
Dr. Prabha Arya Assistant Professor Deshbandhu College Definition and examples: , also called isoenzymes or isoforms are multiple forms of a single obtained from different and represent different loci or product of different alleles of the same (hence described as allozymes)  They catalyze same reaction but differing in their sequence, kinetic properties, regulatory properties, electrophoretic mobility, and also in their parent gene loci. Difference in amino acid sequence can be known after sequence analysis and it varies among different isozymes.  The different forms (isoforms) of the enzyme generally differ in kinetic or regulatory properties, in the they use (NADH or NADPH for isozymes, for example), or in their subcellular distribution (soluble or membrane bound).  Different metabolic patterns in different organs. For phosphorylase, the isozymes in and have different regulatory properties, reflecting the different roles of glycogen breakdown in these two tissues.  Different locations and metabolic roles for isozymes in the same cell. The isozymes of the cytosol and the mitochondrion are an example.  Different stages of development in embryonic or fetal tissues and in adult tissues. For example, the fetal liver has a characteristic distribution of LDH, which changes as the organ develops into its adult form. Some of glucose catabolism in malignant () cells occur as their fetal, not adult, isozymes.  Different responses of isozymes to allosteric modulators. This difference is useful in fine tuning metabolic rates. IV () of liver and the hexokinase isozymes of other tissues differ in their sensitivity to inhibition by glucose 6- phosphate.  Hexokinase catalyses the following reaction D-Glucose+ATP Hexokinase D-Glucose + ADP  Hexokinase exists as four isozymes designated as Type-I through Type-IV based on their electrophoretic mobility. Type-I has fastest mobility towards anode, while Type-IV has the slowest mobility.  Affinity for glucose: Type-I hexokinase has high affinity for glucose-it is half saturated at about 0.1 mM in comparison to Type-IV.  Product inhibition-Type-II are allosterically inhibited by their product glucose-6-phopsphate, so whenever the cellular concentration of glucose- 6-phosphate rises above its normal level, these isozymes are temporarily and reversibly inhibited, bringing the rate of glucose-6-phposphate into balance with the rate of its utilization and reestablishing the steady state.  Type-IV get half saturated at the high glucose concentration (10 mM) which is higher than the usual concentration of glucose in the blood.  Because an efficient glucose transporter in hepatocytes (GLUT2) rapidly equilibrates the glucose concentrations in cytosol and blood, the high Km of hexokinase IV allows Nelson, D.L., Cox, M.M. (2017). Lehninger: Principles of (7th ed.) its direct regulation by the level of blood glucose  When blood glucose is high, as it is after a meal rich in carbohydrates, excess glucose is transported into hepatocytes, where hexokinase IV converts it to glucose 6-phosphate. Because hexokinase IV is not saturated at 10 mM glucose, its activity continues to increase as the glucose concentration rises to 10 mM or more.  Under conditions of low blood glucose, the glucose concentration in a hepatocyte is low relative to the Km of hexokinase IV, and the glucose generated by leaves the cell before being trapped by phosphorylation.  Hexokinase IV is not inhibited by glucose 6- phosphate, and it can therefore continue to operate when the accumulation of glucose 6-phosphate completely inhibits hexokinases I–III.  Hexokinase IV is subject to inhibition by the reversible binding of a regulatory protein specific to liver. The binding is much tighter in the presence of the allosteric effector fructose 6- phosphate. Nelson, D.L., Cox, M.M. (2017). Lehninger: Principles of Biochemistry (7th ed.)

 The mechanism of inhibition by the regulatory protein is as follows: the protein anchors hexokinase IV inside the nucleus, where it is segregated from the other enzymes of in the cytosol. When the glucose concentration in the cytosol rises, it equilibrates with glucose in the nucleus by transport through the nuclear pores. Glucose causes dissociation of the regulatory protein, and hexokinase IV enters the cytosol and begins to phosphorylate glucose.  Glucose competes with fructose 6-phosphate for binding and causes dissociation of the regulatory protein from the hexokinase, relieving the inhibition.  Immediately after a carbohydrate-rich meal, when blood glucose is high, glucose enters the hepatocyte via GLUT2 and activates hexokinase IV by this mechanism.  During a fast, when blood glucose drops below 5 mM, fructose 6-phosphate triggers the inhibition of hexokinase IV by the regulatory protein, so the liver does not compete with other organs for the scarce glucose.

 Hexokinase IV (Glucokinase) and Glucose 6- Phosphatase Are Transcriptionally Regulated Hexokinase IV is also regulated at the level of protein synthesis. Circumstances that call for greater energy production (low [ATP], high [AMP], vigorous muscle contraction) or for greater glucose consumption (high blood glucose, for example) cause increased transcription of the hexokinase IV gene.  Glucose 6-phosphatase, the gluconeogenic enzyme that bypasses the hexokinase step of glycolysis, is transcriptionally regulated by factors that call for increased production of glucose (low blood glucose, glucagon signaling). Lactate  One of the first enzymes found to have isozymes was , which in vertebrate tissues exists as at least five different isozymes separable by electrophoresis.  All LDH isozymes contain four polypeptide chains (each of Mr 33,500), each type containing a different ratio of two kinds of polypeptides. The M (for muscle) chain and the H (for ) chain are encoded by two different genes.  In skeletal muscle the predominant isozyme contains four M chains, and in heart the predominant isozyme contains four H chains. Other tissues have some combination of the five possible types of LDH isozymes: Nelson, D.L., Cox, M.M. (2017). Lehninger: Principles of Biochemistry (7th ed.)  Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), an enzyme that catalyzes a step in anaerobic glucose and glucose synthesis.  Human beings have two isozymic polypeptide chains for this enzyme: the H isozyme is highly expressed in heart muscle and the M isozyme is expressed in skeletal muscle.  The amino acid sequences are 75% identical. Each functional enzyme is tetrameric, and many different combinations of the two isozymic polypeptide chains are possible.  The H4 isozyme, found in the heart, has a higher affinity for substrates than does the M4 isozyme.  The two isozymes also differ in that high levels of pyruvate allosterically inhibit the H4 but not the M4 isozyme.  The other combinations, such as H3M, have intermediate properties. The M4 isozyme functions optimally in the anaerobic environment of hard- working skeletal muscle, whereas the H4 isozyme does so in the aerobic environment of heart muscle.  The proportions of these isozymes change throughout the development of the rat heart as the tissue. Stryer, L., Berg, J., Tymoczko, J., Gatto, G. (2019). Biochemistry (9th ed.).

(A) The rat heart lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) isozyme profile changes in the course of development. The H isozyme is represented by squares and the M isozyme by circles. The negative and positive numbers denote the days before and after birth, respectively. (B) LDH isozyme content varies by tissue.  The differences in the isozyme content of tissues can be used to assess the timing and extent of heart damage due to myocardial (heart attack).  Damage to heart tissue results in the release of heart LDH into the blood. Shortly after a heart attack, the blood level of total LDH increases, and there is more LDH2 than LDH1.  After 12 hours the amounts of LDH1 and LDH2 are very similar, and after 24 hours there is more LDH1 than LDH2. This switch in the [LDH1]/[LDH2] ratio, combined with increased concentrations in the blood of another heart enzyme, , is very strong evidence of a recent .  The different LDH isozymes have significantly different values of Vmax and Km, particularly for pyruvate. The properties of LDH4 favor rapid reduction of very low concentrations of pyruvate to lactate in skeletal muscle, whereas those of isozyme LDH1 favor rapid oxidation of lactate to pyruvate in the heart.  In general, the distribution of different isozymes of a given enzyme reflects at least four factors: The appearance of some isozymes in the blood is a sign of tissue damage, useful for clinical diagnosis. For instance, an increase in levels of H4 relative to H3M is an indication that a myocardial infarction, or heart attack, has damaged heart-muscle cells, leading to the release of cellular material.

 Nelson, D.L., Cox, M.M. (2017). Lehninger: Principles of Biochemistry (7th ed.). New York, WH: Freeman and Company. ISBN: 13: 978-1- 4641-2611-6 / ISBN:10:1-46412611-9.  Stryer, L., Berg, J., Tymoczko, J., Gatto, G. (2019). Biochemistry (9th ed.). New York, WH: Freeman. ISBN-13: 9781319114671.