COMECE annual report 2017 19, Square de Meeûs, B-1050 Brussels Tel. +32 (2) 235 05 10 COMECE Fax +32 (2) 230 33 34 COMMISSION OF THE BISHOPS’ CONFERENCES Mail:
[email protected] OF THE EUROPEAN UNION FINANCES Total expenditure: 1.076.317€ The Secretariat of COMECE and its activities are financed exclusively by the contributions of the Member Bishops’ Conferences. The Secretariat of COMECE is registered in the EU Transparency register, Migration under the identification number 47350036909-69 14 & Asylum Ethics, health & research 17 Justice & Fundamental rights / 6% Ecology & External Action / 5% 20 Sustainability Social & Economic Policies / 6% Legal afairs Health, Research & Bioethics / 1% 22 & Fundamental rights Migration & Asylum / 7% Intercultural Communication / 8% 25 Dialogue & Education Meetings and conferences / 14% Social & 27 Economic Policies Rents, reception, travel costs, other salaries / 52% 30 External Action 33 Freedom of Religion FOREWORD Dear Readers, On 25 March 2017, the heads of state and government of the 27 member states of the European Union came together in Rome to remember the 60th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Rome. The highlight of this meeting was an audience with Pope Francis on the previous evening in the Vatican’s Sala Regia. After the Pope’s speech, in which he spoke above all of the hope that can once again inspire the European Union and Europe, the doors were opened for the ofcial photo, in which the heads of state and government stood, with the Pope in the middle, in front of the fresco of the Last Judgement by Michelangelo in the Sistine Chapel.