Filming in Filming in Croatia 2013 Filming in Croatia 2013 Contents

Introduction · 5 Regions · 66 Istria · 69 The Croatian Film Commission · 8 Kvarner and the Highlands · 73 Co-Production Funding · 13 · 77 Cash Rebate · 14 Slavonia · 83 Cultural Test · 17 Central Croatia · 87

Resources and Infrastructure · 22 Brief Overview of International Production know-how · 26 Productions in Croatia · 93 Production Companies · 27 Facilities and Technical Equipment · 29 Address Book · 107 Crews · 31 Production Companies · 109 Costumes & Props · 33 Post-Production, Service Locations · 35 and Rental Companies · 129 Hotels & Amenities · 37 Cinema Clubs and Art Associations · 138 Airports · 39 Distribution Companies · 140 Sea Transport · 41 State and Public Institutions · 143 Buses and Railways · 43 Professional Associations and Guilds · 144 Traffic and Roads · 45 Authors Societies and Rights Organizations · 146 Useful Info · 46 Institutions of Higher Education for Filming and Location Permits · 49 Professionals in Film, Television, Theatre Visas · 50 and Related Areas · 147 Working Permits for Foreign Film Festivals · 148 Nationals · 51 National Customs Regulations · 52 Broadcasters · 150 Temporary Import of Cinemas · 151 Professional Equipment · 53 Film Publications · 154

Facts about Croatia · 54 Basic info · 59 Basic Phrases · 63 Distances · 64

Courtesy of Formula Film Introduction

Croatia may be a small country, but it has a remarkably vibrant film industry, with exceptional local talent and production companies that have an impressive record in domestic and international production.

With the 20% cash rebate introduced in 2012, skilled profession- als and production costs among the lowest in , Croatia is making its way back on Europe’s filmmaking map. These factors, in combination with spectacular locations and the country’s proximity to some of Europe’s largest filmmaking cen- ters such as Vienna, Budapest, Munich and Prague have led to a steady rise in the international production of commercials, televi- sion serials and major international feature films in Croatia. The year 2008 was a turning point, both for Croatian filmmakers and for international production companies filming in Croatia. In the summer of 2007, the Croatian Parliament passed a new Film Act, underlying its commitment to boosting the creative indus- tries in the country.

Lighthouse Struga, Lastovo 4Courtesy of Bunker Filming in Croatia 2013 Filming in Croatia 2013 5 In January 2008, the newly founded governing film body, The Among these structural changes is the digitization of the Cro- Croatian Audiovisual Centre, opened its doors. In May 2008, atian independent cinema network, organized by the Croa- Croatia became the first candidate country to join the European tian Audiovisual Centre, in cooperation with the Ministry of Cul- Union’s MEDIA Programme. ture. The digitization project is expected to be finished by Spring 2013, converting a total of 99% of the country’s cinemas to digital, thus enabling audiences throughout Croatia access to a wider cin- ema landscape and a more diverse cultural offering. 2012 has been a remarkably Furthermore, staying true to its pledge to continue giving its full support to developing filmmaking and film culture in Croatia and successful year for Croatia’s film to attracting international film projects to the country, the govern- ment has introduced the Film Production Incentive Program industry, bringing about an increase (i.e. Cash Rebate Program). Amongst the first 5 projects that have applied for the Program are 3 feature length films (amongst them in the number of films shot and is 1 co-production), 1 tv series and 1 tv film. Originating from the US, the UK, , and , these projects screened, an increased interest in prove that the variety of the country’s locations, in combination with high-quality local service providers and financial feasibility domestic film among the Croatian have placed Croatia back on the world production map. audience, international success of Croatian co-productions and short-length works at film festivals worldwide, as well as a few important structural changes.

6 Filming in Croatia 2013 Filming in Croatia 2013 7 The Croatian Film Commission

Erdut, Zvonimir Tanocki, Courtesy8 of the Croatian Tourist Board Filming in Croatia 2013 Filming in Croatia 2013 9 The Croatian Film Commission

As an integral part of the Croatian Audiovisual Centre, the Croatian Film Commission is here to help navigate filmmakers through the production waters and incentives available in Croatia.

If you are considering shooting your next project in Croatia, the Croatian Film Commission would be an excellent first point of contact. With a wealth of information and insight into the nuts and bolts of filmmaking, we can provide you with all the necessary information you need in order to make an informed decision and make the most out of your filming experience in Croatia. We work closely with both the commercial, as well as the public sector in Croatia and can assist you with any queries regarding your shoot and stay in Croatia – from pairing you with local production personnel that matches your shooting requirements and assisting you with preliminary location scouting, through providing you with information concerning legal requirements, permits and logistics and putting you in touch with local and state authorities, to consult- ing you on our financing and co-production schemes and providing you with continuous support throughout your entire project cycle.

Zagreb, from the set of Room 302 by Birgitte Staermose Nikola10 Predović, Courtesy of MP Filmska Produkcija Filming in Croatia 2013 Filming in Croatia 2013 11 Co-Production Funding

The Croatian Audiovisual Centre provides public funding for the development and support of the Croatian Audiovisual Industry.

Support is provided for script and project development; film pro- duction, promotion and international sales; festivals and audio support schemes; film education, culture and archives, as well as skills and training initiatives. International feature film co-productions are eligible to apply for grants, provided they are able to qualify as official co-productions under the bilateral co-production treaties that Croatia has with other countries or under the provisions of The European Conven- tion on Cinematographic Co-Production. In addition to three bilateral co-production treaties with France, Germany and Canada, Croatia has also ratified the European Convention on Cinematographic Co-production. Croatia is a member of the European co-production fund eurim- ages and has joined the eu media 2007 Programme in May 2008.

From the set of Goltzius and the Pelican Company by Peter Greenaway 12 CourtesyFilming of MP Filmska in Croatia produkcija 2013 Filming in Croatia 2013 13 Cash Rebate Television Drama and Animation. The Rebate does not apply to Commercials, Reality tv, Game Shows and Soaps.

This is a new Production Incentive What constitutes qualifying expenditure? The benefit is based on the cost of Croatian cast and crew work- Programme introduced in 2012. ing in Croatia, as well as goods and services purchased in Croatia. It is available to international and How does it work from the foreign producer’s point of view? local filmmakers in the form of The foreign producer must team up with a local Croatian co- producer or production service provider. The Croatian production a cash rebate of up to 20% of company applies to the Croatian Audiovisual Centre (havc) for a provisional certificate before the start of production, and for a production costs incurred in Croatia. final certificate upon completion of the production in Croatia. The Croatian partner is responsible for compliance with prescribed GENERAL INFO formal requirements. The Croatian partner provides the full range of production services, including locations scouting, scheduling, Type of incentive? budgeting, casting and crewing, and takes full responsibility for Cash Rebate. all production services carried out in the State throughout the life- span of the production. How much is the benefit worth? Up to 20% of the qualifying expenditure. When is it paid? The net benefit will be made available on completion of produc- Is there a cap on the amount that can be raised? Yes, tion, audit of the final cost statement and evidence that all the there is a ceiling of 20 million Kunas on qualifying local expendi- requirements have been met. ture per project. The minimum local spend per project is 300,000 Kunas for Documentaries and 2 million Kunas for Feature Films. Is there a cultural test a project must pass or some other criteria it must meet? What type of projects qualify? Yes. The Croatian cultural test comprises three categories: ‘cul- The Rebate applies to Feature Films, Documentaries, Short Films, tural content’, ‘creative collaboration’ and ‘production resources’.

14 Filming in Croatia 2013 Filming in Croatia 2013 15 Cultural Test

Minimum requirements: to be eligible, the project must score a minimum total of 15 points (from a maximum of 37), granted that at least 7 points are scored in Section B (Creative Collaboration) and at least 4 points in Section C (Production/Use of Croatian Resources).

Motovun, from the set of Red Tails by Anthony Hemingway 16 FilmingCourtesy in ofCroatia Pakt Media 2013 Filming in Croatia 2013 17 SECTION A Number SECTION B Number Cultural Content of points Creative Collaboration of points (Maximum of 12 Points) received Simulation (Maximum Of 15 Points) received Simulation

A1 The storyline or topic of the work is based on a B1 The work contributes to the development person, character or events that are part of Croatian of its genre 3 or European culture, history, mythology or religion 2 B2 Contributors to the work include Croatian A2 The work is set at a Croatian location or another citizens in their role as: max. 6 European location, or its pictures represent a Croatian or another European location or cultural Director 1 setting 2 Producer 1 A3 The storyline or topic of the work is based on the adoption of a literary or other work of cultural At least one creator: 1 importance (such as fine art, music, theatre, play, etc.) 2 DOP, Screenwriter, Scriptwriter, Composer or Head Animator A4 The storyline or topic of the work focuses on contemporary issues from a cultural, sociological or At least one creative collaborator or head of 1 political perspective 2 department: Art Director, Costume Designer, Editor, A5 The final version of the work is in Croatian or Make-up Artist, First Cameraman, Sound another European language 2 Engineer, Wardrobe Director, First ad, Production Manager, Unit Manager, Visual A6 The work features a contemporary artist from Effects Supervisor, Character Designer another discipline and his/her contribution is a (animation), Background Designer (animation) substantial part of the work 2 or Lead Modeler (animation)


Minimally 3 supporting Actors/Actresses 1 B3 Other cast and crew members max. 6 SECTION C Number Production/Use of Croatian Resources of points At least 50 per cent of the cast and crew (Maximum Of 10 Points) received Simulation members of the work realized in Croatia, with the exception of the contributors who scored C1 Shooting and/or production takes place on points in B2 and extras, are citizens of Croatia. 6 locations or in studios in Croatia max. 5 OR At least 40 per cent of the cast and crew At least 50 per cent of the total number of members of the work realized in Croatia, with shooting/production days are in Croatia 5 the exception of the contributors who scored OR points in B2 and extras, are citizens of Croatia. 4 At least 30 to 50 per cent of the total number of OR shooting/production days are in Croatia 3 At least 30 per cent of the cast and crew OR members of the work realized in Croatia, with At least 15 to 30 per cent of the total number of the exception of the contributors who scored shooting/production days are in Croatia 2 points in B2 and extras, are citizens of Croatia. 3 C2 Production uses Croatian service providers in TOTAL POINTS SCORED IN SECTION B 15 Croatia max. 5

At least 50% of the total production service expenses incurred in Croatia are paid to the Croatian service provider. 5 OR At least 30% of the total production service expenses incurred in Croatia are paid to the Croatian service provider. 3 OR At least 15% of the total production service expenses incurred in Croatia are paid to the Croatian service provider. 2

TOTAL POINTS SCORED IN SECTION C 10 Resources and Infrastructure

Motovun, from the set of Red Tails by Anthony Hemingway 22Courtesy of Pakt Media Filming in Croatia 2013 Filming in Croatia 2013 23 Vodnjan, Istria Resources and Infrastructure Courtesy of MP Filmska produkcija Croatia offers an ideal combination of filming conditions. It is a small, yet diverse country, whose breathtaking locations feature landscapes and architecture that can accommodate even the most demanding visual requirements. In addition, Croatia’s long standing tradition of film and commer- cials production has helped foster a number of highly skilled film crews and production companies who are able to ser- vice multiple big productions simultaneously shooting in Croatia. Croatia’s modern roads and communications infrastruc- ture allows not only easy access to locations, but also for an over- all ease of planning in all stages of production. All these factors combined with one of Europe’s most competitive rates, a 20% cash rebate and the proximity to all major European film hubs place Croatia as one of the most artistically and financially viable filming destinations.

24 Filming in Croatia 2013 Filming in Croatia 2013 25 logistical support. Among the projects that were shot in Croatia in more recent years, are HBO’s Game of Thrones (Season 2 and 3), Oliver Hirschbiegel’s Diana, Peter Greenaway’s Goltzius and the Pelican Company (supported, among others, by The Croatian Audiovisual Centre and Eurimages) and Anthony Hemingway’s Red Tails.

Production Companies

There are a number of full-service production companies in Croa- Courtesy of Pakt Media tia with experience in international productions. Croatian production companies can assist you in any aspect and phase of your project – from preliminary location scouting, tax Production know-how and legal advice services, through assisting with visa applications, shooting permits, accommodation, travel and catering arrange- Croatia has an impressive track record in international production, ments, to casting, facilities and equipment rental, special effects, especially prior to the 90’s, when it was among the largest European editing, sound post-production or anything else your project may service production destinations for American productions, second require. only to the UK. Films shot in Croatia include Norman Jewison’s Whether looking for a co-producer or a production service pro- Oscar winning Fiddler on the Roof (1971), Volker Schlöndorff’s vider with international experience, the best step is to contact the Oscar winning Tin Drum (1979), István Szabó’s Oscar contender Croatian Film Commission who can help put you in touch with a Colonel Redl (1985), etc. company tailored to your production needs. In addition to a striving local av industry, the continuous influx of international co-production and production projects keeps Croatia For a list of production companies, up to date with the current film and commercial production trends and techniques. please see the Address Book Today, Croatia boasts exceptional local talent; both in front as well as behind cameras, experienced film crews and excellent section of the Guide.

26 Filming in Croatia 2013 Filming in Croatia 2013 27 Facilities and Technical Equipment

Spreading over an area of 110,000 square metres, contains 25,000 square metres of studio complex and additional buildings with 5 sound stages of various sizes. In addition to a few smaller studios, there are a number of ware- houses and open lots throughout the country that are regularly adapted by local production companies for large-scale shoots. Croatia’s state of the art technical infrastructure offers filmmak- ers an assortment of equipment, such as film and video cameras, sound, lighting and grip equipment, as well as postproduction ser- vices, such as film processing and scanning, picture and sound editing, computer animation, special effects and compositing. Several equipment rental houses with experience in domestic and international productions and their qualified English-speaking technicians trained to work with a wide range of equipment are able to cater to your every need. Local state of the art postproduction facilities, ranging from picture and sound editing, sfx, computer animation to dubbing studios are able to deliver complex renderings on short deadlines.

From the set of Goltzius and the Pelican Company by Peter Greenaway 28Courtesy of MP Filmska produkcija Filming in Croatia 2013 Filming in Croatia 2013 29 Crews

Croatia’s film crews are highly skilled and reliable and are able to efficiently carry out even the most demanding production.

With a continuous influx of international productions shooting in the country, Croatia’s offer of experienced English-speaking as- sistant directors, actors, cinematographers, production and cos- tume designers, key technicians, animators, location managers and other av professionals is on a steady rise. If you are looking to hire local talent in the Art Department, Grip, Post-production or any other department, the Croatian Film Com- mission can assist you in finding the most suitable and qualified companies and freelance artist and technicians that are able to do the job skillfully, on time and on budget. There are also a number of local casting agencies whose com- prehensive databases contain detailed profiles of principal talent and extras of a wide range of looks, skills and experience in film, tv, and commercials. In addition, there are some full-service production agencies that have their own in-house casting departments, so you can be sure that you will find the perfect match for any given role.

From the set of Ana German by Artem Antonov Courtesy of MP Filmska produkcija 30 Filming in Croatia 2013 Filming in Croatia 2013 31 Costumes & Props

With a tradition of international co- productions that includes spaghetti- westerns, WWI and WWII movies, historical and biblical dramas, sci-fi movies etc., Croatia offers some of the largest collections of period and theme specific costumes and accessories.

In addition to film studios and theatres offering ready-made cos- tumes, there are also a number of local designers and tailors with experience in period wear, able to create tailor-made costumes. Croatia also has an impressive collection of props: furniture, weapons and period vehicles, both military and civilian. The same amount of creative energy and skills can be found in lo- cal craftsmen and set designers, whose painting, carpentry, wood- working and other skills are guaranteed to build even the most elaborate sets that are consistent with the story, tone and visual identity of your project.

From the set of Goltzius and the Pelican Company by Peter Greenaway 32Courtesy of MP Filmska produkcija Filming in Croatia 2013 Filming in Croatia 2013 33 Locations

For a relatively small country, Croatia offers a wide variety of geo- graphical and cultural locations. Especially interesting are 1,246 islands along the Adriatic coast; the karst limestone land forma- tions of the coastal hinterland; the Istrian peninsula... Croatia is a country that boasts breathtaking landscapes comprising Adriatic islands, mountains and spectacular waterfalls, to name some. His- torically, the country has always stood at the crossroads of East- ern and Western cultures, and even nowadays it stays true to its designation as a meeting point of different cultures. Indeed, it is a space where the Roman rubs with the Medieval, the Renaissance and the best of the Baroque, peacefully co-existing with the 19th century Austro-Hungarian architecture and design and the best examples of the post WWII design, such as the newly restored Ti- to’s villas in Split and the Brioni archipelago off the Western coast of Istria, which stand testimony to more recent times and customs. Such a varied and eclectic sample of possible filming locations is not commonly found. Croatia is also one of the rare countries that boast an amazing mixture of different climates: continental, Mediterranean and mountainous, and all that in a radius of less than 200 kilometres. In practical terms, this means that it is enough for the film crew to be placed, for example, in the city of Sinj (an hour car drive from the seaside, but also an hour car drive from the mountains cov- ered by snow) in order to be able to film three completely different seasons and landscapes, if needed.

Istria Courtesy of Pakt Media 34 Filming in Croatia 2013 Filming in Croatia 2013 35 Opatija Petar Trinajstić, Courtesy of Hotels & Amenities the Croatian Tourist Board Croatia has a very well developed tourism infrastructure and is able to meet all accommodation demands.

Whether you are looking to book a 5 star or boutique hotel, private villa, lighthouse or a b&b, there are a number of local agencies able to arrange individual or group stays that will cater to your specific needs. Croatia’s rich culinary tradition that reflects the country’s sundry geographical position and colorful history can be savored in many local restaurants and taverns throughout the country. In addition, Croatia offers a wide range of bars, cafes and clubs. Throughout the year, Croatia offers many cultural events – con- certs, festivals, theatres, and exhibits can be enjoyed in all major Croatian cities. More information on Croatia can be found on the website of the Croatian National Tourist Board.

36 Filming in Croatia 2013 Filming in Croatia 2013 37 Airport Locations Airports

1 Pleso airport 1 International air traffic goes through the seven airports: Zagreb, 2 Split–Kaštel airport 4 Zadar, Split, Dubrovnik, Rijeka, Osijek and Pula. 3 Dubrovnik airport 8 4 Osijek airport The domestic carrier is Croatia Airlines, but all major established 5 Zadar airport 6 companies fly to Croatia. There are also a number of low cost air- 6 Pula airport 9 lines with direct flights to Croatian airports: Aer Lingus, Air Berlin, 7 Brač airport 8 Rijeka airport Air One, Arkefly, Blue1, bmibaby, Condor, Wings, EasyJet, 9 Mali Lošinj airport 5 flybe, GermanWings, InterSky, Jet2, Monarch Airlines, Norwegian Air Shuttle, Ryanair, Smart Wings, Thomas Cook Airlines , 2 Thomson Airways, Vueling and Wizz Air. 7 web:


Airports Smaller Airports

Airport Pula Airport Dubrovnik Airport Brač +385 (0)52 550 900 +385 (0)20 773 333 +385 (0)21 550 715

Airport Rijeka Airport Osijek Airport Mali Lošinj +385 (0)51 842 132 +385 (0)31 514 400 +385 (0)51 231 666

Airport Zadar Airport Zagreb +385 (0)23 205 800 +385 (0)1 4562 222

Airport Split +385 (0)21 203 555

38 Filming in Croatia 2013 Filming in Croatia 2013 39 Sea Transport

Maritime traffic goes through the ports of Rijeka, Ploče, Split, Za- dar, Dubrovnik, Hvar and Korčula. The largest Croatian passenger port is Split in Dalmatia, also called the gateway to the islands, followed by Zadar. The main Croatian ship passenger carrier Jadrolinija maintains the majority of regular, international and domestic car-ferry, ship and high- speed lines, but there are a number of other privately owned carriers.

Web: Croatian Port Authorities’ Association web–site: Ferry services are also available to .

Hrvoje Serdar, Courtesy of the40 Croatian Tourist Board Filming in Croatia 2013 Filming in Croatia 2013 41 Buses and Railways

Croatian Railways Croatia’s railway system is well developed and offers direct connections with , , Italy, , Switzer- land, Germany, and . There are transfer connections with almost all other European countries. All rail services are operated by the national railway company Croatian Railways (Hrvatske željeznice). web:

Buses The Croatian bus network is well developed and even the remot- est parts of Croatia are reachable by bus. Regular international bus lines connect Croatia with neighbour- ing countries and the majority of Central European and Western European countries. Information service for calls from inside Croatia: 060 313 333 Information service for calls from outside Croatia: +385 (0)1 611 2789 web:

Zagreb Courtesy42 of MP Filmska produkcija Filming in Croatia 2013 Filming in Croatia 2013 43 Traffic and Roads

The Croatian highways network is considered to be of very good overall quality and excellent security.

Croatia has now over 1,400 km of motorways connecting the capi- tal Zagreb to most other regions. The best-known motorways are A1, connecting Zagreb to Split and A3, passing east–west through northwest Croatia and Slavonia. There is also a smaller network of roads connecting to the high- ways. When travelling to Croatia by car, be sure that you carry a valid driver’s license, your vehicle registration papers and the Green Card or Certificate of Insurance. The speed limit is 50 km/h in settlements; 80 km/h in out of set- tlements; 110 km/h on roads and 130 km/h on motorways, unless stated differently. A toll is charged on most motorways. Cash payments are in Kunas; Euros and all major credit cards are accepted. Toll fee calculator:

Croatian motorways web:

Courtesy44 of Formula Film Filming in Croatia 2013 Filming in Croatia 2013 45 Useful Info

Zagreb Courtesy of Fomula Film 46 Filming in Croatia 2013 Filming in Croatia 2013 47 Cres, church built for the set of Icelandic Vulcano Filming and Location Permits by Alexandre Coffre Courtesy of Adriatic Film No official permission is required for feature film shoots or any other type of production other than the normal requirement for permission from the owner or the authority responsible for the location in question. However, under the terms of the Film Act, all productions filming in Croatia are obliged to register the shoot with the Croatian Au- diovisual Centre by filling out the standardized form, which can be obtained by contacting the Croatian Audiovisual Centre or down- loaded from the following link:

We do recommend teaming up with a local production company if you are planning to shoot in Croatia, as the local know-how of the policies and procedures will greatly reduce the time spent on preparing and executing your project. A Croatian partner can help with obtaining funding from various public and private sources and can also provide a full range of pro- duction services from pre-production to principal photography and post-production, as well as sharing all important local knowledge and personal contacts.

48 Filming in Croatia 2013 Filming in Croatia 2013 49 Visas Working Permits for Foreign Nationals

Foreign nationals filming in Croatia on a temporary basis do not Citizens of the eu and European require a working permit. Foreign nationals staying in hotels or other type of accommodation through a local service provider or Economic Area member states, co-producer are automatically registered by the hotelier or the Croatian partner. Australia, Canada and the US do not Foreign cast and crew intending to stay in Croatia for longer than 60 days must apply for a temporary residence permit and should require a visa to enter Croatia. contact the Croatian Ministry of Interior no later than 30 days prior to expiration of their 60 days stay. Continuous stay or total duration of consecutive stays may not exceed 90 days in the period of 6 months, counting from the date The Croatian Audiovisual Centre of first entry. Citizens of other countries who are subject to visa requirements can put you in touch with Croatian are obliged to apply for a visa prior to their entry to the Republic of Croatia. partners who can assist you If there is no Croatian diplomatic mission or consular post in the applicant’s country, a visa application may be submitted to the with obtaining all the necessary nearest Croatian diplomatic mission/consular post. For more detailed information on the visa regime and a full list of paperwork for a foreign crew countries subject to visa requirements visit: member.

Additional details: The Law on Foreigners dated October 28, 2011: and Amendments to the Law, published in the Official Gazette (‘Narodne Novine’) No. 130/2011 on November 16, 2011 are regula- tions pertaining to the residence of foreigners in the Republic of Croatia. Contact your local Croatian embassy for more information.

50 Filming in Croatia 2013 Filming in Croatia 2013 51 Customs Regulations Temporary Import of Professional Equipment Customs regulations in the Republic of Croatia are almost entirely harmonised with eu regulations and standards, but the value of non-commercial items that can be brought into the country for The procedure of temporary admission is regulated under the personal use and are exempt from tax duty or vat, is limited to Customs Law of the Republic of Croatia. only 1,000 Kunas. In the temporary admission procedure, foreign goods may be Foreign and local currency and traveler’s cheques may be freely used on the customs territory of the Republic of Croatia, with full taken in and out of the country by both foreign and Croatian citi- or partial exemption from payment of import duties and exemption zens with foreign residence, but transfers of an amount of 10,000 from trading measures, when the foreign goods are intended to Euros or more must be declared to a customs official. be re-exported in the same state as they were in at import, except Valuable professional equipment and other technical devices for impairment loss resulting from the use of these goods. must also be declared to a customs official at the border crossing. Goods may remain in temporary admission procedure for up to vat is refunded to persons who do not have permanent or tempo- 24 months, with the option for determination of special deadlines. rary residence in Croatia, for individual goods purchased in Croa- Goods can be imported into the Republic of Croatia on the basis tia, for amounts in excess of 740,00 Kunas, upon the presentation of an ata Carnet issued by the Croatian Chamber of Commerce. of a Tax Refund Cheque form verified by a customs official during An ata Carnet is a simple international customs document used the export of purchased goods, at the latest 3 months from the for simplifying temporary admission to a foreign country with a day of purchase. Foreign nationals must claim Tax refund within validity date of one year. This document provides temporary ad- six months of the receipt issue date. mission of certain categories of goods in the customs territory of any country that has adopted the Convention on temporary admis- sion without using national customs documents, customs duties For additional information, please or deposits, which is part of the regular procedure for temporary import or export. contact the Customs Administration:

52 Filming in Croatia 2013 Filming in Croatia 2013 53 Facts about Croatia

Baranja, Mario Romulić & Dražen Stojčić, Courtesy of the Croatian Tourist Board 54 Filming in Croatia 2013 Filming in Croatia 2013 55 Facts about Croatia

Croatia lies between central and eastern Europe bordering the . It extends over 56,594 square kilometres, bordering Slovenia in the west, Hungary in the north, Serbia in the east and Bosnia and Herzegovina in the south. Croatia also has a long maritime border with Italy in the Adriatic Sea. It has an amazing 5,835 km of coast- line, 4,058 km of which belongs to the 1,246 islands in the Adriatic. Croatia can be divided into three geographically distinct zones: the Coastal region; the Mountain region; and the Pannonian re- gion. Its terrain composes of rocky coastlines, flat plains along the Hungarian border, densely wooded mountains, lakes, and rolling hills. Among the 8,216 square kilometres of protected areas of nature are eight National parks, eleven Nature parks and numerous other reserves.

The country’s rich cultural heritage that endured the Roman, Ve- netian, Italian and Austro-Hungarian rule is evident in its architec- ture, which offers outstanding examples ranging from pre-Roman, Romanesque, Renaissance, Baroque, Classical and modern archi- tecture.

56 Filming in Croatia 2013 Filming in Croatia 2013 57 Zagreb Sergio Gobbo, Courtesy of Basic info the Croatian Tourist Board Official name: Republic of Croatia Official language: Croatian Official script: Latin Monetary unit: Croatian Kuna (kn) Population: 4,284,889 (2011 census) Capital city: Zagreb (population of 790,017 – 2011 census)

Geographical facts Larger cities (Population)

Total area: 87,661 km2 Zagreb: 790,017 Land area: 56,594 km2 Split: 178,102 Territorial sea area: 31,067 km2 Rijeka: 128,624 Total lenght of coast: 5,835 km Osijek: 108,048 Length of Mainland coast: 1,777 km Zadar: 75,062 (30,5%) Velika Gorica: 63,517 Length of Island coast: 4,058 km Slavonski Brod: 59,141 (69,5%) Pula: 57,460 Number of Islands, solitary rocks and Karlovac: 55,705 reefs: 1,246 (48 inhabited) Sisak: 47,768 Source: Statistical Yearbook 2010.

58 Filming in Croatia 2013 Filming in Croatia 2013 59 National Parks Highest peak: Dinara, 1,831 metres (Area in square kilometres) above sea level. Brioni Islands: 36 Kornati Islands: 234 Capital: With 790,017 inhabitants, river: 110 Zagreb is the economic, transport, Mljet: 54 cultural and academic centre of the Northern Velebit: 109 country. : 36 Plitvice lakes: 295 Climate: Croatia’s climate is mostly Risnjak: 64 continental and Mediterranean, while its highest peaks have a mountain climate, Mountains: Highest peak which includes snowfall. Dinara: 1,831 m Average temperatures in the continen- Kamešnica: 1,810 m tal interior are: January -2 to 0°C, with Biokovo: 1,762 m somewhat lower temperatures at the Velebit: 1,758 m highest altitudes; August approximately Plješivica: 1,657 m 20°C, with around 12°C at the highest Velika Kapela: 1,533 m altitudes. Risnjak: 1,528 m Average temperatures in the Littoral Svilaja: 1,508 m (Adriatic Coast) are: January -5 to 9°C, Snježnik: 1,506 m August 22 to 25°C. The sea temperature in winter is 12°C Location: Croatia borders with and approximately 25°C in summer. Slovenia and Hungary in the north, Serbia in the east, Bosnia and Currency: The official currency in Herzegovina and in the Croatia is the Kuna (1 Kuna = 100 Lipa). south. Foreign currency can be exchanged in banks, exchange offices, post offices Coastal border: Croatia shares the and in the majority of tourist information coastal border on the Adriatic Sea with offices and hotels. Italy. Credit cards (Mastercard, Visa, Ameri- can Express and Diners) are accepted Number of islands, solitary in almost all hotels, marinas, restau- rocks and reefs: 1,246. The largest rants, shops and cash machines. islands are Krk and Cres. There are 48 inhabited islands.

National Park Plitvice Damir Fabijanić, Courtesy of 60the Croatian Tourist Board Filming in Croatia 2013 Filming in Croatia 2013 61 Public holidays: 2013 Basic Phrases New Year: January 01 English Croatian Pronunciation The Epiphany: January 06 Easter: March 31 Hello Bok bohk Easter Monday: April 01 Labour Day: May 01 Good morning Dobro jutro DOH-broh yoo-troh Corpus Christi: May 30 Anti-Fascist Resistance Day: June 22 Good afternoon Dobar dan DOH-bahr dahn Statehood Day: June 25 Victory and National Thanksgiving Day: Good evening večer DOH-brah VEH-chehr August 05 The Assumption: August 15 Goodnight Laku noć LAH-koo nohtch Independence Day: October 08 All Saints Day: November 01 How are you? (f/inf) Kako ste? / Kako si? KAH-koh steh / KAH-koh see? Christmas Day: December 25 Boxing Day: December 26 Fine Dobro, hvala DOH-broh, HVAH-lah

Useful info Thank you Hvala Hva-la Time zone: cet (gmt + 1) Dialing code: +385 You’re welcome Nema na čemu! NEH-mah nah cheh-moo Exit for international calls: 00 Emergency hotline: 112 Goodbye Zbogom / Doviđenja Daw-vee-je-nya Telephone directory: 988 gsm Network: T-mobile (098), vipnet Yes / No Da / Ne Dah / Ne (091), Tele 2 (095) Electricity: 220V, 50 Hz Nice to meet you Drago mi je DRAH-goh mee yeh Driving: on the right What’s your name? Kako se zoveš? KAH-koh seh ZOH-vehsh Exchange rate as of Dec 20th 2012 My name is _____ Zovem se _____ ZOH-vehm she____ 1 Euro (eur) = 7,532 Croatian Kuna (hrk) Do you speak English? Govorite li engleski? GOH-voh-ree-teh lee EHN-glehs-kee 1 British Pound (gbp) = 9,248 Croatian Kuna (hrk) I don’t understand Ne razumijem NEH RAH-zoo-mee-yehm 1 us Dollar (usd): 5,675 Croatian Kuna (hrk) Excuse me Žao mi je ZHA-oh mee yeh

I’m sorry Pardon PAR-don 62 Filming in Croatia 2013 63 Distance between major Croatian cities Distances to Zagreb (in kilometres)

DubrovnikKarlovacOsijek Pula Rijeka ŠibenikSlav.BrodSplit VaraždinZadar Zagreb

Dubrovnik – 566 555 711 594 309 490 223 650 382 592 Amsterdam 1470 km Los Angeles 10029 km Karlovac 566 – 322 236 130 294 236 338 134 280 56 Athens 1550 km Madrid 2320 km Beijing 7646 km Moscow 2370 km Osijek 555 322 – 572 452 486 95 484 236 503 282 Belgrade 405 km München 545 km Pula 711 236 572 – 110 406 482 503 390 334 292 Berlin 1170 km New York 6883 km Rijeka 594 130 452 110 – 296 358 371 264 228 184 Budapest 360 km Oslo 2100 km Bruxelles 1420 km Paris 1400 km Šibenik 309 294 486 406 296 – 414 86 428 72 344 Chicago 7697 km Podgorica 766 km Slav.Brod 490 236 95 482 358 414 – 398 273 431 197 Copenhagen 1580 km Prague 750 km

Split 223 338 484 503 371 86 398 – 472 159 387 Dublin 2243 km Rome 970 km Graz 181 km Sarajevo 420 km Varaždin 650 134 236 390 236 428 273 472 – 414 77 Helsinki 2310 km Singapore 9747 km Zadar 382 280 503 334 228 72 431 414 414 – 339 Hong Kong 8860 km Stockholm 2140 km Istanbul 1173 km Tokyo 9354 km Zagreb 592 56 282 292 184 344 197 77 77 288 – Lisbon 2950 km Tirana 924 km Ljubljana 134 km Vienna 400 km London 1645 km Zürich 770 km

64 Filming in Croatia 2013 Filming in Croatia 2013 65 National Park Kornati Regions Courtesy of Formula Film

Although Croatia is officially divided into 21 administrative regions, the country can be divided into 5 clusters: Istria, Kvarner and the Highlands, Dalmatia, Slavonia and Central Croatia.

66 Filming in Croatia 2013 Filming in Croatia 2013 67 Rovinj, Istria Istria Courtesy of Bunker Location: Istria is the westernmost county of the Republic of Croatia and occupies the largest peninsula of the Adriatic Sea, with an area covering 2,820 km2, mirroring the bay of Venice across from the Adriatic Sea and bordering Slovenia.

Rivers: , , Raša National park: Brioni Administrative centre: Pazin Economic centre: Pula Other cities and towns: Pazin, Poreč, Rovinj, Opatija, Umag, Novigrad, Labin, Buzet, Motovun… Web: ·

The beauty of the Istrian landscape continues to inspire artists and travelers alike. The picturesque small towns of Istria with their narrow streets, towers, churches and old palaces are scattered among lush green hills and valleys. Indeed, the views are spectacular: vineyards, olive groves, valleys, mountains and streams that flow into the crystal blue sea. The city of Pula is the region’s cultural and economic center and home to one of the best-preserved Roman amphitheatres in the world. The town’s 3,000 year history reveals itself through its rich architecture, where Roman temples, baroque palaces, early Chris- tian churches, Austrian villas, remnants of mediaeval walls and the antique town gates still stand as vivid reminders of its glorious past.

68 Filming in Croatia 2013 Filming in Croatia 2013 69 Motovun, Istria Sergio Gobbo, Courtesy of the Croatian Tourist Board

Pula, Istria Renco Kosinožić, Courtesy of the Croatian Tourist Board

Other cities in Istria include Rovinj, one of the most beautiful towns on the Adriatic coast; Poreč, a living cultural monument whose foundations were laid during the Roman Empire; and Umag, whose narrow streets preserved a Medieval urban structure.

70 Filming in Croatia 2013 Filming in Croatia 2013 71 Brseč, Kvarner Kvarner and the Highlands Renco Kosinožić, Courtesy of the Croatian Tourist Board Location: This region includes the seashore and highlands north of Dalmatia and is composed of 2 sub-regions; the littoral region of the Bay of Kvarner and the mountainous and forested region of and Gorski Kotar.

Mountain peaks: Bjelolasica (1,534 m), Risnjak (1,528 m), Snježnik (1,506 m), Vaganski vrh (1,757 m), Visočica (1,619 m), Ljubičko brdo (1,320 m), Šatorina (1,624 m), Veliki Zavižan (1,676 m) Rivers: , Lika, and Novčica Lakes: Krušćica, Plitvice lakes National parks: Risnjak, Plitvice, North Velebit, Paklenica Nature parks: Velebit Islands: Krk, Cres, Lošinj, Rab, Pag Largest city: Rijeka Other cities and towns: Opatija, Crikvenica, Novi Vinodolski, Krk, Rab, Karlovac, Delnice, Gospić, Otočac, Senj… Web:

Only an hour drive from Italy, and a 1,5 hour drive from the Croa- tian capital Zagreb, Kvarner is a region that offers an ideal solution for those looking for a maximum diversity of locations, settings and climates over a small area surface – Kvarner offers the coast, the islands and the highlands, all within an area of 3582 km2.

brseč,72 by renco kosinožić Filming in Croatia 2013 Filming in Croatia 2013 73 Cres, Kvarner Courtesy of Adriatic Film

Its capital Rijeka, Croatia’s biggest port, is a middle-European looking city with a cosmopolitan vibe, that is home to palaces in the baroque and neo-classicist style, art galleries, museums and a beautiful theatre. Croatia’s two biggest islands, Krk and Cres are also situated in Kvarner. Both islands offer pristine beaches, beautiful vistas of vineyards and olive groves, and numerous architectural examples of their rich history: Roman, Venetian and Austro-Hungarian. As venerable counterparts of the coastal area are the mountain- ous regions of Gorski Kotar and Lika, where the National Parks Risnjak, Northern Velebit and the Plitvice Lakes, along with nu- merous other protected nature parks, offer dreamlike settings of unspoiled nature: sparkling springs that grow into beautiful riv- ers, streams and rivulets; dense, fairytale-like forests; soft graz- ing meadows; translucent lakes; magnificent hills and spectacular mountain landscapes overlooking the Adriatic Sea. National Park Plitvice Damir Fabijanić, Courtesy 74 Filming in Croatia 2013 Filming in Croatia 2013 of the Croatian Tourist Board 75 Dalmatia

Location: Dalmatia is the coastal region of the Republic of Croa- tia located in the central part of the Eastern Adriatic coast, cover- ing an area of circa 12,000 km2.

Mountains: the largest Dalmatian mountains are Dinara, Mosor, Svilaja, Biokovo, Moseć and Kozjak Rivers: , Krka, , Lakes: Krušćica, , Lake Prokljan National parks: Paklenica, Kornati, Krka and Mljet Nature parks: Velebit, Biokovo, The Lastovo Islands, Telašćica, Vransko lake Biggest islands: Brač, Hvar, Korčula, Vis, Dugi Otok, Ugljan, Pašman, Pag Largest city: Split Other cities and towns: Zadar, Biograd, Šibenik, Trogir, Ma- karska, Kaštela, Sinj, Solin, Omiš, , Metković, Makarska, Du- brovnik, Ploče, Trilj, Imotski… Web:

Dalmatia is the long coastal strip of the Adriatic Sea and its many islands, separated from the continent by a mountain range. It is traditionally divided into three sub–regions: Northern Dalmatia, which has lots of small islands and a deep, connected inland (Za- dar); Central Dalmatia with bigger islands (Brač and Hvar), moun- Visovac, National Park Krka Ivo Pervan, Courtesy of the 76Croatian Tourist Board Filming in Croatia 2013 Filming in Croatia 2013 77 tains close to coast (Biokovo) and a somewhat separated inland (Split); Southern Dalmatia, which is the narrow strip of land around Dubrovnik. The astonishing natural beauties of Dalmatia have much more to offer than just its legendary combination of white stone and blue sea. Further divided into three sub-regions of Northern, Central and Southern Dalmatia, this region offers some of the most beauti- ful Mediterranean beaches with rough cliffs or sandy shores; wild rapids that dissipate into scenic rivers; crystal-clear lakes and 5 of Croatia’s 8 unesco protected cultural landscapes. The natural and architectural wonders make Dalmatia not only one of the most attractive tourist destinations, but also provide for a perfect shooting location. Filmmakers can choose from a range of different natural and ar- chitectural settings - perfectly preserved ancient ruins of the Dio- cletian’s Palace in Split; Roman and Medieval forts; Romanesque churches or Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque buildings from the Venetian period. The cities of Zadar, Šibenik, Split and Dubrovnik are the region’s main hubs, but the surrounding National parks, nature reserves, as well as towns and villages on the islands and in the hinterland all have amazing filming potential.

Dubrovnik, Dalmatia 78 Filming in Croatia 2013 FilmingCourtesy in of CroatiaMP Filmska 2013 produkcija 79 Obrovac, Dalmatian hinterland Velebit Courtesy of Formula Film Courtesy of Formula Film

Neretva river Josip Madračević, Courtesy of the Croatian Tourist Board

80 Filming in Croatia 2013 Filming in Croatia 2013 81 Slavonia

Location: Situated in the far eastern part of Croatia, bordering with Hungary, Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slavonia is outlined by the rivers in the North, in the South and the Danube in the East.

Mountains and hills: Psunj, Papuk, Požeška Gora, Krndija, Dilj Rivers: Sava, Drava, Danube, Iloka Nature parks: Papuk, Kopački Rit Largest city: Osijek Other cities and towns: Slavonski Brod, Vinkovci, Vukovar, Đakovo, Požega, Virovitica, Nova Gradiška, Slatina, Županja, Našice, Valpovo, Belišće… Web:

Famous for its wide golden plains, oak forests and ancient wine cellars, Slavonia is Croatia’s most fertile region, where picturesque villages and the surrounding cultivated fields offer the ideal rustic setting. Slavonia is also home to the cities of Osijek, Slavonski Brod, Vuko- var and Đakovo, whose unique continental architecture features Baroque and Classicist palaces, forts, and cathedrals. In the vicinity of Osijek is the world-famous Kopački Rit, a natural wetlands reserve formed at the confluence of the Drava river into Ilok, Slavonia Mario Romulić & Dražen Stojčić, Courtesy of the Croatian Tourist 82 Filming in CroatiaBoard 2013 Filming in Croatia 2013 83 Osmanlijan, Slavonia Sergio Gobbo, Courtesy of the Croatian Tourist Board

Osijek, Slavonia Mario Romulić & Dražen Stojčić, Courtesy of the Croatian Tourist Board

the Danube and covering an area of 17,000 hectares. Kopački Rit is home to around 40 species of freshwater fish, 267 species of marsh birds and one of the largest natural fish nurseries in Central Europe. The reserve offers stunning scenery of nature in its most diverse and untamed form. The ample aesthetic appeal of Slavonia’s cultural, architectural and natural sites offer filmmakers an opportunity to create magi- cal and captivating settings that are guaranteed to enrich the dra- matic impact of their photography.

84 Filming in Croatia 2013 Filming in Croatia 2013 85 Central Croatia

Location: Central Croatia occupies the north–eastern region of Croatia and is situated between two large entities: the mountain- ous part in the south–west, through which routes continue to- wards the Coast, and the Slavonian plain in the east. Rivers: Mura, Drava, Sava, Kupa, Mountains: Medvednica, Žumberak Nature parks: Medvednica, Žumberak, Largest city: Zagreb Other cities and towns: Varaždin, Čakovec, Karlovac, Križevci, Koprivnica, , Bjelovar, Sisak Web:

Lying in the valleys of the rivers Sava, Drava and Mura, this con- tinental part of Croatia is also home to Croatia’s capital Zagreb. Central Croatia is a region where lowlands mesh with rolling hills covered with vineyards and beech and oak forests. The area of- fers well-preserved medieval citadels, 19th century feudal manors, Baroque castles and cities and beautifully groomed parks. Among the cities and towns are Varaždin, dubbed “Croatia’s Vien- na”, Čakovec, Karlovac, Bjelovar, Koprivnica, Krapina and Križevci and Sisak. Castle Trakošćan 86Courtesy of Bunker Filming in Croatia 2013 Filming in Croatia 2013 87 Zagreb Courtesy of Embassy Films

Zagreb Courtesy of Formula Film

Zagreb, Croatia’s capital, is also its largest city and the country’s cultural, economic and cinematic hub. Zagreb is a typical Cen- tral European city with an old city centre featuring classicist and secessionist facades in the Austro-Hungarian style, a Baroque Upper Town, a colorful open-air market in the vicinity of a beauti- ful Gothic cathedral, and magnificent green parks throughout the city. The city centre, bustling with life, offers the majority of the city’s cultural and gastronomic venues, with museums, galleries, theatres, charming coffee houses, restaurants, and clubs. The commercial centre of Zagreb features modern architecture with high-rise buildings that can stand in as any contemporary European city.

Zagreb 88 FilmingCourtesy in of CroatiaFormula 2013Film Filming in Croatia 2013 89 Zagorje Tomislav Rastić, Courtesy of the Croatian Tourist Board

Because of its architectural and geographical diversity, Zagreb and its surrounding areas provide filmmakers with a variety of looks, which makes it an ideal location for shooting various set- tings in a relatively small area. Zagreb offers a wide range of accommodation and has excellent air, road and train connections to other European and non-Euro- pean cities. In addition to the Zagreb International Airport, that is only 17 km away from the city centre, a new network of motorways connects Zagreb to Italy, Austria, Slovenia and Hungary.

Castle Maruševac Courtesy90 of Adriatic Film Filming in Croatia 2013 Filming in Croatia 2013 91 Brief Overview of International Motovun, from the set of BriefProductions Overview in Croatia Red Tails by Anthony Hemingway of International Courtesy of Pakt Media Productions in Croatia

92 Filming in Croatia 2013 Filming in Croatia 2013 93 2012 2011 2008

Anthony Bourdain: No Game of Thrones, Season 2, Missing, ABC television series Penelope, directed by Ben Ferris, Reservations, Discovery Channel’s Produced by HBO produced by Stillking Films (Steve Shill, starring Natalie Finderle, Frano TV series documentary Ken Bates), starring Ashley Judd, Sean Mašković Goltzius and the Pelican Bean, Cliff Curtis, Adriano Giannini, Man, Woman, Wild, Discovery Company, directed by Peter Nick Eversman and Tereza Voriskova 2007 Channel’s Reality TV series Greenaway, starring F. Murray Abraham, Alba Rohrwacher and Halina Reijn Dr.Who, TV series produced by BBC, The Hunting Party, directed by Cure, directed by Andrea Štaka, starring David Tennant, Matt Smith and Richard Shepard, starring Richard starring Silvija Marinković, Lucija Room 304 (Vaerlese 304), directed Karen Gillan Gere, Sigourney Weaver and Terrence Radulović, Leon Lučev and Franjo Dijak by Birgitte Staermose, starring Mikael Howard Birkkjaer, Karl David Sebastian Denick, Once Brothers, directed by Michael Diana, directed by Oliver Hirschbiegel, Stine Stengade Tolajian, starring Kenny Anderson, Larry Einstein And Eddington, directed starring Naomi Watts, Douglas Hodge Bird and Vlade Divac by Philip Martin, starring David Tennant and Geraldine James Venuto al mondo, directed by Sergio and Andy Serkis Castellitto, starring Penélope Cruz, Emil 2009 Game of Thrones, Season 3, Hirsch, Jane Birkin 2006 Produced by HBO White Lightnin’, directed by Dominic Nick, directed by Fow Pyng Hu, Murphy, starring Ed Hogg, Carrie Fisher, Crusade in Jeans (Kruistocht The Bachelorette, ABC’s reality TV starring Elisa Beuger, Merijn de Jong, Muse Watson Production in spijkerbroek), directed by Ben series Marcel Hensema Sombogaart, starring Joe Flynn, Season of the Witch, directed by Stephanie Leonidas and Emily Watson Unterwegs Mit Elsa, TV film directed Skin to the Max (HBO series), Dominic Sena, starring Nicolas Cage, by Bettina Woernle, starring Michaela directed by Steven Cantor Ron Perlman, Claire Foy The Hunt For Troy (Der May, Ulrike C. Tscharre and Alicia von Geheimnisvolle Schatz von Troja), Rittberg 2010 Masterwork, directed by Jeffrey directed by Dror Zahavi, starring Nachmanoff, starring Ariyon Bakare, Adriana Altaras, Dennis Chmelensky Eyjafjallojökull (Icelandic The Duel, directed by Dover Natalie Dormer, Merrin Dungey and Marta Joanna Chruscinski Volcano), directed by Alexandre Kosashvili, starring Andrew Scott, Fiona Coffre, starring Denis Ménochet, Malik Glascott, Niall Buggy, Tobias Menzies Dreams (Knäcka), directed by Ivica Bentalha, Tiphaine Daviot, Dany Boon Zubak, starring Hanna Alström, Cengiz Max Schmeling, directed by Uwe Aslan and Ramazan Aslan Boll, starring Henry Maske, Susanne Wuest, Heino Ferch

94 Filming in Croatia 2013 Filming in Croatia 2013 95 2005 2002 1993 1990

Casanova (TV mini-series), starring Dream Warrior, directed by Zachary Death Train (TV), directed by David The Plot to Kill Hitler (TV), directed Rose Byrne, David Tennant and Peter Weintraub, starring Daniel Goddard, Jackson, starring Pierce Brosnan, by Lawrence Schiller, starring Brad O’Toole Lance Henriksen and Sherilyn Fenn Patrick Stewart and Alexandra Paul Davis, Madolyn Smith Osborne and Ian Richardson Ultimate Force, directed by Mark 2001 1992 Burson, starring Mirko Cro Cop Rosenkrantz and Guildernstern Filipovic, Ruza Madarevic and Igor Galo Chico, directed by Ibolya Fekete, Landslide, directed by Jean-Claude are Dead, directed by Tom Stoppard, starring Eduardo Rózsa Flores, Sergio Lord, starring Anthony Edwards, Tom starring Gary Oldman, Tim Roth and 2004 Hernandez, Richie Varga, Saša Anočić, Burlinson and Melody Anderson Richard Dreyfuss Mladen Vulić, Damir Lončar The Fever, directed by Carlo Gabriel Sidney Sheldon’s The Sands of Fatal Sky, directed by Frank Shields, Nero, starring Vanessa Redgrave, 1997 Time, directed by Gary Nelson, starring starring Michael Nouri, Darlanne Michael Moore, Rade Serbedzija and Deborah Raffin, Michael Nouri and Fluegel and Maxwell Caulfield Angelina Jolie Welcome to Sarajevo, directed by Amanda Plummer Michael Winterbottom, starring Stephen Night of the Fox (TV), directed Mathilde, directed by Nina Mimica, Dillane, Woody Harrelson and Marisa 1991 by Charles Jarrott, starring George starring Jeremy Irons, Nutsa Tomei Peppard, Michael York and John Mills Kukhianidze and Dejan Acimovic Under Cover (The Company) Comanche Territory (Territorio (TV), directed by Harry Winer, starring 2003 Comanche), directed by Gerardo Anthony John Denison, Linda Purl and Herrero, starring Imanol Arias, Carmelo John Rhys-Davies Kiss Of Life, directed by Emily Young, Gómez and Cecilia Dopazo starring Ingeborga Dapkunaite and Memories of Midnight (TV), directed Peter Mullan 1994 by Gary Nelson, starring Jane Seymour, Omar Sharif and Theodore Bikel La Femme Musketeer, directed Veillées d’armes (documentary), by Steve Boyum, starring Gérard directed by Marcel Ophüls, starring The Pope Must Die, directed by Depardieu, Michael York and Nastassja Christiane Amanpour, Paul Amar and Peter Richardson, starring Robbie Kinski Sergio Apollonio Coltrane, Alex Rocco and Adrian Edmondson

Ashenden (TV mini-series), directed by Christopher Morahan, starring Fiona Mollison, Alex Jennings and Joss Ackland

96 Filming in Croatia 2013 Filming in Croatia 2013 97 1989 1988 1987 1985

Forbidden Sun, directed by Zelda War and Remembrance, TV mini- Dirty Dozen: The Deadly Mission The Aviator, directed by George Miller, Barron, starring Lauren Hutton, Cliff De series directed by Dan Curtis, starring (Dirty Dozen III), TV series directed starring Christopher Reeve, Rosanna Young and Svetislav Goncic Robert Mitchum, Jane Seymour and by Lee H. Katzin, starring Telly Savalas, Arquette and Jack Warden Hart Bochner Ernest Borgnine and Vince Edwards The Forgotten, directed by James Transylvania 6-5000, directed by Keach, starring Keith Carradine, Steve Dirty Dozen: The Fatal Mission Princess Academy, directed by Rudy De Luca, starring Jeff Goldblum, Railsback and Pepe Serna (Dirty Dozen IV), directed by Lee H. Bruce A. Block, starring Eva Gabor, Lu Joseph Bologna and Ed Begley Jr. Katzin, starring Telly Savalas, Ernest Leonard and Richard Paul Intrigue (TV), directed by David Drury, Borgnine and Hunt Block Wallenberg: A Hero’s Story (TV), starring Scott Glenn, Robert Loggia and 1986 directed by Lamont Johnson, starring William Atherton Dirty Dozen: The Series, TV series Richard Chamberlein, Alice Krige, directed by Douglas Hickox, Kevin Armour of God (Long xiong hu di), Kenneth Colley, Melanie Mayron, Stuart That Summer of White Roses, Connor and directed by Jackie Chan, starring Jackie Wilson, Bibi Anderson directed by Rajko Grlic, starring Tom Virgil W. Vogel, starring Glenn Withrow, Chan, Alan Tam and Rosamund Kwan Conti, Susan George and Nitzan Ben Murphy and John Bradley Mussolini: The Untold Story (TV Sharron Race for the Bomb (TV mini-series), mini-series), directed by William A. Manifesto, directed by Dusan directed by Jean-François Delassus, Graham, starring Spencer Chandler, Makavejev, starring Camilla Søeberg, Allan Eastman, starring Miki Manojlovic, George C. Scott and Lee Grant Alfred Molina and Simon Callow Jean-Paul Muel and Maury Chaykin Arthur the King (Merlin and the A Time of Destiny, directed by Sword) (TV), directed by Clive Donner, Gregory Nava, starring William Hurt, starring Malcolm McDowell, Candice Timothy Hutton and Melissa Leo Bergen and Edward Woodward

The Great Escape II: The Untold Colonel Redl, directed by István Story (TV), directed by Jud Taylor and Szabó, starring Klaus Maria Brandauer, Paul Wendkos, starring Christopher Hans Christian Blech and Armin Reeve, Judd Hirsch and Anthony John Mueller-Stahl Denison

Stealing Heaven, directed by Clive Donner, starring Derek de Lint, Kim Thomson and Denholm Elliott

98 Filming in Croatia 2013 Filming in Croatia 2013 99 1984 1981 1975 1972

Mehmed My Hawk, directed by Peter Egon Schiele – Exzesse, directed Private Vices, Public Pleasures The Magnificent One (E poi lo Ustinov, starring Peter Ustinov, Herbert by Herbert Vesely, starring Mathieu (Vizi privati, pubbliche virtu`), chiamarono il magnifico), directed Lom and Denis Quilley Carrie`re, Jane Birkin and Christine directed by Miklós Jancsó, starring by Enzo Barboni, starring Terence Hill, Kaufmann Lajos Balázsovits, Pamela Villoresi and Gregory Walcott and Yanti Somer Les cavaliers de l’orage, directed by Franco Branciaroli Gérard Vergez, starring Marle`ne Jobert, 1979 1971 Gérard Klein and Vittorio Mezzogiorno 1974 The Tin Drum (Die Blechtrommel), Fiddler on the Roof, directed by 1983 directed by Volker Schlöndorff, starring Fiddler on the Roof, directed by Norman Jewison, starring Topol, Norma David Bennent, Mario Adorf and Angela Bernard Fein, starring Faith Brook, Crane and Leonard Frey The Winds of War, directed by Dan Winkler Herbert Fuy, Jennie Linden, Ursula Curtis, starring Robert Mitchum, Ali Ludwig, Michael Medwin La corta notte delle bambole di MacGraw and Jan-Michael Vincent 1977 vetro (Malastrana), directed by Aldo Score, directed by Radley Metzger, Lado, starring Ingrid Thulin, Jean Sorel High Road to , directed by Cross of Iron, directed by Sam starring Claire Wilbur, Calvin Culver and and Mario Adorf Brian G. Hutton, starring Tom Selleck, Peckinpah, starring James Coburn, Lynn Lowry Bess Armstrong and Jack Weston Maximilian Schell and James Mason 1970 1973 1982 1976 The Gamblers, directed by Ron Deadly Eagle (Die blutigen Geier Winston, starring Suzy Kendall, Don Sophie’s Choice, directed by Alan The Loves and Times of von Alaska), directed by Harald Reinl, Gordon and Pierre Olaf J. Pakula, starring Meryl Streep, Kevin Scaramouche (Le Avventure e gli starring Doug McClure, Harald Leipnitz Kline and Peter MacNicol amori di Scaramouche), directed and Angelica Ott 1969 by Enzo G. Castellari, starring Michael Jack Holborn (TV mini-series), Sarrazin, Ursula Andress and Aldo Little Mother (Blood Queen), La Cattura, directed by Paolo Cavara, directed by Sigi Rothemund, starring Maccione directed by Radley Metzger, starring starring David McCallum, Nicoletta Patrick Bach, Matthias Habich and Siegfried Rauch, Christiane Krüger and Machiavelli and John Crawford Monte Markham Ivan Desny

100 Filming in Croatia 2013 Filming in Croatia 2013 101 1968 1965 1963 1961

Isadora, directed by Karel Reisz, The Desperado Trail (Winnetou Winnetou (Apache Gold), directed The Tartars (I tartari), directed by starring Vanessa Redgrave, James Fox - III Teil), directed by Harald Reinl, by Harald Reinl, starring Lex Barker, Ferdinando Baldi, Richard Thorpe, and Jason Robards starring Lex Barker, Pierre Brice, Rik Pierre Brice and Marie Versini starring Victor Mature, Orson Welles Battaglia, Ralf Wolter, Carl Lange and Liana Orfei In the Valley of Death (Winnetou Taras Bulba, il cosacco (Plains of und Shatterhand im Tal der Toten), Rampage at Apache Wells (Der Battle), directed by Ferdinando Baldi, Romulus and the Sabines (Il ratto directed by Harald Reinl, starring Lex Ölprinz), directed by Harald Philipp, starring Vladimir Medar, Erno Crisa and delle sabine), directed by Richard Barker, Pierre Brice, Ralf Wolter, Karin starring Stewart Granger, Pierre Brice Lorella De Luca Pottier, starring Roger Moore, Myle`ne Dor, Eddi Arent and Walter Barnes Demongeot and Jean Marais 1962 1966 Old Surehand (Flaming Frontier), 1960 directed by Alfred Vohrer, starring The Trial, directed by Orson Welles, Winnetou: Thunder at the Border Stewart Granger, Pierre Brice and Larry starring Anthony Perkins, Jeanne David and Goliath (David e Golia), (Winnetou und sein Freund Old Pennell Moreau and Romy Schneider directed by Ferdinando Baldi and Firehand), directed by Alfred Vohrer, Richard Pottier, starring Orson Welles, starring Pierre Brice, Rod Cameron, 1964 The Story of Joseph and His Ivica Pajer and Hilton Edwards Marie Versini, Todd Armstrong Brethren (Giuseppe venduto dai The Secret Invasion, directed fratelli), directed by Irving Rapper and Austerlitz, directed by Abel Gance, Half-Breed (Winnetou und das by Roger Corman, starring Stewart Luciano Ricci, starring Geoffrey Horne, starring Pierre Mondy, Martine Carol Halbblut Apanatschi), directed by Granger, Raf Vallone and Mickey Robert Morley and Belinda Lee and Claudia Cardinale Harald Reinl, starring Lex Barker, Pierre Rooney Brice, Gotz George, Uschi Glas, Ralf Constantine and the Cross Son of Samson (Maciste nella Wolter Last of the Renegades (Winnetou (Costantino il grande), directed valle dei re), directed by Carlo - II Teil), directed by Harald Reinl, by Lionello De Felice, starring Cornel Campogalliani, starring Mark Forest, starring Lex Barker, Pierre Brice, Wilde, Belinda Lee and Massimo Serato Chelo Alonso and Angelo Zanolli Anthony Steel, Karin Dor, Renato Baldini, and Klaus Kinski

Frontier Hellcat (Unter Geiern), directed by Gian Maria Volonte, starring Stewart Granger, Pierre Brice and Elke Sommer

102 Filming in Croatia 2013 Filming in Croatia 2013 103 1959 1946 1935 1922

Sheba and the Gladiator (Nel In the Mountains of Yugoslavia A zivot jde dál, directed by Carl Der alte Gospodar, directed by Rolf segno di Roma), directed by Guido (V gorakh Yugoslavii), directed by Junghans, F.W. Kraemer and Václav Randolf, starring Ernst Deutsch, Sadjah Brignone, starring Anita Ekberg, Abraham Room and Eduard Tisse, Kubásek, starring Ladislav H. Struna, Ita Gezza and Berta Hedén Georges Marchal and Folco Lulli starring Vjekoslav Afric, Ivan Bersenev Rina and Zlata Dryáková and Olivera Markovic 1918 As the Sea Rages, directed by Horst 1930 Hächler, starring Maria Schell, Cliff 1941 The Sunflower Woman, directed Robertson and Cameron Mitchell He or I (Er oder ich), directed by by Michael Curtiz, starring Ivo Badalic, Menschen im Sturm, directed by Harry Piel, starring Harry Piel, Valerie Jenö Balassa and Lucy Doraine 1954 Fritz Peter Buch, starring Gustav Diessl, Boothby and Hans Junkermann Olga Tschechowa and Hannelore The Little Czar (Der Zarewitsch), Schroth Die Jagd nach der Million, directed directed by Arthur Maria Rabenalt, by Max Obal and Rudolf Walther-Fein, starring Luis Mariano, Sonja Ziemann 1939 starring Luciano Albertini, Gretel Berndt and Iván Petrovich and Elza Temary The White Yacht in Split (Bílá Sonne über der Adria, directed jachta ve Splitu), directed by Ladislav 1924 by Karl Georg Kulb, starring Joachim Brom, starring Theodor Pistek, Jirina Brennecke, Anneliese Kaplan, Carola Sedlácková and Leopolda Dostalová Finances of the Grand Duke (Die Hohn, Erika Remberg Finanzen des Großherzogs), 1937 directed by Fridrich Wilhelm Murnau, 1953 starring Mady Christians, Harry Liedtke Die Korallenprinzessin (An der and Robert Scholtz A Heart’s Foul Play (Ein Herz schönen Adria), directed by Victor spielt falsch), directed by Rudolf Janson, starring Iván Petrovich, Hilde Jugert, starring O.W. Fischer, Ruth Sessak and Ita Rina Leuwerik and Carl Wery Gasparone, directed by Georg Jacoby, starring Marika Rökk, Johannes Heesters and Heinz Schorlemmer

104 Filming in Croatia 2013 Filming in Croatia 2013 105 X Address Book

From the set of Parada, Courtesy106 of MP Filmska Produkcija Filming in Croatia 2013 Filming in Croatia 2013 107 abbreviations: Production Companies Format: F · feature films 24 sedam Adria AMS C · commercials Hercegovačka 119, 10 000 Zagreb Čalogovićeva 3, 10 000 Zagreb TV · TV production c/o Bruno Razum, Tomislav Rukavina­ c/o Robert Uradin MM · multimedia tel: +385 (0)1 3704 514 tel: +385 (0)1 6602 574 MV · music videos email: [email protected] gsm: +385 (0)99 2718 124 I · industry/corporate videos website: fax: +385 (0)1 6602 574 D · documentaries — email: [email protected] A · animation D · A · E · S website: E · experimental P · PP — S · short films TV · MM 3D2D ANIMATORI P Specialisation: Poljana Zdenka Mikine 10, 10 000 P · production Zagreb Adriatic Film PS · full production service c/o Lado Skorin Kalabarevo vrelo 11a, 10 000 Zagreb CO · co-production tel: +385 (0)1 3755 281 c/o Davor Žafran PP · post-production gsm: +385 (0)98 367 506 tel: +385 (0)1 4684 686 SC · service company fax: +385 (0)1 3756 335 fax: +385 (0)1 4684 385 RC · rental company email: [email protected] email: [email protected] — website: website: F · C · TV · MM · MV · I · D · A · E · S — — P · PS · CO · PP · SC · RC A · E · S F · C PS · PP P · PS

4 Film Alka Film Bauerova 6, 10 000 Zagreb Dedići 21, 10 000 Zagreb c/o Anita Juka c/o Jozo Patljak tel: +385 (0)1 4828 774 tel: +385 (0)1 4674 187 gsm: +385 (0)91 2512 803 fax: +385 (0)1 4674 187 fax: +385 (0)1 4828 775 email: [email protected] email: [email protected] — website: F — P · PP · RC F · D · A · S P · CO

109 ALT F4 Antitalent Produkcija Art De Facto Ater Radnički dol 8, 10 000 Zagreb B. J. Jelačića 54, 10 290 Zaprešić Jakićeva 4, 10 000 Zagreb Kameniti stol 38, 10 000 Zagreb c/o Helena Bulaja c/o Danijel Pek c/o Darko Bavoljak c/o Mario Pulek tel: +385 (0)1 4823 619 tel: +385 (0)1 4001 456 tel: +385 (0)1 2330 644 tel: +385 (0)1 4580 879 email: [email protected] gsm: +385 (0)91 1250 205 gsm: +385 (0)95 2330 644 gsm: +385 (0)91 4580 879 website: fax: +385 (0)1 4001 457 fax: +385 (0)1 2345 150 fax: +385 (0)1 4550 412 — email: [email protected] email: [email protected] email: [email protected] MM · D · A · E website: website: website: P — — — C · TV · I · D D · E · S F · C · I · D · A · E · S Animateria PS · SC · RC P P · PS · PP · SC · RC Lička 33, 10 000 Zagreb gsm: +385 (0)98 787 098; Ars Animata Studio Art Film Atelier Bacači Sjenki / Shadow Casters +385 (0)98 1635 229 Prilaz V. Brajkovića 12/3, 10 020 Zagreb Ružmarinka 31, 10 000 Zagreb Martićeva 44, 10 040 Zagreb email: [email protected] c/o Ljupče Đokić c/o Darko Bućan c/o Boris Bakal — tel: +385 (0)1 6529 974 gsm: +385 (0)91 5139 055 tel: +385 (0)1 4640 262 MM · I · A gsm: +385 (0)98 431 748 email: [email protected] email: [email protected] P fax: +385 (0)1 6529 974 website: website: email: [email protected] — Aning usluge — A — Zeleni trg 4, 10 000 Zagreb A · E P D tel: +385 (0)1 6184 502 P P gsm: +385 (0)91 6284 527 Artizana Film email: [email protected] Ars Septima Vukovarska 222, 10 000 Zagreb Balduči Film website: Svačićev trg 10, 10 000 Zagreb c/o Irena Škorić Dankovečka 9, 10 040 Zagreb — c/o Lidija Ivanda gsm: +385 (0)98 9420 845 c/o Spomenka Saraga F tel: +385 (0)1 4856 510 gsm: +385 (0)98 1644 572 tel: +385 (0)1 2916 358 P fax: +385 (0)1 4856 510 gsm: +385 (0)91 5233 950 gsm: +385 (0)98 9873 199 email: [email protected] email: [email protected] email: [email protected] website: — — — F · D · A · E · S TV · D F · D P P P · CO

F · feature films I · industry/corporate videos P · production PP · post-production C · commercials D · documentaries PS · full production service SC · service company TV · TV production A · animation CO · co-production RC · rental company 110 MM · multimedia E · experimental MV · music videos S · short films Bis Melior produkcija Bonobostudio Car Herc Croatian Films/ Hrvatski Film Kumičićeva 1, 10 000 Zagreb Barutanski jarak 31, 10 000 Zagreb Strmeničkoga put 6a, 10 090 Zagreb Gundulićeva 46, 10 000 Zagreb c/o Hrvoje Habeković c/o Vanja Andrijević c/o Nelica and Miro Andrić c/o Antonia Dubravka Carnerud tel: +385 (0)1 4577 274 tel: +385 (0)1 4834 445 tel: +385 (0)1 3483 097 tel: +385 (0)1 4814 551 gsm: +385 (0)95 9113 512 fax: +385 (0)1 4834 455 fax: +385 (0)1 3483 097 gsm: +385 (0)91 5476 160 fax: +385 (0)1 4577 274 email: [email protected] email: [email protected]; fax: +385 (0)1 5613 374 — website: [email protected] email: [email protected] F — website: website: PS C · MV · A · E — — P · CO · PP TV · I · D F · D Blank P · PP CO · SC Matije Divkovića 7, 10 090 Zagreb Brojka produkcija c/o Dario Juričan Stara Knežija 10, 10 000 Zagreb Corvus film Croatian Film Clubs’ Associa­tion / gsm: +385 (0)91 8938 172 c/o Kristijan Kaurić Milana Rešetara 5, 10 000 Zagreb Hrvatski filmski savez (HFS) email: [email protected] tel: +385 (0)1 5579 060 c/o Zvonimir Munivrana Tuškanac 1, 10 000 Zagreb website: gsm: +385 (0)99 5183 634, tel: +385 (0)1 3893 027 c/o Vera Robić-Škarica — +385 (0)99 4399 206 fax: +385 (0)1 3893 027 tel: +385 (0)1 4848 771 F · D · S email: [email protected] email: [email protected] fax: +385 (0)1 4848 764 P website: website: email: [email protected] — — website: Bold Studio C · S F · TV · I · D · S — Mlinarska cesta 61a, 10 000 Zagreb P · PP · SC P F · D · A · E · S c/o Borko Grujić P tel: +385 (0)1 4677 904 Bunker fax: +385 (0)1 4677 904 Bauerova 4, 10 000 Zagreb Katančićeva 3, 10 000 Zagreb DA Film email: [email protected] c/o Jasminka Grbelja c/o Biserka Mihalić Boškovićeva 16, 10 000 Zagreb website: gsm: +385 (0)98 418 392 tel: +385 (0)1 4813 711 c/o Dejan Aćimović — email: [email protected] fax: +385 (0)1 4922 568 gsm: +385 (0)98 238 804 C · A website: email: [email protected] fax: +385 (0)1 4816 610 P · PP — website: email: [email protected] F · C · TV · D · A — — P · PS · SC C · I · D · A F · I · D · S P · PP P · PS · RC

F · feature films I · industry/corporate videos P · production PP · post-production C · commercials D · documentaries PS · full production service SC · service company TV · TV production A · animation CO · co-production RC · rental company 112 MM · multimedia E · experimental MV · music videos S · short films D.I.A.T. Embassy Films / Ambasada Film Filozirka Formula Film Jablanovečka 37, 10 000 Zagreb Masarykov put 10, 20 000 Dubrovnik Selska cesta 18a, 10 000 Zagreb Rapska 46b, 10 000 Zagreb c/o Davor Rogić c/o Erika Milutin c/o David Peroš Bonnot c/o Luka Dmitrović tel: +385 (0)1 3041 012 tel: +385 (0)20 436 009 tel: +385 (0)1 4667 185 tel: +385 (0)1 2950 170 fax: +385 (0)1 3041 012 fax: +385 (0)20 438 005 gsm: +385 (0)98 476 209 gsm: +385 (0)98 211 861 email: [email protected] email: [email protected] fax: +385 (0)1 4667 185 fax: +385 (0)1 2931 100 website: website: email: [email protected] email: [email protected]; — — website: [email protected] C · A F · C — website: P · PP P · PS A — P · PP · SC F · C · TV Diedra Factum P · PS · CO Goljak 10a, 10 000 Zagreb 18, 10 000 Zagreb FIZ Production c/o Dino Krpan c/o Nenad Puhovski Pantovčak 5, 10 000 Zagreb Gral Film tel: +385 (0)1 4851 983 tel: +385 (0)1 4854 821 c/o Hrvoje Hribar Remete 150, 10 000 Zagreb fax: +385 (0)1 4851 983 fax: +385 (0)1 4854 823 tel: +385 (0)1 4823 515 c/o Tomislav Žaja email: [email protected] email: [email protected] fax: +385 (0)1 4823 515 gsm: +385 (0)91 2202 092 website: website: email: [email protected] fax: +385 (0)1 4581 022 — — — email: [email protected] A · E D F website: P · PP P · CO P — F · C · TV Digimark Fade In Focus Media P · PS Avenija V.Holjevca 39, 10 000 Nova Ves 18, 10 000 Zagreb Prilaz V. Brajkovića 2, 10 000 Zagreb Zagreb c/o Morana Komljenović c/o Irena Marković Grupa 7 c/o Marko Franjić tel: +385 (0)1 4667 817 tel: +385 (0)1 6524 737 c/o Tomislav Vujić tel: +385 (0)1 6137 656 fax: +385 (0)1 4667 815 fax: +385 (0)1 6524 741 Zinke Kunc 3b, 10 000 Zagreb fax: +385 (0)1 6130 718 email: [email protected] email: [email protected] tel: +385 (0)1 8889 108 email: [email protected] website: website: gsm: +385 (0)98 801 959 website: — — fax: +385 (0)1 5613 374 — C · TV · I · D F · C · D · E · S email: [email protected] TV · MM · I · D · S P P — P · PP F · D · S P

F · feature films I · industry/corporate videos P · production PP · post-production C · commercials D · documentaries PS · full production service SC · service company TV · TV production A · animation CO · co-production RC · rental company 114 MM · multimedia E · experimental MV · music videos S · short films Horizont produkcija Interfilm Kabinet Kaskader produkcija Maksimirska 34, 10 000 Zagreb Nova Ves 45/2, 10 000 Zagreb Martićeva 51, 10 000 Zagreb Ul. grada Vukovara 62d, 10 000 Zagreb c/o Branko Kos c/o Ivan Maloča c/o Suzana Pandek c/o Nives Zemba tel: +385 (0)1 4586 325 tel: +385 (0)1 4667 290 tel: +385 (0)1 4812 100 tel: +385 (0)1 8889 390 gsm: +385 (0)98 250 255 fax: +385 (0)1 4667 022 gsm: +385 (0)98 766 619 gsm: +385 (0)91 7212 070 fax: +385 (0)1 4586 324 email: [email protected] fax: +385 (0)1 4812 006 email: [email protected] email: [email protected] website: email: [email protected] website: website: — website: — — F · C · TV · D — A F · C · TV P · PS · CO C P P · PS · CO P · PS Istra Film Kinematograf Hulahop Brdo 7 A, 51 000 Rijeka Kadar 22 Nova Ves 18, 10 000 Zagreb Nova Ves 18/3, 10 000 Zagreb c/o Bernardin Modrić Borovina 46a, 10 000 Zagreb c/o Dijana Mlađenović c/o Olinka Vištica, Dana Budisavljević tel: +385 (0)51 216 308 c/o Marko Stanić tel: +385 (0)1 3831 329 tel: +385 (0)1 3907 074 gsm: +385 (0)98 329 162 gsm: +385 (0)91 5037 845 fax: +385 (0)1 3831 329 fax: +385 (0)1 4666 443 fax: +385 (0)51 216 308 email: [email protected] email: [email protected] email: [email protected] email: [email protected] website: website: website: website: — — — — D · S F · D D · A · S TV · I · D P P P · CO P Kaos Kinoljetka In Fine Jadran Film Nazorova 48, 10 000 Zagreb Domagojeva 14, 10 000 Zagreb Nova Ves 45/1, 10 000 Zagreb Oporovečka 12, 10 040 Zagreb c/o Ivan Katić c/o Hrvoje Osvadić c/o Goce Vaskov c/o Vinko Grubišić tel: +385 (0)1 4444 333 gsm: +385 (0)91 2188 480 tel: +385 (0)1 3738 028 tel: +385 (0)1 2928 000 fax: +385 (0)1 4444 334 email: [email protected] gsm: +385 (0)91 4666 429 fax: +385 (0)1 2851 394 email: [email protected] — fax: +385 (0)1 3738 019 email: [email protected] website: F · D · S email: [email protected] website: — P · PS · CO website: — C · A — F P · PS C · A P · PS · RC P · PS

F · feature films I · industry/corporate videos P · production PP · post-production C · commercials D · documentaries PS · full production service SC · service company TV · TV production A · animation CO · co-production RC · rental company 116 MM · multimedia E · experimental MV · music videos S · short films Kinorama Korugva Lumen MaXima Film Štoosova 25, 10 000 Zagreb Zajčeva 31, 10 000 Zagreb Prilesje 81, 10 000 Zagreb B. Adžije 22, 10 000 Zagreb c/o Dragan Jurić c/o Tomislav Radić c/o Boris Veličan c/o Damir Terešak tel: +385 (0)1 2316 787 gsm: +385 (0)91 4183 699 tel: +385 (0)1 2341 856 tel: +385 (0)1 3647 700 gsm: +385 (0)98 380 233 fax: +385 (0)1 2431 339 fax: +385 (0)1 2341 856 fax: +385 (0)1 3647 707 fax: +385 (0)1 2316 788 email: [email protected] email: [email protected] email: [email protected] email: [email protected] — — website: website: F · D · S D · S — — P P F · C · TV · I · D F · D · A · E · S P · PS · CO P · PS · CO Kreativni odjel MASMAS Medulićeva 3, 51 000 Rijeka Božidarevićeva 9, 10 000 Zagreb Maydi Film & Video Kinoteka c/o Davor Pasarić c/o Marko Sušac Čalogovićeva 14, 10 010 Zagreb Zinke Kunc 3 b, 10 000 Zagreb tel: +385 (0)51 323 636 tel: +385 (0)1 2313 444 c/o Maydi Mervar Petranović c/o Ljubo Zdjelarević fax: +385 (0)51 323 637 gsm: +385 (0)91 1211 111 tel: +385 (0)1 6692 500 tel: +385 (0)1 8889 108 email: [email protected] fax: +385 (0)1 2313 444 gsm: +385 (0)98 228 537 gsm: +385 (0)95 9037 754 website: email: [email protected] fax: +385 (0)1 6624 701 email: [email protected] — — email: [email protected] website: C · A · S F · MM · I · E website: — P · PP P · PS · CO — F · C · TV · D · A · S F · D P · PS Kreativni sindikat Master Film P Vincenta iz Kastva 5, 10 000 Zagreb Strma ulica 8, 10 000 Zagreb Kontrafilm c/o Igor Grubić c/o Nenad Suvačarov Media Dizajn Kneza Mislava 10, 10 000 Zagreb tel: +385 (0)1 3840 214 tel: +385 (0)1 6192 083 Trnjanska 9b, 10 000 Zagreb c/o Jakša Borić email: [email protected] fax: +385 (0)1 6192 053 c/o Robert Lučić gsm: +385 (0)91 3337 570 — email: [email protected] gsm: +385 (0)98 9549 591 email: [email protected] A · E website: email: [email protected] website: P — website: — TV — C · TV · MV · S P F · TV P P

F · feature films I · industry/corporate videos P · production PP · post-production C · commercials D · documentaries PS · full production service SC · service company TV · TV production A · animation CO · co-production RC · rental company 118 MM · multimedia E · experimental MV · music videos S · short films Media Pro Audiovizual Metar 60 MP Filmska produkcija NetFilm Studio Remetinečka cesta 139, 10 000 Zagreb Bauerova 6, 10 000 Zagreb Hruševečka 9, 10 000 Zagreb Vijenac 7A1, 10 000 Zagreb c/o Sanja Tucman c/o Mirta Puhlovski c/o Majda Pilat c/o Zoran Vuletić tel: +385 (0)1 6008 345 tel: +395 (0)1 3380 807 tel: +385 (0)1 3822 022 gsm: +385 (0)99 4834 059 fax: +385 (0)1 6008 392 gsm: +385 (0)91 5221 131 fax: +385 (0)1 4836 039 email: [email protected] email: [email protected] fax: +395 (0)1 3380 807 email: website: — email: [email protected] [email protected] — F · C · TV website: website: C · D · S P · SC · RC — P D · S — Mediteran Film P F · C · TV · I · D Non stop produkcija Dobri dol 26, 10 000 Zagreb P · PS · CO Hrastov gaj 20, 10 000 Zagreb c/o Andrija Vrdoljak Milva film i video c/o Zlatan Zuhrić tel: +385 (0)1 2316 111 Langova 63, 10 430 Samobor MR&MRSesterhaus tel: +385 (0)1 2344 111 fax: +385 (0)1 2316 111 c/o Milva Čučić Medveščak 6, 10 000 Zagreb fax: +385 (0)1 2344 111 email: [email protected] tel: +385 (0)1 3362 132 c/o Ivana Hausknecht email: [email protected] — fax: +385 (0)1 3362 799 tel: +385 (0)1 4683 340 website: F · TV · MV · D · S email: [email protected] fax: +385 (0)1 4683 340 — P · CO — email: [email protected] E D · E website: P Metafizika P — Martina Pušteka 8, 10 000 Zagreb F · C · TV · I Nukleus film c/o Maja Adžija Mitropa P · PS Dalmatinska 8, 10 000 Zagreb gsm: +385 (0)91 2340 522 Nova cesta 136, 10 000 Zagreb c/o Siniša Juričić fax: +385 (0)1 3632 325 c/o Pavo Marinković, Sanja Šamanović Moje čarobne misli tel: +385 (0)1 4846 556 email: [email protected] tel: +385 (0)1 3011 993 Radnički dol 8, 10 000 Zagreb fax: +385 (0)1 4846 556 — gsm: +385 (0)98 842 002 c/o Helena Bulaja email: [email protected] F · I · D · E fax: +385 (0)1 3011 993 tel: +385 (0)1 4823 619 website: P email: [email protected] gsm: +385 (0)98 1363 852 — — email: [email protected] D · A D · A website: P · PS · CO P — MM · D · A · E P

F · feature films I · industry/corporate videos P · production PP · post-production C · commercials D · documentaries PS · full production service SC · service company TV · TV production A · animation CO · co-production RC · rental company 120 MM · multimedia E · experimental MV · music videos S · short films Olimp produkcija Ozana Film Petnaesta umjetnost Plavi Mjesec Zagrebačka 211, 10 000 Zagreb Visoka 14a, 10 000 Zagreb Domagojeva 14, 10 000 Zagreb Križnog puta 69, Zagreb c/o Mario Vukadin c/o Krsto Papić c/o Hrvoje Osvadić c/o Dragan Josipović Joss tel: +385 (0)1 3865 060 tel: +385 (0)1 4821 225 gsm: +385 (0)91 2188 480 tel: +385 (0)1 2987 440 gsm: +385 (0)99 3882 488 gsm: +385 (0)98 301 878 email: [email protected] gsm: +385 (0)98 283 811 fax: +385 (0)1 3865 061 fax: +385 (0)1 4821 235 website: fax: +385 (0)1 2987 439 email: [email protected] email: [email protected]– — email: [email protected] website: — D · S website: — F · D P — F · I · D P F · C · TV P · PS · CO Plan 9 produkcija P · PS PAKT Media Vrbanićeva 20, 10 000 Zagreb Orlando Film Jurkovićeva 3, 10 000 Zagreb c/o Šimun Kuliš Proactiva Međimurska 19, 10 000 Zagreb c/o Tina Fras tel: +385 (0)1 4649 272 Preradovićeva 32, 10 000 Zagreb c/o Marina Zovko tel: +385 (0)1 4633 020 email: [email protected] c/o Nikša Sviličić tel: +385 (0)1 3909 090 gsm: +385 (0)91 1804 635 website: gsm: +385 (0)91 5205 070 fax: +385 (0)1 3909 099 fax: +385 (0)1 4572 199 — email: [email protected] email: [email protected] email: [email protected] D · E · S website: website: website: P · PS — — — F · C · I · D F · C · TV · MV · I · D · A F · C · TV Plavi Film P P · PP P · PS · CO Ulica mladosti 39, Buzin, 10 010 Zagreb c/o Igor Vukov Produkcija Živa Otompotom Petikat tel: +385 (0)1 6658 705 Heinzelova 47, 10 000 Zagreb c/o Ivan Klepac Poljana B. Hanžekovića 57, 10 000 gsm: +385 (0)98 211 950 c/o Leon Lučev Kolarova 7, 10 000 Zagreb Zagreb fax: +385 (0)1 6658 706 tel: +385 (0)1 4662 100 gsm: +385 (0)91 5755 347 c/o Boris Greiner email: [email protected] fax: +385 (0)1 4662 100 email: [email protected]; gsm: +385 (0)91 1673 945 website: email: [email protected] [email protected] email: [email protected] — — website: website: C · TV · MV · I F · S — — P P · PS · CO A A · E P P

F · feature films I · industry/corporate videos P · production PP · post-production C · commercials D · documentaries PS · full production service SC · service company TV · TV production A · animation CO · co-production RC · rental company 122 MM · multimedia E · experimental MV · music videos S · short films Project 6 Studio RC Anima Studio Rikšafilm/ Cyclofilm Scenska udruga Leona Baštijanova 25, 10 000 Zagreb Zelengaj 45 1 b, 10 000 Zagreb Demetrove Teute 11, 10 020 Zagreb Sopaljska 32, 22 000 Šibenik c/o Nikola Klobučarić c/o Davor Pećarina c/o Ljiljana Mikulčić c/o Željko Koloper tel: +385 (0)1 3638 663 tel: +385 (0)1 4573 855 tel: +385 (0)98 9911 773 tel: +385 (0)22 212 473 fax: +385 (0)1 3695 806 fax: +385 (0)1 4573 854 email: [email protected] gsm: +385 (0)99 2433 379 email: [email protected] email: [email protected] website: fax: +385 (0)22 217 688 website: website: — email: [email protected] — — D · E · S — D C · TV · A P F · TV P · SC P · PP PS S&S Propeler Film Restart I. G. Kovačića 22, 44 320 Kutina Spiritus movens Production Varšavska 3, 10 000 Zagreb Trg Vladka Mačeka 1, 10 000 Zagreb gsm: +385 (0)91 5764 550 Rakušina 5, 10 000 Zagreb c/o Boris T. Matić c/o Oliver Sertić email: [email protected]; c/o Zdenka Gold tel: +385 (0)1 4923 580 gsm: +385 (0)91 5315 205; [email protected] tel: +385 (0)1 6145 538 fax: +385 (0)1 4827 717 +385 (0)91 8930 675 website: gsm: +385 (0)98 353 968 email: [email protected] fax: +385 (0)1 5573 860 — fax: +385 (0)1 6145 538 website: email: [email protected] TV email: [email protected] — website: P website: F · D · S — — P · CO D Sava F · D · S P · SC Ivanićgradska 59b, 10 000 Zagreb P · PS Radna kuća / Workhouse c/o Tomislav Jagec Črešnjevec 61, 10 000 Zagreb Riblje oko gsm: +385 (0)99 5027 670 Studio devet c/o Nataša Petrović Ferde Kovačevića 15, 10 000 Zagreb email: [email protected] Škrlčeva 31, 10 000 Zagreb gsm: +385 (0)91 5050 776 c/o Joško Marušić — c/o Milan Trenc email: [email protected] tel: +385 (0)1 2335 313 F · TV · I · D gsm: +385 (0)91 5517 343 — gsm: +385 (0)98 201 968 P fax: +385 (0)1 5615 966 F · D · A · E email: [email protected] email: [email protected] P — website: A P — A P

F · feature films I · industry/corporate videos P · production PP · post-production C · commercials D · documentaries PS · full production service SC · service company TV · TV production A · animation CO · co-production RC · rental company 124 MM · multimedia E · experimental MV · music videos S · short films Studio dim Telefilm Tuna Film Udruga UKUS 159/2, 10 000 Zagreb Antuna Vramca 4, 10 000 Zagreb Ulica grada Vukovara 269, 10 000 Šetalište Joakima Rakovca 31, 51 000 c/o Darija Kulenović Gudan, Marina c/o Stanislav Babić Zagreb Rijeka Andree Škop tel: +385 (0)1 4818 843 c/o Davor Tunuković c/o Željka Sukova tel: +385 (0)1 3906 277 fax: +385 (0)1 4818 839 tel: +385 (0)1 6184 731 tel: +385 (0)51 403 846 gsm: +385 (0)91 3821 907 email: [email protected] gsm: +385 (0)98 228 591 email: [email protected] fax: +385 (0)1 3906 278 — fax: +385 (0)1 6184 731 website: email: [email protected]; F · D · S email: [email protected][email protected] P website: I · D · E website: — P — Tipex F · C · TV F · C · MV · D · S Novakova 19, 10 000 Zagreb P · PS · CO · RC Val Produkcija P · PP · SC · RC c/o Dušan Slatković Kalinovica 9, 10 000 Zagreb tel: +385 (0)1 4920 798 Tvornica Svjetlosti c/o Željko Filipović Studio Guberović gsm: +385 (0)98 310 562 Tomaševa 16, 10 000 Zagreb tel: +385 (0)1 3836 022 Tome Matića 17, 10 000 Zagreb fax: +385 (0)1 4818 894 c/o Vladimir Kanić fax: +385 (0)1 3836 070 c/o Mirjana & Želimir Guberović email: [email protected] tel: +385 (0)1 2850 028 email: [email protected] tel: +385 (0)1 2995 886 website: gsm: +385 (0)91 5730 157 website: fax: +385 (0)1 2995 886 — fax: +385 (0)1 2850 028 — email: [email protected] A email: [email protected] C website: P website: P · PS · PP · SC — — D · E Top mag F · C · TV · MV · S Vedis P · PP Đorđićeva 3, 10 000 Zagreb P Badalićeva 14, 10 000 Zagreb c/o Irena Ščurić c/o Veljko Krulčić Studio MNC tel: +385 (0)1 4920 862 Udruga Ninanana tel: +385 (0)1 3640 868 Ul. Grada Vukovara 35a, 10 000 Zagreb gsm: +385 (0)95 9066 379 I. Ferenščica 31, 10 000 Zagreb gsm: +385 (0)98 380 331 c/o Jerko Domagoj Vrdoljak email: [email protected] c/o Svjetlana Blažević email: [email protected] gsm: +385 (0)98 703 929 — tel: +385 (0)1 4003 242 website: fax: +385 (0)1 6171 739 TV · MV · I · D · E · S gsm: +385 (0)91 9833 345 — email: [email protected] P email: [email protected] F · I · D website: — P — F · D · A · E · S D P P

F · feature films I · industry/corporate videos P · production PP · post-production C · commercials D · documentaries PS · full production service SC · service company TV · TV production A · animation CO · co-production RC · rental company 126 MM · multimedia E · experimental MV · music videos S · short films Post-Production, Service Vizije SFT Žimbra Film Med cestama 1a, 10 255 Gornji Stupnik, Radićeva 68, 10 000 Zagreb and Rental Companies Zagreb c/o Slaven Žimbrek c/o Robert Vidić tel: +385 (0)1 4851 436 tel: +385 (0)1 6588 742 gsm: +385 (0)98 314 560 24 sedam Alka film fax: +385 (0)1 6588 742 fax: +385 (0)1 4851 436 Hercegovačka 119, 10 000 Zagreb Dedići 21, 10 000 Zagreb email: [email protected] email: [email protected]; c/o Bruno Razum, Tomislav Rukavina­ c/o Jozo Patljak website: [email protected] tel: +385 (0)1 3704 514 tel: +385 (0)1 4674 187 — website: email: [email protected] fax: +385 (0)1 4674 187 F · C · TV · MV · I · D — website: email: [email protected] P · PP · SC · RC I · D · S — — P P · PP P · PP · RC X!X! kreativna agencija specialisation: image editing, VFX, specialisation: equipment rental Lj. posavskog 15, 21 000 Split Zona Sova computer graphics, image post- (lighting, camera, grip), image post- c/o Milan Latković Mesnička 14, 10 000 Zagreb production production tel: +385 (0)21 339 561 c/o Filip Šovagović gsm: +385 (0)95 9019 878 tel: +385 (0)1 4851 145 3D2D animatori Ankon email: [email protected] email: [email protected] Poljana Zdenka Mikine 10, 10 000 Međugorska 22, 10 000 Zagreb website: — Zagreb c/o Gordana Živković — F · S c/o Lado Skorin tel: +385 (0)1 2987 440 C · MV · S P tel: +385 (0)1 3755 281 fax: +385 (0)1 2987 439 P gsm: +385 (0)98 367 506 email: [email protected] ZOOM fax: +385 (0)1 3756 335 website: P.Borisa Hanžekovića 67, 10 000 Zagreb email: [email protected] — Vlaška 70, 10 000 Zagreb c/o Krešimir Supek website: SC c/o Vinko Brešan tel: +385 (0)1 3664 940 — specialisation: accounting, financial tel: +385 (0)1 4613 689 gsm: +385 (0)91 3664 940 PP reporting and consulting fax: +385 (0)1 4557 068 email: [email protected] specialisation: VFX, SFX, computer email: [email protected] website: animation website: — — F · TV · D · S F · I · D · A · E · S P P · CO · SC · RC

F · feature films I · industry/corporate videos P · production PP · post-production C · commercials D · documentaries PS · full production service SC · service company TV · TV production A · animation CO · co-production RC · rental company MM · multimedia E · experimental 129 MV · music videos S · short films Ater Banana Postproduction Bonobostudio Car Herc Kameniti stol 38, 10 000 Zagreb Ožegovićeva 8, 10 000 Zagreb Barutanski jarak 31, 10 000 Zagreb Strmeničkoga put 6a, 10 090 Zagreb c/o Mario Pulek c/o Davor Švajić c/o Vanja Andrijević c/o Nelica and Miro Andrić tel: +385 (0)1 4580 879 tel: +385 (0)1 2365 838 tel: +385 (0)1 4834 445 tel: +385 (0)1 3483 097 gsm: +385 (0)91 4580 879 fax: +385 (0)1 6261 383 fax: +385 (0)1 4834 455 fax: +385 (0)1 3483 097 fax: +385 (0)1 4550 412 email: [email protected] email: [email protected] email: [email protected]; email: [email protected] website: website: [email protected] website: — — website: — PP P · PP · SC — PP · RC specialisation: image and sound post- specialisation: animation, sets & SC specialisation: camera rental, DI production, design, motion graphics, props, VFX, compositing, image post- specialisation: underwater services, sound design and post- encoding, DVD & CD authoring, DCP production & distribution photography production, film restoration mastering Brojka produkcija Croatia Film AVC Bold Studio Odranska 6, 10 000 Zagreb Katančićeva 3, 10 000 Zagreb Hrastovička 62, 10 250 Lučko, Zagreb Mlinarska cesta 61a, 10 000 Zagreb c/o Kristijan Kaurić c/o Biserka Mihalić c/o Bojan Kondres c/o Borko Grujić tel: +385 (0)1 5579 060 tel: +385 (0)1 4813 711 tel: +385 (0)1 4612 199 tel: +385 (0)1 4677 904 gsm: +385 (0)99 5183 634; fax: +385 (0)1 4922 568 gsm: +385 (0)98 202 837 fax: +385 (0)1 4677 904 +385 (0)99 4399 206 email: croatiaf@croatia– fax: +385 (0)1 4621 061 email: [email protected] email: [email protected] website: www.croatia– email: [email protected] website: — — website: — P · PP · SC P · PP — P · PP specialisation: costumes, graphic specialisation: image and sound PP · SC · RC specialisation: 2D and 3D animation, design & animation, CGI, 2D/3D editing, CD & DVD encoding, authoring, specialisation: design and installation VFX compositing, color grading, editing animation, rotoscoping premastering and replication of AV & cinema systems, AV equipment rental, DVD publishing and copying, Bunker Croatian Films/ Hrvatski film dubbing, synchronization and subtitling, Bauerova 4, 10 000 Zagreb Gundulićeva 46, 10 000 Zagreb editing, image and sound post- c/o Jasminka Grbelja c/o Antonia Dubravka Carnerud production, computer graphics, film gsm: +385 (0)98 418 392 tel: +385 (0)1 4814 551 restoration email: [email protected] gsm: +385 (0)91 5476 160 website: fax: +385 (0)1 5613 374 — email: [email protected] P · PS · SC website: specialisation: VFX, image post- — production CO · SC F · feature films I · industry/corporate videos P · production PP · post-production C · commercials D · documentaries PS · full production service SC · service company specialisation: promotion and sales TV · TV production A · animation CO · co-production RC · rental company MM · multimedia E · experimental 131 MV · music videos S · short films DA Film Diedra Filozirka Jadran Film Boškovićeva 16, 10 000 Zagreb Goljak 10a, 10 000 Zagreb Selska cesta 18a, 10 000 Zagreb Oporovečka 12, 10 040 Zagreb c/o Dejan Aćimović c/o Dino Krpan c/o David Peroš Bonnot c/o Vinko Grubišić gsm: +385 (0)98 238 804 tel: +385 (0)1 4851 983 tel: +385 (0)1 4667 185 tel: +385 (0)1 2928 000 fax: +385 (0)1 4816 610 fax: +385 (0)1 4851 983 gsm: +385 (0)98 476 209 fax: +385 (0)1 2851 394 email: [email protected]– email: [email protected] fax: +385 (0)1 4667 185 email: info@jadran– — website: email: [email protected] website: www.jadran– P · SC · RC — website: — specialisation: video and sound P · PP — P · PS · CO · RC equipment rental, image editing specialisation: VFX, SFX, computer P · PP · SC specialisation: studio and costume graphics specialisation: set, costume and props rentals, equipment rental (lighting, Daska i maska design for feature and animated films camera, grip) Želino 12/III, 22 211 Vodice Digimark c/o Ernest Berec Avenija V. Holjevca 39, 10 000 Zagreb Grip Film Kreativni odjel tel: +385 (0)22 440 719 tel: +385 (0)1 6137 656 Perkovčeva 50, 10 430 Samobor Medulićeva 3, 51 000 Rijeka gsm: +385 (0)99 8818 543 fax: +385 (0)1 6130 718 tel: +385 (0)1 3865 542 c/o Davor Pasarić email: [email protected] email: [email protected] gsm: +385 (0)98 9423 894 tel: +385 (0)51 323 636 — website: fax: +385 (0)1 3865 542 fax: +385 (0)51 323 637 SC — email: [email protected]; email: [email protected] specialisation: casting and extras P · PP [email protected] website: agency specialisation: DVD copying, dubbing, website: — VFX, computer graphics, subtitling — P · PP D.I.A.T. RC specialisation: editing, post-production, Jablanovečka 37, 10 000 Zagreb Fanita Statisti specialisation: equipment rental CD & DVD encoding, DVD mastering c/o Davor Rogić Remetska cesta 3, 10 000 Zagreb (lighting and grip), generators tel: +385 (0)1 3041 012 c/o Fanita Pavlović Laboratorij Zvuka fax: +385 (0)1 3041 012 tel: +385 (0)1 4581 129 In Fine Nova ves 45/1, 10 000 Zagreb email: [email protected] gsm: +385 (0)98 712 528 Nova Ves 45/1, 10 000 Zagreb c/o Zoran Mladenović website: email: [email protected] c/o Goce Vaskov tel: +385 (0)1 4666 429 — website: tel: +385 (0)1 3738 028 fax: +385 (0)1 4667 579 P · PP — gsm: +385 (0)91 4666 429 email: [email protected] specialisation: image editing, VFX, SC fax: +385 (0)1 3738 019 — SFX, computer graphics, consulting specialisation: talent and casting email: [email protected] P · PS · CO · PP · SC · RC agency website: specialisation: sound post-production, — studio rental P · PS · PP F · feature films I · industry/corporate videos P · production PP · post-production C · commercials D · documentaries PS · full production service SC · service company specialisation: post-production, 3D TV · TV production A · animation CO · co-production RC · rental company animation and editing MM · multimedia E · experimental 133 MV · music videos S · short films Lav Rasvjeta Ministry of Subtitles RC Anima Studio Studio dim c/o Tatjana Brkić Stanka Vraza 21, 10 361 - Zelengaj 45 1 b, 10 000 Zagreb Ilica 159/2, 10 000 Zagreb 7. Novoselski odvojak 12, 10 040 Zagreb Kraljevec c/o Davor Pećarina c/o Darija Kulenović Gudan, Marina tel: +385 (0)1 2989 741 c/o Marko Godeč tel: +385 (0)1 4573 855 Andree Škop gsm: +385 (0)91 2071 191 gsm: +385 (0)91 5880 521 fax: +385 (0)1 4573 854 tel: +385 (0)1 3906 277 fax: +385 (0)1 2917 885 email: [email protected] email: [email protected] gsm: +385 (0)91 3821 907 email: [email protected] website: website: fax: +385 (0)1 3906 278 website: — — email: [email protected]; — SC P · PP [email protected] SC · RC specialisation: translation and specialisation: animation, editing, SFX, website: specialisation: lighting, grip and studio subtitling VFX, computer graphics — rental P · PP · SC · RC Orlando Film Revolucija dizajna d.o.o. specialisation: video equipment rental, Livada produkcija Međimurska 19, 10 000 Zagreb Gorjanska 29, 10 000 Zagreb dubbing and synchronization, editing, Zavrtnica 17, 10 000 Zagreb c/o Marina Zovko c/o Ozren Crnogorac post-production, VFX, computer c/o Ivor Hadžiabdić tel: +385 (0)1 3909 090 tel: +385 (0)1 6395 269 graphics tel: +385 (0)1 6184 702 fax: +385 (0)1 3909 099 email: [email protected] email: [email protected] email: [email protected] website: Studio 8 website: website: — Tomićeva 8, 10 000 Zagreb — — PP tel: +385 (0)91 3352 316 PP P · PP specialisation: computer graphics email: [email protected] specialisation: image and sound post- specialisation: SFX, computer website: production for all genres animation, compositing, sound post- Romulić Multimedia Studio — production Adama Reisnera 26, 31 000 Osijek SC Media Pro Audiovizual tel: +385 (0)31 212 100 specialisation: talent and casting Remetinečka cesta 139, 10 000 Zagreb Project 6 Studio fax: +385 (0)31 212 112 agency c/o Sanja Tucman Baštijanova 25, 10 000 Zagreb email: [email protected] tel: +385 (0)1 6008 345 c/o Nikola Klobučarić website: fax: +385 (0)1 6008 392 tel: +385 (0)1 3638 663 — email: [email protected] fax: +385 (0)1 3695 806 SC — email: [email protected] specialisation: photography P · SC · RC website: specialisation: talent and casting — agency, equipment rental P · SC specialisation: dubbing of animated films F · feature films I · industry/corporate videos P · production PP · post-production C · commercials D · documentaries PS · full production service SC · service company TV · TV production A · animation CO · co-production RC · rental company 134 MM · multimedia E · experimental MV · music videos S · short films Studio Guberović Tuna Film Vizije SFT Tome Matića 17, 10 000 Zagreb Ulica grada Vukovara 269, 10 000 Med cestama 1a, 10 255 Gornji Stupnik, c/o Mirjana & Želimir Guberović Zagreb Zagreb tel: +385 (0)1 2995 886 c/o Davor Tunuković c/o Robert Vidić fax: +385 (0)1 2995 886 tel: +385 (0)1 6184 731 tel: +385 (0)1 6588 742 email: [email protected] gsm: +385 (0)98 228 591 fax: +385 (0)1 6588 742 website: fax: +385 (0)1 6184 731 email: [email protected] — email: [email protected] website: P · PP website: — specialisation: video and sound — PP · RC equipment rental, dubbing, editing, P · PS · CO · RC specialisation: video equipment rental, SFX, VFX, compositing, sound post- specialisation: equipment rental image editing, SFX, VFX, compositing, production, computer graphics (camera, lighting, grip), studio rental, computer graphics, film restoration transportation Tete kuhaju Zagreb film Horvatovac 8, 10 000 Zagreb Val produkcija Vlaška 70, 10 000 Zagreb c/o Tamara Domljanović, Nina Hren Kalinovica 9, 10 000 Zagreb c/o Vinko Brešan gsm: +385 (0)91 6142 222 c/o Željko Filipović tel: +385 (0)1 4613 689 email: [email protected] tel: +385 (0)1 3836 022 fax: +385 (0)1 4557 068 website: fax: +385 (0)1 3836 070 email: [email protected] — email: [email protected] website: SC website: — specialisation: catering — P · CO · PP · SC · RC P · PS · PP · SC · specialisation: DVD copying, image specialisation: dubbing, editing, SFX, editing and compositing, video and VFX, image and sound post-production, camera rental computer graphics, photography, subtitling, casting

F · feature films I · industry/corporate videos P · production PP · post-production C · commercials D · documentaries PS · full production service SC · service company TV · TV production A · animation CO · co-production RC · rental company 136 MM · multimedia E · experimental MV · music videos S · short films Cinema Clubs and Art Associations

Autorski studio Cinema Club Zagreb / Kino klub Multimedia Institute / Trg žrtava fašizma 14, 10 000 Zagreb Zagreb Multimedijalni institut (mama) c/o Milan Bukovac Trg žrtava fašizma 14, 10 000 Zagreb Preradovićeva 18, 10 000 Zagreb tel: +385 (0)1 3665 507 c/o Mladen Burić c/o Tomislav Medak fax: +385 (0)1 3665 507 tel: +385 (0)1 4612 548 tel: +385 (0)1 4856 400 email: autorski@autorski– gsm: +385 (0)95 1111 221 fax: +385 (0)1 4855 729 website: www.autorski– fax: +385 (0)1 4612 543 email: [email protected] email: [email protected] website: Cinema Club Karlovac / Kinoklub website: Karlovac Gimnazija Karlovac, Rakovac 4, 47 000 Croatian Film Associa­tion / Karlovac Hrvatski filmski savez (HFS) c/o Marija Ratković Tuškanac 1, 10 000 Zagreb tel: +385 (0)47 654 133 c/o Vera Robić-Škarica gsm: +385 (0)98 9277 483 tel: +385 (0)1 4848 771 (Marija Ratković) fax: +385 (0)1 4848 764 gsm: +385 (0)98 9794 127 email: [email protected] (Adrijana Dimić) website: fax: +385 (0)47 654 133 email: [email protected]; Fagep [email protected] Josipa Komparea 5, 10 430 Samobor c/o Matko Burić Cinema Club Split / Kinoklub Split gsm: +385 (0)98 686 454 Savska bb, 21 000 Split email: [email protected] c/o Sunčica Fradelić website: tel: +385 (0)21 542 425 email: [email protected] website:

138 139 Distribution Companies

Blitz film i video Croatia Film Discovery Film & Video MG Film Kamenarka 1, 10 000 Zagreb Katančićeva 3, 10 000 Zagreb Veslačka 27, 10 000 Zagreb c/o Mladen Guštin c/o Hrvoje Krstulović c/o Biserka Mihalić c/o Igor Rakonić Draškovćeva 49,10 000 Zagreb tel: +385 (0)1 6659 500 tel: +385 (0)1 4813 711 tel: +385 (0)1 6192 203 tel: +385 (0)1 4859 017 fax: +385 (0)1 6659 511 fax: +385 (0)1 4922 568 fax: +385 (0)1 6192 205 fax: +385 (0)1 4873 973 email: [email protected] email: [email protected] email: [email protected] email: [email protected] website: website: website: website: field of activity: feature, documentary field of activity: feature, short, field of activity: feature, documentary field of activity: feature, animated films documentary, animated films, films films multimedia Bonobostudio Hulahop Pa-Dora Barutanski jarak 31, 10 000 Zagreb Croatian Films/ Hrvatski Film Nova Ves 18/3, 10 000 Zagreb c/o Davorko Gojun c/o Vanja Andrijević Gundulićeva 46, 10 000 Zagreb c/o Olinka Vištica, Dana Budisavljević Ribnička 61, 10 000 Zagreb tel: +385 (0)1 4834 445 c/o Antonia Dubravka Carnerud tel: +385 (0)1 3907 074 tel: +385 (0)1 3031 333 fax: +385 (0)1 4834 455 tel: +385 (0)1 4814 551 fax: +385 (0)1 4666 443 fax: +385 (0)1 3640 367 email: [email protected] fax: +385 (0)1 5613 374 email: [email protected] email: [email protected] website: email: [email protected] website: website: field of activity: animated, website: field of activity: feature, animated, field of activity: feature, documentary, experimental films field of activity: feature, documentary documentary, experimental films animated films films Continental Film Junior Film Restart Zavrtnica 17, 10 000 Zagreb Croatian Film Clubs’ Association / c/o Mladen Guštin Trg Vladka Mačeka 1, 10 000 Zagreb c/o Martin Milinković Hrvatski filmski savez Draškovćeva 49, 10 000 Zagreb c/o Oliver Sertić tel: +385 (0)1 6194 660 Tuškanac 1, 10 000 Zagreb tel: +385 (0)1 4859 017 gsm: +385 (0)91 5315 205; fax: +385 (0)1 6194 663 c/o Vera Robić Škarica fax: +385 (0)1 4573 973 +385 (0)91 8930 675 email: martin.milinkovic@continental- tel: +385 (0)1 4848 771 email: [email protected] fax: +385 (0)1 5573 860 fax: +385 (0)1 4848 764 field of activity: films for children email: [email protected] website: email: [email protected] website: field of activity: feature, animated film website: field of activity: documentary films field of activity: feature, shorts, animated, documentary, experimental films

140 141 State and Public Institutions

VTI Croatian Audiovisual Centre / Croatian Cinematheque / Zelenjak 68, 10 000 Zagreb Hrvatski audiovizualni centar Hrvatska kinoteka c/o Zdravko Karanović (HAVC) Savska 131, 10 000 Zagreb tel: +385 (0)1 2395 350 Nova Ves 18, 10 000 Zagreb c/o Carmen Lhotka fax: +385 (0)1 2395 484 c/o Hrvoje Hribar tel: +385 (0)1 6190 618 email: [email protected] tel: +385 (0)1 6041 080 fax: +385 (0)1 6190 618 website: fax: +385 (0)1 4667 819 email: [email protected]; field of activity: feature films email: [email protected] [email protected] website: website: Zagreb film Vlaška 70, 10 000 Zagreb MEDIA Desk Croatia Croatian Film Archives / Hrvatski c/o Vinko Brešan Ulica kralja Zvonimira 20, 10 000 Zagreb filmski arhiv tel: +385 (0)1 4613 689 c/o Martina Petrović Savska 131, 10 000 Zagreb fax: +385 (0)1 4557 068 tel: +385 (0)1 4655 434 c/o Carmen Lhotka email: [email protected] fax: +385 (0)1 4655 442 tel: +385 (0)1 6190 618 website: email: [email protected] Department for Film, Video and Phono field of activity: animated, website: Material Processing experimental, documentary films c/o Mladen Burić Ministry of Culture - Directo­ T: +385 (0)1 6060 535 and Kino rate for Performing Arts and email: [email protected] Europa Audiovisual Affairs / Mini­starstvo Varšavska 3, 10 000 Zagreb kulture – Uprava za izvedbene c/o Boris T. Matić umjetnosti i audiovi­zualnu tel: +385 (0)1 4829 045 djelatnost fax: +385 (0)1 4827 717 Runjaninova 2, 10 000 Zagreb email: [email protected] Minister of Culture: Andrea Zlatar website:, tel: +385 (0)1 4866 408 fax: +385 (0)1 4866 438 field of activity: art house films website:

142 143 Professional Associations and Guilds

Association for Protection of Croatian Film Directors’ Guild Croatian Society of Film Critics / Audiovisual Works / Društvo za / Društvo hrvatskih filmskih Hrvatsko društvo filmskih kritičara zaštitu audiovizualnih radova redaTELja (DHFR) (HDFK) Josipa Ruđera Boškovića 7/2, 10 000 Nova Ves 18, 10 000 Zagreb Savska 131, 10 000 Zagreb Zagreb c/o Antonio Nuić c/o Bruno Kragić tel: +385 (0)1 4924 580 tel: +385 (0)1 4846 852 tel: +385 (0)1 6192 091 fax: +385 (0)1 2330 332 fax: +385 (0)1 4846 852 fax: +385 (0)1 6192 091 email: [email protected]– email: [email protected] email: [email protected] website: website: Croatian Association of Dramatic Artists / Hrvatsko društvo Croatian Freelance Artists’ Croatian Society of Film Workers dramskih umjetnika (HDDU) Association / Hrvatska zajednica / Hrvatsko društvo filmskih Amruševa 19/3, 10 000 Zagreb samostalnih umjetnika (HZSU) djelatnika (HDFD) c/o Goran Grgić Ilica 42/2, 10 000 Zagreb Britanski trg 12, 10 000 Zagreb tel: +385 (0)1 4920 717 c/o Silvije Petranović c/o Silvio Jesenković fax: +385 (0)1 4920 718 tel: +385 (0)1 4847 560 tel: +385 (0)1 4847 024 email: [email protected] fax: +385 (0)1 4847 717 fax: +385 (0)1 4847 026 website: email: [email protected] email: [email protected] website: website: Croatian Cinematographers Society / Hrvatska udruga filmskih Croatian Journalists’ Association Croatian Producers Association snimaTELja (HFS) / Hrvatsko novinarsko društvo / Hrvatska udruga producenata Britanski trg 12, 10 000 Zagreb (HND) (HRUP) c/o Vjekoslav Vrdoljak Perkovčeva 2, 10 000 Zagreb Nova Ves 18, 10 000 Zagreb tel: +385 (0)1 4847 291 c/o Zdenko Duka c/o Hrvoje Osvadić fax: +385 (0)1 4847 291 tel: +385 (0)1 4828 333 tel: +385 (0)1 4666 550 email: cine–[email protected] fax: +385 (0)1 4828 332 fax: +385 (0)1 4666 550 website: email: [email protected] email: [email protected] website: website:

144 145 Authors Societies and Institutions of Higher Education for Rights Organizations Professionals in Film, Television, Theatre and Related Areas State Intellectual Property Office Association for Protection, of the Republic of Croatia / Collection and Distribution of Državni zavod za intelektualno Phonogram Producers’ Rights / Academy of Arts Osijek / Academy of Arts University of vlasništvo (DZIV) Udruga za zaštitu, prikupljanje i Umjetnička akademija u Osijeku Split / Umjetnička akademija, Ulica grada Vukovara 78, 10 000 Zagreb raspodjelu naknada fonogramskih (UAOS) Sveučilište u Splitu (UMAS) tel: +385 (0)1 6106 410 prava (ZAPRAF) Kralja Petra Svačića bb, 31 000 Osijek Tvrđava Gripe, Glagoljaška bb, 21 000 fax: +385 (0)1 6112 017 Ivana Broza 8a, 10 000 Zagreb tel: +385 (0)31 253 333 Split email: [email protected] tel: +385 (0)1 3668 194 email: [email protected] tel: +385 (0)21 348 622 website: fax: +385 (0)1 3668 072 website: fax: +385 (0)21 348 620 email: [email protected] email: [email protected] Croatian Composers’ Society, website: Academy of Dramatic Art / website: Collecting Society / Zaštita Akademija dramske umjetnosti autorskih muzičkih prava (ZAMP) (ADU) School of Media Culture / Škola Heinzelova 62a, 10 000 Zagreb Trg maršala Tita 5, 10 000 Zagreb medijske kulture tel: +385 (0)1 6387 000 tel: +385 (0)1 4828 506 Tuškanac 1, 10 000 Zagreb fax: +385 (0)1 6387 001 fax: +385 (0)1 4828 508 tel: +385 (0)1 4848 771 email: [email protected] email: [email protected] fax: +385 (0)1 4848 764 website: website: email: [email protected] website: Croatian Performers’ Right Academy of Fine Arts Zagreb, Collecting Society / Hrvatska Department of Animation and udruga za zaštitu izvođačkih New Media / Akademija likovnih prava (HUZIP) umjetnosti u Zagrebu, Odsjek za Ivana Broza 8a, 10 000 Zagreb animirani film i nove medije (ALU) tel: +385 (0)1 3033 600 Ilica 85, 10 000 Zagreb fax: +385 (0)1 3033 630 tel: +385 (0)1 3711 300 email: [email protected] fax: +385 (0)1 3773 401 website: email: [email protected] website:

146 147 Film Festivals

A selection of the most important international film festivals in JUNE 16th Motovun Film Festival 10th 25 FPS – International Croatia. email: [email protected] Experimental Film and Video A comprehensive list is available 23rd – World website: Festival on our WEBSITE Festival of Animated Film (Short Genre: feature, short fiction, email: [email protected] Film Edition) documentary, animated films website: email: [email protected] Genre: experimental films FEBRUARY website: AUGUST Genre: animated film OCTOBER 9th ZagrebDox – International 7th Vukovar Film Festival Documentary Film Festival 6th Mediterranean Film Festival email: [email protected] 11th Zagreb Film Festival email: [email protected] Split website: email: [email protected] website: email: [email protected] Genre: feature, short fiction, website: Genre: documentary films website: documentary, animated films Genre: feature, short fiction, Genre: feature, short fiction, documentary films MAY documentary, animated films 4th Film Forum Zadar - International Film Festival 6th Subversive Film Festival 11th Tabor International Short email: [email protected] email: [email protected] Film Festival website: website: www.subversivefilmfestival. email: Genre: feature, short fiction, com documentary Genre: feature, short fiction, website: documentary, experimental Genre: short films SEPTEMBER

21st Croatian One Minute Film JULY 18th Split Film Festival – Festival International Festival of New Film email: gfr–film–[email protected]– 60th Pula Film Festival email: [email protected] website: email: [email protected] website: Genre: all genres (in one minute!) website: Genre: feature, short fiction, animated, Genre: feature, short films documentary, experimental films, Internet, multimedia

148 149 National Broadcasters Cinemas

Croatian Radiotelevision / EUROPA CINEMAS NETWORK Kino Sloboda Hrvatska radiotelevizija (HRT) Kinematografi Dubrovnik / Dubrovnik tel: +385 (0)1 6343 683 Art-kino Croatia Cinemas fax: +385 (0)1 6343 692 Krešimirova 2, 51 000 Rijeka Branitelja Dubrovnika 42, 20 000 email: [email protected] c/o Slobodanka Mišković Dubrovnik website: tel: +385 (0)51 323 261 c/o Đive Galov fax: +385 (0)51 323 261 tel: +385 (0)20 638 640 Nova TV email: [email protected] fax: +385 (0)20 425 703 tel: +385 (0)1 6008 300 website: email: [email protected] fax: +385 (0)1 6008 333 website: email: [email protected] Kino Europa website: Zagreb Film Festival Kino Urania Varšavska 3, 10 000 Zagreb Kinematografi Osijek / Osijek Cinemas RTL televizija c/o Hrvoje Laurenta Šetalište Kardinala Franje Šepera 8, 31 tel: +385 (0)1 3660 000 tel: +385 (0)1 4829 045 000 Osijek fax: +385 (0)1 3660 009 fax: +385 (0)1 4827 717 c/o Marijana Bošnjak email: [email protected] email: [email protected] tel: +385 (0)31 205 501 website: website: fax: +385 (0)31 205 507 email: [email protected] Kino Karaman website: Ekran Trg Republike 1, 21 000 Split Kino Valli c/o Snježana Kuzmanić Pula Film Festival tel: +385 (0)21 347 488 Giardini 1, 52 000 Pula fax: +385 (0)21 348 366 c/o Zdenka Višković-Vukić email: [email protected] tel: +385 (0)52 222 703 website: fax: +385 (0)52 393 320 email: [email protected] website:

150 151 Kino ‘30.svibnja’ MULTIPLEXES SPECIALIZED CINEMAS Pučko Otvoreno Učilište Daruvar Trg kralja Tomislava 14a, 43 500 Daruvar Blitz-Cinestar Kino Tuškanac c/o Nedjeljko Pajtak Branimirova 29, 10 000 Zagreb Hrvatski filmski savez / Croatian Film tel: +385 (0)43 331 440 c/o Hrvoje Krstulović Clubs’ Association fax: +385 (0)43 334 588 tel: +385 (0)1 6396 702 Tuškanac 1, 10 000 Zagreb email: [email protected] fax: +385 (0)1 6396 701 c/o Vera Robić Škarica website: email: [email protected] tel: +385 (0)1 4848 771 website: fax: +385 (0)1 4848 764 EUROPA CINEMAS MINI- Cinemas: Cinestar Dubrovnik, email: [email protected] NETWORK CineStar Arena Imax website: Zagreb, CineStar Novi Zagreb, Muzej suvremene umjetnosti / CineStar Osijek, CineStar Rijeka, Dokukino Croatia Museum of Contemporary Art, CineStar Split, CineStar Šibenik, Restart Kino Metropolis, Zagreb; Art- CineStar Varaždin, CineStar Vladka Mačeka 1, 10 000 Zagreb kino Grič, Zagreb; Ljetno kino Zadar, CineStar Zagreb c/o Inja Korač Tuškanac, Zagreb; Kino Novska, tel: +385 (0)1 5573 860 Novska; Kinoteka Zlatna vrata, Movieplex fax: +385 (0)1 5573 860 Split Zavrtnica 17, 10 000 Zagreb email: [email protected] Muzej suvremene umjetnosti / Museum c/o Martin Milinković website: of Contemporary Art tel: +385 (0)1 6194 679 Avenija Dubrovnika 17, 10 000 Zagreb fax: +385 (0)1 6194 663 A comprehensive list of Cinemas c/o Zlatko Vidačković email: [email protected] will be available on our WEBSITE tel: +385 (0)1 6052 700 website: gsm: +385 (0)99 6776 697 Cinemas: Cineplexx Avenue Mall fax: +385 (0)1 6052 701 Osijek, Cineplexx City Centar One email: [email protected] Split, Cineplexx Centar Kaptol website: Zagreb, Cineplexx City Centar One East

152 153 Film Publications

Croatian Cinema Chronicle / Hrvatski filmski ljetopis email: [email protected]; [email protected] website:

Zapis / Magazine email: [email protected] website:

Filmonaut email: [email protected] website:

154 Impressum publisher Croatian Audiovisual Centre editors Sanja Ravlić, Ana Starčević design Šesnić&Turković printed by Sveučilišna tiskara run 500 published by Croatian Audiovisual Centre Nova Ves 18 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia tel +385 (0)1 6041 080 fax +385 (0)1 4667 819 email [email protected] website

A cip catalogue record for this book is available from the National and University Library in Zagreb under 829954 isbn 978-953-7747-07-7 Thank You: Tina Hajon Petra Hofbauer

Photographs are courtesy of: Adriatic Film · Bunker · Croatian Tourist Board · Embassy Films Croatia · Formula Film · MP Filmska produkcija · Pakt Media · Filming in Filming in Croatia Croatia 2013

Nova Ves 18, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia tel +385 (0)1 6041 080 | fax +385 (0)1 4667 819 email [email protected] | website