College Towns Plan Recourse with Passage of Proposition, D
Fate of SU Record Store hinges on future decision byMarkKust to run, day in and day out, open Senior Staff :Reporter and close it every day," he said. Van Wolvlear allowed that '"'he (Student Union Director Bill Roche) The While the fate of the Student has researched this thing thorough Union Record Store proposal hin ly." ges on a decision next week by When asked if he has made a final the Office of Student Affairs, decision yet, Van Wolvlear said the position of Fr. John Van Wolv "The question here is ... .is it better lear, vice-president for Student to have the Student Union run this Affairs, remains unclear. or is it better to have a whole series Observer The proposal--a plan for a student of these (Fianner Records) an independent student newspaper serving notre dame and st. mary's record co-op run by the Student things?" Union--was submitted last year to The remark was a reference to an Vol. XIII, No. 47 Friday, November 10, 1978 outgoing vice-president for Student earlier comment he made about the Affairs Bro. Just Paczesny and "healthiness" of Flanner Records, resubmitted at the beginning of a privately-owned, student-run re~ this year to Van Wolvlear. cord operation. Van Wolvlear indicated he would rather see this College towns plan recourse Van Wolvlear, who was quoted type of "healthy," individually-run in last Wednesday's 'Observer as enterprise than a large co-op run by questioning the effectiveness of a Student Union. with passage of Proposition, D student-run business, said yester However, Flanner Rbcords was day "there's no doubt about it ordered to cease operations at the by Tim Joyce that the resolution by the city 50 percent of the patrons are under --it (the record store) can be run end of next semester 'in a letter council is approved.
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