CONGRESSIONAL RECORD— Extensions of Remarks E910 HON
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E910 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 25, 2018 to reconstitute the membership of the Com- was part of the 535th Anti-Aircraft Artillery from 2003 to 2006. There he led the national mission through local legislation. Automatic Weapons Battalion. The unit was programs for Public Engagement, Congres- This is an important step to increase home based and trained at Camp Hahn, California, sional and Legislative Affairs, and the office of rule for the District, and I urge my colleagues which is now the location of the Riverside Na- Native American Liaison. to support this bill. tional Cemetery. The 535th landed on the Tom has also conducted substantive con- f beach during the invasion at Normandy on D- servation for the Service while he was Assist- Day, June 6,1944, fought throughout France ant Director for Migratory Birds and State Pro- HONORING THE MEMORY OF MAS- and Belgium, including at the Battle of the grams. In this role he acted as the Service’s TER SERGEANT GARY GORDON Bulge and were eventually part of the Victory representative on issues regarding the man- in Europe on May 8, 1945. We are forever in- agement and conservation of migratory birds HON. BRUCE POLIQUIN debted to Mike, who helped liberate Europe and the implementation of the North American OF MAINE from tyranny. Waterfowl Management Plan and wetlands IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Survived by his wife of 69 years, Mike cher- programs. In 2014, Tom was named one of four U.S. Monday, June 25, 2018 ished spending time with his family, which in- cluded five children, 12 grandchildren, 25 Commissioners on the Great Lakes Fishery Mr. POLIQUIN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to great grandchildren, and 13 great-great grand- Commission and advised the sea lamprey commemorate this year’s 25th Anniversary of children. Mike worked 32 years for Rockwell/ control program, which became one of the the death of Master Sergeant Gary Gordon, Boeing as a Quality Assurance Inspector and most successful invasive species programs in U.S. Army Special Forces. Engineer, contributing to many projects includ- the history of international conservation. His MSG Gary Gordon was an extraordinary ing Apollo Missions 3 through 17, B1 Bomber, efforts in guiding this program directly im- man and soldier, serving as Sniper Team MX missiles, three space shuttles and proved the health of the vast habitat and eco- Leader, United States Army Special Oper- Navstar, the first satellite navigation system. system that is the Great Lakes. In turn, he en- ations Command with Task Force Ranger in Mike was a member of the Free Masons for sured that the lakes would remain healthy and the Battle of Mogadishu. He went above and over 50 years and an active adult leader with true to their natural characteristics well into the beyond the call of duty on October 3, 1993 in his children’s various organizations, sports and future. Mogadishu, Somalia, giving his own life to activities. When Mike retired in Las Vegas, he Before joining the U.S. Fish and Wildlife save another. taught western line-dancing at senior centers Service, Tom served as a staff member on Since MSG Gary Gordon’s heroic death in for 25 years and supported community events Capitol Hill, rising to a senior position on the 1993, his beloved family, the Town of Lincoln, for children with intellectual disabilities at the U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, and our Great State of Maine have never for- Professional Bull Riders Finals until he was 91 Science, and Transportation, where he crafted gotten his service and sacrifice. It has become years old. policy for fishery management with the Na- tradition for the people of Lincoln, Maine to I extend my heartfelt condolences to the tional Marine Fisheries Service and the U.S. pause and honor MSG Gordon, their home- Johnsen family, his friends, and everyone for- Coast Guard; and for coastal programs with town hero, each and every year. tunate enough to know Mike. Although Mike the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Admin- This year, on June 30, 2018, we will pay may be gone, the many contributions he made istration. He also advised the Committee on tribute to his life with MSG Gary Gordon Day, to his country, community and family will have international conservation matters involving including a 5k run and walk and a yard sale a lasting impact. wildlife trade, marine mammals and endan- gered species. His thorough understanding of fundraiser to erect his memorial statue in The f Town of Lincoln’s Veterans Park. The memo- the legislative process has likely played a sig- rial will feature MSG Gordon’s Medal of Honor HONORING THE CAREER OF TOM nificant role in his ability to be an incredibly ef- citation, as well as a plaque with the names of MELIUS, MIDWEST REGIONAL DI- fective leader at U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv- all the American soldiers killed in 1993 in So- RECTOR OF THE UNITED STATES ice. malia. FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Tom Melius’ career is exemplary of the im- Today, the legacy of Master Sergeant Gary pact that committed federal employees have Gordon and his selfless sacrifice lives on in HON. BETTY McCOLLUM on their work and the people who they serve. Mr. Speaker, please join me in celebrating the the Town of Lincoln. We are so proud that this OF MINNESOTA exceptional career of Tom Melius, a champion man lived, and hailed from the heart of our IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Great State of Maine. I am humbled and hon- for the environment and the women and men Monday, June 25, 2018 ored to serve in the United States Congress of the United States Fish and Wildlife Service. on behalf of the Gordon family and the resi- Ms. MCCOLLUM. Mr. Speaker, I rise today f to honor Tom Melius on the occasion of his dents of Lincoln, Maine, who are always look- IN MEMORY OF JOHN J. ‘‘JACK’’ retirement from the United States Fish and ing to honor the memory our brave heroes like TIFFANY II MSG Gary Gordon. Wildlife Service after nine years as the Mid- Mr. Speaker and distinguished colleagues, west Regional Director. For more than 30 please join me in recognizing the 25th Anni- years of distinguished Federal service, Tom HON. JOE COURTNEY OF CONNECTICUT versary of the death of Master Sergeant Gary has been a leader who is always focused on IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Gordon, and in assuring his family, friends, the Service’s mission to conserve, protect, and and community that he will never be forgotten. enhance fish, wildlife, plants, and their habitats Monday, June 25, 2018 f for the continuing benefit of the American peo- Mr. COURTNEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today ple. to commemorate the life of my friend, Con- TRIBUTE TO MYLO ‘‘MIKE’’ As the Director of the Midwestern Region of necticut state representative and lifelong dairy JOHNSEN the USFWS, Tom skillfully oversaw more than farmer, Mr. Jack Tiffany. We lost Jack this 1,000 people based at eight field offices, and past February, and I’d like to take a moment HON. KEN CALVERT an area encompassing 1.5 million acres of to reflect on the life of this dedicated public OF CALIFORNIA land in Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin, Illinois, In- servant, who spent thirty years representing IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES diana, Michigan, Missouri and Ohio. Tom also the 36th district of Connecticut. led the national effort to protect the monarch John J. Tiffany II, or ‘‘Jack’’ as we knew Monday, June 25, 2018 butterfly: the state insect of Minnesota and him, was a native of Lyme, Connecticut. The Mr. CALVERT. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to synonymous with the imagery of the great valedictorian of the Old Lyme High School honor and pay tribute to Mylo ‘‘Mike’’ Johnsen, plains throughout the Midwest. Under his class of 1950 went on to earn a Bachelor of who passed away in California on Thursday, stewardship, the program became a national Science in dairy production at the University of April 26, 2018. Mike, a devoted family man, model for other pollinator and wildlife con- Connecticut. He then served his country in the served his nation in World War II, and volun- servation programs. Army Corps of Engineers before finally settling teered with senior and youth organizations in Prior to his posting in the Midwest Region, into his life as a dairy farmer, a tradition he his community. He will be deeply missed. Tom oversaw the vast and rugged terrain of carried on like the seven generations of Tif- According to his family, Mike was the last the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Alaska re- fanys that came before him. known living soldier of his World War II Army gion and served as Assistant Director for Ex- Jack got his start in local politics when he Battalion. He spent four years in the Army and ternal Affairs in the Washington, D.C., Office was elected to the Lyme Board of Selectman. 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