Nuclear Decommissioning Specialists: Quick and Dirty, or Lean and Clean? A backgrounder compiling publicly available information on Holtec, NorthStar and EnergySolutions October 10, 2019 An aerial picture of the Zion Nuclear Plant (Illinois), which is being decommissioned by EnergySolutions (Photo courtesy of Daniel Rucci, April 2018) For more information or to talk to expert sources on decommissioning, please contact Stephen Kent,
[email protected], 914-589-5988 Nuclear Decommissioning Specialists 2 Nuclear Decommissioning Specialists: Quick and Dirty, or Lean and Clean? Three companies positioning themselves as decommissioning specialists, Holtec, NorthStar and EnergySolutions, are rapidly acquiring closed or closing nuclear plants in the Northeast region and nationally. In New York, Indian Point’s reactors will shut down in 2020 and 2021, and its owner Entergy has applied to transfer the licenses to subsidiaries of Holtec International. Holtec has already acquired the shuttered Oyster Creek plant in New Jersey, and has signed agreements to purchase Entergy's Pilgrim plant in Massachusetts. Holtec and partners have deals pending to acquire Palisades Nuclear Generating Station in Michigan as well as Entergy's decommissioned Big Rock Point Nuclear Power Plant site in Michigan, which also hosts an Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI). Holtec is also contracted to handle transfer of spent fuel from fuel pools to dry storage at the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS) in California, owned by Southern California Edison. In Vermont, a joint venture between Orano USA and NorthStar bought Vermont Yankee and decommissioning there is well underway. NorthStar has also signed an agreement with Duke Energy to acquire the Crystal River nuclear plant in Florida.