, » -.v> ^ = V- HBTFBBSSBUN *_ .*■«.■• SK.^ CVireMSt by C.‘ A Weather Itareafl, j * ; ' A AVm ^OE DAILY CIRCULATION Hartford. for Ibe Month of November, 1929 Conn. State Library— Comp. ‘Cloudy, slightly colder tonicbtl 5 , 4 8 8 Thursday partly cloudy. i < Memhen of tke Audit Bureau of r-y, r* .J T: ,j. , Clrei^tleBB - PRICE THREE CENTS SdUTO CONN., WEDNilS^ DECE^ER 4,' 1929. SIXTEEN PAGES VOL. X U V ., NO. 55. (Classified Advertising on Tage 14) <&- Gerie^ta:^FHght $500,000 Suit VARE APPEARS -tH ■ BOOTLEGGERS’ WAR INSBiATETO presidential BUDGET IS ON IN HARTFORD PLEW CAUSE •<?> Front S reel Man Killed Dar PUKOW MUTINY Senator-Elect Denied Seat I ^ ^ ' V N V V ing Quarrel— Police Seek VERY SERIOUS; for Three Years Chal NATION’S FINANCES Slayer — Residents Re lenges Accusers to Pro •4 V IN GOOD CONDITION fuse to Talk. 15,000 REVOLT duce Evidence of Fraud. Hartford, Dec. 4.— (A P)—Alfonso Washington, Dec. 4— (A P )—^Wil Minnita, 23, is dead at Mt. Sinai Japanese Report Says Oth liam S. Vare, for three years Amazed That U ’S. Deems it 1^'"*^ Recommends Tax Reduction and Asks hospital and Sebastian Naedo Ali- | denied a seat in the Senate, today ano, 35, proprietor of two Front ers Are Joining and Sol-^ Over Four Billions for Government^ Use Next ® I personsdly appeared on the floor of # Possible to Apply Advice strw t stores, is being sought by the that chamber to plead his own police in connection with the shoot- diers Are Now Marching cause and issued a challenge to Year— Says Lowering of Taxes in Past Always Lead fng at 6:45 this morning.
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