La rinascita del lungofiume nasce quindi dall’intenzione di restituire Matteo Moscatelli alla città un’area non solo di notevole valore Il progetto degli spazi aperti sulla riva paesaggistico, ma anche testimone di una orientale del fiume Huangpu fa parte di una storica fase di sviluppo. più articolata operazione di riqualificazione Il punto di partenza per la definizione di un comparto industriale di quasi un dello spazio aperto, curato da Atelier Liu Atelier Liu chilometro di lunghezza, compreso tra un Yuyang Architects, ha riguardato terminal traghetti e l’ultimo canale interno l’individuazione dei suoi potenziali fruitori, Yuyang1 prima dello Yangpu Bridge. determinando la scelta di dirimere i flussi L’intervento complessivo, che ha coinvolto per favorire diverse modalità e velocità Architects, sei studi riuniti in tre raggruppamenti –Atelier di attraversamento: il percorso più basso, Deshaus, Atelier Liu Yuyang Architects e affacciato direttamente sull’acqua, è per riva est Atelier Z+ (Cina), OMA/AMO (Olanda), Yasuda la circolazione pedonale; quello intermedio, Atelier e Nikken Sekkei (Giappone)– si è parzialmente tangente al precedente del fiume articolato in due fasi: la prima ha riguardato e identificato cromaticamente in rosso, Huangpu, la redazione di una ricerca condotta in modo è per la corsa; quello più interno, separato condiviso, la seconda l’elaborazione di alcuni dai primi due e collocato a una quota Shanghai schemi progettuali sviluppati in parallelo, superiore, è infine per la pista ciclabile. poi confluiti nel documento di sintesi adottato Nel loro dover superare differenze di quota per il masterplan generale. e aggirare alcuni ostacoli preesistenti, i due Il segmento urbano oggetto passaggi più bassi permettono di cogliere dell’operazione trae beneficio da una la molteplicità degli elementi costitutivi situazione panoramica di grande suggestione, del lungofiume, determinati dagli interventi alla breve e alla lunga distanza. Sullo sfondo, di progetto e dalle costruzioni esistenti e inquadrato dal percorso in direzione ovest, –con il loro andamento non sempre rettilineo, si staglia il denso skyline di , su cui fatto di curve e di pieghe– di intercettare svetta il corpo tortile della Shanghai Tower, con lo sguardo le diverse emergenze visive, da poco completata; l’affaccio sul fiume, sia sul proseguimento della stessa riva verso cui si rivolgono le gradonate all’aperto, che sull’argine opposto. abbraccia un lungo tratto che va dallo Yangpu La ricucitura con le aree verdi di Yangjing, Bridge al vertice settentrionale del Bund; all’estremità est, è garantita da un ponte, la quinta principale, dalla parte opposta, lungo 150 metri e sorretto da una struttura è costituita dai fronti delle fabbriche, a sezione triangolare, la cui progressione tra queste l’edificio-silo interessato –prima elicoidale poi curvilinea– e il cui da un prossimo intervento di riuso. ostacolo scavalcato –la foce di un canale sul Le costruzioni che compongono questo fiume Huangpu– compongono il riferimento insediamento sono esito di interventi metaforico all’immagine di una cometa realizzati in più fasi. Alla comparsa delle (Hui) sull’acqua (Hong), determinandone prime strutture, nel 1908, sono seguiti la denominazione (Huihong Bridge). alcuni ampliamenti tra il 1920 e il 1924 I corrugamenti del suolo su cui si estendono (con il completamento del terzo e quarto le gradonate, pensate come luoghi di sosta dock), tra il 1974 e il 1976 (con la ricostruzione e catalizzatori di nuove attività collettive dei quattro dock esistenti) e tra il 1991 e il 1996 ed eventi, consentono di riguadagnare la (con la costruzione di un silo più capiente quota della città e ammirare il panorama e la demolizione di alcuni depositi). della sponda antistante. Le grandi gru Il progetto del nuovo waterfront, del 2016, a ridosso della riva, prima utilizzate per

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2 lo spostamento delle merci dalle navi cargo Atelier Liu Yuyang Architects vista a volo d’uccello East Bund del nuovo lungofiume ai grandi silos e agli edifici-deposito alle loro Riverfront Open Space Design, bird’s-eye view spalle, sono la memoria tangibile del passato District, Shanghai, of the new riverbank industriale. Cina 3 Gli elementi di arredo e di illuminazione scheda del progetto veduta aerea della riva est rappresentano livelli di progetto di carattere del fiume Huangpu, prima progetto trasversale, intesi come principi di coerenza dell’intervento Atelier Liu Yuyang Architects aerial view of the east bank committente che istituiscono relazioni simboliche e visive of the Huangpu River, before Shanghai East Bund tra luoghi di transito e luoghi di sosta, e tra the project Investment(Group)Co., Ltd 4–5 dati dimensionali piani rialzati, intermedi e a livello dell’acqua. ricostruzione volumetrica 7 2.7191,5 mq superficie I vasi modulari metallici, ispirati alla dello stato di fatto e del primo complessiva progetto di riqualificazione cronologia forma dei silos e allineati in file equidistanti, volumetric reconstruction 2016–18: progetto e permettono l’alloggio di alberi ed erbe, of the situation and the first realizzazione regeneration project 4 forniscono le sedute ai visitatori e si pongono localizzazione 6 Pudong District, Shanghai, come elementi di ordinamento spaziale del il sistema dei percorsi Cina molo ritrovato. Le ringhiere, con struttura the system of accessways 7 fotografie in barre d’acciaio, schermi in rete metallica, sezioni del progetto ALYA corrimani in legno e le altre sedute in cemento, per il nuovo lungofiume sections of the project allineate lungo la riva, accompagnano for the new riverbank la visuale prospettica verso i grattacieli in lontananza. Le specie sempreverdi e caducifoglie selezionate per rinaturalizzare i grandi piani minerali –magnolie bianche, alberi della canfora, gelsi neri, cornioli e vari tipi di erbe e fiori– riproducono per frammenti alcune peculiarità del paesaggio cinese. Il sistema di illuminazione, costituito da sorgenti luminose a palo o a incasso, con geometrie puntuali e lineari, invita alla sosta anche nelle ore serali, scandisce il ritmo dei percorsi, trasforma questi spazi in un punto 5 di riferimento dedicato non solo agli abitanti della zona. Dopo lo Shanghai Museum of Contemporary Art e i pedestrian kiosks di , Atelier Liu Yuyang Architects propone, così, un nuovo intervento nel cuore della megalopoli cinese. Un lodevole esercizio di discrezione che conferma la sensibilità e il senso della misura dell’autore nell’ambito della riqualificazione degli spazi aperti e un segnale incoraggiante, in una città di grattacieli e macrostrutture, della rinnovata attenzione alla piccola scala e alla dimensione del quotidiano affacciatasi nelle politiche urbane di questi anni.

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8–11 lo sviluppo lineare del lungofiume dopo l’intervento di riqualificazione, dallo Yangpu Bridge al terminal traghetti linear development of the riverbank afer the regeneration project, from the Yangpu Bridge to the ferry terminal 12, 13, 14 dettagli del nuovo lungofiume new riverfront details 15–18 9 dettagli del nuovo lungofiume con i percorsi dedicati alla 16 13 circolazione pedonale e alle piste ciclabili new riverfront details with the routes for pedestrian circulation and bicycle paths

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19, 20 L’immaginario dell’industria patrimonio industriale della città. vedute d’insieme del nuovo lungofiume, con lo sfondo Matteo Moscatelli Interpretando le strutture esistenti come di Lujiazui La riva sulla quale approda lo Yangpu Bridge, memoria del precedente uso, e i segni del overall views of the new riverbank, with Lujiazui dal lato dell’omonimo quartiere, ha ospitato tempo come testimoni della fervida attività in the background per lungo tempo uno dei più importanti che a lungo le ha animate, questo nuovo complessi industriali di Shanghai. Qui sono luogo della socialità si articola così in una Original infatti sorte –tra la fine dell’Ottocento e gli sequenza di episodi, svolti su più livelli, anni Trenta del secolo scorso– la più grande costituiti dagli innesti appartenenti 2Design centrale termica (1913) e la più grande centrale all’intervento di riqualificazione e dalle del gas (1933) dell’estremo Oriente, la prima testimonianze del precedente comparto Studio, fabbrica a tecnologia meccanica per la industriale, in un contrappunto continuo produzione della carta (1882) e la prima e armonico tra nuovo ed esistente. riva ovest centrale dell’acqua della città (1883). Il primo tratto si apre con una piazza L’area su cui si è consolidato quest’ultimo pubblica di forma rettangolare –delimitata del fiume insediamento, collocata sull’ultima ansa da una parte dal corso fluviale, dall’altra Huangpu, prima del centro finanziario di Lujiazui, da un edificio commerciale– e con alcuni e prospiciente agli spazi presentati nelle attraversamenti paralleli, la cui continuità Shanghai pagine precedenti, ha visto recentemente è garantita da una passerella, a collegare la realizzazione di un intervento di Original le due sponde distanziate a fianco della piazza Design Studio, una delle realtà più attive e da un percorso inclinato protetto, posto a Shanghai nell’ambito della riqualificazione come elemento di raccordo tra la quota dell’archeologia industriale (come il riuso del fiume e quella del giardino retrostante.

20 della Nashi Power Plant, una centrale elettrica In un avvallamento più all’interno, nell’area di trasformata in polo ove prima si trovava una pozza popolata espositivo). da alcune piante acquatiche, è stata ricavata Il progetto rappresenta la sezione una zona umida ecologica per la raccolta dimostrativa, della lunghezza di un dell’acqua piovana, che ha permesso chilometro, di una più ambiziosa operazione di alleviare la pressione sui dispositivi urbana volta al ripristino del lungofiume, di drenaggio e di ottimizzare l’irrigazione un anello esteso per 45 chilometri su due rive della vegetazione attraverso un impianto che costituirebbe, una volta completato, di circolazione a pompa. il più grande sistema di spazi pubblici aperti Il secondo tratto, più contenuto nello dell’intera città. spessore, consiste invece in un lungo ponte In seguito alla cessazione delle attività flottante, adiacente alla riva, sul quale si produttive, l’area mostrava una condizione affacciano due edifici bassi di archeologia problematica ma ricca di potenzialità. La industriale e, ai lati del percorso, alcuni costruzione degli edifici industriali lungo pergolati e fioriere integrate dalle sedute la sponda aveva interrotto la relazione tra rivolte verso il paesaggio fluviale. il quartiere e il fiume, negando l’accesso Un carattere distintivo del progetto, che e occultando per gran parte la visuale. è anche principio di unitarietà tra le diverse Le circostanze richiedevano quindi una parti che lo costituiscono, riguarda il trasformazione radicale, attraverso il rapporto con un’identità del luogo le cui perseguimento di alcuni obiettivi concatenati: specificità, nell’interpretazione degli autori, riabilitare una connessione interrotta, non sono rappresentate solo dagli edifici restituire il waterfront ai suoi abitanti e e dalle infrastrutture esistenti, ma anche rivalutare allo stesso tempo il valore del da quella serie di componenti e strumenti

12 Shanghai Architects CASABELLA 894 13 page 4 Central Design Institute of the furniture. existing obstacles, the two lower page 13 industrial archaeology and – at the rapidly evolving cities in all of Asia. entrance court both horizontally and stripped themselves of their orna- Shanghai Architects Ministry of Construction, which with To conclude with a final comment passages make it possible to grasp the Industrial imagery sides of the path – pergolas and The Fine Arts Building of the Arts vertically; the progression of its steps, ments.” The design solution applied at Federico Bucci about 3000 employees offers an on the works selected herein, seen as multiple constituent parts of the Matteo Moscatelli planters with seating facing towards and Communications College of Anhui gradually reduced along the broken Suzhou seems to lead back to all this, interesting organization model that another step in our magazine’s focus riverfront, determined by the design the river landscape. University (AHUAC) is a new part of an line of the raw concrete wall, acts as to dress the essential figure of a The inevitable teapot is already on the calls for the presence, within the firm, on the finest works of Chinese archi- interventions and the existing con- The bank reached by the Yangpu One distinctive characteristic of the important center of higher education preparation for the panoramic view of floating white cube that contains the table to lend a hand in the presentation of a series of “ateliers” named for the tects, starting from the Shanghai Expo structions; with their not always Bridge, on the side of the district of the project, which is also a principle of to the northeast of the historic nucleus the terrace above. The three-story liturgical hall. The basic, archetypal of the works of Tongji Architectural De- architects that direct them. in 2010, the words of Chairman Mao rectilinear arrangement, featuring same name, long contained one of the unity among its parts, has to do with of the city, in a low-density area opening, placed in front of this small geometric form rests on a complex sign Group Co. (TJAD), the design firm But let’s get back to Shanghai, are undoubtedly still pertinent: “In a bends and curves, these passages allow most important industrial complexes the relationship with a place identity surrounded by large green spaces, with mineral podium, becomes a means of walkable base of gray bricks, and founded by of where Tongji Architectural Design suitable temperature an egg changes the gaze to catch various visual of Shanghai. This was the site – from whose specificities, in the interpreta- a scattered fabric of industrial con- communication between the con- seems to be recessed, as if protected by Shanghai, one of ’s most venera- Group Co. was founded in 1958 as a into a chicken, but no temperature can landmarks, moving along one bank or the late 1800s to the 1930s – of the tion of the architects, are not repre- struction. structed organism and its surround- the system of bastion-like partitions ble and prestigious universities. research institute of the university, and change a stone into a chicken, because on the opposite bank. largest thermal power plant (1913) and sented only by the existing buildings The building adjacent to the main ings, between public and collective that at the same time invites us to In keeping with the affable local now employs about 3000 architects, each has a different basis” (On Contra- The reconnection with the green the largest gas power plant (1933) in and infrastructures, but also by the east-west axis of crossing of the space, framing the green landscape enter. The architectural ‘skin’ of the custom, we are welcomed by the engineers and technicians. Thanks to diction, August 1937). areas of Yangjing, at the eastern end, is the Far East, the first mechanical series of components and working campus is organized with a closed around the building from a raised but emerging cube, which the designers vice-present Tang Shuoning, professor its dynamism and wide range of provided by a bridge with a length of factory for paper production (1882) and tools that are of equally fundamental courtyard layout, of square form, with protected position. describe as a “veil,” is composed of at the College of and expertise, TJAD has completed many 150 meters, supported by a structure the first water supply plant (1883). importance for its narration. a clear, rational configuration on which The construction choices call for vertical sheet metal parts placed Urban Planning of Tongji University, public buildings, that alongside the page 7 with a triangular section, whose The area of this latter settlement, This aspect has influenced, first of to apply a number of well-gauged the simultaneous presence of tradi- parallel, of different widths, separated the director of the “press and foreign solving of technical and functional Riverfront rebirth progression – first helical, then curved located on the last bend of the river all, the technological and constructive variations. tional and modern materials, with the from each other to bring out a se- relations” office and a young architect problems do not overlook the expres- Matteo Moscatelli – and whose surmounted obstacle – the prior to the financial center of Lujiazui, choices, which simultaneously call for The volumetric subtractions of two use of wood, ceramics and brick for the quence of shutters, shadows etched on who studied in Italy and has therefore sion of a unified formal timbre, mouth of the canal on the Huangpu and facing the spaces shown on the conservation and reuse of the existing and three stories on each of the four cladding, aluminium for the facade the surfaces and developed for the full been chosen to translate the conversa- particularly aimed at the interpreta- The project of outdoor spaces on the River – form the metaphorical image of previous pages, has recently been materials, like the sand-blasted sides permits better lighting for the grilles and raw concrete marked by the height, that make the surface of the tion into our language. tion of the Chinese tradition of eastern bank of the Huangpu River is a comet (Hui) on the water (Hong), involved in an intervention by Original concrete for the treadable surfaces, the central space, while ensuring greater horizontal texture of the formwork, for enclosure three-dimensional, vibrant, We are in the metropolis that offers construction, as seen in the new Fine part of a more complex renewal hence the name (Huihong Bridge). The Design Studio, one of the most active introduction of new materials in tune indoor-outdoor visual permeability. the low volume of the reading room; sculpted, repeated in the same way on the most spectacular representation of Arts Building built for Anhui University operation for an industrial area almost folds of the terrain on which the steps firms in Shanghai in the field of with the industrial context, like The profile of the roof is driven by a the traditional Hui-style architecture is all four fronts. Not just the vertical the developments of the “socialist published on the following pages. one kilometer in length, between a are extended, conceived as gathering regeneration of industrial archaeology Cor-ten for the urban furnishings, and series of skylights oriented southward, suggested, also in chromatic terms, by cuts, but also the micro-perforated market economy with Chinese charac- Having said this, to reassure the ferry terminal and the last internal places and catalysts of new community (such as the reuse of the Nashi Power the deployment of materials suitable which bring light to the upper levels the matte surfaces of the building, metal strips offer a glimpse of the teristics,” on a street crossing Siping advocates of individuality of the canal prior to the Yangpu Bridge. activities and events, make it possible Plant, in the area of Expo 2010, for everyday use, such as the Merbau while adding vivid character to the entirely in white. inner facade, concealed and paced by a Road facing the university campus, architectural language, as well as those The overall project, which involves to reach the level of the city and to transformed as an exhibition center). wood for the paving, pergolas, seating facades. The changes of orientation TJAD, which returns to its experi- series of rectangular openings placed inside an old bus garage that has been who fear the competition of university six firms operating in three groups – admire the view of the opposite bank. The project represents the demon- and balustrades of the floating deck. In with respect to the main volume, also mentation with the school typology in an apparently random way. In this renovated to contain the new facility departments, and with the aim of Atelier Deshaus, Atelier Liu Yuyang and The large cranes against the bank, strative sections, with the length of one certain cases, this approach has underlined by the alternation of the here, is one of the largest architecture sense, the cladding faces the landscape opened a few years ago. offering an overview of the excellent Atelier Z+ (China), OMA/AMO (Hol- previously used for the movement of kilometer, of a more ambitious urban suggested the reuse of typical, evoca- materials, form the configuration on firms in China. In a span of 60 years it like a ‘fabric,’ in a game of transparen- Today TJAD, with 60 years of conditions available for the work of land), Yasuda Atelier and Nikken goods from cargo ships to the large operation aimed at reorganizing the tive objects, such as the mooring bitts, the eastern side of access to the has produced a large mosaic of works, cy and memory linking back to the experience, puts a design philosophy architects in Shanghai, we accompany Sekkei (Japan) – is organized in two silos and warehouses behind them, are waterfront, a ring that would extend for true found objects repositioned on a courtyard, bordered by the two-story including commercial facilities and ancient reference to the ‘cloak’ and the into practice that combines the the work by TJAD with three projects phases: the first has to do with a the tangible memory of the industrial 45 kilometers on both banks and triangular surface created between the prism of the photography studio, while civil infrastructures, places of educa- ‘tent.’ An effect of refined ‘transparen- experimentation of university research completed by three different profes- research project jointly conducted, the past. would constitute, when finished, the tracks that cross on the main plaza. on the southern side the placement of tion and culture, new constructions cy’ that is revealed in the evening, with multidisciplinary viewpoints and sional realities. second with the development of design The furnishing and lighting large system of public outdoor spaces More ofen, and in a subtler way, the the cantilevered bridge of the fourth and renovations. The school of Hefei is when the lights come on to reveal the the initiative of a national and interna- The first is that of Atelier Liu schemes done in parallel, which then elements represent project levels with a in the entire city. composition contains a repertoire of floor makes it possible to view the an example of convergence between sequence of openings of the inner tional construction market in which Yuyang Architects (ALYA), for which converge in the summary document crossover character, seen as principles Afer the interruption of produc- urban furnishings – light poles, natural setting inside and outside the the quantity of the projects and the front. ENGLISH the firm is positioned at the highest readers of Casabella will recall the for the overall masterplan. of consistence that establish symbolic tion activities, the area was a problem- pergolas, ramps, balustrades, planters campus, while acting as a positive of quality of their implementation, due to The treatment of the segments of levels due to the fame of the university elegant kiosks made in the pedestrian The urban segment of the opera- and visual relationships between atic one, but full of potential as well. and benches – obtained through the the central void in terms of construc- the relationship of continuity with the different heights forming the route of TEXTS that runs it. portion of the very central Nanjing tion benefits from a panoramic places of transit and places of linger- The construction of the industrial assembly of technical parts like pipes, tive lightness and perception, intro- surrounding landscape, the spatial access and leading to discovery of the With this kind of structure, the Road (published in issue no. 802, June location of evocative power, both short ing, and between raised, intermediate buildings along the riverbank had joining and attachment hardware, and verted and bordered by high, compact configuration of great simplicity and internal courtyards beside the chapel enterprise brings an undeniable 2011). Afer taking a degree in the and long range. In the background, and water levels. broken the connection between the fencing. walls. clarity, and the tactful reworking – in a points to the focus on transformation advantage to the schools of architec- United States in 1997, Liu Yuyang, born framed by the path to the west, there is The modular metal planters based neighborhood and the river, denying The project by Original Design Except for the photography studio contemporary way – of the architectur- of the compact surface of gray brick ture, engineering and design of Tongji in 1969, opened his own firm in the dense skyline of Lujiazui, over on the form of the silos and lined up in access and concealing views. The Studio establishes relations with the and the overhanging bridge, the layout al tradition of this region. into ‘woven’ form. Smooth portions University, which uses TJAD not only as Shanghai in 2006. Today, with four which the twisted volume of the equidistant rows permit insertion of circumstances thus called for a radical memory of the place, taking industry is organized in a modular structural alternate with others rendered three- a place for the specialized training of younger partners, he has completed recently completed Shanghai Tower trees and grasses, providing seating for transformation, through the pursuit of not only as a setting and a system to be grid on which to place the classrooms, dimensional using bricks placed students and graduates, but also as a many projects in the field of renovation looms; the view towards the river, faced visitors and acting as elements of several concatenated objectives: to conserved, but also as reference workshops, exhibition spaces, research page 26 perpendicularly, protruding from the facility with spaces and resources, of urban spaces, including by outdoor steps, embraces a long spatial ordering of the regenerated repair the broken connection, to return imagery for the materic and construc- center and communal-service areas. Path of initiation line of the masonry, alternating with where the faculty can concentrate on shown here for the Huangpu River stretch from Yangpu Bridge to the pier. The railings with steel bar the waterfront to its inhabitants, and tive definition of the new infrastruc- The regular span narrows only at the Matteo Vercelloni those placed horizontally in a precise the many design competitions that are waterfront in the Pudong district. northern extremity of ; the structures, metal screens and wooden at the same time to restore value to the tures, thus combining the reuse of a position of the internal circulation mathematical rhythm. The effect is a organized in China. On the opposite bank of the river, main backdrop, from the opposite side, handrails, and the other seating in industrial heritage of the city. previously inaccessible area with the routes and vertical access systems. In China, at Suzhou, the township game of light and shadow, making the In the historical panorama of as part of a vast urban renewal pro- is composed of the fronts of factories, concrete placed along the riverbank, Interpreting the existing structures enhancement of the industrial past of a The elementary grammar of the behind Shanghai known for its complex system sculptural and 20th-century architecture, we cannot gram that calls for the creation of a including the silo involved in an accompany the visual perspective as memories of their previous use, and city that precisely on these shores, and compositional choices is also reflected classical gardens and bridges, in the mutable with the changes of lighting state with certainty that the efficiency linear park to the north and south of upcoming reutilization project. towards the in the dis- the signs of time as witnesses of the not so long ago, witnessed the rise of in the organization of the facades, Province of Jangsu, Lyndon Neri and across the day, supporting the white of the production methods applied by the Bund, the historic riverfront of the The construction of this settlement tance. The evergreens and deciduous activities that had taken place for years one of its most important production where large passages towards the Rossana Hu have designed a chapel for cube that establishes a direct relation- the “big firms” has offered a sufficient Pearl of the East, inside another large are the result of intervention in species selected to re-naturalize the at the site, this new gathering place is districts. internal courtyard – prevailing features the community, used for both religious ship with it. The public approach path guarantee to achieve remarkable abandoned industrial area, the section multiple phases. The first structures large mineral expanses – white organized in a sequence of episodes, on all four fronts – establish a dialogue and civic functions; a place of gather- develops inside these compact surfac- results form an aesthetic standpoint. by the Original Design Studio has been appeared in 1908, followed by expan- magnolias, camphor trees, black on multiple levels, formulated through with the outer surfaces that seem to be ing and welcome, a sort of council hall es; visitors walk surrounded by panels In the America of the New Deal, it is opened. Founded in 2001 by two sions from 1920 to 1924 (with the mulberries, cornels and various types the grafs inserted by the renovation page 20 gradually more introverted from the that stands out in the urban landscape that cut across the sky. The attention to known that Frank Lloyd Wright held a architecture graduates of Tongji completion of the third and fourth of grasses and flowers – reproduce project and the evidence of the A Hui-style school base upward: the ground floor, with thanks to its position on the main detail and materials prompts concen- low opinion of the “factories of University, Zhang Ming and Zhang Zi, docks), from 1974 to 1976 (with the certain characteristics of the Chinese previous industrial district, in a Jianlong Zhang the entrances and several classrooms, street and the lakefront. The theme of tration, intentionally separating the architectural design,” though the now just into their fifies and teaching reconstruction of the four existing landscape in fragments. The lighting continuous, harmonious counterpoint is mostly glazed; the middle levels, the chapel is approached here from a visitor from the urban context prior to quality of the approximately 10,000 at the same university, this firm docks) and from 1991 to 1996 (with the system composed of sources on poles between new and existing features. The Hui-style is an architectural style containing most of the education landscape perspective, in the achieved entry inside the chapel. projects done by SOM, the firm specializes in the field of regeneration construction of a large silo and the or recessed, with precise linear The first segment begins with a that developed in China during the functions, have a system of equal and intention of uniting the architectural Across the threshold the outer founded in Chicago in the 1930s by the of industrial buildings, with a staff of demolition of several warehouses). The geometric arrangements, encourages public plaza having a rectangular form Ming and Qing dynasties at Huizhou, equidistant openings; the upper level, solution with a labyrinthine path of labyrinthine path finds a direct design architects Louis Skidmore and about forty persons. project of the new waterfront, in 2016, use of the site in the evening, setting – bordered on one side by the river, and in the province of Anhui, used for the which also receives light through the initiation leading to discovery of the counterpart in the vertical develop- Nathaniel Owings, and the engineer Alongside these works of urban thus arose with the aim of restoring to the rhythm of its routes and transform- on the other by a commercial building construction of houses, temples and skylights, is crossed by openings interior of the construction; what ment of the detailed staircase system, John Merrill, now seems to prove him restoration, also to illustrate a way of the city an area not only of great ing these spaces into a point of – with several parallel crossings whose small facilities, and marked by simple, aligned with those of the floors below Neri&Hu define as “a choreographic made by overlaying austere smooth wrong. working that seeks out international landscape value, but also bearing reference, not only for the inhabitants continuity is provided by a footbridge rational volumetric compositions, the but slimmer, and at a pace reduced by voyage that leads to the building.” gray surfaces in polished concrete, Regarding the big design firms, the interaction, we present the chapel at witness to a historic phase of develop- of the zone. connecting the two banks beside the use of materials connected with local half. As Cardinal Giancarlo Ravasi connected to each other by cuts and ranking put together last year by Suzhou by Neri & Hu Design and ment. Afer the Shanghai Museum of plaza, and by a sheltered inclined path availability, such as wood, brick and The opening at the base of the reminds us, the etymology of the term interlocks in the slabs and openings Engineering News-Record based on Research Office, the studio founded in The starting point for the definition Contemporary Art and the pedestrian placed as a feature to connect the river stone, and homogeneous outer building, around which this schema “chapel” is “based on the late Latin aimed towards the liturgical and civic annual income puts the California- Shanghai in 2004 by Lyndon Neri, born of the open space, designed by Atelier kiosks of Nanjing Road, Atelier Liu level to the level of the garden. In a surfaces with the chromatic dominant develops, is subdivided into two capella, diminutive of capa, hence our hall, before reaching the two balconies, based Gensler in first place in the USA, in the Philippines in 1965, and Rossana Liu Yuyang Architects, had to do with Yuyang Architects thus proposes a new hollow further inside that once of white. independent but connected spaces: at “cape,” referring to a garment or a stacked and suspended at different with 1197 million dollars, while SOM is Hu, born in Taiwan in 1968. This the identification of its potential users, project in the heart of the Chinese contained a pond with aquatic plants, These principles become a solid ground level an intimate, measured cloak.” In memory of the story of the heights, which seamlessly run along in the top ten, with 249 million. In the architectural duo, afer training in the leading to the choice of organizing metropolis. A praiseworthy exercise in an ecological wetland zone has been source of inspiration for the design of entrance courtyard, surrounded by cloak worn by St. Martin, bishop of the four sides of the large space, a Chinese section of the same rankings, United States, with master in architec- flows to encourage different modes and discretion that confirms the sense of created for the gathering of rainwater, an art school by Tongji Architectural five-story facades and bordered on the Tours, in 371, which he cut in half with balanced architectural void with a among a handful of signatures ture degrees respectively from Harvard speeds of crossing: the lower route, measure and sensitivity of the firm in taking pressure off the drainage Design Group Co. (TJAD) at Hefei, the western side by the volume of the a sword to protect a beggar from the height of twelve meters. The staircase, controlling the Asian real estate and Princeton, has developed its directly on the water, is for pedestri- the context of regeneration of outdoor devices and optimizing irrigation of largest city and capital of this province, reading room; on a higher level, in cold; of the ‘textile’ etymological origin in its independent path, reaches market, TJAD is in tenth place, with activity in China and Europe, in ans; the middle one, partially touching spaces, and an encouraging signal, in a the vegetation through a circulation located 500 km to the west of Shang- continuity with the outdoor walkways of the history of the chapel as a upward to terminate on the roof 424 million dollars. At the top of the keeping with a refined approach on the first and identified by the color city of skyscrapers and macrostruc- pump system. hai. Today, due to the international of the first floor, a roof terrace of the ‘liturgical type’; but also in relation to terrace, a sort of belvedere projected to- list, with 991 million dollars in sales, involving the poetic expression of red, is for jogging; the innermost route, tures, of a renewed focus on the small The second segment, of more appeal of its industrial centers, its same space has been conceived as an the historic “tent of meeting,” the wards the urban horizon and the we see the state-run company China materials in the design of buildings, separated from the first two and placed scale and the everyday dimension, limited thickness, is formed by a long demographic growth, improvement of extension of the main entrance. The Tabernacle, which as the Bible narrates landscape of the lake. The ‘discovery’ Architecture Design & Research Group, interiors (such as the one for the at a higher level, is for bicycles. which has emerged in the urban floating deck adjacent to the bank, on infrastructures and services (including two levels are connected by an open was pitched by Moses “outside the of the chapel also implies that of its founded in Beijing in 1952 as the Mercato restaurant in Shanghai) and Adapting to level shifs and skirting policies of recent years. which to place two low buildings of higher education), it is one of the most staircase that ideally extends the camp,” when “the sons of Israel unexpected figure, a sort of ‘architec-

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