NEWSLETTER Whittier, Volume 65 Issue 5 December 2010

Linking you to Branch activities and to each other

Annual Christmas Boutique, Auction and Luncheon on Saturday, December 11

The Whittier Branch of the American Association of University Women and their guests will gather at 11 AM on December 11 for the traditional Christmas boutique, auction and delicious luncheon at the California Country Club in Whittier.

There will be a silent auction, gift cards and items made by members. The Dickens Carolers and Handbell Choir will perform. These entertainers are from the families of home-schooled children, and are doing this as part of their music enrichment.

The cost of the lunch is $25.

The California County Club is at 1509 Workman Mill Rd., Whittier.

Reservations can be made by calling Susan Halliday at 562-696-7395 or e-mailing her at [email protected]. All reservations and cancellations must be in by Tuesday, December 7. Any cancellations af- ter that day and all no-shows will be charged for the meal. The final count for this roast beef lunch has a tight deadline, so be sure to make your reservations early.


entrance. Club the to proceed and Avenue Coleford at left

Pellissier Place, which will become Workman Mill Road. Drive 1½ miles to Coleford Avenue. Turn Turn Avenue. Coleford to miles 1½ Drive Road. Mill Workman become will which Place, Pellissier

signal make a left onto Peck Road. Proceed to the next signal, which is Pellissier Place. Turn left at at left Turn Place. Pellissier is which signal, next the to Proceed Road. Peck onto left a make signal

Coming south on the 605 Freeway, exit at Peck Road, and at the traffic traffic the at and Road, Peck at exit Freeway, 605 the on south Coming Freeway: 605 on South

1¼ miles to Coleford Avenue. Turn left at Coleford Avenue and proceed to the Club Entrance. Entrance. Club the to proceed and Avenue Coleford at left Turn Avenue. Coleford to miles 1¼

Pellissier Place. Stay in the left lane. The road will become Workman Mill Road. Drive approximately approximately Drive Road. Mill Workman become will road The lane. left the in Stay Place. Pellissier

on the 605 Freeway, exit at Peck Road. At the traffic signal at the end of the ramp, turn left onto onto left turn ramp, the of end the at signal traffic the At Road. Peck at exit Freeway, 605 the on

North on 605 Freeway: Freeway: 605 on North entrance. Club the to proceed and Avenue Coleford at left Coming north north Coming

which becomes Workman Mill Road, and drive approximately 1½ miles to Coleford Avenue. Turn Turn Avenue. Coleford to miles 1½ approximately drive and Road, Mill Workman becomes which

left onto Peck Road. Proceed to the next signal, which is Pellissier Place. Turn left at Pellissier Place, Place, Pellissier at left Turn Place. Pellissier is which signal, next the to Proceed Road. Peck onto left

605 Freeway. Then take the 605 Freeway south. Exit at Peck Road, and at the traffic signal make a a make signal traffic the at and Road, Peck at Exit south. Freeway 605 the take Then Freeway. 605

Avenue and proceed to the Club entrance. entrance. Club the to proceed and Avenue Take the 10 Freeway east to the the to east Freeway 10 the Take Freeway: 10 on East

Workman Mill Road, and drive approximately 1½ miles to Coleford Avenue. Turn left at Coleford Coleford at left Turn Avenue. Coleford to miles 1½ approximately drive and Road, Mill Workman

Proceed to the next signal, which is Pellissier Place. Turn left at Pellissier Place, which becomes becomes which Place, Pellissier at left Turn Place. Pellissier is which signal, next the to Proceed

the 605 Freeway south. Exit at Peck Road, and at the traffic signal make a left onto Peck Road. Road. Peck onto left a make signal traffic the at and Road, Peck at Exit south. Freeway 605 the

West on 10 Freeway: Freeway: 10 on West entrance. Club Take the 10 Freeway west to the 605 Freeway. Then take take Then Freeway. 605 the to west Freeway 10 the Take

Road. Make a right. In approximately half a mile, turn left at Coleford Avenue and proceed to the the to proceed and Avenue Coleford at left turn mile, a half approximately In right. a Make Road.

ceed straight through the first signal. Follow road to the next traffic signal, which is Workman Mill Mill Workman is which signal, traffic next the to road Follow signal. first the through straight ceed

West on 60 Freeway: Freeway: 60 on West trance. Take the 60 Freeway west, exit at Crossroads Parkway, and pro- and Parkway, Crossroads at exit west, Freeway 60 the Take

Road. Make a right. In about a half mile, turn left at Coleford Avenue and proceed to the Club en- Club the to proceed and Avenue Coleford at left turn mile, half a about In right. a Make Road.

North, and make another left. Follow the road to the next traffic signal, which is Workman Mill Mill Workman is which signal, traffic next the to road the Follow left. another make and North,

signal. Make a left. Proceed over the freeway to the next traffic signal, which is Crossroads Parkway Parkway Crossroads is which signal, traffic next the to freeway the over Proceed left. a Make signal.

Take the 60 Freeway heading east and exit at Crossroads Parkway to the the to Parkway Crossroads at exit and east heading Freeway 60 the Take : Freeway 60 on East

From the President


Christmas is almost here. I know all of you are busy with shopping, family gatherings, parties, baking, decorating etc. Be sure to set time aside to remember what the real meaning of Christmas is.

What better time to remember our troops who are all over the world, trying to make the world safe for everyone. I know many of you have family and friends who will be spending the holidays away from home this year. Why not invite a friend or family of a service man to join you this holiday season. My grandson is returning from his fourth tour of duty in time for Christmas. We can hardly wait.

I hope all of you (and your friends) are planning on attending our annual holiday luncheon/ boutique on December 11 at 11 AM. It will be held at the California Country Club. A hot lunch will be served and we will be entertained by the Dickens Carolers and Handbell Choir. On behalf of the AAUW Board, we all wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Merry Christmas to all. Shirley Ann Stewart

SAVE THE DATES All AAUW Branch board meetings will be held at St. Matthias Church at 7056 Washington Ave., Whittier, on the first Tuesday of the month at 7 PM.

2010 2011

December 7 January 4 April 5

February 1 May 3

March 1 June 7



public. the to Free provided. Refreshments

downhill. walk easy hill; the up provided Transportation


Meet at Mendenhall parking lot at Painter and and Painter at lot parking Mendenhall at Meet

District. Historic Heights College the Featuring

PM 7 at 9 December Thursday,

Walk Candlelight Annual Conservancy Whittier

Sharon Heck Sharon

rewarding. very

The MLSF Board is a very dedicated group of women, and I find my work with them them with work my find I and women, of group dedicated very a is Board MLSF The

begin a draft of new bylaws in January. in bylaws new of draft a begin

organization with separate funds and boards. The process has begun and a committee will will committee a and begun has process The boards. and funds separate with organization

AAUW is underway. The Branch and MLSF would be incorporated as one 501 (c) (3) (3) (c) 501 one as incorporated be would MLSF and Branch The underway. is AAUW

A lawyer has been contacted and incorporating MLSF as the Greater Whittier Area Area Whittier Greater the as MLSF incorporating and contacted been has lawyer A

for notice of this and plan to make a generous donation. generous a make to plan and this of notice for

projects, and the NONEVENT FUNDRAISER will take place in March 2011. Watch your mail mail your Watch 2011. March in place take will FUNDRAISER NONEVENT the and projects,

designated for scholarships. Other sources of income have been contacted for these these for contacted been have income of sources Other scholarships. for designated

In the 2010 MLSF budget, Tech Trek has been designated $4,000 and $4,750 has been been has $4,750 and $4,000 designated been has Trek Tech budget, MLSF 2010 the In

good. is rate interest

balance of $87,549.41 as of September 30. Most of this money is invested and currently the the currently and invested is money this of Most 30. September of as $87,549.41 of balance

2001, so it has been a wise choice. The finances of the MLSF are in very good shape with a a with shape good very in are MLSF the of finances The choice. wise a been has it so 2001,

scholarships and more will be available in the future. Our initial investment was $12,500 in in $12,500 was investment initial Our future. the in available be will more and scholarships

because of the financial downturn; however several thousand dollars have been used for for used been have dollars thousand several however downturn; financial the of because

Foundation, which has grown to $29,573. She explained the limits on using the interest interest the using on limits the explained She $29,573. to grown has which Foundation,

the Foundation. Anne explained the investment MLSF has in the the in has MLSF investment the explained Anne Foundation. College Hondo Rio the

Everyone was in attendance and we had a guest, Anne K. Turner, the executive director of of director executive the Turner, K. Anne guest, a had we and attendance in was Everyone

treasurer is Kaye Kidwell, with board members including Ellen Larson and Pamela Holmes. Holmes. Pamela and Larson Ellen including members board with Kidwell, Kaye is treasurer

president is Barbara Gile, vice president is Maurine Behrens, secretary is Gwen Woirhaye, Woirhaye, Gwen is secretary Behrens, Maurine is president vice Gile, Barbara is president

Scholarship Fund (MLSF) Board. The second meeting was held on Nov. 16. The Board Board The 16. Nov. on held was meeting second The Board. (MLSF) Fund Scholarship

elect of our AAUW Branch I serve as the liaison to the Myra Long Long Myra the to liaison the as serve I Branch AAUW our of elect - president As

Board Fund Scholarship Long Myra the from Report

AAUW Funds

I have heard AAUW Funds referred to as the heart of AAUW. These funds finance scholarships and grants both in the and internationally. Grants are also given to institutions for projects that focus on key findings from AAUW research on women and girls in fields such as engineering, science, math and technology. AAUW funds are used to support activities that help women learn to be leaders. Our contributions to these funds are instrumental in helping advance the goals of AAUW in working toward equality for women and girls.

Your donations are important! As a reminder, the components on AAUW funds are: Legal Advocacy Fund (legal case support, campus outreach projects); Educational Opportunities Fund (fellowships, community action grants, career development grants); Eleanor Roosevelt Fund (AAUW research reports); Public Policy Fund (government relations, civic engagement), Leadership Programs Fund (conferences for student leaders on college campuses and campus action projects).

If you would like to contribute to these important causes, you may mail your check to me, Peggy Fretz, 14852 Jupiter St. Whittier 90603. Remember that it is always a good time to support AAUW Funds.

Peggy Fretz , AAUW Funds Vice-President


Modern Trends No meeting in December

Join us Thursday Jan. 27, 7 PM Home of Ruth White, 12118 Maple St., Whittier. From Beverly Blvd. north on Citrus as it becomes Beverly Dr., left on Gregory, right on Maple St. Co-hostess Cathy Martin Please note change in book In January we will read The Book Thief and we will read The Secret Life of Emily Dickinson in March. The Secret Life is due out in paperback in February.

The Book Thief is the New York Times bestseller by Australian author Marcus Zusak. Set in Nazi Germany, the story is told from the point of view of DEATH. The novel GHVFULEHVD\RXQJJLUO¶VUHODWLRQVKLSZLWKKHUIRVWHUSDUHQWVWKHRWKHUUHVLGHQWVRIWKH neighborhood and a Jewish fist-fighter who hides in her home. Themes we will explore: the value of literature and words, guilt and the duality of humanity.

Any questions? Kristine Yeseta, chair 562-696-0226 [email protected]




phone tree network tree phone a Build community. your in

event. next your at distribution for flyer Network Action the Download

AAUW Action Network Action AAUW about family and friends your Tell .

. manual Turnout Voter Woman - to - Woman the Download

. Campaign Education Voter a Launch

Others Get

. Corps Lobby AAUW the Join

. member AAUW an Become

Schedule a meeting with your member of Congress of member your with meeting a Schedule .

Send a letter to your member of Congress of member your to letter a Send .

Active Get

what you can do about pay equity pay about do can you what out Find .

positions on public policy issues policy public on positions AAUW's out Check .

members of Congress vote Congress of members your do How ?

AAUW Action Network Action AAUW the Join AAUW.ORG.) at Policy Public on (Click .

Educated Get

thanks to Senators Boxer and Feinstein for their positive support and vote. and support positive their for Feinstein and Boxer Senators to thanks

defeat, but we vow to continue the fight until the the until fight the continue to vow we but defeat, is made law. Write a letter of of letter a Write law. made is Act Fairness Paycheck

the threat of a Republican filibuster, so the Act did not even get to the floor. AAUW condemns this this condemns AAUW floor. the to get even not did Act the so filibuster, Republican a of threat the

vote. There was a majority of the senators in favor of the Act, but there were not enough to overcome overcome to enough not were there but Act, the of favor in senators the of majority a was There vote.

was defeated on a procedural procedural a on defeated was Act Fairness Paycheck the written, was article my After Addendum:

count. actions all ton,

of Congress, develop a voter education campaign, visit local community groups, or march on Washing- on march or groups, community local visit campaign, education voter a develop Congress, of

tools that will help you speak out on issues important to you! Whether you send a letter to your member member your to letter a send you Whether you! to important issues on out speak you help will that tools

everyone to get involved and TAKE ACTION. Each voice is important, alone and in unison. Below are are Below unison. in and alone important, is voice Each ACTION. TAKE and involved get to everyone

of justice for all people. Listed below is important information for your involvement. AAUW encourages encourages AAUW involvement. your for information important is below Listed people. all for justice of

process will not have to begin again. Our AAUW Public Policy activity is so very important for issues issues for important very so is activity Policy Public AAUW Our again. begin to have not will process

writing. Hopefully it will pass before the end of the lame duck session of Congress and the whole whole the and Congress of session duck lame the of end the before pass will it Hopefully writing.

The Paycheck Fairness Act is to be voted on in the US Senate in the next week of November, as of this this of as November, of week next the in Senate US the in on voted be to is Act Fairness Paycheck The

Heck Sharon by Policy Public

More Than Words The selection for the January 12 meeting has been changed to Prisoner of Tehran by Marina Nemat, RQHZRPDQ¶VVWRU\RIVXUYLYDOLQVLGHDQ,UDQLDQSULVRQ

Rosanne Seitz, chair 626-330-5383

International Concerns

International Concerns will not meet in December. On January 18 we will discuss "Enhancing Security through Peacebuilding." For further information contact Maurine Behrens at 562-695-8436 or [email protected].

Happy holidays to all !

Mystery Mavens

January 19 The Alehouse Murders by Maureen Ash Reviewer ʹ Sharon Heck

March 16 Iron Lake by William Kent Krueger Reviewer ʹ Carol K. Anderson

May 18 In For a Penny by Kathryn Wall Reviewer - Harriet Kittle

Memories Section The Memories Section will not meet in December. The January meeting will be announced in the next newsletter.

Please consult our style sheet and follow it when preparing your newsletter article. You will save us both a great deal of tedious, time-consuming work.


Ginny 562-777-4343 [email protected] Margot 562-699-6898



Nancy Kindness Nancy

[email protected]. or 1964 - 693 - 562 at me with reservation a Make

information on your calendar and contact me if you have questions. have you if me contact and calendar your on information

The newsletter is my communication with you. I am not able to send reminder emails so please put the the put please so emails reminder send to able not am I you. with communication my is newsletter The

Whittier. Ave.,


group. the with

sure. We will enjoy the spirit of the season. Feel free to bring a favorite Christmas reading to share share to reading Christmas favorite a bring to free Feel season. the of spirit the enjoy will We sure.

6 PM. The dinner will be catered and will cost $20. I need to have reservations by December 1 for for 1 December by reservations have to need I $20. cost will and catered be will dinner The PM. 6

We will have our annual Christmas combined dinner at the home of Gwen Woirhaye on December 8 at at 8 December on Woirhaye Gwen of home the at dinner combined Christmas annual our have will We


Kindness Nancy

1964 or [email protected]. or 1964 - 693 - 562 at

please let me know and put it on your calendar. Thank you. Let me know if you think you are coming coming are you think you if know me Let you. Thank calendar. your on it put and know me let please

The newsletter is my communication with you. I am not able to send all kinds of reminder e reminder of kinds all send to able not am I you. with communication my is newsletter The mails, so so mails, -


We will probably go to a wonderful Civil War museum in January. Feel free to add to our list of places places of list our to add to free Feel January. in museum War Civil wonderful a to go probably will We

have room for a couple more people, but you must let me know immediately. know me let must you but people, more couple a for room have

shop a little, and then stay for dinner. Our reservation is at the Mission Inn Restaurant at 7 PM. We We PM. 7 at Restaurant Inn Mission the at is reservation Our dinner. for stay then and little, a shop

Whittier at 4:30 PM to drive out to Riverside. We should have about 1 ½ hours to enjoy the sights, sights, the enjoy to hours ½ 1 about have should We Riverside. to out drive to PM 4:30 at Whittier


On December 18 we will go to Riverside to the Festival of Lights at the historic Mission Inn. There are are There Inn. Mission historic the at Lights of Festival the to Riverside to go will we 18 December On


Kindness Nancy

[email protected]. or 1964 - 693 - 562 at interest your of know me Let

please put the information on your calendar and contact me if you have questions. Thank you. Thank questions. have you if me contact and calendar your on information the put please

The newsletter is my communication with you. I am not able to send all kinds of reminder e reminder of kinds all send to able not am I you. with communication my is newsletter The mails so so mails -

it!!!!!! believe

and the year is 2011. Can you you Can 2011. is year the and 25 the on January in resume will but December in meet not will We



This group is open to anyone who would like to do something creative and enjoys being around other other around being enjoys and creative something do to like would who anyone to open is group This


Public Policy Report from LACIC November 13, 2010 meeting

Submitted by Jill Smith

Meet Lisa Maatz, the National Director of Public Policy and Government Relations, a Phi Beta Kappa Ohio State grad with two Masters Degrees, appointee to the Commission on Women ŝŶtĂƐŚŝŶŐƚŽŶ͕͘͘ĂŶĚůĞĂĚĞƌŽĨǁŽŵĞŶ͛ƐĐĂƵƐĞƐ͘/ŶĂĚĚŝƚŝŽŶƚŽďĞŝŶŐƚŚĞůŽďďLJŝƐƚĨŽƌ ht͕ƐŚĞǁŽƌŬƐǁŝƚŚŽƚŚĞƌŽƌŐĂŶŝnjĂƚŝŽŶƐƚŚĂƚĂĚǀĂŶĐĞŽƵƌŵŝƐƐŝŽŶŽĨ͞ĂĚǀĂŶĐŝŶŐĞƋƵŝƚLJĨŽƌ ǁŽŵĞŶĂŶĚŐŝƌůƐƚŚƌŽƵŐŚĂĚǀŽĐĂĐLJ͕ĞĚƵĐĂƚŝŽŶ͕ƉŚŝůĂŶƚŚƌŽƉLJĂŶĚƌĞƐĞĂƌĐŚ͘͟

dŚĞŵĂŝŶƚŽƉŝĐŽĨ>ŝƐĂ͛ƐĚŝƐĐƵƐƐŝŽŶǁĂƐƚŚĞWĂLJĐŚĞĐŬ&ĂŝƌŶĞƐƐĐƚ;^-3772). I hope you all were inspired to act by the recent email notice inviting you all to contact our senators, ĂƌďĂƌĂŽdžĞƌĂŶĚŝĂŶŶĞ&ĞŝŶƐƚĞŝŶ͘dŚŝƐďŝůůŚĂƐďĞĞŶ͞ŝŶƚŚĞǁŽƌŬƐ͟ĨŽƌƚĞŶLJĞĂƌƐĂŶĚĚĂƚĞƐ back to 1913, when AAUW worked on pay equity realizing that educational equality did not guarantee equality in the workforce. It took 20 years for the Equal Pay Act to be signed in 1963 (also with the help of AAUW).

It is known that with the mid-term election the Republicans added over 60 seats in the House but the Senate stayed at about the same ratio (53 Democrats:47 Republicans). The ĐŝƚLJŝƐŝŶƚƌĂŶƐŝƚŝŽŶĂŶĚŵĂŶLJƉĞŽƉůĞĂƌĞďĞŝŶŐ͞ŚŝƌĞĚ͟ĂŶĚ͞ĨŝƌĞĚ͘͟>ŝƐĂƌĞƉŽƌƚĞĚƚŚĂƚƚŚĞ Senate Lame Duck session will be focusing on three issues: energy, paycheck fairness and food safety. The House most likely will focus on taxes, unemployment insurance and defense.

Ms. Maatz is a strong supporter and advocate of AAUW. She reminds us that our members are persistent and speak with a collective voice. For 130 years AAUW has been working for and willing to wait for change that is needed. Our concerns are addressed by Republicans and Democrats and this is a good time to be in AAUW.

Morning Book

Morning Book's next meeting will be February 28, when we will discuss Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet by Jamie Ford. Best wishes for a happy holiday season to everyone. Janice Geiger, chair

La Cuisine Members and substitutes, please save the date of January 22, for our "night out" dinner. This year it will be at our own Uptown Vintage Cafe for easy travel and with parking nearby in the Chase Bank parking lot. They can accommodate about forty of us, the usual annual amount of diners, so make your reservations early. The menu and other instructions will be sent by e-mail in early January, or call me. Carol Shupek, chair 562-945-4931.



newsletter. January the in information more be will There

Rabbit! Peter friend real her about tales her to Listen

4! January by reservation your make to sure be and date the Save meeting.

The Beatrix Potter program portrayed by Judith Helton is coming January 8 to the Branch Branch the to 8 January coming is Helton Judith by portrayed program Potter Beatrix The

Coming! is Potter Beatrix

Joyce Paul, 909 Paul, Joyce [email protected] or 1202 - 620 -

[email protected] or 7427 - 697 - 562 Bridges, Sandy

6867 - 698 - 562 Rawlinson, Yvette

at: us contact may You

each of you is enjoying your membership in AAUW. AAUW. in membership your enjoying is you of each

sections and activities. We want to get to know our new members and ensure that that ensure and members new our know to get to want We activities. and sections

identify you as a new member and introduce themselves and invite you to the various various the to you invite and themselves introduce and member new a as you identify

Your name tag will be yours to keep. They are designed so that other members can can members other that so designed are They keep. to yours be will tag name Your

Walters. Please be sure to get your new member name tag at the Christmas meeting. meeting. Christmas the at tag name member new your get to sure be Please Walters.


you can ask a friend to get it for you. you. for it get to friend a ask can you

them out for the last time that day. We will send your directory to you for a $2 fee or or fee $2 a for you to directory your send will We day. that time last the for out them

Last chance to get your directory is at the Christmas luncheon. We will be passing passing be will We luncheon. Christmas the at is directory your get to chance Last

make an effort to reach that goal. We are so close. so are We goal. that reach to effort an make

encourage someone to join the group. We are so close so are We group. the join to someone encourage RQO\ILYHWRJR/HW¶VDOO ---

tion. Additionally, inviting a guest to the Christmas lunch and program might might program and lunch Christmas the to guest a inviting Additionally, tion.

them. Perhaps a call from you would remind or prompt them to send in the applica- the in send to them prompt or remind would you from call a Perhaps them.

have had interested friends who have been given applications but have not returned returned not have but applications given been have who friends interested had have

members by the end of December. Please help to make this happen. Several of you you of Several happen. this make to help Please December. of end the by members

We now have a total of 145 members. Our goal is 150. We hope to add five more more five add to hope We 150. is goal Our members. 145 of total a have now We


. We are delighted to add her to our group. Welcome, Welcome, group. our to her add to delighted are We . [email protected]

mail is: is: mail - e and 6389 - 447 - 562 (C) 4269, - 947 - 562 (H) are numbers

Nichols. Her address is 1571 B Lindskog Dr., Whittier, CA 90603. Her telephone telephone Her 90603. CA Whittier, Dr., Lindskog B 1571 is address Her Nichols.

We have another new member. Her name is Patricia Dudley. Her sponsor is Barbara Barbara is sponsor Her Dudley. Patricia is name Her member. new another have We

Membership Membership Joyce Paul, Yvette Rawlinson, and Sandy Bridges Sandy and Rawlinson, Yvette Paul, Joyce

Garden Section

We know there are AAUW members who like to garden. Some new members have joined us. Last month we took a field trip to Rogers Gardens in Corona Del Mar.

On Tuesday, December 7, we will have a potluck luncheon at the home of Marion Locke, 15555 La Monde Street in Hacienda Heights. Meet at 11:30 AM and lunch is at 12 Noon.

RSVP to Marian, 626-336-3430 with what you are bringing.

Directions: From Hacienda Blvd., turn left (west) on Tetley Dr. and right (north) on Joan Dr. The house is on the corner of a cul-de-sac.

This will be a planning meeting for our activities for next year. Please consider joining us on the first Tuesday of each month. Everyone is welcome.

For more information contact: Barbara Gile, 562 693-7279 [email protected]



9 AM Meet in the parking lot off Lambert Rd. Lambert off lot parking the in Meet AM 9

Parnell Park Park Parnell Thursday 30

There is enough exercise getting ready for the holidays holidays the for ready getting exercise enough is There

Walking No Thursday 23


9 AM Meet at Central Park on Washington Ave. and Park Park and Ave. Washington on Park Central at Meet AM 9

Decorations Holiday - Neighborhood Uptown Thursday 16

9 AM. Park on Beverly Dr., East of Norwalk Blvd. Norwalk of East Dr., Beverly on Park AM. 9

Lou Henry Fountain, Beverly Blvd. Blvd. Beverly Fountain, Henry Lou Thursday 09

9 AM Park on Mills Avenue near Lambert Rd. Lambert near Avenue Mills on Park AM 9

Greenway Walking Trail Trail Walking Greenway Thursday 02 Mills/Lambert -

December Walkers,

Gile Barbara by Submitted

heartfelt thanks to the events committee, students and graduates of 1960. of graduates and students committee, events the to thanks heartfelt


was the obvious respect and affection shown by my former students. That That students. former my by shown affection and respect obvious the was


way or another. Unequivocally, this event was outstanding in her memory. memory. her in outstanding was event this Unequivocally, another. or way

functions involving schools and colleges, and most have been beneficial in one one in beneficial been have most and colleges, and schools involving functions

warmth and caring. As a longtime educator, Colleen has experienced her share of of share her experienced has Colleen educator, longtime a As caring. and warmth

sensitivity, humor and charm. The color all around created an atmosphere of of atmosphere an created around all color The charm. and humor sensitivity,

As she met with her former students they greeted her with dignity, class, great great class, dignity, with her greeted they students former her with met she As

expect. to what know not did Colleen member.

reunion celebration at the Radisson Hotel. Colleen Tan was invited as its faculty faculty its as invited was Tan Colleen Hotel. Radisson the at celebration reunion

On September 16, 2010, Whittier High School class of 1960 held its fiftieth fiftieth its held 1960 of class School High Whittier 2010, 16, September On

Reunion School High Whittier



Thursday 2 9 AM Section - Walkers - Greenway Walking Trail Mills/Lambert

Friday 3 6-8 PM First Friday - 'ǁĞŶtŽŝƌŚĂLJĞ͛ƐŚŽŵĞ

Tuesday 7 12 noon Section - Garden - Potluck - Marian Locke

7 7 PM Whittier Branch Board meeting @ St. Matthias tĞĚŶĞƐĚĂLJϴϲWDWWW͕Z/WŚƌŝƐƚŵĂƐĚŝŶŶĞƌ͕'ǁĞŶtŽŝƌŚĂLJĞ͛ƐŚŽŵĞ

Thursday 9 9 AM SectionͶ WalkersͶLou Henry Fountain

Beverly/Norwalk Blvd.

7 PM Annual Candlelight Walk

College Heights Historic District

Saturday 11 11 AM Whittier Branch Holiday Luncheon/Boutique

California Country Club

Wednesday 15 Midnight Deadline for January newsletter

Thursday 16 9 AM SectionͶ WalkersͶUptown Central Park

Saturday 18 4:30 PM Discover ʹ Festival of Lights, Mission Inn, Riverside Contact Nancy Kindness

Friday 24 Christmas Eve

Saturday 25 Christmas Day

Thursday 30 9 AM Section-Walkers - Parnell Park

Friday 31 New Years Eve



change. effect to together working

To further its objectives AAUW has established the Women's Network for Change, a coalition of organizations organizations of coalition a Change, for Network Women's the established has AAUW objectives its further To

based health care, civil rights and responsible funding for public education. public for funding responsible and rights civil care, health based -

legislation on educational equity and diversity in public schools, pay equity, reproductive choice, childcare, school childcare, choice, reproductive equity, pay schools, public in diversity and equity educational on legislation

AAUW also encourages women to become involved at every level of the political process. We actively support support actively We process. political the of level every at involved become to women encourages also AAUW

education and discussion on topics of equity, discrimination and tenure at California universities and colleges. and universities California at tenure and discrimination equity, of topics on discussion and education

campus outreach programs, a resource library, online advocacy tools and various research report opportunities for for opportunities report research various and tools advocacy online library, resource a programs, outreach campus

This arm of AAUW combats sex discrimination in higher education and the workplace through community and and community through workplace the and education higher in discrimination sex combats AAUW of arm This

Fund. AAUW the of part now is (LAF) Fund Advocacy Legal AAUW

and Girls in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. and Engineering Technology, Science, in Girls and

Why So Few? Women Women Few? So Why is research published latest The Education. in Equity Gender About Facts The Are: Girls

Where the the Where report 2008 publicized widely the as such research edge - cutting in engaged now is FUND AAUW The

Forums and Roundtables Symposia, *

Awards Special *

Grants and Fellowships *

detrimental to women's health. It funds: It health. women's to detrimental

globe, local teachers and activists. Its first research project in 1885 dispelled the notion that higher education is is education higher that notion the dispelled 1885 in project research first Its activists. and teachers local globe,

AAUW FUND (formerly known as the Educational Foundation ) ) Foundation Educational the as known (formerly FUND AAUW The supports women scholars around the the around scholars women supports

large. - at - members

most active and diverse organization for women with 14,000 members in more than 150 branches, plus 6,000 6,000 plus branches, 150 than more in members 14,000 with women for organization diverse and active most

AAUW California was launched in San Francisco in 1886 and began lobbying immediately. It remains the state's state's the remains It immediately. lobbying began and 1886 in Francisco San in launched was California AAUW

tion, national origin and level of physical ability are invited to join. to invited are ability physical of level and origin national tion,

and girls through advocacy, education, philanthropy and research. People of every race, creed, age, sexual orienta- sexual age, creed, race, every of People research. and philanthropy education, advocacy, through girls and

advocating equity for women and girls. Its national membership of 100,000 seeks to advance equity for women women for equity advance to seeks 100,000 of membership national Its girls. and women for equity advocating

The American Association of University Women (AAUW), founded in 1881, is the nation's leading organization organization leading nation's the is 1881, in founded (AAUW), Women University of Association American The

education, philanthropy and research. and philanthropy education, advocacy,

AAUW advances equity for women and girls through through girls and women for equity advances AAUW STATEMENT: MISSION

AAUW About



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