October 5, 2012 | Volume X Issue 9 OCTOBER MEANS

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October 5, 2012 | Volume X Issue 9 OCTOBER MEANS OUT October 5, 2012 | Volume X Issue 9 OCTOBER MEANS... Lily LGBT History Month Tomlin October has been set aside as LGTB History all have left their extraordinary mark. George Month. It celebrates the lives and achieve- Chauncey, the History and American Stud- ments of the LGBT community. In 1994, Rod- ies Department Chair from Yale University ney Wilson, a Missouri high school teacher, has been quoted to say that, “LGBT History and a group of other teachers and commu- Month sends an important message to our nity leaders, believed there should be a dedi- nation’s teachers, school boards, community cated month for celebrating diversity, and the leaders, and youth about the vital importance teaching of gay and lesbian history. October of recognizing and exploring the role of gay, was selected because not only are the public lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people in schools open but October 11 is also Coming American history.” Out Day. Let’s take a look at just a few of the peo- With LGBT history not being taught at ple to whom we can thank: home, in schools, or religious institutions Daniel Hernandez: Raised in Tucson, worldwide, we are missing out on some of Arizona, his mother is a Mexican immigrant, the role models who have contributed in the and his father is a first-generation Hispanic- building of the LGBT movement. Be they past Daniel American. A University of Arizona student Hernandez or present, some good and not so good, they —continued on page 2 AN INTERVIEW WITH DAVID FRANCE How to Make a Documentary about AIDS BY GREGG SHAPIRO Gregg Shapiro: Among the most fas- Writer and filmmaker David cinating period footage to be found in France’s film debut, How to How To Survive a Plague is the segment Survive a Plague is turning shot at an underground drug trial. What out to be one of the most- was involved in the compilation of vin- acclaimed documentaries tage footage such as that? of 2012. Combining a stun- David France: Well, you are the first ning and groundbreaking person to pick up on that piece of footage. array of period footage with I was thrilled to find it. There was so much interview subjects including going on and the community was trying Larry Kramer, Dr. Mathilde anything in these really illegal drug trials. Krim, Gregg Bordowitz, It was the first time ever that a community Jim Eigo and many others, of patients was resorting to such a thing. I France creates a dazzling don’t know if you remember laetrile, which cinematic quilt of survival. is a drug they were trying to take when I spoke with France about they had cancer. Coming out of Mexico, it ACT UP demonstrates in Philadelphia, 1988 the film this month. —continued on page 16 NEWS // LOCAL LGBT HIstORY MONth the first interracial couple to be legally mar- New York personnel, their families and a – continued from front page ried in Mississippi. They divorced in 1976. champion of New York’s homeless, AIDS pa- Walker began teaching at Wellesley Col- tients, gay and lesbian Catholics, alcoholics, Co-Publishers lege in 1972. Her immigrants, and disaster victims. After, he re- Jim Becker • Jim Williams [email protected] studying political science and working as a course, dedicat- ceived numerous posthumous honors, includ- Executive Editor congressional intern, Daniel garnered na- ed to the study ing France’s highest recognition, the Legion Jim Becker tional recognition when he saved the life of of African-Ameri- of Honor. His FDNY fire helmet was blessed [email protected] Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords. can woman writ- by Pope John Paul II at the Vatican. Managing Editor He is an openly gay member of Tucson’s ers was the first Dr. Renée Richards: In 1977 she be- [email protected] City Commission on GLBT Issues. He worked of its kind. Her came a transgender icon when she won a Production Director with the Arizona Students’ Association to most famous lawsuit against the United States Tennis As- Bob Wellington lobby the state legislature for students to be novel, The Color sociation. Richards sued the Association for Sales Director Mary Taylor excused on Election Day to vote. Becoming Purple, won a its refusal to let her compete in the U.S. Open [email protected] National Book women’s division following male-to-female politically energized by Arizona’s immigra- Leather Columnist tion policies, he worked on Hillary Clinton’s Award and made gender reassignment surgery. In a landmark Rodney Burger presidential campaign, and also served as Walker the first decision, the New York Supreme Court ruled Contributing Writers a campaign manager for State Representa- African-Ameri- in Richards’s fa- Joey Amato • Cathy Brennan • Rodney Burger • can woman to vor. Joshua Buchbinder • Steve Charing • Jeffrey Claggett • tive Steve Farley, the minority leader in the Jeffrey Clouser • Wayne Curtis • Woody Derricks • Chuck Duncan Arizona State House. receive a Pulitzer Richards • Michael Farley • Jon Fairbanks • Gerry Fisher • Bruce Garrett • Hernandez met Congresswoman Giffords Prize for fiction. graduated from Jeff Hammerberg • Dr. Eva Hersh • Shirli Hughes Michelle Lanchester • Esq. • Jessica Lemmo • Jay Loane • These just be- University of while working on her 2008 election campaign, Alice Walker Rev. Meredith Moise • Gregg Shapiro and began working as her congressional in- ing a few of her Rochester Medi- tern shortly before Giffords and 18 other peo- accomplishments, others were meeting Dr. cal School, after Graphics ple were shot in January 2011. He was cred- Martin Luther King in Atlanta, being arrested serving in the Joe Velasquez • Bob Wellington ited with saving the congresswoman’s life. He for crossing a police line during an anti-war Navy as Lieuten- Cartoonist stepped into harm’s way and used his emer- protest outside the White House just to name ant Commander. Bruce Garrett (www.brucegarrett.com) gency medical training to keep Giffords alive a few. The one to remember is in November She pursued a Photographers Bruce Garrett • Jay W Photos • Justin Nixon until the paramedics arrived. After speaking 2008, when she career in oph- Web Editor to a crowd of more than 27,000 people and wrote “An Open thalmology and Anja Saine 500 media outlets at “Tucson: Together We Letter to Barack eye surgery, [email protected] Thrive,” the memorial event for the shooting Obama that was while still play- Managed Web Services The Fusio Group victims, President Obama acknowledged published online ing tennis. At the 866-322-7498, www.thefusiogroup.com Hernandez and invited him as the guest of the by The Root. height of her ten- National Advertising Rep President and First Lady to the 2011 State of She addressed nis career, Rich- Rivendell Media the Union. the newly elect- Katharine Lee Bates ards ranked 20th 908-232-2021 Lily Tomlin: An accomplished actress, ed president in the nation. Founders Jim Becker • Joe Berg • Mike Chase • comedian, writer and producer who has won as “Brother In her first tennis tournament as a female, Lee Mooney (1959-2007) • Jim Williams numerous awards. She has been involved in Obama.” In she reached the semifinals in the U.S. Open many performing arts genres including film, the mid-1990s, women’s doubles. Richards coached tennis Baltimore OUTloud stand-up comedy, sketch comedy, Broadway Walker was in- star Martina Navratilova, and in 2000 the U.S. PO Box 4887 Baltimore, MD 21211 410-244-6780 and television. She attended Wayne State volved in a ro- Tennis Association inducted her to the Hall of www.baltimoreoutloud.com University as a pre-med student until her mance with sing- Fame elective classes in theater arts inspired her to er-songwriter Katharine Lee Bates: 1859-1929 Ameri- Additional Information pursue a career as a performer. Tracy Chapman. can songwriter. She is remembered as the Baltimore OUTloud is published every other Friday by Pride Media, Ltd. in Baltimore, Maryland. Readers comments and Tomlin worked on television comedy with Father My- author of the words to the anthem “America unsolicited materials are welcomed and may be sent to: editor@ her partner, Jane Wagner. Tomlin officially chal Judge: A Father Mychal Judge the Beautiful”. Born in Falmouth, Massachu- baltimoreoutloud.com. All materials appearing in this newspaper are the property of Pride Media, Ltd. and may not be reproduced came out to the public in 2000. Her relation- Franciscan priest setts, she was the daughter of a Congrega- without the written permission of the editor. ship with Wagner had been openly acknowl- and Fire Department of New York chaplain tional pastor. She graduated from Wellesley edged for the majority of its existence. She who died heroically on September 11, 2001. College in 1880. She was a professor of Eng- and Wagner started the Lily Tomlin Jane He has been called a “Saint of 9/11.” Born in lish literature at Wellesley, and the author of Wagner Cultural Arts Center, which provides Brooklyn to Irish immigrant parents, he was many volumes of poetry, travel books, and art exhibits, theatre and other programs. The inspired to enter the priesthood by the Fran- children’s books. Center donates to services that help people ciscan friars at the Church of St. Francis of Bates lived in Wellesley with Katharine with HIV/AIDS and also funds programs at Assisi near Penn Station in Manhattan. While Coman, who was a history and political econ- the Los Angeles Gay and Lesbian Center serving in two parishes in New Jersey, he omy teacher and founder of the Wellesley Alice Walker: An award-winning writer, gained a reputation as “the listening priest.” College School Economics department. The activist and self-proclaimed “Womanist” – a In the 1980s, Father Judge was among pair lived together for twenty-five years until The opinions expressed in Baltimore OUTloud are solely those term she coined in her book “In Search of Our the first clergy to minister to AIDS patients, Coman’s death in 1915.
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