
Beaugency / Muides-sur-Loire La Loire à Vélo - by bike

The contrast between the picturesque old Loire-side villages and the electricity power station at St-Laurent- des-Eaux shows how important the Loire has been for so many human activities, past and present. A lovely cycle path runs beside the river from to , offering a flat, easy stretch as you approach the Pays des Châteaux tourist area with its famed castles around Chambord and .


The route alternates between sections of greenway and shared roads, often going along the raised Loire- side levée. From Muides Bridge, there’s a link to the train station at Mer. It’s worth taking the short detour Départ Arrivée to see the old village of Tavers. Muides-sur-Loire Railway Station - SNCF Durée Distance 1 h 03 min 15,85 Km Beaugency train station Mer train station (linked to the main cycle route via a stretch along the D 112 road) Niveau Thématique I begin / Family French rivers Don’t miss

Beaugency: with beautiful historic streets and monuments, including the major Notre-Dame Abbey and the Château Dunois, plus a stunning medieval bridge across the Loire

Tavers: a lovely tranquil village; neolithic dolmens : a pretty washhouse Avaray: for château and church.


Beaugency : Saturday all day Mer : Thursday afternoon

Tourist Information centre

Beaugency : +33(0)2 38 44 54 42 Muides-sur-Loire : +33(0)2 54 87 58 36 Voie cyclable Liaisons Sur route Alternatives Parcours VTT Parcours provisoire

Départ Arrivée Beaugency Muides-sur-Loire