Columbia Union Visitor for 1947
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Columbia Union Visitor Representing the Conferences of Ohio, Potomac, Allegheny, East Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Chesapeake, West Pennsylvania, West Virginia Vol. 52 Washington, D. C., January 23, 1947 No. 4 Our Relief Work in Europe the General Conference will en- THROUGH the various articles By J. J. STRAHLE able us to do far more for our which we have written for our Director, European Relief church papers, our people have people than by sending packages become greatly interested in the to Sweden, I heard that the chair- from the States. However, some relief work we are doing for our man of the relief societies of Ger- have stated that they would like to needy people in Europe. Many many was in Stockholm. I suc- send packages direct to some of of our. church members have writ- ceeded in gaining an interview their relatives or friends. This ten to the General Conference with him and found him most can be done, but you should be asking us as to how we are getting friendly. He belongs to one of sure to insure it so it will not be food to our starving people. We the large denominations in Ger- lost along the way. We hope that are therefore giving you a report many, and offered us a solution a steady stream of funds will con- at this time to let you know what to our problem. We thus found tinue to flow into the treasury so has been accomplished and what a way to send the food supplies in that we can continue the Relief we are doing through our relief sealed cars to a warehouse near Program for our starving people program at the present time. Berlin in care of our organization in Europe. Through the friendly coopera- and from this place a welfare or- tion of the Danish Government, ganization helps us to get the -food and clothing into the East German we have been sending to Austria, The Shape of Things to Come Hungary, Czechoslovakia, and Po- Union. Nearly 20,000 of our people land a .steady stream of food sup- reside in this zone. Through our COMETS return with astonishing plies to our relief leaders, such relief program we have been able regularity, and there are men who as butter, cheese, cooking oil, bar- to reach about 60,000 of our peo- say that business recessions come ley flakes, sugar, powdered milk, ple, and through them have helped after the necessary prerequisites and soap. These have gone by a large number of others who are with as great certainty. But it truck loads to the various coun- in great need. Aside from the is not the purpose here to assume tries referned to above. We were countries referred to, we have al- the role so popular at this time of also very fortunate in securing so sent food and clothing to many year and attempt to tell what is permission from the Swedish Gov- of the other lands of Europe, but most likely to happen in the natu- ernment to buy and send food sup- which are now able to get along ral or economic realms. It is adven- plies into the British zone of Ger- without further aid. ture enough to write of matters many. Our brethren in Germany Many have asked whether they over which there is more control. are well-organized for relief work, should put forth all their efforts The shape of things to come is so that when shipments arrive, in sending packages to Europe or largely determined by what has both food and clothing are dis- whether they should send their gone before. All the years of the tributed to our very needy people. money to the General Conference past are focused on this new one. In order that sustenance might for European relief. It is far cheap- Every person is what he was yes- reach our brethren living in the er to secure the food in the near- terday, only a little more so—un- American and French Zones, we by countries than to send it from less some transforming experience contacted the Swiss Government. the United States. It is also less has come to him. Through the help of the Inter- expensive for transporting the For nearly 40 years the Home national Red Cross we were able food from these adjacent sources Study Institute has offered courses to secure the needed food supplies of supply to our people. You will of instruction by correspondence. and sent them to every conference observe that money sent direct to All through these decades there office in southern Germany. Food has been a consistent effort to give shipments have been coming into the best work possible. Upon that Germany from the north and the Annual Colporteur foundation the present is built. south nearly every two weeks. Institute Dates Changes in instructional methods However, there was one big prob- come with the years. Many have New Jersey Jan. 19-25 lem before us, that of getting food already filtered into the courses supplies into the eastern part of Potomac Jan. 26-Feb. 1 offered by-the Home Study Insti- Germany. We had investigated Allegheny tute; more are certain to come. every means to find a way to sup- East Section Feb. 2-8 Rather than wait to be the last to ply our needy people in that par- West Section Feb. 9-15 adopt new styles that at first seem ticular territory. On my last visit strange and ludicrous, but later Religious Liberty Day Offering Sabbath, January 25 prove to be useful and sensible, writing and tedious labor, except TOLEDO this organization plans to keep where these last are required for abreast with the most helpful and the first. Modern methods of meas- THE Dorcas Federation of the stimulating methods, and even a urement, considered reliable and Toledo area will meet Tuesday, little ahead of the procession. stimulating, are used. High stand- January 28, at 10:00 A.M. There is no place for wild ex- ards of scholarship and credit of Place: First Baptist Church perimentation or for radical revo- unquestionable value are written Friendship Room, 3016 Colling- lution in these plans for progress. large among the requisites for wood Avenue, Toledo, Ohio. Steady, wholesome growth based satisfactory grades. Speaker: Mrs. Herman Kleist of on tested materials rich in inspi- The following courses are near- Chicago will be the guest speaker. ration, stimulus, and guidance, is ing completion and will soon be Mrs. Kleist is the dean of Dorcas the objective. If there ever has available in entirely new form: federations and will bring a wealth been drudgery in courses of in- American History, a full year for of information and inspiration to struction by mail, it must not re- the twelfth grade; English I for your Dorcas work. main in those produced for stu- the ninth grade; World History All should plan to attend this dents of tomorrow. There will be and Old Testament History for the important meeting. challenge and work but with com- tenth grade. Revisions have been MRS. STEVE PANTILI pensating progress and achieve- completed on several other courses President ment. These statements reveal such as Greek I and II, Shorthand MRS. HUGH MOOG something of the shape of things to I, and Denominational History. Secretary-Treasurer come. Others are in preparation. According to such a pattern The new bulletin for 1947 de- several important courses are al- scribing all the courses is now MT. VERNON ready being fashioned. More will available. Write the Home Study THE Dorcas Federation of Cen- follow as rapidly as teachers can Institute, Dept. UP, Takoma Park tral Ohio will meet Wednesday, be found to prepare them. It is 12, Washington, D. C., for your free January 29, at 10:00 A.M. required of all that the emphasis copy today. Place: Mt. Vernon, Ohio in the be on learning and growth, less on W. HOMER TEESDALE Memorial Building on East High Street, opposite the court house. day morning at 10:15 over Station Speaker: Mrs. Herman Kleist of WMAN, 1400 on your .dial. Many Chicago will be the guest speaker. OHIO have written, expressing their ap- Mrs. Kleist is the dean of Dorcas W. M. ROBBINS, Pres. C. C. MORRIS, S.-T. preciation for these broadcasts. federations and will bring a wealth Box 831, Mt. Vernon, Ohio Phone 1175 A very nice class of people have of information and inspiration to Make wills and legacies in favor of the Ohio Conference Association of the Seventh-day come into the church, among them your Dorcas work. Adventist Church. the president and secretary of the All should plan to attend this W. C. T. U. for the county. One important meeting. new member was a Sunday school MRS. MABLE HUNT Evangelism in Mansfield superintendent in another church. President We are looking forward under the MRS. BERTHA T. REED A SERIES of evangelistic meet- blessing of God to a very nice har- Secretary-Treasurer ings was opened by the writer vest of souls when the interest is October 6 in Mansfield, Ohio, a completely "bound off." city of about 40,000 population. S. K. LEHNHOFF The meetings were held in the Clarksfield Baptism high school auditorium three times MEMBERS of the Clarksfield dis- a week and were well-attended trict were made happy when 10 from the beginning. About 600 Dorcas Federation Meetings persons followed their Lord's ex- attended on the first Sunday night. CLEVELAND ample in baptism at a union meet- Thus far 20 have joined the church ing of the district, November 30, as a result of these meetings.