MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR BIOLOGY, Aug. 1982, p. 881-889 Vol. 2, No. 8 0270-7306/821080881-09$02.00/0

DNA-Mediated Transfer of Multiple Drug Resistance and Plasma Membrane Glycoprotein Expression PAUL G. DEBENHAM,1 2t NORBERT KARTNER,4 5* LOUIS SIMINOVITCH,12 JOHN R. RIORDAN,1'3 AND VICTOR LING4'5 Research Institute, The Hospital for Sick Children,1 and Departments of Medical Genetics,2 Biochemistry, and Clinical Biochemistry,3 University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada MSG IX8, and Ontario Cancer Institute, Princess Margaret Hospital,4 and Department of Medical Biophysics, University of Toronto,5 Toronto, Ontario, Canada M4X 1K9 Received 26 January 1982/Accepted 26 April 1982

Colchicine-resistant Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell mutants whose resist- ance results from reduced drug permeability have been isolated previously in our laboratories. This reduced permeability affects a wide range of unrelated drugs, resulting in the mutants displaying a multiple drug resistance phenotype. A 170,000-dalton cell surface glycoprotein (P-glycoprotein) was identified, an-d its expression appears to correlate with the degree of resistance. In this study we were able to confer the multiple drug resistance phenotype on sensitive mouse L cells by DNA-mediated gene transfer of DNA obtained from the colchicine- resistant mutants. P-glycoprotein was detected in plasma membranes of these DNA transformants by staining with an antiserum raised against membranes of mutant CHO cells. These results are consistent with a causal relationship between P-glycoprotein expression and the multiple drug resistance phenotype.

Mutant Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells is intimately associated with the ability selected for resistance to colchicine have been of a cell to exclude a wide variety of drugs. described previously by Ling and Thompson However, direct proof that the P-glycoprotein is (19). Cells bearing the colchicine resistance the causative molecular agent of the observed (CHR) phenotype are cross-resistant to a variety membrane permeability barrier has not yet been of unrelated drugs, including actinomycin D, established, and the possibility remains that its adriamycin, cytochalasin B, emetine, puromy- expression could be secondary to an as-yet- cin, vinblastine, and melphalan (3, 10, 17, 19). unknown primary lesion. An approach which The mechanism of this multiple drug resistance could provide a more definitive answer to this appears to be effected at the plasma membrane question is the isolation and characterization of level, resulting in reduced drug permeability (7, the gene(s) coding for the colchicine resistance 19, 24). A molecular alteration was identified as phenotype. being associated with this membrane imperme- In this report, we have established a reproduc- ability phenotype. This is the expression of a ible DNA-mediated transfer of the CHO cell 170,000-dalton plasma membrane glycoprotein colchicine resistance phenotype to mouse L-cell (P-glycoprotein), which is not detected in the recipients as a first step towards the cloning of drug-sensitive parent CHO cell line. The amount the putative drug resistance gene(s). In addition, of P-glycoprotein expressed in the colchicine- we utilized a combination of methods that has resistant CHO plasma membrane correlates with allowed us to follow the expression of P-glyco- the degree of drug resistance of the cell line (13, protein in drug-resistant transformants. These 22). Revertants in colchicine resistance, selected methods include a plasma membrane prepara- in a single step, have greatly reduced amounts of tion, previously described (22), which highly P-glycoprotein in their plasma membrane (22). enriches for the P-glycoprotein from whole cells; The drug resistance phenotype is codominant in the development of a rabbit antiserum of suffi- somatic cell hybrids between drug-resistant and cient titer to detect the P-glycoprotein at low drug-sensitive CHO cells, and the P-glycopro- levels; and a combination of sodium dodecyl tein is expressed in the hybrids (18). sulfate (SDS)-polyacrylamide gel electrophore- It appears that the expression of the P-glyco- sis (11) and replica electroblotting (28) tech- niques which has allowed the sensitive, specific immunochemical detection of the P-glycoprotein t Present address: Medical Research Council Radiobiology in isolated plasma membranes of DNA-trans- Unit, Harwell Didcot, Oxon OX11 ORD, England. formed cells. 881 882 DEBENHAM ET AL. MOL. CELL. BIOL. MATERIALS AND METHODS of colonies was allowed in this medium without further changes. In the second protocol, cells were plated in Materials. Drugs used in this study were of the 0.1 jig of colchicine per ml. After 3 days the medium highest purity obtainable from Sigma Chemical Co. was replaced with one containing 0.3 jig of colchicine Fluorescamine (Fluram) was from Roche Diagnostics. per ml. After a further 3 days the medium was replaced Ultrapure sucrose was obtained from Schwarz/Mann. again, with one containing 0.5 jig of colchicine per ml. Reagents for polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis were Colonies were allowed to grow in the final medium for obtained from Bio-Rad, except for SDS, which was the duration of the experiment. This protocol is re- from BDH, and urea, which was from Schwarz/Mann. ferred to as the three-step selection regime. Where Protein A was from Pharmacia Fine Chemicals. Na125I HAT medium was used, the medium was replaced (15 mCi/jig) was from Amersham Corp. Nitrocellulose once after 3 days. filter paper (0.45-jim pore size) was from Schleicher & Hybrid cells were produced by plating CHRC5 and Schuell. LMTK- cells at a ratio of 10:1, 5 h before hybridiza- Horse serum was obtained from Microbiological tion. Cells were then washed with PBS, exposed to Associates. Fetal calf serum was obtained from Flow 44% -10% dimethyl sulfoxide in a- Laboratories and a-minimal essential medium (a- MEM at 37°C for 1 min, washed again, and incubated MEM) (26) was obtained as a prepared powder from for 1 day at 37°C in complete medium. The cells were GIBCO Laboratories. Phosphate-buffered saline then trypsinized, counted, and plated in selective HAT (PBS) consisted of 137 mM NaCl, 2.7 mM KCl, 8.1 medium at 105 cells per 100-mm petri dish. mM Na2HPO4, 1.3 mM KH2PO4, 0.9 mM CaCl2, and Colonies were picked by scraping and aspirating 0.3 mM MgCl2. Tris-saline consisted of 10 mM Tris- with a sterile Pasteur pipette and were transferred for hydrochloride (pH 7.4), 0.9% NaCl, and 0.01% NaN3. further growth into medium containing the same con- Bovine serum albumin-saline consisted of 3% bovine centration of colchicine as that from which they were serum albumin (Sigma, fraction V) in Tris-saline buff- taken. Plates to be scored for colonies were stained er. HAT selection medium consisted of 0.1 mM hypo- with methylene blue. Determination of cell number xanthine, 0.001 mM , and 0.04 mM thymi- was done with a Coulter Counter, model F (Coulter dine in a-MEM medium lacking . Electronics), calibrated for the volumes of the cells Cell culture. Chinese hamster ovary cells CHRC5 counted. (19) are colchicine-resistant cells which were previous- DNA transfer. For transformation of LMTK- cells, ly selected in three steps, with mutagenesis, from the the CHO donor DNA was prepared from washed glycine-adenosine- auxotrophic (GAT-) nuclei as described by Pellicer et al. (21). For transfor- line AUXB1 (20). The ouabain-resistant line C5OUAR mation of LTA cells, the CHO donor DNA was was derived from CH'C5. Murine L cells deficient in prepared by a modification of this procedure, in which both and adenine phosphoribosyl- the starting material for treatment with SDS and transferase (TK-, APRT-) are referred to as LTA proteinase K was whole cells and the ethanol precipi- cells. LTA cells were derived from L-M (TK-) clone tation steps were replaced by extensive dialysis 1D cells (15), which are referred to as LMTK- in this against Tris-EDTA buffer (0.01 M Tris-hydrochloride paper, and were originally isolated and characterized [pH 8.0], 0.01 M EDTA, and 0.01 M NaCl). In both by R. Hughes and P. Plagemann. LMTK- cells were procedures, DNA preparations were finally dialyzed provided by S. Silverstein, and LTA cells were ob- against Tris-EDTA (pH 8.0) without sodium chloride tained from C. P. Stanners. Cell numbers were deter- and stored at 4°C with a few drops of chloroform. mined by an electronic particle counter (Coulter Elec- DNA was assayed by the method of Burton (6). tronics, Hialeah, Fla). The plating efficiency (colony- LMTK- recipient cells were seeded at 106 cells per 75- forming ability) of various lines was determined as cm2 flask in complete medium 1 day before DNA described (19). For the lines used in this study, the transfer. LTA cells were seeded at 7 x 105 cells per plating efficiencies were greater than 60% under nor- 100-mm petri dish. DNA precipitation was performed mal conditions. by the method of Srinivasan and Lewis (25) except All LMTK- (21) cells and transformants were main- that the Ca2+-DNA-Tris-EDTA mix was added to the tained in a-MEM supplemented with either 10% fetal freshly prepared HEPES (N-2-hydroxyethylpipera- calf serum or 10% horse serum (with no noticeable zine-N'-2-ethanesulfonic acid)-phosphate buffer in a difference between the two). CHO cells and LTA cells round-bottom flask, rather than vice versa. Usually 2 were grown in a-MEM supplemented with 10% fetal ml of DNA-Ca2+ phosphate (10 jig of DNA per ml) calf serum. Cells were cultured in monolayers at 37°C was added to 20 ml of fresh medium overlying the in humidified air containing 5% CO2. Plating efficiency cells. Adsorption was allowed for 8 h at 37°C; then 6 of various lines in different drug concentrations was ml of 30% dimethyl sulfoxide in complete medium was determined as previously described (19). added, and further incubation was allowed for 30 min. Mutagenesis was performed by exposing cells to 400 The medium was then aspirated off and replaced with jig of ethyl methane sulfonate (EMS) per ml in com- fresh complete medium. Cells were incubated for 1 plete medium for 24 h at 37°C. Under these conditions day, at 37°C, to allow phenotypic expression, then about half of the treated cells survived. After allowing they were trypsinized, counted, and plated at 5 x 105 4 days for phenotypic expression, the cells were plated cells per 100-mm petri dish in medium containing in control nonselective medium (approximately 60% colchicine, by the selection protocols described plating efficiency) and in medium containing colchi- above, or in HAT medium. cine. Electrophoretic analysis of plasma membrane pro- Two different protocols were employed in selection teins. The isolation of plasma membranes was accom- experiments. The first involved plating the cells in plished by the method of Riordan and Ling (22). either 0.1, 0.3, or 0.5 ,ug of colchicine per ml. Growth Membrane protein was assayed by the method of VOL. 2, 1982 MULTIPLE DRUG RESISTANCE PHENOTYPE 883

Bohlen et al. (5), using bovine serum albumin as a mixture was desalted on a 4-ml Sephadex G-25M standard. Where necessary, plasma membranes were column equilibrated in PBS. The pooled void-volume concentrated by centrifugation at 130,000 x g for 20 peak was adjusted to 2.5 ml with PBS and was batch min in a Beckman Airfuge. Electrophoresis was per- eluted with 3.5 ml of buffer through a prepacked formed by a slight modification of the method of Pharmacia column PD-10 equilibrated with 50 mM Fairbanks et al. (11). The modifications made to this NaH2PO4 adjusted to pH 4.0 with acetic acid. The system were the inclusion of 2% SDS in the sample eluate volume was adjusted to 6 ml in the latter buffer, solubilizing buffer; heating of the solubilized sample at 4 ml of reagent grade ethanol was added, and the 100°C for 5 min; the addition of urea (to 4.5 M final solution was stored at -20°C. A specific activity of concentration) to the sample after cooling on ice; and approximately 5 to 10 mCi/mg is typically obtained, the inclusion of urea (to 9 M final concentration) in the with good stability for about 1 month. polyacrylamide gel. Samples were fractionated on 1.5- mm-thick slab gels (10 by 14 cm) in a Bio-Rad slab gel RESULTS apparatus. Electrophoresis was performed at 5 W per DNA-mediated transfer frequency versus spon- gel constant power, without cooling, until the Pyronin Y dye front reached the bottom end of the gel. Gels taneous mutation frequency. A major consider- were stained by the sensitive silver staining method of ation in this study was to establish that the Switzer et al. (27). expression of drug resistance in putative trans- Replica electroblotting (Western blotting). In the formants results from bona fide DNA-mediated Western blotting procedure, a replica blot (on nitrocel- transformation, effected by DNA isolated from lulose paper) of a protein profile, fractionated by SDS- drug-resistant CHO cells, rather than from de polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, is stained with novo mutation in the recipient cell genome. The specific antiserum. The method that we used was frequency of DNA-mediated transformation essentially that of Towbin et al. (28). would be expected to be low, possibly approach- Rabbit antiserum was prepared as follows: male of spontaneous occurrence of Reiman rabbits of about 2 to 3 kg were injected with ing the frequency plasma membrane vesicles isolated from the colchi- drug-resistant membrane permeability mutants cine-resistant CHO cells, CHRC5. An antiserum of in mouse L cells. It has been reported previously excellent titer was obtained after six injections of that drug-resistant mouse cells, phenotypically about 1 mg of protein each, at 2-week intervals. The similar to membrane permeability mutants of specificity of the antiserum for P-glycoprotein was CHO cells, can be selected in vivo (9, 14) and in improved by preabsorbing it with SDS-solubilized vitro (8). Thus, at first it was important to define plasma membrane isolated from the drug- selection conditions where the colchicine con- sensitive parent CHO cell line, AUXB1. These pro- centration was high enough to give a negligible teins were immobilized on nitrocellulose particles to facilitate absorption of the antiserum. The absorbed spontaneous mutation frequency, yet low antiserum was used at a 400-fold dilution in bovine enough to permit the growth of drug-resistant serum albumin-saline. A more detailed account of the transformants. Different variables were exam- preparation and a characterization of the antiserum ined: drug concentration during selection; selec- and absorbed antiserum are to be described elsewhere tion protocol, namely, selection at a single dose (Kartner, Ling, and Riordan, manuscript in prepara- or with a three-step regime employing three tion). increasing doses, stepped up at 3-day intervals; 125I-protein A was used to visualize bind- and the application of EMS mutagenesis as a to bands. aureus A ing protein Staphylococcus protein means of increasing mutation frequency. Table 1 was radiolabeled by dissolving 100 F.g of lyophilized summarizes the various selection protein in 30 ,ul of PBS. To this was added 5 ,u1 of the results of dimethyl sulfoxide, 10 p.1 of Na125I (0.1 Ci/ml, carrier conditions examined with LMTK- cells. It is free), and 5 p.l of chloramine T (0.5 mg/ml in PBS). apparent that these concentrations of colchicine After 30 min at 20°C the reaction was stopped with 5 Ll represent very stringent selection conditions sodium metabisulfite (1 mg/ml in PBS). The reaction even ifgradually imposed as a three-step regime,

TABLE 1. Spontaneous and EMS-induced CHR frequency in LMTK- Selection in Cells Colonies Continued Condition' colchicine EMS plated Colonies growth in (~.g/lfn) pikdpcolnes colchicine 1 0.3 - 1 x 108 0 0.3 + 5 x 107 2 2 0 2 0.5 - 5 X 107 0 - - 0.5 + 5 x 107 0 - - 3 0.1 0.3 0.5 - 7.5 x 107 0 - - 0.1 0.3 0.5 + 2.5 x 107 2 2 2 a In conditions 1 and 2, cells were plated in growth medium supplemented with the indicated concentrations of colchicine. In condition 3, drug concentration was increased according to the three-step regime described in the text. The number of cells plated was approximately 5 x 105 per 100-mm tissue culture dish. Colonies were screened after 3 weeks. The four colonies observed were picked 2 weeks after screening. 884 DEBENHAM ET AL. MOL. CELL. BIOL. TABLE 2. Selection conditions DNA source Selectiona Colonies Frequ6ency DNA transfer to LMTK- CHrC5 0.1 0.3 5 0.58 0.1 -0.3 --* 0.5 2 0.27 0.3 0 <0.1 0.5 0 0.1 HAT 10 2.6 AUXB1 0.1 0.3 0 <0.18 0.1 0.3 - 0.5 0 <0.21 DNA transfer to LTA CHrC5 0.1 - 0.3 - 0.5 8 0.76 0 I.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 HAT 16 11.4 Colchicine concentration (±ig/ml) 19L AUXB1 0.1 -* 0.3 0.5 0 <0.09 HAT 3 2.1 FIG. 1. Dose response of various cell lines to col- chicine. Relative colony-forming ability in the pres- a Numbers represent concentrations (micrograms ence of colchicine was calculated as the number of per milliliter) ofcolchicine used in single-step selection colonies scored for each drug concentration divided by or selection with sequential changes of medium con- the number of colonies scored in the absence of the taining increasing concentrations of colchicine, as drug. Colonies were scored after 10 to 12 days incuba- described in the text. tion at 37°C. Details of the cell lines are given in the text. LTA and LMTK- are drug-sensitive mouse lines; ECHR is a colchicine-resistant mutant selected from LMTK-; CHRC5 x LMTK- is a hybrid line; derived from AUXB1 under any of the selection LC5B1 is a DNA transformant of LTA using CHRC5 regimes. Although the frequency of putative DNA; CHRC5 is a colchicine-resistant CHO cell line. transformants is low even under the three-step The parental drug-sensitive line of CHRC5 is AUXB1. selection regime, this proved to be a practical It has a dose response similar to LTA and LMTK- selection procedure that apparently ruled out the (data not shown). appearance of spontaneous mutants. Transfers were also achieved with LTA recipients (Table since no mutants were obtained without muta- 2). Quantitatively similar results were obtained genesis among 5 x 107 to 5 108 cells plated. in further transformation experiments which are Two colonies that bred true were obtained under tabulated in Table 3. the three-step selection regime only after treat- Included in these tables are control experi- ment with the mutagen EMS. Thus we conclude ments, performed in parallel, in which the trans- that under the conditions described in Table 1, fer of thymidine kinase (the TK+ locus) was the spontaneous frequency of colchicine-resis- monitored with the same DNA preparations as tant mutants was low enough for us to work out in the colchicine resistance selection. TK+ conditions to screen for putative DNA-mediated transformation was scored as the number of transformants. colonies growing in HAT medium. For unknown Previously we established that the CHR phe- reasons a number of transfer experiments gave notype is dominant in intraspecific CHO hybrids poor or no TK+ transformation, and in such (18). To establish that the CHO drug resistance instances we have excluded those experiments phenotype could, in fact, also be expressed in L from our evaluation of colchicine resistance. cells, interspecific somatic cell hybridization Invariably, no colchicine-resistant transformants was performed with LMTK- and the colchicine- were observed in experiments where TK+ trans- resistant CHO cell line CHRC5. That the drug formants were not observed. In successful ex- resistance phenotype is expressed codominantly periments the DNA-mediated transfer of the in the hybrid CHRC5 x LMTK- is shown in Fig. TK+ phenotype was observed with a frequency 1. DNA was then isolated from both CHRC5 and approximating that reported elsewhere for CHO C5OUAR, a ouabain-resistant line selected from genomic DNA transfer into LMTK- (16). No CHRC5, to transform LMTK- or LTA recipient spontaneous TK+ revertants were observed in cells for resistance to colchicine. any experiments with LMTK- cells or LTA Transfer of drug resistance was observed only cells. under the least stringent protocols, which ap- Also in Table 3 are data showing that no pear to be the two- and three-step, stepped-up colchicine-resistant transformants were ob- selection regimes (Table 2). No colchicine-resis- served with the three-step selection regime with- tant colonies were obtained with control DNA out DNA, with AUXB1 DNA, with LMTK- VOL. 2, 1982 MULTIPLE DRUG RESISTANCE PHENOTYPE 885 TABLE 3. Transfer frequencies for HAT and colchicine resistance DNA HAT HAT frequency Colchicine CH frequency HAT frequency/ source coloniesa (106) colonies (106) CH frequency C5OUAR 20 8 4 0.8 10 C5OUAR 23 6 2 1.2 5 C50UAR 62 7 4 0.5 14 C5OUAR 21 5 7 0.8 6 C5OUAR 15 5 2 0.7 7 CHRC5 11 0.9 None 0 <0.2 0 <0.1 AUXB1 67 5 0 <0.1 LMTK- 0 <0.2 0 <0.2 MTXRIII 4 1.1 0 <0.6 a In each row the same DNA precipitate was used in both the selection for transfer of HAT resistance and in the selection for transfer of colchicine (CH) resistance. Selection conditions for colchicine resistance were according to the three-step regime outlined in the text. The recipient cells were LMTK-.

DNA, or with the colchicine-sensitive, metho- taken because selection for colchicine resistance trexate-resistant CHO MTXRI' pro- (12) DNA. alone does not constitute a selection for the AUXB1 DNA was effective, however, for the membrane impermeability phenotype which we transfer of the TK+ phenotype. Both TK+ and wish to study, and we have shown previously methotrexate resistance (data not shown), but that in membrane-altered mutants of this class, not colchicine resistance, were transferred using cross-resistances to unrelated drugs are a char- MTXRIII pro- DNA. Methotrexate resistance acteristic trait (1). As can be seen in Table 4, was not transferred by C50UAR DNA (data not independent transformants all displayed this shown), nor was TK+ transferred with LMTK- pleiotropic phenotype, which confirms that the DNA. site of resistance in these cells is at the mem- Thus, the data shown in Tables 2 and 3 brane level. Furthermore, the fact that both the support the conclusion that we are able to per- colchicine resistance and the multiple drug form reproducibly the DNA-mediated transfer resistance phenotypes are concordantly trans- of the colchicine resistance phenotype under ferred in independent transformants supports conditions which preclude the selection of new our original hypothesis that resistances to these mutants. Although the overall transformation multiple unrelated drugs are coded by a single efficiency for colchicine resistance is low, possi- gene (1). Cotransfer of unlinked genes with bly due to the high stringency of the selecting genomic DNA is rare. For example, in this condition, nevertheless, the selection is appro- present system, colchicine resistance, HAT priate since no drug-resistant colonies were ob- resistance, ouabain resistance, and methotrex- served in five different experiments where ate resistance do not cotransfer at a detectable from colchicine-sensitive cells were used, frequency (data not shown). yielding an estimated frequency of less than 3 x It should be noted that the L-cell mutant, 10-8. In contrast, in seven experiments in which ECHR, selected directly for colchicine resist- DNAs from colchicine-resistant cells were used, ance from a mutagenized culture (see above) a total of 38 drug-resistant colonies were ob- also expressed a pleiotropic phenotype similar served with an overall frequency of 71 x 10-8. to that of the CHO cell mutant (Table 4). This These results are completely consistent with the strongly indicates that ECHR is a membrane- hypothesis that the transformants are indeed altered mutant. expressing the colchicine resistance of the CHO Membrane analysis. As indicated above, our cell donors. A number of independent transfor- previous studies have clearly shown that the mant colonies were picked into medium contain- expression of a 170,000-dalton glycoprotein (P- ing selecting concentrations of colchicine. In all glycoprotein) correlated with the multiple drug cases they were able to grow to mass cultures resistance phenotype of the colchicine-resistant and were maintained in the presence of the drug. mutants. It was therefore of interest to deter- A typical dose-response curve for a transfor- mine whether this protein is also expressed in mant (LC5B1) is shown in Fig. 1. the DNA-mediated transformants. Figure 2 Cross-resistance pattern. To further character- shows membrane components of various cell ize the colchicine resistance phenotype trans- lines separated by polyacrylamide gel electro- ferred, the responses of the transformants to phoresis and stained by the sensitive silver stain- different drugs were determined. This was under- ing procedure of Switzer et al. (27). The P- 886 DEBENHAM ET AL. MOL. CELL. BIOL. TABLE 4. Cross-resistancea Cell line Colchicine Puromycin Actinomycin D Emetine Cytochalasin B AUXB1 1(2.5 x 10-2) 1(1.3) 1(3.0 x 10-3) 1(1.4 x 10-2) 1(4.2 x 10-1) CSOUAR 76 45 13 10 4.8 CHRC5b 184 105 10 29 11 LMTK- 1(2.2 x 10-2) 1(2.6) 1 (3.0 x 10-3) 1 (1.9 X 10-2) 1 (6.0 x 10-1) 1B 37 26 6.3 5.7 5.6 iC 33 20 6.7 5.5 4.8 2 31 19 7.3 5.5 4.8 ECHR 26 21 8.8 2.6 11 LTA 1 (5.3 x 10-2) 1 (2.9) 1 (9 x 10-3) 1 (1.3 x 10-2) 1 (6.0 x 10-1) LCSB1 43 60 9.4 25 11 LCSB3 57 60 14 28 12 a Data were obtained by interpolating and averaging duplicate survival curves. The numbers given in this table are relative resistance values. These represent the fold increase in D1o of the tested cell line over that of the drug- sensitive parent line. D1o is the concentration of drug which reduces the relative plating efficiency to 10%. For the parent lines the actual D1o values in micrograms per milliliter are-indicated in parentheses for each drug. Lines 1B, 1C, and 2 are colchicine-resistant transformants of LMTK- with CSOUAR DNA. Lines LCSB1 and LC5B3 are colchicine-resistant transformants of LTA with CHRC5 DNA. b Data for CHRC5 were taken from Bech-Hansen et al. (3). glycoprotein is visualized as a broad, heavily when it is present in low amounts, its detection stained band in the CHO cell mutant CHRC5 but is difficult over a background of other compo- was not observed in the drug-sensitive parental nents migrating in the same region of the gel. To line AUXB1 nor in the mouse L cell. Faintly increase the sensitivity and specificity of detect- stained bands which could correspond to the P- ing the P-glycoprotein, we employed an antise- glycoprotein, however, could be observed in rum raised against CHO cell mutant membranes DNA-mediated transformants and in the L-cell in a replica Western blot procedure (see above). mutant ECHR. The results in Fig. 3 show that by using this The P-glycoprotein is usually observed as a method, the P-glycoprotein was not observed in rather diffuse band in polyacrylamide gels, and the drug-sensitive CHO and L cell lines but was


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FIG. 2. Fractionation of membrane components by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Conditions for membrane preparation, gel electrophoresis, and silver staining are described in the text. Each sample contained approximately 15 ,ug of protein. The region of the gel where P-glycoprotein migrates is indicated. This figure is a composite of two experiments (a through d and e through h) performed on different days. The samples are from (a:) AUXB1; (b) CHRCS; (c) LTA; (d) ECHR; (e) molecular weight standards from Bio-Rad containing myosin, 3- galactosidase, phosphorylase b, bovine serum albumin, ovalbumin, carbonic anhydrase, soybean trypsin inhibitor, and lysozyme; (f) AUXB1; (g) CHRC5; and (h) LCSB1. See the legend to Fig. 1 for more details concerning these lines. VOL. 2, 1982 MULTIPLE DRUG RESISTANCE PHENOTYPE 887

a b c d e nate between the hamster P-glycoprotein and that of the mouse, we cannot say at this point ,i200 whether it is, in fact, the mouse or the hamster - ]P-g.ycoprotnen P-glycoprotein that is expressed in the DNA- mediated transformants. k 50 DISCUSSION eup 0 w The data obtained in this study allow us to

I 25 draw some conclusions concerning the role of .Ec) the P-glycoprotein in the multiple drug resist- ance phenotype. Based on the relatively high Q~ frequency of DNA-mediated transformation of L cells over appropriate controls (Tables 2 and 3) and spontaneous appearance of drug-resistant mutants (Table 1), it is almost certain that the surviving colonies of our selection regime are expressing the drug resistance ofthe donor CHO FIG. 3. Immunostaining (Western blot) of mem- cell line. The fact that P-glycoprotein (Fig. 3) brane components. Membrane components fractionat- and multiple drug resistances (Table 4) are con- ed by gel electrophoresis were transferred onto nitro- in cellulose and stained with an antiserum against curdantly expressed independent transfor- CHRC5 membranes. Antibody binding was visualized mants strongly supports the notion that their by staining with "25I-protein A followed by radioautog- expression is mediated by the same gene since it raphy. Details are in the text. Membrane preparations, is unlikely that two unrelated phenotypes would 50 ,ug per sample, are from (a) AUXB1, (b) CHRC5, (c) be transferred and selected for simultaneously in LC5B1, (d) ECHR, and (e) LTA. See the legend to Fig. the present study. 1 for more details concerning these lines. Whether or not the P-glycoprotein within the drug-resistant cells is, in fact, the causative molecular agent mediating membrane imperme- ability or merely the accumulated byproduct of detected in mutants (CHRC5 and ECHR) from some as-yet-uncharacterized mechanism is not both lines, the amounts in CHRC5 being consid- clear from this study. The basis for this uncer- erably more than in ECHR. The DNA-mediated tainty lies in the fact that our assay could not transformant LC5B1 also displayed the presence discriminate between the CHO cell P-glycopro- of the P-glycoprotein, and this component was tein and the putative mouse cell P-glycoprotein. consistently observed in a number of indepen- Thus the data from the DNA-mediated transfor- dently derived colchicine-resistant DNA-medi- mants can be rationalized in one of two ways. If ated transformants. Thus, expression of the P- independent transformants all express the CHO glycoprotein is associated with the expression of P-glycoprotein, then it is likely that the trans- multiple drug resistance in the transformants. ferred DNA codes for this gene product, whose Using this antiserum, increased staining of com- expression results in the pleiotropic drug resist- ponents migrating at 50,000 and 200,000 daltons ance phenotype. However, if the mouse P-gly- was also observed in the CHO cell mutant (Fig. coprotein is expressed in the transformants, 3). These components, however, were not con- then the possibility exists whereby the trans- sistently observed in DNA transformants (see ferred CHO DNA codes for an as-yet-unidenti- lane c, Fig. 3); moreover, the amount of such fied function(s) which mediates the expression components observed in different cell lines (ei- of the mouse resistance phenotype. Although it ther mutant or wild type) varied with different is not possible at present to discriminate be- membrane preparations (unpublished data). Be- tween these two possibilities, nevertheless, the cause of these observations, we think it is un- fact that the drug resistance phenotype can be likely that the 50,000- and 200,000-dalton com- transferred via isolated DNA is gratifying since ponents play important roles in mediating the it allows further manipulation of the transforma- multiple drug resistance phenotype. tion assay towards the isolation of the relevant That the antiserum cross-reacts with the puta- gene(s). Assays for restriction sensitiv- tive P-glycoprotein of mouse L cells in the ity are under way in our laboratories as a further ECHR line has two implications. First, this step towards this goal. result indicates that the P-glycoprotein may be a This study has also provided some further conserved protein and that this mechanism of insights into the possible origin of the P-glyco- resistance may be common to different species protein. First, the fact that the L-cell mutant of mammalian cells. Second, since it is not ECHR apparently also expresses a P-glycopro- possible with this approach to clearly discrimi- tein on the cell surface of approximately the 888 DEBENHAM ET AL. MOL. CELL. BIOL. same molecular weight as and antigenically simi- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS lar to that of the CHO cell (Fig. 3) raises the We acknowledge the excellent technical assistance of N. possibility that this is a conserved membrane Alon, A. Chase, S. Fahim, and M. Naik. This work was supported by the Medical Research Council protein. Second, in the drug-sensitive parental of Canada and by the National Cancer Institute of Canada. cell lines (CHO and L cells), no cross-reactive P.G.D. was a Medical Research Council of Canada postdoc- membrane proteins at any molecular weight are toral fellow. detected which could quantitatively represent the wild-type counterpart of the P-glycopro- LITERATURE CITED tein. Third, the multistep selection for increased 1. Baker, R. M., and V. Ling. 1978. 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