Onam has a variety of festivals to boast of. They are an integral part of the social and cultural structure of our society. From time immemorial Kerala attracted the notice of people from other parts of the world. The culture of Kerala represents an epitome of the collective achievementsachievements of the people. The cultural heritage of Kerala is also revealed in its varied dance forms, martial arts and folk arts. Our culture is an integral part of Indian culture. Festivals also reaffirmreaffirm our pride in the cculturalultural diversity of the nation. , the happy blend of myth and reality, is the largest harvest festival iinn the Indian state of of KeralaKeralaand a part of the cultural repertoire. It bringsbrings babackck nostalgic memories, carried on the wings of of folklore, of a bygone beautiful era of prosperity, equality and righteousness under the glittering reign of Mahabali. It falls during the first month of the MaMalayalamlayalam calendar which is ChinChingamgam (August–September) and marks the homecoming of the legendary King MavelMaveli.i. The festival lasts for ten days and is linked to many elements of Kerala's culture and tradition. Year after year, for centuries, the people of Kerala, irrespective of caste, creed or colour, join togethtogetherer to welcome back their vanquished king. The vociferous welcome to King Mahabali in millions of households in Kerala makes Onam a grand feast even in the poor man’s hut. Long ago, there lived a kind yet mighty demon-king Mahabali, who was the ruler of Kerala. His people were happy to have him as the king and there was no sorrow, poverty, disease or premature death in his kingdom. Afraid of his rising popularity, the eever-jealousver-jealous gods approached Lord VVishnu,ishnu, with a request to put an end to his rule. Counting on his charitable nature, disguised himself as a Brahmin dwarf called '' and sought three steps of land from MahabaMahabali.li. However, Vishnu then increased his size to cosmic proportions and covered the entire earth in one step and the entire heaven in the second. When he askeaskedd Mahabali, where to place his third step, he humbly offered his head to the divine deity. Pleased with his virtues, Vishnu made him the king of hell and granted a boon to him that he could visit his kingdom onceonce a year. Thus, Onam is celebrated to welcome the legendary king returning annually to his earthly abode and kingdom. Everybody in the state was happy and prosperous and the king was highly regarded by his subjects. It is this visit of Mahabali that is celecelebratedbrated as Onam every year. People including chichildreldrenn celebrate the festival in a grand way and impress upon their dear King that they are happy and wish hihimm well. Another legend has iitt that King MahabaliMahabali was a devout worshipper of Lord VisVishnu.hnu. He was sincere,re,since honest and just ruler. But he had one weakness — ego. And to eradicate his pride and redeem his belovedbeloved devotee of this one sin, VisVishnuhnu came to earth in ththee form of a dwarf Brahmin namnameded Vaman. Vaman asked for three paces of land and the king agreed. To makmakee Mahabali realise that he was a puny creature iinn frontfront of God's universal stature, Vishnu himself had taken of Vaman and was testing his ability. Mahabali, who was a man of principles, realized God's purpose and offered his head for Vamana's footstep, as he was sent to another world. This fatal step proved a blessing in disguise for the good king — the foot salvaged and released him from the recurrent cycle of birth and death. That is why Onam is celebrated by wearing new clothes and resolving to lead a new life of truth, piety, love, and humilityhumility.. Although this ffestivalestival has ititss origin in Hindu mymythology,thology, Onam is for all people of all class anddan creed. Hindus, Muslims and Christians, the wealthy and the downtrodden, all celebrate Onam with equal fervor. The secular character of Onam is peculiar ttoo this land where unity had always coexiscoexistedted with diversity, especially during festivals, when people come together to celebrate life's unlimited joys. People of Kerala celebrate Onam irrespective of rreleligiousigious and linguistics differences. A number of colourful and joyous customs always impart a golden glow to the Onam celebrations. Traditionally ‘pookkalam’ or floral carpet is laid in front of every household begins from Atham day and continues on all the ten days till Thiruvonam day. The onam sadya is an elaborate vegetarian meal servserveded lavishly. Another reason to prepare such a feast is to impress upon the spirit of the King that his people are happy and wish him well. The culinary extravagance served upon a cleanclean banana leaf, delights the senses with its vvariedaried colours, smell and taste. The main course is parboiledparboiled ‘unpolished’ rice. Seasonal vegetables such as pumpkin, yam, drumstick, cucumber and raw banana are used in combination with various lentils. Coconut is used in abundance, either fresh or roasted. AccompanimentsAccompaniments include spicy pickles, crispy papadoms andand chips, cured based vegetable dishes and the traditionaltraditional dessert called the payasam. The desdessertsert consistsconsists of payasam/prathaman, which are porridges made of split green gram, rice paste, or banana with milk and sugar/jaggery (brown sugar). There is a saying in MalayalamMalayalam that "Kanam Vittum Onam UnnanUnnanam"am" which means, "We should have the Thiruonam lunch even if we have to sell all our properties". Shyness and false egos take a backseat in the face of candid feasting and cheer. Athachamyam iiss a grand processprocessionion that marks the beginning of the grangrandd carnival of Onam.Onam. A number of performing arts and recreational games araree performed during Onam festivfestival.al. Vallamkali (boat race) is a spectacular event performed in connectionconnection with onam festival. There are different types of boats like Kalivallam, Chundan vallam, Veppuvallam, Odi, Churulan etc. these names are given to the boats according to the size and pattern. The participants of Vallamkali must prove good oarsmanship to lead the boat to victory. More than hundred persons are rowing with team spirit in a Chundan Vallam. Lakhs of tourists and natives assemble to witness the Vallamkali. The participants sing the Vanchipattu (boat-song)

during paddling. It is a colourful sight to watch the decorated boat oared by hundreds of boatmen amidst chanting of songs and cheering by spectators and viviewers.ewers. Thousands throng the banbanksks to cheer and watch the breathtaking show of muscle power, rowing skillsskills and rapid rhythm. These boats - all pittedpitted against their own kind - rip through the backwaters of Kerala in a tussle of speed. Kathakali (an ancient Kerala dance form), Thiruvathira, Mohiniattom (traditional dances) are thethe highlights of this season of merrymaking. Onathallu is a martial art as well as a kind of combat between two groups. The leaders of the group beat the opponent with lands, sitting on the shoulders of their resperespectivective fellow-men. Onakummi/KaikOnakummi/Kaikottikkaliottikkali is a female dancdancee form performed during OOnamnam which is a very much similar to Thiruvathirakali. Kolatam is also a dance of women using sticks in their hands which is also a

bodiescircular are dance. painted Pulikali completely is a dance to create form of the ThrissurThrissu illusioillusionrn district, that they performed are tigers. in Manythe Onam tigers season.se dancdanceason.e together The human according to the furious speedy rhythms of the drumdrumming.ming. Kummatti is a secular dance form performedperformed during Onam days. Kummatti characters visit the houses and dance in the background of the rhythm of (Bows). Thalla (Grandma), , , Kirathan, Darika, Narada etc. are the characters whowho wear beautiful wooden mask. The costumes are made ooff a typical grass named KummattiKummattippullu.ppullu. The musicians sing and the characters dance. Thumbi thullal, Thalayattam, Velan thullal (Ona thullal), Monthayam, Thalavumkali, AmmAmmanattamanattam etc. are other art forms related to Onam. A number of folk songs were prevalent in connection with Onam. Interestingly, Onam paves the way for some of the bbiggestiggest and wide-ranging trade fairs and shopping festivals in Kerala and every segment of bbusinessusiness enterprise strikes it rich. HecHectictic shopping activities are seen all across the State and all susuchch activities take place in the name of one ssingleingle festival called Onam. Every year, the spirit of living and its celebration hits an all time high in Kerala during the festival period of Onam. Tempting offers galore all around. Be it automobiles, mobile phones or computecomputers,rs, everything surfaces with a special tag called ‘Onam Festival Offer’. Only because for Kerala and her pepeople,ople, Onam is much more than an annual pageant and it exemplifies the socio-culturalsocio-cultural rhythm of Kerala. The festivities take place for ten days. Schools, banks, government offices are all closed during this

bringsperiod. together All this is the done extended to impress families upon that King travel Mahab to theali thatfamily-home his people to areattend prosperous in general and merrymaking, happy. Onam fraternizing and renewal of family bonds. The parents present onakkodi (new cloth) to their children. Onam gives every Keralite a sort of expectation for a better tomorrow. It is also a celebration of unity. It gives us inner strength that we are not alone in this busy world. Onam, can spread the threads of spirit that drape over all Keralites and inculcate in them a feeling of oneness and harmony. It is not only a reminiscence of a golden era but also the sweet and colourful dreamdream about future, an egalitarian dream. We should organizeorganize the celebration of Onam ttoo foster social integrity, and develop the value of accommodating the differencesdifferences and living togethetogether.r.