Dear FCC. Please do not let down the world. Please do not let down the people. Please do not let down the Internet Harming Net Neutrality is all that. - Arpad Toth, Oradea,

It means a bener economy, personal freedom, and free market enterprise. -Bonnie Arcari, Middlefield, CT

Net Neutrality must be upheld. This is a slippery slope. We must not open the door to online discrimination! Once this door is opened we cannot close it and the free and open Internet as we know it will cease to exist. Big Business should not be allowed to tamper with the quality or speed of our Internet connections or to hamper, effect or impede our right to speak freely online. -Sean Casey, Austin, TX

I can't imagine how anyone can legitimately think a two-tiered internet would be good for American consumers. Simply defies belief. -Grant DoL~on, Ringgold, GA

My belief is that the net should be treated like any fundamental right. We should not have two tiers of service everyone should be treated the same, speeds should be equal for all. I am watching this debate closely and as a registered voter will vote with both my dollar and my right to vote in coming elections to ensure my voice is heard. -Ryan Courech, Winter Park, FL

Net Neutrality is important to me because it allows some of my poor friends to have access to Internet and enjoy it for unlimited amount of time and space I'm singing this for my American friends and this is what I think is correct. -Miguel Cadavid, Queens, NY

At a direct, end-user level, this may be appropriate under free market, but at content provider levels, this action would wreck competitive, free market. Only the "Big Boys" could provide "real" service ... Tom Wheeler's plan will help destroy the next wave of capitalism by crushing start-up's before they can "start up". -Ivan Ford, Colorado Springs, CO

Please please throw out your rules and reclassify ISPs as common common carriers. The internet was built for the freedom of the public and as soon as you have A TI, Comcast and Verizon to create this, have power over who can and cannot afford extra fees, our dear held freedom and liberties and privileges has been Jost. It will affect small businesses and the way the online system works from music to all functionalites. Please stop this discrimination and protect real Net Neutrality. -Kalpna Bhagat, East Orange, NJ

Few things in the world are more important than a free and open Internet. It<; very power, today, stems nearly entirely from that no one has been able to control it. The very freedoms and lives of humans on this eanh have hung on their being able to freely express themselves, and to communicate, via the Internet. FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler's plan would let Internet service providers like AT&T, Comcast and Verizon create a two-tiered Internet, with fast lanes for those who can afford the extra fees and a slow dirt road for the rest of us. These companies would have the power to pick winners and losers online and discriminate against online content and applications. And no one would be able to do anything about it Please don't destroy what it has taken literally decades to build in the most globally-democratic manner the world has ever seen by approving Wheeler's plan. Please. Reclassify Internet Service Providers (ISPs) as COMMON CARRIERS, and regulate them accordingly. -Gregg L. DesElms, Napa, CA

Net neutrality will stop innovation -Kevin Goldstein, New York, NY

Free Press Common Carrier. Common Carrier. Common Carrier. Common Carrier. Common Carrier. Common Carrier. Common Carrier. Common Carrier. Common Carrier. Common Carrier. Common Carrier. Common Carrier. Common Carrier. Common Carrier. Common Carrier. Common Carrier. Common Carrier. Common Carrier. Common Carrier. Conunon Carrier. Conunon Carrier. Conunon Carrier. Common Carrier. Common Carrier. Common Carrier. Common Carrier. Common Carrier. Common Carrier. Common Carrier. Common Carrier. Conunon Carrier. Common Carrier. Common Carrier. Common Carrier. Common Carrier. Common Carrier. Common Carrier. Conunon Carrier. Common Carrier. Common Carrier. Common Carrier. Common Carrier. Common Carrier. Common Carrier. Common Carrier. Common Carrier. Common Carrier. Common Carrier. - Donovan Paul Mikrot, Golden Valley, MN

Corporate gatekeepers on Internet access will kill the free flow of ideas, knowledge, and opportunity. Corporations serve only their own interest, they are NOT people, and they will censor if it serves their bottom line. They're Jeagally bound to that for shareholders. Corporations are destroying the fragile democracy we have in America -Anne george, Puttsburgh, PA

My bits deserve equal protection; I shouldn't have to pay extra to have a usable connection. - Henry Lahman, Brooklyn, NY

Do not forget, Mr. Wheeler, that your responsibility is to the PEOPLE and not to the ISPs lining your pockets. We need TRUE Net Neutrality. -Curtis Andersen, Anaheim, CA

Net Neutrality is criminal. If you allow internet service providers to create a two-tiered internet, then you will allow for discrimination. That's what it really is! It's discrimination. If you can't pay enough, then you get slow internet. You're taking money and opportunities away from the "little guy". Start companies won't be able to grow or succeed. You're basically killing the American dream! Do not allow net neutrality to dissipate! -Tyler Johnson, Draper, VA

Net neutrality is essential to ensure that small, third party websites have the ability to compete with large established sites. A lack of net neutrality would allow dominant sites to further monopolize the web and hinder the voice of everyone else. -Mark Susmann, Ithaca, NY

Dear FCC, Please amend these rules and reclac;sify lSPs as common carriers. These proposed rules are blatantly biases in favor of a set of special interests: existing ISPs, against consumers, new market entrants, and innovators. You are accountable to the American public, not AT&T, Comcast and Verizon. These existing rules are conupt and disgraceful. Please do the right thing and amend these rules to reclassify lSPs as common carriers. Thank you. -Michael Swigert, Brooklyn, NY

The US is way behind in broadband speeds and high price poinL~. Ending net neutrality would be a disaster for the American consumer. This would be the most egregious case of a lobby pushing an absurd, inane and damaging policy. -David Uter, Redondo Beach, CA

I'm against a two tiered network. The writing is on the wall As in the past (so many examples), FCC and other federal type agencies cave to corporate greed and overlook the choices of the majority population. Please preserve NET NEUTRALITY. Thank you, Toni Peacock -Toni Peacock, New York, NY

What the heck! Talk about unfair to the public!!! - Jeff Adams, Visalia, CA

Free Press Net Neutraljty is a fundamental part of how the internet works. It's a reflection of the American way. Providing equal right to everyone, regardless of power or influence. Take this away and the internet will become a media machine, owned by those with power. The rest of the world will not stand for it, the United States must not just follow, we must lead on this. ~haunce Butterfield, Salt Lake City, UT

Keep the Internet available to all users just not the corporations who would benefit extensively if Net Neutrality were to be changed. Robert Levi Highland Park, IL - Robert Levi, Highland Park, IL

Net Neutrality is one of the founding ideals of the Internet, that all data transport gets treated equally whether you are a huge corporation or a single Internet user. Allowing special tiers for high rollers is wrong. Keep Net Neutrality and for once let the wealthy not suck more dollars out of the poor. - Mark Dode!, Stroudsburg, PA

A free unrestricted internet is an unchallengeable necessity in today's society. Technology is moving rapidly, changing our lives everyday, and ISP's should not have authority over how we access and share ideas and entertainment no more than a company can tell someone who they can and can't talk to. The internet is not a luxury, it's a reality for a majority of people. Every facet of our lives is connected to the internet in some way, if ISP's free reign over the internet, they have free reign over the lives of millions. - Brenton williams, Missouri city, TX

Eliminating net neutrality is showing the US people that they are below corporations. - Jessica Black, Minneapolis, MN

We need it! You can't take it away. - Amanda, Maspeth, NY a "Two-Tier" structure is not an "Open" Internet. It is the *sultan's* camel's nose under the tent! Please usher it and the sultan out! ~harles Roaste, salt lake city, UT

Reclassify ISPs as common carriers. Do not give those companies the power to discriminate against online content. -Patrick Costello, Centereach, NY

Please don't take away net neutrality. If you do, you will be severely screwing up the education system, which is already in shambles. - Andrea Cornett, Corpus Christi, TX

This will put America behind compared to everyone else. It will ruin a great amount of online services that businesses use. If it's going to slow down every American individual, and make all our businesses suffer, than why are we doing it? For the selfish few who want control? That's not okay. - Nick Bonanno, Huntington Beach, CA

The Internet is really not that different from the road network. We wouldn't let private companies make every road a toll road and charge what ever they wanted. We must not do this with the Internet. - Ben Spencer, CHARLOTI'ESVILLE, VA

Free Press Transit across the Internet MUST remain free from degradation and deprioritization for the exact same reasons the original Common Carrier laws were enacted. The Internet IS the communications backbone of our generation. Internet Service Providers MUST be classified as Title II Common Carriers and prevented from engaging in discriminatory practices based on origin or content of data. The real problem here is that Tom Wheeler, former lobbyist for the cable industries, is squarely saddled with an illegal Conflict of Interest and is still pressing an agenda directly serving his former employers and not the public. The chief arguments against Net Neutrality are coming from aging entertainment industry service providers who once thought they'd make an extra nickel by selling Internet access on their cable TV infrastructure and are now feeling the pangs of Jost Cable TV revenue as a new generation of consumers embraces a different entertainment distribution model. The "need" here is that the FCC man-up, spell it out that if you are a service provider that your job is to indiscriminantly provide service as a Title IT Common Carrier, and if distribution of entertainment is your business, then buy bandwidth like everyone else and expect to get exactly what you pay for. Separate the issue and get rid of that shill Wheeler who keeps muddying the waters and serving his dinosaur masters. - William D. Ezell, Dothan, AL

Net neutrality is required to support innovation, economic growth and job creation. -Jennifer Ver Hue!, Chicago, IL

Internet should be the same speed for all. -Doris Brautigan, Brooklyn, NY

No fast lanes on the Internet, no discrimination against online content. -Michel Beluet, Saint-Jean Richelieu,

ISPs should be as common carriers. This is very important! - Alex Paul, Coldwater, MI

The great thing about the internet is that it's an even playing field. Don't change that! -Casey Dickey, Arvada, CO

Net neutrality is important to me because the internet is how I go about my daily life. I spend my free time learning about what's going on in the world, watching videos and reading news articles, so how am I supposed to do that with a slow connection? I also have friends that spend some of their nights watching movies on Netflix with their families. How can they do that when they will have no way of streaming the movies they want to see because Netflix keeps booting them out, due to a slow connection? I worked and went to school full-time to better my life. How would I have gotten through school if I wasn't able to research in a timely manner for all of my papers that I needed to write for all of my classes; some of which required you to send via email because the school was trying to go paperless. Tom Wheeler, this is a form a discrimination, and one that the American people will not allow. -Derek Ninneman, Greenville, SC

I work full time, go to school full time, as well as having my home and family. The only way r can stay connected with what's going on in the world is through listening to podcasts while I'm at work. These aren't backed by large companies and I'm sure many, if not all of them, would not get the privelage of being in the proposed "fast lane". Please don't let big business buy their way into internet dominance. -Kris Green, Salt Lake City, UT

To limit the consumption of the internet would be a detriment to the human species. - Beauregard John Murphey, san diego, CA

This must not happen. We, the people, deserve free access to the internet, no matter who we are. Stop stacking the deck in favor of corporations. - Diane Sievers, Olympia, WA

Free Press The end of Net Neutrality will have a significant impact on economic development and the pace of innovation. Free and open access has leveled the playing field and allowed smaller players a distribution channel which has not only sped up distribution but adoption. In addition, the big three providers in the country have not shown to be good corporate citizens. Allowing the ISPs to determine what is fast tracked, at what cost, will almost assuredly both raise costs and diminish performance. ISPs already comprise a kind of monopoly in this country. Don't provide them the additional leeway to greater exploit customers. Throw out its rules and instead reclassify ISPs as common carriers. This is the ONLY way to protect real Net Neutrality. -Clyde Boyer, Ellicott City, MD

Dear Mr. Wheeler and FCC: It's critical that the Internet is not handed over to corporations who arc under no obligation or regulations to allow fair access to broadband for all. Creating fast lanes for the wealthy and slow lanes for the rest of us and start-up innovators and entrepreneurs would effectively destroy innovation and create bright lines between those who have access to information and those who cannot afford iL In no sense, in no world, in no way is this idea a good one. It's abominable. Please keep our Internet - a utility, a necessity - available to all for the good of the U.S. and the world. -Marcy Wagman, San Diego, CA

We must keep the internet free and open. Giving corporations power to pick Internet winners and losers hurts innovation and encourages malfeasance. Keep the internet free and open, reclassify it as a common carrier. - Philip Sansone, San Jose, CA

Are you planning on busting up Monopolies of cable companies? If net neutrality dies, Tune Warner could decide that the entirety of Manhattan (8 million people) are not allowed to watch ESPN. Time Warner is the only company that provides internet in Manhattan, and we are stuck with them. People do not have a choice on which internet provider they use. There would be no recourse to view the content that they want with these laws. - Renee Tessier Nunley, New York, NY

Please keep the net netrual -John Cornett, Clarksville, TN

The internet is perhaps the only place left in the world where the rich can't lord it over the poor. Don't change that. Money should not buy access online even though it does everywhere else. - Helen Townsend, Indianapolis, IN

The internet should be equally accessible to all. Period! N o differentiating between companies, individuals, or any organizations of any kind. - Dolores Owens, Taylor, AZ

Please keep Net Neutrality. It makes us equal. equal opportunity. - Mary K McKay, salida, CA

I want Neutrality. - Niraj Patel, Piscataway, NJ

Please do not allow Mr. Wheeler's plan to be approved. Internet providers should be classified as utilities just like phone and electric companies are. -Gene Jakominich Jr, Ludlow, VT because government caters to big business already. the little guys need an even playing field. - Jason bowling, Virginia Beach, VA

Free Press ------·- --···...... _ .. .

Chairman, the choice to consider this is cowardly. This undennines access, basic citizen's rights, and innovation. You were put in office by the president to represent the constituents and the people of this country. To assume that internet providers will self-manage and not abuse how they charge for preferential access is simply naive. Their record of accountability is abysmal, and this consideration by the FCC is insulting. We know what the people want: equal, fair access. We just went through this and the push back was unexpected by the government, revealing how ill considered this policy is. Why do you expect it to be different thjs time? The House and Senate have also demonstrated no understanding of the importance of not only access and how the internet works, but also the premiss from which it was built. You are in office to uphold fair communication policies. Please have the sincerity and courage to now oppose the very plan you've set forth. Please represent the citizens of this country. - John Crosby, Charlottesville, VA

It is imperitive that information (of all types) flows freely and without bias to the population at large to foster knowledge, learning, and growth without hinderance. Please do not sell out to special interest or select groups over the population at large. Even the chance of restricted flow or bias should not be tollerated, and could be very risky. And once lost regaining that free flow may be impossible. Stand for all of the people rather than select groups or business. Other countries seem to make this work (better than ours, actually). Please do not buy into corporate banter and excuses. - A Boss, Euclid, OH

Please pass net neutrality. Don't let monopolistic companies control the Internet. -Seth White, Minneapolis, MN

DO NOT create or support any bill that would allow Internet service providers like AT&T, Comcast and Verizon create a two-tiered Internet, with fast lanes for those who can afford the extra fees and a slow dirt road for the rest of us. These comparues would have the power to pick winners and losers online and discrimjnate against online content and applications. And no one would be able to do anything about it. -John Cygan, Wittmann, AZ

This is bad for buissines and bad for America. It is the peek of the slippery sloap to mimjc the behaviors of Russia, China and North Korea, among others. Please don't make the America my children will know into a country where they are little more then indentured servants to big business. - Jeanne Dansereau, Bronx, NY

1 believe that net neutrality should be preserved so that companies and lobbyists cannot pay to restrict or accelerate whatever information they choose. Companies do not always have the best interests of people in mind; many are prone to doing what is convenient at the expense of our best interests and in the name if profit. To allow them this advantage over the flow of our information would be the first step down a slippery slope of abuse and corruption. We don't need much more of that - Kaitlyn Nardozzi, Brighton, MA

Nobody should be allowed to discriminate between types of internet traffic. A llowing a for profit company to discriminate between traffic types will only lead restriction of speech. - Mihai Kulcsar, Columbia, SC

This is wrong either way you look at it. Even if one can "afford" to pay astronomical fees doesn't mean they should have to, nor should th ose of us who scrape to make it by be subjected to an inferior product if we can't. Money is money, regardless if it's $100,000 annually, or $30,000 annually. We all work hard for our money, and we should not be judged one way or the other. They already make a killing in this market; Greed is one of the 7 deadly sins people, remember that. -Santina Wood, Woodruff, SC

Throw out the rules and instead reclassify ISPs as common carriers. Trus is the ONLY way to protect real Net Neutrality. -Chloe Foster, Montgomery, AL

Free Press I will summarize what I about to say very simply ... The federal government will just fuck it up and should just keep net neutrality the way it is. You will not help, you will only slow down progress and growth. Besides tom wheeler is a former cable lobbyist and should not be allowed to make any decision as its a conflict of interest - Jonathan Lind, pine, CO

Bring back net neutrality. The internet has become part of our everyday lives. People make a living off the internet. Please allow those people to continue to make a living off the internet unhindered. - Rodney Gonzalez, Paterson, NJ

FCC throw out your rules and instead reclassify ISPs as common carriers, please, thank you! -Mr nicks, Beverly hills, CA

Net Neutrality is important to me because freedom is the right of all sentient beings -Cassandra Garnett, St Helens,

The internet is an equalizer, or it should be, when it comes to access to knowledge and information. We can't let it be controlled by functional monopolies. - Zoe Palmer, Evanston, IL

"Separate but equal" was found unconstitutional a long time ago. All traffic on the internet should move at the same speed. We need real net neutrality. -David Myron, East Lansing, Ml

Everyone in the Internet should be -Zachary J Horst, Allentown, PA

No one should own the "airways" of the internet and no monopolies should be able to control it for financial gain. Here's a sime fact In anticipation of this happening, Nedlix bought ac.cess through one if these corporations and passes the cost on to their customers. This setup creates a two tier user system where those who can, pay and can use the net to full advantage and those who can't lose full access. This is unfair and simply puts even more money into corporations, entities who already don't pay their share if taxes. This is also a first step to privatizing a utility. The term "Net Neutrality" is also very deceiving. There is nothing neutral about it. -Dora Taylor, Seattle, WA

Net Neutrality is an important freedom that needs to be preserved. Without it, companies could censor whatever they want to, which is a clear violation of freedom of speech. Not to mention small businesses and bloggers would bun from ending it. -Daniel Klein, clifton park, NY

The internet has worked astonishingly well for over twenty years now. It's been a powerful tool for enhancing democracy and economic empowerment for millions and millions worldwide. Don't screw it up by trashing net neutrality. Stephen Melkisethian Business Owner Bethesda. Maryland -Stephen Melkisethian, Bethesda, MD

Cable providers are simply put, utilities. Classify them as such. Tell the truth. -Aaron Bittikofer, Raleigh, NC

Net Neutrality allows the internet to grow and prosper. It allows for ideas to spread and everyone to be equal. - Thomas Smith IT, New York, NY

Free Press Please save net neutrality, an important part of modem freedom. Do not sell out to big corporate interests. Thank you for saving the internet! -Michael Hall, Redwood City, CA

I think ISPs should be reclassified as common information carriers and continue to operate under the guidelines of net neutrality. -John Day, Sacramento, CA

Throw out the rules and reclassify the ISPs as common carriers -Ronald Michael, denham springs, LA

Please preserve Net Neutrality! This is one of the few instances where gov't regulation is warranted. -Tim Myles, Portsmouth, NH

The gap between the wealthy and poor and the super wealthy and the middle class, has become a chasm. Please leave the net neutral! -Jennifer Brock Olson, Spokane, WA

Technology improvements and competition will make the internet FASTER FOR EVERYONE. Do NOT allow artificial LIMITS!!!! -Hugo Delgado, Palm Desert, CA

Keep the Internet a level playing field so the best ideas, services and products all have fair competition! -robert Trembly, Lineville, IA

It's clear that if some people (Google, Netflix, YouTube, etc.) pay extra for faster connections on the last mile, then the unspoken condition is that all else will be slowed down. And if you believe the ISP's aren't above artificially slowing down traffic in order to make bucks selling priority connections, I've got a nice bridge I think you'll be interested in . .. It's absolutely guaranteed that if these rules pass, traffic will generally slow down for the non-prioritized. You wanna watch a video on an off brand web site? Get used to the "Buffering ... " notice and prepare to wait endlessly to see the video clip. There' ll be all sorts of lame technical excuses why this happens from the ISP's, mainly "net congestion." And the admonishment that if the website would only pay their "troll toll," then the video would have enough bandwidth to play instantly. It's not the wonderful ISP's fault; it's the cheap web sites that won't pay their fair share to have their traffic prioritized. But of course the TSP's would not be actually blocking websites or anything like that and so it would all be nice and legal. Yeah, right. The content providers that paid the troll toll would have their content delivered zip, zip, zip. Magnificent And the ones that didn't? You remember what 56K modems were like? Everything was slow as molasses ... Well that's what non-payer's content will look like-ifthese rules pass. This is asinine. These rules clearly demonstrate the idiocy of having industry insiders regulating their own - the fox guarding the hen house. Basically it's like giving the keys to the kingdom to Comcast and Verizon and pals and saying, "Have at it. Do what you like. You've got carte blanche." This is the result. But how could it be otherwise? Chairman Wheeler was the head of the cable industry's biggest lobbying association. He was also head of the wireless industry's top lobbying group. His whole life is built on "what's good for cable and wireless." How on earth could anyone realistically believe he could dramatically switch to a pro-consumer standpoint and leave behind all the years and dollars of his life as an industry lobbyist? These rules clearly show where Wheeler is at. This is a man who knows which side his bread is buttered on! But sadly, what's good for Comcast and AT&T and Verizon and so on is most emphatically not good for consumers. In the final analysis, all these rules do is legalize and legitimize a new, very lucrative revenue stream for these humongous, rich and powerful corporations. All at the expense of consumers. And in doing so, they will break the internet. This is outrageous. Internet access isn't a frivolous luxury - not in 2014. It's a basic utility, just like water, electricity and sewer. The ISP's should be classified and regulated as corrunon carriers. That is the only answer that will suffice. -Michael Pellegrini, Tacoma, WA

The Internet works for innovation and corrunerce because of fairness. Don't give big business additional advantages over individuals, entrepreneurs, and small companies. I do as much business with small finns as with large, and I want good service from them and a level playing field for them to innovate and grow. -Richard Rubinstein, Arlington, MA

Free Press A two tier internet is not acceptable. ram a small business owner and we are the life blood of the economy in the USA. We the people do not agree with FCC Chainnan Tom Wheeler. As a matter of fact we did not vote him into office nor did we give him the authority to talce the action he is talcing. Our voices will be heard and we will not tolerate this inappropriate action. Please throw out the rules and reclassify ISP's as common carriers. -James Fierce, Palmdale, CA

Net neutrality means one tier. Not a paid fast lane. The chairman's responses to emails stating that he suppons is simply not true and he should embrace real net neutrality and quit the double speak. -Lisa Waugh, Mount Pleasant, NC

Because equal access to information regardless of the nature of the information should be available. -Cullen Wright, Ashland, OR stop this fucking shit you retards .. -Uday Bhatia, new delhi,

Given that telephone service itself is moving to the internet, it becomes more and more difficult to justify not bringing along the protections that apply to telephone service in general. -Rachel Silber, Melrose, MA

A free and open internet helps small business and start-ups companies. Giving more power to ISP's will not grow our economy. The ISP's will limit new and fresh innovation if it infringes on any part of the services they provide. Please reclassify ISPs as common carriers. The Internet's freedom it is greatest strength. - Joseph Q Carioti, Belleville, MI

The FCC's proposed Internet rules are undemocratic. Keep Net Neutrality. -Joe Thornton, Albany, NY

We are already so far behind most countries in providing wifi access. Please don't add additional costs for people who rely on the free information. This will set us back even further. -Patricia Daly OP, Montclair, NJ

Please keep our internet fair and just through net neutrality. -Stephen Rogers, San Rafael, CA

The internet should be free, and should not be controlled by for-profit corporations! -Daniel Hernandez, SLC, UT

A two tiered internet system is awful. Please do NOT change the internet, it is just fine as it is! Stop being greedy!!! --Owen White, London,

Free Press Favoring businesses over the common people is why the government is so corrupt. Do you really want to follow along these lines? We are nearing a point where the United States government will be overthrown by it's people due to it's blatant disregard for the concerns of the people. A tiered internet is one of those concerns that is pushing you toward a precipice. Don't favor the providers and the businesses over the people. The internet should be free (imposing a federal pricing cap on these monopolies would be helpful too. $65 a month for internet service? Unacceptable!) and discrimination against it's users will only cause you trouble in the long run. Also, discrimination between types of data is invasion of privacy. Filesharing should be considered as no different than any other type of data transfer. Copyrights are a thing of the past. They and the DMCA are a violation of the right of the people to equality. We are not equal if people in the entertainment industry are paid exhorbitant amounts of money for things they did years ago while the rest of us live paycheck to paycheck (do you get paid over an over for a job you did 10 20, 40 years ago? Then why should they? If it weren't for copyrights CDs and DVDs could be bought for a couple of dollars instead of $20, and movie tickets the same). Leave our internet alone! - John Peace, Lockpo~ NY

This is the common man's last open forum. Please do not allow consumer giants to determine what ''they" think I want. I can tell you it isn't. - Plistro Listro, Burbank, CA

Allowing cable providers to create 'fast lanes' will allow them to discriminate against sites. The IS P's have numerous subsidiaries. These new rules would allow them to discriminate against any competition that they may have. -Mike, Pleasantville, NY

Net Neutrality is important to me as a consumer. The large IS P's already have too much power and money with the worst customer satisfaction ratings over any other business. Business insider displayed a list of 18 of the worst companies in America and it's interesting that 4 of the top 5 worst companies are the major IS P's. Don't allow them to obtain even more power to stick it to the consumer even more. They're stealing enough of our money as it is. Allowing IS P's to target any kind of internet traffic and to restrict it to the customer or to increase the latency intentionally is beyond ridiculous. If we are going to have any kind of internet traffic fast lanes there is only 1 kind of traffic that should have an exception and that's VoIP traffic. Making phone calls (especially emergency) is the only kind of traffic who should have a high priority. Other than that no traffic of any kind should be limited or intentionally slowed down or limited to a customer who is paying top dollar for access. -Michael Caton, Richland, WA

Please don't destroy the only class we have left. - Kelly Karvelis, Wilton, CT

The internet belongs to ALL the people, equally. It was never intended to become a tool to be exploited by monied interests, polarizing segments of society. All commerce conducted on this public highway needs to have equal access and equal treatment. -Lori Jennings-Emery, Auburn, WA

The loss of net neutrality will be one more nail in the coffin of free speech. Please do not create one more giant single corporation controlling communication. - Ron Prohaska, Shoreline, WA

Net neutrality is vital to the continued use of the internet, which benefits HUMANITY, not just individual organizations. Do not ruin the internet by destroying net neutrality. -Scott Mann, Camby, IN

Access to free internet should be a right to all of us who choose it as it has become a means by which many of us exercise our rights to free speech.a right corporations might restrict if they gain control.The end of Net Neutrality would result in corporate control by the likes of Verizon with it's slow speed internet. Please continue Net NeutraUty. - Rob Keenan, Mukilteo, WA

Free Press I already pay companies to give me internet at a certain speed, they shouldn't control what speed i receive certain sites at All of the sites should load at the same speed. The cost for consumers is high enough, they don't need any more money. Net Neutrality is the most important thing to the 21st century and is essential for competition to grow as most new companies need to have a website and they should have the same speed as others no matter what. - Eduardo Hernandez Soto, Ocoee, FL

It's simple. Net neutrality equals internet equality. The Supreme Court has been chipping away at our equality in recent months. We don't need another government institution/agency standing AGAINST the people and in favor of corporations. -Elnora Williams, West Palm Beach, FL

My family uses the internet daily. We no longer use a phone landline and we haven't subscribed to cable tv for many years. Internet access must be re-classified and protected as a public utility just as the phone, water and electricity. Unlike cable tv subscriptions, the internet is a necessity. It is how we communicate and without protection, it is subject to greed and will be hijacked by self-interest The internet was for the public and should be a public utility. Without protection, there is no guarantee that it will remain publicly accessible and that is not in the best interest of the people (oxygen-breathing people that is ... not corporate entities). - Kandy Fabreo-Montelongo, San Carlos, CA

Without Net neutrality the cable companies will essentially destroy the economy of the Internet - It will go from one of the most innovative tools of humanity into a commercialized disaster. Innovation will come to a halt, will hold the consumer hostage. - Paul Joachim, Oviedo, F L

I dont think it is your job to pick winner and loses with the internet. What you need to do is reclassify ALL ISP'S as common carriers just like with our phone bills. No one should have special priviledges and that includes these big LEFTIST companies. lhis is just another way for you to curb free speech and that is protected by the US Constitution!! - Donna M Barr, OLD FIELDS, WV

Ladies and Gentlemen of the FCC, Fast-Jane favoritism or a two-tiered internet will destroy the primary importance of the internet: the dominance of choice, the will of ordinary people, the democracy of the internet You are the regulatory agency whose purpose is ensure that communication is fair, forthright and in the interest of the American people. Net neutrality is the cornerstone of that purpose in the electronic and information age, of this, the twenty-first, century. The internet is a primary mode of communication and commerce all over the globe. It is the democratizing force in the developing world and it is the lever of control most easily pulled in dictatorships. If you give that power over to be bought and sold by corporations then how, as Americans, can we claim to stand for freedom, democracy or justice. Profit is not freedom. markets hare is not democracy, ownership and favoritism (purchased or otherwise) is not justice. Ladies and Gentlemen of the FCC, you are a regulatory agency of the United States Government, not a clearing house for the sale of America's common good. Please, reconsider, please, know better than to trade away net neutrality for the modem day's thirty pieces of silver. I have faith in you, we all do, show us that our faith is not in vain. Thank you for your time and your consideration, - Marcus Mills, Minneapolis, MN

The internet is a necessity to live life in America. As a necessity like electricity and water, the internet should not be thought of as a "service" with "features" which deserve preference over others. The internet is a resource which every home has to have equally. Hence, the idea that some features get preferential treatment over others is antithetical to the idea that if you have a house, you have a pipe with water connected to it. The amount of water you use is controlled by the user. The information that the internet provides is the water. I choose what and how much I want, everyone HAS THE SAME SPEED. Please don't ruin the internet for Americans. Other countries in the western world are leaps and bounds ahead of the US in this regard. Not enforcing Net Neutrality will check yet another box where America lags behind the rest of the western world. -Sal Kulkarni, Newbury Park, CA

Free Press The internet, and indeed all information should be free of any of these kinds of restrictions or favoritism. Also, limiting or allowing the I.imitation of the dissemination of these datas and infonnation's will ultimately harm growing business in a world where everything is increasingly moving to the digital world. Many businesses save cost these days by simply not having a real world store front at all. It saves on start up costs. Allowing the demise of net neutrality harms business. And only favors the already established mega businesses such as amazon. In our economy anything that harms diversity, or denies others the CHANCE to compete is bad. The internet should be considered a universal utiUty. As essential to our modem way of living, and to out modem business practices as water. As streets. As food. As gas. As electricity itself. Protect bet neutrality from corporate control. From corporate money grabbing. Please reclassify the internet. - Jonathan Cranfill, Conroe, TX

Today the internet is a key component to a huge number of people's everyday lives. They rely on quick and honest information, provided in an equal environment where community groups and hard-working individuals have the same rights as large corporations. Uphold the principle of Net Neutrality, reclassify internet service providers as common carriers. -Chris Swithinbank, Cambridge, MA

Protect free speech. Reclassify ISPs as common carriers, which they should be. Do not allow the big lSPs to monopolize the Internet - J Brannon, Vilas, NC

Net Neutrality is important, because it protects freedom of speech, freedom of expression. the big companies don't like this all they want to do is have a monopoly and that never benefits anyone in the long run and short run. What's to stop big companies discriminating against the smaller business, new innovators or censor ideas because they don't agree with it. stop these companies from ruining the future of the net and the people who use it. enforce net neutrality. Don't allow them to break the constitution yet again. --Gavin Freeman, Luton,

Dear FCC, The internet revolution was not built on limited/managed bandwidth. It was built on (virtually} unlimited bandwidth with little or no traffic management. In order to continue growing the internet and all its as yet undiscovered possibilities below is a simple recipe that would encourage growth and stifle abuse: If a provider want to offer 2 (or more including VoIP) tiers of service then they should be reclassified as a title 2 common carrier. Full Stop. If a provider chooses to offer only a single tier with limited traffic management, they should remain "information services" providers with the lower level of regulation that brings. The FCC should work to make sure that any group of citizens, including city, county, or state, have the right to create what ever type of internet service provider they wish. Regards, Bruce -Bruce Gallemore, San Antonio, TX

The internet, like the United States, stands for freedom and liberty. If we let corporate interests dictate our browsing and surfing through bottlenecks and incentives, then the internet will lose it's feel as a medium of free expression. It will be just another molded and tailored product. - Marcone Cangussu, Austin, TX

The Internet meets the require!ments to be classified as a common carrier. It is a central part of our communication system and its use is required in order to fully participate in the economy. Since many telephone systems use the Internet through the use of VOIP, its direct use as a part of the telephone system is extensive and growing, and the same arguments for regulating the telephone system apply equally to the Internet. Instead of creating fast lanes or other ways to prioritize traffic, you should require the providers to provide enough bandwidth to accommodate all traffic. The FCC should also promote competition and improve coverage by encouraging local municipalities to establish their own Internet services when commercial ISPs fail to provide adequate access and capacity at reasonable prices. -Andrew F. Seila, Bogart, GA

Net neutrality is why I haven't organizing grassroots movements to overhaul the FCC yet. . -Mimi Wei, washington de, DC

Keep the Internet free. Why destroy the most successful enterprise in human history with financial corruption? -Christopher Scerbo, New Castle, DE

Free Press I firmly believe that to allow broadband companies to allow privileged speed and access at a cost will severely harm the US potentially for growth in all start ups, small businesses and entrepreneurship. Keep the internet free and open as a resource for all in our country to use as an invaluable tool for businesses, research and development - Jeffrey Wassenaar, Malta, NY

Net Neutrality is a modem-day component of freedom. It must be preserved for everyone. - David McGiffert, Northbrook. IL

This would be an incredibly disappointing policy that would furthers belief that money and incumbent interests are systematically destroying what's left of our democracy. -Ned homeffer, New york, NY

Let's set the correct precedent for a newly connected world and let all ideas be shared for the better of everyone. We will destroy ourselves if we don't get away from the greed. -Tim Maupin, Chicago, IL

When will you people realize this won't work? Sure you can pass it, but when enough of us unite we'll just rid of it Whenever the people become restless they overthrow leadership and right now the leadership rests with the corporations who fund political campaigns. Should we get angry you will not have any money, because we will take it all and use it for our benefit. -Olivia, Waldorf, MD

It never ceases to amaze me how one party's mantra is "big goverenment" yet they continuously decide to increase the amount the government interferes in citizen lives in order to help "big business." The government should leave the internet alone and actually start regulating service providers to force them to start providing good services or allow more competition into the market place so that customers can get the quality of service they pay for. - J Graser, Naples, FL

Network neutrality is important to me because I feel that cellular, cable, or phone internet connection should treat all websites and services the same. Big companies like AT&T, Verizon, and Comcast want to treat them differently so they can charge me/us more depending on what we use. They make enough profit on the services !hey already cover. Leave !his affordable for the rest of us, please. - Mayo Underwood, mokena, IL

We need the freedom of information -Mark Banks, Rhome, TX

Access to infonnation must remain accessible to all! -Amy Ramsey, austin, TX

Critical to innovation and economic growth is maintaining a level playing field for entrepreneurs. The Renaissance, the Industrial Revolution, Western Expansion in the US, and the recent economic expansionsin China and India all came about when people were granted the freedom to in novate new products and services and access to new markets in order to sell them. The Internet is such a playing field. The FCC's current plan would severely change the rules, favoring the large entrenched interests over the little guys, the ones that will ultimately usher in growth and improvement. AT&T, Verizon, and the other monopolies don't want to see innovation, it will only threaten them, as Netflix is doing. Hence, they will use the new rules to stifle any new entrant to the market. The internet was built by the US, and it operates due to the investment of all of us -- the argument that these companies should be able to charge more because they are operating the internet is ludicrous. It is time we instituted fair rules, that guarantees every internet entity will be treated equally. Please do the right thing and pull the current proposal off the table, and instead think about the needs of the many, rather than those of the few (lobbyists). Thank you. - John Cleave, Evanston, IL

Free Press 1 do not subscribe to cable television for one very simple reason: It's is censored. The content and information presented on TV is controlled by the money-grubbing corporations that demand huge payments for content delivery. That is not democracy. That is payola. Now you want to extend that same model to the Internet, the last true bastion of free speech and infonnation sharing in our society? What a travesty. This is absolute proof that our government no longer protects its citizens. Or let me correct that: It longer protects its human, "non-corporate" citizens. I have never been more disappointed in my government. This is my tipping point. - Mr. Tom Engelhardt, Buffalo, NY

If a two tier net neutrality is allowed to happen, I honestly feel that the large providers have almost NO REASON to develop the network the internet runs on for the lower tier. The second tier (which will be us, the consumers and small businesses) will languish on old technology and significantly slower speeds while giant corporations will reap the benefits. I believe the system will essentially be financed with 75% of the profits coming from the huge volume of second tier while the "fast lane" will get upgraded the most frequently. I don't honestly think the second tier will see speed/connectivity increases anywhere near as frequently as the "fast lane" tier, yet the second tier will most likely generate the most expendable income for the providers! The way it would work would be like 10,000 companies across america paying $250,000 a year for their entire company to have access to a fast lane generating $2.5 billion. If 86,000,000 American households pay an average of $30 a month for internet, that is $2.8 billion alone. Add in millions of small businesses and that increases the second tier contribution a great deal more. Even being generous, if the contributions were 50/50, the implementation of new technology and speeds will most assuredly NOT be 50150, probably closer to 80/20. Real-life example: My friend who works in Kansas City gets 50Mbps in his office, up from 35Mbps two years ago. Where I live the DSL maximum speeds went from ?Mbps to lOMbps in 10 YEARS and I literally live one block from the Central Office, there is no technical reason I should not have at LEAST 20Mbps since I can throw a stone and hit a fiber optic backbone. This is the frustrating reality I live with now and I finnly believe that it will get exponentially worse if a two-tier system is implemented! - David Baker, Nortonville, KS

The internet is a vast resource of knowledge and resources that should be readily available to all. Please reconsider these harmful changes and keep our internet free and open! -Casey Jones, Sumner, GA

Allowing ISPs to control content is essentially censorship. How the FCC can approve this direction is dismaying. Please re-think your previous decision and reclassify ISPs as common carriers. - Janet L Shallbetter, Brooklyn Park, MN

Do not allow private corporations to own more than the people. Net Neutrality is needed to keep us "little" folk on a fair playing field when it comes to information gathering. If the FCC kills Net Neutrality it will continue the pattern of taking away rights of the people in same manner as the Supreme Court. We the people made the country not a few corporations. - Jeanette Beck-Harrell, Brooklyn, NY

The Internet is how many of us make a living. We do not need our bands tied or the speed of doing business in the slow lane. -Steve Core, DENVER, CO

A free and open internet is more important than political gain or money in the bank. Reclassify ISPs as a common carrier. You know it is the right thing to do for all of us. Thank you. - Michelle Murphy, Hanover, PA

This plan is an attack on the basic American right of equality. Far too many times has the Government chosen big business (or big money rather) over the rights of the people. There is no valid reason why the Government or the ISP 's should be able to decide who is worthy of fast internet and who is not. This flies against the morales and decency of a country that used to be worth defending. It will stifle small businesses and young creatorsfmventors/entrepeneur s from reaching their full potential This is just a nail in the coffin of the American Dream. 1 am really ashamed that this is even being considered and ask that a "reality" check is done. Once the egos and greed have been taken out of the picture, it should be easy to see that all people with internet access should be treated equally regardless of their financial status. - Sarah Thomsen, Madison, AL

Free Press I feel that the Internet isn't broken, so therefore doesn't need to be fixed. If the communication companies think they are entitled to making laws then they are wrong. The infrastructure is fine and they shouldn't be able to charge anyone more than anyone else due to any amount of traffic. This would be detrimental to smaller start ups and would cut down on accessibility to those who need it most If the FCC goes through with this Gustapo bullshit then it should be met with fierce resistance. - Tom wheelers shadow, Winchester, MA

F.qual and unrestricted/unlimited access to the internet is imperative in today's society!!! - Jamie Chase, Massena, NY

Because equal access to information for all is important. Other countries around the world pay far less for much faster internet access. We need more competition, not giant cable/internet providers forcing companies to pay more for fac;ter speeds. They should be upgrading their systems to deal with increased demand. If they don't want to that's fine, others will. No one should be able to prioritize how fast something gets to someone who pays for it. If they don't like how Netflix uses its networks then maybe they should get out of the business of providing internet service. Innovation is the one power the USA still has that can help us stay on top ac; one of the world's powerful countries. If the internet is split we will loose that edge and be much more like China where people can see things and people can't In an economy where wages have been stagnant for years, yet costs have risen, its ludicrous that you would even contemplate allowing cable/internet providers to raise costs even more. You arc supposed to be protecting consumers from corporations and instead you agree with their side. Your true colors are showing and your innate biased (as having former lobbyist serve one panel) should automatically disqualify you from making any of these decisions. -Amanda Rose, winter park, FL

Please stop sanding up for greedy corporations (who are NOT people by the way, despite what the corrupt SCOTUS may say) and stand up for the American People - All Of Them! The Internet should always be free from the undue influence of commercial interests. A free and open Internet benefits All The People, not just the richest or most politically influential (which generally ends up defined as "the richest"). Reclassify ISPs as common carriers and throw out the Wheeler Plan. It is your duty as a representative of the American People. - Mr. Joseph Moore, Van Nuys, CA

Please reclassify ISPs as common carriers. -Rob Goelz, Herndon, VA

If this nation is a true democracy, people should have access to open communication. Net Neutrality is critical for open discussion and access to infonnation in order to maintain our democratic system of checks and balances. -Dr. Joseph Garcia, Bellingahm, WA

FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler still thinks a two-tiered the Protect free speech online by reclassifying Internet service providers as common carriers. As an active internet entrepreneur, I need the same level playing field as companies with deep pockets. A two-tiered internet goes against free speech and would allow discrimination online, creating a fast lane for companies that can afford the steep tolls and pushing the rest of us to a slower tier of service. This is the worst thing imaginable for the Internet -Mary Ann Sircely, Eastsound, WA

We the people need the only last real place to get non corporate made up Anti-American propaganda. This is crucial infonnation that ALL AMERICANS HA VE A RIGHT TO HAVE. NOT CORPORATIONS USING THE PEOPLES AIRWAVES TO SPREADING MISINFORMATION AND LIES TO MAKE A BUCKORHAVETOTALCONTROLOVER THE COUNTRY. This Plan of yours CANNOT go Forward! - Ron Ardia, Littleton, CO

Please don't take away net neutrality! It's important for everyone to have equal access and to not discriminate against certain types of use. Let's demonstrate democracy in action fol.ks! -Kim Therrien, So Royalton, VT

Free Press The internet is the one medium where a new entrepreneur can build a business without worrying that another enterprise with greater wherewithal will knock them off the road, so to speak. Currently, as Jong as someone pays a reasonable fee they can tailer their bandwidth to the needs of the business. Fees are now set by competition. Dividing bandwidth in to any configuration where a private corporation of any sort controls bandwidth exclusively will lead to further divisions thereby choking the average person from the benefit or funnel a person away from the competition of the agency controlling access. As such, any current business that uses the internet to stream content should not be controlled by another for the purpose of impairing competition. Although the modern internet is now primarily funded by private industry, the basic infrastrucrure was funded by tax payers. Consequently, no one organization should be able to increase costs for access to its customer base from outside competition - those who are allowed access to the internet via a privately funded access line - as long as the organization uses any part of the tax payer funded strucrure. I vote no to the current government plan to tier internet use and access. -Roger Soldano, Midland, MI

Sounds like extortion to me. Corporations do not own the internet What's next. .. censorship? - Jeff Stahler, Fredericksburg, VA

The United States has seen unfathomable growth over the past decade and a half due to our advancements in internet based technologies. Allowing ISPs the ability to throttle access to the internet is a step in the wrong direction and will surely stifle entrepreneurial opportunity. Please reclassify ISPs as common carriers. Thank you for your time. -Francis Carbone, Austin, TX

Reclassify ISP's as common carriers. Multi-national companies have hindered progress and innovation in the US enough already and should not be allowed LO slow down the internet. -Leslie Reed, Tampa, FL

Net neutrality is important as freedom of speech. All people have the right to have infonnation shared equally without government or corporate control. Even if only one small change is made the principle of net neutrality is lost. In much the same way if we declared freedom of speech but excluded or ability to criticize the government Anyone who does not support fulJ net neutrality is not an American. If the constitution were written today there is no doubt in my mind that net neutrality would be included in the bill of rights. Any attempt to corrupt net neutrality, the founding principle for which the internet was created, should be met with the same ferocity as a vote to nullify the bill of rights. Net neutrality will be maintained without a doubt. The generation that was born of the internet will not be held captive by the unwitting generation before it Regardless what you try to do today, we will be undo it tomorrow. You can not take away our internet equality much like you can not take away souls or our freedom. Expect us. -Kyle Brown, Jacksonville, NC

1 don't need to explain this .... are you out of your mind save the net! -Malakai Riker, Toronto,

Please return the internet to it's intended state and reclassify ISP's as common carriers. Don't bow down to the money. -Kelly Denison Denison-Cole, Brooklyn, NY

Please reclassify the internet to preserve net neutrality. -Karl t, Dublin, CA

Reclassify ISPs as common carriers, a two tier discriminatory system ONLY benefits the corporate providers, hinders market competitiveness, particularly for small start ups. Hinders education for our youth and hinders democracy and free speech in general. The internet is not a luxury at this point in our history for most ordinary people, it's a necessity for everyday activities that enables society to function, and more akin to a utility than a commodity. Your proposal promotes the monopolization of what should be a public resource contrary to anti-IJ'Ust principles and radically fails to serve all the American people and debilitates our national capability to succeed in an ever globalized world which is not only wrong, IT IS SHAMEFUL! Serve the intcr~t of ALL THE PEOPLE!!! - Terry Taylor, New York, NY

Free Press STOP IBE GREED AND AVARICE -Jen Waldon, Nottingham, MD

Keep the internet NEUTRAL, there is NO ne.ed to create a 'fast lane' internet for only those who can afford it, this is just another form of discrimination and widens the gap between 'classes' in the United States. - Melissa, Idaho Falls, ID

Two-tier Internet access is like any form of discrimination. There will be people who can afford it and the rest. Please don't create another yet another injustice in the society, we have so many of them to dissemble. - Malicia Dabrowicz, St julians,

The Internet provides an incredibly equitable, democratic platform for expression and education. By prioritizing the service of some over others, the FCC will undermine fre.edom of expression and speech by telling citizens that their voices and their thoughts are unimportant -­ unless they can afford to pay for the "hyperspeed lane." - Aidan Diamond, Delmar, NY

Come on Wheeler, make the right choice here. See to it that internet service providers get reclassified as Title II common carriers. - Logan McClellan, Spring, TX

Big Brother censored books in Orwell's 1984. The FCC allowing ISPs to censor the net is no different. -Brandon S., Folsom, PA

It's time to end this debate and classify broadband service providers as Common Carriers. - WilliamJames, Wauwatosa, WI

Seriously -- don't do this. -Gary Dowell, Dallas, TX

The Internet is the last bastion of a true free market. I know from personal experience: It has allowed me to leverage my skills, creativity, and work ethic into a career that has circumvented middle men and bureaucratic bottlenecks. I implore you to jettison the discriminatory proposed rules and reclassify JSP's as conunon carriers. I am counting on you , and monitoring you, to do the right thing. - Lionel Cartwright, Nashville, TN

The US will fall even further behind other countries in technology, education, innovation and the arts if the highest speed internet service is no longer freely available to its population. The US already pays more for inferior internet service compared to other countries; a non-neutral internet would cripple its population while only benefitting a very few large corporations. -Charles Gibson, Santa Monica, CA

The Internet has so much potential and I belive that Net Neutrality under Title II of the Telecommunications act is something that will help it. - Emerson, Cambridge, MA

The internet must remain independent of America's capatilism. We ne.ed the Internet to be available for learning, as well as entertainment. It is the future of everything we know, and connect t Please do not reserve the internet for business's, and the wealthy; it simply would not be fair, or justified. -Brandon Fields, Waterford, Ml

Free Press The proposed FCC rules take us back to the days of businesses having faster intemet service and homes having dial-up modems, but in this case people who can't afford the extra fees for "provider approved" faster services will be the ones losing ouL Other countries in the world can provide fast and cheap intemet service, but our service is mired in politics and provider greed. All we hear from the government is "equality", but when you start offerin g an expensive, two tiered internet, you are removing the great equalizer - information. If a student needs to watch online video for school, but his ISP throttles it, how does that affect his education? Net Neutrality is the real equalizer. -Stacy Emberson, Allen, TX

The LAST thing this country needs is for anyone, including the network providers, the media creators or the government to be controlling the infonnation to which we have access. All of us deserve free access to all available information, regardless of whether someone else thinks it is appropriate or valuable. -Rucker Keister. Lynchburg, VA

Please reclassify ISPs as corrunon carriers. l rely on the intemet for phone and alann system. It does not make sense to me that this is even a discussion. ISPs should have been reclassified a long time ago. -Scott Fisher, Hudson, OH

The intemet has always been something everybody could enjoy without too many limitations. We don't have much of that -Mo, Abu Dhabi,

Reclassify the ISPS. Period. Problem solved. PLEASE PROTECT NET NEUTRALITY ! -Carol Cross, Redwood City, CA

Net neuttality is important for small business, as we all know the beleagered kingpin of our economy. Buying fast track internet service can be the blow to a small or start up company. Don't do this two tiered system, you will also be fanning the flames of the haves vrs have-not vitripude that sadly marks our political discourse these days. We need more unity, not more tearing apart in this country right now. -Marty Mericka, los angeles, CA

Please allow net neutrality remain. Otherwise it will discriminate between those who have money and can afford faster intemet and those who who can't. Please think of the greater good in this case! Thank you! -Miriam Broderick, Payson, UT

Reclassify ISPs as Common Carriers I call on the FCC to act in the Public interest for a change, and as it is chartered to do, and reclassify ISPs as common carriers. Corporations have demonstrated no capacity to act as good citizens, to show fairness or to check their greed in the conduct of their business practices. They can not be trusted to act for the common good and, if empowered further by the destruction of "Net Neutrality", would have the capacity to further destroy the market place of thought and information as it serves their profits, empowerment and exploitation of the people of the United States. The honest act on your part; the honest and straight dealing on behalf of "We the People" by the FCC regarding a level playing field for the use of the internet is for the FCC to discard it current rule and reclassify ISPs as corrunon carriers. - Dale Lehman, Chicago, IL

Because we all pay for the service and why slow it down for people who cannot afford a much bigger plan. Internet is supposed to be free. The companies can upgrade their systems with the profits they have earned if the bandwidth becomes an issue. They just don't want to because they want to maximize their profits. By Limiting speed for different subscribers, its just another way for them to make a quick buck without actually providing any more service. They will actually take away from our experience. - Tony Paygane, Los Angeles, CA

We need equality, not another ill informed government sponsored rule enabling the service provider monopoly to charge yet more for basic services. Stop putting money ahead of community - Patrick Mitchell, Davidson, NC

Free Press For keeping our educational system, our entrepreneurship, and our free right to information open and safe I demand that net Neutrality be upheld. -Omar Roland Ott, Lynchburg, VA

Tue Internet should be treated as a public utility, not sold to the highest bidder. -Emlen Evans, Montpelier, VT

The Internet belongs to the World ... not the 1% or2% or 10%. -Thomas McGaffey, SaddleBrooke, AZ

Please truly consider the desires of regular people before making a decision about net neutrality. Even though it might be good for businesses to allow for faster internet for some, it would be detrimental for the general public. Isn't that what the internet is truly for? People, who are definitely not corporations. Please do what's right for people and not corporations and keep the net neutral. Thanks. -Dee smith, Van Nuys, CA

Dear FCC- This is a horrendous idea. I can barely afford my internet and it is not the fa~test or greatest. I just finished college with a bachelors in Criminal Justice and a Minor in History and the job market is terrible. The internet is my main source of not just entertainment but for applying for jobs and doing research. If you go along with your plan, than it was just make my life much more difficult because connection would be slowed to the point that it may be almost impossible to upload my resume for a job, and without a job I could not pay for the second tier of internet use. It would just be an endless cycle. And it would be your fault Mr. Wheeler. - Kaitlyn Hunncficld, brockton, MA

We need net neutrality for the future of our youth. The small start up company could never compete with giants paying for a fast lane, do your damn job correctly and fire Tom Wheeler. -Jackson Vu, Bronx, NY

This is about keeping the Internet open for innovation and democracy. We already have the closed architecture of cable television. Comcast and co should deliver connectivity and let us choose content for ourselves on a level playing field. - Philip Evans, Hingham, MA

This is a unique tool in human history do not destroy it. I know it frightens you but I'm sure your ancestors were frightened too as the fought the way west. Do not show their descendants to be cowards. - Pete Benson, aylesbury,

Approximately 2 whole decades of work and nourishment from my generation will be wasted if you ignore net neutrality. Why is your generation, who knows so little about the internet, trying to put restrictions on it? The open internet allows free expression, amazing learning tools, and communication more convenient and easy than ever thought by previous generations. The end of net neutrality would essentially be the commencement of a new period of a dark age. Allowing big companies WHO DON'T EVEN COMPETE WIIB EACH OlHER to buy their way into the fastlane is positively ludricous, and if you allow it, then it will be hard evidence that humans, or at least everyone at FCC, has actually started to reverse the process of evolution. You will look like nothing more than apes. - Tristan Oakunsheyld, penticton,

The little guy deserves just as good in internet service and the big rich corporations. ISP providers are common carriers just like the telephone companies. -John Gailey, South Jordan, UT

The internet is the greatest, most powerful single invention of our time. It should be open, freely accessible and not subjected to corporate manipulation. -Mr. Tyler Collier, Norcross, GA

Free Press Please do not end Net Neutrality. Please do not tum the internet into a exclusivity-net -- the world wide web should open to all. -Carla J Cruit, Parsons, TN net neutrality is a MUST to preserve equal access to the internet The internet CANNOT be controlled by Comcast, Verizon, A TT -Alan Stein, bellingham, WA

I believe it is vital to keep information freely available to everyone who needs it. If we distinguish the haves vs the have nots in this area we will limit the ability for people to work hard and achieve the American dream. Limiting access will also greatly impact politics as politics become more social media driven access is crucial to ensure balanced representation. -Mary Roane, Stoughton, MA

Internet Neutrality is a must to keep. I oppose Internet Service Providers like AT&T, Comcast, etc to create two-tiered Internet. -Mr. Diogenes Grassal, New York, NY

Leave the internet ALONE! Leave the internet ALONE! Leave the internet ALONE! We DO NOT NEED coiporate OVERLORDS!!! -Jack Lawrence, N a~hville, TN

No individual or company should be able to pay for "prioritized transmission," nor should service providers be allowed to slow traffic or block access. Broadband customers should be free to use their own private networks, while the providers themselves should provide regular transparency repons about broadband access. -Pierre Labat, Campbell, CA

The internet is as American as America It needs to be set free. I do not want some 3rd party deciding what content is fast or slow. -Mr. Michael Steward, Covington, KY

The internet, like our government should be for the PEOPLE!! -Kathleen Lovell, Auburn, NY

Please, please, please, please PLEASE DO IBE RIGHT IBING. Let the human race continue to evolve from as equal a playing field as possible. Of course coiporations want to buy the opportunity to be "more equal than others." That doesn't mean we should let them. And it doesn't mean anyone but them will benefit from it. Keep the net neutral. Don't rationalize what they want. Do the right thing. Please. Imagine what the world could be if we don't continue to concentrate the power in the hands of the few. A few that will never have our best interests at heart. PLEASE DO IBE RJGHTIBJNG. -Serena Howlett, Concord, CA

Dear FCC, There are enough ways in which the world has disparities between the rich and the poor, don't make access to information via the internet another way this occurs. Be decent and think about what is morally right. Keep the internet neutral. -Kathryn Schwarz, Oakland, CA

Net neutrality is important to me because, the restricted access can limit the open nature of the internet. When Net Neutrality is not in place, the internet service providers become the gate keepers of access to it. They are able to control the destiny of companies by allowing or restricting the customers access. - Matthew Briggs, Seattle, WA

Free Press Internet is a shared asset, I mean shared amongst all "humans' of the planet, it is our means of communication in this digital age. It must not be owned & controlled by any corporation, we need rules & laws to protect net neutrality. Who would accept that a corporation controls what he's saying loud (voice)? No one. so the same should be for Internet communications in all forms ! -Pierre Longpre, Montreal,

Net neutrality must be enforced. Service providers shall not be allowed to censor content as they please. This would destroy the internet as we know it. Anyone who would allow this must be forcefully removed from their positions at the FCC. -Andrew, Canby, OR

Equal opportunity to the net's resources with ISPs as common carriers---the internet as a utility---is the only way to check the undue power of a handful of huge corporate interests. -Michael Sugg, Portland, OR

Even playing field for all! -Joshua Zucker, New York, NY

Shame on you for even trying. - Mrs. Marla Munson, Marysville, WA

Why are you trying to fix something that is not broken? The people of this country are not asking you to make changes to the internet and we don't need another politician siding with businesses. Have you all forgotten that you are suppose to work for the people and not for businesses? Is there anyone left in government that is actually looking out for the citizens? I just don't understand. This is supposed to be a free country with the right to free speech... so why are you messing with thaL If you make this change then we are going to have to see you in supreme cou"' why go through that messing with something that is not broken. We don't need the country to continue to be divided by class... we may as well add a caste system since we are working so very hard to have class system of the have and have nots. FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler still thinks a two-tiered Internet is the way to go. His misguided proposal would create a fast lane for companies that can afford the steep tolls - and push the rest of us to a slower tier of service. This is the worst thing imaginable for the Internet And yet Wheeler thinks he can ignore the growing outcry and implement his plan. He needs to know that this won't fly. The only way - and we mean the only way - to protect free speech online is to reclassify Internet service providers as common carriers. Save the Internet Tell Chairman Wheeler to Reclassify. And it's not just Free Press calling for reclassification. Hundreds of organizations - and millions of people nationwide- have banded together in support of real Net Neutrality. Now it's your rum. -Jennifer Woodard, Detroit, MI

Please reclassify ISP's as common carriers. -Angel Sullivan, Dunedin, FL

Don't let the corporations run the internet like they run everything else! Please keep our internet neutral for all to use. Thank you. - Blake Dimick, Murray, UT

Net Neutrality is important because corporate agendas are not my agendas. I deal with manipulated media all day Jong but the internet has a chance of being that one source of infonnation and expression of ideas minus the special considerations for entities that can afford them. --Clayton Poner, Santa Fe, NM

Free Press The internet is one of the greatest inventions ever, adding immeasurably to the scope and quality of life on earth. If small sections of people are allowed to direct it, it will be strangled. The growth of mankind itself could be stunted, distorted, false! The public, the private, the government all need this phenomenal tool to remain whole, and untainted with overwhelming personal biases. It is beyond important to keep the internet undiminished, now, just when the world stands to gain the cures, the easing of burdens, the cessation of struggles. This is a turning point and can be the making or the breaking of us all. Thank you for considering how important your role is in the outcome, and what it means to your human family. -Randy S. Command, Kalamazoo, MI

I urge the FCC to reclassify Internet Service Providers as common carriers. Keep the internet open and neutral! -David Paz, Lincoln, NE

Net Neutrality is valuable everywhere in the world, losing it in any place wiJJ hann foreign users and I won't allow that Free internet is the way things shall go. - Marisa Carlos Martinet, Sant cugat del Valles, CA

I'd LOVE to tell you how I feel, but my internet is choked. Something about my bandwidth being held hostage.. . - John McCarthy, Holbrook, NY

Throw out your rules and reclassify ISPs as common carriers! I will never support you if you do not support real net neutrality! - John Post, Birmingham, AL

The internet has thrived with net neutrality. It will be turned into a private thing if ISP's are allowed to discriminate, and blackmail content providers into paying up. -William D. Sturtz, Boulder, CO

A "Consolidated" internet., imao, is like burning books.... .for the peoples good, buuuuuL.not really! We aren't totally stupid! - Lorraine, see above, MD

I am not one who signs every petition that makes it's way into my inbox - but this I think is extremely important Net Neutrality affects people from all demographics and as a female filmmaker I am completely aware of how much the internet has benefited artists not represented in the mainstream culture. Creating a fast track is essentially akin to asking pedestrians to pay a toll in order to walk on city streets. What was once a society that allowed for free expression and had at least a modicum of egalitarianism with online platforms will disappear. The internet., of course, means a lot of idiots expressing themselves but it also allows for people without a voice to have one. Please don't block yet another route for reaching an audience without the almighty dollar. -Jennifer Dean, New York, NY

From a very young age I always used to love making things. Well now my job is to make things. For the internet With all these ideas of "Slowing down some" and "Speeding some up (Who pay more of course)" Me, and just about everyone else who's job is internet related will some day be hurt by this. Please, don't let this happen. - Justin Goetz, Pittsburgh, PA

Somethings in this world ought to be free and neutral, by which I mean large companies should not be able to pay for the ability to get faster broadband service from ISP's than little startups who won't be able to get a big following because they can't afford it It's not even a maner of fairness but of historical precedent Google and Amazon wouldn't exist if the rules favored big companies. Out internet history would be very different if competition was stifled by bigger richer companies. So don't let ISP's make more profit by stifling innovators and making the country that invented the internet become a second or third class internet power as compared to Europe, China or even small countries as South Korea or Finland. The thirst for profit has already made us one the slowest bandwidth countries in the world thanks to silly competition and shareholder thirst for profit - Patrick Danser, Martinez, GA

Free Press Ending net neutrality would fundamentally change the nan.ire of the internet for the worst We cannot give service providers legal justification to strong ann companies. Just because the capability exists for a service provider to do something like this. doesn't mean we should allow them to do it. -Jason Cohen, Washington, DC

You change the internet you change the world. We try and use different regions, but it doesn't work, not really. The internet traverses borders and it's beautiful and brilliant. That's why I'm writing from here in Ireland in complete concern. I'm concerned because the internet has allowed me to find people that would have been impossible otherwise. The internet has given me clientele I doubt I would have found. The internet allows me to dream Big and reach Further. The internet is a huge step for Mankind. Huge. To tum around and filter it, to block it, break it down would be a folly, and I believe, eventually, we'd all drift away - no one wants to be fed and filtered, not when we've had this freedom already Please reclassify ISPs as common carriers -Sarah Crossan, Dublin,

Reclassify ISPs as common carriers. This is the ONLY way to protect real Net Neutrality. We don't want a a two-tiered Internet. All online content and applications should have the same chance to reach people. -Frances Hill, Montreal,

A throttled, two-tiered system for internet access hurts small American businesses, hurts the marginalized communities we as a nation are responsible for protecting, and hurts free access to information. Net Neutrality in the US shows the world exactly how strong we are when we provide education, communication, and opportunity through technology. Please classify ISPs as common carriers; the world depends on YOUR example! -Lauren Goodnight, Columbia, SC

Put the interests of US Citiz.ens first Reclassify Internet Service Providers as common carriers to protect the open internet as an information superhighway for ALL. - Brian M Gallagher, Riverview, FL

The commercialization of everything is destroying the deepest values of the country. F.qually open access to everything on Internet is central to a morally healthy world. Please don't let the rich force the poorer of our world to not have access to the ears (and even pockets) of those they wish to communicate with. The value of Internet is that you can choose who you want to listen to (and if you're wise, you listen to many different voices). A monotone from the monopolies is the death of free speech. I read that reclassifying ISPs as common carriers would stop the possibility of the big Internet service providers of creating a tiered Internet in terms of access speed. If so, please do this. Sue Toledo -Sue Toledo, Saint Louis, MO the world belongs to its people, not to corporations -Ms. Belinda Cunnison, edinburgh,

Don't take away my basic right of freedom of speach. - James Hugh Fitzpatrick, E Stroudsburg, PA

It would be to the detriment of the grass roots people to lose their current access to the internet All Americans cannot afford even the lowest fee for internet accessibility. Keep it as for the poorest of Americans. -Shahid Raki, Dayton, OH

Free Pre.~s I think the proper solution is real competition in each region. But the big tclcos have long ago managed to convince congress to rig that game in their favor. The fact that I have no real choice for broadband in my area except Time-Warner is UN-AMERICAN. Given this, if the choice is between the FCC's proposed internet rules of a two-tiered or multi-tiered internet, and reclassifying ISPs as common carriers, I reluctantly think that we should reclassify ISPs as common carriers. The multi-tiered internet sounds disastrous for new start-ups. It is all very complicated, so we must rely to some extent on trust, and it seems rather naive if not stupid to trust the head of the FCC when his background is representing broadband providers and telcos. Here is my vote to reclassify ISPs as common carriers, and against a multi-tiered internet -John M Walters, San Diego, CA

Net neutrality is an essential freedom for Americans. I don't even know why this is a question. Are companies that damned important in this country? If they are, I'm moving to Canada for true freedom. -Jonathan Schraffenberger, Ramsey, IN

We need a common carrier standard for Internet telecommunications as we need it for telephony and transportation - Dr. Patrick Burkart, Bryan, TX

Please do NOT create a two tiered system for the internet Instead, please reclassify telecommunication companies as telecom services. - Mathieu Martin, Reynoldsburg, OH

We don't need politics or big business toying with our Internet communications. -Virginia McDonnell, Succasunna, NJ

Please do not allow big corporations to run our free internet, please do not approve these rules, believe in the people of this great country insure our rights. -Patrick Walters, Roxboro, NC

For once, will you please do what you were elected to do, and represent the good of the people? Not the good of the privileged corporate elite! Please support net neutrality!! -Christine Love, Olympia, WA

Imagine the fast lane would push the students out of lane due to their inability to pay for it when they are paying their education plus burden with increase education debts ... isn't it enough already. Please gain some common sense... -Shannon Callahan, San Diego, CA

you gotsta let me keeps my i n ternet~ "free" -F.dward Arthur Gray, Iowa City, IA

FCC: I've already sent in several well-worded arguments and so have millions of others. Your unwillingness to listen and your willingness to make a blatantly unjust act so that you can get more money disgust me. So all I have are two words for you: Fuck you. - Tommy Ory, Tulsa, OK

I demand REAL Net neutrality! Reclassify the internet under title two. I will not accept nothing less than real net nuetrality. We will not stop fighting to preserve a free internet. -Michal Hipner, Mount Prospect, IL

Free Press Access to the internet needs to be available to everyone, regardless of ability to pay more or less. Many jobs use only websites for applications, and many government agencies - such as unemployment, the IRS, and schools - use internet service almost exclusively in some cases. Many home school programs, and in some cases research materials, are only available online. Small businesses and artists rely on websites to create revenue. Smaller libraries in rural communities may not have the funds to pay for faster access, and as such will have to close their computer labs to patrons, denying valuable resources. By creating a two-tier system for internet access, in essence we are allowing a monoply situation where only the wealthy and privelged will have access to the same services everyone has access to now. The internet is for everyone, and needs to remain available to everyone equally. -Ramona LaCour, North East, MD

I demand REAL Net neutrality! Reclassify the internet under title two. I will not accept nothing less than real net neutrality. We will not stop fighting to preserve a free internet - Iwona Dabrowska Hipner, Mount Prospect, IL

The discrimination Chainnan Wheeler is proposing is anti-democratic. I oppose his plan. -Dr. Colin MacKinnon, Chevy Chase, MD

FCC throw out your rules and instead reclassify ISPs as common carriers. - Michal Ondrasek, Kezmarok,

You cannot let the flow of infonnation become governed by corporations. Since recent Supreme Court decisions of late have sided with corporations a march toward silencing people has continued. The Internet is too vital to be controlled by the richest's cash. KEEP THE 'NEf NEUTRAL. - David Razowsky, Los Angeles, CA

In order to maintain a free and innovative internet, we need to keep the internet so that new, small businesses have a chance to compete. Please support Net Neutrality for the good of ALL of the people, not just a few large corporations. - Terry Kack, San Diego, CA

Simply put, the internet is no longer a luxury it is a necessity. It is no one's to control. If you are going to offer the services then find a more creative way to profit from it. This would be as if a grocery store said, "we aren't making enough money on fruits and vegetables, let's just limit the amount you can purchase unless they buy higher margin junk food." Though the situation is not life or death for people, it may be for startups or for people whose jobs depend on the services provided. -Justin Crane, battle creek, MI

Please do your job instead of pandering to the cable companies. Vague regulations that allow for disparity between paid and unpaid traffic will suppress free speech and innovation. ISPs must be classified as common caniers for real market competition to occur. - J Conrad Shelton Jr, Sammamish, WA

Net Neutrality will protect my small business online and allow people to find my business. It will allow potential clients to make a more infonned decision. It keeps me and my small business available to everyone. -Mary Jensen, Redmond, WA

Time Warner already ignores customer complaints since we have no other choice in our neighborhood, i.e. a MONOPOLY. Letting them merge with Comcast will just create a bigger abusive monopoly. - Prof Robert Martha M. J and Sacker, Los Angeles, CA

Keep the internet the way it is! -A Belanger, Windsor, CT

Free Press