St Lawrence’s, Brundish & St Mary’s, Wilby

August & September 2018

Parish Magazine

Facebook ‘Brunby and friends’


RECTOR Rev’d David Burrell 01986 798136 PRIEST Rev’d Ron Orams 01986 798901

BRUNDISH PCC SECRETARY Tina Smiddy 01379388298 WILBY PCC SECRETARY ? OIL SYNDICATE Tim Gillingham 01728 628752 OIL Rix Petroleum 0800 5424924 CINEMA Priscilla Williamson 01379 388034 BRUNDISH HALL HIRE David Holliday 07765 345541 WILBY HALL HIRE Ian Taylor 01379 388112 POLICE Community 01986 385300 BROADBAND Fram Broadband 01728 726507 DEFIBRILLATOR (BRUNDISH) Peter Palmer 01728 628696 DEFIBRILLATOR (WILBY) VETS 01379 844704 DOCTOR 01728 726507 DOCTOR Fressingfield 01728 586227 DENTIST Framlingham Dental 01728 723651 VET Framlingham 01728 621666 VET Castle Framlingham 01728 723481 GYM & SWIM Fitness 01379 384376 PRE-SCHOOL Occold 01379 678397 SCHOOL Wilby Primary School 01379 384708 SCHOOL Thomas Mills 01728 723493 SCHOOL Stradbroke 01379 384387 LIBRARY Framlingham 01728 723735 MILK DELIVERY Milk & More 01493 660400 PUB The Crown 01728 628282 TAXI Country Cars 01728 724377 TAXI Warnes 01728 724160 BUS LINK Connecting Communities 01449 614271 LETTER FROM THE EDITOR

Dear Reader,

Facebook Our Facebook page is going strong with 76 members. Please join Brunby and Friends, everyone who lives in the local area is welcome.

The magazine has been edited by us for a year now. We think we are improving all the time. We have increased the number of adverts in the magazine and am very pleased that it now more than pays for itself. Please find this years accounts running from August to August. Invoices will be sent out between August and September to all advertisers.

Accounts summary August 2017-18

Costs 8 editions of the magazine this year. Printing costs for 250 copies each run vary £79.00/£84.80 Total £655.00 per annum

Purchase up to date Publisher program £155.00 TBC

Total expenditure £810.00

Next year we wish to include some photos which will be in colour which will look good but cost more.

Income Advertisements 8 x £12.00 13 x £14.00 14 x £27.50 5 x £55.00 Some advertisers have only been in for a short time so part payment taken. - £138.00

Total Income £800.00

Alison Hosford and Alex McNab EDITORS

Contributers DEADLINE: 21st September 2018 — everyone is welcome to contribute EMAIL: [email protected] LETTER FROM THE RECTOR Address: The Rectory, 15 Noyes Avenue, Laxfield IP13 8EB Telephone: 01986 798136 Email: [email protected] Dear Friends

There was a time when a good harvest was a matter of life and death. No surprise, then, that cutting the first corn was a cause for celebration, when hope and anticipation displaced the gnawing anxiety that was most people's daily fare. Lammas (from the old English hlafmaesse – loaf-mass) has its origins in the pagan lughnasadh and was at one time an important festival. It marked the arrival of ample food supplies (at least for a while) and a period of community labour with good company for the teams of reapers. In some English-speaking countries the festival of the wheat harvest is the first harvest festival of the year. On this day it was customary to bring to church a loaf made from the new crop of wheat harvested at Lammastide. The loaf was blessed, and in Anglo-Saxon it might be employed afterwards to work magic: a book of Anglo-Saxon charms directed that the lammas bread be broken into four bits, which were to be placed at the four corners of the barn, to protect the garnered grain. In many parts of England, tenants were bound to present freshly harvested wheat to their landlords on or before the first day of August. In the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, where it is referred to regularly, it is called "the feast of first fruits". Because people lived hand to mouth the arrival of the Harvest was a big thing right from pagan times through to early Christian times. People were literally starving by the time harvest came so you can imagine the great joy they felt when the first bread was made and fields stood thick with the promise of more to come. Later on when food was imported in greater amounts the harvest celebration became more of a job well done rather than thanking God that empty barns and cellars were once more full. This was the point at which the supply of food was removed from its point of production. The shops always seemed to have food, July is no longer that anxious month in which people starve. We have lost the feeling that we need to thank God for his bounty. It is strange that the more we have the less we feel we need to thank God for it. This year may not be a good harvest and although we will not starve it could mean great hardship for some farmers. It is all too easy to assume our food will always be there but if you listen to some experts there is a chance that one day we will be back to depending upon our harvest. Why not come along and enjoy singing those wonderful old harvest hymns and just say thank you to God for our food, show our gratitude and remember those who do not share in our plenty. See the service grids for the times of harvest some will be held in September and October. David LETTER FROM THE PRIEST Address: Crane Lodge, Bickers Hill, Laxfield IP13 8DP Telephone: 01986 798901 Email: [email protected] Dear Friends,

The start of six weeks school holiday. Again. I well remember the different reactions to this time when I was a child; to me it was a seemingly infinite release into freedom from the day to day yoke and tedium of education and classroom tyranny. My parents on the other hand, who both worked, groaned at the additional expenditure of having me cared for and the worry of what I was getting up to in their absence...J A sentiment I shared when I had children.L While there is so much more for children to do during the holidays and so many organisations including churches and chapels rising to the challenge, I am often concerned at how some children are being encouraged to the point of being forced to leave their childhood and become adults too early and take premature responsibility for themselves. As Reg Bailey, who is the author of the government sponsored report ‘Let children be children’ and former chief executive of the Mothers Union, said in his report, ‘…for children to be children, parents have to be parents’. A famous pioneering psychologist by the name of Erickson who established what we now know as the seven stages of life said that each stage in life must be successfully and wholly completed in order to move on to the next one. In short, childhood is important, it is the foundation on which we build the rest of our lives. Childhood should be a time of exploration and innocence; in his gospel Mark quotes Jesus as saying: ‘Truly I tell you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will never enter it.’ The image Jesus gives us is the ready acceptance and trust that children have, and that is how we should be with the Kingdom of God. As God does not abuse that trust, neither should society abuse the trust and innocence of children. Let children be children. There is nothing like childhood and if you get the chance this summer, be a child again. It is a time to put responsibility and worries to one side and relax, but always make sure there is room for the presence of God. With my prayers and best wishes,


Tea at The Rectory. Every 1st Thursday of the month.


Church Wardens Mig Bacon 01379 388808

John Graham 01379 384444 Lay Elders David Mulrenan 01728 628063 Sandra Apps 01728 628607 Michael Spencer 01728 724590

St Lawrence’s, Brundish Brundish Harvest Festival. 6.30 p.m. Sunday, 7th October at St Lawrence’s Church, Brundish.

As ever, this is a very special occasion in the church year and one with a unique atmosphere as the church gives thanks for this year’s local Harvest. The Chantry Singers will be there to help the celebrations along. Please mark the date down in your diary, everyone will be very welcome.

Brundish Harvest Supper. Doors open at 7 pm, Saturday, 13th October at Brundish Village Hall.

Always a very enjoyable and intimate occasion which, this year, is being arranged by Alison Hosford. Alison will rally the troops in preparation but, should you wish to help in any way and/or wish to reserve a table place, please contact her at [email protected] Don’t miss it! Many thanks to everyone who contributes each year and a special thank you to Sandra Apps who took over the organisation from Mig Bacon. If anyone has a new idea for this occasion please contact Alison.

Record of Baptism.

Gruffudd Thomas Butler, first born of Anne and Chris Butler of Stanway Green, Worlingworth was baptised by The Reverend David Burrell on Saturday, 7th July at St. Lawrence’s Church, Brundish. It was a happy occasion for friends and family of “Griff” as he is known and especial for a lovely and haunting rendition of “Tu es Petras”, performed by, a “pop-up choir” consisting of Griff’s parents and other supporters. We wish all the family happiness in the future and look forward to seeing them again all again soon.

Easy Fundraising St Lawrence’s Brundish t Mary

Readers and Flowers If you could donate flowers from your garden for the church flower arrangements, it would be a great help. If you would like to be a reader or help with the flower arrangements, please contact Mig Bacon 01379 388808. SPONSORED CYCLE RIDE SUFFOLK HISTORIC CHURCHES Saturday 8th September 2018 If you love cycling you’ll love this!!!

The ride starts from 9am to 5pm - you can visit as many churches as you wish and stop for a picnic, a coffee, a beer to help maintain your energy levels... All the churches will provide soft drinks and biscuits too!

For Brundish, please contact Anne St Quinton on 01728 628309, [email protected] for a sponsor form and details.

For Wilby forms, please call Mary Pipe, 01728 723443. Volunteers to sign cyclists forms also needed for Wilby. Sponsorship money goes to support your local church.

St Mary’s, Wilby

Church Wardens Mary Pipe 01728 723443

Rob Barber 01379 388040

Lay Elder Sheila Pipe 01728 723443

Lesson Readers

August 5th Linda Wright August 19th David Brundan September 2nd Alex and Roger Gwyn September 16th Andrew Pilling

Weddings at Wilby June 2nd Craig Thompson and Lydia Carolyn Taylor June 16th Christopher Milner Errington and Kirsten Eloise Penelope Lane July 21st David Charles Leonard Rush and Maisie Jane Rumsey We wish all three couples every happiness.

Dates for Drop In at Wilby Tuesday August 21st 10am - 11.30am Tuesday September 18th 10am - 11.30am

Wilby Harvest Festival - Sunday September 23rd Please do come along to our harvest service at 6.30pm. We look forward to welcoming once again the Archdeacon, Ian Morgan who will be leading the service. The service will be followed by refreshments. and the produce will be sold afterwards in aid of St Elizabeth Hospice. We do hope that you will be able to join us. SAVE THE DATE Autumn Supper in aid of St Mary's Church, Wilby is on 20th October 2018, 7.00pm Obituary Judy Brundan 1930 – 2018

It was with much sadness that we learned of the death of Judy Brundan on 10 April. Many relatives and friends formed the large congregation at a service of thanksgiving for her life, held in St Mary’s Church on 26 April.

With a large extended family, Judy seemed to be connected to or to know everyone in Suffolk. She had led a very active life in Suffolk society and also literally, sailing and skiing until quite late in her years. Married to a farmer, when living at Lime Tree House she accompanied her husband to 10 Downing Street to present the traditional Christmas turkey to the incumbent, Harold Wilson. Following the death of her husband she married an old family friend, David Brundan, and moved to Russell House in Wilby.

Having filled various representational roles in Stradbroke, Judy took a well earned respite in joining the community in Wilby. Nevertheless she was a regular supporter of fund raising events in the village hall - often looking for a bargain on the bric-a - brac stall or contributing a cake for sale. A very dutiful member of St Mary’s, many will remember with joy the lovely strawberry teas ( and garden games) she and her husband David hosted at their lovely home in Russell Green in aid of church funds. Her simnel cake was particularly eagerly awaited at Easter each year, reflecting her excellence as a cook, skills frequently put to the test at home as she catered for large numbers of guests and relatives. A highly accomplished amateur artist, at weekly art classes in Walberswick she produced oil paintings at prodigious speed whether still life, landscape or life studies. She brought particular delight earlier this year in a painting of the gloves and shoes she wore when presented at court.

Judy was marked by her very robust approach to life and by her capacity and will to make the best of every opportunity. In her later years which included travelling to Norwich three times a week for dialysis treatment, (requiring her to wait in the road for the 6 am taxi) , she showed a total disregard for the onset of age and infirmity and was never heard to complain as these took their toll. Latterly even assuming the role of sole driver in the household. Forthright on many topics and aspects of modern life she was however invariably courteous and indeed inquisitive. It was therefore unsurprising that she would embrace the mobile phone and tablet with enthusiasm enjoying the instant communication with her extended family. The ability to view recorded programmes and films, allied to a voracious reading habit, helped her to while away many hours of treatment in hospital.

Albeit one of what would now probably be regarded as a passing generation, Judy was a splendid example to us all in so many ways – as citizen, churchgoer, hostess and friend. LESTER MAYES Peasenhall

Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning


Carpet & Fabric Protectors applied

Moth Treatments available

01728 660186 Mobile: 07867 681571


Tel: 01728 628282

We would love to see you at the Crown., come and try our extensive menu cooked to order, with fresh local produce

Wednesdays and Thursday Bar open 6.00-11.00pm; Food 6.00-8.45pm Friday open 5.00-11.00pm Food 5.00-8.45pm Saturdays: Bar open 12.00-2.00pm; 6.00-11.00pm; Food 12.00-1.45pm; 6.00-8.45pm Sundays: Bar open 12.00-4.00pm; Food 12.00-2.00pm

Closed: Monday & Tuesday; Monday - Friday lunch times


Wilby Parish Council Ian Williamson, Chair 01379 388034 Julie Collet, Clerk 01986 798258

Your Parish Council

Next Parish Council Meeting……… on September 5th 2018 at 7.30pm at Wilby Coronation Hall, all are welcome to attend and have their say, we want to hear! A formal record of Parish Council business can be found on the village web-site along with other information on the village and upcoming events. Councillors contact details are on the village web-site and may be contacted at any reasonable time by those in the Parish if they have concerns or comments to make. Julie Collett 01986 798258

Your Parish Council Parish Council met on Wednesday July 11th and the following items were discussed, as always the formal record of the meeting will be posted on the village web-site.

Footpaths Our footpath warden is Cllr Karen Collins who updated us and the possibility of having a proper map made up (for which we could obtain funding) to encourage their use was discussed, more to follow on this. Also, re- instatement of FP 20 (Cole Street to prospect House) is being followed up as requested. Please contact the PC if you have any comments on our footpaths.

Potholes We have been told that repairs to London City Road are scheduled for 2019/2020 subject to funding approval. If you wish to express concern on the condition of the highways please e-mail us or Suffolk County and we will continue to make your feelings known on this. Meanwhile, if you consider a pothole, rut, road sign or verge needs attention there is a County website to report this. Please take the time to report problems and help make our roads safer.

CIL payments This is the payment developers make towards infrastructure and amenities, we have been advised that £2154.19 is available for the Village Hall and £3093.64 relating to children’s play, outdoor and indoor sporting activities. Let us know if you have any suggestions, the purpose of the Neighbourhood Plan is also to look at these things so we need your say please!

GDPR (General Data Protection Regulations) Yes, it’s getting to all of us including the PC and the Neighbourhood Plan co- ordinators and volunteers! It’s not our idea and it’s a lot of work so if you’re registered to receive information from us you’ll be hearing in a while, please don’t shoot the messenger, just complete the information for us and then we can carry on. It goes without saying that we always have and always will protect any personal information to the best of our abilities.

Planning Applications We have been informed by MSDC that applications numbers DC/18/01544 (Foals Green Cottage), DC/18/01142 (Russell Lodge) and DC/18/01672 (Oak Farm) have all been granted permission.

Wilby Neighbourhood Plan Our consultant has now been selected and the funding application is being prepared, by the September PC meeting the process should be well underway. If you need information, wish to make comment at any stage or would like to be added to the circulation list for communications (relating only to the neighbourhood plan) please contact one of the co-ordinators, Richard Woolgrove or Steve Lee.

De-fibrillator Cllr Robin Cross has kindly offered to take over from Ian Taylor the task of looking after our “de-fib” (in case you don’t know it’s in the ‘phone kiosk outside the school). Any problems can be reported to Robin or Julie our clerk.

Next Parish Council Meeting……… on September 5th 2018 at 7.30pm at Wilby Coronation Hall, all are welcome to attend and have their say, we want to hear! A formal record of Parish Council business can be found on the village web-site along with other information on the village and upcoming events. Councillors contact details are on the village web-site and may be contacted at any reasonable time by those in the Parish if they have concerns or comments to make.

Vacancies Now that Ian Taylor has resigned from the PC we currently have two vacancies and there is no representation for the Village Hall so if you think you have the time and skills (there’s no need to be highly academically qualified!) that could help contribute to the future of our Community please contact Julie our clerk for more details.

Brundish Parish Council Anthony Bryant 01728 628600

Dina Bedwell, Clerk 01473 788510

Next Parish Council meeting 7.45pm Village Hall.

Local History

Is there anyone living in Brundish or Wilby parish that has a connection to or knows of the descendants of the World War One casualties on your parish war memorial? Research is presently being carried out into all of the men on the war memorials of Horham, Wilby and Brundish. If you have any information that would help us in our quest, we would be very grateful to receive it. We intend to publish a book in November and hold an exhibition on Nov 10th all about those brave men.

Worlingworth Local History Group - please contact Geoff Robinson on 01728-628768 or e-mail him at [email protected]

Wilby (& Brundish) WI The Houses of Parliament

Diane Palmer arranged for us all to be collected by Coach at 08:30am for us 'Country Bumpkins' to travel off to 'The Smog'... London!

BREXIT Protesters greeted us on arrival! – right outside the Houses of Parliament! It was apparent that this was perhaps going to have an impact on our gaining access into the Houses of Parliament. Diane though, acted quickly and was advised by Houses of Parliament Security that an 'alternative entry' for that day had been organised and we had to meet slightly earlier in an alternative building whereby an underground walkway/tunnel access was used, which led us right out in front of the Houses of Parliament – 007 James Bond stuff, intriguing!

Once inside the Houses of Parliament we were unaware just how many people had gathered for the BREXIT Protest – Hundreds! - from within we could hear all the speeches, applause and sometimes disapproval chanting!

The Tour Guides, gave us the most informative, at times humorous and educational tour of the Houses of Parliament, following in the steps of HM Queen Elizabeth II. We were shown inside the Queen's Robing Room, the House of Lords and the House of Commons Rooms – all of which were just amazing.

Sadly our tour had come to its end - but just enough time to down a Cream Tea! - before we had to re-join our Coach for our journey home to Suffolk. We all had such an enjoyable day trip to London – needless to say a chorus of 'Jerusalem' had to be sung on the way home.

Many thanks to Diane for organising such a lovely day – Excellent! EVENTS IN THE BENEFICE

Dennington Badminton Club Every Monday. Please call 01728 683506 for more details

Wingfield and District Gardening Club Our next meeting will be on Thursday, 27 September at 7.30 in Brundish Village Hall when Luci Skinner from Woottens of Wenhaston will talk about Hardy Geraniums. Wine and juice on sale; non-members welcome - £3 pay at the door. For further information email [email protected] or ring 01379 388034

Stradbroke BOOT SALE at Saturday 29th September 2018 8am- 1pm Cars to Arrive at 8am open to public 09.00 £5.00 per car Breakfast Bar. All proceeds going towards the year 11 2019 Prom Contact details: email [email protected] Contact name: Mrs S Childs Charity number 1096034

Laxfield Laxfield Produce, Craft and Flea Market Saturday 4th August 2018 10am -12.30pm Saturday 1st September 2018 10.00am - 12.30pm For a pitch, please contact Catherine Cawood on 01986 798852.

Sibton Church Saturday, Sunday, Bank Holiday Monday 25 -27 August, 10.30am-4.30pm Sale of Quality Second-hand Books: Fiction, Non-Fiction, Children’s, all individually priced. also Some Bric-a Brac. Free Admission; Cream Teas & Refreshments. Details: Please ring Rosie or Andrew on 01728 660369 / 453349.

Wilby WI Jumble sale Saturday 22nd September 10.00am-12.00pm Come and rummage, refreshments available

Bulk Haulage Aggregate Road Planings Stock Feed Railway Sleepers Crossing Timbers

Bark Woodchip Excavations

All Aggregates & Topsoil Muckaway

(Different Grades) Dyke Cleaning

Grasscrete Blocks Roadway Construction

Malham Limestone Rocks Flints Carrstone Compost Lump Chalk

For further information please contact: Chris Askew—Phone: 01379 388156 Fax: 01379 388109 Email: [email protected]


Framlingham Medical Practice

Mental health services – Have your say! People living in east and west Suffolk are being urged to have their say about local mental health services as part of a unique engagement opportunity. The NHS Ipswich & East Suffolk and NHS West Suffolk clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) want to transform the way mental health provision is delivered across the county.that, they first need to find out how effective the people who deliver and receive the current services think they are. Commissioners want to hear from people who currently use or have previously used mental health services, those who care for them and the staff who deliver those services. All three groups are being asked to input their feedback via three surveys that ‘go live’ from this morning (Monday 2nd July). T he surveys are part of a much larger engagement exercise that aims to help create a new model for east and west Suffolk that will bring mental and physical health services much closer together. In a break from usual practice, the CCGs have commissioned four local voluntary sector organisations to engage with local people under the banner “The future of mental health – a very different conversation”. Suffolk Family Carers, Suffolk User Forum and Suffolk Parent Carer Network will co-ordinate a whole host of mental health workshops and events to gather feedback on the current services. Healthwatch Suffolk will then gather and analyse the feedback before preparing a report making a case for change for the CCGs’ governing body meetings in November. To respond to one of the surveys please use one of the links below: People who use, or have previously used mental health services, should respond MHTransform_Plan_Service_Users_Public Carers of people who use, or have previously used mental health services, should respond MHTransform_Plan_CarersProfessionals who work in mental health services or support people with mental health needs should respond MHTransform_Plan_Professionals_Staff

Framlingham Medical Practice

Mental health services – Have your say! People living in east and west Suffolk are being urged to have their say about local mental health services as part of a unique engagement opportunity. The NHS Ipswich & East Suffolk and NHS West Suffolk clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) want to transform the way mental health provision is delivered across the county.that, they first need to find out how effective the people who deliver and receive the current services think they are. Commissioners want to hear from people who currently use or have previously used mental health services, those who care for them and the staff who deliver those services. All three groups are being asked to input their feedback via three surveys that ‘go live’ from this morning (Monday 2nd July). T he surveys are part of a much larger engagement exercise that aims to help create a new model for east and west Suffolk that will bring mental and physical health services much closer together. In a break from usual practice, the CCGs have commissioned four local voluntary sector organisations to engage with local people under the banner “The future of mental health – a very different conversation”. Suffolk Family Carers, Suffolk User Forum and Suffolk Parent Carer Network will co-ordinate a whole host of mental health workshops and events to gather feedback on the current services. Healthwatch Suffolk will then gather and analyse the feedback before preparing a report making a case for change for the CCGs’ governing body meetings in November. To respond to one of the surveys please use one of the links below: People who use, or have previously used mental health services, should respond MHTransform_Plan_Service_Users_Public Carers of people who use, or have previously used mental health services, should respond MHTransform_Plan_CarersProfessionals who work in mental health services or support people with mental health needs should respond


CHURCH SERVICES August 5th 12th 19th 26th 2018 Trinity 10 Trinity 11 Trinity 12 Trinity 13 1 Kings 2:10-12; 3:3- 1 Kings 8:(1,6,10- 2 Samuel 11:26-12:13a 2 Samuel 18:5-9, 15, 14 11), Ephes 4:1-16 31-33 Ephesians 5:15-20 22-30, 41-43 John 6:24-35 Ephesians 4:25-5:2 John 6:51-58 Ephesians 6:10-20 John 6:35, 41-51 John 6:56-69 St Nicholas 10am 9.30am Bedfield Family Service Holy Communion RA RO

St Lawrence 8am HC BCP DB 9.30am 11am Brundish Village Worship Holy Communion

6.30pm Evensong DB LE DB

St Mary 6.30pm 9.30am 8am Cratfield Evensong Village Worship Holy Communion DB LE DB

All Saints 9.30am 11am 8am HC DB 9.30am

Laxfield Morning Prayer Holy Communion 6pm Hartismere Hse Family Service LE DB DB LE

St Peter 11am 11am 11am

Monk Soham Morning Prayer Holy Communion Morning Prayer RO DB RA

St Ethelbert

St Mary 11am 9.30am 11am 9.30am Wilby Holy Communion Village Worship Morning Prayer Village Worship RO LE DM LE

St Mary 9.30am 11am 11am 11am

Worlingworth Holy Communion Let's Celebrate Morning Prayer Morning Prayer Patronal Rev E RO Goodison LE RO

7pm Compline at Monk Soham on 17, 24 and 31 August. September 2nd 9th 16th 23rd 30th August 5th 12th 19th 26th 2018 Trinity 14 Trinity 15 Trinity 16 Trinity 17 Trinity 18 2018 Trinity 10 Trinity 11 Trinity 12 Trinity 13 Proverbs 22:1 -2, 8- 1 Kings 2:10-12; 3:3- 1 Kings 8:(1,6,10- Song of Sol 2:8-13 Proverbs 1:20-33 Proverbs 31:10-end 2 Samuel 11:26-12:13a 2 Samuel 18:5-9, 15, 9, 14 11), James 1:17-27 22-23 James 3:1-12 James 3:13-4:3, 7-8a Ephes 4:1-16 31-33 Ephesians 5:15-20 22-30, 41-43 James 2:1-10, 14- Mark 7:1-8, 14-15 Mark 8:27-end Mark 9:30-37 John 6:24-35 Ephesians 4:25-5:2 John 6:51-58 Ephesians 6:10-20 17 John 6:35, 41-51 John 6:56-69 21-23 Mark 7:24-37 St Nicholas 10am 9.30am St Nicholas 10am 9.30am Bedfield Family Service Holy Communion Bedfield Family Service Holy Communion RA RO RA RO

St Lawrence 8am HC BCP DB 9.30am 11am St Lawrence 8am HC BCP DB 9.30am 11am Brundish Village Worship Holy Communion Brundish Village Worship Holy Communion 6.30pm Evensong DB LE DB 6.30pm E'song DM LE DM by Ex

St Mary 6.30pm 9.30am 8am St Mary 6.30pm 9.30am 8am

Cratfield Evensong Village Worship Holy Communion Cratfield Harvest Village Worship Holy Communion DB LE DB DB LE RO

All Saints 9.30am 11am 8am HC DB 9.30am Ben All Saints 9.30am 11am 8am HC RO 9.30am Service Laxfield Morning Prayer Holy Communion 6pm Hartismere Hse Family Service LE DB DB LE Laxfield Morning Prayer Holy Communion 6pm Hartismere Hse Family Service Laxfield LE DB LE LE 10.30am St Peter 11am 11am 11am Harvest

Monk Soham Morning Prayer Holy Communion Morning Prayer St Peter 11am 11am 11am 11am RO DB RA Monk Soham Family Service Harvest Holy Communion Morning Prayer RA 11am RO RA St Ethelbert Tannington St Ethelbert 9.30am DB

St Mary 11am 9.30am 11am 9.30am Tannington Holy Communion Wilby Holy Communion Village Worship Morning Prayer Village Worship RO LE DM LE St Mary 11am 9.30am 11am 6.30pm Wilby Holy Communion Village Worship Morning Prayer Harvest St Mary 9.30am 11am 11am 11am DB LE DM Archdeacon Ian Worlingworth Holy Communion Let's Celebrate Morning Prayer Morning Prayer Patronal Rev E St Mary 11am 6pm 11am RO Goodison LE RO Worlingworth Holy Communion Harvest Festival Morning Prayer

7pm Compline at Monk Soham on 17, 24 and 31 TBA RO LE August.

Would You like to Update Your Computer / iPad Skills?

Then why not come to a FREE taster session at one of our friendly Computer Clubs held at Brundish Village Hall?

Sessions: Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday 10.00 am to 12.00 noon

For more information: iPad and tel: 01728 627174 Android sessions

email:[email protected]

Brundish Training Centre

The training centre is on it’s summer break. Please book in advance for all courses on 01728 627174 and leave a message or email [email protected]

Tuesday Computer Club 10:00-12:00 Computer Club Fortnightly 13:00-15:00

Wednesday Computer Club 10:00-12:00

Thursday iPad Improvers 10:30-12:30 & Workshop (3rd Thursday) 13:30-15:30

Computer Clubs run on Monday and Tuesdays at Aldeburgh and Southwold iPad Improvers Workshops at Aldeburgh 2nd Thursday each month WILBY CEVC PRIMARY SCHOOL NEWS

The Summer term has been incredibly busy with a wide variety of activities for the children to enjoy and much to celebrate in terms of their achievement!

SATS results: We are delighted with our KS2 SATs results this year with levels in both achievement and progress being well above predicted county and national averages. Our congratulations go to our twelve Year 6 pupils and our thanks to their hard working teachers.

Gold Arts Award: Wilby school was delighted to find out at the end of May that they have been awarded the Gold level Artsmark by the Arts Council of Great Britain. The Arts have always been central to the ethos at Wilby Primary School but working towards the Gold Arts Mark has helped the school to identify and celebrate what we already do and to extend provision further in order to enrich the curriculum in innovative ways and to provide high quality arts experiences which extend beyond the school day.

Fundraising events:

Music for a Summer’s evening: This year our Music for a Summer’s Evening was an extra special event as professional musicians combined their talents with that of the school’s pupils (past and present) in order to raise money for the Brain Tumour Charity. Suffolk born singer songwriter Matt Bayfield who has been diagnosed with a brain tumour headed the bill at this wonderful evening which raised over £500 for the Brain Tumour Charity Our School fete on June 30th was also a resounding success and has raised well over £1000 for school funds Thanks to everyone who supported this fantastic family event.

Foxearth Open morning: Our brass group and choir were delighted to perform as part of this event on June 13th to raise funds for the Macmillan Cancer Charity.

Sporting success: This term the children have successfully represented the school in rounders and cricket tournaments at both inter- school and intra-school level. Sports day was also a tremendous success with pupils enjoying receiving their medals on the podium. Wolves House was the winning house for the day! Summer Performance: Y2-Y6 produced an amazing musical about the life of Charles Darwin. Their performance of ‘Darwin Rocks’ was a tremendous success and pupils also went on to sing excerpts from the musical on the main stage at Stradisphere in July.

Trips and days out: Owl Class had an amazing day at Alton water in June enjoying kayaking, sailing and raft building. Wren class and Kingfisher Class visited the Dinosaur Park in Norfolk as part of this term’s topic focus on Dinosaurs. Year 6 enjoyed a brilliant week at the Hollowford centre in the Peak District. They also enjoyed a Bowling trip and

Wilby (& Brundish) Women’s Institute

WI is mainly about getting the girls together, making new friends, having a good chat and widening our knowledge on a variety topics.

We are a fun and friendly group - No Jam or Jerusalem! We welcome new members of all ages. We meet every Third Thursday of the Month,7.30pm – Wilby CoronationHall Full programme details

More information contact Fiona Patrick - 01379 388458 If you would like to go, but need a lift we can arrange transport. Hair Logic Street Farm, Laxfield Road, Stradbroke Telephone: 01379 384560 Opening Times: Mon Closed Tuesday-Thursday 9am-5pm Friday 9am-6pm Saturday 8.30am-4pm

Beauty Therapy Friday 9am-8pm


If you would like to advertise with us please phone or email

01379384329 [email protected]

Annual advertising charges are:

£12 for an eighth of a page £14 for a quarter page £27.50 for a half page or £55.00 for a full page

House Sitting & Dog Walking Services

Many years’ experience with dogs, cats, chicken, horses etc.

Be able to go away, knowing that your home is in safe hands.

Excellent references available.

Contact Louise Howie: (M) 07920 047274 Email: [email protected]

SM Plumbing & Heating Flegg’s Fresh Fabulous For your local plumbing needs Free Range Eggs Specialist in bathroom installations, maintenance and repairs

01728628046 07732 272403 FREE QUOTATIONS [email protected] Bell Farm, The Street, Brundish,.

Ironing Fairy Nick Veronica Williams Provides an will clean any Ironing Service For You! cooker! Local collection and delivery starting from possible £45.00 01728627878 07923897705


Tel: 01379 384593 Email:

Producers of wide range of high quality pork products from our own home produced stock. For full list of local stockists see our website Recipe Page

Many of us have a glut of fruit and veg at this time of year. This recipe is a good way of using up either courgettes or cucumbers, it tastes like the pickle used by McDonalds (so I’m told!) it is yummy!!

Courgette/cucumber pickle also known as Bread and Butter Pickle (Kosher if using Kosher salt) Ingredients 3 lbs cucumbers or courgettes thinly sliced 1/2 medium onion thinly sliced 1/4 cup salt 2 cups white vinegar 1/2 cup water 1 cup sugar 2 tablespoons mustard seeds 1 teaspoon celery seeds 1 teaspoon turmeric

Method Place sliced cucumbers/courgettes and onions in a colander. Toss the salt into the vegetables and leave to drain for at least 6 hours. Rinse and dry off the mix. Put the rest of the ingredients in a large saucepan and bring to the boil. Fill the sterilised jars with the vegetables leaving 1/2 inch at the top. Pour the vinegar mixture into the jar covering the vegetables. Seal the jars leave to cool. Store foe a few days before opening then keep in the fridge when opened.


If you would like to take over this page please contact us.

Sudoku 1 8

Each grid is made up of 8 1 3 4 9 9 columns by 9 rows. The grid is then divided 9 6 5 8 into 9 boxes. Each of these boxes must have 4 5 8 the number 1 to 9 placed in them and each row and column 6 2 8 1 must also have the numbers 1 to 9 in 6 5 4 them. 2 9 4 5

5 4 3 6 8


Wilby Defibrillator Emergency number 01379844704 Location; Wilby Phone Box in front of school A volunteer has been trained to help you.

Brundish Defibrillator Emergency number 01728628696 or Phone 999 and ask for the ambulance service who will give you the code to the Phone Box. Location; Phone Box opposite the pub, ‘The Crown’.

Inside the phone box there is a bag with instructions on how to use the equipment. There is also a recording of instructions. Please be reassured that using the Defibrillator cannot harm anyone as it will only work if the patient is actually having a heart attack.

Framlingham Medical Practice GP+ Appointments now available at Wickham Market 6.30pm to 9.00pm Weekdays & 9.00am to 1.00pm Saturdays Suffolk GP+ is for people who urgently need a doctor’s appointment or are unable to see their GP on a weekday, Saturday morning or during normal GP hours THIS IS NOT A WALK IN SERVICE

Connecting Communities 01449614271 Mon-Fri 9.00am-4.00pm

When you need to make a journey and there is no public transport available to you locally, we’ll collect you and connect you to an appropriate bus route or train link for onward travel so you can reach your destination quickly and easily. If you would like to volunteer to help as a driver please contact the above number.


A Small, Friendly Charity-based Pre-School

Welcoming Children of ALL abilities, aged 2 to 5 years We are very proud to be rated ‘OUTSTANDING’ byOfsted!

‘Breakfast Club’ Affordable fees – plus 30 From 8.00am hours funded places for Monday to Friday 2 + year olds

Lovely purpose-built room We focus on fun and learning within Occold Village Hall in a relaxed environment and, and, with our follow the EYFS curriculum own secure, all-weather outside play area

We are rated ‘After-school Club’ ‘OUTSTANDING’ Until 4.30pm

Please call us on 01379 678397 or email [email protected] or [email protected] to find out more, or to arrange a visit - we’d love to hear from you!

Visit our website at - Registered charity number: 1034160 A member of the Preschool Learning Alliance

Experienced, well qualified and friendly personal trainer with excellent facilities and hands on knowledge of training to meet any need, whether it to be to improve health, sports performance or body aesthetics.

Over 15 years experience of being a personal trainer throughout north Essex and West London. Over 10 years experience as a secondary school teacher specialising in the subjects of Physical Education and Business studies and lead training on sports psychology, anxiety, mindfulness and nutrition.

Having delivered talks at schools and universities on Growth Mindset and anxiety. I am able to ensure that your exercise regime has a complete holistic approach to ensure that you sustain a healthy active lifestyle.

Call to arrange a free consultation to create a flexible plan to achieve your target.

Septic Tank Emptying & Domestic drains cleared.

Fast, friendly, reliable service.

(Environmental registered carrier)

Call Lenny: 07905 794221 Email: [email protected]

All types of house & garden property maintenance undertaken

Phone home: ( 01728) 621341 Mobile: 0788 7925507 Website: Email:

MO-JO Cleaning Services Sharpe Computer Services Computer/Laptop/Pads & Books/

Let me clean your Internet/Broadband/Printer & worries away! Networking Support &Repair Available

Daily/Weekly/Monthly 01728 685905 Contact Maureen [email protected] MOB 07765710311

Daniel Abbott

Garden maintenance Grass and hedge cutting Fencing Painting sheds etc And other gardening jobs

Tel. 01728 627807 or 0789 8308601

Kevin Property Maintenance 01728 628607 All types of property 07770530771 maintenance and refurbishment undertaken Just give me a ring, Kevin I’ll see if I can help 01728 628607 07770530771 LES RUTH (Yaddy) For all your carpentry needs – plus painting, decorating and tiling. Tel: 01379 384484 07900 287888

Is your garden over-run with Moles? Do you have a wasp’s nest? Are your paddocks over-run with rabbits ? All typical Pests controlled. For ALL your Domestic / Commercial Pest Control. No obligation – free survey/quotes.

Please call for a chat 01379 788865 / 07809 226109 / 07518 731106


Roger C. Griffiths, BSc(Econ), Dip Soc Sci, PGCE, MCFHP, MAFHP



Verruca treatments, Ingrown RG AMIES toenails, Calluses, Fungal Infection, Corns, Nail Cutting, Bunions and Foot Care for 6 Varieties of pre-packed coal available Diabetics at Foot health checks and all nail very competitive prices conditions.

For an appointment Phone: 01379 388162 Tel. 01379 384873 (Wilby) Mob. 07724 073328 MANOR BARNS THE STREET Email; [email protected] BRUNDISH Some evening appointments available WOODBRIDGE SUFFOLK IP13 8BL

VILLAGE HALL NEWS Wilby Coronation Hall

NO NEWTS IS GOOD NEWS ! POND UPDATE We were pleased to be informed by the Great Crested Newt investigation team that no evidence of them was found in the pond so, during the summer holidays the long overdue work will begin on the re-landscaping of the pond area, planting up with marginal plants and wild flower plants to create an outside seating area for people to enjoy. A dipping platform for the children will also be added.

WILBY’S GOT WHEELS! Thank you to those that entered the competition, prizes to be handed out shortly.

FOOTBALL NEARLY CAME HOME! Thank you to all of those both young and old who supported the hall whilst supporting England’s football team at the World Cup. We screened all the England games on our big screen which was enjoyed by all. We were pleased to be able to use the big screen facility.

LYRICAL JUKE BOX Thank you to Bob and his band for a great night, everyone enjoyed singing along to some classics and even took to the dance floor!

SCARECROW FESTIVAL 20th - 26th August We are looking forward to hosting our second scarecrow fest, culminating in a summer BBQ at the hall on Sunday 26th August when prizes will be announced. We are hoping that we will have as many, if not more entries this year than last, so please get your thinking caps on and display your scarecrow for the week (20th-26th August) outside your house, to allow photographs to be taken. All entries to be registered with us via the below contact details by 19th August.

QUIZ NIGHT - Friday September 14th 8pm Fancy testing out your little grey cells? Then book your table/team of four (£5 per team) with us now, contact details below. Bar will be open.

YOUNG HELPERS We have been greatly heartened by the input of some of our local youngsters, in particular Ed Shearman and Jadine Russell who have regularly volunteered their time to support the village hall charity.

EMMAUS MOBILE SHOP Thank you to those that visited the shop on the 17th July, more dates will be announced. Alison and Ian Taylor - 01379 388112 - 07787542288 - [email protected] What’s on at Wilby Coronation Village Hall - Aug/Sept 2018 PUB NIGHTS August 3rd &17th. September 7th & 21st. - 7.30 pm DANCES - August 4th Alan Jones -18th Corinna & September 1st Howard & Chris - 8pm ART WORKSHOP - September 15 & 16th All day (9-4pm) SCARECROW FESTIVAL - 20th - 26th August SUMMER BBQ - Sunday August 26th 4pm QUIZ NIGHT - September 14th 8pm

Brundish Village Hall

Hiring the Village Hall. Hire of the village hall contact David Holliday, 07765 345541. Hiring costs can be found at

Brundish Baristas. Thursdays October 5th 10.00am Summer break! Please come and join us in Brundish Village Hall for Coffee / Bacon Butties and cakes. Please don’t worry if you don’t know anyone it will be really good to see you and introduce you to others.

French for Beginners on Wednesdays, Tuesdays for intermediate If you are interested in beginning French classes in September you can join by phoning the number below. Sessions are 2 hours with a 15 minute coffee break. If you are not sure of your level you can talk it through with the teacher.

If you are interested please call: Coastal Leisure Learning on 01728 833171 9.00am-1.00pm.

ZUMBA Classes are every Tuesday during school term time. 6:00pm-7:00pm. Please contact Eileen Torosian-Tinney, text or telephone 0781 385 4255 or email [email protected].

Footpath Warden Christine Smart Contact Christine ([email protected] 01728627838) if you have any questions, concerns or information and she will help you. Christine has offered to lead a walk every fortnight on a Friday. Please contact her if you are interested.


Located in idyllic countryside, we offer accommodation in an annexe to our traditional period cottage.

You will have private access, king size bed and en suite bathroom: a sofa bed will sleep two children. The room is well equipped and has internet access. We offer an extensive breakfast menu and seek to use local products.

To book contact Debbie GRIFFITHS on 07582 789782 or 01379 384873



* Service and repairs to all cars, light commercial and 4x4's* *Specialists in vehicle diagnostics* *Free local collection and delivery * Courtesy car available* *Prompt attention assured * Competitive rates* tel: (01379) 384689 email: [email protected] Open 8:00 am -5:30pm Mon-Fri, 8:00am -12 noon Saturdays Brundish Village Fete!!!!!!! Stop Press!!!!!!!!!!!!

2nd September Sunday 12.00pm-4.00pm Brundish Village Green Contact Anthony Bryant

From next year Tracy Moody has kindly offered to take over the Fete. She is looking for co- organisers!!! Contact her through Brunby and friends facebook or the email.

Apologises to all for late publication, entirely my fault, Sorry, Alison.

Suffolk Library Mobile Service at Brundish Crown Corner Tuesday 11.20am every four weeks 2018: 5 June, 3 July, 31 July, 28 August, 25 September, 23 October, 20 November, 18 December Contact: Helen Hudson and Peter Fiske Email: [email protected] Telephone 01473 351249

Wilby (and Brundish) Women’s Institute. Coronation Hall. 3rd Thursday of each month 7:00 for 7:30pm

Waveney Food bank-Please can you help? Waveney Food bank provides emergency food and support to local people in crisis. Its warehouse is just outside Eye, there is a collection point in Laxfield At the Co-op next to the pub. Visit the website for more details