Columbia Union Visitor Representing the Conferences of Ohio, Potomac, Allegheny, East Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Chesapeake, West Pennsylvania, West Virginia Vol. 52 Washington, D. C., January 23, 1947 No. 4 Our Relief Work in Europe the General Conference will en- THROUGH the various articles By J. J. STRAHLE able us to do far more for our which we have written for our Director, European Relief church papers, our people have people than by sending packages become greatly interested in the to Sweden, I heard that the chair- from the States. However, some relief work we are doing for our man of the relief societies of Ger- have stated that they would like to needy people in Europe. Many many was in Stockholm. I suc- send packages direct to some of of our. church members have writ- ceeded in gaining an interview their relatives or friends. This ten to the General Conference with him and found him most can be done, but you should be asking us as to how we are getting friendly. He belongs to one of sure to insure it so it will not be food to our starving people. We the large denominations in Ger- lost along the way. We hope that are therefore giving you a report many, and offered us a solution a steady stream of funds will con- at this time to let you know what to our problem. We thus found tinue to flow into the treasury so has been accomplished and what a way to send the food supplies in that we can continue the Relief we are doing through our relief sealed cars to a warehouse near Program for our starving people program at the present time. Berlin in care of our organization in Europe. Through the friendly coopera- and from this place a welfare or- tion of the Danish Government, ganization helps us to get the -food and clothing into the East German we have been sending to Austria, The Shape of Things to Come Hungary, Czechoslovakia, and Po- Union. Nearly 20,000 of our people land a .steady stream of food sup- reside in this zone. Through our COMETS return with astonishing plies to our relief leaders, such relief program we have been able regularity, and there are men who as butter, cheese, cooking oil, bar- to reach about 60,000 of our peo- say that business recessions come ley flakes, sugar, powdered milk, ple, and through them have helped after the necessary prerequisites and soap. These have gone by a large number of others who are with as great certainty. But it truck loads to the various coun- in great need. Aside from the is not the purpose here to assume tries referned to above. We were countries referred to, we have al- the role so popular at this time of also very fortunate in securing so sent food and clothing to many year and attempt to tell what is permission from the Swedish Gov- of the other lands of Europe, but most likely to happen in the natu- ernment to buy and send food sup- which are now able to get along ral or economic realms. It is adven- plies into the British zone of Ger- without further aid. ture enough to write of matters many. Our brethren in Germany Many have asked whether they over which there is more control. are well-organized for relief work, should put forth all their efforts The shape of things to come is so that when shipments arrive, in sending packages to Europe or largely determined by what has both food and clothing are dis- whether they should send their gone before. All the years of the tributed to our very needy people. money to the General Conference past are focused on this new one. In order that sustenance might for European relief. It is far cheap- Every person is what he was yes- reach our brethren living in the er to secure the food in the near- terday, only a little more so—un- American and French Zones, we by countries than to send it from less some transforming experience contacted the Swiss Government. the United States. It is also less has come to him. Through the help of the Inter- expensive for transporting the For nearly 40 years the Home national Red Cross we were able food from these adjacent sources Study Institute has offered courses to secure the needed food supplies of supply to our people. You will of instruction by correspondence. and sent them to every conference observe that money sent direct to All through these decades there office in southern Germany. Food has been a consistent effort to give shipments have been coming into the best work possible. Upon that Germany from the north and the Annual Colporteur foundation the present is built. south nearly every two weeks. Institute Dates Changes in instructional methods However, there was one big prob- come with the years. Many have New Jersey Jan. 19-25 lem before us, that of getting food already filtered into the courses supplies into the eastern part of Potomac Jan. 26-Feb. 1 offered by-the Home Study Insti- Germany. We had investigated Allegheny tute; more are certain to come. every means to find a way to sup- East Section Feb. 2-8 Rather than wait to be the last to ply our needy people in that par- West Section Feb. 9-15 adopt new styles that at first seem ticular territory. On my last visit strange and ludicrous, but later Religious Liberty Day Offering Sabbath, January 25 prove to be useful and sensible, writing and tedious labor, except TOLEDO this organization plans to keep where these last are required for abreast with the most helpful and the first. Modern methods of meas- THE Dorcas Federation of the stimulating methods, and even a urement, considered reliable and Toledo area will meet Tuesday, little ahead of the procession. stimulating, are used. High stand- January 28, at 10:00 A.M. There is no place for wild ex- ards of scholarship and credit of Place: First Baptist Church perimentation or for radical revo- unquestionable value are written Friendship Room, 3016 Colling- lution in these plans for progress. large among the requisites for wood Avenue, Toledo, Ohio. Steady, wholesome growth based satisfactory grades. Speaker: Mrs. Herman Kleist of on tested materials rich in inspi- The following courses are near- Chicago will be the guest speaker. ration, stimulus, and guidance, is ing completion and will soon be Mrs. Kleist is the dean of Dorcas the objective. If there ever has available in entirely new form: federations and will bring a wealth been drudgery in courses of in- American History, a full year for of information and inspiration to struction by mail, it must not re- the twelfth grade; English I for your Dorcas work. main in those produced for stu- the ninth grade; World History All should plan to attend this dents of tomorrow. There will be and Old Testament History for the important meeting. challenge and work but with com- tenth grade. Revisions have been MRS. STEVE PANTILI pensating progress and achieve- completed on several other courses President ment. These statements reveal such as Greek I and II, Shorthand MRS. HUGH MOOG something of the shape of things to I, and Denominational History. Secretary-Treasurer come. Others are in preparation. According to such a pattern The new bulletin for 1947 de- several important courses are al- scribing all the courses is now MT. VERNON ready being fashioned. More will available. Write the Home Study THE Dorcas Federation of Cen- follow as rapidly as teachers can Institute, Dept. UP, Takoma Park tral Ohio will meet Wednesday, be found to prepare them. It is 12, Washington, D. C., for your free January 29, at 10:00 A.M. required of all that the emphasis copy today. Place: Mt. Vernon, Ohio in the be on learning and growth, less on W. HOMER TEESDALE Memorial Building on East High Street, opposite the court house. day morning at 10:15 over Station Speaker: Mrs. Herman Kleist of WMAN, 1400 on your .dial. Many Chicago will be the guest speaker. OHIO have written, expressing their ap- Mrs. Kleist is the dean of Dorcas W. M. ROBBINS, Pres. C. C. MORRIS, S.-T. preciation for these broadcasts. federations and will bring a wealth Box 831, Mt. Vernon, Ohio Phone 1175 A very nice class of people have of information and inspiration to Make wills and legacies in favor of the Ohio Conference Association of the Seventh-day come into the church, among them your Dorcas work. Adventist Church. the president and secretary of the All should plan to attend this W. C. T. U. for the county. One important meeting. new member was a Sunday school MRS. MABLE HUNT Evangelism in Mansfield superintendent in another church. President We are looking forward under the MRS. BERTHA T. REED A SERIES of evangelistic meet- blessing of God to a very nice har- Secretary-Treasurer ings was opened by the writer vest of souls when the interest is October 6 in Mansfield, Ohio, a completely "bound off." city of about 40,000 population. S. K. LEHNHOFF The meetings were held in the Clarksfield Baptism high school auditorium three times MEMBERS of the Clarksfield dis- a week and were well-attended trict were made happy when 10 from the beginning. About 600 Dorcas Federation Meetings persons followed their Lord's ex- attended on the first Sunday night. CLEVELAND ample in baptism at a union meet- Thus far 20 have joined the church ing of the district, November 30, as a result of these meetings. We THE Dorcas Federation of the expect within the next few months Cleveland area will meet Thurs- by the help of the Lord to double day, January 30, at 10:00 A.M. COLUMBIA UNION VISITOR this number, as there are many Place: Lakewood Seventh-day interested people. Adventist Church, corner Detroit Official Organ of the Brother Joseph Twing, minis- and Arthur Avenues, Lakewood COLUMBIA UNION CONFERENCE terial intern, is assisting in the (Cleveland), Ohio. of Seventh-day Adventists visiting and studying with the peo- Speaker: Mrs. Herman Kleist 900 Carroll Ave., Takoma Park 12, D. C. ple. Elder F. C. Webster, Home of Chicago will be the guest speak- F. H ROBBINS PRESIDENT Missionary Secretary of the Con- er. Mrs. Kleist is the dean of C. H. KELLY SECRETARY ference, has come to Mansfield on Dorcas federations and will bring WARREN F. ADAMS ..... EDITOR Issued weekly, 52 times a year, by the Wash- Sunday nights and led the music. a wealth of information and in- ington College Press. Price, seventy-five cents per year in advance. Since the beginning of the new spiration to your Dorcas work. Entered as second-class matter, November 10, year, the meetings have been con- All should plan to attend this 1941 at the post office at Washington, D. C., under the act of Congress of March 3, 1879. ducted each Sunday night in the important meeting. Address all subscriptions and make all payments high school auditorium and are MRS. FRANK BROWN to your Book and Bible House. All copy for publication in the VISITOR should fairly well-attended. Brother President be submitted through the local conference in which the contributor resides or holds membership. Twing and the writer are broad- MRS. RAY HAUGHSTED Copy should be typewritten and double-spaced. casting from Mansfield every Sun- Secretary-Treasurer


1946. We were pleased to have become the targets of persecution. day of persecution, so destructive our Conference President, Elder "The dragon was wroth with the to persecutor as well as persecuted, W. M. Robbins, with us to admin- woman and, went to make war with in abeyance as long as possible. ister this rite. the remnant of her seed" (Revela- "The night cometh when no man D. V. STEINMAN tion 12:17) [Italics supplied]. The can work" (John 9:4) [Italics dragon's destructive influence has supplied]. The day of the offer- already been felt in many places ing is January 25, 1947. WEST PENNSYLVANIA on earth by members of the rem- C. V. LEACH nant church. Many have been im- W. C. MOFFETT, President C.. B. GREEN, S.-T. 744 North Negley Ave., Pittsburgh 6, Pa. .prisoned, some have died, and Make wills and legacies in favor of the much property has been destroyed Laymen's Council West Pennsylvania Conference Association of in some countries. Here in Amer- Seventh-day Adventists. February 15-16 ica we do not have to wait to see IIMY that which shall some day face THE annual Chesapeake Confer- Church Organized us here. All we have to do is to ence Laymen's Council will con- look out over the earth and see vene in the Baltimore Number One ON the closing Sabbath of 1946 what Satanic forces have done Church February 15-16, 1947. the company at Nanty Glo was when they have gained the ascend- These annual councils grow in organized into a church of 15 ancy in human affairs. importance as the days go by. members, fully officered. Our deliverance from oppres- Events taking place project us Last summer Elder L. L. Phil- sion and persecution in America immediately into the closing hours pott and Brother Glenn Smith is miraculous when we consider of history and human probation. conducted a tent effort at Nanty the increased strength of forces We cannot now properly eval- Glo and Brother A. R. Norcliffe antagonistic to civil and religious uate these hours so rapidly passing has been following up this interest. liberty in recent years. Heaven by. In the parable of the ten In the afternoon at Altoona Elder has graciously smiled upon our virgins, "while the bridegroom Philpott baptized two new be- fair land and benevolently pre- tarried they d/l slumbered and lievers, one from the Nanty Glo served us and our great govern- slept" (Matthew 25:5) [Italics effort and one to connect with the ment which is committed to the supplied]; so it must be that those Altoona Church. principles of justice, mercy, and who are now widest awake among Others are looking forward to fair , dealing to all; to minorities us are still in a state which we an open-air baptism in the spring. as well as to majorities. may compare to slumbering and W. C. MOFFETT Many agencies have wrought for sleeping as compared to the wide- us during the days of stress and awake condition in which they strain through which we have ought to be. passed. Not least among these These days are unparalleled in CHESAPEAKE agencies have been our own men, opportunity for both preacher and C. V. LEACH, Pres. A. B. BUTLER, S.-T. special religious liberty workers layman and we should all "lift 24 Fusting Ave., Catonsville 28, Md. Make wills and legacies in favor of the and ministers, who have been used together." "The people must lift Chesapeake Conference Association of Seventh- of the Lord to hold in check the where the minister lifts. . . . day Adventists. powers of darkness. There is no influence that can be The primary right-hand assist- brought to bear on a church that Days of Uncertainty ant of these men has been that will be enduring unless the peo- silent but effective proclaimer of ple shall move intelligently, from DAYS of uncertainty are upon freedom—Liberty magazine. The principle, to do all they can to mankind. The better informed quarterly visits of this master forward the work" ("Christian men and women become with ref- preacher on the subject of civil Service," p. 67). erence to the agencies of destruc- and religious liberty have been Unless we advance together, it tion extant and in preparation, the most successful. The rank and is clear our work will not be en- more jittery and seemingly ex- file of our people can stand back during. Is it possible, brethren travagant in their statements they of and support religious liberty and sisters, that our difficult march become, covering the future of officers and our own ministry by in the matter of growth in mem- mankind and the earth. sending on in advance to judges, bership is due to lack of coordi- They are not extravagant, how- lawyers, ministers, and profes- nation of effort as well as some ever, in their description of the sional folk subscriptions to this other causes which space will not destructive elements that have unique periodical among Ameri- permit us to consider in this ar- been prepared, for the prophecy can journals. ticle? of Revelation makes clear the fact May we suggest that we brace At the coming Laymen's Coun- that man would eventually become ourselves to continue the flow of cil we shall study our mutual able to bring to a state of disinte- approximately 5,000 subscriptions problem as ministers and laymen. gration the very base of his ex- to these influential folk in Mary- A select group of local leaders are istence—the earth. When Jesus land, Delaware, our three counties being called together, but all our appears He comes to receive His in West Virginia, and two counties people can pray that the Lord people into everlasting habitation in Virginia. may direct in this meeting in a and to "destroy them which de- Many should give $100, $50, and special way. stroy the earth" (Revelation $25. Hundreds should give $10. Our opportunities were never 11:18) [Italics supplied]. A multitude should give $5 and the greater than now. We always meet During the days of political tur- rank and file, not less than $1. Let hindrances, but opposition to our moil and destruction of material us show proper appreciation for work is no doubt at a minimum things on earth, God's people will our present liberties and hold the at this time. Advance moves should JANUARY 23, 1947, VoL. 52, No. 4 3 be carefully planned. Our church At the central warehouse here supplies, ink, scissors, crayons, centers should spring into life in in Takoma Park an average of soap, canned soup, a large picture, every part of the Conference. "Let ten Dorcas ladies have met each and money, some of which was to ministers and lay members go week for many weeks to pre- be used for the purchase of a large forth into the ripening fields. They pare and ship the clothing con- globe. will find their harvest wherever tributed by the churches of the The evening was concluded with they proclaim the forgotten truths greater Washington area. These games and marching under the di- of the Bible" ("Christian Service," faithful workers under the leader- rection of Brother Vaughn, with p. 67). ship of Sister Keough, Sister Koch, Mrs. Gruesbeck at the piano. We hope every leader in our and Sister Read have labored un- A. 0. DART churches invited to this meeting tiringly in their efforts to alleviate may be present February 15. We the suffering of our believers in urge the rank and file of our distant lands. During the year NEW JERSEY church members to pray especially they prepared and shipped a total W. B. HILL, Pres. J. 0. McLEOD, S.-T. for this meeting. Pray that the of 32,662 articles of clothing. Their 1574 Brunswick Ave., Trenton 8, N. J. Lord may bless the ministry and latest shipment was taken to our Make wills and legacies in favor of the people as they put in operation a New York warehouse by our own New Jersey Conference Association of Seventh- day Adventists. laymen's movement that will en- Conference truck and contained compass as far as possible all our nearly two tons of clothing. territory. Let us work while the To all those who have had a A Thrilling Report day lasts and while we may. part in making this report possi- "Transgression has a l m o s t ble and to all others who have AT the fourth quarterly meeting reached its limit. Confusion fills contributed to the urgent appeals of the North Jersey Dorcas Feder- the world, and a great terror is for the relief of suffering human- ation, held December 19, in the Ir- soon to come upon human beings. ity we take this opportunity of vington Slovakian Church, Sister The end is very near. We who saying, "Hearty thanks" and we Pauline Lopas, a member of the know the truth should be prepar- look to the Lord to reward you Perth Amboy Slovakian Dorcas ing for what is soon to break upon richly, for He has said: "Whatso- Group, brought greetings from our the world as an overwhelming ever good thing any man doeth, the fellow believers in Czechoslovakia, surprise." —"Testimonies," V o 1. same shall he receive of the Lord." from whence she had recently re- VIII, p. 28. C. V. LEACH It is hoped that at the begin- turned. On a three months' visit ning of this year many others will there and back by airplane, while catch a vision of the work to be staying with her mother and im- done. From the pen of inspira- mediate family, Sister Lopas was POTOMAC tion we read, "There certainly also able to contact some of our H. J. DETWILER, Pres. W. H. JONES, S.-T. should be a larger number of churches and obtain news of their 411 Cedar St., Takoma Park 12, D. C. women engaged in the work of experiences during the war years. Make wills and legacies in favor of the ministering to suffering humanity; Potomac Conference Corporation of Seventh-day During that time religious gath- Adventists. uplifting, educating them to be- erings were prohibited. For six lieve—simply believe in Jesus years therefore, our Slovakian Christ our Saviour." We are count- brethren met secretly in out-of- Report of Dorcas Work ing on YOU. the-way places. One Sabbath af- PERCY W. MANUEL "The money gift is easy ; there are hun- ternoon, for example, a group of dreds here to pay, them was holding a meeting in the And settle back contented while the toil- ers work away. forest when suddenly a terrible Men will dig into their pockets for the rainstorm forced them to discon- gold the cause may need, News Note And then leave it to another to go out tinue the service and hasten home. and do the deed. But in every worthwhile struggle that MRS. R. L. VAUGHN sends the Later they learned that at that will help the race to climb, following interesting account of very time the authorities had sent The world is always seeking for the men who'll give their time." their recent Home and School trucks and men out to arrest them We thank God for the noble gathering. because, they said, they were vio- men and women in the Potomac The joint Home and School As- lating the law. Truly, God does Conference who made this gift sociation of the Winchester and care for His faithful ones! Through last year and for what, under the Strasburg Churches sponsored a the perseverance and loyalty of blessing of God, was accomplished Christmas party on December 21 these Slovakian members, 60 new through their efforts. The minis- in a firehall in Winchester. The souls were won for God despite try of our Dorcas societies to the membership of both churches was the unfavorable circumstances. needs of those less fortunate has well-represented at the gathering. Our European brethren were brought cheer and comfort to The church school children pre- extremely grateful for the hundred thousands. The reports are not sented a fine Christmas program and more individual 11-pound all in but one society alone re- under the able direction of their parcels of clothing sent them di- ports: teacher, Miss Constance Bennett. rectly by the members of the Perth Instead of bringing gifts to ex- Amboy Slovakian Church. Articles of clothing given away ..... 14,583 Garments made 310 change with each other, each fam- Sister Lopas displayed pictures Quilts made 6 Families helped 48 ily was requested to bring a gift of Slovakian children holding some Bouquets given away 22 for the school, and place it under of the bundles sent by our New Hours of Dorcas work 2,955 Food baskets given 5 the tree. Miss Bennett and the Jersey church. Persons interested in truth directly children opened these together, We greatly appreciate the Chris- through Dorcas ministry 2 Literature distributed 798 and were happy to find such use- tian example of our Slovakian be- Cash raised by sales $449 Boxes sent to foreign countries ...... 650 ful items as games, puzzles, paper lievers. W. B. HILL 4 COLUMBIA UNION VISITOR Ten Out of Every Twelve 17 precious souls who had re- Of this number, 12 united in fel- nounced the world and yielded lowship with the Paterson English OF the approximately 1200 fam- their all in full surrender to Jesus Church, two with the Passaic Eng- ilies in the New Jersey Conference, Christ for complete obedience and lish Church, and three with the according to the latest report from consecrated service. Passaic Polish Church. Elder Patz- the publishers, nearly 1,000 of these are now receiving the Re- view and Herald. That is, approx- imately ten out of every twelve LOCAL RADIO LOG families take seriously their obli- gations to their church and support For Columbia Union Conference the only official church paper pub- For Week Commencing January 26, 1947 lished by Seventh-day Adventists. This is the highest percentage of STATION DIAL PLACE TIME SPEAKER Review coverage among New Jer- (Letters) (Klo.) sey families in the history of the Akron, Ohio WARR 1590 Sunday, 9:00 A.M. McCoy, Robbins Conference. WHKK 640 Sunday, 10:00 A.M. McCoy, Robbins We are assured that church lead- Alexandria, Va. WPIK 730 Sunday, 3:45 P.M. Dallas Youngs Mon.-Fri., 11:30 A.M. Dallas Youngs ers and members alike will rejoice Allentown, Pa. WSAN 1470 Sunday, 9:15 A.M. W. C. Moffett Atlantic City, N. J. WFPG 1450 Sunday, 10:00 A.M. Walter E. Haase in this high degree of success, for Baltimore, Md. WCBM 1400 Sunday, 2:00 P.M. Voice of Prophecy in these days of multiplying de- WFBR 1300 Sunday, 9:30 A.M. Voice of Prophecy Beckley, W. Va. WWNR 1450 Sunday, 10:30 A.M. Voice of Prophecy lusions during which time even the Bluefield, W. Va. WHIR 1440 Sunday, 12:30 P.M. C. 0. Kinder Bridgeton, N. J. WSNJ 1240 Sunday, 12 :30 P.M. Voice of Prophecy elect, where possible, may be de- Sunday. 9:30 A.M. Thomas P. Ipes ceived, the Review and Herald Wed., Fri., 11:45 A.M. Thomas P. Ipes Butler, Pa. WISR 680 Sunday, 9 :30 A.M. Voice of Prophecy with its steadying and inspiring Camden, N. J. WCAM 1310 Sunday, 11 :15 A.M. V. D. Rees Canton, Ohio We'MW 1060 Sunday, 9:15 A.M. H. P. Herzel influence will play a very definite Chambersburg, Pa. WCHA 800 Sunday, 10:00 A.M. B. K. Mills and positive part in maintaining Charleston, W. Va. WGKV 1490 Sunday, 9:00 A.M. Voice of Prophecy Charlottesville, Va. WCHV 1240 Sunday, 10:00 A.M. Voice of Prophecy a high degree of spirituality among Cincinnati, Ohio WrKY 1530 Sunday, 10:30 A.M. Voice of Prophecy WSAI 1360 Sunday, 7:00 A.M. Voice of Prophecy us, as well as in directing us Columbus, Ohio WHKC 610 Sunday, 11:30 A.M. Voice of Prophecy towards a complete and faithful Covington, Va. WKEY 1340 Sunday, 8:30 A.M. Voice of Prophecy Danville, Virginia WBTM 1400 Sunday, 9 :30 A.M. Voice of Prophecy adherance to the principles, doc- Dayton, Ohio WING 1410 Sunday, 10:00 A.M. George Liscombe Du Bois, Pa. WCED 1230 Sunday, 10:00 A.M. Voice of Prophecy trines, and high standards long Sunday, 10 :30 A.M. Spencer, Sr. & Jr. held by the Seventh-day Adventist Easton, Pa. WEST 1400 Sunday, 10:30 A.M. Voice of Prophecy Erie, Pa. WT,EU 1450 Sunday, 10":30 A.M. Voice of Prophecy Church. Fairmont, W. Va. WMMN 920 Sunday, 1:00 P.M. Voice of Prophecy Frederick, Md. WFMD 930 Wednesday, 2 :30 P.M. Wm. F. Schmidt However, even though the cam- Fredericksburg, Va. WFVA 1230 Sunday, 8:30 A.M. Voice of Prophecy paign has now officially closed, and Hagerstown, Md. WJEJ 1240 Sunday, 8:30 A.M. Harold Metcalf Sunday. 10:30 A.M. Voice of Prophecy the special price is no longer effec- Thursday, 10 :15 A. M. Wm. F. Schmidt Hamilton, Ohio WMOH 1450 Sunday, 11 :00 A.M. Voice of Prophecy tive, we still cannot help but re- Harrisonburg, Va. WSVA 550 Sunday, 1:00 P.M. R. F. Woods gret that for some reason or an- Sunday, 4:30 P.M. Voice of Prophecy Hazleton. Pa. WARL 1450 Sunday, 10:30 A.M. Voice of Prophecy other, known best to themselves, Indiana, Pa. WDAD 1450 Sunday, 10:30 A.M. Voice of Prophecy Lima, Ohio WLOK 1240 Sunday. 10 :00 A.M. Voice of Prophecy there are still at least 200 families Logan, W. Va. WLOG 1230 Sunday, 6:00 P.M. Voice of Prophecy who have not availed themselves Martinsville, Va. WMVA 1450 Sunday, 2:00 P.M. Voice of Prophecy McKeesport, Pa. WEDO 810 Sunday, 5:00 P.M. Voice of Prophecy of the Review privilege. But it is Montgomery, W. V. WMON 1340 Sunday, 10:30 A.M. Voice of Prophecy Morgantown, W. V. WAJR 1230 Sunday, 6:00 P.M. Voice of Prophecy still not too late for them to order. Newark, N. J. WHBI 1280 Sunday, 8 :00 A.M. Robert A. Tyson The statement, "Every family Newcastle, Pa. WKST 1280 Sunday, 9:30 A.M. Voice of Prophecy Newport News- should have this paper! . . . Those Norfolk, Va. WGH 1340 Sunday, 9:15 A.M. Donald F. Haynes New York, N. Y. WHN 1050 Sunday, 9:30 A.M. W. Fagal who consent to do without the Sunday, 6:30 P.M. Voice of Prophecy Review and Herald lose much" Norfolk-Ports- mouth, Va. WSAP 1490 Sunday, 10:30 A.M. Voice of Prophecy ("Testimonies," Vol. IV, p. 599), Norton, Va. WNVA 1450 Sunday, 10:30 A.M. Voice of Prophecy Oil City, Pa. WKRZ 1340 Sunday. 10:30 A.M. Voice of Prophecy is inescapable. It includes every Petersburg, Va. WSSV 1240 Sunday, 8:30 A.M. Voice of Prophecy one of these 200 families as well Philadelphia, Pa. WTP 010 Sunday. 10:30 A.M. Voice of Pronhecy WNAR 1110 Saturday, 11:30 A.M. C. L. Blandford as the other 1,000 who already Portsmouth-Nor- have it. folk, Va. WSAP 1490 Sunday, 10:30 A.M. Voice of Prophecy Pulaski, Va. WPITV 1230 Sunday, 9 :00 A.M. Peeke, Coffman Dear reader, are you among the Reading, Pa. WHUM 1240 Sunday, 10:30 A.M. Voice of Prophecy Richmond, Va. WRNL 910 Sunday, 9:15 A.M. E. F. Koch 200 who are "losing much"? Can Mon.-Fri., 1:15 P.M. E. F. Koch Roanoke, Va. WSLS 1490 Sunday, 9:30 A.M. Voice of Prophecy you say that you can afford this Mon.-Fri., 1:45 P.M. L. H. King loss? Why not make it unanimous Salisbury, Md. WBOC 1230 Sunday, 10:30 A.M. Voice of Prophecy Friday, 7:30 P.M. W. B. Robinson and place your order with your Scranton, Pa. WARM 1400 Sunday, 8:30 A.M. Voice of Prophecy church missionary secretary at Springfield, Ohio WIRE 1340 Sunday, 9:30 A.M. Chester Spangler State College, Pa. WMAJ 1450 Sunday, 10:30 A.M. Voice of Prophecy once? Where can you spend $3 Steubenville, Ohio WSTV 1340 Sunday, 10 :30 A.M. Voice of Prophecy Toledo, Ohio WSPD 1370 Sunday, 10:30 A.M. M. L. Mills more profitably? Trenton, N. J. WTTM 920 Sunday, 10:30 A.M. Voice of Prophecy Sunday, 9:30 A.M. Voice of Prophecy C. R. FRENCH Warren, Ohio W RRN 1400 Washington, D. C. WOL 1260 Sunday, 10;30 A.M. Voice of Prophecy Sunday, 8:30 A.M. G. S. Rapp WWDC 1450 Sunday, 6:45 P.M. Dallas Youngs Washington, Pa. WJPA 1450 Sunday, 7:00 P.M. Voice of Prophecy Welch, W. Va. WBRW 1340 Sunday, 8:15 A.M. Voice of Prophecy Baptism in Paterson Wheeling, W. Va. WWVA 1170 Sunday, 8:00 A.M. Voice of Prophecy Williamson, W. Va. WBTH 1400 Sunday, 10:30 A.M. Voice of Prophecy Wilmington, Del_ WILM 1450 Sunday, 10:30 A.M. Voice of Prophecy THE firstfruits of the harvest Winchester, Va. WINO 1400 Sunday, 1:00 P.M. Voice of Prophecy have been reaped in Paterson. Sunday, 10:00 A.M. C. M. Gruesbeck Youngstown, Ohio WKBN 570 Sunday, 7:00 A.M. Voice of Prophecy On December 21 Elder Fearing, assisted by Elder Paully, baptized Send corrections and changes to J. C. Holland, Radio Secretary, Columbia Union Conf. 5 JANUARY 23, 1947, Vol,. 52, No. 4 kowski is planning for a baptism for consultations with the stu- Among the many whose presence of several who wish to unite with dents. During the week scores of brought blessings were Elder D. A. the Paterson German Church. these young people came in seek- Ochs, President of the East Penn- The communion services held on ing help. Many confessed that sylvania Conference, Elder J. E. the first Sabbath of the new year they had slipped into sin but could Shultz and Mrs. Shultz, Elder in Paterson and Passaic were not seem to find freedom from the Glenn Coon and family from Roch- especially happy occasions. New guilt of transgression. Some ester, New York, Miles Roy Coon, members enjoyed their first cele- sought a deeper experience with and Elder W. R. Vail of the bration of the ordinance of humil- prayer for loved ones. Some re- Zambesi mission field. In all, it ity; lukewarm members responded vealed that they had been doing was a great day replete with joy to the wooing call of the love of wrong things without conviction and goodness and happy associa- God; active, loyal members re- until the Week of Prayer. tions. E. F. COLLIER newed their vows; prospective Professor W. G. McCready, members participated with an en- Principal of the Academy, and all thusiasm and manifest joy. All his faculty gave wholehearted co- ADVERTISEMENTS found at the table of the Lord operation in every conceivable RATES: two cents a word, including sweet communion with God and way. Their suggestions and coun- address. Minimum charge, 25 cents. All closer fellowship with His children. ads must be approved by the local con- sel were greatly appreciated, and ference office from whose territory the We praise God for these tokens as the Week of Prayer concluded ad is sent. Payment must accompany ads. of His Spirit's working and look it was with joy that the many sou- forward to further fruitage in the venirs of victory were recounted. FOR SALE • First quality Deglet-Noor weeks to come. Baptisms are In the chapel, in the consultation dates 15 lbs. flat-48.25 ; Black Mission planned for each month until the room, in the hall, and on the Acad- figs 30 lbs.—$10.50; Jumbo prunes (18-24 size) 25 lbs.—$7.80 ; Green-ripe olives close of the meetings in the sum- emy grounds, many tears were mammouth No. 10 can—$2.67. Burns, mer. R. 2, Box 395 A, Fontana, Calif. All shed—tears that flowed from brok- prices F.O.B. Fontana, Calif. MARGARET COSBY en and surrendered hearts. For OPENING FOR NURSES-2 GRAD- the first time in several lives Sa- UATES AND 4 PRACTICAL. Harding Sanitarium is opening with all new equip- tan's grip was really broken and ment beautiful "Beech Haven" 22-bed Plainfield Academy Week of as these youth gave their testi- modern brick building, rest home on Feb- ruary 1, 1947. Separate living quarters Prayer mony the expression of joy for nurses. Write George T. Harding, beamed forth. ' M.D., Medical Superintendent, or P. R. Cone, Manager, Harding Sanitarium, LOCATED in one of northern New The writer had the joyous privi- Worthington, Ohio. Jersey's beautiful cities is The lege of conducting this unforget- I HAVE A FEW BOOKS of "Questions Plainfield Academy. This Seventh- on the Sealing Messages," by J. N. Lough- table season with the youth of borough. Anyone desiring a copy, send day Adventist school has proved Plainfield Academy. 10c for same. L. J. Smith, R. 1. Mt. to be a rich blessing to many of While there were many happy Vernon, Ohio. our young people during the past experiences in the Lord, it is not MAN with family to share crop or work On salary on farm, comfortable quarters. several years. Mainly existing to overlooked that some problems Near Manassas. Phone Haymarket Mrs. serve our youth who must work seemed unsolved as the week drew Esther Wingate. Catharpin, Va. all or most of their way to obtain WANTED: secretary with best of quali- to an end. May the, people of the fications and references. Interesting work, a secondary Christian education, advent cause take the burden of good pay. EXecutive 8507, Washington, this academy provides every spir- our youth more to heart and, with D. C. itual advantage possible in its pro- WOULD LIKE to rent place to park a little more prayerful love and house trailer in or around Takoma Park gram. Among the things that have a little less criticism, open wide or Hyattsville. Phone 238J Vienna, Va. or write H. 0. Engen, Box 402, Vienna, helped to produce a healthy mo- the door of salvation to those who Va. rale at the school are Friday eve- are now heading toward eternal FOR SALE; 40-acre farm, good 7-room ning vespers, the regular chapel house. Redecorated inside and out. All destruction. hardwood floors. Full cement basement. hours, Sabbath services at the FRANKLIN FOWLER Slate roof, electricity. Good bank barn, slate roof, water, also well at house. Ex- Plainfield Church, and the weeks Pastor, Hackensack and Jersey cellent farming land. Close church and of prayer every autumn and store. School bus and milk route by door. City Number Two Churches Buildings in A-1 condition. Plenty pas- spring. ture. State Route 676, Dale, Ohio. Rea- sonable. Guy W. Metcalfe, Route 1, Shortly before the close of 1946, Stockport, Ohio. the time arrived for the autumn FOR SALE : new home, 3 years old, on Week of Prayer at the Academy. EAST PENNSYLVANIA good black-top road, overlooking fair- grounds and Lake Hiawatha. Seven The Holy Spirit came mightily rooms; five completely finished down- into the very first service and (Continued from page 8) stairs, two rooms partly finished upstairs. Good drinking water. Hot and cold water throughout the entire week glorious anthem, "Hark, Hark, My system. Bath, gas furnace, electricity, and garage. Twenty young fruit trees. brought conviction, blessing, and Soul." Good location near church, Mt. Vernon power to every assembly. The Space forbids telling you of the Academy, and church school. Priced right for quick sale, $7,500 cash. If inter- Sabbath meeting was held in the very fine double program of the ested write Mr. J. L. Johnson, R. D. 2, Plainfield Church in conjunction morning and evening. At night Mt. Vernon, Ohio. with the quarterly services. Here the choir of the Philadelphia Acad- SANITARIUM FOR SALE: a good, going proposition near Bryan, Ohio. A God seemed to come very close emy sang some very pleasing num- money-making proposition from the first day. A. fine opening in same town for as young and old reached out for bers. There were vocal and instru- a doctor. Could be operated by nurses a firmer hold upon their Saviour, mental solos. "Christmas Fantasy" only. Must be seen to be appreciated. For information address Dr. D. S. Teters, Jesus. Many victories were won was delivered as a piano and organ Bryan, Ohio. that day. duet. This delightful entertain- WANTED IMMEDIATELY : experi- Every day at the Academy as enced herdsman for herd of about 90 reg- ment was followed by an hour and istered Jersey cattle. Modern house fur- the special chapel service was con- a half of social activities in the nished. Located near Mount Vernon after April 1. Now at Ashley, Ohio. Dr. K. 0. cluded a room was made available large basement room of the church. Kennedy, Utica, Ohio. 6 COLUMBIA UNION VISITOR THE LITERATURE MINISTRY "This is the work the Lord would have His people do at this time."-"C. E.," p. 5.

REPORT FOR WEEK ENDING JANUARY 4, 1947 J. F. KENT, UNION PUBLISHING DEPARTMENT SECRETARY WEST PENNSYLVANIA EAST PA. (Continued) college student, regardless of his NAME HRS. ORD. DEL'D NAME HRS. ORD. DEL'D curriculum, is encouraged to elect Marvin H. Reeder, P.D.S. Harriett Brown 277 139.20 139.20 courses in this department. Let Harry C. Perkins 40 159.50 79.75 Mrs. E. M. Hamm 25.00 25.00 all who are preparing to give this Fred Cermak 31 68.70 68.70 Mabel Moser 21.35 21.35 R. W. Miller 19 124.50 104.50 last warning message to the world Harry Sparks 12 10.00 Totals 559 980.20 708.95 Hugh Morrison 10 14.10 38.10 prepare themselves to teach the Harry Sparks 10 22.50 Union Totals 1366 3865.15 2477.05 people how to live. James Steen 5 29.40 29.40 Lillian Keenan 3 21.00 21.50 HARRIETTE B. HANSON Mrs. Lydia Klesa 2 20.00 20.00 fOrsoord in. Faith. Totals 132 459.70 371.95 Ifill IIE NEW JERSEY N. ID 11 IC 1E CIF OBITUARIES L. A. Pomeroy, P.D.S. Alex Besenyei 15 IP !RID 1P1H IDIENY DAVIES: Jehu Joseph, was born of Brit- Edwin Glenz 21 100.70 100.70 ish parents in Canada December 1, 1887 and Louise Harvey 10.00 died in Mount Vernon, Ohio November 25, 1946. D. McDermott 27 64.40 64.40 He spent the first 23 years of his life in Alfred Muncey 13 73.30 73.30 Michigan. Then he went west, stopping in H. C. Wessman 6 1.75 1.75 Box 55, Los Asgetes 53, Montana for a year on his way to Oregon, R. E. French 10 20.10 20.10 where he met and married Miss Iva Pearl Excerpts From Letters Received Johnson. For the last sixteen years he had Totals 92 260.25 279.25 lived in Ohio. Brother Davies was con- verted as a young man under the labors of POTOMAC "The instruction given to the can- Elder Mark Corner. He 'united with the Sev- didates concerning the forbidden enth-day Adventist Church and was a faith- C. H. Smith, P.D.S. meats and drinks made us think ful, conscientious member at the time of his Hazel Brent, Asst. P.D.S. death. We believe that he sleeps in Jesus. E. L. Draper, Asst. P.D.S. about our own condition. We were Besides his faithful wife, he is survived by Melvin Doran, Asst. P.D.S. Methodists and were always taught his five children: Mrs. Veto, Weirich, Verne Sunday was the right day, but after Edward Davies, Velma, Louise Davies, Virgil J. G. Vasko 40 126.20 126.20 William Davies, and Virginia Pearl Davies; C. W. Spradling 40 66.00 35.00 reading God's Word, we see we are also six grandchildren, ,one brother, and two J. M. Anderson 37 214.15 51.00 wrong; and now we are going to sisters. The funeral was conducted by Elder F. C. Allen 35 48.70 74.70 stop eating pork and fish that are B. A. Wolcott and the writer at Mount Vernon, Lee Draper 33 384.50 199.40 Ohio. R. F. Farley Margaret Hogan 27 44.40 101.30 unclean. Walter Young 27 152.00 65.25 "Before taking this course I had BOOKER: William C., aged 67, died Sabbath J. R. Clark 25 108.75 tried several times to study the Bible morning, November 30, 1946 at Hamilton, Ohio. Claire Reiter 24 91.00 104.00 Left to mourn are his widow, Mrs. - Leafs 20 135.70 38.10 but always gave it up. Your lessons Welker Booker; two daughters, Mrs. Ralph Ronald Martin Schwab and Mrs. George Schatzel; a son, Mary L. Allen 16 104.40 10.50 gave me the very help I needed. Sallie Buntin 16 70.35 11.30 They answered many of my ques- William R. Booker; seven grandchildren; a 77.00 sister, Mrs. Mary Witters; and a brother, C. H. Smith 15 208.95 tions. I am considering uniting with Clarence Booker. Brother Booker was bap- H. C. Wilcox 15 27.75 7.25 tized into the Hamilton Seventh-day Advent- M. V. Doran 12 66.50 a Sabbath-keeping church. Please ist Church in May, 1946 as a result of a series Louise Benoit 9 17.85 17.85 pray for me."-Washington. of lectures given by the local pastor, 0. A. M. A. Oliff 9 37.35 11.60 Canada. He awaits the call of the Life-giver. P. M. Jenkins 7 32.65 Funeral services were held in Dockland and W. T. Smith • 6 13.60 13.60 burial was in Oak Hill Cemetery, Glendale. James Podruchny 5 12.00 Brother 0. A. Canada had charge of the serv- Frank Swafford 6 29.80 4.10 ices. Elsie Robbins Freeman Cruff 13 4.05 4.05 Washington Missionary College A colporteur 3 15.00 21.00 MELLING: Mrs. Eva Francis, was born J. E. Gould 143 186.05 111.05 July 13, 1872 in Washington, D. C. and died (Continued from page 8) at her home in the same place December 2. Totals 583 2165.00 1116.90 1946. She is survived by her loving daughter, Eva Elizabeth; one sister, Mrs. Marion M. ity to make their own clothing. Barr; several nieces and nephews; a great EAST PENNSYLVANIA This is an ambition that every host of friends; and her church associates. .J. A. .tarry, P.D.S. In 1906 she united with the Seventh-day Ad- L. H. Wagner, Asst. P.D.S. girl should cherish. It will be a ventist Church to which she remained faithful until the time of her death. Since 1922 she R. E. Waldron, Asst. P.D.S. means of usefulness and inde- had been a member of the Capital Memorial Mrs. Trautmann 40 100.00 pendence that she can not afford Church in Washington. The funeral service C. Baumgartner 32 89.60 101.60 was held in the Hines Funeral Home by the Frances Colyer 30 77.80 23.60 to miss."-("Education," p. 248- writer, assisted by Elder E. W. Carey. She M. D. Hollenbaugh 27 42.85 25.60 was laid to rest in the old Congressional 0. C. Weller 27 73.10 73.10 49). Cemetery of southeast Washington to await Joseph Ontko 27 51.70 15.70 "It is a wonderful work to make the coming of the Life-giver. C. A. Dornburg 25 50.00 George S. Rapp Joseph Ledonne 22 149.80 94.10 home pleasant, and all that it Clayton Beck 14 48.00 GROVE: Mrs. Virginia Belle Dunham, was Anna Dietrich 13 2.40 47.70 should be."-Review and Herald, born at Darkesville, Berkeley County, West Arthur Brandt 6 9.25 9.25 December 5, 1899. Virginia December 10, 1885 and died , in 110.00 Martinsburg, West Virginia December 9, 1946. Mrs. Habig 6 She was united in marriage to Brother Charles Mrs. E. Martz 5 15.00 No matter how many advances William Grove May 15, 1920, and this union Ethel Davis 4 64.40 are made in the sciences, the es- was blessed with four children-three sons, Mabel Moser 4 20.75 22.75 Charles, Harry, and Roy; and one daughter, sentials of home-making remain Mary. These survive with the husband and four step-sons and three step-daughters. Also the same: knowledge of related surviving are one sister, Mrs. II. L. Phillippy; SUNSET CALENDAR science, perfection of skills, fine and two brothers, C. L. Dunham and Frank C. Dunham. Mrs. Grove was a member of the JAN. 24 JAN. 31 service, beauty of order, wise United Brethren Church until she married Baltimore, Md. 5 :18 5 :25 management, and family coopera- Brother Grove and united with the Seventh- Cleveland, Ohio 5:33 5 :42 day Adventist Church. She was a faithful, Columbus, Ohio 5:39 5:48 tion. active member of the church. The funeral Cumberland, Md. 5 :28 5 :35 service was conducted by Elder W. C. Moffett, Parkersburg, W. Va. 5:29 5 :38 Washington Missionary College assisted by Elders D. G. Fleagle and H. E. Pa. 5 :08 5 :17 Metcalf. Interment was in the Rosedale Ceme- Philadelphia, offers a two-year vocational home tery, Martinsburg. D. G. Fleagle Pittsburgh, Pa. 5 :25 5 :34 Richmond, Va. 5 :25 5 :32 economics curriculum and a four- Toledo, Ohio 5 :41 5 :50 year college major and a minor Trenton, N. J. 5:07 5:14 A large offering is needed for re- Washington, D. C. 5 :20 5 :27 in home economics leading to a ligious liberty on Religious Liberty Bachelor of Arts degree. Every Day, January 25. JANUARY 23, 1947, VoL. 52, No. 4 7 arranged service. It was a joy to ties is beyond price to every wo- many hearts to behold faces of man." ("Fundamentals of Educa- EAST PENNSYLVANIA those we have known and loved tion," p. 74). D. A. OCHS, Pres. W. F. MILLER, S.-T. transplanted from memory back to "Let girls be taught that the art 1300 W. Hunting Park Ave., Philadelphia 40, Pa. the pews and corridors in which of dressing well includes the abil- Make wills and legacies in favor of the East they once moved so familiarly. Pennsylvania Conference Association of Seventh- (Continued on page 7) day Adventists, Inc. The address of the morning was

••••1••• NIIM.11.0.11Z.• •••••••••1111••••••••••11 delivered by Elder J. E. Shultz, who once served as pastor of this Religious Liberty Campaign church. His sermon was excellent. "Ninkia Pair Yenta?" It gave pause to the careless and The above words are those used by a OUR people throughout the East courage to the faithful. His many little Indian girl to ask, "What is your Pennsylvania Conference I am friends in and about the city were name?" in the "get acquainted" chapter sure will again welcome the op- made very happy by his presence of the new Junior Reading Course book entitled, "Child of Happiness." Child of portunity of getting the religious and his message. Happiness was the name given by the na- Liberty magazine into the homes A feature of the Sabbath school tives of India to the missionary's little girl of those men and women in key hour was a duet arrangement of who is now eight years old. Incidentally, positions. This is the time for the Hallelujah Chorus with the the little Indian girl had a similar name— Child of Joy—and was called Joyamma for us to educate the public regarding pipe organ and piano uniting, short. the threatening dangers to liberty played by Mrs. Ada R. Paisley and Child of Happiness lived in the bun- and freedom. Mrs. Ethel Williams. The choir galow at the top of the hill where the mis- Sabbath, January 25, has been gave an inspiring rendition of the sion school was located while Joyamma lived halfway down toward the gate. The set aside for an unprecedented (Continued on page 6) missionary father and missionary mother Liberty offering. The goal for were teachers in the mission school. The this offering is to be $1 a member ••••••••••••••=1•6=101••••=1/0111.11011411811•••••••••••• two little girls played together, learned in order that more of these maga- each others language, ate food together in two entirely different homes, and grew to zines might be placed in the hands Washington Missionary College love each other dearly. of more people in key positions. "The Gateway to Service" The experiences in this book are written I am appealing to our people W. H. SHEPHARD, President in such a vivid manner as to cause you to feel that you surely must have been throughout East Pennsylvania, if 110 =•••••••••••••••••••••••••11.111111•111.111SS••••••16•111.11•0111•1111811111. there when the actual happenings occurred. for any reason you should not go Take for instance: "at noon mother took to church on this _Sabbath when Department of Dietetics and Child of Happiness over to the girls' dor- this important item is presented, Household Arts mitory to see that everything was prepared will you please make your offering for this large school family. . . . Now great pots of steaming rice were ready to for Liberty just the same? Re- "ALL should learn what to eat go to the boys' dormitory along with small member, $1 a member on Sabbath, and how to cook it. Men, as well pots of vegetable curries. The girls washed January 25, to place the Liberty as women, need to understand their hands, then sat in two rows along the magazine in the hands of legis- this simple, healthful preparation long veranda floor, which was their dining hall. A banana leaf was spread before lators, judges, attorneys, clergy- of food."—"Ministry of Healing," each girl, and on this the large mounds men, teachers, and others who p. 323. of flaky rice and curries were placed. . . . mold public opinion in the East "Both young men and young "The girls brought•pots of water from the Pennsylvania Conference. women should be taught to cook well and after dipping the clothes into the water, slapped the garments on the D. A. OcHs economically. . . . Women should rocks. Swish, swish, swish. Then they President especially learn how to cook. What dipped them again, rubbed soap on them, part of the education of a girl is and swish, swish, slap, slap, they hit the so important as this? Whatever rocks, and little by little the clothes be- came whiter and whiter. They were may be her circumstances in life, rinsed and spread out on the grass to dry. Home Church Day here is knowledge that she can No tubs, no machine, no clothes pins, put to practical use."—"Messages washboard, or line, but a more beautiful TEN years ago the church in West to Young People," p. 179-180. laundry job you never did see." Philadelphia gave an attractive "A knowledge of domestic du- Now for the boys: "The boys started program on the last Sabbath of their work soon after dinner. Some of them were to make gardens; others went the year, and designated it Home to work in the dairy; others went to cul- Church Day. Each of the nine suc- tivate the young banana and coconut cessive years this event has grown trees. But they had no machinery or in favor and in value as an insti- horses or tractors or plows. . . . "One, two, three, four, and five times an iron tution. December 28 was the day was struck indicating to the boys over for its celebration. Mrs. Betty the hills and fields that their work was Meisler and her committee ap- done for the day. . . . No boy was too pointed to arrange the program tired to run a race to the well, for this was made a good job of it and gave us bathing time. It was a large open well and the water was pulled up by use of pulleys a fine treat. Elder A. W. Ortner, and buckets. Several boys began pulling who has been pastor here only a water while others squatted in a group, few weeks, announced himself as waiting for buckets of cool water to be greatly pleased with the idea and poured over them." This book is well-illustrated and will be the way it is carried out. of keen interest to every boy and girl of The bright winter morning found junior age as well as to mother and father. Price is $1.50. So as not to be disappointed a full congregation with many later, kindly place an order NOW with friends and members of former YOUR BOOK AND BIBLE HOUSE. years gathering for the specially Harriette B. Hanson, M.S. 8 •r-n tg-n, TT.k."-e.-..k.r.