Freshman Elections Set for Tuesday, Oct. 18
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Who's Dating Whom Election Filing Read Campus Carousel See How It's Done On Page 5 On Page 1 TheTEXAS CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY Skiff• * * • FORT WORTH, TEXAS VOL. 60, No. 3 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1961 12 PAGES Freshman Elections Set For Tuesday, Oct. 18 BY LYNELLEN BENNETT ter of the Undergraduate Reli will he required gion Building and Hal ris Hall Information sad filing forms polls will be open th Determination of u innin for fall elections may be obtained 8 a m. and 5 pin. w ill be decided by starting Oct. 2 at the informa ity in the primai i \ run tion desk in the Student Center Cards Presented . will be held it DO Election of class officers, fresh Activity cards must b' candidate for a particular office man representatives to Student sented to the election officials has a I in the pi i Congress and the 'lil HUM before tudents « he mary. The number <>i candidates ing Queen will be held Tues not issued irds "ill be chosen for the ran off .shall be Ocl 18. permitted to vote only in the twice the number to be e Qualification for class presl Student I enter . i they lor that office, dent l- ;i '.'. 2 grade average Fresh- nun candidates may not be on academic probation Queens Complete Hours President of Midwestern Homecoming Queen nominees must have completed 7:s sen hours and have a grade point a\ D or higher, There W ill To Address Convocation be no campaigning for Home Coming Queen and the results of Dr. Travis white, president o in, accompanying Choral the voting will not tx Midwestern \ and 1932 director Bcv Henson will lead until the Homecoming pep rally ■ . will of Hie Alma Mater. At the filing meeting, 5 p m speak Ion, n Ocl -1 ill pre- i, t 5. in i:d I andreth An sent a filing fee of $10 to the mi. ; election chairman Thi Tile fundable at the end of ele it the candl al of the faculty in with all election nil Posters must be stampc IS. They may not be put up be Dr. -Inn W I p.m. and will be limited to lour poster.-, - Borden These shall no! reshman of I any thing ns large as 8" by lu It isn't too early to (tart sanding the soapbox, making posters Amos W Melton. or writing speeches, because filing for campus offices opens the chancellor, ■ Oct. 2. Election day is Oct. 18. of any bui I. .in of the Menioi Qg the placed within the lai. and Di Elmer Hen agle in front of the Student Cen- Little Theatre Opens Year ter and in the area I nouncii tion Univer Spei 'ill be presented With 'Joan of Arc' Drama 1 on the east by Mi Worth Paper Provided senioi and 1962 I Emmet Sm r tmenl oi Barnes, Hammond, Indiana, and The Container Corporation of will present its first cir.mia pro- Worth Kurt Worth is providio ductioo nf the .1 student. ter paper for the camp ,i 8 p m. Thursday, on. 26. will be distributed by Student Thomas Named ".loan of Ire" will be pre- I in the Little Theatre un- At ; oi rally Ocl 17. Battle Commander MISS DOROTHY SHULER der I he direction of Dr. Walther Credit Due candidates tor It Volbach. chairman of the de- will have the opportunity to Billj partment hen- platforms. ippointed Five Added Other production dates are 8 Men Called Voting will be on Oil 18 and commander tor the Aimy p. in Del 28 and NOV. 1 4. Two the runoff Del 20 \ I will be in command oi closed performances will By Military will be located in the Student To Faculty .'ii in connection with the Center, Business Building, Scl the 75 At ii annual meeting of the Southwest The University has ami: ence Build: Build till being aihled iilty. Theatre Conference on 0 a policy giving academic credit ing, Education Building, thi and 28. - i. and .Ion Among some of thi to students who may be called Jewell, battle Dorothy Dr. Volbach adapted the play into the armed forces during the dean of women from the German inati: school year. 'Jeanne d' Arc" by Max Mell Seniors Receive stuii officers replacing Di Jo son The original translation of the This policy, now in efl> Don Boswell, B I Rob who is in of play was done by Megan Land ed during World Second Chance ert Baker and War II and the Korean conflict. Comini, an SMTJ graduate stu ; t appointments have ex. ' Students called to commands the dership dent, and graduates have ty even further, prior to mid semester, either by my "Mell was not the firsl to use- another chancel with tin- sddition oi three pro induction or recalled as a mem- Head Joan of Arc for a play." I)r Vol- Deadline for senior and grad ber of the National Guard or headed by -ion Kind bach said, 'but he found a new irbook pict Of the news II be given a pro rated . •li His drama deals with been extended one week due to ■ tuition refund. are I ■ rkuis, roan's late had on two mall number of stt Two Those called into service after A Co ; Dot other charactei who have been in for sittil added to 11 I will be designed by Henry r. will be given full Oet 7 is the new deadline for Whitehead, i» depart! MM Viola E. Hanimack, technical director credit for all courses in which seniors and gra-i let 14 (i llerr, who will h they are making a passing grade. ii of theatre arts, with costumes by for jui l!ti, sophomores. BCh arid tiei man, Dolores Tanner. ' Under this ruling, a student may [acuity and V .ho will bo Joan of Arc will be played by be called to duty after the ninth memle Greeks Greet Pledges week of his final semester, arid Sally Payne, Dallas sophomore; Mr. and Mrs. Allen Orgain, who still graduate in absentia. In Visiting Ceremony Peter Manuel by Charles Ballin- photographers, have heie liom Rutgei will be gcr. Dallas sophomore; and Fifty students, mostly from ii report now for pictures ' How do you do " and Madame Von Ligny by Laura !day school, already have been re- and a. rush alws] shakie ing in COX, Atlanta senior. pealled, reported Registrar Calvin deadlines Orgam's fr a ter nit) Hams College of Nui Other members of the I Cumbie. orary studio is located in th I01BS of Milton Daniel Dorm Ruth Ann Kindig i B \ elude (ail Hoyt and Paul Fisher, To apply for a draft deferment, end of Building 2, behind the as pledge lines began s 'til. has been named acting di- both Fort Worth juniors; John a student must fill out a form in Science Building Gasttt, Don Dorman, Robert the registrar's office, from which A charge of $2.50 for seniors it the fra- the Public Relations Depai Cunningham, Charles Collins and a Form 109 will be tilled out by provides for two sitting-,, one in ternil i for Mrs. Chris West, all Fort Worth sopho- the registrar's office and sent to cap and gown and the other in A ) tit. the ti | Bobbye Barratt who is on a leave mores; Bob Sessions, Fort Worth the draft board. The registrar's street clothes. All other .students ■ r was senior, Berkeley Batte, Fort office reports that the number and faculty members will be .e acquainted and plan mt Skiff edito; Worth freshman, Ronnie Head- of deferment applicants is about charged $1.50. some happi Hie coming Mrs. Martrue H Greenwood nck. Dallas sophomore; Ray five times greater this fafl than All men are required to wear year This year the women are will he assistant Catalog Ii1 Robison, Gainesville senior; Rich previously. coats and four-in hand ties. iing the men. in Mary Couts Burnett Library. Page 1 T H e SKIFF 'Inside'Stories Plunge Alimony, Toe Make News in Summer By DENNIS SCHICK et «ho h Biffing • are a few Go West, Young Woman" lit of increase of mai • d them. Niagara Fails Integrated and Idaho up 10.5 II He 48 T( « more ca ding the "■ ig with Gets Silver Wings Man Denied Alimony __ ii Mist Susan Ludwig, an ex-stu- dent of the University, has i ■■■■ Baseball Medals been awarded the silver wings of an American Airlines ste- wardess. A Fort Worth native. Available in SC Miss Ludwig is assigned to flight duty out of Los Angeles. Air Force 2nd Lt. James E. Packer, left, and his instructor dis- ; your med- cuss • history-making flight in a T 38 supersonic trainer. Packer, a '59 graduate of the University, was the first student to fly I the ; He • the plane. to the —V TCU Grad Ushers Little Toe Must Go in the In New Flight Era 0 A a les E ■ : note— ■ ■ ; . "MOB Cher, - - Je tote.' Pegg Joins Language Department in German dirt- Let's Get Acquainted... 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