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Volume XXXVII Z-79 HARTFORD, CONN., MAY 13, 1941 Number 24 Photographic Finish Senior Ball and Jesters' Program Head Long List of May Weekend Festivities I JESTERS AT AVERY Hundreds of Prom Guests I W eekend Headliners Await Opening Strains Sheen Stars as Archbishop; of Chester's Music I Weekend Crowd to See Production Tonight BEWARE OF WOLVES!

Friday, May 8-Last night the Librarian Discovers Crumbling Trinity College Jesters, in collabora­ Record of Dance Presented Left to right-Smith, Vassar tion with St. Joseph College, pre­ One Hundred Years Ago a nd Radcliffe sented at the Avery Memorial Thea­ tre, T. S. Eliot's ".Murder in the Cathe­ Friday, May 9-1At ten o'clock this dral." A large first-nighter crowd evening a great flood of Trinity men was present at this first performance and their guests will drag out the Gallant Smith Eight Wins which will run two nights. The pro­ customary paraphernalia of La Danse Colorful Hog River Regatta duction is under the direction of Pro­ -corsages, dinner coats, bustles and fessor Rembold of Trinity and stars fancy hair -do's and strut them at the Hartford Club f.or the benefit of the Vassar and Radcliffe Threaten Lewis B. Sheen as the Archbishop of Canterbury. Cl ub's staff. Bob Chester and his But Fall Short of Catching band will fill the ballroom with allur­ Northampton Mermaids The cast of twenty-three consists of three priests, played by T. Tam­ Trinity College J este rs in an ing strains of sweet swing. The fac­ Friday, May 9-In one of the most oney, J. Tweedy, and H. Getz; four informal pose ulty will be present en masse. Even startling upsets in the history of row­ knights played by N. Hall, S. Knowles, Wilbur would be there-if •he could. ing, a lanky crew from Smith College F. Romaine, and J . Sweetser; a herald But back at the College he will be outrowed a powerful Radcliffe eight played by MacNerney; the Archbishop THE SOCIAL SET doing his best, examining door knobs and a strong Vassar boat on the and a chorus of fourteen made up of for fingerprints and adding now and choppy waters of the Hog River this girls from St. Joseph College. By "Stork Club" Teddy then a little bit of Lindy Hop or Conga. afternoon. The Smithsonian maidens The play is based on the historically A Warning-Beware, oh visiting Trinity Professor Clutches took an early lead after rounding the famous murder of Thomas Becket, damsels, for half the lads in college At three o'clock the music will bend near the railroad station and won Archbishop of Canterbury, by the are looking for wives and some have Destiny of Universe, Drops It cease and a line three miles long will by a comfortable margin of two miles, form before the cloakroom. There knights of King Henry the Second of already found their ideals: beware, Novel "Subtankius Vegetarius" as far as anyone can guess. England. Becket was born in London. visiting lassies, that you a1·e not swept will be cases of mistaken identity, an The regatta, which was one of the Claimed Tough on !Beetles, epidemic of hat trouble, coat trouble, He early entered one of the lower off your feet by our iocal Lotharios Nazis and Imagination strangest and most exciting ever held orders of the Church, but grew up in who will cut in with a Dun and Broad­ scarf trouble, "May I borrow a ciga­ within the confines of Bushnell Park, the service of the crown and was able street in one hand and a marriage By Johnny Ondespot, '75 rette and light" trouble, and, worst was arranged in order that Trinity's to aid Henry in gaining the throne. license in the other. It is being noised around in the of all, feet trouble. The clever news­ paper photogra,pher who has man­ new crew might be tested against un­ Thereupon the king made him his * * hi ghways and byways of our fair expected competition. Although the chancellor. Becket proved an excellent Don't look now, but 'tis rumored campus that an invention of momen­ aged to get into the dance by dis­ race itself was such a success that minister and defended the king's in­ that there is a formidable lad and tous import is ;being built by a Trin­ guising his camera in a French horn another has been planned as soon as terests even against the Church. It lover who inhabits Woodw-a rd Hall, ity professor (whose name we shall will insert his last flash bulb and the Hog River takes its place in Bush­ appeared to Henry that there could makes a lot of noise, curses in Italian, not mention because of the long arm smile sweetly as some lovely creature nell Conduit, Trinity was unable to be no better head for the English and tells Casanov-a n tales with a of the Fifth Column) and will be pre­ brushes past him. compete. During a trial spin before clergy than his sagacious and worldly Bronx twang. Look to your laurels, sented to the government at an early The scene will be a pleasant one, the race, tall and handsome Fred .Moor chancellor. In appointing Becket as Mr. Zacchariah will be around! date. and looking on from the sidelines, Dr. Ogilby will marvel, "It's just as caught a crab of heroic proportions, Archbishop, Henry intended with * * This invention, it is said, will revo­ and as a consequence, Coxswain Has­ Becket's aid to insure his own com­ We hear say that there were a cou­ lutionize modern warfare and will though things had always been this way." brouk steered his boat into a sewer plete control of the Church. Becket, ple of Trinity stagedoor Johnnies dur­ make t he Nazi War Machine look like pipe. however, immediately resigned his ing the local run of "The Vanities"; a Model T Ford with a bad case of the But, Dr. Ogilby, may we remind The three-mile Hog River course chancellorship, gave up his gay life, it's certainly a shame that Earl Car­ hiccups. When interviewed about his you, Trinity dances have not always started at the spot where Anthony and opposed every effort of the king roll's girls were only here for a week invention, this Trinity professor said been thus. There was a time when Caviari, WPA enthusiast, buried his to reduce the independence of the or Trinity might have taken the show (quote): It's terrific (unquote). The the Senior Ball was held in the Old rock drill (in the vicinity of Capitol (Continued on page 2.) (Continued on page 3.) invention is, as we understand it, a Gymnasium (before the roof was Avenue and Broad Street) after suf­ combination corkscrew, bottle-opener, burned off for the seventh time), and fering acute indigestion from the con­ tank, "Big Bertha," vegetable garden also for further proof, we print the sumption of Hog River bass. No one and submarine. In order to give a following article, describing the Sen­ seemed to know where the finish line Scattered Archeological Records Show better picture of this "Nasty-Destruc­ ior Ball of one hundred years ago, was located, although as the Vassar tor," as it has been so aptly named, which was found among the stacks on boat dropped over the dam near Asy­ College's Scandalous Prehistoric Past we will let the inventor speak for him­ Dr. Adams' desk and happens to be unique. We treasure it! lum Street one of its oarswomen was The history of Trinity begins with Trinity prospered, however, and like self. Professor: May, 18 41~Last evening forty sen­ heard to mutter, "This is the end!" the origin of man. Archeological in­ all growing institutions went through "Tank you und good afternoon, iors of Washington College (later At exactly 2.15, the three starting vestigation shows that the Trinity different experimental phases. On ladeez and gentle. 'De Trin Tripe' (Continued on page 3.) (Continued on page 2.) man originated in the Triassic Period May 3, 1834, Trinity became a co-ed has to me been so very kind in allow­ and was alleged to be a fraternity establishment. A slight confusion ing me to spik to yoo. Dis invention Hollywood's Latest brother of the Piltdown man. Both developed, however, due to the mis­ dat I haf invented wee! refo- refolu­ Blue and Gold Crew Musicale a Success were collateral descendants of Adam, leading similarity between Jarvis, the weel change the methods of war used from whom Dr. Adams derives his women's dormitory and Seabury, the by de N asties at de present time. Races at Cambridge By Andrew G. Weeks family name. Pre - hjstoric records men's quarters, and the plan was Tank you." Current hit in Hartford and in hun­ are scarce because a little to the west dropped on May 4, 1834. Ever since Oh no, thank you, professor. The "They're off" will be the cry on dreds of other large cities throughout of the campus on the spot where Mrs. that date Trinity has been, officially professor seems a trifle discombobu­ the Charles River at Cambridge this the country is one of the most emo­ Joe's now is, stood an artesian well at least, for men only. For compensa­ lated by the sight of so many up­ Saturday as Trinity's plucky crew tionally stirring musicales that have whose flow dissolved all evidence of tion the college authorities installed turned pans, so we weel-excuse us­ races the junior varsity boat of ever been presented on the screen. those who drank from its source. an unlimited cut system, except when we will try to explain the workings of M. I. T. Coach John Bradin will be "Ziegfeld Girl", staning James Stew­ More substantial .evidence of Trin­ the Flora-Dora girls were playing at this truly remarkable machine. In the shouting his encouragement to Trin­ art, Hedy Lamarr, , and ity's existence is found in a strata the State and on days following bank first place, have yo~ ever seen an ity in an attempt to make the official and supported by an ex­ thirty feet deep in the library stacks. night at the Hofbrau. This system asparagus patch moving over the debut of this worthy sport an auspi­ cellent group of minor stars including Although the linguistics department failed when it was discovered in 1851 ground at a mad, breakneck pace? ci-ous occasion. This is the first of three Tony Martin and Paul Kelly, has has not deciphered this material, it that two professors who had been No? Neither had we till one day we races which the Hilltoppers plan to moved the hearts and fancies of has been established that the men who given Sabbatical leaves in 1803 hadn't rounded Boardman Hall, whistling row within eight days. thousands. made up the earliest undergraduate been missed during that time. gaily to ourselves-and there was the On Wednesday, May 14, the team Gloriously scened, with magnificent classes were for the most part grinds, A third effort to improve under­ professor. Was he mowing the grass? will race against the Springfield stage settings and countless beautiful whose language was a jargon of Latin graduate life was to lighten the strin­ No. Was he reclining on the ground nun1ber one crew at Springfield. The costumes, this latest musical combines and English A. Trinity was first gent Chapel credit requirements of six playing the pipes of Pan? No. No1 result of one Springfield match is brilliant acting, efficient direction and located on a site later confiscated by per day, by placing the slips in slot there he was running madly being known. Dartmouth defeated them by production, appealing presentation of the State for its Capitol and the col­ machines, the proceeds taking the chased by this galloping embryo vege­ three lengths. The Trinity crew's several excellent song hits, strong lege was moved to Gallows Hill, the place of collection. ~ This attempt table soup. Running madly and every third and last scheduled race follows drama and plot, and remarkable cast­ public execution place. Several years failed when a freshma:n hit the jack­ now and then turning to throw a shout on Saturday, May 17, at Hanover ing with an indescribable grandeur later this gory sport was supplanted pot and had to be graduated because of defiance over his shoulder. Stun· against the Dartmouth first crew. and emotional appeal. Rarely does by football, which was considered he had thus fulfilled his four-year at- ned, we stood watching a moment and Dartmouth has a slight edge in ex- (Continued on page 2.) more "cricket." ( Continued on page 3.) (Continued on page 4.) ( Continued on page 4.) Page Two THE TRINITY TRIPOD May 13, - 1941 Trinity's Attempt at Nine in PERFECT COUPLE San Carlo Opera Company Row Foiled by Wes Cards Presents "II Trovatore" ~be rm:rtnitp rm:rtpob TRINITY COLLEGE, Hartford. Conn. Hilltop Winning Streak Broken Bushnell Performance Imparts Pablidaed tw•~-ab: tim1111 dariq the :reu. As Kay Homers for Wesleyan Very Favorable Impression Member With Bases Loaded in 9th Upon Its Reviewer ~ssociated CDIIe5iate Pres\ By Ethan Ayer Tuesday, May 6-The law of aver-­ Distributor of ages caught up with Trinity's fast­ Cast: moving baseball team today, and it Leonora, lady in waiting to a princess Collee>iate Die>est lost its second game of the season of Aragon, Mobley Lushanya. to a fairly strong Wesleyan nine, by Azucena, Biscayan gypsy woman, Subscription Price, $2.50 per Year. an 8-4 count. This defeat terminated Marie Powers. Entered at the Poet Office, Hartford, Conn., as seeond-class matter. Aceeptanee for Trinity's impressive victory streak at Inez, confidante of Leonora, Dorothy ID8Uillll' at opecial rate of postage provided for in paragraph 4, seetion 412, Aet of October 28, 11126. authorized Oetober 14. 1926. eight in a row. Dickson. Advertialng Ratea farniahed on application. On the hill for Trinity seeking vic­ Manrico, chieftain under Prince of REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BY tory number :four, was Frank Steers, Biscay, Harold Lindi. National Advertising Service, Inc. and he might have attained his goal i£ Count di Luna, young noble of Ara­ College Publishers Representative his support in the field had been a gon, Mostyn Thomas. 420 MADISON AVE. . N.Y. bit tighter. Both teams scored un­ Ferrando, di Luna's captain of the CHICAGO ' BOSTON ' LOS ANGEU:S "' SAN fRANCISCO earned runs in the :first inning due to guard, Harold Kravitt. Saboerlbera are arced to report promptly any aeriom irr"'rDiarity in the receipt of THE Ruiz, in M:anrico's service, Francesco l'RINITY TRIPOD. All eomplainta and bmineaa eommanicationa ohould be addreaiH!d to the the cooperation of the opposing third 8aal111111a Manacer, THE TRINITY TRIPOD, Trinity College, Hartford, Cona. sackers. Deed Harris was safe on the Curci. The columna of THE TRINITY TRIPOD are at all times open to aiiiDlni. andel'1fl'8duataa same kind of an error he had com­ A Gypsy, Fausto Bozza. ... ethera for the free discuosion of mattera of interest to Trinity men. mitted in the Wesleyan half of the The San Carlo Opera Company pre­ inning, to tie up the contest. sented Verdi's "Il Trovatore" at the TUESDAY, MAY 13, 1941 The score stayed that way till the GUESS WHO! Bushnell last night at 8.15 o'clock. sixth, when the Cardinals pushed over I missed the f\rst act of last night's and his brother .... Small crowd dis­ three cheap runs, after two were out, opera and, judging from the rest of cussing, and in no uncertain terms, on fielding lapses by Steers and Hollywood's Latest the performance, did not miss the what should be done with the Greek 4 Beidler, intermingled with two base­ best singing. For Marie Powers as Musicale a Success course (Paddon being elected chair­ hits. After Slitt and Johnson hit t Continued from page 1.) Azucena and Mostyn Thomas as the man of the group) .... Carpenter, as safely, Steers made a poor throw on Hollywood produce a picture which Count di Luna are more featured in usual, trying to sell someone some­ Losee's dribbler in front of the plate, lies all these qualities together in one the succeeding acts than in the first. thing they don't like, don't want, and and one run scored. He got into a pictorial bundle. Miss Powers sang her scene in di can't use. tighter jam by walking Northrup, an1l Hedy Lamarr, L:,u1a Turner and Luna's prison camp particularly well Beidler threw Kay's bounder away Judy Garland are among a group of and with this and some lovely soft * * ON THE ATHLETIC (?) FRONT after making a fine stop. Trinity got girls who have been selected to per­ singing in the Prison Scene atoned one back in their half, on the W es­ form in the . Stage for her effective but somewhat coarse Charley (I swing thrice) Cook, leyan catcher's error on Bob Mada­ manager Paul Kelly warns them of singing of the 15econd act. Her act­ chief heckler at the recent A. D.­ ma's strikeout, and Deed Harris's the many pitfalls which they will en­ ing was well up to that of Bruna Cas­ Delta Psi baseball game-Brinkerhoff well-hit grounder to the right side. counter during their employment. He tagna in the Metropolitan production. a close second .. .. Crows and A.D.'s By playing its best ball, Trinity encourages them, tells them never to Mostyn Thomas, the Count di betting a half-keg on the outcome of managed to tie up the game for the veer from the steady, often tiresome Luna, became more dramatic and more their encounter for the league cham­ pionship (too bad Knurek can't play) last time in the eight. After two path- on which they have set foot. sonorous as the evening progressed MENTAL MIX UPS Those who falter are lost; those who and distinguished himself in the rapid .... Peck's professional way of yell­ nten were retired, Viering walked. Max "Betty", sauntering into the keep going will succeed gloriously. duet with Leonora that closes the ing, "Yer Out!", netting him many O'Malley, the new first baseman, office, and absent-mindedly filling The plot moves along at a moderate scene outside Mlanrico's prison. He jobs as umpire in the intra-murals­ reached base on Palumbo's bobble, and out a scholarship blank instead of his Jack Fay on Zaiser's error; but the pace, depicting the girls' progress. has a strong, fine voice which with a he loves it! .... Joe Ink, doing more draft papers! .... "Wild Willy" Gavin initial sacker made a fine recovery Lamarr and Garland manage to keep little more subtle manipulating would yelling than pitching in the recent letting all the air out of his Model and apparently had Vier·ing thrown up with it. Turner, torn between her make his pronouncements more ef­ Psi U-Sig Nu game. He won though. "A's" tires, and then filling them right out at the .plate by a good margin. deep love for truck driver Stewart fective. • • up again. Why? "The car rides However, Don sailed right into the and the glories, riches, and parties Mr. Harold Lindi (the last time I SCHOLASTICALLY better on fresh air!"-intellectual, catcher, causing him to drop the ball offered her by wealthy admirer~, heard him he was Arroldo Lindi) was "Brains" Bromberg and "Pulverizer" aren't we? and lose all interest in the game. stumbles and slackens. Meanwhile rather mild in his scene in the Gypsy Peterson having a sob session over O'Malley scored right on Viering's Stewart, despairing of their simple camp, but summoned up a good deal * * their Psychology marks-they only AT JOE'S heels. love before Lana reached stardom, of alternating vocal suavity and bom­ got "98's"! (poor, tortured charac­ Trinity apparently was back in the joins a group of smugglers to earn bast for the love scene with Leonora Business minds, such as Crockett ters) . ... Numerous Freshmen trying game, but two walks, a hit, and Kay's more money. Both of them allow them­ at the end of "Di Quella Pira." He and Pillsbury, forming "Syndicates" to find out what the easiest major is terrific home-run blast to right cen­ selves to lose control of their morals threw a not particularly engaging to try to beat the pinball machines ... -we suggest Physics, Chemistry, or ter field dashed Trinity's hopes of and sense of decency. Finally Lana, high note at the heads of the audience O'Malley, practically weeping because Math. continuing in their winning ways. in a drunken stupor, falls from a high who didn't quite appreciate it as Shera tilted the mechanism just when * * Though he did show a letdown in staircase while on stage and is ser­ his attitude seemed to indicate. The he had rung up six thousand, and on BRAINSTORM places, Joe Beidler's great throwing iously injured. Stewart returns, and prison scene found him at his best­ the third ball! .... Tolles and Jacobs The plural of mouse is mice, arm had the spectators gasping. they find happiness with one another which is good. attempting to catch pigeons with Why isn't the plural of spouse, spice? Meanwhile, down at Middletown, again and plan to marry and live in Mobley Lushanya as Leonora dis­ their coats in Mrs. Joe's front yard * * the Freshmen lost a tough game to the country. However, on the follow­ tinguished herself in the Miserere .... Clark trying to convince May and IN CONCLUSION the Wesleyan Frosh in ten innings, ing night, at the new opening of the Scene- a very good Miserere Scene Grey that some one practically paid Don't be too shocked at the Senior by 3-2. Dubovick got a homer for Follies starring Judy Garland, Lana -and her first scene with M'anrico. him to take his present car (not hard Prom tonight, if you see "Co-agita­ Trinity. tries to return to the theater and Her opening aria in the Miserere to believe, at that) .. . . Mrs. Joe sport­ tors" Heap and Van Wick running dies while recal_ling one of her great­ Scene was rather dexterous shrieking. ing a new spring hat-Joe looking around writing feminine names on Gallant Smith Crew est theatrical scenes. Stewart arrives She is tall and a dignified actress. rather surly. their tails. After all they haven't in time to see her die, and the story The orchestra played an adequ~te * * any space on their dance programs. Wins Hog River Race ends in glorious tragedy. ~c<:ompaniment to the singing, anrl AT THE UNION (Nobody ever uses the darn things (Continued from page 1.) Never before has Lana Turner per­ Carlo Peroni conducted the proceed­ Ryan and Fresher, using strong­ anyhow.) This column thinks that eights lined up, while river craft formed so superbly. This picture ings vigorously with the aid of a poor arm methods, to get corsage orders maybe they're just jealous because hugged the bank and tooted horns and serves to show that she may some day chorus and bl tter-than-average set­ for the Prom .... "Norm" Hall trying they weren't in on that champagne friends waved gaily. The legislature, become one of the screen's outstand­ ings, the best of which was the Castle to sell Jesters' tickets to every man dinner. assembled on the Capitol grounds with ing actresses. Relief from the emo­ of Castellor. cigars and pipes, gazed in mute ad­ tional pathos of the plot itself was The· performance was well directed FROM AN IRATE GRAD thing; but what intellectual stimula­ miration. Suddenly the discord of some good humor provided by several and its effects mitigated by a small Voidberg, Ill., tion is to be gained from your anth­ factory whistles rent the air, and the members of the supporting cast. chorus which, however, made up an May 1, 1941. ropological opposite? She is incapable race was on. effective, with Mr. Lindi's unconven­ To Trinity Tripod, of intelligent conversation upon any­ Radcliffe's shell shot from its moor­ One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, tional gesturing, climax to the mili­ Gentlemen: thing but , or is it ing. Vassar was second and Smith eight pairs of husky arms fell around tant ending of Manrico's scene with I am a graduate of Trinity College Glenn Miller? Even the most intel­ third. They rowed in this order for the referee's neck. Eight large, Leonora in the castle. and I therefore deem it my right to ligent of your dates cannot tell any­ some twenty or thirty strokes. Then watery kisses landed one after an­ demand the publication of this letter thing about that simple mechanical Smith's lovely stroke, a Miss Franny other upon his dripping face until he Wesleyan, Hamilton in your next edition. miscarriage made by Mr. Ford. Dwyer, caught sight of an admirer resembled a Hollywood version of Oppose Track Team College, say some of our wiser men, Some brilliant once said that you on the bank. "Johnny!" she screamed. "Captain Blood." is an institution wherein the student can lead an ass to college but you But Johnny had dil'lappeared, leaving "Foul, foul!" shouted the Radcliffe On Saturday, May 17, at Clinton, should seek Wisdom; wise men are can't make him think. Shall we, illus­ in his wake a trail of ham and cheese and Vassar oarswomen. New York, the Trinity Varsity Track never wrong. But you adolescent trious undergraduates of Trinity, sandwiches and a slip of paper read­ "Wonderful!" exclaimed the referee. team will compete in its only tri­ intellectuals permit the magnificent prove him wrong? Think for a mo­ ing, "College Union, Keep this place And as the crowd was dispersing, he angular meet of the year when it pearls of learning to be forfeited as ment and for a change. Can you not clean-please." But Stroke Dwyer was noticed sp_eeding away in his new meets Wesleyan University and you wallow deeper and deeper in the see the uselessness of bringing a girl had seen enough, and she' sent the Chevrolet in search of a blind date Hamilton College. maggoty mire of maudlir.. dissipation. to Trinity for no other purpose than stroke streaking up to a screaming for the Senior Ball. Coach Oosting has announced that Faugh! wasting time? So when she does 24. Friday afternoon of the 16th a bus Instead of diligent study you em­ arrive bid her a firm adieu and return Near the bridge at Main Street, INTRA-MURAL SINGING carrying both the Wesleyan and Trin­ bryonic jelly fish prefer· rather to at once to more worthy pursuits. Vassar began a game sprint, then at Trinity will hold its annual In­ ity men will leave Hartford and re­ float from Junior to Senior Prom, J. A. Woolpoll, '96. the last minute the bow oar caught a ter-fraternity Singing Contest at turn some time Sunday afternoon. from Soph Hop to Frosh Flop, and mass of fishing tackle, and lost every­ 7.30 o'clock next Sunday evening, Each college will be taking only fif­ between each of these orgies you de­ thing before a substitute was rushed May 18. This year the singing teen competitors on that trip, so lively vote your waking hours to the care JESTER PLAY out from shore. And then before her will be conducted beneath the elms competition is expected in most events and growth of puny stomach ulcers of (Continued from page 1.) opponents could lift another oar, on the campus. It is hoped that during this next week. Dave Cunning­ which Bacchus would be ashamed. Church. Smith streaked over the finish line, all the fraternities and some of ham will try again to break the col­ Undoubtedly that creature whom you If the size of the crowd may be con­ the winner. The eight victorious oars, the neutral groups will see fit to lege record of 12 feet 114 inches in are taking to the dance is a perfect sidered as a judge of the production, exhausted and panting, jumped from give this event their full support, the pole-vault, and Jim Caffrey will marvel; she is quite able to wiggle then the play was a great success. their boat into two feet of water and that it may become an important have his next to last chance to break through the dithyrambic discord of Lewis Sheen was at his best as the swam to the shore mid the delighted ,part of the College curriculum. that elusive mile record for which he the Conga; she is a person of excel­ Archbishop and the supporting cast -screams of the May weekend crowd. has been aiming so long. lent character and all that sort of was good. May 13, 1941 THE TRINITY TRIPOD Page Three

Call to Arms! Wailing, Connecticut College for The Social Set Detective Slink Reappears on Scene; Psi U Wom,en; Virginia Olson, Hartford; (Continued from page 1.) Misses Jayne Gaillard, Skidmore; Betsey Sampson, West Hartford; over in a body .... That Chetta W ode Toni Pinchot, ; Mary Shirley Johnson, Hartford; Barbara is on the trail of two of the world's Raring Bloodhounds Ready for Work Stent, Hartford, and Mary Higgin­ Mecklin, Skidmore; Mary Ann Reigel, most beautiful blondes, one of whom NEW HIDEAWAY M·iss Porter's School; Catherine Lane, bough, Hartford. is the cause of the Cuhnel's latest Smath; Peggy Brooks, S.t. Mary's Delta Psi smooth hair comb .... That Mark Hall; Dorothy Somers, Derby; Ruth Misses Ruth Thibault, Ardmore Pa.; Rainsford has two aerials on his car Reporter Reaches Lair, Ann Bryant, Bridgeport; Dorothy Margaret Fountain, New York City; .... That Bob Tolland likes Bettina Finds Master Sleuth Finucare, Smith; Beverly MeAlier, Skippy Gill, Belmont, Mass.; Virginia Frazer down Farmington way ...• In Cryptic Mood Hamden; Pat Hoffman, Miss Porter's Bogert, New York City; Virginia That Andy Baxter still can't figure School; Meriam Hilla, Overbrook, Pa.; Ranney, of Weston, Mass.; Betty out what must have happened when By Felix White Betty Smith, Smith: Jean Bink, East Browning, Tenafly, N. J; Tudor Mlor­ Anne Wright gave a luncheon for Detective I. Slink, of Trinity Col­ Hartford; Audrey Toulmen, Smith; sell, Washington, D. C.; J ean Flynn, Joy Plummer at the Stork last Mon­ lege crime fame, had been in the back­ Carol Schmied, Smith; Joy Lester, Hartford; Hetty Bixby, Wilkes-Barre, day .... That Toni Pinchot is Bill Ar­ ground for several weeks prior to Miss Porter's School; Doris Saugh, Pa.; Mary Basten, Hartford; Barbara nold's weekend reason .... That "Ca­ May 1 when your correspondent Andover, Mass.; and Osa Pearson, VanWyck, New York City; Elizabeth ruso" Ethan Ayer is still looking for sought him out for an interview. He Cromwell. Emmons, New York City; and Nancy a lovable operatic diva . ... That Rod is still in the background. He resides Delta Phi Bernard, Chestnut Hill, Mass. Hall is cutting his hair short for Ruth in a den so carefully hidden away in The Misses Dale McCarthy, Forest Sigma Nu Thibault ....Not to mention what the isolation of the city slums that Hills, N.Y.; Grace Doolan, New Hav­ Misses Frances Weirup, East Hart­ Jerry Boucher thinks of a girl by the waves cannot reach him, and it en; Marjorie Gore, Old Greenwich; ford; Ruth Simmons, Mt. Holyoke, name of Williams. was only with the aid of the brain Emily Sanderson, Hartford; Doris Mass.; Ruth Hall, Audubon, N. J.; • • waves of my Christian Scientist guide Wendt, Utica, N. Y.; Mlarie Eaton, Norma Macbeth, Woodbury; Louise Seen Around Bagdad-Larue seems that I could locate him. Collinsville; Mary Ahern, Hartford; Bohlemann, Lakeville, Conn.; Mildred to be a great Trinity hangout, and When I entered his lodging, I found Mary Barnes, Stamford; Pat von Carson, Middlebury College; Dorothy among others one may find imbibing him seated midst a deep pile of crypto­ Schmid, Montclair, N. J.; Dorothy Warren, Forestville; Matthews, the atmosphere are Bev Barstow and grams disguised as Yehudi's cousin, Langdon, Hartford; Betty Day, Hart­ Hartford; Barbara Brancherry, West his one and only .. .. Ted Conklin with Yuheini, the pixy who holds one's ford; Jeanne Platt, New Haven; Kay Hartford; Jean Hammond, Sarah Bobby VanWyck looking mighty cute pants up. As I seated myself opposite Hart, Stamford; Frances Vincent, Lawrence; Kay Finch, Newington; .... Professor Wendell in a jolly him on a pile of la pizza, he was hear­ Simsbury, and Lois Frances, Hart­ Carol O'Keefe, Hartford; Mary Beg­ frame of mind promising to omit all ing the last of the phonograph record, ford. ley, Hartford; Veronica McKeon, final exams ... . Incidentally, ft's a "Who Threw the Overhauls in Mrs. Alpha Chi Rho Hartford; Estelle Breen, Hartford; shame your reporter is writing this Murphey's Chowder?" "I knew it all Ball Guests Await Misses Celia Ann Hughes, New Libby Travis, Connecticut College; column, or he could say where he has the time!" he exclaimed as it was Britain; Catherine Kinsella, St. Jos­ Barbara Tillotson, Danbury; Unis been .... Al Whampole having a high melodiously disclosed that the good Bob Chester's Music eph; Elaine Sheriden, Hartford; Gledhill, New London; Mavis Ricker, time at the Capablanca .... Some of wife had had them in the wash that (Continued from page 1.) Dorothea Keaton, West Hartford; Bristol; Jean Middleton, Hartford; the suaver Triniteers cong·aing for the day and had forgotten to take them named Trinity College) presented Emaculatta Fiore, Harrison, N. Y.; Barbara Rood, Bridgeport; Marjorie Blue and Gold at the Morocco .... Ole out when she made the chowder. He their annual Senior Ball Dance in Zak Conni Grandage, Montclair, N. J.; Fee, Connecticut College; Eileen Pillsbury on Madison Avenue with a was on the verge of playing "Who Brown's barn on the corner of Main Elinor Perry, West Hartford; Kath­ Nolan, Hartford; ·Clare Connor, Sarah soulful eyeful on his arm, also Hugh Threw the Mush in Grandpa's Whisk­ and Asylum Streets. Uncle Dodo erine Welser, St. Joseph; Viola Wool­ Lawrence; and Jane Redding, Bloom­ Vanderbilt and the pride of Meriden, ers" when he was startled by my Martin, of harmonica fame, provided folk, M)t. Holyoke; Barbara Dryhurst, field. Connecticut .... Johnny Peabody and entrance. Like a chameleon he changed the music; the faculty provided the West Hartford; Patricia Maguire, Delta Kappa Epsilon his adored- Diana Lanier- at the color to blend with his surroundings. clapping and several ladies from Hartford; Terry West, Hartford; Misses Jane Hodgkins, Lynn, Mass.; Stork Club .... Jess Sweetser and Liz I wilted under his penetrating gaze. Glastonbury (of glawackus fame) Patricia Austin, Fredonia State Nor­ Patricia Piel, Chicago; Christine Derby on the town ..... That Felix He offered me a palliative and, al­ added the strutting. The barn was mal; Virginia Welles, Hartford; Bar­ Cromwell, Rye, N. Y.; Sally Traenor, Arnstein is going to New York this though I am normally totally abste­ decorated in delightful fashion by the bara McGarvey, Hartford; Alice Shee­ Boston, Mass.; Minnie Wrightson, weekend. The fact that Sunday is mious, I accepted because this was a local chapter of the Daughters of the han, St. Joseph; Barbara Vibert, Montclair, N. J.; Elizabeth Derby, Mothers' Day is only a coincidence. particular brand which I have never American Evolution, who had lain be­ South Windsor; Janet · Ewens, Edge­ New York City; Fernando Wana­ tried before. On the way down it was forehand with great care, tobacco wood Park School, N. J.; Grace maker, Ventnor, Pa.; Kitty Clark, COMPLETE smooth like mineral oil. On the return leaves and corn cobs along the raf­ Kiendl, Brooklyn, N.Y.; Mary Lynch, Holyoke, Mass.; Elizabeth Arthur, trip it was like crushed razor blades ters. Several Indian maidens from a St. Joseph; Ann Schweir, South Wind­ New York City; Shirley Wolcott, SOCIAL dispersed in sheep-dip. He downed nearby tribe added wampum beads. sor; Cynthia Sedgwick, West Hart­ Hartford; Endora Handy, Long Mea­ and his without a grimace and then leaped All in all, people thought it was a ford; Beatrice Orr, Pittman, N. J.; dow, Mass.; and Dorothy Callahan, COMMERCIAL to his feet. mighty fine gathering, especially Marion Hanson, Leonio, N. J.; Carol Hartford. "It worked!" seeing as how Uncle Zak's barn was PRINTING SERVICE "What do you mean?" I croaked, used for so many other things. Un­ clutching spasmodically at my burn­ cle Dodo's harmonica tooting was lsLOSSBERG'S ing throat. right snappy, and we prophesy that (Incorporated) "College students," he explained, he will soon be an up-and-coming '"THE CAMPUS SHOP" HUNTER PRESS musiCian. Apol·ogies to Uncle Zak's CLOTHIERS IMPORTERS "always react positively to that test. TAILORS HABERDASHERS Phone 2-7016 neighbors for keeping them up so late It was pure, simple, plain water." Corner Varnon and Broad Straeta 302 Asylum Street, Hartford Then he fired away at me. "I'll wager and credit to the women folks for that there has been a murder and you making such a proud showing. We're HATS, ...... $3.50 to $7.50 BROOK BUTI'ON-DOWNS, SPECIAL want me to solve it. Judging from certainly apologetic that we stepped TIDS WEEK ONLY, regularly TRINITY MEN FAVOR your apperu:ance the matter has inter­ so hard on your corns, Mrs. Brown." $2.50; now, ...... $1.95 And now for the Senior Ball! SLACKS, .•....•...... •.. $2.95 to $10.95 nal complications." I was on the spot. COVERTS, FLANNELS, GABS I had to think of a murder. He was FINGERTIP ZIP COATS, $7.50 to $11.50 THE HOTEL BOND so keyed up that I couldn't let him Beauty Culture Academy, N. Y. C., CUSTOM MADE SPORT COATS, $28.50 - $45.00 BARBER SHOP down. May 7-Miss Ackney Dimple discov­ NEW SPRING SELECTIONS "Murder in the Cathedral," I spat ered a cosmetic for evening wear Ready-to-Wear Sport Coats, $I2.50 to $18.50 out through my water-corroded bi­ which stains a lurid red when it comes Complete Line of Formal & Evening Wear Before you settle down 18 Tuxedos and Dinner Coats Rented cuspids. in contact with her date's after-shav­ study this year make aare "Whodonnit ?" ing lotion (regardless of the brand). There's no friend so true See our Agent on the Campus: your eyes are in excelleet "T. S. Eliot is suspected. Here is One practical advantage of this new­ JERRY CUPPIA a clue," and I gave him a ticket to ly-discovered cosmetic is that chape­ As a pipeful or two condition. the Avery performance. He whistled rones need only function when they GET YOUR GLASSES FROM A softly and his three bloodhounds, Oxy, seed red. DEVELOPING AND PRINTING Hemo and Globin, bounded through a Any Size-Best Work, 39c TRINITY MAN secret panel, sniffed the ticket and chosen by the faculty from a list of of~o/J Special Prices for Enlargement went bounding off with the super­ select female academies.) Such pop­ sleuth soaring like a kite at the end ular tunes as "Juanita's Rhumba", Trinity Drug. Gayson-Truex, Inc. Licensed Opticians of the triple leash. "Hustle Yiour Bustle", and "The Lydia 1284 Broad Street Pinkham Waltz" first had to be ap­ KENTUCKY College's History proved by the chapel organist. FOR THE BEST IN Unfortunately the interim has been (Continued from page 1.) HARTFORD tendance requirements. colorless, but a new era of Trinity's ClUB CAMERAS, FILMS One institution that survived all history will begin with this evening's MARKET MOVIE EQUIPMENT others was the bring-your-own-date ball, the 115th in a long series of gala LISTEN TO COMPANY prom. (Previously the girls were _ex_t_r_a_v_a.;;.g_a_n_za_s_. ______ENLARGERS, ETC. WHERE TRINITY BOYS VOX POP See HUBERT BUY THEIR CLOTHES The Voice of the Proletariat HEADQUARTERS ·DRUG COMPANY Thursdayh..-,. P.M.7.so WDRC Loui11 Richman, Ph.G., Reg. Pharm81'.i11t MAX PRESS1, INC. and Columbia Ne&-rk FOR WATKINS BROS., Inc. Main Street, Middletowa 213 ZION STREET FINE FOODS 241 Asylum Street, Hartford We Fill Prescriptions Bond Hotel, Hartford

Quality Book and Publication Printers MAX SCHER Try Our Since 1905 HOMOGENIZED M~ lt'a Different Oldest Store Near the Campus The Bryant & Chapman TI-lE BOND PRESS, INC. Company 94 AllYN STREET, HARTFORD, CONN. IS LOCATED AT HARTFORD, CONN. Telepboae 2-8901 44 VERNON STREET Telepkooe 2-0214 · PqeFour THE TRINITY TRIPOD May 13, 1941

Trinity Professor Holds told us, "screwing the enemy out of TRINITY CREW sentative by rrc. There was nothing offerings that the plan was put into whatever he might have." (Continued from page 1.) in my statement to your reporter effect. Destiny of Universe Upon questioning the professor re­ about t he draft and there was n0thing In your number of April 29, a cor­ garding his antics and his invention, perience, having rowed for four or in the article he wrote which would respondent, signing himself, "Hope­ five years. At Springfield Coach (Continued from page 1.) we found 'that the machine not only justify the heading which appeared ful," seems to have interpreted the then casually and with a certain fried eggs and traveled over all ter­ Bradin's men will row in their own over it. action of the authorities at Trinity savoir faire sprinted after him. To­ rains, but that it also had the re­ shell which they bought from Kent. The Trustees of Trinity and W es­ and Wesleyan as an emergency meas­ I. gether we raced over hill and down markable faculty of being able to Against Dartmouth and M. T., leyan have simultaneously voted to ure forced upon us because of ga.ps in they will be furnished shells by their dale until he became a trifle travel­ travel long distances under water. At allow students of the other college to the ranks. We were not "shocked into I. worn and paused for air. the present time, the professor ex· hosts. The M. T. shell which the attend courses without the payment doing good." President McConaughy Trinity team will use is known to be "Professor," we said gasping, "Pro· plained, he was teaching the "sub· of fees. This action was not taken and I were simply trying to make fessor, why runnest thou like the hare tankius-vegetarius" to chase running much lighter and faster than the one because of the draft, but is simply one available to each other certain offer­ of the meadow or the deer of the men and to reach a towering rage which they own. In all three of these more instance of friendly cooperation ings of particular advantage to Sen­ forest?" By this time the machine upon being insulted. The professor races the Henley distance of 1 and between these neighbor colleges. iors and Juniors. 5-16 miles will probably be the dis­ had caught up with us and was lean· said he'd put a robot motor in it, and President McConaughy and I talked R. B. Ogilby. ing in a corner, panting. it was working remarkably well. tance rowed. this matter over some months ago. This machine was a strange-look­ What was uppermost in our minds (EDITOR'S NOTE-All responsibility for When we asked the meaning of all the above error belongs to the Editors. We ing contraption, calculated to strike the vegetation and especially of the ERRATUM was that at each college there are are greatly pleased that this mistake has been terror to the heart of even the hardi­ Christmas tree, he said the flowers certain seminar courses, meeting per­ corrected and we hope that Trinity and Wes­ est foe. It was very large, looking were for camouflage, and Saint Nick, To the Editor of the Tripod: haps once a week, which are in the leyan students wilJ take full advantage of the like a flower pot on wheels, bristling the reindeer and the tree were for Allow me the privilege of clearing upper reaches of a subject and are opportunities offered them under this plan.) with guns and from every nook and promoting Christmas spirit, thus mak­ up a misapprehension due to an in­ not duplicated at the other college. cranny a different kind of plant or ing the enemy dance, sing and make correct statement which inadvertent­ It was to enable Trinity and Wes­ tree was growing. There were petu­ merry. In this state, he said, they ly appeared in the Tripod. In your leyan men to take advantage of such DENTISTRY nias, orchids, pansies, sturdy oaks and could be more easily captured. issue of April 22, there was a headline The field of dentiatry today o!fen to coll

Printing & Bookbinding The Case, Lockwood & Brainard Co. Smokers everywhere lilce their 8 5 TRU MB ULL ST R E E T, H A R TFORD COOLER, MILDER, BETTER TASTE With outdoor lovers the country over, there's nothing like Chesterfield for a com­ pletely satisfying cigarette ... they're always Cooler-Smoking, Definitely Milder and far Better-Tasting. Chesterfield's right combination ofth e world's best cigarette tobaccos is the big reason for their ever-growing pop ularit~- I~ £VfRYWHfRf YOU GO -~liP/)p;t{ifo

Tastes good ••• costs Utt\e and swe\\ tun to cbew­ tbat's DOUBlEM\NT GUM . delicious DOUBLEMINT Yes , chewlng e ll fun. · · at sports GUM is always sw while you're b t en classes, . t Reagan and Jane Wyman, famous events, ewe LEMINT'S real-nun movie couple. He is starring soon ih studying. DOUB taste and helps "FLIGHT PATROL," she in "BAD MEN OF flavor refreshes youtrh And enjoying MISSOURI," both for Warner Bros. ur brea · · ht sweeten yo . dailY helps bng en smooth cheWlUg Kind to your budg~t. Copyri&ht 1941. LiccETT & MYERS Tou.Acco Co. our teeth, too. day So drop 1.U Y · every · LE LISTEN TO Great to enloY kages of DOUB • FRED WARING GLENN MILLER and buy several pac Monday through Friday-7 P.M. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday-tO P.M. MINT GUM today. WTIC WDRC PROFESSOR QUIZ Tuesday-9.30 P. M. WDRC