THE TRANSACTIONS Journal of Proceeding's
1 « dtK id(i;i N.S. Vol. XX. THE TRANSACTIONS Journal of Proceeding's DUMFRIESSHIRE AND GALL Natural History and Antiquarian Society FOUNDED NOVEMBER, 1862. SESSIO^^T 19O7-10OS. IMNTED AT THE STANDARD OFFICE, DUMFRIES, and PUBLISHED BY THE SOCIETY. 1909. N.S. Vol. XX. THE TRANSACTIONS Journal of Proceedings DUMFRIESSHIRE AND GALLOWAY Natural History and Antiquarian Society FOUNDED NOVEMBER. 1862. SESSIOIT 1Q0V-1908. PRINTED AT THE STANDARD OFFICE, DUMFRIES, and PUBLISHED BY THE SOCIETY. 1909. Office=Bearers for 1908=1909. PresideaU Professor G. F. Scott-Elliot of Newton, Dumfries, M.A., B.Sc, F.R.G.S. F.L.S., &c. Honorary VIcC'Riesidents. James Barbouk, F. S.A.Scot., St. Christopher's, Dumfries. John F. Cormack, Solicitor, Lockerbie. John M'Kie, R.N., Anchorlee, Kirkcudbright. Robert Service, M.B.O.U., Janefield, Dumfries. Vice-Presldeats. James Maxwell Ross, M.D., Duntrune, Dumfries. J. W. Martin, M.D., Charterhall, Dumfries. William Dickie, Merlewood, Dumfries. William M'('utcheon, B.Sc, Inverie, Dumfries. Hon. Secretary and Hon. Editor of " Transactions," Samuel Arnott, F.R.H.S., Sunnymead, Dumfries. Hon. Treasurer. M. H. M'Kerrow, Solicitor, 30 St. David Street, Dumfries. Hon. Librarian. Rev. Wm. Andson, Ivy Bank, Dumfries. Acting Librarian. (xEORGE W. Shirley, Ewart Public Library, Dumfries. Hon. Curator of Museum. James Lenno.x, F. S.A.Scot., Provost of Dumfries. Hon. Departmental Curators. Coins and Tokens—Rev. H. A. Whitelaw, M.A. Antiquities—Dr J. W. Martin. Hon. Curators of Herbarium. Professor Scott-Elliot. Miss Hannay, Langlands, Dumfries. Hon. Secretary Photographic Committee. W. A. Mackinnel, The Sheiling, Dumfries. Members of Council.
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