GREAT WARFORD PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held Thursday 4th February, 2021 at 7:30p.m. Meeting held remotely via Zoom due to restrictions associated with Covid-19 Present - Councillors B. Thompson (Chairman), L. Murray-Curtis, E. Wood. East Ward Member Cllr. C. Leach. Members of the public (0). Dr. E. M. Maddock - Clerk & Responsible Financial Officer. 1. Apologies for absence - Councillor G. Tuke - Unable to attend due to technological matters. 001/21 RESOLVED (a) To receive and approve the apology for absence above. Proposed: Councillor B. Thompson Seconded: Councillor L. Murray-Curtis All in favour 2. Declarations of interest - None. 3. Public forum for questions - DECISION (a) To note that no questions had been received from or were presented by members of the public. 4. Reports from External Organisations (a) & Wards Policing Team - i. The Clerk reported that a written report had not been received from the Policing Team. It was reported that information circulating locally had referred to burglaries taking place in the area. ii. Police & Crime Commissioner's Community Safety Fund - The Clerk reported that the fund had now closed. A query had been submitted to the Police & Crime Commissioner relating to the administration of the scheme. (b) Ward Member Cllr. C. Leach - Borough Councillor C. Leach reported that other Parishes within the Mobberley Ward had also not been receiving updates from the Police. It was also reported that matters relating to an enforcement matter in Mobberley were progressing; there had been a number of flooding incidents within the Ward during recent wet weather and the Cheshire East Highways team under immense pressure at present to deliver services. Borough Councillor C. Leach invited Members to suggest possible schemes for submission to the Area Highways Group. 002/21 RESOLVED (a) That Borough Councillor C. Leach submit an application to the Knutsford Area Highways Group for vehicle activated signs at the entry points to the 30mph zone within the Parish. Proposed: Councillor B. Thomson Seconded: Councillor E. Wood All in favour 8:00p.m. - Borough Councillor C. Leach excused herself from the meeting and left. 5. Minutes (a) The Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held 1st December, 2020 had been previously circulated to all Members. 003/21 RESOLVED (a) That the Minutes of the meeting held 1st December, 2020 be confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. Proposed: Councillor L. Murray-Curtis Seconded: Councillor E. Wood All in favour (b) To record that the Parish Council meeting scheduled for 20th January, 2021 was cancelled due to being inquorate.

E.M.M. - 05/02/21 503 Chairman's initials:...... GREAT WARFORD PARISH COUNCIL 6. Finance (a) Financial Statement 2020/21 as at 4th February, 2021 - Members considered the financial statement as at 4th February, 2021. (Appendix A) (b) Payments for approval - Members considered the schedule of payments for approval. (Appendix B) (c) Receipts - Members noted the schedule of receipts received since the last meeting. (Appendix C) 004/21 RESOLVED (a) That the Statement of Account as at 4th February, 2021 be received and the Chairman's observations duly noted. (Appendix A) (b) That the schedule of payments at Appendix B be approved and duly authorised. (c) That the report on receipts (Appendix C) since the last meeting be received and duly noted. Proposed: Councillor E. Wood Seconded: Councillor L. Murray-Curtis All in favour (d) Bank Signatories - It was reported that the required forms had not yet been completed and submitted to the bank. 7. Planning (a) Planning Decisions - Members noted the latest planning decisions issued by Cheshire East Council in respect of development within the Parish. (Appendix D) (b) Planning Applications for consideration i. 20/5589M - Ostlers Nurseries, Merrymans Lane, Great Warford. SK9 7TN Proposed rear elevation extension. DECISION (a) That no comments be submitted in respect of the above application. 8. Highway Maintenance and Enhancements (a) Speed related matters - It was reported that the speed gun was now held by a Member of the Parish Council and it was intended that activities would commence at the earliest opportunity. (b) Highway maintenance issues - It was reported that a survey of the Parish will be undertaken in the coming weeks to allow defect reports to be submitted to Cheshire East Council. (c) Highway maintenance matters for attention - Members reported that the edge of the road was deteriorating along Warford Lane, Merrymans Lane and Faulkners Lane. There are also a number of potholes developing within the Parish which are causing significant hazard where cyclists swerve, unexpectedly, into the path of vehicles to avoid the holes. (d) Local Area Highways Group application for minor highway works - This matter had been discussed at Item 4(b). 9. Correspondence (a) To consider specific correspondence received by the Parish Council since the date of the last ordinary meeting and determine such actions as Members consider appropriate thereto - i. The Pensions Regulator - Reminder for re-declaration of auto-enrolment position. DECISION (a) That the Clerk be authorised to submit the re-declaration to The Pensions Regulator.

E.M.M. - 05/02/21 504 Chairman's initials:...... GREAT WARFORD PARISH COUNCIL ii. ChALC - Questionnaire relating to speeding issues. DECISION (a) That the survey be submitted indicating that speeding is the top priority for Great Warford Parish. iii. - Update on community engagement. DECISION (a) That the update be received and duly noted. 10. Reports from recent external meetings (a) Cheshire East Council engagement session - Place Directorate - 6th January, 2021 - The Clerk reported that she had attended the meeting at which information had been presented relating to the Cheshire East Council budget, possible changes to some services to provide savings or additional income and potential future asset/service transfers. (b) Cheshire East Council - Holocaust Memorial Service - 27th January, 2021 - Councillor B. Thompson reported that he had attended the service which had been very moving. 11. Community Issues (a) Community Speed Watch activities - This matter had been previously discussed at Item 8(a). It was noted that a call for additional volunteers could be included within the next Parish Council newsletter. (b) Fibre broadband within the Parish - It was reported that the Great Warford Residents Group was currently exploring options available to improve broadband services within the Parish. DECISION (a) That the Parish Council offer support to the initiative by including an article on broadband provision within the next Parish Council newsletter. (c) Parish Council newsletter - Members considered that a spring newsletter could be distributed within the Parish. Members made suggestions for items for inclusion within the newsletter. DECISION (a) That Councillor B. Thompson draft the spring newsletter. 12. Matters for inclusion on next/future meeting agenda (a) Planters at junction of Ancoats Lane and Pedley House Lane. (b) Co-option of Parish Councillor. (c) Review of Standing Orders and Financial Regulations. 13. Date of next meeting - Wednesday 17th March, 2021 at 7:30p.m.

To consider passing a resolution under Section 1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 (Section 100(a) of the Local Government Act 1972) to exclude the public and press from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it could involve the likely disclosure of exempt information.

DECISION (a) That a resolution to exclude the Public and Press from the remainder of the Meeting was not necessary as no items were to be considered at Item 14.

14. Matters for consideration including those transferred from above items - None. The meeting was declared closed by the Chairman at 8:43p.m.

Signed:...... Approval date: 24th March, 2021

E.M.M. - 05/02/21 505 Chairman's initials:...... GREAT WARFORD PARISH COUNCIL APPENDIX A

Financial Statement - 2020/21 as at 4th February, 2021 Actual 2020/21 Actual to Agenda Budget 2019/20 Details Budget Dec. 20 Feb. 21 Balance £. £. £. £. £. Receipts 7,636.00 Precept 8,987.00 8,987.00 0.00 0.00 Balances 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.93 Investment Interest 0.00 1.97 0.12 0.00 0.00 Sale of Assets 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Grants, Donations & Refunds 0.00 0.00 0.00 296.21 V.A.T. Refund 0.00 214.51 119.90 7,941.14 Total Receipts 8,987.00 9,203.48 0.12 119.90

Payments 3,237.00 Salary (Clerk) 3,617.00 2,147.60 664.70 804.70 0.00 National Insurance (Employer) 0.00 0.00 0.00 418.97 Administration & Employment Expenses 550.00 0.00 550.00 0.00 Member Allowances 0.00 0.00 0.00 146.20 Audit Fees (internal & external) 170.00 155.40 14.60 305.99 Insurance 400.00 307.79 92.21 300.00 Website 340.00 0.00 224.70 115.30 115.69 Street Lighting Electric & Repairs 260.00 77.44 19.28 163.28 0.00 Training 200.00 0.00 200.00 288.28 Subscription/Affiliation/Registration Fees 345.00 288.28 56.72 160.00 Room Hire 230.00 0.00 230.00 51.70 Christmas Tree & Lighting 250.00 0.00 250.00 360.00 Parish Maintenance 450.00 420.00 30.00 0.00 Asset Purchase 600.00 0.00 600.00 0.00 Defibrillator 125.00 0.00 125.00 0.00 Newsletter 750.00 0.00 750.00 0.00 Sect. 137 payments 200.00 0.00 200.00 195.04 Contingency 500.00 0.00 500.00 214.51 V.A.T. 118.94 0.96 5,793.38 Total Payments 8,987.00 3,515.45 909.64 4,681.81

Cash/Bank Reconciliation 01/04/20 01/12/20 04/02/21 31/03/21 Balance B/Fwd. 12,031.69 12,031.69 17,719.72 16,810.20 Add Total Receipts 8,987.00 9,203.48 0.12 119.90 Less Total Payments -8,987.00 -3,515.45 -909.64 -4,681.81 Balance C/Fwd. 12,031.69 17,719.72 16,810.20 12,248.29

Cumulative Balances Balance Balance Balance Balance 01/04/20 01/12/20 04/02/21 31/03/21 General Funds 8,564.19 14,252.22 13,342.70 8,780.79 Earmarked Reserves 3,467.50 3,467.50 3,467.50 3,467.50 12,031.69 17,719.72 16,810.20 12,248.29

E.M.M. - 05/02/21 506 Chairman's initials:...... GREAT WARFORD PARISH COUNCIL



Balance Brought Forward 01/04/20 Community Account 7,190.96 Business Premium Account 4,840.73

Plus Receipts 9,203.60


Less Payments 4,425.09

Balance Carried Forward 04/02/21 16,810.20

BANK (Barclays)

Business Premium Account 4,842.82 31/12/20

Add income/transfer received since above Statement


Less unpresented cheques 0.00 0.00 4,842.82 04/02/21

Community Account 13,800.77 07/01/21

Add income received since above Statement

0.00 0.00

Less unpresented cheques/ Transfer

Approved -933.70 For approval -909.64 Less already issued 9.95 -1,833.39 11,967.38 04/02/21

Total Bank Balances 04/02/21 16,810.20

E.M.M. - 05/02/21 507 Chairman's initials:...... GREAT WARFORD PARISH COUNCIL APPENDIX B

Payments for approval a. Direct Debit E.ON £9.95 Electricity charges - Nov. 2020 b. Direct Debit E.ON £10.29 Electricity charges - Dec. 2020 c. Cheque No 100556 E. M. Maddock £687.80 Salary: Dec. 2020 - Jan. 2021 & 50% website additional hours d. Cheque No 100557 H.M. Revenue & Customs £171.60 Employee income tax e. Cheque No 100558 A. Keppel-Green £30.00 Web domain fee 2020-2022


Receipts a. Barclays Bank plc. £0.12 Gross interest - October - December, 2020


Outstanding planning applications & recent planning decisions 18/3275M - Warford Grange Farm, Pedley House Lane, Great Warford. WA16 7SP Certificate of Proposed Lawful Use for extension of existing Warehouse building and re-aligned private access road to existing commercial and residential premises. No new connection to public highway. DECISION STATUS - Undecided 19/0384M - Brook Cottage, Road, Great Warford. SK9 7TL Replacement dwelling, associated garage and landscaping. DECISION STATUS - Appeal dismissed (13/11/20) 20/1503M - Cheshire Health Club and Spa, Warford Park, Faulkners Lane, Great Warford. WA16 7RN Construction of single storey extension with 2 roof lanterns, new entrance, replacement timber wall cladding, proposed new replacement windows, proposed new window openings and windows, construction of ventilation / air conditioning systems to flat roof with screening, insertion of roof skylights, insertion of new door for maintenance and cleaning access on existing flat roof. DECISION STATUS - Undecided 20/1533M - Fields View Farm, Land adjoining Ancoats Lane, Great Warford, Cheshire. Farm managers dwelling (permanent). DECISION STATUS - Undecided 20/1931N - Pownall House, Warford Lane, Great Warford, Knutsford, Cheshire. WA16 7AY Alteration to land levels (part retrospective). DECISION STATUS - Undecided 20/2813M - Health Club & Spa, Faulkners Lane, Great Warford. WA16 7RN New access. DECISION STATUS - Undecided

E.M.M. - 05/02/21 508 Chairman's initials:...... GREAT WARFORD PARISH COUNCIL 20/3355M - 2 Ullswater Drive, Great Warford. SK9 7WB Demolish conservatory and erect ground floor rear extension. DECISION STATUS - Approved with conditions (20/01/21) 20/4002M - Sandpit Farm, Chelford Road, Great Warford. SK9 7TL Demolition of existing barn and garage and the erection of a tractor store, garage and covered store. DECISION STATUS - Undecided 20/4488M - Great Warford Waste Water Treatment Works, Noahs Ark Lane, Mobberley. SK9 7AX Construction of 3 kiosks. DECISION STATUS - Approved with conditions (03/12/20)

E.M.M. - 05/02/21 509 Chairman's initials:......