DAT , DEALER.S PHONE :- 286576

MAY 1985 NUMBER 96 PRICE 20p


The annual event in aid of lhe On behalf of the Committee, 1983 CHERRY H/B Post Primary School once again would like to thank everybody MIDLAND MOTO RALLY proved to be a very successful and who contrlbut ed ,0 gracIOusly and 1983 SENTRA 1.3 GL enjoyable night. The Hostesses, generously 10 OUI recent Church C.P.L. Limited, Maynoolh & Navan, generous and charming as usual, Ga t e Co Ilecl IOn. The collectIOn 1982 CHERRY are to sponsor lhe VW Golf GTI of had everything prepared to perfection, amounted 10 £ 732.82, which b Ted Gaffney/Don Foley In the and the Dance afterwards was a marvellous boost to our funds. 1982 SUNNY forthcoming Midland Malo Stages very enjoyable. We will keep you Informed throughout Rally. This is lhe third round of I he year how t his money 15 spent. 1982 STANZA the National Championship in which Many thanks to all those who helped Ted is currently lying 2nd in Group N. in any way to make thiS nIght We are plannIng our Ea,t er Part y 1981 BLUEBIRD such a success. A special word at the momenl. ThiS 15 on Sunday ------of thanks to Fr. Supple, P.P., for 21st April In S.M.A. and we are 1980 BLUEBIRD giving us the use of the Parish looking forward to an elegant display Hall for the occasion. of EasteI Bonnets. Our final party 1979 CHERRY 100A for thiS season will be on Sunday The P.T.A. hold their monthly meeting May 19th In S.V.D. House at 3.30, 1977 PEUGEOT 404 on the 2nd Tuesday of every month and thiS will be followed by our at 8pm. More parents, men or Annual Out mg In June. further women, would be very welcome. details will follow In June Issue. WARRANTY ON ALL THE ABOVE P.T.A. Carol Barton, Han. Sec. NEWTOWN FUELS Sales Dept. open: Newtown, Maynooth 9.00 - 7.00 MON-FRI 9.00 - 1.00 SATURDAY Coal Briquettes Turf STREET, Anthracite WE BOOK AER LINGUS * B+1 * SEALINK C.I.E. * MOSNEY * DISCOVER IRELAND TOUR OPERATORS - J.W.T. All deliveries free of charge BLUESKIES * SUN BOUND ETC. also Depot sales available at Newtown ALL AT NO EXTRA COST Tel: 281950 Tel: (01) 285308/285425 Telex: 90358 ~ditorial 8TH C.BS.I. March 19th was a memorable night for Maynooth C.B.S.I. Forty cub­ scouts and four scouts were invested. cast month we commented on the punishment for crime, or rather the lack The investiture was held in the )f it. Since then various views have been expressed in the daily papers, Scout Den, and we are very grateful ~tc. for and against sterner punishment for crime. We feel, however, that to all the parents who came along re cannot subscribe to the scene of the - pudgy little boy being told to and helped make it such a pleasant 'Tell Mummy (or Daddy) you are sorry" and wa-tch him running away with night for the boys. The "goodies" lis nasty little smirk hiGden behind his hand. We believe that a smack or for the cuppa were really enjoyed. A L SO VIDE 0 C L U BAT L U CAN lWO on the bull tends to put a bit of sincerity into the "Sorry Mum" part. rhe short sharp shock helps us all to keep ourselves in line, or the fear We were delighted to have Fr. )f it. Cogan, our new Scout Chaplain, present to give the boys his blessing. is not 'punishment to suit the crime' that we intended to write on this ssue but of the effect of crime on the victims. Apart from punishing the Bob-a-job week ran from April 3rd )erpetrator, is it not time we spared serious thought for the victims? People to 10th and a big thank you for eft entirely disoriented, in dire straits mentally and physically. Are these your support for the boys in their ow P lot the people who are first in need of our attention and sympathy? These tasks. He the people on whom we should first be spending the money - not on The Scouts are travelling to Kerdiffs­ :entral heating and video;, for criminals In the first instance. town the week-end 26th-28th April for the Regional Camp Craft Nhen ordinary people have been mugged, robbed or burgled, especially the Competition. They are also taking ~Iderly, life can become completely dbrupted. They often lose confidence part in the National Quiz in Larch n everything and everyone. Their self confidence can be completely shattered, Hill on 25th-26th May. _hey do not know which way to turn and have even been known to die r , ri inal films )f sheer terror. Are these not the people who really require our first thought? Six Scouts from Maynooth worked at F airy house Racecourse during Ne have been told of a new society or organisatIOn being formed to look race week to raise funds for the t h se fr m lfler the victims of cflme and who are presently looking for people to Regional campsite. They went there )e trained In how to comfort and care for crime viclims, help to allay courtesy of Peter O'Brien Catering. ,heir fears and, as far as pOSSible, bflng them back on the road to normal The Regional campsite is at the ife. As can be imagined, one would require some training to be able to Obelisk on a 41/2 acre site. The jo thiS - hence the necessity for the new organisatIOn. What more rewarding site is currently being cleaned Nark could one do? up, but un fortunately rubbish is FREE MEMBERSHIP still being dumped there. It would :::an anyone In thiS area spare the lime to take on such work? It is mostly be appreciated if the offenders 1 job for more matule people rather than the very young - although young FILMS £1.50 PER NIGHT took their rubbish elsewhere. )eole can help dOing the more phYSical jobs, fund raising etc. We say fund 'alslng in so far as there IS that in-between lime for a victim where a The Venturers beat the team from BRITAIN1S TOP 50 ALWAYS IN STOCK ;mall donatIOn or short term loan is more or less essential. This would leave in the Regional Debating _he more mature available for counselling, etc. Competition Score 108 points f any individuals, or perhaps even the Community Council, feel they could to 65 points. The competing team Jive time for thiS good work, they can gel details from Gay Byrne, R.T .E., were Ronan Barry, Capt., Sean )onnybrook who would pul them on the track of the organisatIOn being Halton, Niall McCormack and Alan {armed. Downey. They are now through !\n organisation such as thiS in the area would fill a most important and to the National Finals on 25th- Jrowing need, and training now IS essenlial to be ready when the need 26th May. 3fISeS (Even as il IS, a few elderly people, in particular, could avail of such Th all, ;ervlce at I he moment). Maynool h has never had a reput atlon for lack lIIII )f Christian chanty and il will cerlalnly not, we feel sure, be lacking now. I tr et,

WASTE DISPOSAL n t III ReIlt-a·-Ski p FROM JAMES O'HAGAN, STRAFf'AN I : III PHON E :- 288420 3 2 GREENFIELD ESTATE RESIDENTS Long-term unemployed persons CLINIC ASSOCIATION (those unemployed for a year or COUNCILLOR G. BRADY VANS more and are currently in receipt CL of unemployment assistance) will be Our AGM was held on the 4th Newsagents • C;onfe~tionel"s • Toba~~onists Councillor G. Brady will March and the Committee has off e re d em p I oyment on approved attend at a clinic every found itself returned - very much For Sale: Large quantity of childrens' projects on a part time basis. Friday Evening Greenfield Estate~ Ma;ynooth unopposed - to office for another clothes (mostly girls). Some never Participants will be required to 7pm - 9pm year. Two new people joined the worn. All good as new. Suit ages work an average 2 1/2 day week - at Main Street, Maynooth. infancy to 6 years old. Phone 2 71 715 which can also take the form of Committee, for which much thanks CARDS MAGAZINES alternate' working weeks - for which to them; we would like to have they will be paid a weekly wage of more ladies though to even the ~ &: D REPAIRS window cleaning, Support Staff in Schools: Schools SWEETS STATIONERY balance between men and women md general house repairs. Call 86 £ Xl. The scheduling of the work is without a provision or the resources discretionary subject to a minimum on the Committee. ~ail Park or 85 7 Greenfield. to employ support staff i.e. ground BOOKS TOYS of 40 hours work In a 2 week period. staff, general maintenance people, Were we wise or were we not to During the period in which par­ may use the scheme to enhance OPEN EVERY DAY 7.30 am TO B pm Specialist in choose the holiday weekend, Friday Joan Downey, S.R.D., ticipants are not working within the services to pupils. Electrolysis. For Private App. Phone scheme, they may engage in other 15th, for our Supper Dance? About seventy people attended, which 281387. Road. employment for reward. Artistic Endeavours: It is hoped is really all the Setanta could hold Greenfield Shopping Centre Mon., Wed., or Fri. only. In order to ensure the maximum to utilise artistic skills for the benefit in comfort anyway. We were able Geraghty's Supermarket, Donovan's, benefit for the largest number of of the community. Among the schemes to offer lots of spot-prizes, thanks Mulcahy's, F .M.K. Casuals, Ultravision, long-term unemployed persons, indiv­ proposed in this context is the to the relentless efforts of the Arlene's, Ryan & Tyrrell's. idual participation on the scheme is employment by Local Authorities of Committee and the generosity of Maynooth Town (North) limited to one year. town artists, the provision of public most of our business people. Appended Kavanagh's Mills, McNamara's, The entertainment i.e. street theatre, is a list of these businesses, to Country Shop, A.I.B., Barton's, iocial Employment Scheme launched In general, qualifying projects must hospital concerts, etc. whom we owe our thanks. Ulster Bank, McCormack's, CPL Motor ly Department of Labour be seen as contributing to the wel­ F actors, Moulin Rouge, Hardiman's. fare of the community but, in any Community Care Projects: Unemployed We have handed round a TV -circular Maynooth Shopping Centre rhe Minister for Labour, Mr. Ruairi event, cannot be geared to private people can gain a personal benefit on behalf of the Community Council Conroy's, Jim's Shoe Repairs, Doyle's ~uinn, T.D., ha~ officially launched profit and cannot displace existing jobs. and provide a community benefit and we have asked you for your Footwear, Sports Locker, Cahill's, he Social Employment Scheme­ through the application of their The scheme, therefore, has particular comments on television reception The Fabrics Shop, House Pride. In innovative new programme to skills to community care projects. in a. questionnaire on our own Maynooth Town (South) illeviate the problem of long-term significance for local authorities, These might include renovation voluntary groups, community assoc­ latest circular. Elite Bakery, Caulfields, Bank of memploymenl. At a press conference of the residences of the old and We have a number of projects Ireland, Arms, Hula Bou, n (Friday, 22nd Feb. 1985) iations and, indeed, individuals who the infirm, services to the disabled in mind for this year and we will Brady Auctioneers, Alan Frazer's, he Minister revealed the full delaib advance acceptable schemes to and child minding. be looking either to you, the County Fruit and Vegetable Shop, Claddagh If the Scheme for which the Ex­ improve local amenities, provide Council or our Councillors, as the Fireplaces. :hequer will provide £29 million youth services, restore historic Sports and Youth Projects: Sporting case may be, when the time comes The Square luring 1985. monuments or provide badly needed organisations are invited to examine for acting on these projects. Mean­ Youngline Boutique, Aidan's. fhe Scheme is targeted to achieve social services to deprived sectors the potential of the scheme for the while we have our on-going yearly Additional )art-time, paid employment for 10,000 of the community. provision of coaching and other work of cutting the Greens coming Logan Fuel Merchants, Terry Edwards, ong-term unemployed person~ in the support services. Projects of this up: please lend a hand so as to Bright Paints, Barrett's (Dowdstown), !urrent year. A sizeable number SAMPLE PROJECT AREAS nature have already been proposed spread the work-load around. Coca Cola Ltd., Emmet Stagg, jf project~ have already been sub­ and are under consideration. Donal McMahon, Secretary. Bernard Durkan. nitled for consideration and it Secretarial Help for Residents' With thanks, not anlicipated that availability Associations: Residents' Associations Environmental Projects: A number Donal McMahon. )f suitable projects will be a limit­ can apply for Secretarial Help in of such projects put forward by Ition. In summary, the details of the the form of part-time administrators Wexford County Council are indicative icheme are a~ follows: paid for under the Scheme. of the type of environmental project ~0000~m00m000000rn00000000m000000m000m' being proposed by Local Authorities. They include: The development of a new town ~ GYOU GLINE ~ park in Wexford Town. ~ The Square, G1::>OU Telephone .~ FL 'S BETTI FFICE The creation of an amenity area [:1 Maynooth - D 285378 ~ THE SQUARE MAYNOO,TH and access to the beach for residents of a new estate in Rosslare. ~ ~ ~ Beautiful Summer Outfits ~ The further development of the o from ABSORBA, CREATION STUHHER, PAMPOLINA, KOOLKATZ, ;~ F errycarrig Heritage Centre as '~ LAmAN, SKIPPY, ETC. ETC. now in stock \~ a tourist amenity. FOR THE BET IN YOUR LIFE, HAVE IT AT FLOOD'S Preservation and improvement of [:1r.~ LADIES DRESSES, S KIRTS, JUMPSUITS, JEANS, TOPS, ETC. ~ local beaches which are an important BETnNG OFFICE, TH£ SQUARE, MAYNOOTH t5 also in stock lt1 economic resource in the County. 1:::1 Deposi ts Taken 0 6 k1 SUPER SOCCER r~1. . ___ ._. '.' '. _ __ ~~ DAYS Late Opening Fri. 7pm ~ EVERY WEEK W0000m~m00m0000~0m0mm~~~~00m00m~m0mm~

4 5 successful Fashion Show, which was held in the Hitchin Post, was r~'Ed~di~~l greatly enjoyed by all who attended. Maynoot C Co i I ~ 5BACHERLOR'SWALK 4':J We wish to thank all those who ~ DUBLIN 1 ... Comhairle Phobail Mha Nu $ supported us by advertising in our programme. Our apologies to those 11111111111111111111tll1l1tl • who gave us spot prizes and who LARGE SELECTION . were not mentioned in our programme - this was due to a printing error. auspices of the National SOCial ing the above service to all houses OF These are as follows:- in Maynooth. All those pirating the Services Board, is now under way, I with forty volunteers enrolled. This t WEDDING ALBUMS TO CHOOSE FROM iUAL TRADERS service are urged to refrain from is an excellent and grat ifying res­ doing so; anyone aware of pirating ~ONE 730532 and REs~DENCE 302185 Arlene (Hairdressers); F .M.K. Casuals; ponse. The training course will a recent meeting of Kildare should gel in touch with then McCormack (Chemist); Aidans; last for twelve weeb. A steeflng Inty Council, a proposal to have local Council represenlative, as pirat­ P. Conroy (Chemist); Jude (Hairdresser) committee has been formed from FLAG DAY be shared between these groups. :;ial areas within a number of ing interferes with other people's Rye River Books; Barry's Shop; among the volunteers, and it is The Community Council will be A draft preliminary plan has now inS in the county, including reception. In particular, all those Bernard Durkan; Two Guys; Leinster holding Flag Days on Wednesday been produced, and has been placed ynooth, designated for casual with complaints about the service hoped to get the Cenlre into opera­ Arms; Moyglare Manor; The Roost; and Thursday, May and 2, in before the various interests involved ling where this is thought to are asked to contact their local lion in a limited way during the Barry Lyons; Claddagh Fireplaces; summer, With full-scale operatIOn order to raise much-needed funds for their approval. More on this required, was passed. As Maynooth Council representative In writing. Hula Bou; Vanity Fayre; Patricia to finance the Council's expanding later. not had a problem from thiS following in the autumn. F urlher Rice; Donovan's Newsagents. details will be provided in due range of activities. We appeal fce on the scale or other towns, PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT Of YOUNG course. The Community Council to the people of Maynooth to give LABOUR PARTY I as Newbridge, there is a body PEOPLE A special word of appreciation to extends its best wishes to the generously to our flag-sellers. ADVICE SERVICE opinion that such a measure The Community Council's Education Joe F anell who was so helpful in venture: certainly, if the initial Councillor Emmet Stagg will be in :he case of Maynooth is unnecess- Sub-committee IS organising a series supplying and delivering our ramp. level of enthusiasm is maintained, attendance at Caulfield's Lounge and could have the effect of lectures for the parents of school­ To Proinnsias Breathnach, Chairman, the Centre should constitute a NEW PUBLIC RELATIONS OfFICER every Saturday from 4 to 6 p.m. acting as an invitation to casual children on the personal development Maynooth Community Council, who lers to sel up In lhe town. very valuable addition to the services Unfortunately, due to pressure of arranged loan of carpet from St. of young people. Further detaib He is also available at his own home, ynooth Communlly Council IS available in Maynooth. The Community other commitments, Colm Nelson Patrick's College and to Patsy will be circulated through the schools. Lodge Park, , every Saturday ing up the Issue With the Counly Council also wishes to express has had to resign from the position Mooney who transported it. To our Its gralltude to Gerry Colreavy of night. Incil and the local traders. COMMUNITY INFORMATION CENTRE of PRO of the Community Council. hardwording committee for all Maynooth College for all his help The Council extends its gratitude the time and energy' used to ensure If requested, Councillor Stagg will RDA SERVICE IN MAYNOOTH in getting the project off the ground. to Co 1m for his valuable work the success of this Fashion Show. The training course for the Commun­ attend meetings of Residents Assoc­ during the vital early days of the Finally, a big thank-you to all ity Information Centre, under the iations, Sports Clubs and other volun­ oWing enqUiries by the Communll y functioning of the Council. The who came along to the show and tary organisations, to assist and advise Incil's Planning and Development new PRO is Pat Moynan, to whom supported us. All proceeds to the them with problems and programmes. ,..committee, il has been eslab­ G. MULCAHY we wish all the best in his new Boys' School to provide equipment, ed thal the hours of opening ~~~?~~ position. books etc. for the benefit of all Maynoolh Garda Station are our children. We look forward to follows: 1 Dam 1pm every ~ Family Butcher CHANGES IN COMMUNITY COUNCIL BOYS' SCHOOL PARENTS ASSOCIATION your continuing support. except Sundays and Holidays, ~ Greenfield Shopping Centre PERSONNEL Rosemary Hanley, P.R.O. en the station IS open from It is with much regret that the We wish to express our sincere Maynooth. thanks to all who helped us in noon - 2pm. In addition, there !? Community Council learned of the ------our recent fund raising. Our very Gardal on duty In t he town \\'.1 Tel: 286317 resignation of Es Heffernan from h day from 9am to lam. The the Council, as he will shortly -commit lee has made represent­ FRESH SAUSAGES MADE be leaving Maynooth to take up lnS to have the sl al usof Maynooth ON THE PREMISES a new position elsewhere. The ;da Station upgraded. Council is grateful for Es's services, not only on the Council itself, K. G. Bright Paints ONG DRINKERS I.D. CARD SCHEME to Meet You but on the Sports Working Complex B. I Meat to Please You Working Party. He takes with him Dublin Road, Maynooth p scheme, a project of the Com­ our best wishes for the future. :nity Council's Youth ,i'\ffairs The Community Council welcomes If-committee, is now In operalion. Open 8.30 a.m. - 6.00 p.m. Mon. - Sat new member, Jim Brady, Spring is here so now is the time e co-operation of the town's Road, to the Council. tlicans and the people of Maynooth CH ICE LITY, to give your home a face lift general is sought In order to Beef, Lamb, Pork, Bacon SPORTS COMPLEX ke the scheme as effective On its establishment, the Community Large Selection of possible. Cooked Meat Council adopted the development Wallpaper, Paints & Accessories Supplying to Retail & Trade Fresh Fish esday to Friday of a Sports Complex as its top MMUNAL T.V. SERVICE priority. A joint working party, Opening Hours: Fresh Chickens comprising representatives of the Mon-Wed: 9 - 6pm Thurs-Fri: 9 - 9pm Community Council's Residents' Council, Maynooth College, and Sat: 9 - 6pm 50ciations Sub-Committee has the local schools, has been examining ,enlly circulated a leaflet concern- DEEP SPECIALIST the possibility of a Complov to

6 COMMUNITY COUNCIL Contd. 6. Better cleaning service needed. coming from town centre, and iliA YNOOTH COMMUNITY COUNCIL "-' Repair footpaths throughout area. give better view to left for traffic I e a ding from stali on indica ling 8. Restore water pressure in coming from . Also consider location of College and town centre. The following is a list of environ­ area to normal. It was reduced pedestrian crossing at this junction, nental improvements required in six months ago due to maintenance S. The footpath from the town (6) ,he Maynooth area compiled by YE RIVER B KS work. centre to Greenfield Estate is very Provide park seats when present Ylaynooth Community Council. Copies heavily used by pedestrians. Public restoration work is completed. 'lave been sent to. Kildare COllntv (3) Celbridge Road lighting on this stretch is extremely Council a~d local county councillors. Mill St., Maynooth Preserve and improve presentation inadequate and urgently needs (Q Cluain Aoibhinn Phone 285626 of Connolly's Folly, including fencing, improvement. Also, the poor road 1. Takeover of estate by County ( 1) Greenfield Estate BOOKS FOR ALL TASTES 1. Ramps to prevent motorists cleaning and improvement of grounds. surf ace and absence of roadside Council an urgent requirement. from speeding. drainage on this stretch means 2. Prune trees in estate. PERSONAL & COLLEGE STATIONERY 2. Erect "CHILDREN AT f!'LAY /GO (4) Rail Park Estate that pedestrians are constantly being 3. Investigate sewerage pipes in SLOW" signs at entrances La all 1. Prune trees on estate. drenched by passing vehicles in wet area as blockages are a recurring Quality Cards, including 2. Provide pedestrian crossing on weather. The roadway here urgently problem. roads in the estate. Paper Hearts & Second Nature 3. Tarmac road at end of Greenfield Celbridge Road at footpath leading needs draining and resurfacing. 4. Dividing wall between estate and ------Drive (opposil e no.60) and rebuild to Greenfield Shopping Centre. 6. Pedestrian crossing at junction Lark Homes Development. "RUBBER STAMP AGENCY" wall there. 3. Relocate speed limit sign on with Old Greenfield. S. Rep air /restore street lights 4. Erect bollal ds at end of road Celbridge Road further out in more "-' Repair wooden fence at this in estate. be,i de No. 19, Gr eenfleld Dflve. prominent position near bend. junction. 5. Replace faull y sl reel light. 4. Provide "MIND OUR CHILDREN" 8. Resurface and paint footbridge 6. Tarmac play area in estate needs 3. In the interests of safety, system as a matter of urgency. 6. Replace ITllSSlng water mains signs at access points to estate. over canal. to be improved (uneven surface, road markings creating a right-turn 2. Replace the Public Conveniences . covers on fool pal hs. 5. Install ramp at access to estate 9. The canal/railway bridge on the noxious weeds, open manholes). lane for traffic entering the Arts or redevelop for alternative uses. ~ Repall IDad at enlrance to from Celbridge Road. StraHan Road has always been hazar­ "-' Many walls in estate are cracked Block from the Maynooth direction Laurence !-\vellue flom Celbrldge Rd. dous, and has been rendered even and could be dangerous. (S) StraHan Road should be installed. more so by the re-opening of the 8. Many front walls in estate (14) Leinster Cottages 1. Public light at junction with 4. Consider installing a roundabout 1. Install public lights In the Lane. (2) Old Greenflelds s tat i on. Recommend prominent ad­ are higher than regulations allow and Klngsbry. at junction with Moyglare Road. 2. Erect stop sign> at Double 1. Repair road thlOugh Old Green­ vance warning signs for motorists obstruct motorists' view of small 2. footpath from Kingsbry to children. S. Better parking control needed Lane. field" frorn SI raffan Rd. 10 Newt own. (including request to keep to own ent rance to Greenfield Estale. during mass times in front of church. 3. Install lockabl e bollards at 2. PrOVide stleel Ilghl at corner side when passing over crown of 9. Install "Children at Play" signs. 3. Pedestnan crossing at entrance entrance to Pound Park. of old GI eenflelds and McKenna's lane. bridge). Also better lighting, and 10. Ramps needed to slow down lo Klngsbry. (10) Moyglare Road 3. Exll a sil eel lighh on I he old possibly pedestrian lights, on bridge. motorists. 4. 4. JunctIOn of Straffan & Celbridge Better lighting and provide footpaths Remove rubbish being dumped In Park. tell t!.:' In GI eenflelcl. 10. Provide direction signs at either 11. Provide stone/sign at entrance to Roads IS urgently In need of re­ as far as G.A.A. grounds. S. Exclude heavy traffiC from 4. Repoll P,,<,1111L) "lleel lighls side of bridge indicating location of estate giving the estate's name. alignment in order to slow down Convent Lane and re-route via Black­ I hi oughoul al eLi. station, and provide direction signs traffiC entering CelbrJdge Road (8) Newtown Road (11) Main Street lion, due to damage being caused to 5. T r lIT] hedge", >II ell ea. 1. Draw up plan for preservation/ 1. Straighten road to Ladychapel. houses In area as well as road surface. replacement of trees. 2. Clean up area at entrance to Cluain Aoibhinn. 2. Traffic controls at Noone's (lS) Carton Avenue corner badly needed. 3. Resurface road from town Install park seats. centre to Cluain Aoibhinn. 3. Litter, mainly caused by take­ away food outlets, is a major problem 4. The footpath from Cluain Aoibh­ (16) Dublin Road in the Main Street. inn to the town centre is heavily 1. Clean up bore en opposite Live­ COME ON IN used by pedestrians and is urgently 4. Prohibit shop fronts not in keep­ slack Mart. in need of proper lighting. ing with character of street, and get 2. Develop lay-by at Blacklion S. Something urgently needs to be existing unsuitable fronts changed. as picnic area. THE PRICE IS RIGHT done with the bridge over the S. Repair damaged pavements. 3. Raise kerb on left-hand side on canal and railway to make it safer 6. Install direction signs for College way out of Maynooth Shopping at for both pedestrians and motorists. (old and new campus) and station. Centre to prevent overtaking on in­ "-' Install map of town and district side when traffic is turning right, as (9) Kilcock Road (showing locations of housing estates, this creates a danger for pedestrians , 1. Provide advance warning signs etc.) on wall of public convenience. and traffic leaving O'Neill Park. IE and direction indicators for entrances to New Library and Arts Block (12) Mill Street (1 Q Carton Estate of Maynooth College. Install direction sign for College 1. Do not allow redevelopment. 5 I c e 2. Clearer markings of the entrance (old campus). Actively pursue acquisition for public to the Arts Block (e.g. green roadside and community use. MAYNOOTH reflectors, black-and-white reflective ( 13) Market Square 2. Ensure that road improvements barriers) need to be installed. 1. Introduce a one-way traffic on Road do not cause

FOR BEST DRINKS AND DELICIOUS PUB GRUB WIDEST RANGE KEENEST PRICES y MAYNOOTH, co. KILDARE. Phone: 286225 SOUP .sANDWICHES,COFFEE,MEAT PI ES AL.WAYS AVA I LABLE Lounge Bar, C.I.E. Bus Stop. CLLR. B. DURKAN, T .D. - NDTES lamage to tne Estate perimeter wall, CLLR. GERARD BRADY'S NDTES HIRE DRIVE CARS Re Other Works Scheme 1984 Everything for your Garden at vhich is possibl'J' the finest intact The Executive Engineer, Kildare Co . •state wall in the country. Cllr. Brady has received the following Always Available Council, replied as follows regarding replies to representations made the above:. MULLIGAN'S 18) Tagha~ to : Fiestas, Escorts, Sierras "The distribution of your allocation lepair wall of bridge over stream. OF Phone 287m as agreed on 25th June 1984 is lhis bridge is hazardous as it is very Re: Parents Association, Maynooth KELLY CAR RENTALS Ltd arrow and there is a bend as one as follows- KILCOCK Girls Primary School - Safety Rail ,rrives at the bridge. Something needs £500 towards work at Horseshoe at Dublin Road/Main Street: Kilcock, Co. Kildare. Green Lane, Leixlip. Top Quality Garden Sheds o be done about this. Representations regarding above Phone (01) 287311 £ 1400 towards work at Leinster Fencing, Picnic Benches will be investigated at the earliest ~9) General &: Cottages Area, Maynooth. f. Control movement of heavy possible date. Percy Place, Dublin 4. £800 towards kerbing at the Square, Dog Kennels - Poultry Houses iehicles on country side-roads in Phone (01) 602030/602877 Kilcock. Paving Slabs ~aynooth area. Re: Maynooth Boy Scouts Troop­ £500 towards piping of ditch at !. Control dumping of rubbish Application for Amenity Grant Rail Park, Maynooth. for about 4/6 Indigenous Travelling ALSO TOP QUALITY CONTAINER GROWN SHRUBS, m same. £ 1800 to be divided among the The total provision for amenity Families. It is envisaged that this !. Acquire and restore/replace all following jobs: TREES, CLIMBERS, BEDDING PLANTS, ETC. grants for Kildare for the present Settlement Site would be rigidly ierelict buildings. a) footpath at Rail Park, £400 financial year is £5,000. The Council controlled and that no Transient cannot indicate what amount any b) public lighting at Straffan Rd. he Community Council would wel­ Travellers would be allowed on project can be given until full c) footpath renewal at Parsons St. )me further suggestions along the to the site. A Halting Site will RECENT DEATHS particulars are received from all d) landscaping, Kilcock Rd. - £300 lme lines from the general public. have to be established elsewhere The above jobs, with the exception BIRTHDAYS projects seeking grant assistance. for the accommodation of Transients. We express sympathy to the family, end suggestions to Jim" McManus, Birthday greellng; 10 Ihe followlng:- When this information is available of No.3, 5 a) and 5 b) have been .rchitect, Main Street, (beside Hula relatives and friends of the late completed and in the case of 5 b) and funds are being allocated, the Benny McGarry, Ladychapel, Maynooth. ou). ------Gerry QUinn, Greenfield. Age 12 Apr.1 ; needs of the Boy Scouts Troop an order has been issued to the E.S.B. for implementation. The Eflc QUinn, Greenfield. Age 8, Apr.19 will be included for consideration. 21st Birthday outstanding work will be attended May: Re: Serviced Itinerant Settlement to hopefully within the next 4 Congratulations to Elaine Bean, or 5 weeks. ~ye View, who celebrates her John Casey Jnr., Moyglare. 1st Site at Maynooth: New Births On the question of public lighting ~1st Birthday on May 4th. Claire Barnwall, Newtown. 3rd In accordance with the Council's for the Main Street/Harbour area, Mrs. Kelly, L adychapel. 3rd Scheme as approved by the Dept. of Congratulations to David and Cath­ have checked the records and Joe O'Neill, Greenfield. 6th the Environment,' the Council intends erine Heslin, Newtown on the birth find that 2 No. lights have been Benny farrelly, Kilcock Road. 12th to establish a fully serviced Residen­ of a baby girl. recommended since 1982". NEXT ISSUE Stephen McCarron, Greenfield. 15th tial Site at this location to cater All articles for inclUSion In the Kathleen O'Nedl, Greenfield. 28th Re Landscaping at O'Neill Park June issue of the Newsletter should Mark Rochford, , age 9 yr5 Follow ing representations by Cllr. be handed in on or before the on 291h May, from hi; grandparents Telex: 92341 Durkan re the above, the Executive deadline date of 12th May. Mr. and Mrs. Pal Hand and family. Tel: 286371 285391 Engineer has replied that the area Also from Ihe Bean family, Main SI. DOWDSTOWN, adjacent to O'Neill Park is included Nora Begley, Pound St. May 31st in plans for landscaping in the Maynooth Ltd. cur rent year. It is proposed to attend to regular grass cutting, RECENT BIRTHS planting of trees and regularising &: SPECIALISED HEATING PLUMBING MERCHANTS of position regarding material depos­ Congratulations to Tony and Ann ited on roadside. Myles of Lucan on the birth of a Jim's Shoe Repairs daughter. Ann was formerly Ann Maynooth Shopping Centre Begley, Pound St., Maynooth. TRITON INSTANT ELECTRIC SHOWERS HIGHEST QUALITY Have no worr.ies about heating water during the Sum mer for your Shower. WORKMANSHIP Any of the 3 models of Triton Showers will do it instantaneously. Enjoy a shower when you like, at whatever temperature you like. Triton is a miser when it comes to heating water. Just imagine in these times you can have a washdown for JUST 3p. Feel invigorated with a shower first thing in the morning. Three models to choose fro m: TRITON T80 £90.00 TRITON T70 £80.00 TRITON T60 £72.00 MAIN STREET, MAYNOOTH Hand wash also available CARDS TOYS FANCY GOODS STATIONERY CHOCOLATES CONFECTIONERY BISCUITS GET ALL YOUR HEATING &: PLUMBING GOODS FROM BARRETT'S MAYNOOTH LTD. Ladies & Gents Heels THEY CAN EVEN TELL YOU WHAT YOU NEED GROCERY Mon-Friday 9am-9pm Saturday 10am.-5pm While You Wait Closed: 1-2p m 6-7p m

11 10 lAND BULLETIN case. It is our policy to turn out "e open the BULLETIN this month the best possible band for all engage­ lith the good news concerning ments for the sake of the band ur Majorettes. As the experiment as well as the organisers and we the St. Patrick's Day Parade refuse to alter this no matter what roved so successful and generated the occasion may by. We hope considerable amount of interest this advice will be heeded because )l1ong the local young ladies, our we do not like turning people down, "ommittee have given the green especially for local functions. ight to proceed with our own, ur very own majorettes. Things The Summer programme is now re very much at the planning taking shape and already we are tage right now as we have to booked for trips as far apart as ngage a suitable instructor and Dalkey and Enniscorthy. One of Sports seem to be the "in" thing ;gree on overall numbers, fees, the highlights of our year will these days and every evening gangs Iniform, etc. and it will be all be a commemorative massed band of children, and some adults can ,overed in detail in next month's festival in the Phoenix Park on be seen practising at their own IULLETIN. For the moment we Friday 28th June, an event which activities. Lets hope the weather Ire only talking about young ladies is being recorded by RTE for future will stay good all summer and ,robably from the age of 9 upwards. transmission. The event will consist that you all do well in your particular Vhile this might not meet the of a fifteen minute recital by each sport. TC Regulations regarding equal participating band, with a finale Community games are not far away ights for male and female, I think of one or two pieces played by, and Maynooth has again to beat "ve would find very few boys willing the massed bands. This is something the great records we have set o don a mini skirt and walk down which should not be missed by every year both in Kildare and he Main Street of Maynooth. Yes? any local band enthusiast. In case in the All-Irelands. Won't it be you miss the event in the newspapers, great if the Community Council Ve are now in the early stages we hope to remind you next month. succeed in having a Sports Complex If planning a Sponsored Cycle This will give the junior members built in Maynooth and then you .0 be run in association with the in the band a first taste of playing will really be able to practice 30ys School in June (the actual with other bands and should help with proper facilities. late has yet to be fixed), the to improve their own standard Are you all looking forward to lroceeds of which will be shared of musicianship into the bargain. the summer holidays? know let ween the two groups. It is hoped am, even though the Editor says o make this Cycle something out' Speaking of standards of musicianship, he has booked a place for me )f the ordinary, with some extra may we once again remind parents in Siberia as a reward for all the ~.1 NAME '0 ncentives and one or two attractions that we will be starting classes work did during the last year. ~4v ~. m the day to take it out of the for beginners in September and However we still intend to keep ~~I~ ADDRESS ______ndinary run-of-the-mill sponsored notices will be posted around the this column going, even from that l vents. P lease keep your eyes town giving dates and times around distant place. )eeled for the advertisements which the end of August. As regards Until next month, cheerio and God AGE ______Nill appear in all the usual places. our own beginners well there are Bless you all. rhis applies to the schoolchildren two Summer Schools of Music being Send your entries for this month's n particular. held this year, one in Gormanstown, competition to John Read, 86 Rail Co. Meath and the other in Killarney. Park or Leo McGlynn, 85 7 Greenfield, )nce again we find it necessary Both of these are week long residen­ on or before May 12th. o remind those wishing to engage tial courses where the boys and The winners of last month's compet­ he Band that we must have ade­ girls get an opportunity to meet ition were: CURTAINS & HOUSEHOLD SPECIALISTS UNIT 9 MAYNOOTH SHOPPING CENTRE luate notice of upcoming events. and play with other musicians. Johnnie Lee, Pagestown t is impossible to give a definite In addition they are allowed use Cathy Grassick, 43 Carton Court. PHONE 285108 3cceptance to people who come the various facilities of the colleges Patricia Noone, Laragh. :0 us at the last minute mainly concerned so it is not entirely Tanya Farrelly, 856 Greenfield. )ecause we depend so much on a busmans holiday. The feedback Elizabeth Christianson, iti Rail :he availability of the band members. from the people who have been Park. t has been said from time to time on previous courses in Gormanstown and the runners-up were: :hat "once there are a few in has been positive and they had Claire Coakley, Old Carton :he band it will be all right" but a wonderful time while improving Gerard Buckley, Skelligs, Kilgraigue. mfortunately this cannot be the their musical technique. Louisa Tew, 12 Rail Park. SEE OUR NEW RANGE OF Tanya McDermott, Kellystown That about concludes the BULLETIN Ronan Buckley, Skelligs, Kilgraigue. CURTAIN MATERIALS, BLINDS & BOXED LINENS O'NEILLS for this month, but we will be Mark Grassick, 43 Carton Court. MAIN STREET, MAYNOOTH ALL MEASURING AND ESTIMATING FREE back next month with all those Joann e Cunningham, 79 Maynooth Pk. Phone: - 28&256 promised details. Theresa McHale, 128 Rail Park. Marie Claire Nangle, 82 Maynooth Pk. FOR QUALITY MEATS Donal Smith, 34 Greenfield Drive.

12 13 YOUTH PROFILE Johnny Dowling To live in our fair town and not to Murphy .Bros know (BIG) JOHNNY is equivalent PHONE 045 91391 to an avid western movie fan asking Undertakers who was John Wayne! You just PROFESSIONAL DRY CLEANING OF couldn't miss him if you tried. ***** John also has acting ability - witness COMPLETE FUNERAL SERVICE TO· MAYNOOTH AND SURROUNDING SUEDES, LEATHERS, SHEEPSKINS his St. Patrick's Day role as Don Bosco. I also seem to remember AREAS FOR MANY YEARS: PHONE -- ''i''~':'>~i,,~<,,~i.i;~iti~O'~<'>~ went down by only one point to '* *- the grub - thaI won'l be him he Don Bosco Limerick. Our girls were says. R unfortunate in the over sixteen ~ (; E-RR SR-R Y & eEll R basketball to meet the eventual Una Clery Ltd winners (Caherdavin) in their opening A.A.V.l.A. ~ Aged 18 years, Una is a Junior (c. P. Lanigan) round. Our members also gave Leader. She works part-time with Main St. Maynooth, Co. Kildare, Tel. (01) 286301 a good account of themselves in tEL: (OJ.) 285251, ALSO lim 285201 Irish Hospital Sweepstakes. Una 12, Cannon Row, Navan, Co. Meath. hi (046) 28348. Pool and Snooker. Best news of likes plain food well cooked the day, however c'oncerns Gordon and admits to being a fair hand "DAGENITE MAIN AGENTS" Read, who triumphed in the Chess AUCTIONEER VALUER AND ESTATE AGENT at cooking fish dishes, baking cakes (over sixteen) competition. Not and making curry. She enjoys Bruce Full Range of Plugs, Points, Filters, Clutch's alone did Gordon win, but he single­ MAIN STREET, MAYNOOTH, CO. KILDARE Springstein, U2 and Eric C)apton. Steering parts, Paint Specialists, Tow-Bars handedly represented three players Her favourite sport is Basketball. Brake parts, Castrol Oil. for our Club and probably deserved ALL TYPES OF INSURANCES ARRANGED Una however also likes Rugby and large Range of Body Panels three awards! More about Gordon -,*********** has great admiration for the current in the, Youth Profiles following AGENT FO'R :- International Irish fifteen. Not to Open Monday - Friday 9 - 6 pm. on. IRISH PE'RMANENT BUILDING SOCIETY mention the Burgerland Basketball Saturday 9 - 4 pm. 'Team, particularly the tall American guy! (Sorry Jim Curynan, it's not

14 LABOUR PARTY NOTES Cllr. Brady proposed an amendment to the effect that designation be Local Elections P. confined to traditional trading areas. Members of Maynboth Labour Branch H5 His proposal was seconded by Cllr. have expressed satisfaction that MONUMENTAL MASONS PHONE: 286156 Stagg. The amendment (which in Kllcock Co. Kildare Ireland Telephone 01·287311 their nominee for the Local Elections effect would have excluded Maynooth in the Maynooth/Leixlip/Celbridge from being designated) was strenuously ALL TYPES OF GRAVE MEMORIALS UNDERTAKEN WE ALWAYS KEEP A ~ARGE SELECTION area was unanimously selected opposed by Cllr. Durkan. OF to be the Party's candidate for the Co. Council elections on June SUPPLIERS OF BEST QUALITY FUNERAL WREATHS ALL SIZES The County Manager indicated 20th, and that he is now ratified that it was not clear, in the absence NEW & USED CARS *** TRUCKS by the A.C. The Branch members of amending legislation, that overflow AGRICULTURAL EQUIPMENT are confident that Emmet Stagg, (including Dublin) to invade and po w ers under Section 7 of the of casual trading outside designated TRACTORS *** set up for businesS in Maynooth. on the basis of his work for the Casual Trading Act to designate areas could be controlled. An earlier COME AND SEE FOR YOURSELF public in Maynooth, will get a The motion runs as follows:- areas in , Kildare, Droichead High Court decision had established "That this Council would consider greatly increased vote on this occasion. Nua and Maynooth. The report law in this matter in favour of MAIN FORD DEALERS desi gnating specific street trading indicated that at the conclusion the casual traders. The Nth. Kildare Selection Conference areas in the various towns throughout of the development plan review, Cllr. Brady's amendment was put also selected David Moynan, Convent the county where there is such specific sites in these towns could to the meeting and defeated on Road, as Director of Elections for a requirement". be designated. a show of hands. Cllr. Durkan's Taking in Charge of Cluain Aoibhinn Disregard to Trees the two electoral areas in North The motion was moved by Cllr. motion as originally tabled was and College Green Cllr. E. Stagg has made represent­ Kildare. With his .unlimited zeal Durkan who said that it was timely put to the meeting and carried At a meeting of the Area atIOns to Kildare Co. Council con­ and undoubted organisational ability for the Council to designate specific Cllrs. Stagg and Brady expressed on a show of hands. Committee of Kildare Co. Council cerning the damage being caused our campaign is bound to be successful. street trading areas in order to concern about the obstruction by held on 15th March, it was decided by I he erect Ion of a signpost for regularise matters in this area. casual traders of footpaths in May­ Maynooth Labour Branch have now on the proposal of Cllr. A. Groome, "Manor Court" on I he tree al Flood's Traders Invited In A report from the Council's planning nooth~ Cllr. Stagg also pointed sent a circular to all business people seconded by Cllr. E. Stagg, that the house. The sign is fastened to the tree by "four bolls". The continual The Branch have learned with section advised that the County out that casual traders would be in Maynooth advising them of the estates of Cluain Aoibhinn and damage being caused by bUilding dismay that a motion tabled and Development Plan should set out attracted into Maynooth, an area very serious consequences for the College Green should be taken conlraclors 10 the trees on the pursued by Cllr. Bernard Durkan the Council's general policies in in which he felt there was no commercial life of Maynooth which in charge by the Council. at a recent Co. Council meeting regard to casual trading, and it requirement for street trading. He will have a detrimental effeel Main Streel musl stop. They should be flfled a conSiderable sum of will have the effeel of issuing recommended that the plan should also referred to the fact that May­ on the livelihoods of proprietors Piping of Ditch, College Green money for I hiS lolal disregard of an unlimited invitation to Street contain a statement to the effect nooth was not a traditional area and on the employment content The acUng Count y Engineer inf armed public properl y. Traders from outside the area that the Council would use its for street traders. generated by the services they the above meeting that advice provide. from the Council's solicitors had Acknowledgements to Represent­ The pOint was abo made of the confirmed that no liability atlached Environmental consequences as to the Council regarding the open ations by Cllr. Stagg The County Secretary has acknow­ evidenced by the liller strewn drain at College Green. He went ledged representations by Cllr. streets of Athy and Kildare. on to say that the Bond deposited Stagg on lhe following mallers: The Branch has formally lodged an by the developer of Cluain Aoibhinn 1 I.... objeelion to any inclusion in the A. Sign indicating "Connolly's Folly" would be checked to ascertain at Barrogstown, Maynooth. Development Plan if there were sufficient funds re­ B. Ditch at rear of new council to have Maynooth named as a maining to complete outstanding houses al Greenflelds. town where a "Designated Trading works in Cluain Aoibhinn and to C. F ootpalh to the football field Undertakers and Complete r uneral Furnishers: r uneral Parlour Area" will be established. pipe the ditch at Colleqe Green. at Moyglare Road. WREATHS HEADSTONES MOURNING COACHES D. Speed limit signs on Moyglare Rd. E. Speed limit sign to be extended at Dillons Row.


Main St., Maynooth CAULFIELDS LOCAL AGENT: MAYNOOTH MORTALITY SOCIETY Prop. Joan Hayes BAR " LOUNGE Particulars and Arrangements Contact: LADIES AND CHILDREN'S WEAR FOR Paddy Nolan, Sec., Kevin Murphy, OPEN DAILY 10-6pm QUALITY " COMfORT 44 Greenfield Drive. O'Neill Park. Monday Saturday Phone 286312 Phone 286339 MAYNOOTH Half Day Wednesday or any member of the Committee ,

16 suffiCiently good to make Maynooth CLINIC flfst club-' In the 0/40 sectIOn, BERNARD DURKAN T.D. and in the various age group listings, Pat Maher was second indiVidual 0/40 Bernard Durkan T.D. attends and Peter Keegan first Ind. 0/45. at the Geraldine Hall e\e~'. ThiS was a good performance from Saturday at 2.3C;pm these men as the oppOSitIOn was very to meet consti~'...ier,~ strong and Included runners from IBank H:dicd: .'/ee;':;er::s :: C-::cte:J all over Ireland. iterrs :::sc~,'~~ ::or", ':",,',,::

MAYNOOTH ATHLETiC CLUB N.A.C.A. In the Ladles Vets section, Patsy 24/3/85 McCluskey was placed 20th overall, The final curtain came down on and was thlfd In the 0/30 sect Ion. this seasonls cross country champion­ Helen Redmond was 40th overall Aintree Grand National Draw He,>u(t; ships at Bohermeen In Co. Meath and Marie Gleeson 49th. These £100: Bernadelle f ,,;;n on Sunday last, and once again pi ac I n gs made M a ynoot h second Stlaffan. £50: Pii l the Maynooth Vets were to the team 0/30. Patrick's Park. r ,[,25: forefront. Due to the lat eness of In the Juvenile section of the day, Redmorld. 4Ri ',llel the season, the proVinCial and AII­ Gralnne Farrelly had her usual Ireland Championships were run w In, and Indeed can always be as one, and Maynooth took the relied upon to give of her best individual gold In both 0/40 and on all occasions. Enda Gleeson I

McCluskey and Mary Farrelly. May r;,1 h: I r. tv11Jf pi1\ 's Spo I h If) Alhboy. J. BARRY ,/4/85 East er Sunday in NACA athletic NewsQgent - Confectionery clfcles is the day for the Dunboyne Tobacconi'st Road Race Festival, and so it was thiS year, and even if the weather & SON was against running, all who took M.I.A.V.1. 1985 ANNUALS NOW ON SALE part can be well pleased with their performances, several indiVidual Auctioneers, Estate Agents, Large Selection of Jewellery, trophies being won together with School Items team pflzes for both Vet. men Valuers, Property Consultants Pens - Parker Pens - Gift Ware and women. Selection of Lighters The Mens International Race was AGENTS FOR: the feature event on the programme, COOKEO MEATS A SPECIALITY and here Maynooth had seven runners, EDUCA TlONAL BUILDING SOCIETY Pat Maher (61st), Peter Keegan Open 6 a.m. - 9 p.m. (62nd), Tony Callaghan (86th), Property House Phone: 286304 Mick Gleeson (12Oth), David. Jolly Telephone: 286·128/9 (133rd), Noel McCluskey (18Ih) MAYNOOTH and Pearse Breslin (191h). The placings of the first three named, Maher, Keegan and Callaghan were

18 Phone you). Eddie Macken and Gerry ENGLISH COURSE FOR SPANISH STUDENTS UNIT 7 285847 Mullins of the show-jumping world 17 - 19 Yrs. - Mixed Group Maynooth Shopping Centre also appeal to Una. will be held in NEWS AGENT • TOBACCONIST What Una particularly likes in the MAYNOOTH, from 5th July to 16th August TOYS Club is the chat and the crack! When not playing basketball she Families willing to keep students should contact (Proprietor: HENRY CAHILL) enjoys watching T.V. shows like Miss Una Cosgrave, Glenroe, Robin of Sherwood, Tom, 4 McElwaine Tee.,' Newbridge 11th: Leinster Vets. 5 Mile Dick'n'Harriet. Una enjoys films or phone 045 32392 between 8.30am and 9.45pm 3mpionship. Ladies 1 Mile at too and was quite impressed by Monday-F riday Pleasant. LARGE SELECTION or EASTER EGGS, Neil Jordan's "Company of Wolves". y 12th: NACAI Senior League. Its special effects were stunning. most impressed by the film "Electric OliVia Newlon-john , BOXES or CHOCOLATES &: EASTER CARDS Tom Selleck. und Two. Div. in Belfast. Tom Selleck of Magnum is an actor Blue". His favourite actor is CllOt he rates highly too. Would mosl • 2 in Dublin. she also gets a kick out of watching. Eastwood. like to meel freddie Melcur y' y 1 lh: St. Joseph's A.C. Road Watch & Calculator Batteries ~e at Stamullen. Fitted Una would most like to visit Paris F or holidays John feels that he On world cruise Tozzle would Visil y 19th: Redeemer Sports at Dundalk for its elegance and sophistication would like to visit Ru~sia and see Hawaii and (ugh;1 Anlartlca, home y 19th: MAYNOOTH A.C. SPORTS and also nurtures a desire to learn this vast country at his leisure. of the pengUins {or nuns;, If he event. These relays were run over Maynoolh. how to drive and own a car. Her Of course if John had that much could afford II he'd buy a Porsche, distances of 100m, 200m, 400m as far as prizes were concerned. y 25th: Na Fianna A.C. Road one dislike seems to be dentists­ money he would also buy an R.D. HIS biggest dislike, he '>ald, In a and 800m. This girl, who seems to improve 350 motorbike and all the gear ce at Enfield. as a profession. Finally, Una hopes not 100 serlou,> vein. IS Johnm y 26th: Ardee Sports, Co. Louth. with every outing, won the Girls that goes with it. He would like that some day our Club will twin Dowling! Afler all Ihere IS "en" ,Iy 26th: Kilcock/Newtown A.C. The 10K Road Race also provided U/16 1500m race and then went to see Swimming as a Club actiVity, with another Club to both our bigger! As regards Club Improvements Jrts at Kilcock. some compensation to the Maynooth out and had a magnificent win also hunting. Hunting?? What? He mutual benefit. Una also acts in Tozzle would like a greal er range of ie 1st: Co. Kildare Track and athletes taking part, and a good in the Senior Ladies section of feels that the opposite sex i., under­ a liaison capacity with the members eat~ In the shop and ,>end I he members dd Championships. run here from Peter Keegan who the 10K race. Emer Farrelly finished represented and would welcome committee and management committee commit t ee on a course In lea-making. ie 2nd: As June 1st. finished third in the 0/35 section, in third place in the Girls U/14 more girl members, particularly and in addition is active in the '"Ie 2nd: Carbury A.C. Sports. and Pat Maher who was fourth 1500m race, and Frank Desmond good-looking ones. members committee. * * * in the same event. The Maynooth was fifth in the Boys U/14 road team was placed second overall, race. Frank also took part in the David Thompson John Kearns via P. Keegan, P. Maher, Tony 10K race and finished in 33rd place. Vibrant, nickname "Tozzie". Is aged /4/85 Aged 16 years and is a third year u Bosco Athletic Club Newbridge Callaghan and Mick Gleeson. These were very good performances 15 years and again is a third year Post Primary School student. Nick­ Id their annual sports on this In the Ladies 0/30 section, Patsy from these athletes as all the races Post Primary student. David or MAYNOOTH POST PRIMARY SCHOOL name is "Kerro". Would eat shepherds y, and as usual Maynooth A.C. McCluskey was a good winner, in Summerhill were open to both Tozzie is a French ,Fry (chips) pie till the cows (or should it be ppJied a large contingent of runners. with Helen Redmond second and NACA and BLE athletes. Two former addict and proud of It. Queen and' Our t hanks 10 Mrs. Marie Kelly Marie Gleeson third. These three sheep) come home. John is fond of Main SI., Maynoolh for Ihe le distance~ were mainly 100m, members of the club, Mary and Freddie Mercury sound~ are what of listening to Bruce Springsteen 10m and 800m events, together ladies were also first senior team Noel Farrelly, also took part in he likes to listen to. Like other beautiful l'ullecllon of books she and thinks Indoor Soccer is really Ith mixed medley relays and a on the day, and Patsy McCluskey the 10K race, Noel winning the male members Soccer is a passion recently pI esenl ed 10 I he SChool. great. Favourite team is Liverpool IK race for Seniors and Vets. and Helen Redmond were joined Vets section and Mary winning in the shape of Man. Utd. and They will adorn Ihe shelves of and player is Ian Rush. In the Club the Juvenile events, we had by P. Keegan and P. Maher in the Ladies Vets. Bryan Robson. Tabletennis, according I he Ilbraly for many years and John also goes for ball-games, lod runs from Nuala Noonan, the mixed team, and finished a to him, is his favourtte club activit y. will I'm sUle bllng much pleasure such as Pool and Snooker. On T.V. very creditable second. 10 the many who will read them. cond in the U/16 100m, Paula Finally, the Club would like to T.V. show he favours i~ Magnum. he goes for Miami Vice and was '!lly, 1st in the 100m for U/14 congratulate those selected for the Naturally his favourite actor IS While on Ihls line If there are rls, Michelle Ennis, 2nd in the U/12 Whilst all this action was taking recent coaching course in Antrim, any 01 her parent ~ out there who 10m and Austin Noonan who was place in Newbridge, Emer Farrelly, and hope that they and their chaperone have any books lYing around why lurth in the Boys U/1 0 100m race. Grainne Farrelly and F rank Desmond will be passing on all they learned in not conSIder presenllng them to headed to Summerhill in Co. Meath due course. Those attending the the school library. the 400m race for girls U/14 for a road race festival, and here course were Paula Kelly, Helen aula Kelly was a very good second, G rainne really cleared the decks Tracey, Mairead and Nuala Noonan, RYE RIVER BOOKS On behalf of the commiltee of the P. T .A. and Indeed all who ,d Fiona Lawlor third. Enda Gleeson, and Fiona Lawlor, to­ Mill St., MaynooLh MAYNOOTH A.C. 300 CLUB DRAW uala Noonan came third in the get her wi th Margaret Noonan. are and were associated With the Result: Wed. 1 ith April iris U/16 800m and Dara Callaghan school many thanks to Owen 'as second in the Boys U/16 800m Byrne and Mairead Bean for all 3ce. Barbara Walsh, c/o Moyglare Stud, the work and help they unselfishly! Maynooth - £100 n unusual event was the mixed OFFICIAL BOOKSELLERS TO gave over many years to the Post­ Margaret McLoughlin, Smithstown, ledley relay, and Maynooth recorded MAYNOOTH NEWSLETTER Primary School. When volunteers Maynooth - £50 HAYNOOTH POST PRIMARY SCHOOL first and third here via Austin ADVERTISING RA1ES for work were called for, Owen Mrs. Mona Murphy, Leinster Park, loonan, Michelle Ennis, Enda Breslin ***'*:****** PLACE YOUR SCHOOL BOOK ORDERS NOW and Mairead were never hesitant Maynooth - £20 £1.25 per Column Inch in giving of their time and energy. nd Helen Tracey who were placed Kevin Corr, Smithstown - £5 £10.00 per Third Page Both were an example of what co­ irst, and Fiona Redmond, Gavin For further information T. McGovern,Sen., 818 Greenfield - £5 £16.00 per Half Page , operation should be bet ween parents :allaghan, Paula Kelly and Dara call or ~hone 285626 Tom Deane, Moyglare - £5 £30.00 per Full Page and school. Once again many thanks :allaghan who were third in their Paddy Healy, Smithstown £5 and you will be missed. All enquiries to "The Editor" 86 Rail Park, Maynooth.

20 21 Draughts the guiding hand of Mr. Des Madden. The under 10 team, which consists Any boy or girl under sixteen who Variety: , 15th or 16th June. of Miriam Gormally, Ciara Farrelly, can play chess will be most welcome Swimming: Athy, date to be confirmed. Tanya McDermott, John Higgins, at these sessions. uilding Repairs Gymnastics: Newbridge, 22nd June Paul Flood, Raymond Fleming and All TYPES OF at 10 a.m. Patrick has been drawn to meet T able Tennis ROOF AND PLUMBING REPAIR WORK Cycling: Maynooth, 20th July. Nurney in the preliminary round Details of teams, training, etc. CARRIED OUT are not available at time of writing We would like to thank all tho~e and if they successfully cross this ALSO CHIMNEY CLEANING SERVICE hurdle, they come up against Rath­ but we do know that the Boys ESTIMATES FREE *** PROMPT ATTENTION who joined the Community Game~ angan in the first round proper. U/16 will compete in the Blitz Entry in the St. Patflck'~ Day Parade COMMUNITY GAMES The under' 14 side is made up of in on Sun. 12th May MATT MULLIGAN, KILCOCK. Phone 287317 and also those who supported the John Gormally, Damien Carroll, at 10.30am, while the Girls' venue Cake Sale so well. Now is the time to have your Roof Repairs carried out. The arrival of the long evenings Derek Fleming, Peter Cassells, and date have yet to be agreed. once more means that it', time Enda Carr, Darren McDermott and Finally, could we once again remind Robert Shiel. They too compete Basketball you of the Annual Coli eel Ion from for that annual organisational mara­ COMMUNITY GAMES Contd. Swimming Again no news on teams but training thon more commonly known a, In the Preliminary Round, this time Swimming is for Boys and Girls U/B, 4th to 10th May and a~k for your is in progress (for those who already Club and the people to contact Maynoolhl Communlly Games. The against Crookstown and go on U/10, U/12, U/14, U/16, U/1 7 and full support. The monle'> go lowards know how to play) in the Post here are Michael Gillick and Tommy the cost of T,ansporl, Medal~, bad news 15 thaI you Will once to meet Athy In the next round U/20 and is being organised by Primary School on Wednesdays Flaherty. again be greeled by that almost if they succeed. Mrs. Ann Cotter and Mrs. Susan Entry Fees, Training f aCllilles and from 6- for Girls U/16, while extlncl species called the Communily Training for the Draughts Teams DO Igoe. You may contact these ladies Insurance Cover and I suppose Judo Games Collector, who Will be looking has been taking place in the Boys t he Boys U/16 train on Fridays for further information. one could see your contrlbullons for lhe wherewlthall to doitall School since early March. from 6- 7.30. Those U/16s who Training for Judo is held in the a~ an Inve~t men I In your childI en unl Ii I he campaign ends In' Mosney fee I they may be good enough Post Primary School on Mondays Rounders nexl September. We hope you will Badminton to make the teams are welcome after 4pm and any of those interested Rounders will be open to Boys and to attend at these training sessions. who already have a knowledge treal thl, crealure with open arms The draw thiS year pits the Maynooth Girls U/12 and U/15 and the leam The Blitz for the Girls will be as there are only a few of them Under 15's against Rathangan. The of the sport are asked to contact will be managed by Paddy Lynch. left. The Collectors Will be calling team is being looked after by the held in Leixlip on Sat 4th May Mr. W. Coughlan. Training should have commenced bel ween 41h and 10th May. Badminton Club who selected the While the Boys Blitz takes place by the 22nd May and anyone keen MINI-BUS FOR Cycling following players following a Blrtz in Newbridge on Sat 11th May. on t his game should wat ch for Maynooth Cycling Club are laking On 10 more serious things now Competition run before Easter: notices in the usual places or contact HIRE care of this sport and Ihe Manager wilh I he lisl of I hlngs which Will Siobhan Kearlns, Catherine Ashe, Soccer Mr. Lynch dlfeclly. is Mr. L. Cannon. The Maynooth FOR ALL OCCASIONS be taking place In I he lead up Catherrne Fox, Ciara Coughlan, ThiS is an under twelve event 10 the finals, which should be com­ Dudley O'Donnell, Fergus Ashe, and those wishing to make the cycling competition will be held Rugby on Sat. 11 th May at 3pm. If you pleted by the end of July. I hope Keelan Loughnane and Ian Cosgrove. team, which is under the wing The rugby team, which is open SEAMUS GRANT are interested you can contact you Will bear wll h me as lhe list of the Soccer Club, should contact to Boys U/11, will be handled the Manager for further details. 33 Laurence Avenue, IS qUit e long, but we can't really Chess the team manager, Mr. J. Thompson. by Mr. Tony Hayes. North Kildare Maynooth, Co. Kildare. Tel. 286132 leave anyone oul as the spirit The Team have successfully escaped Rugby Club aI e also co-operating Gymnastics of the Games IS 10 encour age all the Preliminary Round, getting G.A.A. In this vent ure and any boy who The team is being managed by Mrs. children 10 lake parI, no matter 51 raight through to meel Clane As with the Soccer, the Gaelic can play the game should contacl Betty Murphy and the local Compet­ where Ihell allegiance lies. Competing In the Quarter Finals. Training Football and Hurling teams are Mr. Hayes or Mrs. B. Breslin for ition will be held in the Post Primary IS I he name of I he game. takes place in the Post Primary being looked after by the G.A.A. details. School on Wednesday 6th May School between 4 and 5pm under at 6pm. Please contact Mrs. Murphy Variety if you are interested. as they are lhe people who benefll Paddy Boyd will again be looking most from the Community Games. after the Variety and by the time Art and Modelling yOU read this the audition~ Will Competition will be held in the May we remind you that the nexl have been held and the team ~elected. RELAX IN MAYNOOTH'S NEWEST RESTUARANT Post Primary School on Sat. 25th meeting of I he Communlt y Game~ May from lOam to 1pm. Age for Committee Will be held In Ihe Lawn Tennis Art are Boys and Girls U/B, U/10, Post Prrmary School on May 20th Mr. W. Coughlan is the Team Manager U/12, U/14, U/16 and U/1 7 and for at Bpm. We Invite all Intere~ted he e Modelling Boys and Girls under 14. here and you should watch out parents to come along and see MAYNOOTH for the official Tayto Poster~ which how the Games are organised and SHOPPING CENTRE will appear in the schools and Athletics perhaps take an active part In shops for further details. the children,' recreation. Athletics for Boys and Girls U/B, COFFEES SALADS SNACKS The dates and venues for the County HOME U/10, U/12, U/14, U/16, U/17as ICE well as Tiny Tots and Mums and Finals are as follows:- We shall keep you up to date on CHIPS CREAM BURGERS COOKED PIES progress in all competitions over PASTRIES Dads will be run by the Athletic SPECIALS Club on Sunday 12th May starting Art & Modelling: , 14th July. the next three or four months. SOUPS CHICKEN PASTRIES at 12.30pm. Athletics: Newbridge, 6th/ lh July. Until then please be kind to the Collectors. Special Children's Menu Self-Service Salad Bar Try our new 100% Pure Beefburgers . aniel Logon BARBERSTOWN MAYNOOTH PHONE: 28&468 HOT LUNCHES FROM 12.30 - 2pm TAKE AWAY ORDERS SUPPLIED ,~ont racto r . MACHINE TURF: BRIQUETTES: COAL: H· SAND: GRAVEL ETC •. DELIVERED AT KEENEST PRICES FOR QUANTITIES 22 ...... 23