Demonstrating Lambda Calculus Reduction Peter Sestoft Department of Mathematics and Physics Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Denmark and IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark
[email protected] Abstract. We describe lambda calculus reduction strategies, such as call-by-value, call-by-name, normal order, and applicative order, using big-step operational semantics. We show how to simply and efficiently trace such reductions, and use this in a web-based lambda calculus re- ducer available at h 1 Introduction The pure untyped lambda calculus is often taught as part of the computer sci- ence curriculum. It may be taught in a computability course as a classical com- putation model. It may be taught in a semantics course as the foundation for denotational semantics. It may be taught in a functional programming course as the archetypical minimal functional programming language. It may be taught in a programming language course for the same reason, or to demonstrate that a very small language can be universal, e.g. can encode arithmetics (as well as data structures, recursive function definitions and so on), using encodings such as these: two ≡ λf.λx.f(fx) four ≡ λf.λx.f(f(f(fx))) (1) add ≡ λm.λn.λf.λ This paper is motivated by the assumption that to appreciate the operational aspects of pure untyped lambda calculus, students must experiment with it, and that tools encourage experimentation with encodings and reduction strategies by making it less tedious and more fun. In this paper we describe a simple way to create a tool for demonstrating lambda calculus reduction.