PRESENT: Cllr I Martin (Vice Chair), Cllr C Alden, Cllr G Baum, Cllr M Beal, Cllr, A Brown, Cllr C Dean, Cllr D Johnson, Cllr V Weller and the Deputy Clerk.

IN ATTENDANCE: County Cllr C Purnell, District Cllrs J Elliott and T Johnson and 15 members of the public.

Cllr I Martin welcomed the Councillors and members of the public and opened the planning meeting at 7.30pm.

PL.157/20 TO RECEIVE AND ACCEPT APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies had been received by the Deputy Clerk from Cllrs M Rich and M Sully, reasons were recorded in the register. The Chairman was witness to the reasons given.

Cllr I Martin proposed from the Chair that the apologies received be accepted. RESOLVED For: 8 Against: 0 Abstained: 0


PL.159/20 TO APPROVE AND SIGN THE MINUTES OF THE PLANNING MEETING HELD ON 8th JANUARY 2020 The minutes of the meeting held on 8th January 2020 had been previously circulated and were presented for approval.

Cllr A Brown proposed, seconded by Cllr C Alden, that the minutes be confirmed and signed as a true record. RESOLVED For: 8 Against: 0 Abstained: 0

PL.160/20 CHAIRMAN’S ANNOUNCEMENTS There were none.

PL.161/20 COMMUNICATIONS RECEIVED FOR INFORMATION The Committee noted receipt of the following communications: 23/01/2020 NALC NALC Spring Conference 2020 23/01/2020 SSALC Police and Crime Commissioners Precept – Snap Poll 23/01/2020 WSCC South County Local Committee – Meeting Poster 24/01/2020 STC Weekly Report 24/01/2020 STC Reports for Assets & Amenities Meeting 27/01/2020 NALC Chief Exec’s Bulletin 27/01/2020 NALC NALC launches three new study tours 27/02/2020 SALC Bulletin 28/01/2020 WSCC Highways, Transport and Planning Members Newsletter – January 2020


SY/19/02923/DOM Cornerway 73 Hillfield Road PO20 0LF First floor side extension with 2 no. dormers

There being no planning grounds for objection, Cllr A Brown proposed, seconded by Cllr C Dean, SUPPORT RESOLVED For: 8 Against: 0 Abstained: 0


SY/19/03011/FUL High House Insurance Ltd, 97 High Street Selsey Chichester West Change of use to A3 restaurant with 2 no. first floor residential accommodations together with associated internal alterations and a rear extension to accommodate lavatories.

There being no planning grounds for objection, Cllr C Alden proposed, seconded by Cllr M Beal, SUPPORT RESOLVED For: 8 Against: 0 Abstained: 0

SY/19/03081/DOM High House 67 West Street Selsey PO20 9AG Two storey side extension.

There being no planning grounds for objection, Cllr G Baum proposed, seconded by Cllr C Alden, SUPPORT RESOLVED For: 8 Against: 0 Abstained: 0

The meeting was suspended at 7.36pm to allow members of the public to address the Committee. The meeting reconvened at 7.38pm.

SY/19/03128/OUT Seal Developments Ltd, Land At Ursula Avenue Selsey PO20 0HT Outline planning permission all matters reserved - erection of 2 no. bungalows.

Cllr C Dean proposed, seconded by Cllr G Baum, to OBJECT on the grounds that it would be detrimental to the street scene for that area of Selsey, it is within 9 kilometres of a RAMSAR site, it is a green corridor and a loss of green space and amenity space would be contrary to the National Planning Policy Framework and due to the history of this area it would be a loss of historical context. RESOLVED For: 7 Against: 0 Abstained: 1 Cllr D Johnson wished her abstention to be noted.

SY/20/00045/PA3J 155 High Street Selsey Chichester West Sussex Change of use to assembly and leisure (Class D2)

There being no planning grounds for objection, Cllr M Beal proposed, seconded by Cllr A Brown, SUPPORT RESOLVED For: 7 Against: 0 Abstained: 1 Cllr D Johnson wished her abstention to be noted.

Applications outside of the parish boundary

SY/19/02493/OUT Earnley Concourse Clappers Lane Earnley Outline planning application with all matters except Access reserved. Demolition of Earnley Concourse buildings, Elm Lodge, Gate Cottage and the Ranch House and replacement with residential development of up to 32 no. dwellings with associated access and footway works, landscaping, open space and drainage infrastructure

Cllr I Martin gave an overview of this application and asked whether STC should send a response.

Cllr C Dean proposed, seconded by Cllr M Beal, that STC write a letter to support Earnley Parish Council to ensure that adequate cycle routes are put in place in order that they can connect to other cycle routes on the in the future. RESOLVED For: 8 Against: 0 Abstained: 0



As notified by CDC for information only

SY/19/01443/DOM 77A Manor Road Selsey Chichester West Sussex PO20 0SF Creation of habitable space in garage. PERMIT

SY/19/01811/ELD Land North Of Home Farm House Chichester Road Selsey West Sussex Existing lawful development certificate for the existing use of land for Storage which began more than 10 years before the date of this application. PERMIT

SY/19/02363/LBC The Coach House Norton Priory Rectory Lane Selsey Chichester West Sussex PO20 9DT Alteration and conversion of Coach House to 1 no. dwelling. WITHDRAWN SY/19/02530/DOM The Cove 15 Manor Road Selsey PO20 0SB Installation of dropped kerb. PERMIT

SY/19/02577/PLD 91 East Street Selsey PO20 0BU Single storey side extension, canopy over front door, hip to gable roof extension and rear dormer. PERMIT

SY/19/02785/DOM Wayside Chichester Road Selsey Chichester West Sussex PO20 9ED Retrospective boundary wall & gates – re-submission. REFUSE

SY/19/02668/DOM 31 Lingfield Way Selsey PO20 0DX Erection of a solid roof extension. PERMIT

SY/19/02688/DOM Sandbanks Oval Lane Selsey PO20 0JN Alterations to fenestration, external materials, north boundary wall and entrance gate. PERMIT

PL.164/20 PLANNING APPEALS There were none.


PL.166/20 TRAFFIC MATTERS The Deputy Clerk had addressed the issues raised at the STC Planning Meetings held on 06/11/19, 18/12/19, 08/01/20 and one outstanding matter from the Planning Meeting of 25/09/19. The information had been circulated to all Cllrs as follows:-

At the STC Planning Meeting on 25th September 2019, it was noted that opposite the Selsey RBL Club a school crossing patrol sign was facing the wrong way. STC have received notification WSCC Highways that the sign would be removed. At the STC Planning meeting on 18th December 2019 questions were raised regarding the traffic lights at Warner’s Yard. WSCC Highways confirmed it was their intention to visit the site during the summer to assess the optimism that took place and if required adjust the timings to reflect any changes in traffic flow. At the STC Planning meeting on 8th January 2020 a concern was raised regarding the Fire Station not having an override on the traffic lights at Warners Yard. WSCC Highways confirmed that the configuration of the new junction controller includes the previously installed “green wave” which keeps the north/south road on green for 4 minutes, allowing the firefighters time to get to the station in an emergency. A function for the Fire Brigade to press a button inside the building was also added to enable all lights to be on red to allow the engine easier egress. WSCC were in communication with the Fire & Rescue service to complete the installation. At the same meeting STC raised a question asking if Warner’s Lane was a 3 public highway and WSCC Highways replied that according to their records it was a privately maintained road with a definitive public footpath running along it. It would be an offence to obstruct a definitive public footpath and issues/evidence of this nature should be reported to the Public Rights of Way Team. STC also highlighted the issue to WSCC regarding a pot hole on the corner of Manor Road and Millington Drive and we had confirmation that this had been scheduled for repair by Southern Water (as it is around their drain) between the 27th and 29th January.

PL.167/20 ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES. Cllr G Baum informed all that the FLOW (Fixing and Linking our Wetlands) project, which is run and managed by the Manhood Wildlife and Heritage Group and funded with a Heritage Lottery Fund grant, was coming to an end. She would circulate a report to the Clerk and STC Chair from FLOW regarding a proposal for parish’s to take over the responsibility for riparian drainage, which would have a cost implication and indicated that and Selsey parish councils would be approached initially for their responses to a pilot study.

PL.168/20 TO RAISE ANY URGENT MATTERS There were none.


There being no other business Cllr I Martin closed the meeting at 8.00pm.
