BLOCKADE Williams LITTLE {Follow —By Gluyas ORPHAN ANN IE-The Witness Crocks Orphan Annie in the ,D r ■ — Colored Come Section -■ ■ Every 1 "" Sunday./—By GrOV i 7“ ii n II mi 11 i 11 -A N. i i O' li I “ I OH. YOU MUGTNT NOW-NOW-ME YOtfVE *** WANT TO HELPYOU- SM/ED MY UPE—AHD COURSE THEYtL ITS NOT VERY NO SANDY'S TOO-- YOOTRE WOHTTMO-JHev WORRY WORRY—YOUR OF YOU NOT TO BEIN' MpIRJL GOOD to ABOUT ME- NAME—ANNE— TELL US WHO YOUR us—rrs only PAR TO ~m~m- TELL YOU f* S8TWSST. "imT -WHOLE STORY— Lm ZS Wt

CHARLIE CHAN WMT Nude but Happy (,1SS£hg!&£h8£~b7Alfred Andriola ""“ w nEP%.*.iAi # ITTT^i V P7 l y .1 1 —- ^ r PWA Pivnn* I rvrvv^s 4 I AM HI klf I ^ "-np-np: ^ AH WELL! TO-s. mm vsaw-but 1©VS AM vERy obvious! T out vour suits ALL My CLOTHES X CANNOT ^ «f|4l \WHAT \ To) SWIM-) ACCEPT UTTH ASWLfi ) W Yr look OOINO ) HE IS FIRST CLASfl MAKE ROOM RjR BEHINO/-BIENA OF MIK6/ W < MOT EVEN A, WHATEVER HAPPENS IS> arrcwcAWNd MYSELF/ I WANT V UTTLEErr/ V | ) IMPORTANT LESSON IN A A 6MiLE INSTpVr _' V- ups! j— W OFA€U(T.

-the bridge club has had 16 6ive up meeiIhg at ms. WEMRE'S, BECAUSE WHH JUNIOR. WEMRE'S FRIENDS WORKING * ON A MODEL AIRRANE IN HIS CELLAR, If IS ALMOSf IMPOSSIBLE 15 6Ef ouf of The house when -the bridge session is over THE MOUNTAIN BOYS-_ -By Paul Webb W TUMPtM TOAD RUXii, SHBP/ 3C«r M4K OOM*T/ BUT wt oom' Akim cm/ nor m/ 9~2Z__$S8rt£> MOW DOES VORE MEW CAR RUM ** 5] MJMD Wt n> NtfB*Rf coin' OM MO EMClME * ■ AJMT &C5V ,-■ -^5 as sooty a. plack tb ^EME 4 A PICMIC/ Contract LIFE'S LIKE THAT —By Fred Neher —^ Be. A/S AMV. Winning --- By THE . A (Dxvld Bruce Burnstone. Merwln D. Meier and Howard Schenken. world's leadlnt team at tour. Inventors of the system that has beaten every other system in existence.) Squeezed! In the semifinals of the Masters’ Team-of-Four Championship at Asbury Park. N. J., Howard Schenk- en was able to make a doubled con- tract by means of a brilliant end- play. South, dealer. 1 North-South vulnerable. Oswald Jacoby. Is He. /Follow Ben Webster in the Colored Comic Section Every Sunday.) Edwin A K 4 —By AIq6T ¥ Q 9 8 6 2 MOU SAW THE MASS WHATTA WE SKUN' UKE ♦ J 7 2 MEFTIH' LAST HOWUA TO VOH, RUSTVA NIGHT, LOTS FIVE A K 9 7 FOR? SELL OHE 10T Jl DON'T B£ DINCHA, BEN? BIG HUNOREO, SEVEN AAQJ3 A 9 8 6 5 CQOWO? VEAHi for thirty \ V Silly.' J — FIFTY, A THOUSAND ¥ N. ¥ 7 5 ONE BUM! L THOUSAND ) -L*/ ♦ K 8 5 8 W.+E. A 10 9 6 4 bucks? an* we / BUCKS? A A J 10 6 S. A 8 5 8 »LMAKE A PROFIT?/ ^ J \T 2 A 10 7 2 ¥ A K J 10 4 I A A Q A Q 4 Howard Schenken. The bidding: South West North East 1¥ Dbl. 3¥ Pass 4¥ 4A Pass Pass 5¥ Dbl. Pass Pass Pass West opened the ace of spades and continued with the three spot. Dummy’s king held the trick. After two trump leads Mr. Schenken now i«CT.r.«.4, MUTT AND his one [ JEFF-Artistic Chest Expansion! 'trumped remaining spade “I’M RESIGNING, CHIEF THIS SUSPENSE WAITING FOR _"TZZftcS HSrSF* -Bv Bud Fisher in dummy, returned to his own ALARMS IS GETTING ME DOWN!” VA 60NNA TRAIN TH« MORNINS I NOW Ml MCRS.UNKA. hand with a third trump and played ) AN ESKIMO TO BE A l SAW HIM (otfAUTY VOW STICK AAOUMDTMf the four of clubs. West ducked and f [ ADMlRlNOA PAKUW-^ CAMP held SlEMTCR IF HE ALWHVS J TKMNIN6 »©/« dummy's king the trick. Mr. MODERN MAIDENS FHoW I CAN MOW (mSt) Schenken now ran down all his DWCK*TRAlHINB?/C^ CoRlV- meadeo I WMSTUHt his last three cards trumps, being X. \ max Land— the ace-queen of diamonds and the BA«R/y queen of clubs. West, who was com- pletely squeezed, chose to hold the ace-jack of clubs and the king of diamonds. Now Mr. Schenken sim- ply banged the ace of diamonds, dropping the king, and made his contract. Had West discarded to his single- ton ace of clubs, Mr. Schenken would have thrown him in and forced him to lead up to the ace- queen of diamonds. * * * *

Yesterday you were Howard Schenken's partner. The opponents were vulnerable and you held: 4 A x NEBBS (ToUcnc The Nebbt in WAx Jealousy the Colored Comic Section Every SundayJ —By Sol HfiSS ♦ X X X OLUW OWt, MUTIONJ, \ TW0U6HT I 4QJxxxx « SO»MG "TO WEAR YC3.Y0U QO. V t YAS^MAXIKJG \ YOU WAPPV TO SWCM/ ATTENTION The bidding: VOUR BACK WHILE < AMD RES ABO ID YOUR 9MEET- Jacoby Schenken Bumstone You HAVE A (MeABT_30MEDficy SOME ONE IMTM 14 Pass Pass (?) ?AIR OF FE6 .?M.-YOc> gcnr \ambition AwDAJoetv^eom Answer—Your correct bid is to pass. YOUR MOMCY3 Lurch YOUR 6ALAND ^ f^ZST I— You have a good hand, but your 'worth maxim' K^ouvwm^ BCTI* / principal strength is in clubs, and if you double, your partner will -v aurely take it out. Score 100 per cent for pass, 0 for any other bid. Question No. 245. Today you are Burn- etone's partner and hold: tm >r-« re mm*t _____ 4 K 9 7 19-221 W K 6 5 "MAYBE SHE’S GETTING ♦ 9 6 4 TIRED OP WALKING IN HER SLEEP.” 4 10 9 7 5 The bidding: THE SPORTING THING Bumstone Jacoby You Maier UAKT ■ UUAKS—itb-5-Sure D-Does 14 Pass (?) I------What do you bid? (Answer to- AXEL, I DON'T I DON'T LIKE HOW morow.) / i and Sure ¥ LETS COM MAI MSI/ 'W LIKE CA SKY// MYCOPNSACHE/ G-GOSH,QAKY/ (Released by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.) E A ASTORMISSGOMING/^ ENOUGH, f LETS GO M MIZZEN/LETS CO m LLOOkS LIKE f The Four Aces will be pleased to answer ■ STORM f WE SPRUNG »tters from readers If a stamped (3-eent). ‘elf-addressed envelope is inclosed with H sucoemy ^ iich communication addressed to The Four Aces, care The Evening Star. 1 LASHED iAlrLEAki/^K If you desire the pocket outline of The THESEA Four Aces system of , | lend with your request to The Four Aces, 1N’TOA •r/ The Evening Star, a stamped (3-cent). 1 'elf-addressed, large-size envelope and you L FURIOUS •ill receive an outline without any charge. ■ FOAMING FROTH... lolly roily 2 4 Little Chat on English By JOS. J. FRISCH. I. C. K.—Care should be taken in he use of the word fraction. Many arsons use it as if it meant only i small part. A fraction is a part >f that has been something dl- ■- !■■■!■ ■— 11 ~ ^ ^ -^ -J !■■■■ ii 11 ill li I—IM »-^ N-rv_| WHOSE FORTUNE IS MESCAL IKE—Now That One BUT A FRACTION OF WHAT IT WAS Figure Out_ —By S. L. Huntley SEVERAL YEARS AGO, SAYS THAT Business is looking^ -— UPJESPECIAUY FOR/>»\ IMR.GOTR0X,ASTRONOMERS. .CVS


her wedding and engagement rings or “broken” (from Takes pided the Latin .ightning Rings were missing. A search revealed Pfractio,” a Therefore a breaking). As Mrs. P. von der Merwe was them several yards from where she ■fraction may be a as large part jpening an iron gate on a farm had been standing. as a small Thus [well part. 99 cents lear Boekenhout, South Africa, she He a fraction of a dollar. In using vas hurled to the ground by a blind- the word fraction, be specific. flash of 1 Say ng lightning. After her Twizzler Answer “His fortune la but a small fraction lusband had revived her he noticed The •f.” etc. proverb: HE who hEsItAtEs feat her finger was bleeding and Zs lost. fc 4