Emergency Operations Plan

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Emergency Operations Plan Emergency Operations Plan March 2020 1 2 Approval and Implementation 3 Table of Contents APPROVAL AND IMPLEMENTATION ....................................................................................................................... 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS .............................................................................................................................................. 4 RECORD OF CHANGES ............................................................................................................................................ 9 RECORD OF DISTRIBUTION .................................................................................................................................. 10 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................................... 13 ORGANIZATION OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE EMERGENCY OPERATIONS PLAN ....................................................................... 17 EMERGENCY OPERATIONS CENTER FLOW CHART AND ASSIGNMENT LIST ............................................................................... 18 PART OF A BROADER STRATEGY ..................................................................................................................................... 20 THE BASIC PLAN STRUCTURE ............................................................................................................................... 21 ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES.............................................................................................................................. 22 RESPONSE ACTIONS ............................................................................................................................................. 37 PREPARE ................................................................................................................................................................... 37 RESPOND .................................................................................................................................................................. 38 RECOVERY ................................................................................................................................................................. 43 INCIDENT MANAGEMENT .................................................................................................................................... 45 CONTINUITY OF GOVERNMENT ...................................................................................................................................... 45 WASHINGTON COUNTY EMERGENCY OPERATIONS CENTER ................................................................................................. 46 EMERGENCY SUPPORT FUNCTIONS (ESF) ........................................................................................................................ 48 AUTHORITIES AND REFERENCES .......................................................................................................................... 50 APPENDIX A: HAZARD ANALYSIS FOR THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE ........................................................................ 52 APPENDIX B: CAPABILITY ASSESSMENT AND HAZARD MITIGATION PLAN ........................................................... 64 APPENDIX C: WASHINGTON COUNTY HAZARD MITIGATION PLAN ...................................................................... 71 APPENDIX D: ESF RESOURCE LISTS ....................................................................................................................... 72 ESF #1 TRANSPORTATION RESOURCE LIST ....................................................................................................................... 72 ESF #2 COMMUNICATIONS RESOURCE LIST ..................................................................................................................... 73 ESF #3 PUBLIC WORKS & ENGINEERING RESOURCE LIST .................................................................................................... 73 ESF #3 PUBLIC WORKS & ENGINEERING RESOURCE LIST ................................................................................................... 74 ESF #4 FIRE FIGHTING RESOURCE LIST ............................................................................................................................ 76 ESF #6 MASS CARE & SHELTERING RESOURCE LIST ........................................................................................................... 78 ESF #7 LOGISTICS AND RESOURCE SUPPORT RESOURCE LIST ............................................................................................... 81 ESF #13 PUBLIC SAFETY & SECURITY RESOURCE LIST ........................................................................................................ 83 ESF #15 EXTERNAL AFFAIRS RESOURCE LIST .................................................................................................................... 90 APPENDIX E: CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE UTILITIES DEPARTMENT EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN 2018 ..................... 92 APPENDIX F: CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS POLICY AND PROCEDURE .......................................................... 94 INCLEMENT WEATHER - ESSENTIAL SERVICES .................................................................................................................... 97 4 INCLEMENT WEATHER - SKELETON CREWS ....................................................................................................................... 98 INCLEMENT WEATHER – NON-ESSENTIAL SERVICES ........................................................................................................... 99 APPENDIX G: OCCUPANT EMERGENCY PLAN JOHN PAUL HAMMERSCHMIDT FEDERAL BUILDING & U.S. COURTHOUSE MAY 2009 ................................................................................................................................... 103 APPENDIX H: EMERGENCY SUPPORT FUNCTIONS .............................................................................................. 104 APPENDIX I: LOCAL DISASTER DECLARATION ..................................................................................................... 215 APPENDIX J: LAKE FAYETTEVILLE DAM EMERGENCY ACTION PLAN .................................................................... 217 APPENDIX K: ARKANSAS MASS FATALITY PLAN ................................................................................................. 218 APPENDIX L: CITY FACILITIES EMERGENCY EVACUATION PLANS ........................................................................ 219 APPENDIX N: EOC INCIDENT COMMAND AND MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ............................................................. 223 EMERGENCY OPERATIONS CENTER POSITION CHART ........................................................................................................ 224 EOC DIRECTOR ........................................................................................................................................................ 226 Responsibilities: .............................................................................................................................................. 227 Activation Phase: ............................................................................................................................................ 227 Operational Phase: ......................................................................................................................................... 228 Demobilization Phase: .................................................................................................................................... 229 EOC COORDINATOR .................................................................................................................................................. 230 Responsibilities: .............................................................................................................................................. 230 Activation Phase: ............................................................................................................................................ 230 Operational Phase: ......................................................................................................................................... 231 Demobilization Phase: .................................................................................................................................... 231 PUBLIC INFORMATION OFFICER .................................................................................................................................... 232 Responsibilities: .............................................................................................................................................. 233 Activation Phase: ............................................................................................................................................ 233 Operational Phase: ......................................................................................................................................... 233 Demobilization Phase: .................................................................................................................................... 234 LIAISON OFFICER ....................................................................................................................................................... 236 Responsibilities: .............................................................................................................................................
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