Online Comments

Application No: 18/06977/FUL Uphill Cottage




Wilts SN10 4SB

20th August 2018

To Urchfont Parish Council & Council

Re Planning Application No: 18/06977/FUL

We object to the proposed development for several reasons:-

1. It represents the erection of a substantial housing estate on prime Comments: agricultural land which will obscure one of the most important views in the village. The development is not merely adjacent to the development boundary of Urchfont, but represents, for the first time a major change of use and an unwarranted encroachment into the surrounding countryside.

2. The visual qualities, heritage and rural character of the village will be negatively impacted by such a development, protection of which was stated to be the first objective in the Neighbourhood Plan.

3. Such a radical change of use from agricultural land to residential development will inevitably open the floodgates to urbanizing the outskirts of the village (with consequent increase in traffic, light pollution etc.) and such sprawling outwards development will distort the delicate balance of the village settlement and put pressure on access, drainage and facilities. This leads to our next concern.

4. The lanes leading to the proposed development site are by their very nature, single lane, narrow and awkward with a hazardous blind bend and the consequent increase in traffic from the development will put the safety of road users, particularly pedestrians, at much greater risk. The by-way and lanes are enjoyed by many people and used by unaccompanied children.

5. The traffic plan for the construction period (whereby among other drastic measures, a parking suspension will have to be put in place) exposes the fact that Crooks Lane and the blind junction at its northern end is already hazardous. Presently, there is frequent use by agricultural vehicles, refuse lorries and vehicles coming to and from The Friars Lane and Uphill directions. Drivers who know this area have to be particularly mindful of pedestrians, cyclists and riders using this section of narrow lane. However, the increasing number of lost delivery vans and other road users are unaware of the hidden hazards, especially the blind turning at the end of Crooks Lane.

Once construction has ceased, there will then be a further 21 cars or more coming in and out of the new development and driving across the blind junction. Any realistically thinking Highways Department would surely appreciate the increased risks apparent before signing their names to a housing plot in such an inappropriate place.

6. Even without the above concerns, the proposed development does not appear to address the objective of providing affordable housing to meet local needs considering the price realised recently in the sales of newly constructed dwellings in the village.

Peter and Rosemary Winckley

Name: Peter and Rosemary Winckley

Uphill Cottage


Address: Urchfont


Wilts SN10 4SB

Date: 29/08/2018