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7-26-1914 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 07-26-1914 Journal Publishing Company

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TIIIHTY.SIXT1I YEAR. TWELVE PAGES. ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, SUNDAY, JULY 26, 1914, SECTION ONE Pages 1 to 8. tally by Carrier or Mall, to ou t xx.wm. So. an. Month, Single topic, 6a

on fen Bnd restaurants are pluluK pat- HERESY CHARGES TO fully roallX" that from this point of NO WHITE SLAVERY riotic airs to crowded table. CHALLFFJGE TO Uew my scruples are excessive. WAR5EEMSSURE Newspaper extras, sent out In rupid BE PASSED ON SOON ."When .1 man is unhapp) at home IN GERMANY, CLAIM OFFICIALS ARE succession, are lorn from the hands and he has outside a delicious aft' of the dimrlbutors und the streets are Hon that naturally leads upon him. cm noted with discarded sheets. "nin jouhnal incut iiasio wmci those who have made him unhappy is i could scarcely on .on, juiy .a. i lie neresy have lliems"lvr to leproii' h, Heilin, Jiny 25. There is no sin li The elithuslasill L sense BETWEEN SERVIA greater if It were Gciniuny'a own warjof some months ago, known tta the EfJLIIEIS s plcmber Morn ualii. thiiiK is white sli'Veiv, !n tli,. CONFIDENT TiftT Klkiiyu Is employ- which was about to b. Kin. controversy," I, to be re 'However that may be, events hap- in whit h tho term usually - ter-- 1 in (be past two Hi" newspa-- el ,e, at t ho meeting here of t he cen- pened :n September thou saidst to me ed, nciul'dlUK Kopl", of the das , n appeared ... v..... i - - . iiubltc. 'triti collsnltlve lmtlv of the Anglican oil that sublcct: 'Thou hifH beei, police department, who '( ill 11 ihe i"nr 1 HIM t he as In prosecu- contingency, an I most of the ;'hurch. It was to body that weak. Thou slum hist have closed ttiv an expert witness the for this utrchliishup t ti PROCEEDINGS III td of churi'cd AUSTRIA l demonstrators apparently realize that ol Canterbury iff ei red door to the lupine and made use tion Samuel l.tibelskl. MEXICO Ichargoa brought by bishop of Zan-Ixlh- (hut favorable opportunity.' with decoy in Kil ls over the Itus-oa- 10 hostilitl'ii along the I M nu be might be the and Herman tiKiilnst Ihe missionary bishops "I'lidoiibledly the altitude thou sua. border and s ntllUK them to resorts In preliminarv to Russian Uif 1'gindn Africa, have Sculli otht r cllles. mobilir.aliotis. and Mombasa for Resteat could been taken tUl( Amerltan anil In. .v. arim!titMfiriiitr to non- - levltimatelv, bill thou two Kopp said A bout communion toiettest CAILLAUX L IhiiiKS first, that It wol.ld have been '"I lo re Is u wblely held Impression IS AT All END DAYS I NEXT FEW i red before he Austrian Kills, b.v of Servia to The controversy Is largely one of Ti well known she ,n lu.mred In her In the public that innottnt whin news of the refusal placed In ...... t ,.U ....flu church ilistlphne, but involves the ami thai we had all to fear toice or trickery, are houses net epi tne terms laid down o.v high, III Aus-- t serious question of and low from the fury of a woman who felt of reputm und hebl there auainst known. They cheered I became songs. church. Thu low churchmen defend her sltuatliiii K"ne and who had not heir win. An a mutter of fact, a c"e riti 1 tiriMxty und sang patriotic on the African bishops In holding service When yet ha, to lecom lie herself to of that na'uie has never oniirretl. Villa The Austrian ambassador appeared Defendant Swoons Love t - and Cananza Seem to Diplomatic Relations Are Bro- those with mid giving communion to mem- 'that idea. The second thinu thou for i:ven the various Ions oikii- tho balcony and warmly thanked bers of the Presbyterian, Methodist laettest Is that my electoral posltlon ll.'.ed to prevent white slavery, have up gathered below. Letters Are Read, and Jur- was easy to time, to point Hae Buiied Their Differ ken Off and Mobilization oc- and other setts, since was so In speak, lost It bi this never been n'de Another similar demoiistrallon they iook forward to amalgamating .me to convince myself of that by con-- j to a single of this kind." through Prepare Combat on j ences and Negotia- curred In Wilhelmstrasse with li 1st M ists for I yesterday In niv coil-- I 1 r. Kopp that the teitl-- Peace of Armies of Contending inarched these bodies. Hut the veoatious bud declared which smne thousand men church party g.iys that sinji commu- stlt uellt v ." loony iiKauist l.tibelskl most be welvh-- i Field - tions Aie Under singing "Die Wa. ht Am Rhcin." nion is Impossible because, of difler-ence- s M. t'aillaux then continues tt ilis- ed in the liiiht of the general public's Way, Nations Has Begun, with - The streets of Berlin are filled In dot trine and therefore stands cuss various attltiideM he could adopt einwieous t tint ept Ions, wbb h had un- excited crowds an I everywhere Is In the way of a union of the Church toward oblalnlnK a divorce and snvs; tiuesllntiably Intluencetl the witnesses t of j 1 heard talk of liermany'a chances of England with the Creek and Ro-ma- n "Thou will sav that nm b'stna a iiKaliist Hi,, ilefeiitlant. There Were, SENSATIONS FOLLOW I CEPEDA TO CONFER WITH WHOLE OF EUROPE IS becoming Involved. Catholics In a simile Christian precious opporlunltv and that liub ed. uK. nts who secured modest The rrowds in tile tenter of the city church. .have a friuhtful winttf. All that Is ci'iiiini'Miinn I, v plat hit; women of I" ON EACH OTHER'S HEELS FIRST CHIEF AT STIRRED TO DEPTHS steudilv Increased us the news pene The consiiltlve body will place It true but It falls to take Into account repute in r.sniis, but this was the ONCE trated the residential districts ami fmillnus with the archbishop, as niv lcKltimate political amiiiuons ami sole fuiiiiilntlon for the tleluslon i; which sent their quotas of VlltH llf i;,u!anj who will pronounce what la nint h my duty toward the existence of a while slave men and women, colleisns and hih judKiu' tit later, mv pal ty ami my frientls. trad". j . Meeting Between Judges Is promt-- . If Agreement and school youths to Join the thrcnn in . - "Let me explain that my parly has Nearly a year nun another Satisfactory to Probability That Germany e. I nter Hen landen and Krledrlch-strass- made nie what I am. I owe it as the neiit criminal uuthoilty of lietmaiiy or- HARRISON ASKED TO Contingent on Decision of to ! to of fore-- 1 United States Is Reached Will In- Parades were constantly Inniest man thou knowcsl me ilecl.uiii thai not one case the Russia Become K H I ganized un l proceeded to the Austrian fn'ht 'or It next year In the fullest ilile tleteiii lou of an linw illlna in PUT DOWN DANCE HALL of Justice to w ja l Recognition of New Go em- Up embassy, the foreign office and other Minister as of my atrennth It ill be the last lir,.li, hail ever been established volved Opens Prospect s- - 1 us points of Interest, i a ill HUM! ill. tier tlie old mmihr in neiiiiany. nere was a noi oi Wliether They May Fight. " protest led by the Will Be Extended. World-wid- n't lock at the vari- y MossiNa jousnal fstrimi. item." ihe slatement, inent of e Struggle. la nibt wish vv ous detm hments conversed In I'nter Chlciixu, July "5. Petitlona At. Calllaux then considers nether i.ruu n 1..1 Ioiih enuiscd In fiKht'iiR the palio e, and a to revoke ;he will be injured In h:s district by alien' I evil. The expert aii-v- v t i. tl Den Linden, near the Mavor Harrison says by proof of a loiiK I nan, 'his difflcultb s with his wile but Invltimt them to submit ISf MOSNIN4 JOUNNAt LIARCD ureal procession, half mile the license i'l rleoerRK nance in kohnim jemetui ,n ' tSICIAL Wm IMt MOSNINO LKAItO iricai iiho one, even servants, a case of kind. They have not ct JOURNAL tPIC'AL WISH and fifteen or einhteen a ureasi jprmed Ih t ub of organized vice in Paris, July Uo. .Madame Henriette that no not the ihe WiisIiiukIou. July Not only London, i'5. war definitely. He con-,do- so. July The darkest across! K(nuh t will be Calllaux, whose the knows anvihim; Koveiument officials, but -i marched thrnuKh that avenue tin. sine levee distrit trial for klllini? of 1 represent, i loud which has appeared on the flie TierRiirten to the Austrinn em- - circulated amoiiK the churches lo - iaston t'lilmette has provitled many Mlnues: j t iv out here of all Mexican factions, horizon wince Germany sent - beV expressed bassy, stopped a moment for lroni- (morrow and about the city In Reneral jthrills for Pai ls, fttlnted while i ,.german tonight more confidence warships to Agadir in was population tliitii l!tll hus arisen cal cnecrs ueiole the Husslaii n nd durlmt the week. The movement husband s love letters, written to her ..kt; ever before, that peace ul last within forty-eig- hours. French embassit in front of w no n iorlninatej i,y the woman s t uy n"" tirfurf his divorce from Ma lame SHOWS FAIR INCREASE wat In siiihl in Mexico, The Servian government tins refusej bodies of police had Ratheled, Ravel which has arranRed to iiisumiue tvt ('iieydan were read In court today. j Kelittloiis between (ieneials I'ar-jran.- d i irr: to comply - 1111,1 r.t- fur It If: with Austria's demands, the lusty hurrahs while passlnR tne siai- enti uiousanti peviiioiia. Shi recovered afttr an hour - "If we hail the couraiie ami Villa were pronounced as most humiliating ever asked of an In- iti..n..f,.i xi.i like and lloon in The petition asserts that evltlence ;thntmh In the dock Ihe remainder of we had the confitlence 111 ourselves m hihwhi joumu ikcih iihid shii jlrlemliv by Fell, it,,,. Vllhireal. suli- - tl which I have abso-- ! Hei lin July 25. Kent's that the of m dependent nation, tor the expatiation and itssem-Isalli- proves the dance nan int (hP Htt seemed scarcely i tuiscions ami In our love secrelMlv Ihe ttcasuiy the !in of the roiohstavt 'y' 11 front ; see h 'time Is rapidly win the w of the Sarayevo murders for which i,..fore Hut embassy most noturioua and deliant onentiei .!,. vv as Rotm; on. . hiielv we would not eai other approai hltiR novel iimeiit, ho arrlv-- i :i...i Austrian - AiiHtri:i hohlH conspira- of the law." anil bv- eloHinic It til" for inoiilhs. I do not propose so rati - population of neiiiiany, like that 01 ed here today, lie declared ('.choral icheerliiK for Kmpetor Ki am is Joseph The evidence, after the love letters, ' cies In . Stinginir blow to. ileal H solullon because we should Kl an, e, will become statioliarv or i 'arr.irixa now pavlmt the Waifes Servia responsible and for ,.,...i vviiiiii..! itml slnaina thelmayor "will deal u.,andered off Into ?.. upaions bv sur- - - In Twenty- - '. au(Ter too mut 11. Hut repeat even ro hack, neen iiissipateti of Villa's men supplyliiR biin guarantees of future good behavior. icomm rclallitrd vice the w M. ..both have and itlerman and Austrian anthen.s. Reims as to hether 1'alnictte could 111 t vv it h . , At 5:50 o'clock tonight when the ...... la 1 KPi'llll.1 Klt,et fllMlrlct. that Infinite prudence is necessary. A. for the present by an estimate the n n an aunty crown have been sav'ed by an hnniediate op- - - - utter wilt say. Per- latest year book of the Imperial lier- j "Within past said ultimatum expired embassy witn I'aoi.iin Michael J. Ityali. recently era metllocre soliitloii thou the I'ortnlulil." loulside the Kussian Twenty-Secon- d lion. I not easy man office, pattinR the pop. ViII.ii'i hI, the Servian premier handed to the Uua-:sii- i; transferred from Ihe halts so. mV Hl'l. hut statistical Mr "tieneral t'arraiixa tent j shouts of "dow n with A Austrian at Belgrade, Scrviu's continuous ,.o..t nohee station, turned In his remarkable feature of the pro In ariuiiKe when one must take animation of the empire at tne tiiii 01 ;,iiiiii,tiitii posos to tieneral Villa and minister with hurrah for t sev- down Servia: uia,- civil is the quarrel which has many Into consideration anil the first hull of at i,m ..ihiii. iieiheied 1,1 ium representative ill reply. The minister immediately w uit.r the service thincs 1H - t I ' , ar." ,1 !,, nnnoiinceil fharttes Of ltlel 1 , H tseii Dt'iu ren tie piesiillllR JUURf OT one to Which I noin uoove all the This compare,, with fiii.UXLOan In the Tampli ,iiilii,niHi rounds of itininu- - ered diplomatic relations nnd Blurted The imperial chancellor, Mr. Von for home. ,.i,.,... n..i'.. he filed nuainst him ithe court, lamia Albanet, ami .In. We renulation of a woman our adores. previous vear ami shows an increase inltmn." IHethmann HoIIwck, returned to Heilin Louis iJagoury, one j as was re - Smut In The lie mve as the reason lor of the three other "Thou knowest will, my dear love praclically the same sl.e doubt has been expressed contents of the note have not jtnnlRht. The liKhted wlndovva of the t - t 1HH, and exceed - border his reslunatlon but said privatt iy nai juukps situni,- on ine tiencn witn mm, that 1 love thee above all anil heyontl orded from l!in to tports over the fact that been reealed, but the Servian lega- palace, foreign ininis-Ite- r -- 4L- - f jt hancellor's the us a or ti a 10 u H Is with thee linu the nam from 1H11 to l!U2 by aueiils ilia we're purchasiiiR am in it ac- he was "the Rout. result wnii enniieiiRn fcti happiness tion London understands that of the general 1 and the officers tluel has been sent by JinWe Albanet I wait It that hope for It munition fur Mm cepted some of Austria's conditions were :that I staff showed lhat preparations to his colleiiKUe. Spectators and law- - I only Its realization. j t'liuipaiisiina Ri'owih of the Local constitutionalists aald Villa's rejected others. Apparently Aus- FOR lhat live for with the and 'KlnV on for all evctalt,es. FINANCIAL EXPERT .vers ser.ed upon this a a toothsome Move vvlih all my heart. population In France Rive striking representatives a well as iiaents of tria was resolved to have 111'.' whole In eli- thee the The impression diplomatic morsel, diffeiinR In all respeits from No Scandal Before May. IfiRiires. In is?'.', follow Ini; the other division commanders, bill pal I or nothing. Wt Kuropean situa- - DOMINICAN REPUBLIC;; shipped to cits here that the sensational offciiniis of the u . .,, i ,,iv rrnnco-- t lei inaii war, had arms directly ihe various Itus-i- All P. l.aier What Will a In? jtion is the Riavest since 170. (trial. .'. ... tl'vnuuhta. population of about :iii.iuMi,iMHi only forces, but that Kcneral authority Petersburg and land a'...... t,r.. mv The vital to Europe In M Vts (ire turned to St. IMlSI) I XV ti-- ar In '"tin sanctum tor the purchase came itustion 1ST MDSSINQ JOUSNAL SPBCIAL LHIIO rlOri llllll (I)' lll ll 1SOII. I wish to make aiisoluteiy y, ,. ;.,'. mil rcs-eu- e oplimistic there - What from tieneral C.ti ranr.a. whether Russia will come to the leven amonR the most j sue nan iu,,o ,,....,,.... and tho! WashinRton, July .5. appoiui t'repariitiona for the duel, however, i the necessity ili'il thee., shit lie c'f, none, lis war will be . i ... t ...... i ..... - nepai toil in otllelals IlKewise of lor little Slav brother. Involv- no confidence lhat .... .'. i n.w,..iui .vi,..itit .i...- .' . Inuinber has declined since then. Inn. meni oi an .v oit-- o n " tier n ii iii ii i in- iii'iii. no scantiai oei ore tuu.-n- o. ti, i . i v in,, . ,...t ing the other powers and making of Inverted. French residents who are in imr miiieoueo vi,it,in,.i ,i :.,.,r -- o!m : f,":";(i ":: : h,K ,,,,. the war n struggle close touch with the embassy are ma !" th". , ..!"" ...... jz ,ban,oo; n hr,,,,.., dread of Slav v ...... i i ...... III ' I' t im iii. 'i in ' tin tj imi,i mn,i . t IW ll l'M ninini ... pointed against . preparations to return to France 1 'ii 'ti "ii'iiiii - t ,ei many ol al I'arraii.a nnil all advices TtutnJt tor Kuropean siiprem-acy- ilnR expect.-t- l to remove the most threaten-- The two Bat aide hv side.; I mi re thee, at the pru- increase for .i..t" fRht Judaea .r. to a friendly IccIIhr hclw cell the two for possible service. i...... u ..( ,. uitiiiilior. which has; ,.i,i .1,1.,,. ... ,..i, ..,, ., i. i ,.h I -- hull Hk thee' The tremendous increase of Hussl.l I chiefs, Reports from Hamburg tell the - j entente from btiliiK Reports froia St. Petersburg suy uromlNltig to force armed Inter j can injure our love but i"".y;;" .,'V' - been v nothlnK that '.'' - j All const it ul loiat list troops he- .., . . . fnlverslt pm I H ll by ti are Russhjiii iH jsume story of patriotic demonstra- ..., lit' th..... n n, Ml Mt OS. . . i ..i... ii ....i, ih..n u tif it tit fl nV'U numbers ihe that the army mobilizing, uir . i . , , lm; til Jitnn, 'itnuifu itiiiflliri linmir u ui - (. . . l ,u, supplied with ammunition to be but It In to be Rus- tions. of ndlanauo- - , . ifices which wil wn.b e me o a .m. Tcniemhcred that ...... a..., , Horbert M. Johnson, ,X(,ltl(,u whn h(? r,.flMcll take ",;," ,,'; be In readiness for counter rcvolu- - pa Aua-tri- a Information ,i,J - Vit sia muhllircd several cor when toRether, nny eoierneto ie. iiiei,it;iii ,.. 'from a quarter in the confidence of d by Uomlnlcan '( , , , ..... trial "''"1''"'1"" llrltaln and France nnii"'"" annexed Romiia und the German Istates and aciepu-- the h ,U( c n b Mp. love. in S.-;t- h, paclficutlon ol Mexico, ; embassy at SI. Petersburg . imrlfjed by discipline we Austria Hiid Italy add roundly Hteppln-j- to the Hide of hi. the tierman .ai,ii,. t,. aci independently of the ... . ., .c ahull be the liraieillan win, Hy sn!, li t'liues thut the i'iisl desire to-- eUl am 'Impoaei on ourselves, 000.(100 to this number. Ihe Rieat; from the minister waa "'in aimor," t American collector of custom )ronli,SHl n', t0 reVeal. This person however, brliiRS is caring ror Ihe or tho put on tne ttintroveisy Ihrounh Jiplomati of island1..., , ...... The second letter, which was six nooiilatloii of Kushia. Interests a veto Russian Intervention. l..n.,r. ih finances the strength the triple en- Ptiltetl States came word that Pro- Servia are mobil- means i is Kiving place to a decided war ..,,,,.. . Iteeli pages in IciiRth, said: the total of Austria and both U"i tim to 253,000.000, imalnst 162,000,-00- 0 visional President I'nrbajtil had ex- - dis- spirit n wt inMivTenee tnar i',o t':iriiL oe , miinncnmpnt " - i lust tente izing but thu Hilt nee of till the ti'i.i. oinciais "Mv lie oveti. i. if inn. " 111. r,.... .'Ktt .,,l,,,.u,A a,,.,., o a..A t.,.,1 . o for triple nllame. pressed a desire to reach an agree- patches on the subject of military supported In every way. believe the country will be aide to "Tu ; ,7 i have a nilnutc tt inee. the - ' 'Mhe person lied. A violent alter- - lonK account of he ment with General Cnrraiiza at tho preparations indicates clearly that an meet all Its obllRHtlons. Mr. John- Th,,n nfu.r a earliest possible moment so tho years, neen ...... ,.ni,i, snow in i.eouio mo.i n..,. Ironclad censorship has been estab- son, for the last few lias i...... (transfer of government might be ac-- j was selected for his ""(I i ieiuei. me inner entietii,,, i:,rj ( I'allhiux, 11 resumes. lished in both countries. in Cuba and n. complldieil speedily. The minister l e- -l RUSSIAN tne incident uy leaving tne ftianu j IM, be very ARLY RETURNS knowl dse of West Indian affairs, it ..Tllo reasonauie ported that besides Mr. (Ypcdu. now ...... r.H ihMt Minia - without divuiKing Hie name of the',,,,1 t Idnard for the present. SKHVIA DIJ.AVS Hi:i'I.V i (n.iv American jen route, tw o oi her commissioners post, 1 only one tbiiiR blackmail. Iter Sullivan would return to his fear bv frea-- 1 iNTii, last mix nr. Mushy l.cllcr, one will make a scan-i- jhatl been named Provisional II iThat was taken to dispel all doubt Perhaps some 1, 1 very diHcouran-hav- e lent und thai the latter Is attached to the minister's future.! Follow ing is the text of the firHt 'dal. Some limes Vienna, July 25. It reported lhat that I con- - had aisreeil to Carriiima's suggestion 15 MASTER OF t a life. but one SHOW FERGUSON partial mobilization of the Austrian lienor itoni iti. ailittuv lo ine present led. What for holding the peace conference at AI me. his n- thee." army has been ordered. , 'HEAVY ON Calllaux before divorce from solutio- Salt illu. FINE IMPOSED . My iiMl!" Tho Servian government waited un- his firsi wife, as read in court today: j Mr. Cepeila, former senator of the til the last moment left it by the terms j The letter t ollcludes: istiite of t 't oil) ul In ami an Intimate CASH REGISTER COMPANY - I of tho note, and only ten minutes be- with attention it merited, the letter j "Poor ileal- girl. clearly foresee AHEAD friend of Carranu, Is duo. In Tam- COURT 1 RUNNING fore the hour of ti, when the Austrn-HtmRaria- n N 'which thou hast written me, and which nu end of difficulties. At times feel pion tomorrow. There he will meet 1 1 - ultimatum expired, did the r.Y MOSNINO JOUSNAL tsICIAt. LUIID WISH iCIlllS fol' explicit respoUSC lawfully discouraged anil am llior- t lie constitutionalist chief anil make I very Servian premier appear at the lega- Innsinir. Mich.. Ju v 25. The state "For several davs have the oiiuhlv worn oiit. have slept j preliminary arraiiiseinents for the """ " - ,1 I Wo tion nnd present his government's re- L,, ,,, ,.r,,., imnrl Inibtv folin.l the NR- Intention of ri luail.n I inu mv I ni u n ,. . Illtle latelV. having Scarcely conferences at Saltlllti. These are ex-- j Hay - a life 1 lead. I pet ply to the minister, Karon i itional Cash Hegister company of standing by a explanation. nights rest. What led to be brief, but somewhat Austrian n, ,i compleie -- I i only one KICO w I H,. only. one Consolation untlcl-- tJiesl Von (lieslinRan. I fit MvCTPI'iniK Knnilllil ',.n n niltv- of unlawful restraint , hen - niMt . inumlKiiin.... have Full Result of Texas Primary, more formal than had been i IIUU J I IIOUIVMVUU l IMVUMIH' f '"1 ih,. my No details of the tenor of the reply of trade and imposed a fine of il. of my whole being. 1 should never- - comfort to think about little paled earlier. Vnve Enigma tO NobleS Of COlirtiooO. The company Is restrained from theless have and should no sweetheart to see nor inmeii in iu However, Will Not Be Known The necessity for a formal agree-jmei- it been revealed here, but the terse resisted Ouchy (my God, what statement was made, that It was un- H.,i,. h... .v.. ...J. Jarnis as at is being urged Inasmuch as the satisfactory. Immediately upon Who Have Fallen Under Hisirme is paid. 1'ier myself if I had been happy at idell'ious limine in, ttm ihiim'o-- i .,,,."--' Until Monday; Unusually American government In the protocol In v.. ..., ...... PHv me, love. lell signed medla-- ! , was returned the l, Xi ...... corne dearest at the Niagara Falls the note, the Austrian minis- ,. The decision 11,'IU. UUl n IJOl IIIIJJIJ.V, i who . , v, ,M ... ti,,, ter intormetl the1 foreign office and lease of Henry J. James, representing humiliated and wounded by the action tnvse t "'io n,, .', Heavy Vote Polled, linn conference promised recognition influence. company, well i Mo diplomatic ilhe American Cush Register 1 self what thou knowest mai the Hot ci anient set. up by agree relations were broken off. had undergone and no one can make 1 jwho charged the National Cash adore thee and am wholly thlna. ment between the tivo factions. Half an hour later Ihe minister and that me forget my bruised feelings. No one million kisses upon his staff with Register company was violating the could my injuries. "A thousand Secretary Hryan has indicated that their families had i.YHo.N,N9Jou-sAL.src,LitA.Dw.- .ii soothe Un the little IV MOMNINfl JOURNAL SPCCIAL LRAMO WIS anti-tru- st law In every part of your adorable oil the nature of ihe agreement hoarded a train fur Austrian territory. )H0.cale(, Michigan contrary (hey aggravated them. Lai e London, July iu. J he mystic !lh.t H compe- - body." Dallas. Tex., July 25. returns reached would depend w hether rec- - Tho train was In readiness to depart, lnau1a!d ln excessive Therefore 1 myself towards pri- peasant-bor- n Russian monk Gregory , and!...1 threw thee from today's stale democratic was Is us 1 - - competitors oRliitton extended. There little an unfavorable reply to Aus- 0inHt certain. . or - the 111, at- - Ith passionate fury, rather with Missing- Woman. mary K. I'erguson, of nt K.tMpiit im whom a murderous ot nuainess Itlg Reward for Indicated James j ilmi lit that Ihe liilted States trian demands had" been expected. thereby forced them out passion. Nevertheless at anti-prohib- - tack was made by a woman while furious the v, i. i: .lulv 25. Mrs. John Temple, 'iiisi., was lend- will extend recognition Accord in's to messases received , Itime of t lie incidents t wnicii it la ... of Hall, Houston, pro he was visiting his home in a Olympic to O'lcago. vlmu toihiv authorized Chief 'Init Thomas R. of jif the wishes of the Catki.lnl govern-Ime- here the mobilization of the Servian Is j tup .! unnecessary to allude, Minslderetl It p,;j,.,, offer a reward of in gubernatorial lat e. village recently, described -- .. . Heavers to hlbltionist. the for an amnesty and guarantees army was flt 5 In ' Grand Rapids, Mich., July ' Led ordered o'cio'k the 'by Ihe St. Petersburg!! correspondent entirely hyl,,.,,,,, infoi-miuio- which willl'l'he vote on nuhmlslon to the voters for of are afternoon. King inv naie, no coiiiioettru - the proteiiioii properly Peter, who had lot' abso- ' 'giving thee ln a thy full liberty. ,,.'.OUH bouts of a stale-wid- e prohibt- the Daily Chronicle as "the in TOO, course letter ,e wherea her'of the state cf gra nted. hurriedly returned to Belgrade when afternoon round the s a I did lute master of the Kitssias." H Is cer- dls-Itri- matter of fact not feel Heatrice Nelms, whose tlon amendment was close, with the Austrian was i record' until today, the Chicago daughter, ultimatum no great Kuropean court myself sufficiently sure of recovering with her submission forces in the bad. - evening-o- tain that golf team won the Olympic cup ut uii'i'ioiis nit 7. v iti: left the capital this today is such a mysiic. sway my independence to give me the right sister, Mrs. Minis Nelms Dennis lias jn ra(.es congressional nom- - to m:ssi ii under j on the links of the Kent tn) for PIIOPl.K OP MIIXHO special train the principal tournament w r 1 - with as that which Uasputtn has been The to engage thee to obtain ihlne. With; puzzled police In many cities. llnillonu If ..oersor.t !i com Vnll!lk' KltV- members of tho government, in the Nicho-ilii- a Country club this afternoon. t to have over Kmperor fine courage and with lie beautiful! Nelms oiikiiiiully offered hmrn, Sinners, Kagle, Henry. Stephens lire-o- realization that the Austrian could igross team score was 2T'S and Hale's daughters, dead'"''l Vera Cruz. July '.'5. Alfredo f of Russia and tho whole imperial x boldness which hive and confidence the finding of her appeared renominated, Car-toda- y capture HeWrnde. without, difficulty. 1 4 for the thirty-si- holes, was the for and Garner in Oedu, represeiilallvi General household. It has been the concern gave thee, thou hast rc-- t nuiuered thy;ior alive. the Twelfth district the rice was In from Ma The temporary seat of the government jlow medal score. m raiiza, arrived her. i of Russia for three years back. freedom, saying to me In Hirhstanee, Represcntulive Callway on I1'. R, - will be established KraKiiytvatz. doubt With vana, nccom pa uled in Villavi- at The rise of Rasputin has ben an 'I ask of thee but .one engagement j the lead. ot The ort?ntous nows of Servia's de- cenelo, who hits been seeretnrv 'enigma to all the nobles of the court that is to give me thy love now,' ami Gllmore and Konc Lead. Rafael Zul.aran, lloth denied Gener- cision was made known to the public who not his influ-- ( IN to shall TO TEETH hy pa- have fallen tinder SITUATION this thou hast added i not be ARID K. II. Kone let) al Carrniiza intends coming lo Vera extra editions of the evening Peters-- ; Jeff Gllmore and ' ,ence. His absence from St. lieve quite in the fullness of thy love I it is Improbable he pers and at 8 o'clock half the upon at midnight in the comcst for 'ruz ami said toniRht burg, during which tho attack if thou dost not succeed some duy In were too iwlll go to capital for at least population-o- f city to be al large hut returns the the seemed him came, wag hoped to mean that becoming I answered thee, I on tli streets. They fouRht enRerly free.' meager to forecast the result. 'two months. jhe had disgrace, but Just; ex- - j for papers fallen into do and will love thee, i certainly HOLD At a late hour tonight it an- ll Is Carraiiza's plan, lliey declared the and processions were being; ORANGEMEN "as M;i- - previous to the news of his TROUBLE pect lo regain my liberty some nay - isom.-wha- t manner of formed whi' h marched through all the was made STRIKE nounced that the vote In today's elec- after the .slabbed. Ihe announcement hut in any vase 1 shall not move be- - j itlons had been so heavy lhat no tlefi- - dero at the close of Ins successlul thiiroHKhfnres. singing national hymns Uhat he had been recalled to the em-- 1 upon the assumption nnd cheering for Jo- fore the elections.' nlte returns Were expelled before revolution iiin Emperor Francis peror's palace. j by seph, Kmperor army. I'lllM It I'll In Kill. Monday, of (lie provisional presidency Wllhelm and the is son De Ln. Hurra to visit town Kverywhere country This modern Richelieu, the "Ju not it, my Kiri? What was PARADE li'anclxco throughout the a peasant of To-- i that STREET in Mexico, personally to similar held. of faiiiv weulthv ENCOURAGING in my was alter town demonstrations are being bolsk. He but schooling); the background of mind KHEDIVE OF EGYPT IS Inhabitants and also to Austro-Hungria- n had little IT 1 - reassure the Count tin WTong j Von Herchthold, the led an uneventful life until about) lhat had embarked veil- foreign af- and was between . minister of HO years old, when he developed re-- j turn that there another ATTACKED BY ASSASSIN iconsVliulnallstH' have been victori-- fairs, visited after-"in- n person myself opposition of lschl early in the ligious fervor, became a lay monk and audi , mis. and charac-- JOUSNAL LIAHD had a long audience with a. pilgrimage. At the temperaments, of natures, of ' t, MOSNIStH MCIAI He also desires to avoid being un tne and went oil 1ST MOSNIN JOUSNAL tSICIAL LIAIIO WlSI .! 1ST MONNINC IKAIIO Wi emperor. conferred ters, catustrophn whs inevitable; -- 5. A parade of two JOURNAL IPtriAL Later he monasteries' he visited, he picked up July 2a. The failure of that Belfast, July embarrassing factor ill Ihe capital 'th Chicago, Constantinople, July --'5 The kh"-- l the minister of war, General cir.,via 1,,-- uml ulmC nivtmnrod tt) that necessarily time would bring full regiments of I'lsler volunteers, during period that Provisional Krnliatln, fnlnr to bring the ninety Helm., was at-- the and the emperor's chief r , f imnsluol on to federaPmertittion nlOUt a ruptu,.e a,mrt aU numbering several thousand men, was dive of Kgypt, Abbas I President Cnrbajal is working out the military Bol-fra- s vrr ,',, leaving' adviser, General Paron Hishop Theofan at St. Petersburg. eight tailwaya west of Chicago antiitjn!, f nother love and as the sole hell here tonight. All men carried tacked by an assassin when tangles that have fallen to him as ail Von - grand this a f Icrnoon. II Ahnenhurg, nnd the minister This Avas in lliofl. Throuch the iniiii- ;65,000 members of their engine result, of the crash of two beings who rifles and were strongly guarded. The the vizlernle interim executive. of was In the t hock and arm. Illsi flninee. Count Von Herchthold peasant be- - ques-ga- n did not understand each other. Rut hers traversed tho principal shot ha,1 ence of the Mshop. the :,.rewH nearer agreement on the mart J 7 o'clock I condition is not considered serious. another audience at to meet the inf iuentionnl people: . . , w I understand and still understand streets of ihe city and their demon- BRITISH N WAI, Oi l K ill! with the emperor, com- - - M announced Gr- His Djelal Kcrid Hey.; to whom he iof city and court. His mystic Phil- lhat in no case could my love be the stration, the boldest exhibition of TO CARR VNZ "'uniciiled the !,.,.. who represents the khedlvc at ','""" PAYS RESPECTS the Servian note. osophy created interest, and he nan. - direct cause of that rupture, first of ange strength yet attempted in the - Tonlht tne Cnited States eominis- Htanllnople, and was Willi liiiu at. Ihe con- . all because in a I aroused great en- GRRM.W the gift of repartee and polite scekin Hn adjustment such circumstance home rule struggle, wounded in one Tampico. Mexico, July 25. Roar ( P.OW l)S ( self-estee- lime, was slightly HFKIl versatlon. tney should have lost some of my thusiasm. Admiral Sir Christopher Cradock, of along new lines, whose nature 1 fall-ur- n leg. ' I Oil ArSTIUA-H- l NGAKV ln Peasant Garb. and finally because Judged Referrinir to Ireland anil the the,. nav y, a lengthy prl-jva- te refused to reveal but with small hopes The khedive's assailant, Maliinud j Hrillsh held for for our of party i At first Rasputin stuck lo his f)( 8lK...ei8i that the future future of the recent conference MuivntTer, an Kg-y- la n, was shot conversation here today with Blin, -- Ber-ll- n degree Buckingham palace in . July 25. The center of garb, in he made a, ,, m.-ll.- it was in the highest Important held at when he tailed to peasant which ..- - ....foe . leaders down by a member of the khedivcs: General Cnrran.a is filled -rr,.irin,r...p. nu should exist be- Sleying tonight, Francis tonight with cheering, picturesfiue figure. Rut soon took reported the men that connection a spent h al suite. pay bis respects. crowds continu-f"s- , style dressing anu Meanwhile, it is tween the break which foresaw and Dyke .Viand, under secretary for for- leium-e- d indulging in up an elegant of already begun preparations for Later the Minisn tniiceis enthusiastic demonstrations over living, which excited the envy nflhave an affection which is dear to me." eign affairs, said: I is in us Dam Hill. to the cruiser Suffolk which will expo ,1 a aunougn iney nave Pliicliot tool outbreak of Austria-Ser-M- ( Bishop Theofan. The bishop obtain sirita, e .).. ..a on very much as I Much Cause for lloic. Washington. July '!.. Gifford sail tonight lor Vera Cruz, carrying gJVO t'11 Ji.. a tew "Matters went hostlliiies. an order to exile Rasputin to Siberia. nieuiavois i..o.u. ha(i foreseen during a year. Then "There is much cause for regret but Pinchol, president of the National Cimaril Cummins, former Hritlah The ii,...... ,i.. ii...... ,,, ,r,'u mt.eal 'in u ' " hope. The conference has issued a vice consul at Tt.rreon. strains of the Germtin and nui . events followed in quick auccession much for Conservation nsso.ia lion, "llKtrhn liHlion.'il anlhoma ttrp hen n to the Tsar save him, but caused the ful settlement my which is of a broken up but something hus been tonight on the g. neral tl.iin Rear Admiral H. T. Mayo, of thu ... . w..,. ,ai.-- v.- - and conscience statement "H time to of t.:,.i..., I, .liun.l..u..,l In I'o TOW'a r delicacy a point of acruple uained In their being heard as the rep bill now pending in the house, lie de- American navy, also paid a brief visit the time above the cheers neera nnd asserted they would carried to today. crnwd and the orchestras in the without eveti time to see his dying' firemen and sometimes amounting to lolly resentatives of the great parties. At clared it embodies "a direct reversal to General Carranzn Admiral Rive the railroads a week to make o father. ' a little at the thought thilt my table ihe members or tne comer-t- of the conservation policy which Mayo thanked General Cnrraiita for d of the ...... nn..t ,.tf'.. .t..1u fO1- contusion and if at the end tluit Infers respect Roosevelt and Presi- the consideration shown' him by ...i ,'OtUBin ,., ... 4i.,th,.o,-tlr,c- ae-th- e these events. nee. each other's both President V'lltei l,lrillil ,u... influenced upon, of- WEATHER FORECAST. the advance Rasputin, oniy ""l clearly, Is point of view. dent Taft supported anil acted and other constitutionalist ei., , V; tion would be taken to enforce "To epeak frankly and it many Tampico anil placed the ' Is the ficers at ii.,. ex- - would "We liberals will not betray the and u dired rebuff to ih; roy- - demand, of the men. The week certain that things not have women who Minnesota at the disposal of any of 'ashlngton. July 25 New Mex-,0- putm mtmiat ef the developed as they did I Must which Ihe Irish people have patriotic men anil for minis- - 'piren today. as rapidly if fought the W- General ('arraitza's party who might Probably fair funduy and al famllv Rave orders to the be had and hail love in my placed in us. Our rnntioew must be the last decade have Monday. as the Conference, with both aidea will had thee ' ater desire to visit the vessel. tera and' conducted himself j ondary I trust the liberal leaders power grabbers.'' supreme power. ,heId the mediators Sunday. heart. But that Is aei and .ay


ANTI-GERM- FEELING VOMENASKEDTD ISN0W CONSPICUOUS STRONG BROS. UniH .,'.. W "i"! Kerlin. Julv :l - Thi "sharper DONATE GOLD 10 alnd" .rfli. t. ,1 fir A Na. rame "The Harpain Store of Albuquerque" mi a I f milt I hp ih.iiiKe in itveroia haa already (..tinn o Wo 'ne of i ih ftmt in. it, .iii.. in il recent i order t ii i my recruits from U ACCOUNTS The Sum-a- s f Our Ot.iraui e S s .ii! ur SUFFRAGE FIGHT the reit halund ! I" nnisierp.1 Int", riKlmenta (,f (to r home pmtntie. E.vt..tiiiiv knottier i the following paragraph (mm the Niifi, lotrvapnndinii''" of Mraaaliiirir. (he ore ! of tin- - Oicin-- r ok om: only- - i sn non-j1'.,,- ,,, ca.ii-i- vi:i:k Ik'co "Mcltini; Pol" for .,., .,,... efit of Campaigns to Be CZ. I kkekk'.i.k vtoks fe LOTS !' OI I'll AIRS rrr V'r,;' ' Kverv courtesy is in provMing an efficient, l.OhOUClCU III OOU'M ,., 5 t t'rnlll SJ.50 t OWlUb,, .lllh ,.,,. ,n h oM".-- l r;tMiily t'ruiu ll - I itdvia- r in f,i nmlini- manner. It 1" therefore h lite an.l quick -- orice our LADY DEPOSITORS. putnil white cituml SI cull a! - r.u Ji. , .ini-tjt- y, Ithrtt. li" f liiK-il- iIhtoiijIiIv r Ain 'he j AiiKiint II. l iiti.l under iHniH-rot- i litis l - Tlicv. will receive careful attention at AT Iiiiiinn-- i' 1IAI.IJ Ji.--- , imonn fhc .ii ;i.' n- I OVT. arutv Chi HK". Jul l he amp nn lil'i t.f the roiirl, of N.i I I Am.-- an 'f rmtMltutp MAT-TI- N itinutfi Ihr lima th""' , -- OU ST MkWAV oip-'- i , ' liank-- their avings arc as sifc as tlicvcan le in I nTtim. 11' k. (" ,uf(i tn? !. lation imiii.iI a iuuiiiioi.'" where a:-- i"i' r.nis-M-I.,.irii- .'ii.-- r.i. ir i sci fa! tic, e. ittiinni: a.. hi re tol iy (. ttip imi'rmonmiTit i' TAINS AND SCRIMP . ,.f il mlrv l.i r ill... - I ! I'l'I'H tpd 1m. llltTtK In t ht' H'l'" any lunnan n. cent at ONIMIAU" l n, ,K, r trinkt-- lnf. a huttf ,1tmI rnvn.-- "lio "' 25 tff. miii-ti- . iht ..r I.. .. f.t ..f ih,r 'mrit ihp riiMn ! .1... !.,., im f..r v..i latiion iliffi rput i law. Thr nvfl e ac-cu- nt I'RiCi:. kiif f a tl.e ims.-ilil- invetnient an -- . " tni'll.-n- t S.or-- We reccmnicnil !INNi:U Sl.TS 10 jcr shin in mh-i- i of tl.r t it.-- ia from lft N.iMinlr th.- M i" Tina .!.! l.i lo ih firal vt "' r''"' hur.'h Department, wlicre the fuml is I.XMTS ..f ,. - h,,r to Iht in our Saving in (h.- ln. r.f...s..l hH' thp nit !n..t- wu vil( of t..e of ti,.. wiffra.-.- i..v.-m.-n- In rn . the HM-- t a:tr anil lu hT'V Tin. nmor intere-t- . utie i Id l I v I l.iw-- I iicpritv, nr. I'.tiiwn an-- l n!:erc it will earn Yt't hixint. ouiii itin ir. Amu t. n oi- - secure 1'1'a t'r 'tn ;ird of tti.' i.i .ins :ill. ili..n ailiiic 15 Mit iiiol iho imiiitui Oh- - t l'- nmi: practically at I'.uity . . '(linanrti 'all? r: iit u:n i.iti in?i, oif.?-l.n- of fiii.tmii - I I ... 1T tout i ll. jm ui h !.' . Tin- ..i.t.,r !ia Mm M.'.I U .MtVvtfni. a. i li.tirman, it. J !r fu.-l- . Thi- - th-- Miinni'nu-- n t I Mt Mh r- - iittsor Mn Kiiiik mi. ah.. l. iT'an.!. .1 th.' kV l Mm Hrl-- ,i ii.l.unif. - 'inn of fluoaso lhn !...!. r intf I h t..'li thrni- L1RKKAL DISJOI NTS ON EVERYTHING'..'Hcr. of S aliini:toa. Mr I1' l't.olf.r.t. of Ixiurr; Mia iLaha ALSO LSV TI-RM- ..I rvn.,: miners hear hennessy ix't;,..ii. I lor, of ' Mr. i;a.ud lr. DTPI V TA PU SPPTQ V. SAVINGS (.oltl liitn M.ih, I I7IRST STRONG BLOCK j .or l'ii to th.' M.ii.n.ini Kin v mom.m tr?v mm - . A i i'. I .1 iii io"n.n li ol tu irt- i in I'vinor. Ji.ii : IS ,.t' tothp Ian COMRNY theWi'M-r- n trust it hp liu!i;ni:. r.nm-M'o- of Second and Copper i in Hill S'liari" thf t'l.tinial h.r. s AlLiKjuciHiucaNaM. Comer iitt.iifcii . oiiimuirt puma to h.ivi IMP Kvorratio'i "I Mmrs t'.liv l I ....I I v John U nn.! Mlvrr lonii rli'.l into u!lnu In a t. filiation I .ii.l . v. hatu'ril b. Tinw tlip roiiiii. ra of H'iin.ay, of tho "4 ' I hp t in Sam for nmnry The "im'ii omim.K.iry of nitration Capita! ami Surplus, $300.0u.0O. t'n.if lia- - nn :h It to ratw at l. aat r.fl.n i I . fore I" char:'3 iii.mIp h nrnrniiI n I 1 1 1 1 in I', and Hi.v lli,-- th it thi Ir apntiiia iihiiiImii oi inr 1.1110. "in. Kailrt-.T- l Ray Days 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. - i.i - ten nil-ill ini i U-- r- I ho i on- i.tii mil nn in i It i.l mill ilrm ..lit from th.- Ii...r.l- - hi al, an.l l.roi.kltt , I'V ma uuunu i ns of the .oiit.try tha : iim-- unit'in ii.iiiiiir oi i.inir 'li'. U X li f fun-- l of n-- .1. moil, that a'.rikp n hut, in soil l ulur. of a l.iii;f BEWARE ' tl-.- ftili-ratio- I'V . I. .rp ,,f h: had itiv.rud nmoiinl. oftt.-rr- Mr IULiiLiinL ' S of th.' ?.i!i"n. iiir-A- P 4tAS ( l.i riot thp ..iii. n thp ortai. or tin- - that AND cr-.- fuiiiH-.'.- s.iPT!-It- .. ll.nnoav aaaiti.l d.h;ittia iiitirv la ijiW' - nt n'tia.d mi.I Mr Mfl;ll - Mi'"i";ik. !ia:-d- f tlio lo- DONT of thp irlr In till' various iimnn '.miain mtttr', A c- - uiiiiittpo aaa ni-- ( ' .al att rrtali.a IDEMOCRATS DOZING p 'To'v.t "nn u-.rra- TAX MONEY Arink lira o'ni tht .".r to dr !'. a rta..Hitioii n ROAD rhllilr,n " ...o-- : ! ointttl tiwr . a i t ii'.up it '. f. r nsaiiv f a drink tirN-lf- ...f rotifi It m-- in thf inl. Krilv IN QUAY, IT SEEMS I i Ihlivf i" t PUT TO DEATH 'u-iii- ihuii; th.- CANNOT BE SPENT ruorvry al t' loniril'iitp n.'iii. ta of thp "f Iho f. nwta l.i niak ' - l in. a ha arp I in a t.i I'nin-l- t'rrc-k- , , Juditp Krot "f t.) fvaata. j y . BRIDGE REPAIRS ii.l inon. thf , to. ion la to today. FOR aaacai. eaatcM to .&' wut j i Kf. July -- - ."ottif aurpris ivvancca In Kr. i. nta taf . .1. hprp hv No Cheap Goods a'. rt.l.l. ! ..i.i., in. m.wrala Wc Have , . '1 think oii m.M GETS Mi . TOWER OF PRAYER rr.--. - r.4i .. t n ;thp O iiv un' at Tu. ttituari X I an 'ii r,! a i'..- HI jV r. rmi. k poi ltd. th it d..n"l f. half t ..i.J 2. Thp I. ;- 1 - in. ipi Hti aom .t i j" -f:':-- no. - tint can- to Oiler . i.!.iii-!- t j.iPt in CONVENTION OF GIDEONSK.. .- tr..i.itiin t.'i.ia nl - - . tit I a am h f.tair-ri- : a- i.i , , ,. i'i dim- ii-- aninif atonf if'' aa'it li.-i- th:n ha ,1,.. ..n'tit'tti r'.t f huh ri'fo'iirrt a nt'.n .r;i. a h.-- - J6') or to w H for thai ahp at!! a irt il oinwn- with fOv ov to. I'. . In .i L ol'iHooi! 3iip hif I , . H- r The 1'nwi X intt-r- . at.-- w Saa ' Wlnral ao li thp imnnii' hi hi. with- i? ",U" " riiiavn for ivntrt i In t o. hp a nil t:if. .hp .iiiiciuiiiniiii '- tM Ifili i,.l is ut n t i Ktftt Thp pa-!'- f"r ' ,N H. Ald- - irnit. i T th il' l.l.-- ia--- i I I thii-V- th tt tip Jul-i- nraxtrful . 'V. aiao alia- k Stal XfltaMr I'. This is the opnrtun;ty taUf I"'"1 .1 I pn lo.jaa and a of ton r..ln. lat ina jor'ti Io J rt.unty. Thp Tiicuniiari :l! a s-- MliwriU ale la. thir t.t. nhi-- ar.d l.tinii ..ti.n from ht-p- yi.ay you a fit-- run atr.t-- tn Klrlna hi la I'V lamation I'r thp ipipnt of the nifst - .al'to.rt.l l- 1 hop rti ursp iht- of . Klip.k I' p 1'. Mo .in- lu.nii aa thf "fit nomination John X thp a i;t..mol.ilp rmaio la: H-'- i-i a V'ra d that Aaasat- - Nta into laMmm a thiitv drift. iJid.-oll.a- . thf paat ffW t !;! , ;i ..( Ihf tilt &". .M. W t k h on tn ki for a-- r.- - t Ii.- who h..p i riilion y lipn-TH- l i i thf in N't JIpxioi. U ynn do Ii.;m i va l (.!.ar ihal I'p a,.'o.n I Attornt-- tra .riman.-- t. I! POP-N- OT t.ii.t.l t f nt l. ho'.i.-- onp tt MAKE SLOP' . .. pip i ji !. i ' mtt In th orati.r-atio- n 1'hriatiio thp hut fiiya: "Nn tan want to take nn inttrt.--l v.i.ip-- it-.- At.! tikp j ha a rptdud to Ktuia r ran. is oi tnat tht-r- ..iiiv i h o.i"- pra-n- ( I. t lai.ffrait- - toopo..-- ! '!! s' ol !' ti.v.'Ura h..a monoys in from tivitifa that thia is an xi-f ptional pM.iin-- rl'r Wilt- (Oilwi.t 11. t I '.i. p that road thf .th.r I.- . .!.;,. i through. thol tfftaiti hp 4,'uay this, .1 i . in h" r.n,j to an in tty make n amall t i Ij.irt t j "I " ; Pran.-i- to tin stint'id iflia : nta an not hf ihpv . ;i..iintn. d r t r the arsumt .f fall Thr rppuhli. an X froml r '. I Hip w it-- t . Vn tl'.a! thr tip. I'lf tr and urn rtt irns. U i.iMii. ir r. ;..nil ra . f ot.-.- hy him for rrpaira t' tuili - . y lp . ! n I . f ausc-rti- f '..r mas a. ..(i.f of if. ting a rfpr.afnt.t- .t ,p.'! i. I t it. a a tn ih.tntf f If vol intfifatt'il nrilp ..i. t..n.. lit holi.ti.- ai;.ii-- I lri.!it-- hut tiinsl If lurnpj mar th-- a arf . tiia .innaii toint l.tioii today. tn thia county if ininipdi.Ht ly thi- - oppur-- J The Coyote Company 111.' . ti , p .ii it t in t'.p w.'firp of othtra -, opinion fr' T nif as in. irov it .a ; '.inly Thf ,.).. t,.i,. I", sdama. f Is M"in.- th road lnrd, o.-- thp r,. p. Thp, 1p . - 111- fharlta , tn.n to tnakf r,..t opt n ..n.-- lid- tl i"l'.(' Mt Ti ll, lt- t finity aiil liiiii IN." ar-- n p I - torp tup rio.iu-- follow. p II I WtUY, MarMixrv. Mla lttl ;; in trip ha. mat d' lii.a r;ita to have son.' to s 2, t II. v a v. a-- j . ' . - I jxiti liov tart- t!o; .Mlu Ti p I. vl f r.. t K.ipf .d ..t l Mid hp and t".f'i :.d,!r-- lit . f is I .ii d th .t th. oi.l. rt M-- a r . . ; It .' . - -- " til. IJJ North Hrrt 'iit.urx t.'d... lh .:f i t r c:dt- tr-ti- h a atatp h.i v.nta If. July '. .,kP up and p all iht-- usual J tA Willi thp il. t. r. in t . , M ln..iii'. his tt f Ln..irr ii an aiiip-ro.- and Mr Khaa ta. N it,t) ,,,,,., piit'h. ivpllld at la h- - thf ft ins I'r.l'.j'h loot j V..iiit-- f v. a t tilill i r,t f that M ..mips tin. in Sir: f i'tc in thpiii i I l r is. - iitirrf tip i. in ot. at.-- l ti.-- t t H.-- ir-- - 1 w h;. tol- in i ..M.ntrv . h.-- ti. ,p !.,! ..ta:s h vi-- tf r f thf riyt.irtal. a5c:nt: our ' f a . v Thf .on i ii. .! Hit to ir a. i. i i It a.-t- a taup ! ! v hatlan.tttt.t. St'-- l.p . .1- I.atp it. ft!;.!, ly tiM d -- .. I I 'V ; d'.t.l. It i ii an I t r r r f pi i"S it- t I amrr 111. m a hu h i into vntr hind STATE LIBRARY IS V a it THOS. BLAKEMORE ti Id tal it Inn da l:?f.,r!i th. A. int.i ,.f th. i .fi I A r. T M rp. of ffalar Kiphl. i . v of your as mad "i. I .. ! a.iv rtiia pnitin h"d t t lotl.iv oTat-ipRt- j i - up-- ! ROOM; i.ati t.. itrtttft i: t.iv til tup a t it i lvnt. ' r ;M.r tn n IN NEED OF re-p- i rt. f AM t i : - ITMUM. lIUI'TK thai i.i.tti t.ii rv olui oit!M t r.d m a ...p. o I- i p ir. - jn.l brllai.a Wp itndff st ind ! I i siaiii ICMU4L.UM1 rtt-- l I in I. ' . a I.. in tht !.'.! .. J', p.p, (,. n i (.p i for h li, RAID thA' ,b , SATURinw NtGHT "!r """j (im. r t"l lll-lf- Ol'P- - iloi ; 'I'd. ! I'Ke aril thp (..kpti I ... 1 r... fi v...i ith In ff P.lir. - ...... - d m:...k.....i'i: . t . p p i t . r .. v ,..ah.-- I. BANDIT HOLDS P TRAIN SOCIETY FOLKS ;"-v- ":'?,.,' !!' v. hVh I . - CATCHES ipf. l . If;-'- . IV t r. i I AlPti your lirsr l.Mt ASMTNT flf.' tthat thplnpnpt attnin uiairm. Iht- - pniire f.w,r of thf now -- n-- n ' uil"T Alt'M-ii- i Mrax ON NEW HAVEN RAILROAD f l pun lo l a ho are a.r 'p. t road ta. Mi" tapitol. is so sroit p l y wis tn thf aeain i it r. a. twwi tt:.ti. itttl l their taifs tn tash or r pxtenaion has la" "ii e ' M Ji,.y r.". A M- - trh'f ' that furtht P f .11 tt in an hi KaBMt t. a. If it or k Knuinpf r U '. i:ri.iu W.iCw.t.11 t . r. r of aat't-rta.- s TWO 11 not. f t ' i V,iJ. " W ittti i I'tt-- In and) appt sfi. uti.-n- f..r r..i ." 1 m li lid -- I haf dram ini plan a a p.. a r.-r.- ;;M-- t;,if-!- Juh ,-- . - v :. i tt- h- - a of a . w .11 "i sr tlo r r not ii.' Jirr ni'm!T I. r. mt'tu of tne r;a n . r.- aio t n a t .. if . ti !;. lnk .ti f a ni-'t'- rav; nm lh lisp Informa- . tn civp more . pi. ff.m tf poiipty 'mr land ah. If room aa Nt- ia .V i t vt-t- a. . . ! pr.ti-Th- nd Hard !t . !, i n f ? f iinprp-.-".o- i llawn CP a ! t i thf u the n that p ur.tsS Ipjialature FnacMe . of t.. .. tion i.ii.t. for U.t.ka the im Wt.ll l MS! vuir f..:ft ,1 It'-.- StoOI thf a r. ,d foHoived ihim-ioio-- . n- - I . .1 cn ? itr rr inuHfrfnof In tne .(ln niakf firthpr prnviaioii inr by tKe StewauJiipi Signs ,. I'lt'l I I ii . l!(Ht ' ... larf e Crauinf Hudson for all. .i" . f- -r - diiiikiiiS h .h- addi-- i i- - that - o k nf ' Iht-- t fOfiS 31 i:l .tr! !v pf r 5a of Sw.nn U Jiarging thf (,ip)t"I. Thf ht -- vitilhtid taindit to h.'Ut on i - I . a'i.-- I t- - j- ;.t : k on lay d poaitinn t j i .i . - a i I t thai ear. abolish, thf xionA office CINCINNATI', FEB. 8 With a r.d K.fdar.n ha i t: ' . t - ; ,.a..r trarsferr.-- the f offici-t- and j ! f tT.iX.t; - ti t!,. .t r r. .i and fv,, lty n,pt f thf atate AND i. f ot t f h.a f iit.d pa. t tf'cw-.Htur- t-- 'i - .' aUiT.Jay t- r to h- I, A'O- l r p. r . ; .....': .ht diitipa of that off tn the ntfuihf tBr, will asked a t a iii.-lit- th. ..i.iti - Wall Paper - t Aa ,u j an eilpn- j FEB. 22 - rht-r- t. trip- poiirtv Therefore, vj,je "CLEVELAND, !.- . t'h,.i.-- t. i ?. t,c ) t van c. a. of the mad an aptroprwaf.OB for ll n woiitfti mf . ttT.-vra- -p. j- .nt, mi. R.t .tnl you use money which htiiitlinc. j Parti iacWa a to Ikt Saa tiata .v Uitw-kbn- ft could not the lflon of th cfl t i, old. of .s-ap- v thro-is- i it m - ..h' ,:. to . nr ty or .tne lty iCir itiX p r th.- Ual a me ir.i.. urt'ie tmnaWkataiaa t' of t' 1 w vadt-- laTtlttr-at- l. ! mt. ind aiaj tfc yrmcvtt caw mt world. I ft ia-- ti :i- - : 1 1 p win t.t r. hut that' I ti . IUir, s . ?i tv.d r nt".Rv.t-t- i a oJfhp of t.ivl jperi l.allt pt f HUDSON Picture tup i htad-iuaftfr- j for tti c jnv.jt--!.. aho-;,- - ovt-- At a 1 ! f .:.r-- h turned tn thf Tiifmnart. X. M. July :S. Duration Each Cruise 135 Day j . - tt-- f pr.mary he!.! re Friday I h a I t . 'a .' f from r.viarr ttie r.f.tnty board. irepuMitja Frames of Ii neuilr. ; w V- - i thif. pv. n out. 9oo Ii i t ih.- dotiht. .till tvptnl the jz?rjjJzz'. ii.-- n p.. v. r I Thcv. en nine t.all4f9 .'o... Ti'tO 1 1 MEN KILLED ct , if'l .. ( a the . 1 ,. p .a t..- i I a .r .t i j? morrv in the r p;ir or m.tintfnan ?p n HC ttaiiP. .l 'l the ! rnartU W. n4 t a--t j held 0ri A. lit tt tlMftt. ot It . . t n a . a- is MTA Ctl eu IIP of r.tii'ia tA Iriil-- t a aa in tn Qu iv riti.iii. t" Iflf it', nv i u o n oi toii-- i -- AMERICAN . . i and i p ! ''- tr July JO. It is aimois! caru.n the HAMBURG th' di. X, V, f v ,r r". la ! Youra verv trul". yentinn will ertdoraf C.aHt:i;.s for 1 .1 a.-";- j T. KIM-HA- the ..rrt.'rat..n torn-- LINE r. I. . Ji'.v T'i IRA - nomination fr tMlTf M.. M. Iesta. Mm. Or kwal ...1 ar) r as a-- t - j Attorney t;enral. on the atatf ti ke. : ran a'.it"ttn-- ;ip ; I '4. the - i vat'-r- - ' a .' l- IP r v a hit it ...... t JtS ' nanus i ji i"i.'C'it I Pant I ar ar h.r - K. inly - The I.t- -f oil jTrh--- :- . St' !' . i T- . - i i fol The WM. FARR COMPANY f l. i. i r it. a .i.i itmri lift - m.i.'W ! av:t f- -r Ihp Fira- ! WATCH I st i:ta It ,;:v. . t..l. !.,. .a"i' h i rtrtfn h.iv fiStd pd lietatl Ixalfm In at W. 'i t. K I . - i .. , . I Xattnna! .k aKait .at P lit ot SALT MKATs S.'?';" it ttf llf if ... 'a... ."....', ' .,n ,. 'UiU AMI r,rf'a-'i- r 5,. . . - t'J.,! a. ' . ! . i nivt-ui.i-.v-- loiftMl Saivsacr a T !' h ' overruir-- i it on thera ..t I THIS BOTTLt i." W ii.I.i V! ,( Si., a:il Hog f. a the caw of fta't tne con-- " For Cattia and the B!ifw - rrv I- -l o;r- 75 f lira , Market Fricea Ar Jt-t- r- mh. ufd th hor.dsn en who - r'h-- f tri. tijl lo ? fitv5a.- . ..tat atld iat a'- '.:. had ctrantf"J him iaic. 'n Khp "t tr,- . thf rnm hoiar.. al Car-- ! TVf la Mt Caurra la te ! ' trd lovTrices ;t i . tj i ., . emtit tui td vt nauft nt tn. ! of Iw.aifPtl. 5 Cists and rr.t- : ,mrtkM. a frml atAT J. GOBER f mrrtit ' fta a Jr rat L . .. to - f f. . ; r ir.c ..m s Jfd for Mvawearaw tt kwl t ax-- l fej- (t -- la pk it r s nattaW General Auctioneer "" f' s 1 i a i:- - sceac-- .. tr- i .m kvair4J.erfatfiat. it vrt; t. thp IVf4al ScriaT ttrtVra. ti fee ) a.'' or lu m Caatrrk to eois';ir!.tii iS:tpa, nnaaerxJJ Good a Sivrtaliy. . its ..:-,-t Fe. Jii'v IS t'Tara t&errtv retjaaw c.cas tmiani. Pbowi 421. P. O, Bo I III Ai ?4 ty th- -;!.,-- f Hiii Casrrt Care. uaKlKrva try r. J. rf"" s ..!? r. .f the a ?- - CaeMT A Cav. tWim. it lie i'L Fr. ar.d lira ..rar.flf. rsjat tae itrltt it it ukta aa M tan rreta Pf M tPXwaxL It tnt is ti, r ;: rn !a t f n l friy a t tka. tttt;.t tarftft f t Ta.t-iu- . . ..vvt!t eciirtty. Curry It taaTta- - TVef fae a .n tae n ta-- Jsa-- ctr.-a- CITY i Citffc-r-d Xara-- . ! a K a (a rartw l. a&4 DUKE , ,.. t ..r.:: laswn rt ?-- VII" j'.,., . v ... --opt, !..,(.-- Ki ,s.fc w.a .vnJBtT. t-- t a tarn F.tKk ..n WBiT KJ ttimua. & C V v1. r. 7. CBOIT O, T is. Cleaners-Hatte- rs v-- tiltllit;s u-',- a. i . " . i ?i,u; v t?.i t'tL I'M ti. S ;rar.t tsysttty f iterm: Oil. , Ui3av;rf. aS Carta--- & Bio ; ami the ,. :zi-- li I- -l ePMtija-a- toa-l-P II f ra;-ra- a JSE'.y. TiU IUS' rasUr fx l ,?.,- w . i Xn Wc tl.t not har;- - to amnnp at t t "p-- a. J tm"-rt'Tta- vaK fj '" U t J .. . A ' - S'-- t " - 5 ft ' " ' " """" " "' " " a XV 5 1 I t" It I; j J tv.t--- ..4 sis. 1'MIAr MIUHIMS yl ; "'f St ! vVx'., ". J ' T;-- : - 't!v '"; " i ... st t S'. lt'-tt-- a'.. 'S it. j.p.- x - ' - j ; '.sr.d ! St i.' t - -f 1 a IVtn .t. j i. ,v.i o.-ff- O-- M i ,9 a? i v.-iv- s.a yit :. ,.ir:(, tu .. r t . i- f at, : LOGIC t LIGHTING ,--i i ..f :'. IL t . A , 'i'. "i ac , J. JV t,. i J. i f. f i t ' t t- .. K' - IW ;.c IS W Si l J li U J.- ... STRENVCLS EXPERIENCE t!lr;i i' s,:,:tt, i IV much nr-- - Tt-a- - o I . Di.! y : jo c, !cr bow T .ar, t I vif-- on l a- Itaii"! ia.Il ccr p ret t'T ""'f sM t M..i9 Tar. ' FCR SECRETARY REDRELD 5 arr-m- r.-- - t ititoac I,.,-,-- - ij:-.-- . c Jlsly l f ti-t- 2 ' ...u!-- i mlS a.f v? f tr .a vf""t a ctt a tew rears ssro? T.-- a,' v.aa ." I a a ft' i .vii p.C'a "tiii n.i-e- u 5 ir;-r- e J ... 'S...'V V S.'Ii".Sl . f t 'flt at i - "".:. The uae th Mirt!a Laj n:ar. can ri".c a"l letter I'lit. t'sr : : tftft? Si t. '...V . ,a ".. , -- :.- !. as . . an-.Til- yr-- - S'.-.i- I'ari. !" B.;!e at the Ekctrkity i the f a hrsre oi electric l.i1.'r To.;-- ; w t s .. ' t::rr fr.:ni!r $t ,,-.- " fie sine V In. v. I", J '.,. Wt ,! ,,, a aid, r - . f- f'.--f J.'.I. rM . ..'.-.- f C f , r vihe! vyj i.rnxr!v pail a. j.. i .- : i, - ..v t r t li: - : : i'-- " V'i- r tt ;'.., a r.;- ; t -- t.c,t. tv i'.it. -- ' , ; . ? tst.- t.aa " t i :.r.e r. r- - i S i i is Tlsere reruc t n Electric E: s - .ff ' way oi c l' ike 5:c a5, t Vatta A ia-f-. .ts vf P " ii.n TAiw i'.,i', .3 -iis i''..- I' . - :' ' m-- : t iv-- ...... 2 F "r. - J.i' 5 r :' ;; 'i-- t t., i j. id r f :- M".uh:"e. h. EVrfr'c In: The Vah: Machine al will - : "" t". W.- a .. I' . f ' a s at i?J . tilt.. ' . , ,s.. Vt-- I a.. :x a M 't c I r a!! jHir-- . - tr jay r tne eknt crrretrt OU r:w;K'y u?e a V tad .ar-- tir-a-- j

i Itwtuif aa " , -- - ZJfTT'fS, iic. T'l I tt a- ani V J ' 7..- - ",, j ? .a ..."" A r : t : " a a V REX.ALL - v . T --- - The Start 1st .' .'-- , .; v 'n '..a'"-- ! ar-- A:" " 1 as -- T K Albuquerque Gas, Electric Light & Power Co. -. Lk C ,".'- il a- t. T ; ra y.Z V.til Cer-r- i rse PS. ..T-i- t r- -

xtS i ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL. SUNDAY, JULY 26, 1914. 'THREE New. in New Mexico What's i C SANDOVAL COUNTY JULY 'OLD SANTA FE' TJT Your idle, inadivc funds may find READY REFINANCING SHTiFE INSTITUTE CLOSES OF INTERESTING MAGAZINE temporary employment at this bank. , 'Pif ial conMroNoaf n , nu JUUNNAi.1 llernalillo. N. M., July SV After n Santa Fe, July 'i t lie New a I BIG In TO EXTEND THE sticcessfuf institute, covering perlo PROJECT IS Mexico fttcluls in K preeeil- - We pay as liberal a rate of interest of four weeks, the Sandoval county lug the iiiuurrcctiim , plated teachers Imve returned to their homes, t.i- -t and loose Willi-th- ii and Hefore the Institute adjourned a conn, 11 unx ihe tin .. iiis around as safety and prudence will justify. ty teachers' association was organized the Plana who were U, is brought - i i Mi-- WELCOME with the following- officers elected to NOW COMPLETED out In the chapter .New 11 m serve the first year: 1 ndei loe Mexican Ah President, lltother O. Francis; vice in the July number 'id Sunt. Fe. president. Tlllle Castillo; secretary. In mime respects, ll ,1 lile Itloht In- - Crespln; treasurer, Hefuglo leresling puituui of history I he Kcn . Hill. liucu; on urrnngcmenis uiul lieu of the MMIlg on, to rommlttee Two Irrigation Companies w 111 Uh K Glad Hand for Delegates programs, Superintendent Hoiilfai lo hlch will appear form alter In I' Montoya, Leonard and Miss its publication 'ul Santa e is Convention; Hrolhrr Consolidate; Big Acreage completed. The barb.iie us Good Roads Custllla. murder ol Corlna lo PereX, (., M.i- - The Bank vei nor Sen iy Citizens closed following Jesus Every- The Institute was Near Aztec to Be Reclaimed rla Santiiu'o Plaza Decorated and I y superintendent Aland and Hamuli and ALBUQUKUQUK. N. M. an eloquent address Malci lino Abrell illll rebel- - Mrs. Itruin-bac- "I! the body Enthusiastic, Montoya, before which and Colonists Attracted, lion. Is vlvliledlv deoi riliril lu niu., the conductor, had delivered a to lit .M.miii.l Pay IXty KveniriK. responses by ltrolher the lie Hotter Annuo Oixii farewell, with Chamilng pen plctuies me presi-nte- Francis and Miss Castillo. of the customs I'l 111" days eighty .OO....J adopted as fob (PtCtAl. CMtliroNOtHCI TO HOKNINO JOUMNftU eo....N...e. o., Hesolutlons were Vellt-- IlklO Which HI'I'lll OH leillnln , Aatee, M., July 25. reorgan- .anta Fe-- Julv 2fi. With the Knl lows: fnc the mill. He ages. off all l of Sandoval ization of the Ar.tec Irrigation com- rmulH mt'etltiK lull five "We, the teachers pany "The of J. in Doll of wish-iti- g and the In. a Canal company, tti rpaJitipiw fnr llif lililln the County Institute assembled here, Diego do Vargas, as vtell a1 a ile-- I call-- ! grat- into one company, which will lie lilKKPdt mooiltiK of the kltul express our sentiments of Insf i lo com-pun- scriptiiiu of the eampaif f the Mi-xk- un known as the Aztec Irrigation oiil-Tim- In New ImlltiitionH''t itude to those who have taken so gcuelal, iraiiHlaiiil tr mil old I'liv. fully JuMlly was completed In Denver two as t tic iitti'inlance will In us and our wotk I - thnl much inietcst ago. Spanbdi ilocutiicnts, ale ol n iieasiii la. dshni , N, M., July l',', Hall v lOOK OH c BALDRIDGE sou Uoic uccks of Incorporat ion 1 iirt'imratidiiH. Alioiit now coming to a Articles A to old-tim- the during the Institute of new Interest. tribute the lata Adolf liriuiibai Ii, an New Kiil-- to bo iifi'Hont. following res- the company have been filed by Lum-ml- s LUMBER COMPANY are exitrti'd close, do set the F. A. Hallilelicr, Charles F. ; a- -i are forth in the here ininil- loan, who was i.ii.. id I)oi Diseases ronil from ihe north courthouse which show bloKiupllical sKi I I While the olutions: and a t. h of ho shilt boss by the lil'iblt iv e , , prem-n- t It in that the tdijects are to over the AM) ROOFING 15-ye- ar not In kooiI aliuue at take Donald Heaurcti.iiil, are airnm-I- I I now FEt:n PAROID with condition "He It resolved: paitly completed late pally, die, of miner's coifiiii.pti.oi to to huve them In K'"1 ditch of the lnca II fronllspiei-- LllllMlils iil.-- "That we exprtss our slncerest it'll by of was lnlt.11 to l as CtiiccH I. 1, ui M Krw toniiv ittlilii" by the antlmr liy Tlmrmlny, nt which time the efficient ci mpany. to build the ditch southward ol guarantee. thanks to our earnest nnd and a half tone He a wife and one son. I 11. :t AY (.lOVt It. v.s. traverse o until It covers 23,1100 fro n the north will countv superintendent, lion, llonlfa-cl- acres of land, to Mis. W. H. Haitleit t. lis, the The loud from Aluuiiueiiue sell water rights, land and loan money them. Montoya, for supplying us with creation myth of the mils as dic Vm Mexico ( lioialc. to thin city Ix In 'very fair condition for to loloiiixers for the development of it from them ami llenrv '. such an able conductor and the hiard Saul Fe, July 2 5 t It Ik even Unit th new be rich area under the proposed ca- foriiiet'iy ted till) (lie .The LI. icy of' -. Albuquerque Foundry ani , and pthle Interest he has manifested in our Flipper, coinn Vew ft elllioili. ,1.. (iulinteo at lhimliiKii nal. The company also will do a col- Mas i.. ,...i.. I,.l. hrlilKe acrowi the court of private land ilunn. an t mmm"1X' 111 SIS is ta ill 11 Hloi v Ul1ltt.11 1. Machine Works t paMdiiblii the uhu onizing way V!l infill - " ' . tnuy time for we a vote of thanks to business in the of getting article on the "Eailt llisimt of ... r f "" ' " f r Thursday "That extmd entry-me- n Mai '.Ml rt M. Moon a a.i w hich of the Bouthcin motorcade benevolent con- hoiuslendera and desert iand I'uso," and kite a dm al the preten- appc.ii r.ntlneers l'onilcrs our able, efficient and ill the Allf.HKt htimher of l.ade n morning. k, for her to file on the tintnken govern- sions of Prof. Ilerbi'tt I:.. Hi. ii of the Ihe CastluKM In Iron, H rs, itroiiM, I; ductor, Mrs. Nora Hrtimbm - Hume Join il The local end of the wot him about ment land still remaining unlet- the I'nlversity of Ciilil'i'iiii Most Inter- ii. iimb r the title, "A Fleetrle Motor, CM untiring xeal and devoledness mani- Man a Count Aluminum. The money for the ilil' h survey. Is wa- Fciins is asser- rv." , been completed. us. It expected that esting to Santa the glues, pump anil lrrixsiion. of dclcKate hUH fested toward pay- Mint ntertalnment the we, of Sandoval ter tights will cost $40 per acre, tion "the flat sliilemeiit iinate Worxs D1 uriie. Aimiuuarvu. urchei "That the teachers ft fi- - prnctleally been ruined, the in able in twenty years at per cent founded Santa Fe in D.mi ulll not (arlos Wood Killed. ttf countv, petition our superintendent, ,. which will decorate the corners of the on deferred payments. The stand the tint of im ct,i::nli.ti." I'lip-pe- r Santa Fe. July CM I, are writing, to have Mrs. ilrumbiu k re- - rlos inlt'i nr plaza have been constructed and company. It Is said, will also exchange also takes issii" Miih llisli.nan W ho fnr Hcvcrul years li, Sian Ileal ir ..l.'miureliu... "wel- turn and conduct our Institute the Ga-- rlt readv lor erection Wednesday, water ri;:hts for land, acre for aire, It. M. Head as to th" she of San I Isll paper al Santa Fe, is reported to trmle-- nr rmllr tnlvi'it by J..urnl want painted and coming yeur. l state- ttt.-m- Ii.i It t come" HiKns have been so thai a man wtlh 1(10 acres of land rb ami discusses the various have been killed ni Texas by in! a. Heiiil m thuni ..tir. fancy ele -- "That we heartily endorse Mrs. founding of tteslern temporary wire alrnnK for pi oved up oil, can get 11 free water ments ns to the Satila a politi. Liu Ue.l s educational methods, and of whom he had all.n trio llKhts In the plain. Hrumback by Fe as early as 540, disproving all roiiuh-slin- to do evely-thin- g riuht for eighty acres donllng the in an ediloiial alible. Ito.iniN huve been listed for the use individually promise her ompany eighty them .anil declaring III favor of a pre-pnr- grauc acles. In our power to ralso the t Dili 5 D.UH. Edito- of vial turn, the hotela have been This land will grow sm-c- ssfully dale bi tween and to hindle unusual crowd and of our certificates. fiult, alfalfa, cruln, corn, vegetables rials and reviews liil the test ef the FORAGE CROP YIELDS convention "That our most sincere thanks are number, which Is one that no loyal the nrranKemeiils for the of all kinds, sugar beets. The soil Is v are Meyers for her In- lay f',s .... S . Rheumatism Hesslon In Scottish Kite cathedral due Miss Manelte a led loam and verjj deep. New Mexican will want to down 100 TONS TO THE ACRE complete. structive and educational talks, to without readmit very part ol it. Col. hend-iiuarte- rs Flladolfo Haca, assistant state 10. Ttvilchell, editor, and his Tha Rood roads association lion. ODD I FI.I.OWS 1. It. the KlllMiY All JM I' IN '11 Is prepafinn packaiten of superintendent of public Instruction, 1STI :ix, elites have made Ihe'.a'.ilie Will (.row u mi Arid jiml Scinl. rM MAI.V I'.I.KCTI D Ol Tlt'l Its I for dbtrlbutlon to the dele- for his interesting ami educational ad- one that Is filing a large fi. Id. initU IiIhmii In liHlnn. Imilmn have been dress; to Mr. T. W. Conway for his gate today and the Aztec, N. M.. July 2.".. local bv exprtss from the factory. on agriculture; to Mr. Ijukln, The line acre planted t,, this new for-ac- e Why Should You Hang Back uhlpped talks Odd Fellow In live Installed follow- From Southern California Fay wood Theae lmdxes will be distributeil free Mr. Enloo and Mr. Marcos C. de lta a the plant will keep Irotn two to tour hnnd-rom- a ing recently: to nil delegates. They are very for their pleasant visit. officers Mrs. Jack Fisher and Mrs. I. P.. dairy lows in Kood condiliiin. It Is when all your friends eiune her for sou- Tom I'ptegrove, N. Arthur th-- v will form an attractive to the Sisters of I.oretto be C; are in Los AiH'ee. where ill to be the KrcntcM milk producer ' and "That V. G.; His cake? Our bread of meeting They are so ar- our thanks for the cure they Art Walters, Sec; Joe are having a most delighirul visit. of all liuriKe plants. As a f.ittener for their bread and venir the extended E. Wilson, Hot Springs ranged that they can be used as watch huve taken ef the public school build- Kohl and P. trusteis. They are both reentered at Hotel bet f rattle and Iioks, it Is claimed that will Riilt you. It I always fresh and uctlnfi Appointive officers are: James among fobs after the me.tlmf, thus ing in which our institute was held. Clark which is cfiine popular this new fnrtiirp plant has no eiiial. ' divi- Srott, li. Austin, I. J. re- -. delicious in flavor. It never lias th you curftd, us official Irslsnia of the state "That a conv of the above resolu warden; J. C; New Mexican residents. i.ther Many claim that It will lower the cost It cure, and remain Jour-ina- F. Hell, chaplain: William Gillam, - w know, you will if you try of the rational association. New Mexico l cent at Hotel Clark from this; ef llvliiK, by IcsHoiiitm tin- cost of pro BoR- - and sion tions be sent to the anlvals lcn.'t. suspicion of sourness or j The proKram for the convention fol- of for publication in It. S. N. G.; Joe Kohl, L. S. N. G.; Inality are John A. Murphy and L. 1.. ducing such staple articles of diet us; It Education S I. KlnesH. kept n couple of lows: the September Issue of said paper, to Newton, (!.; Walton Hnvle, (I. G.; Drown and wife. beef, butler nnd bacon. Can bu Considered th Kldny Wednesday, .fitly 2I. the Albuiiiierime Morning Journal, to 1'oyd Cornier, It. S. V. G.; T. W. r, The official temperature recorded The plant referred to Is none other day without tlrylnu up. tilvo our Water on tarth. rtt leals-lativ- e L. S. V. G. p. m. MeetltiB of the Santa Fe New Mexican nnd to tin; at Ai row head Hot Springs for the; than the Luther Lurbank Sninebssi - Why not PAT WOOD HOT 2:0 the lodge a ows: liread a trial nnd you will bo con- visit comrniltce, in the office El Furo del Hio Grande The expects to Initiate class week ending July 2S. Is as fol Ca.tus. booklet has recently been 81'ltlMiS first, line you UI of the state enKineer nt the "TILLIE CASTILLO, of ten new members within a fort- .Maximum, 7.ti7, minimum, r.O.'JS, compiled which contains a lot of valu-- j vlnced of Its euperlorlly, eventually go ther. anyway f rapitol, "Bill ITH EH G. FKAN'CIS, night, and a drill team Is now working mean. 71!. 42. able Information about Cactus, and hard to put on the work impressively. which of a IrKe, modern hotel. Frfct 'llinrsiliit, July 30. "LIHItADA CliESPIN. shows the results number cllniatfl. liooklet. day will be up by the Grand Mat run isltor. Hint to the Wise -i Sufflch nt. of feeding tests. If you will write to! Bakery This taken "Committee on Hesolutlons.'' Pioneer T. O. MenKItMOTT, merl- Mrs. Leon 11 Morgan, grand matron constipated take Chamber the I'M Campo company, pt. A. i!ll pronnm for the fourth annual Uheii li tn: South First St. ,VWoMl.,, New Mexico division of th of the Eastern Star lodge, visited the lain's Tablets. They lire easy to take Story blillillnir, Los Alludes, Calif., u! "The in of the snh" rATW(Ml. NEW MEX10T. National HlRhway association. TORRANCE COUNTY TO local order Thursday evening. She nnd most nwrceabl' ln effect. For copy of the booklet will be mulled to jBMnvjMainwwNti Sessions to be held at the Seottlsli was greeted by a large crowd and at by all dealers. you flee. Itlte cathedral. HAVE FINE EXHIBIT the conclusion of the evening, deli- Friday. Julv 31. cious refreshments were served. Mnrnlnjr session. In the senate AT STATE FAIR HERE chamber at the capltol. Museum Visitors. Hev. I.eo-nid- ma. m. Invocation. .r,.,nNO,He. to jouiwki Santa Fe, July 23. Henry W. .. ' iifiwi. oim 'mlth. ' Wlllard," N. .f. July 25 At a meet- - Sandmeyer of the census bureau, Atipolntmenf ?if rmnmitteen. Washington, D. C, was n visitor of annual ad- - ilng of the Torrance County Fuir nn. 05 a. in. President's rociation, held on I nth the New Mexico Museum today. Mrs. K. Lester. here the -- s iIiits. Francis Inst., It Was resolved that the most A. Altmayer, Mrs. .1. E. tern and n.'m "The State and the J. Ernest Stern of New York, were (iovernor William C. creditable exhibits at the annual local Honda." fair to be sent to the state fair at a New York party who have decided McUonald. to over the school HlRhway Al)Uiiienue, As the Estanelu valley for summer 10:00 ;i. in. THt Present after vislllng the museum, Others James A. 'has never had a more promising Veur Situation." Hon. than this, for its agricultural and who registered wcie County Super- eimineer. .1. French, state stock Interests, the natural pivsump-- ! intendent L. G. Swin.'iey of A.tec, Ten minute;!' difcusslon led a bunch teachers, including: Kenipenlch, Hon is that a large number of and if by Hon. F.iixene will come over here at the close Avis lit I'lin, Aztec; Grace Anderson, boa id of county Gladys Taylor, chairman, i next fail. Hess Pennington, of Valencia f the slate fair commissioners This section of the state, tiotwitll-istandlii- g Maitie T. Holmes, Ida I.. Est oh, county. droughts in recent years, Farminglon. There--wer- e also a l irgi? Hnnil w 45 a. Add res.'!, "Needed ul Texas party w ho registered and ho 10 in. W. has always been remarkably f filiation." Hon. Frank In obtaining swards at the an included: MIhs Mamie Epplcs, Eliza- 1 Clancy, attorney general. beth Patterson, Wichita Falls: Mr. led nual state fair. Tins gratllying tact Ten minutes' dlsciiFHion may be ascribed to the size of the and Mrs. J. 1. Curl la, Margaret, Sa- ihJ C. McNary, Aiiui-rlll- o, bv Hon. John , valiey. It being seventy-fiv- e miles long die, J. V. and H. II. Curils, ol eounty H. chairman, board of thirty-liv- e in- and Mr. and Mrs. If. Pat- A n a and miles wide thus commissioners. Dona successful crops In sofne part terson, of Wichita Falls, other visi- suring M. 'HERE summer is ideal at the seashore in the mountains or midway between the two, within easy reach of both. 'Literature county. of it every year. tors who registered were: Inm 11:30 a. m. Address, "The Govern- will have Oakens, Colorado Springs: Huth A. l by prospective visitors to southern the The following officers of the various hotels and resorts those whose advertisements appear below may had ment and the Honda of charge of the conduct of the fair Hose, Dallas, Tex.; Mr. anil Mrs. Hay At r A. rt. information maintained the office of Southwest." John this year: Curtis Worswick, Hoswell: If. California this summer by writing direct to the advertisers, or by calling at the free bureau at , highway Sidney Prncger, Whlttaker, senior L. Hapkoch, president; Hose, Dallas; Mrs. public roads, Peter H. Waddill. Dcming: this newspaper. oftice of George Towell, vice president; H. I Hoswell: James Washington, V. '. secretary nnd treasurer. In ad- S. P. Wclsiger, El Paso; Mrs. C. J. In the senate Mitt, Albuquerque; J. H. Tret-to- Afternoon session. dition to the above mentioned offic- Andrews, chamber at the capltol. are: W. M. Ander- Rochester, N. Y,; Miss Consuelo AltKOHUI l of legislative ers the directors Lopez, El W. L. Galium, .Jr., licit Kpririu mid llftlrl. 2:00 p. m. Heport .T. McKinley. C. D. Otto- - Paso; son. A. Dr. Hled-so- e, AlTWhPH(i O. Cull- - and discussion Greensboro, N. C ; Lawrence 7iks committee and A. Stanton. Wrut-r- by Hon. (ieorge son, Hen Donlin Estancla; Nelle H. Sanders, Edith f'irnla. Th f nrtitotn t thereon, led holding fair has n X U board of The date for the Long, Henley, Laura S. Miller, Mountain It. noi l. Kinsell, chairman, yet, but It is expect- - Mona fui tntUR, in ii u n I h I n Santa 'not been named M. Tularusu; Mr. county commissioners, ' -- l i.iimpillMtcIv follow Ed Sanders, and HportPi. AVait-- ami mini eo.i in ill. ii vm Fo county. fiesta of the Catholic Mrs. Frank Knox, San Francisco. Arn. IMiiri. Our rOMIHMVtJ OCKAX. SlOt'NTAIV AND VAI.l.EY of officers. the annual nwn ilulry, ihlcki'ii ranch to . tt MnniiKcr, 3:15 p.m. Kiection church In Wlllard. Write i) li. lll.niliun.. fnr llrnllfiillv llliiBlmlad Ilmiklet a Saturday, August 1. Trophies Awarded. ltd vrKct libit giirtlena. M'l llll. HI MM H.tTKM MltV IN Kl I II I'. Is tin. i"."l.t no iiinxl dfllKlitful KnK Al.l. AUKS slung tha Pa-p- lf Fe, July 25. trophies M.ifi-a- . If anv meeting of the association Santa The lo. Tha f nn. I linthlng lnai-h- l.ti rro. trpld pluna-a- announcement marshaTdugan weds at Doming tuatitirui necessary on this day, of the maneuvers have HOTEL mnf nn.l pl.T finliliiit. Chiiinpl.inulilp Tcnnla fiiurla and all othar out will be made at the Friday meetings. been awarded as follows: Jaffa cup MINNEWASKA and ilnnia-a- . Aalt aiiyuna whu lutrf aver bean to Stratford girl mid-rang- The greater part of this day will be pretty gallup for e target firing, first, AM) AI'ARTMKNTS. Inn ltl. i. ut th iinMirMiii4.'l inhit, and Bervif. l l: y.iu Alliiiiiurrqua nt 1 r,0 a. m. today and anjujr devoted to the automobile sociability Company I, Deming; secondX'ompiin.v Nn inline, nn rtimt; pur ir, yet unljr thraa Nl'l'il tl, Mil ran lauva cjirlsbal. thn lirt-i'i- from lli imri'lira i.f Kirnlf..rd Inn at 6:48 p. in. runs and entertainment or ueiegiuci. MCIL eomiMNDNC TO MOHNINB J0UNL1 H, Field firing contest, nliH'Ua fi "in Hr.m.lwny. Kleviler. tftuili planned' by the civic organization of fi..n.,., v t Tnii. 9f. Town Mnr- - first. Company M. Portales, cash prize r.iurt, reef Riirilen and rt'iiauieilila riilna. Hantu Fe, - shal P. J. Dugan and Miss Huth El- of $50; second, Company K of Clovis, Ml S". ilraiul, C'ir. 2nd liiand. him lis were quietly married Sunday eve- cash prize of $25. Governor's cup for AllKli. t'uL VENDOR'S ning at 9 o'clock at the home of Hev. excellence, to Company E, LOS ANGELES. CAU- - ITINERANT Eplsocpal payroll of National i.Vlanmian, rector of the Sunta Fe. The the Btwl Cnnrrpt Mnrtils the $1 2,000 LOS AJVGELES IS INVALID church at Gallup. The fact that guardsmen nmounted to and I Y ACT gold. AKSOI.I I lt(f;ll(OOr KunilNliail A,rtiiienta two young people had been married the men were paid mostly in Oiirneil I Long Insl. 110 Beach loon nn..tern hnuaakpepliiR Bpiirlmenti. did not became known for two or iss Room Hit tvlili prlvniti liath. Cnn- - oc- . (to t'HI im. ill Illy. Kuril lulled ('i.iiiilflB, PICIU DIP1CH TO MONINa JOURMLl event hud Mining vcnleiit all pelnli. i l.ti you three days after the Itl (amp. ; lurtfO M,i:r nn: tuaix. Judge clergy- Eurnpann 1.S vantlllileil lllli't, hnnii'llk, at Santa, Fe, July 25. District curred. Hesldes the officiating Deming, N. M., July 25. The I'liin. ltnteK from wllliln enny wnlkliiK tllwlunra. down witness- urn si., n.'t. th K nth. Colin Neblett hus Just handed only two 'other persons Fhelps-Dodg- e ((INSI KVATIXK INVKNTMKNT o man, company is planning to F M. UIMMI.'K, beam' MnnnitiT. (., A roiircsi-ntiitlt- ol tills offk-- will nicot mothcra with clillilrnn and other opinion i of Interest to every ceremony. OrvUle Gray, a close ti :,n:i Null. .mil Itiuik lllilll.. nn that ed the make the new camp of Tyrone in the ritRK AUTO ltl S MICKTS At ltAI.NS ntlriia' In state. He dismissed groom, acting us oesl bl nimvl merchant the friend of the Burro mountains, another Douglas, tin 11 lilil.'l. Tlilril mill Main. Iliinia iioiiliiu; iiHsiHhttiri' nnd hi'o thitt thoy lire wifely enlalillNhi'd In itiitutila vs. M. Williams, M iss Ame- t he case of the State J. man for Mr. Dugan. and to report and will shortly , or- of Miss according in entirely free. I.oim llcach luitt-la- an El Paso man, who was taking lia Kraker, an intimate friend open has qnurtirs. Thin rtlfo ainrtintit( Deming an El for the biidi throw the townsite which ders for groceries at for Ellis, acted as witness out of 10,-00- 0 l pvcry taut and pursd. couple wi go to been laid for a.clty at least rolt.iKi's mill tent cily urn to foinnl for varied Paso house. He was arrested under elect. The youms people. Employment Is to be AUDITORIUM HOTEL net and was in a home on East Az- I'viilions yon. liooldot free! It. Ii. HISIIY, 8to. the Itinerant vendor's housekeeping pre- given to 6,000 men about the mines I OLIVE STS., LOS ANGELES Wo will iimko ri n for fined In Justice of the' peace court for tec avenue, which the groom had FIFTI AND and mills, which with the railroad Cliiimlii r t'oiiinn 100 Occmi Ave, Iioiik llcaoli, Calif. not having a license. He appealed to pared for this particular occasion spur and other Improvements repre- Overlooking brnuliful Central Park. Every modern ac- of and Judge Nebktt Mr. Dugan is one of Gallup the district court prom n sent an investment of $8,000,000. commodation; furnished for absolute comfort; large lob- ruled that defendant was engaged in prosperous and , most men. He is a native of parlors. Special summer rates. IrONQ REACH SANITARIUM Interstate commerce, and that the young '' con-'" Old Scripture licportcil. bies and private state statute is invalid and unconsti- 4tnd haa already accumulated long llrnrh, CaI. Fe, July 25. Twenty-fou- r Manager. Ttattta Crei-l- I'lan. Alintidant raclll-t- lf tutional. siderable property In the town. Santa B. F. GREEN. charming western copies of the Sacred Scriptures are for racraatlnn otui haalth tm Miss Ellis is a'nla. Unique illct iviitm, It fa It II W ll O CalllC tO enumerated in an inventory of the Return. rrtwl ID 1ttfi" liTtin-HH- Iii-a- t equipped and Motorists won a Franciscun convent nt Santo Domin- Santa Fe, July 25. Miss Alice K. Hip Boveral years ago and has Htvedlnh ,deiartncta nnooaatf go, dated 178S, according to Father - Cassldv of Crystal Lake, 111.; Mrs. G. host or Btauncn menus. arlenllfl mothoita, hmne .roinnria. Va Hoe-buc- Jeronimo Hesse who denounces the dt W. Denver: Harry k rl.itia tndnor fnlertaltiiiienta, outdoor Wessel, of Inventory of New Mexico churches in veriitona. Wonderful aiimmat ellmata. Mrs. Anna. At. Wright, of l allintt- - and Itlo firnmlo 1796, recently obtained by Historian Write for folit.-- and rte, W. Kay Kast Las Vegas, returned today from 25. The Hio Grande be- Hlmpaon, manaver. ...Jl Frl-jol- Santa Fe, July Halph E. Twitehell as Incomplete a motor trip to the Hio de los Is to be falling at the single dwellings. They reported ngain reported cause it does not enumerate a cliff Leasburg diversion dam, the flow yes- Bible In all of the churches of the the roads In fairly good condition, terday- only M,r.6l second say, no appear having been southwest In 1798. lor strange to rains feet. .Mowever, a washout is reported to have fallen lately west of the Hio moun- partie3 at San Marclal. In the Purro riilnstructcil Delegation. JIT Grande. Each member of the thirty-tw- o An- re- M,n fttt t7l over grandeur tains, lightning killed Hoswell, N. M July 25. Tho 6I ,1 10 was in ecstacies the gora goats belonging lo W. C. Silsby. publicans county today met of the scenery atid the Interest of the of Chaves Adju- One of the animals killed was a buck in convention and elected delegates cliff and communal dwellings. delega- ft! ESS; Harry T. Her- valuej at $500. to the state convention. The 80 ItOOMS ttlO BATHS. .. tant General and Mis. will not who are the guests of Capt. and tion was not instructed and Evry Modern Accommudatlun of Ouelta, M. deHremond at Ros-wel- l, A lied Hot One. be Instructed until after the democrats nmima Wllliunt Itil I h 11.00, II.M, SIM Mrs.. Charles 00, on Tuesday. A nnteor, half make nominations, It was announced. liooinn With Huth II.SO, i ., ft. will return home Santa Fe, July 25. LEARN A Weekly ami Monthly Kiitea on Appllrulliio. and Mrs. George T. Veal, as large as a hen's egg and weighing TRADE Lumber Ci iiipnuy Iiicorimrntcs. Mak V ration a profiubl mm thi Sumrar bv Visit Our Splendid Cafa. Popular Prloea. Judge and Mrs. (i. A. Hichardaon thirty-fiv- e pennyweights, fell at yvjr Mrs. C. N. Santa Fe, July 25. Incorporation Ukmg a tt th only practkai Mrchruca -- ' Tloae to Htorea, Theatera and Beach Car Line. expect to come to Santa Fe at the Carlsbad this week and couth 3dal I.EB IIOKI ADAY, OKU. A. COLIJMB, her papers have been sent to Santn Fe by Id Soutiicro CaUfomia. Autocnobila icpairaif and an same time. Among those who arrived Jones who saw It fall, burned company, fraaldallt. IM' today from Hoswell were Colonel fingers to pick It up. The me- the Mimbres Valley Lumber on cart) eJtctriral, dri D(inatrnMi trying Is $25,000, inf and Mrs. J. W. Wlllson, Charlotte Is so it cuts glass, It Is which to he capitalised at Vcyinf, Room and board vhila Inmin Foaition na teor hard that divided V, Schurtz AVillson, Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. fleh color and oval in shape. It Is Into 250 shares. J. cored. Stufctioo (uarantnd. Write fweaUlofa,(M( (Sheriff M. is to be the statutory agent. The MORNING JOURNAL WANT-AD- BRING'dUiCK RESULTS. Joyce, Herliert Joyce, Mine. Eliitubeth now ill the possession of KATMNAi. SKHOOi, A, aito-t- s m rtm. " ' ' headquarters Deming. Pruitt, . 'r- , ; Cicero Stewart.-- are ut SUNDAY, JULY 26.1914. Foua ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, IN WORLD OF SPORT j " THE tfOT THROUGH WITH BIG LEAGUES YET HE ALMOST CAUSED Cured in One Dar PIRATES TRIMMED A BASEBALL STRIKE II? Our lml- - aad BltHulle, Nyilrin of Selralllle utile 1 mtimeau VARICOCELE BY GIANTS Hydrocele, Rupture (Hernia) IE No Urianil.ia from Hualnea r Hame 4 4KlcnH - a knotty, luliied "...rn. i.k iinii!ltl..n or Iti vein,, i;i. ..,u. -- n lelihig lad (i.illl. i- . a lli-ll-- J . I . Inh VUi'- KaitMi. tlehlllij, "f eiieri -".- .(liioiiii I In I:. N"tiiti. i.ert.mai.t i. . ISritk " 11 imtn !) If4lfr f -- n I stii'.itl in A ii 1 m ffering fr un .l. llonw kixaklngj ili-r- : . W .l . I!. itir Mi Mi .mil ( Ii Tram: inm r Vmi-- . tit I . - ! lit-- : Ituiial hanii at.itt enter t. rair. I'hIh- 4mt 4f lulu-t- llrN.klnj j ; - J'iHs-i-rvd- " -- I of a few l.lkcwHt-- t lirt-.- i in. Will I'lav lUii ii: llii tfnatl liure in eii and riiK tniiJlt !Iri.l aouhle-h- . ! i li o f.tllt. ) di nger. Nt iBriiB- - I IIkihii I'llilw Viiiiiinu liall. rtcil In 1 urn t.m. 4 nh--t Heal IUhI.iii. l'H it; in ill 1 1-- I ilitrlng .ib. I t'.- n evper! aiteatlan. - l .i iciili'n at Inuulig off tt." ':''.id t.nly teaip-r-- ri linmi.; TMi(i. H TIOVU. IKtMK TM(i. ;'.i i ;i':n If fu i.r rr frni W 1, a,,,,.,,:, t'.ai w i ' i"' I" lave.ti-.- ' r , r'.'v(.- - aa rk . . U KrandMaml. i"tr' MI t ... - TIH'Ii if 1TIKUMrr - ih.- i 'l . i... ,ila i: 1,11. i.ll.pll' i'IWH In l v.k win--.- u .I! r I ii 4 t'!!. aiul t he '' II .' n . ... . 4a . will play t' n fi.j-- i hi I TI KK tilt RMt Hrs'd :, 4 4 l.f- ' any liven. A I T''." N'- - ti n t... ir- - ' t;.i;"re : ' ,'lgV ; or '..o..A. .,,t. ... 1'i.L-- .train tt netla : last ni'jhi. The -- i ..t..,',ii.if. er teiiplng tloma .oil '' I tn i !,,.... .1 !ik .iM-bal-l pl.i ,.... k u . St 44 'fir' ,1. k lioi .... ent f til ...... ', r ,. ,i : re or I i f p.irri in Mri.i guiattoa ami (HIM Tad,. !'( T h m-- en an We 'are umnf Kin.. IVli'n n w if. o-- niellt Mn tneay. a j.rl . ,,.t evening, i "l.e 6v i.ifi.Mit rerh-- Vj frt.iu biislnev Joga.kL ,i ' .. k A an .'Ak ifID a ay ii.ilf uf tile .omhM mv..l if t'.r.Hiklyn. i:y u inning th-- f A For A Fee Vmv j July r. iii vt:;rt M Sure Cure Small New Vrk, July tw r - '.'f-.'- i, l v a :i. t Biiii- i.f .i iiiini ail- r K i M. home-comin- g from ii lull. i'h iih .Vint! the llie.r m 5. t iri f lii si .. th :ri.i.i;r Im:il ma ii;i ii.--- niMi-i- by winning - 'i'n.' a.uetful trip their inth: t- -r t'h,- iin. Ki mii fi' in th i lai-- t gri I n thei tlif r x ' t nia!it fi.r and vUHlKht yblorv. I'ltishur .! l v t Ail-- , ihrif - i: .i.. l M'h'Hil, pljinn rit; Hl labia a 4 .' -- liitim. by ot of to la'" 1 h- - viMitnrn w (in !'': perUll.U. f ; ,f H ITS r,i v.;.i irtlini' f.iiinl lw a nf .' t ii t inn. re.ciitu - shn!tiii5 i. tit KriH'K's :i. tin . ii.nmg gim l the rhuriipo.ii hi I'm- i uti'l ..I .i.IiR In pei Ul'l'iil!" Ve. lK.iiir i.ff lltntlr:t w.ih rival's . AiXlt : k.-i- l of ' in. in file event he burgh. kn i.i.t the I"" I-;- . I on th in uhtii - .11 j li i. 'in- The inning, after New York made y V.!ril 'x Hrn"K-- ! firt bailie. -- ihnr .nnliiK nun tl.p In,e (i,r . , ,'! hav ami v lot and .or.d fi'ir run al- - Tale " hri' n Helen will rel en 1 ... " ha mn ' r i n liit f"r (I . i m&tt l h thi:Kh fifn KitiT. ci.m i:., i - -- . ft"1'' " ri - a eiifiuii- rm Tear, .. t t I t I N t il.'leit. ft et li!it.urth : 1 n Z!!..ik ctarrnl M MrollM. ui k ''- u. i;.im" will at la M New ... .'.' - I. it with ), !; T. n l an.l f:rt fa.. C.,nse,-uu- i V j ,.!! I: i Ha!triea, '' !. MnKli'i. th th tviii- rf i'"!;iri"ii O. Kr.ift. i l.een ii..i'e. iTi'i. n t'.io ami J ii! .. n. Kafora. Matt.w-tn.- t.. hit r nu'i , ! tii lh UnKim, t!'- f:r.t ! r l.'.th tr. mm, in. 1ihI;:ik Our lil.lma, 4emill.ale aad .v.- - ;l e i h ,v to be eea la aur v ' t l'iii-rs'- ' lu! Inch anil ilevora. 'a.'-- I'ilitim-l- in U.t iuIiii Willi i.;! ,u!,!i' the thf li ' -- . tiliiera, a It. the mot nr ;t ix i! Imi :.ii.tii:'U as l'ir.t 1:1.1s prte ii, ulnti. i'hi.ff.. f.,.fi.l i friiU'i niiv ami ui u.i and l"-a-t i naal f t - 1" run-- - Ko- - l I a l riperl j - lis, f.i"t I ; y. He Home i i.ii.-- i t!i- .tihI ix:h; FiM'i'ithi-t- i.vtr; II th vicinry :M. 'I'ii. l.lan I. Can Iit. f iitu him in third .ii ' i.ll. I. la t.l lit . i)-- ;h- - . im-ni'- : .. i te.l ha pen a". I,, t,,,, pontile iiitiin.' KinrrrxnV t J f - i.n.i.ri viii hai- I:i; Inf i.. utin l !. . i k ti e iifti Th. Mr a I Meiaif. i.i on bull ,f in h:i undiiinc I n tf,f i'liiim- ii--' n Ims rneiiii. Dcn't Give Up A Visit Will Tell 'f, - W . . nn.-i,-ti re-- l f.iM-- ,, i. j r H ft j tn ami tii'iv.-r- 'he :il-- off uT'ii l' I, 'it Mihewon, T tri lull iri,iti We " '"it" tr tfi liien and test hif-ai- i Kr'i:'.;v. A i'nl-o- a. M.ii "H. ! n.'i ' 11 I'l.iM in th- - n; ..ii.r !fazii ri a.ii ion in : 1I. tidied kla lilaeaae. firmk ' .U ' 11 l 1 "1 i 11 -- . il U 1:1,1 fa nil ii! e 4 Thraal irTi-l- - Hit "ft A.lnni, in 3, l:r.iiiklyn ''10 " hnw p.iui rf thi'v :irn l!i :iuc at !N' Ifl,.,oinlii.ui alarrtt, Noe aad t- 1 I lnt ! tlh.-i- r n . Mi lit.. ,,rf iiT.M.If. I tn iiiMlmjKi. l'.iitt rltn: Mrtitiirp. an'li in i l.. f,.r t.i natch the llelt elali Trulla. llp erteu 'iiir Nvrttiu-n- e t.nlargetl fruatate. n an,! fi..t-ii;- ;t. i I.wing . in I. fmi'iii - Willi, n. "i 'in th r:.'. latrieturei. tiladtirr n - ihi- - kt.ln. I (1','f. scuna ni ii r ti;.- r nu n tn I lllatw-.- -. all a.,r. r, i an.l rlnari fll'a and hunttu i.i.t ,i ii PI...--- , mil ail xirrlal dlara.e, IJriiiiWiyn f.,.,1 iMIfl Kill ll A 1 PURCHASE PRICE OF Until IiM I. uf vira ami lltmiB. i ikii S: i It.itt' rit rtrn.Urr'iii't arnl llimk; ! i i r m.. uitice Ar Hh . & . . 1 ...... tl IS. n LAND NOT SECRET, .... k. 1 . - i:.,em. July Th fii..n li usii. I'mri'Tin .nil - ,.iiIt 1 1 I 1 1 1 I 11 ' ln.iiip amr Hi triti If i.f taitu. ttrii. fTM ni'i l"n Wu-h- , m h- -r U,r ih- - ( ISLETA BRAVES TO & 4. An !.. Fit in n '"'I hi' us,, Wh.t, S.,t, h SAY DETROIT MEN to t him ti'iliiv. in " !' St. IjiiiU H: IWiltiniiii-- I. SPECIALISTS ! mirjiri-- i il tin1 fm tn. anil nc hjs n hi ih.- - INTERNATIONAL ctowJ ninil" grmiil rult il.i.n.'w Mur-ili-i.- il ovrrflnw i h'-i- l Biii-rul- iv RUtimore, July This v,i t llyn-- m Iip h i in !Hi hi. It h .'I .. n uci"-- il :'. nr. su y. (tnu D it l'mire I .m .i ii:, ji l;rnn il.i ;il park anil 'lat-'t- l. ItHCM TO t.ONtl. JOtiMHAL) V. . , line in the iiiinnrs. hi ili.rit.i, -. .,n,l I"." r. I'.!' corner riiiii-i-- in- Va!n . Jul h- -r Haniaiett i!ivi f in 1 !t !y I niona ,irf h ' h' n,i- fi.riii. th farniiun thr. inn Saw J ;j. Ashley 1'onl. lejii. St :1, X!- -a Are . Hi Hti, Tel. T ih, "" r SOX TODAY t. t.m iatr. .ml '" mm Ih'" miii'l M. :i in Plfly Paul !l. ;ra. Henry H. Joy, R..y Ih I u' il; Ma Ave. .r.. t AM hit r 1 r the Iron im lh hun-i- i f the m U1 htlj th and lmvil "Ir.iy today filed Knur. " la I p. m ! I. p. B. i.r-l!- i la a. ai. la t p. tn. l.M als i r n Inninm nr-'w- -r m ii:t liro'saht SuBtlat. IN . separate the r.utiV RALLIES h n f.tvur nf JiiiVtn-port- t a I. .'DENVER hn retir'il , l.v II P. rafta right s Fred " WHITE SOX WIN M iller ff .1 The suit arose over the w,:; : ?i WINS FROM Tt 11 F. SIXTH; Ton, t rim-ji- n Mim1 Ha Vigil I 11 1 ' Vatlon' I'vimhI sale of th ttion giant jt;st I 101 Oil :0i i ...( x -- t. i.i,i lot s:t i.' "1 . - I hi- - th 1 Hani AftiriMMiii Willi west of Santa K. t" ahov tUlr,;, : OMAHA: INDIANS LOSE H.iititnur l""i Oiirt 10 1 fl' Kid Iniuilcr-- I roiii III 1'iit-bl- n at who ;:: I'etroit rfipHaiisis. The l ; B.uu-- li.niipi'rt Vatiiihti mi llarcrov. i:rnn. itn-- er pure 2v , K- - II I de iates that .hile the T s.m,m.,r I Murun-- ViMh- - and Jn lie pen. T.i-- hit - vrtMHNO. III 13 'h.i,man; i'i. agreed i.t on v :'h 1'rnl'er f.-- ti. : m,llt Vil!'. (iiiini C. Si'rr., Rrnv s j y,f htsi h. 'grant was ft.tiu.i. only tn Loarn 'Ui-S-luf'-U-U i : IIIS ; c.v-ere- ...n run OmilJ cash ita- - paid, th hiii.mie d Sir. I , i . han-a- a City 3- - The l!'. who have teen i d n nl S. hinitli; I4-- i.m tluffalo - 1 three-y- t ill. . ty a one- two an ar - 1 : .'" Kan-a- n Mr.i'.ght ah. ad toward th Trap- hihI I ! on ti.ll Bnff.tlii. Jalv liitffai.i and .i.iiii $ sr ttf 'I to- -- a not f,r $:''.u.", eai'ti at per cent, II.-M- . ' a ilmii tat h.iiiip.'initii with ar. eli ;. .ff Vaunhii. 2. Wru. k '" ," ,', ',' I lil Tliirtt-n-lnnin- "itv divided t ,,., ' in iciurliiu. In t -. I :. i noon co'.iide si cured hv a mnrigag. th n.'ti i - te tn th thi I'y hv VutiRhn. 2. rmur . t day, th i.ral lak:r.c f:'st -- -r lliti. t, '. IMli hlng Unci; Tig-r-- .; viil-t..- .s- i- -' repte--ittiii- g l.e i:p and ni si mi'.cd wh- 'h.o .: Xll Htm same. 3 tn 1. anil tnKing t th r with in Nail. H...J ,, t.ilati Shooting l' run an.l Julmunn Iwirnn -- u Ili-i,- ii I I .in,.- of tn I.eM Aihtiiiiier-i- l.v th I'ii.'arito Iaind companv. The Tak.ii Icteii. lining 4 to 1 tn th- - n. Kmd - ititi-- . I on man ai. tai- - nt they (i.m t l.mii defend. in'- also dory that thy k' pl For Both It-.- -. t n in (leiciaiiil. i.n.v five hit and Sxe. LI. n 4.1. i:.l-- price asU ' ; 1.11:1.1. i g w as hi n to ,t ..t ilop. viell field. 'the ir. has a and MO....I iwii..!, Ll.ltO 'l pat e .md h.e sent ! 1 T J.ily and . v . - d a in --' n'fju. k. nnles th pun has aereem-f- i; pravci wonder Itr.H.kttn. :i l...,n,r. J . -l- uin.-r r.ilii.l In! i hi.'f vrn.i pit' hA Kan- nr hiili t. at that riKiii- - Johnann. (r la.-- I'liti il.viile iml.iy iSniil l. n. l. Manan- - r i: n. t they tipoH with tlieir 1 aij-aaiv- e iiin.m .., In ,,v!tl ,,,.,,8 iSh T Cs'y, hned ri a .a; '! ''.i ertnin erterel , fully - lill,. vi 1 ot;-- md r Th.- vmiK.ra the fit". f r- -t Hn m- w r.-t- . K-i- .Mini! - night ... hu would dispense fa thai th ti"k run t.. win tm ef - 1. ih jucottJ il.ivt ri in c.irrt dal II 3. tlir.itigh twi muffa t the film fr..rn P'.i '. ,.1, 1 . c.ii! etuhth t far th ""hat le iiinrel.ii ;,nd th '"01 ci-- h ate! beneficial to women. '(!- umaha. t. V n pit. hej wiunm.' 1'p te the .lind Mryrtu in fu Id. . ! m i- i , itr v. h er the n. II K. note gp n he i to tliru frnm center uni - h. n hit off him tTi:ght ;,.,!! th three refarne 1 e i.,r Our beautiful free book hii Ii t i ruriR 1 -- 2 ;' ii.i 11 is -- jtie-ful in oli.iin.iiK the 4J t ceiitite f i tfi f.iiin them. .Omaha I'' mi .a- 1 . . in f"iir nin-- which tvere nouh relii Itagan In th 110 0 1. l!il"-.- t of Atg. a student let "Dona oftlia Trana" Allen vH ninth i 4 ; t : win. hase .nt of She ttt.Ioli'.r Hi-d- 0 hei.-!- Ih li nt J I a T M-'- ii! ' i ! at th.- lifiiiici whu has put houk) tut after had hit f.'f 'Mii,.r... " At ; i ;h a irair.i fitikie. hd. NEW STEEL SPANS be read by aQ modan - I ,- M !;.o pn.v.niis oocaston-- three unities nml a run with nmie cut j Cri oliy; Mil. nti.l I'uht. - t -. 11 r fir II". in rt li.- women. Write for it. he a relieved hv lni re- - , . .11 City .),i f.ft. full 1 5 3 Av.-.- ii- r. ir.-- t,. one of tiie Kii,i ttn-- e FOR MORA BRIDGE - . ti !.,'.,t jifot of i,trt. tir' d the nl. Th l.e alu aim mad T.iM ka : lN- I. Hiiffal . . . Hi) 1(0 0J irir t.n.f. ' Miilnc Game r Du Pont T4mj. Ka-ter- H . tiie In presence Powdr Co. Hire lum in luilf uf ninth v k,i . J ..r.d their the T.ipi k... J T .n 1. i t. ti.ittr.e: hiison WlLaiaxtoo Ckwlaarmixi Il'l' n ! l.'a r. Put m ored only one run fa Miiii!i' nr., a !' t i ami ill the D.f.ticH to .ot.,.. aouai.vl "ti i" ford R P .. il re- 2.',. MriBikhn hit S hnnder freely In the't,,;JV ' tt Spin pi. the Siihtn He. July Hr.aineer W. H. 'll.' tw 4 n " - 11 ion) mi ' l t j.f..itiJ nn eauily. i m . ,.rr: n it a: r", f i A ,t city mil viving V rf '' Johnson t".,,v aw irde flu- i antra, fjnte anl l.i r Kana C liiok- - up - e'-'- '.'1-- AOrt f'ftS O.ui 9 K..I Soy field. i "iil 1'feff. r hulding Tin. innall nafe. Her- Twck.i .. -t -: 11 Huffato for the two steel spans of the Mora f Kn- - n.- of the cti'N ftehiing Wheat timely lum mi J ii iH.i. iPtci.fc il.lCB a.ail IVit'.eri Harri. Adams and linen.. I. ruis at Watrons. to the Missouri and In. Slnuns ..M An-dr"- n fhiciga, Ji.! it ti'ilay y: .V.. hutting In linlh l'uHi-ti- t . .,' I Mi- 41. Ch' uk 7nro!h. Moore. ran. Valley Uridge and Iron nrr pa By for Drummer Bowling Alley featuted pmii. 1 0. t hut out Ne York. tn in a i'.i ,r. $.'.,;-ot- liriiiikiyn tr.-.- f'l v t Ii. thtr and FAIL TO thi being the loe-- i Mil. lti. jtinffv. ar 11 ilui CANADIANS 505 W. GOLD iii.-Hr- ii m II 'I Ki si. in is to be 110 feet long ar.d I ti"! lrtfl 1 ll m and Warh.,p li. lhtt.rnir!ti is to have a wooden The oth- .ncinmit, ... 0014 U, ; 4 II v .V tmliiiiinit v WIN SET IN CONTEST floor Meal Sixirt M..n winning .1 fen-tv-f.- Diickpln, the Samrner 001- 10 , I'lHirni'T's wm th Pitt-- t ;S. tt to. k 28 -3 J, I .in,-1- in, I.,,,,-,.!,- urc'i. It er hidl.-t- were the FJ Huso Hnli;. Ju'i ,,,.!, a.'r.-'- s h 1'i-d- lUtti-riep- - rii'i th" .i.,t. f,,r the rifffhura 15. Minne- ALLEYS Anin and t'lark, I'.aBan.U.v in th ..n l n r sr ; ! .nn.iiis - WITH ANTIPODEANS and Iron Company, the roil. iuh. fe M,r,: ft H E t- - Indfart- raU gain fr.m Si.-e- ! ,1 n il A'ten, and !.. s;d n n V. ii' Ofo'i . i C 2 apolis Machine tompanv, r'nmunn thei. ,.iti... thr York '" t..U.iv. Inning y - p. - pol.a Thirteen $ti.lvi: th Midland I'mlg Company. Kummat T hii5 Nieheff. nirt g mi uf the m i'hl..lK(l , iilil CHI iliiil l.oi 1 I 4 t '"n f whi a w.affi Ma-.s;li- . Thr-K- ;r .. neiesary .r th first tarn, .e..,tfl JC.J...I. l?tc .i 1 Hridge ht t. hit M.tyers a . ir t.. J h. I'.atteri- - W : 'i. , "-- tii.U'5: aii th t cf ami rtamaker resuit-d'j- n a iMo-- aenr th i J Ai:st!,.'.i-i- :i to- t i,,v ,. li t and t'hicas". i'y $T.-'!i- were also suiimit-("- d UNION BLACKSMITH AND utile play Hnillh. Culshaw and as 111 Ih ici- :r,i,.t:j. r.. m t . K... k . . Itils ai ai wi-- tn tmd in innntsx. day n. ..tie i! a .li an cwtep i r I'ana-J.- l'.i iln-- H.iiiea .n hil! Hasan. Ito'.i!-!,- t;v on siwtns with ret flooring, "ff Mi.,ng hiimnii ).,!: la. Siiiii'iiarv pinya Itenx. i. ip s. res In the cni 1 W.-.,m- peckin-ftrt- in the la,.s to HORSESHOEING SHOPS !. iff Kn matin. 1: elf oihem win. h. thi-- e a s f r.-.- ranging from $;,2"0 tunc vnh uh hain and S t RUE f.r. rtiati la f, Xon.ian Hrook.-- fcv r.m' 1 51 1 two a' k tt an, i Kiutiunn - M . S. O" fl lUf rt..r ii..:... the half ...'it tin- ;.,.iish nttd .;.(! . ha!k and OaOOrtf 11 1 . .t l. 1'.. .' a. tI. .1 defeated !' l v Amen. Him- - Off K.lK.ill. t ft It r W eaver. 1,11 i, 11. 3. ' 9'"-- 1 - 1- - 1 IinrT th ;(iff m rMttei.urgh """ an I Anthony Wilding w.n'' fr..m II. H. 2", The tVikiwinz list of btaiksm 3 l. m 0 u ii"x- - 1 ' Fe, July July lf.l"l, in k: off Alien. ill off Fermann, nin ;t k .tj t IJ - e- - Santfl W.irhmi li. ft- r Ka.eer'.ies and Textor. a engers. As in th.e 1. and horse shoeing shops of this city 1 -l- l . 4 ' I 4 an uti!'.!, ky day for Sh. in iiipii.s :ig.-r mi Smux V ,. "I" i: v. W i:h I'mpir. Hiidi" ?'erry. vtas Thomas organize,! a local h of the I t'amriiti a"d a. lii',. Thursday when Htookes ahon-doni- have bran :!.,i l of day hi wife il Halt l'ttri.-,iii a r.d k! i.tun.i rn-- t'h :i. 51 .re faTtr- t It for on that r.hv '' 2 St hwenger and won International Id therhiiod of gum.. n II V I ii- U-- 14 la. it son. cording hi lark and t'rp. Ind aiLvp -- :) ''2" him and at tn she Le N"-- I l. l" Uans ware itnd Helpeis" union, al I'm mciiti .lift miO Omi I . K: ( ' ' fr m the t'ana divorce complaint filed hv Sheffer tn- - IliMntl l. t. . 0t' 11 h-- in ..- 2f- " ' Hiit.ii'itih in none of toe five ii..,t, 4. and employ only union labor l,r,kiMi . :t -r. II 0) las ga- - x.'Ht.m. 4"y eland. J.f v - '"..Ikenherg and Texter. atid day Hgiiinst Bessi Ingle Sheffer. T'.e :" liiiitun Ilafferie s shops; ..if.-iie- i . dft- .lid a set. their I 1 - I of win Mliriiter alt l.iiK.1 ,., N M. . d i v. i.ii. todav. s t,. , in eleven n. r and the thv i omiilainant live in the coal mining ),, Pa kt Krr. to- - ortiz an.l 311 X. First ft. ff.'i- 1. . Today s had effect on th f(. find hlli ! I.t ;ii a 'camp of Madrid, southern He !.a yiar.i .t.tiinir. i..l' three single, Santa ,t Son. 414-41- 6 S. nd si. Ti)-I'iiti- . M I'M vi sfri.s. hut evert tan wis w Passmnr.' uiiiinat, hit 1 il. f. .1!. it the has p'ilMl dtititi and a tripi, driving in l.v ii unt.v. Th roup! ere married 31 t'opiKT OTHER BASEBALL RESULTS ! wet mote James T. Goff. W. av. Whiiit 1:1, Menu!1. ., 1, , hat foosh; atai there ". IS 10. by Mor-dl- l. 1 wtt. o'M.ira. ,.M,., the i" .,( tnt,i vn and ..neg not her himself September litv. John l J. Frank. 45 V. t'opper av. I .1. f.-- log in the uni hi Pfeffer lii 1 111 V.-i- . p h.r.g r ("leseland. hr.ii for the irowj than Pretsliyterian. s 1 iutdert he N. aton t. a td ri n. tljgrm.ti. The plaintiff asks luill--of- er- year-n- Steesil ta o Mara. I;ai.e on on t.-n- 1.11 t'haprnan AXt RU 4X AS4X"HTION. first three m.ift he. custody of his three. t l son, C the n..i.n tr.i.a .nil !; ret "n -- for Quick ,w, 1 . ' s't--r ure lliarrlim'a. I'feif.-r- t Vr-- S save a mi, h a( :ir h.i.eiiiei. off taitil ahotit 3 o'el.- - tr. th. ror. An ernr of o.idgmrr.t put Thomas Jefferson Th most prompt and effectual cstr m:i-- 4 1 iitt ; 1 , '. g H. They Staad himself tiaamst Wild.r.g than Struck l'v l'f. fier. tup ;.w. ifo- t..(e tta t, ,f s;.ak'r en. and irdner ain-- tnunt "f f di.irrhiKa is Colic - J. it ligaiT-s- Hrook.-- s at the r t'hamlieriain and lligler. the ti l. i .'ijr!k- I.;. , 1,-- 1 :e.l. .ooring 1 ' .. rar.s did tnd t N.t ,- Youth Is nrovtncd. Cholera and tarrho-- Kemetly. When .1111.1. V, - .1.1. . I Vif s n M K sfl,rt of 11'- tr it h S.eiT.ed to have .1 !.;,! g.l t. .t. VI . a ... a Mt lr , X. M . July unnatural ' "i 2 - ur-- j. given as as the first riiilaili-lphi- ; 11. ' . v ' , The 2. ?in v,!m,i ... I hand- to iiiti. c si. I mil. in!' 'a and tr. i:i'.' lf'.U-- i Noffsker. aged IS. was dnmiied in Itiii-en.s- s of th bowels avipeats on I, t lio-t.- m $ o 1 2 gait-- y New Zea lander, how-eve- r, ijiiiia, -,s. r Hie s,.'cld l.,0 a ' of she tail by heavy i ef- Juh .;. p a pond filled the ram, near lit nearly always sufficient to .i...... !'i.i,-- ! i Cnt-- ', .. ' i ir-ia- .f . .. 4 1 I.; AVii.t.Ti. .1 1! ltd ri Tn.. f.,ittri ir. igertnan. was his at kept S hilx S.. ailetld li.1;l .! . his horn at Kiiosetelt Two year fect a cure It should be kept l' t ; !..-;ard- oy i:ri xpecied Mi!) le n for r and t'oiitnt'e. '...i'"a taken back the Xnffj-K.-- r kiiK-e- end I'hiladelphU managed to l,r...k i; tci: !lir g.m-i- :-. agi) n brut tier of was d hand riadv fur instant us. For sao' ,t iv :ll et the I..1I t .. : '. .11, tut r,. f. display I ty the ' 'ar.ii.l.f.n in Ureal.. Min:itii. S to 11 The hire nt. and 'itr.i,., - nil to death by a horse by all ' ' afi.-- t. Summary Tw.i-li.n-- i- hitu - ' PJ allowed S hwenii-,-- r lo np- iainled on rerilti,. in ih that t.'m.iri ln. he operiiii gam, l.ani n, 11... .p.-r- ' 1 .1 vv..n f f a ns; ;i tier. ol.iJar'l Reattlw to e the set. but he after inn Inn. for nil of rims ' I Nt-- Thr.-.-h- Lewis. Imuhi play ' t kept i ", ut-- tc.p- - Hauling .Ihiii In ht rordest. and thereafter O'lt'le! pel feci .-n ian-vri- n .. i .. - i ; lion ' " K '.k and J. hi: rir.-r- : iieiunti to he d .11 k. Jillv . - SUiWf ,..rdnr. Sce. f .tr H"!- t- -l a . ! ! ,. md Hiti off was so It tt Pi 1; "o i':n. Nn.-n.- s Th fatiadian innaii 3 1. 4 m ft ai'.arai'i - BASEBALL In .'.'. by Wi'.d.r.g. S- TODAYl Si t ... ip .. 000 00 00.1 e '.1! a ii,.': h it in Nea y..r.., I ,m r rut! i.i: or the court liulimi- - - Alhuiltl4'rilll lf.'il S.l liwtimc I h ' .. 1 ! 3 "ife : ! I M . ,,r m i Orer-- id. l.v mg. did t'l. .. t.a li'iil lev 9 ,v. .1 t K. ti. !:l i r.Kint ii tur. whii- - th iatter. tare nt.. best liaser.fUI talent in H .apcwoil cirou gnutntls- - t 1 AlttHUri'i. Park ...i 1 if.v il iki-tti- n S .ti : ..ff o. lamer nnnt -- ps his work with his '.f.f,.- Herd a and S hm ider '. ent to M in a p d 4; tT i. alt Tsii t.ltH'ks north of Alvarad.v hotel . waiting for street cars n 1. I..H lire t Ttaey 1 on-t.r- i'e .' , Hiie. .'i off Hit. H4. w rist ri- (.n t. at 2 ' ;,, 1. .. wii;. at m. M xati.l.t nn.l Killifcr. . I'" ' r omf In: i'ol!-.nj- i I'm-.,,.,- w p t (lamf 'if called it. ff 1. 1. h-- . 1 H.-d- . foam'. o'f t.i-- tit of - t th :: -. - i ha cad soirewhat AIMIMt) AI1 ITs. (IIII.1RK EREI- T.ol;ie hits 'ru.sf, m Kg -. . - .tfd in. : 1 (.- i.r.g ma'- played Wi1m.ii. Iiei s. ""ad f ...... i-.- to th. M. 1:1'.. Ai.- ...... , the h and kr. Mag. n..iihi i - : . :i-- ' ' s! " ess was neg-- i t'tayii J team !;.. ;.iik.' f . ,1 :i ' " ii'iir r.t. his suo M.ller. tlucfim. and lun. . i ' I'liilndclphia tt'triiil ;' " II lllfggiiix I Up the deal ' i'.i :i t.ale lri'W,.l tin SllMler. '"' 'I'"' l: - n : , - i - t.' i! ' ! i .. ! t.-- J..H Hht cr- i: ,....'- f' had r.o whatever S M.ig ' :1' ' x pe d 4; r.t. 1 - chance Kill ter. l.vtne. and Mat t.n. d-- ,n 4 . ! "IS m t ii .i ."g today, agams- li- r- The if h had I: 'ff 3; o!f Al-'t- n the .1 of KiiVfrr. fii after., ivrdu. rig rkopt-rtip- g gtm evten -I eould evaif.l' r Mm, k o il l v - 'at. ti to rrtljT' h.?tlf. i.f.srrt!y Cheap Summer Rates Al..n- T ,e-i- . ! -- - . Ktl -- : I t 'tMiimU-iiiii.i- l. f 'he ?o t It Iletrolt ! ., have rn .! t y set , H; t! '.i - K !cm and l -- 1,.. i I'leiniimter .it ' . - - -- !. T1 rA I ' f. at tai T p'ay :n th pecng wag n - it the r a He, Her! - Jxt ram i! t .! f!- .. : r - IT" 'i - 1 ' Il 'oX irt th S.i show- tientry'a gg. th ! fom at th" 10 Astern roints kind X deindaM il '! if : ! 't.n r..; he had yielded at Jaffa'. Maltif'a liaakln'. m . l dm. !i.. n SHI Tt.r.B lK(-- t T lia t'iiati- - -- k Maivcrv. fV I inciadin; Setemlier iheop ra;? tickets r n gland. - at will t,t (,.-- ) tl. Tlaer 1'iftabt.rsh. Following the il b on s.i'it Fisfern hl'nints. These tickets nr ,i..:ph:.i tot.) j( 13 W I. J.y ooooocoooooocoooo . Pt anrccin. that M .ke Mil. ht-t- had timite-- to tot.. r va 00 00000000 Pcoooooooooooooooooooooeo j d ;. V I. ' t .' ref.irn ti Jlat and lilxia! r? nt ;'., . AlW-ti- . 'staivi -- been to She r. !; rter rf and pp. ,. . i rious points. 0 Ii v. :rv Ctrl i t i".i H,o id .....-..- ' ' Vie rap..rt that Pres. lent S'ihag : c . , - - as- -- i . v it ir'.fjM- had ..,vers n eleven - : i n: a t .1 w. tf-- IMank. m " ' o - ' i n-m C.,r..-el-- Trif.-I'.i- It Player, anmre n To c V T I l hit- -ff ''' o ti- - t: l.rt ,n. 'i Mens. r Jo All !l 2 " . and rates to , Sportsmen .', H... in y Cr. sarae cf trjc important points: ' H.o-ht-er ' I- Son: of the other is. id to it 2 in 4 otf in M ... Ki'v le 2'i'fi' "'r -- K . 2 4 Viang 4; off la',! i.i are ..r.' M. ear- Colorado Springs. Cuba. Sin.: 5 Pc;r,it. Mich tOS.IS H H in '.ff If at at we will '. V Reawita. v.grer. a r p . fur .ii e'aifii O V . r ! Oiit thy and ru. t. h. r IVnver. Colo .S.hi.TO .!.nneaptiis S.'i'.ta i I'.ii.t iff Sirfvk - i.ra -. to toil w n of , M. Hump ami a i 9.- lit. t. t. C Ii. ) ;.. t . i l v 'er ! I ta pstebl.t, C'oba ..SIS. St. Paul. Minn h.V Aiilnliiflaliiig Mini -. re- - (ir M '. ' -, l.iiii, nod II, atiiii; Hillc- o iti.-:- l Tax Till.- laoiiglu. Washington. P. C. . STt.Ta Kansfis Citv. Mo SlO.tkl ir-.- tin- - i . o v. a .. Mvrd i,i:.krti o M ;-- Oj . ".H.2 M. Ijhui I'.--- - ! Tu X. . Jul) p. K. Atlanta. St. Louis. Mo. S.1 IH.1 , Ilain. - Mawp- t X ',rt',it:. V,- wit-- tt-- c - have tl.n. I,n m-- , I ' l'.-- H I.. Le St t....i:s. Jw- ::, t far S 'H n Invesfrrent Chicago, Ills. . Sfil.ta Atlantic City ." SS'J.S'i 0 After - the no -- t . . t ... , i e ; . ST I TS tiM and rn ffti::.g on th. f.r. .tm. f O W -h r j:-t- i tji j from Paltirnor. MJ. ... I!uffa!o. X. X SIS.6S riiteit hid rtTd Dh lt-- .. ' . ll.-fi.- i ffn lltoi - : , find l r f.j-- c 1 o.ii-r- r gi t Mars . .Sa.VI.-- New- Leal.- is .liter, for irt th t rt ipini eif today gam. st- s. .' ;j r- e '.i-.- ' ;n s bo in York SM.fa ttiirkmar.khiii, i i. : l .th.-iu- ng o , 1 f. O . S4II.0.-- '. jnd one with S: Km ; nd th n:e the e..- -' :;oio ;... ed r $.i'.i.4 deli 'ii'i aBt tax The Cincinnati. Niagara Falls STS.65 - c turn.! .' i t'l.- - t . ; i - i "? . e sit-i- . of latgett it. rem if f.reariv. fn t'- t! O via i. .1 of. A win i hai team. H. H. Ha. kett p.nvir f tT a ,r Toledo. ,5f,H.l. Philadelphia. Pa $7S..W - .. nlftv.-i- l " - ! ' - ; . - S.te;.i F . May w hn Ih idrmnir.- if ho mg sins l.i. to mi o f. " ' r t .,r . r i. r in sr.! ..ther Piftsburrh, Pa STI.'Jtl ttpien, Utah Ma.!!"" o V.ifce M.t. ha re. pur ha.-- a r i ; oont . . Salt I'sah . . o ' ectlv thier 5. Gardner. Jr. she .SI2.U It, Wi.a n ,.i-j- Iri.m th ; .. i.,iirr.'.nr.t at o ' ? - H .;...rc- - . r- - t har-- is pier.?- o rai. port' d Five i 11 like srkeri. For further information all at the tit kt ttlc r address O Man ig. r il.'if' tn .h).iv aa. m the --i : .. ; r th .r.-.r Tearn . M . Julv 2". "nrg F. A. MATS0N & CO. 0 ! . i.p .; ... j ,.Bj a iex,.r. ,... -- r- nr. .'ae of th.. fr-- t tile:- - in 0. -- O - Dealer in Kodaks. rishiriE T.tki and i !.- mdiviit'aai . Vn.i'. a found t.n- - P. J. Johnson, Agent c I.H-s- -- I etrn H- ,,.fr i : ...tal t.f i. a k t,.i . s:f.i th.n l lit 4. rah Kile ai t"- - p.. The (ntb-ii.s-i on i farrr. eight ::v;'i XtatuMl-Xlte- r A Mtwtda, nwaraing. : tilt V fal-i- .rrio-r. of He had d - 0 t' " itivn the rb:tr ajf?. 1 1 V . t . nif-im- -- . ag'fct tor Sleatnsiiij, Lines t,S',nla.) a Irt.m II l 1 alar M t urn tu h', ... i jrrav ,n t::- - ;:. "f f- ar.i ,;,r,ri.'t a,'.,i-- Km dro . . iCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC0000000000000000000000000000003000i..r d4.-- ti-ttt-i- Mo r, a.a i't.iliii? bh?:'-ian- i'i !' i


County Clerk Walker yesterday Is- Brought sued a license to ninny to Jnw1 A. Tin res tm.l LupUa Ahcvttu, both of ACCOMPLISHED CDNTRACT F ROM Nletu. ? Missis Lucille and Kinolle Scott jlfack to left vesttrday afternoon tor their home In Wu Hufc Ky , after visiting Health F RANCIS ti i liii'iiils fur two wicks, s?pi ' FLIER Mil-sf'- HI BOARD I.orcn.i mill .::tv Wells. ID iLiukIiIcis nl Dr. and Mm, T. M, Hy Wells, will r turn In the rity toliiKllt trmn Silver i'it, where liiey attend- - til the normal school. 1 RftMinlillo nonntv Hi.ohwnvsi Ceachev People Meet rani Mis. II. I.. Tiim.-- mul hildien, cruna. in com pa tiled hy Ali i. ,. U. Urccn, Dc- Wonderfully a! Commission Secretary's 111 leave toliWhl I. il- the Cm ml 111 Imnrovftd as j i (inon. From there they will go to IH1I Ma? Result of Systematic Cam- -, maud .to (Place Aviator's I'.'ihf.ii ula for an outing. St., Akron, In orde" to meet V. A, Drown, 'of Ohio, write, paign.. Name on Paper, Chicago, the t.nehcis and I'm n of Sr. I'll ii I. in hei a Sunday school I "I wan In tht druB buriltiem nix I I me iiiilehled to irtcsctit at the J years la Columbus, was !'::; o'clock morning ii)i, a,i aviator, will fly at ihunh at this among the unfurl uiiuick in tiu,t That the null" In lieriuililln enmity Hoy Fiamis, tin' instead '.in.',, as prev ioii,.ly an- 1 UQUOU U llie New Mexico State fair licxt u if Itreut llsnHtrou Hood of the West UUOUU huve piotlted greatly hy the syste- nounced. Hde, n yeur ago last March. matic campaign of tolid1 building Mini tohcl'. Mr. and Mrs. .Linux A. Wnt.-o-n Nearly i l..,i.i,,s v llinl.i it. secretary to the all of the one hundred improvement, eenihieli'il . iimler ihei and Mrs. Harry Leonard and nun. re- that j.erlshed personal direction of the cniiiily mad ; state lair commission, mw'"1'" turned Friday nlvhl from .Iciitcx hi that were friends or patrons. hoard hint yenr, Is shown hy mi in. on received the signet iiFimaci. Mrs. l.eon- - "Throuijri cold and exposure fur the hey. Inc., mule splint;. Mis. Walson and and U report submitted hy John S. fn.iii Lincoln Ihai I.e. ll re last Improper food during the M..01I, I Informal luti.iu.. Krunols flies, lontain 'aiil have Ih. for the wns THF Heaven, chiurnian uf the mad bomb 'mouth. Mr. Watson joined Ihein two taken with appendicitis nml ne.ite e in. El SEASON colleagues, K. t'. lug the nan. of Kraiu HIT THE Mr. like his OF Heaven, weeks Hgn. raturrh. In June an t July annua, serves Thai Fruiicis would fly hele ha'; ! IL Ilnller nml Amhrosio .Miss I'.dna iioon . of I'lovln. Inhere my llf ai despaired of, but recov- county a eelit of pay. hi en practically icitalli lor ine last Tallov, the without the Kent hey uiMltiiiK her aunt, Mrs. It. A. ered ufllrlently til be up nn.l around. Itoad hiiiird ineniherK do a whole hit week. lloweer. when ll'.illi Mis contract did ion West Pacific avi line, lioone My bowels seemed paralysed, Wa. of work for nothing. Ding ehairninn people sent the ,haH heen attendlliK the Normal unl- Inject especially thank- (contain name. Hy the - eonipellid to use Ioiih one" or of the hoard Is an thai aviator' ive! sity III Las Vi k.ih. mid an accom- U simply twice a day. Could eat tu less Joli. hilt Mr. Heaven Is Rood contra. I the I'eiithcy lompmiy oai'.led to Alhunueriine fmni iJif solli pay I I food. loads erithiiKiiiHt anil lakes his out aiM'M to send "all avian". ...y O. l M SK ' I ' hpeniiNe Improve. Mr iiii.Li.n the Co :uract "V . "The first of last December I de- In uiitlKfai Hon ef the relume. loin's ami .iihs iniosi.ii. Went that are being accomplished. with the reiuii'Ht that Kran.lH' mime cided to try I'erur.a. My bowels The road hoard charge of ' he inserted In view of the f'"1'1 bedim tn move lit once, without the - appear '' la Hi CRIME LIKELY TO D road hulldiiu- and r painns in in ivi.w lolieiised to hole of Injection. I action a year ue county .lust u littleinoto man year and did mil. Kran. is. in to began to tune place, and have not 11 for Mr. Uinket t nml REMAIN UNPUNISHED nuo. What caiiipaiv,n hotter s, ,,,,!,. ,.,. between used an Injection, Klnce. My ays-- 1 he api'etltn roads. Inlellli;i ntly coiiilucted anil ,.;i, v pie, was wahl to very out can do In 'mine, was tniproved. ttnd soeti fond foodt tematiially carried anxious to no there little 'fePICIAL I). (PATCH TO MOHNlK JOOMAl- h j rould be taken. In twu nuiotho time year and n few monihs Is ndlial"d ,K1, would meet with lr. Fe, July tien-era- l improVcinentK, all I""'1" ,)),, ti.v Santa I gained IS fiounds. Now I am the many 'n iinkcrt'H I rani; W. Clancy was today lending heavier ver waH of the county, in roads In; jKitH u Day. hy Artesia attorney of nn than l before." has dally an every direction. The road hoard Kruncia will make two fliKhta iinlniiunaie and "revoltiim cape." Ill Thoi who object to liquid medi- I a great , . ... , , , w done iiiiicIi and plann to do ...( f m m ihsI. hi lit thai county town, lor which the cine can now procur ktruna Tab ileal more. The man w no pa i s r.uii iittrai'tion. iiiovlih-- no , for this law aiinarontlv remeil Uti. roan tax iri'H year win n- ei.-.- .,,.,,.,1,. j,, not nave io-- of riniilial relatioliH money year letter tell" ter run for h'n tins man depend upon Francis' record to know a with his daue.htcr mid then Is what Mr. mall he did last year. Here that he is a real aviator. He made 1b pa ViM Jieawn. who. hy the way, siveral lights here two ear ami, The gill is over 14 years of ago ron, lax pri.mplly, even if he lues I'tmluy when to be no statute s, Hiihstitiitini: for Lincoln and there eems $.r,l!lMI worth of work a year for 110th-in- u In t with an accident. Incest and it has been h is to say nhmit the road work in decided not a common luw lietnalillo county: crime. These are the conclusions that the present road hoard took ARE LET I only a cursory pssali "Since CONTRACTS have reached after U ohnrKe, we have gravelled the einhtv-foo- t of the statutes and au- AlhuiUi-ripii- to examination j COLLEGE ITEMS road fn in old FOR MANY BLOCKS thorities: hut If 1 mo correct there I ' in Store. lniranes, after extending that road oiiht to be seme legislation oil the See What a Penny Will Buy Our cne-iiiart- feet . u.,fiuli. f.f one and miles, thirty OF CEMENT WALKS Slllij.-C- .1.. the ill no V" ,' The Bimintei- term Is iw.w w.ll 11. 1 wilh a fill. of aholit four feet. leeisliitiire and I piesiline 11 ougiii i" ' He twenty-fou- r fe ft your, vanced and ex.-- lien, work is being ,,,.,1 ..hunt one m l e , . r. coi.imen.bitlon of of for seledion. - he Hundreds items your twenty-fou- r Mam- new sidewalks are ... ., accomplished In nil departments. Tile) 1A.I1I.. Wo have huilt a cement ' toot rool. with on averaue fill of being built in the residence districts AtT.'.inev (Ieneral Clancy promises enrollment is the largest ever recur i' two nml a half feet, commendm; nt ill AlbuiUo!iiue nn the result of tile need of a statute defin- - f"r summer school. f recently. giving to the !.. was visiting front window or the citv limilr oil North I'ourth stte i't. rdinances passed g ,'d providing a penalty for the! Mr Douglas old, jee our five mill s north, l onneetinir with t In property owners th- - alternative of ,llr.,i ..pi,,,., of Incest, to the at-- i friends around the school yesterday.! years themselves or hav- ! e - work done hy the mate a few building sidewalks tention of the coming legislature. lie ei Hi il'il III .uiuii io,iu, woei.- it all tlv wny with an ing the city build them with the he is employed In the state peuiteii- - suggestions uko. mavelllnx legal dif- nvoraite haul of our gravel of two liens and prolonged tiary. ,ii,.s the round trip, at a cost of less ficulties. The time limit as specified Mr. C M. Drake, print ipal of the' than 0(in dollar.-.- . We hne built hy the city council expired on Jim shorthand ilepartmt nt, will return one mile of road from Fourth street 17 It Is understood, however, mat from his Micaiion M. mi. lay ami re- east corner at the Metiaul .Mi- property owners have a few days of sume his duties. to the will not be xtion school, out th" road grace mid that action The Ituyal is the latest addition to Dresses, in Ginghams, Cotton with fill at the Fanta Fe commenced against property owners . the typewriting deportment. The new Women's House or Street 11 willingness to get I cri.sln with ml 11 vera ce fill of three who Indicate No. 10 Is a marvel ami much in de- feet. We repaired the Jtarcla.s bridge, busy at once and build walks. mand. and Crepes, all daintily trimmed and where it washed away at the Wist end Miss Ullie Hinds, who accepted n Voiles and nlsit made a big fill in the ap- ROAD FROM HERE TO substitute position in Snpt. F. K. proach to the same. Summers' offi.-eia- San Man ial nbout sale Fixed. worth $4.00 to $7.50, on Corraliv ltoad ESTANCIA REPORTED i two months ago, has been offered tin "We have huilt mid gravelled one position permanently and has decided and a half miles of road across the IN GOOD CONDITION f mm to accept. This is a very lifficult ami sand on the Corrales road, west of the responsible position and Miss Minds'' Alameda bridge, that had been almost friends, are pleased, MONDAY, JULY 27 every innumerable imoassiihle since the bridKe was built While roads leading In almost though not at all surprised, to learn road prac-- 1 11 n, traded, and repaireti the from A Hunt ne are . direction neri that she has made such an excellent 1 - - - from the bridge from net-i- tlcally Impassable on account of heavy : Dress for $1.95 Including a record. tit a cost of about J2.000. rains the AlbuiUeriue-i:stuncl- a lap Charlie Collister will he greatly! (ion.ales and c riaht of way through of the I'anhandle-Vacifi- highway is missed from his old familiar place, as - - to the Snmliv il county line; in good condition. Information of the! 2 Dresses for $1.96 other land " ' he left this week to take up his new' lf tif road - j 'graded one-ha- mile from. condition of the AlbuiUcrnie-I-:.tan- If" 'duties in real (stale and insurance Indian 11 the street to the road received at the end i ' Fourth wis - w A. some ( field ith Fleischer. made a big till, with of icean-to-deea- n high Orade-- and iiuarters the old-lim- e Is W. I!, fcyummn-- MeMWtrWWiiM-"-MW"- ' .. ,.,,- - ...... ciuL.tieo from the rilv on the Moiin-- i .Morrison, frien of llamtticl. i " . ; . .. iway yesterday Hum f. ... ii,,..i over road familiarly, known as "Lefty," are con- tain road from trie mmiui Iwho wrote that he went the gratulating him on his new position HT.MS FROM OUR PENNY SALE on SHADOW FLOUNC to Arno street. thr-- e last Friday. Mr. Mor PENNY tracks in hours iwllh the L'ei ker Mercuntlle company MalntcnaiH'c Work. rison Is on the way to Koswell over at Sprlngerville, Arizona, : INCiS and CAMISOLE. LACES T.esides. we have kept u1 II"5 rniil the road recently logged by Judge Fd DlUG DEPARTMENT j Mr. Jones, a lad who learned th of the work done on North iwnrtl L. Medler. of Las Cruces. tiorth j intricacies of bookkeeping entirely in Fourth street to the Sandoval roiinly University night school, is the new bookkeep I in.. I a line, ninth of Alameda, the l I . Cen- NEARLY THREE YEARS tor the Hilton Mercantile company of I Iiox Dora Rice Powder 50c yard,,111."Ii;miow I hill road, and the road on West II. Mr. do- tral avenue from the city limits to jSan Antonio. Jones has been 2 bom Dora like 'oWcr 51 0 .2 Jiofts .S7iium Lace 110 I Alhuitieriiie. We IN PHILIPPINE ISLANDS ing substitute work with the Hank of the street end In old Magdalena. have done considerable work from the by the stock yards The A. C. boys who are members of 1 pounds Aliforbcnl Cotlon .65c LADIES' COLLARS citv limits south Hoy r.ranstetter arrived in Albu- guard, a and nonth across the river as far as brother, the National returned from querque yesterday to visit his ten-day- 2 pmmJs Absorbent Cothn 0(0 We hiive spent several hun- s' encampment at Demlng last j a, y)c t J'nillllas. F.d Hranstetter, of the Morning Jour- .MISS MAIU.l KKITK STKl'.MQl'IST. lf dred dollars recently protecting the having reached Wednesday. nal job department, William Horsefiebl Is doing substi- 2 Collars at IHiO liarelus brldce and the approach when Juiy 22. the 1 Bolllc Peroxide 15c v away San Francisco on from "Tlis Strumquist Waltz," a tuneful com- It was in danger of being washed heen mustered composed by tute work for the John Decker made a deal Philippine islands, and and catchy hesitation, pany ut Helen for a few weeks. Just 2 Rallies Petoxitlc bv the high water. We out of the army after serving three Miss Marguerite Strumquist, u U? wherebv we B"t a good road built islands as soon as he returns, he will uccep; package of 6 Initial Handkcrcliicbi 60c Albunuerqiie years. Hranstetter w is in the Albuquerque girl, bus made one positions from the city limits of a private of three other which are 1 25c a two vears and nine months, a big hit In Albuquerque and else- open. bar Caslilc Soap 2 packages of 6 Initial Handkerchief. to the Valencia county line without company, infantry, by mu- or then will be ,10 county, In K Thirteenth where. Published an eastern Miss Long, one 2 Cmtilc Soap cent of expense to Bernalillo Fort Logan, Colo. is Jemima of the slar ban 200 $14,000. having enlisted at sic house, the waltz handled here is saving county at least Learhard-Limlcinan- shorthand graduates, doing relief the While in the Islands he was assigned hy the ii Music VESTS And we still have some money left in work with Karii kson and Sahin for 11 LADIES' UNION SUITS AND to duty In Luzon. compuny. Several local orchestras 1 bollle Ammonia 25c the road fund, after paying all debts. of the Philip- few weeks. U "I huve had enough are playing the hesitation at dances 1 Vest .Ow now work on the Tijerns The school Is just In receipt of a j 2 bottles Ammonia Union Suit or We are at pines," said Lranstetter. "The IT. S, A. mid declare thut it has just the light 2(0 expect to build from large j I canyon road and me.'' swing to It. framed picture of the National .2 Union' Suits or ests (00 Mrs. Silva's place to opposite Jones', for City bank of New York City, Ameri- straightening out the road from Jones ca's greatest bank, for which we arc 1 botlllc Witch Ilacl 50c j Away. IH house, getting the right IVtldlers Pay Xo I.Uviimv .Material Washed fl to the Trimble A. A. Fidel, of indebted to the management of that bottles Wtlch Hazel S S I I J cost. We ex- Santa Fe, July 25. Santa Fe, July 25. A cloudburst. i 510 CHILDREN SOX AND ULkllNLO of way almost without county, today asked Institution. Much interest has been E u half Sebovetn. Socorro washed away the adobes und pre- E pect to complete this mile and I. amused everywhere by the recent ut- I 25c corru-gate- ii Attorney (ieneral Ira I i I nair Stockinet twenty-on- e Assistant liminary material gathered for thu i Fine Cotnl) 5c of road including ped-!)ler- s terance of Mr. Frank A. 'Vundeiiip, . ranging in size Orlmshaw, to whom to report new public school house ut Santa 2 0,, iron culverts, II- -! Funk- S'"c'('m failed to take out a County Superin- the president, on "I'olitics and 2 Fine Combs 1G0 p'"n from twelve to forty-eig- Inches, who had Cruz, accort'ing ,to ing," to graduat- Fide) complains that he had V. Conway, re- and his address the which, together with the right of way, cense. tendent John who ing Carnegie tn nnv a license while nm compe today from a to Kin Ar cluss of the Institute of cost only 11,1011. for turned trip 1 business with-advise- d Technology. F.vcry person interested bar Curative Skin Soap 25c LADIES' HOSIERY II., r nnvl unrb out ne,l H to OOITI- - lllOrS niHIiaseu lo do riba and northern Santa Fe counties. to report La he in banking, politics, or business should 2 bars Snap plete of North out one. He was At Los Cuartcles and I'uebla, Curative Slm I 25c the Alameda end the at- - read these speei lies by such 11 promi- 2(0 pair sc ii'niirth street rmiH tn the Sandoval the circumstances to the district found the new school houses almost torney. completed. At ICspanola. he address- nent anil excellent authority. ' 2 pain I lose U county Une. The road on North Arno I I .uiiier-lutendet- it bolllc Vaseline . 5c 20 . street to the Santa Harbara cemetery' " ed the teachers' Institute. The is to be Improved, as will be the old Appb' '" of the county, David Mar- 2 bottles I'aseline l''t' cor- - expects Inaugurate it 1G0 yar,j Fmb,idcry ;35r - Town road up through Griegos, the Sunt! Fe, July 25. The state tinez, Jr., to to ,.,ui ..n.l r,f M.iiintnln I'oail and the r.ovitllon e.inuolsslon today recelvei. school building campaign similar to Ask this Man 2 i(ir,s Embroider) !(0 iniei.-in- o Fe county. mail leading south below the stock the joyous nt ws that the that in Satitu II RIBBONS yards, the Itio (irande Industrial Commerce commission htis cut int. Read Your Life car-loa- d Conference. school and Islctn. 'rate on apples In lots from Indian Service I 1 yard Ribbon ...50c GINGHAMS iKspanola to Arizona points to a Santa Fe, July 25. Supervising open to the Teacher H. 1.1. 1'eairs of the United 2 yards Ribbo, Q , I 5c Don'! Forget the ''(irali Sale" nt hundred, which throws His Wonderful Power to Read 51 , yard Gingiam Manilcll-Myc- r & ('it., Monday niornliiii iF.spnnola valley and other portions States Indian service, Superintendent .V) very profitable mar-ik- Reuben Perry of Ihe Albuquerque 2 yards C.inxliam 1G lit im It to 12, Value cents to $5.t0. of New Mexico a Wight Human at Any Dis- choice, 25 products. Indian industrial school and J. WASH GOODS AT PENNY SALE Your rents. for orchard Cllddlngs, of the Santa Fe director All tf; summer school, conferred today on tance Amazes Who PRICES PENNY SALE ON MUSLIN GOWNS for of ln-di- the program the Institute -- school teachers and employes Write to Him. 1 yard Wash Goods 15c . - r f ; ' v,ow which will be held in Santa Fe In 2 lards Wash Chads HSY ' " school U connection with the summer t.T pt-- In wntiin of nr.. 2 ( Thoun.'tll.ts Pie all CoD'li the lust two weeks of August. hnvp ht'iieflleit by l.ta nian'8 ittjclc 11. ' '' " " accompanied Pealrs and Perry j tfllsj yen what v eMful.1 to Albuquerque this evening. ni.w ran a.' me. il,. in, niioi.s ina GLASS IOWELING ...... ai- - V CMC PI your rrifllils nn.l mi- , ,. ., UJn 1 1X1,111 tVJ II lill ,r1 Town Lots fur Santa Fe. enileH anil itt'M.rilMi 11 I yard owning VA the ir.i'. it anil et ,v-- W . 1 ic 1,yiriaV 25. Civil ICngineer - IjJ t.J Santa Fe, July ..Is In Uf'- 1 . perl. . 'I Ji'Trfs onelmg IJ- Thomas A. Hayden today surveyed the ttm hi l .,' M historic Clenega or meadow In the to pout, prem-n- i nii't .fS be- '.fuliirtt will M center of the residence section (.vents I ' yard Ticking 20c 2 Clips . . . 1G" IfelHS Hillside avenues a i ,n tsli und tween Palace and 1 2 jiurJs Ticking A and set stakes for the division of the yntl. All he't f ' 2I past few Ih your name twnt-te- into huildlne- lots. The 1 ' nc V- irsr.i - by ymunt'li!. ijm la roll Toilet I'aper been encrouch- nun i njc I..I years residences have your birth 1h te I II nr. ihe mention! Which is HOW the Hint to KUlile him in LADIES TAILORED WAISTS 2 large rolls Toilet Paper i 110 il only tract of considerable size that hl wink. M'.nev ii T.Ptlt EXPERT ADVICE n..t nerentiary. ' Sizes Styles. building purposes. It wil'i. 1 and is available for nf i liis ttl Kealty com-'pan- tlen Hit name .. a ...... r. i i r.- i ri ..- . b v by Fe I z lis owned the Santa paper und gt-- t a 'l'i w. I Waist We uingnam retticcni by Mishawaka, Ind., frl-e- MVF. controlled Itto.llim If '.u 2 Cir.uham Petticoats THK OFFICF.RS OF THIS RANK GLADLY bankers. wont to takp nil:ni- - 2 Waists 510 510 L THO.SK WHO DFSlKi: IT ADVK'K GA1XFD BY hOSU tuno of IhlR np.'-!tt- i Engineer Returns. offer and ..bipin n AND STUDY IN IXVKSTMEXT AM I State or your lif' KXl'KRIKXCK. Fe, July 25. State Engineer rrvlew - Santa Dimply send MXTTERS. James A. French returns tomorrow full nnmtt, addri'tm. - . . , .1 ..... r.M.rla in ry coxsririxf; rs rec.ardixg thf.sf mat- iirom nis inspection iiij. i the date, month sit"! - OI1I.1-(iATIO- V- telegraphed year niiy I I'.RS YOF WILL PDACK YOl'RSFLF IXDFR NO ttniohern Mexico. He uf blrih mil wrltteni, bihU I I i mrT 9 0 P fl today he had put Oscar Alien whether Mr.. Mm. A'm that following ' WIIATSOF.VFR. C. !' Morgana to work nn the Ihe and Car-rzoz- writing: YOF TO Demlng-I.ordsbtir- g highway. At THF. FIRST NATIONAL RAXK WAXTS "Your adv-le- uneful. D. . FFF.L THAT IS YOl'R IIO.MK RAXK AND THAT IT French and Engineer Ho thoUHilll'lM fay. U Tins Immediate 1 WlHh UCC,'M! hnnpinirit: iU TO Mooker arranged for the and IS STRIVING IX EVERY WAY TO RE OF SERVICE construction of a long pile bridge Will y..u )' me the way?" l YOF. across Par W arroyo for which the If you wish you may in renin fiUnmWOUM been de (stumps of your iul Country 'to p.iy piling and pile driver have ptttaKe and elelleal work. Send your ( - i livered. Work on the urrizozo- la clay Ilurtoii yatiet). Suite 37" It. vV I road In now under way. PalalB-hoyn- I'lirm franre. Ii not - -- flow! rolui In your, 1'ihui.u on. ...n V i JonrsM nulck rMHita. lctteri to Kranc l i nu, , rJ wnt ad briu SIX 'AlBUQUERQUE'MORNWJOUMAL SUNDAY. JULY 26. 1914.

4 - "f -t. ( th . t I WZTfT'T.'T Mtlfiflll I!-8- 'Strange Tragetly the Life rsi t'f ',,H?:.' of of the r : "' l : i" r ki V-.- fc.'-J- ) Wonderful Jhompson : ' tht t i'oet, franca a. . aw 1 ...... t, . rstr:z? frrrEt .! A Ban!: for

7 , V it.' t r ; : ,. Mr I t jtii-wjjw-sf u T..-.....- r j.s. . it tt-.-- . kr !, ...... ,,,.. . t. r,. ... .f t ;,.., otr.rt.!., All the People r,---. ii. ' JUUn.lML W ,a 4. '....fJt-- '! .... ,H i,r...t:..,-- e.t - -e ruDLIni.ta ..ffritJ r,n. l Wib it. aft .r.- ..e . ' .Kt .,.,' ,4r- .?-- f t 'i-f-r-- Mr . - "'''"'?-"- a? is a.. r at ftf tr-- A f k . I.. V .i sit, r. a .!.. 1 ' . f..-,- . .. t.. l.uv n r ...... -- f .,, flitr.tri.r.t ...... Everybody Included . : : r, x U-i- 1 ' K. l. f k k tt . Jif.rf A. M. V:f " JirI .: ' M U ., k.m l. h.- .-"- ..'J ta rot l ( rx o lli1 flirff ami bnjwirtanl auiliiil'Hi .f tit man f!Rr M Rot tu ;- - ,i: - - t'l r- A' tV n4 .r- . ? .t ; ... a tf, " ftr ara-n- t t.r. r i.i.mV I : if ifc IliU baut, iniT ii ialillJiinirt ij i far,. t . . c I ' ! ir f;-tf.- : is 't 'ib. f,. i ' r.. u-- : ?" ;. t. ii; fir--l l - r ..r r: jf.s.t .4i- ia mJkr il. of all. a bank AM. Till; l l ol r . i ft- tr,.i. if.. i,fr, ;;r..f. rrarx ...f 4T.4 Hl , 1 r f. i. .... - AlliiiM-rii- i I J ,i "- S -. "..J - i.r.r t'ji tat- atnifial IUiiL til t. ""J -' lr.. l IT.JIi sr, r .f Kr- . ..t(r if ttii fraw.n. rfulcat tAt.K fit. ..t:,-- , a ad i ftii-tn-l A.iMf ciiurtt-- ami aiintiiiniHlji ii.n i : Jtf-if-. at4 tftt fr.sprj.r...j m r:: j i. t.r -- IIm-- M fmf rm all n"r, arc Urxf ur Mimll J tf .. I '..-- .. I'kt Vic , Ihtt ! T 1 - a ff.-- imt-i- I'Nf-t'II- )f. It. d ! 1 tr. ;:-)- ; ito t.t ts1 I I II t i: VOl'K l.I-MT- f.UILITII-- S M O. 1. tht r.f . iri44 i r IT h. :! a ! . Urn . m.-- - rt t t J.i t) hj thm. 7,. .. .rf - - rl rs..r f . ! - V r'(.!t,- v.. . t.. a I a- - . I 1 ,r-- k m Ihf.i.-V- (, it,..- f. '.t ti V i if T.. T 14 ft t J '. ! !"r '-' f.'f4r ,! it s ; ti;rc-- k, h . J, . ; : If t r W I.r f.-.- : - 1 ( is4 3tti. .ry f. r. at i- - .: ti W!rt Ti M' " ' 7 H I i tr, tKai I t" -. if STATE NATIONAL BANK . t - !. t tf .rY.i. )1,T - .- - i t :i I .iiT r r .f Albuquerque, N. M. (jmf (..i ii - J.' !. Af I T t ! T. f J ft - - n rj' ' ' 4'5.;t v .'u! i.r. r,ty ,f j;,, ( I Garner SeccnJ Street anl Central Avenue ' Umlrm f r . . . ! . , t I" Uirtt &i'tr.t. t,f.i n a .? nf i.t 4B w lSu. t.a t.f : f t i a:. It. ai ." f ..rt..s'' ... . .i.I Fr. . Unite State Depository Santa Fe RaiLvay Dcpoit.'iry Sr.-- i '...: ;. r 1 f.r i 5 ? ? - f .Tf ilif.A 4 f J I .4 .n ! J r--r, -- ; f a l.T.r. a l,r,.ls. lf..t ).' tk i.rcfr..- - (.!-- ) '. '1 1 i .. t- -. n.tnr.i - r . . r- - . k ; .'.44 4 !? r.; i .s (jr-p- aj-- . . - f. .t :ri--j- .. r ' .. thrv jy. t ri sj ijit-- I ...' r-- ! fji's a . f : ! r ! m-f- f - no .f r.,i af - n r t fh r.rrr.i t i f J.- 00 00 00 300 ooc 000000 oc 000 '.a " h - ? T. "1 f ut i'n ! t i! r.rt 'i . .f - n t t j tt ..: f i.i- c . J ) f..- - :i. BUY YOUR .' e 1 i II. A i f;.. ' i t ir fif - . a -- r.. n m ri'.r. Th h..rr; finfii1cnt t f.t.. i.f th it-- r. ! thj ru', f , if - - '.t a.i f,i. f r. r . : 1 1 t. r r. I r. ! ti-- lumber.Glass, Paints V. rr. .i i- - in fA .., r I - fk. f 4 - , ri' a .J.:. j. IB. f . ?7 - n f indication nmrt , t a .a .f . v : .... i . . v . . j . a4 nuiii ; ! .;. I . . r .. ' as hihipM.-.!,!:- : 4 ij tke trn.v and Cement . : f i a .f h;.'r;.a -- - ft, ,...... (.r. t ' ' ' "..! l'.(rt U' rf i;. V V I M tni.fth (. r.. t r " r. r ...... ,.. ..r. t !. f J .A! r (Jj,. fi.;-.- .ij j, a v AT THE ?! . - t. v. f.vS'fnjr I. a .V 34 n J .ii. M - - .;! " t I uiur, t ! .i ' hav .M H' J v., r titvj f i .J'.i .'' r I s. i.o &.. - -, irTt . ..f th !'r If i ... . W H- -'! i U: I 'A-- i ' ii J 4 .4 I'll- tilf r. tri- lt uff.Tl ; :r.'.r.s .. Ha. !..r; SUPERIOR LUMBER .d t.. . tf ,r r !j.a t.. ifi i i. r ! f r 4 '. 't I4 f t,.U:h r j. r J.-.- V-n . rr h.-- - 1:. i. ih . 54 ... r - rrr f ..f. r.j .'. tf. - j i!i)t fiifhta n a Ih.n- it T.i,(..-n- 1 f. 'i. h,. j r b, t '-- ) u ' - h- -i - 1 .r . f ... f j ti p:nn;ric r. r t ; io , ,.1 . r".'",i-r- t : '"' it if l. !a V'.jr a: !K ! - - .. ;i & MILL t- - .1(.:if-- a r rv'f; ar Wh tri Wif; CO. Uif f m . r liaH. f f rr at I'i'f t vf f.). t ...,."..'. i I i i In (!. a r - - 'tt Y. 4itti--nv- I ftjvt f,.-- ' .i i'ii f if ' ' . i- '. rhat r , ... . I f' - ... j '.. n it hurt, isn.l .f 4'. I . 4. T K f f h ( f" 5 f m a if ;... .r ' 1 .!tc t . (V t.i ih r.a ' ! -. . :.i it I'ti t a r...t. e .n M- - t.4t .r.;.it .f th h,. h,- i .: re OOOOOOOOOOftAOft nooooooooooo .... i !.. '. f)? i f h. uJf'-r.- r4 : !.'.'. I,r. :.'t...... t( nc th c.w. i. , r, j ....a . !.1: i. !.:! ..: I ! r 4 IS. . r.-'-!... i I ri i u' - ,, jr-iv- 1.1 t ,.j.n-- ai-4 "I'5 .f e. a t. n ..,!. a ft i i a- - i' ; ir. f:.. i'm. Vna i f.. .'; I uji ,t :a K A t n rr. - 2. CHICHESTER S FILLS --V...V,. - ...... - . . . If ia )t nn ...... 1. t . .j -W . .jM.f A t,. I . j ...j I'w'.,..f ; - i I 1 ft ir a li 1!.' an 'f ii-- v A -: r :i rit: Krl . . a... t i"jrt arv.J aj-m- J,t -- f; a, itt f. - r .f rr.v-i- Ma- - n;jr , - 4 a ml U ! a .f .' iajmt i ti.;:-- .j- . a4VN . , r :- - 4 if..) fa:r,',.L- At srit.t " a ;" "4 r r ?!;lf i' n ..f ? t..hori. I'll-- . w i a4 ti . ,.r j ?i-- . i . JM.,fii r .iiutin. Tf y h. ! , a w t"ft-- ...y an) !f. r.-- Il tmm. . ! ? !a h ai t-- mt') ! r !, ! ..a j lr., 4 aj;'.-- ' I Hay yaast. v.,, ,,,,t!Mi rt , . ' . .rv'ii I ! VV. H. I'i ; t :. H,.f j.t ! -- . . W!r. ' .i .ir 1 " uiA .f i.f.r ..! . ., 1 . :t. a ' h7 h r,. if, 4 f..r f. m ar .J w,..:,.-- i .f rn.. at ,.,. f t - V 1? m-- . i'.r f - Ai.,t..i:. r; i m - - 4 J ! r i ' ii . . r. ?, ; - IV- f...-.i-.,r.ici- 4 t i .t.." n ! . .1 . . r.- a'crs i' htrif J - r ? s f -- a '- V.tft h.i Municipality Should Be Guided by - rf r.f...l -" ' A, I ..f . . i, ''' ;,. I f, n , Iffi... i . a' Expert Opinion in Sanatorium Agitation .1 - ! ..,r I. tr,. it t,r, n 1 , Ih ti. afi4 a ta tMl..fict 4T3 f .!,!.,!.;, lh ,.,.,, . I. 1 th J.. ft '.. i.i.t -- t- l'lll In ar h j j v p V V.' '-- r w , ! I ' tf I.f I !!,ii)r.t - u'f I !' f- f . I ' fi.r.t ! . Mi ! I ! I -. If ii i r t n i f t , - 1 ... . 1 !,. .1 ! !.. 1 n:-- ? t.- mr.r.. ;.ff. r i In .' vf. .rr th ( h 3';r.' ..r.t4 i.j,4 r,.j.r.l f frfii thri.ffi ,. n l t.,. l.u.-- , .MkJ) : 'fi--!.) . J - t! .rT at t.n 1 I , f i '.! sr. i'ifi.n rf.rr.v jji.:tf, that tk If: r !fi.- - a - r... r w' - .1 .i(..rt fi. ..!..; a.. r.. Tfcif ar , r.-- Th 4 if.,'..- h iT. r U,r H a Biif.111 !' !Jii rr ;; ,'1 in i :; T"f..'! ... 1fiM f ..r.-- in : r a n .ny liJ t I f ! ' rt ti asli - kj t.t t i f hi- 1." i t?.- - !?.-- ' An.f-r- 'i jr. h I'.' hum f I ft.... ja ; rii'y iann-- t has a ;. a- - ,cf. ,u' l'f 'i th l!ii 'i'. "'I-- - . lr:ir i .r. i h a .n f- -r by the 1 if r (tr- - a Krc, 1 rf.-- l i 3t.i 7 inn ;' tf rj..t,'..-- a Urtr. ' !!,' j.k't :: l.'ijr a'.j! tr.'f ),( . t .1! h : !r - f l .1 th 4 - -i nilXT. ; t a 0.1 ;- .r ; j- r i a -. it a n A ....!. . , a r f f , ' finri i.r ft far It ';t i r.f ! - r ;. : t.r-.- t .1 -- I f.i '' i n i r. J in n it f.v y.:;. t t a mm m - . . . I ' !.. ki rit-jiin- A r tt .r, u i f, rr . m r I. hi-- fr.m r,.t t : ria (.ji.yrr 'i. aa .; f. 4 .tifirt - ' . 4 i.f...r. .1 f i t.i I r, J fi.'in !mi ! f r - 1.. iijJn th ii' r .1; r tr. ,t h l rnu'h in f e. in 1. 'i th .j. n.-- t th f t. S14tP,"Vila, Thf ; .I j, 1 - ., - . H ' S' r. r i f.t ti : f .. y I I ' r ,. .... i.'f f.r'(.,f !H thi- Fr. r. ! t Ar.- !hr...h ih. i. I wa ' f f iriil.-- i t.ut- - ttt. - . f i . ,.f fc l I It i !:r. a .at f- -f rr .rr f e t;rT !fir th h.a ..'.: ti, In Arrtri tf ... ! i r 1 alai t.Lakos a.-- .!ri'. h.r r,i. " t.r i aa 5. ! T '.if r.e x; th ! .i.i.r mi I Y l jritr.-.ity- i .n ili-- i ! " . : .. t ! a ft t r fr:.m t'.- u. f ir-- t ! tft a t utA .Ti I' ? V- fS .1 If 4 - - ..4n ' h .r.t. i.f' ' t'i n.t'tmu ar.-- :ca.. 1 - r try f.-.- -.t t-- I !.r ho ri 1 rt ..'(if- in 'i.r.,y that rr- !.? .... t . ,. ,t i h r v .'l '""J '" ifr ';:. t .rh ": itA'j I l.v ih re-- . f- f - h'-- -i f nriji-- t J. , .i r fi r .! h !i j f ,f a wh- 7 " f I m et.t - ;if: i I, . '' "'. if;? a ir n K:r l?;.'.r..! r.if f ',.;.' r ! Th-r- : !. a ra . USi-T- " ' r '.'f ! f.-- n a. !'.. m..r-i.- i ar.4tr. hf!tr n, h jv t.ic lake hivr hi- t .. if.-- n v!4 f f afil .ft '" ha. rfion. Frfm if I', ; x .. n, r- Tr f i' j"i!--.r:-- i i.f. iff fr. .n ,i in radiate of Mi n or,-ti4r- :f tH t;m, !! ti: - m.'t the in.iortar.t Sim h.a :.f. n i - t.r.4 f - Y h. h '.h.r.- f,r,- - ti th f.r -' fi-f- t'-- - 1 ir, ..... , nil I !f i t . i - I I.'.:-r.- i, ou c.--! ffi.m r r'unt '' , ...... r t .n !..!- (.. -- vanT m;s. ran niake a I'i'- t IM-i- i.. ...i i.. I' i.'ir in tSanfi.an4 tak ttn 1 w l -- - .r t - "! r.t : a ;..; r .ry th' -- , ll ! .itiy l.fir !' ti l tr .f th t:t rxtiwlhy t'i- .,.(... ' ry h. rl .r. i. 'f t:. ffi.n. .' a. hut t t!im i to of the Laki s resorts :n- -f - . )i-- . i -- iy n,.-.,r- - v : r !'( f i'".ir:.-r- .i: my I ha I In i ,tc M4f.44r4 4f..l ..rj.ha- f t!. h 'i ' ;.h'rr ', .ri;r ' mt in th. ludini: thovc In ih . f i . . ;. - : cf Northern r . f. I .v.r :. ..n . r j . r. i, tn th r.f .. r.4 r v t:4 h h.i'b On t ...; ,rn.i! :i i . f f ' ;.' f y .x- - w hit'an, anj Georgian hr rt f.r! III' rt:.,l I r l .r in h h it hr.' JIi liar. Then ) il . i ! f!.-t- I'i-- 1 !h- U- Iivw ' . t Ki-iran- iMiu..m i.f th. nhii is. hrv V. ' t t f,,. t i i, ..p t.. s'i- a, in I!I. ..1 t;..n tn th vUit Buffalo eM Ffls. the - i'-- i.-- .. I iS i r fi , . . ! '.( r ' . : I . h i l . 4 S..fn l,i i.I ii i tt i .ri.f. w.n f mi t i t t .t.K tt..t ' 4 ..! l. .it' r. ant ff to iit.s.iifal;, TaU-r- u- If'.ULJrrs of Ni'W r.nil 1 . ..- -; Encbnii the . : ...- - !! .! f H ii.. i a r r a' .. r)-t tf ,ii., hv. nwi .f af at r'.;rti!nshrn, Ai.i . r .111 rt ?.. ?. I f. . r - r ' ', r.v 1 fff-r- ih- - f - fr.,ir, K. A!irf.nla Is of New York, with a f w ( f 4r.1l r; .r .i th!f ijn !.fh :'..r:f I.r J !. f,l 4,11 iOi i.,rrv .r !..4 " . . t.f . f..f i' !:.( f. t fr.,rr, i.i t r al.i.r , M :!. n f !rit city: days sop Atlantic Citv. The low - i. . tt IH.- - ! r U ' l ' . i.i..ivi!,fi. 4 af.f'f-.-- 'il '4 tt'- f 4 attti..'h' ' - t'.-- r it n f !h..t .T; in t i .r im. an-- !':it.i-,i- ar i:ufnt th riatur ff summer - . ' - i. tourist fares on the Pan fa Fe .Hal. ff th If i it l atm- t f ii h 0 " f t, (.. h'- r. tb il.M-a- .! h Ih'.-- hj to li'ii.c." ..f.i IJ' f. - itn lavr '! - ! r : . ! p f .ring f f-y-- i tn '.0 4 (ir- r . .rt-- tLii ivithm the re.w h all. I Im jr - f..-- il tr ' f..'V f:.fii!4 !:! ...ft ih i n., lap h It'iil ,; th Ii wi' ,... r f f':. aut:.. (.., in j j t' .. r r i . t .. ..!.! I ;'4t rr I. i ! tfi l'ur-r- !.., f- r !! m' tj .!:' Vf, Ifi p'vf.i rin-!- ' c so: mV-rv-rf "u.!rs-- J nf f,.t !,,. ....,.!ri air ? r ,4i-a-- trv. .tint f. rt. t th r 1". K. I. Tr h "'-- i f '.r,rti! !v. je. ,,s !! tr..:.- - .! as I. Ur .-- f.irr:i-!- tt '.. i" - furf.-iK- . ! " : arij to i - . r:i-- viic. n.i, i.m im':. h ii'Mf- t trrithlrr Th-- 'f n Tt m ht' f i r ,f. ' f.n th th.-.- ft in on f jh 4.s-!iw- it.a - fcuiitjii it N'..t .. In Hay I" f" ' r f "..! Is.i ; - n , ti .' f 4 in lh i.4'ii.t ar.-- fl.- - r.i.v. r.. r ran i.i:. . ' ' r ' - , I'.- - hi.r. I .( I t. ... m t. ( i fh i Ti"Ei'! i t. r tL.'. I J . n. I 1 I 'i r.i k ..i.f ....:! .,.r:i. i f,,.- :r.: n i t to ?!. ti 1 . ff.' t i I V h'-i- -.t tL-- - ' ..S..I-- i tl. ,?.'i.i t.y rti.-n- - (H-,:- , ' til.. T'iltnui..!. !:r. .r. , - ? :,r ii.ail ftnh a f.f-- l..t W4h Ihf i a in t.h. t - v Mnn'in Ir.iil- Tf.'-- v.n "Ui.i-- hi ih t I..I.4, ..f j jt.n i.t. mi- i :.n Jtojuir th,( 1. J.ili'a ift-- r.- t .. ' ,r-.- . i f J : t I'm f r . ... Ih- v v.. j .,, i fc - 1 1. tr-ii- . .i 4, lh t.;o i... - itM.n i. ii4 f. f'.it' i i r.,t4- ! film i r. i.-- i ..f t . h;.--h-- t .!; I rvsr i I a, ! ;,n , th-.- . lf In, I ai-i- l i r ut th i tit. rri I.r, j.iiirt. f .fm,. If I ft- S! m ii - ' ,..- - - : , ; i. I 4 ;'. !; ii fifriiii! .Ivir,,.,,) t rj j, - I In in I f.,.,4 p!..w. nil'- i'T li !. (f.r.. r... '.ly hVttl.t, It lif:8i. n.' K.rtt...! !.. , il.r- t .: i .. - , n,.-,;.- ! r. i hi! t fiili It (. f I f , .1 ,. i .11 (li Hi- -f nt. 'hr,- that if vT.' ti i:K Hit, fifi.i i(. I f i 4 i r. !vs ..f , f..nt if " II'.f: 4 !hr lh.i tl t... ht v l.srh rlf- ;,. ,j, itw-r- - tri,v. i .! ,1 ...f.y 1..- ... t ! f.ii! ! - P. J. JOHiJSO'J .fr Ktirr !. tir-hi..- tivn- ..uM ,,m-Mti- .j ' ' .;- - ,. l In ii arn.Uir use f 0m ,. i li.-.- i - ii n I r. !.. h l J 1 ! Ii i f i j .h ' 'h ' .'. j.r ' an I ! )' i:!' n4itriitinn. f y .. r.4 .ft I.'. t rin -- , Agent - u i. th' ' I k ' t s Ai 4 ti , t it ff f i At I ft isr-j- ar IMIHlltl M 1UI I. fin h4tl . uri ..I stiKiii.f tn ,.iac 1 it to t.' r ,w i ff if... ,f,'. n .th' r . '". Vr,n lh' r I I. ,4 ff-- i ,'! 1 ri .... !...'. r rr. ly 3r.a .!'Tt.j-:r.- a!J .11 i t. ,k, s:.tie ar 1 tf- 1..-1- f '. - a d'Jll : jn-- - x 7 h u. .i irt.-iri- n cay u: iri'.tn h f H. I i t Kn.f.- ir:v ,ti iiiatt'r lutunt. . r a I'll .?. ' th T!:'-rt-f..- i!). .: .f .t ;i : (,. if ,Mt i Itim. hi.-- '(,y crfH i:i ;..i.ir4 nn , an b dt An.j ;:..-r.- - I . hft - . .11 f .' i.r now t frrnn m f.t 1 i.n i h I.' f 1 ;4 ,( II h.tir,.-- l irif f.r.v r:- d.niiriat.l th cirr.. lii.r front 1 T 41,1. - .!i.n ' ."..!. at ' ry fat.- ar4 any tri.t-ri- rSutai-- - v tit... a h.. h ,i . ! .;. fi fthr ir.siitu- !,. (( ur. I I f r - h, n ar ti.,n f;r It s.. tr-- MMHmMMMMHWMmMmMMtMMMI ! ! - f .nr.! .i fir trtmfnt. iru 4 ! I. Mi r.. rn t h it .- if !! :t tny ;it" Kn 'f i.i-.i,- w. i 1 thl !.- ifi ' iir iiurai.t fin . i,(-r- n ..,i,i - - I.... ' i t . ' - . I : c ,i,.l h. f .r lin.f ii.i- ..m:. .i.u ,i T- rr H t m ' d r. iff ..ur. 4ny that th . uxns wi.lS.I 1. .. in T ' ' 1 I! I n h ; fr,f i f. r . . v .., , 'n lh" lihir ff.m '.fctra.ttn th. l Iff -- u. ,1,1, ihs - . j,it j rji f if j:iff-- r I., ( 4 BIG , ,,ny c.ipit-- r.-n- - t I r(.. n .. 1 11 i'..r t. th if amp the ' REDUCTION ...... hi '"' nvft !!! ,"1 '..i- y ;mii.h !t)t"hiifl-i,'' v trI bu:nxi. b!,, k of th citv man!" The Storytellers ' f'r,! thf-- ;,r ,....'.:.",., .'!. "n th the n.litU.r.i. i : fi- - 1 ,.? iniUnry; n on t. 't.r .', n h rom'-- fmm nr..n in ih.s very Ev.-r.'H- i l"arij ... 1 if--1 j''''4'f ": "''?: anl ,hr titv. f-- I - .r,.!.-f.- n t- I t- -4 , ii .1.1 h I'-- i'1" 'Ui ,f .til iff.! Ft.-- .! v V. i-t iTimn r.rly :..!. Th I.r A4 al t: r fi. ' ti t.t'mf ""' "-- -- T!.-:-- . a .. faiit-- ! h S.i : 1' , ! t.i e t. th c..fT,rnt.ri- - 0 r 'it h r, i I'- ifitM .,. hn . t' .it .1I1 i f ..,k.., ..i4 Jidj f. in I. r ' .,.-;.- 1 ! uifi'-- r ,ry. . i ..." ,, ri. hii nn.-fti- TRUNKS, . IS i.f-.,,- y','" f LEATHER h ! Ii. I h l.;ii-- ', .rtaiiJ rr,. BAGS t t..; j h . (, in 'i t. all. mi" i. f'.r I' ; .1 i. mii-ci.- a!trr . ,1 1 . . .t is hi u i.k an? ffft.'-'i- .il . . t , t l i v v iii.Itft. '''i.i. n.i m4iii4i tarts i ,'f R 4 t'i- - ) . li,. l:.n tt ; iif Ih hi,:fi f ty.fttiv d jh (daily :n hm x. n.-i- miiliuua - . . h- ; ff tubt. fif';- ! ri I. ) ..1 i ,. r t' . it i 3:f- - tfjf.. i?. rm, l- i I l.y and ! ly h Th..u .. r haf SUIT . CASES that i -! 'I' '". - iff.-- I i r r.!:-i,- l ( If P.- - f.f il - - - I. a I H ,. r.f in r. iW l - ' ! in .' "f'vifi . l,,i i In W fi -. I .'u a ih;r '' k: ; h.r, - evtn th mi.v. T.cnt ,n th-.- ' .,-- ar-.t.- n - w.,ri4 ha fp-:- J I , In 5. ,. ..'h.-- :..4.1 j t.t hi' An4 nr. ' n thi. Un th. i.'hfr i." !.! J 1 r - w-- i - .' ii- - ' rua ,isii. .f lermrarif- - i . W ..f..v.-- .4 a... j. I aril f. iv and prejudir. th k tiSf, th. r.4 thf othrr IT', I ', Je th'-- r h.i mt.r..-t!i.- ) l inf- - l r ri) r.vr ft an h'-- an-.-- .).-- rnt anil ni " I- ft if t h. f 'I M". . n i -' -r no r . a,h .i ih "u" fsw th but tiur raus is tr... .! A ! r ! t . i - . . 1.(1 ; .tt iiri" a ;.. oyr i . intifii-:- - 5., 4 In 'Si.- the? ' nu'4r, t u'S- Th- - th ! r first' t fi in ..k .as.l m a - .triiafl I l"ji'-i- l r, ti- - - . tt.--' ? i , f.i,n f ! !;:!' j.i:.)y ,,f th- dit..-- l,.4 l.ifnl t- -' ih-i- rtnitht .'in at j aho and th (ifi if'.i 51m hiT.. ,,,.. ol.ii,;n-- ruiia w ami a .rii.rn " hy i n 1,1', fire; s jak fur theros3v " '! ,1. thin -- 'i (...rt nitiit "i.nir int.r m-- . ' Hi, th .r-- . "A?I hi. h I f;..lf lie 4:4 but in m nlar,i(r th ff . ;h tl'ii' iiiirtinan : 11 f i, n ir t i- r .. 1 ,n if i t h I th r hi h yiii, .:i. - v t ... 1. r .. '( K , r.- H ff f if. '4 r ifi I n.x I'i"." ' .1 i ( r i . rri if '. iirie ar tit vry i With Scissors ,. mi.-hf'ir- t jn i,i,i4 ;t a. r v "4 and Paste .1 n I.,- " !' i,..t .'n'l Ihi! jftn. thm if i ' j - ,, miuntj.n, rr.ili-- I , v in My .lf i'i" hih i4--i; ' it " A r, ii 3Mi hihl !,.viiv fr- t'i .ration." aiti tiii: mix. I.i "Nn. Tiy t.r.a i KS,iint Wilkinson.) j ( IK I I.JH- - 4 f..r lh ' In i tin-- f!j.. thf .jhfr-tili.-i.- j Th djrk. h.i, 1. 1 1 f f ifi- - rii..... iif .J"i-.! f! i hot'!. t;ii at ri within 'iit h'.ni. - r , wt-- ii.i-i- " f : I . . n thn.- crying j r. t; 1 I'h- - r t : i ft t t h- - ' 'Thirti n.' It ', i' ami c.m. in llarriiiti .!:,! ., r- - - . !; s : Th " . . Y i i - f :; ii. h2'l th" f'.t- - tres, f l i A . 1... t;.i. ..ti jift r t'i - , t' i.t.i. f. , in- ir r. f i.f ',, !,J hy r.iultin't ! ti v rr. :,r'..-- :iii, .. .air ! dcrosa the irn,.n I 1 if? I'.it , :,; R. - U !., ra- - !ub.-r- k .,. . .1 ! f f.r fr...-- tin ..f 1! i.r.: i R4ns!f,ri ;m t. i.;y flu fu'rt't. hJ 1 ' r . .: y f ; .. . r- - i I t I " r in ly- - I ' th- i. M in IV, It d"l I in ik- - n lintsn at. t. th n:'.fJ..s thf dimness r nn. ,i l,l! 4 an,.) fivt- t!f i'-- I ' Ah. f..r:.!.-- t. I4,r4t. UiS-- f f a r fi'i.'fi l. ni' v. t;Ul it, "' ff !' f Mof: "!- - li 1 "' 1 ti . ii ii " j rtt-.- r. r am li i'!i. a i kf 4! t d.!,s,fn to j.rn;.rtr' . natt.p f .r h.iim. ,! ;u t hi-i- - tin int.. hat.' thf Th.ii uf-.- ! I..; fr..n ttiire who v itti...... Kill IT'ilVlbiV Kffik . . i w . v .n-ila- jr.e unhar-;- . tf .,U!itry h h n. - : j.- f ir,fa4,w rr.ile on rr.tle. lit il A t iiifr-ii- ,i; ?.- an itfll f .n,..l .1 ' r-- A ah'ir f'.r Hlf 1 I'l'-l'- i ' - troubl .th th. - ... . J. , Sf..iae ffti lite. iiii-iV- - ..1 1., .. lur. iti or r..r t f . .1 Wi'ti 1': Un th- - Si.;, i.r-- It r t l winti'ii m ix.l " ;n!n:.fif rr.iiirtj; al";!r antliuat-- '"s rt . ).,t.g-j.,r- i .jfif-.- i. - n . . a .tt., n . Mi- . thi-- i j anything IA - t.tftimti. ... r,r..v.i.l" iiis:- in .4 Kfir.t iit ! '. ..' ! latiiJa- - ''-- t.nif-1-;- ? - wrilti-- In i jilffii Jar.,. it hn n.4 a h " urtits m., i:i,-- . Kit hav fiat ' .Ft I.f i.f s u . 4i--9- . iif.n i..;. Th liift l''tt-- m;i t. ;.rt4 sii :f..rt tn tritlifril 'ii,.v , ,!,; !. It . a rr. at Uii- ,'i'-fi'- j !,.-- I'tunl , tr In f :i 1.! nr. ,. .1,4 .1 mi-an- t tn.!r d'A"' ft nn f lb f ( ii m hirh , !ii. a iritti .i mit h.t.r fiinmur ur,4!'-w- i 11,4 . - . f , "j ,.f jh !.-- ': 1 all night ti..f. ir..hHt f tt.,r ' . imr If Itn- uiii H'" ...f, ,!... hubst lij.,nff..rii.': tHa!. h,.t it-- - vairn. in - tn in a t . i nn'-ir- ! r ' ami i liii-f- i I ,r,k Ult-- i v n'v- h ."' j 4 (i n"'(i)-ri- . If hitn.J lift kill il HI l Hill h.tit til ri -- . .... in In tfcfir fearny,.4 .lti ? f:iry palej h jsh. .... r .l.v, ti-- it.isn; i.n 't Ih 'fHi.'hii- i.miJ. Ih" ff ri 4 r i r . lntiin fr wis"., - !! Nvi lUi.-l- it i Ih l.itt.r h th i f '.r.Tt'ii-- and 'ntwX:-- n. i '1 v V. n .in-li.- ...... tin f I., ih,. 4. , I ' C: n in th sn. " " ' .ii.t-t.iir- e Ui i' "' burrii-- - ii! lr.iit in I.i if r. hii.' Uk tn ! "',in-- , and tritht- th If h.. hi An. i.ihr th i!:;v ff "'i tru-d- ;t K I !"ita i..r.! fi'4 .' ! - i U . - any ff fjis. ii t...- h.- ,.i. i. i:l If ii. th !ihv jtr .lii .r . raturinm It wuiibl . Im) nt I1' h.r. - iiftl' f"i th fii " - h"-- J - laih-- J 1.1 (h, in at "v"- Ail night th m,n wrar-- the! See Window Display tr . i. - ,' hf- - .u, , m dr.v. fi a h.f..tan unr.1 iiini:- - inch .H'tiiiti iu!4 h tun-r- l4.-.- m,-.- . snnl n:.i4.,.. Ut iv Alt I. I". m.'itsiifif ...ii ,.r t ,f.. town 4 advr- - tt,.. .n- - uke f.r,,u,t..m hadhBhia. f,rfiy barkj It wsil 11 f tailh I riMil e fur mhih Ihii.R If limit rn a !' - ar ac.- Mnta ami fi.-- Icain.-.-s . !" ii. ;r.m ir j ....,ra-.A- Aim rl.'.'tf hn ntt i.h k.w v.n io hU thai a ll nisht the dark and rminienl! f, j i r t l':.-ri'i- Willi emi.1 n. m,.rif th.. wotr!.l wotnls w-r- ni!l fulfil - . tpins Wits ja tn-f- j- f.irt that thf-- r is dan-- j ,' inurili-- nf Kuimliiln. f..r nhi-- - IliU from Sharp . is r f tt ,f ,.iar truW A( Mlil'Ui: I . r ;t iHiitli.v ri ...riM!.li.. - hr. .j, M'lrksiiviv tl- i (a .f th ir.n-- ff h j i hum tn rt" r.4 ri l a. ' inf. rt. In Ane'! Tiniest Sahitt ir's inn i.f hi trt n fti.f .a rr. ,ul4 th i-- i I'ltii,-- I ,ii.- mi- - li.tti- - L;k(. an a1,,,e ,,UBi j - th. .ilii '" th. 14 m Knit Wmif itt- lmv.1 1 li,.! miiiht hav a .ir, " " " a'"y' with pt. ff dry r..t a th nksn. ! Inim what thy .'":'T irt-3- i ' Hi- - h l'i-- i n Uf:1. r Ih ,r in worm on outji.l r iintr. is hitrit Aii itiiy . , , hr,a the much Juiirtial...... l,,.,v-- ...... y "" - J'ifMfMzMHs' W mm, i.iiin i.ii. t . ... mat hi ana JJl f Amerii-a- i.f i nr-- 1 I iiamiui wlul at i. ttriny Th ,'4 .xrnt9 srt - avTM ....atriii ffiii.n f.tff mmnat lt-- y FURNITURE, CARPETS ii. mill nniii'infihil t", n.l .n.i. l''r.l nirn m ill h unt ff thf i'rlVe; DRAPERIES AND STOVES a XUtlr ., hi. thmk thy kn. ,1 1 Ins ,,., r, win u vrnniifrlty. fad It la i th.ti t ;"'. Kiti.-i.tir- in. SI aiunih,n. htiiigiiiu up bi ana n. ) Vw'est Gold Avenue. i.t will bj to - j st'ts txieht h Mft th t tu.u and fabltr i, r,tt'!s,4rj tiu- itilukre bntintt tCitkiiikiil. ki.iA.'.u 4)i.4ii4iI ailhout 44rit t woij abuut lu bightr ...iua itart u ior th h4,:u- - ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, SUNDAY, JULY 26. 1914. - SEVEN Finance and Commerce EH Ym Elwe a Wsid ssshepcolmis m KuiMTlor .. Suta-rio- r i llitnn Mm. It. 5 STOCK MARKET I HII1HI rtek II V K. Km. Ilef. Mln. mu SALE f. S. Km. lief Mln. $2.000 iiuulern frame: two t tall oteiolliUled .... ""a l.u;;o porches, koixI outl'lilldlncs. HO .HTr.E3CDT H0 TAS3K f.f. - I'tah Ci.pp.r Cn Fourth ward. :sy terui. VVlnoii.i I.ol DEMORALIZED BY W olvel ll $2.100 frame; hath. X7iXl.r.0; fine sli'ide, Rood (Mie mile iitnl ; half front city WI.I KI.V HANK STAII MIM'. Kouith ward. limits, all under etiltl ation; a isiiMitwiiii mmm m mmiAiws Ilfioo. frm, bnth. One lot New York. July 25. The Mtatc of hade, pood onttiulldinRS,- - Bn lo- cooil Inn ran ii l or close in proper) n; clearing house hanks and trust Kour-roo- lioice, lot, ca.--t RUMORS OE actual (diows cation; N. 11th St. al'inil twenty m res; ymi can ln companies for the week that well IR In ex- 13,000 hrlck, modern, of "hade; a Utile homo It fur $2,000, $;:i'li down, balance 2.173,:riO reserve front; lots aire they In. Id limit, cellar, ulcepinrt porch, good cess reiUircnientK. This on time, to Hill) . of W. Avcuue, only $1,050. KVe! Ml Mdfiy 0 C 4."1-.l- oulliuilduu;; bilver for Mm "l "'""i last A Mir lncicius fruit and k""'I ctilltxaled week. close In. niodVrn, ranch oil North I'ouith sirert, I1ei9 W 2U GwU Likelihood of Hostilities Be- The KUtement follow: $5,000.00 frame, Iioum', barn, t ill, mod- uiiod K"ol ken Acliinl oiulltloii. frnine; ileepiiiK porch, i?irfir&!dl' a houses and chicken wiro fences; $;).. Ml C. tween Servia Loans, f 2,057,57 j.OOO; Increase, ern, und house In rear, $ MMI Austria and Krai Estate t Klre Insuronce Loans twenty acres fur $.i.e00. I. ZJll.OOO. furnished. I ' Increase, cash, balance on hue. to salt 8TtlliK lJH0FF5S!0NAL 'TAIxDS Causes Securities to Go Sl'ecie, $aS5,95,000; $$,200 -- room bungalow, modern, 216 . SmW bu cr. Highlands, close In. WANTKD I'lanea, hmisehnlil ....!. He., Hclter Skelter, tender, $81,925,000; liicreaHe. 5 room modern brii k house, I..r.t aaNly t tM.niilil Phunt ATTOKNK1M l.eal cbu-- $2,200; rt.Improve- in, price $200 cash, 41. Tn Hreurli Wareheuwi JOHN . MII MIIN $2,llil,000. Co., tuceM- Net deposits, $l.58.315.nOO; In- a. nmasm balance on time payments. ment t'a. Hprtniier Trantr Attttrnyiit1-w- . (4"lil H, crease, IH.OSt.OOO. l.oiiiw l'lrt1 Inritirnncx' lirlck house on North Second art. lit Iteonn is. cmmnell Illrtf. tV MOMN1N4 JOUMNAL PICIAL L.A.CO MlN.l Itr 'h..p lliH??W: Offle Phitno 1171 t'lli tilation, $4 1,734,000; de. lease, III South I'ourtli M. street, 4 rooms. iL'.neO; JilOO cash, New Yolk, July 2.V War clouds pay .ol $HiH,000. balance time mi nis. HKNTISTH ovi ri'lmilowt'd the leaditiR markets Itaitlts1 cash rocrve In vault, A rayinK liuslness III cM halite for Small houses on monthly pay- y H. the world today, Ahsolutu demorali- Income Crup-crt- J. k. kni r my like Income I'ropcrtv. I zation prevailed at the French capital reserve in ml ments rent. lianeh. filial Knriixia. Trust companies' cash in ex. Iiaime for Haornft SI. iii.Ik. t'hiin 144. xvith similar, it not worse conditions in 4.'i'J. vault, $74,2li!,.00l. Mo.l, .ues, 4 I. rooms, r'nrnlnhe.l Money to l.ian. I'hoiie Appalnlmrnli Mi.1.1 Tl Mall LVrl'.n Hint Vienna. cash reserve, $4ii7,x7:i,-000- . Lot'dona d( pressed level at Its clone AJreKatu lloUhl S, unit New four-loo- adohe pcl'hle tlash. Fj.Tionia rilNIIAM4 AMI M Hit MISS V'iih respomdhle for (lie extreme heav- 7 f.xrt-f- lawful reserve, $2,1 3,ri0; ID!. im.,1 210 V. Cold. Home Phone 12'JIV today's openlim, Can- f. McMlGULiON with two lal'Ke punhis. IiikIi . U. l l K, M II iness of market iiu hlllllt riaHc, $4,O2,0Oji. nicely papered 10 South Second St t. j Priii'tlca Limited in I'uliaretihuia, adian Pacific losing with a companies' reserve with clear, West (l"l,l. cclllttKM iiii'l rooms. un great for Northern2. Pacific, Trust ill ShinKle roof, lot, south li'oiit, iiuurt ii) lu n I'hiina lilt inn house members currylni? 25 p r a4i W. Ava. many of 2 lilockM of car and to C.t.tral while the other Internationals cent reserve, $07,23!l,OO0. convenient WAM1FEH3) Altunnieniue Sanliarlum. Phnna 141 l'ell 2 per wan cash Easy to cent The decline Summary of slate hanks and trust shops. terms. ooinpanled by a greater decree ol iii'.ir v.NTi:i. PUS. TI I I, IIAHKM companies ill Rieatcr New York not I un excellent aittomolulo iietivlty than on any previous day of Mate. tune I'rartlea IJmiled lo Fya, Nos mt Included clearinK house statement: I i .r, in " propostllon that annul swluu alone Throat the week. 0.M,-50- Sin. roi'in. :'.iimo. loom, Loans und Investments, $57.1, KMCLOYMKNT OKKK'H I want someone J.'iOtl or National Midway in the. ses-lo-n vigorous st'P-po- rt and wlt'i Slsta Hank Wil. decrease, $5,864,000. !10 W. Silver. P. O. H"I TS. lioal Estate and Iinna. I.'..". hllanre lle t nt. JtitlO to 'ici'iunc Intel efted Willi me was extended and the market ral- $524.-20- Cold, $42,737,100; decrease. Wanted I'arpentera, t4 itay; two Iran 211 W. tJold. Is Ileal opportunity ott lied all around, Home of the Important e.'iiKtruel Ion men. Phone Si.4 w Till the W. M. SHERIDAN, M. D. E. HclslEUfl'M will ever run across to n t into the chares ilnsti:g Willi Sllhstsntinl net notes, $:i,Nos,-70- VVA XTICITuTi. a'll.l wTiolTol k. r. t I an It m.A Currency and hank kmlth I, I'lislncsn in trlttla i:ains. The recovery synchronised Kttilily loll for the rluht matt. Aililreim VttH ltENT ItiMiiim. 'It ti. niitomoliilo New decrease, $108,SO. . Vienna, K W WlliletKteln, M.ui.lal.-na- S. M tco. If von do not want to .ke'avnGcnito UrinaFy Diseases tnd with caldcs from and Total deposits, $li52,335,!IOO; de- wth? indicating that Servia will proliahly til'V KUNMKNT POSITIONS arc easy to (tel. active Interest, tills la an cvccpllouali crease, $4,!I3,500. I' In- - milmiit to though My fre booklet tell how. Wrllo Ko It HLN T- - Kunilslii.t Mil! SM MIwiIIhiicoiih. opportunity to make a small Diseases of tho Skin. Austria's demands, " " thi-F- l.nlav NOW. Karl llopkllli, WnalllllBtoll, "O.H..I, earn Home itooil Noarneht advices riinio too late for use on KOK KKNT moilurn furnlahed Von SAI.K--I'eia- r iosta. Phone II.4JW xcstmcht nturns. tTnt Waasermann and Teatai III('AG OV TltADli C. - I IM.i:i t. riNima $3. 101 1 W. you Interested write mo Itn varaan "an Administered, forlnn Lotuses. at it Hr Hk. KOIl SALU Cn.iei wood lyp.Twllter. If ate UK A HKi I Ki'TIVK Karn .. to $1 Central as opportunity will Cllliana Hank Jllda. I.lttlo of interest wan noted in iniylmt rd. I'll S I WeJt (I'd. I I'll. .tie III metllalcly the (Tileaiio. Julv 25. Frantic weekly. all the wnrld. Write - c.--m Albuquerque Naw Msilea Itinel our I'uli liLNl I'hn Ii.'iis. kf pnm rooiiiK . not lie open lull K. A L llox affairs nsido Horn the war S.M.I'-- I. I. and 4 hole of wheal today resulted from the llllle.t lHleetke Ad.l IlKllnK Allellev. an. I steeping ... in. alek. li'"S North lull Mil. 'illl. gold engage- Jiiv'.-ja- 1742, care Jourral. of lurther i Itullnay huilillllK, St. slnvi ulim Hew Apply 418 i'lllll : ; scute. The excitement, however, was KxeliatiBo Seioiul. i rr i :m n A it Y i . i .1 ments for export to I'arlH next week. I.ouls. Mo. Foiiii h. chiefly confined to a few minutes at KOIt URNT I rooms for light huuMkaop-Inn- ; i. Mercantile trade, reports presented Sorvla WANTKD - Local reprepeiitallve. N" Volt S.M.I': It. .. initoiiioldle. IMl I.HoMiMk Hod roullry. 8. F. VKTKHINAIlT COLLKCW berlna SepU the start when reports that private rnih. lartr sleeping purcb, Mi l' 14,! (lie usual mixed aspects with increased .illeliliiir reinttreil. iloe.l on W. tlon. I ..'"ii. i.uii .Notth l ;te Nn profession tiffera egul unity. would yield hail not had sufficient "r flrat fl.air. lil'J Central. - optimism respecting the outlook. assured. Aililtesa National Phone l:l;l'..l lull S.M.l: llees and ..iimt, teas Cntal"- free. C. Keane. I'ret., 1S1I Market fall time, effect. After an advance leeplUK tl. ... I. .on to take Iteatty Co., Mar. ion lillllillnii. inn Ml I Apply no.: Soiiih Second St., San Kranelacn, Local hanks fieored an actual cash Iv I - KOIt SAl.i:- Cms I'tlle touched 3 C. l.llltal.e far all. l.iluuv ii aatii- tuls that on some sales almost Washlnirton. 1. per pound. it It a t I h.ll ll, Ft It S.M.K t .lctcy 4 Ido, Kiiln of $H, 000,0(10. with ii further un- etoae tn North !' Ill Pear "t e,,. ks cents a husiicl, the market closed North I'.leieelh, Ii. ef rollllly Jail. It K IVIfley, ptlolle Hill SSM KIMi, strengthening of their reserves. 1 ' ii' 1 hi to 1 i i Krmiil. Knutll. set lied at u rise of SAI.K--t'a- h typewriter Cn Ponds were heavy, in keeping with 1 M. I' Volt r.iiister, HI I. ill essnl.ltiltiu, si Mis, to above s inpi.t.'iil Kilt ior R. .il . satt"f l"t i i net. t'orn finished an n:i HKN I' 414 W desk, show cases, ate. Th lailvr, lull Coil S.M.K llotsea, also tn., fresh foul the movement in shares. Total Kales, i holme k 4I West Coal. mil Itaoma. Sllvar .ler le lu lls .tl'll Not III Kixlh. niKlit, oats, fcc off to wot Central nue. Jt'iscy enws. Vlank t:. Hill, 'll, 111! par last and KOK ItKNT d r.Miiiia, modurn, ao West avi ration value, $l,23'J,0t0. a wanti;i'-ii."- ''I'1'i.A. Apply rurnlsh. l'.V, 1 'i up. Provisions as a rule scored Applv i.ut I I W. ('antral SAI.K Tw in Under Yale motor, Vnlted .Slates coupon 4'8 gained i N li Phone Ml. hk it uiiin lhat varied from fie to 17',c. .11 Cnrtli aaod as In w. cheap rash. Ilr. lit ST.l: a; I not. ..i- camp TMIK CAHIS. per coupon 3's II, KOK HKN'T it nicely I'uriilalipd inoOero fr aad Punsmu every in the w a. i -- nil i i l.i kins and to ll Co.. 4.'H soiinil and acullc, ti ycats Last regis- It seemed as if trader li fur na alek. 121 Clnskev Auto West C.piier ...l per cent on call, while I'anama h..u-eiv- k Apply :'! South Walter buuiekaili'4. i .id avenue. to buy at the with KoTt sXl K ,M I V wheat pit hud orders W. Silver. Three I llmayiie luait tered "'s per cent. . hhi-i.- declined poSMiniily l.niy eielk anil a III ftrat-clas- a condition. One or S I first tun of the bell. The waxtuii- - 44. ItlC.NT lluuat katiplnc fur- lines li&NTHT'M C. Wlll'l'l'! CiSNOIlN IIAIII (.'losing prices: no... Is. l'.ellllett a lit and - AtlTOMOIIU.K SI A(1M ,t in., KiHtes hoine Vet called nmkniK leather t all al a bargain. Morning Journal, Allm CHICKS, tijnii pt;u iu. IIAII.r Cold Seeon.i. nished ciittagea, sli ping ix.rehes. Ill Alaska to Europe South W Ceal. ipteniue.N.M. i Pa.tlsfied cusiomera In New Melc and Six Hour Paaaenirer Hervba. Amalgamated Copper r on to nupply brcadslulls 1 Sn p. WANTKK- - (lift to Itousii ami ilo I 7- Hie" drlviuiT"leMi ; rlilo-- Arr.on write: "Am ante pleased Willi Leave Silver City m. a equalled kept t" rum' I''l I (K.N'T insli.-- hollne- - FTilfTA k- Ametienn Hrct Sugar on scale never before wiek. Mrs. ill I'm looms f..f Mf Diem;-- ' not lost one;" "They am a Leave Moifollon a:0n a. m. small washiim, lliiee time a ej'ouii.l elone III, one will work iloitliln or siiiEle. or under "lliive A ( 'it ii - ',j of the pit even keeptnit, fl... pttvale I - uierhvn most of the attention II II'. Wesl L il aielilie. wnaons. tiiniintalii bucc v, I"'-- W'n hatch ho Ida fluffy kind, tlen- Cara nnet all tralna. l.arest antl kail Hi a Iteasoiiii I'le ln South saddle; aitrrev. Alner. Smelt. lief nit to. the wotst ti.irtm.'iit.i sixth I ' a p N M al'ler the npws came that - Mlihlle woman for tfeiieiiil small farm wukoii, Inch; I sprint 'rv .iillrn Hancli,Albuiii. i.iie, nquippcd autn lively in Ilia eouihwaei, & lu;. pfil Aus- WANTKD- aunt It Kurnli-lie- hoiiHe- - Amcr. Smell. ltcf ltlitH Servia and KT- - r is f..r j of the crisis between lioiiseu oi k one who wants a permanent foil waaon, a ainale I.UKeles. dotil.lo and simile jll KY LATilhev win. they par Won 1IKNNKTT At 'TO CO., Amerlcnn Sugar Itcfinlng;, keetllllK: all Imi.rovemellts. Ills.. sleellllK - appeared to be nt nn end. llollie. O. H" 337 or phone hainesa. Cuiiiitn K. Nclier. 4o a North Ken- f,,ur flrat, una aeennd. at state fair, lull; Silver City, N. M. Amcrlc.'lll Tel. Tel Ill", tria preferred. P. porches; tateai West Unld export demand I euililiHr III olid etrecl. first, Iwn ace. .nits. 111'.; five firsts. American Tobacco Jll Si I'latlenliiR out of i.:i. avenue. .alt en- ' "- ,,..,,,. Mining :t'1 did much to cool off eapal.le I Irayel. iliin-- I i.'..if kai.i,: i'..Miorn.ii natures. oiisit - 'u.o.o" .nac.nda for wheat I'lVK lirlulll. , T- H M- lFMwif)!lII''CaiinriisfvS'. I.-- - Thie.. I.itye rooms with C. II I. Ileda. -t tied Artronas, Mml LiM see oniy one side Hell (lealets. I to per lilA Imr of sixty in. ilium and lame k!1'" .tctlleoll thusiasts who could otiNtlate ami flc S- south side alei tiiin: por. h, nicely furn - w nlle Ol plnalona. Huff Orplnalotia Itah 'In ' dealing's, Itallroait paid. C ilriell l'l uk I.oxes; forty clulit call nelal de ' lally passenner a. leaving Itnawall moire of the market. In the final week. fate il for iioiiMckccpiiie. with piano. tilt; - and I ll. lun Va. Slock eaaa amt ebb ka nice lo.i.klyn Ktipid Tr.illsit as- Co.. Depl, f.4t. Omaha. Nell. lh. .nd money older wind also lion and Citrrl.oxo al It nt a. in. especially some heed was Riven t" l Coal, phone l.tvt ,1. t ante. I., n. v. o. 111 .. - est i liter American additm "r inomaa. Wealbounil. Ar. Ar. BlasibnunA i'"ir"ieuin crop WIlTfrJ pieluie plays, t at lo $l'"l dlstrlhullni! W 11 9 sertions that American sprlni; motion neatly on,, small snf.i I'I llaa.'ldlna It. .swell. 4 41, p m. Canadian Piielfie palil. letlee or eoireppollil. nee Illahlanils. machine, n'w of black rust, Kp. A nn . . , 1 4i) p. Leather IC, was maturiiiK ahead the free. New Addreaa M. L. Alheia, old tilcriiue. n m . Plcnchu in. not ne.essaly. Details room, p.. K14 1 S & 4",x In North lak"bt eotirae Full ItKNT Krmit tick. Suuih N M lU SlXrSK ( IIVMIX ;ai u m. . , ,1 'mute , p. m. On salieuk" ('hie and lhat the harvest WrlletM' Wrlwht hlilc. SI. 'a In t:.nth, 41. . . . , . . . (.a p m. I'lilea-- ,. Creat Western would be ten days earlier than the SA LL - i l hi l7".f violin, win lb .!. lit. Iloml ts Lmds Knit r, diliviiy buallles.i. Ap- Chicago, rttli. I'.l'll Hii, HUNT rurniahad riienta. 111 t al,e I I'l'lt SAI.K I'ar.el t "I' 1, III . , . ...Lincoln . .11 J'i a. m. ''. ,.i year when the plastic caused ruin. hosiery Foil I'.T. will Ink" 5C.: larae attlnit b t. 1 WANTKD-Wome- sell (niaralilee.l ply Soul Third sit 3 nil . . . :M a. m. Chicago ti Northwestern nlso Waller. Phone 2a Ulllliir and leather rase, cost I Put. tl'i p in .. .. Kl Hlatltnn ,.tn Corn climbed with wheat and lielijlihors; 7i per eenl .1 . :t a- Copper I''"t to ami .1 KPcclally the fTi'l i HXLI'i"" teal an no it and in I; e h c a p J ri p. m ... , , . .1 'apllan .... . ,jn nt - m, iluu Ren-er- a (7 UKvr Two model n fin in:h. rooms will for (. made for ' -- I responded to continued need of part time; IiIr seller; make , , S tin .Kin Ii profit; full or 11 verv K Melt II'. South I'll si Street I tl'i p. m .No; ill a. m. 'I'll I'll'l lien how- r y, pilerna-tlon.- ulih aleeidns ireli. '. K""1 Ldltli I''. ill. St. Loins. iiIho will I Trading at no time, lOntierleiiee uttiieee.ssa 4 . . . , . . . . In A Southern 'a ruins. $10 ilallv. 11,11 Ml I. 4!. p m .t 'arrtr.oau I'd .la. rooms hcall II Jill P. SHI eU'l li.i: SXLK l.lo titaiide h.a. ;.li 1 n vol Mills, 11" 4i'J:i. West Plillailelphia. Ctill ItKNT Three p.ullv furnlsheil leaver Kin Crando pfd ever, showed anything like the If. b. B and i t t I 1'b run ah fare, one way porch. South Arno Met or. h. 'cut nil. i ....ins. till lilshe lion ;p with t per I ')hI illers' Securities 'l4 ume or excitement that was witnessed Icillt"!", flllle (It'll lilc'ol' 'e i, l' 'i loe .11. It .1 ir'ltll If itt.'ll ll.. luleiiu. di tie tioiiila. mltn II - trunk. Into. -- Idle '. HimIkIiik sales! Cull II KNT Modern f tailed I lis with ci Ilo pla i l CtMltl btl Ilia. bnttK'iae free Kit ess r.arrlea. in the wheat crowd. V ,. I'tsloiv. Knit S XI K .a I'" will tntv ell eel iiI.IIhIi licncral Klectrlo .'. Jl. relit- - ATEI ShIcsiiicii. si. . itotciiiH". i: centtai. I ivnl. KIIHW I I I, iiK.'iinst the new crop made oats Not III a'lrsl un ci. id I'llMtnewi. pivll.fl t . :. a a $ ft... Mil At'lll tn.. Voiltioni nfil - liKNT-'l'vvrro- sleep. Phone ISt '. ' y salal l'"lll: r""iiu with 111, .u!li!v ! ol b I.ol n und ounera an.i i . lively weak tlirollRhoiit trie session. a.n traveium. :iv npcii iiirat Croat' N'orflu fire n.'.!' ii.D - 1172 i Must he IliK h. Hoillll Wall Phono t I l.liyltlR. exploration -- '' Not much Influence of the war talk Hll, ,.x.. hmh ..i ..hiiiiIh.hii.ii. ai l"T. I' III SA '''' !itr, Invesllaat" I'lllv bclof! Address iSiiKKeiilir.ini . .lout-Hal- Central 1'" was shown provisions. The maln:tive. h mnii ener.,-eti- uph iiiim "Pl'or KOIt ItKNT J nicely furnished front nioma. j.J3.'jJ, "otui.-- tiiiiti v," Mointnit lllllli.ili Iv not sent lal. nmanway. Oil lil'iMI Hie Slate Hoard 1 tunlty: foim.r exiinlenee or without bnaril. Jin Villi SAI.K xVaNTKH XS of tiler .iimliMet. pf'l ''I"'', element of ttrenuth seemed to be the with Mon-i- e Helen, N. M Tin: Write for list Invert ' i I Pi mid llonmini' al I.Miiilnial k 'luar Co.. lenver. HUNT-I'- UK ma l.v nml prises IliMpllHlpill Copper j a supply of " Coll lll lllsheil hntiaekei iiIiib rooms HIS Norlll lOliihtll II. wauled maiinfactureia 1"l-- i outlook for diminished , Vurnlslied. I'henti. Call at lliirn-nle- VVA general mereiin-Mexico- 4 In fcuuth Kdllh oftcted for Inveiulotis. our four Imnlta sent MEW lnleiiialliHial NT KliKaleHman f..r with, aleepluii A N. M. hoKS the principal weslein pucklns street. Ihiniueriiue. . Vte-10- - Kanm'a I'ity Smithern "t tile triile in New to "ll a new street. fte,-- Patent Secllli'd or V'e Itetlirue.f ; next week. Valley centers Vacancy Auuiisl 1st. - ,L i'lcans A Co., W'ashllmton, II, C. l.eliitli proposition of merit. n: pi:ni- - Clone Sleeiliu porch, I, ..uii.vllli. XmmIh ille ,..:c: ClosliiK prices: e. ait weiat TIM-FK- rail. tlllK hatll, Iwii men, llfi South XTtlllHON, SANTA FR ItlLs IVIinlmim "j1' i .Inly. 84c; Sept., R27c. C. Co. Wliole-nal- e inom Wheal for oihiisis. Mills liisl.r -- lireM rnollts WV I'll. lit I' I'll',.. Cleve- - Arn. I'tut S.M.K New Inline h"'"' I I (i M; lillllli I'lifiper Corn July, 73c; Sept., OlH.e. .l.weleis. CI), Cllllln i tut os. NOTI4 r UealtHilind. 1 porch. W i:.'4 KanitHI) 'I'exail - KOIl r fin nl.ihcd rooms i.o.i si.eiiieir L MIsFieul'l. I July, Sept.. l.itifl. o ItKNT 'a No. Class. Depgrta lilts 3fic; :!54c (.Mtv.'litetii'e, family. -- C HlKh K III It X I Arrlvia MlHsmii'l I every liiivute South rlreef MITtI Kill Pt l'N. I 7 I'l'irle Sept., i"mMIKSH IN MKX T. n or -' per eenl California Kit.resa ...... ! Pork July. $22.70; $0.;i0. i'i I 7. .XlV.deMI ,'. "bull! ru- i:.1l North Waller Phnite KJ Fl"l7rS"AT.I': I'i llollSe. i.f Dm It. S Of 7 11 Nnliimiil Blieint I 1'epiitnieiit Interior, Lund California Kxpreaa . . I" lot nr.p En Sept., $:i,87; int., pal. those a. iiialuteil with hal.ei itaslcr lii in g I .... N'Hliiiual l,eail rd $.&. unit hath fur pcclully 1" be cool rummer; Fe. N. M , July 11, II I' at "f New Mexleo. Volt UKN'I -'I luen nans flee nt Sanlll Fill. Cal Fast Mall ,. .,11 :6i'l l'J'4l, trade to rim .lie -- oilllilllbltllKS unit nice Neaila l'.illi"lilaleit No reply nlshi d for lluUackccplllir. Ill na P'l I,..,..,,.., .villi olid Notice la hereby given that Chester I. I California. Limited tiiia H;i 'ii MCTAIj lenllory. Small imp!es. i.f:it:tj. will bundle .... ,.li in ll K'..w V'Tk I'elillHl NEW YORK MARKITTS. r. f. I', o. month tail South Ariin. Phone front oo.l. Prlrn !."", fl'"" otto, of Los Calif., who. on Join l';aslbuHiid. lo applications without lenei It si N. Y.. N. H. llartf"lil I It. Impure tit 111 Solllh Koil'l reef i'lt. Land Knlry, No I";7" HoX I'.'IM. NeW OtleillK. .'I ItKNT Two furnished rooms. none Fun. made 10 Overland Ftprca T:.H ins WeKtern metal ni;i71'J, See. T. N and il S Now York, July 2ii. Tho n veal's aleeplue porch Willi use of kitchen, bath, for SW'4 ai. Kaetern tClliress ...... J lt.r 4p I'W'b KIDKLI.V U siilemnaii altenti Tilts fx A II 3 Nnrllii'ili Paeirii copper $26,011 a IK Heal Distill!'. Lot Section 11, Township N, llange K. 4 A 7 amp markets were unlet. Lake lie In at let In lunch eleetrle lluld. telephone, fuel, lea. Hill Calirornln Limited 4ili faellle Mall c tn oiiosltloll M, P. filed of In ' V- 13'-- c; South N. Meridian, lias notice I K. C. Chi. I'll 7;Hp l;4I.p trolytic, ast ins, at once our live premium prop. month, Itn Walnut 1.1111 acrca Improvail laml I'eluiaylvaiila - nominal; del with us for sxl.K About I lentlnn to nilikn final proof, to establish HoiilblKHind. Car K'1' 13 We (juaiantei. our K' nils In sell III' Nice front mum, with of Loi llanch. al bargain. I'lillmali I'aliiee Vic ositlon. Foil ItKNT adjoining khiirt claim lo the land above described, before Kl A ICxp. 1 na -- lltiMohl ko.hIs Write today Alan. Ilghl HCIB laa Paso Mel. .. Day Ci.twillilaleil C"pper ., "'h Iron unchanged. take hack all without Ideal sleeping porch. Henry Lockharr phone Ceo, It, Craig, 1). S. Comtnlaalnner, at TfiOp Mil!. Co., -- OK porch. (Ill Pecoa Valley Kip ltea.lini? "il f..r full particulars. Canfleld housekeeping suite, with aleeplng on Aug, IS, 1!14, 111. N. M, RIG Kl Paao passenger .... I l ia liepillille Kleel Klcel at Chleaito, (IB H. Central Ava. IIOTKI.H. .T. Iron mom;y reel. The Lodite. naiiii'S us wltnesai's; Mrs. O Nor! Ii bound. II. uk Inland (" ' makkix Myers, go ma iieita-vu- a li'Mil.l. Klwln It, 'KS. Joa Lopii, il, II. Ria From Met. Kl Paao ,...T II... k hluii.l I'". I'I'I ''-- VANTII Ainls. Dwclllin.- -. IF Yoll want a goud room, lu 4 pa- It KM' till of Albiliiueripio. ma From Kl Paso aop M. l.i.iiiB - Kan. Kran. .nil pfil New York, July 2a. Mcriia utile Itm ll"l"l. Kverythlng moilarn. Ill South man or woman i . .." 'TifluMir" depot lilCLOADr). Iteglaler. 111 From I'acoa Vat. Cut lift I:4IIB K..ll'hei n Panlfle '; 4 14 ft'Ti per cent. WILL PAY rellalde riral, aeroaa from FltANCIS'O per, I'kna. Perfumed S.Mllherri liailway Ml ' In l'"l Kltun Mar silver. No Ki;N"- room, flu , North 'Velilief.uei I '.tpper n'.!S Uornx Snap Powder amoiiK frlemls Koll six modern ("unipany I :H Mexican dollars, 40c. money r.iiilied. Ward Co., i'lS Insti- Fifth street. J:tn tin per month; water Texas to Co. ooooooooooooooooooboooooooooooooooooooooo t!ilnii I'aelflc, Call money nominal. tute I'lace. CIiIciiko. . Jiald. Klrsl Saviiilis Hank TriiMt oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 00 days, -- I'nP.n I'aelfle, pfil "t',4 Time loans stronn; 21)3 A.lllJNTK HlK -' Pl'ture and frame. Foil ItKNT Arei liuimnbiw for lw. - r. , rrv e jr.- y?ri r ::t yr?v O 3 rini i cjn nn Vnlted states Kleel per cent; DO iliiyn, 8 14 l"'1' ent! 12 centa Sells : cuts. Also .lack John- screened"K perches, front and o I I fnlteit Hlalea Steel , pfil 'I lit six months, idniVt per cent. son una other nrurn nlctuna. Tremeniloils rear, ta-- ami clean, fine shade. August MJSIiMES o I "(II ll Cupper ''''M fonyex work, frames. low 1st tin". V.-- t Itoma. , o ctlei's I'nilrallH. - Wahanh pfil '"'i prices. Cre.tlt. Po ..pie' Portrait, Inpart- o f'7 NIAV VOItK C(mX)N. Snillh o fill. .n nienl. fit. ClileaK". III ,nw3 MniAmziKAiii WeflllllKhiillKe Eleetrle IT' It K nnnlern. Kas -- LaiTv sell most KOU IfiNT lirlck. day. sliares. July 2a. - Cotton spot WANTKl'i HKcnls to o Tutal sales fur the .'I3.4'i New York. line i,f ladles- dress ramie, close in, new furtiishluga, corner C IIAICI.I :.S KI' I'PKI.IIU HON 13.SiO. and clmliot - M. I. o middling, Sitlf, tll,e,l-t,.-niea-,.r,,,,- Inquire :i"H Hiitllh Seventh. Julia M. Moore, Jolin White. fitict; llJ.'i l,y the yard: ladles- house. JI'.WIXF.U AMI OPTICIAN o UOHTON CMININU MINING. rooiIh l.tim) Mttr. of nwnliiL's. curtains, Sales, none. with fit Kuarantenl; Foil ItKNT room bidck house, modern. Irrs. Makers imreh 211 West Cenl Avenue o heater proposition steel raiiKes, well tin. com pletely AMU'Ql'KHtJl 15 AHSTKAirr t!(. tents anylhinti In canvas. nil 7777" SS umnloa free: world Kns and and o AII..ue on ship ;I1S Lead. 18H7. 1 IjIVKSTOCK maukicts. transportation clial'KoH prepaid fiirnislieil i.r unrurnlslieil. West Ksltil). lKHil. lncorp, IoiircIioIiI c.ooils liuMKlit and sold, K. o Clipper 5 Klvnn tlllllel T. VAW AmalKainaleil ...., ,.f s;e: credit lintuiro 303(4 West. Central, rootii 2. Aljstratln, Certificates, Kgrrows, (loot! new f tiro, Hleep-In- "; o Zlne Lead Kin.1 t4'4 l.pportU line of until Amu ....e.uln eondlllnlis. Ill.nt lei this FoTl room, ni i lei iy modern fur- Oonvoyanclng. lnlty. Jeweler, o AriK.ina Clilcns I.lveslock. 'loth tV Tknti pon ltefi our spiv phono New Mexleo's I'lnest Art Cuijiineieliil ftercipts nltv pass yon hv. Address P'.reet nished house, lu good location, two sleep- 10 o ft AriZ'HiH fil::i ChicaKO. July 2a. Cattli 1. Mn. , .14 W. Oold Ave. t'hoti rjo7. 401 Hoiilli Htreet. .lowelty and Watch ltepalring. t'aluiiiet Miinuraeliil Inn I'". St. .ills. ing porchca, l.iwn. shade, everv coiivcul-eii.e- o lleela , "'2 steady, licew.'s, Alhuitierqii(i, N. M. 81,'lllntr. I'nlunirt 200. Market n.oim well and eomfurlnbly furnished; no lilamoiid o Centennial 1J $.40(f.' 8.3f; stocKers aim 1st-.'- o Co 10.00; sleers, WANTi:i) sick 'need apply. Phone Copper Paillfe I'un. $5.110 if 8.00; cows ana lien- o Cup. feeih rs, E.iat Mulle Mine $7.751. 1 1.25. CaiUcbCLkTniNiI, JJJiIilJ.furnltura and ito lllghlanda i:i,i:t1ltICAI CtlNTItACTOHS MtiniifncliirlnK Confccl loners o I''rn l H ors. $3.S5M i.25; calves, ALnCQUiaiQCKGHKKNHOUhil.M nklln repairing. W. A. flnlt. phnnwM , biltig-ttlo- o llranliy .' i7'.j Slieep Ileieipts. 2.""". Foil ItKNT Sin II llttlu Ihree-rnoit- l Kcliult & Candy Co. o '""'' W A NT K buy old Hold and allver completed, atrlclly modern. O. SHAW, Prop. Kleclrlc Piiply Company, liavld c.reene Catmnea 3a steady. Sheep, $r,.i;.'n . H, Just Nash o .; jewelry. Second. Klccli-li-a- ctu;l-rit'or- s. ljrnnett-a- Hi fin an,) Isle Itnvallo (Cnpperl $5.50ra5.0; iamhs. Jij.ou"! s.u". Smith W.'ilteratreeL l'M)HISTH, DKSHJM'.ltS AMI loiilrarlois Whnlesalo and retail chocolHtes, o r' vi CariienterlnK, ahop work -- nd bouse, with o Kerr Lake l ' " ' WANTKD o'tr, F!rtlSNT-Furidah- Motors and Ri'iuratois. pan Ice ions lieccil'is, ' lobbing- - phone J J. acrnen ll,4 OKMOKS luililions, t.ilfies, 'oodi', o Lake Cupper litilk, "Kin, Horace Slruli. glaaaed-l- sleeping porch, also I'lverythltiif eleitrliiil ciitiii'il In West hlhcr. $H.ti5'.i; . Idle creaion nml shell'cls. 'i'l'i o La Salle (.'upper heavy, fv VTI. .. mine, lin'.d ntHIKI poroJi. Inquire 1301 ,,utli Waller. Phone 17th Hlreet ftnd West Central stock. f. KB. West Cenlial Avcnuo. Miltllli Copper - l OOroO.or.; mixed, $.4:.r.0f,; P. O. Bmt f.sS. Call If." tisx Celilnil avcnuo. Phono 70, o " horse. Address -- . 4.i $S..15 W!l.92J,-- i ; rough, J.'iK, I'ibn 4 ft6 Phono No, o Mohawk $. clothes and ItKNT- - I'm nlslied. :t or 4 loom bouse, rhone 1 ! Vj I ill" Y and sell secnnil haiiil Foil o Nevil.tli C.ins.illrlate.l $7.70iiflf.0. Phono hoiiKckccpluK. Modern, with r' furniture, 4i)5 South Flrat atrotit. complete, for o Mpirnlnn Mines N" Kast central S4'4 6Z. aleepliiK porch. lk. tut o Nurth Tlutte City Livestock. aveulle. 1 V4 Kansas te- - From owner, large tract tit jtirn.Kit AtiTm .com vaxx MSW MEXICO MAIIKCT o North Lake i July 25. U I WANTED I:i(WOOI IIAKI.UY o Dominion H'i Kansas City. laiid aultahle for cuttle ram. Addreaa fleneral old w" V. o l : ceipts, 400. Vrime red "1"; r . care Journal. Cor. 6th St. Coppor Ave. Tho Ttoiiu ro, Prop. Frish and salt m'eola 1, Foil ItKNT glil r n house. m re 222 S. Second srreet, French o r,r'H H.9II: heel sieem, I Ijami; In Wn I'tiy ','ulney dressed 0''""''"" WANTED Saddle lease or pony In hire futlilsbed, t'loSI! In. J. lsrKc!nt Btcl host equipped (faraBi meats. season. p 11.50 stock era - porch, paltl.v puffs mid llio fltu sl of Sliannt.n western steers, $7.50 'n or three weeks: must he per- In I ha stato. Hloraun caparlly 50 cream hlKlioHt priii'il lieef, million $6.00 for two Albrlglit. tho o and feeders, $ti.00-8.5- calves, feetlv gentle. Phone latr rars. Kill I lino of flfrcHHorleg and cakes pvery day. Plgnla liicatl a and po'lt. Fresh oyslei'3 in sea- o 10.85. WANTKD Han carpets and rues woven at ItKNT Koi mis Willi Hoard. siippliei at all time. Goodyear specialty. 077. son. Phono 7C.r. 31 S. First at. o 1 .11 I $7.40 l'tllt Phone CfV,..r, llnenlnls "00 Hi '8, 709 West Fruit, avenue. And ruga for aale. o ' - ' tires. m 7. 90; vnarlinRS, f H.OUfi K.75; wrth- Work called for and delivered Ft HI KKN-I- aril and b!ic"io o t llllf?,! (ill po eh. Mar'tliet te. o most brilliant a.iic,; ewer., i 4"! writers era, J4.Va'rt II 90 o 4 00. .MUl'M'l VAXTKI Hoarders. Foil ItKNT Hoard and rooms, rate OITICIAN THE llni,. I.'.r.iolK. nihil'.' South liroadway DIIY I I.ICAMVd CO. I HI K KICWIMI MACHINE AUKNt'Y. o America the artists $8.80 W 8.85; per day. fill COITIIXIl . Hulk. $8.70 8.80; heavy, WANTKD Convalescent boarders, plenty m us lIcmntiHll'Mln the millir good Soul Ii Si'iiinil HlriH-t- o veKotnldea, H.AOhii.l.KNT 'JAilLM llOAPlJ with tllieiy Let ltd o whose and "comics" imckers snd hutchers fruit, fresh eirss. milk and Under W denn huts and plumoH, tnon's Sewing Mnclilna. cartoons $S.50(ff 8.75. sleeplni; porch and beautiful ranch furnished rooms and nine location. qtialltle of the free o, m iiiii it o light, $8.75. 8.80; pins, Nice new management. 2itt South Walter. tliapor-le- g make nation laugh are two niilea iinrlli "f I'eiural avenue. Phone and women'- - clothes, riiR", The machine for tho discriminating Kverylhlng Optical. Lens Grind- o the - 1 tut. I, b. .aid and o Dies. , ir.tiw. FOR ItKNT Also do dyeing. housewife. Mrs. Atkinson si. .!iir porch. home c. nifoils and curtains. ing Iiotif, on the Premises. Work o working exclusively for 24. Mrs. excellent H. ntil.IiT, Santa Ke. X. M.. July Vis. early, II Soutii Aiie phone l..sV. Promptness and kooJ work Our ClIAItLKH Ouarantt'C:! First Class in Kvcry o well-know- n resi- o Fannie Atkinson, a Full PKNT Ito-- or cottiigoa with board motto, 115 S. th St. Phono 107. phone 442. !l W. Oold Ava. Jtespect. for a num- vrrli-'r- room convalea-oanta- . o dent of Santa Fe, who liver w .v at Mra. needs sanliarlum for o ' iarty, died totlay prl.ate family; mum he rlean and milk, cream, egga. frulta and ber of years at Moi rxehaiiK- - Homo o , , n',.ii- - Ktreet. She and no sick. Itefereneea 'loweri Vickhart Tlaneh Photia PiJi PH)XI.i;iJ IIAKFHV ai iter itiuiio ..." ... .rt,,r,u r. o I'i o 40 vears and anecumoru i. . COAI"j UVXK C. S( lll l It, I I KMTl Itll o was aed - AM) WOOD Fverylhlng In the haklng linn that a,., ...... ii,,- - rmsliunn. t.coistu Atkin- a VAT!:i l'ullli.iis. SH-K- S. Hlreet, "Odd Fel- Is Mood, and everything good that o in husliiess and light i Second America's Cleverest Weekly son. wis for a time niiisiriK. FOR HKNi and Ita'a for IJniti, kindling and smithing roal, Is lu the baking lino. Prompt de- o the penitential;-Th- ."nailion practical 4I4 N. Second lows' t'lillilliiK." Wetler'g Ktiperh o ihen was u f?uard at or la. a. rus. I hone Sowankeeplng liveries and pleased customer, our Saturday Inn Invalid glock of hest fuel curried tit mo-diu- o funeral took plme Foil BKNT 3 room new flat, newly IflrKo Htovea and ItatiKes. Tho hest N. Prop. 207 house, ltr. Inquire Klomtn. R Palling, o Everybody Loves Puck-J- ust morniiiR at 7 o'clock from the healthy, competent modern. 2 a Sixth. all times. I'mmpt dellverli'S, Phono priced lino. Kodrisuey,, WANTED Position by Savoy Hotel South First street. o of the hrother, Miguel man; no had huldts. Will take nnjlhlng 4 and 6. fr. 8. Iteaven. o for Fun Isast I'alace avenue. Mass was ccle-bmtc- d anywhere. Knfnrrnee. Hex. care Journal. o Cathedral and interment WAM KI) To Trade. o For 40 years this paper at the MIAN. o in Kosario cemetery. MONKY TO TttAliH II S.viul. ALL THIO NEWS TIIAT'3 FIT has retained Its position wits WILL '"" shares Al, o stok f- -r !iiit"in..l.ilo In good Cnndttl"!!. (.DM It UIPAIUINO o best all-'rou- MONEY LOANED In all parta of tno taia, TO PK1NT as the ;ral Snh'" at aalary, houaehold Answer I'. ". U" --'it. metal works. I.lijht o periodical In Don't forsct Ihr to railway employee on Trj tha Tin and sheet humorous the Co, Monday inornintt -- o., Tlt'M'K o liintlidl-lve- r & -- nods etc Call or write Union i.oan rt'H heavy repairing of all kinds. In the o country. It is better now Value j " to ?.".0I). i n. First National Bank building. Al va!ii. (tne'fH'r and from 9 to ii ,,,' ."tf'ti ihi, o than at any time in Its bunilerqne. N. M. Ph'ina 12X8. n1'. T.'i. :ilii JOlTltNAfj WANT COM' MX 3 flatlffiKtlon puaranteed. Photiti MOHMNO JOIKXAL Your i holit', 2 cents. "X Sii, ,..uinal. o career. T. I Went Cop- I M neons. 911. need, 3154 o ItHl IKN T iscella HO cents tlio month o cents a copy TYPKWWTKKS. I'or Ikut Ilesultn, per avenue. 10 FOK RUNT Store room pposite crystal o . . K , . , V. e i end aac'ittd bggd. i.una i.- - theater, stamm Fiutlji LOST (1. '". I, "-"'- "" il. a Ask Your Newsdealer nought, iota, rented.." ami rooms. private ratl- - t V"fl Typawrltar Kxchang, na FOK ItKNT Two alore turiil 0OOOO00OOO0OOO0OOOOO0000OOOO00O000OO00OO0O000000O00OOOO00OOOO0OOOOOOOOOOOOOO0Q- -I buquemua road track. 19 Nortti Ftfurth glceet. tractor. lit . til W. Oold. EIGHT ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, SUNDAY, JULY 26.1914. Issooccceocccceccocccoooocooocooooooooooooooooooooooo 10 o Co. CHOPS BROUGHT , o o Crescent Hardware $60 OFF SOU o o O J o ' o Photo Supply fi?f, o talir ! I'WtlHt. llauatlaWiC. Hire. tm avart f .f Uri imnrn rrnrnn o IIU.( TKAI, At E. TI4 UltoM: Sit FEES OF SON OF i UUtHAL Hawkes o o o House Bit o o o showf US IHt MRS P M Hi P H S o 1 -- - o i uiiiUi ' I uiiu i uuuu iiu i r. :;..' : w-- 1 v Cut Glass o t... l l 1 o Mi o mwg ' r e I o r. o o " j- CUT CLASS i:i ,!K ! tec o r;. ,; v" I c.-- s K" o nuit.u.Wi . E;;r , 575 ci.l . o !) o j j ! pay ., . icr-a- to; o t.tta f:r ror; tais.p o o -- o five Cents o Seventy o 1 o o I I r,r , r J ' " ' o o P MlTldlPLir "' " o the Dollar o on o o ';-.,: or-.r;1;,.- v o ftV'-V- M nn. o :4;ry.irJ;v;;2 f..:, o SNOWDRIFT o o ..s o o ..S15.00 o " r o h,r!' ',-.- ",. I Mtl lo 1h O c : o '"'';f"T U, A . ir.rr.,, ,. O - Vt So . 7t, ,;. ,, .,., tnr o . .S G.(K) o o . .S 9.00 o T I! t I M . fUil ::: o '.l MM1 II 1 ::::::::: . SI 5.00 I.I 1,1 I I NHM ir::d;r S o I'l rlM o II I I M IM " . s o I'fc Hi, ?.'.r: o G.00 COMMISSION TO .g ..S o S11IU IM I h n .1 H .FAIR ; S o I 1.50 o " -- I HI I I H It H I "'f- if i mi ! " . - S 3.K) o II mitt iuumi wkuvid.x o o S21.00 u I M V S 7.50 o o S 7.50 o o - j 1 , , . I ill IMIilUI I.I I i ,.,.1,1..,,...... r. fri'- 2 ..f f p ... !,!!,..-..- ii.M ? o i v I I , . i Mr .Tr.-..-.- l , , - ji.'iv'k i.r.i Jnfll., I U UUUIIILIU U r. V... .,r r. ! L r ' Ki '' ;'. l'.'i'- :i:.i' c :r t '!'Iiir!lt o r i. ' fcVll iil l o rr ti t ; 1 ,'t;l i ! ' s,r l- - -- f'-- v- a'.'V t' o I M V MU rnn ' iirntii .. J '!.- o II 1 fir Mexico . ' . u L LL tl,. I( I.,, ,f. Mr ' ' '"'''i" I" o tii.i:m m.w ; v.-i- '?" SKK 0 c I lu. a ...MM- - .I'fwri.vrlf ..! M (HK WIXD'JVvS o T !. I'-r- I Ho r r f ; - VlltlllMtN ,(II"I!H to B'.'" at LUU rn-f- for h r fipi.." ;.nl tn- t th o (11.11 lh(-l- o l ift rr '. ,r. t n:t rr fr Irci. li;r if;; U'..jr"liv i,r o m (if. i Moiii.tairiair kx,: 3. lf,i j. ri.). n' y f lh-t- . ilnn, o h r at'orr.) !- DEATHS AND FUNERALS o Altj'j'jf;f'n;f; Mai Will 1 . f ;"k',i:,rn i . il,'f r ..IT, V..- - o ! . i i i"u i & o ,M- an a'f in j.".r' !.-.- I. f.l V V. I . (. f - - '.I., Dodd Denhof o i. f a m..H"n art I. r in ii. luri. uil i, (r km rmijo. I' ifk. i.i l,,i i I,!,!.. ,f :, Race, Ib;!: Received the f"r o i (,,,( h l.u. a n. J r, .'"'"1 IVIi.i.i .!(. ii.ii.Rh. o '.- ill Ih" M, .it, M:f.-i!- . ' Armii.. .I ; ... ! ;r p.. n i.ul.l rml l" i.f Mr. an.) JKWKI.I'.RS o lh Greater. Number of Votes u ir t..r Mrs i,rr- Arn i;,,, h I :n ',f rl Mm. al- - r.M.lir;,' n. I h o fl JJ I I', ffilnni.t r..r!h if !. '.fl.fliUf:.. .lll'.fl it - WARD'S ! fr nil I.-- 1.1 . I 1,11' .1 ..ii.r-hil- . I T!,:r'! ( g STORE - thr ,f ..irrn- urr. wa ' , I'l "I'l- f.l 1,1 i h. A in S'atewide Primary, Inn .'f.,i, 'iiiiif iii.1, from ffil'-n- ii ( i di v. K, r, I :' in i l;,i-lf- t fi -.,- j "lilih r:i wr' wir o i..l!, ; T' h i ri)iin-i- l mi h' r, I ,,li.,t! ? h,, j. ! I i ; ii J"nn-t- h o - 29ft-J- i m i,i fl a't.nki.l n.f.t- tf fi.fn at Ihi riMiil.iu'i i,i .i i,i n . hr-- r lit MrM Ao. In r air nt. 1,'u i '.in'li-;.- f in and lrj, v.,n n,,. , ,. Ulu. f ( OOOOOOOOOCOOOOfjOOOOOCOCOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO "fl A'M'mf. t, Mfilt U MM t ' n I'll'.! r,,,,,, ,,,(.. VV I Sh.- - ,r IIOWKH II. WAItH, . V M"K..!f. .,f r'l'ii i, JiitiHnu ii i rsi jlr. ".ill in i. fil. r l;v ih I. . fit, m ! , i ih I In- - I.iI ;in r .I ih n,i. in A'Hf.M. Iir, X M J'.hr.r..,fi, l:i,n. 'I'ur'ci'-- nf kik f.r r. l'i f I'M. fl'. M:l III TIINhs . , I'-- - r I f..r fr'-n- i iai.-i- why ' uri- i N. M. ui r fruy ih"iiiil ml V r Viol.. J. rn-- i,i. 'I Mm. Khz- - till,: Jil'-K- - i Mm. n Mr, :f l,il! fi.r ' ll ' ) - Ailir"w Ilnn. A l:. M.Mill.n Hum .i hi' ll"llit. .i in J. ii. n- li, th'-i- I . . if.iri H i, Ki-- r ; f ' i? " S i.'iif '. i ii-- M ri. lii, r rnin. MIJ' i I ti'.n f ?li- ninny I -- I.ili A.l-lt..- , S.m M.s,.., """ """ """" "t"' "I CLEVER JUVENILES !." fh.'Wfi th. in i, v f r II ,! Ilir1"' - f AIROOME ' tin- .Sini-ra- CRYSTAL THEATRE TONIGHT lliifh.i." II.iii. .l.u,.. A I rrn, P'li'Miy "" ir,. .' i i: KniKht. in N M n . l.i-- thi-ni- l Strong Hrothcrs iiiir fitn...r, i.f w.ini.i . N M piny PLAY IN OPERETTA .f I' l,i,i th' .ii ' iMnn tif I . . - Sxi Xnrlli SrtHiml Klrrrt. t Afli rii' jKiuril iti I.Ti him Iiu- i;irl n i imk. iilri ili.iili nf W'jiKr 2 Smith S"tiiiiI Mrret. m,,ii. ' I'lif.t ' n. n rn - .. Undertakers H'Mr' I' J.l.n A l"t mi ON SEPTEMBER 4TH i;. Jmih . Wlilil,.k.r, ni fiii't liitlm.iv iiikiii.ii U III foil Miliy .i(i . Licenseoti?r7ctu7es JMCOMIT TIIOMC i Hi', - . iii.ii, Licensed Motion Pictures MIIVK.. rim nffin- i.f ...ii'lK. :., i,u. i,f tis,.iii i I'i.Iiiii mI 71. MIIOMi K, If (" - , A immt it i im .I.I--- fill'H llfifl'ill. I I. ml. III. tin lf (hi- n'llll-- VMM inti.i irmiriff -- i , lif'llllfi i i.ii-- l.i- AMI MUlMI. ;.,. ", .ru-M- . "l.i i.f Iiu tdii.n.i lit t.i iimr i. (a,,,lM f ,h, !,r...... fif M:TI-L.Ti:- i a niiM. Ki.iuil'l in i I.AIK.I vr AMI IlKsT il i l,Ki. l) Mr, M wul '.I th" .ii.iiii'iriufti i'l" i,rw fiiif. iihmiv I v ,uiiiin...... if - f .iuihui miih.k l.m. ,,,, h,..lV) v , (llI). 1U(1) (,f li. ml i.ti tin- I'tcmiiK ' FriiUi. ,!m Hffi w' IV lilt: MTV a ll.iylr Li fur" - "lli'l'.fii ii,,. H'nio io-i:ku- . lAV - -. h.- - irAi.KAi'ii Ml. .'- .n ..,,'1 tin- Th,- l;.,iff.," M . '.I. -.' I f KP! K omi .'--- "''I'll. lirlff. H.f(.-fii.-- i IIUWUlIU iv i .i.,rm by timi- -i Hi" .I i i i i, r it' in . i.i' . 'iini Ji ' '"' "'I'"' in ix . "ii i'iini- - ti igi. iii l;i,ii,i.,ii. i;, In TIIIK I V-- l l IM MT C I II IM. ,r hi ii l:..,i.u ;,...i,i i.iii'.i.. .ir. .1 LOCAL . ITEMS t lire i.l.t;nii. frnm the Mrnn ft lM- -i Hbmw l.ilfifiilfo I rum lliri'. t.v y l.fiif II il. Iiii-- in.ikin h,iV" l,.i n nml.r ,iy tnr tho t I ir.l at o .I.kI; ' ' ' l 'I ti- - ar-- - ufi- i.f ..i;r 8:1.1. Mr liriiM ln(i A n r- - ff)"H iti. "i l.i nl 'Inly inniith m "f nn- llcin. al OF ir ri kIih.; II.iii ''' lh' I i ! tITK'REST ln ! i I , I - ' ' ii'iifri'lilK i I' fi. U.i m i'ii. fi,l hmcuiii in (ii M ri i hi- Atnfii;ifi i..finhii in ulu.. ly fiil hv. M.itlnr at l.M nn1 :".; i.,l run. ,:iitn nuirit.n - thi-I'- it m ,.:r pi l.i rain ,inl n in lik.l.- fimnv i.f '"'''; iil"ff"'n Hi" nffn ulu ir in.'- alcul) that Mi., M(lil ILlliiw 9:11. siidws i:ai oi; shim: wivrin -, - 1 al ijht. iM-t- in i'l fiinii.f i i iti- - i him- - 1"' ""' hai.'.fuil Mini ifid f n il ii. mil mi- i in a i i I'fi iit mi' 'm. Empress I I l.i 'i'l mi i.fl.r mIIi mini.'i.t I hi. hiuli .,'. ' mint (HUM im I ili'li.lfK tin- riKhl tlll Will rl.illfl Ifif Iiriili- uf III: '11 for lhi four hum n'1ing hi r l! J J ' lniy w K" f IhIk. i in Mini iim-i-n- li'-- hihln n us i u I'.r K OII(lil.NTIt All (lie Air TlM-r- j I'm k yi i r nfl fill. ill ill i.l hln iiiuiiiiiz. lhatif'.r fln.l II IM'll.C Vroh It. I fiihtj; thi-i- r Instantaneous en I j luiJHtM fpl' ii'li.l liMll'lnir lf . "III III KHIllil V." Die K'fi Imv' In In li" r thf M.idiiiuiM ii'in..! t ilnn., -- r.ipulin iiu- - unifc nf ..riii.tMHit.H In .Viw j l"'i fmmi ii'f ''" tia'l. Ililllllhlllfl, y'i ...inn-- . iniinlifm Color Iflf'l.. iit4f.,m i1.r-fti- r Restorer ;t;.H.ii i lil III Ihl Mlilll!- - Mm.o .I,m i. nr. l iiml .f"-- i Airs. Cruilf. (!. ill ,i Hair .1' i i.fnM r.if nr r ui i. ii ii. k liti" ix' i'l" iii', H fin-- ; in tin- h..r- - , Mr (iri.K" Iiu. nf l.inrir; in Iti ri.Kin-i- Hmilliwi-ii- wifi'i.-- iii.ixi.. nil"! .im.iin.iiiin lluir Hp. in- i.r f iili .l hiiir l.tartily, j K l .iti-"M.ili'.i- i IiibH itiij li, har inn Inn .l.i.; mar. 'In fm in. hi fnffr.iii". ni'ihi"" nf mmu. 'I'.!l t'.i'i OM-- Nil iift'-- . - ni'i'li. .tti'.n ji. I l'i min-fil- In n il - , l I i. i I." 1 WmnLunil y.n i) iwrmw- i. nmy !:th SDMi HITS 1 . hf tiiric iiml truo iliim.i Hfirinl If i I . in ll"tlmih, ilnllfitf. ,iiifi r n sr. l ,H:ihHii--' this i:"tnrf-- ' l iii r I li' f, Ihbih 'I In ,ili If.'.inl.i-- '.f m, :.n iiM: iii fiiiij i" mt inlili. Ii;ik n rl. h y.'."-- l "K.ti.'h 'li.if k to D-a- r M ,..ii; f..n"ii 't li n ulia'lf-"- . 'Ti The 'ia'." a Iircam nf Ynn." - - I h i - V. Ki ll n .(In- t'.ii'lM Imnl r"i"iil- the- fit. t hnn-- : m m I." tmit.h.'l with fit .f j I ' t f'.l I IllfllV flllilf nil f M.u'.iifiui. ,llnl. ii i.iff)i thi that in- - l.iillitr l'i Al'i..iri:.iis" a in Swi't'th'-ar- Whi n Ynu're Nt ar." i?'nps tlMt apltf tl to I -- ! t II . - I. III I I" l.f f).( . , Vlf li..BI- II. Ken thill Ihiw i". i K- h ml ill, 'Hull!.- ,n it,,, riilllt-'- i.f hnnnr ;ti , lirthl-wl- lll.lll.: tf,l,i. Jllj. I". l,:,t ri.tiirniiii Hit I l INSTW-IWM- ca h iliMtim c . ag'-nl.- n ii i ; i MI'llI IMI'KOM !. ti tafic l'..r ftnle at nil imumc Hurt laical in, it, it Iil.i. h nut' in ritiit,i iiKHiHHirix nf l' l.iill" ''m.I.I.ii ll tir i.i si Slifn i , i ,i.i l't"l"ilv f'.r lni.iiinii S II II : IC will A!l.n'ut-i',ii"- M. ilmi li I'd I ("I- - 'M.-'f- . n ltl MIII I'liinn Cn,, J2:i W. Jn!t Aw., N. M., nr font mistiiatl 'lik. i Th" i iri niiir in purl l w t- -I l."nKl"llnw . nriKiiii linn l'i - .'H- inyilm n t ml nni f i ti Iti" l .fil,l I Hub n niiiim Ihf - . r h.i.r frnm n-- i ". IIAPF.KIi-VuliK- I. hiiiil.'.l iiml - i,.L-,.- i "lit- 2 'f.iiiikly srrilv i."nn'..' nn nf cents ;i l.y ll,,. puhli.shi rn, iniS i, .mi i.v in.. ! .inn. ,.l ill ili'iiiiifl'l fin i.ll , iit ll.ii. In I.f iii, in: ,HI! Hi li'llll.i-r- . Hii" I.,.. l Kd- - ifiiii-- n..-k- I VtllMH- - 4 ; S". "I vn'-l- In ,in. ly n ymi v, 'TI,.- lull.. "I.. n l.far" iiriii.t "r MI'.SIC CO., V.t S'Af.T LAKK CITY. I'TAH. "li niK" M. ',' , ii. '!ii. Mr i,l'i(H!.t"l... UKi.nif. . ., ...... ;...... i I.Y 1.1 l N I I). . i Iinv-ii- It."'- TKlWI II my A - ,;1 J. l!..kir. il. n,l..i i..r ill ir Iiu in i".rl.ini f i.f IIumi .ti.fl Ii'- t ii r.i i '"-- " J" , tiri ii. KiifliiiHfil ii. tits, ami mi " J, K - hatiii.i, m,,,,, ,. ,n- - pi-r- tivi'iiiifi, iiirHi-'- l (mm inltiii ,i f "firf-- fit nl i fill lit Hi" n ' i I - rc.-anl- , 1 i :t In Mali, iv i,. hi- un lit bi i i al il,i h itnl.i " fin iili.ri (nr iiinri- ... , . Mnl on tnri. i ..ini.firtv. in tliiit f"'" m in VVf thi- tint nfl i.ffu t,il i. if ft limn liilll""! x- - " il." rf .i.ilih, rfirH !h , ,,v e.u.L...p hi,Hto Hi- - Krt-.i-l ,,:,,.,. ,ht. (i,,ir IM I 1 i II;, in i.iiil" nn. imtiiv 'f W. T iiilimiK. pi f iiiihk Hi" "r ' CerriUoa Lump HAH COAL CO glOTC II. ' 'I'ii-- Hiu-nil- iirnmlftcl :' ""'' J" l"'r"""'" l A i .,K ilritwiiig it i" i." HY HUTS, rTrilo. M'-'.- 'm, IimIk.. Ha iuil., i uif,iy fi.f r ii r I lif i.iHlri.rm t "nirni''"""nilM rilO.NK II. - v y.rv h i l ;it thfi th.- t.i.i.h;--' hi.hf vnif Milw.nil Win, in Hit. iniiii-n- i i.f Al i'.' ihiimI ri 'llnii hy Ciovrt Mi raif i,, ItH-- . tliiri'l taken tint lliiltlthl H III!" I I. II. wmk nf III" Htirrtil iiiti4.!' i l. and thi: in ljiiiin n . ) nl .'.I in, Thf t lit-- ii' ANTHUACITE, ALL SIZES, STEAM COAL. f..i. in In tin. I'.ft.iii.ii'Hi mi fiilaiy IiiHh t'ini.i liy lilm, Tht. 'pulier n( S.m AriMniu. Trx.. fall I..! ilmii..; tin ti PRAISES THIS REMEDY , "illy In plfltti'll In Ptlilinvnr In K"rnri I - " I... I...,,. w, . ,rv .IIIt' f fhf I'l. "th" wmidi-- nf tht- hh' Thin Coke Mill Wood, Factory Wood, Cord Wood, Native Kindling, I.lms. - hrr nt m.,t. tvil rr- X illiaiit-;n- n .... . i ,.l. ,,. ...I I.,. iiliirK l.v Ihf lll.-l- tuiiiiilifhim nf in it.'iiii i L"e mi linf-- - FOR LUNG TROUBLE . - n. f Nimm iii" (ri nt'ial nf thf. tin- l lu-al- In .r .n ft i l.i in lh" m,i'l.-- t rurrnumlini whn In h" hpirial a ii,.i.i.i " I iXJ il ' IVII Hi-- I"". Unix t lltlilll.illnK , riunihftH, ' Mny r"'".' "" VI I" tlit r.i'" thf imfiMiv. Ii KIMlftt'.ri hay, hi urn- - i it' ui!e la m. .t- -i .'til". T'tia la n dip ' i.rt.- h ii,i,!,v hitv. l..,n r. .i.'i.a - lif-- s H-f- l vifIf fnr nf cxif. Infant thin-- LET US SEND A MAN H.tti- it nil iaiiifii I A)t..fati," SPRINGER kntii ill .,:..! t tt-r- MAYOR IS IGNORANT OF iHlirini inrs'i i.. ff i,r-- f, In Hit- - I . i I i'li'itiliT, 115 J..hrif limn. K Ii .V, To that Itrokrn Wlnilow FOR HAULING AND I nil I. rnon - In I'f'S I I, a'! a .. nilace Wh iinif. AXE IS TO FALL; - ttlH) ltiiir lt REPORT tr..iifi f...:K m.r..!i I trii-'- i a;l u- tiii- BAND CONCERT WILL BE f. iian thai my n k : ,ri but. ALBCQCKItVCK I.CMBEU STORAGE "'..ii (it'iimi'tiM I In- - l i ti t " r. if V'ti CO.MTAXX htv :niy t"l'" trniililf. Phmif I'J- AT PARK TONIGHT i Ma'.tr t "t ki f.t ni'i "'ii.t f.tiu ami u.i 421 y. nivtN ....m I .. -. i c l r.:,, i v ,t 4i Flmt Y a . . rt tha' a re dn - s ,.; I IH THIS l;l!Mnf C.WM .Ii - i. i nn. " "' Uty - i M n Ha: hi .lam. a i.f itw.n h tn I.f mail'' in the ,;; w ju-.i,- i,-a..-- I try (ioous M I. - '.'- ' ti,.. VIII jiavhtiii: MM an CTiaimmtWT'rrriM.Tw I lark ft Iirtltiil! and Will UlVt- lh! , n,.,.r-- f.ilrf :m ti ll", inr In ..n wk tltr waa li .lt'.-- ' n ' ! ii" t' nf th" Sti.iiliiv ! "an! nil tin, .'tfivlhlllK al'ntit II," an ttnii .m. In mv "milt uni H4 afttr UFA I I Ai?F MPQQFI riFU I ll!lt h.i'i UKt-l- l Kt'Vi Hi I f' t " fa.Ha.fl a !" IniiiKiit al IttfhiiiKiitt park. thai mavnr flint .tnl vhfn t"i',H ti IIIHWI Tin- - (iillima the iii"- - Gr.ipral Co.ilrai'torn iiiir.iin about the r ini. Whfii tun, i iv lit any .dv "f Mhii-I- 1". J r i it tuk.-- Figures workmanship LOW "Light inn." K. tmin-- tht- nntliiflun that Inhir It,.i.i,i if f.faf,.,. and count CUT , SHOES h.,-- Mftilry nf piiiiilar hilt", liiltiiiliii InK j ( nt.ii-- l!i "X- - ' Kuwraotee more Mr your money ntv titif . ia.i i ,,all A r. M: i H a-- torporatlon, IITICatlon, MlnlOK UIWi I t frldarlit. rnTT !;u w than an other rnn Iran In f.rm ln "Aiina lay," "Whon nf th faitl hf Aii-a- I Ila'c WH, (Knoiant I'. kmatia tivf m i..Ut tr. . . ' , and Krnw to I IViki. 1, j intr m.! ... llill. l.nat Ynn. Mi In mfln ml. iif.'fii I, ., i , , "di,) nni knnw." tat unarm ami afvaia an.1 , .1...... New it un v iii im a i u , uiwb I!..-".- " . - n - SAVING li.atitlfiil In Mv llatfin." at.n iip.,i.i...,ii:- avai.-- ' ' " ' rianKa, nidi?. & Itftn, Insurance, Ir- - m,;r;; , ' ZrXnvT'z: hall for state i,:,.i im, iniiii'v nii.i kn.i he it u-- Writf i j Hallroaas, Taxation. Kult'S and lorma n;;'irent;st,?j K kut.-ti- i latii 'rati.ry. phiiaik-tpliiu- Pa., f r for drawing and filine above papers. ...t,:5, democratic convention a Paddle horses. Trimble's nej Bara C. V. KAXK.V. Kanta Fe. N. M. ' niKht I'h'iit I'it'i'i I.". him f'.r Alaham. 'j " Iv til - Iti I I li'l'llllt. til llltllt"l j Artitniifim-iii- f"i 20 thf lait" , Ili.ll'f.- n - fiimplf'K'il ! h'paniah "I..I l'.iliiina. aiiilf i'i in .ti- nf tin- - i mi iniltf't'. Itii'iini""l V 1' lM-- (hat h' I liitd niKht at thf a;.-- 1' A tin . in ," latuar.lK. for iniins". ASTIME THEATRE "luf Cnintni "I'll'. The i nmini' t"f AiiH-iKlt- .. a. ham. n ' I'attt.l Klka th. fnr the nm- - 3 Big Bargains in Den Furniture -- rented the yf H iVJ , Il I'liittlT 6. ii5 'II- a lift ami l'li)W itfr i&l ire." T.ilianl, Vflillnii. hin d t h.iii. vthith la tn play firi-tt- - IP 5 !:.y' M.,1,1, Tuii-.l- , h . ' ,.f Ion the iln of the comin- Admission Cents ami I'lll th r lime (or several 5 nr- - Mw-- ' inlizftl In In ... , ,. i ...... linn, iiml plaiim il l. coral mriH nf th" furnisliin'i happy t ami (Imiiiir tltltt timo wp liavc liundrf-i- int-ltti- ,in-i- i - inadf maiiv iiitniU who I ami iimn- .n of lllli!". fti.r:. ytlll ntl ln ,,,.,., Nii-li- n be nckol in tift'iii.i'f thi'ir inr'!. caincllv ifvnnmii ll. in r ,oiit lto, KkmU lli yt'fklv vpii-ial- in ,mr st-o- Mi-ft'- t irimlou. ',Vo nffor s nooi. or miii.ii: you thiM yfk Thitvc iii I'.iii-'ii- hi in );-- . l l KMTl HI). i i m.u,.,,. .hatn(..unii;i;.mi WOMAN'S CLtlR WILL . h mimiii'l tt a mti tn.-- mv m il . ia.-- !. and ipiti' " will I," hfld MEET MONDAY NIGHT al Hi" tavlini a I .atk. TODAY SI'Kt I Al, M). 1. Pnvo.iport nml rnnu. J nl v .:itt. iiiMfiiii of 1 IVom tn 10:30 p. m. KiH-ktT- t 'I Illll.". lay as lift ft ..I', I I' llll-- 1 I Th" itii'l-iiii-.i- ti' meettne "f (h tll.ff of ftlllllll oak nn ' ' I ll Wm.ian'R I'luh t,f bfltl at 7. (O'lUiinnHis) $47.00 li I.' lililAN. j Monday evening Tin- new year bonk 1 diMrthnti-.- l a for . . Ph. itt" iL'tums Intittii'lnr iill be ml plana th" Sl'i: IM, -- Hioi'iiporl. I.. "lii-llfl- hitl.v rnlil. v " to la hi'Id at "II M.'" TmIiIo. Tlin-- at th" Ht.i!" Ian "111 1" dlaf Ufott-- I. Itrary Kix kors tf snltl-i-- .i BEWARE! 'I tie board of the i lull A vry liiti'it-.liii- ir and I i if ii.iii: sen i t) V .Ml k N i';i( s . tlisr-iK- oak ,!().!) f will c r.i) s.ilc fiitnc - at thin In. and uitr In, h it huM .nitsitl- will, till::. rfiiliitf. $83. had 50 'inn I'.'I WAI.Iv-OVK- "ti ship. liiii S at!'! I.UW CUT trnliblf of late, with I nlllltf't ft'lt paf nun'" In . , " II, at llf MMATW, NO. X lini'tiHi-t- II'M.S ,ti a :r, of Imllfi THi: MIhMM; ItlMItK." tl.rep vtm iiu- - wh.-- fil lif r HadiiiK nt biiytnit ! FACTORY ! FACTORY IlfH-kri'- ami Library T i; i'1 .k ri'.xf. in that thfv are thf Tabic of golden t I H (.11 nf Hi" li ll' ia ftbt itftf-- firtm. llntter. ran now rull loada oak Sip if- - n.. vv. Al'ni-m- "St(; OK Till; TWII.K.HT" !f'i"0 M ill t,l I I ( lil.XMI bt ttt fa' tnrv .or Rt'ld in t $128.50 Itt.l Hi. It S 1 H Ml .1 n. .v. IttUtTlpIO, I'.'lil" eee $1.00 iloll S!i"('i 11. ' iu:vi:. .w $:.oo Henry's Delivery and Mes- rin.ltf ( .Mi;! Stmtli rirt St. lOII MOllY- - St.OH SI ii it'i tiu'.y ; $.1.20 sengers. Phone 939. I i; M ITXTI Itl S s llltl SlotK TERMS Slmi-- iil-)e- TO n.. -- 111 SUIT $2.80 'Will iii' in 'Id it Mt!f r : "it y. N .M .. 30th day of "im-- not it oi P.KCKOV. MA If, B, M. Wlll.IAM ,,i the Ol'hl.kS IM'OMl'TI.V l'lLI.I'.D. 'July, 1W14. a! it .1 i..i k a m.. at IM' llfflllH - ti in- - Room 1 and S, Whiting rulldlnf. an. lb. ii fnr i All ttlin art- Mutual reel I ;ature Corner Seyond and Gold. i iel d nuniitiu ale with II , Sollic-PetersFurniture- Phona No. p. r.ain.f. iisiiitn.-.- silver City, N. M ! E. L. WASHBURN CO. III I". cm Co. Ihin't fnrm I tbe ' (.nth Sale" al c. ii. conxi it, m. p . n. o. 121 l II- - V Hi S'i'il'i Sniuhi SlKt-- Ui C.til.l Avenue Mllll.le yi r I II., Vliiliiblt HiorilillK Ontii,pftii,i,. s.MVlnllat. I AN A VI I'M M. (OM1.KY llinil V In I.". Hill" all fflll-- l to H i.Otl. I treat all eurat.U cjlaenata. Office IB 223 SOI TH STKPirr tmr rllnlff. S'i 6tro Building. Vhcne tii and 325. HMMrMI HMMmMMMM Comic ALBUQUERQUE MORNING Society JOURNAL. Section I & SECTION TWO ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, SUNDAY, JULY 2o, 19H. PAGES 1 TO 4

(DISMVOT I A tk ) SPK v Comic Section K &G&A RTZT :- . 7; July 26, It) 14 1' LZ i T I w IWJt The J&ateGKammer Kids.

j I DRlHK iTtCO'. j ' r , f Mm if i . V EAT A l ' l frrpv Ni:ut ywi) J5JT bi&Atf - ; . cobyTb ( i Mink now N I MINERAL SPftlMfr OC) v-- AtlR I - i i f w .. .i . . - Iviv "v l 15 i - r r k it i n iiilM Diklr. ft M - it. VOB AAT IT - (iM'i ; HCOP SKIRT rti A's 1 1 voi knocks DtR l' vr v. ; gi.0 n iitnuj, j m mm .ill n trf JfeS."U Hill

I ' --Xs-.

lKt ANE.W MAM. 1", Shu- - HASi AlRUM COWL. tCOK. ) "ilAND 0 A TVrt: y7 COULD Bfe ' own - vLi r w3 lift X

i..-"J- Y - A 5(1 v A.ser rVA V X. U J !' 1,' V- - ' .

I - III, ' r 0 l' SS. sSMTJA.WW U1 B fu. "'ft

- W0- M 111 ... . - .r-- :. ) ;r . Vj .FP 4 i '"ft Sl Ivi

- ' I U ' I I J U. fm"" L 'I f M V, 1 ., '

EN DOrjC IDS CAM MMftOCZU W.) k & ! . ii "s. v . i wzn urn t k-i- u ' IN VON HASH JlJL

J 'vAv --, ( iiiV'

- -- r--?vv ,1 ' . v -

LR iAM if IWK'.J aw, rats! so ) darlincs we s 3 5 fyL.. Vm 'i fkoht



Ji ' ' 3 Pg Ii VT i ' IL

ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooocnocOooooeoooooooftoooooooonoonooortooooooo nnnfiofiooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooovooooooooooooooooooeoooooooooooooow OOOUOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOUOOOOOOQOOd i


! f'-- Jh m i Sin. K r.t - ARE s vi- ACCESSORIES r'. i'rrrii ".b i f j:'t,, !.: k OIF THE WEEK J Mr. Wi;:r KL H Frank OETI Society Notes r:titr .. n.n. f.'vrri 1, f i is - Sana i r 2 V TANK,; A a J ut t t ..' th n i !.'.n. tvi r i.-- .rr,t tt PLAYING (1 E hi. h . i i. r.r-E- ' VVwitf 1 o it! x Sir thai I r.i . The 5 Old r m Z2adt on if 7o6 Dilemma 1111! j, a r. t -- . - rr- - - ....-- f. J i . . HOl'XP. '.' V t iloMKU i:i . .rl,- r. K r,"i r - M f - r r: ! .ri y.r. vim v , WHIN I ' . . ' : I . f aft-- 4 t l IM DRESS , f f ft-- rJ T it.' . . -a Ii- ' h:.Jfn ..ji-r- , , m ' a,'t-- r - W,,if j V f jr. r.-c.- I;hhm. I'.. - f I I, iiir.' ".' r.l ! .. .r.'.i t . il'jnr.l : 1 rr-- .- '.rr.., ri th t. ! tr-- v I - . : i ' v 1 ar J f fi. n.f. h . J i- - js-- J. M -- - ..' a i - l;i r.i".y. ir.: r i . . . - r. i t.g t: H'-- 1 r. f r r it r.l ii ft Th ;r- -.. t th CKrgln t ! i ''.i.-i-n- r nv-- ii Arr:'-r.- i Sashes, Wide Girdles j. at r a f r- "ir r. j n ( ,. - Mm Atbr. . it) r ' r mi r ..... of - m' '.a ,:- T. and Tailored Belts Give Cor- t f aai .My Mrt. W. H. j . f M.m ('a!!.. .' : j i n trat.:. iiji.j f M r ! V i) If -- J!. Th ' s ft rect SuTifm Note in Fash- i i.-- r r - r .f mut w f i i hi: l:nIM, .0T. .'lal r. M ! I'im hr. --. . a:tnl.. J - M I'. M lay iif'T-- v .. . ionable Atl're. t--ri : ' Mm. J. 'I ...- hi ha ' t m b -- .f hr H ht.mar.rt ;r ! . f 't .. f ' !m .m .'. t i :. :. L"U., . f.r t,r i :j - 1 f ",- "i 1 f . Jr. - m ' . ;. J j i r.i t.i xs i';,,i.i. a, v ro noi aa ewk4i . r i; A I'll-- . "' l' Nw ecetoicT' rk. Ju!y It haa t.-- ,v iit-i'"-- . T".- I - ! i. - t: i ir, ' Will r.Wfh 4 Iu!jH Karf .many a lor.g diy an W! I i. . . i i M h r. - ara,ns f f r !:,t - T l no'i.e ha j.iay d a n...r imiM.rtani rul In - '- - -- marrtii a- - 1 I!.- - I i ii n. i 1 i:. rr.i '0 ! '. Wi; l : 4 th bridv. iy th sr.Jroi. than tliy d.i I - . ,. a; . 1 : !:' t,, 4f vn'i'T'iw. ,i! r A in .ri-i- t i"-.- n S pa r :i. II.,-- 'Ji hf ' th rat r.i Hii,! Miy Thr ' .1 r ar.J . . '. : . i: r fir a ty. mad of . i : !: ', " , - , ai thir s ; J r h . ' hthr - Mm rr - tr.- : . rt r. n. I . i ftr- n. Mr I. .:, ii rtandy, i I i nl. h1 l; :.r.J I, :!. 1 hf o-- f if. i ar I'i i'j or di.ul I' d r. the Hiiriir.t nn Kah ,t ) - .: M.-- Ma; K:.y ar.-- it $' tt. An .; it tl i.n that thy thould ! worn - - M i d. ra A . i r r. I I ' il It V.U. I. IM- r..u l:t "i n ' oat !i:t ar,.) improvinir :. - ; imiiiii'ii. ilrm. ' t ,Ml!H t i ; . i "u r. V 1 M t i g I.' K nj IMM. I'llllX.I mi:h Af-r'-- f- r t 5 - ' ." !" r a ir r what is ilairtn-- than a t"t J- - r ' i ! . . I ; 11 i f . 'i'ni.rrt.-- for . a h 1. i iff It.v ..; r .in !r f;nni-- Th'-m;- i W. i. f n, at of h!t nt th n k of a rnli.rd f it4 I . . ) ' ' X t Z h ' 4 I T. I I! ii !';n .oir. to V:l 't j ' - . s! lr:"l th i - i i. . ! -k '. h.n nr ft i.ftn:nt I r fi rr 'I t !i !.'.. ! HfM. A lUmti-n- . your.g I ,'.l 4' '.iix' . i ': .;. aa'.d to a of vir.'y a ta.ii r,J roat coilar? i I . r M,)rrr-- I W ; ,r, J;-- ":" a if I" f ? in ,.i tut t i ' r '.t f t. ; i " M f r(kr Thru- - o,i!i,ti ar mt I ( ..! ly 7 r Ai f . r,-- : i , a HUM l. AT IKIM1.S. j t- rni.lrd . . i.r Tf i IM ' I s ' i to try y a.,,! ,'l -- .lrIRr r Vujr.j rr.'h. v and r mad of tTlirnd-r- A f, . .'! ;(, 'i. nJ M i i r . I ' ; V. I'j.-a- ! hn.T. ort't.rr. I .. ' f'!!f ' ' A ,Jf' ht rat S'k,'1 ,', Yfj;:, , I - "," to a f. f ! r n - i M'.lf .tu. t r , i'j "I, t rn i l J. - i v , in f.'.r.-- rthr ir rut form - 1 .1 n l'ir tt ,' an 'f .:., have - r y vt ' an. r A'i-U'- , - en fror.t Wi ii th r mad f t,h.-- ! f-'-- - I f rf 1 f ' f ' n f 'h- i ari.l Mr. .J ir- n rt' r t" - . a w - a- .) ;.).-- .' . .y ir.f.-r-- h lawn, orandv. ' r Mr llm, i .' a t h ri a .. nt:r (, f . i, ' x i ,H.M i h,.ndK-- hi-- 1 J f- or th d ; . - J.i-.- . i i r a d lirun. i I.' W' A j ;i rp"'. n Mirr h.ii,. (..-- ( hrni-rt.- t' in ' in .' -- ! ar or himtnf-- and t ft I i .r . : n- - t.rt-- i a.e i!t4 i i .o a I l.a'" i ' l' th vi''..ta. ... rKieri? to Worship frf.rr. . h- IV, a Co! am a i ot ' Mm I; i r ;, a f,. ii l. i i - t v I ih i r v. on ar i In i st hl. - m ! i.. . , - r.- - I .!ieii fsr.d ar- - usualh- a ar t i An in j v, j fi K i r I,. v i r r... ' d.uMd, A Mi lin. Today isr.-- ui - h-- f i !, - . r, iU mun .l a , r In .. M. th ,i. il r if. A. !'j'i- i; .;. i i; f . i i f Mm ' r haiir r. i r 1 If,. ',! sjr ',, f .f Jri. iV n ( i(-- ri : iv . , hi r W,'h th- - ;rn of tn ) .it-- , . SI it i, '., Id Mau'l I" r'tin r: atia f .rut it. r ' i,, GOI.U AM) 1 l Mr ;l - I, .. r :i 1. i. ? r liliMiWW curRcn. and ! ( roni th t j . Ti'' !!. f ri A ire t ith af'i'.i hat lnh. ), fi -- ' . I (H , Sa.h.-- V H A rji ' i '.' f r '. r f, ii.i I, i I h an. 4. Tn- o l.ittr it, th ah. of Ml. t . i, !' if,i. . M l . I I r Htrmen M.n.u'er ('; I.' if ; i tl.p ! , V. ) r:t n, ar. l aurti kt- ) I i Vf :twy Itrttrw k, !? Mil., ui mi:i ht ii r.,h i i.r .''.'. f .: 'k vn of th -i .). h mi - nn f nt a ! ; I r .. : South s j : I) :.f lhi. r i f, (M . . r . Mm. laay. j fa r..- th ar a tr n, f i i III .it vi,. Jlr rsrK i. iff. Mr. Ft 1.1 iirii nnt I ' : I'll :.- at I ii m. 1 '. I i .ri-1 hi,l - M i !: 'J r. (h.r I ' .. i I ar. IditKiit t') -- K t Il ' a v' Id.r t.'.t'i't ' MM' f. !,..r tl. - ihiirnvns I'f I'T-- rrk rn - j ' ! i W. A. firo n. lary rt.iry :ir I '., r. f d. Mm I, tie f r.l !f i.r i'f i', ii y th- .ii '.i- .r-- i it ( 4 f. Mi,!' i. ! t.t,t n.i. i' Jir - ;h.- - I i... for i h'n.l ( ii,.- .! ri- ... r, th lntrriaii i. J H ' thu . I -- K i . ij'A i 111 r I w TM,r fnr.nhy. 'i r .i in th m Mr- 4 tt n In .' - n. f. x Ml '- ' ll I 1 1 j ii !p hr A ! n. j - .' ' f r I r. . I . h- -r mo- lat.on, a nt at the .i KMlC'tt, ! 4i ip.. l!'iih (' f Air.'--i I ... rri'-- i '. r,"'hr-l!- i "T 4i, ,rl i. r to !!) '..i4 !.. if Ei j ii'''i''i . ' ' I, 1 a. aii.J i Hddr.aa. f"ti br l!t J H hn,'. l ,!it . ( Hi n r i ' he if y it.- - r- - u ! Ih r. T. in. hour ni.m Ju Mur.M. i' arid i.i.i . ;,litt. Y't;t. ' f I niii ii. ' j in hif jS'i - - i:i- -' rr T' t rr, rr.- . f'.r.'3. t;rig Mi I! Mi I. J j i Ill it Ml in i. ri t iii .,ii.- rr, iin-- ii i. i .'1'. r".-- r:n, nt f 'hri.t.n at ' h 1 l ..,!. r W'-f.- in C Hhif't'l .i I'.r, - Inn t p. :i M-- n y . , tr-l- ' II -, - rn. f Kr.fiir i .' In tin- i ',.( I' . f lfi i f tt- . f . Ui n,;l. Mm f'ktrn lr r.i. Th" I'., ii. h'l i'lin' i ti- r t i W'.rtm. H lm1 nn. ii i.ih ..f i v r.t ',n a I i1 M'. T'." in CI-Vn- If.ii n't '( triti M.I-j.if- -- tt 'ft M i. V t Th i i (. Mm I i !l ! ;. MLTIIODIST - n i'l a i.f VafKj. Hlfin I.. i" Ih nt th Kill Till; t.O I IIMUI. AIMK irur im. urd . 1 i -- 'f IK hi M K mn, fc K i";rn-- Mm .Kk'.'tr I. V.. - - th- - i i h.i h T).i- - -- ii p nt "f ' lilt If. ,f . t.a .:h hr, Ji'i. i.f f, Mf th !,.w .l.i .' iHt i.'l rtiin I .,- - ' ..) fiu V! i i ), Mm. i 'i ' !. ..! i i' ; ,j a ii i il of '.ht ti t Tj'- -' n. wum Corner Arno and dn'.ral Avrnue. A .,at of Uli fi Ij'j'I'i'-- If. J.'t Tr. j tti f.. ,.!.,' iv .fi. r' Mjv..,.-Uil'.h-- J . - I it. !.;.Mum.. Mk Fmnit Mr A t I I. , i.f it r t in h' on h. .,-,- '' 'o-- ' rrior Bamurl I'.. Ai ,' n. 1'aator, il. MlM.fc Hli-il- . 'h i I" v. M i" A' i h ii'i M i iiji y v. k. Moi' "il I i nln.' MihtIi. n M it a i!:nt" r !..! end, Retideoce. Hi f. - sirt Ii t t i IHT Ht; ttili'r ml m i;.ttiu!" T'l ivM ' t.i thi- u urm i.,;in ir dr-i- k t- th .irrr., h. rhor, Kid. , rim-.- - i.f I ,'i n- - I '.h- - M,;n--- Mary f.r.H 'I. - w.-r- ;t fi!' !v ti' t'.r', il il i ;irl. mini' I Mt Haii."."m. Deacon!. r.if;d',r rr 'ttt- . -- tor i i Ju'U-- i ;.r a ( r Aiii'u .t il, I'V Sunday ! at .4a a. m.. T. M 1ikii hi- - k ti i,!.. r. !ii.i.-a ad ith rrt flm -- m-C'- t i. r rr n l r k i. M.-- 'ir-- ,1 lil-.t- l I..IU-':.i'-- nd- iii. !' " Plt In n ' W.l h Kh'iMi'lt 'i"i M . I:- .1, i - ' of hi '". J ri iitid tlorrui, tupnr,ti nt. f fi , Klh'n ' ' .r. F'..tir iiiit'T hy - I,- r ho lf r n 3, I I . of i.r Th- B'i-- t - roMr lin .:m . will f ond'jot i I alulor in i .r,riiij t ml I'tlc iKiri' ul !'T lal ' May J W. r..rli',t lll;(i! hl ' K:t ;.r .1 ! k Ui .i t , ,. I Au- - a i 1 1 o oil k 1 KUi )...! i!.:rit. t. I , a i f i...i.oi in.'--' rnor, r '.d. U. the morninK h d fiut Jlniiliil ' tlin th l. l! l ; c, N ' With ' .r.K .n i.,l't.-,- v ui ! A ' Will h in. tvn:, riff 'Hit k-- .f ! f'.r wnf h ft ihii l.'f Ad".tarit ITiral Thr trf th! r i'. -- . f- - li!f-- nt .ii- i l ,,r ,.n I i . church un.tiiiir. union Sunday n tM--- !h r.i iUff cr,. ri. Mi. Hurry T. M,i.,r to hinp ' i t 1 r.-- t . . r. . i! t T. hool rally to th 11ml th 1I". tl i r.i il a r l .A'."i"n,i f at tliltn ,)'-i- ( hiir k inn I . r ! ii viiillniat avnu .M, K h irch, ith Iltv, W. A. l. llmtt u tfri MlMI'MMIMMIV ! In i ll i a f ur'ir If. Kriit- i- hi Ht. r J. t. lfi4.'i ' f nvt isl')r . lli-J- l . ,, i.-i- I X' ''' -- iKill-.- "'!y r j. i , h iii-l- !. '.rn-- ilrown im r. i,f i Wj lii- - t IKK( !"i "rsnl i, r i h:. hi The M.ith'w, C. J, Uiiihrni and 'j'i in''i'U ft yi,,l. tiii tif - hrr1 - !.' Mnr- lu r ( i r- - .1 n day ray - AimI in Ari.iiMf !, In tlmri i' ',h. in., 'I') r h'"-- ' hl'- ;k ni? Wiil-n- !:. Wi)!n vnint In Ihf ii!jiii m!iiiV kffa.r ' n't ht l.-- i II n . i WlU a c m. tf'-ir- r M ... A on- ,iril l' acrtK- at T:th-- trainink tf th- t.nri' i m y i .f m.m l:l.rllh .ii'l lin it Krwl-rl- - V. ' , .!, ifit-- Hi in- .'1 r.t a tnt. Mr. Mi:-.- i i. l.ia at T.U. mi fc.lhiiiif duiii. liint of -i W i, 'l.Jtii.K ir Mar l" I'a - noi'.ihi ii itruw - - W I i It h'-- t'n. -t h- - in- !i ., th- - ii han't j r-- ! m.- i lhiil n A i n ju , in. n iimri- ,l ,ih:i.k'lun. At pnaii Sta.. li,il rir"i MM I In-- r rill-S- I S II TV. 1. I, if Ital. in-- . T COVT.HFr, T10XAL fn i to t I'l.jr urn )ii)al'l Hi iiiformiil i!an' irn iir Mill OP t j.. v il! in iiari' I'alili M i a. Nun! h. la In n,mii'", "n. U.n H' . ' I ' ' ft', I. i am in rim--- I, m j 11111(4 11. liHt 1,1 ill I I i ly I'V Mr Ivan i;rl;r,fcl'l ari'1 Mm ,i r l h n ri ;.l J. - T. rhorai at ilinti r ;.im Wi iv in I. iwiii rial n- - taind i .'. '. XI , i Iij- !: nil-- on ' i h- i: i m. Mi,--'-- ,i andj 5 Ml'1 inI a( hum Vilri"l- tii. i.r, I' ll' fur :i ' rl honor ot r Huth Cornr Coal and Broadway. rif ir mi ll. Infill' runnfli thr fli - huu n- - rn-- i 1,1- .iid In n I t nn l uijav in :i In v. Jin!! Iiiaui"- lf'1'l Th aff.ur A. Toothakcr. Minleter. bin jii unyiinrit vrfi VI Tur.i avnii tir nti ' r'-- ',, IliUI-- l r our- - on Sll'.'lI, - Mil 'h n ( ! i Inf Mili- n tt wn r v i nun Mr rut Mm. Ilnrv rr. Ir !HI nu'.il or., th f lurch' (US Souih Kdith StraeL In - or nldnt, ".ur if( Hi tunik mi,)!i li i h ui lli tiiirry ' .iiiidii Indn't'! in l ril !U !ir '.nil'.ii.v Mi.'K Ii Z.i 'h ;.nl t w iThoiit fork, kniv- Th ..iator wlil occupy the pulpit j J I.:, a -- V I I I K W ,1.1 Hl-l- - h- - ',k . u i Hi n an h.i-.- ii iinlll t hour Alii I'n'irN In thi ,r in III WH l. tii.o"i. and HI lolio at th inoinir.i; f- o i lot k, lr ami It" t ri . rvit, Jl Ii li 1 ; A Ii. t a ii!i"i I ("l.i y mimI i.fl In li V.;t ii I'll.-'- lio'l.l) Hi'l-- at iif oi l h i d i'l-d- i'i giving upon i dial yi.u )'ii( 'l 1h MiMiHi win- hnl r.ia - tri t,'n th ault't, "A ft if . . h- M . - ii'. IV, -- d- inate j i v ,i 'I - w v. I ' All (I till- - Wl'lxW tnifilni In Hi Mi,u ' ui h il ui' iHK i for tw kn day il hunt ita I' aft tlf fri-i- ors inn- la (or mil in Man fni'iiii. inns of the Lou of liia jitn-ml- ( 1 I - r- tin-i- i d. 1 w is-- h ; Hfi t!if I ly Fiiit iy niKln ill tin ir hum .r 'm,i ii v, In- nip i.l many lioil aiol ill of v;i n m1. iy .ronj Mm ' Sunday Ht, aokinn r.l I M iilti-- I i In lliK in I th'-l- u i r i.nd h id that il. i d Kl it'; 4 5 H, '. two H l, i ii 'I holitli l.irpi l. (in- w ni lirhifiil ai.i '" iiitoiia ifiritiif Th y all inf' t' tiii nr at unit, u. m. 'W. mk: hvl - -- on nf Hi ijialini't n I ! rnoiith'a atav in A l.ii'i iK-- i m hoiii'-i- air j,L ai r to lailny h'.-- f i ami tvti ' motor, iik I'hriatian Kndravor 7 p. m. . Hi iik, Mti Ii. S. Mt'lK'li ha a n-- iriii-- ' ini il vo inn- h ' i,;. n ,r i Ions to 1,1 n i h t ',oi of th ;.ff rrioon. This roniiri Ration will Join in th j liiik'l'-y- ilM-- v r- i th a- ) Mi m from a ifil of mi trionih in aid tni wiil il to i o i l i laid i iiiht. tiif Sunday hnol rally tn h'fj in mi it: - An- - I il , H'hi-i- nh t of jih H lit d j i th- ':! liV th t p. .!.: I ! lik Hi- -I Aul.i riliiil..r iwh'i ri' .if tlo tfi' lur r" tne Lead avtiue Mthodi.-- at If In II . l II lui-- Irylnif In h Mr. I'.ilhh lliiloriii, "f i city. ni.. at whit h time W. A. n. Mu'Imih I ri'Ul-- for Ihr' '' h"ur f.iilnr. and tiii: Hv. llro S- ir.ul if i'hi Uu. . ii i:tit. l -l h'-- l t anl-- lilorii(,I'ai'.-oi- thi.a k Hold Sunday !'"!: i'' li M j Ihruw In lh Sin hool worktr, ! nr i iliiy, In aay Ih yli Hill it si li'tl vr Mr. Mm. lno k Monday Itlid in on of hi- - Santa will speaker. Ii.- - i,l a k j liil'.h. and l:,nh ire Th" An.'ioa i he the i.m . hu-e- '' I i, i or n1 i M ihia r liemK Ih ft. a iii 'a iif iia ih ir of Mi l',uiro:. IV Ian, apt a, th iir Vliy i an I fiull i.ff amnl I'm Kl.n III lkr mi vacation 1' !' .;ti I If I I j. tii I in 1,oh A iik'i l'-- 11. rk M I i.lnioiir v,,n th M. stinff. r. Th nf . METHtllUHT !' i in h ihin knw h'M "I' in H..k .ri. Chiui plana FIRST KriSCOPAL ; t J!lm lhal in thla nillili) mi' . - iul amn-filin- ii.-- i,: I Li" li.mlai-.ipe- re- iii:: I w. In- w,IM aoiil, in th , II la Miiiitna? y l Kim mi ,1 ollil'lo r.i ai ii Th i h.h Mk. two of th till'Kfll. hii? nf idiii'-- I i. iiiii-'iit- atimil--!'. lii I'i'ifl Ifln nha. Smith it i.ptii.i loom .,f th hav. Corner Lead avenue and South Third tit Ih urdlnnry fri.iti a r"'of. I a) 'i n. II Mrlhra ha n lur ni M i r h 4 Itoa!' c' to In i n taken I y two Moiiil-tfi- ii clou i ; IN Mi I... t i l. rlv h, mily Mi n' ..imj i. itini street. l.'lt, ,;. lil .i .'i in. - -- 1,1 ' MH.ll-- ' III l."i. Yi . in ' i 'i I'Vidi'V aftr- at ml. hi turiUoia Charleti Oaoar i f a iin' l il, In Ih mi'H my I J I" ' Mil !frm tHo th ii'' Th tin Iieckman, Pastor. l.. 'l" l i to ' nn-- l ii n t it ii k ii ,..i.,ri iday I. '. 41 1 I 1 ,th noon. Mio In of th aky, tl whit trav i.T . I I, nl H II. HI-- AliliowiH I'I ini' in a in K' in of aonthii ''t liefidence, South Third atreet :j;,f 1 an, Id if.iV'i if 'llii'lil . M I K'-'- I V. VI - I llil, lit id- -' a- - Ho y tn to lU iUrlil am h nr Kl r.i in oil July 11 of Mum I.Hi Mil Mi HtUICl illl'l in Ilia ni it. tin. tin of th oi.itid mas Mlas lidith Utility, Li. A imi tnultt l f' n, vt'in to n nth hi-- on aV. nun. Mm ii i, vi r l.,iii- l- up h' neat In th mllni iind ir, Ii foiimr A ltHit.-ri- i irlrl. In Ml In I'i. hi: aia at hoin i;""o sin the 1'orteifield, auperititendent of the Sun. turn'! A. a t Moor inir faiila.-t-n ah.nh.wa om r it., j or ay In Um a'H I" M. . it, d il diitlm l uim "f al Whll'oiol, Stuiiica. Kihid I'rown aii'f ik throw day 8chool. Hurry Frank, president finer find lhli Mm S. Woolai-y- , .Il , .( nt i iii'l - ,ti!., t.ill-1.- iilmilii. Ill IllilllV 'I'. ha" troll lo nti l.iinid tin i.Mii' r all tn make the Kpworth league; Mr. J. li. Kulken- at lliir -- 1 ! I hi- - ilili to, f..r l A.. xh on day iio i and ' if oM noialil burir, of 'I h Km I" h do lliln" flinl4 of In Id, who whir Thin nf:i ii. ona. ' director choir. tlr I V I I - 11 Ml xt Ht-l- l , Kl.l of Mti S, I I. II III"! till Moi iiini? e aa low.a: daiii i iiil'M. !n uil a lii I t'll it d ami di IH'il ioillllllil Ih k I'lit' liTal fnl . I h Mn- - a ml Mi M ih in thla ' ii y. nl th llol" l il Ilui' f' w "ikn Mn'. n'! M W i:i:i s. Sunday n hool at H:4a a. in. In ttiv 'liiijilt tint i I'.ii, cn-r- Mi mi, Mm ri will In' yoniitfi Studenla and vi.-it- for th Mim-- i Dr. I'.rnwn wll Hpeak to Sun-- ; h i i lianl-- a Imi, nn-- l Mr li oi ' u r. Hltoiiiihl Allan 'in liv I'm lint" the in Ih Hi, iiiia fa-I- i 'iirija - t i i m th ffiliir.- n a'x mili'i' f.ok.- - Vh il. hii thla Itn-- arhnol and an h.n nloiri. nl day achool. lay lli'-- l Ih uf aia llll lntr- I tt it iii th- - Inili'.l Stita i.liillilliK it v I H'Min' Mi'iilioii In Ih will k. tEpedit.ona iirriviiis. The Si 11 o'clock by I'.ev, H, t lo i htoiii. nl.oi.l Th (cowim hmtion miM.c, hniliiis for 'Ii' Strii '' an rnii.n at the tir. i ' I .11 I'liiithuu-l- to - on 1:. 1 ti ii i l tin- tiiin- - iii th mi Ih vimi lor inriTila mid Iiniicliti. f i. Id expeilition Clonal .i ni ah lain liiola ah liilim. wmk i lai inm I, I i N'-- ', k, i i t v. V'.r k .1 a nnd ni 'f of wi-- and Mia. M 111 h tit lil liilln- IM'iir ill to Santa l''a Thursday this lir. In the tvenlni; the Kpworth Ih lit liniat Wlllill lili.J'it, I'llli" n - i - Mr ;i ml II n ami T. r ni'ihiM n il.. in nni 1.. will on that will led ,y flKIIH - "Il M link- Th ht.-- i. in. mi- their ni inaii' lit Mia 'H"iit aiiiiinii lalirar Ilwtt return he Harry , th" f'.llll Moiin-tiniai- fir-t- . iii, II Ciinii.-- h to n in t h li ml tlin- he the m-i- h nerv ii e w hp i'.i.i. t Hi f n. ! m Ii of Ih honi In II Mm, whii Ih yro.iin Mi" c rn, it"n in in .h, thr to wnh lamp Th chur. ill a union ti I I. ir.i-i- inakliig Ih i,v i n I" i tl fi III H I'f, will a'.ao in mi-i- t a iv ri'i-r- Iuih lur th liirt your tlin antii, Thy w iuih. while bit vice the interest of the Sunday n.i , llett v, pt cially In , h it up a Madmii-- t 0 K Will IIHHV floill A.hl!illll'il for ilui inn tin- k th n r iii tiiie lor- the Ch i'ilaii'iuii at hool addressed by Dr. liruwn. If loiiid ; r itt I ii w o in t ha, M - ha li, at .Mi a. W. Ji. I t w ill .nnv 'alil.-u- i I l ihha Vimi told in If hunt nit .lollKhtfill affaiis. i:in t Wllliiwa, w a, you to you'd .Mr Will Siirniuvr h from in iKiiif it cm h , Th from I.oi Atiii' tliiriiia Ih k to Kociirry. look l'nioi hint yar " i'ii.rnd hr ln iihistiax sciKNtf: ('n.-tii- l 1 n i Tlic Cut nf TliU Aetinttiat-Ci- 1)1 r il la, wick"' viail to c,,j,,, ado, on 'alio a n. l .day vv iiittg. remain for the aunini'-- ."hnol and I" Chriatl.'in Science aervicea are held l M lill WI llIN''i. iii auk to no hkhIii. hy lis lit llulu I Mm. Cr iin haw-l- iut tl ' ". In the Woman's cluh building, at the Mti il and h r 1 111 iiould iliumhlr. e, nutl it y 1'rt'iM". I ii'i-- r of Seventh CJold Wlaa I ft TlHiiilny R'd nii. mil aiiu thi'ii. ;Cotnr street and l.nlu ff 11 every Sunday moruing dri-a- tnn I laiH-imo- Aflr III i'f vinita l' at ea of infill or org.mdy, silk or ralilornla Hoy will ;i'.f!li,i: til II I ATI .IITAIM'I'- - o'clock. In Kan litild no, wli'iv Mil" Mit W V Walton u h"l'H Wednesday evening iervlcet are at ft'i l:l 8 Handsome hroad rilihon are tr be l!Miii;. t l.l la- - n" AutftiM l 1nii.iy iiitiinoon in a aniall l' i'lu' j o'clock. niuiri'd public Is at- had in any number of desiKna auitable i r (." An-li- h a Th The cordially Invited to Mr In ati uiln, im of tiiih of win. ah la imnit'i'. for different kinds of coatumea. Ixiuis l.iil of A'hu.iii,'iii .lay A m IhkIiIv i iillliiil)luu and Ih - tend Iheue services. forrii'tlv m V in dainty colma, banded 'Ih "HI tak .liu l th lio.'J'it I . l v of Mia. Willtoll awh Sunday school at 9:45 a. wddint IM. Armljo euxe wun a .satin .stripe or hum of Mr and Mia Ul'-t- i I'.. in dl' t a a t,, ii lur i vin mm flitnlv I Heading room In the T. i'nr 1. V I" nuin color or ot t.iack. win In refill and a MioH than i '.cr on of Alliii'iui'"!"'"1 buildintr, room No. IS. open each week i'cinardino, attr ai lvp ,n( "impl'-- dreas c f lawn or I 'lay from 2 to p. m. I llrkmnoli rii Ilii- Olll'l Mill (n II.. .ft "oclnl flKUrR. 1 i ?: .is ' i T '- Swiss an air of dainty charm, Vihile a Aiu;i tnaki' tin' in' i - "v la lhi i!iiii in hunt, mlim ,'t ' ' j richly Ftriped swrirl-i-- d hi . " - - or figured ribbon 1 tii-i- i II. III . . I ( ' ': , ST. l'Ari.'S KVA.VfJKLICAL I.C. .i i miiiii'iit li'iin'-- of h 'I nil.. .ttltll'lllt"'l I'"' AN' loosely around nnd I Mf'tdlttt i.f ii' fhl ) am has i. Ma't in. nt K. JnrrtK, Mm Til Kit CTIlltt'H. M. Jlt, ma. ' a h;lviH(r. black tin foundation .skirt, a I l lii. ;i I an la' Kin.ik, F. H. i, . , a- Corner Sliver and Sixth, nwoi-i- rn imi' h of iiili int Mn Kin. - ,: - 'i." j Mi'lnni- - If; Kdward V. I).. chiffon tunic nr overskirt draped over .vn ri t Mr. Mm A l:i Hoy il' Schueler, D. Pastor. Dial of I!' da and "tin. ton, Mn. ' - ' it. ia a iiu trpij nf ubtainint- variety "Ih I on nf th ahl. Mi I. i Ihiuii'tl and Mri. Will I'arson.iBt', itii South Sixth street, It niot j whit h I i 1693. famous French dressmakers r i i.f-.- arid to I'mniiliali d ii hi t,!, 'hone tnhm j are ih I rt t.oi nil ct nf i illy and The only service for Sunday Is th i' frii-ii- h.-- V .Sunday school, a. m , in of The Mexican d.sii,"ns fol-- I I tii i um of Child No, Klh'd. Ihir 9:45 charge which nre , y. .'. lowing Inaely Mex-- - i.iir,',- in or hrtpj.iin-a- wio lo i Clnua; ha Jnct Keiier. Mr. I'rown. of Chicago. in the. wake of the i . wiil hp i f i Ii ii I ah l '" " t.nti i iind ini'thr. he it visitor. iean revolution hid fn ir to most I 111 ih'- - li ,, . in b hi i M'. ' Hi" Ml n' . in't ihoy ii" H'l'i'". in the evening we unite the uir.on popul ir in the fall. Queer Milted - a II h .1 h service at Lend avenue M E. t hiirch siKua of birds, weird reiaHle and "Mil - ' I ai-- .1 hiillstu- (reornetricttl 1! rni-- of Mm (up In hr to hear Dr. Urown. figures, in bril Wed-:nsd,i- , ! , X y Col- a: Hi I I hi ni. n iim your taihr xt week two appointments: liant, hut crude combinations of w'hoap - ) i t ii tool lo r, evening, the Bible training or, appear on rihlton.s trim- la.s., and Thuraday afternoon a ttil- - niit'ir poKsRiilities cannot be Ignored. i fee It.tiJl A girdle nine-inc- h in k. inn i, inwrit I'Ainv at Mrs. Weldingtrr's, .North j made of ribbon I'harmiin, in iveiy pi rtlculn r W 11 K Second atreet. crushed around the waiat. closlno with ;t.d-- i !a snappy the ilinii-- i pnu aiven I'V Ivan bow fastened at the back or runi-il- Id Thiii-ilii- v eviTiinit ' he FIKST PIUvSHYTKItlAV CIll'IICH, front will give to a dress of dark blue. , l - 1 ' I' I"'-- In. in on Wi vl 'l iii'i nit no Alwuya I V Corner Fifth and Silver, ni - "I i 1 VI. Ih Anl ii Sim ' MS- ft' Hugh A. Cooper, Pastor, ii.'i'Khtfiil ln'tiiKit, ' " I . ' . h. n. ii 'a-i- '.l . ii IhlH oi anion, nnd , j Residence 115 S. Walter St. n hi rn lf : v - ' I , aaj ; j Beautify the ' i . .lily in to il i,l w aa on ItHiK " " ' ' '" r 'a"' .' Chituncey A. Foreman, Associate Complexion I l but tlioi'itunhlV Pastor, " -- Ih ntmil " N. IN TEX DAYS I r: j , ay lii-i- Resilience 1004 K. Ave. aalheriiiK. -- c Central S I ". ;, 3 X i IM1A Kill AIM', I'll . , i nt in India! Mr nnd Mr" '.' Sunday school, 9:4 a. m. ' Nadinola CREAM - . mr 'tW A i t it Mi,l.,-- N ,u lit' :.i Mr. mn I Mra c, I. nrnoa- Mr. W. A. litown. of the; a ml The Uncqualcd Betutificr lie Waa a am. ioi.u ', h i, .Ur .I M I' Mia. ,M I,. Sli'l II, Mr. 'International Sunday Hi hnol associa-- i (1 I Il" p (liti'ia-M- - t Klo'W llo llliliV Ml"a ..r. 4)1" S( t. tioti, will ijpeak at the opening exer- USED I'll tl''" .in!. M1HIMS Sl MMI It IKMil , M fu:Mi, AND I NDORsiU Il- -- ii:.i - lillil Hn flifli tl ;ii- 1. in I'll' I ll ChiliU'oUl in1 Then ivnritsnv. BY THOCiANDi v- A - i in.l he aT"t a hol.n-'- ' j ,1" mid Mi' N. M The 4 Morning worship, 11 o'clock; ser- l:h.iii ioi.ev, Jr., tinwil that all In apit't ainllilattrH fop I'an beloi's rt e. Guaranteed to remove n la,, .e h i, a . wilt. Hoi 111 In-!- i i w ii ih mon theme, "The Rock Is High-- 1 i,r it'll nlititin. ' A!.. l, Haldw'in, io That In- t i .1 It! ii.-- I. ! c p.irriett, i tan, freckles, pimples, With ail n't a a New M' hail w..s filli, most ipn' il lainii.-nti.- Than I." that. ' I;. "Ciaifys - CI, I nt-- i e V, , rn. ad, Kliza- 'r liver snots, I t i fli till:-- 1 etc. In klmw him ':ih mill h mot th Mi. ml ami a 1. greeted i. Contralto Solo "O Loving Father,"! Eittrnie tli , 4 l In, y In v.,.,- - alilp (his V 'airoon. Mlii'h Cnrai, Mabel n,.i ore-man- cases twenty days. n fai i Ho am t,., thin lii,i in mukliiK one's mil" I.' liuliil'i I. T m wes as f"' . ' . I with about I'li-s- i 'f in-- K. ,, J i i I In-- nn-- Arthur Kdmonds l I ai e ha p. o I come In IIIM.I ill il low s Violin "'"obligatt) by Mr, Clyde Ross. Rids pores and tissues . -- i.r-- Kldrlilg". r.t A. of .imourities. 'i- - tia Imn .111, N. I only Mt-M- -'. flu No on rli ftnaitial ant Tl. Hi. iii i evening service account "f Leaves the n, ' iloii. 'I'll' he Hart, J. skin clear, soft, healthy. MIKf-lin- the plllatlt 'toilii liii" rMKiiTMM'ii than in) M. v M rper. nnle the union service at the First M. imi:rs ism i,, Hin-- Iwo sues, 50c. By IP pur ptia-'l- in--- I th. K. band. v. r i.i..n Mabel ira. i and $1.00. toilet Iney i'i ine week iiKO Ih l'"i'it at sstoll in Invocation .Th laiul Sk.rini t 'h-- to be addressed by Mr. W. I i n. Kiiforil II Hyron counters or V",-i-i iti oiiii-- to yot.r It. n t d of the yiiOtii! Ni w Menu 11 at tins. Kirk, .Brown. mail. If alliait .ill tii"'iiii7.itinii iimlio' arK"t atld c'laaa ion ,e Ti iii'i'i t a ii t I lu lliiid, Clara Airriea ltngatnn, .1. tint' - a little I'll It lllllilai out of rtlik ladit-- I'leabylei mn hUM 01, .ii cii r 11 ill the The !'in"l .ii i' The Chrintlan society ; company, of ih Ural . Kditor Tin "I . . a Hop Kndeavor national toilct fmu, Ta - poor wr-- i iiuliiini-n- l tt -- at I.iviiigtoti. T 1'lhla for I'im- hut th hi.tii 1111 enti hw Alli'liini . 'meets at p. Leader Miffs Helen Sold by 'mil at I r .1 M'.Hi-t-- MilL-r- , ni. Williams Drutr Co.. and nap i iiiima-i- Is of ! !'.. Dr. I l;.-- f - l.imtra S.iledair j aiiin nuine atui miouiu k.i ill honor of their tl len rta ta ilue th" Treaeiiiat ,ni' and li'ii- Mo other toilet I ni, Marguerite HII. counters. mit he held 1 ri lionall le for wlHit wua vvhtit u t.i.i.tiluiiv amnion, d tn lb pi in. il if I'T th. efs f hi- III tin-.- : 01 inn. ri Murphy,' U i 1 lloliii.- - Klizii- 111 r 111 Nonhrnp (iladys - - handed tn lit ttithmtt til K now letlM n, v An itldltjH"ii wua thua .'loll, and 11,10: ll ii to . . . 11. i.l. 11 il It. l?"h ria ; 1.1, ., II iiuuii' aoiiii-thini- im-u- i i . w ih.- H i. l in, M ,M. i ,!, 'o in. i.i iipion, or coiiseiit d. hich th yoimit teniiemen lil tiH' - . sth.flftaitlt n tU'in for liiinat II hp on th lull, n a whii'h .f ih to Mm. 'i. rtruiie Tooker, Louise i;uc did ta'l to recnnnl" and mounted man. I I a n win- - ti v, . ' lur Willn. wl.eiki wua SiKUiu Tn nnd vma dia. h.u K d In I'MHhk m.iiuiei ti !: n a in nr. i:n. ii. turn i J. S. Mom. I -- ' j I d- -- IlillVe ill Colli ire it It 'I tleadll v III ill pall'Tanf III ui",- of the Th- - r.ibiiit. H.U I t .in.liil.lles. HUNTINGTON IMlnliit ohiaa of fur MieliT'k Degep, .r. HALL hill I foiK-.tte- to- ,g a,,,, nay too hut hnv to llllltliiu of ih. ot tv r If. f"l,.'a-- I I , iuniI for lilrls, Omnrnta Park. South , M'r.tli rank Appel, iMnle C. Jtar-'!- I arhfiAl w ... Pasadena, Cal Tih1lon her name rerreali-lllellla- a 1. 11 run 1. il '1 I! of rib 'nuillilaii-- a Suburban ih oiiv : - Mat'ttui riikaid c.iimea wire plaved and lor tliloina- - i. 11 I Ji.-,-. Daley. .rw miii'iititru- at..nm - . Arthur K. an rooms w ' hae vt n a pumpkii a i - II III a, m of at l.-- ,th prlvat hn!h adjoining aoiue up watt I'V lioals hetiiaelM the Sar.h .n. Ki !.. Ir 1 .1 or runniijir vvninr in i.,.,r.i., aennl i'i".'i'l I'. Hon, l:uford lann-- : I - it- ( Harris open atati-- ll k t u I'lijovi-- wua M biilav of " Wrav.-- ii- - 1 t air Rymnas.uni. l'hl M'la ume of Mir The first pne well nllini .lilt- t'linii,', is ln-1- Itiit tii, u-- 11 Out of door games throughout 1 Mabel iiiri. hsi n, Kat Si In.,, the Year. I.n. old kiilitlu-ri- i family and nil that by Mica Ktihenne J.iiii-- Alt"l'tb-- tlti-- in li, t In, mil tl- lop- - baimh, l'i.inl '. in'd.iii. ' la li'.i'- - grouni: cot.tain H acres. School has its own dairy vegeiable . I.n iiiKHtoti, Kltiiiyra Miller, ear. I. A and fort of thing. lloth of w.-r- r. the-- one of tile inna; Ill I'I III' t. Am' credited to Kastern Colleges them nffair waa lithn. i.,' Allied R.i-hae- and California Soe- - t 'ti!'!.,, S.hi.i'k. ciai ctiiirs: , z I (tbout th lust In yHen by Ihi 'II. of i enii-ii- Jnal word culture and pleiiaant that haa been pint!!. the "ititttoit. initaloii, .Ir Low iv.' i " cniieije. .viUKIc, - smub, l::it- T.Hori. " Art. they t waa In I ' had much In Common yoiiliger Ht in a long ine. i' ailmii. niiariirol ainl SilM.i I'm It S.imi. ', ' i - H,"K- l- w.'h"!t - in. K. inttK' "a,'h ,,,,U,NJ- i,ah Vo fitij they wer tliiowu inm h together, Tlioa jirtacTit Mita-e- t Au- ittd uuoUIUia from the big "Theodore Haw ' iiulud.d piaiae "Lts.vivv4 diplviius, Juuu 2!, 1914. wchang'.Tr'HT'ZlrJur? l roiJ" without ball, 1750. References r u aent on retreat. Mjsa Florence Housel. Principal, ' ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, SUNDAY, JULY 26. 1914. THREE

308-31- 308-31- 0 j j I THE ECONOMIST STORE j j Phone 84 ) j 0 West Central j j THE ECONOMIST STORE j West Central Vg Phone 84 Vgj THE ECONOMIST STORE The Economist 25l Ladies Waists in voiles, embroidered voiles, crepes, Extra Heavy Onality batiste. Made in lawns, fancy crepes, colored crepes and .) mens lumdsoine . ffil&k styles. IFir (& Wcdk !MiMeffl 'dmty ('. i'ulus wi - Wsfe M :n hes wide Our Suit Sale has been conceded the most successful we have ever held. m "Why?" "Values did it." Kor this week's filing ue. have selected 50 of de- Kimonos, including all two piece Matinees, 40-inc- h of colorings and Our cnlirc stock of Silk 27 and Silks, a handsome assortment our most handsome models in plain and f:mcv suits and have reduced them 36-inc- as- Silks, l'laid Taffetas, Poplins. Printed Ratines, li in hcay Mess.i!i':es, Charmeuse, India and R.ij.ih Silks. fins signs in Wash all to sell at one uniform price. In this lot are many suits sold up to $.L'.50. o u Mealines, Pongees, etc., sortment includes all the dainty colors, so pretty fr the Inm-c- . choice SPECIAL SPECIAL 3LSs Pktcmnifiiiil a

Our entive M..ik ,,i' Tub Press Skirts will be placed on sale for thn 2? pieces Wool Dress Hoods, ni widths up to 42 inches, consist ins r Our dress offering for this week is truly a remarkable one, both from the week for final ill .nance. In oilier w . i .1-- the price has been put so of C'hallies, Voiles, Seizes and Novelties, , Mandpoint of values as well as style Mess.ilincs, Pussy Willow Taffetas, low they aie bound to move. Ratines, I, incus, Corduroys, Repp-- and SPECIAL Crepes and Charmeuse in the Ix-s- t qualities, made in that nifty stylo which Piques. shows the dressmaker's art at every seam. Values to $27.50, s SPIX'I l, . , I SPECIAL' 33 314 m?vd 1M Spreads Dirs (SiiEii!Bffl8 Fxtrn WflKht crochet lleil Spread. In li oihlblc fold I'lests !liiKh;im, Litlk-ffi- W&iite Aivwims full wizr, licmmc.l e.lK". ,ri eh-e- end pbiri colorum. A Hii'tiiill Wfishfr, our ciillrn ntoi vt IjiiIIi-k- ' Willi" M. ii'm l.uh-- 1 it. H, remilar Special Id-- , ,.. . Special Aproim Iiiih i n :i miK-d intn lliii"-lul- J .I ' mid priii'd fur 1 ('.iinlnii- lIaii.U.. r. hiefs, fancv Dress Skirts, in plaids, stripes, checks, and al-- o in the wi't-k'- 75 plain and is, mi. I so ' plain serges. Manv of these skirts have the long tunic effect much in Auk In ( X.ilnf 1 "n". Npi'i'l.ll. Grartak Srfiss ress PercaBe voue at the present time, others are of the more mollified type. .You should !,i.t No. t St" ' i tl 'e for No. Lot w "oin.-n'- l.ln.-- nnd :!i inch, I M.iiil:ir.l tire PercHles In n Ihik see these skirts to appreciate meir vaiue. wouii up to hmm, furtniii ( Lot No. Kns l it IUe IliindUer-elii.-- r, Kimlc Iii iIi.Ih hiiU f inu red pattern, variety "f pflttcrnn nnd ol.u inns, Sm '.mUvi.iuir.'il SPECIAL , I "0 valued to LMif,, hlite. brownH, tlih and liulitN. iii! ill inii.lliol 'ehlofn. ' Special in a way nt Special Mail Ori liK': ii!nliiiiiirui3 px.--, si. li ' .SIcydL,'-Cirfaiia- W'.nr.. n'. fine II eln-i- JLJLcydL M ill Pcpnrt-im-- nt m Tln i:eniniinlnt order L.ittn and Civ-nlm- r IlindUer-- . "xi Sec J'iffTi' Display M lit nil tlme-- i raiif to ln of hi. : i.i'i'Ml ...... In u n i iistoini i 1. It . Ned Gakltea Woiin-n'- I.lin-i- i llan.lUir-- only taki-- u i:u h w.'iv In fill ho t, xma II ileh.-.- l.i.r-.- o Ilyil.-Kliiil- onli-- liTT.d (lie r, Hix eial , K' u .! to Curtain ,t, Jn e ru. I0 piccps of staniliird orders, as nil nr.- - i liinl white, in it haii.isoin an- Ouliuea, in nil the ntnnrinrd pntiernii, day rcei'lvcl. Wo eli.ill ln (tIm.1 t'- while I h, !'.e-rli- l, trlp-i- , koi uncut i.f KtyliH, ii b checks, Mc li -- Coats, in plain linen and crashes you. for ''' Special Special A handsome assortment of Auto rosgrain etc., in plain colors, or trimmed with haniroiiiing colors. Just 7 yds, for $1.00 a. ;29e the thing for auto use at this season of the year. SPECIAL For this week's selling we have made our final rut on all Hats, StailUb 0117 Towels fUm Trimmings, and heathers. Soon our new Kail 15 pieces of mercerlzcil lp- - Shapes pack- - , r c3 I'ut up In Individual sanitary llllSi uinMt un f thf wanted stock will begin to arrive. Our inililner is now' in the eastern mar- t;'H. . ci.lorH, ' Special Special Sec ll'iuJow Display kets. She wires to clean up all summer merchandise, and we have priced all Millinery for quick clearance.

V2 Price Cotton Remnants V2 Price THE ECONOMIST Wool Remnants

yet-lo- grounds. "The Gran.l Canyon of Pacilie International exposition. The Mark th lirlsfln lustrations I have shown two distinct PANAMA-PACIFI- tion nt or what C :tr.0,MHi of De Peers Diamond company, larg- Glass-Pai- of th oriole givea to the hitd'n types, both fultablu to either develop- Arizona" is the concession the In making est diamond mining .ompaiiv in jilumaKi'. ment. EXPOSITION NOTES the Santa Fe railway, and L. IftflRFP Cement-Plaste- r r TlK' I rip through it visitors will be pas- will have the diamond exhibit. U cloHcly ulti-- sashes, first shows a dress of coarse the O Following the begun more severe froekH, are Kreen linen nnd white linen lawn. The sengers on the big observation cars for Work has on the Press build- l.ut used for ing Panama-Pa- . s, TO JOUftNAL) at the Iflc Interna- Company tho vewl-lielt- 'I'liese irf tnade with front and back of the are of IIMCUL COftMIPONOaNCt MONNINfl half an hour. Albuquerque Lumber wnteh-po- tional rxposlllon. This building will vcpt-lik- e talis In front and tiny i green linen and are attached to the San FranclncO, July 211. The con- The Panama Canal Zone, which is Street - cost mi. with furnishings Is 423 North First ket on either Hide, usually stitched whlto linen (sleeves by a narrow bead- tract was let on July G for the Ilollv-la- n to be connected with the Paliama-Paelfi- e and (.proved tailor fashion. Made of ling of embroidery. The collar and pavilion on the grounds of the exposition ill so for the a. comliiodatlon of the pub- in International licity department of exposition as cloth to rnatih the dress, or In con- vestee are of white linen, hemstitched. I'annmn-Pftclfl- c International exposi many phases, from cause to the title the Stylish in well as for visiting newspaper ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo trasting colors, these are distinctly little tabs of Kreen fasten tion.' Carlos .anjlnes, representative of I he concessions district, "The Zone'' imii J ft pi.uc front, glvlnx a waist-coa- t effect. Triple and women. o while made' white of Hollvla, is In Charge In San Fran- may have another distinction. o o these helts are extremely popular. flounces of green linen are placed over cisco. The Molivlnn pavilion will have letes of the Canal Zone are anxious to The cinder track for the Pannnia-Pacifi- c o Account MountainairChautauqua, Summer Other accessories which are an underskirt of white - linen. an initial cost of 122, mm. exposition games con- International exposition is now o a heavy and enter the and iiraetlenl in Klvilitf nn old skirt the combination of Among the surprises that the de- tests. They believe they rim capture being built under the direction of K. o School, State Sunday School and Other o modern look are the tunics of nilk. sheer material seems almost Incon- partment of fine will give some medals. athletic depart- V. ("Dad") Moiilton, veteran condi- o so arts the The or plain, which are gruous, effect is distinctly smart. o Ideated, gathered the world when the Pnnnmu-I'aeifi- e In- ment of the exposition has asked Col- tioner of men whose knowledge of are summer .s o to be worn over any skirt. These Among the attractive ternational exposition opens In 191") onel Goethals to grant permission to track building probably is greater o Conventions: Is a voUf-llk- e crepe which has 3d will be presentation exposition, than that of any other man In the o This Is the of paintings the athletes to nttcn.1 the 'u ratine or boucle stripe. by Xtorse, tel- world. The track Is to he a one-thir- d o July-Augus- t, ef- Samuel Inventor of the land it is probable that the men who o 191 pretty In white and most egraph; of of u mile oval with a quarter of a mile i in combination with a plain Itobcrt Fulton, inventor built the canal will be represented in o fective the steamboat; Col. linden-Powel- l, Miiilner feature of the exposition. straightaway. The first quarter of the o there will lie a special rale, Albuquerque lo Moitnlainair nnd return, white crepe, as shown In the IllustrV half-mil- .' races will be run on the o 1 several mark- warrior, and Mrs. Woodrow Wilson. "Maryland, My Maryland," "There's of $3.45. Tickets me on sale, .Inly th In tth, inclusive, and July tion. This costume has fa- straightaway. The Is to be o Engraving by Paul Hevere, the it Girl in of Maryland," track the ed characteristics: one is the method the Heart finest ever liiitir ami o tilth to August. Till. Inclusive, with final return limit August lSlli, mous patriot, will ie displayed. "Dixie" Spangled llan-ner- " with the athletic o of making tho tdeeves and yoke of the and "The Star P. ,1. Agent. bib-lik- Alfred Keller, field win cost $ir,noo. ThiH allows no stopovers, JollNSoN, waist of plain crepe, while the e Austrian government wove a musical web of sentiment o l!ll4. ticket In on year !l 3 Panama-Pacifi- c o and ba. k are of the striped architect, arrived San Francisco about Maryland's site dedication on The at the OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO0 front 15, pa- fabric. The yoke, which re- July and work on the Austrian the grounds of the l'auama-Puclfl- c International exposition promises minds one of a man's shirlfront, is a vilion Is to begin at once. The Aus- International exposition ml July 8. At (to be "Fral Vear." Already thirty-jthte- e new and pleasing variation from the trian government has appropriated the luncheon given in the Palace Ho- national conventions of Greek Panama- college f ra V neck which had a long monopoly.. IJuO.OOn for participation in the tel hy the president and directors of letter let nit ics nro si bel- It is less trying to the average wom- -Pacific: International exposition. the exposition to the visiting commis- li le, to meet here. an than any other neckline. The long The Norwegian storthing has ap- sioners the muslo came from- the (r-- . A pretty .. t remony participated In tunic holds undiminished sway, but propriated lfln.ntio kroners, or $28,000, heslra that punctuated the toasts. (by water nvinphs and a personifica- in this skirt a variation is shown in for a N'orwegWn pavilion at the At the grounds the milliai y band from tion of old N. il tine himself was held that the striped tunic is nttaehed to International exposition. Fort Winfield Scott plawd the' airs ion the grounds of the Panama-Pacifi- c a yoke of' plain crepe. The lower In addition to this, an appropriation that arc dear to the Mai ylatiders. eternal ioin. exposition Saturday, skirt Is also of crepe. Crepe covered was made of fifl,(Hi0-krone- to cover Hawaii's dedication of her site on 'July II, when the "Niitatoriutn" of buttons fasten the dress from the neck the expense of entering a Norwegian July 7, on the grounds of ihe Panania-Pacifl- c the exposition Zone was begun with to the bottom of the tunic. warship in the fleet that Is to come International exposition was official ground breaking. Pretty for through ex- This model Is full of possibilities tho Panama Canal to Hie the most attractive ceremony hell-thu- iswimmimt and diving girls had a part up position .1. lleyer-dah- I the woman who Is either making .grounds In l!H!i. l far in connection with stal.san.l in I he afternoon event. h.-- r old new frocks or remodeling Hansen was sent to Norway by foreign sites. Hawaiian I lima I.eis, gowns to suit the present mode. Norwegians of the Cnlte.l States to pe- girls, beautiful Hawaiian Hawaiian Duly to . use of buttons, hendins'. tition by storthing. Woman's Herself. The proper action the music and the cliaractei istlc program j. Every woman owes it to proper finve-hee- in .herself mmM tunics,' sashes, belts and the Two more special days: finding with the "Shower of Flowers'" .keep ill good health. No one call rea- combination of materials are the true decided upon for the Panama-Pacifi- c amply a select- provided an afternoon repaying sonably be expected to maintain keynote to hear In mind when International exposition in J i 5 Illi- great throng was" in attend- sick, your gowns, trimmings the that cheerful disposition when half ing either thcir nois day will be July 24, and Chicago ance, Pinapple Inl.-- wis sprinkled indigestion and constipation me two or the accessories to be worn with day, October 9. Governor Kdward F. ' 1 over the site by Mrs. Victor Houston, 'of most common Ills to which ' " l the them. ' Dunne will come on a spr-cia- train fortunately wife of the commander of the t'niled 'women are subject nnd v t for Illinois day, nnd the First regi- Ha- ( States cruiser, "St. Louis." The are easily cured. .Mrs. II. '. Getty, ... Af'KOSS T1IK llll.l.S FHOM IU..M. ment of the Nationnl Hoard of Illinois, I ' nature, waiian flag was raised by Mrs. A. P. Pa., writes, "Last summer E I ,1 fe? V In a valley green with with bands, will 1 ten military be his Taylor. advised hy a friend to try Chain-- S 'Tween the mountuins, strong nnd escort. was . -- , Kiniberly her'lnin's Tablets' indigestion and ' : j Diamonds from the mines for 1 grand, only V") For the first in the history of of constipation. This medicine not ' A of lonely cabins time and working models the mines VjM , hunch expositions, hus applied .f obtaining of these disorders but toned it X And a crumbling milt house stand; China for showing the manner cured me for machinery in Panama-Pacifi- c my system so that my health i What sorrows and wllat pleasures the these precious sloties "ill be shown up whole I International exposition. Two as an interesting part of the exhibits has lie.-- helt. r than for years since Bl In this land? - Once flourished square - sale by till dealers. 1 ft f of golden treasure thousand feet of space in the In the Palace of Mines al the Pnnnmn- taking them." For lix "Si" Oreut strikes Palace of Machinery has been reipicst-ei- t And 'ouch of woman's hand? 1 games and venture by China, and the space probably What of chance will be granted. V'M.( A As men with faces tanned This makes China an exhibitor in every exposition de- f,''iJIuiJ-t- Rattled chips nnd wondered partment. I; A,:: Who held the winning hand; The new republic's appro- :: Special Notice to Owners ana utmaers 01 Where once the glasses tinkled priation is IT'.ii, Olio in gold. of Panama-Pacifi- c In- i And every bar was manned, officials the : Now squirrels loudly chatter ternational exposition have received a Fine Residences, Flats or Apartment Houses on every hand. cablegram announcing France, With bird nests that t - , 7 Here the miners drilled and labored through its chamber of deputies, has We arc tlic pioneers in tlie invention and manufacture of l , An they clove the rock nnd satui, appropriated MOO, 000 for the exposi- operAfing the largest concealed lied fac- 'i And the'plck and shovel echoes tion. The number of foreign nations concealed l'dV As tho rockv drift was planned, participating and the number of states tory in the world. We are now market inp; under patents mighty blasts of powder is thirty-nin- e. There the in New Mexico a bed specially for fine resi- y Woke the echoes in the ianu Chicago has promised $.10,000 to the dcneil ? Which now is grim and silent, ; fund being raised for a Prltish-Amerl-en- n dences, flats and apartments. It is are fanned Though the ptately pines pavilion at the Panama-Pacifi- c -- breezes By the .self same mountain International exposition. New York Concealed in an Ordinary Sized Closet 1 I A9 when gold was dally panned. City Is expected to raise a similar It sets a fellow thinking jammed, amount, and a larger sum will be I.ehind an Ordinary Door. And it gets his thinker given by citizens of Creat Prltnln. those cabin 1 l"fse 1,1,,,.,, TJiu--n When he wanders round Orent rl'alh'g participation the The can he used as a parlor, library or den. When .wn UII,r i,te hills from I'.land. room l 11 Just across tho presence of great promises Make This Froek of Alkali Ike. the fleet the closet is closed, there is absolutely nothing indicating Painty lYeMliiiesH. to be far greater thsn If the action of 4 parliament of One-thir- d to the Net if usually Morbus. had been favorable. the presence the bed. It adds MasicrRrciO of Mark or hlue silk and oftPn Dancers of Cholera The last of 237 In- ' Plaid or every neighborhood some the national and striied silk. ne pleated In almost - congresses Profits' of Apartment Houses. '"n'P Ur. AlaA nttflCk of ('liol- ternational and conventions is rather short, with the belt iM.cnn ua.--t nu frnm ..uAn to he choose San Francisco for the 1915 - "ut two inches from the top, allow-'h- morbus before medicine could .WI- ARK XOW READY TO CONTRACT WITH ea summm."-Kver- session Is the National Association of uiiper pleats to flare out procured or a physician Machine Jobbers. Other late organi- A MAN FOR Till', EXCLUSIVE THF. MEYERS CO.. Inc., Distributors "i be prepared for RKUAW.K """n.l the waist. Another is accor-""- family should Frun-cise- n emergency. Mrs. K. M. Sny- zations that have chosen San DISTRICT. NKW SIIOXICO Ideated and rut in deep pointa such an are: The Michigan Agricultural AGENCY IX THE AUiUOUERQUR Ai.m m i 'ittji'K third type is a net edged Herkimer, ' S. Y.. says. 'About n tunic of der. at-,- .r College and the National , a v ago my husband had an association Write for liolcmilo rrlco m ruche, which Is four years Association of tientnl Kxaminers. tally liKK-co- l- ,ii, tnorliiis. I gave him un ity worn over a ' Kight Southern California Hardwood & Manufacturing Company ""II llresf) Cholera nnd Diar beautiful standard Range Chamberlain's Colic, cars, specially constructed In high rnmhin-- " Remedy il reiieveu oie - favor s the dross rhoea and for the Canyon of Arizona" at I,os Angeles, California. two coi,,r, or fai.rli'd. It Is much Immediately, and two or three dcs "Grand w-- Panama-Pacifi- c ex- BRING RESULTS popular (tress one It' effected a cure." For sulu by th$ International MORNING JOUUNAL WANT ADS than the of of position, arrived on exposi Kor ur material; therefore In the Il all dealers. have the A X

niizi'jz.i uir.vAz lyjhi- - 2. iu. t 33 THE GOLDEN RULE DRY GOODS COMPANY

1 T "WE DO WHAT WE ADVERTISE" Closed From 12:30 to 2:30

SECOND WEEK OF THE Si JULY CASH nt Tl i ' A l ui UlJci ',. A f. ffl i4f fie Store Where Values Are Greater and Prices Are Less

Visit Our Ready-to-Wea- r Sedion for Genuine Values. Coats, iir Suits, Dresses, Waists and Skirts at the Lowesl Prices in the History of This Store.

ft rr. Women's Finest Tailored Ladies' Suits, Coats and New Ready-to-We- ar ft-w- m ,: Suits and Dresses Dresses at $8.95 for $5.95

hri' of Worn-- i Ou Suit !ti'. , 'r A Uiye of Worn-,- a.d k!s;e t i l i ,. ailwt fj ,,;, 0f 84r!n,r,, f,;i- - ( o.fs. Su.'s and Drewv ail I'M J i! tl.n rrn';h,-- e cf U omen and M. 'Mif fbritl it! A l.!i!y Ijiloiwi. V ,!. I lo if, t I 1 52. SO, mi '.;! .i.'i'l'. a'u's to JI5.V. on ?.!' $13.95 $8.9S $5.95

tarmi I Mid-Summ- er I SPECIAL VALUES f A Great Sale of Shoe I For Tuesday. 9 a. m. CURTAIN GOODS For Friday. 9 a. m. OUR FAMOUS 1.000 ),ifls in - 4A Colonial !y!', a ;icn- - CHALLIE SALE WOMEN'S SKIRTS Sale iiJ iM)f(niiil t l! .r lo 35c yard; ft;i - C ,ni'; 50 pir-(- oil on Chdllif? l:i IYrjr pat- - ("'i! for liiii ,'.a, yard 7 for, ri yard ic 500 SKIRTS IO BE SOLD Sue Window DiuAay. For Wednesday. 9 a.m. OUTING FLANNEL 500 Pairs Red Cross and .i- -j .Spnu!-I0- (j I'JfXLS M.W OUIING Unusual Sale of 100 New Sample Dresses I LANNU-S- . Wry Ut (jualily, I paHtrn'. rx-t- .i Queen Quality AH kinds, Myle? and $iz. No trouble to be suited in this wie. Shoes Keiyjit, wmiIi 12. 'c jard. Don't miH tlui emf. Jul icf.rivcd from Srw York. Ihr laft mod-!- -, 1 rn ta!f (or, yard Ho mm villi Kuvtian unics. f aUs are plain and d , oil'-s- ralinf?, - oi!c and trqx-s- . both wlnt? Wool and Brilliantine SL;;!$ in aborted colors and weaves. For Thursday, 9 a. m. GINGHAMS and colors. Iliit will br a ('edt Drcii Sale; alu-- $ to 'a!ues lo $5.00. on sale at $1.95 A I..k-- $17.50, on sale youi choice S3.;)." i.i ,,f ',un,.fl i, u ,,f t,r UnmM Qurm Q.ial- - 40 ie(ii M.KK ( lurribray Girijli.uiK, in .1 100 Wool Skirts in black and colors, in plain fancy mix- ,. j and 'II Im ,r.. !.,.!.. I - i olriM ui l.jri, funk, and IJuf; a god 10c J'' '. !,L. ov., ro ef U"J'!- v'iy, r tures. Values to $6.50, on sale v.ird salue, t,n liiii hour, jx-- yard Spring Coats at Half Price at ...... ''"y ((lj(l ((rf( Kfiiy( i)(J j j,,,,,. (., $2.93 M-.- L mi)(J ,(,u a(ifJ anij i,liV,n jnriri Ajifin ( ( L Giniliamt, tOin quality and 25 New Spring Coals, in thindnlla, Knglih Iweed-- , ,f )in Mf A special line of new Wool Skirts, all new models and fabrics. fa-- t ciliio, in rl'-- Uue tliftki; a IK alui- - for, and fancv nuxturn, in Halmacaan and o'hf-- new Values to $8.00, on sale I" )''J modek all to yo at HALF PRK K at .$1.93 A Great Dress at $1.95 1 New Sample III SALT. MONDAY WIIILH 500 Waists I'.- - .. . .l 1. 1 I . ON THEY IAST ,.mi (, ..'.,. winni. ..,.1,, ,,, j,,,,,,,, fvll..II t'un NIAV .SAMi'l.I". DR1 SMS, cornisliiiK ol f rnhroidcred Crepe Voile and Lingerie, ,) i'00 Ratines and Beautiful White Lingerie and Organdie Waists in great va- t.,., . -- i. a ,if. M,d,. i , ,l ' Ail ,,,. Il.i, a fCXNUM. l.iiM-ii- in Ru'M.n I unin and other food modeU, s,ine lo $0. j0, , Ml' 4; VA1.I I.. lij.;!,,-- , - riety of styles and all sizes. This is the f , ,,)t, tu. (f v;iU- greatest waist value we l IVO'I 'I '0 4 f,;f MX WINDOW DIM AY. On have ever offered. , On sale $iMZ Sale for onlv . rU ,,,; ,u for - I $1.95 SO v fata Jl "WlV Men's Suits Men's rti.t "Ik A:r f r rants Mill A great suit opportunity. Sum- 300 Pairs on Sale. A Splendid r mer and winter suits on sale; 400 Assortment of Sizes arid Patterns - -- Vk Nothing re- , PAY :, suits to pick from. A special lot of Men s Pants, worth (IJI QK v. U served; all reduced. Men's suits $2.50 and $3.00 a pair, on sale, pair n worth up to $20, on sale at Men's fine all wool Pants, worth $4 (tO QK to $6.00 a pair, on sale, pair ipuU Men's 1 fines! wool Pants, worth $6 QK $ 0.00 to $9 a pair, on sale, pair tpOl0

5 X; I I The Golden Rule Dry Goods Co. 1 a t MEN'S SECTION 3C ir --it"
