To Extend or not to Extend: on the Uniqueness of Browser Extensions and Web Logins Gábor György Gulyás Dolière Francis Somé INRIA INRIA
[email protected] [email protected] Nataliia Bielova Claude Castelluccia INRIA INRIA
[email protected] [email protected] ABSTRACT shown that a user’s browser has a number of “physical” charac- Recent works showed that websites can detect browser extensions teristics that can be used to uniquely identify her browser and that users install and websites they are logged into. This poses sig- hence to track it across the Web. Fingerprinting of users’ devices is nificant privacy risks, since extensions and Web logins that reflect similar to physical biometric traits of people, where only physical user’s behavior, can be used to uniquely identify users on the Web. characteristics are studied. This paper reports on the first large-scale behavioral uniqueness Similar to previous demonstrations of user uniqueness based on study based on 16,393 users who visited our website. We test and their behavior [23, 50], behavioral characteristics, such as browser detect the presence of 16,743 Chrome extensions, covering 28% settings and the way people use their browsers can also help to of all free Chrome extensions. We also detect whether the user is uniquely identify Web users. For example, a user installs web connected to 60 different websites. browser extensions she prefers, such as AdBlock [1], LastPass [14] We analyze how unique users are based on their behavior, and find or Ghostery [8] to enrich her Web experience. Also, while brows- out that 54.86% of users that have installed at least one detectable ing the Web, she logs into her favorite social networks, such as extension are unique; 19.53% of users are unique among those who Gmail [13], Facebook [7] or LinkedIn [15].