why relocate ? It is at present located fairly central in the village. 15 Parsons Rd Irchester It has 3 consulting rooms and a nurse's room. and adequate car NN29 7EA parking facilities if patients use the village hall car park. If it needs to be enlarged then it can be by building on the car park at the rear of the Centre. What is needed is needed is better management of the existing facilities. By NOT relocating it frees up more land to build more AFFORDABLE houses for the inhabitants of OUR VILLAGE-IRCHESTER & The Sports Field has been accessed via Alfred Street since before WW2.and even with todays increase in traffic and vehicle sizes, eg waste collection, delivery van's/trucks to both residents and the Sports Field it is not a major problem, provided that the residents and/or their visitors use their own off road parking facilities or indeed use the Sports Association’s car park, which some residents do and the Association has no problems with that .Indeed the ISA Management go out of their way to be co-operative and helpful to all residents bordering, and living in the access road to Sports Association premises typically ensuring the gate is left open on waste collection days so they can turn round in the car p Allan Gay 13-Apr-12 Object The village of Irchester, now approaching the size of a small 166 Arkwright Road Irchester town, though without commensurate facilities, cannot bear the Wellingborough impact of the proposed development. The public consultation Northamptonshire NN29 7HG exercise in the Village Hall on 1st February this year itself afforded a graphic example of this. The building was too small to hold all those wishing to attend. I and many others were unable to enter it to hear the presentations. I have since visited the WBC website and read the Planning Statement filed there as Irchester Planning Report Mar 2012.pdf. It contains some questionable assertions. As one who reluctantly abandoned cycling some years ago on grounds of safety, I was bitterly amused to read that the local road network provides safe routes to Wellingborough for cyclists, when in fact it is strewn with hazards for them: parked cars, congested bottlenecks, potholed macadam, and speeding vehicles many of which are heavy goods vehicles. My own residential street has lately bid fair to become an extended all-day parking lot for visiting vehicles, with clumsy motorists reversing their cars over my flowerbeds ¿ problems that a further expansion of the village can only exacerb Mark Kitchen 14-Apr-12 Object i wish to object to the planning application as i feel it would be a 3 Evelyn Way Irchester drastic change to the village which could not support the Wellingborough additional resource both with amenities like sewage and with Northamptonshire NN29 7AP local shops. Irchester also has a fantastic green belt land around it which we need to maintain

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Date Object or Consultee received Support Comments Joyce Allen & Maurice Allen 14-Apr-12 object That the Village of Irchester cannot sustain a development of this 139 Bradshaw Way Irchester size. ROADS: The roads of Irchester are very Narrow in this Wellingborough Northants area, we already have problems for parking and pedestrians. NN29 7DW access on to the A45 is extremely dangerous now with a possibility of a further 200 cars using these road and the A45 being the nearest exit this would cause major problems Therefore traffic will use the high street as anther route. WATER & SEWAGE: we already have problems throughout various areas of the village with Drainage and Sewage. How will these old and overloaded sewers be able to cope. GIFT: he land offered as a gift to the village for the sports extension does not have a proper access road other than through the existing road of Alfred Street, which is not suitable at present let alone when there are more facilities and cars. In our opinion most important THE ENVIRONMENT: This a Green field site which Borders the Country park and is supported by a variety of wildlife such as SKYLARKS and English Partridges, both of which are rare Ivy Smart 14-Apr-12 object 32 Arkwright Road Irchester Northants NN29 7HD

Mrs Linda Corn & Mr Brian 15-Apr-12 object The High Street is a very narrow road -in disrepair in some Corn places-that is frequently congested. Many of the village 130b High Street Irchester amenities are in the High Street (11 or more) and there is little or Wellingborough Northants no off road parking. A wedding, funeral or concert brings the NN29 7AB traffic to a halt. The slip road to the A45 is too short and therefore dangerous. At peak times you have to filter into 2 lanes of fast traffic from a standstill and the increased traffic will worsen this situation. The only alternative is to drive along the already busy High Street. The High Street has a drainage problem and after heavy rain always floods -at the site of this proposed development. The sewers cannot cope and there is often raw sewage bubbling up in the fields towards the railway line. This development will do great damage to the environment. We have English Partridge and Skylarks nesting on the fields and both of these are fast becoming 'rare'. If allowed to go ahead, this will lead to further development in this area which will have a

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Date Object or Consultee received Support Comments Gill Cheney 15-Apr-12 object I am writing to object to the plans to build "up to" 124 houses on ? Larch Close Irchester greenfield areas to the North of Irchester. I feel that a development of this size should not be built on our greenfield sites, but would also strain the existing infrastructure. This particular site will surely create specific problems regarding drainage and congestion. DRAINAGE: The "Flood Risk Assessment" document for this application states that "runoff may pose a risk to the existing residential dwellings on the eastern side of the High Street". To avoid this, the plans include an "attenuation pond" and pumping station. At a public meeting in February concerns were expressed regarding the safety aspects of a pond and it was stated that the pond was shown for illustration only and could be replaced. This is obviously not true, so the safety issue and public concerns remain. TRAFFIC: The "Traffic Assessment" concludes that this development will not create any traffic problems. However, several assumptions are made which I would question. Para 5.4 states that the additional sports facilities will not create more traffic. Why do we need Graham Edwards 15-Apr-12 object Concerned with the 'phase 1' expanding along the A45, 130c High Street Irchester greenfield development, the development will exceed the Wellingborough capacity of the village framework in respect of all services; Northamptonshire NN29 7AB schools, doctors, roads, parking which will result in a car dependency. Transport and Highways traffic increase in village, traffic increase creates further risk of accidents on A45 junction. Utility Infrastructure -sewer failures regularly, issues with water related services. Education -local school over capacity, increases car journeys (pollution etc). Medical Facilities - relocating medical centre creates more care usage. Amenities - currently stretched. Economic Sustainability -no local benefits, people forced to shop out of the village due to overcrowding. Environmental Sustainability -greenfield, affect wildlife, archaeological area. Mr & Mrs J E Ward 15-Apr-12 Neither This application is outside the Village/Parish boundary/envelope 1 Redwood Close Irchester on a Greenfield site. Greenfield sites should not be used for Northants NN29 7BX residential accommodation especially 124 homes. Irchester is a village and as residents we are only too aware of the problems building this number of homes at the end of the High Street is going to cause. We sincerely hope the Planning committee will take notice of the number of objections to this application.

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Date Object or Consultee received Support Comments Siew-Peng Crevel 15-Apr-12 object Roads/traffic -Irchester High Street is already a busy and 41 High Street Irchester congested road, quite narrow in places, regularly restricted Wellingborough NN29 7AA through weddings and other activities. It cannot bear more traffic. Access to the A45 is not even satisfactory at present, The slip road is extremely short, making it very difficult to join safely the fast-moving traffic on the dual carriageway. Inevitably, the proposed development would lead to increased use of the High Street itself and possibly School Hill, itself narrow and unsuitable to high traffic volumes. Water and sewerage -Flooding in the High Street at the proposed site is already an issue when there is heavy rain, a situation that is hardly likely to be improved. There have also been times when raw sewage has been seen bubbling up in the fields towards the railway line. Environment - At present the site is agricultural land. Looking to a future where food is required for a growing population and bearing in mind that the United Kingdom imports a very large proportion of its food, it would seem logical, not to mention prudent, to ensure that such land is maintained in its current use. However, even more immediate concerns dictate that an application Tracey Oliffe 15-Apr-12 object I object to this application on the grounds of increased traffic 99 Saxon Rise Irchester along High Street road. This is an already very crowded road. Northants NN29 7AU The slip road on & off of the A45 would need improvement. I do not feel this road is suitable to cope with the increased traffic. Moving the doctors surgery further out of the village will improve traffic around the school & village hall but would increase the travel on foot for many of the local residents. Whilst i am against the development on the grounds of traffic increase. If the A45 slip road was to be improved and the existing road better maintained, I feel this would be a great addition to the village as long as the development was not increased in the future which i fear this scheme has allowed for. I like the fact that there is a pond as this is something that my daughters & I have wished for in the village, I only hope this does't get taken out during cost saving exercises. William Butcher 16-Apr-12 object PROPOSED SITE FOR DOCTORS PRACTICE IS TO FAR OUT 92 Farndish Rd, Irchester, OF VILLAGE AND THE FOOTPATHS ARE NOT SUITABLE OR Northants NN29 7BE WIDE ENOUGH IN PLACES FOR INVALID CARRIAGES AND PUSHCHAIRS. THE ROAD IS CURRENTLY DIFFICULT TO DRIVE DUE TO ITS WIDTH AND THE PARKING OUTSIDE OF CHURCH, PARSONS HALL, CHEMIST ETC. THE ENTRANCE TO THE CURRENT SPORTS FIELD (ALFRED ST) IS NOT SUITABLE FOR THE EXISTING TRAFFIC AND AN ALTERNATIVE ENTRANCE IS NECESSARY

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Date Object or Consultee received Support Comments Jane and Ade Parker 15-Apr-12 object · No building should be allowed on agricultural land which is also Cornerfield Nursery High Street outside the village boundary when there are plenty of brownfield Irchester Northants NN29 7AB sites within the village which should be developed first. · As it stands now the road will not be able to cope with the increased traffic that any development of this size will bring. · Raw sewage often floods the hedge alongside our boundary and the field at the bottom when heavy rain occurs at present – with any development opposite us the flooding will only get worse and the existing sewage system in the village is unable to cope with current demands. · It is understood that a total of 82.5acres have been signed into the development area and there is a risk that in time all of this site would be used for building even more development. · The site is an important nesting area for some of our more endangered birds including skylarks and English partridge. · Where will the children be able to go to school – can the local existing schools cope with extra numbers?

Sally Cotter 16-Apr-12 object David Lister 16-Apr-12 object 1 This is already a large village, which another 124 houses plus 34 Coulon Close Irchester will put a strain on the village infrastructure. The inhabitants have Wellingborough Northants chosen a "village life" . We could choose to live in a town. NN29 7UW Gradual growth of the village for the benefit of the residents would be more acceptable. 2 Pressure on this and three other villages around the borough would be less if the 7000 houses for which there is already planning permission were being built. Far from enough houses have actually been built in Wellingborough in recent years! 3 We should not be bribed by the developers in order to achieve facilities which should be provided by the authorities. Mr & Mrs P Khinder 15-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 16 Knuston Spinney Knuston dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, NN29 7ES proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate.

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Date Object or Consultee received Support Comments Mrs Carol Little 15-Apr-12 object The village cannot possibly sustain the proposed development. The High Street is very busy and dangerous because of parked cars and badly maintained roads and is often congested. This road contains many of the village amenities and at times because of weddings, funerals, church services, concerts etc. can become very hazardous. The A45 junction is very dangerous and the approach road is in a state of disrepair. The slip road is far too short and at peak times is very busy with cars trying to filter into fast moving traffic. It is impossible to walk or cycle across this road. The only alternative is to put more pressure on the High Street. The High Street at the proposed site floods each time we have heavy rain. The drains cannot cope with water running off the hill. There are also times when raw sewage bubbles up into the fields towards the railway line. Neither of these will cope with increased usage. The proposed development will be a disaster for local wildlife. It is a Greenfield site, which borders our Country

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Date Object or Consultee received Support Comments Dorothy J Robinson 46 13-Apr-12 object Until the infrastructure is improved there is no way Irchester can Bradshaw Way Irchester sustain an influx of residents from 124 new and undoubtedly NN29 7DP more to follow. Schools are already filled to capacity and Medical Services are totally unacceptable due to the large numbers already using them Roads are in a dreadful state with no plans to repair them despite campaigns by residents. School Road has dangerous pot holes which make cycling almost impossible at a time when the use of cars is being discouraged to avoid parking problems. This must be the most used road in the Village as it houses the School, Doctors Surgery and Village Hall. The High Street has a heavy flow of traffic passing through the Village and often becomes congested making it difficult for vehicles to enter the flow of traffic safely. It also houses the main amenities in the Village with virtually no parking facilities. Careful thought needs to be made regarding access/egress roads and provision of parking for the planned new estate as traffic flow will be increased

Mark Bampkin Kirstie Whitaker 13-Apr-12 Object 24 Station Road, Irchester, NN29 7EN

Steve Ball 16-Apr-12 Object 143 Arkwright Road Irchester Wellingborough England NN29 7HG

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Date Object or Consultee received Support Comments lee Underwood 17-Apr-12 Object The submitted travel plan I find much floored, as there is 103 High Street, Irchester reference to use of alternative transport to cars. The offer of free Wellingborough bikes or a 1 month bus pass, I find puzzling due to the fact there Northamptonshire NN29 7AA is no cycle paths, and no local bus stops in the High St. The public foot path through the fields would not be passable in winter months, on a bicycle, due to the fact they are ploughed. The sighting of the proposed medical centre is in the worst location due to the fact that again there are no local bus stops, so would involve the use of a car to access or a ten minute walk which sounds plausible until you take into consideration that if you are sick or disabled this would be an arduous journey. The paths have pinch points down to 18 inches in places where it wouldn’t be passable in a wheelchair. The use of the Bowls club, Church for weddings and Parsons Hall at weekends and evenings makes this a very busy road in its current form. There is double parking from the Bowls club to the far end of the church, in effect making a single carriage way which is impossible to negotiate on coming traffic. I have had to call the police on occasion, to a fist fight outside my house due to Nigel Billham 16-Apr-12 Object Roads -Chester road and the High Street are narrow roads 30 Wantage Road Irchester which would not cope with the extra traffic created by these extra Wellingborough Northants homes. The A45 slip roads are also too short and dangerous as NN29 7HE they are. Environment -This corner of Irchester is a great feature of the village and something which is appreciated by many who live in the village. The cemetery is nearby and i'm extremely concerned about the noise this development would create. Schools -Are the village schools large enough to handle 100+ extra families? Health Centre -This is far too small for the current village population. A normal appointment has to be made at least one week in advance. It can't currently cope.

Mrs C D Craddock 13-Apr-12 Object Loss of amenity Loss of view Loss og ecology Noise & Light 87 Bradshaw Way Irchester pollution Loss of privacy ASOB Lack of services -Doctors, NN29 7DW schools etc Highways Traffic

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Date Object or Consultee received Support Comments M G & J S Fleming 13-Apr-12 Object Over the last 20 years we have had in the village several new 119 Bradshaw Way Irchester, developments and to therefore propose a further 124 houses Northants NN29 7DW given the existing infrastructure cannot be sustainable. The traffic through the village now is very high however if this development were to proceed this would increase significantly. The high street which is very narrow would have to bear the increased traffic, has there been any provision for a roundabout on to the A45 to exit to Rushden and Wellingborough without entering the village? Having listened at the Parish council meeting on the 10th April if we heard and understood correctly not all children living in the village have managed to be placed in the school should this be the case what provision has been made for the obvious increase in numbers. There is we believe a fund incorporated for this into the proposal, however any money would go into a 'Pot' but not necessarily to our village school which could mean children having to travel to Wellingborough, Rushden or other surrounding villages. Mr Donald & Mrs Mary Jones 13-Apr-12 Object 134 High Street Irchester, Northants NN29 7AB

Mrs P Steel 13-Apr-12 Object 30 Gipsy Lane Irchester, Northants NN29 7DL

D Gordon 13-Apr-12 Object 31a Arkwright Road Irchester, Northants NN29 7HD

Margaret & David Bryant 13-Apr-12 Object 25 High Street Irchester, Northants NN29 7AA

Mr Colin Easton 17-Apr-12 Object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 78 Woodlands Road Irchester, dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, NN29 7BU proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Peter Little 113 Arkwright Road 17-Apr-12 Object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly Irchester, Northants dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods NN29 7EE after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr G Stock 35 Farndish Road 17-Apr-12 Object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly Irchester, Northants dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods NN29 7BD after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate.

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Date Object or Consultee received Support Comments W Graver 17-Apr-12 Object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 4 Garden Fields Court, dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Arkwright Road Irchester, after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, Northants NN29 7HA proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mrs I Truan 17-Apr-12 Object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 31 Bradshaw Way Irchester, dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr & Mrs Frum 17-Apr-12 Object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 7 Sharwood Terrace Irchester, dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Michael & Wendy Dazeley 17-Apr-12 Object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 35 Arkwright Road Irchester, dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7HD after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr & Mrs R R Ward 17-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 151 Bradshaw Way Irchester, dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7DW after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr G A Toon 17-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 24 Parsons Road Irchester, dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7EA after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Steven Garfirth 17-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 80 Wollaston Road Irchester, dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr W & Mrs F Brash 17-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 59 Bradshaw Way Irchester, dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mrs B Evans 17-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 99 High Street Irchester, dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7AA after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mrs Jill Jacobs 17-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 185 Wollaston Road Irchester, dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7DD after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate.

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Date Object or Consultee received Support Comments Mr & Mrs Johnson 17-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 158 Station Road Irchester, dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Faye Owen 17-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 97 Wollaston Road Irchester, dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7DA after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr & Mrs J & M Ridley 17-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 5a London End Irchester, dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7BH after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Scott Nunley 17-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 2 Wantage Place Irchester, dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7PS after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr & Mrs P Binding 17-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 1 Chapmans Close Irchester, dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7EQ after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr & Mrs Beaumont 17-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 25 Woodlands Road Irchester, dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7BW after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Anne-marie Simmons 17-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 1d London Road Little dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Irchester, Northants NN8 2EA after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr & Mrs L & B Constantine 17-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 48 Wantage Road Irchester, dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Richard & Rosemary Clark 250 17-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly Station Road Knuston, dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr K W Emery 71 Wollaston 17-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly Road Irchester, Northants dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods NN29 7DA after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate.

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Date Object or Consultee received Support Comments Jean Tebbutt 17-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 65 Saxon Rise Irchester, dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7AU after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. B E Wykes 17-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 18 Gipsy Lane Irchester, dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7DL after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mrs L B Pacan 17-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 10 Coulon Close Irchester, dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7UW after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr & Mrs P Hodges 17-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 81 Norman Way Irchester, dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7AT after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr & Mrs King 17-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 14 Townwell Lane Irchester, dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7AH after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. M D & I E Rowson 17-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 4 Wantage Road Irchester, dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7HE after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. W Legge 17-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 1 Denton Close Irchester, dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. R A Merritt 17-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 151 Arkwright Road Irchester, dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7HG after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr L. Bonura 17-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 51 Gipsy Lane Irchester, dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7DJ after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mrs F Cowdry 17-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 26 Woodlands Road Irchester, dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7BW after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate.

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Date Object or Consultee received Support Comments Rachel Payne 17-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 2 Mansfield Way Irchester, dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7DQ after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mrs M A Mapley 17-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 5 Bradshaw Way Irchester, dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Brian Heague 17-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 19 Saxon Rise Irchester, dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7AU after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. J Flack 17-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 15 School Lane Irchester, dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7AZ after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. S.G. Morris 17-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 34 Roman Way Irchester, dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. T Feltham 17-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 39 Bradshaw Way Irchester, dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7DN after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mrs W B Burnett 17-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 6 Barringers Gardens dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods IRCHESTER, Northants NN29 after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, 7AL proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr & Mrs Hinde 17-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 31 Farndish Road Irchester, dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7BD after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Hayley Bedels 17-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 1 Warren Close Irchester, dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7HF after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr M. Strong 17-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 7 Parsons Road Irchester, dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7EA after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate.

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Date Object or Consultee received Support Comments Laura Wood & Andy Gray 17-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 39 Prospect Avenue Irchester, dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mark & Clare Gowland 17-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 3 Biscay Close Irchester, dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7FD after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. S Wright 17-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 142 Arkwright Road Irchester, dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7HG after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Peter & Helen Walker 17-Apr-12 object No adequate consultation with the community. No evidence of an 31 Knuston Road Knuston, adequate EIA study surrounding the impact of housing on water Northants NN29 7EX drainage, traffic and pollution increase on Chester Road/A45 road junction, and the relocation of the village surgery to an inconvenient place and traffic issues that would come about from this. Mrs & Mrs Willmott C/O Berrys 17-Apr-12 object Own land adjoining Station Road, Irchester. Keen to promote 42 Headlands Kettering, their land to a developer through working with the Parish Council Northants NN15 7HR of Irchester and recognising their requirements. A plan is attached to their objection letter. B Garratt 17-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 56 Farndish Road Irchester, dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr & Mrs Donaldson 17-Apr-12 object Object to developments on a greenfield site, concerned with 75 Gipsy Lane Irchester, traffic on Gypsy Lane, concerend with the environment becoming Northants NN29 7DJ compromised, concerns about flooding and the increased strain on Anglian Water, sewage issues, home owners sruggling to obtain insurance due to the proximity of the old quarry site. Mrs Mary Cowley 17-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 62 Gipsy Lane Irchester, dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Richard and Janice Curtis 17-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 93 Bradshaw Way Irchester, dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7DW after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr & Mrs T. Bowers 99 17-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly Bradshaw Way Irchester, dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7DW after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate.

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Date Object or Consultee received Support Comments C A Bruce 17-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 44 Warren Close Irchester, dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7HF after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. B Morton 17-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 68 Baker Crescent Irchester, dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7BB after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr M Templeman & Mrs T. 17-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly Mutch dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods 51 Arkwright Road Irchester, after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, Northants proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Caroline Whiley 17-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 11 Biscay Close Irchester, dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7FD after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. K L Belling 17-Apr-12 Object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 16 Manor Close Irchester, dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Miss C Holmes 17-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 122 Arkwright Road Irchester, dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7EF after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr & Mrs T Rolls 17-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 61 Norman Way Irchester, dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7AT after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. R. Slack 17-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 163 Wollaston Rd Irchester, dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. R & A Bridgeford 17-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 19 Gipsy Lane Irchester, dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mrs June M E Leaver 17-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 7 Denton Close Irchester, dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7EB after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate.

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Date Object or Consultee received Support Comments Donna Barry 17-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 72 Station Road Irchester, dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7EN after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Teresa Jennings 17-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 3 James Street Irchester, dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7BL after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Dianne & Gordon Lewis 17-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 51 High Street Irchester, dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7AA after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr & Mrs J E Long 17-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 32 Bradshaw Way Irchester, dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7DP after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mrs A Preece 17-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 132 Wollaston Road Irchester, dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7DP after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Deborah McGowan 17-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 6 Redwood Close Irchester, dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7BX after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Nicola & Tim Dicks 17-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 175 Wollaston Road Irchester, dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr & Mrs R Wilson 17-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 75 Bradshaw Way Irchester, dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. S Durant 17-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 3 School Hill Irchester, dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7AN after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr & Mrs Lawrie 17-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 21 Norman Way Irchester, dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7AT after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate.

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Date Object or Consultee received Support Comments Wilson 17-Apr-12 Object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 65 Baker Crescent Irchester, dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7BN after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr & Mrs Jacob 17-Apr-12 Object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 3 School Hill Irchester, dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7AN after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr & Mrs Twohig 17-Apr-12 Object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 22 Arkwright Road Irchester, dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7HD after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Garwood F H 17-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 43 Norman Way Irchester, dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7AT after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. J Wills/J Clarke 17-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 53 Gipsy Lane Irchester, dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr I Baldwin 17-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 15 Coulon Close Irchester, dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7UN after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Paul Akery 17-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 9 Warren Close Irchester, dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7HF after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr & Mrs Pipkin 17-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 214 Ash Close Irchester, dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7BP after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr & Mrs Jackson 17-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 27 Baker Crescent Irchester, dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Vicki Lax & Gary Scrase 17-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 16 Warren Close Irchester, dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7HF after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate.

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Date Object or Consultee received Support Comments A Sanders and A & P 17-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly Broughton dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods 51 Beech Crescent Irchester, after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, Northants NN29 7DX proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mrs Esme Pettit 17-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 61 Baker Crescent Irchester, dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr J. M Kelly 17-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 47 Baker Crescent Irchester, dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. R Denton 17-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 2 Knuston Spinney Knuston, dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7ES after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Jane Gilks 17-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 20 Knuston Spinney Knuston, dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. D M Tate 17-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 99 Wollaston Road Irchester, dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7DD after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mrs Portek 17-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 13 St Katharines Way Irchester, dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7AJ after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr & Mrs Clark 17-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 11 Saxon Rise Irchester, dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7AU after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mrs C Baish 17-Apr-12 Object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 22 James Street Irchester, dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. M J Harvey 17-Apr-12 Object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 137 Bradshaw Way Irchester, dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate.

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Date Object or Consultee received Support Comments William & Joyce Watson 17-Apr-12 Object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 19a Arkwright Road Irchester, dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7HD after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr Luke Hughes 17-Apr-12 Object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 3 Craddock Court, East Street dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Irchester, Northants NN29 7FA after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. S M Benn 17-Apr-12 Object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 154 Arkwright Road Irchester, dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7HG after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr A Baish 17-Apr-12 Object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 25 London End Irchester, dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr C B Leake 17-Apr-12 Object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 115 Arkwright Road Irchester, dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7EE after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Julia & Neil Shinner 17-Apr-12 Object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 10 Mansfield Way Irchester, dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7DQ after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr & Mrs Bateman 17-Apr-12 Object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 77 Saxon Rise Irchester, dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7AU after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr Graham Edwards 17-Apr-12 Object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 130c High Street Irchester, dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7AB after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mrs E Stapleton 17-Apr-12 Object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 56 Wantage Road Irchester, dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7HE after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr N Stayner 17-Apr-12 Object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 69 Arkwright Road Irchester, dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate.

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Date Object or Consultee received Support Comments Mr Ian French 64 Arkwright 17-Apr-12 Object Inappropriate development, sports pitches provision is remote Road Irchester, Northants from housing application, Wellingborough Planning Contributions guide is out of date?

C & A.J Leeson 17-Apr-12 Object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 48 Gipsy Lane Irchester, dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7DL after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate.

Mr & Mrs S P Bryans 17-Apr-12 Object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 27 St.Katharines Way Irchester, dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr Ball 17-Apr-12 Object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 143 Arkwright Road Irchester, dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7HG after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr & Mrs Upton 17-Apr-12 Object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 35 Beech Crescent Irchester, dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7DX after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mrs N E 17-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 50 Gipsy Lane Irchester, dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7DL after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mrs M Minney 17-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 26 Parsons Road Irchester, dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr & Mrs Keys 17-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 182 Station Road Irchester, dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7EW after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr & Mrs Harbour 17-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 9 Roman Way Irchester, dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7EG after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Trev. & Teresa Tompkins 17-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 2b Alfred Street Irchester, dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7DR after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate.

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Date Object or Consultee received Support Comments Keith Walmsley 17-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 1 Sharwood Terrace Irchester, dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7AR after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. The Occupier 17-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 20 Prospect Avenue Irchester, dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mrs L J Seabridge 17-Apr-12 object Irchester is a small village with limited facilities and an extra 124 8 Baker Crescent Irchester houses would overload these (in particular the Doctor's). Also Northants NN29 7BB the wildlife would suffer. Please add my name to the list of objectors.

Aaron Smith 17-Apr-12 object I object to this planning application as the development is outside 115 Station Road Irchester the village boundary. A development of this size is not Wellingborough Northants acceptable in Irchester as the facilities here are limited, one of NN29 7EJ the bribes being offered is a new medical centre which is not needed, what we need is a medical centre where you can ring up and get an appointment that day not weeks later, a newer building would not improve this woefully inadequate service. Any further building work in Irchester should be done on in fill areas and brown field sites. With all the houses that have been built in the past no infrastructure in the village has been improved so with this proposed development anything that is done still won't be sufficient as we already need improvements to roads etc. Murray Wainwright 17-Apr-12 object I strongly object to the 124 Houses and 5 sports pitches being 101 Bradshaw way Irchester planned behind the homes of Bradshaw Way. At weekends we Wellingborough already have to put up with all the shouting and swearing that we Northamptonshire NN29 7DW can hear from the sports club now, so to put another 5 pitches right behind us is going to impact greatly on all the residents not to mention the muntjak deer that are seen on a daily basis in this part of the field.(Does Irchester need so many football pitches). Access via Gypsy lane or as now being discussed through an alley in Bradshaw way is not practical or safe. My children are already in some of the largest classes in Northants and I feel 124 more homes would not help this problem. The traffic down the high st and outside the school has got so bad it is regularly patrolled by police officers due to safety fears.

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Date Object or Consultee received Support Comments Jane Badger 17-Apr-12 object I would like to object to the planning application on the grounds 77 High Street Irchester that the proposed standard of design is low. Echoing the stone Northamptonshire NN29 7AA banding on the existing listed housing stock is akin to the patches of stonework applied to those 20th century houses in the village the applicants themselves describe as being of poor quality. Whilst the decision to include a medical centre is commendable, could this not be included as part of the Sport Field provision? That would be more central to the village as a whole, and be therefore much more accessible to that portion of the village either without their own transport, or who have mobility problems. That would of course put more strain on the access proposed to the Sports Field: a narrow road already overcrowded and difficult to access. Perhaps there could be a closer look at other ways to access the area. I note that the wildlife survey (presumably because of the time of year that it was done) does not mention the skylark population in the proposed development area. The population has been Adam Lloyd Chris Lloyd Shila 16-Apr-12 object Violation of planning guidelines, infrastructure implications, High Lloyd Street too narrow, flooded roads, habitats of rare species 123 High Street Irchester destroyed. Northamptonshire NN29 7AA

Mr & Mrs W Mooney 16-Apr-12 object Noise and pollution created by road running at the back of the 67 Bradshaw Way Irchester house, security issues along said road, could be a location for Northamptonshire fly-tipping.

Chris Stening 16-Apr-12 object Chair of Save Irchester Village. Infrastructure cannot support any 128 High Street Irchester more development, A45 junction dangerous and discourages Northamptonshire NN29 7AB sustainable transport, sewage concerns, environmental impacts: rare species and possible archaeological remains. Will this development be the final outcome? Not Greenfield

Allan Gay 16-Apr-12 object Road network is not safe to cycle along due to overcrowding of 166 Arkwright Road Irchester cars, development will make this problem worse. Roads need Northants NN29 7HG improving due to potholes, probable queues onto A45 junction. Development will damage aesthetics of for example the country path, fresh air, sunshine, vistas. Concerned about peoples need to travel to go to work and thus contradicting a carbon reduction strategy. Anglian Water likely to struggle and raw sewage has been seen.

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Date Object or Consultee received Support Comments Richard & Geraldine Hunt 16-Apr-12 object Brownfield should be used as a priority but good fertile 88 Wollaston Road Irchester agricultural land is being proposed instead. Damage to wildlife Northants NN29 7DF and country park, damage to ancient monument. Infrastructure cannot cope with proposed development, raw sewage. Over capacity schooling and medical centre, A45 dangerous junction already. Further consultation required. Spread housing distribution across Northamptonshire villages rather than target certain villages, e.g. Irchester, Earls Barton and Wollaston. Mr & Mrs Buckle 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 9 East Street Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7BG after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr & Mrs AA Valentine 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 10 Gipsy Lane Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7DL after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Shelia Brown 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 121 Bradshaw Way Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7DW after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr & Mrs Reece 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 19 Bradshaw Way Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7DN after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr & Mrs CV Laight 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 17Bradshaw Way Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7DN after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr Robert & Annette Price 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 5 School Hill Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7AN after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr T Knight 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 186 Station Road Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate.

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Date Object or Consultee received Support Comments Terry Stone 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 14 Ash Close Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7BP after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mrs Janet E Williams 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 12 Bradshaw Way Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr & Mrs Stephenson 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 14 Grange Close Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. K J Hutson 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 34 Woodlands Road Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7BU after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr R B Smart 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 96 Wollaston Road Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7BU after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr & Mrs Sewell 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 71 High Street Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7AA after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mrs M Ward & Mr A Selley 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 69 High Street Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7AA after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Steve Walker 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 9 Chapmans Close Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7EQ after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr & Mrs J Bervill 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 39 Beech Crescent Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate.

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Date Object or Consultee received Support Comments Mr & Mrs JE Ward 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 1 Redwood Close Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7BX after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Dave & Clare Campbell 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 30 Station Road Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7EN after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mrs M Woodford 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 10 Farndish Road Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7BE after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. K George 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 45 Bradshaw Way Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr & Mrs D Mole 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 160 Station Road Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7EW after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr B G Gross 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 63 Bradshaw Way Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7DN after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. PG Shaw 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 5 Gipsy Lane Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7DJ after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr D Reece 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 18 Bradshaw Way Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. C Glastonbury 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 3 Prospect Avenue Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7DZ after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate.

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Date Object or Consultee received Support Comments Mr R & Mrs RA Walker 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 34 Berrill Street Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7DT after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Pam & Ian Layram 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 44 Bradshaw Way Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7DP after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr 7 Mrs BL Smith 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 6 Beach Crescent Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7DX after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr RW Spencer 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 7 Beech Crescent Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7DX after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mrs Barnes-Judd 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 7 High Street Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7DZ after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. P Brown 15 Berrill Street 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly Irchester Northants NN29 7DT dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mrs J Parker 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 68 High Street Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7AB after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. The Occupier 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 20 Station Road Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7EN after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate.

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Date Object or Consultee received Support Comments Mr & Mrs Kelly 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 28 Roman Way Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr & Mrs R Hartwell 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 159 Wollaston Road Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7DD after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mrs M Woodward 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 34 High Street Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7AB after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mrs MC Tear 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 36 Bradshaw Way Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7DR after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. The Occupier 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 143 Bradshaw Way Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Madeline Green 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 26 Ash Close Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7BP after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr R Walker & Mrs K Walker 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 24 Beech Crescent Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7DX after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr & Mrs C Buttell 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 47 Bradshaw Way Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7DN after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr & Mrs HP Favell 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 11 East Street Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7BG after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate.

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Date Object or Consultee received Support Comments Ms Hewson 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 44 Arkwright Road Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7EF after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. SB Turner 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 23 Gipsy Lane Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7DJ after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mrs MK Pratt 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 30 Bradshaw Way Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7DP after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. KW Neill 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 28 Evelyn Way Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7AP after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. HP Ford 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 10 Arkwright Road Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7HD after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Yvonne & Patrick Heffer 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 22 Bradshaw Way Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7DP after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr TW Sanders 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 29 St Katherines Way Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7AJ after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr & Mrs J Smith 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 43 Farndish Road Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7BD after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate.

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Date Object or Consultee received Support Comments Mr & Mrs CW Mitchell 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 4 Cedar Close Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7BZ after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Ann Witham 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 67 Gipsy Lane Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7DJ after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mrs J Taylor 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 23 Farndish Road Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7BD after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Kenneth Hopkins 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 79 Farndish Road Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr G Boston 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 81 Farndish Road Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7BP after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr & Mrs Sharman 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 45 Wollaston Road Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7DA after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mark Ellingham & Abigail 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly Ellingham dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods 4 Gray Street Irchester after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, Northants NN29 7DS proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate.

Mrs C Ayres 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 53 Bradshaw Way Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7DN after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate.

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Date Object or Consultee received Support Comments A Sawford 16-Apr-12 Object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 29a High Street Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7AA after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mrs Gladys W Pilgrim 16-Apr-12 Object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 34 Wollaston Road Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7DE after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mrs Carol Blake & Mr Steven 16-Apr-12 Object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly Blake dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods 132 Station Road Irchester after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, Northants NN29 7EW proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate.

Mr & Mrs Phillip Holt 16-Apr-12 Object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 77 Gipsy Lane Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7DS after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Kevin Burke 16-Apr-12 Object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 38 High Street Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7AB after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Kevin Thompson 16-Apr-12 Object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 5 Station Road Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7EH after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mrs I Chipperton 16-Apr-12 Object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 116 Arkwright Road Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7EF after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mrs E Cowlishaw 16-Apr-12 Object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 23 Baker Crescent Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7DN after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate.

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Date Object or Consultee received Support Comments The Occupier 16-Apr-12 Object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 12 School Lane Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mrs LM Cooper 16-Apr-12 Object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 1 School Lane Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr & Mrs Jeyes 16-Apr-12 Object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 10 Chapmans Close Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7EQ after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mrs P Johnson 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 87 Bradshaw Way Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7DN after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. M Perry 1 London End 16-Apr-12 Object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly Irchester Northants dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mrs Sharon Beaman 16-Apr-12 Object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 103 Wollaston Road Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7DD after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr & Mrs M Houghton 16-Apr-12 Object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 171 Wollaston Road Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7DD after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. James Anderton 16-Apr-12 Object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 19 Gipsy Lane Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. P Kimber 16-Apr-12 Object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 112 Wollaston Road Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7DF after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate.

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Date Object or Consultee received Support Comments Mr & Mrs R Rice 16-Apr-12 Object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 221 Wollaston Road Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Peter & Elizabeth Marshall 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 10 Orchard Place Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7DY after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr & Mrs R Taplin 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 125 Wollaston Road Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7DD after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. DW Cantelo 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 82 High Street Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7AB after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Sally Howard 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 73 Gipsy Lane Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7DJ after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr & Mrs Edwards 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 12 Grey Street Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7DS after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. R Hawkins 34 Bradshaw Way 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly Irchester Northants NN29 7DP dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mrs Dorothy Layram 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 150 Station Road Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7EW after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate.

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Date Object or Consultee received Support Comments Heather Norman Cross 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 211 Wollaston Road Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7DG after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. R Matthews & J R Stockdale 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 32 Woodlands Road Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7BU after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr & Mrs M Howorth 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 38 Bradshaw Way Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7DP after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mrs YT Carrea 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 3 Berrill Street Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7DT after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr & Mrs B Fox 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 122 Wollaston Road Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7DF after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr M J Evans 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 56 Gipsy Lane Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mrs Valerie Colley 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 154 Station Road Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7EW after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. B J Weston 125 Bradshaw Way 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly Irchester Northants NN29 7DW dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mrs S Maclannan 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 26 Berrill Street Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate.

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Date Object or Consultee received Support Comments Mr & Mrs Sidney York 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly Flat 2 Rose Court, High Street dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Irchester Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mrs B H Lawrence 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 134 Wollaston Road Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7DH after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site,

proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape.

124 homes is the start of a large housing estate.

John Patching 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 106 Station Road Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mrs M Kelland 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 118 Station Road Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr D Fowler 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 116 Station Road Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. E L Cotter 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 30 Wollaston Road Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7DE after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. PR Ball 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 74 Arkwright Road Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7EF after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. R Prigmore 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 113 Bradshaw Way Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Valerie Rowe 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 10 Sharwood Terrace Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate.

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Date Object or Consultee received Support Comments Graham & Edna Ward 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 44 Gipsy Lane Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7DL after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mrs Joyce Pettit 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 26 Wollaston Road Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Regina Ramos 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 15 Biscay Close Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7FC after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mrs J Fleming 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 119 Bradshaw Way Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7DW after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mrs J Stocker 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 4 School Hill Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7AN after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr & Mrs King 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 13 Gipsy Lane Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7DJ after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. P J Dunmore 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 14 Wollaston Road Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr & Mrs C N Ellison 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 11 Alfred Street Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7DR after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site,

proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape.

124 homes is the start of a large housing estate.

- 64 -

Date Object or Consultee received Support Comments Mr & Mrs Harris 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 35 Bradshaw Way Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7DN after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr & Mrs Jolley 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 91 Bradshaw Way Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7DW after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr & Mrs Fulham 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 53 High Street Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7AA after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr & Mrs Pullen 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 81 Bradshaw Way Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7DW after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Maria Miotello 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 8 James Street Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7BC after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Sabina Miotello 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 29 School Road Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7AW after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. D W J Bates 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 64 Station Road Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr & Mrs Whiteman 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 10 Biscay Close Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7FD after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site,

proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape.

124 homes is the start of a large housing estate.

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Date Object or Consultee received Support Comments Mr & Mrs J E Taylor 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 4 Manor Close Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mrs J Howan 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 49 Wollaston Road Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site,

proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape.

124 homes is the start of a large housing estate.

Ms A Mitchinson 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 25 Newtown Road Little dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Irchester Wellingborough, after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, Northants NN8 2DX proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape.

124 homes is the start of a large housing estate.

Mr and Mrs R T Gould 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 9 Pine Close Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, NN29 7BY proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr and Mrs J Tomassi 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 25 School Road Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, NN29 7AW proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Philippa Tate 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 113 High Street Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, NN29 7AA proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Lillian Allinson 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 181 Wollaston Road Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr Ian Bland 16-Apr-12 object 1 Wantage Road Irchester Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly Wellingborough, Northants dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods NN29 7HE after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate.

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Date Object or Consultee received Support Comments Mr and Mrs Parker 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 6 Oak Close Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, NN29 7BS proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Miss A G Browne 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 63 Norman Way Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, NN29 7AT proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. R. Gwen Morgan 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 63 Norman Way Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, NN29 7AT proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr John Hutton 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 31 Wollaston Road Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, NN29 7DA proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr Peter Theobald 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 8 Wantage Road Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, NN29 7HE proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mrs Vickie Galer 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 28 Baker Crescent Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, NN29 7BB proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. James Paintin 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 21 Auston Close Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, NN29 7AX proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mrs C & Mr Stephen Da Costa 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 25 Gipsy Lane Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, NN29 7DJ proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate.

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Date Object or Consultee received Support Comments Mr A B Holmes 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 11 Mansfield Way Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, NN29 7DQ proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. J Cotter 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 33 Woodlands Road Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, NN29 7BW proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Clare Kyle 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 181 Wollaston Road Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, NN29 7DD proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr W Mooney 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 67 Bradshaw Way Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. John Selby 16-Apr-12 object 49 Woodlands Road Irchester Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly Wellingborough, Northants dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods NN29 7BW after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate.

Mr B J Gould 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 43 Bradshaw Way Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, NN29 7DN proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr and Mrs M Heathorn 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 109 Bradshaw Way Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, NN29 7DW proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mrs Pell 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 96 Station Road Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate.

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Date Object or Consultee received Support Comments Mrs A Pearce 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 191 Wollaston Road Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, NN29 7DG proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Julia Fowkes 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 3 Larch Close Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, NN29 7HQ proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr R C C Perkins 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 181 Wollaston Road Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr and Mrs Minwess 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 4 Beech Crescent Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, NN29 7DX proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape.

124 homes is the start of a large housing estate.

Mr G H Pearson 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 49 Norman Way Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mrs A. Fulcher 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 54 Warren Close Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, NN29 7HF proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape.

124 homes is the start of a large housing estate.

Dorothy Lovell 29 Warren Close 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly Irchester Wellingborough, dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants NN29 7HF after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate.

Kim & Lisa Parker 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 10 Thrift Street Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, NN29 7DU proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate.

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Date Object or Consultee received Support Comments Mr and Mrs Sanders 18-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 37 Wantage Road Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, NN29 7HE proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Stephen Hatten 18-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 27 Beech Crescent Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, NN29 7DX proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr and Mrs Carter 18-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 13 Manor Close Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr Shaun Pell 18-Apr-12 object 10 Parsons Road Irchester Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly Wellingborough, Northants dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods NN29 7EA after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate.

Mr and Mrs L.S Hacker 18-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 43 Beech Crescent Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, NN29 7DX proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. David Heath 18-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 43 Warren Close Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, NN29 7HF proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Paul Owen 18-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 14 Pine Close Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, NN29 7BY proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr D Ballantino 18-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 6 Roman Way Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, NN29 7EG proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate.

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Date Object or Consultee received Support Comments Mr and Mrs R Larkman 18-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 91 Saxon Rise Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, NN29 7AU proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Jackie Hancock 18-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 29 High Street Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, NN29 7AA proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Peter White & Christine White 18-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 56 Station Road Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, NN29 7EN proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Claire Foreman 18-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 51 Woodlands Road Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, NN29 7BW proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mrs J M E Norman 18-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 31 Prospect Avenue Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, NN29 7DZ proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr and Mrs Laughton 18-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 24 Warren Close Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, NN29 7HF proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr and Mrs M. Robinson 18-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 31 Woodlands Road Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, NN29 7BW proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr T W Chapman 18-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 1a London End Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, NN29 7BH proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate.

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Date Object or Consultee received Support Comments Mr and Mrs Caton 18-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 38 Newtown Road Little dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Irchester Wellingborough, after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, Northants NN8 2DX proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Paul Caspell 18-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 84 Wollaston Road Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr and Mrs Arnett 18-Apr-12 object 27 Farndish Road Irchester Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly Wellingborough, Northants dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods NN29 7BD after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate.

Mrs P Law 18-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 25 Saxon Rise Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, NN29 7AU proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr M Cross 18-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 75b High Street Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Jean & Ivor Dickin 18-Apr-12 object 13 Bradshaw Way Irchester Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly Wellingborough, Northants dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods NN29 7DN after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate.

Mr and Mrs Hancock 18-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 8 Chapmans Close Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mrs F M Hope 18-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 7 Redwood Close Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, NN29 7BX proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape.

124 homes is the start of a large housing estate.

- 72 -

Date Object or Consultee received Support Comments H Northwood 18-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 70 Baker Crescent Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr and Mrs Powis 18-Apr-12 object 105 Station Road Irchester Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly Wellingborough, Northants dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods NN29 7EJ after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate.

Calum Bridgeford 18-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 189 Wollaston Road Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, NN29 7DG proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Michael, Ann L & Graham W. 18-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly Edgecombe dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods 3 Arkwright Road Irchester after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, Wellingborough, Northants proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. NN29 7HD 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate.

Mr and Mrs Graham 18-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 80 Baker Crescent Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, NN29 7BB proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr and Mrs Fulham 18-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 3 Pine Close Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, NN29 7BY proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr and Mrs Barnes 18-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 83 Arkwright Road Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr and Mrs Hogan 18-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 8 Redwood Close Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, NN29 7BX proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape.

124 homes is the start of a large housing estate.

- 73 -

Date Object or Consultee received Support Comments Mrs S Sanders 18-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 109 Baker Crescent Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr WH Barnes 18-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 72 Baker Crescent Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, NN29 7BB proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape.

124 homes is the start of a large housing estate.

Mrs June Lyne 18-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 76 Woodlands Road Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. David Lawson 18-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 3 Knuston Spinney Knuston dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Terry & June Perkins 18-Apr-12 object Harm to the character and appearance of the village entrance, 117 High Street Irchester flood concerns, congestion on A45, lack of village infrastructure, Wellingborough, Northants roman remains, harm tourism, become a town NN29 7AA

Mrs J Desroches 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 8 Edward Road Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, NN29 7BN proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Wendy Taylor 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 137 Arkwright Road Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr and Mrs N Moreton 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 70 Arkwright Road Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site,

proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape.

124 homes is the start of a large housing estate.

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Date Object or Consultee received Support Comments Miss W J Gunn 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 72 Arkwright Road Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Alan Abrahams 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 125 Arkwright Road Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, NN29 7HG proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr & Mrs Vials 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 42 Gipsy Lane Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr & Mrs C Waddingham 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 199 Wollaston Road Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, NN29 7DG proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape.

124 homes is the start of a large housing estate.

Mr & Mrs Dewdney 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 55 Bradshaw Way Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, NN29 7DN proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Alastair Lawson 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 128 High Street Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, NN29 7AB proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr G L. Prickett 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 18 Parsons Road Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, NN29 7EA proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr & Mrs Johnson 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 31 Coulon Close Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, NN29 7UW proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate.

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Date Object or Consultee received Support Comments Clare Gibson 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 35 Baker Crescent Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, NN29 7BA proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr & Mrs Harvey 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 72 Farndish Road Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, NN29 7BE proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. J Gibson & G Warner 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 40 Gipsy Lane Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly Mrs D Thomas dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods 49 Baker Crescent Irchester after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, Wellingborough, Northants proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly Mr & Mrs Tapp dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods 1 Ash Close Irchester after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, Wellingborough, Northants proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Richard Goodright 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 8 Austin Close Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, NN29 7AX proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape.

124 homes is the start of a large housing estate.

MWG Prigmore 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 10 School Road Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, NN29 7AW proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate.

Eric & Audrey Rawlings 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 57 High Street Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, NN29 7AA proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate.

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Date Object or Consultee received Support Comments Mr & Mrs Gray 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 22 Ash Close Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, NN29 7BP proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mrs G Dixon 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 32 Knuston Spinney Knuston dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, NN29 7ES proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mrs Helen Brittain & Mr 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly Douglas Brittain dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods 1 Oak Close Irchester after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, Wellingborough, Northants proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate.

Patrice Collins 16-Apr-12 object 79 Saxon Rise Irchester Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly Wellingborough, Northants dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods NN29 7AU after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate.

Mr A Billings 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 30 Evelyn Way Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, NN29 7AP proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr & Mrs B L. Hughesman 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 3 Roman Way Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, NN29 7EG proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mrs J Hawes 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 32 Warren Close Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. M Franklin 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 2 Woodlands Road Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site,

proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape.

124 homes is the start of a large housing estate.

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Date Object or Consultee received Support Comments Y Digby 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 1 Roman Way Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, NN29 7EG proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. J T Coombs 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 95 Woodlands Road Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, NN29 7BU proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Adrian Ainsworth 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 2 Irchester Grange Cottage dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Irchester Wellingborough, after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, Northants NN29 7HL proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. B Sanders 164 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly Wollaston Road Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, NN29 7DH proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr D Stallwood 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 172 Wollaston Road Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, NN29 7DH proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Leslie Ellie-Day 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 111 Baker Crescent Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, NN29 7BA proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr & Mrs Lovell 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 166 Wollaston Road Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, NN29 7GH proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr Watts & Miss Parr 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 3 Grangeway Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, NN29 7BQ proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate.

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Date Object or Consultee received Support Comments Mr & Mrs Welters 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 52 Gipsy Lane Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, NN29 7DL proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr & Mrs T Jiggins 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 10 School Hill Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, NN29 7AN proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Clifford Bates 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 4 Grange Close Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, NN29 7BJ proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr & Mrs Harrison 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 59 Gipsy Lane Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Lucy Hughes 16-Apr-12 object 25 Wollaston Road Irchester Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly Wellingborough, Northants dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods NN29 7DA after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate.

Mr & Mrs Ellis 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 48 Wollaston Road Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr D Roberson 16-Apr-12 object 21 Arkwright Road Irchester Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly Wellingborough, Northants dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods NN29 7HD after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate.

Mr & Mrs Wagstaff 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 19 East Street Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, NN29 7BG proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate.

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Date Object or Consultee received Support Comments Mr & Mrs Dunwoody 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 19 Ash Close Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, NN29 7BP proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Bernice Taylor-Brown 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 130d High Street Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, NN29 7AB proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr & Mrs Munoz 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 6 Woodlands Road Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, NN29 7BW proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr & Mrs Elliott 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 1 Biscay Close Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, NN29 7FD proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr Brian Corn 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 130b High Street Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr & Mrs Holdaway 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 17 Woodlands Road Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Trude Clark 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 7 Woodlands Road Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, NN29 7BW proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape.

124 homes is the start of a large housing estate.

Melvyn Gent 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 2 Edward Road Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, NN29 7BN proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate.

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Date Object or Consultee received Support Comments Mr D W Sturgeon 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 4 Arkwright Road Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, NN29 7HD proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. James A.Turner 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 129 Arkwright Road Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, NN29 7HG proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr Wheeler 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 47 Saxon Rise Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, NN29 7AU proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Monica Mills 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 7 East Street Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mrs Evelyn Green 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 14 Manor Close Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mrs S. Armstrong 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 30 Parsons Road Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. P J Prescott 16-Apr-12 object 2 London End Irchester Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly Wellingborough, Northants dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods NN29 7BH after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate.

Mr & Mrs Barker 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 4 London End Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, NN29 7BH proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate.

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Date Object or Consultee received Support Comments R Abbott 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 3 London End Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr R Wass 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 29 Edward Rd Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr M Justice 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 19 Edward Rd Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr & Mrs Howden 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 85 Arkwright Rd Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, NN29 7EE proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape.

124 homes is the start of a large housing estate.

Raymond Crossley 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 79 Baker Crescent Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, NN29 7BA proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Rebecca Jones 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 38 Prospect Avenue Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, NN29 7DZ proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr & Mrs Hale 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 44 Woodlands Rd Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, NN29 7BU proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr J Tompkins 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 45 Gipsy Lane Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, NN29 7DJ proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate.

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Date Object or Consultee received Support Comments Mrs Sarah Gower 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 27 Bradshaw Way Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, NN29 7DN proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mrs C Osborne 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 29 Bradshaw Way Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Malcolm Quelch 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 127 Bradshaw Way Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Paula & Jake Edwards 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 130c High Street Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, NN29 7AB proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape.

124 homes is the start of a large housing estate.

Mr & Mrs Fairhead 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 53 School Rd Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, NN29 7AW proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr & Mrs Daughters 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 1a School Hill Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, NN29 7AN proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr & Mrs Price 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 21 Gipsy Lane Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr & Mrs White 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 30 Coulon Close Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, NN29 7UW proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape.

124 homes is the start of a large housing estate.

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Date Object or Consultee received Support Comments Mr Barber 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 162 Wollaston Rd Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, NN29 7DH proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr & Mrs Smart 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 43 Baker Crescent Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly Mr & Mrs Page dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods 146 Wollaston Rd Irchester after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, Wellingborough, Northants proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly P Darnell dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods 152 Wollaston Road Irchester after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, Wellingborough, Northants proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mrs L Parker 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 154 Wollaston Rd Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, NN29 7DH proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape.

124 homes is the start of a large housing estate.

Mrs P Moth 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 160 Wollaston Rd Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, NN29 7DH proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. S & Marilyn Ainsworth 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 66 Woodlands Rd Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, NN29 7BU proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mrs K. Ainsworth 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 2 Irchester Grange Cottage dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Irchester Wellingborough, after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, Northants NN29 7HL proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate.

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Date Object or Consultee received Support Comments Mr & Mrs Butler 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 18 Woodlands Rd Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr A Bull 16-Apr-12 object 58 Woodlands Rd Irchester Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly Wellingborough, Northants dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods NN29 7BU after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate.

R. Catling 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 54 Woodlands Rd Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, NN29 7BU proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr & Mrs D Fitz-patrick 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 14 Beech Crescent Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, NN29 7DX proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Paul Cotter 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 1 St Katharines Way Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, NN29 7AJ proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mrs R Birkin 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr G Fortescue 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 13 Prospect Avenue Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, NN29 7DZ proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Shawn Buckle 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 9 East Street Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, NN29 7BG proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate.

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Date Object or Consultee received Support Comments Tim Ball 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly dangerous 130a High Street Irchester due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods after heavy rain, Wellingborough, Northants raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports NN29 7AB wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr & Mrs Rance 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly dangerous 33 Irchester Road Knuston due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods after heavy rain, Wellingborough, Northants raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports NN29 7ES wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr & Mrs Lax 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly dangerous 6 Poplar Close Irchester due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods after heavy rain, Wellingborough, Northants raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports NN29 7BT wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr & Mrs Mears 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly dangerous 24 Knuston Spinney Knuston due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods after heavy rain, Wellingborough, Northants raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports NN29 7ES wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr D Sheppard 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly dangerous 40 Warren Close Irchester due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods after heavy rain, Wellingborough, Northants raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mariann French 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly dangerous 28 Knuston Spinney Knuston due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods after heavy rain, Wellingborough, Northants raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr & Mrs Whiteman 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly dangerous 1 Parsons Rd Irchester due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods after heavy rain, Wellingborough, Northants raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports NN29 7EA wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large

housing estate.

Mrs D Leake 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly dangerous 61 Arkwright Rd Irchester due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods after heavy rain, Wellingborough, Northants raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate.

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Date Object or Consultee received Support Comments Mrs A. Elliott 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 45 Saxon Rise Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods after Wellingborough, Northants heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. H L. & K. L Oxford 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 39 Saxon Rise Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods after Wellingborough, Northants heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed NN29 7AU and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is

the start of a large housing estate.

Joanne Gillam 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 79 Norman Way Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods after Wellingborough, Northants heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed NN29 7AT and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr & Mrs Green 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 107 Wollaston Rd Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods after Wellingborough, Northants heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr & Mrs Smith 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 73 High Street Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods after Wellingborough, Northants heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed NN29 7AA and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is

the start of a large housing estate.

M Hinkley 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 43 Saxon Rise Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods after Wellingborough, Northants heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed NN29 7AU and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr & Mrs Neal 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 68 Station Road Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods after Wellingborough, Northants heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed NN29 7EN and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Samantha Green 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 8 Grange Close Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods after Wellingborough, Northants heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed NN29 7BJ and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate.

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Date Object or Consultee received Support Comments A W Smith 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 13 Baker Crescent Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods after Wellingborough, Northants heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr & Mrs Smith 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 56 Wollaston Rd Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods after Wellingborough, Northants heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. David de Monti 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 6 Garden Fields Court, dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods after Arkwright Rd Irchester heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed Wellingborough, Northants and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is NN29 7HA the start of a large housing estate.

Lindsey Turner 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 4 Chapmans Close Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods after Wellingborough, Northants heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed NN29 7EQ and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mrs B Hopkins 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 77 Woodlands Rd Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods after Wellingborough, Northants heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed NN29 7BU and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mrs T C Dickins 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 85 Woodlands Rd Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods after Wellingborough, Northants heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed NN29 7BU and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. S Dickson 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 2 Grey Street Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods after Wellingborough, Northants heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr & Mrs Freeland 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 2a Gray Street Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods after Wellingborough, Northants heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed NN29 7DS and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is

the start of a large housing estate.

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Date Object or Consultee received Support Comments Aimee Edwards 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 130c High Street Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, NN29 7AB proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr B Mullen 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 1 Chapel Hill Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, NN29 7AS proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr & Mrs Wilby 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 102 Station Rd Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, NN29 7EW proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr & Mrs Hall 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 57 Gipsy Lane Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, NN29 7DJ proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mrs Isabella Drage 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 60 Gipsy Lane Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. E. Humphries 22 Gipsy Lane 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly Irchester Wellingborough, dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Elisabeth Ball 16-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 130a High Street Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods Wellingborough, Northants after heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, NN29 7AB proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape.

124 homes is the start of a large housing estate.

Mr & Mrs Hacker 16-Apr-12 object 161 Wollaston Rd Irchester Wellingborough, Northants NN29 7DD

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Date Object or Consultee received Support Comments Mr & Mrs Butcher 19-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 92 Farndish Rd Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods after Wellingborough, Northants heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed NN29 7BE and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. S Morgan 19-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 10 Gray Street Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods after Wellingborough, Northants heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed NN29 7DS and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr & Mrs Warren 19-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 28 Parsons Rd Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods after Wellingborough, Northants heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed NN29 7EA and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr & Mrs Dredge 19-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 36 Roman Way Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods after Wellingborough, Northants heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed NN29 7EG and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr & Mrs Buckley 19-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 41 Saxon Rise Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods after Wellingborough, Northants heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. John Burton 19-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 34 Knuston Spinney Knuston dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods after Wellingborough, Northants heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed NN29 7ES and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is

the start of a large housing estate.

Mrs A Hall 19-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 14 Coulon Close Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods after Wellingborough, Northants heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed NN29 7UW and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate. Mr S Scott 19-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly 27 Woodlands Rd Irchester dangerous due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods after Wellingborough, Northants heavy rain, raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed NN29 7BW and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate.

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Date Object or Consultee received Support Comments Richard Webb 19-Apr-12 object 1) The Village is large enough already and does not require any 84 High Street Irchester further dwellings in particular as the proposal is outside the village Wellingborough Northants envelope. 2) If the proposal does not go ahead will the land owner NN29 7AB still be giving the seven acres to the Parish Council/Sports Association?? 3) If planning permission went ahead would further application be following to build in the fields owned by the Redden family going to the A45. 4) The village does not have sufficient infrastructure to deal with this type of development. The High Street leading to the very busy A45 can only just cope with the traffic usage at present .The junction with the A45 is dangerous now without adding possible 124 plus vehicles. 5) Can the sewage system cope with the extra buildings .I think not. 6) Schooling – Can our village school cope with a possible 200 extra pupils? It is certain the Secondary School at Wollaston will be unable to as it is already over subscribed 7) With positioning the Doctors Surgery outside the village envelope this will mean more car journeys .Parking would have to be provided for at least fifty vehicles.

Mr & Mrs Dryden 20-Apr-12 object 71 Arkwright Rd Irchester Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly dangerous Wellingborough, Northants due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods after heavy rain, NN29 7EE raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate.

Shirley Davies 20-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly dangerous 14 St Katharines Way Irchester due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods after heavy rain, Wellingborough, Northants raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large housing estate.

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Date Object or Consultee received Support Comments David Kinraid and 22-Apr-12 object The proposed development is flawed in a number of ways, the most Sandra Crow important of which are: 1. Boundaries and Community 1.1 The 107 Bradshaw Way proposed housing development falls outside the existing parish Irchester Northants boundary as we understand it to be and is physically detached from the NN29 7DW rest of the community. In effect the plan suggests that a new village will be established. Accepting the proposed location cannot be good for the village as a community. 2. Village Infrastructure 2.1 Drainage in lower�lying parts of Irchester, particularly sewerage, is in a bad state, almost to the point of being a public health hazard. Adding the effluent from another 124 dwellings to the system would run the risk of creating a major public health problem 2.2 The stormwater drainage system is also often unable to cope with major wet weather events. This is particularly true in High Street. Adding the stormwater from the proposed development would completely overwhelm the system. 2.3 Drainage on the eastern slip road from the A45 to Chester Road is also bad. 2.4 The local school is at capacity now. While expansion is possible, it would involve D Watson 24-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly dangerous 21 Roman Way due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods after heavy rain, Irchester raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports Wellingborough, wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large Northants housing estate. John Davies 25-Apr-12 object Roads -High Street congested, A45 junction increasingly dangerous 1 Wollaston Road due to increased traffic. Water and Sewage -floods after heavy rain, Irchester raw sewage. Environment -greenfield site, proposed and supports Wellingborough, wildlife, change to historic landscape. 124 homes is the start of a large Northants housing estate. Mr E C Arundel 25-Apr-12 object Sewage concerns, Access concerns with regard the recreational area 87a Gipsy Lane and the impact on neighbours from passing traffic, state of repair of the Irchester access, Electricity apparatus to be moved and overhead cables re- Wellingborough, routed, road improvements to A45 slip road Northants, NN29 7DJ

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Date Object or Consultee received Support Comments ANON 26-Apr-12 object Please note that the Junction with the A45 is unsuitable for volume use in winter as the slope is frozen over and the incline is undrivable so on the downslope cars cannot stop before the A45 at times. During thunderstorms the drains at the Junction flood With the A45 like today which makes drivers swerve into the main lanes to miss the problem of floods. The Slip road is only long enough for one car let alone a Lorry and traffic cannot build up the speed required for safe joining and reading the planners notes they assume all traffic will use this route from site which again it is not safe for the Village traffic at present and only if a longer slip road is constructed should the plans be approved for more homes in Irchester. If a medical centre is built this will only add to the traffic problems as the practice attracts customers from distant locations all adding to our Village traffic problems. I note there is Traffic Calming on the Wollaston Road that I understand was constructed due to traffic problems of speed and would ask that a full village traffic survey is now carried out on all roads in the Village to see the extent of the possible problems this planning application might gen Mrs R Reid 27-Apr-12 object Sewage concerns, Access concerns with regard the recreational area 98 Wollaston Road and the impact on neighbours from passing traffic, state of repair of the Irchester Wellingborough, access, Electricity apparatus to be moved and overhead cables re- Northants, NN29 7DF routed, road improvements to A45 slip road

Mr & Mrs O Lewington 27-Apr-12 object Sewage concerns, Access concerns with regard the recreational area 75 Wollaston Road and the impact on neighbours from passing traffic, state of repair of the Irchester Wellingborough, access, Electricity apparatus to be moved and overhead cables re- Northants, NN29 7DA routed, road improvements to A45 slip road

Richelle Lucas 02-May-12 object Sewage concerns, Access concerns with regard the recreational area 165 Wollaston Road and the impact on neighbours from passing traffic, state of repair of the Irchester Wellingborough, access, Electricity apparatus to be moved and overhead cables re- Northants, NN29 7DD routed, road improvements to A45 slip road

Mr & Mrs Hunt 04-May-12 object Other empty properties and development site available within the village, 88 Wollaston Road loss of arable land and impact on bird life Irchester Wellingborough Northants NN29 7DF

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Date Consultee received Object or Support Comments Darren Amos 07-May-12 support sadly I was unaware of the consultation meetings in Irchester so 31 Wantage Road was unable to comment. However, we did receive a letter asking Irchester NN29 7HE us to object. There are also lots of "SAY NO" signs around the village, I have read the Parish Council notes and they also appear very biased towards a NO vote. For the record I believe that the extra houses will bring additional people into the village to ensure the ongoing provision of a school, post office, pharmacy, co-op store etc. in the longer term. The average age of the villagers is currently growing older and these facilities will cease to be sustainable. This seems to be opposite to the views of the Parish council. In addition extra housing will allow some of our grown up children to make their homes in the village instead of having to move away. It will also ensure another generation of young dancers, footballers, brownies, cubs etc. I just wanted to register my support and to make it clear that the Parish Council do not necessarily represent everyone in the village. I would greatly support a questionnaire being sent to ALL residents, but which was accompanied by an unbiased leaflet set Mr & Mrs P Vango 15-May-12 object ROADS -safety, traffic WATER & SEWAGE -flooding, lack of 24 Ash Close Irchester capacity ENVIRONMENT -loss of countryside, ecology, historic Northants NN29 7BP landscape OVER-DEVELOPMENT

Hannah Wilson 15-May-12 object ROADS -safety, traffic WATER & SEWAGE -flooding, lack of 19 Woodlands Road capacity ENVIRONMENT -loss of countryside, ecology, historic Irchester Northants landscape OVER-DEVELOPMENT NN29 7BW

Mr Jon Cox 06-May-12 support The village is crying out for more facilities. The village sports 15 Baker Crescent teams have to play in surrounding villages, the wait for the doctors Irchester Northants is always substantial and local people do not have the opportunity NN29 7BA to look for new houses in and around Irchester. There are also a number of areas of concern regarding this petition mainly concerning the pushing of people to sign the petition who do not live in the area. A large amount of publicity has been given to those against the village development when there are a large number who support this and see this as progress, I hope these voices can be heard as well by you and taken in to consideration at the planning meeting regarding this proposed development. Linda Hanscombe 13-Jun-12 object Access PROW Harm to ecology Amenity disturbance Traffic & 77 Bradshaw Way highway safety Danny Boyle's Oylmpic Rural England Display Irchester Northants NN29 7DW

Mrs C Thompson, 21-Jun-12 object I am writing to object to the revised planning application that 79 Bradshaw Way includes the opening of the Gypsy Lane access to the proposed Irchester. Sport's grounds. NN29 7DW The planning application made to the Borough Council does not show it on a plan nor make any mention of it. It has certainly not been made overtly clear to residents along Bradshaw Way that this may be a possibility. In fact, in the original meeting where Barwood presented the proposed plans to the Parish Council, residents made it clear that they would prefer access to come from the proposed housing development site if planning permission was granted. The proposed access would certainly effect the existing wildlife that utilises that corridor of land. I am also concerned that it is extremely close to the quarry edge and for safety reasons should not be opened. It will also detrimentally affect the security of Bradshaw and Gypsy Lane residents.

Petition received from 22 Jun-12 object “We the undersigned strongly object to any proposed development Save Irchester Village - on green field sites outside the village boundary/policy line. Such 1502 signatories developments would put great strain on our infrastructure and have a huge environmental impact.” Peter Smith 26-Jul-12 object I understand that there is a possibility of an access road following 97 Bradshaw Way the top of the quarry on the boundary of Irchester Country Park. Irchester This quarry has recently been subject to landslips and Northants NN29 7DW Northamptonshire County Council have erected warning signs along the entire length of the quarry both within the park and on neighbouring fields. A road along the edge of the quarry would not be safe. - 94 -

Date Consultee received Object or Support Comments Mr & Mrs I Cockings 27-July-12 support My family and I live in Irchester and have been looking at the 60 Baker Crescent planning application WP/2012/0165 for housing in the village. We Irchester have also been looking at the ‘Save Our Village’ campaign and believe this campaign is trying to destroy what would be good for the village with there no-nonsense ways.

We think that the planning for the houses in the village would be the best thing Irchester has seen for a long time, and those who still wish to be part of the community need this type of development. It is in the perfect site as the traffic could use the A45 road and not go through the village or adjoining villages (not the best plan!)

This planning would bring a big bonus to the village. A new medical centre being built would be well received as the old centre is inadequate and the parking is very difficult.

Lastly, extra land to be added to the sports club is in my opinion fantastic news. It could not be better situated in the centre of the village and safer for the children that use it. The Parish Council must be delighted with all of this for our village.

I thank you for taking the time to read this letter and hope that the planning committee will look favourable on this application.

- 95 -

Date Object or Consultee received Support Comments Tracey Cave/Carol Wilson 29-Mar-12 - 4% monitoring fee S106 Officer Save Irchester 27-Mar-12 neither Cycleway provision Countryside - spokesman Tony Skipper 93 Woodlands Road Irchester Northants NN29 7BU Irchester Doctors Patients 05-Apr-12 ? Request for surgery/medical centre (NB: -copy of letter on 3rd Group spokesman -Tony Party responses green file) and and Ref the Medical Centre Skipper 93 Woodlands area of the outline planning application. Will The area of land Road Irchester Northants allocated for the Village Medical centre be an area gifted to the NN29 7BU Vi

Irchester Allotment 05-Apr-12 Neither I am writing in my capacity as the Chairman of the Irchester Association-Helen Walke Allotments and Gardens Association. At our committee meeting held on Tuesday April 3rd, we discussed the impact of the proposed development on the allotment site on Chester Road. We as a committ Irchester Parish Council 11-Apr-12 object 1) Information supplied regarding the sewage issues seem unconvincing as there are currently sewage problems within the village that have constantly failed to be rectified. To add a further 124 homes to this could greatly exacerbate the problems. There Natural England 11-Apr-12 Standing See Letter dated as received Advice Mr Tony Skipper (Save 14-Apr-12 object See Letter dated as received Irchester Countryside Campaign) Countryview 93 Woodlands Rd Irchester Northants NN29 7BU

Ben Hunter 16-Apr-12 See Letter dated as received Northamptonshire County Council County Hall Northampton NN1 1DN

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Date Object or Consultee received Support Comments Cllr Richard Elliott From: 17-Apr-12 Neither Comments on S106 proposal for a cycle route Irchester- 35 Woodlands Rd Irchester Wollaston and alternative proposal for traffic management Northants NN29 7BW scheme Chester rd/High Street/Station rd to build on Phone: 01933 359525 recommendations in the applications Road Safety Audit. The cycle way proposal would be

The Wildlife Trust 18-Apr-12 object See Letter dated as received Neil Holland 17-Apr-12 Neither In response to the above outline planning application for the Northamptonshire County proposed residential development and sports-field extension at Council Travel Planning land west of High Street, Irchester and land adjoining Irchester Team Access Development Sports Association, Northamptonshire County Council make the Officer (Walking and foll Cycling)

EA 18-Apr-12 Neither See Letter dated as received

Liz Mordue 18-Apr-12 Neither See Letter dated as received Northamptonshire County Council Assistant Archaeological Advisor New phone number: 01604 366192

Environment Agency Nene 18-Apr-12 neither See Letter dated as received various conditions & informatives House Pytchley Lodge required Road Kettering Northants NN15 6JQ

Crime Prevention Design 24-Apr-12 Neither see Email dated as received Advisor Kelly McDermott Northamptonshire Police Community Safety Diamonds Business Centre Unit C Attley Way NN9 5GF

David Jones -NCC - 02-May-12 Neither See Letter dated as received Highways

Anglian Water 11-May-12 Neither ASSETS

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Date Object or Consultee received Support Comments Section 1 – Assets Affected 1.1 Our records show that there are no assets owned by Anglian Water or those subject to an adoption agreement within the development site boundary. WASTEWATER SERVICES Section 2 – Wastewater Treatment 2.1 The foul drainage from this development is in the catchment of Broadholme STW that at present has available capacity for these flows. Section 3 – Foul Sewerage Network 3.1 The sewerage system at present has available capacity for these flows. If the developer wishes to connect to our sewerage network they should serve notice under Section 106 of the Water Industry Act 1991. We will then advise them of the most suitable point of connection. Section 4 – Surface Water Disposal 4.1 The preferred method of surface water disposal would be to a sustainable drainage system (SUDS) with connection to sewer seen as the last option. Building Regulations (part H) on Drainage and Waste Disposal for England includes a surface water drainage hierarchy, with infiltration on site as the preferred disposal option, followed by discharge to watercourse and then connection to a sewer. 4.2 The surface water strategy/flood risk assessment submitted with the planning application relevant to Anglian Water is acceptable. We request that the agreed strategy is reflected in the planning approval Section 5 – Trade Effluent 5.1 Not applicable Section 6 – Suggested Planning Conditions Anglian Water would therefore recommend the following planning condition if the Local Planning Authority is mindful to grant planning approval. CONDITION No dwellings/premises shall be occupied until the works have been carried out in accordance with the surface water strategy so approved unless otherwise approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. REASON To prevent environmental and ame Re- sent email of 5 April 2012 -already logged above See Letter dated 18 may

Irchester Parish Council HA 11-May-12 object 18-May-12

- 98 -

Date Object or Consultee received Support Comments Abigail Morgan North 29-May-12 neither Concerns raised re: Access and Movement to the Site Northamptonshire Joint Planning Unit c/o East Northamptonshire Council Cedar Drive Northants NN14 4LZ

Tony Skipper 07-Jun-12 neither We note that a new travel plan has now been submitted 93 Woodlands Road and note that the Technical notes attached refer to the Irchester Wellingborough proposed Gypsy Lane entrance including traffic amounts Northants NN29 7BU and flows. We understood that the location of Gypsy lane was withdrawn and Alfred Street wa

Ela Goodall 07-Jun-12 neither Housing Need in Irchester I would suggest that the BCW Housing Strategy previous Housing Need Survey and information previously supplied from the housing register gives an indication of the general housing types needed However, here is a suggested mix that would be acceptable All units should be to Lifetime Homes standard -complaint with HCA funding requirements a mix of 25% = 31 units for Affordable Rent and 5% = 6 units for Shared ownership 5% of the total to be wheelchair accessible = 2 units 2 or more units for Temporary 2 x 2 bed bungalows -fully wheelchair accessible 2 x 2 bed bungalows 8 x 1 bed flats 12 x 2 bed houses 6 x 3 bed houses 1 x 4 bed house

Highways Agency Richard 13-Jun-12 support Travel Plan has been revised in accordance with our McGowan 9th Floor The recommendation Cube 199 Wharfside Street B1 1RN

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Date Object or Consultee received Support Comments Environment Protection – 13-Jun-12 support I have received a copy of the Phase 1 Contaminated Land BCW report for the above sites referenced 24351/046 by Peter Brett Associates. I agree with the conclusions in section 6.6 of the report which identifies that an intrusive Phase 2 investigation will be required for the land west of High Street to further investigate possible backfilling of a disused quarry. No further assessment is required for the land adjoining Irchester Sports Field. Tony Skipper 26-Jul-12 object I object to this planning application going before the Borough 93 Woodlands Road Councillors as the Tecnical notes 7 do not address the Irchester Wellingborough transport issues. Northants NN29 7BU The Road to the sports land Alfred Street is clearly unsuitable for this new volume of use. Neil Holland Cycleway officer for the NCC asked that the Cycleway/footpath to Wollaston School need 106 money put aside to start phase one of the project. There are no clear construction notes on the Footpaths to the rear and side of the site tp,s i.e width depth makeup this need a clear laid out drawing to understand what is on offer. There is no footpath/cycleway between the sports land and the new planned development. The Bus service is outside agreed distance on this application and the tecnical notes bluff over this without addressing this issue. guidelines are laid out and these must be part of the plan. The cycleway paths to the front of the site have been increased but this still shows a problem on the high street with width and Safety. F

Dr Patrizia (Trish) Pasquali 31-Jul-12 support I write in support of the proposal by Barwood to include in Irchester Surgery their submission provision for a new Health Centre in NHS Irchester. We have been looking for a suitable site for development as a doctor’s surgery since 2004, and at first instructed local professional surveyors jointly with the village pharmacists to help us find a site. Unfortunately, although we have undertaken a thorough review of all the sites in the village centre and throughout the village nothing suitable for our needs has ever been available at a price likely to be affordable by the NHS.

We currently have about 4,300 patients and this has fallen from a peak of about 4,500 about a year ago. We feel that our inadequate premises and parking are amongst the main reasons underlying why patients leave the Practice. For instance at present we have three doctors and only two consulting rooms, and five nurses and only two treatment rooms. We also share our site with District Nurses, Health Visitors, and a Wellbeing Counsellor. In just the same way we have more administrative staff than there are workstations or desk spaces. Some staff are part-time and some sharing can be arranged but it is obvious that we are very crowded. We want to provide the widest possible range of medical services in Irchester itself, but we fear our inadequate premises are an obstacle.

A routine random survey of patient opinion by telephone that took place recently included questions on the development that Barwood propose. Of the sample 71% said that new housing would definitely be acceptable if it included provision for a new surgery and a further18% said that it would be acceptable to an extent.

We have for some time now been in dialogue with Barwood, who have included appropriate provision for a new surgery and car parking in their submission. We have discussed the various options with them and are in agreement with their proposal.

I hope that this helps make clear our view. If there is any way in which we can help, or any more information that we can provide, please do not hesitate to ask.

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Further to the recent response from Richard Hall I attach a comment from Karen MacLeavy with regard to Travel Plan aspects of the proposal.

No doubt the Travel Plan and remedial measures that may become necessary will be made part of the Section 106 Agreement to be prepared in connection with this application.


David Jones

Development Management Engineer Highways, Transport and Infrastructure Northamptonshire County Council Riverside House, Riverside Way Bedford Road, Northampton, NN1 5NX

Dear Ola

Further to my email of 22 June 2012 in response to this application, I can confirm that the email below from Paul James at PBA correctly reflects the discussions between him and me and therefore I am comfortable agreeing to the way forward outlined in this message. For clarification I would like to add some further comments on the public transport paragraph which is not significant but maybe firms up the likelihood of what goes into the S106 Heads of Terms. Essentially we have confirmed that a mini‐review of the existing bus service through Irchester has confirmed that there would be a need to ensure its long term viability taking into account the impact of Rushden Lakes. Therefore it is welcomed and essential that the S106 Heads of Terms will include this potential contribution.

Other than that minor tweak, I am comfortable with the record of discussions and hopefully this allows you to proceed to committee with enough information.

Richard. Richard Hall | Principal Engineer – Development Management Highways, Transport & Infrastructure | Northamptonshire County Council | Tel: 01604 364318

From: Paul James (Northampton) [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: 22 June 2012 14:58 To: Richard Hall Cc: David Jones; Chris Bond; [email protected]; [email protected]; Michael Parkinson; Tim Coleby Subject: RE: WP/2012/0165/OM - Land West of High Street Irchester

Dear Richard,

I refer to our telephone conversation this morning with respect to the above, and your comments set out on the PDF attached to your email dated 22nd June 2012 to Olawale Duyile (Borough Council of Wellingborough).

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We discussed your comments and agreed, where required, the nature of any additional information which would be provided to NCC.

With respect to the planning application and the Borough Council of Wellingborough’s intention to determine the application at the 4th July 2012 committee, we also agreed that all of the outstanding matters can be addressed post planning and are not fundamental to the scheme, and on this basis NCC would not object to the proposed development (subject to appropriate Planning Conditions and Section 106 Agreement).

We have therefore set out below the agreed actions against each of your comments, and would be grateful if you could confirm to Olawale Duyile, that on the basis of the agreed actions, NCC does not object to the application.

As discussed, Mr Duyile does require your response by the Monday morning (25th June) to ensure that the application is included on the planning committee agenda.

2A Pedestrian Facilities

We note that NCC is seeking financial contributions to upgrade the surfacing of public footpaths TL6 and TL7 adjacent to the development site. As this would require a dedication agreement with the landowner potentially beyond the extent of the site boundary, we agreed that this should be part of the Section 106 Agreement.

We therefore confirm that the applicant is willing to make a financial contribution to the upgrading of the surfacing of public footpaths TL6 and TL7, and that the detail can be agreed post planning committee.

In addition, we note NCC’s suggestion that a public footpath be run along the western boundary of the proposed development to provide connectivity to footpath TL7. We therefore confirm that this can be provided, and that the detail can be agreed post planning committee.

2B Cyclists As requested, the footway along the site frontage will be widened from 2m to 2.5m, and the supporting access drawings will be amended accordingly.

A direct pedestrian / cyclist access from the High Street into the south east corner of the site will also be provided with a minimum width of 2.5m. The indicative masterplan supporting the application does show such an access.

3 Existing Public Transport Services

With respect to the public transport, we note your agreement that it would be unviable to divert the current bus service through Irchester to pass the proposed development site.

In addition, we note your comment that the proposed Rushden Lakes development is likely to change the bus services in the east of the County and, potentially the current bus service through Irchester. We therefore understand that NCC is to undertake a wider review of public transport provision in the east of the County.

Whilst not specifically requested at this time, we note that NCC may seek financial contributions for public transport from the applicant following NCC’s review.

We therefore confirm that public transport contributions can be included within the Section 106 Heads of Terms, and that the detail of any contribution associated with the proposed development can be agreed with NCC post planning committee. - 104 -

We will also use the work destination information for the existing population of Irchester to estimate the likely number of residents from the new development who would be likely to use the train station.

4 Access to Local Facilities

Agreed that no further action is required.

5 Traffic Count Data

With respect to the traffic counts undertaken in November 2010, we will confirm the weather conditions during the survey period.

In addition and as requested, we will also undertake a 7 day ATC count on the High Street to supplement the November 2010 traffic counts. We note that you will request that the ATC count be subject to a Planning Condition.

6 PIA History

We will review the latest Personal Injury Accident (PIA) data for the study area, and update the PIA review set out within the Transport Assessment as appropriate.

7 Medical Centre Development

We note your comment that the proposed medical centre access is likely to operate without issue.

However, we also note your request for a traffic count associated with the current medical centre facility to be undertaken, and that this data should be used to assess the capacity of the proposed medical centre access.

We confirm that this survey will be undertaken and the capacity of the proposed medical centre access assessed, and that this will be subject to a Planning Condition.

8 Irchester Sports Association Expansion

Agreed that no further action is required.

9 Trip Generation & Distribution – Residential Development

We note your comment that confirmation of the assumptions used in the distribution of the development traffic is required, and that this is a point of clarification only, and can therefore be undertaken post planning committee.

10 Trip Generation & Distribution – Medical Centre

Agreed actions as per Item 7 above.

11 Trip Generation & Distribution – Irchester Sports Club

Agreed that no further action is required.

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12 Future Year Growth Factor

With respect to the assessment of traffic flows for the 2021 scenario, we confirm that the proposed development access and the offsite junctions which have been assessed in the Transport Assessment have been assessed within the context of 2021. This assessment is set out within Section 7 of the Transport Assessment.

We therefore consider that no further information or assessment is required.

13 Operational Assessment

Agreed that no further action is required.

14 Proposed Residential Site Access Junction

Agreed that no further action is required.

15 Bus Stop Distance

Agreed actions as per Item 3 above.

I trust that the above is an accurate summary of our telephone conversation, but please do not hesitate to call me should you wish to discuss any aspect.

Many thanks.


Kind Regards

Paul James Principal Engineer - BEng (Hons)

For and on behalf of Peter Brett Associates LLP 11 Prospect Court Courteenhall Road Blisworth Northamptonshire NN7 3DG Tel: +44 (0) 1604 878300 Fax: +44 (0) 1604 878333 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.peterbrett.com

Roger Tym & Partners and Baker Associates are now part of Peter Brett Associates LLP.

From: Richard Hall [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: 22 June 2012 09:15 To: '[email protected]' Cc: David Jones; Chris Bond Subject: WP/2012/0165/OM - Land West of High Street Irchester

Dear Ola

David Jones has asked me to provide the Local Highway Authority response in respect of this application due to time constraints on his availability. - 106 -

I have produced the attached note, in response to Technical Note 6 from Peter Brett Associates and informed by previous communications between them and MGWSP, out transport consultant.

As you will see there are a number of matters still in need of further detail and until we receive this I believe we are still not in a position to provide our final response. You will also see that there are areas of disagreement which I hope you will note.

My hope is that the applicant comes forward with the requested information as soon as possible in order that we can provide our response to these outstanding issues.

Please contact me if there is anything further you need.

Richard Richard Hall | Principal Engineer – Development Management - 107 -

- 108 -

Review of the Transport Assessment for Land West of High Review of the Transport Assessment for Land West of High Street and Land Adjoining Irchester Sports Association, Irchester, Northamptonshire

Transport Planning

19 April 2012 - 109 -


Issue/revision Issue 1 Revision 1 Revision 2 Revision 3 Remarks Date Prepared by Signature Checked by Signature Authorised by Signature Project number File reference

MGWSP Northamptonshire Highways Brixworth Depot,Harborough Road,Northamptonshire,NN6 9BX DDI:+44(0)1604 883415 Web:www.mgwsp.co.uk

Author:Lou Mason-Walsh Tel:01604 364377 Email:[email protected]

May Gurney Ltd, Registered Office: Holland Court, The Close, Norwich, NR1 4DY Registered Number 00873179 England

WSP Management Services Limited Registered Office: WSP House, 70 Chancery Lane, London WC2A 1AF Registered Number 02454665 England - 110 -



1 Introduction


1.1.1 The document reviewed is described as the Transport Assessment for the Development of Land to the West of High Street and Land Adjoining Irchester Sports Association, Irchester, Northamptonshire. The TA reviewed is dated March 2012.

1.1.2 The remainder of this report sets out MGWSPs comments on the Transport Assessment. - 112 -

2 Transport Assessment Review


Section 3.2: Existing Pedestrian and Cycle Facilities

Pedestrian Facilities

Comment: The TA needs to set out more details of the existing public rights of way (PROW)listed, this should include details of the surfacing and alignment, it would be help if these routes were shown on a plan in relation to the proposed development.

The TA needs to set out how the destinations served by the existing pedestrian routes compare to the work destinations of the existing population of Irchester.

Cycle Facilities Comment: The TA needs to set out the evidence that the High Street is conducive to cycling trips, is it included in any cycle plans?

The TA needs to set out how the destinations served by the existing cycle routes compare to the work destinations of the existing population of Irchester.

The TA will need to highlight what would be required to ensure that the PROW listed are suitable for use by residents of the proposed development.

Section 3.3: Existing Public Transport Services

Bus Services

Comment: The max desirable walk distance to a bus stop is agreed.

It is agreed that this figure is only a guide but the actual walk distance of 700m is almost double the desirable distance and is therefore likely to be a major deterrent to people using the existing bus services.

The TA needs to set out how the destinations served by the existing bus services compare to the work destinations of the existing population of Irchester.

Rail services

Comment: The cycle distance quoted in this section is agreed. - 113 -

It is agreed that the station is within the accepted cycle distance but the TA needs to set out the route that would be required as the site is separated from Wellingborough Station by the A45.

The TA also needs to set out how residents of the prosed development could gain access to the station by other modes of travel.

The TA needs to set out how the destinations served by the existing rail services compare to the work destinations of the existing population of Irchester.

Section 3.4: Access to Local Facilities

Comment: The walk and cycle distances set out in this section are agreed.

The TA needs to set out hoe residents would access the facilities further from the site e.g. the larger supermarkets because although these are within the max cycle distance it is unlikely that many residents would cycle to these locations on a regular basis.

The TA makes reference to two secondary schools, however, only one is shown on Figure 3.1. the public transport section list bus services to only one of these schools is this big enough to cater for all the pupils likely to be generated by the proposed development and if not how would pupils access the alternative locations. The TA needs to list the facilities available in Rushden and Wellingborough and also needs to set out the details of the mode choices available to residents.

Section 3.6: Existing Survey Data

Comment: The counts undertaken for this development whilst being in term time were in the last week of November 2011 and therefore are not truly representative.

The use of data on the A45 to verify the suitability of the traffic data collected is valid for looking at the count undertaken on the A45. The suitability of the counts undertaken ion the local road network should be assessed using an ATC or other long term data on the local road network.

Section 3.7: Personal Injury Accident History

Comment: This Section need to be undated to include the data for 2011 as the report is dated march 2012. - 114 -

Chapter 4: Proposed Development and Associated Improvements

Section 4.2: Residential Development Comment: The use of the Place and Movement Guide (PaMG) to determine the parking to be provided for the residential element of the proposed development is agreed. It is acknowledged that the final mix of units is not known but the number of parking spaces set out appears to be reasonable.

The cycle parking numbers should be based on the 2003 Parking SPG.

The parking requirements for the planned medical centre and the improve sports facility should be based on the 2003 parking SPG. The standards quoted in the TA are agreed.

Section 4.3: Medical Centre Development

Comment: The parking provision required for this development should be assessed using the 2003 Parking SPG, the standards set out in the TA are agreed.

The site access junction needs to be assessed in the TA to ensure it works.

Section 4.4: Irchester Sports Association Expansion

Comment: The TA should include details of the likely changes to the sports facilities to enable the likely changes in trip generation to be examined.

The TA will need to include an assessment of the existing parking arrangements to ensure that the proposed changes will not cause problems with cars parking on the surrounding road network.

Section 4.5: Travel Demand Management Strategy

Comment: The testing of the impact of the proposed development prior to any mode shift is agreed.


Section 5.2: Residential Development Comment: The use of the TRICS database to determine the trips associated with this element of the prosed development is agreed.

The version of TRICS used in the TA was the most up to date at the time the report was written.

It is agreed that the use of the Houses privately owned sub category will ensure a robust assessment of the trips generated by the proposed site. - 115 -

The trip rates set out in Table 5.1 are agreed.

The use of the census data to determine the mode share for the residential journeys is agreed, however the raw data used should be included in the TA to enable the figure set out in Table 5.2 to be verified.

The TA should also include the details of the TRICS mode split for comparison.

It is agreed that the use of the higher percentage of car drivers will ensure a robust assessment of the impact f the proposed development.

The use of the census data to distribute the trips associated with the proposed development is agreed, however, the data has not been included in the TA.

The assumptions made as to the routing taken have not been included in the TA and as a result of this and the comment above it has not been possible to verify the results as set out in Table 5.4.

Section 5.3: Medical Centre Development

Comment: The TA states that the proposed facility will be a replacement for an existing facility within Irchester and as such no new trips will be generated, however an examination of the TRICS database indicates that larger medical facilities generate more trips per 100m2 than smaller units and therefore the TA needs to set out much more detail as to what is proposed for this element of the proposed development, it also needs to consider the alterations to the routes that will be required to enable existing patients to access the new facility to enable an assessment to be made as to the differences in trips within Irchester as a result of this development.

Section 5.4: Irchester Sports Association

Comment: The TA should include details of the likely changes to the sports facilities to enable the likely changes in trip generation to be examined.


Section 6.2: Future Year Growth Factors

Comment: The Future required for this development on the local road network is 2021, this is in line with all other developments in the county.

The 2010-2021 growth rate set out in Table 6.1 is agreed. - 116 -

Section 6.4: Base Year and Design Year Traffic Flows

Comment: it is important to note the NCC only require the base year and future year assessments to be undertaken.


Section 7.1: Assessment Scenarios Comment: The TA needs to include an assessment of the access junction for the proposed medical centre and improved Sports facility as well as the residential access junction.

Section 7.2: Proposed Residential Site Access Junction

Comment: The geometries used in the assessment of the proposed residential site access junction are agreed.

Off-Site Junction assessment

Comment: The junction layout plans are not included in the TA so it has not been possible to verify the geometries used in the off-site junction assessments undertaken.

As a result of this is has not been possible to verify the results of the junction capacity assessments included in the TA.