Nepal’s largest selling English daily Vol XXIX No. 19 | 10 pages | Rs.5 O O Printed simultaneously in Kathmandu, Biratnagar, Bharatpur and Nepalgunj 31.8 C 3.4 C Tuesday, March 09, 2021 | 25-11-2077 Nepalgunj Jumla A setback for Dahal as his allies from CPN-UML decide to return home With 53 seats, the Maoist Centre is now the third party in Parliament. And to make any substantial move, the Maoist chair has to look to Congress and Janata Samajbadi Party.

TIKA R PRADHAN to abide by the court’s decision, we KATHMANDU, MARCH 8 will have to join the Oli-led UML,” said a leader close to . “We, how- A day after the Supreme Court deci- ever, will continue to fight the Oli ten- sion to revive the CPN-UML and the dency by remaining within the UML.” Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist Analysts say the new situation Centre) by not only invalidating the could mean an existential crisis for Nepal Communist Party (NCP) as a Dahal. party but also annulling the UML- “For Nepal and others who came Maoist Centre merger, members close from the UML, returning to the Oli to KP Sharma Oli on Monday changed camp won’t be much of a problem,” the boards at party offices in several said Hari Roka, a political analyst. “It districts. They replaced the boards of will definitely be difficult for Dahal.” Nepal Communist Party (NCP) with When Dahal’s Maoist Centre and CPN-UML. Oli’s UML announced their merger in Leaders of the Nepal Communist May 2018 to form the Nepal Communist Party (NCP) led by Pushpa Kamal Party, many were not convinced, as POST PHOTO: DIPENDRA ROKKA Dahal and Madhav Kumar Nepal were both came from two different schools Women carry home fodder at Khokana in Lalitpur on Monday. at their wits’ end. By Monday evening, of thought. Some analysts had even the group decided that it will abide by said that the Maoist Centre was actu- the court decision to “take” their ally “acquired” by Oli. own parties—the Maoist Centre The communist unity, as expected, and the UML. was fraught with challenges. There The court decision may have were too many leaders with too many Congress revising strategy as court “split” the leaders along the aspirations—starting from the top. UML and the Maoist Centre Oli’s arrogance and Dahal’s ambitions lines, but it, in essence, effected a clashed and in due course both the split in the Dahal-Nepal faction. party chairs were baying for each oth- decision changes political equations Dahal now will have 53 of the er’s blood. As Dahal managed to win Maoist lawmakers and the Nepal Nepal’s backing, Oli played his cards. side, along with around 43 law- The party was sharply divided makers, would return to the Oli- along the factions led by Oli as well as With the CPN-UML and the Maoist Centre revived, the main opposition is exploring led UML. Dahal and Nepal. two options—leading the government and going for early elections. “Since there is no option than >> Continued on page 2

ANIL GIRI taken a softer approach towards the KATHMANDU, MARCH 8 move. But after the Supreme Court reinstated the House, the Congress The Nepali Congress, which had been party said it would make a move only waiting for a formal split in the Nepal after the Nepal Communist Party Communist Party (NCP) until a few (NCP) saw a formal split. days ago and was mulling at least four As two factions—one led by Oli and options, is now suddenly scrambling the other by Dahal and Nepal—were to revise its strategy, as the commu- squabbling, a legal split recognised by nist party now has split in a way that the Election Commission would have the Congress did not expect. given the Congress party a chance to Instead of the Election Commission, make a studied move whether to join the Supreme Court on Sunday effected hands with Oli or Dahal and Nepal. a split—along the CPN-UML and the But the Supreme Court decision, Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist Congress leaders say, has completely Centre) lines. The court also invalidat- changed the political scenario. ed the Nepal Communist Party (NCP), “We have not begun any discussion NCP within brackets, that was regis- on the future roadmap, but one thing tered under KP Sharma Oli and is certain that we should consider the Pushpa Kamal Dahal in June 2018. process of forming a new government Congress leaders say they are close- by removing Oli,” said Poudel. “We ly following the developments and POST FILE PHOTO cannot say who will or should lead the that they are currently working on The party is not yet clear on its next move. new coalition government though.” two strategies—either leading the gov- The process to remove Oli can start ernment or early polls. “Yes, a deep crisis has been averted on two conditions—either the Maoist Ram Chandra Poudel, a senior lead- as the country was heading towards Centre, which has 53 seats in the er who leads his own faction opposed political uncertainties,” Poudel told House, withdraws support, or the to party President Sher Bahadur the Post in a phone interview. “But the Nepali Congress, which has 63 Deuba, said that the first priority situation is still very tricky for us.” seats, files a no-confidence motion should be removal of Oli as the Poudel had fiercely opposed Oli’s against Oli. prime minister. House dissolution while Deuba had >> Continued on page 2 Politicians influencing constitutional body decisions comes to light once again As a minister implicitly admits the Election Commission was ‘pressured’, analysts say independent bodies are increasingly being brought under the control of the executive.

and the abbreviation in brackets,” Gyawali said in the interview. “Let’s not say we forced a decision but it is true that we undermined the comments raised regarding the name at that time.” By using the word ‘pressure’, the implication is clear that the ruling party had influenced the Election Commission to give it the name despite another party being registered in that name already. This in turn has once again exposed how the constitutional bodies are failing to perform their duties independently, observers say. “The commission’s decision regard- ing allocating the name Nepal Communist Party (NCP) three years ago and its indecision regarding the dispute in the same party suggest FILE PHOTO: PM’S SECRETARIAT that our constitutional bodies are Oli (centre) issued an ordinance to alter the rules for nominations to constitutional bodies. failing to perform their duty inde- pendently,” said Surya Nath Upadhyay, PRITHVI MAN SHRESTHA as the name for the party created after former chief commissioner of the KATHMANDU, MARCH 8 the merger between CPN-UML and Commission for Investigation of Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist Abuse of Authority. Foreign Minister Pradeep Gyawali Centre) in May 2018. Co-chairs KP Sharma Oli, also the indicated during a telephone interview “The Election Commission had prime minister, and Puspa Kamal with Kantipur Television on Sunday warned us about the name. But in the Dahal had got their party registered evening that certain influence was euphoria of party unity, we chose the as Nepal Communist Party (NCP) in exerted on the Election Commission to name even though it was an unusual June 2018. get the Nepal Communist Party (NCP) name with the main name of the party >> Continued on page 2

C M Y K TUESDAY, MARCH 09, 2021 | 02 NATIONAL Karnali hospital in financial trouble Congress revising strategy as court decision as provincial government delays funds changes political ... Health workers have threatened to halt the services if the outstanding salary is not paid by March 13. >> Continued from page 1 Committee member, ruled out any CHANDANI KATHYAT salary. The concerned employees have But if former UML leaders, includ- possibility of going to the elections BIRENDRANAGAR, MARCH 8 warned of halting the health services ing those who are on the Dahal-Nepal under Oli’s leadership. if their outstanding salary is not paid side, come together, Oli can continue “He is our sole contender, how can Karnali provincial hospital is yet to by March 13. to be in power with the support of the we go to elections under Oli’s leader- receive the funds meant for Covid-19 Khadka said that the hospital had Janata Samajbadi Party, which has 34 ship,” Thapa told the Post. “It by and control and prevention action plan asked the government to release Rs20 seats in Parliament. large looks like the country is headed from the Ministry of Social million to pay the employees for the In the 2017 elections, the UML had for polls. Who should lead the govern- Development in Karnali Province. current fiscal year. But the govern- won 121 seats and the Maoist Centre ment and what kind of coalition will The delay in releasing the necessary ment, according to him, has issued 53. Within UML, Oli and Nepal were be formed are some of the issues that funds has hampered the hospital’s ser- only Rs5 million so far. said to have controlled 78-80 and 38-40 we are yet to discuss in detail.” vices, according to doctors. “We released the staff salary up to seats respectively, give or take. Before taking any decision about The hospital has closed its Covid-19 Paush (mid-January). The hospital For the Congress party, the revival formation of the next government, isolation section due to a lack of funds POST PHOTO: CHANDANI KATHAYAT does not have the wherewithal to pay of the UML means getting its old com- Nepali Congress is holding the meet- to manage it. Dr Dambar Khadka, Karnali provincial hospital has 268 staff members. them now,” said Khadka. petitor back in the game. ings of the party’s Central Working director of the hospital, said the hos- The provincial hospital has 325 “Once the UML and the Maoist Committee and the Parliamentary pital has been unable to clear the food “The problem will be solved only ventilators were planned for each dis- posts and 86 of them are permanent Centre are re-established as two sepa- Party. bills of the hospital staff deployed on after the Ministry of Social trict hospital. positions. The facility currently has rate parties, in the next power equilib- If the Maoist Centre withdraws its the frontline. The hospital also has yet Development releases the funds.” Officials at the provincial hospital 268 staff members. rium, the UML will hold more than 70 support to Oli, he will have to seek a to pay the bills for oxygen and other In the last quarter of the last fiscal say owing to the lack of funds, the Khadka said the health services in percent strength of the erstwhile vote of confidence. medical equipment used during the year, the ministry had allocated a hospital is struggling to even pay the the hospital would come to a halt with- Nepal Communist Party,” said Ramesh “Oli is likely to seek a vote of confi- treatment of Covid-19 patients in the budget of Rs305.9 million for Covid-19 health workers, let alone clear the out the doctors and other employees Lekhak, a Congress Central Working dence, but we won’t support him. We last seven months. Action Plan. The provincial hospital payment of medical equipment. appointed on contract basis. Committee member. “So no doubt, have an opportunity to form the next “The hospital has yet to clear Rs7 received Rs105.7 million, according to Soon after its formation in 2018, the Social Development Minister Dal [with the court decision] Oli’s UML government,” said Thapa. “We will million for food, Rs2.5 million for oxy- the annual report of the provincial Karnali government had prioritised a Rawal also said that he had already has emerged as a powerful political discuss later whether we should lead gen, and government. specialist service expansion pro- instructed the secretary at the minis- force.” the government or allow leaders from Rs1.9 million for PPE sets. The hotel The government has announced a gramme considering the shortage of try to proceed with the necessary pro- For the Congress party, it either has the Maoist Centre or the Janata has stopped providing meals to the budget of Rs1.5 billion for Covid-19 health workers and other employees cess to release the funds to the provin- to oust Oli or play along with him. Samajbadi Party to lead it.” doctors and other hospital staff mem- centric programme this fiscal year. As in the health facilities in the province. cial hospital. “The next step is obviously early An early election, however, looks bers. The hospital has also not paid for per the plan, 200 isolation beds, 40 ICU As many as 58 employees, including Loknath Paudel, the secretary at the elections. With the Supreme Court inevitable, according to Thapa. the 100 beds and the two ventilators beds and 20 ventilators were to be set two doctors, were appointed in the ministry, however, claimed that the decision, we now have a hung parlia- Congress President Deuba so that were bought during the initial up in the provincial hospital. Likewise, provincial hospital on contract basis. provincial government had already ment which cannot ensure political far has not reacted to Sunday’s court phase of the pandemic,” said Khadka. 50 isolation beds, 10 ICU beds and five But they have not been getting their released the funds. stability,” said Lekhak. “So it’s obvi- verdict. ous that we have elections in sight. But we are equally concerned about what will happen if the UML and the For the Congress Maoist Centre reach some kind of pre- polls alliance as they did in 2017.” party, it either has A setback for Dahal as his allies from CPN-UML ... The Nepali Congress continues to hold grudges against the Maoist to oust Oli or play >> Continued from page 1 Even if the current political mess Centre for the latter’s betrayal just And in a sudden move, Oli dissolved HOUSE COMPOSITION continues, the country will have to go ahead of the November-December along with him. the House, attracting widespread crit- Total existing number: 270 to the polls in two years. polls in 2017. The Maoist Centre in icism. The Dahal-Nepal faction took to Magic number: 135 Dahal and his Maoist Centre will 2016 had pulled the rug from under Oli the streets. When the Supreme Court have little or nothing to show to the and formed a coalition government Deuba is consulting, said a leader revived the House on February 23, CPN-UML 121 (one dead) electorate to seek votes, according to with the Nepali Congress agreeing close to him, with leaders of his camp Dahal and Nepal took it as their victo- Nepali Congress 63 (2 suspended) analysts. that Dahal and Deuba would lead the who have told him that next one year ry. They celebrated their “win” by Maoist Centre 53 Dahal’s party could be reduced to a governments in turn. will be very crucial for the party as it feeding sweets to each other. But the Janata Samajbadi Party 34 (2 suspended) much smaller force after the polls, But just ahead of the polls, Dahal has to remove Oli, form a new coali- jubilations were short-lived. In a Others 4 said Maharjan. joined hands with Oli, leaving the tion government and the party has to matter of days, the court has now One of the options Dahal could Congress party seething. The Oli- organise its 14th general convention brought about a split between Dahal LIKELY SCENARIOS 4. Mid-term polls explore, however, is reorganising for- Dahal alliance worked well, as their in September. and Nepal too. 1. If Maoist Centre withdraws support to Oli If the Congress and Janata Samajbadi Party refuse mer Maoists who are scattered. Netra parties were given a strong mandate, Deuba is eyeing party leadership With the court decision and Dahal Oli has to seek a vote of confidence. If either to participate in the government formation or stay Bikram Chand, one of Dahal’s loyal much to the chagrin of the Congress once again. neutral, the UML, as the single largest party, will get and Nepal’s “decision in agreement” Congress OR Janata Samajbadi Party supports him, lieutenants during the “people’s war”, party. The leader close to Deuba said that a chance to form a minority government. But the to go back to their own parties, Dahal’s Oli continues. has recently returned to peaceful poli- Lekhak wondered what if Madhav going by the situation, an early elec- prime minister will have to seek a vote of confidence Maoist Centre is now reduced to the 2. If Maoist Centre withdraws support tics. Though Chand had deserted Kumar Nepal might manage to effect a tion suits the Congress party the most. third party in Parliament. within 30 days. If the vote of confidence fails, the Dahal charging the latter with deviat- patch-up between Oli and Dahal again. “Our bottom line is clear at least for Oli has to seek a vote of confidence. Neither constitution has yet another provision, the last one, With just 53 seats at hand, the only Congress NOR Janata Samajbadi Party supports ing from the ideology and leaving the “We have to be cautious and form now—remove Oli and aim for early way Dahal can challenge Oli is by tak- for the formation of the government. Article 75 (5) “people’s war” halfway, their union our strategy accordingly,” Lekhak, elections,” said party spokesperson him, Oli has to resign. says if any member presents a ground on which he ing the Nepali Congress and the cannot be ruled out. After all, just like who is considered close to Deuba, told Bishwa Prakash Sharma. 3. If Oli fails vote of confidence or she can obtain a vote of confidence in the House, Janata Samajbadi Party into confi- the UML leaders find their “ideology” the Post. But Congress leaders are not sure the President shall appoint such a member as the dence to support him. The Nepali Congress, Maoist Centre and Janata as the glue to stay together, perhaps After the court order to revive the whether Oli should be removed by not prime minister. But the prime minister elected in In return, Dahal, however, has noth- Samajbadi Party together form a coalition govern- Dahal and Chand or even Mohan UML and the Maoist Centre, Nepal, a extending support to his vote of confi- such a way must obtain a vote of confidence within ing to offer. ment. The three parties have to come together to Baidya could find a common ground, former prime minister, is on the horns dence or by moving a no-confidence reach the magic number. 30 days. Failure to do so would lead to dissolution of The Congress has not forgotten yet the House. An election is called so as to elect a new according to analysts. of a dilemma. The number of lawmak- motion against him on its own with how Dahal betrayed it in the 2017 elec- House of Representatives within six months. According to Roka, Dahal might ers—around 40—he controls is not the backing of the Maoist Centre and tions when he suddenly decided to find himself cornered at this time, but enough for him to break away from Janata Samajbadi Party. join hands with Oli. The Janata he would try to come up with an the UML to form a new party. Whether As per Article 76 (2), Oli, who will be Samajbadi Party sees no dividend in party.” “But Dahal’s chances of becoming option to stay relevant in politics in he will stick around with Dahal under reduced in minority after the Maoist supporting Dahal. Sunday’s court verdict has given prime minister are slim in that case,” the long run. the Maoist Centre is not yet clear. If he Centre withdraws its support, has to Oli, on the other hand, is likely to rise to multiple scenarios, and Dahal Maharjan told the Post. Even though the court on Sunday does, he will have to relinquish his seek a vote of confidence. If Oli fails, woo both the Congress and Janata does not seem to properly fit in any of Many say Dahal had decided to scrapped the Nepal Communist Party lawmaker’s post. his government will collapse and the Samajbadi parties. them. form an electoral alliance with Oli’s (NCP), it has left open the option for Some Congress leaders say the process to form a new government as When the court overturned Oli’s The Congress party does not appear UML because he had foreseen a poll the UML and the Maoist Centre to party is now waiting for Oli to make per Article 76 (5) will begin. House dissolution, it looked like he keen on joining hands with Oli in the disaster. After emerging as the first unite again. the next move before opening their The leader, who has support of had lost the game but now he has government. However, if it does support party in 2008 Constituent Assembly In an order of mandamus, the court cards. majority votes, will become the prime emerged as a powerful leader after Oli, this will at least come as reprieve elections, Dahal’s Maoist party was has asked the Election Commission to Since Oli appears to have emerged minister. In that scenario, a joint gov- Sunday’s verdict, according to ana- for Dahal, as he will be the leader of the relegated to the third position in the take necessary steps in accordance as a more powerful leader, the Congress ernment is possible between the lysts. main opposition. And by virtue of being 2013 Constituent Assembly elections. with law if the two parties wish to is watching him more carefully. Nepali Congress, Maoist Centre and Rajendra Maharjan, a political ana- the leader of the opposition, Dahal can By the time the general elections unite. According to a senior leader, who Janata Samajbadi Party. The govern- lyst who writes commentaries for the have some saving grace, as he will also arrived in 2017, Dahal was struggling But since politics is a game of did not wish to be named, Oli has by ment formed thus must seek a vote of Post’s sister paper Kantipur, said that hold a constitutional position, for the to maintain his Maoist party’s rele- immense possibilities, anything can now taken control over the state appa- confidence within 30 days. Failure to the court decision has dealt a major opposition leader is a member of the vance. The electoral alliance with the happen, say analysts. ratus and joining hands with him do so will result in the House dissolu- blow to Dahal and it will negatively Constitutional Council. UML worked. Dahal was staring at a “For the time being, Dahal has defi- would make him even more powerful. tion and polls within six months. impact his politics. Both Oli and Congress may try to political crisis but his party’s merger nitely faced a setback,” said Maharjan. “That’s why we have to consider “We are closely following develop- “The unification between the UML deprive Dahal of that position also. with the UML installed him as one of “But given the bitterness between Oli forming a government with the sup- ments,” said Sharma. “Sooner or later, and the Maoist Centre had not com- Another scenario is that the the chairs of the largest and strongest and Nepal who had a hard time find- port of Maoist Centre and Janata elections have to be held. Since the pleted even after more than two Congress, Maoist Centre and Janata communist force the country had ever ing a space in the party under Oli, a Samajbadi Party,” the leader told the Supreme Court has made these com- years,” Maharjan told the Post. Samajbadi Party could form a coali- seen. He is now once again relegated split in the UML cannot be ruled out. Post. “And we should lead the govern- munist leaders without a party, we are “Dahal’s ambition to become prime tion government, according to to the leader of the third party in In that case, who knows, Nepal could ment.” watching how the Oli faction has been minister prompted a split in the Maharjan. Parliament. become Dahal’s saviour.” Gagan Thapa, a Central Working impacted.” Politicians influencing constitutional body decisions comes to light once again

>> Continued from page 1 manding a near two-thirds majority ing legitimacy for the party saying it such as the leasing out of precious For example, Chief Election Supreme Court, President Bhandari in According to Section 6 (1E) of the after an electoral alliance between the had the support of the majority of government land plots and buildings Commissioner Dinesh Thapaliya was early February appointed the candi- Political Parties Act-2017, a new party two constituents had swept federal Central Committee members. But to Yeti Holdings at low price, procure- recommended for the post in March dates recommended for the constitu- cannot be registered if the proposed and provincial elections. with the Supreme Court decision, it ment of a riverside area by the Nepal 2019 after being asked to resign as a tional bodies. name or its election symbol matches But the court’s Sunday verdict says has become a moot point. Oil Corporation, Baluwatar land government secretary. In April that According to Upadhyay, the tenden- those of a party already registered. the Oli and Dahal-led party continued Constitutional bodies are consid- scam, and an alleged graft deal of year, he was appointed the head of the cy to dominate the state institutions Pointing out the same provision, the to use Kattel party’s name, particular- ered independent because legally they Rs700 million between former minis- election body. was present even in the past but it has Supreme Court on Sunday scrapped ly in its statute. are not under the control of the execu- ter Gokul Baskota, an Oli ally, and an Many believe he was appointed to grown in the Oli administration. the Nepal Communist Party (NCP) The alleged pressure put on the tive. But, experts and analysts say that agent of a foreign security printing the post at the behest of Oli. One of the major reasons behind and instead revived the CPN-UML and election body at that time has now they have come under the influence of company, among others. Inaction of the commission under such tendency among the political the Communist Party of Nepal come back to haunt not only the executive authority time and again But the anti-graft body has suspend- his leadership regarding the legitima- leaders, according to analysts, is the (Maoist Centre) from the pre-merger Dahal-Madhav Kumar Nepal of the and have bent to the will of the execu- ed investigation into some of the cases cy dispute in the now defunct Nepal trend of appointing loyalists in the top days. invalidated Nepal Communist Party tive. while even in the case where it filed a Communist Party (NCP) despite constitutional posts. It turns out that initially there was (NCP) but also Prime Minister Oli “Even though office bearers in the corruption case at the Special Court, strong criticism from different quar- “The Election Commission failed to no unanimity among the election com- since if Dahal and his Maoist Centre constitutional bodies are being it has deliberately excluded some pow- ters is aimed at pleasing Oli, analysts perform its duty independently and this missioners about granting the name decide to withdraw support to him, his appointed based on the interests of erful figures, including politicians said. shows what happens if loyalists rather to the newly merged party in 2018. government will be a minority one. some political leaders and the parties, and their kin, from the list of people The Constitutional Council led by than capable persons are appointed in “There was a different opinion In the now revived CPN-UML, once appointed, they are accountable implicated. Oli made appointments in many con- constitutional bodies,” said Upadhyay. among the commissioners on whether Nepal, on the other hand, is in the not to those who appointed them but For example, in the case of the stitutional bodies secretly by intro- But this tendency among politicians to allocate the same name as an minority in terms of the number of to the constitution and the nation,” Baluwatar land scam, some people ducing an ordinance in such a way is not the only bane for the state of already registered party to the newly lawmakers who support him and also said Khem Raj Regmi, former presi- buying land there were made defend- that those recommended avoid parlia- affairs, analysts say. merged party but the decision was in the Central Committee of pre-merg- dent of Transparency International, ants while Nabin Poudel, son of mentary hearing, a mandatory consti- Even constitutional and legal provi- taken after the majority of commis- er days. The Dahal-Nepal faction of Nepal, the anti-corruption advocacy Finance Minister Bishnu Poudel, and tutional requirement. On December 15 sions regarding appointments at con- sioners stood in favour,” a former sen- the invalidated Nepal Communist group. Kumar Regmi, a sitting judge at the last year, a meeting of the Constitutional stitutional bodies have shortcomings. ior official at the commission told the Party had been claiming that they had “But the Election Commission Supreme Court, were not made defend- Council had recommended 38 names to “Political figures have a clear Post on condition of anonymity. the support of the majority of the 173 failed to withstand the pressure of ants for buying land at Baluwatar in fill the vacancies in several constitu- majority in both the Constitutional “When a majority of commission- lawmakers from the party in the those who appointed its office bearers. the same way as others. tional bodies, including the Commission Council and Judicial Council,” said ers stand for one opinion, others usu- 275-member House of Representatives Even when the now scrapped parlia- Justice Regmi is one of the two for Investigation of Abuse of Authority. Aryal. “Therefore, you can clearly see ally agree to the decision of the major- as well as in that party’s 441-member mentary election was nearing, the judges who on Sunday invalidated Only after President Bidya Devi the influence of politicians in the ity despite having differing views.” Central Committee. commission didn’t rush to settle the Nepal Communist Party (NCP), a deci- Bhandari dissolved the now reinstat- appointments made at constitutional Another former official said, also “The snatching of the name of dispute in the Nepal Communist Party sion which appears to have benefited ed House of Representatives on bodies and the courts.” on condition of anonymity, that the another party by influencing the (NCP) to benefit a certain faction of Oli politically. December 20 last year that these rec- The Judicial Council recommends influence of the power on the commis- Election Commission has been like this party.” “As ex-minister Baskota is the right ommendations came to light. the names of judges. sion was clearly visible as it decided to falling into the hole dug by themselves The commission is not the only con- hand man of Prime Minister Oli, the “This is guided by an ill intention Aryal sees the need for a clearly let the newly merged party pick the for the defunct Nepal Communist stitutional body allegedly influenced anti-graft body also didn’t initiate of controlling vital constitutional bod- defined criteria for being appointed in name Nepal Communist Party (NCP), Party leaders,” said Upadhyay. by the executive. investigation into the apparent graft ies so that they wouldn’t perform their these crucial positions. with NCP within brackets, to differen- The commission has also been fac- The Commission for Investigation case,” said Regmi, the former presi- duties independently,” said senior “A roster of the people qualified for tiate it from Rishi Kattel’s Nepal ing charges of being under the influ- of Abuse of Authority is also facing dent of Transparency International, advocate Srihari Aryal. “There was no constitutional bodies should be pre- Communist Party, despite clear legal ence of Prime Minister Oli after tak- the charge of coming under the influ- Nepal. need to introduce the ordinance and to pared based on clearly defined criteria provisions against such a decision. ing no decision regarding the legiti- ence of the executive and top political Analysts say that the Oli adminis- make recommendations for appoint- and a public discussion should be held When the name was given to Oli and macy dispute in the now scrapped leadership. tration has been more blatantly taking ments in constitutional bodies secret- on the names recommended before Dahal, the unified party then became Nepal Communist Party (NCP). The Over the last few years, a number of control of constitutional bodies than ly.” Despite legal challenges made making appointments to constitution- the largest party in Parliament com- Dahal-Nepal faction had been claim- major corruption scandals took place any of his predecessors. against the recommendations at the al bodies,” said Aryal.

C M Y K 03 | TUESDAY, MARCH 09, 2021

C M Y K TUESDAY, MARCH 09, 2021 | 04 OPINION EDITORIAL Let Nepalis invest abroad Why only a few came There is a serious lack of information about the vaccination drive. Despite the unbearable lethargy in its response to the Covid-19 pandemic, the KP Oli administration has been comparatively more active in vaccine procurement. While the first phase of the vaccination drive was only partly successful, the second phase which began on Sunday promises to be no better. At the core of the debacle is the government’s failure to assess the exact number of eligible vaccine recipients—more specifically, the failure to figure out how many of them would actually turn up at the vaccination centres. The government does not seem to have any idea how many people are keen to take the jabs; the citizens, on their part, seem to be waiting for the government to provide them with concrete information on the need, the efficacy, and the possible side effects of vaccination. Caller ring back tunes alone do not seem to be doing the job. Although the second phase of the vaccination drive began with none other than Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli himself taking the jab, there is a serious lack of information about the drive at the ground level. The government’s inability to fill the information gap risks leading Nepal into a situation of vaccine inequality. This means that a significant section of the popula- tion might suffer from immunity gap, which is another form of discrimination against those who have little or no access to unadulterated information. It seems that the word-of-mouth method of information dis- semination about the vaccination drive at the local level has worked well, but there is a need to do more to disseminate information about the drive—and the vaccine itself—holistical- ly so that citizens are prepared to visit vaccination centres on their own. The fact that vaccination against Covid-19 is not mandatory SHUTTERSTOCK leaves a large section of citizens unvaccinated either by choice Stifling investment circumvent laws, and the easiest is to eign markets with teams comprised of Migrate or perish or due to the failure to reach them. This means that the citizens give up Nepali nationality to take a foreign consultants, it becomes very Many young Nepalis have started busi- foreign one to integrate to the global difficult to manage the permits. The nesses headquartered in global hubs. not only miss the chance to safeguard themselves from the laws will now push business world. current scheme of things makes work- Their operations in Nepal are bare- virus, but also to save others from the risk of transmission. ing as a global company out of Nepal bones, with just enough money to pay After all, safeguarding ourselves also means the fulfilment of the next wave of Export with hands tied practically impossible. This, even salaries and office overheads. These our collective responsibility towards society. out-migration. It is impossible for Nepalis to open sub- though the added revenue would flow young Nepalis are very clear that if For this, apart from providing correct information about the sidiaries or companies outside Nepal back to Nepal. they move the entirety of their opera- and many companies who have export With Nepali companies growing in tions to Nepal, they will perish. The efficacy and availability of the vaccines, the government must market potential are facing challenges size, there is no other option but to set Non-Resident Nepali Association also find ways to reassure Nepalis about the absence of long- SUJEEV SHAKYA due to these issues. In Rwanda, where eyes outside Nepal. Take a Nepali (NRNA) that could have helped to lobby term risks of getting vaccinated despite spurious cases of one can open a company in less than an bank—it is impossible to grow at this for change has become yet another short-term negative reaction. THE OTHER hour, they are baffled with the knowl- current pace without opening branches political organisation that serious Misinformation about the possible side effects of the vaccine VIEW edge that a Nepali firm cannot open up or acquiring banks outside Nepal. The entrepreneurs and professionals want a subsidiary or invest legally. With 37 same goes for good restaurant chains to stay away from. Many of us are abound, leaving citizens, especially the older generation, eligi- percent of Nepali exports consisting of that have started in Nepal that can in a similar crossroad, where it is ble for vaccination during the second phase, wary of the vac- services export, Nepali companies expand to other markets. The high-end becoming increasingly frustrating to cine. Misinformation travels faster than information, and the need to spend money for technology, handicraft industry is the same; we deal with the challenges of doing busi- challenge is to accelerate the speed of information to defeat In India, when the economy had all the skills and business promotion abroad experienced this first-hand by ness out of Nepal whilst taking up potential but did not allow Indians to like never before. Yet we do not see that exploring taking Nepali artisans to global work. misinformation. invest abroad legally (or hire interna- being made an easy task. Cambodia and setting up a factory pro- On top of this, the treatment that Moreover, there is also no clarity as of now whether the gap tional consultants, partners and bring Companies who are doing great ducing high-end Nepali gold jewellery professionals working at such firms get between the two doses is four weeks or twelve. This has led about foreign investments), many felt export business, like Goldstar shoes, using world-class international packag- at the immigration counters at depar- those who took the first dose during the first phase of the vac- the need to migrate to a country where cannot open an office in another coun- ing, marketing and business develop- ture makes one question why one is cination drive to live in uncertainty as to when they will be they could unleash their entrepreneur- try and have to fight to just remit ment. living in this country. For young women ial potential. No wonder we see so money to pay for advertising or other It is interesting that despite such team members, especially first-time called for the second injection. As of now, the government many second generation Indians, the expenses. The hiring of consultants difficulties, private sector umbrella travellers, the questions they have to should have disseminated information about the vaccination children of such entrepreneurs, lead- has been made into a big nightmare, as organisations and other bodies are answer and the way they are treated gap clearly and effectively, and helped citizens clear their ing global businesses and prominent if every foreign consultant is either a silent on the matter. We cannot under- make one understand why many take doubts. organisations. Nepal could learn from hidden evangelist or a front for laun- stand whether it is their awkwardness the first opportunity to shun Nepali There is no dearth of information among an elite circle of this and open up to the world. But apart dering money. Reputed consultants to bring this up with the political mas- citizenship. from low-end migration that benefits refuse to work with Nepali firms as ters they do business with or it is the The current politics cannot be an scientists, health workers and administrators that the vaccine the agents connected to political pow- they do not have the patience for the deep sense of protectionist mindset excuse to fix this. Any government that currently in use in Nepal is safe; but the same information is yet ers, there is no legitimate interest to paperwork and delay in receiving pay- wherein they are least bothered about wants economic growth needs to now to trickle down to citizens in every nook and corner of the coun- open up anything else. Nepalis by vir- ments. finding legitimate ways of expanding realise that the economy cannot leap- try. Making vaccines free for all does not necessarily mean the tue of an archaic law cannot invest It is impossible for a Nepali company outside Nepal. Perhaps many fami- frog without foreign investments and fulfilment of obligation on the part of the government. It must outside Nepal. Of course, there are to recruit on campus at the best univer- ly-run firms have set up self-serving firms expanding abroad. The story of many who are doing it as evident in the sities in the US, as there is no way for- superstructures where members of the the large scale migration of talent from seek to understand whether the people are informed well and reports and various other documents eign exchange permits are going to be family hold different passports and India can repeat itself here if the gov- assured that the vaccine being administered to them is safe. in the public domain. People have to provided. When we are working in for- have mastered the art of branching. ernment is not open to change. Lost in transition

as Nepal’s political classes’ are not know how badly the people’s aspira- Political beliefs and counting on people and their aspira- tions have been killed, and with it, the tions. When it comes to India, it is ‘hope’ also lost in transition. actions are driven by organically linked to Nepal. Be it close The intellectual community in state cooperation or unique socio-cul- Nepal must speak and write more whims rather than carefully tural ties on the people front, there is a about the lost opportunities, wasted past which necessitates having an sacrifices and demolished institutions judged thinking. engaging present and future. It is and cynical political moves to over- unlikely that China can still claim to be shadow all these under the garb of a natural ally like India is to Nepal. A playing the India and China cards. In ATUL K THAKUR closer look at its promises and deliver- maintaining international relations ies is enough to disenchant any Nepali. too, especially in the neighbourhood, However, in the official establishment due consideration should be given to of Kathmandu, the Darwinian surviv- people diplomacy. Lately, any systemic alist spirit defeats truth and logic. transition should not sacrifice only Has India lost the plot to China in the interest of the masses, along with Nepal? Going deep into it, one really the art of survival, the discipline of finds it pitiful the way public discours- politics also earmarks commitment While reading journalist Sanjay es are being built on it. Ideally, what for a defined territory and people. Upadhya’s book, Backfire in Nepal: should be discussed is the precarious- How India Lost the Plot to China ness of Nepal as a young democracy Statecraft not doing well (Vitasta, 2021), one can ascertain the with no accountability system in With no king or the institution of seriousness of the political fault lines place. It would be wrong to blame KP monarchy to blame, the movers and in Nepal. From the angle this book is Sharma Oli alone for an avoidable shakers of Nepali politics should written, it reconfirms how the deci- state of affairs. In fact, he has been think about the statecraft that is not sion-making processes in Nepal have just one of the factors besides the doing well in Nepal’s own interest. been made subservient to the puzzled political ranks across lines. Over the The country’s interest lies in downsiz- trilateralism instead of getting shaped years, he has made a good fortune for ing personification, calibrating all- independently. Due to the obsession himself and is now so well-placed, round prospects of development and with the positioning of India and even the constitutional processes are making the system participatory. By China, realpolitik is compelling mass belittled before him. entering into inclusive developmental aspirations to get lost in transition. Even with republicanism, secular- processes, giving industrial growth its Who should be blamed for this? ism and federalism, political beliefs due and not mixing the policies of the It is true that the official establish- and actions continue to be driven by home and the world will help Nepal ment in India has its own share of whims rather than carefully judged realise its full potential. misunderstanding Nepal’s political thinking. In a bid to make the people With the present round of chaos, transition that finally paved the way believe that existential challenges are Nepal is again at a crossroads. People for China to go many steps further not as pressing as keeping ‘India & have every right to be disenchanted from the soft competition, though the China’ in the middle of a crisis from with the kind of democracy they have. bigger concern remains over the Kathmandu’s streets to Parliament, Still, there can’t be an alternative to Nepali political classes’ comfortable the political leadership in Nepal is democracy. Only time will tell how Oli posture towards such unwelcoming doing a big disservice to the country POST FILE PHOTO moves forward under the rising clam- dynamics. It is the new age politics and the people. More than India, the powers’ league and get exposure to handholding was much needed. are doing the gravest injustice to the our for a constitutional monarchy. As without accountability that mars people of Nepal have been defeated in bruised egos. Amidst an unprecedent- A country with immense possibili- people by being in the fray. With the of now, his political reconciliation promising developmental possibilities the political quagmire. China’s ed crisis with the coronavirus, pro- ties, Nepal, and its people should get promises made in the middle of the plan seems to be not a simple plan of for Nepal. The institutional processes geo-strategic orientation in Nepal longed lockdown and severely con- development in place of a divisive last decade, Nepal was supposed to be action. Of late, what matters is are misunderstood, and the political clearly found traction with the inabil- tracted economy, the Oli government’s narrative. In Kathmandu’s political on a path of peace and progress. The accountability in the system. This is culture has still not developed where ity of the top Nepali leaders to differ- move to create hurdles against free theatre, democracy is a misunder- ground reality is strikingly different something clearly missing in the pres- the successes or failures of decisions entiate between the matters of home movement near the border points and stood system where it is continuously when a transitional government is ent round of painful transition. The are attributed to no outsiders. and the world, and thus not opening unusual suspension of flights to India confused with favourable electoral fig- involved with an armed outfit headed lost ground must be recovered. the turf to a dangerous geostrategic were unsavoury acts. When the people ures and no agenda. It would be a by Netra Bikram Chand and is also Natural ally rivalry in the homeland. on either side can’t do without each mistake to see factionalism merely giving signals for a closer association Thakur is a writer and policy analyst Noticeably, China’s hyper interest in Without sufficient homework, it is other, it is unfortunate how the gov- literally: It is a virtue and escape with the royalists. A juxtaposition of with a focus on the interface of politics Nepal is unnatural, and it gets traction surely undeserving to be in the big ernment offered insensitivity when route for incompetent politicians who these two images is well sufficient to and economics in South Asia.

C M Y K 05 | TUESDAY, MARCH 09, 2021 NATIONAL Department of Roads plans to construct flyover at Gwarko Traffic engineers say flyovers alone won’t reduce accidents. ANUP OJHA KATHMANDU, MARCH 8

Two years after commissioning a ‘safety audit,’ of the Kalanki- Koteshwor road section, the Department of Roads has finally announced plans to construct a flyover at Gwarko Chowk within a year to ease traffic flow and minimise accidents. If constructed this would be the first flyover in the country. “As per the recommendations of the safety audit, we had also planned a flyover or an underpass at two other junctions at Satdobato and Ekantakuna. But it needed further study,” said Bijaya Jaishi, director at the Quality Research and Development POST FILE PHOTO Centre under the Department of Over 1,000 accidents and five dozen deaths have taken place on the 10.5km POST PHOTO Roads. “We approved the flyover at Kalanki-Koteshwor road section since the road came was widened. A demonstrator clad in a costume symbolising a sanitary pad demands pads be made tax-free, in Kathmandu, on Monday. Gwarko as the road structure is per- fect for a flyover,” said to construct the flyover once the 1,000 accidents and five dozen deaths The flyover will be built using the amount is released by the Finance have taken place on the 10.5km grade separation method under which Ministry. Kalanki-Koteshwor road section since a junction of two or more surface “Since a flyover is very important the road was widened. transport axes at different heights for the road, we will complete it with- The China-funded project, which (grades) are aligned so that there will in a year,” said Jaishi. began in June 2013 and was handed Nationwide rhino census be no disruption in traffic flow on Metropolitan Traffic Police Division over to Nepal on January 29, 2019, other transit routes when they cross welcomed the department’s decision. cost Rs5.13 billion to build. each other. “This will be very helpful in reducing After the widespread criticism over According to the department, the traffic jams,” said Superintendent accidents and deaths on the road, the flyover will be constructed on the Shyam Krishna Adhikari, spokesper- department commissioned a ‘road to begin from March 22 north-south part of the eight-lane son for the division. According to traf- safety audit’ in the second week of road and only four lanes will be used fic police, Gwarko to B&B Hospital February 2019. However, no signifi- for the flyover. Jaishi said after the areas are prone to accidents. cant changes have been made to the Much-awaited count, which has seen multiple postponements since 2019, will be looked flyover is completed, vehicles heading “The department also should look road section. to Imadol from Patan will use the for alternatives at Satdobato, Police say that due to the lack of at carefully for its findings will guide future interventions for conservation. existing road, and those heading to Mahalaxmisthan Chowk, Ekantakuna, CCTV cameras and street lamps, they Satdobato from Koteshwor (or the Sanepa and Balkhu to manage traffic are unable to catch traffic rule viola- CHANDAN KUMAR MANDAL expected to be completed within 10-12 week of completing the count on the other way round) will use the flyover jams and accidents in the area,” said tors at night. KATHMANDU, MARCH 8 days. In Shuklaphanta, the census will ground. 35-meter flyover. Adhikari. Only last week, a 19-year-old died on start on April 1 and it will take at least The census results will be carefully Jaishi said the final design of the However, Ashish Gajurel, a trans- the spot after she was hit by a speed- The much-awaited rhino count is one week for the enumerators to count studied as the country has lost a sig- new structure will be revealed in two portation and traffic engineer said ing vehicle in Ekantakuna. finally set to take place later this the rhino population in the park. nificant number of rhinos since the weeks. He, however, didn’t reveal the just constructing a flyover will not The audit had also suggested the month. The new date for the census was last count and also because the count estimated price tag of the project. resolve the issue of accidents. installation of traffic signals at 213 A meeting of the advisory commit- finalised after the advisory commit- is taking place after a gap of six years. “The total expected cost of the flyover “Constructing new infrastructure places along the entire road stretch, tee formed to oversee the rhino census tee, which consists of government “We cannot make any estimate on will be made public along with the does not equate to a reduction in acci- including Balkumari, Gwarko, on Sunday decided to conduct the officials, wildlife experts and the state of the rhino population right final design. We will immediately dents, authorities should implement Satdobato, Chapagaun Dobato, count in the country’s national parks representatives from conservation now. It will be known after the cen- communicate the amount needed to measures to safeguard pedestrians Mahalaxmisthan and Ekantakuna. in southern plains from March 22. partners, instructed the park authori- sus,” said Acharya. the Ministry of Finance,” said Jaishi. and cyclists,” said Gajurel. However, even after two years, the According to Haribhadra Acharya, ties to clear grassland for counting He believes the findings of the cen- The department will issue a tender The division’s data shows that over work has not been completed yet. spokesperson for the Department of rhinos and make other required sus will be crucial for devising future National Park and Wildlife arrangements. conservation plans for rhinos in the Conservation, the main body respon- The logistical preparation for the wake of natural deaths of rhinos in sible for conducting rhino census, the rhino count, which was earlier sched- recent years. count will continue for three weeks. uled for 2019, had started last year. But Starting from the fiscal year 2016-17, “Before going to the field for the just days ahead of the scheduled when 25 rhinos were reported dead, census, there will be training and ori- count, the census was called off due to including one killed by poachers, entation for those involved in the the Covid-19 pandemic and could not there has been an unprecedented counting,” said Acharya. “The train- take place in 2020, finally pushing the surge in rhino deaths. ing will begin a couple of days before count for this year. Twenty-six rhinos died in the fiscal the counting date.” For conducting the count this sea- year 2017-18, 43 in 2018-19, and 26 in The rhino count will begin from son, which is considered the best tim- 2019-20. Nearly two dozen rhinos have Chitwan-Parsa Complex, the block ing for the rhino census, the govern- been found dead so far this fiscal year, combining Chitwan National Park ment has allocated Rs8 million, though leaving conservationists worried. and Parsa National Park. It will then the entire process is expected to cost “The flood of 2017 might have killed continue in a phase-wise manner in more than Rs10 million. some rhinos and there have been other other protected areas—Bardiya “Although rhino count could not rhino deaths since then. The rhino National Park and Shuklaphanta take place last year, nearly Rs2 million population is also determined by their National Park. was spent on buying equipment and birth, death and migration like that of Authorities hope to conclude other items. They can be used this humans,” Acharya said. “The census the census in all four park areas by time,” said Acharya. “The budget for will also find out their status and dis- April 11. the census has primarily come from tribution, giving insights on their hab- “The plan is to conclude the census the government. We have also received itats and their concentration.” within three weeks. It could take a few financial and technical support from A team of wildlife experts—part of days more or less, because we expect our conservation partner agencies.” the team formed to investigate the that more time and efforts will be For enumerating rhinos in protect- increasing deaths of one-horned required to count the rhinos in ed areas and adjoining forests, park rhinos in Chitwan, have suggested Chitwan.” officials, technical experts, represent- internal relocation of rhinos as one of Chitwan National Park is home to atives of partner organisations and the measures to save the rhino the biggest rhino population in the Nepal Army personnel, as well as ele- population. country. phants, will be mobilised. A counter “If the rhino population is concen- As per the latest census of 2015, mounted on elephants will also per- trated mainly in one area, they can be which had put Nepal’s rhino popula- form the headcount of rhinos inside translocated elsewhere in order to tion at 645—605 rhinos were in national parks. redistribute their population,” said Chitwan National Park, 29 in Bardiya A total of 200 people and 60 ele- Acharya. “For the decision-making National Park, eight in Shuklaphanta phants—40 in Chitwan and 10 each in process of adopting such measures, National Park, and three in Parsa Bardiya and Shuklaphanta— will be we need information on rhino status. National Park. involved in the census taking process. The census can support with the infor- The rhino count in Bardiya is sched- Authorities plan to release the find- mation required for managing the uled to begin on March 30 and is ings of the rhino census within a rhino population and their habitat.”

C M Y K TUESDAY, MARCH 09, 2021 | 06 WORLD India seeks funds from Quad alliance to match China’s vaccine push Beijing has committed to provide at least 463 million doses of its homemade vaccines through sales, donations.

REUTERS NEW DELHI, MARCH 8 India’s richest state has half India has urged the United States, of new, active cases Japan and Australia to invest in its vaccine production capacity, an Indian NEW DELHI: India’s richest state of government source told Reuters, as Maharashtra accounts for more than the so-called Quad alliance tries to half of both new and total active coro- counter China’s growing vaccine navirus infections, health ministry diplomacy. data showed on Monday, although a Beijing has committed to provide at team of experts said the state’s cur- least 463 million doses of its home- rent wave might be “less virulent”. made Covid-19 vaccines through Experts say India’s relatively low hos- exports and donations across the pitalisation and fatality rates suggest world from Asia to Africa, Europe and the pandemic is approaching its next Latin America, according to Reuters phase of largely manageable local out- calculations. breaks, such as those being seen in the Two senior Indian officials said the western industrialised state. Quad alliance, grouping the United India’s tally of 11.23 million infec- States, Japan, Australia and India, tions is the world’s highest after the AFP/RSS was stepping up efforts to expand United States, with the state account- A yoga instructor (centre) guides passengers to exercise while commuting on the ladies’ compartment of a train in Mumbai on the occasion of International Women’s Day. global vaccination to counter ing for 11,141 of the 18,599 new cases China’s growing soft power. India, the reported in the past 24 hours, and 52% world’s biggest vaccine maker, of the 188,747 people still infected. believes it is best placed to steer the As a proportion of its population, effort, they added. however, India’s virus deaths rank Asked for comment, a US State among the lowest in the world, rising Department spokesperson did not by 97 on Monday to 157,853. The health Thousands of women join Indian farmers’ protests refer to India’s request for funds or to ministry said it had sent expert teams China but said Washington was deep- to a quarter of Indian states and feder- REUTERS resenting the colour of mustard the site near Delhi’s border with the ply chains and cut colossal waste. ly focused on expanding global vacci- al territories showing a rise in cases NEW DELHI, MARCH 8 fields, the women took centrestage at state of Haryana, police and event Faced with the protests, Prime nation, manufacturing and delivery. so as to understand the challenges and one key site, chanting slogans, hold- organisers said. Minister Narendra Modi’s govern- “Secretary (Antony) Blinken spoke issues they face. (REUTERS) Thousands of women joined protests ing small marches, and making “This is a day that will be managed ment offered to suspend the laws for 18 with his Quad counterparts on by farmers on the outskirts of speeches through loudspeakers to tar- and controlled by women, the speak- months, but the farmers have refused February 18 to discuss cooperation on Delhi on Monday to mark International get the laws. ers will be women, there will be a lot to back down, demanding their repeal. Covid-19 response and recovery and “India has more vaccine options Women’s Day, demanding the “This is an important day as it rep- of feminist perspectives brought in, Agriculture accounts for nearly climate change, among other issues,” than any other Asian country at this scrapping of new laws that open up resents women’s strength,” said and discussions on what these laws 15% of India’s $2.9 trillion economy the official told Reuters. point of time,” said the source, declin- agriculture produce markets to pri- Veena, a 37-year-old from a farming mean for women farmers,” said farm and employs about half its workforce. There was no comment from the ing to be named as he was not author- vate buyers. family, who gave only one name in activist Kavitha Kuruganti. Women farmers have as much at Australian government. But a govern- ised to talk on the matter. “India Since December, many farmers order to protect her identity. “It is one more occasion to show- stake as men from the new laws, ment source said a global recovery expects members of the Quad alliance accompanied by their families have “I believe if us women are united, case and highlight the contribution of Kuruganti added. from the Covid-19 pandemic was a to pay to ramp up production. camped at three sites on the outskirts then we can achieve our target much women farmers both in agriculture in “Markets that are distant as well as policy priority for the country and A second Indian source said that at of the Indian capital to oppose the quicker,” added Veena, who travelled India as well as to this movement.” exploitative make single women farm- its Quad partners. Australia is the February virtual meeting, the biggest farm reforms in decades, from the northern state of Punjab to India says the reforms will bring ers more vulnerable, and in any case a exploring a number of options to Quad countries discussed ways to which they say hurt them. the sprawling Tikri protest spot. private investment into a vast and patriarchal society has discriminated work with partners to enhance stabili- “encourage alternative medical sup- Wearing bright yellow scarves rep- More than 20,000 women gathered at antiquated farm sector, improve sup- and made them vulnerable.” ty and prosperity in the region, the ply chains, thereby implying less source said. dependency on China”. Japan’s Foreign Minister A top political advisory body in Toshimitsu Motegi told a news confer- Beijing, the Chinese People’s Political ence on Friday that the four countries Consultative Conference, said con- discussed the “necessity and impor- cerns that China was using vaccines BRIEFING Three protesters shot dead as tance of international cooperation to to sway other countries were ensure equal access to vaccines for “extremely narrow-minded.” developing countries,” at the February China’s purpose was to make vac- Iran calls Pope’s Iraq visit meeting, but nothing was decided. cines available globally, the foreign ‘good’ and ‘constructive’ workers go on strike in Myanmar An Indian foreign ministry spokes- ministry said. man did not respond to a request for Indian companies such as the TEHRAN: Iran’s foreign ministry on AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE raided in the afternoon today by a comment. Serum Institute of India (SII), Bharat Monday called Pope Francis’ trip to YANGON, MARCH 8 group of soldiers and police,” editor- One of the two Indian sources, an Biotech, Biological E and Cadila neighbouring Iraq “very good” and Police and military in-chief Swe Win told AFP. official who has direct knowledge of Healthcare have the combined capaci- “constructive”, and described his Three anti-coup protesters were shot “They took desktop computers, Quad alliance discussions, said the ty to produce billions of doses of their meeting with the country’s top Shiite dead in Myanmar on Monday as dem- have responded with parts of our data server and a group had had several meetings about own vaccines or contract-manufac- official as conveying inter-religious onstrators across the country sought an increasing brutal printer.” global vaccination. ture for others. peace. Pope Francis met Grand to paralyse the economy with strike Banks, stores, shopping malls and Ayatollah Ali Sistani—the authority action following a weekend of night crackdown. some clothing factories were closed for most Shiite Muslims around the raids and arrests. following an appeal by trade unions world—in the Iraqi city of Najaf dur- The country has been in turmoil for a general strike to bring the econo- ing the first-ever visit to the country since a February 1 coup ousted civil- There was also grisly footage of my to a standstill. by a pontiff. “The pope’s visit to Iraq ian leader Aung San Suu Kyi and bleeding bodies lying on beds as “To continue economic and busi- was a very good and important visit,” triggered mass protests against the health workers frantically tried to ness activities as usual... will only ministry spokesman Saeed new military junta. resuscitate them. benefit the military as they repress Khatibzadeh told reporters at a press The police and military have One man was also seen lying the energy of the Myanmar people,” conference. The “constructive” trip responded with an increasingly brutal face down, with part of his skull 18 unions said in a statement. was made possible thanks to a “calm crackdown on demonstrators, with blown out. “The time to take action in defence and secure Iraq”, he said. more than 50 people killed and nearly A poignant image in local media of our democracy is now.” 1,800 arrested. showed a Catholic nun in a white Unions are seeking to ramp up an Despite the risk, protesters rallied habit on her knees in the street, plead- ongoing “Civil Disobedience Thailand jails more protest in parts of the commercial capital ing with police to show restraint. Movement”—a campaign urging civil leaders until trial for insults Yangon, the second-largest city “Two men were shot dead on the servants to boycott working under BANGKOK: Three Thai protest leaders Mandalay and other towns around the spot, meanwhile three others includ- military rule—which has already hit were jailed on Monday pending their country. In some areas, the authorities ing a woman were shot in the arm,” a state machinery hard. trial for insulting the country’s pow- once again responded with force. medic told AFP. The impact has been felt at erful monarchy, their lawyer said, In the northern city of Myitkyina, A third protester was shot dead in every level of the national infrastruc- after the state prosecutor indicted 18 security forces used tear gas and the town of Pyapon in the Irrawaddy ture, with hospital disruptions, empty activists for sedition over anti-gov- opened fire during street clashes with Delta region, an eyewitness and a res- ministry offices, and banks unable to ernment rallies last year. The jailed stone-throwing protesters. cue official told AFP. operate. protesters had broken traditional A live Facebook stream of the inci- In Yangon, security forces raided The junta has warned that civil taboos by criticising King Maha dent showed protesters dragging mul- the office of independent media outlet servants “will be fired” with immedi- AP/RSS Vajiralongkorn, risking prosecution tiple wounded demonstrators away by Myanmar Now. ate effect Monday if they continue A health worker prepares a dose of AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine at Hospital for Tropical under a strict lese majeste law that the arms and legs. “I can confirm that our office was to strike. Diseases in Hanoi, Vietnam, on Monday. makes insulting or defaming the king, queen, heir and regent punisha- ble by up to 15 years in prison. The criminal court denied bail for Panusaya “Roong” Sithijirawattanakul, 22, Panupong Royals absorb shock of revealing Harry, Meghan interview “Mike Rayong” Jadnok, 24, and Jatupat “Pai Daodin” Boonpattararaksa, 29, who faced ASSOCIATED PRESS The pair, known as the Duke and official earlier this year, and the inter- in Britain on Monday night—are only “For the family, they very much charges of lese majeste and 10 other LONDON, MARCH 8 Duchess of Sussex, announced they view was widely seen as their first beginning to be understood. Emily have this mentality of ‘This is just offences including sedition over a were quitting royal duties last year, opportunity to explain their decision. Nash, royal editor at Hello! Magazine, how it is, this is how it’s meant to be, September 19 protest near Bangkok’s Britain and its royal family absorbed citing what they said were the unbear- The implications for the inter- said the revelations had left her and you can’t change it, we’ve all been royal palace. the tremors on Monday from a sensa- able intrusions and racist attitudes of view—which was broadcast Sunday many other viewers “shell-shocked.” through it,’” Harry said. tional television interview by Prince the British media. That split became night in the United States and will air “I don’t see how the palace can Harry said he had lived in fear of a Harry and Meghan, in which the cou- ignore these allegations, they’re repeat of the fate of his mother, Police kill five suspected ple said they encountered racist atti- incredibly serious,” she said. “You Princess Diana, who was covered con- tudes and a lack of support that drove have the racism allegations. stantly by the press and died in a car separatists in Pakistan the duchess to thoughts of suicide. Anti-monarchy group Republic said crash in Paris in 1997 while being QUETTA: Pakistani security forces, act- In a two-hour soul-baring interview the interview gave a clearer picture of pursued by paparazzi. ing on intelligence, raided a suspect- with Oprah Winfrey, the couple paint- what the royal family is like. Both Meghan and Harry praised the ed hideout of a separatist group in ed a deeply unflattering picture of life Harry, born a royal prince, described support they had received from Queen southwestern Baluchistan province inside the royal household, depicting how his wife’s experience had helped Elizabeth II, Harry’s grandmother. on Monday, triggering a shootout that a cold, uncaring institution that they him realise how he and he rest of the But Harry revealed he currently killed five insurgents, the province’s had to flee to save their lives. family were stuck in an oppressive has a poor relationship with his broth- counter-terrorism department said. Meghan told Winfrey that at one institution. er, William, and said things got so bad In a statement, it said police also point “I just didn’t want to be alive “I was trapped, but I didn’t know I with his father that at one point Prince seized a cache of weapons in the raid anymore” and had uncontrollable sui- was trapped,” Harry said. “My father Charles stopped taking his calls. in the district of Mastung. The slain cidal thoughts. and my brother, they are trapped.” “There is a lot to work through men were members of the Baluch Meghan, 39, admitted that she was Meghan, he said, “saved me.” there,” Harry said about his relation- Liberation, a separatist group that naive at the start of her relationship The younger royals—including ship with his father. “I feel really let often targets police and troops in with Harry and unprepared for the Harry, Meghan, Harry’s brother, down. He’s been through something Baluchistan, according to the police. strictures of royal life. Prince William, and William’s wife, similar. He knows what pain feels like. The raid came hours after insurgents The former television star, who Catherine—have made campaigning And Archie is his grandson. I will killed a sailor and wounded two oth- identifies as biracial, described that for support and awareness around always love him, but there is a lot of ers in an attack on a Pakistani Navy when she was pregnant with son mental health one of their priorities. hurt that has happened.” vehicle in Baluchistan. Baluchistan Archie, there were “concerns and con- REUTERS But Harry described a royal family In a rare positive moment, Harry Liberation Army claimed responsibil- versations about how dark his skin Britain’s Prince Harry and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, are interviewed by Oprah Winfrey in completely unable to offer that sup- and Meghan revealed their second ity for the attack. (AGENCIES) might be when he’s born.” this undated handout photo. port to its own members. child, due in summer, would be a girl.

C M Y K 07 | TUESDAY, MARCH 09, 2021 MONEY Bhairahawa special economic zone lies forlorn and empty The export-oriented enclave, whose construction started nearly two decades ago, remains in a semi-finished sate and lacks even basic infrastructure like electricity and water.

MADHAV DHUNGANA out of the 69 plots allotted for industry the Ministry of Industry. “After receiv- BHAIRAHAWA, MARCH 8 have been utilised. Agreements to set ing the consent from the Law and up 22-23 factories have been signed, Finance ministries, we will table it at Nepal established its first special but construction has not started. the cabinet for its approval.” economic zone in Bhairahawa nearly Other plots lie vacant as no takers He said that a notice had been pub- two decades ago, but the signature have come forward. lished five days ago for entrepreneurs initiative aimed at promoting exports The Nepal Electricity Authority has who have not started constructing does not seem to have been able to been saying for years that the tender their factories even after signing the impress investors. process for the construction of a sub- agreement. For new factories, a notice There are few takers for the indus- station inside the zone has reached the will be issued within mid-March. Rijal trial plots at the export-oriented final stage and that other infrastruc- added that they would also study the enclave, and the estate lies semi com- tures are fully operational, but so far reasons why entrepreneurs are not pleted even though many ministers nothing has happened. starting the construction work even have come and gone in these years. The budget allocated for the con- after signing the agreement. The much-hyped Bhairahawa spe- struction of the substation has been He said that the construction work cial economic zone was built in 2003 frozen for three consecutive fiscal on the remaining physical infrastruc- and its administrative building was years. As work to build the substation ture at the Bhairahawa special eco- inaugurated in November 2014, that is, has not started, the possibility of the nomic zone had started, and that a a full 11 years after construction start- substation being completed this year tender for the construction of the ed, by then deputy prime minister and too seems farfetched, traders say. power substation had been prepared home minister Bam Dev Gautam and The government has not been by the consultant and that it would industry minister Mahesh Basnet. able to provide services to industrial- be issued in a few days. “Everything In 2017, the then industry minister ists as per the law, and it has not even will move forward by the end of this Nabindra Raj Joshi inaugurated the drawn up the necessary rules and year,” he said. facility for the second time. regulations. Five companies have cancelled their Nearly two decades on, officials at The Special Economic Zones Act agreements to build factories citing the special economic zone claimed was amended two years ago, but the delays in the operation of the special that construction work would be com- regulations have not been changed economic zone operation. Siddhartha pleted by this fiscal year which ends accordingly. The process of amending Group of Industries, Sugam Nano mid-Ju l y. the regulations is ongoing, and it Herbal and Numtal Industries are Proprietor of Shakti Minerals, remains unclear what kind of facto- among the five companies. Deepak Kumar Jha, who set up the ries will be allowed to operate inside Entrepreneurs have complained first factory in the special economic the zone until they are completed. that 24-hour electricity supply, one- zone, said that investors had not been PHOTO COURTESY: SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONE AUTHORITY, NEPAL Balram Rijal, executive director of stop service system, initial environ- provided the facilities promised. The special zone in Bhairahawa is spread over 52 bighas, and contains 69 industrial plots ranging in area from 1,400 to 3,700 square metres. the special economic zone who is also mental impact assessment, customs, “The operation law of the zone says the joint secretary at the Ministry of bank, insurance, tax and other infra- that customs procedures will be com- ucts, customs duty of Rs1,700 per vehi- that even the minimum infrastructure 1,400 to 3,700 square metres. Industry, Commerce and Supplies, structure that should be available pleted within the premises, but it has cle per day is levied on cargo vehicles is not available. Currently, three plants are fully said that the special zone would be inside the special economic zone are not happened,” he said. “The main going to India. The zone lacks even basic infra- operational and six are under con- revived as they have expedited the not available yet. problem is the intermittent power “I’ve been talking about the structure like electricity and water. struction. process by coordinating with all relat- “I have decided to cancel the agree- cuts. I never thought that the issue for two years and wrote an appli- The special economic zone authority Shakti Minerals, Brilliant Lights ed agencies. ment after months as the government special economic zone would have cation as well,” he said. “But it fell on has not yet been able to provide servic- and Bistar Global operating inside the “In 20 years’ time, a child will have could not assure facilities inside the such a facility.” deaf ears.” es to entrepreneurs through a one- estate have exported products worth become a young person, but the spe- zone,” said Istiaq Ahmed, proprietor According to Jha, no other tariff is Jha is not the only one with com- door system. Entrepreneurs say the Rs206.1 million to India in the first six cial economic zone in Bhairahawa has of Nano Herbal. levied on cargo vehicles arriving from plaints. As the government has not rules stated in the customs procedure months of the current fiscal year. still not come into full operation,” he Rajesh Agrawal, managing director India within 72 hours after paying been able to provide the required facil- and the zone conflict with each other. These three companies supplied said. “There are complaints that the of the Siddhartha Group of Industries, customs duty. There is no charge for ity for years, some businessmen inter- The zone authority has not been able goods valued at Rs72.8 million to the infrastructure has been overgrown said that he cancelled the agreement Indian vehicles coming to load goods ested in setting up factories in the to provide them facilities. domestic market in the same period, with weeds, and that is true.” as the operation of the special at the customs premises. However, in zone are in a ‘wait and watch’ mood. The special zone in Bhairahawa is said Arjun Pandey, engineer at He said the board of the special eco- facility got delayed for years. “Still, the special economic zone, which Others have cancelled their agree- spread over 52 bighas, and contains 69 Bhairahawa special economic zone. nomic zone had passed a proposal to the special zone has a problem with gives priority to export-oriented prod- ments to operate plants complaining industrial plots ranging in area from According to the authority, only 22 amend the regulations and sent it to electricity.”


US Dollar 117.51 Small hydro projects become Thailand in a green rush Euro 139.53 Pound Sterling 162.45 eligible for refinance facility as government pushes Japanese Yen 10.83 Chinese Yuan 18.00 Central bank expanded eligibility citing poor interest from small and medium scale firms. cannabis as cash crop Qatari Riyal 31.78

Australian Dollar 89.83 POST REPORT of Nepal submitted a list of the although the interest rate in the mar- REUTERS KATHMANDU, MARCH 8 troubled schemes, and the ket has also come down lately,” he BURIRAM (THAILAND), MARCH 8 Malaysian Ringit 28.61 Electricity Regulation Commission said. Developers of small hydropower pro- recommended providing them certain The central bank said it expanded Thais flocked to a cannabis exhibition Saudi Arab Riyal 31.32 jects now qualify for cheap loans concessions. eligibility for refinance as there were as interest and demand in the Exchange rates fixed by Nepal Rastra Bank under the central bank’s refinance “Some got into difficulty because of few takers from among small and plant surges after the government facility. high production costs while others medium scale enterprises affected by unlocked hemp use in food and cos- Nepal Rastra Bank has amended the witnessed lower energy production the Covid-19 pandemic. metics in the latest move to promote a working procedure for refinancing than anticipated and some had high In order to help small and medium new cash crop. PRICE PER TOLA BULLION and categorised hydropower projects operating costs,” the official said. scale enterprises with refinance The government held a convention with a capacity of less than 10 mega- facility, the central bank had intro- in Buriram province in northeastern Fine Gold Rs 86,200 watts as beneficiaries under the spe- duced the policy of providing Thailand over the weekend to educate cial refinance facility, making them The central bank loans of up to Rs50 million to each the public on cannabis use and pro- Silver Rs 1,265 eligible to borrow funds at a maxi- enterprise in a bulk approval process. mote businesses. People were able to mum of 3 percent interest. received a list of Under this modality, 70 percent of the taste hemp-based noodles, ice-cream SOURCE: FENEGOSIDA Under the special refinance facility, total planned funds should have been and drinks. the central bank issues matching 37 hydropower provided. Hemp plants are a variety of canna- loans at 1 percent interest to banks The central bank said it approved bis that have higher concentrations of GASOLINE WATCH and financial institutions that have projects facing refinancing amounting to less than CBD, the non-psychoactive ingredient REUTERS provided credit to targeted borrowers. half of the Rs200 billion set aside for in marijuana, and lower levels of tet- People take pictures of cannabis plants “The main reason behind categori- various problems. refinance funding under the bulk cate- rahydrocannabinol (THC). during the ‘360 Cannabis & Hemp for the sation of small hydropower projects gory. Applications for refinance from “Ganja [marijuana] is the rising People’ expo in Buriram province, Thailand. as beneficiaries of special refinance micro enterprises through micro star to bring our good quality of lives facility is to help certain hydropower The central bank has aimed to pro- finance institutions too amounted to and money back in our purses as said it would buy a kilogram of projects which are having a hard time vide relief to a wider variety of small less than half of the available funds good [economy] as before and cannabis with 12 percent CBD, the repaying loans after facing various projects by amending the working pro- under this category. even better,” said Withid non-psychoactive ingredient, for problems,” said a senior central bank cedure. Along with export industries, “While demand for refinance facili- Sarideechaikoo, director of Buriram 45,000 baht ($1,500). official who wished to remain enterprises run by women and disa- ty of more than Rs50 million, which is public health and organiser of the A group of seven individuals could unnamed because a recent communi- bled people get refinance facilities at provided on a case to case basis, Cannabis 360° event, referring to the form a village enterprise and seek cation policy allows only spokesper- cheap interest rates. remains high, we have made it easier plant’s local name. government permission to grow sons to speak to the media. Shailendra Guragain, former presi- for them to get refinance by dipping “It will bring good quality of lives to hemp. “We have received a list of 37 trou- dent of the Independent Power into funds meant for other catego- us and to the country.” Thailand, which has a tradition of bled hydropower projects with a Producers of Nepal, said that the cen- ries,” said the central bank official. Thailand has been pushing canna- using cannabis to relieve pain and capacity of less than 10 megawatts.” tral bank’s move was a welcome devel- According to the central bank, it bis as a cash crop and state drug fatigue, legalised marijuana for medi- According to the central bank offi- opment. “It will assist small hydro- has provided Rs142 billion in refi- maker the Government cal use and research in 2017 to boost cial, the Independent Power Producers power projects to repay their loans nance facilities so far. Pharmaceutical Organization has agricultural income. Covid-19 travel insurance becoming a vacation staple

REUTERS ance industry and a niche to develop NEW YORK, MARCH 8 new products, companies said. For example in June, Seven Corners BIZLINE Covid-19 insurance policies are introduced an optional medical travel increasingly joining passports and plan with coverage for coronavirus sunscreen as vacation staples, creat- expenses, Murchland said. By year’s Samsung launches Galaxy ing opportunities for insurers as more end, the product with coronavirus cov- A12 in Nepal countries require mandatory cover- erage generated about 80 percent of age in case visitors fall ill from the total medical travel plan sales. KATHMANDU: Samsung, Nepal’s most coronavirus. Seven Corners also saw a 20 percent trusted smartphone brand, has Airline bookings are on the rise in rise in travellers buying highly priced announced the launch of its first some regions, driving cautious hopes “cancel for any reason” policies in Galaxy A series smartphone in Nepal of a revival in summer traffic, but also 2020. The policies cover cancellation this year, the Galaxy A12. The all new raising fears among tourist destina- costs related to the virus. Galaxy A21 comes loaded with power tions of getting hit with bills should Some countries have mandated packed features such as True 48MP vacationers become stranded by the travel insurance for incoming visi- Quad Camera, stunning 6.5” HD+ virus. More than a dozen countries tors—either by including it in their Infinity-V display, a powerful from Aruba to Thailand require entry or visa fees or by requiring 5000mAh battery and a range of other Covid-19 coverage for visitors, with proof of coverage, said insurer World innovative features, making this the Jordan the latest to consider such pro- Nomads. most affordable A Series smartphone tections, organizers of an emergency Jordan is evaluating whether to ever launched by Samsung, reads the services plan told Reuters. require a mandatory flat fee for visi- press statement issued by the compa- The market for all types of Covid-19 REUTERS tors as part of a programme from ny. The True 48MP primary lens with travel coverage is estimated to be The trident logo of the Club Med is seen at Les Boucaniers vacation resort at Saint Anne in the French Caribbean island of Martinique, France. Global Rescue and the Global Travel an ISOCELL GM2 sensor delivers an between $30 billion to $40 billion a and Tourism Resilience Council, said output of high clarity with 48 million year, according to travel insurance “Travel insurance and protection local burial or cremation. These bene- Covid-19 coverage. A travel insurance council co-chair Taleb Rifai. The pro- pixels therefore ensuring crisp and consultant Robyn Ingle, with compa- services are taking off at pace with fits, introduced by insurers in mid- plan that includes trip protection, gramme, which costs up to $100 per high quality shots in every capture. nies like AXA and AIG underwriting travel as it resumes, said Dan 2020, are sold either as add-ons or as medical expense coverage for Covid-19 person, covers certain disasters and Galaxy A12 which is available in protection. Richards, chief executive for travel separate policies with coverage for and protection for baggage and per- illnesses like Covid-19. three colours—Black, Blue and Red, But a surge in demand for Covid-19 risk and crisis management firm illness or quarantine. sonal effects typically costs 4 percent Jordan’s Tourism Bureau was not is priced at Rs18,999 for 4GB+64GB coverage also means insurers could be Global Rescue. Jeremy Murchland, president of to 8 percent of the dollar value of the available for comment. variant and Rs19,999 for 4GB+128GB on the hook for big payouts should Covid-19 insurance benefits typical- Indiana-based travel insurance com- trip, Murchland said. It is not clear how coverage demand variant. The all new Galaxy A12 will another wave of infections lead to ly cover treatment up to $100,000, and pany Seven Corners, said travellers While the pandemic has battered will evolve as many more people be available from March 8 at retail large numbers of cancellations or could include coronavirus testing are now “more likely to insure their travel, demand for coverage has creat- become inoculated against the corona- stores all over the country. tourists getting sick. costs and services like evacuation or trips,” as more countries require ed opportunity for the hard-hit insur- virus with vaccines.

C M Y K TUESDAY, MARCH 09, 2021 | 08 SPORTS | MEDLEY BRIEFING Kami half-century gives Army first win Steve Gerrard’s Danny Ings out for three weeks Rangers crowned LONDON: Southampton forward Danny The departmental team bounce back from their opening loss against APF to edge Kathmandu Mayor’s XI by five . Ings will be out of action for the rest of this month with a muscle injury SPORTS BUREAU Mayor’s XI Openers Khadak Bohora champions sustained in Saturday’s 2-0 KATHMANDU, MARCH 8 and Harishankar Shah scored win at Sheffield United, the Premier 19 and 18 runs respectively playing a REUTERS League club said. Ings went to ground A half-century from Sompal Kami 48-run partnership for the first LONDON, MARCH 8 early in the game at the Bramall Lane gave Tribhuvan Army Club a before the latter was caught behind by and was replaced by Che Adams. Ings five-wicket victory over Mayor’s XI as skipper Binod Bhandari off Alam. Rangers celebrated their first league will miss league meetings away to they registered their first win in the Sandeep Rajali contributed 37 off 63. triumph since 2011 after Celtic were leaders Manchester City on Kathmandu Mayor’s Cup one-day Mayor XI captain Sandeep frustrated by Dundee United in a 0-0 Wednesday and at home to south- tournament at the TU grounds, Lamichhane, who hit 13 runs, was the Scottish Premiership draw on Sunday coast rivals Brighton & Hove Albion Kirtipur. only other player to contribute in dou- to hand their bitter Glasgow rivals the on Sunday. He will also be missing for Inviting Mayor’s XI to bat first, ble figures. title. their FA Cup quarter-final clash at Army bowled them out for 155 runs in Army’s highest wicket taker Alam Rangers fans had flouted Covid-19 local rivals Bournemouth on 42.1 overs as Shahab Alam grabbed conceded 39 runs in his 10 overs of lockdown restrictions to gather out- March 20. four wickets. In the run chase, the bowling with a maiden over. Jitendra side Ibrox before and after Saturday’s departmental team surpassed the Mukhiya grabbed three wickets in his 3-0 win over St Mirren which moved meagre target in 23.5 overs at a loss of 10 over spell with three maiden overs. the team to within a point of the title West Indies beat Sri Lanka by five wickets. He gave away 38 runs. and Celtic needed a win to delay their three wickets, clinch T20 series While Army pulled their first win In the run chase, opener Sompal celebrations. ANTIGUA: Spin all-rounder from the second match, the situation Kami made the work easy for Army But despite Celtic dominating pos- Fabian Allen smashed 21 off six reversed for Mayor’s XI who faced first scoring 80 runs from 51 deliveries. The session and having more than 25 shots balls to help West Indies beat Sri defeat from two matches played. The player-of-the-match hit nine fences during the game, the visitors were Lanka by three wickets and complete tournament featuring five teams is and six sixes before being caught by unable to find a way past a determined a 2-1 T20 series victory in Antigua played in the round robin format and Narayan Joshi off Lamichhane. United side. on Sunday. Allen had already claimed the top two finishers of the group Bhim Sharki contributed 16 runs Steve Gerrard’s Rangers have 88 1-13 from his four tidy overs, helping round will vie for the title. while Kushal Malla scored run-a-ball points from 32 matches - 20 points restrict Sri Lanka to a modest 131-4 Nepal Armed Police Force Club are 23. Skipper Bhandari remained more than Celtic - and have claimed a in the third match. Sri Lanka on top of the standings winning both unbeaten at 20 runs off 27 deliveries. 55th league title, taking them four elected to bat but were reduced of their matches while Bagmati are at Rajesh Pulami remained not out for ahead of the total won by their neigh- to 47-4 at the halfway stage of their the bottom of losing both fixtures. eight runs. bours. innings. Dinesh Chandimal made 54 Police have won one out of two match- Mayor XI’s Lamichhane and Bipin Six minutes into Sunday’s match, not out and Ashen Bandara remained es played. Khatri grabbed two wickets apiece. Rangers fans flew a banner over unbeaten on 44 to help them to a Mayor’s XI dramatic collapse start- Lamichhane, however, was too expen- Tannadice Park that read ‘Can you see competitive total. West Indies started ed after the highest scorer Saurav sive, conceding 74 runs in his nine us now?! #55 titles’ and United ground well but the Sri Lankan spinners Khanal was sent to pavilion with 42 over spell. Khatri gave away 34 runs in staff later had to douse flames after refused to throw in the towel. runs under his belt with 131-5 on his 4.5 over bowling. some individuals threw flares into the Wanindu Hasaranga dismissed Evin board. He hit two fences and sixes There will be two matches on stadium. Lewis and Lendl Simmons in his each before being caught by Bhim Tuesday with Bagmati taking on APF The title success is especially sweet successive overs as the hosts Sharki off Kushal Malla. But they lost Club at the TU grounds and Police for Rangers, who spiralled into finan- slumped to 105-7 in the 17th over. POST PHOTO: ELITE JOSHI the remaining batsmen cheaply for vying with Army at the Mulpani cial turmoil and were demoted to Needing 20 off 12 balls, Allen Army’s Sompal Kami hit 80 runs off 51 balls that included nine boundaries and six sixes. 24 runs. grounds. Scotland’s bottom tier in 2012 after smashed Akila Dananjaya for three entering administration. sixes to secure their victory with an With former Liverpool and England over to spare. midfielder Gerrard in charge, howev- er, the Glasgow side have ended EPL partners Celtic’s grip on the league crown that Women’s World Cups to have Madhyapur end Satdobato’s unbeaten run has stretched back for nine seasons. two more teams from 2026 “Delighted for Gerrard and all his with sportswear team. Celtic have had a period of dom- NEW DELHI: The International Cricket SPORTS BUREAU they lose their next fixture and and gave them a slim hope of avoiding inance, which has been... uncomforta- Council said on Monday it would add KATHMANDU, MARCH 8 Khumaltar win due to head-to-head relegation with only a final round ble for us Rangers supporters,” for- two more teams to record over their closest rivals. match left. RCT are fifth in the brand Seven mer Rangers player and manager both the one-day and Champions Satdobato Youth Club’s Satdobato have defeated them 1-0 in standings with 13 points in their Graeme Souness told Sky Sports. editions of the women’s World Cup unbeaten run came to an end after their match. account. SPORTS BUREAU “They thoroughly deserve it. from 2026. The T20 World Cup in 2026 they faced first league defeat in their Madhyapur leapfrogged three The bottom placed team would be KATHMANDU, MARCH 8 They’ve been fantastic all season and I and the two subsequent editions penultimate match going down 2-1 sports up to sixth position with 13 relegated to ‘C’ Division at the comple- just wish I was in Glasgow right now.” would feature 12 teams, the ICC said against a lowly Madhyapur Youth points in their kitty after winning tion of the tournament. Only one Everest Premier League (EPL) Rangers fans gathered outside Ibrox in a statement. The four previous Association in the Martyrs Memorial fourth match in a row. point separates them from the second Twenty20 cricket tournament has again on Sunday and let off flares and editions have had 10 teams. The ‘B’ Division League football tourna- Lamichhane Khatri put Satdobato from bottom Jhamsikhel Youth Club. partnered with sportswear brand fireworks at the club’s Govan base, 50-overs World Cup in 2029 would ment at the ANFA Complex, Satdobato, ahead in the 26th when he headed They could avoid relegation in the Seven as the principal co-sponsor for prompting Scotland’s Justice Minister become a 10-team tournament. The on Monday. skipper Ronish Dheke Rajbahak’s event they win their last fixture and the franchise-based event set to be Humza Yousaf to ask them to remain ICC also unveiled a six-team Bottom of the table, Pulchowk also right flank cross from the area. hope that Jhamsikhel lose or draw held from September 25 to October 9. at home and not risk spreading the women’s T20 Champions Cup pulled off a surprise 2-1 victory over Substitute Angthupo restored parity their match. EPL managing director Aamir novel coronavirus. tournament, to be held in 2027 and fifth place Ranipokhari Corner Team in the 50th after he fired past an Rana, left unmarked in the area, Akhtar announced that they have Celtic boss Neil Lennon stepped 2031. The announcement comes (RCT) to test their first win in the late advancing Madhyapur custodian made an easy tapping in the fifth min- roped in the Indian sports brand as down earlier in a dismal campaign in exactly a year since Australia beat fixture at the same venue. Akash Ranabhat from the edge of the ute to open scoring for Pulchowk con- their exclusive kitting, clothing and which their hopes of a 10th consecu- India in the final of the Twenty20 Kailash Lamichhane Khatri area. verting forward Kismat Limbu’s cross merchandise partner for three years. tive league title faded in the face of World Cup in front of a record and Sunny Lama scored in both halves Lama ensured victory for from the area. RCT forward Dangol Seven will provide sportswear for all relentless pressure from Rangers, who 86,000-plus crowd in Melbourne. The for Madhyapur while substitute Madhyapur eight minutes later, when equalised two minutes before the six franchises in the tournament have scored 77 goals and conceded tournament in Australia also Maldina Angthupo netted for he was allowed a free header inside break with a jumping header from the along with other staffers. only nine all season. attracted record television numbers, Satdobato. the area to convert captain Ranabhat’s area. According to Arun Pandey, the man- “Even though Rangers haven’t making it the most watched women’s Satdobato, the only unbeaten team cross. Limbu scored the decisive aging director and chairman of Rhiti kicked a ball today, it’s their day,” for- cricket event of all time. New Zealand already assured of title and promotion The late match saw Arun Kumar goal for Pulchowk in the 77th Group which produces the sportswear, mer Celtic goalkeeper Pat Bonner told hosts the next ODI World Cup, to ‘A’ Division, slumped to their first Rana and Kismat Limbu score for minute when he applied a finishing they would supply the sports kits the BBC. “To only lose nine goals, it featuring eight teams, in 2022. The defeat in 10th match. They have 25 Pulchowk while captain Amar Dangol touch from the close range collecting worth around Rs13 million in total. He doesn’t matter what league you’re in, tournament could not be held this points and are three points ahead of netted for RCT. Min Bahadur Gurung’s scorcher also announced that the company that’s a fantastic piece of work. year because of the Covid-19 second placed Khumaltar. They will The first win of the league cam- stopped by diving goalie Saroj would be opening three outlets in the The two teams will clash in an “Old pandemic. (AGENCIES) win the championship trophy even if paign earned Pulchowk five points Tamang. Capital over the next two years. Firm Derby” on March 21. HOROSCOPE ARIES (March 21-April 19) **** CANCER (June 22-July 22) *** LIBRA (September 23-October 22) *** CAPRICORN (December 22-January 19) **** Tuesday’s skies are something of a rollercoaster, Tuesday’s cosmic landscape plunges you into your It feels as if a weight has been lifted, Libra. The In true Capricorn fashion, you’re ready to get right Aries. The moon slides into socially connected psyche, Cancer. The moon wades into future-orient- moon cruises into future-oriented Aquarius, direct- down to business under Tuesday’s skies. The moon Aquarius, forming a supportive link with your rul- ed Aquarius and forms a powerful connection with ing your attention towards leisure, love, and playful roams into progressive Aquarius, directing your ing planet, go-getter Mars. hyper-active Mars. activities. attention towards your potential and your skill sets.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20) *** LEO (July 23-August 22) *** SCORPIO (October 23-November 21) *** AQUARIUS (January 20-February 18) *** You’re ready to get down to business today, Taurus. Relationships seem to dominate your focus today, Contradicting energies permeate the day ahead, All eyes are on you today, Aquarius! You’re bursting The moon cruises into future-oriented Aquarius this Leo. The moon wanders through eccentric Aquarius, Scorpio. The moon dips into thoughtful Aquarius, out of the isolation cocoon you’ve found yourself morning and forms a strong link with energizing directing your energy towards partnership matters— making for an introverted day that focuses mostly on inhabiting in recent days and are ready to make your Mars, helping you kick things into high gear and business, romantic, or platonic. home and family matters. mark on the world, as the moon moves into your sign. stay motivated with anything on your to-do list.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21) **** VIRGO (August 23-September 22) **** SAGITTARIUS (November 22-December 21) *** PISCES (February 19-March 20) *** This year is all about learning to have faith in your- As a Virgo, it’s part of your life’s work to nurture Today’s skies are sure to keep you on your toes, As a Pisces, you can only handle so much social inter- self as an individual, Gemini. The moon drifts into yourself through mind, body, and soul. This story Sagittarius. The moon meanders into socially action before feeling totally zapped. The universe is logical Aquarius this morning and forms a support- around your overall health is highlighted today, as smooth Aquarius and forms a highly energized con- working to help you recognize you’re in need of a ive connection with motivated Mars. the moon cruises into observant Aquarius. nection with motivated Mars. break from it all, as the moon slides into reflective Aquarius this morning. CROSSWORD SUDOKU


C M Y K 09 | TUESDAY, MARCH 09, 2021 SPORTS Winning run ended by Man United but Benzema denies Atletico Man City running away with league title Madrid derby victory REUTERS power up front. MADRID, MARCH 8 “We have never said the title race is Solskjaer’s side ended the leaders’ winning streak at 21 matches but Pep Guardiola’s men still have 11 points advantage. over and we know it’s going to go Real Madrid forward Karim Benzema down to the wire but we have to now But it is City set to be champions just struck an 88th-minute equaliser to focus on Wednesday, when we have a like in 2014, 2018 and 2019 since snatch a 1-1 draw at La Liga leaders chance to pick up more points and our United’s last title in 2013 when Alex Atletico Madrid on Sunday and keep rivals do not.” Ferguson retired. his side in the title race. Atletico coach Diego Simeone wel- “We need to improve on so many Luis Suarez had put the hosts in comed back England defender Kieran things to get up ... to get our consisten- charge in the 15th minute, producing Tripper after more than two months cy better,” Solskjaer said. “Of course, an ice-cool finish to beat Thibaut out suspended but benched 126-mil- they’re 11 points ahead of us. So that’s Courtois after a lung-bursting run for- lion-euro forward Joao Felix before a long, long way so we need to focus on ward from his own half by midfielder introducing the Portuguese in the sec- ourselves and just be a better Man Marcos Llorente. ond half. United. I feel we’re a better Man Benzema, who returned after miss- The visitors appealed loudly for a United now then we were 12, 13, 16 ing Real’s last three matches through penalty shortly before halftime when months ago.” injury, was the champions’ focal point Atletico defender Felipe appeared to Liverpool are a team in freefall, in attack and spurned three chances handle the ball while Suarez and domestically at least. The season’s to score before equalising late on, Real’s Lucas Vazquez clashed when hopes are now on progressing past playing a one-two with Casemiro to the two teams headed off for the half- Leipzig to reach the quarter-finals of tap into the net. time break after disagreeing over a the Champions League. Liverpool An Atletico victory would have tackle from Casemiro on Thomas have now gone more than 11 hours taken Diego Simeone’s side eight Lemar. without a goal from open play at the points clear of their city rivals but Real were still missing key players Anfield. The latest setback came Benzema’s leveller means they lead such as captain Sergio Ramos and against a Fulham side who are in the third-placed Real by five points while Eden Hazard but crucially could count relegation zone. And Mario Lemina Barcelona, in second, are three points on the return of top scorer Benzema. had never scored for the London club behind. The Frenchman was thwarted from before netting at Liverpool just before Atletico can tighten their grip on close range by Atletico keeper Jan halftime. top spot when they host Athletic Oblak and then saw a powerful free “Not good enough,” Liverpool man- Bilbao on Wednesday, however. kick tipped away by the Slovenian, but ager Jürgen Klopp said. “We got used Captain Koke rued the late equalis- finally got the better of him to com- to each other and played some good er after his side had bossed the game. plete a quick counter-attack. stuff, created chances, didn’t score “We were superior to them but they “I think they were better in the first and the longer the game goes on in our can score against you at any moment,” half and we were better in the second situation it is not that you get strong- he told reporters. and this is a good point for us,” said er, it gets lesser and that it how “We brought fresh players on and Benzema. it was.” tried to add to our lead but we were up “The result means the title race is AP/RSS Three successive wins for against a great rival who have a lot of still on our minds.” Bruno Fernandes (right) scored his 17th penalty since January 2020 while Marcus Rashford (left) scored his first league goal since 2018. Tottenham have coincided with Gareth Bale finally making the impact ASSOCIATED PRESS City hold over second-place United. Only 36 seconds had elapsed at the hoped for when the forward returned MANCHESTER, MARCH 8 City running away with the title Etihad Stadium when Gabriel Jesus on loan after seven years at Real seemed unimaginable in November tripped Anthony Martial and the ref- Madrid. Bale slotted in the opener Long after the final whistle blew, Ole when they lost to then-leaders eree pointed to the penalty spot. Bruno after 25 minutes after being set up by Gunnar Solskjaer and Pep Guardiola Tottenham. So too, perhaps, when it Fernandes stepped up and converted Kane. After Christian Benteke levelled stood on the touchline, arms wrapped was United topping the standings less his 17th penalty since joining United in first-half stoppage time, Bale was around each other. than 50 days ago. in January 2020. on target again in the 49th, heading in Deep in conversation, the managers United’s challenge has crumbled That was a time when fans were still from Sergio Reguilon’s cross. of the Manchester rivals had a rare but not as spectacularly as Liverpool’s allowed into stadiums. The last time It was a lightning start to the second moment of respite in this chaotically title defence. A sixth successive home these sides played in front of a full half with Kane curling Tottenham congested season to debrief a derby defeat—losing 1-0 to Fulham on crowd was the March 8 Manchester further ahead in the 52nd. Kane’s sec- that left United the victorious spoilers Sunday—left Liverpool in eighth derby last year, days before the ond in the 76th was assisted by Son but City the only team with the place. Champions by 18 points last pandemic was declared. Just like at Heung-min, giving them a Premier Premier League trophy in their sights. season, Liverpool are now a remarka- the Old Trafford, United won 2-0 on League-record 14 goal combinations. Manchester United’s 2-0 victory on ble 22 points behind City. Even qualify- City’s soil. While Fulham have raised their Sunday halted City’s winning run at ing for the Champions League could Five minutes into the second half hopes of survival—only sitting in the 21 matches in all competitions. be slipping from Liverpool’s reach. on Sunday, United goalkeeper Dean relegation zone on goal difference— Guardiola’s side will have to settle for Even Tottenham have recovered to Henderson threw the ball out to Shaw, West Bromwich Albion look doomed. having the English record streak. The close the gap on Chelsea after beating who was gifted time and space to run Sam Alllardyce’s side are eight points pursuit of the world-record 27-game Crystal Palace 4-1. With the title look- into the penalty area. After a one-two from safety following a 0-0 draw with mark is over. ing settled, it’s the race for fourth with Marcus Rashford, the left back Newcastle, who are only one The most important number to place that could provide the drama in scored his first league goal since 2018, point above Fulham in the final rele- Guardiola is 11—the points advantage the final weeks of the season. putting the ball through Rodri’s legs. gation spot. Djokovic sets World T20, Ashes loom for Australia new record of REUTERS series before Sunday’s decider. in the World Test Championship at SYDNEY, MARCH 8 “I was really pleased with our resil- Lord’s in June. ience through the series to bounce The decision not to tour South 311 weeks as Australia’s international season came back from 2-0 down,” Finch said after Africa all but sealed Australia’s fate to a close with an emphatic loss to Sunday’s fifth T20 loss by seven wick- on that score but there is a blockbust- New Zealand in a Twenty20 series ets. “Even when we lost the second er home Ashes series later this year to world number 1 decider in Wellington on Sunday, leav- game in particular, we were right look forward to. ing many questions to be answered there, probably one swing of the bat The Australians repaired some of AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE over the coming months. from pinching it. There was a lot of the damage done to their reputation PARIS, MARCH 8 Unlike the home Test series loss to character from the group.” by the Newlands ball-tampering scan- India around the New Year, there were The T20 World Cup is the one global dal in the manner of their retaining Novak Djokovic set a new landmark mitigating circumstances to the 3-2 cricket trophy Australia have never the urn in England in 2019. of 311 weeks as world number one on defeat at the hands of the Black Caps won and they will be confident of The leadership of the captain-coach Monday, one week longer than Roger eight months out from the T20 World being competitive with a full-strength combination of Tim Paine and Justin Federer whose tally of a record 20 Cup in India. side in October and November. Langer that orchestrated that feat Grand Slam titles is now firmly in the There was no question the squad Many of the players most likely to was, however, increasingly questioned Serb’s sights. “Big day today”, tennis was weakened by the absence of top take them to a maiden title will head during and after the humiliating home superstar wrote on Twitter. players including David Warner and off overseas again next month to hone Test series loss to India. Djokovic, 33, won his 18th major at Steve Smith, who were selected their T20 skills in the Indian Premier Those questions, as well as a big one the Australian Open in February. instead for the Test tour of South League. over Australia’s middle-order , With Federer turning 40 in August, Africa which Australia subsequently India’s fourth Test victory over will be thrashed out over the coming the Serb has time on his side. He is aborted due to health concerns. England means Australia will not be months and, for Finch and his New also a year younger than Rafael Nadal After coming out of quarantine, contesting the newest global trophy in Zealand tourists, there was just one who also has 20 majors. Aaron Finch’s side lost the first two the men’s game with Virat Kohli’s thought as they boarded their charter AFP/RSS “It really excites me to walk the matches but rebounded to level the team now set to take on New Zealand flight on Sunday. Karim Benzema’s 88th-minute equaliser kept third-placed Real Madrid in the title race. path of legends and giants of this sport,” said Djokovic, in a statement released by the ATP. He has spent 88 weeks at number one, across two different stints. Djokovic reclaimed the top ranking Japan to decide on overseas spectators for Tokyo by March-end from Nadal in February 2020 and fin- ished as year-end number one for the REUTERS postponed last year because of the sixth time, tying the record set by Pete TOKYO, MARCH 8 pandemic and rescheduled to take Sampras. place this year from July 23. A survey ATP Chairman Andrea Gaudenzi Japan’s government will decide by global consultancy Kekst CNC pub- said: “Novak’s many achievements in whether to let overseas spectators lished on Wednesday showed similar tennis are nothing short of extraordi- attend the Summer Olympics in Tokyo rates of majority opposition to the nary. Among them this record may by the end of March, Olympics Games going ahead in Japan, at 56%, stand as his single most impressive. Minister Tamayo Marukawa said on as well as in Britain and Germany, at Reaching No 1 is something many Wednesday. 55% and 52% respectively. players dream of and very few ever Her comments were echoed by the In France and Sweden, more people accomplish, and to have held the top head of the organising committee for opposed than approved, while in the spot for longer than anyone is testa- the Games, Seiko Hashimoto, who United States, respondents were split ment to the levels of sustained excel- said she would like to reach the deci- at one-third between those who agreed lence that Novak has redefined in our sion by March 25. Polls show most and disagreed that the Games should sport.” Japanese oppose holding the Games go ahead, according to the survey. Federer, who returns to action in during the Covid-19 pandemic. While coronavirus infection num- Doha this week after more than a year The Mainichi newspaper earlier bers are low in Japan compared with out of action to recover from two knee reported that the government was the United States and many European operations, slipped out of the top five planning to ban overseas spectators countries, the greater Tokyo metropol- on Monday to sixth. His place was due to worries they would spread the itan area remains in a state of emer- taken by Stefanos Tsitsipas. coronavirus, citing multiple unnamed gency, with restrictions in place for Djokovic made his top 100 debut in sources. “On the matter of overseas spectator numbers for big sporting July 2005, just weeks after Nadal had spectators ... I personally want to have and cultural events, as well as closing won his first Roland Garros. He was it decided by the 25th of this month, times for bars and restaurants. The top 50 in June 2006, top 20 for the first when the Olympic torch relay will be country remains closed to non-resi- time in October 2006 and top 10 by kicked off,” Hashimoto told reporters dent foreigners. March 2007. He first became world after a virtual meeting with Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga said number one at the age of 24 on July 4, International Olympic Committee on Wednesday the government was 2011, the day after winning Wimbledon (IOC) President Thomas Bach and oth- considering a two-week extension of a for the first time, beating Nadal in ers. “It is true that the situation is state of emergency in the Tokyo area the final. tough both in and outside Japan ... It due to the pressure on the medical Only a six-month injury absence in would not be good if their entry system. 2017 saw his ranking plunge, all the stirred worry among the Japanese A Reuters poll published last month way to 22 the following summer. It was people.” REUTERS showed nearly two-thirds of Japanese just a blip—Djokovic was back at num- A Yomiuri newspaper poll showed An overwhelming majority of the Japanese people said they were ‘interested in the Olympics’, although 58 percent said they did not want the companies also oppose holding the ber one again by November and with on Wednesday that, if the Games are Tokyo Games, rescheduled to take place this year from July 23, to be held because of fears over Covid-19, a Yomiuri newspaper poll showed. Games as planned, swinging from the the exception of November 2019 until to go ahead as scheduled, 91% of peo- previous survey showing most in January last year, when Nadal ple in Japan want spectators kept to a January 18 and February 25 - showed said they did not want them to be held er, about 20 percentage points lower favour. Japan has so far confirmed reclaimed pole position, he has been minimum or not allowed at all. 70% of respondents said they were this year because of fears over Covid- than earlier opinion polls. 431,250 coronavirus cases and 7,931 rock solid. The poll - conducted between “interested in the Olympics”, but 58% 19. The 58% in opposition was, howev- The Tokyo Olympic Games were deaths as of Monday.

C M Y K TUESDAY, MARCH 09, 2021 | 10 CULTURE & LIFESTYLE (C.R.P.D.) - 3/052/053 For this commercial artist, consistency is what matters in art Nar Bahadur BK is an enterprising artist. His works don’t play on metaphors or motifs; they are uncomplicated and unexploited.

SRIZU BAJRACHARYA ing back to the US and he didn’t want to LALITPUR disappoint them. BK has never been exhausted from the t’s an exhibition, but it’s not really process of delivering his works to people. an exhibition: it does not conform “My works are simple, I agree, but that to the idea of an exhibition. The is also why they are difficult. I try to cap- work presented are artworks but ture beauty the most in my works because perhaps they are not for the I want people to feel at ease when looking connoisseur. They are alluring, at them, I want them to unburden them- Ieven wistful in a way, but different selves from their worries,” he says. “But from the way we see art or what we most of all I want my art to be accessible imagine art to be. to everyone and I think landscape art is a Or at least that is what goes on one’s starting point to understanding the mind when looking at Nar Bahadur BK’s diverse art field we have,” he says. spring series ‘landscapes’ at Nepal Art While landscape art was very popular Council, Babarmahal. There are about back in the day, after the 1960s as artists 567 landscape works, a massive number to shifted to modern art, it saw a vehement display, placed at the gallery’s ground decline as the years progressed, says floor hall. Some works are stacked in piles Madan Chitrakar, senior artist and art like in an art store, and placed next to critic. “It declined with the misconcep- them is just the price of the work and tion that landscape art was not really art, nothing more. There’s no brief statement many considered it as a foundation to for the artworks—they are what they are becoming an artist but didn’t see it as a and there’s no facade to break. form on its own. It was boxed,” says Yet, you get drawn towards it. Chitrakar. “You can ask me to make your house But in recent years, landscape art has amid mountains and stupas and I will try slowly been reviving, as it has closely my best to make them for you,” says Nar been associated with commercial art. But Bahadur BK. Just like his works, BK is that has created a divide in how people straightforward and dynamic. perceive landscape art and other forms of “People know me best as a commercial contemporary and traditional art. artist and I don’t mind that identity. I very There is also no denying that for the much love my work and the happiness I general public, this art has remained share with people,” says BK. more closed to the heart and more acces- What’s even amazing to know is that sible to understanding what art is. BK works on five to six acrylic landscape Paintings like BK’s feel gratifying for paintings every day while simultaneously their simplicity and nostalgia and hence managing his gallery and taking requests there are always buyers. from people. He is very swift with his POST PHOTOS: ANISH REGMI Amid the changes in the art world, BK brushes and knife. The secret he says is Nar Bahadur BK’s (pictured below) spring series ‘landscapes’ at Nepal Art Council, Babarmahal, features 567 of the artist’s works. has remained adamant to pursuing land- experience. “When you make mountains scape art in commercial ways and has and hills for so long, you just know how it teacher’s house. And for as long as he with initiatives and participates in almost been recording the change of landscapes is done—consistency is what makes qual- remembers, he always wanted to paint. every exhibition and opportunity and has in his own hometown, where huts have ity and it is what matters in art,” he says. And by the time he was doing his won numerous awards for his art. He transformed into concrete buildings It’s been 23 years since BK started mak- Bachelors, he was sure he wanted to cap- recently received the national artist showing how times are changing. But ing landscape art—depicting the untaint- ture landscapes in his paintings more award from Nepal Gharelu Tatha Sana according to him, the market for commer- ed beauty of Nepal’s aesthetic scenery. than anything. His hands too were quick Udhyog Nawalparasi Paschim, a qua- cial art has strengthened, there are more And the market is flooded with BK’s at drawing the scenery of places he visit- si-governmental organisation. artists pursuing this field and more peo- works, he says. ed. So, he travelled around with his “I believe you make opportunity for ple buying them. His journey started back in 1998 when brushes and knife, sometimes he’d paint yourself when you are open to whatever “What I hope for this art is to get more he learnt making still life from his teach- the Durbar Squares, other times comes your way. You cannot make a mark recognition—I think the art form has er Man Goldie in Butwal. He then came to Ghandruk, Itahari, Lumbini and other for yourself if you are not willing to open been undermined,” said BK. “And if it is Kathmandu—just to see where paintings destinations in the west. yourself to scopes around you,” he says. being undermined because it is commer- of Bollywood movies were made. A BK has by now travelled to almost And perhaps that is why he manages to cial, then one should also understand that Bollywood fan, BK wanted to see for his every part of the country. He’s been to sell over hundreds of his work by the end when art becomes commercial and acces- own eyes who was making the posters of Everest and Annapurna base camps more of each year. BK is an enterprising man: sible it evolves even more.” Mithoon Chakravarty, Amitabh Bachhan than twice and to Mustang many times. he will not let go of a good opportunity, The apprehension of seeing landscape and Hema Malini. About three years ago, he also travelled and his works are affordable; prices start and commercial art as art still remains a “I found out it was in Mitrapark and around the country with a metal pannier from Rs 5,000. His popularity and topic of discussion, but then there’s also there I got a job. But of course, I couldn’t with his gallery’s and YouTube’s channel demand stems from how his works are so the fact that one will never stop being make the portraits of the actors, as I was name highlighted: BK Art Gallery. accessible. wooed by the colours mirrored in a land- still an amateur, but I made a lot of paint- “I think social media is very resource- BK works on five to For example, one time when he was scape painting. ings for beauty parlours and salons,” says ful, it helps with promotions and builds a travelling to Ghandruk, he received “I think in time this perception will BK. “Then, as I was working, I found out network—I also started making videos of six acrylic landscape orders from hotels in the area asking him change too. People will see the signifi- about Lalit Kala College and enrolled how I make my paintings, and in the paintings every day to make paintings of their cottage with cance of this kind of art,” says BK. “But myself to pursue art as my career.” future, I believe these platforms will help the backdrop of the mountains. And he at least for me, this work has always been BK believes his interest in art came more artists in their journey,” he says. while simultaneously made the paintings too. important and will always be important. I from his father who too used his free time His YouTube channel is filled with com- One time, he also sent his work from want to make more landscapes and to sketch in Nawalparasi. He was also ments that praise the speed of his work managing his gallery. Jomsom, where he was travelling to make improve more. And I want to give it my fascinated to see the paintings in his and his brilliance. He has been proactive landscapes because his customer was fly- all,” he says. The man who saves forgotten cats in Fukushima’s nuclear zone While everyone else left, Sakae Kato stayed behind to rescue cats abandoned by neighbours who fled the radiation clouds.


decade ago, Sakae Kato stayed behind to rescue cats abandoned by neigh- bours who fled the radia- tion clouds belching from the nearby Fukushima nuclearA plant. He won’t leave. “I want to make sure I am here to take care of the last one,” he said from his home in the contaminated quarantine zone. “After that I want to die, whether that be a day or hour later.” So far he has buried 23 cats in his gar- den, the most recent graves disturbed by wild boars that roam the depopulated community. He is looking after 41 others in his home and another empty building on his property. Kato leaves food for feral cats in a storage shed he heats with a paraffin stove. He has also rescued a dog, Pochi. With no running water, he has to fill bottles from a nearby mountain spring, and drive to public toilets. The 57-year-old, a small construction business owner in his former life, says his decision to stay as 160,000 other people evacuated the area was spurred in part by the shock of finding dead pets in aban- doned houses he helped demolish. The cats also gave him a reason to stay REUTERS on land that has been owned by his family For the past one decade, Sakae Kato has been living with his cats at his home in a restricted zone in Namie, Fukushima Prefecture, Japan. for three generations. “I don’t want to leave, I like living in for wild boar that gather near his house at 2.5 km away failed and its reactors began “Never mind the threat from earth- these mountains,” he said standing in sunset. Farmers consider them pests, and to melt down. quakes, those reactors could blow if front of his house, which he is allowed to also blame them for wrecking empty He is currently The government, which has adopted someone dropped a tool in the wrong visit but, technically, not allowed to homes. Fukushima as a symbol of national reviv- place,” she said. sleep in. On February 25, Kato was arrested on looking after 41 cats in al amid preparations for the Tokyo Before making the four-hour drive back The two-storey wooden structure is in suspicion of freeing wild boar caught in his home and another Olympic Games, is encouraging residents to her new home, Unuma visits the Ranch poor condition. traps set up by Japan’s government in to return to decontaminated land. of Hope, a cattle farm owned by Masami Rotten floorboards sag. It is peppered November. At the time this article was empty building on Lingering fears about the nuclear Yoshizawa, who defied an order to cull his with holes where wall panels and roof published, he was still being detained for plant, jobs and poor infrastructure are irradiated livestock in protest against the tiles that kept the rain out were dislodged questioning. his property. keeping many away, though. government and Tokyo Electric Power. by a powerful earth tremor last month, Yumiko Konishi, a vet from Tokyo Unuma, now a vegetable farmer in Among the 233 bullocks still there is the stirring frightening memories of the dev- who helps Kato, said local volunteers Saitama prefecture near Tokyo, where last surviving bullock from the 50-strong astating quake on March 11, 2011, that led were caring for the cats on his property, her husband died three years ago, won’t herd Unuma used to tend, and one of her to a tsunami and a nuclear meltdown. but at least one had died since he “I’m surprised it’s still standing,” the return even if the government scrapes last living links to the life she had before “It might last another two or three was detained. 67-year-old farmer said, a week after the the radioactive soil off her fields. the disaster. years. The walls have started to lean,” About 30 km (19 miles) southeast, still tremor that damaged Kato’s house. Radiation levels around her house are Her bullock ignores her when she tries Kato said. in the restricted zone, Hisae Unuma is “I could see my cattle in the field from around 20 times the background level in to lure him over, so Yoshizawa gives her a Decontamination in fields near his also surveying the state of her home, there,” she said pointing to the living Tokyo, according to a dosimeter reading handful of cabbage to try to tempt him. house signal that other residents will which withstood the earthquake a decade room, a view now blocked by a tangle of carried out by Reuters. “The thing about cattle, is that they soon be allowed to return. ago but is now close to collapsing after bamboo. Only the removal of Fukushima’s radi- really only think about food,” Yoshizawa He estimates he spends $7,000 a month years of being battered by wind, rain and Unuma fled as the cooling system at oactive cores will make her feel safe, a said. on his animals, part of it to buy dog food snow. Tokyo Electric Power Co’s nuclear plant task that will take decades to complete. — Reuters

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