The Muddy Princess

Story By Darcy Louise Tangney 1st Class Ms. C. O’Sullivan.

The Princess was on her way to the Ball. When there was a mud puddle in the way of the path. There was a pig and she asked him “can you help me get across the mud”? The pig said “yes”. She got on the pigs back, the pig trotted along. Her dress got dirty. She didn’t go to the party after all, but she lived happily ever after.

The End.


Poem by Victor Jurand 3rd Class Ms. C O’Sullivan.

Creepers explode and Zombe Grow stampy cat loves cake The most gasts and blasé Are like best friends because the nether is the best.

When enderman teleport The monsters grow and Grow and Steave will run away And will be seen no more

And then one day Steave came back with A pick in his hand , then He went all day Mining to his theth.


Story by Nitul Roy, 3rd Class Ms. L. O’Brien.

Two years ago I went to Fota Island.

The cheetah was eating turkey and I went into the reptile room. It was full Of Snakes, scorpions, lizards and butterflies.

There was a black and white sea snake. It was swimming in a 15 metre tank.

I went to the playground next to the giraffes.

I also saw a rhino, peacocks, tigers, lions, swans, flamingos and a lion mating.

There were lots of zebras also. It was my best summer.

The Three Little Cupcakes.

Story by Fia O’Gorman 2nd Class Ms. Ni Suilleabhain. Once there were three little cupcakes. They lived on a counter in the kitchen. One day the oldest was bored. She wanted a new friend so she went to the shop to get one. She chose a pink one with sparkles. But when she got home, she expecte the other cupcakes to be happy but they were jealous. “What’s the matter with you “? said one of the other cupcakes. “Why did you bring another cupcake here”?

The oldest cupcake thought for a bit. “Because you’re not my friend” shouted the oldest cupcake. She shut her mouth. “Oh come on, I’m sure that’s not the answer” said the youngest cupcake. Then to make sure everything stopped the new cupcake shouted “Enough”. Suddenly the house went quiet. She went over to them and said “Goodbye”.

The three cupcakes turned to her. “Don’t go” they said. “You are my friend and a I yours? “Yes” said the new cupcake. And they all lived happily ever after. Till their house owner at them The End.

Story by Anthony Waberski 1st Class. Ms. J. Hayes.

Once upon a time, on a freezing winter’s day , my granddad and I walked. It was a cold but sunny day. We had a plan to find a big Christmas tree. When we were looking at the tree, we Saw two huge deer. They were eating so we walked quietly. After five minutes they ran. We were excited about this meeting. Suddenly we found out Christmas Tree. Grandad cut the tree and then we went back home.

The End.

MY TRIP TO YOUGHAL Story by Jack Donoghue 2nd Class Ms. S. O’Connor

We went to Youghal . We went out to the hotel at night. We went out to the bar. I got a drink of coke and next day we went to the Zoo. I saw lots of animals and there was a big, big, big buffalo bull and lots of other animals in the Zoo. We went home to the hotel that day. We went swimming and the gym. I lifted lots of heavy weights. Then we went home for foor.

It was very nice and I joined a kid’s club. Everybody was nice. We played lots of fun games. It was very nice. Then we went home to .

The Dinosaur that ate my homework

Story by James Anderson 3rd Class. Ms. C. O’Sullivan. One day I came to school with no homework. “Please Miss – a dinosaur ate it “. If a dinosaur ate it, bring the dinosaur to school tomorrow” So I did. “Meet Soap-head , home-work eater” and then it ate all the school books in the world ! And that’s how homework became extinct instead of dinosaurs !

Story by Sabra Hickey 1st Class Ms. Bowler

Once upon a time there was a girl. Her name was Holly. Holly loved Christmas, because she was born at Christmas.

Holly was so excited to write her letter to Santa. Guess what Holly wanted as a present? A Puppy. She always wanted her own puppy and even had a name picked out. On Christmas morning Holly woke up to find Santa had left her a basket beside her bed.

Out jumped a little puppy who she called “Louis”.

The End.

Story by Benjamin Kelleher 1st Class Ms. Bowler

One day me and my friends went to a football match. It was Kerry against Cork and Kerry won the match, and then we went to meet Brendan Kealy and he signed our Jerseys, and we met Ciaran Donehy and they let us lift up the Sam Maguire and it was very heavy. They said when you are growing up you can play for the Kerry Team and we said yes and 5 years later we played for the Kerry Team.

The End.

Christmas Eve

Story by Emily O’Shea Snr. Infants; Ms. Doona

It was snowing. It was cold. I left out cookies for Santa and I left carrots for Rudolf. Then I heard something. I went down stairs. Then I saw Santa. He covered me with his hat. He clapped and he disappeared.

The End.

Story by S. Repon, 5th Class Ms. Ryan,

Hi my name is Lizzie Emma O’Sullivan. I am 9 yrs old. I go to St. Oliver’s N.S. in Killarney. I love to draw and write books. This is my first book I ever finished . It is short because it is all about me. You might read some of my books who know. I know one of my books are going to be called The Cookie Thief and the Detective. There is another one, oh yeah, it is called the Secret Tunnel Through the Library. They will be great I promise.

I will be having a brother named Joey. My best friend is Jasmine Smith and Chloe Goulding. We love going on adventures and solving mysteries . We also love to cook, be detectives/spies and play sports. Oh its time to go. Hope you like my future books ! Lizzie.

The Nosey Santa

Story by Skyler Hamilton 1st Class. Ms. C. O’Sullivan.

One day a little girl named Samantha, she was excited for Santa. She was finished her note. She went to bed. Then she heard a thump. Then she tiptoed behind the door. She saw Santa. She was amazed. Then she told her friends, but then they didn’t believe her . You can’t see Santa he is Magic. Then she told her mum I saw Santa. You can’t see him , he is magic. Then she wrote a note . I Love You.

The End.


Poem by Colm Looney, 6th Class Mr. Galvin.

Summer days are long and warm With coloured flowers and bee’s a swarm Winter days are short and cool When it snows we don’t go to school

Autumn days are in between The most colourful trees you’ve ever seen Spring is the season of birth and living With new green buds a time of beginning.

Doctor Maisy

A Story by Eimir Kearney 1st Class Ms Bowler.

Maisy and Tallulah are dressing up. “Hello Dr. Maisy, Hello Nurse Tallulah”! Tallulah listens to Maisy’s heartbeat. Baboom Baboom !!. Ha Ha. That tickles ! Panda feels ill, Maisy listens to his heartbeat to Baboom, baboom. Maisy checks panda’s temperature, poor panda- he’s very hot.

Maisy takes panda up stairs and puts him to bed. There, there Panda. Get well soon. Oh Maisy, is that Tallulah calling ? Don’t run on the stairs. Maisy watch out Tallulah. Oops!! Tallulah is all right, but Maisy has hurt her nose. Nurse Tallulah wraps Maisy’s nose in a bandage. There, that’s better ! Bye-Bye Nurse Tallulah. Bye Bye Dr Maisy.


Story by Antoan Donachev 3rd Class; Ms.M.Chute.

Christmas is really fun because you get presents and mostly because it was the day Jesus was born thousands of years ago. Christmas is nice because your family gets together and you celebrate.

Well I have no idea what I’m getting from Santa this year but something will come into my head. Our Christmas play this year is awesome. Its about six children who find the Christmas Star . They go to the policeman, astronomer and Santa Claus.

At Christmas we have lots of nice things to eat for dinner, umm, I’m getting hungry, I can’t wait . Every time Santa comes I give him milk and a cookie . Well I leave it on the table and he eats a bit and drinks a bit. I can’t wait till it’s Christmas. I’m thinking of getting a video game I don’t know . I can’t wait for the food . I wish it was Christmas.

I SEE A MAGPIE Story by Liam Hennigan 2nd Class. Ms Sinead O’Connor.

My name is Liam, I see a magpie. Oh no I only see one. I think I’m going to get bad luck which I do. When I went outside, I slipped on a banana. Then I have to walk home. It is raining . A car splashes into me. Then I’m home. I was very tired and went for a nap. Then my little brother gets a biro. He writes boo on my head. Then I was going to my friends house. I got really embarrassed, but my friends .

Thursday morning I woke up, my little brother scares the life out of me. Then I had lunch my mom puts a really chilly sauce. My tongue got burned, but then life isn’t so bad. My dads best friend owns four star pizza. We had some . My favourite is pineapple cheese and pepperoni. Next morning my brother went to bed. I had some few days that were bad. See ya.

Story by Rian Gill. 6th Class. Mr. C. O’Muircheartaigh.

Hello my name is Rian Gill. When I grow up I want to be an astronaut.

The reason I want to be an astronaut, is because, when I was a baby I sued to draw pictures of spaceships flying to the moon. The main people who inspire me are Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin. They inspire me because they went to the Moon like I want to do and I think they are really brave.

When I grow up I would love to see the Appollo 11 spaceship. My brother is doing the course I would like to do.

One of the famous people who do what I want to do is Neil Armstrong. I think he’s an amazing person. He inspires me the most out of anyone. Someday I hope to be any bit like him. If that happens my dream will Be accomplished.

Story by Martyna Kolodzejska. 2nd Class Ms. S. O’Connor.

In Poland we celebrate Christmas on Christmas Eve. It is an important time for the family. We start celebrating Christmas when the first Star starts to shine. Together we share the holy bread and say greetings. Then we start eating supper. For supper we eat mushroom soup, lots of fish, dumplings with sauerkraut, and mushrooms and many more. After supper we open Christmas presents.

Christmas is the best because the whole family gets together. Christmas is an amazing time full of love.

Feasts and Festivals

Poem by Rian O’Neill 6th Class Mr. C O.Muircheartaigh

Feasts and Festivals, how lucky are we, with lots of occasions to fill with glee, People together and having fun Lots to celebrate with everyone.

Saint Patrick’s Day comes once a year, Shamrocks, parades and lots of cheer, In Killorglin the puck goat is king, With funfair, stalls and songs to sing.

August brings the Rose of Lots to do for you and me, Roses and escorts in The Dome, Which for one week becomes their home.

Halloween comes to our delight, Ghosts and goblins to give us a fright, Christmas comes with great joy, Celebrating the birth of a baby boy.

Feasts and Festivals where would we be, Without you to bring us such glee.

The End.

My 3DS Adventure

Story by Kieran Horgan 2nd Class, Ms. Ni. Suilleabhain.

I was in my room, about to start playing my new Zelda game on my 3DS. I saw a cool new button I never noticed before and I pressed it. Suddenly colours flashed on the screen. A swirling vortex of light sucked me into the game. “Where am I” I gasped. Then it hit me. I was in the game. I looked up and saw a screen in the sky, through it I could see my bedroom and my brother Jonathan sneaking around my room looking for my 3DS. Finally, he found it and started playing it. “Help help me” I yelled, but Jonathan couldn’t hear me. He made me walk all around the plains of never ending grass. Soon it would be dark I thought. Jonathan must have been having the same thought as me as I was commanded to perform the sun spell.

I took out my magical wooden flute and did it. Soon I came upon a small village. The villagers had heard of my magic flute and begged me to use a wind spell on their floor mill, because they didn’t have much wind this week. The villagers were over the moon. They decided to hold a feast in my honour.

They also said that they could help me get home. They gave me tons of rope. I knew exactly what to do . I tied the rope onto an arrow and shot it at the screen in the sky. I started to climb the rope. Jonathan could not believe his eyes when I started to come out of my 3DS. He was so scared he never set foot in my room ever again.

The End.

A Poem about School

A Poem by Oliver Zuchowski 3rd Class Ms. M.Chute.

School is Fun School is cool I like my school And my principal I make friends And I meet new Teachers We work hard And make our best.

After homework We all rest And go outside For whole day And then goodbye I’m going to bed The next day I wake up We start school And Start the work.

Winter A story by Mark Looney 1st Class Ms. J. Hayes.

In winter it is cold. Snow falls. We get presents from Santa. We also make snowmen in Christmas. The trees are bare in Christmas. Santa comes on Christmas Eve. Rudolf is a famous reindeer. When he goes backwards his nose goes blue. Elves help Santa on Christmas eve. They like to make children happy. I love Christmas. It is a special time. The months of winter are November, December and January. I love Santa and the reindeer. Remember to put out food for the animals.


A story by Aoibhin Evans 5th Class Ms. Julie O’Sullivan

Candy on Christmas tree, Helping each other, Reindeer getting ready to fly Santa’s Sleigh. I love Christmas time Santa looking out for naughty and nice kids. Tinsel wrapped around the tree. Mass is on Christmas Eve and on Christmas Day. All the elves busy at work Santa dressed in a big red coat, red pants, big black boots, Santa’s hat and big white beard.


A Story by Kacper Moroz 1st Class. Ms. J. Hayes.

The Snowman was melting and the snow on the trees was melting.

The new year was coming. We were very happy !!!. and what do you think what year was coming? Yes it is 2016. (!!! D End!!!)

Feasts and Festivals

A Story by Niamh Fleming 6th Class Mr. C. O’Muircheartaigh.

Feasts and festivals are lots of fun, From throwing tomatoes, Colours and burning puppets.

Show jumpers practicing for the Dublin horse show, Running after cheese at the cheese rolling festival Scary masks for Halloween then Turkey and Ham For Christmas Dinner.

The nation holding their breath, As the Kerry player James O’Donoghue Took the penalty to get us into the All- football final.

Against our enemies, Dublin the Capital city, On the hill the boys in blue stand Kerry fans shouting at the forwards to get a point, Feasts and Festivals are truly fun.


A Story by Patrick Coffey 1st Class. Ms. J. Hayes

Winter is a cold season. During winter Santa is busy. He gives lots of presents to Children. He makes children happy. Santa’s friends are elves and reindeer. Reindeer is the best. I love Santa and I love Christmas. Winter is not so bad. Merry Christmas.

My Tooth Fell Out A story by Caoimhe

My tooth fell out and left a space so big my tongue could touch my face and every Time I smile I show a space where something used to grow. I miss my tooth. But then I have to brush one less.

The next night I put my tooth under my pillow. The next day there was a Euro under my pillow.

I Love when my tooth fell out.

The End.

Super Smashes

Story by Adam O’Neill, 2nd Class Ms. C. Hegarty

Once upon a time, there was a superhero. His name was Adam O’Neill. His super powers were growing and springing and getting super strength when his Happy and angry .

He had a mission to same 1,000,000 people from a volcano explosion. He got some of his friends to help. They saved all the people and then they smashed the volcano.

The End.

Noisy the Monster

Story by Ben O’Brien 2nd Class Ms. C. Hegarty.

Once upon a time, there were 4 kids. Their names were Keven, Bob, Brien And Danny. They lived in Australia. One night Keven, Bob, Brien and Danny were looking at the moon. Danny said, “I wish I could go to the moon”. Why said Brien ? “Because I’ve always wanted to see if there was aliens on the moon.” Ok said Brien, let’s build a space ship. They built a space ship . They went to the moon. They didn’t see anything. But there was something coming their way. It’s a monster said Brien, come on Keven, let’s be brave he said. Ok, Keven said, ok let’s set a trap we can catch him. Back at home they were looking for them.

I think their looking for us at home. Quick let’s set the trap said Brian and go home. They caught Noisy the Monster and the monster said “Please let me go , I’ll be good, ok, as long as you be good”. They let him go and sent home.

The End.

Rosie’s Holiday

Story by Natasha Hebda 2nd Class Ms. Hegarty.

Rosie is going on holidays. She has to pack up for her holiday. She is going to a hot country. She is taking dresses, shorts, tops, t-shirts and shorts. Now she is ready.

Now she is going to her car. She is driving her car to the aeroplane. Now she is parking her car in the car park. She is going into an aeroplane.

The End.


Story by Tighan McDonagh 1st Class Ms. J. Hayes.

Winter is very cold. Flowers wither and die. The months of winter are January, November and December. You will probably see a lot of reindeer in the woods. Santa comes to your home at Christmas. Sometimes in Christmas it can show. You should wear woolly clothes. Santa gives you lots of presents. Christmas is one of the most holy times of the year. You must remember to leave food out for the birds at winter. I love Santa and all the reindeer.

The End.

Christmas Alphabet Poem

Poem by Sarah Mulligan 4th Class Ms. C. O’Sullivan

“C” is for the Candy trimmed around the Christmas tree, “H” is for the happiness with all the family “R” is for the Reindeer prancing by the window pane “I” is for the icing on the cake as sweet as sugar cane “S” is for the stocking on the chimney wall “T” is for the toys beneath the tree so tall “M” is for the mistletoe where everyone is kissed “A” is for the Angels who make up the Christmas list “S” is for old Santa who makes every kid his pet.

Be good and he’ll bring you everything in your Christmas Alphabet.

The Power Story by Michael O’Brien 1st Class Ms. C. O’Sullivan

One of my hero’s is a man called Phil Taylor. He is nicknamed “The Power”. He is a professional darts player. He was married to Yvonne and has 4 children.

He has won the World Darts Championships 16 times. He has won 6 Grand Slams. He has won the World Cup 4 times. He is 55 years old and still going strong. He is from London.

These are my facts about Phil Taylor.

The Boy who met an Alien. Story by Peter Sugrue 2nd Class Ms. Sinead O’Connor

One day a boy went to school. He can do his work in 20 seconds. He had 4 arms, So he was the best boy to be an astronaut. So he was soon in a rocket blasting to space. When he reached the moon he met an alien. He was scared. The alien was scared. Then they laughed. I was scared, said the boy. Me too said the Alien.

The End.

The Winter Story of the Three Puppies

Story by Tara T. Anderson. 1st Class. J. Hayes.

Once upon a time there were three puppies that played in the snow. One puppy made a Snow-dog. The other puppy played a snowball fight with the other puppy.

Then one puppy wandered off and he got lost in the woods. Then Jack Frost came and the puppy was very scared, he ran for his life.

But that was just a dream, the other puppies woke him up. The puppy said that it was a bad dream

The End.

Tifenys Performance

Story by Norita O’Brien 2nd Class Ms. C. Hegarty.

My name is Tifeny. I am frightened. Everybody likes me. I am in the mood to sing. I am the best singer in the world. I am ready to open the curtain. I am on my way to open the curtain. I am opening it . Everybody loved my song. I won because they said I was the best singer.

The End.

LEGION IN THE FINALS Story by Katie Murphy 5th Class Ms. Julie O’Sullivan.

Legion is the club I play for. James O’Donoghue and and Podge O’Connor all play with Legion. Every Friday evening I go up to Legion and train with under 12’s. I see all my friends there.

Last summer we were in the South Kerry Finals, but we lost . It was still fun because after we went to Four Star Pizza.

After I was so tired I went straight to bed. Now the seniors are in the Finals. They played against South Kerry but they drawed. Every game that Legion played I went to. It is good fun and I loved watching them play. Come on Legion.

And also we got to wear our Legion Jerseys to school on Friday. There was lots of kids going for Legion. One of the teachers took a photo of us and put it on the Legion website.

The End


Ellen Farndon 6th Class Mr. Galvin.

Name; Ellen Caoimhe Farndon Nickname; Elle Born; 15th February 2003. Height; Weight;

Sport(s); Swimming, Football, Dancing, Rowing Stroke(s); Back-crawl, front-crawl Club(s); Ciutadella, Mahon, Killarney Swimming Clubg. Coach(s); Cathal O’Brien, Cathal Roche, Vicki Dando, Kristian O’Donovan, Oran Kane and Leonita Doody.

School; St. Oliver’s

Competitions; Valentia; 1st Ocean Race – 1st Place Askeaton; 1st ever Gala. Douglas; One of my many injuries at galas. U.L.; 1st time in an Olympic Pool 50m Tralee; Where I achieved many times.

I started swimming at the age of 3. I admire Roland Matthes and he achieved many things, including the Hall of Fame. I am a little accident prone and have managed to pick up injuries at a number of galas. I always survive to tell the tale , nothing serious !!

My strongest stroke is back-crawl. I always achieve my times at galas in this stroke. I enjoy swimming because it is a chance to exercise and each swimmer works individually to improve times and stroke. I really enjoy swimming in the sea and I swam in the lake on Christmas Day 2013 trying out my new wetsuit. We have good fun and chats preparing for Galas also.

The Magical Ballerina Story by Shakera Rayhan 4th Class. Ms. Ciara O’Sullivan. Once upon a time, at the time of magic, there was a girl called pearl. She was a Princess and she was 17 years old. She was a beautiful one too, but there was one problem, she didn’t like being a princess . She wanted to be a ballerina. But her parents disagreed and her mean, ugly prince was going to marry her. The wedding was arranged next week!. She didn’t want to spend her life with a mean ugly prince.

Pearl thought and thought “What am I going to do”. She told herself, and then decided “I will run away at dawn” said Pearl. She packed stuff she needed and went to bed. When the sum rose Pearl work up and set off. She went into a magical forest and then did not know what to do.

“Is anyone here ? she called. She could hear someone breathing behind the bushes. “Come out, I won’t hurt you, she said. Out came a man , he was about 20 years old. He said “Sorry I thought you were something else!. Pearl asked “Why are you here”. The man answered “Don’t laugh, the only reason I’m here is because I want to be a dancer, a ballet dancer.

“Oh really, I am here for the same thing said Pearl sounding shocked. “Oh I forgot to ask, what’s your name? asked Pearl. “My name is Prince Charles and I am a Prince answered Charles. “By the way, what is your name” ? asked Charles. “Well I am Pearl and I am a Princess” said Pearl.

Well, your majesty let’s find you a new castle” said Charles sarcastically. “Very funny” said Pearl. “Let’s go find one then” Pearl exclaimed. So off they went. They stopped abruptly when they saw an extraordinary sight. It was a candy castle.

“I can’t go in that castle looking like this “ Pearl said. “I will go and get changed”. She came from behind the castle wearing a blue and purple dress. “How do I look”? asked Pearl. Charles was trapped in her beautiness . “Georgeous” was the only word he could say.

They knocked on the drawbridge and it swung open. Pearl and Charles went in to see a beautiful fairy. “I am the Sugar Dance Fairy. What kind of dancer would ye like to be ? She said. “Ballet Dancers”, both of them said. “Your wish is my command” said the Fairy and she transformed them into ballet dancers.

Thank you so much I said, said Pearl. “But there is one problem, where will we dance? Sugar replied “The Royal Academy”, “The French One “ ? asked Charles. Yes that one. Pearl and Charles looked confused. “I will pay” said Sugar. Thank You, but can we come on the floor again? Asked Pearl. “Sorry” Sugar said, and let them alone. By the way, said Charles, Can we stay here for the night? Of course you can’t.

The next day they were teleported to Royal Academy. They learned how to dance. Soon a few years later they were the best dancers. All those years Pearl and Charles fell in Love with and soon married. Soon they were in the best competition in the world and the end of their dance was a romantic Kiss. The End

Have Hope – Will Minnie ever find a home Story by Tia McNabb, 5th Class Ms. S. O’Neill.

I walked into Battersea Pet Store on Friday 20th November, when a small frail spaniel caught my attention. “Abused”, the owner of the store, Jacqueline said to me. It flinched when I touched it. Of course the owners were arrested for animal cruelty. Seven years in jail. Jacqueline finished. I looked down at the poor puppy. Its eyes bored into my skull as if it were trying to tell me something. “What gender is it”? I ask, while admiring the rest of the store. Female, her name is Minnie, Jacqueline replied. “The poor thing” I say softly. I know a person who got badly beaten as a child. And it took him a few years to finally trust me. There was an easy silence in the shop, only the sounds from outside could be heard. I glance back down at Minnie. She looks up at me and whimpers. “ Go on”, urged the voice in the back of my head. “Adopt her, you know you want to “. I badly wanted to, but what if I couldn’t manage her. What if I became the monster her previous owner was. What if I’m not mature enough?.

What if -- I’ll take her. I smile before I could change my mind again. “Brilliant”, Jacqueline says enthusiastically. “Now all we need is to sort out her microchip”.

Two years later, Minnie is interacting with people brilliantly. I have to admit, she was shy at first, especially with new surroundings, but now she gets on fine. I also got another dog named Jacob. He was also abandoned on the side of the road . I took him to the authorities and they said I could take him. I was very happy because Minnie isn’t so lonely. I guess she always dreamed of having a home. I guess you just got to Have Hope.

The End.

The Cookie Thief and the Detective Story by Shadia Repon 5th Class, Ms. Ryan

Hi, my name is Lizzie Emma O’Sullivan, aka , Ms. Popular. I am 13 years old and I study in High School Academy. I have a brother named Joe who is 3 years old. I live with my mom and Joe in a mansion called Apple Vile. Anyway, forget about all that, let me tell you a story about a Cookie Thief and the Detective. Last week Monday 18th of May, 2015, this happened.

Joe loves cookies so we went to the supermarket to buy some cookies. We rushed through the food columns, we couldn’t see any boxes of cookies. Then something caught my eye, of course it was the cookie piled boxes. We pushed passed a lot of people, finally we were there. After a while, I realised Joe had disappeared. I searched everywhere, I couldn’t find him. Then I went back to the cookies and saw Joe climbing the pile of cookie boxes. Suddenly a gust of wind blew in and knocked the cookie boxes. The manager came and thought Joe knocked everything over. We had to buy all the boxes of cookies.

At home I couldn’t put any of the boxes in the cupboard. That’s why I had to keep them in one of the guest rooms. For breakfast, Joe had cookies, lunch cookies and dinner cookies. The next day when I woke up, I went to the kitchen . 10 boxes of cookies was gone. I shouted “Joe”. Mum came running in.

Who ate all the cookies? I said in an angry voice. “Not me, I was sound asleep” Joey said tiredly. It was a mystery , a big one. Wait a minute, I love being detectives. I’ll be a detective and solve this mystery but first breakfast, then school. Since it was a Friday, I have the weekend to solve the mystery.

In school I was thinking about the cookies. When and How did they do it so fast. Mrs. Smith my teacher said; “Ever one take out our test copy”. “What test are we doing today? I asked my friend. She said “The one about Ms. Yum Yum in the A.W.W. Oh no I forgot to revise. Suddenly Ms. Smith fainted and we all went home early. Phew! After I got home I started investigating.

I looked in every corner, I looked closely at the finger prints. After two days, I finally solved the case. I gathered everyone in the TV room and I began to say “ I have been searching, taking close looks and figuring out who might have eaten all the cookies”. And now I can tell who ate them, the person who ate them is .....Daisy the Cat !. Mum laughed. Joey felt grumpy but also laughed. We took Daisy to the vet just in case. Lizzie.

The Evil Santa Clause.

Story by Lorna O’Donoghue 4th Class, Ms. Ciara O’Sullivan.

One night a man called Ben had a terrible idea, but to him it was a great idea. He was going to spoil Christmas for all the children. His plan was to dress up as Santa and give all the children 1 lump of coal. He put on his fake beard , his Red costume and dressed up as Santa. He went around to each house , broke the window and threw a block of coal in the window.

He also put a sign up on each door “saying don’t come in here Santa”. So whatever house the real Santa would come to he could not come in to give the presents. When every child woke up they were really sad and thought they were bold all year because they only got a lump of coal. When the guards were driving along the road they seen the fake Santa. Seeming he had no sleigh and no reindeers with him, they pulled in and asked him lots of questions that the real Santa should know, but Ben barely know any of them. The Guards looked in the windows of the houses and seen that there was only 1 lump of coal in through the window, the guards seen the real Santa riding over them and told him that all these signs on the door were from the fake Santa.

The real Santa delivered the presents the following day and the fake Santa was jailed for seven months and everyone else lived happily ever after.

The End.

The Shadow Stalker Story by Jack Cronin 5th Class, Ms. Julie O’Sullivan Some years ago, on a dark and stormy night, I could hear the dreary moans from the Willow trees around my old country style house. I walked up the front porch and wandered inside the old decrepit house. After I lurked around the lounge and the kitchen I went upstairs to see what I could find. Suddenly the attic door that was opened slammed shut. I climbed up to the attic to see if I could find some old photographs that we had stored up there. The air in the attic was very dusty but I could see some of the photographs and I picked them up to study them. When I looked closer, me and my family weren’t the only ones in the pictures; there were a pair of eyes peering down at us from the attic in the pictures ! I wanted to run as far away as possible at that moment, but I could see more stuff. I found a pair of binoculars underneath an old mattress and some photos of my family that we never knew had been taken. Someone must have been stalking us the whole time we lived in that old house. All of a sudden, I could hear eerie noises too hard to explain. I ran down the stairs into the hallway and out the door into the cold night. I nearly froze to death it was so cold outside.

I ran to the edge of the hill right above some dangerous jagged rocks scattered around the wet marshy lands. I stopped running but I wish I hadn’t because I spotted a tall shadow and its cold hand reached out and pushed me down the cliffs. I remember laying there for an hour, trying to get to my feet after I hit my head off a rock. Finally, a bunch of people from the village square ran to get help. I felt extremely dizzy. I skinned my knee and broke my collar bone, but while people were helping me, I could still see that shadow standing at the top of the cliff waving and laughing down at me. I remember the pain and the fright and I still have dreams about it, that laughing and waving. It took a while to recover and I didn’t tell anybody because I didn’t want it to be public news.

I went to the sight of my old countryside house again, and this time I would be prepared. I went to the attic but found nothing except for a few more photos of the family scattered over the room. I still wanted to leave but I wanted to find out what was going on at the same time. The mattress was gone and the photos he had taken of us were gone as well. I decided to go back to my apartment in the city. While I was walking back to get in my car, I heard footsteps behind me and a laugh that made me stop dead in my tracks. I started to run but panic started to take control of me. I hopped into the car and drove away, but as I was driving, I spotted the same shadow on the sidewalk, waving and laughing.

I never went back to that house, but as I said before, I still have dreams of that experience to this very day. The End.