Read Ebook {PDF EPUB} and the Armageddon Factor by Die größten Hörerlebnisse nur bei Audible. Erlebe Audible auf dem Smartphone, Tablet, am Computer oder deinem Amazon Echo. Auch offline. Die größten Hörerlebnisse. Entdecke genau das, was du hören willst: Wähle aus 200.000 Titeln und inspirierenden Audible Original Podcasts. Natürlich werbefrei. Genieße dein Hörerlebnis ohne Unterbrechung. Einfach ausprobieren. Teste Audible 30 Tage kostenlos. Du kannst jederzeit kündigen. Hör die Welt mit anderen Augen. Mit Audible Originals und exklusiven Geschichten. Wir können dich kaum erwarten! Entdecke Audible einen Monat lang völlig kostenlos. Genieße jeden Monat ein Hörerlebnis deiner Wahl - und so viele exklusive Audible Original Podcasts, wie du willst. Keine Bindung, keine Frist – du kannst dein Abo jederzeit pausieren oder kündigen. Doctor Who and the Armageddon Factor : novelisation. Available. Expected delivery to Germany in 16-21 business days. Description. John Leeson reads this exciting novelisation of a TV adventure for the Fourth Doctor, and . Some time ago the , one of the most powerul beings in the Cosmos, set an urgent task to find and reassemble the six segments of the Key to Time. Having successfully retrieved five of the segments, the Doctor and Romana arrive on the planet Atrios in the middle of an atomic war. There they must search for the last, most vital piece of the Key. However, sinister dangers await them in this final stage of their quest. The actions of the Marshal of Atrios, operating under a mysterious influence, look certain to bring about armageddon for them all. John Leeson, the Voice of K9 in the TV series, reads Terrance Dicks's novelisation of the 1978 TV serial by Bob Baker and Dave Martin. Duration: 3 hours 50 mins approx. The Armageddon Factor. Commentary by (Romana), John Woodvine (Marshall), Michael Hayes (Director). Commentary 2 [ edit | edit source ] Commentary by (the Doctor), Mary Tamm (Romana), John Leeson (K9). The Doctor Who Annual 1979 [ edit | edit source ] In the 1960s, 1970s and early 1980s the Doctor Who Annual was published every year in time for the Christmas market, and made an excellent stocking-filler! Now many of the annuals are collectors items. The Doctor Who Annual from 1979 is presented on this DVD in its entirety. Production Subtitles [ edit | edit source ] Text commentary by Richard Molesworth providing cast details, script development and other information related to the production of this story. Coming Soon [ edit | edit source ] A preview of Planet of Evil. The trailer for this box set is available on The Time Warrior. Disc 2 [ edit | edit source ] Defining Shadows [ edit | edit source ] Cast and crew look back at the making of this story, with interviews from writers Bob Baker and Dave Martin, director Michael Hayes, script editor , designer Richard McManan-Smith, with actors Mary Tamm, , David Harries and Barry Jackson. Edited by Steven Bagley. Produced by Ed Stradling. (15'38" | 16:9 | 2007) Alternative / Extended Scene [ edit | edit source ] Taken from a timecoded monochrome studio recording. (2'49" | 4:3 | 1978) Directing Who: Michael Hayes [ edit | edit source ] Michael Hayes looks back on his directing career on Doctor Who in this short featurette produced by Ed Stradling. (8'25" | 16:9 | 2007) Rogue Time Lords [ edit | edit source ] A potted history of other errant Time Lords. Featuring actor Nicholas Courtney, script editor Terrance Dicks, writers Pip and Jane Baker, DWM assistant editor Tom Spilsbury, Doctor Who Adventures editor Moray Laing and art editor Paul Lang. Produced by Phoenix Media. (13'10" | 16:9 | 2007) Pebble Mill at One [ edit | edit source ] Tom Baker interviewed on the long-running lunchtime magazine show in 1979. (8'28" | 4:3 | 1979) Radiophonic Feature [ edit | edit source ] A Pebble Mill at One interview by Tony Francis, with Dick Mills and Brian Hodgson looking at Radiophonic music and effects in Doctor Who. (4'26" | 4:3 | 1979/2007) The New Sound of Music [ edit | edit source ] Sound effects supremo Dick Mills talks about creating a Doctor Who sound effects in this extract from the BBC documentary. (0'59" | 4:3 | 1979) Merry Christmas, Doctor Who [ edit | edit source ] A special Christmas sketch, recorded on the set of 'The Armageddon Factor' for the BBC Christmas Tape that year. (1'11" | 4:3 | 1978) Continuities [ edit | edit source ] Off-air continuity links from the story's original BBC1 transmission. (2'54" | 4:3 | 1979) Photo Gallery [ edit | edit source ] Design, production and publicity stills for the story. (4'45" | 4:3 | 2007) Late Night Story [ edit | edit source ] Tom Baker reads five spine-chilling stories from this 1978 series: (4:3 | 1978) The Photograph by Nigel Kneale (dur. 14' 29") The Emissary by Ray Bradbury (dur. 13' 41") Nursery Tea by Mary Danby (dur. 14' 16") The End of the Party by Graham Greene (dur. 14' 58") Sredni Vashtar by Saki (dur. 12' 50") - this episode was never transmitted. Radio Times Billings [ edit | edit source ] Illustrations, articles and episode listings for this story from the BBC magazine Radio Times in PDF format. Easter Egg [ edit | edit source ] Temporary Fault - 1978. Go to the second 'Special Features' menu. Find the hidden Doctor Who logo by clicking to the right of 'Continuities'. (1'22" | 4:3 | 1979) The Armageddon Factor (TV story) The Armageddon Factor was the sixth and final serial of season 16. It concluded the season-long Key to Time story arc. It saw Mary Tamm make her final appearance as Romana I while her replacement, Lalla Ward, appeared in the story in a different role. This story also marked the first appearance of the Black Guardian, who would not be seen again until Mawdryn Undead , four years later. Contents. Synopsis [ edit | edit source ] The final segment of the Key to Time is at the heart of a devastating war between neighbouring planets Atrios and Zeos. The Fourth Doctor discovers that a sinister entity is manipulating events and the cost of obtaining the final segment may be more personal than he imagined. Plot [ edit | edit source ] Part one [ edit | edit source ] The sixth and final segment of the Key to Time is on the planet Atrios. Twin planets Atrios and Zeos are locked in a long-running war. The young Princess Astra, nominal leader of Atrios, is appalled at the devastation and wants peace, but the Marshal, in charge of the war, actually possesses the power. The Marshal secretly confesses to his aide-de-camp Shapp that they are losing and their defences are becoming inadequate to repel the enemy's attacks. He is desperate for the edge that will bring victory, and, on instruction from an unseen entity, he leads Astra on a fool's errand into a trap, where she is abducted and transmatted away. The Doctor and Romana I land on Atrios, and the Doctor's TARDIS is soon buried in rubble from a Zeon aerial bombardment. The Marshal finds them and believes them to be Zeon spies, along with Astra's lover, Merak. The Doctor tricks the Marshal to calling for K9, who knocks out the lights to let them escape. Returning to the place where they had landed, they find the TARDIS gone. Part two [ edit | edit source ] Merak has followed them, and they find Astra gone. K9, meanwhile, is lured away to be recycled. The Marshal is contacted by an unseen force, who tells him to treat the Doctor and Romana as guests. The Marshal implores the Doctor to assist Atrios. The Doctor proposes a shield that will stop the Zeons from attacking, but the Marshal insists he create a weapon for total victory. Romana notices that the Marshal is acting under an outside influence when he accidentally shows a small device on his neck after flipping out when the Doctor runs to save K9 from the furnace. Afterwards, the Doctor asks the Marshal to send him to Zeos, to which the Marshal refuses. The Doctor reveals to Romana that something is probably blocking Zeos. Astra appears on a television and states that the Zeons will destroy Atrios if the Marshal does not surrender, however he refuses. The Doctor once again asks the Marshal to allow him to go to Zeos and this time the Marshal informs him that there is a way. The Doctor then goes to a transmat room that will apparently take him to Zeos, but two figures in masks appear next to him. Romana runs in, yelling for the Doctor to warn him of the trap, but it is too late. The Doctor and the figures have gone. Part three [ edit | edit source ] The unseen entity tells Marshal that the war will stop, while the entity traps him in his domain. When the Doctor is brought to the entity, it introduces itself as the Shadow, and reveals that he has the TARDIS. After a failed attempt at trying to control him like he has controlled the Marshal, the Shadow asks the Doctor to open his TARDIS and bring out the other five segments. The Doctor bluffs that it is impossible to take the five segments out of the TARDIS without also having the final piece, but the Shadow does not trust this. He leaves the Doctor to "make his own mistake". Once the Shadow has gone, the Doctor decides to search for the sixth segment. Meanwhile, Merak has transmatted to Zeos. Astra is on the ship in chains, being asked by the Shadow where the sixth segment is. Romana and K9 transmat to Zeos, following Merak. Shapp finds himself with the Doctor after also being transmatted and the pair reunite with K9, who has found the commandant of the Zeon forces. They meet up with Romana and Merak and K9 takes them all to meet the commandant, which is actually a supercomputer named Mentalis. The Doctor reveals that there are no Zeons on Zeos and then asks for information on the Princess Astra, but they find that any information concerning her is inaccessible. The Marshal, meanwhile, has decided to attack Zeos, with himself leading the assault. In his spaceship, he prepares to launch the missiles to destroy Zeos. Part four [ edit | edit source ] The Doctor reveals that, because the Mentalis thinks the war is over, it cant counteract the Marshal's incoming attack, and rather than accept defeat, it will self-destruct, destroying both Zeos and Atrios — a concept known as the "Armageddon Factor". The Doctor tries to dismantle the Mentalist and tells Merak and Shapp to return to Atrios and contact the Marshal. On their way to the transmat, Astra appears and, having been hypnotised by the Shadow, beckons Merak. Merek leaves Shapp and reaches for Astra, but passes straight through her, revealing her to be a projection. He begins falling. Meanwhile, the Doctor accidentally triggers the Mentalis' primary alert function, and the computer becomes mindless by destroying its own control centre. Desperate to stop the Marshal's attack, the Doctor uses the five segments of the Key to Time, plus an artificial sixth segment made from chronodyne, to generate a temporary time loop around the Marshal's ship. Realising that the Key is no longer safe, the Shadow sends Astra to retrieve it. She first collects Merak, telling him that she tried to save him, which, after a moment of confusion, he accepts. The pair find K9 but are shortly cornered by the Shadow's minions. K9 drives the minions away but is then hypnotised by a small device which takes the guise of a distress call. K9 is then transported away, where he is reprogrammed by the Shadow. After abandoning Merak, Astra joins the Doctor and Romana in the TARDIS. The Doctor notices Astra staring at the Key to Time, and ask if she knows where the sixth piece is. He then pilots the TARDIS to a third planet, where the Shadow has been hiding. On the planet, the Shadow laughs that the Key to Time is his. Part five [ edit | edit source ] After arriving on the planet, the Doctor, Astra and Romana are all separated from one another. The Doctor finds another renegade , Drax, in the corridors and the two reminisce about their time at the Academy; the Doctor enquires about his old classmates' Cockney accent, and Drax informs him he was locked up in Brixton prison for ten years because of a fault in his TARDIS. Drax was employed with threat of death, and he was forced to build Mentalis. The Doctor persuades Drax to assist him, and they remove the control device from K9. Drax repairs his dimensional circuit. Romana is captured by the Shadow and is tortured. The Doctor arrives and the Shadow demands he give him the Key, revealing that he has the sixth segment. The Shadow also reveals that he has been manipulating the entire war from his enormous vessel midway between the two planets and that he is an agent of the Black Guardian; he has been watching the sixth segment while waiting for the Doctor to collect the other five. The Doctor goes to get the Key and tries to distract the Mute escorting him by saying the Shadow will kill him and his fellows. Drax then enters with the dimensional circuit and shrinks the Doctor down. Part six [ edit | edit source ] Drax also shrinks himself, and they decide to have one of them provide a distraction. However, the Doctor has left the TARDIS door wide open, allowing the Shadow to walk in and take the Key himself. He collects the Key and places it on a table. Astra reveals to Romana that her "destiny" is near and Romana realises that Astra herself is the sixth segment. Meanwhile, the Doctor and Drax use K9 to sneak back into the Shadow's lair, with K9 still pretending to be under the Shadow's control. K9 reports to the Shadow that the Doctor and Drax have been eliminated and the Shadow basks in his victory as Astra transforms into the sixth segment. He goes to compose the Key, ignoring Romana's warnings that it will break the time loop surrounding the Marshal, but the Doctor and Drax return to normal size and take the Key and they all escape. The Doctor and Drax disarm Mentalis just before the time loop expires, and, when the Marshal fires, the war rockets are deflected by a force field, destroying the Shadow and his ship instead. Hearing his minion's dying words, the Black Guardian disguises himself as the White Guardian, telling the dying Shadow that he will trick the Doctor into giving him the Key to Time himself. In the TARDIS, the Doctor has composed the Key and contemplates having absolute power over the entire universe. The "White Guardian" appears on the TARDIS monitor and congratulates the Doctor on a job well done. He then insists that the Doctor hand the Key over to him. When he rather callously dismisses Astra's sacrifice, the Doctor realises this is actually the Black Guardian in disguise and disperses the segments across the universe again, allowing Astra to reunite with Merak. The Black Guardian is furious and threatens to destroy the Doctor. However, the Doctor has installed a randomiser on the TARDIS console, ensuring that neither he nor the Black Guardian knows where he'll end up next. Cast [ edit | edit source ] - Tom Baker - Mary Tamm Voice of K9 - John Leeson - John Woodvine Princess Astra - Lalla Ward - Davyd Harries - Ian Saynor - Ian Liston - Susan Skipper - John Cannon - Harry Fielder - William Squire - Iain Armstrong - Pat Gorman - Barry Jackson - Valentine Dyall. Uncredited cast [ edit | edit source ] - Ridgewell Hawkes, Derek Suthern, Stephen Calcutt, James Haswell, Danny Rae (DWM 223) Guards - Peter Roy, Barry Summerford, Tony O'Leary, Reg Turner, Richard Sheekey (DWM 223) Crew [ edit | edit source ] Uncredited crew [ edit | edit source ] - Jim Francis (INFO: The Armageddon Factor ) References [ edit | edit source ] Animals [ edit | edit source ] Romana compares the "identification ritual" between K9 and Mentalis to the dance of the bees. The Doctor compares the programming of Mentalis to the behaviour of a suicidal scorpion. Astronomical objects [ edit | edit source ] Atrios and Zeos are in the Helical Galaxy. The Shadow operates on an artificial planet (called the third planet or the Planet of Evil) put between Atrios and Zeos. Cultural references to real world [ edit | edit source ] The Doctor mentions Christopher Columbus. The Doctor mentions Troy. The Doctor claims to have learnt the tricks of the fire walkers while in Bali. Substances [ edit | edit source ] The door to K-Block is shielded with lead. Technology [ edit | edit source ] Atrions are provided with hand-wrist Geiger counters called rad-checks. On Atrios, there is a recycling shaft, able to work metal. The Shadow uses a little black neck device for mind control. broke down on Earth due to a fault in its hyperbolics, but when he tried to repair it he was imprisoned for theft. Time Lords [ edit | edit source ] suggests a plan which includes having the Fourth Doctorflying to a door to shut it. Weapons [ edit | edit source ] are used in the war to avoid prisoners. Story notes [ edit | edit source ] Originally the sixth segment was to be the shadow of the Shadow. This story had the working title of Armageddon . [1] Part one was the 500th episode of Doctor Who . The final scene of this story was written by producer Graham Williams and incoming script editor . This story was the final six-part story broadcast until Dreamland in 2009. Two other stories during the classic series do come close, however. was partially produced for the next season, but never broadcast and The Two Doctors , when sold internationally, was broken up from its format of 3 x 45 minute episodes into the more traditional 6 x 25 minute episodes. According to Mary Tamm in the DVD featurette "There's Something About Mary", it was while filming this serial that she made her final decision to leave the series. She jokingly suggested that Lalla Ward replace her. Twenty-three minutes into transmission of part five, a technical fault on the playback equipment resulted in the programme going off the air for twenty seconds. The break occurred at the point where the Doctor is being escorted to the TARDIS by the Mute; and the Shadow makes to remove his control device from Princess Astra, saying "Now, Princess, your work is done. Your dest—". BBC continuity apologised to viewers for the breakdown in transmission, displaying a TEMPORARY FAULT caption slide and playing music, "Gotcha" by Tom Scott, better known as the theme music to NBC's cop buddy show Starsky & Hutch (1975-79), until the fault was rectified. When transmission was restarted, the 625 line PAL colour videotape had been slightly rewound so there was a repeat of the action immediately prior to the break — with the Shadow's previously interrupted line also finally completed as "Your destiny is at hand." (Pilot) is uncredited on-screen for part six, but credited in Radio Times . (Mute) is uncredited on-screen for parts five and six, but credited in Radio Times . His character was referred to as "Super Mute" in existing BBC documentation for the story. It was on the set of The Armageddon Factor that Tom Baker was very angry with some scripts. However, director Michael Hayes got along with Baker. PBS's August 19, 2017 syndication of The Armageddon Factor mistakenly had the serial aired in a 1:1 aspect ratio rather than the intended 4:3, causing the video image to appear horizontally squashed for the entirety of the serial's duration. [2] Roughly two months after this serial's broadcast, the anime series Mobile Suit Gundam first aired in Japan. Like this serial, it featured a faction called Zeons, though their uniforms bore closer resemblance to those worn by the Atrions. Most notably, Char Aznable's uniform closely resembles the one worn by the Marshal of Atrios. and Dave Martin initially envisaged Drax as an elderly eccentric, thinking along the lines of the aged prisoner in The Count of Monte Cristo . In the original storyline, both Atrios and Zeos were populated. Astra (at that point called "Reina", a name later changed to avoid confusion with Prince Reynart from The Androids of Tara ) was an astrophysicist who had discovered the Shadow's planet lying between the two warring worlds. The conflict had arisen because Atrios and Zeos blamed each other for a catastrophic shift in their orbits; they were being egged on by the Shadow, known as "the Presence" on Atrios and "the Voice" on Zeos. The Doctor was forced to use the makeshift Key To Time to temporally freeze both planets' armies. The Shadow's own shadow turned out to be the sixth segment of the Key To Time. His plan was to use the powers of the Key to pit one half of the universe in war against the other half. The Doctor stopped the Shadow by unfreezing the Atrian and Zeon armies and giving each the coordinates of the Shadow's "Castle of Evil". The Black Guardian originally didn't appear in the climax. Originally, the Doctor simply decided that he did not trust the White Guardian with the Key, and consequently scattered the six segments again to prevent anyone from controlling it. This was changed when Cyril Luckham was unavailable to reprise his role. Outtakes and gag reel footage [ edit | edit source ] Several clips of scene performances not intended for broadcast have been circulated from this serial, including two sequences videotaped during rehearsal (Mary Tamm is seen wearing glasses and hair-curlers). In one scene, Tamm and Baker jokingly pretend to move in for a kiss after delivering a line, and in another widely circulated clip, the Doctor replies to a negative comment from K9, "You never f****** know the answer when it's important!" Off screen crewmembers laughed at both of these outtakes. It was also during production of The Armageddon Factor that Baker, Tamm and John Leeson filmed a brief one-minute gag scene dubbed "Doug Who?" for the BBC staff Christmas party. The scene begins with the Doctor and Romana sitting on the floor by the TARDIS console, apparently kissing off screen, and then acting tipsy as they share a bottle of vodka with K9, who is asked to sing a few bars of "We Wish You a Merry Christmas". The Doctor then asks K9 what he wants for Christmas; K9 replies and then asks the Doctor for what his desire is, to which the Doctor looks into the camera and then leers at Romana, who leers back before the two actors and the crew break into laughter. To date, the rehearsal outtakes have not been commercially released, though they are widely available on video-posting websites. "Doug Who?", retitled "Merry Christmas Doctor Who", is included as a bonus feature in the expanded Key to Time DVD set released in 2007 in the UK and 2009 in Region 1. Details about DOCTOR WHO and The Armageddon Factor by Terrance Dicks (1984) Target UK pb. You must return items in their original packaging and in the same condition as when you received them. If you don't follow our item condition policy for returns , you may not receive a full refund. Refunds by law: In Australia, consumers have a legal right to obtain a refund from a business if the goods purchased are faulty, not fit for purpose or don't match the seller's description. More information at returns .