Marpole--‐Oakridge Community Association 990 West 59th Avenue Vancouver, BC,V6P 1X9 email:
[email protected] MOCA Board of Directors Meeting – Minutes Monday, July 17, 2017 – MOCC Social Room – 7:00pm Members Present: Lorna Brown; Mike Burdick; Albert Leung; Katelyn Ling; Steven Tan; Andy Yuen; Corinne Kempen; Henry Liao Members Regrets:N/A Members Absent: Norm Zottenberg Park Board Representative: Tony Syskakis (CRS), Sarah Kirby-Young (Parks Board Liaison and Chair) Call to Order: Mike called the meeting to order at 7:07pm. Mike added two items on the agenda, the first being a brief seniors report from Lorna, and a brief program report from Mike. Albert added two items on the agenda as well, the first being about the GIC being moved and getting board approval, and the second being a new membership issue. Lorna moved to approve the agenda, second by Corinne. All in favor and the motion carried. Albert moved to approve the minutes, second by Steve. All in favor and the motion carried. 1. Renewal: MOCC Renewal Update – Mike Albert and Mike have kept in contact with Donnie Rosa, and found that there is currently 20 million dollars in the budget for the renewal. However, for the renewal to be an emerging priority and be considered a valid item in the budget process, public consultation will need to be done, which is supposedly being talked about at the moment. Donnie says the RFP (request for proposal) is in order, but we are not quite sure if it is open or closed. In addition, she asked to have one or more board members to be on the steering committee, which works with Parks Board, to know what is going on and be given a chance to put in our input.