43 bus time schedule & line map

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The 43 bus line (Worksop - Retford) has 4 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Retford: 5:15 AM - 5:45 PM (2) Wensleydale: 5:45 AM - 5:05 PM (3) Worksop: 6:40 AM - 6:15 PM (4) Worksop: 6:15 PM - 7:05 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 43 bus station near you and nd out when is the next 43 bus arriving.

Direction: Retford 43 bus Time Schedule 68 stops Retford Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 5:15 AM - 5:45 PM Thievesdale Close, Wensleydale Thievesdale Close, Worksop Tuesday 5:15 AM - 5:45 PM

Kingsdale, Wensleydale Wednesday 5:15 AM - 5:45 PM

Glaisdale, Wensleydale Thursday 5:15 AM - 5:45 PM Farndale, Friday 5:15 AM - 5:45 PM

The Paddocks, Wensleydale Saturday 5:15 AM - 5:45 PM Wheat Croft, Worksop

Forest Hill Road, Wensleydale Stable Close, Worksop 43 bus Info Thievesdale Close, Wensleydale Direction: Retford Thievesdale Close, Worksop Stops: 68 Trip Duration: 45 min Westway, Worksop Line Summary: Thievesdale Close, Wensleydale, Westway, Worksop Kingsdale, Wensleydale, Glaisdale, Wensleydale, The Paddocks, Wensleydale, Forest Hill Road, Hereford Close, Worksop Wensleydale, Thievesdale Close, Wensleydale, Westway, Worksop, Hereford Close, Worksop, Coventry Drive, Worksop Coventry Drive, Worksop, Bassetlaw Hospital, St Davids Close, Worksop Worksop, The Baulk, Worksop, North Notts College, Worksop, Railway Station, Worksop, Miners Welfare, Bassetlaw Hospital, Worksop Worksop, Watson Road, Worksop, Bus Station, Worksop, Victoria Road, Worksop, Priory, Worksop, The Baulk, Worksop Cemetery Road, Worksop, Lincoln Street, Manton, South View, Worksop Talbot Road, Manton, Foxglove Close, Manton, Shrewsbury Road, Manton, Hardwick Road West, North Notts College, Worksop Manton, College Lane, Manton, South Avenue, Manton, Birklands Avenue, Manton, Forest Lane, Railway Station, Worksop Manton, Depots, Manton, Garage, Manton, B & Q, Manton, Roundabout, Manton, Rayton Farm, Miners Welfare, Worksop Rayton, Ashtons Wood, Osberton, Osberton Grange, Osberton, East Lodge, Osberton, Crow Wood Lodge, Watson Road, Worksop Osberton, Mill Farm Road, Osberton, Beechwood Crescent, Ranby, Old Blyth Road, Ranby, West Lodge, Watson Road, Worksop Ranby, Beechwood Drive, Ranby, Prison, Ranby, Old Bus Station, Worksop London Road, Ranby, Babworth Road, Babworth, Babworth Park, Ordsall, Sports Ground, Retford, St Victoria Road, Worksop Josephs Church, Retford, Lime Tree Avenue, Retford, West Court, Retford, Hospital, Retford, Cemetery, Priory, Worksop Retford, North Road, Hallcroft, Silverdale Close, Retford, Randall Way, Hallcroft, Earles Court, Cemetery Road, Worksop Hallcroft, Randall Park Way, Hallcroft, Aurillac Way, Hallcroft, The Elizabethan Academy, Hallcroft, Aurillac Way, Hallcroft, Randall Park Way, Hallcroft, Lincoln Street, Manton Earles Court, Hallcroft, Randall Way, Hallcroft, Silverdale Close, Retford, Cemetery, Retford, Hospital, Talbot Road, Manton Retford, West Court, Retford, Bus Station, Retford Talbot Road, Worksop

Foxglove Close, Manton Shrewsbury Road, Worksop

Shrewsbury Road, Manton

Hardwick Road West, Manton

College Lane, Manton

South Avenue, Manton

Birklands Avenue, Manton

Forest Lane, Manton Forest Lane, England

Depots, Manton

Garage, Manton

B & Q, Manton

Roundabout, Manton

Rayton Farm, Rayton

Ashtons Wood, Osberton

Osberton Grange, Osberton

East Lodge, Osberton

Crow Wood Lodge, Osberton

Mill Farm Road, Osberton

Beechwood Crescent, Ranby

Old Blyth Road, Ranby

West Lodge, Ranby

Beechwood Drive, Ranby

Prison, Ranby Old London Road, Ranby

Babworth Road, Babworth

Babworth Park, Ordsall A620, England

Sports Ground, Retford

St Josephs Church, Retford Babworth Road, England

Lime Tree Avenue, Retford Hospital Road, England

West Court, Retford

Hospital, Retford

Cemetery, Retford

North Road, Hallcroft North Road, England

Silverdale Close, Retford Miller's Way, England

Randall Way, Hallcroft

Earles Court, Hallcroft Randall Way, England

Randall Park Way, Hallcroft

Aurillac Way, Hallcroft

The Elizabethan Academy, Hallcroft

Aurillac Way, Hallcroft

Randall Park Way, Hallcroft Hardstaff Close, England

Earles Court, Hallcroft Randall Way, England

Randall Way, Hallcroft

Silverdale Close, Retford Miller's Way, England

Cemetery, Retford

Hospital, Retford

West Court, Retford

Bus Station, Retford Direction: Wensleydale 43 bus Time Schedule 68 stops Wensleydale Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 5:45 AM - 5:05 PM Bus Station, Retford Tuesday 5:45 AM - 5:05 PM The Square, Retford Market Place, England Wednesday 5:45 AM - 5:05 PM

Bridgegate, Retford Thursday 5:45 AM - 5:05 PM Friday 5:45 AM - 5:05 PM West Court, Retford Saturday 5:45 AM - 5:05 PM Hospital, Retford

Cemetery, Retford

North Road, Hallcroft 43 bus Info North Road, England Direction: Wensleydale Stops: 68 Silverdale Close, Retford Trip Duration: 40 min Miller's Way, England Line Summary: Bus Station, Retford, The Square, Retford, Bridgegate, Retford, West Court, Retford, Randall Way, Hallcroft Hospital, Retford, Cemetery, Retford, North Road, Hallcroft, Silverdale Close, Retford, Randall Way, Earles Court, Hallcroft Hallcroft, Earles Court, Hallcroft, Randall Park Way, Hallcroft, Aurillac Way, Hallcroft, The Elizabethan Randall Way, England Academy, Hallcroft, Aurillac Way, Hallcroft, Randall Randall Park Way, Hallcroft Park Way, Hallcroft, Earles Court, Hallcroft, Randall Way, Hallcroft, Silverdale Close, Retford, Cemetery, Aurillac Way, Hallcroft Retford, Hospital, Retford, West Court, Retford, Lime Tree Avenue, Retford, St Josephs Church, Retford, Sports Ground, Retford, Babworth Park, Ordsall, The Elizabethan Academy, Hallcroft Babworth Road, Babworth, Old London Road, Ranby, Prison, Ranby, Beechwood Drive, Ranby, West Aurillac Way, Hallcroft Lodge, Ranby, Old Blyth Road, Ranby, Beechwood Crescent, Ranby, Five Lane Ends, Ranby, Wilkinsons, Randall Park Way, Hallcroft Manton Wood, Prolog, Manton Wood, Greencore, Hardstaff Close, England Manton Wood, Solway Foods, Manton Wood, Greencore, Manton Wood, Prolog, Manton Wood, Earles Court, Hallcroft Enterprise Zone, Manton Wood, Roundabout, Randall Way, England Manton, B & Q, Manton, B & Q, Manton, Garage, Manton, Depots, Manton, Forest Lane, Manton, Randall Way, Hallcroft Gorselands Avenue, Manton, Birklands Avenue, Manton, South Avenue, Manton, College Lane, Silverdale Close, Retford Manton, Hardwick Road West, Manton, Shrewsbury Miller's Way, England Road, Manton, Foxglove Close, Manton, Talbot Road, Manton, Lincoln Street, Manton, Cemetery Road, Cemetery, Retford Worksop, Priory, Worksop, Victoria Road, Worksop, Bus Station, Worksop, Miners Welfare, Worksop, Hospital, Retford Railway Station, Worksop, North Notts College, Worksop, The Baulk, Worksop, Bassetlaw Hospital, West Court, Retford Worksop, Coventry Drive, Worksop, Hereford Close, Worksop, Westway, Worksop, Thievesdale Close, Lime Tree Avenue, Retford Wensleydale

St Josephs Church, Retford Babworth Road, England

Sports Ground, Retford

Babworth Park, Ordsall A620, England

Babworth Road, Babworth

Old London Road, Ranby

Prison, Ranby

Beechwood Drive, Ranby

West Lodge, Ranby

Old Blyth Road, Ranby

Beechwood Crescent, Ranby

Five Lane Ends, Ranby

Wilkinsons, Manton Wood

Prolog, Manton Wood

Greencore, Manton Wood

Solway Foods, Manton Wood

Greencore, Manton Wood

Prolog, Manton Wood

Enterprise Zone, Manton Wood

Roundabout, Manton

B & Q, Manton

B & Q, Manton

Garage, Manton Retford Road, England

Depots, Manton Forest Rise, England

Forest Lane, Manton

Gorselands Avenue, Manton

Birklands Avenue, Manton

South Avenue, Manton

College Lane, Manton Hardwick Road West, Manton

Shrewsbury Road, Manton

Foxglove Close, Manton Shrewsbury Road, Worksop

Talbot Road, Manton Talbot Road, Worksop

Lincoln Street, Manton

Cemetery Road, Worksop

Priory, Worksop

Victoria Road, Worksop

Bus Station, Worksop

Miners Welfare, Worksop

Railway Station, Worksop

North Notts College, Worksop

The Baulk, Worksop

Bassetlaw Hospital, Worksop Wessex Road, Worksop

Coventry Drive, Worksop Lancastrian Way, Worksop

Hereford Close, Worksop Kent Close, Worksop

Westway, Worksop Westway, Worksop

Thievesdale Close, Wensleydale Thievesdale Close, Worksop Direction: Worksop 43 bus Time Schedule 16 stops Worksop Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 6:40 AM - 6:15 PM Thievesdale Close, Wensleydale Thievesdale Close, Worksop Tuesday 6:40 AM - 6:15 PM

Kingsdale, Wensleydale Wednesday 6:40 AM - 6:15 PM

Thursday 6:40 AM - 6:15 PM Glaisdale, Wensleydale Farndale, England Friday 6:40 AM - 6:15 PM

The Paddocks, Wensleydale Saturday 6:40 AM - 6:15 PM Wheat Croft, Worksop

Forest Hill Road, Wensleydale Stable Close, Worksop 43 bus Info Thievesdale Close, Wensleydale Direction: Worksop Thievesdale Close, Worksop Stops: 16 Trip Duration: 15 min Westway, Worksop Line Summary: Thievesdale Close, Wensleydale, Westway, Worksop Kingsdale, Wensleydale, Glaisdale, Wensleydale, The Paddocks, Wensleydale, Forest Hill Road, Hereford Close, Worksop Wensleydale, Thievesdale Close, Wensleydale, Westway, Worksop, Hereford Close, Worksop, Coventry Drive, Worksop Coventry Drive, Worksop, Bassetlaw Hospital, St Davids Close, Worksop Worksop, The Baulk, Worksop, North Notts College, Worksop, Railway Station, Worksop, Miners Welfare, Bassetlaw Hospital, Worksop Worksop, Watson Road, Worksop, Bus Station, Worksop The Baulk, Worksop South View, Worksop

North Notts College, Worksop

Railway Station, Worksop

Miners Welfare, Worksop

Watson Road, Worksop Watson Road, Worksop

Bus Station, Worksop Direction: Worksop 43 bus Time Schedule 41 stops Worksop Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 6:15 PM - 7:05 PM Bus Station, Retford Tuesday 6:15 PM - 7:05 PM The Square, Retford Market Place, England Wednesday 6:15 PM - 7:05 PM

Bridgegate, Retford Thursday 6:15 PM - 7:05 PM Friday 6:15 PM - 7:05 PM Lime Tree Avenue, Retford Saturday 6:15 PM - 7:05 PM St Josephs Church, Retford Babworth Road, England

Sports Ground, Retford 43 bus Info Babworth Park, Ordsall Direction: Worksop A620, England Stops: 41 Trip Duration: 45 min Babworth Road, Babworth Line Summary: Bus Station, Retford, The Square, Retford, Bridgegate, Retford, Lime Tree Avenue, Old London Road, Ranby Retford, St Josephs Church, Retford, Sports Ground, Retford, Babworth Park, Ordsall, Babworth Road, Prison, Ranby Babworth, Old London Road, Ranby, Prison, Ranby, Beechwood Drive, Ranby, West Lodge, Ranby, Old Blyth Road, Ranby, Beechwood Crescent, Ranby, Five Beechwood Drive, Ranby Lane Ends, Ranby, Wilkinsons, Manton Wood, Prolog, Manton Wood, Greencore, Manton Wood, Solway West Lodge, Ranby Foods, Manton Wood, Greencore, Manton Wood, Prolog, Manton Wood, Enterprise Zone, Manton Old Blyth Road, Ranby Wood, Roundabout, Manton, B & Q, Manton, B & Q, Manton, Garage, Manton, Depots, Manton, Forest Beechwood Crescent, Ranby Lane, Manton, Gorselands Avenue, Manton, Birklands Avenue, Manton, South Avenue, Manton, Five Lane Ends, Ranby College Lane, Manton, Hardwick Road West, Manton, Shrewsbury Road, Manton, Foxglove Close, Manton, Wilkinsons, Manton Wood Talbot Road, Manton, Lincoln Street, Manton, Cemetery Road, Worksop, Priory, Worksop, Victoria Prolog, Manton Wood Road, Worksop, Bus Station, Worksop

Greencore, Manton Wood

Solway Foods, Manton Wood

Greencore, Manton Wood

Prolog, Manton Wood

Enterprise Zone, Manton Wood

Roundabout, Manton

B & Q, Manton

B & Q, Manton Garage, Manton Retford Road, England

Depots, Manton Forest Rise, England

Forest Lane, Manton

Gorselands Avenue, Manton

Birklands Avenue, Manton

South Avenue, Manton

College Lane, Manton

Hardwick Road West, Manton

Shrewsbury Road, Manton

Foxglove Close, Manton Shrewsbury Road, Worksop

Talbot Road, Manton Talbot Road, Worksop

Lincoln Street, Manton

Cemetery Road, Worksop

Priory, Worksop

Victoria Road, Worksop

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