~NTl~'r'~' el~t:113~ TAL•Y-BO?lr, CONWAY. ~ ,11si•EXHm1T10N.~ ·-- June, 1BRB.. CHARLES POTTER, President.

B . FOWLER, Hon. Sec. & Treasurer.

J. H. Cole H. Friswell P. Ghent B. F"ishex>. J. c. Salmon M. Cresvvick H . Measham W. J. Corah J . Beaumont J. Clinton Jones G. Cockram G. Crozier J . Gledhill B. Hoyles J . Hare. 7

,, ~LIST OF EXRIBliJ:l' ~---

Banks, W. L., Hendre Viaelod, near Conway "'-..Beaumont, J., Caste11, Tal-y-bont Barker, W. D., T,t;friw Chisholm, J., J,

,,A:rozier1 G., Tal-y bont / Fisher, B., Roe \Ven, Conw,ay Fowler, BI. , Castell, Tal-y-bont Friswell, H., Ll.inbedr, Conway Ghent, P., Ditto do. Gledhill, J., Tal-y-bont, Conway Hare, J., Llanbedr, Conway Hoyles, B., Tal-y-bont, Conway Johnson, J., Jones, C., Llanbedr Measham, H., Tal-y-bont Meredith, W., Junction Mort, J. D., Trefriw Perrin, A. F., Potter, C , Llanbedr Lodge, Conway Salmon, J. C., Tal-y-bont 4':rurner, W. B., Trefriw Wane, R., W haite, C., Near £onway L - .., \ CATALOGUE,

The Exhibition will be open daily from 10 a.m. till dusk; will close on Saturday, July 10th The Prices of the Works can be obtained at the Table; a dAr of 20 J.J8l' cent must be paid before any Pictures can be mark,


1 Tal-y-Ca£n Ferry .. . M. Creswick

2 Rowlan

10 A Spring Morning ...J . Chz'sholm

II An Orchard .. .J. B eaumont

12 Interior of a Mountain Cottage ...P. Glient 13 An Apple Orchard ...J. Chz"sholm J 1;4- W inter in a W elsh Glen ... P. Ghent ,-o-. 15 A Silvery Brook (unfinished) ...... Juli"~ -e, • ~./


16 Low T ide-Port St. Mary ... P. Glzent 17 The Last Furrow ... 'Julius Hare 18 On the ~farsh ...... 'J. Chisholm 19 November . .. P. Ghent "' A Native of Llanbedr ...... 'Julius Hare .... armer's Daughter ... II. P. Hain Friswell · Milkmaid ... H. Measham ~ <}~,.thmyllog .. .J. Cliz'sholm A Welsh Fdrm ...'J. C Salmon ';)n the Conway-Evening ... 8. Fowler ad from the Marsh ... dz'tto the Dulyn ... G. Cockram 1shine after Rain ... ditto .,f~\n Old Farmstead-Vale of Conway 'J Gledhill 30 A Sketch in Anglesea ...... Charles Potter 31 Cardigan Bay from the Mouth of the Artro ... 11.P. Ham Friswetl 32 An Upland P ath ...M. Creswick 33 Coming Autumn ...... H. P Hain Friswell 34 Blacksmith's Shop, Trefriw ... W B. Turner 35 Pen Dyffryn Park-Early Spring ...Alfred F. Perrin 36 Gipsies-Springtime ... Cliarles Potter ;7 Study ... W B. Turner 38 On the Tal-y-bont Marsh ... Benjamin Hoyles '{9 The Old Soldier ... Wz'!!z'am Mereditli u Once I served my Quoen, but now I sharpen saws." ~, ~- \tit's Bower .. . B. Fowler .--.:.~~~--==-='----~~~~~~~~~~X'

41 A Moorland Stream ... J, D. Mort 42 A Spring Morning on the Dulyn ... B, Ji'owler 43 A Lane after Snow .. .') ()h,sho!m


44 Daisy Bank Well .. . George Cockram 45 Harvest-time ...J. C. Salmon 46 The Shepherd's Care .. . ditto 47 After Sunset, N.B.-A Sketch ditto 48 Anglesea Coast...... 'J. H. Cole 49 Lightning-Mountain Pass of Crafnant W.D. Bart:er 49A A Woodland Stream...... M. Crcsw,ck 50 Declining Day ...... J. H. Cole 51 Early Morning-Ao old road to Festiniog ... Charles Potter 52 Old Salmon Weir, Caer Hun ...... John Johnson 53 Summer on the Stream ... J. H. Cole 54 More Snow ... H. Measlzam 55 A Welsh Harvest ditto 56 A Breezy Day ...... R. Wane 57 Stony Ground ...... J. Beaumont 58 Eigiau's rugged Crags...... J. C. Salmon 59 A Sketch-Morning ...J. H. Cole 60 A Stiffening Breeze ... W. J. Corah 61 Lake ...... U,. Lawrence Banks ' 62 March Sunshine ... George Crozz'er 63 From the Hills to the Ocean ... W D. Barker 64 Near Port St. Mary ... Peter Ghent 65 Tal-y-Cafn Ferry ;-.!11!11!..,_.. .,:·J:.._· C!i11to1t J.o,u,~ 6

66 A Frith ... J. H. Cole 67 Early Spring .. . Jolin Johnson 68 A W elsh Glen .. . W. J. Coralz 6g Conway Castle ...... H. Clarence Whaite lnterior of Old Barn at R oe Wen ... B. Fisher Mountain Gloom ... P. Ghent 1-~Holiday Time ...... H. Measham ·\ Near Holyhead ... J. H. Cole \ Mountain Home ... George Cro:1i'er alls of the Fairies, Trefriw .. .'John 'Johnson


, Homewards ...'J . Clinton '}ones 17 A Bright May Morning ... George Cockram 78 W aiting for a Shot ...'J . Clinton 'Jone~ 79 A Farmstead .. .J. Beaumont 80 Fading Light .. . ditto 81 Declining Day ...... J. H. Cole

? A Study of R iver R ocks . .. W. Corak 3 A Marsh Stream ...'J .H. Cole 84 A Moorland Sketch dt"tto 85 A Mountain Shoulder ... ditto 86 Serenity ... dztto 87 A Pleasant Morning ditto

O. F••.,--s-f,mes &- Co., Prit1fers, Llannusl, - I